#this is not the fluffy gay ship you want
charmac · 20 days
just wanna say I agree wholeheartedly with your tags on that fandom post. I have been following sunny on here since 2015 and there is a constant cycle of sensitive, and frankly delusional people, who claim the show, make crazy headcanons and justifications to make it tolerable and acceptable to them before they eventually shun and condemn the show altogether. it was very bad in 2018 and made me withdraw from the fandom lmao. I remember being most annoyed with the endless woobifying of charlie and the absolute condemnation of dee above everyone else. like, they're all bad. that's the point of the show. I just don't understand how they could stomach it in the first place
You are a warrior, dude.
The reason it took me so long to join Sunnyblr in the first place was the fact that ~early 2020 I was rarely seeing anything here that was based in canon, mostly weird headcanons that made no sense to me, and Reddit genuinely seemed like a more based place to exist for this show.
I literally needed a friend to give me specific accounts to follow because the tag was (and, sorry, lowkey still is) a nightmare. (Though to be fair I’ve been in fandoms on Tumblr for over a decade and literally never liked scrolling tags.)
I got into Sunny and I fell in love with Sunny because of canon. Because it’s so fucking weird and fucked up but it’s FUNNY, and there’s genuinely nothing like it. The characters are horrible stupid terrible people but they’re actually deeply complex and rich to study, so much so that you feel extremely compelled in a multitude of ways to dedicate yourself to some part of them, or all parts of them. But.. if you strip them of those core identities, of what the characters stand for, that compulsion is gone, void, irrelevant.
Because it’s the extremely raw, almost purely acting on basic instinct, unfiltered humanity, worst parts of the self, inability to recognise or follow societal norms aspects of these characters that are relatable. It’s relatable in a way that *should* make you uncomfortable, feel unsettled, and maybe a little relieved that these parts of people can be acknowledged... That’s a unique and interesting feeling, something people engage with media like this to explore and expand upon, and it’s often something that genuinely helps or supports people who wrestle with a lot of the heavy concepts Sunny satirises (and sometimes just, shoves at you head on).
When people start to disregard all of this, for whatever reason they do, that’s when you end up with the Fandom using Sunny Characters as an “ability to project” or (much worse) a “near blank canvas to play with” (because, yeah, if you strip them of their literal reason for being created and continued existence, ofc you lose their whole identity!?)
The problem seems to be that either 1) they just don’t understand the show well enough to get that they’re disregarding this aspect of the plots and characters, and so they genuinely don’t recognise that the fandom for Sunny exists because of these terrible compulsions and insane trauma exploration and that’s why we enjoy discussing and playing with these characters or 2) they do understand this but they can’t engage with it without some kind of personal moral conundrum or extreme discomfort, so they have to sanitise or completely alter the characters to enjoy them.
The thing is, if you fall into category 2, you just don’t belong in the depths of it all, and it’s an unfortunate truth you have to face. If you cannot enjoy canon, if the actual show makes you extremely uncomfortable and you’re only here for a gay ship or to project your gender and sexuality onto one character, you need to go stan something else. I say that with the greatest intentions for you. As Anon here has stated, it’s an insane cycle in this fandom over and over, you’re just going to upset yourself and resent the show and the people here, because we like the canon and the fuckery because that’s what the show is for. That is the literal point of the show at the end of the day.
Now if you’re in category 1, I heavily encourage you to actually *talk to people about the show and the characters*, read analysis, watch the episodes with different frames of reference and in alternate states of mind. Do your own analysis or character work, try and just write out the plot of your favourite episode and put to words *why* you like it. Hell, try and write a fanfic or a spec script from the mind of one of the characters, even if you think you can’t write.
Honestly, honestly, honestly, if you genuinely like this show at face value but you’re only engaging with fanon because you feel like you ‘shouldn’t’ openly enjoy the canon because it’s seen as ‘bad,’ the best thing you can do is have a conversation with someone, or multiple people, who get the show.
That being said, I do wanna open this shell Discord I’ve made to people. For people who *enjoy* the canon, who want to discuss actual Sunny (and also have fun with it, of course!) you’re welcome to join.
A lot of you get it. I’ve made some amazing friends in this fandom and regularly have extremely stimulating and insanely throught provoking convos with the people I’ve met here. I love it, it drives my insane passion for this show and I am eternally grateful to have found people who love this show for what it is. I hope, if you’re struggling to figure out why you like this show or struggling to accept that you like media like Sunny, you reach out or join a conversation and learn to love it too. And if you don’t, if you genuinely hate the canon of this show and only like the version of Macdennis you saw in a dozen different Tiktok edits to Taylor Swift songs, I really hope you move on for your own sake.
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justsomecouscous · 5 months
'in my relationship I only want a guy who's 6ft and has muscles' this 'I want a girl who has a big ass and boobs' that
Nah FUCK that
I want someone to lovingly hold my face in their hands and look adoringly at me then kiss me while the fans scream and cry from happiness after waiting for 5 seasons and the old bitter white men to sit seething in their arm chairs
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
24 min. ago
time sensitive question how flirt boy
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
2 min. ago
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thanks guys
#the fucking radio demon parody account replied to my post #with extremely UNHELPFUL advice #and charlie #is ur advice unisex? #bcuz if thats how you got vaggie #im judging you both #irl source
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⚪️ Anonymous said
r u dead?
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
Ha! Bold of you to assume I can be killed :)
📻 real-radio-demon Follow
4 hr. ago
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Show your face and per’’haps,’,’. I’ll come~.to you
🎀 charlies-angel Follow
32 min. ago
This account is fake. Nobody knows where Alastor is, anon. Stop wasting your time.
#this parody account is in really poor taste
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🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
if I make it outta this alive, I’m gonna tell my crush I’m in love with him.
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
Jul 1
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
1 hr. ago
ya know, I don’t think I’ve confessed to someone and meant it in over a decade?
🕸️ angie-fluffy-bootz Follow
53 min. ago
haha would it be crazy if I said I forgot how?
