#this is fem buggy to me btw
ajitomiel · 6 months
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
i am certainly having a buggy moment and sometimes posts should stay in the drafts
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vongulli · 6 months
I have a little suggestion/idea if you don’t mind! Can you draw young fem crocbug?
AHH THANK YOU!! They’re so cute to me, I can’t stop drawing them also AH ! Here they are!! If Croc was an apprentice with buggy I feel like they wouldn’t have separated 😭…
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Hey first off, GIRL YOUR WRITING IS GREAT AND I LOVE YOUR HEADCANONS, but anyways I wanted to request a gf headcanon Mihawk x black/mexican (I'm mixed) fem reader if that's okay. Please and thanks.
A/N: OH STAWP— ur too kind! And ofc :)❤️‍🔥 U didn’t specify sfw or nsfw so I’ll do both if that’s alright lol. Also alotta people been asking me to write for him so I gotchu. Enjoy!
Mihawk with a Mixed Girlfriend Headcanons (SFW/NSFW)
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…so I like HC him as Part Hispanic too…so let’s pretend he is.
He’s so romantic??? But it’s not like intentionally romantic I mean he’ll do such sweet gestures without thought towards you and it’s really sweet
He actually enjoys having a GF that is a bit more cheery. It livens him up and makes him feel young so he says💀
He is so passive aggressive towards other men he doesn’t respect that is around you that seem a bit too close for comfort
And don’t get me started if y’all encounter some racist mfs
He takes you along on his trips if he ever leaves but he always wants to make sure you can fight so he trains you every once in a while with his “smallest blade”
You get flustered a lot because he’s very HANDS ON
Will wrap his arm around yours, breathing down your neck and poor boy doesn’t realize you’re not even paying attention you’re just enjoying his warmth and minty breath
Btw…mf smells AMAZING idc who said what he smells like Dr. Bonners Peppermint soap w a hint of expensive cologne
If you can speak Spanish he loves hearing you speak it he’s very open to learn about whatever culture you embrace
He also encourages you to embrace it
Ngl hes very blunt so do expect him to act it around you.
“I don’t understand why you don’t want to wear the dress just because your rolls are showing? You still look stunning.”
Like he’ll sound rude af sometimes but he means no harm😭
He’s not really into PDA he likes to keep his hands in his lap or free when he needs to draw his sword out.
IT IS VERY HARD TO FLUSTER HIM. The most you’ll get is a small smirk but he’s a very deadpanned man
You swear you saw him blush once when showing him the dress he got you but he denies it with his whole heart
You have met Shanks while with Mihawk and though Shanks kept flirting with you Mihawk didn’t care because he trusted you
No you did not flirt back
One of his favorite things is to do with you is bathe you for some reason. He loves seeing you wrap your hair up in a bun or scarf and sometimes he will join you and he will sip wine while he cleans you up or do it while sitting on the edge of the tub.
He enjoys seeing you bully Buggy.
If you give him a gift he may seem like doesn’t care but he has every single gift you ever gave him in a trunk
You’ve seen his porn book collection and yes he has given you some books to read so you both can discuss it together
He does that thing where as you’re talking he will move your hair behind your ear so he can see your face
Or just like adjust any clothing on you whether it’s your bra strap showing or your shirt
He subconsciously kisses your knuckles when he holds your hand
He has caught you wearing his hat and impersonating him in the mirror and he scared the shit out of you when he spoke up but he found it cute
Speaking of him scaring you the mf might be bigger than you but he creeps on you a lot
Like just pops tf out of no where it’s so random
He is the type that enjoys your company a lot so sometimes you both will be in his room or somewhere quiet just doing your own thing. As long as You’re there he is okay.
He doesn’t speak his feelings and his communication skills aren’t the greatest. he’s very hard to read especially when he probably isn’t feeling well so you have to guess a lot and sometimes it can be straining
Mihawk however can read you like a book and sometimes have even assisted you before you even felt bad? It was like he had some kinda 6th sense.
He calls you “little one” a lot
Alotta Head pats too
This is a touch starved man.
He has had only less than a handful of lustful nights with women before he met you but they didn’t mean anything and very forgetful.
