#this is sorta like...a what if or how i thought the ''A'' gang become closer to each other
delightful-69 · 1 year
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can you tell that i think about this game a lot
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jaijaitbinks · 1 year
what r ur thots on Fubuki roping Tatsu into doing something with the main gang (Sai, Genos, King, Mumen and maybe Bang & Bomb) to do smth together and her gradually getting closer to them all and finding actual people she can rely on and trust and omg I'm having so many thoughts about this
First off: Y E S!
Second: I misread this at first and thought you were calling me a thot-
But, back to the idea: I love it. Tatsumaki would be so annoyed with it at first, only putting up with it because it her little sister's friends. But slowly she starts becoming friends with them all.
Saitama because his sense of humor (and by that I mean his typically dry humor) is hilarious most of the time and he's just good to talk to, surprisingly. He doesn't sugarcoat anything, and he says it how it is. Blunt, to-the-point, realistic, and shockingly wise sometimes.
Genos because his eccentricity and generally over-the-top behavior is fun to watch + she already had a leveled sense of respect for the borg after the Garou incident. The kid is all over the place in a sense thaf he would do anything if it meant going above and beyond. And while it's also funny to see, it also makes him (for the most part) reliable. His approach to heroing is also nice to see cuz half the people she works with she feels doesn't take any part of their job seriously.
King because he's very "calm" and down to earth, which is exactly the type of person she like the most (not specifically in a romantic sense, but it's also not unlikely). He's chill, sorta of similar to Saitama but with a more... emotional charm? Like, she feels she can look to him for advice (although she [probably] never would), more so than she can with anybody else. And King in general just has this energy around him that keeps her collected. Like an anchor, almost.
Mumen because his enthusiasm and golden heart is honsstly super refreshing (although she'd never admit to that). What with working in the Hero Association, dealing with them along side boring monsters and irritating peers, Mumen finds enjoyment in his job—has a passion for it. And while she thinks his optimism is sometimes detrimental to C-Class, she admires his friendliness and constant desire to help people. God knows how little of that she sees in the hire classes.
And Bang and Bomb because Bang has a sort of parental vibe while Bang is like that amusing uncle who's the annoying older brother of the dad. Their dynamic is annoying, but in that sort of affectionate way. Bang is this old guy always trying to give lessons and be... well, parental. And Bomb is an older guy that just likes to fuck around while still caring for Bomb. Sometimes she feels jealous that she never had that kind of bond with Fubuki, but she's not the kind of person to resent those old guys for it. Instead, she just silently admires it. Some of Bomb's jokes are funny, too.
And honestly? As a collective, it's so goddamn fun hanging around these bunch of weirdos. Every time she sees them it's always something batshit going on, everytime they're around there's entertaining chaos she's grown used to. They rope her into it all the time after the first time Fubuki did it, but at this point she doesn't mind it. And she can see why her little sister loves these idiots.
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conyferoustree · 3 months
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So I did this challenge that I found on Pinterest and here’s how it came out
Gender: Everyday - Bo En
Appearance: The Wolf - SIAMES
I’m gonna give him wolf features and I’ll probably dress them like some kinda school bully or alleyway gangster or something like that.
Color scheme: Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me
I guess it’s like purple and gray?
Current life: Somebody That I Used To Know - Gatye, Kimba
Probably recovering from a breakup or the loss of someone they loved
Personality: Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
Like, believes themselves to be superior to other people
Love life: Love you, Love you not - little purr man
In denial wether they love someone. Maybe this could be after the breakup/loss?
Fears: Blue Lips - Regina Spector
I’m assuming it could be the idea of growing up (this is sort of how I interpret the song)
Family: Useless Child - Kikuo
Maybe his family called him useless or treated him badly
Thoughts/mindset: Mouthwash - Kate Nash
Believes that nothing will pull them down (I think) and that everything will be alright in the end
Motives: Fine - Lemon Demon
Wants to turn his life into something good and calm
Backstory: Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Used to be bittersweet till he met someone (What if that someone was the person they lost?)
Significant other: Skeleton Song - Kate Nash (THIS SONG ALWAYS FOLLOWS ME)
I actually don’t know how to explain this, but maybe that person used to be his friend, but then something happened between them and he tried to kill them but hesitated to do so. And in the end that person could have ended up dying in some way.
So kind of what it could be:
Mc used to be the bittersweet, hated child of the family, often being abused and called useless and stuff. And then one day, he found someone around the same age as him. Someone that could help him, support him, actually love him. That someone was in a gang of people who also accepted mc, and eventually, mc and that someone start to get closer till they develop a crush on each other, as much as mc doesn’t want to admit it because of what his family would think and bla bla bla. Eventually, mc decides to run away with the person and they live happily as a couple alongside the gang. One day, everything changes. The person he loved  did something that affected mc and that he couldn’t forgive. So then mc tries to kill the person but hesitates when they’re about to do so. Later that person dies of unknown reasons (maybe sewerslide) and mc is incredibly affected by this.
He starts being afraid of growing up and losing the rest of the gang, and so, he begins training to the point where he considers himself to be unbeatable and that nothing will pull him down. He mainly uses this to defend the gang (maybe there’s a small scene where mc gets attacked by other people but then mc sorta kills them in front of the rest of his gang). After some time, mc meets another person and they start becoming friends. Mc starts gaining love for that new person, but he isn’t ready to let go of the past someone and he denies his love towards the new friend like how he did with past person, mainly because he doesn’t want to get attached and later lose new friend. Everything he can do is hope that it will all be ok in the end.
This made me realize that my playlist is very messy and I have a complicated music taste
(I still gotta find some names for everyone. I’ll post art abt this character later)
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phagechildon · 2 years
A random Sasamiya Au I thought of! What if they had powers? Not really super hero au but just where most people have powers? Sorta like X-men in a way?
Miya has the power to bring inanimate objects to life and Sasaki has super strength. Sasaki thinks his power is lame (and scary, hurting his sis), but Miya's excitement gives him a new outlook
"Lame?! There's so much good you can do with super strength!" 
Or like maybe "It might sound cliché but super strength is one of the best ones to have!" Miya excitingly beamed, that gleeful glitter in his beautiful eyes making Sasaki blush. No one's ever been this excited about his powers before, he wasn't sure what to do with himself.
"You can do anything with it, like save people!" Miyano leaned in closer, his mind racing with the different possibilities. Sasaki felt his breath catch in his throat, the temptation to get closer a little overwhelming.
Covering his mouth with his hand, he let out a meek "uh hu" as he avoided eye contact. It was odd, after all these years of being angry and ashamed of his powers, for once he felt like super strength wasn't all that bad. Not when Miyano kept explaining in such fondness all his favorite manga and comic heroes who did so much with their strength.
"-so cool! I wish I had your power!" He laughed, his smile so bright it chased all the darkness away. It took everything he hand not to reach out and cuff the other's soft cheek or touch him in some way. Why did he feel this way?
"I donno Miya-chan, your power's pretty cool. Bringing anything to life? Mine are lame in comparison."
The way the other's face reddened as he looked away made his own face burn deeper, unconsciously inching closer, their fingers almost touching. "I-I wouldn't say that," Miya mumbled, finally glancing back at Sasaki.
"They're unique, but they're not useful. I can't save someone like you can, I can barely lift the boxes of books in the library. If I can't use my powers to help people, then they're... kind of useless, you know?"
Miyano jumped feeling the larger hand take his own, their eyes finally meeting again. Instead of fondness there was slight anger in those alluring gray eyes. "They're not Miya, they reflect who you are." Carefully, cautiously, Sasaki started to raise their hands up, studying them as if they were at a museum. "You can cheer someone up when they're sad, give someone something they need without having to leave, and scare people off who are out to harm others-" there was so much good Miya could do with his powers, they were special and unique, just like himself. How could he possibly show Miya just how incredible he is.
I can imagine Sasaki being terrified of himself and his powers, especially after hurting his sister, like, he could've easily killed her by accident and he's so scared to touch anyone, especially Miyano, but Miya's the first person he's compelled to touch, and it hurts not touching him. So Miya teaches him that he's not a threat, that he'd never hurt him, that he trusts him, and "for someone with super strength, you're very gentle." 
Miya's powers can bring any object to life, and he can hear their chaotic thoughts and sometimes they listen to what he wants and sometimes they don't. It doesn't last too long either, and when they become inanimate, he can feel if they've been "hurt" or "crushed" and not. Imagine him bringing his plushies to life, his manga and anime ones it'd be so cute, or like Sasaki's sulking on the couch or bed and Miya makes one of the stuffed animals go over and give him a hug or a "kiss." OR Miya sees him sulking and being depressed from outside the classroom or outside his window, and he makes the stuffed animal do that and instantly Sasaki gets up all excited because that means Miya's close by~ 
And if you want angst/drama, Miya's powers interest someone, or a gang or something, and they want Miya to help them with something like a robbery or such, cause his powers can go way behind what he uses them for, which are "party tricks" which Sasaki and the others  try to keep them away from Miya.
And, naturally, Sasaki’s strength helping and protecting Miya hehe
Just a few thoughts I had today~
Maybe it’s a world where it's common to have powers, which leads to super heroes (not them) and risky situations where there's a lot of dangerous people mixed with good ones. Hirano and everyone else would have powers too, maybe some don't - just some thoughts!! =D
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aviel-the-trans-bucket · 11 months
Welcome back madlads today I’m doing something a bit different. Instead of emo nostalgia I’ll be listing to music that’s completely new to me, by each of the mcr members while the band was dead. Today I’ll be listening to Hesitant Alien by Gerard Way.
So I haven’t heard any of the stuff from the band post breakup but pre reunion. I was barely a person in 2011 so I had missed the bandom train on account of being 9. I’m not sure what to expect other than it’ll probably be fairly different from mcr’s stuff but I figured this would be the easiest place to start as I’m already so familiar with Gerard’s voice. I get the sinking feeling this album is about to emotionally wound me.
The Bureau: ok this has a funky vibe, feels like haunted. The new vibe isn’t too jarring but will take a bit of adjusting to. Sounds sick, not sure if it’ll become a favorite.
Action Cat: gnarly guitar opening, good guitar very poppy. I like it, it’s got a fun vibe. I get what people were saying when they said this album had a retro vibe to it. I’m sorta realizing I might not have much to say in terms of analysis, I have a tendency to spice out and loose myself to music when I listen.
No Shows: oooo this has a good pulse to it, oh I like this. I like this vibe, it’s got a groove to it that I really dig. There’s so much fuzz. It’s welcome but there’s so much fuzz man.
Brother: I’ve heard about this one, I’m wary this one may emotionally hurt me. Yup this is gonna hurt. It’s very pretty but ow. God I wish I could be that close to someone, unfortunately my own siblings are incredibly shitty people.
Millions: again very retro feeling. I like the rhythm. Is that a mixing thing layering his voice or does he have someone backing the vocals in the chorus? It’s nice, a lot of these songs just musically feel really pleasant. I might need to listen to this one a bit more.
Zero Zero: ok spicy drums and guitar combo. Fuzzy vocals my beloved. Oh ok this one fucks like genuinely fucks. I dig this man.
Juarez: guitar is good and I was hit with a wave of familiarity. It reminded me so much of give ‘em hell kid I swear. This rocks, it’s pretty fucking good.
Drugstore Perfume: this sounds really pretty 🥺. I’m getting like Beatles vibes idk why. This is very pretty and I quite like it. I get the feeling my top 5 is going to be rather difficult.
Get the Gang Together: funky opening is funky and good. Spy movie vibes. Vibes 🏳️‍⚧️?
How It’s Going to Be: ooo good beat. It’s giving little talks by of monster and men. Pleasent, that’s about all I can say.
Maya the Psychic: ok I like this vibe, I just don’t have a whole lot to say. Ok this one slaps, this is closer to something I’m more stylistically familiar with which might be why I’m enjoying it a bit more.
Television All the Time: last one, let’s see what we got. The acoustic is really nice. It’s pretty good.
So I didn’t know what to expect and it was pretty good but not quite my personal taste. It was very nice and pleasant to listen to though, which was very nice. I wish I had more to say regarding it but it didn’t really blow me away. Gerard’s voice is soothing and lovely as always tho. My top 5 of the album would have to be…
1: Zero Zero
2: Maya the Psychic
3: Millions
4: Brother
5: No Shows
Well this was fun, now I think I maybe know what to expect with the rest of Gerard’s solo stuff. It’s probably not gonna punch me in the face but it’s pretty good. Not an awful lot of thoughts tonight but I had a nice time.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
An Impostor In Love
Sequel to ‘Love For The Faceless’ (’Body Reveal’)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Rae can’t stay mad at her best friends forever. Them being absolutely adorable doesn’t help her ‘pissed off’ act either. Y/N’s outing Corpse like she’s a human lie detector. Corpse is gushing about her every second word that comes out of his mouth. And the rest of the lobby are getting one hell of a kick out of the Among Us romantic comedy - An Impostor In Love
Requested but, once again, not in a typical way. I honestly wasn’t expecting all the positive feedback I got for Love For The Faceless (Body Reveal). I was star-struck! You guys are so amazing I have no words to describe just how much I love you all! Thank you for everything! This story is for all of you 🥰🥰🥰
“Mr. and Mrs. ‘Totally not dating’ have entered the call!“ Sean announces when I hop into the Discord call to play Among Us with the usual gang. I hear Corpse’s laugh from down the hall, bringing a smile to my face.
We’ve gotten used to playing in this arrangement, a few rooms away from each other, ever since we moved in together - Corpse is in his recording room and I am in our shared bedroom. When one dies, they go in the other’s room to troll them. I’m usually the one dead, but that’s besides the point.
“Hi everyone!“ I say in my typical cheery tone before kicking it done a few notches, making it an octave deeper just to say: “Hi Rae.”
The whole lobby laughs, they all know what I’m trying to do here. Everyone’s aware this is the first time Rae is in the same call and lobby as Corpse and I after you-know-which incident. Sure, I’ve been poking sticks at her, waving a white flag and admitting I was wrong several times by now. Who knew my sweetheart best friend could act so cold? I know it’s a front. I know she’s fighting to stay mad. There’s a ton of pressure on her to finally forgive us, but she’s been holding up better than I would be if I were in her situation.
I honestly felt, and still feel, slightly guilty. I know best friends are supposed to tell each other everything. They are supposed to be the first ones to know whatever’s going on in each other’s lives. And I know I broke one of the main rules of friendships, but the decision wasn’t only mine to make. I’m sure she understands where I’m coming from, she’s just giving me and Corpse a hard time.