#its literally part of my job to flirt with people #then i catch feelings and suddenly #i get all tongue-tied #i cant fall back on my old scripts either #he hates bullshit #he wants me #the real me #but the real me doesnt know how to do this!!!
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💀 be-gay-do-crym Follow
2 hr. ago
apparently people are canceling @.niffty-lady ? wtf?
🌕 m00nlight-h0wling Follow
1 hr. ago
they are and it’s actually the stupidest thing i’ve ever seen
#and the bar was really fucking low #considering the amount of dumb chaotic bullshit my dad gets into ↯ #niffty lady
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👓 creepz0 Follow
3 hr. ago
It’s time to CANCEL @.niffty-lady
Here’s why:
Niffty LITERALLY KILLED a man in cold blood and now PROFITS off of his death
This so-called “lady” is INCREDIBLY rude to fans, ignoring requests leaving fans on read and answering asks with a NASTY attitude. NOT very lady-like if you ask me
Is associated with the VERY PROBLEMATIC @.real-radio-demon (self explanatory)
Writes TOXIC and PROBLEMATIC ships (spidermoth, radiohusk, reylo 🤢)
Writes NSFW when she herself is CHILD-CODED
PROOF is under the cut ⬇️
. Keep reading
#callout post ↯ #niffty lady #anti niffty lady #niffty critical
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
3 hr. ago
Despite popular belief, I am not dead!
Well, not any deader than I’ve been since 1933! Hahaha!
↯ #is alastor dead? #ha! no ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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⚪️ Anonymous said
isn’t it disrespectful to write fics about someone you killed irl?
🪡 niffty-lady Follow
4 hr. ago
I have no respect for Adam. Hope this helps! <3
#answered ask #anon ask
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📺 voxblr4k Follow
5 hr. ago
Is the radio demon dead?
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. 96,460 votes • remaining time 6 days, 19 hours
#polls ↯ #alastor the radio demon ↯ #is alastor dead?
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🪡 niffty-lady Follow
6 hr. ago
Forbidden Fruit
Adam x Reader | 10k words | Rated E
⚠️ Major Character Death
Tags: Smut, Whump, Sinner Reader, Forbidden Love, Bad Ending
After a night of reckless passion, you quickly became Archangel Adam’s favorite sin. Your love, as forbidden as the fruit of Eden, was destined to end in tragedy.
#niffty lady fic #adam x reader #angel x sinner #sinner reader #smut #whump #forbidden love #bad ending #rpf #aoos link #aoos fanfic
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
6 hr. ago
Well, it looks like I’ve got some time on my hands!
I’m sure many of you have burning questions you’d like answered
So, ask. me. any’,thing. :)
#ask me anything #ama ↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts
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🐍 x-hiss-lord-x Follow
Dec 12, 2019
i can't have beef with the power of friendship trope because if someone wanted to hang out with me i'd probably reconsider my stance on turning the city into the 10th circle of hell
🐍 x-hiss-lord-x Follow
Dec 12, 2019
besides i can always just redirect my dark urges towards being violently protective of my new friends. there's no rule that says you can't do that.
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
I found Sir Pentious’s old voxblr blog, and I think I’m gonna cry
🌈 hells-disney-princess Follow
7 hr. ago
He made the ultimate sacrifice to protect his friends and the hotel during the extermination. He did exactly what he said he would in this post.
I wish I could thank him for everything he did for us. And I wish I could’ve done a better job of protecting him.
I don’t know where Souls go when they get erased; I don’t know if they go anywhere at all. But I hope that wherever Sir Pentious is now, he’s with people that he considers his friends.
#rip Sir Pentious #we miss you #irl source
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📻 real-radio-demon Follow
8 hr. ago
↯ #alastor the radio demon #real radio demon broadcasts #the ink spots #we’ll meet again #Voxify
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⬜️ voxblr-meta Follow
9 hr. ago
Fanby’s Fake Dash Masterpost
#meta #fake tumblr dash
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physalian · 14 days
How to Make Clean Romance Entertaining
@bananasugarwarrior ask and you shall receive
As an ace/arospec, I approach writing romance very differently than many authors and this is kind of my wish-fulfillment list more than anything.
Biggest detractor of implying anything in scenes you didn’t write: You don’t have those scenes to explore character development. I touched on this in What No One Tells You About Writing #6 and the problem I ran into a few times when writing ENNS and other works is that if you fade to black, you can’t continue important conversation or an exploration of boundaries, or fluffy new emotions, if they’d otherwise be in those missing scenes. Sex scenes are, unfortunately, prime real estate for some rich character development.
So you have to work all that rich character development around it. It’s up to you where you want to draw the line of “use your imagination” but everything up to the missing smut, and after, remains more prime real estate. You have loads of other options to explore clean intimacy and some I borrowed from this list that I reblogged about ways to show non-sexual intimacy between characters.
There’s more to a relationship to explore between your characters than just how good each other is in the bedroom. Here’s a few suggestions:
Tragic Backstory stuff and emotional boundaries
One teaching the other a niche or important skill to succeed/survive
A common physical threat, like monetary problems, job insecurity, sickness, or an actual challenge/quest/adventure/mission
A common emotional threat, like a lack of communication, or exercising an anxiety or phobia, or issues over speaking their minds
A common goal: Marriage, children, a new car or home, competing for joint acceptance into a team/group/club/prize competition
There’s also plenty for your love interests to think about their significant others aside from how sexy they are and how badly they want to get in their pants.