However since you’re his woman he does want to learn what you like so sometimes while you both talk about the latest books you’ve read he’ll ask you what part of the sex did you like. If you’re willing to ignore his casual bluntness the conversation can last smoothly
“So, you enjoyed reading how the male character bent his lover over and—“
“Yup! Yes I liked that alot.”
He attempts it and aces it.
Mihawk is an exceptional lover he learns fast and always studies your reactions when he has sex with you
His libido is actually quite high, he is also very blunt about it
The moment Perona is out the room or he has finished training Zoro he greets you with a kiss on the forehead
“Y/N would you like to have sex tonight before bed?”
..that’s as good as you’re ganna get with his dirty talk.
His body is so smooth? Like mf silk or something you always catch yourself rubbing his body when under him
He makes absolutely no noise.
His face does gets hot and he’ll bite his lip slightly watching you bounce on top of him but that’s all you get
There was like a few occurrences where he moaned out your name but it was so low you thought you miss heard
He loves your legs and neck. ALOT
If it was up to him He will spend his entire life between your thighs he loves the taste of you.
He’s very slow and calculated with his tongue movements he usually test out different pace to see what your body reacts to and goes with that
Speaking of he’s more interested in how what your body says than you
You’ll scream for him to go faster but the way your legs are already twitching and shaking from his deep slow thrust he keeps his same pace
And you’re grateful for that because you cum like a whore every single time
He doesn’t get caught up with how you look. If you’re hairy, have scars, cellulite, whatever he doesn’t care if you’re comfortable then that’s all that matters
His kisses are always so passionate and you always want him to kiss you more but he doesn’t ever want to get caught doing so so you Gatta suffer a little bit
No worries though because you can be as touchy as you want with him when you both are in bed
There has been times he went through sex without cumming once and when you found out you felt horrible and that maybe you didn’t feel good to him, however he explained to you that you felt more than amazing it’s just he likes to focus on making you satisfied rather himself
Yeah no you didn’t take that lightly so one night you offered to suck him off and then ride him. He didn’t oppose but he still wanted to make sure your pleasure came into play
Don’t worry it did he fingered you as you sucked his cock it was a great time
Mihawk does have a bit of an obsession with heels. He loves seeing you wear them and if you ever decide to do so with no clothes on he may MAY feel like going feral
He doesn’t like when you cover your mouth he wants to HEAR you
If you’re up for it he’ll kiss and lick your toes up to your cunt and eat you like that. He’s done it once and it was so attractive because his gaze never left yours
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Buggy the Clown x Fem!Reader Enchanted meeting (Part 1)
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Authors Note:
Hello everyone!! This is my first time writing so please tell me what you think! I'm sure we've all seen the live-action one-piece. And I've taken a strong liking to a certain clown. Please enjoy as I spin this tale. There's a good deal of flirting, banter, and much more. Definitely going to be a slow-burn fic. If anyone is a little out of character I do apologize. Btw, this is not set in a specific arc but the straw hat crew is included as follows: #MonekeyD.LUffy #RoronaZoro #Nami #Usopp #Sanji #TonyTonyChopper #NicoRobin #Brook #Sanji
Anyway, on with the show!!~
Screams and cursing erupted everywhere. As far as safety was concerned, there was none. Who knew that going into the forbidden tundra of ice and snow for ice cream would be such a bad idea?
It didn't matter now anyway. The wind whipped at your cheeks as a pair of familiar gummy arms stretched around the crew. There was no ability to see five feet in front of you. After much pushing and shoving the steering wheel was turned and the Thousand Sunny began to fight back.
Finally, with mercy, the storm had to spit you and your crewmates out. Where? No clue. None. The feeling of sand and splintered wood accompanied you all before the darkness followed.
---------------------------------------------------- Current time-----------
"Y/n?!" a voice called out. Opening your eyes hurts like hell. The sun was too bright. And the sand was too cold. Wait... sand?!