“Hello, Y/N.” She replies, her tone strictly formal.
“Progress, people! Progress!“ I say joyously, the smile turning into a grin 
“Don’t worry, babe. We’ll get her eventually.“ Corpse reassures me as he’s done for the past week or two. He knew I wasn’t as unbothered by Rae’s anger towards me as I tried to appear - a pro and simultaneously a con of living with someone: they pick up on everything about you. You become as familiar to them as the back of their hand.
“I know, I know.“ I giggle, “She’ll cave.“
“Yeah, good luck with that.“ Rae has dropped the formal tone, now sounding like a stubborn child which is something I’m way more familiar with. I’ve dealt with her tantrums and childish outbursts - I don’t know which number it is, but it’s somewhere in the rule book of friendships - and I at least the approximate meaning behind it. 
Ken puts an end to our friendly, stick-poking, sorta one-sided banter, ushering us to start the game. We all oblige, muting our mics and getting our heads in the game as though we’re about to enter an actual warzone with upmost stealth.
To my dismay, the screen flashes ‘Crewmate’. I head out of cafeteria to do my task in Weapons, staying weary of anyone within my proximity. Once I’m done, I head on down to Shields and complete my task there as well. I cringe when I’m done, knowing my last three tasks are in Electrical. Like, the fuck kind of luck do I have?
I make my way through the halls, running into Sykkuno and we circle around each other a few times to show we’re safe before we each continue our own way. I enter Electrical and.....oh Felix is dead. And oh lookie who’s right there...
I report the body before the impostor can and we all unmute our mics.
“Found him in Electrical.“ I say nonchalantly, “Didn’t see anyone in there though.“ 
“Anyone sus?“ Sean asks
We say our ‘no’s and ‘I don’t know’s and skip the vote. I’m smirking to myself as I head back down to Electrical. Walking in, I see the same person as before - Rae. I stop dead in my tracks and we just stare at each other for a few seconds before she comes towards me, circling me twice, bumping visors with me and venting out of the room.
“You’re welcome.“ I mumble, smiling widely.
I finish my tasks and leave Electrical just as Corpse enters our bedroom, giving me this tired-parent look like he’s half disappointed and half amused. “You just threw the game, didn’t you? Don’t lie.” He raises his eyebrows, fully adopting his parent role.
I giggle, shaking my head, sending him the briefest of glances before my eyes fixate on the screen in utter shock - Sean just killed me. Oh, for fuck’s sake...
“I was gonna come clean eventually, but I guess they won’t hear it from me now.“ I shrug, lifting my laptop and setting it aside so Corpse can join me on the bed. I snuggle up to him immediately, drawn to him as though he’s a human magnet.
“Who was it?“ He asks me, running his hands through my hair in a soothing manner.
I frown, pulling away from his chest to look him in the eyes, “Wait, how did you know I threw the game if you don’t know who I threw it for?”
He smirks, shrugging, “I didn’t know. You were smiling downright evilly when I came in so I just assumed.” He boops my nose. “And you ratted yourself out.”
I narrow my eyes at him, blowing some air out my nose - a gesture that has become my only way of showing anger towards him. I literally can’t even voice when I’m upset with him cause the grudge lasts like .5 seconds. I let him get away with more than he should.
Seeing as how I can’t argue to his statement, I lean back into his chest and pull out my phone to pass the time while I pretend to give him the silent treatment. Among my notifications is one for Rae’s stream. I smile and tap it, being taken to her YouTube channel and her live stream.
Just when the stream loads, Rae finds my dead body in Storage.
“Oh, nooooooo! Y/N!“ She wines as she goes over to it, “Sean must’ve killed her.” She reports the body and unmutes herself in game, “The body’s in Storage. I was on my way to call an emergency meeting cause I saw Sean vent in Security.”
“WHAT?!“ Sean exclaims in shock, “I didn’t! Rae’s lying. I swear I didn’t! I wasn’t even in Security!“
“Sean has been following me around this whole time. Just saying.“ Ken joins the discussion, throwing even more suspicion on Sean.
“We gotta vote someone.“ Charlie says, “Might as well be the most sus person at the moment.“
The voting results show all the little astronaut icons on Sean except his which is on Rae. Sean gets launched into space and the game continues. Having muted her mic in-game, Rae speaks up: “Y/N has been avenged. No one kills my best friend.”
I’m staring at my phone screen, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, a huge smile on my face. I take a glance at Corpse out of the corner of my eye and see he’s just as pleasantly surprised as I am.
“For those of you asking if I’m still mad at her and Corpse, the answer’s no. Actually, I think I was never mad. I was just in shock and a little hurt that I wasn’t made aware sooner.“ Rae says as she keeps wandering around the map, “Then I realized not talking to my best friend hurt more than the betrayal, you know. The only reason I still pretend is because it’s really funny to see her trying to soften me up.“ She laughs, “But yeah. I don’t know what I’d do without her or Corpse in my life. I love them both and love them even more together. My best friends are dating, I still can’t wrap my brain around that! They are sooo cute, you guys! I wish they posted more content of them together. I’m literally simping over their relationship! But shh, don’t tell em I said that.”
I laugh, overjoyed by what I just heard. I knew she couldn’t still be mad at us. I know she has every right to be, but she’s too sweet to actually hold a grudge against anyone ever.
I suddenly want nothing more than to give her an enormous hug and hold onto her for as long as she’d let me. I just now realize how lonely it feels to have never hugged your best friend because you haven’t hung out together in person. The only reason Rae now knows what I look like is because I sent her a full body picture of myself as one of my sad attempts to get her to start talking to us again. We have never met in person, and that thought kills me. It makes me impatient for this pandemic to end even more than before. 
“Told you there was nothing to worry about.“ Corpse’s arms tighten their hold on my body, pulling me even closer which I didn’t know was possible. The most fulfilling and endearing feeling - being in the arms of a loved one. Being held so close and so tightly that you feel like you’re untouchable. Like you two can’t be hurt by anything in the world as long as you have each other.
“Yeah, you were right.“ I sigh in content, putting my phone down and covering his hands with mine, our rings clinking quietly when they touch.
“As usual...“ he whispers theatrically with his lips against my hair.
I playfully roll my eyes, catching glimpse of the screen showing Rae’s demise. 
“Oh no, they caught her.“ I say, a bit disappointed she didn’t win and more than a bit responsible for her defeat.
I somehow manage to convince myself to get untangled from Corpse’s embrace and join the new round. I hear him groan as I settle my computer in my lap, unmuting my mic.
“See ya, kitten.“ Corpse kisses my temple, standing up.
“Oh my God, you two are too cute.“ Poki says sweetly, having heard what Corpse said to me.
“SIMP!“ Sean and Felix shout in unison causing the whole lobby to laugh. Corpse is as red as Rae’s avatar as he exists our room, running down the hallway.
“Ok, ok, ok. Hold on. I have to address this. I really hadn’t stepped foot in Security, let alone vented in there. Rae why were you lying?“ Sean’s voice cuts through the teasing directed towards Corpse and I.
“While we’re on that topic...“ Felix speaks up as well, making me break out in a nervous sweat, “Y/N, you literally saw Rae kill me, but you said you didn’t see anyone.“ He laughs, “Not gonna lie, I was a bit pissed.“
The call falls silent for about five seconds until Rae and I speak simultaneously.
“I was avenging Y/N.“
“I was helping Rae.“
Silence follows our statements, not for long though, as our friends break out in amused laughter.
“Fuck’s sake, you two make a good team.“ Sean says through genuine laughter which Rae and I soon join him in.
Felix and Sean and the rest of the lobby forgive us for throwing the game from both the crewmate and impostor’s side and we move onto another round. This time I have only one task in Electrical which I leave for last as always. I don’t feel like dying right from the get-go. I start by doing the card swipe in Admin and then the fuel task in Storage. As I make my way to Upper Engine, Corpse leaves Electrical, falling in step with me. I immediately get nervous, but still make my way to where I’m supposed to go, hoping he’d go his own way eventually. 
I stay wary of my boyfriend as I do my task, praying he won’t take my head off. When the task is finished, I find I’m trapped in the room with the doors shut. And Corpse right there. With every right and opportunity to kill me and vent. No one would know. No one saw us. 
That nervous sweat is back. 
I’m counting my last seconds of being alive.
And it happens...
A body is reported
“Oh than you so so so much! Corpse was gonna kill me in Upper Engine!“ I don’t let the person who reported the body speak, thanking them for my survival. “I was sure I was a goner.“
“Babe, come on now. You know I wouldn’t kill you even if I was an impostor. I love you too much.“ Corpse hurries to defend himself, “I’m following you around to keep you safe.“
I can tell he’s capping, but I have no concrete proof. He knows I’m onto him. His best bet is having me killed by the other impostor. He might have been capping the majority of his defense, but I know he won’t kill me.
“I’ll vote for myself because of that one.“ I mumble
The vote is skipped except the one vote I placed on myself and the round continues. I follow Corpse around the whole time, making sure he’s completing tasks - not that I can be 100% certain he’s actually completing them.
All is well until we walk into Admin and find Felix there, uploading data. Corpse, dead-ass, goes up to him and kills him, reporting the body right afterwards.
“IT’S CORPSE!“ I don’t give him a chance to start his brainwashing of the rest of the players. “Felix, this is my redemption for leaving your death unavenged last round.“
“Yeah, it’s me.“ Corpse laughs, that adorable laugh of his melting me despite the need to stay strong and carry out my argument, “Just vote me out so I can go troll Y/N.“
“Sounds like a plan to me.“ Ken says, the remainder of the crewmates, and the impostor probably, agreeing with him.
The votes are put in, all on Corpse obviously, and he is sent off into space. Not even five seconds later I hear his footsteps approaching. 
I look up when he pops his head in the room and says, “I have come to annoy you to death with my love for you.”
I can’t help but laugh, shaking my head. The things this man does to me are insane. It’s insane that I let him. 
It’s amazing, really. We’re amazing.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I pat the spot on the bed next to me, “I’ll allow it. But only cause I love you too.”
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Who's Tougher Part 3
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!) Guest starring Thor & Loki
Summary: If you were expecting anything the day after the Guardians find out you're a Nephilim, it wasn't for Thor and Loki to decide to "pop-in" for a visit. Too bad Yondu won't let you hide.
Author’s Note: Part 1 here. Part 2 here.
Word Count: 1,873
You were on the lower deck helping Yondu and Kraglin sort out the best course for an upcoming job. They hadn't brought up anything from the night before and you were grateful for that. You could feel the others staring at you all morning, and so you jumped at the chance to join the two men below deck to work.
Like, you got it. You really did. It would be odd to find out one of your friends had been hiding that they had certain powers or extra abilities, but it was nice to be with a couple of people who at least pretended they didn't give a crap about finding out you weren't actually Terran.
And for the most part, it was true. Yondu and Kraglin didn't care if you weren't Terran. They had raised Peter knowing he was half-celestial for 24 years. You being a Nephilim probably wasn't much different, and the fact that you admitted you didn't use your powers because you couldn't control them pretty much put you in the same boat as Peter, far as they were concerned. It also didn't look like you were gonna start wanting special treatment, if anything it was obvious you would abhor anything like that happening, so yeah, they didn't really care as long as you continued pulling your weight. Far as they were concerned, nothing had changed.
You had opened your mouth to ask Yondu a question when you heard an all-too-familiar voice booming out a happy greeting from the floor above you, followed by Mantis's bubbly excited cry of "Peter! Thor came to visit! And he brought a friend!"
You eyes went wide and you paled, dropping your pen and whatever else you were doing in an instant. "Oh no- Oh fuck-"
"What?" Yondu asked, looking at you strangely. He of course had heard it too, but he wasn't really expecting the look of fear that was in your eyes. Yeah, you had looked awful nervous when Rocket had called the "Thunder Man," but now that almost looked like genuine horror in your eyes. He wondered if he should be worried or amused, and from the look on Kraglin's face, he did too.
"I've got to get out of here." you say, starting to back away while still looking at the ceiling.
"No ya don't," said Kraglin, grabbing your arm and pulling you back. He realized this was likely the perfect time to find out why you were so nervous when Rocket called Thor last night. "Not until you at least tell us what's got ya so scared of Thor and his brother."
You looked at Yondu pleadingly, but he only nodded in agreement with Kraglin.
"Can we maybe do this later?" you plead, your urgency to hide becoming ever more apparent when a voice, softer than Thor's, could be heard asking one of the others upstairs if you were around.
Yondu almost laughed. He hadn't seen you like this before, but whatever had gotten your pants in a twist was clearly the fault of whoever was upstairs. "Nah, I wanna hear what's got you all riled up. This fella an ex-boyfriend of yers or somethin'?"
You make a face at him. "No!"
"Then what? Spill it, otherwise I might just be tempted to call them down here myself." Yondu chuckled.
You glare back at him. "You wouldn't dare."
"He really would, trust me." Kraglin warned, grinning.
"Ugh, fine!" you relented. "When we were younger, there was this prank that sorta went wrong..."
"Go on," Yondu prodded, intrigued.
"And well, you see, I didn't mean for it to happen, but I might have sorta accidentally made Loki lose his hair. Like all of it. Not just on his his head, everywhere. Eyebrows, everything. I heard it took months to start growing back in fully..." you nervously fidgeted, "and I imagine he's probably still real sore about that."
Yondu laughed. "That's all? If that happened when ya'll were kids I doubt he even remembers. I don't see what yer worried about." Sure, maybe it was because Yondu never had much hair himself save for his beard, but he didn't really see what the big deal was.
"You clearly don't know him then," you say, "so if you'll excuse me I'm going to go hide."
Yondu scoffed. "Last I checked we don't hide from our problems like scared babies. How can ya expect to call yerself a guardian of the galaxy if you're gonna run and hide like a scared little orloni? Ya gotta face up to yer fears, not run from them."
You tried to reason with him. "No- you don't understand-"
"I understand plenty enough. Yer gonna march up there and face yer fears like an adult."
"You really don't understand," you pleaded, "I'd have a better chance with the airlock. I can't!"
Yondu rolled his eyes, "Yes ya can. Come on." he then collared you and began to march you towards the stairs. Kraglin followed, fighting not to giggle at the sight.
"No- wait- Yondu- please! Come on!" Your pleas fell on deaf ears the entire way up the stairs until you reached the landing and Yondu turned you to face him.