Introvert A can love how much B is an extrovert, or vice versa
A loves that B is good with animals, or children, the elderly, etc
A can love B’s skill and passion for their hobbies or a movement they believe in, or their stances on morality and the actions they take to back it up
A can love B’s skill as a teacher, their patience, kindness, and understanding
A can love B’s relationships with their friends and family, their maturity (or lack thereof), their work ethic
A can love B’s quirks and tics, like how they organize things or if they sing in the shower or how they dance when they’re listening to headphones
Point being:
And take this with a grain of biased salt because I’m ace and think sex is superfluous anyway: If you can’t write your characters in love with each other without sex, I won’t believe they’re in love with sex. Fiction, for me, that takes the narrative shortcut of “these two are the main couple of course they’re going to get together, I don’t have to do any work on writing why they’re in love you just came here for sex” annoy me, and quite a lot of other people, too, if the amount of gay ships that ignore the canon hetero couple are anything to go by.
The arc of their relationship doesn’t have to culminate in sex. Their arc should be specific to what these two characters want to achieve out of a romantic relationship. For a lot of people, that’s sex, but for others, maybe it’s just someone to cuddle on the couch with and watch movies, or someone they can finally trust and let in and be emotionally vulnerable with. Someone they can explore the town with, or travel, or take to dinner. Someone who doesn’t belittle them or laugh at them or disregard their interests.
Substitute relationship climaxes other than sex:
A finally trusts B with a secret they’ve been hiding for fear of ridicule, and B accepts them wholeheartedly (not Liar Revealed)
A and B finally perfect some routine they’ve been slaving over for months (like a dance or if they’re combat partners, a difficult maneuver)
A has been in love, but in doubt, and finally understands that B is The One when B is the only one to show up for A’s big speech/recital/presentation/gallery that no one else cares about
A has never let themselves be in love and it’s something wholly unspectacular that completely bowls them over with an epiphany
A is touch-averse and their biggest leap into physical intimacy is a huge hug, and B can’t be prouder of them
A and B narrowly survive some dangerous situation and have a serious realignment of priorities and newfound mad respect for each other
Actually, circling back to the whole “gay ships that ignore the canon hetero couple” thing:
This has been said before but if you’re looking for how to write a romantic relationship without sex, look no further than the male leads of many mainstream pieces of pop culture. Here, the presumption of romance isn’t built in, thus the writer has to actually put in effort to make these two characters like and respect each other, and give them things to talk about that isn’t just flirting. That’s what makes them feel more believable than the main man’s relationship with the cardboard lady lead.
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littlerat2 · 7 days
"Is now a good time to tell you we're dating?"
Ship: Romantic Prinxiety
Warnings: Kissing. I think that's it but as always, please feel free to let me know if there's any I should add!
Word Count: 822
AO3: Currently unavailable, cause I'm posting this on my phone, and I have no clue how to post on AO3 on mobile, and I'm on a bit of a time crunch, but it should be available on AO3 in a few hours (unless I forget).
Summary: Just some fluffy Prinxiety I wrote very late at night. Probably a little OOC, but it was like, 4 AM, so shhh. Originally wasn't gonna post it, but my friends really liked it, and one threatened to eat my social security card if I didn't XD
Authors Note: Thank you so so so much to @logan-the-artist and @cats-soups for beta reading this fic!! And thank you guys for your kind words, and also for just like, being fuckin' awesome people!
Virgil awoke missing the warmth Roman provided. They’d spent the night cuddling and watching Disney movies, and Virgil had actually gotten some good sleep. But now his prince was gone. He wasn’t there to kiss the pinch out of Virgil’s browline, and play with his hair.
He wasn’t having it.
He got up to look for his prince, shivering as his feet touched the cold floor. He checked the time. It was ten AM, about two hours before he usually got up. He briefly considered going back to bed, but goddamnit, he missed Roman, and he wanted a kiss.
So he walked out of his room and down the stairs sleepily. He was met with Patton, who was tidying up in the kitchen, humming a happy little tune.
“Oh, hey there, kiddo! You’re up early!”
“Morning, Pat,” Virgil mumbled with a yawn. “Have you seen Roman?”
“He’s in the living room with Janus and Remus,” Patton smiled. “Logan might be in there, too. I’m not sure.”
“Thanks,” Virgil said, offering a sleepy smile as he walked towards the living room.
That was a problem. Roman and Virgil hadn’t told the others they were dating yet. Not for Roman’s lack of trying. He’d been ready to tell the others for a few weeks now, but Virgil insisted they wait just a little longer. He wasn’t sure why. He knew the others wouldn’t care, but that didn’t calm his nerves. Thankfully, Roman was being very patient. He said they’d tell the others when Virgil was ready.
Virgil wasn’t ready to tell the others, per say. He didn’t want to have that awkward conversation just yet. But he was ready to stop hiding. And he really wanted to kiss Roman’s stupid face.
Then it was settled. He’d decided. He was going to kiss Roman’s stupid face in front of everyone. And then, he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he wanted to kiss his stupid face ever again.
He stepped into the living room. Janus and Remus were listening to Roman talk about a podcast about gay vampires Virgil had gotten him into. He waved his hands wildly with each passionate word.
Virgil loved how passionate he could get. He loved listening to him talk about his interests. And he loved that he got to share this interest with him. He loved how excited he was to share with Janus and Remus, just like Virgil had been with him.
He made eye contact with Roman. The way his expression softened, just enough for Virgil to notice, and no one else. Oh, it had him smitten.
He all but sprinted towards Roman. He stood on his tiptoes, pulling Roman down by the collar of his shirt. He pressed his lips to Roman’s, his heart pounding in the way it always did when they kissed.
He could feel Roman’s initial surprise fade into contentment, if the way he smiled against his lips was anything to go by. Virgil smiled too, as Roman wrapped his arms around his back, warm and gentle.
He could feel Janus’ and Remus’ eyes on him and Roman, but oddly enough, he didn’t quite care. All he really cared about right now was the lips under his, and the man they belonged to. They were addictive.
He wanted to remain ensnared by Roman’s mouth, but figured he should probably let the taller man return to his conversation. So he leaned against Roman’s chest with a content hum, enjoying his warmth for half a second before looking up at him. A smirk grew on the prince’s face, his eyes alight with mischief, trained on something behind Virgil.