Rolling over onto your back the sun's sharp rays began to bore their way into you. Suddenly, a fluff clown covers you. "Y/N!! YOU'RE ALIVE!" Luffy, the sweet goof that he is, crushes you in a tight hug cutting off your oxygen
"Alright, give the girl some space," Nami pulls at the arm closest to her. "What the fuck, happened?" You sit up slowly. "Well-" "THE FUCKING SHIP BROKE!" Heads turn towards a sobbing Usopp trying to rub two pieces of wood together as Sanji comfortingly pats his shoulder. Not too far away, Zoro stands quietly looking over the horizon. A sigh escapes your lips as you deflate into Nami's arms. This could not get any worse. Until a thought hits you.
"Wait, where are the others?" you begin to sit up and look at Nami again. "Robin and Chopper are trying to salvage what they can. Brook got buried under the sand for a while so he's resting." You nod and try to take it all in. So far everyone was alive and counted on. But where were you? Climbing out of Nami and Luffy's company you decided to have a look around. Items were thrown about the beach everywhere including large piles of ice and snow making for a strange scene.  
There’s a moment of uncomfortability that you register but don’t address. Silence never bothered you, but one thing was for certain. You and your family were stranded, highly wanted criminals, with no proper way of fixing the ship unless there wasn’t that much damage. Your feet stop as you come across the sight before you. “Shit.” 
Half the fucking ship was missing. Well, to be exact the giant ram's head was half buried in the snow. The middle of the left-hand side of the haul was cracked open with continents spilling out. As you got closer you could see Robin and Chopper creating piles of things salvageable. A little bit past them lay Brooks looking more lifeless than you’d ever seen him. 
Robin’s eyes caught yours and she waved you over. Watching out for glass and wood you made your way to the haul and placed a hand on the still damp wood. How could everything have changed so quickly? One moment you were all enjoying a frozen treat. The next, holding on for dear life as the elements took their wrath out on you for trespassing. Seeming to read your mind Chopper tugged Robin's leg. 
 “No need to worry,” Robin said as she pressed a compass into the empty palm of your hand. “I think I know what island we’re on. It’s very secluded on this side so we should be fine. However, the other half holds a very populated town known for carpentry. We just might be saved.” Well, that was the first good news all morning. Zoro had been voted to go with you and pick up some supplies. Also so that he didn’t get lost and have the crew spend 14 years to find him. But the walk was pleasant and you took turns humming different toons until you got to the outskirts of town. 
The sound of laughter could be heard as some decorations and flags waved in the air. Seemed like a festival was taking place. Perfect! With all the chaos no one could possibly recognize you both. Zoro managed to find materials needed for the ship while you gathered more basic supplies. However, something about the crowd drew you in. Zoro would be busy for a while so might as well look around,... right? 
The middle of the market square was filled with bright colors, noises, and various performers. You made sure to stick to the walls of the town. However, the cheers and yells for more soon had you stepping closer until you found yourself in the middle circle of a performance act. A slightly chubby man who resembled a sheep was fighting with a pink lion and a green-haired man.
While the act was obviously for kids. You couldn’t help but smile as the three began to fight until a man with blue glasses and a strange ponytail ushered them to stop. He whispered something to them and the expressions of fear were almost completely masked. Then as if the fun had been sucked away, they began to bow and pass out folders. You reached forward to receive one from the lion, thanked him, and began to retreat to where you had last seen Zoro. “Well?”
You held out the flier, “We could kill some time tonight?”
Author's note: This was Chapter 1! Sorry if it's a bit short. Don't worry though. I have more planned. Please share and like my post so I know to continue with this. Also, just as a nice little tidbit.
I am downbad for this clown.
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Part 2
Like they didn't have to make the live action cast so hot. (Yes, yes the fuck they did.) Now, I found him funny in the anime. But, live action? DAMNNNNNN!!!! I think his eyes are so fucking pretty. His jaw and neck look like they need some special attention. Cheekbones? Biteable. Like I DEMAND to see more of this man. Oh, btw, reader gets very flirty and sassy as the story goes on.
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an-au-blog · 7 months
Fem Buggy could technically detach her tiddies just ever so slightly and have them levitate / lift them away from her body so it gives if the optical illusion of her wearing a bra even. She could even hold them still while running or even fucking use them as an attack as you think of it. The chop chop tiddy smash!