"Look here. Either ya can straighten up and face this fella, or you can embarrass yourself by continuing to act like a scared little kid, what's it gonna be?"
You look at him pitifully and say, "I really hate you right now."
He only grinned and said, "I know it," before ushering you forward towards the sounds of the voices, keeping his hand on your shoulder.
When you neared the doorway of the room the others were in Yondu felt you start to resist again, but he just pushed you on without a word, chuckling to himself and throwing an amused look at Kraglin, who was grinning wide. All too soon the three of you were standing in the doorway, staring at the rest of the team as they caught up with Thor.
You forced a small smile when Mantis looked over and happily announced your arrival, prompting Thor to turn towards you with a big smile and begin to approach you, calling your name and opening his arms for a hug.
Yondu gave you a not-completely-gentle push when Thor got close enough and you collided the the tall man as he embraced you. You returned the hug, tentatively at first, but then fully. If you were honest with yourself, you had missed him too, and it was nice to be hugged by your old friend.
After a moment or two he pulled away so he could look at you. "It's been so long! No wonder I didn't recognize you!" He chuckled, adding, "I guess 800 years will do that though, I'm sure I also look very different, so it's no wonder you didn't recognize me as well."
Well, that saved your ass in one regard, at least he wouldn't be hurt by (rightfully) thinking you'd been avoiding him and Loki.
"I'm sorry, did you just say 800 years?" Peter interjected.
You gave a sheepish look to your team, who all had wide, surprised eyes. There were several open mouths about the bunch. You were sure if you turned around to look Yondu and Kraglin might have matched their expressions.
Thor looked between you and the rest of the gang before looking back at you with a chuckle, "Didn't tell them?"
You shrugged, still looking sheepish. "Do you think they'd have believed me?" you say with a slight chuckle, throwing a nervous look at Peter and Gamora who still looked like they were processing this new information.
Thor grinned. "I guess not." He then stepped aside, beckoning Loki to say hi to his old friend, cooing about how much you had changed since they'd seen you last.
It wasn't until then that you had gotten a good look at Loki, as Thor's larger frame had obscured him before. He didn't approach to crush you in a hug like Thor, instead staying where he was and offering a little wave as he grinned. You grin nervously and offer a wave in return. You could feel a heat rising in your cheeks.
Of course he would have grown up pretty. His hair certainly came back nicely.
You try to shake the thought from your mind as you turn to Thor and ask, "So, um, what brings you guys here?"
To your surprise, Thor put his arm around your shoulder and walked you closer to where everyone else was at. "Well, Rabbit's call lost signal before I could find Loki," He released you and you turned back to the doorway to see that while Yondu and Kraglin had also stepped further into the room, they remained close to the door, grinning. They were blocking the door so you couldn't run away, the bastards. Thor continued, "so Loki suggested we just pop-by for a visit instead." Thor answered with a grin.
Your head snapped back toward the group. So it was Loki's idea? Oh no.
Loki's grin seemed to get wider. "Yes, I thought it'd be fun to catch up with an old friend. I can't for the life of me remember why we lost touch. Do you?" His eyes seemed to sparkle with glee, and you were certain you weren't imagining it.
You swallowed, forcing a smile. He absolutely remembered. Crap. "Um, no. I have no idea either..." you lied, praying that no one else noticed the blush in your cheeks. "I guess things just... happen."
"Would you guys like to stay for supper?" Gamora offered, and Peter gave her a look. Peter and Thor had only just barely gotten past their dick-measuring contest the last time he was here, and his ego was still a little bruised. Gamora caught his look and clarified, "That way everyone can catch up more? Drax will be making stew."
Stay for supper? Oh no. It was only just after lunch, they'd be here for hours if they stayed for supper. Gamora, why?? Well, it was just an offer, they may decline...
Thor and Loki exchanged looks each meant to ask if the other cared before shrugging and Thor answering that they'd love to stay for supper.
Yondu spoke up. "Hell, why not stay a couple days!" Peter shot him a look as well before he caught Yondu's wink. "After all, you three must have a lot of catchin' up to do if it's been 800 years since ya'll seen each other last."
You throw a pleading glare at the Centaurian and Thor speaks up, "Oh, we could never impose like that-"
You quietly sighed. Thank goodness.
"Nonsense, boy!" Yondu says, approaching to put his arms around you and Thor's shoulders. "We're happy to have the company. Right, Quill?"
Aw, hell, Yondu! Seriously!? You wanted to kill him.
To your dismay Peter had read the room and now sported a smile. "Yeah. Stay a couple days, I insist."
Your nostrils flared. These fuckers were working against you. However, your blood ran cold when you heard Loki's smooth voice say, "Well, brother, they did insist," and then heard Thor finally agree to staying.
Loki met your eyes, grinning wide.
You were so dead.
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hongjoongslut · 3 years
Royal Enemies
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psychopath!hongjoong x queen!reader
summary: ever since you were young, kim hongjoong was your enemy. you hated him but he was so perfect in every way. for years, he tried to be with you. due to his criminal family and your royal family, it was taboo. now that you’re both grown, he comes to find you, but not without leaving hints before he shows up.
word count: 3.2k
warnings:royal!au, mentions of blood, knives, parents death but doesn’t describe the actual death, beheading, crime scene photos. hongjoong being kinda a psychopath (obviously), tatted!joong, personalservant!mingi, personalbodyguard!yunho, hongjoong uses a shit ton of pet names, oral (m receiving), talk of birth control, unprotected sex, aftercare, sorta enemies to lovers??, mentions of hongjoong’s gang
A/N: i think that’s all the warnings, let me know if i missed something. also i was inspired by a tiktok imagine to write this 😂 also the italics are when reader is in thought mode
why did he have to be so damn perfect? you were raised to hate his...kind. your parents have had his parents arrested before, even threatened to behead them. he wanted you for so long, even when you were such young children. he would always come to you with a dandelion, saying it would match the yellow earrings you always wore. time after time, you refused him, hurting him and you inside.
your crowing ceremony was filled with the town citizens. you knew hongjoong and his family was banished from this town. you didn’t have to worry about dealing with them no further, or so you thought. unfortunately your parents passed a year after you became queen. you luckily had enough experience and knowledge to fight for yourself.
“your majesty, this was sent in. it has nothing on it but your name. should i throw it away?” your servant asks. “actually Mingi, let me see it please.” he hands you the envelope and bows before leaving you be. you opened the envelope slowly, slightly worried of what was inside. it was a letter from what you can see.
“Y/N, it’s been so long sweetheart. im proud of you finally becoming the queen. you always deserved that crown. you looked gorgeous that day.” you pause reading to see a polariod of you being crowned taped to the back of the envelope. “it’s a gorgeous picture, isn’t it? im going to let you hold it for me while i do some business. im coming back to town soon to see you, my love. you can no longer deny me now that your family is gone. i know you felt the same way about me as i did you. don’t worry pretty princess, everything will be okay. see you soon.-Joongie”
your eyes widen. he was there at the ceremony. he was banished, how did he pass through without detection? part of you felt nervous, knowing his family reputation, but the other actually felt a little...excited? it’s been so long, he’s probably grown into a handsome man. you shake your head, clearing all thoughts.
“everyone, i called you here because someone from my past is supposed to come into town. he isn’t an old friend...well, he kinda is. but he’s dangerous.” you somehow managed to find a sorta recent picture of him. damn did he look good. “his name is kim hongjoong. if you see him, bring him to me immediately, alive. he is too dangerous to be in this town.” your guards all bowed and left, except for yunho. “your majesty?” you turn, seeing your personal guard. “what’s up yunho?” you smile. he really is like a lost puppy. “that’s...the kid from our childhood, right? the one who was so in love with you and would try everyday to be with you?” you sigh, nodding along. “how do you know he’s dangerous? maybe he just wants to reunite?” he’s too innocent. “yunho, his family is an infamous killer group. he was probably born holding a cleaver in his fist. he wants to come here to see me, and me alone. god knows what he’ll do to the people if they get in his way.” he nods. “yes, your majesty. My guards and I will do everything it takes to protect you and this town.” you smile at him, watching him leave the room.
now it’s getting scary. the other day, a dandelion was on your nightstand. none of your guards or anyone else in the castle put it there. notes were left almost everyday, containing pictures of you and stuff he has said to you in the past.
“these will match your yellow earrings perfectly, darling.”
“black has always been your color, my love.”
“i will see you soon. dress nice for me,will you?”
you may have been nervous, but regardless tradition is tradition. for centuries, this town has a big party at the castle to celebrate the queen and her 2 year anniversary. your parents never told you why, and it was kinda confusing. why was it 2 years instead of 5 or 10? you stare at the mirror, preparing yourself to give a speech due to the suspicious activity in the town recently.
“Hello everyone. I know lately there have been some suspicious activity happening around here, but do not fear. my guards have this place locked down. we are safe here. we will have the traditional party at 6. dress as you like and just remember to be careful!” the crowd cheers. you smile and bow before rushing to get ready.
your makeup was done so heavenly. a beautiful smoky eye look to compliment your gorgeous black lace dress. of course, you asked your suitor to add a lace cape. yes, you were extra alright. his words kept replaying in your head. is he coming tonight? he said see you soon. he said to dress pretty. what’s gonna happen? you check your watch, seeing it’s almost time to open the doors. you got this.
it’s been an hour and so far everything has runned smoothly. people have come up to you and thanked you, took pictures with you and some old childhood friends came to catch up and they were totally not jealous.
it’s rounding 10:30 PM and most have left due to having work early next morning. you couldn’t relate. you didn’t realize you had pockets in your dress until now, when you tried to scratch your thigh. some fabrics always make you itch. there was something in there, however. maybe it was a surprise letter from the suitor, or someone in the castle or one of the townspeople? you opened it, all you read was a time.
“12 PM. i suggest you be in the castle, waiting for me on your throne.
you told the guards to end the party early, and to tell everyone to be safe and careful. you sat in your thone, not because he told you to. you wanted to. or maybe it was both. you told yunho of the little note you found and he has been by you ever since.
screams fill your ears. he’s here. yunho eased you, holding his weapon ready. the front doors swung open, revealing a bloody, wearing all black kim hongjoong.
“stop right now, hongjoong.” hongjoong laughs. “Jeong Yunho? it’s been a minute man. hope everything is well. don’t worry, i won’t your pretty little princess. all i want is a talk. “i’m not leaving her side. you’re dangerous.” he laughs, slightly louder. “dangerous? oh please, you remember how i was. i would cry if someone killed a fly near me. i need to talk to her alone.” before yunho could say anything, you stopped him. “i got this yunho, you go check on the other staff and stay away from here.” he hesitated but nodded and ran.
“Y/N. you look as lovely as ever. and you even wore black like i mentioned? you must love me.” you scoff. “i barely remembered you name. what makes you think you can come into my town and scare all these innocent people, when all you wanted was me?” he steps closer, now about a foot in front of you. “you don’t remember how mischievous and sneaky i was? i’d always make a little treasure hunt for you. if you lost your earring, i’d find it fast and make a little hunt for you just so you can find it. plus, the dandelions.” he always was a little mischievous. “so why did you come to see me, joongie?” he smiles. “you really are innocent, aren’t you? i know you know that i was madly in love with you, and still am.” your jaw drops. you knew he loved you then but still now? “you can’t love someone if you know little to nothing about them.” he steps closer, making you grip your hidden knife. gotta love having hidey spots. “really? i saw your eyes light up when they showed the photos of murders my parents did. i always saw it. the way you got excited when they would lock someone up. the way you smiled when they beheaded that guard that was secretly our bitch. you’re a psychopath just as i am. you can just easily hide it.” no, he’s not right. is he? you stood there, trying to find words to spit at him. “princess, listen to me. we can rule this town. there wouldn’t be any criminal activity at all. especially if my crew were part of the guards. i’ll spare you the details for now, but they get the job done efficiently.”
you step back, revealing your knife, which is ironically black. “if you want me joongie, come get me then.” he pulls his bloody knife out, flicking some blood on the marble floor. someone will clean this up later. “you said if i want you, well in what way sweetheart? i don’t want to kill you unless you harm me. but…” he pauses, a smirk crawling into his lips “i want you under me screaming for me. take that as you will, but tell me which way you want so i can know how to proceed. why did he have to be so damn attractive. “then throw your knife to the side. i will mine at the same time.” he lowers his knife, staring at you. “i’ll throw mine, but i’ll let you keep yours honey. in case you need it to protect you from actual harm.” his knife clatters on the floor, spots of blood flying from it. why was it so beautiful? his hands were raised in the air. “do what you want, your majesty.” shouldn’t have said that.