He turned around, seeing Janus’ and Remus’ mouths agape, shock plastered on their faces, as well as Patton’s, who had emerged from where Virgil did just a moment ago.
Roman burst into bright laughter that made Virgil’s chest warm. “Is now a good time to tell you we’re dating?”
The other three just gaped at them for a moment longer, not saying anything even as Logan walked in, his brows furrowed in confusion at the scene.
“Would anyone like to explain why we’re staring at Roman and Virgil?” He asked.
Janus just sputtered for a moment, before giving up. Remus took this as an opportunity.
“I- you- Virgil is dating my brother?”
“You didn’t know?” Logan asked, and Virgil shot him a look.
“You knew?”
“I may be trash at social cues, Virgil, but even I have picked up on the smirks you two share during dinner and movie nights,” Logan deadpanned. “And, my room is right next to yours. You two keep me up all night talking. You aren't exactly quiet.”
Virgil winced lightly. “Sorry about that.”
“That's quite alright. It’s well worth it.” Logan smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling softly. “You two have seemed far happier than I've ever seen you. I'm glad.”
“Aw, thanks, Lo.” Virgil elbowed Logan softly.
“Of course.”
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rybonucleic-ket · 1 year
jack sparrow x male reader
because pirates were historically renowned gays and there's not enough fruity captain jack sparrow out there and jack's fucking hot
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Captain Jack Sparrow x M!Reader
fluffy smut (pretty neutral language for smut, can be read by both cis and trans guys)
I will never use the term y/n in any of my writing if I have any say in the matter.
NSFW, 18+, minors dni
It's not uncommon for you to wind up in the Captain's quarters as night sets in. In fact, it's become a nightly routine. No ladies on the ship, you figured, the man's gotta get release somewhere. You're just glad he chose you.
Jack pulls you into his arms as soon as you close the door, burying his face in your neck, breathing you in. "Hey, love," he murmurs into your skin.
"Evenin', captain," you whisper back.
He hums against your neck, pulling you impossibly closer, bringing you flush against his chest. Just holding you, savoring your presence. That made you feel things. Well, Jack Sparrow makes you feel a lot of things, but loving, domestic touching made you hopeful. Hope is a dangerous thing. You were so sure that you were purely for release, considering the lack of women. There was no way the Captain could feel any different, you were a man.
"I do wish you wouldn't do that, Captain."
"Do what, sweetheart?"
"Hold me like that. it's not entirely fair for you to get my hopes up."
Jack pulled back to look you in the eyes, confused, still holding you. "Love, what'd ya mean? get your hopes up for what?"
"I know you only want me for the lack of girls, 's not quite fair for you to hold me so. bit misleading."
Jack laughed softly. "Darling, what are you on about? I've never seen a lady as beautiful as you. Don't go talking like you're some sort of placeholder," Jack smirked. "And I'm fairly sure you're just as smitten for me."
You scoff in mock offense. "That's quite presumptuous of you, captain."
He laughs, "Oh, is it now?" He scoops you into his arms, carrying you to his bed. "Well, since you're so sure I'd never fancy a man, guess I've gotta show you otherwise, savvy?"
You hum in affirmation.
"What's that, love? can't hear you." His voice is low, bordering on a growl.
You sigh at him. "Well, yes, captain, I s'pose you ought."
To your surprise, he simply hums and snuggles up behind you, kissing the back of your neck.
That fucker. you desperately wanted to cherish your wholesome little moment with Jack, but he'd riled you up, and if the tightness of his pants and the very slight, barely noticable way he was trying to restrain himself from grinding into you was any indication, he was as well. Captain Jack Fucking Sparrow for ya. Insufferable. Incredibly hot. Unbearably loveable.
You press yourself back against him, clutching at his hands around your waist, biting back desperation. "Jack, please."
"Please what, pretty boy?" You can feel him grin against the back of your neck. Fucking prick.
"I want- I need you. please."
Jack sighs dramatically. "Well, y'know, I was planning on just holding you in the way that makes you feel special, but uh," his voice drops, "I'd probably give you anything if you asked like that so.." his breath was hot on the side if your neck. "By all means."
He'd flipped you over to have you on his lap faster than you could say 'savvy'. His hand made its way to the hair at the back of your neck, guiding your head to give him easier access to your mouth. He grinned against your lips at the noise you made when he tightened his grip on your hair, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth, dragging his teeth across the flesh. He kissed you hard, occasionally whispering your name into the kiss. You relished the groan you got from grinding down on his lap; from your current position, it was obvious he was just as turned on as you were, bucking his hips up slightly to meet yours.
"fuck, Jack-"
"'M here, love. How'd you wanna take me, hm?"
"Don't care, you choose, I just- I need-"
"Yeah, sweetheart, I've got you." He gripped the back of your thighs, tilting you down until your back met the bedsheets, legs still wrapped around his hips. He gently parted your legs, the two of you gradually undressing each other between kisses.
He let out a sigh of awe once you were fully undressed. "Fuck, look at you, darling. Beautiful." he planted kisses on every inch of skin he could access. "I've no clue how you'd think you're a stand-in for anyone, such a pretty boy. Absolutely perfect, love."
If you weren't so incredibly turned on, the whimper you let out would've been embarrassing.
Jack saw your desperation as you fisted the sheets, and after getting the go-ahead, he set to work stretching you, making sure it'd hurt as little as possible. You writhed, back arching off the bed, moans escaping you that you could only hope the sound of the sea would drown out. Desperate, you pushed yourself back on his fingers.
"'m ready, please just- fuck, please, Jack."
Jack grabbed the oil from his bedside table, and you thought you'd never seen him lube up so fast
"oh fuck, Jack, please-"
He leans over you, tip pressed against your hole. "Please what, sweetheart?"
"please fuck me already, god-"
Jack smirks as he slides into you. "All you ever gotta do is ask, savvy?"
But the only noise you were producing were moans, strings of curses, and breathless calling of Jack's name.