That is both genius and hilarious omg
This made me giggle ngl. Imagine fighting a freak show of pirates and then you hear "Chop chop tiddy smash!" and getting K.O.-ed by a detached breast. Absolutely hysterical to me ahahaha
Love this!
She would be smart enough to levitate them btw, canon Buggy uses his charms to the max to get out of (or in) situations, I feel like fem Buggy would do it so much more often. And knowing how Oda draws some women, fem Buggy would be absolutely gorgeous (because let's be honest... Oda freaking loves Buggy just as much as we do, he'd make her stunning). She would master manipulation enough to rival Nami hahaha
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layla4567 · 11 months
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i opened requests btw (sorry if it took me a while to answer them)
Peter maximoff:
Imagine with quicksilver
One shot/ Peter maximoff
Imagine: a relaxing shower
You know what I mean
I'm not doing it
Nursing day
Headcanons of Loki
Imagine with Loki
Headcanon: Loki as a dad
Headcanon: Loki notices that you are on you period
Celtic ballad
In the meadows
The waterfall
SFW alphabet
NSFW alphabet
I don't trust you
Dance for me
You're being mean
Awful things to you
The stars are closer
A merry christmas (lokius)
Mobius meet your child with loki (uncle mobius)
Too close (Brad wolfe/Hunter X-5)
Scars (Brad Wolfe)
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley:
Little imagine with Steven Grant
I'm just a librarian (on going)
headcanon: the boys with pets
Headcanons of Bucky
Adam Warlock:
Would you help me?
Adam Warlock headcanons
Drabble (wandavision AU)
Teach me
A lullaby, a lotus flower and a cardinal
Evan Peters
Colin Zabel:
Magic night
Vaccines are good
Birthday girl
The bear
Working together
Will Poulter:
Behave well
That's how the money works
Lewd pollen
Bruce Wayne
Let me take care of you
Star Wars
Cal Kestis:
May the force be with you
I'm right here
Are you afraid of the dark?
Mr. Tophat:
My Ballerina
Are you lost?
The hunger games
Coriolanus Snow:
Until the birds stop singing
One Piece Live Action
Opla boys with a short reader headcanon
Time for hugs (Luffy sfw drabble)
Sanji with a mechanic reader headcanon
The straw hats hearing your laugh for the first time
Sanji with a fem reader with long hair (headcanon)
The medical (sanji)
Me gustas tu (Luffy)
Until we meet again (Mihawk)
Sweet as peaches (Sanji fluff drabble)
Until we meet again pt2 (Mihawk)
A whole new world (Shanks)
A whole new world pt2 (Shanks)
The straw hat with a spanish speaker
Wild west au/ monster trio
Opla men with a spanish speaker pt2 (mihawk, buggy and shanks)
Sanji with a reader who loves to collect trinkets (headcanons)
Morning routine with Sanji
Take off the sails
Monster trio buying sanitary pads
Valentine's day is for fools
Until we meet again (final part)
Old men with a short reader (buggy, shanks and mihawk)
Halloween costumes with the straw hats
Hot cocoa (Hunter D90-Loki series)
I'm right here (Cal Kestis-Star wars)
Dance for me (Loki-MCU)
My silly little man (Mobius-Loki series)
Visitors (Mobius)
Sanji with a rapunzel fem reader
Are you lost? (mr.tophat)
A little bit of mischief (D90 loki series)
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plutoswritingplanet · 2 years
My AO3 Profile (there’s a lot of old cringey stuff there btw)
Stranger Things
Peter Ballard (Henry Creel/Vecna/001)
White Rabbit (x Fem!Reader) PART 1 , PART 2
Ptolemaea ( x Fem!Reader oneshot)
Peter Ballard and Child!Reader (requested, oneshot)
The Skin (x AFAB!Reader requested, oneshot)
Moon Knight
Jake Lockley
Release (x Fem!Reader oneshot)
Arthur Harrow
Knives Out (x Fem!Reader oneshot)
The Black Phone
The Grabber
Stop, Hammer Time (x AFAB!Reader oneshot)
Peter Pan 2003
Captain James Hook
Lady Disdain (x AFAB!Reader oneshot)
Arcane (League of Legends)
And I’ll Be Like Sugar (x AFAB!Reader oneshot)
Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin
Zeke Yeager
Cross The Line (x AFAB!Reader)
Far Cry 3
Hoyt Volker
Moon River (x Reader)
One Piece (Live Action)
Dracule Mihawk
Taking What’s Not Yours (x Reader)
Buggy The Clown
You Started It (x Reader) - Part 1. Part 2.