“follow me to my bedroom, i don’t want anyone to see what im about to do to you. it will absolutely scar them.” he smiles. “you’re a kinky queen? was not expecting that.” he starts to laugh but you point right at his adam’s apple. “i would watch what you say right now. i’m in charge of how you die.” he nods, following you.
you have the knife to his back, slowly leading him to sit on your bed. “i wanted to talk in here so it’s more private. this is my business, not the castles.” he smirks, nothing leaving his lips. “why do you..” you pause, feeling your anger boil up. you push him back and crawl on top of him. “always have to be so attractive, yet so dangerous? why do i want you when i know i shouldn’t? tell me why you have been fucking with my head since i was a kid!” you yell, not realizing how close your lips are to his. “because princess, that’s how attraction works. your brain and heart go at war until one wins. how about you end the war and kiss me?” he whispers, grabbing your cheek softly. your breath shakes before you crash your lips to his.
instantly, fire fills your body. you want to make him pay for making you feel this way about him. your tongues fought for dominance. you were going to win, but his hand comes to your throat, bringing you off his lips. “such a dirty girl. are you sure you want this?” yes, more than you fucking know. “maybe i should ask you the same thing, you fucking bottom.” that switched something in him, his eyes fueling with even more lust. he slaps your ass, you do your best to keep your moan in. you won’t win this easily, joongie. “such a filthy fucking mouth for a queen. don’t you think? you may be a brat to others, but you will not be one with me. you will take what i give you and obey me. or else…” his hand grazes your thigh, right near your knife. “we might have to see how well this knife really works.”
he stand you up off the bed. “im gonna take my sweet time with you princess. i’ve been waiting for this for years.” he slowly unzips your back, letting the dress fall to your hips. surprise, i wore expensive lingerie, waiting for you. “look at this, looks like you’re dirtier than i thought. the people think you’re this sweet, innocent woman. i know you’re nothing but a psychopath who loves to play a facade.” you step out of the dress, facing you and hongjoong in the mirror. “look at how sexy you are princess. so beautiful, so pure. this skin…” he stops to feel your body, his main focus on your chest. “so markable...fuck.” you turn to face him, smirking. “get on the bed, criminal.” he quirked his eyebrow, smiling at the name. you’re back on top of him, kissing him fiercely as you unbutton his shirt. his chest reveals so many tattoos that blend so beautifully together. you stopped to feel his toned ink covered chest. “like what you see princess?” you nod, feeling your way to where his pants border his hips. he leans you off him, pulling his pants down. holy shit. he looks so sexy. it looks so.. big. “you’re staring, princess.” you snap out of your thoughts, remembering where you were. he lays you so gently on the bed, slowly kissing down your body. he leaves marks all down your chest. “joongie-“ you moan in such bliss, your hands finding his hair to tug. you can feel your arousal almost running down your thigh. luckily this lingerie set was crotch-less.
he slowly runs his fingers through your folds, groaning when he felt your arousal drown his digits. “so fucking wet baby…fuck”. he slowly inserts one finger, both of you groaning in unison. “so tight..no one has taken proper care of you,have they princess?” you shake your head, your mind too clouded with lust to speak a word. please keep going joongie. he removed his finger, sucking your arousal off. “so sweet, sweeter than anything i’ve ever had.” he comes back to kiss you, slowly to allow you to taste your arousal. you push him back to take off his boxers, watching his cock spring free from the almost offensive material. holy shit. he is big. “don’t worry pretty, it will fit and i’ll make sure to not hurt you...too much” you laugh at his comment. you stick your tongue out to tease his tip. he hisses at the contact. “you better not fucking tease me y/n. you will not like the consequences.” try me. you so wanted to tease him, but you were desperate to have his cock in you one way or another. you slowly lower your mouth almost all the way to the base, beautiful moans and choked groans leaving hongjoong’s lips. “shit, your mouth is so perfect baby.” you lick the underside of his cock, spreading your saliva everywhere. he owes me for ruining my makeup. his hands reach behind your head, placing his hands on you, but not moving. i see what you want. you come off his cock to catch a breath. “fyi joongie, i know what you wanna do.” you smile and wink. he smirks. “what’s your safe world darling?” he grabs your cheek, rubbing it softly. “you’re gonna think it’s stupid, but it’s pepper.” he laughs. “i mean, if it works it works.” you laugh with him, staring into his eyes. why did i choose to ignore this side of him? you slowly ease his cock back into your mouth, his hands resuming his previous placement. he slowly thrust into your mouth, the tip reaching the back of your throat. “fuck..” he sighs. he slowly speeds up, your body is trying to make you gag, but you push it down. i’m not showing him any signs of weakness. his pace is almost inhumane, your throat beginning to burn at the force. “shit shit shit...god you’re so perfect.” he removes your head, lifting it to see your makeup ruined. “i already thought you were gorgeous, but with your makeup ruined, you look so heavenly.” you smile, crawling back into the bed. he follows you, crawling on top. “are you on birth control baby?” he asks as he leaves more hickies down your chest. “y-yes, just fuck me joongie, please” he lines himself up, coating his tip in your arousal. he slowly pushes himself in, watching your face scrunch in pleasure. fuck. he’s so big. “holy shit y/n, i am not gonna last long. your pussy is so fucking perfect” he inches himself in until he bottoms out. his eyes close, the pleasure being too much. “joongie, please move” he pulls back a little, just to push himself all the way back in. his pace started off slow, low groans emitting from his lips. “so beautiful baby, so fucking beautiful” he goes faster, moans filling the room. “so big, so full joongie” he smiles, kissing your forehead. i love him. a knot in your stomach begins to tighten. “so-so close joongie-e..please please let me cum” he thrusts so fast, bringing his hand to rub your clit. “me too angel. you can do it baby, cum all over my fucking cock. show me what a dirty girl you really are.” the knot snaps, your vision flashing white. “good girl.” you’re still coming down from your euphoria when you feel his hot cum paint your walls. he eases himself out of you and lays next to you. “are you okay princess? did i hurt you?” you laugh. that’s really ironic. “im okay joongie. you didn’t hurt me.” you cuddle up in his arms, not wanting to leave your bed. “i know you’re comfy, but i have to clean you up” he gets up, grabbing your hand. “to your bath, my queen”
warmth fills your body. you’ve never let anyone bathe you before. you were way too insecure and wouldn’t dare make one of your workers do so. “such a beautiful woman.” he washes your body, being very careful around your chest area. “how am i gonna hide these baby?” you pout. he giggles, kissing your cheek. “don’t worry my love, i have a right hand woman that is absolutely excellent in makeup. she’s good at covering wounds and etc, so i assume she can hide a hickey.” you smile, tiredness filling your eyes. he dries you off and carries you back to your bed. “i would let you wear my clothes, but they’re kinda dirty at the moment..” you and him laugh. “i’ll be okay. but you owe me.” he nods and bows. he joins you in your bed, cuddling you close. “thank you princess for finally accepting my love. you don’t know how long i’ve wanted this. us together, you.” you were too tired to form a sentence, so you hummed in agreement. should i tell him? you both lay in silence, basking in each other’s warmth. “baby?” you ask, opening your eyes. you lean your head up to see hongjoong’s face. “yes my love?” you smile and kiss him. “I love you.” he smiles and brings you impossibly closer.
“i love you more my queen.”
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Do you think your req! au Jack and @inkdemonapologist 's escape! au Jack would get along?
Upon seeing this ask, my first thought was like, oh, they’ll get along, it’ll be pretty chill an uneventful probably! But then I started actually properly considering things, and... 
So much of this changes a lot based on which version of Req!Jack is the one meetings Escape AU!Jack.
Most of the information I’ve shared about Requirement AU is set before or during the loops - but Escape AU is, as the name says, after everyone escapes. So their situations are a little different there!
I’ll assume we’re not planning on terrorising Escape Jack by letting him meet goopy ink Req!Jack. But that leaves either pre-ink or post-ink to choose from still. And... while pre-ink is the one I’ve actually talked most about, I’m actually more interested in getting post-ink Req!Jack to meet Escape!Jack.
So! Minor spoilers for Requirement AU incoming, I guess! Mostly things I’ve talked about before, though, I think. I lose track! Also general credit to @inkdemonapologist here too - I talked a little about the idea with her first, so some of these thoughts are things she brought up to me!
The two Jacks I feel like, would get along just pretty casually at first! Very chill. Once you get past the slight weirdness of meeting another you, neither of the Jacks are particularly rude, both are pretty friendly, etc. so they’d be able to just kinda chill and chat, enjoy some coffee! They both have a similar sense of humour, so they’d probably have fun talking.
Until the topic of what happened in the loops came up, or any of their personal history or circumstances. Because there’s just... a lot of differences there, that would probably throw them off a lot?
Escape AU’s issues, from what we know, are mostly ink based - the ink is still a problem there, even after the gang escape. But in Requirement AU, the ink isn’t a problem, and hasn’t been for a long time. The power the ink once had got pushed out by the power of the loops instead.
And then, on the other hand, Requirement AU’s issue is the loops - they’re almost the antagonist, in their own way? A force, that needs to be worked against, and solved, and defeated. While, in Escape AU, the loops are just the setting for the horror, a factor in the situation but not the main problem.
And so, different situation means different effects on the characters too! Escape AU has a lot of the characters still dealing with all of their issues outside of the studio, and it significantly changed a lot of them. But, for Requirement AU, escaping the loops required fixing things closer to how they used to be - restoring people’s memories and thoughts, and healing, to be able to actually combat things and work towards escape.
I know this ask is about the Jacks, but I can’t not consider the different AU Sammys when thinking about Jacks. Both Req and Escape Jack are very close to their respective Sammy, so how Sammy is affects how they feel too.
Requirement Sammy, as he mends and becomes more himself, returns more to how he was before the ink. He’s a little snarky, regains more of his old confidence. He’s got a little bit of a bite to him still. And then, through escaping the loops, he builds up more of his trust in his old coworkers, maybe even gains some new friendships along with restoring his old ones.
Escape Sammy is a lot more... hm, tragic is maybe too strong a word, but. It’s a lot more... complicated, for him. Escape Sammy isn’t a whole lot like how he used to be, and he’s still in the process of coping and recovering. He’s a pretty different person than who he was before.
And so, because the Jacks are so close to their Sammys, they probably have... pretty different outlooks on things? And I think, the difference between the Sammys is also sorta a trend in how different the two AUs are as a whole, even. Comparatively, the Req!AU crew are doing a lot better than the Escape crew, on the surface.
So I feel like... Req!Jack would probably, the more he talked with Escape!Jack about what happened to both of them, would feel, probably kinda bad, about this? Like, Survivor’s Guilt almost, in the sense of feeling bad for having made it out in better shape than the other group. What he went through was bad, but a lot of Req!AU recovery started during the loops. Escape AU crew still have to catch up to that.
...well, that was a long tangent, and uh, pROBABLY, DIDN’T ACTUALLY ANSWER YOUR QUESTION, IF IT MADE SENSE AT ALL, but! I hope it was interesting thoughts regardless!!
(Also adds in disclaimer that while I’ve yelled back and forth with Shazz about the Escape AU crew a bunch, I’m not the expert there, so things here might not be 100% accurate to them!)
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occasionalsnippets · 4 years
Escapism AU (Y/n) & Passione
This is mostly about mc’s interactions with the gang including a bit of La Squadra and Unita Speciale. I’ll probably add more as I think.
Bucciarati’s Gang 
Mc crashes at their house from time to time even though she has her own apartment
This either because she wants to sleep over for fun
Or because she’s finished a mission and their house is closer
Sometimes she shows up at 2 AM and just passes out on their couch
It happens more often than it should
Bruno eventually gives her a copy of the key
She steals food from the fridge too but makes up for it by buying groceries
They leave a toothbrush and cup for her in one of the bathrooms since she comes over so much
Before everyone was recuited, there were extra bedrooms in the house that weren’t being used
They left a guest room for mc but she doesn’t use it all the time, opting to pass out on the couch first
Either Bruno or Abbacchio usually brings her to her room though Abbacchio would never admit to it
Mista draws on her face with marker sometimes but leaves her on the couch most of the time. He can’t ruin her cute face all the time
Narancia cuddles with her on the couch or join Mista in doodling
Fugo leaves her on the couch but gets a blanket and readjusts her position if it’s uncomfortable
However, after Mista got recruited, mc gave up her room so Mista didn’t have to room with anyone
Now, she just sleeps on the couch or whoever’s okay with her borrowing their bed
She has tried several times to get them to wear normal clothes outside (they dressed perfectly normally before joining the mafia!) and only about half those times did it actually work
Mc is strong enough carry everyone in the group bridal style
The only ones who gets particularly mouthy when she does is Abbacchio and Mista but only because Mista wants to carry her too
She joins Fugo, Narancia and Mista in doing stupid things but it’s fun
She knows the torture dance
Mc isn’t technically a part of their team but they consider her to be because of how often she stays over and tags along for missions
She doesn’t expect anyone to really like her the way they do despite how obvious their feelings are
Part of it is because she isn’t supposed to be in this universe in the first place, that she’s an outsider of sorts. She’s here to make sure they don’t die
The other part of it is the guilt of leaving them to die in the first timeline. She feels like she doesn’t deserve how highly they think of her because of how readily she was to let fate run it’s course the first time around, even if they don’t remember it
She’s sooner die then let any of them do the same
Mc meets Giorno before he’s recruited into the gang since she does go to the same school as him even though she doesn’t really show up to classes that often
She’s about 2 years older than Giorno
They became friends prior to his hair turning blond and she almost didn’t recognize him but his eyes are rather distinctive
When it did turn blond, mc got a vaguely panicked call in the morning from him saying his hair turned blond for some reason
She’s the first person to braid his hair with the needlessly extra loop at the end after it turned blond
She wasn’t sure how the donuts worked but the next time she saw him he had the signature donut hair so she guessed he figured out how to do it
It becomes routine for her to braid Giorno’s hair when she notices it’s undone
She gave him a crash course on stands when he found out she had one
They spend a lot of time in libraries
Mc insists on paying for food when they get lunch together though Giorno always refuses
I feel like Giorno lowkey craves intimacy?
Mc calls him “GioGio” sometimes
Hmmmmm, gay
I really like Trish hence why she’s included in the harem
Out of everyone in the gang guarding her, she’s the closest with mc since they’re both girls which is also why Bruno assigns mc to her the most often
Convenient for Trish since it means more time to flirt
Unfortunately, mc does fall under the “are we just being nice to each other or are we flirting” when Trish is just about ready to ask for her hand in marriage
She’s flirting, no doubt
Trish lets mc rest her head on her thighs which mc can confirm is very comfortable
Trish is one of the two people she trusts to do her make up, the other one being Abbacchio
You know that picture where there’s one girl sitting on the other girl doing her makeup
That’s basically Trish and mc
Post-Vento Aureo, they stay in contact and remain good friends as Trish pursues a career as a singer
Mc joined Fugo on that walk where they found Narancia in the alleyway so she’s partially responsible for him joining the mafia
They bring him to Libecco where Bruno is and he gets food before going to the hospital to get his eye treated like in canon
She goes shopping with him after he’s out of the hospital
They get normal clothes but the next she sees him, he’s wearing his canon outfit and she wonders why she even bothered with his fashion sense in the first place
She’s the one who buys him his bandana that he wears in his canon outfit
They’re pretty cute together actually
She calls him “Nara” 
While she isn’t available all the time to help Fugo tutor him, when she is around, she tries her best to help
They listen to music together and mc ends up reccomending a lot though some songs haven’t come out yet so she’s only able to play them on her phone
“If I run and jump at (Y/n), she’ll definately catch me!” “Wait, I’m holding a mug-” *Drops the mug and catches Narancia*
Hugs with Narancia often end with his face buried in the crook of her neck
Probably the one mc goes with on missions the most
Part of it is because they’re the closest in age prior to everyone else joining, another part is due to mc’s nullifying ability effectively making her immune to Purple Haze’s virus
Mc be like “if I got infected with purple haze’s virus, I would simply become immune. rip to everyone else but I’m different.”