As he picks up his pace, he practically growls in your ear, "Some day, I'll fuck you like this against the wheel of the Pearl. watch your back arch off the wood, into me." Jack brushes your hair out of your face. "Gonna love you so good."
As his thrusts grow more sporadic, Jack moans out a breathless "I love you." and that's what sends you over the edge. your vision goes white, your toes curl, your nails dig into Jack's shoulder blades as he spills inside you.
You're left shaking in Jack's arms, him running his hands through your hair, telling you how good you were for him. And that's how you drift to sleep, tangled with Captain Jack Sparrow, feeling more loved than you ever have before.
(it's on ao3)
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annie-of-the-arts · 4 days
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[id: art of Doctor Rat as he's shown in the content smp. He's, in this art, depicted as a mermaid. He's also a half-human-half-rat in this artist's interpretation, so he has short, fluffy fur all over his chest and arms and little rat ears. His tail is long and pink, with lighter pink translucent fins that fluff out. In the art, he's laying down on his chest atop some red, textured rocks. Half of his tail is dipped in the water, and the rest is in the water. The tip of the tail is peeping out a little. His hands are held up to his face, supporting it, and he's tilting his head in a cute manner. His eyes are closed, and he's smiling as if he's trying to confince you of something. There's next neart his head that reads "he will sink your ship with the craziest doohickey ever" /end id]
wanted to do something more cool for mermay but meh. have this silly little mermaid rat doodle literally right before it's about to be the gay month. as a treat.
[reblogs over likes, please reblog my artwork it means a lot]
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luulapants · 2 years
Goncharov (1973) is a perfect example of how fandom creates a shell around a piece of media and then slowly erodes the core it was originally built upon.
I have been in two fandoms that echo chambered their way to a theory invalidating all of canon, thereby making the source material itself irrelevant. One is the “Scott is an unreliable narrator” theory from the Teen Wolf fandom, which uses an odd POV choice from the series finale (the protagonist telling the story of their final battle to a character in a flash-forward) as evidence that the entire SHOW is actually him telling a heavily edited version of the story to make himself look like the hero. The other is the “Ghostfacers Effect” from the Supernatural fandom which also uses a weird POV episode (told through camera footage from a ghost hunting crew) to argue that, because the characters swear (bleeped out) in that episode but nowhere else in the series, this is evidence that the whole series is censored and edited by the author/God Chuck.
Both fandoms had animosity between fans and show creators, especially from queer shipping bases. Both have a huge amount of fanworks for those ships, and both experienced the “fandom echochamber” effect. Reinforced by positive responses from those seeking fluffy, kinky, self-insert, or otherwise wish-fulfilling stories, popular fanon characterizations slowly drifted until many fanworks featured characters virtually unrecognizable as their canon counterpart.
These drifts are addressed differently throughout fandom: Most people look at it and say, “No, that’s not canon, but it’s fun to read sometimes anyway,” or “This is just my headcanon.” Fanfic readers who never watched the source material are oblivious and perpetuate fanon characterizations as canon. Canon lovers decry the OOC-ness and complain that they can’t find fics about the actual characters they want to read about.
And some start arguing that fanon is actually more correct than canon.
Thus, the erosion of canon begins. “These episodes don’t count because the head writer was garbage.” “They made the character act like that to advance the plot - they wouldn’t have actually done that.” “Everything after this season is basically a different show.” “This happened off-screen but the network was too cowardly to show us.” And, finally, “Canon isn’t real.”
There is no canon. It’s a fanon shell wrapped around a desiccated center.
It’s Goncharov (1973).
Why do we need a source material? Canon isn’t real!
No shit canon isn’t real. It’s a fictional show.
You can’t argue the objective reality of a fictional story.
“But what’s the truth?”
None of it. None of it is the truth. It’s about werewolves. It’s about a gay angel. It’s not real.
You can argue objective reality in real-life historical accounts, analyzing sources and biases and excluded viewpoints. In a fictional story with an unreliable narrator, you can argue about what the text of the narration reveals about them. But there is no argument to be had about the objective reality of a fictional character. They are the text. Everything else is interpretation.
Why can’t your interpretation be what it is: an interpretation? Why can’t your headcanon be a headcanon? Why do you feel the need to saw the ladder off from underneath you? Why does fanon need to be more “true” than canon? Why would you rather have a fandom built on nothing than a fandom built on a text that disagrees with it?
Goncharov (1973) is the perfect canon because it will never disagree with fanon. It has no voice to do so. It is the perfect void that people have been trying to carve into their respective canons for years.
As Andrey said before his final betrayal, “You once told me you built your empire from nothing. You can’t get something from nothing, Goncharov. And so I fear we are nothing.”
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b5ttyb1tch · 2 months
What Your Favorite Hazbin hotel Ship says About you
I am Basically Roasting you on this
Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie)
You like Fluffy relationships, and When you see Angst you cry (suck it up Buttercup Were all Angsty in this Fandom)
Huskerdust (Angel x Husk)
You just Want The Gay Old men to be Happy and Heal from there Traumas (It's not gonna Happen but I love the Enthusiasm)
Radioapple (Alastor x Lucifer)
You took one good look at Hells greatest dad and Stuck with This one. Or You at first Hated it but ofc the Fan base Sucked you in with Cute Fanart.
RadioDust (Alastor x Angel)
You know That one scene in the Piolet Where Angel offered to Suck Alastors Dick? Yeah Is that the only Reason you ship them or Is it Something else.
GuitarSpear (Lute x Adam)
Something Died Inside of You when Adam Smiled at Lute in his Dieing Breath and You sometimes Stay awake at Night thinking about it (Same)
Staticmoth (Vox x Val)
You Probably Just want to Enjoy this Ship Without Getting a death Threat. But It was worth it When we got the Kiss in the Last Ep
RadioStatic (Vox x Alastor)
You LOVE a Toxic MLM Relationship And Convinced Vox Still has a Crush on Alastor You are Correct
RadioSilence (Vox x Alastor .one sided)
Finally an Alastor ship That would be Some what Realistic, You think Alastor Totally Manipulated Vox Because he Knew Vox had a feelings for him.