Mortal Kombat (games and movies)
Shang Tsung
Unpunishable (x F!Reader)
The Saw Franchise
Mark Hoffman
Enabler (x F!Reader)
Ring Of Fire (x F!Reader) - Part 1. Part 2.
Dune (Villeneuve movies)
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
It’s A Special Death You Saved (x F!Reader) - Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.(finale)
Strip Me Down And Paint Me Black (x F!Reader) - Part 1.
Fallout (Amazon TV Series)
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul
Hand That Feeds (x F!Reader) - Part 1. Part 2.  Part 3.
Lost (2004 TV Series)
Benjamin Linus
The Secret of Drowning (x F!Reader) - AO3 link
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ilikedetectives · 4 years
hey mate! how is AC Valhalla so far?? I haven't bought it yet because I really liked AC Odyssey and I've seen a few changes not for the better in early access playthroughs on youtube etc. what you do think of it?
I’m only 1 hour in so far (gameplay, not including photomode-ing), but my suggestion is wait for the game to go on sale like ~$30 w/ season pass included, especially if your only concern about the game is fem!Eivor. After playing Ghost of Tsushima, AC Valhalla is miles and years behind. If you like Odyssey, I can’t say if you’ll like Valhalla. Pls go buy GoT this Black Friday instead.
The game is BUGGY rn (save files corruption, players can’t continue quests, navigation icons disappearing, etc.) I get it they release the game a week early to avoid CP2077 so they’ll probably need a few weeks to fix some game-breaking bugs.
Melee combat is worse than Origins now that they add stamina, horse has stamina too btw (lmao). Finishing moves are awesome, but in order to get there to watch that animation, get ready to suffer through 2015 combat mechanics. I have to go play GoT MP to cleanse myself afterwards (also cuz its combat mechanic is addicting and fun af, yet challenging).
I heard they add stealth but I don’t play as a Viking to do stealth. If I wanna play as a badass assassin, I’ll go play GoT Legends mode, even they got stealth right and not just combat. But I’ll probably resort to use stealth because the combat is unbearable.
You have to manually pick berries and fish to heal yourself, no medicine shop and no auto heal once you’re out of combat.
The skill tree is the worst I’ve seen. Expect to have like 200+ ability points or something because they don’t want to stress you with level, but you need 200 “power” instead lololol.
The story doesn’t hold my attention. I snooze whenever they talk about the cREeD. It’s good they are returning to their roots, I personally don’t care enough about AC to follow their ‘assassin’ story, lost interest after the Ezio trilogy. I play this game for one purpose: badass Viking lass, that’s it.
THERE ARE FEWER OUTFITS, probably around 11 or something excluding the Helix ones (which don’t seem to even have 1080p textures, talk about cross-gen title with mtx). No transmog (hopefully they’ll add it in later). Meanwhile, GoT outfits, oof! Also tattoos are great but they’re 720p at best (if you don’t take photos, this shouldn’t be a concern).
The navigation system is the worst among all the AC games I’ve played (Ezio, IV, Unity, Syndicate, Origins, Odyssey). Marking a location on the map doesn’t do shit! I have to glue my eyes on the tiny ass compass on the top of the screen to see where I’m going. The bird is also useless, don’t bother using it except for photomode.
Your side quests aren’t tracked (yes, really, get ready to forget what side quest ya have cuz I don’t even know if I accept one or how many I have)
I don’t even know if I completely clear a location, the game doesn’t tell me
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genderqueer-dream · 4 years
hi :3 !! sorry if im being buggy but do u know any terms and genders for the feel thats rly fem? im tryna find out as many atm cuz none seem to get it 100% right, love this blog btw, its helped me find out a lot abt myself :D
I'm glad you like it!
Let's see, there's magigirl, hemigirl, girlby, femproche, Comfem and fingender!
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