Still, Fugo is still very cautious when it comes to pulling out Purple Haze
Fugo buys her lavender hand lotion once and she decided she liked it so she continued to use it
He sorta associates lavender with mc
Mc buys him strawberry earrings. Sometimes she spontaneously buys stuff that reminds her of him
Fugo isn’t particularily fond of contact (backstory trauma) so mc tries to keep it to a minimum unless he gives an okay
Probably a few missions together where mc saves him, they’re walking down a street together and he just slips his hand into hers
Asadlskjh, I want them to hold hands
When she’s doing school assignments over at the Bucci house, Fugo helps her look over and proofread them despite the fact she has access to the internet through her phone and can search stuff literally from the future (not that he knows). She appreciates the input
I think that after Fugo leaves the group during Vento Aureo, I would like to bring him back somehow before the end of Vento Aureo
He didn’t like mc at first, no surprises here, but after they went on a few missions together where she saved his life, he begrudgingly opened up
She reminds him of his dead partner due to how reckless she is in saving people
She an idiot but she’s his idiot
He’s likely one of the most worried when she gets hurt since he doesn’t want to lose another person who died protecting him
Abbacchio does come off as very tsundere seeing how prickly he is to everyone except Bruno but everyone except for mc notices that he isn’t that prickly to her either
Mc doesn’t expect him to like her to any degree so whenever anyone points out that he’s nicer to her, she’s like “what?”
They have late night talks a lot
Abbacchio stays up late drinking and mc doesn’t sleep consistently enough
Sometimes they go up to the roof of the house to talk
She has fallen alseep on him multiple times. His tiddies make great pillows. 
Generally, she’s got her head resting on his tiddies, one arm hanging over his body, the other spawled out somewhere. He keeps one arm around her head and the other around her waist
Mc with Bruno is oddly domestic?
she helps around the house, buying groceries, helping out in the kitchen and cleaning from time to time
Bruno appreciates it a lot
If Abbacchio and mc have late night talks, Bruno and her have early morning talks when everyone else is asleep and the sun is just barely rising
Bruno keeps telling her it isn’t healthy to sleep only 3 hours so he convinces her to fall asleep for a few more hours
He spoils her a lot and brings her to cafes
Bruno is one of the last people she would expect to like her more than a friend due to the “bruno’s a mom” memes and he’s nice to everyone (almost everyone, excluding ememies), there’s no way he would like her more
Sure, he kisses the crown of her head and the back of her hand from time to time and they cook together
But they’re just good friends, right?
He frequently lectures her on being more careful and not being so reckless
They discuss weird stuff a lot
The combination of mc’s general knowledge of random things due to the internet and Mista’s bad timing when bringing up topics leads to interesting conversations
Like, your tongue never sits comfortably in your mouth, your skeleton is wet, are you inside your skeleton or is your skeleton inside you?
Mc is always in a constant state of worry when he’s on a mission because his bullets always end up in his own body something
The only reason he isn’t dead yet is because his dumb*ss aura surrounds him
Mc qualifies as a cute girl 11/10
He flirts with her casually and the pistols tell her his thought even when he doesn’t want them to but she never seems to notice
“You’ve been flirting with me?” “Have been for the last year, thanks for noticing.”
Mc gets Mista a gun holster after the events of Vento Aureo because he really shouldn’t be tucking his gun in his pants like that
If someone was really angry, they could lean over and shoot his d*ck off
La Squadra
I sorta debated whether la squadra should be a part of the harem or not but I think mostly no
That’s because I don’t really have an age range for them but Risotto’s like 28 and big age gaps are creepy. So, I guess for some of the la squadra members, it’s up to interpretation whether it’s romantic or platonic. I’m inclined towards platonic though
I’m not sure if I want to save Sorbet and Gelato yet
Mc, of course, goes along for missions as she’s ordered to
La squadra is so broke. Why doesn’t Diavolo pay them more? They literally kill people for their job
Mc doesn’t crash at their house very often but she stops by to hang out and drop off food
She buys them groceries when she notices their fridge is super empty. She doesn’t need them to pay her back (her paycheck is suprisingly big), but they should stop eating takeout all the time
She usually calls Risotto to ask if there’s anything specific they want
She’s rather fond of Pesci. They go fishing together when they have time
Illuso and mc are gossip buddies
Melone gets kink shamed during missions
Ghiaccio and mc have gone ice skating together before
I don’t really have anything else for the others... I’ll think about it
When Vento Aureo begins, mc is trying to save them though she isn’t directly working with them
La Unita Speciale
These are pretty random
Tizano and Squalo are gay, mc was there when they proposed to each other
Mc gets ordered to buy food when they have meetings though it’s pretty rare
When she does show up to drop off food, it’s a constant feeling of “let me leave quicker please” because Cioccolata is freaky
She thinks she runs into Doppio way too often when she’s doing missions
The only good thing about it is that Doppio is pretty nice when Diavolo isn’t kicking about. On one hand, Doppio=nice, on the other Doppio=Diavolo
Mc feeds Secco sugar cubes when Cioccolata isn’t looking
She would not trust Cioccolata to patch up any of her wounds, he’s likely to dissect her
Mc gets missions through calls and emails but sometimes Doppio’s around to tell her what they are 
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trashboatprince · 3 years
Since I’m still in a sci-fi mood (along with, like, monsters and romance stuff too, but that’s always there), and I haven’t been able to really... make any new written content recently, I decided to rework an old one-shot I wrote for the space pirate au with how my Henry, Hugo, met Bendy in it.
I honestly don’t remember if I ever posted it here, I know I posted it on discord for my friends to read, but I’m posting up a better version here. Plus, rewriting an old drabble might help me get back into the swing of things when it comes to writing! Especially since I’ve got a zine entry to work on. 
As always, Hugo is a half human/half alien (Asterian), and he’s fourteen in this. Bendy is a being from another universe or dimension, it’s unclear where Bendy’s from, but he’s a demon.
Asterians are a race of aliens that have the ability to travel through the vacuum of space with no need to breathe and have bioluminescent skin, but because Hugo is part human, he can’t last as long in space as he should.
On with the fic!
Hugo had lost count of how long he had been left on this stupid hunk of space rock, but he knew that he would probably be dead in due time. 
He considered that he’s probably got about an hour or two left, and knowing the Butcher Gang, they’ll either show up last minute to watch him suffer before putting him back on the ship, or they’ll just let him perish. They’re real jackasses like that.
At least he took his sketchbook with him after they threw him off the ship for their own enjoyment, but still, not much to draw when all around him was just inky darkness and a weak light source from a distant star. 
He sighed, soundless, his skin gently flashing a neon green, starting from his face down to his fingertips.
“Dat’s a real fancy trick ya can do, kid.”
Hugo’s eyes widened and he turned, shocked to have heard a voice, when he normally couldn’t hear anything in the vacuum of space. He was surprised to see something moving in the darkness of space around him. Something shifted, specks of lights moving around in front of him, before something formed. It looked like a wide, cartoon-ish smile, and from there a whiteness started to spread, forming an odd shape. Then two black, nearly full ovals, with little cuts in them, appeared in the white. It was a face!
“Hiya!” The face greeted in a childish voice, though clearly accented. The shape got closer and as it stepped onto the rock with Hugo, the half-human saw a shape form.
The darkness of space took on legs, oddly shaped, along with a long tail, them a small body that was sorta shaped like a bean. Arms with clawed hands followed, and the face seemed to have more of a head shape to it, though clearly shaped like a strange crescent form. The blackness of the body was covered in what looked like stars, twinkling and flashing, a variety of colors.
“What?” The strange creature asked. “Ya not gonna greet me?”
Hugo frowned, gesturing to his throat and then opened his mouth before shaking his head, his skin flashing involuntarily.
“Ah, right,” The creature nodded, frowning, “ya guys in dis universe can’t talk in da vacuum of space. Hold on.” 
He snapped his fingers, the snap actually made a sound, and a bubble surrounded the whole rock. Hugo let out a surprised laugh, before slapping a hand over his mouth, blinking. “W-what?”
“Just a li’l trick, super easy to do!” A grin formed on the other’s face. “It’s made outta natural gases dat drift around us, can’t just make it all, ya know, willy-nilly, but it’s super simple! So, what’s yours dat mine’s Bendy!”
Hugo had to take a moment to register what this guy, Bendy, has said. “It’s, uh, it’s Hugo.” He replied, coughing, trying to sound deeper than he naturally was. 
“Hugo, huh?” Bendy grinned brightly. “Nice to meet’cha! So, whatcha doin’ out here in an asteroid belt? Not really a social spot fer ya... what are you?”
“I dunno.” Hugo shrugged. “Human and somethin’ else, I reckon. What exactly are you?”
“Demon? You mean, like, those human monsters?”
Bendy snorted loudly at this. “Pah-lease! Nonononononono- weeeellll... yes? No? Maybe so! Hard to tell, I mean, demons an’ angels aren’t technically natural to dis dimension, but we exist! We’ve been to Earth! I’ve been there, a number of times, really nice, an’ kinda bad, but it’s got lots of fun stuff there! Ya ever been?”
Hugo shook his head. “No, never really been in that area of the galaxy. Been, uh, stuck in situations were I don’t get to pick where I go.”
The grin slipped on Bendy’s face, as if he was reading the situation and figured out what Hugo was referring to. “Ah, I getcha. Still, maybe you’ll get to see it! It’s pretty neat!” The grin returned and cosmic eyes glanced to the sketchbook resting next to Hugo. “Oh! Ya draw?”
There was a nod, and Bendy asked to see. Hugo let him and Bendy started to look at the sketches and drawings Hugo’s done over the past few months. He seemed rather excited and giddy about them, chatting and pointing out what he loved, or pointed out what was good but could use some improvement.
It was... kinda nice, Hugo thought as he sat there, listening to Bendy ramble on and on. He hadn’t really had anyone to talk to in ages, not since his escape from his previous life and being cabin boy on the Butcher Gang’s ship didn’t give him much respect from anyone onboard, so having a strange being this excited to talk to him was like a breath of fresh air.
“So, why are ya sittin’ on this floatin’ rock, Hugo?” Bendy asked after a while, when their conversation had turned into small talk and such.
“I got left behind for no good reason by the Butcher Gang, they’re the pirates I ‘work’ for.” Hugo stuck out his tongue, making a face. “They’re a bunch of lowlife bastards, is what they are! I bet I could be a better pirate than them any day!” 
“You wanna be a pirate?”
“Yeah!” Hugo got to his feet, grinning. “I wanted to be a ranger when I was a kid, but I think a pirate would be cooler! Better! I can make a name for myself, I can rule the skies in my own ship! One day, I’ll have my name known across the galaxy! People will fear the name Hugo, no more lookin’ down on me and thinkin’ I’m just some freak or useless mutt!”
Bendy stared at him for a moment, quietly, and Hugo suddenly felt self conscious, before Bendy’s grin grew even bigger than it had before, nearly face splitting. His eyes sparkled with stars, brightly, it was so strange. “That... SOUNDS AMAZIN’! Can I join!? Can I be part of yer crew, Hugo!?”
Hugo was a bit caught off-guard by this. “You... you wanna be part of my crew? Why?”
“Cause dat sounds like so much fun! Look, I’m a drifter, I explore wherever I drift to, but dat gets so borin’ after so long! An’ bein’ a space pirate sounds like a blast! I’ll help you escape, an’ you an’ I can go on a bajillion adventures together!”
Bendy shoved his hand out at Hugo, smiling. “I’ll make yer dreams come true, Hugo. If ya want mah help.”
“...” Hugo looked at the offered hand. “What do you get outta this? No offense, but from what I know about demons, they like to make deals.”
“None taken.” Bendy shrugged, casually. “I getcha, not easy to trust a demon, we do have a rep fer deals an’ da like, kinda ruins it fer the honest demons like me. But listen, all I want outta this is a fun life! An’ I think yer just da guy to make dat happen.” He winked and Hugo chuckled.
“Alright, you’ve got a deal, Bendy!” Hugo took the offered hand with manic glee.
“Wait, you just... took the deal? Just like that?” Harrison asked, raising an eyebrow. “Did you not consider that it could have been a trick?”
“Honestly?” Hugo shrugged. “I considered that, yeah, but Bendy sounded honest, and somethin’ about him screamed ‘he’ll be the most important friend you’ll ever have’. And I was right.”
Hugo chuckled, rubbing at his right palm, where black mark was in his skin, like a tattoo. It was Bendy’s mark, meant for protection and connection. Harrison had asked about it, had asked how Hugo had even met Bendy, and the pirate decided to tell him.
“Do you regret it?” Harrison asked as he looked at the mark.
“Nope, never have, never will. Bendy and I are friends till the end.”
“I see... wait, how the heck did you two become father and son then?”
“Oh, see, now that’s a really funny story! So, when I was fifteen...”
It had been a slip from Bendy, by the way, he has accidentally called Hugo ‘dad’ and then it sorta just stuck around. Hugo has embraced the role of dad with his whole being, especially since he can get away with dad jokes now.
But yeah, here’s how these two met in this au! 
Harrison is my friend inkspottie’s Henry, by the way. 
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jarate-man21 · 3 years
Headcannons about Glasses!Ted and HCB (who I still believe is Ted’s brother)
You can read what the title is, so let’s get into is
Ted was the first one in the family to need glasses. I mean, his parents needed reading glasses at times, but that was it
Ted and HCB are very nearsighted
If HCB was getting teased about his glasses, Ted would come on-scene with his own glasses on and the bullies would still be intimidated
Ted and HCB would exchange glasses when their prescription started to become the same
Photochromic gang!
HCB was the one that got photochromic glasses first tho 
Ted was the one that paid for those glasses
(I honestly believe that HCB lives with Ted instead of his parents, so that’s why Ted paid for the glasses instead of their parents)
When HCB put the glasses on and he went outside, he was freaking out and Ted was smiling in the background at how happy HCB was with his glasses
After HCB got the photochromic glasses, he kept trying to convince Ted to get it so they would be matching
Ted was hesitant to buy photochromic glasses (since they were a bit costly and he didn't want to "waste that much money on myself"), but HCB literally gave him puppy eyes and asked Ted, "Please?" and the man had to give in
Now every year for HCB and every other year for Ted, they go in and get photochromic glasses
Ted also goes in and gets contacts because sometimes, he just wants to not wear the glasses
HCB really likes having glasses and doesn't want to use anything but glasses
(He also doesn't like the thought of things in his eyes so contacts are a no-go)
But honestly, Ted sucks at taking care of his glasses
Man will literally put his glasses under the faucet, run water over them, use the scratchiest towel to wipe them off and call them "clean"
Meanwhile HCB can spend hours cleaning his own glasses to truly make them clean and he cleans them every day
It got to a point where Ted had to buy lens cleaning wipes because HCB kept drenching the 5+ different microfiber cloths he used to clean his glasses
It's just a sorta peaceful thing to HCB because he zones everything out and can feel proud for cleaning his glasses so well
Like, man is a literal god when it comes to cleaning glasses. He makes them as shiny as the workers at the glasses shop, and that's shiny
Ted sometimes sits on the couch with HCB and talks to him while the younger boy is cleaning both of their glasses
When HCB passes Ted his pair of glasses, Ted puts them on and smiles at his younger brother. "You're cleaning ability always astounds me, bro"
HCB giggles and rolls his eyes, putting on his own glasses as well. "Maybe it's because I actually know how to clean my glasses instead of just wiping them on my shirt."