SpiderMoth (Val x Angel)
Stay Far away from me.
I see You as the Lowest Dirt and Filth on this Earth, And I Wanted to Kms When I found out this was an Actual Ship.
This was a Joke btw Like what you wanna Like (As long as it's Legal)
Except For the SpiderMoth one I will Take that to My Grave
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kittiwittebane · 5 months
Ok but why people gotta be so aggressive about who’s dating who?
I don’t care if you ship Lunter. I like Huntlow. That’s my opinion. No, im not gonna change it coz you think so. Have your opinion, just don’t go barking at me.
In my OPINION: (see the word opinion)-(you can have ur own)
HUNTLOW/WINTER: bestest ship. Works well. They complete eachother and only have a 1 and 1/2 (approx) age difference, which is pretty normal for teens. My personal favourite. Very cute, fluffy and makes u have the fuzzies. They have a good chance of long lasting relationship.
LUNTER: Lunter would work. Lunter is undeniably a great relationship. Only 2 year age gap (approx), also normal teen age. They go well together. But I headcannon them as siblings. HEADCANNON. So for me, Lunter is sweet home Alabama.
*EDIT: I no longer headcannon Lunter as siblings but I do think they they see each other as siblings.
GUNTER: Look, ship what you want but the age difference is too much for me, 4 years, isn’t a lot, but while in teenage years, it’s a bit weird. Maybe when they’re older, like in their 20’s, but as teens? Not so great. They’re closer to brothers. They would support each other. Good relationship.
HUNTRIC/GOLDRIC: Objectively, there is nothing wrong with it. They’d probably get along super well. Same age. But they haven’t even met. And along with my ‘Luz and Hunter Siblings’ headcannon, it would be a brother-in-law, so also quite incest.
*EDIT: one again, headcannon no longer in use
AMITER: They would fight a bit, both having competitive attitudes and lots and lots of trauma. All the characters have trauma but I think Amity and Hunter as a couple would overthrow the trauma scale. Also I’m a Lumity person, so Amiter just doesn’t work for me.
HUNTLOWDRIC: um. Imma have to go with a no. Nothing wrong with it except the fact: Hunter and Edric have never met, Willow has trauma with Amity despite making it up, dating her brother is a little weird, and again it would all revolve back to the siblings thing.
*EDIT: no sibling thing
SKARA AND/OR VINEY X HUNTER: Both of them would be compatible with him, but I headcannon Viney as Lesbian. Skara, she’d be fine. If Willow didn’t exist she’d probably be what I’d ship Hunter with.
VINEARA: Very goods. I likes. Viney x Skara is good, but not my fav Viney ship. Skara sits with bat boy.
VINEMIRA: Best Viney ship. Viney and Emira. The lebanons. Lesbeans. Lesbiabians. Women lovers. Both headcannoned as lesbiansss.
LUMITY: yes. Shows main ship. Cannon. Works well. Help each other. Just yes.
GUSTHOLOMULE: not a popular ship, but I quite enjoy it. Matt is gay af. I think it’s a cool ship.
GUS X BRIA: no. I don’t- why- why. Why is this… I don’t get it.
ODALIA X ALADOR: it was toxic. It- it was horrible. She was using him. Better be divorced.
LILITH X [ANYONE]: look. shes Aroace. I’m specifically talking about LILITH X STEVE. They good friends. Nothing more. Besides, isn’t Steve like.. 20 and Lilith like 40??
DARIUS X ALADOR: look I gotta say I love it. I just love it. But it would be kind of awkward, as then amity and hunter and (headcannoned) Luz and hunter would be siblings lol.
*EDIT: not siblings
Edit: I MISSED THE FACT AMITY IS A LESBIAN. She cannot date Hunter anyways! *she can but she lesbian so why would she :3
I probably missed a few, but yeah. I think you get the idea.
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Not necessarily super fluffy but rather extremely silly, but you going „I’m a child of divorce!!“ every time you talk about Shuggy now makes me imagine an au where Uta was in the picture before they parted and now both of them have shared custody and it’s like „Every second weekend I go and pick up my daughter from my exes circus.“ or alternatively „LISTEN HERE SHIDIOTS!! THE MOST PRECIOUS AND ADORABLE LITTLE LADY IS GONNA COME OVER HERE THIS SATURDAY AND IF ANY OF YOU MAKE HER CRY OR WANT TO GO TO MY FUCKASS EXES SHIP I WILL BLOW THIS WHOLE PLACE UP!!“
Maybe Luffy can be in the picture as well so she can have someone to scheme with. Get parent trapped idiots!
As a child of divorced parents (irl) I can quite confirm my dad was always saying "Every second weekend I go and pick up my daughter from my exes circus". Actual thing he said.
Luffy and Uta constantly having to stay with Shanks or Buggy seems like a nightmare for them (Shanks and Buggy, not the kids). I personally think Uta and Buggy would get along and she'd love he whole circus thing while Luffy is ALWAYS asking to go back with Shanks. They would plot schemes for Luffy to stay with Shanks and Uta to stay with Buggy and things would not end well. But, you know, despite constantly being chaotic I think Shuggy as parents would be very sweet and protective of them. In this world where Shanks is, like, a good dad or whatever. Btw, the kids would tell Shanks about "a man and dad kissing" and he would enter in the most depressive episode of his life bc his ex husband is now dating someone else (cofcof Crocodile cofcof) and they would say the same to Buggy about Shanks and he'd be extremely mad for, like, no reason tbh (his new bf is Mihawk and that does not mean he has moved on from Buggy btw). They'd try to constantly win the kids' love, and y'know, Uta and Luffy would use this to their advantage 100% (talking from personal experience istg).
Okay, now this is a concept that I absolutely love and I'm gonna keep posting about this later bc I have to go back to work (my REAL job. Not just writing about silly gays on the internet) (God get me out of here).