Ted laughs and throws his arm around HCB's shoulder. "Yeah, but how else am I going to spend so much time with the best little brother in the world?"
HCB shakes his head while a wide grin was growing on his face. "I'm your only brother, Ted"
Ted shrug says he pulls the boy closer. "My point still stands though"
HCB scoffs, but you could tell by the twinkle in his eye that he didn't mean anything bad of it
Both of them then put a movie on and watch it together with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands, happy that the other man was in their life
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full-moon-ships · 2 years
Wooo first pass of a Frank s/i!! Its too long so
- Magaged to get through law school but settles for an assistant/desk job at Nelson, Mudock, & Page (aka Nelson & Murdock)
(Side note he gets coffees for everyone in the mornings)
- Nervouse to speak up at first
- One day he speaks up though and offers some advice/his thoughts/what he noticed for a case
- They take it and they win the case
- After that his relationships with everyone improves and they grow closer
- He becomes close friends with everyone (Foggy, Karen, and Matt)
- A while later they take up a "rat" case, someone speaking out about what has been happening within their gang and what they've done, in exchange for protection
- During this case Rowan gets kidnapped
- ||He is captured by the rat's gang and is tortured into giving up what they were told by the rat, but he doesn't give in
- While he's being kept there Frank comes and. Does his thing.
- He finds Rowan tied up in a backroom, fainted from bloodloss, riddled with various injuries
- He takes it upon himself to fix him up (mainly so he doesnt have to go to the hospital and risk getting arrested), and he takes him back to his bunker (Like when he saved Matt from the NYPD)
- It takes a while for Rowan to wake up and he has to stay with Frank for a while to recover enough to leave
- During that time he tries to make nice with Frank
- It worked and they get along, he evens gets a laugh or two out of Frank
- He has to leave eventually, but Frank gives him his burner's number incase he's ever in need.
- Rowan remains home, out of work, not answering work calls either. As far as they know he's still missing.
- Rowan thinks it over and realizes he doesn't enjoy his current life, besides his work.
- He calls Frank and offers him this; if he can come and live/be/stay with him, he will help around. Clean his weapons, make food, patch him up, whatver.
- Frank accepts (although he would've accepted without any conditions since he enjoyed Rowan's company, and he reminded him of his time with David, and how he sorta missed that.)
- He picks him up and they start living together, and eventually the missing case of Rowan Satyr is dropped
- Rowan and Frank continue to grow closer until they realize what is happening, they are in love
- Rowan even speaks up about this and they begin dating
And yeah thats it
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roronoasanjii · 4 years
I thought it was a shame to just leave this in a folder and never do anything with it so here’s an old Critical Role fic idea I came up with. It’s only written like notes but I still really like it.
Hope you enjoy!
Caleb is in the witness protection scheme. He killed his parents when he was younger (thirteen) and they sent him away and changed his name to protect him after he spent a couple of years in a mental health facility. He came out the other side of it feeling better than he did, but still majorly suffering from depression.
Caleb is an orphan, through his own doing, and none of his family wanted anything to do with him so he is now in foster care.
He has a deep British-German mix accent.
He attends the same high school as the gang, having being enrolled there when he left the mental health facility and came to live at the group home. He struggled to make friends out of fear of anyone knowing who he was, but he comes to be friends with a guy called Mollymauk in his classes who then further introduces him to the rest of the gang.
Caleb hasn't been fostered when we first meet him, he's still in a group home which he hates, and the gang notice this so they try as much as possible to keep Caleb away from there by inviting him out, or round to their houses.
At some point Caleb is fostered and the gang immediately notice that he seems different; he's barely said anything to any of them since they arrived at school. Molly is sent over to talk because they're not stupid; they know that Caleb seems to be at his calmest around Molly.
Caleb tells Molly what's happening and he offers reassurance, telling Caleb that at least this means he's going to get out of the group home
Caleb is fostered by a woman called Veth. At first glance, it's obvious that this woman is overly keen about the prospect of having a child, despite the fact that Caleb is anything but, now seventeen.
Caleb notices how out of touch with society Veth is, but not from her own doing. People look at her and judge heavily for reasons that he can't fathom, but it happens quite regularly.
He hears crying one night and tiptoes down the stairs to hear Veth talking in the kitchen quietly to herself. Caleb overhears her talking about a son and a husband, which he realises are the missing pieces in this house that should be there but aren't. It's also pretty clear that she's been on her own until she fostered Caleb.
Caleb isn't stupid. He sees the link between the clearly grieving broken mother who needs a replacement for the child she lost and him. Caleb believes there's nothing more to it which doesn't help him feel more at home, instead doing the exact opposite because he doesn't know who she wants him to be.
Veth tries her hardest and makes sure to try and allow Caleb to feel safe in the house, but he still struggles with the balance of it all and the sheer amount of changes in his life of late. Upon noticing this, Veth asks him if he's okay and manages to wriggle out of him the fact that he overheard her in the kitchen. She puts two and two together and correctly guesses that he thinks he's a replacement.
His accent slips, falling away in his fear.
"Luke was my child, and I love him... But you are not Luke."
Caleb feels like this is it, this is the moment when he gets sent back to the group home again, he's blown it already because he dared to even compare himself to Veth’s own flesh and blood son. Caleb kicks himself for being so stupid, but Veth isn't finished.
"I fostered you because you are a kind young man with a bright future ahead of him that just needed someone in his life who cared. You're not a replacement and you were never meant to be one. I don't want you to be Luke; I just want you to be Caleb."
Caleb nods and accepts a hug from Veth when she offers him one. She has noticed the change in accent.
"Is that German?"
"Yes." He clears his throat. "I'm uh, I'm German. My parents moved here when I was very young."
"So why where you doing that accent?"
"I think we're both a little scared of what people would say to us. I learnt quickly that children are unkind, the others at school would tease me and call me horrible names, and then my parents… passed away and I went into the system. No one wanted to foster some weird German kid, and I hated myself so I changed my accent trying to make myself a different person. I wanted to be anyone else but me, but I couldn't.”
Veth strokes a hand down his cheek and smiles.
"Like I said, I just want you to be Caleb. You can speak however you like here."
"It's just, strange, you know, after all this time."
"Well whatever you come to decide, it will sound lovely either way."
The two become closer after this.
Veth and Caleb do something together that he really ends up enjoying. Veth comments that it's the first time she's seen him smile, which only makes Caleb smile more, because it's true, he truly had a good time. But that only just makes Caleb head worse because now the thoughts come back about how he doesn't deserve to be happy because of what he did.
He starts to isolate himself which scares Veth, and he barely talks to her. She becomes more and more worried about him until she calls his social worker to ask for advice.
When Caleb returns home from school to see his social worker's car parked outside he immediately becomes panicked. Going inside confirms the sight of his social worker and that's when he immediately feels betrayed. He thought things were going well with Veth and he was seriously trying his hardest to make it all work but now she's abandoning him just like everyone else.
Caleb runs off, unaware of the actual reasoning behind the visit and Veth panics. Her and the social worker rush to try and find him, which Veth eventually does. He's covered in mud and soaked through when she comes across him, curled up under a tree and sobbing. She pulls him into a huge hug and she fusses about how he's silly for running away and how he could have gotten hurt, or pneumonia, or worse and Caleb feels so much guilt in that moment because he remembers their conversation about Luke.
Veth lost her husband and child in a way that left her feeling useless because how they died was out of her control. There's nothing she could have done to save them because she wasn't even there when it happened, she found out afterwards when they had already passed.
Caleb connects the dots to realise that a lot of Veth's responses to things he does probably stem from never wanting to lose someone ever again if she has a way of preventing it. So when he walks home in the dark, if anything happened to him she would always know that she could very easily have gone and picked him up if she'd known, or when he runs off without any warning that anything could happen to him and she wouldn't know before it was too late, exactly like Luke and her husband.
Veth tells him that there is nothing that would ever make her give him up. Ever. Caleb nods, feeling a little better, but ultimately knowing that if she knew the truth, she would get rid of him in a heartbeat. He makes a pact with himself to stop unintentionally giving Veth a heart attack by accepting her offers on things such as lifts because it clearly gives her peace of mind.
At one point the gang notice bandages or bracelets, or just a slip of Caleb’s sleeves that reveal scars on his arms. They immediately presume the worse and panic. They try talking to him about it which doesn't go well at all. Caleb leaves the school and walks all the way home in the rain in his big brown coat and scarf that Veth bought him - his most treasured possessions along with the books that she has gotten him too.
When Veth gets home she knows something is wrong and asks if Caleb wants to talk about it. Caleb declines but Veth sorta’ doubles down saying that she really needs to know because she's worried. In a moment of bravery, Caleb pulls up his sleeve to reveal the scars on his arm and rope marks on his wrist.
Caleb tells her that he didn't do this but then nicely asks her to not ask any more questions than that, which she reluctantly agrees. She then takes out her tablet and starts tapping away. When Caleb asks what she's doing, Veth is looking for ways in which he can cover them up because she can see how much they upset Caleb to look at. Caleb is overcome with a feeling of love due to how just genuinely lovely she is. He thinks he doesn't deserve her.
Veth tells Caleb, who's in his room feeling shitty, that she has a surprise for him. Caleb is curious as Veth pushes open the door a little more to reveal, a cat. Apparently Veth adopted her for Caleb, hoping she might help him when he's feeling down or upset.
Caleb falls head over fucking heels in love with this cat immediately, naming her Frumpkin for no particular reason other than he can. The two become practically inseparable.
On the anniversary of the murders there is a news report which plays on TV, Caleb is at somebody's house when it does and he just immediately panics because he hears everything and it makes him feel sick to the point where he sprints to the bathroom and pukes heavily and violently, breaking down in sobs. Molly comes to the bathroom to check on him and they talk, Caleb doesn't admit anything and Molly doesn't push him to, admitting that this can stay between them and the others don't have to know so they don't start questioning him.
Caleb goes home, stating not feeling well as his reason for leaving early. He walks back, which Veth once again tells him off for, pointing out that its black dark outside and anything could've happened to him. She rants at him in a mother-henning way for a couple of minutes before taking a breath and pulling him into a hug. That's when Caleb breaks down in apologies, begging Veth not to get rid of him.
Veth cements the fact that she will never do that, but states that she thinks it's time that he tells her what's really going on in that head of his. Caleb tells her that he can't, but as she progressively looks more and more hurt by feeling like a bad parent and shut out by him, Caleb eventually caves.
"My name was Bren Aldric Ermendrud."
Caleb tells her about how they put him in a mental health facility for a few years, and the older woman helped him. This woman asked Caleb what he was in for and in his absolute lowest state, tells her the truth of what happened, admitting that he was groomed to do it by a man named Trent Ikithon who lied to him about so many things. The woman, being the first and only person he has ever opened to about it, tells Caleb that he was only young when it happened, and that it wasn’t his fault. Yes he may have committed the act, but he wasn't in the right headspace, and was made to do it by an adult. This led to Caleb feeling a little better for the first time and her encouragement for him to accept therapy didn't fall on deaf ears with Caleb doing exactly that meaning that he ended up being discharged early.
Caleb tells Veth everything and feels sick once again after doing so, not able to look her in the eye. There is silence in the living room of the house for a painful amount of time before Veth just smushes him into an absolutely enormous hug and tells him firmly that the woman in the facility was right, it wasn't his fault, and that the true blame lies in the hands of Trent.
Veth puts two and two together with the scars, which Caleb admits is true, Trent did that to him. She asks him what he’d like to be called, and he states that he still wishes to be known as Caleb
After this, the two only become stronger, their bond growing as does their protectiveness of one-another.
Caleb and Molly's relationship grows too as they become strong friends, Molly looking out for him on days when he really needed a friend. All is going well until Caleb arrives at school one morning to a tense, horrible atmosphere.
There are a lot of tearful looking eyes and sad faces. Caleb, confused and worried finds the gang to ask what's going over. He notices Molly's older brother, Caduceus from the year above.
"What happened?"
Jester deflates as she sighs, wordlessly pulls him into a hug. As he pulls away, Caleb notices the ostentatious missing member of their group.
"Where's Molly?"
Caduceus scrubs a shaky hand down his chin, clearing his throat.
"He uh… he died. Last night."
Caleb's breath catches in his throat as his hand flies to his mouth, shaking his head as tears come to his eyes.
Caduceus pulls him close and hugs him, getting emotional himself.
"Everything was normal and ordinary until it wasn't. Molly coughed up blood, Mom took him to the hospital… and an hour later he was dead... just like that." Caduceus takes a breath to compose himself, clearing his throat once again. "Our Aunt is planning a memorial service, you guys are all invited. You don't have to do speeches and all that if you don't want to but the choice is yours. You know Molly; he would've loved all this fuss. No doubt he would have applauded the pageantry of it all."
"Oh." Caleb opens his satchel and takes out the large notebook Veth bought him. From the mess of papers and coursework handouts in the back he flicks through them until he arrives at a purple coloured sheet. "Here."
Caduceus takes the piece of paper, unfolding it.
"It's Molly's favourite poem, he uh, he wrote it out for me in English class because he said I was uncultured for having never experienced Yeats."
"Thanks, this is perfect for the memorial. Are you sure you don't want to keep this?"
"If you want it you can have it. If not, you can give it back to me at the end of the service, I don't mind which."
Caleb is unsurprisingly quiet after Molly's death. Veth looks after him, so does Frumpkin, the ginger tabby having become accustomed to lying across Caleb's shoulders, tail hanging down over his chest.
As if she knew of his sadness, Frumpkin made sure to stay close, never leaving Caleb's sight when she felt he might need her.
The gang all attend the memorial. It is held in the local park Molly loved. A thin layer of snow had fallen that morning providing a beautiful backdrop. Beside the purple flower beds, a large tree branch had been stabbed into the ground, Molly's eccentric coat draped over it, blowing gently in the wind.
Caleb doesn't make a speech and he feels like a traitor for not being able to man enough to do it, but he feels a hand reach close and take hold of his own with a gentle squeeze. Beau. She had been a godsend in the past week or so since Molly's death.
Despite the fact that they famously didn't really seem to ever get on at high school, Beau had gone above and beyond to make sure he was okay, offering him someone to talk to, and being there for him when he just needed to let it all out.
After the memorial, Caleb struggles with both the finality of saying goodbye to Molly and the sight of the flames from the barbecue set up to serve food, the scent causing him to gag a little as he walks off through the park to the tree Molly used to read beside. Caduceus follows him over.
"You doing okay, Mr. Caleb?"
"Why do you call me that?"
"I don't know. You've always been quite an enigma so it seemed fitting, plus, I know irritates you so there's that too." Caduceus answered with a smirk before offering a soft smile. "Molly wouldn't want you to be crying. Try and think about all the good times rather than the bad, that's how he'd want you to remember him."
"I know it is, it's just…"
"It's hard I know, but you're not alone in this, you have people who care about you, myself included. Don't think that you can't talk."
"Thanks, Cad."
He nods, clapping Caleb on the shoulder.
"Oh, I almost forgot." Caduceus reaches into his pocket and hands the contents to Caleb.
"What's this?"
"A letter from Molly and his tarot cards, he wanted you to have them. He was always talking about you being a little lost, maybe they just might help. I don't know... Molly was into this bullshit more than I was.” Caduceus smirks before walking back over to the other guests.
 Caleb takes a breath before opening the small folded piece of paper clearly from a hospital notepad. Clearing his throat he begins to read.
'Hey Cay,
I'm stuck in here puking my guts up and something tells me that it's not looking good for me. Fucking cards.
I haven't got much paper so be prepared for tiny handwriting, I'm sure you'll manage.
Anyway, the first thing I wanna say is, you're cute, and if I wasn't slowly internally bleeding to death then there's no doubt I wouldn't have tried wooing you eventually.
Second, stop being so afraid of everything and live your fucking life dude. It's feeling more and more like you're gonna' have to live it for the both of us so get out there and do shit. Kiss a girl, kiss a boy, tell Veth how much she means to you, get yourself adopted, accept more invites from the gang, get some therapy for that old noggin of yours, I don't know, just promise me you'll not block everyone out. That's what worries me most about potentially dying, you not going to the others for help because I'm not there anymore to come to you. Please, don't be alone.
I hope someday we'll meet each other again.
Take care of my brother for me.
Molly x'
Emotionally wrecked after the memorial and reading Molly's letter, Caleb actually calls Veth to get a lift home for once rather than just walking. Weirdly though, he doesn't get an answer, the phone just ringing and ringing. Finding that strange, Caleb grabs a ride from Fjord and Jester.
When he walks in, the light is on in the kitchen and Veth is sitting at the table holding a bag of peas to her face, one arm huddled proactively to her chest.
Caleb enters to see her covered in bruises, anger flaring immediately.
"Who did this?" He asks low and furious.
"Caleb, I'm fine."
"You're not fine, you're hurt. Someone did this to you and you need to tell me who that person is."
“It's just a bump."
“It's more than a bump! People treat you like you're below them and I hate it. They stare, they judge, they whisper shit, it's vile! You shouldn't have to deal with that.”
“That's my concern, not yours.”
“Why are you so calm about this, someone nearly broke your fucking arm. Get mad about this, get angry.”
“And what would that achieve?”
“I don't know, more than just sitting around waiting for the next person to hurt you.” He shouts before scrubbing a hand down his face, keeping his hand over his mouth as he shakes. “I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, I shouted and I didn't mean to… I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” His weak tone whimpers as he drops down to one of the seats around the table and cries.
“Caleb, it's okay.”
“It's not okay. Nothing is okay, everything's just shit and it makes me so angry sometimes, and it scares me. I don't want to be that person.”
Veth stands up from the table and walks round to Caleb, wrapping her good arm around him in a hug, gently resting her chin on the top of his head.
“What you are, is a sweet boy who cares about everyone and never wants to see anyone he loves hurt. That is a blessing not a curse. You have a big heart, Caleb, and that's a beautiful thing.”
After this point, Caleb stands up for Veth a lot more in situations where people are being awful towards her.
When one of Veth's brothers, Morrell visits, he patronisingly talks about how it's good that she now has Caleb to look after her.
"You know, Nottie, if you feel safer having Caleb protecting you, maybe you could start doing more, rather than just alternating between work and being in the house all day."
"I think there's a bit of misconception here. Caleb and I have a very special relationship. It is that of a parent and a child, regardless of the fact that he isn't technically mine. But I am the parent in this situation. It's my job to protect him. He's my boy, and I keep him safe. I want him to thrive, and get better at school, and grow into the wonderful young man I know he's going to be, because he can achieve great things.’ She takes a breath. ‘When I fostered him he was a scared little boy who was afraid to speak up out of fear of being hurt, and tried to act invisible in case one wrong move landed him back at the group home. As we have gotten more comfortable, he has gotten more comfortable and come out of his shell. It's my job to protect him, because I love him, and I am his parent. It is not his job to protect me."
Morrell nods.
"I'll admit; I had the wrong idea about the two of you. Caleb sounds like a good kid."
"He is." Veth nods. "He's going to be a great man someday."
"He will."
"Does he know that you think of him as a son?"
Veth shakes her head.
"Maybe you should let him know, it might make him feel a little better, especially after everything that's happened recently, he needs you more than ever."
"I'll talk to him."
Before she has the chance to do so, Caleb’s world gets shattered once again.
Caleb is looking around the house for Frumpkin. Unable to find him he goes outside to hear a pained meow from just beyond the driveway. There lies Frumpkin, who has clearly been hit by a car that hasn’t even stopped to check to see if she was okay.
Caleb panics at this point, bundling Frumpkin into his arms and grabbing his phone. He knows Veth is at work so he calls Fjord and Jester instead begging for their help. Jester stays on the phone with him to try and reassure him and keep him calm while the two of them drive over, pick Caleb up, and take him to the vets where they try and save her.
Long story short, the vets won’t operate on Frumpkin unless they are paid upfront for the medical costs, its company policy no matter how much they want to help the cat. The amount of money they would need is beyond substantial, and it’s money that a fucking orphaned foster kid like Caleb just doesn’t have, and he knows Veth doesn’t have it either so he refuses to ask, knowing that she’s already done too much for him anyway by just having to deal with his shit in the first place.
While Caleb is being comforted by Jester, Fjord discreetly calls Veth from Caleb’s phone (which he got Jester to sneakily swipe), and tells her what is happening. She rushes down to the vets to find Caleb in the back room of the vets sitting on top of the doctor’s table with Frumpkin curled up on his lap, hugging her gently.
Hating to see her boy so broken, she goes back to the vets in the lobby and begs them to accept a smaller down payment, even saying they can charge interest on the other payments too if they have to. The head vet, who seems to be the owner agrees and Veth partially pays.
A confused Caleb is practically dragged kicking and screaming from the backroom, desperate to be with Frumpkin, and Veth manages to get him calmed down, telling him that they’re going to try and save Frumpkin.
"What? But… how?"
"I paid them."
Caleb looks torn.
"No, you shouldn’t… you shouldn’t have done that, you don’t have the money and I can’t ask you to do that for me. It’s just a cat, I can get another one."
But Veth knows that’s not true. Caleb is too infatuated with that cat to ever think that way, he’s just trying to not take up space, something he has a history of being very good at.
"Frumpkin is your friend, and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep her with us. Fuck the money, I can think of no better use for it then saving family."
Caleb looks stunned in that moment, wide eyed and astonished as he wordlessly wraps his arms tight around Veth.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."
The vets manage to save Frumpkin and if he wasn’t already, Caleb becomes even more protective of her, making sure she’s okay after all her surgeries. When they’re allowed to take her home, Caleb is soft and kind with her, not letting her out of his sight.
On a lovely sunny day, Caleb decides that Frumpkin needs some fresh air. With the stitches gone and her feeling a lot better, they take a walk together slowly round the neighbourhood. Veth wasn't home when they left but there was a note from her on the counter saying that she would be back soon.
As they walk past the church, Caleb notices Veth knelt down beside a small grave in the graveyard with a book open on her lap. He debates on whether to just keep walking and let her have her privacy, but ultimately decides that she might someone with her.
As he approaches, Veth notices the two of them and smiles.
The grave is marked:
‘In loving memory of Luke Brenatto’
Caleb notices the lack of her husband's name.
"If it's none of my business just tell me to shut up, but why isn't your husband’s name on here too?"
Veth looks a little confused at first before she understands why Caleb would think the way he does.
"When Luke and Yeza were involved in that accident, neither were expected to live. It took a long time for the paramedics to arrive and even longer to get them out. Luke… he didn't make it, but they managed to get Yeza stabilised. The man I spoke to in that hospital wasn't my husband. He was cold as if a part of him had died with Luke, and it probably had. Yeza packed up and left after Luke's funeral and I've never heard from him since."
"That's awful."
"People deal with loss in different ways. Some grieve a little, some grieve a lot, and some just never get over it at all. Yeza was one of those people." Veth turns to look at the gravesite which has fresh flowers beside it as well as a weathered toy bear and various tealights in brightly coloured holders. "Every so often I come out here and I read to him. I know that probably sounds weird but it helps."
Caleb shakes his head.
"No, it doesn't sound weird at all, I'm sure Luke loves it, wherever he is."
The social worker visits go well every time until the all-important one approaches, the meeting about what Caleb is going to do once he turns eighteen and becomes a ward of the state, free to leave the system and live on his own independently.
Caleb truthfully admits that he doesn't know what he's going to do, and that he hasn't put much thought into it. This is when Veth offers him another option. She wants to adopt him.
Caleb doesn't know how to react and looks terrified, mostly out of fear of her changing her mind, which leads to Veth once again reiterating the point that she loves him as her own and would never ever give him up. Caleb is her son through and through, and that she wants to make it official.
Caleb accepts and the paperwork is completed for the adoption to become official.
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zombiesbecrazy · 4 years
How about a JaySteph hug to hide in?
(I added a & between the Jay and the Steph, I hope thats OK)
If anyone spotted them, they would think that Red Hood and Spoiler were involved in a secret tryst, with they had their arms wrapped around each other in a small, dark nook.
Anyone who spotted them who wasn’t currently trying to kill them that was, and right now those numbers were few and far between. They hadn’t even been working the same case, but they intersected accidentally and maybe, kinda, sorta, instigated a gang war, which from Stephanie’s experience was bad in the worst way.
It had turned even further south when the gangs decided to momentarily put aside their differences and claims over territory and unite against the common enemy.
It would be sweet to see people coming together like that. It was less so when the bullets were flying and they were running for their lives
Now they were out of options, out of ammo, and were pressed together hiding in a space that was far too small, Jason’s arms around her being the only reason that Steph wasn’t falling out of the secret spot that they had somehow managed to evade the gangs. They weren’t nearby, but they weren’t exactly far either. With any luck, they wouldn’t be found, but who knew based on how the rest of this crappy night was going.
“You’re crushing me.”
“Stop wiggling. You’re fine.” If anything, Red Hood shifted with his words, somehow taking more of her space. Her arms were trapped behind him, both of them wrapped up together to make themselves fit, so her options were limited for retaliation. It’s not like shoving a tank back would do anything.
“I’m going to bite you if you don’t back up.” She couldn’t do much, but if needed that spot between his jacket and his helmet was wide open. She’d have to some how lower her mask, but she she could figure it out.
“Do that and throw you right in their path. Give myself more time to escape before heading to the cave and sadly telling B about your heroic death in the field. You sacrificed yourself for me. It was touching.” He leaned in even closer, like he was taunting her to take her up on her threat. “I may even shed a tear.”
He was just so aggravatingly annoying.
“Why are you like this?” She whined at him. She wasn’t normally a whiner but this night was shit and she just wanted to go home and take a shower and it didn’t look like that was going to happen any time soon and he wasn’t helping. “Yeah, you died, but that doesn’t mean you have to be an ass because of it. We’ve all died, Hood. I died and I’m fantastic.”
Jason shrugged. “Maybe I was always an ass.”
“You weren’t.”
There was a pause and Steph wondered what his face was doing under the helmet. He was so hard to gauge when he was suited up, but when the helmet was off his face was an open book. “You don’t know that and you can’t rely on Bruce or Alfred’s rose coloured nostalgia glasses opinions and don’t even get me started on Dick because he barely knew me.”
Irritation. The special kind that he had purely for when people tried to bring up how he used to be compared to how he was now. It was like when you saw a great aunt who still treated you like you were five, only dialled up to eleven or twelve.
“But I knew Robin.” Stephanie stared at the brick behind Jason’s shoulder, trying to avoid the awkward eye to helmet contact. “You saved me once when I was a kid. Nothing big or flashy. I was out at night by myself when I probably shouldn’t have been and I almost got hit by a car. You appeared from out of nowhere pulled me back.” She remembered going to school the next day and telling everyone the she had seen him. “It was small and simple and not fighting the forces of evil. Just a nice kid doing a good thing.” Now she did look at him, seeing the tilt to his head. “And before you say anything, yes, I’m sure it was you and not Dick or Tim. It was Gotham Robin.”
Jason stared at her, or at least she thought he did but through the helmet it was hard to tell. “Gotham Robin?”
“That’s what we called you. You were our Robin. All of us kids from the wrong side of the tracks, we didn’t know who you were, but we did know that you were one of us with your east end slang, sounding like you were straight out of the PS 24 playground.”
The sound was distorted, but it was definitely a snort. “32. When I went to school as a kid I was at PS 32. Everyone at 24 was a dingus.”
“They were, weren’t they?” she chuckled. “Anyway, that’s how I know you weren’t always an ass. An ass would have let me become a pancake. Wouldn’t have even noticed that I was in trouble.”
A minute passed in silence before Jason coughed. “Anyway, it doesn’t really matter because I’m an ass now regardless and you just have to deal with it. I saved you from the Vipers. You should be thanking me.”
“Excuse you. I saved you from the Black Street North crew.”
“Please. No one needs saving from BSN. Those guys are small fish.”