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graysonnightwing · 13 days
like its the fact that capital f Fandom has unanimously decided that
women characters are uninteresting and probably poorly written anyway so we dont need to think about them ever at all
the only stories worth telling are romance and sexual stories
we Need gay men to not only be represented but be the focal point of every single story told
m/f relationships are shallow, overused and boring and f/f relationship just dont hit the spot i guess?
and so 99% of fics out there are shipping fics about two (white obviously) gay men who fall in love or have sex or both. women characters will show up sometimes to inhabit whatever stereotype is en vogue for that month--mean lesbian, the one with the brain cell, the mother, etc just listing these makes me want to cry--and then promptly fuck off when their role is finished.
like can y'all please think about yourselves and your relationship to misogyny for three seconds?? please. like im literally begging you.
women characters are just as interesting, as passionate, as cruel, as pathetic, as fun, as adventurous, as hot, as as as as as male characters. women characters deserve love stories. women characters deserve to be put in that god awful coffee shop au. women characters deserve to go on adventures and have sex and pine for their best friends. they deserve fluffy stories and angsty stories and hurt/comfort stories and kid fic stories and enemies-to-lovers stories.
because real life women deserve to read these stories and see themselves in fandom!! and when you say "well they're just not interesting to me" you are being misogynistic. examine yourself and get better so your misogyny doesnt have to be my problem anymore.
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crimeronan · 2 months
On the topic of How Do You Handle XYZ Comment, I've always wondered how you handle terrible responses on your toh takes. Like I know the toh fandom doesn't lack piss on the poor reading comprehension and they also really enjoy wildly out of touch takes, but I've never seen any comments on your princess luz stuff of that nature. I'm sure they must be there but maybe I'm too early? But anyway, how do you tend to deal with the "acktually shipping luz and Hunter is incest" and the "ur not a real lesbian because putting amity in a poly ship is lesbian erasure" and the "as a white person kinda sus you make the poc woman an empress" kind of responses? Ones that are technically not hate and maybe if you squint could be from people who aren't inherently trying to do bad but just lack the maturity needed to engage with the internet at large?
this ask made me giggle. honestly, i haven't received as much pushback as you might expect! way less pushback than i expected. in the princess AU, i've gotten a LOT more "this is actually too grotesque for me to stomach" comments than "this is problematic" comments, which is fine. horror-thriller isn't for everyone, those comments do not upset me.
i have had a Few run-ins with bad faith people, whom i mostly block. there's one prolific commenter in toh tumblr fandom who would repeatedly write angry essays on my humor meta posts -- essays that were all about how belos is too evil to be sympathetic and/or about how hunter is a soft gentle boy who shouldn't be jokingly referred to as evil. then they'd go "i can't help my active and conscious decision to type a bunch of rude fucking words and then my active and conscious decision to send those rude fucking words because i'm autistic :(((" around the fourth or fifth time this happened, i was fucking done with that nonsense and finally blocked them. shoulda done it after the first comment tbh!! no more autism exceptions.
as for the rest of it, my main management strategy is to simply.... preempt the bad faith comments?
i had a LOT more unpleasant and conflict-filled fandom experiences when i was in the raven cycle fandom. that was my first exposure to "you can't ship multi-gender polycules if anyone involved is gay" and "queerplatonic het relationships are just heteronormativity shipping that you're trying to get away with." having dealt with those takes before, i've found a few different ways to disarm bad faith readers before they get started.
first is to be super open and honest about my interests. i talk about what i find compelling in different relationships All The Damn Time. it's really hard for anyone to accuse me of only wanting hunter to fuck amity if they've seen, like.... anything i've said about hunter and amity.
same with hunter and luz. the only negative reactions i've really gotten to how they're written in the princess AU is like.... two people being squicked by camila thinking they're romantically involved. i REALLY expected more pushback on the touchyfeely bed sharing stuff, but from what i remember, there's never been Any....? not even from people who consider them siblings.
i expected a lot of pushback on how mean hunter and amity are to each other, since it's taken So much farther than the canon. but it turns out that there's a very large overlap between people who like dark horror AUs and people who like hunter and amity murdering each other. (in a fluffy fic i don't think this characterization would fly Nearly as easily.)
i find that being funny really disarms people, too. when you look at any of my toh meta posts that could be controversial, they're basically all funny. people are a lot more willing to listen to what you have to say if you make them laugh, and it's harder for them to get angry at you.
and then the last thing is that i think i'm in sort of a privileged position in toh fandom. i've written a lot of controversial subjects and relationships and characterizations.... but i've also written some WILDLY popular mainstream fic. and people who like the mainstream fic don't really want to beef with me about differing niche opinions, bc there's a level of respect there. which they might not have for a writer they don't like.
but anyway. when things Do happen, i almost always just block and move on. there are so many people here who get what i'm talking about that there's no need for me to try to convert people who don't, you know??
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kamikothe1and0nly · 2 months
Hey! Are you a writer? Do you want some art? Well I have a deal for you!
Okay listen up pookies! I want a fanfic! I would pay you but I’m a broke ass bitch. HOWEVER, I can draw. So I’ll make you a deal.
You write me a fedex sick fic! And I’ll draw you want ever you want! It can be anything! A ship, characters from a different fandom, a ship from a different fandom, it can even be your oc!!! I don’t care! I just need my god damn fedex sick fic!
I want a fanfic were either Fitz or Dex are sick. I don’t care who, I don’t care what kind of sickness they have. It can be a cold, stomach bug, it can be poisoning, I don’t care! I just want one of them to be sick and the other taking care of them!!!!
It can fluffy, it can be ansy! it can be both!
You write me this fic you’ll draw you whatever your heart desires!
Do we have a deal?
(Yes I did tag people, I need this.)