Stephanie was going to argue back, that her case was just as important as his case and her gang was equally as dangerous when the gunfire started up again at the far end of the alley. “I guess it didn’t work out between them.”
“I really thought those crazy kids were going to make it work. They had such a solid foundation of trust.” Jason edged out of the crevice, blocking Steph from any potential stragglers still hunting for them, before he pulled her back onto the street with him. They were safe, but they still had to do something about the fight before it got even farther out of hand. She was about to ask what their next move should be when Jason interrupted. “Let’s hit the roof and call in for some reinforcements. Red Robin and Black Bat will be upset if we don’t ask them to join our party.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Stephanie winked at him before firing her grapple at into the sky. “Gotham Robin.”
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hysterialevi · 4 years
His Name Was Isaac - Ch. 9
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Fanfic summary: During a mission to avenge his mother’s death, Isaac hunts down the men responsible for her murder and kills them off one-by-one, only to discover that his last target is taking refuge among the Van der Linde gang. In an attempt to kill them, Isaac attacks the gang and unknowingly becomes enemies with his own father, who is in the process of fighting his own battle for redemption.
Point of view: third-person
Previous chapter | Next chapter
This story is also on AO3
Trudging through the dry, golden fields of the Great Plains, Arthur tiredly dragged himself across the state as a lonely wind breezed past him, filling the emptiness with a peaceful silence and the soft rustling of weeds.
There was no one else around at the moment. No civilization, no bandits, no camps -- nothing. All Arthur could see right now was the wide, open sky stretching out for miles above him, and a collection of white clouds blanketing its vast space.
It had been a while now since the Van der Linde gang stopped chasing Arthur, and for about an hour, he had been wandering alone, searching the land thoroughly for Isaac.
He didn’t know if the boy made it out alive, or if he was even still in the vicinity, but Arthur couldn’t deny that he felt like he had failed Isaac by not convincing him to spare Mackintosh.
That poor kid was hurting on the inside. Arthur could see it clear as day. Despite the shield he held in front of himself, and the distrustful nature he carried, it was no secret to the man that his son never quite recovered from Eliza’s murder. And now, they were all paying the price.
Arthur just didn’t know how he’d pull Isaac away from the edge. He wasn’t exactly one to talk when it came to berating others for doing wrong, but it was clear to him now that the boy had no interest in showing the Van der Lindes any mercy.
If Dutch came after them -- and Arthur knew he would -- Isaac would kill them all, or die trying. 
He couldn’t let that happen, though. Death was no longer an option. That boy was the only real family Arthur had left. If anything were to happen to him, he didn’t know what he’d do. 
And he wasn’t willing to find out.
Following Isaac’s tracks to the north, Arthur used the trail of flattened grass and tiny blood splatters to guide him, leading him to come upon the Upper Montana River.
There, he spotted a dark brown Thoroughbred standing next to what looked like an abandoned cabin, as well as a bloody handprint on the door.
He assumed Isaac had taken refuge in the decrepit building and decided to approach it, taking out his gun just in case the man wasn’t alone.
Creeping up to the front door, Arthur steadily made his way to the dilapidated porch and glanced through the shattered windows, seeing nothing but cobwebs and specks of dust floating in the air.
It reminded him of the cabin back at Aurora’s Basin. It had the same isolated mood to it that made you feel separated from the troubles of civilization, and if Arthur squinted hard enough, he could’ve sworn he saw Dutch sitting in his rocking chair, observing the outside as always.
Placing a light hand on the doorknob, Arthur cocked his gun and slowly pulled the thing open, bracing himself for the worst. 
So far, nothing in the house had moved yet, and the only sound he could hear was the creaking of old wood, but if anything unfriendly revealed itself on the inside, the last thing Arthur wanted to do was start another gunfight while he already had a gang hunting him down.
There were Pinkertons still roaming in the area, after all, and Arthur had no doubts that one more shootout was all they needed before they’d be able to track the Van der Lindes down.
He’d have to be extra cautious from here on out. Not just for Isaac’s sake, but also for his.
Stepping into the cold shadows of the cabin, Arthur had barely walked through the door before he heard a man’s voice threatening him to lower his weapon, leading him to bring his attention to the other end of the hall.
“...Don’t move.” The man ordered, sitting on the floor. “Or I’ll shoot your goddamn brains out...!”
It was Isaac, thank God.
“Whoa, easy there,” Arthur said, raising his hands. “It’s just me.”
Isaac relaxed upon seeing Arthur’s face, putting his pistol down as he clutched his wounded ear.
“Dad?” He replied, his voice strained due to the injury. “Sorry. It’s just... I didn’t expect you to actually come. Wasn’t sure if you’d follow me after everything that went down with Dutch, but... I’m glad you’re here. Were you followed?”
Arthur gazed over his shoulder, shrugging. “I don’t think so. I doubt the Van der Lindes would chase me this far out into the country. Not when the majority of their supplies have been destroyed.”
Isaac furrowed his brow in concern. “...And what about when they restock?”
The older man holstered his gun and approached the boy, letting out a worried sigh. “...We’ll just have to wait and see.”
Arthur crouched in front of Isaac, eyeballing his bloody hand. “You feelin’ alright, son? How’s that ear doing?” 
The boy hissed in pain. “It’s ringin’ like hell and the bleeding hasn’t slowed down that much, but... I’ll live.”
The older man leaned in closer. “Well, at least lemme take a gander.”
Uncovering his ear, Isaac lowered his arm as Arthur observed the fresh bullet-wound and narrowed his eyes, trying to examine it through the darkness.
“Yep... bullet nicked the edge of your ear pretty good,” he noted. “It’s gonna look like Swiss cheese from here on out, I’m afraid. Luckily, though... I don’t think it hit anything too important. Your hearing should be fine, if a tad unbalanced. Just make sure it don’t get infected.”
That seemed to relieve the boy. “...I will. Thanks.”
Taking a seat next to Isaac, Arthur leaned back against the wall and let out a deep breath, admittedly drained from everything that had occurred so far. He was still having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that he and Dutch were officially enemies now, and on top of all that, he couldn’t quite process that Isaac was really alive either.
Arthur had spent so long having nightmares about seeing those two graves and wondering if he could’ve done anything to save them, but now, after all these years, he was finally sitting side-by-side with his very own son, spending time together like the family they were meant to be.
The outlaw chuckled quietly at the thought, staring aimlessly at the ceiling. 
“...You still look the same. Y’know that?”
Isaac returned the sentiment, cracking a small smile. “So do you.”
Arthur grinned and removed his hat, wiping some sweat off his brow. “Good thing, too. Otherwise, I’m not sure we’d have recognized each other back there.”
He put his hat back on, giving Isaac an uneasy look.
“You, um... feelin’ okay after all that? After killing Mackintosh, I mean. I know you ain’t no stranger to this sorta thing, but... still. I worry.”
Isaac sighed in an unsatisfied manner, clearly conflicted about the situation.
“I... don’t know how to feel.” He answered simply. “I mean, I’m glad Shay and his men are finally dead, but... I just feel like there’s somethin’ missing.”
Arthur nodded in understanding. “You thought killing Shay would provide a sense of peace. Or justice. You believed that everything would go back to normal once he died, but instead, you just feel empty. That sound about right?”
Isaac fell silent, unsure of how to express his thoughts. “I guess. I just... I didn’t expect him to go so willingly. Eli and the others, they all tried to convince me to spare ‘em. But Shay... he didn’t even fight back in the end. Didn’t argue. Just sat there, and let me...” his eyes fell to the floor, “...let me slit his throat.”
Arthur attempted to offer some perspective. “You ain’t the only one who’s had time to think about Eliza’s death, Isaac. I dunno how Shay was before, but despite how angry I was back there, I can’t deny the man sounded sincere when he said he regretted it. Seems like we all make choices that chain us to our past.”
That piqued the boy’s interest. “What about you, Dad? You ever do somethin’ you didn’t like? Something that... really affected you?”
The other man lowered his head in shame, unable to deny the truth. “Oh... I’ve done many bad things, Isaac. Sometimes they were for the good of the gang, sometimes I was just downright rotten. I don’t wanna fill your head with all that, but... just remember, I’ve seen some pretty terrible stuff during my time as an outlaw. Met some terrible people. And a lot of them started out as decent folk who lost themselves to revenge.”
Isaac quirked a brow. “...Like who?”
Arthur paused at that, still somewhat reluctant to accept his “father’s” true nature. “...Like Dutch.”
The boy’s curiosity grew. “Who is Dutch to you, anyways? Everyone I’ve talked to so far has said that he’s out of his mind, but... you’re tellin’ me you stuck with him for thirty years. There’s gotta be more to him than that.”
“Oh, believe me. There is. In fact, Dutch is probably the most complicated man I’ve ever met. In the beginning, he was like a father to me. Took me in when I was just a boy and taught me to read. Taught me how to fight, too. Hell, pretty much everything I know these days came from him. He was like a mentor and a guardian, all in one.”
Isaac listened intently. “So, what happened? How’d he turn into... what he is now?”
Arthur thought back to his time in Saint Denis, recalling all the moments where Dutch slowly started to lose his mind.
“Well, it didn’t happen all at once.” He explained. “It was a gradual process. Dutch was a man with a lot of responsibilities. A lot of pressure. He had to take care of the gang, think of what we’d do next, and where we’d go. It weren’t easy. Eventually though, the time came when civilization started to spread rapidly throughout the States, and the Pinkertons became more ruthless than ever. They started killin’ our men. Infiltrating our camps. Gettin’ our own people to betray us. It was a goddamned mess.”
“It certainly didn’t help matters when people outside the law started steppin’ on Dutch’s toes, too.” He continued. “There was an oilman -- Leviticus Cornwall. He was a pompous, brazen piece of work. He funded the Pinkertons. Helped them track us down. He was like a thorn in our side that would just never go away. And then, there was another feller. Angelo Bronte. Slimy, Italian bastard livin’ it up with the high society of Saint Denis. He set us up multiple times, and nearly got us killed.”
Isaac shrugged. “So... what’d you do to them?”
“I didn’t do anything. Dutch, on the other hand... shot Cornwall in broad daylight. Right in the middle of Annesburg, no less. As for Bronte, he drowned him in a swamp before throwin’ his corpse to the gators. And this was before our gang fell apart.”
The boy couldn’t deny that even he was shocked by that.
“Jesus...” he muttered. “Can’t imagine how you dealt with him for thirty years.”
Arthur scoffed in an amused tone, coughing a few times. “Neither can I.”
Deciding to change the subject, the older man pushed aside his memories for the moment and flipped the conversation over to Isaac, inquiring about his past.
“What about you, son? What was Shay like when you knew him?”
Isaac chuckled, unsure of where to even begin. “...Shay was always hard to read, back in the day. He definitely wasn’t the worst in the gang, but he weren’t no saint either. I think Eli was the only one who could really bring out his good side. The two of them were like brothers, after all, so Shay listened to him. Though, to tell you the truth, he didn’t stick around for that long. Shay left the gang when I was only... what, ten? Eleven? I don’t remember him that well, to be honest.”
“And what about the rest of his gang?” Arthur asked. “You mentioned there were other men involved?”
“Charles and Thaddeus.” Isaac confirmed. “They were there when Eliza died too. Thaddeus was... distant. A cold-hearted bastard who didn’t give a damn about anything ‘cept for money, but... he taught me everything I know. How to shoot, how to hunt, how to track. He had about as much emotion as a rock, but he had a sense of honor. Believe it or not.”
“What about Charles? What was he like?”
Isaac immediately glowered at the man’s name, crinkling his nose. “He was absolute scum. The worst of the worst. He was a creep, too. There were times when I’d wake up in the middle of the night and see him ogling me. Like a piece of meat.”
A sense of dread sparked inside Arthur. “He never... did anything to you, did he?”
The boy shook his head. “No. Thaddeus wouldn’t let him.”
Arthur sighed in relief. “Well... I suppose there’s that, at least. I’m just sorry I couldn’t find you sooner.”
“Don’t be,” Isaac reassured. “There was no way you coulda known I was still alive. Besides, you’re here now. You chose to follow me despite being affiliated with Dutch, and I won’t forget it.”
Picking up his gun, the boy stood up from the floor and took a minute to glance at the cabin around them, observing the empty space.
“Hey, Dad... d’you think we could stay here? Just for tonight? I don’t think I have the energy to set up a camp elsewhere.”
Arthur rose to his feet, patting dust off his legs. “I guess one night wouldn’t hurt. Dutch and his men are headed for Strawberry, so I doubt they’ll come sniffin’ around here. We shouldn’t stay for long, though. Never know when the law will turn up.”
A sudden thought crossed his mind, leading him to stop Isaac in his tracks.
“Hey, that reminds me. Dutch is convinced there’s a traitor in gang. He thinks that somebody helped you poison the food and also told you about the robbery. Is that true?”
Isaac nodded, slinging his rifle around his shoulder. “Yeah. One of your men approached me while I was stayin’ at the Blackwater Saloon. Offered a lot of information for some cash.”
“Who was it?”
Arthur let out a disappointed breath, placing his hands on his hips. “Goddammit. That snake. So Joe was tellin’ the truth all along. I shoulda known...”
Isaac caught onto his father’s shift in mood, following suit.
“You want us to go after Micah?”
The older man rejected the suggestion. “No. He ain’t worth the trouble. Right now, I just need you to focus on stayin’ alive, and stayin’ the hell away from Dutch. If we happen to cross paths with Micah, then we’ll go from there, but I don’t want you hunting him down like you hunted Shay. Understand, Isaac?”
The young man’s expression flattened in disappointment, but he complied nonetheless.
“...I understand.”
“Good. We got each other now, so let’s not risk our lives for somethin’ we’ve already lost.” Arthur patted his shoulder in an encouraging manner, walking towards one of the bedrooms. “Anyways, that’s enough of that. Let’s make this cabin a bit more homey for the night. We’ve got a long road ahead of us.”
“Okay.” Isaac replied, his tone quieter now. Before the two of them could get to work, he said one last thing to Arthur, feeling somewhat apologetic about his actions in Tall Trees.
“...Dad?” The young man called out.
Arthur turned around, stopping just in front of the door to one of the other rooms. “Yeah?”
Isaac gazed at the floor, admittedly a tad embarrassed. “...I missed you.”
The older man smiled warmly at the comment, wanting to pull the boy into a hug right there.
“I missed you too, kiddo.” He said, wishing Eliza could’ve seen them now. “It’s good to have you back.”
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