Tag list:
Tag list:
@cowboypossume @loverofallthingssmart​ @delphicstrawberries @imaramennoodle @sunset-telepath​ @cadence-talle @where-in-the-world-are-we-blog @disasterlesbianmarella @fanartofthelostcities @sofia-not-sophie @cowboypossume @lookingatmymoodring @dragonwinnie-kotlc @cloudivity​ @constellations-and-kotlc @squishmallow36 @the-resident-gay @booksscienceandmath @archived-and-moving @bluedoodles0 @stellasencen @faggot-friday @crazedfangirl14​ @three-bunnies-in-a-trenchcoat @callas-pancake-tree @that-glasses-dog @nyxpixels @uni-seahorse-572 @corruption-axe @fucked-up-mover-shaker @katniss-elizabeth-chase @frostedforestfairy ​ @kale-of-the-forbidden-cities @arson-appreciation-society-pres (if you'd like to be removed/added let me know.)
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gothicgender · 3 months
What is your favorite HH ship ?
Can you write some headcanons or small one shots about them ? Can be either fluffy or suggestive !
Thank you :D
I personally, am inlove with Chaggie. I mean, Charlie and Vaggie are definately made for each other. I hope they never break up and get married and live forever. They are cherrisnake are my parents fr fr.
I think I might do a cherrisnake too because the two of them are too cute for me and I love their dynamic
Fandom : Hazbin Hotel
Type : headcanons
Genre : fluff/ romantic, suggestive
Warnings : lesbians, canon x canon, curse words, suggestive words.
Summary : Chaggie relationship headcanons
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I think they fell for each other istantly.
Like I think they fit the love at first sight dynamic.
But I dare to say that Charlie fell first and Vaggie fell harder.
They are the time of lesbian couple to get married after a short amout of dating.
I think that Charlie tought Vaggie to do stuff that normally don't happen in heaven. (for example about the internet, about gay relationships and about the sins. maybe about sexual activity too)
Because Charlie is the princess of hell so I thin she can travel around the rings off hell. I believe whenever she comes back she brings Vaggie a souvenir and a few photos.
Chalie learns spanish for Vaggie.
Vaggie is ticklish and Charlie always takes advantage of it whenever they have small fights or for when she wants to convice Vaggie about something (it doesn't always work)
We see that Vaggie is more harsh and protective even tho Charlie is more powerful then her. I think Charlie always lets Vaggie defend her because she thinks it's romantic (and a little hot).
Charlie definately collects hell version of squishmallows and Vaggie always buys her one after an argument or for special occasions.
Vaggie likes to play with Charlie's hair.
They for sure take hot and long baths togheter, just enjoying each other.
Both girls are usually pretty good about self care, But Vaggie does have to gently remind Charlie of the time and lead her to bed often.
They're both cuddly but Charlie is the koala-type cuddly while Vaggie is the one to be held like a kid. Sooo they are made for one another.
Let's be real, they are both bottoms. I imagine their first time being a little awkward and them just staring at one another butt naked on the bed.
I don't think they are addicted to sex but I think that they do it one special occasions like their birthdays, anniversaries or stuff like this.
They don't seem kinky or to be into stuff like Angel is. I think they are fine with vanilla sex, maybe rough when they are stressed.
If they could listen to music from the human world I think Vaggie would listen to Mitski, Girl in red, Marina and maube Alex G. But Charlie would like Lana Del Ray, maybe Taylor Swift and Melanie Martinez.
Chaggie is one of my favorite ships because I love their dynamic and lore and just really like how their ship is portayed.
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Ughhhh I love them so much, I want to cry all the time when I see them being a couple.
I might do a Zestrial x Carmilla one because they don't get the love they deserve.
Anyway thank you for requesting, it was fun to do this one !
Thank you for requesting, darling.
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kanai-ward-census · 7 months
Kokobolt propaganda
"dunno how 2 explain it but they care for each other a lot and actually think each other is cool and they r so good 4 each other and i like them a lot"
"They may seem like the cute fluffy gay ship in every piece of media, but let me propose, the angst potential they have. Imagine, Yuma leans more attraction to girls like Kurumi & Fubuki, and Desuhiko falls head over heels in love with him from their initial interactions. The girls have a bigger chance of being with Yuma instead of Desuhiko which leads to his jealousy of the girls because he isn't a girl therefore he can't be with Yuma. He's jealous but also wants what's best for Yuma, so he lets him go. Desuhiko being a bi/pan disaster. He wants what Yuma has-- being wanted by someone but also jealous that he can't even be with Yuma."
"They're gumshoe gabs are so cute. Yuma has the chance to hit on Desuhiko in his first gab, and in his 4th gab Desuhiko says a man wouldn't be a deal breaker for him (trans rights and bi confirmed!). Plus, the way he calls Yuma his man is both an endearing nickname, but also comes off as really gay in some cases. It also comes off in the 5th gab like he was about to confess but chickened out at the last moment. He also blushes when Yuma compliments him and he wrote him a whole song (I wish we could have heard, 'The Song of My Man'). That sounds more than just buddies. And in Yuma's case. He calls Desuhiko amazing and compliments his abilities. In the mystery labyrinth he even blushes when he says it was thanks to Desuhiko's forte they managed to do the investigation. While he doesn't join his band, he's sincere about being his fan. They're just so sweet and wholesome (which is hilarious considering how crass Desuhiko can be). They just feel like opposites attracts. Warm and cold colours, sun and moon. Also, Desuhiko literally jumped in front of a gun for Yuma. Someone he'd only really gotten to know that day. Feels very love at first sight. Also, adding my screen shot from the game to the ask box too."
"They are silly awkward bi boys your honor"
"You cannot look at Desuhiko's gumshoe gabs and say that he is cishet. You cannot. Also Yuma is like the only person that's shown genuine interest in Desuhiko's likes and opinions and that takes him out of his comfort zone so hard because he's so used to everyone dismissing or looking down on him. He makes him so vulnerable. Desu is also willing to take a bullet for him (literally) and offered to exchange roles in the mystery labyrinth because Yuma looked to be having a bad time. Your honor they are homosexual"
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