#this could become
teecupangel · 7 months
Hello. You're one of the best fanfic writers on tumblr since I come. Your writings are just masterpiece. I like when you send Desmond back in time but It would be great to send his ancestors to moderday. Mabey before Desmond geting kidnaped. Ir happened like this:
Master assassins were always watching. Desmond. The one that they sacrificed themselves for. Altair and Connor were quite alright with this fact but Ezio… The emptiness he felt inside in the vault… He could never forget it. It was actauly obvious that he hated Desmond for it. But he always wanted the prophecy go as it was writen and the day Desmond ran away from the farm. He couldn't help but getting mad. Altair always tried to make him undrestand Desmond. The weakness he felt in the farm how he was treated by his father… Ezio could undrestand but his family, his love, his happiness, they were all gone because of that stupid kid. So he wanted to make everything go as planned. What if they could protect him from Abestergo? But not from here. The grey was a strange place. All illusions could come real. So he used this to make himself strong enough to protect the chosen one. The creation he chose to shift to was a khanivore!!! A creation made to kill. And with the power of shapeshifting he could always be there for Desmond.
So we have a khanivore keeper for Desmond that can shpeshift to a human. A white khanivore with red lines all over his body like the robes of a mentor. I was thinking it would so cool a Desmond with one badass khanivore by his side. They could destroy templairs together. And in the way of it they will learn how to get along with each other or mabey romance. And it will be funny to see Desmond trying to teach Ezio how to use modern tech. Can you add details. I love the way you give life to these characters. I love youuu❤❤❤
Thank you! ❤❤❤
For those unfamiliar with a khanivore, it looks like this:
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So in this scenario, Ezio has complicated feelings for Desmond. He knows he shouldn’t hate him, Desmond was also a victim of ‘fate’ as Altaïr would sometimes say whenever he sees Ezio’s frustrations bubbling beneath the surface while they were in the Gray.
Ezio understood that.
But sometimes he just doesn’t get Desmond.
He wasn’t like Ratonhnhaké:ton who had a complicated relationship with his father just as Desmond had.
He wasn’t like Altaïr who had a similar isolated upbringing as Desmond had.
It was times like these that makes Ezio wonder why he was even Desmond’s prophet.
Altaïr or Ratonhnhaké:ton would have been better.
They would have understood Desmond more than he could ever had.
He didn’t understand it.
And that feeling of his is what turned to frustration, to hatred.
He always tried to stomp it out but sometimes, it would just flare up whenever he sees Desmond wasting his time just… doing nothing.
Staring at the sky.
At the woods beyond the Farm…
Ezio was tired.
So tired.
He spent his life as an Assassin being a puppet dancing to the tune the Isus created for him.
As an opening act to Desmond’s story.
And when he finally died, he was transported here instead of being with the people he loved.
All because of Desmond.
So when Desmond ran away from the Farm, Ezio was furious.
Ratonhnhaké:ton tried to calm him down, tried to remind him that Desmond was still sixteen.
Altaïr kept quiet.
The only time he spoke during that time was to say that he understood Desmond’s choice.
And that they should honor his decision to live his life the way he wants to live it.
But Ezio couldn’t agree with that.
Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton had always had a soft spot for Desmond, had always been more forgiving.
He couldn’t understand why Altaïr could think that way. Ratonhnhaké:ton had been with them since his death, he’s only been stuck in the Gray for more or less three centuries. He probably still doesn’t feel that bitter loneliness that Ezio feels.
But Altaïr?
Altaïr had been stuck here longer than Ezio had been.
Maybe that was what was different between them.
Altaïr had the patience that Ezio no longer possessed.
So Ezio planned.
And creates a body he could use to get out of the Gray.
To drag Desmond back to the Brotherhood.
Unorganized Notes:
Ezio has been so focused on creating the khanivore that he hasn’t seen how Desmond is doing after leaving the Farm.
When he leaves and goes to the modern time, he’s floored by how much Desmond had grown and becomes conflicted when he realized that this was the first time he had ever seen Desmond smiling in a very long time. No. It was the first time he had ever seen Desmond happy for a very long time.
Ezio uses the khanivore as his body but can shapeshift to a human form. He visits Desmond in the bar but don’t talk to him. Contemplating on his next plan.
Desmond thinks he’s super sus but his coworkers think he’s just shy and might have a crush on Desmond with the way he keeps staring at Desmond then looking away whenever Desmond turns to face his direction.
Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton remain in the Gray but they try to contact Ezio at times, usually hijacking radios and any other electronics nearby. After a while, Ezio gets a phone so they could just… call him. (like the phone rings and they can talk for a few seconds, maybe a minute, before it drops because signals sucks in the Gray)
Ezio spent a lot of time not sure of what to do now because he’s not an asshole who would just yank someone away from their happiness but, at the same time, Desmond needs to become an Assassin to save the world. So yeah, he’s torn. It doesn’t help that Desmond started talking to him and… well, they’re talking. Nothing serious but it gives Ezio an excuse to ask Desmond how his life is and…
He can’t help but be happy for Desmond for having a life he finds happiness in but also he can’t stop that bitterness that keeps whispering to him that Desmond needs to do his duty. His responsibility. The fate of the world depends on it.
That’s when Cross tries to kidnap Desmond.
And Ezio saves him in his khanivore form.
Cue a story of Desmond and Ezio (in khanivore form) running away from Abstergo, trying to get into contact with the Assassins because they have no choice. Ezio starts to understand Desmond more because Desmond lets his guard down with Ezio’s khanivore form.
And then… I don’t know. Desmond gets kidnapped anyway while Ezio barely manages to escape? That’s when he finally gets to talk to Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton who informed him that if he wants to keep the timeline intact, for Desmond to save the world, he has to let Desmond stay in Templar custody ‘until the time is right’.
Which only serves to make Ezio think about how he truly feels with Altaïr and Ratonhnhaké:ton subtly pushing him to confront his real feelings (maybe with Altaïr even reminding Ezio that this is what he wanted, isn’t it?)
In the end, Ezio says fuck fate and goes to save Desmond before Desmond could finish reliving Ezio’s memories.
That’s as far as I got XD
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llamahearted · 28 days
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two people will go through similar things & learn to cope in different ways
print ♥︎ song
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phleb0tomist · 6 months
tumblr users will have the most inaccessible, unreadable, low contrast, flashing carrd you can possibly imagine, with a dni full of insider acronyms with no translation and numerous link buttons labelled with cryptic captions, and then go ahead and put “ableists dni and kys!” on that carrd
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pimsri · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's <3
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twilight-zoned-out · 11 months
The Ken dance is so magnificent because it’s reminiscent of the Golden Age of Musicals when there would just be artful dance sequences for no reason other than the director wanted to have one.
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You know those ones where Damian gets adopted by the Fentons? Other way round -> reveal gone wrong Danny gets adopted by Talia Al Ghul.
Danny, after a bad reveal that he loses his friends and sister to in order to escape (they sacrificed themselves for him (taking shots, misdirections)) is tired and low on Ecto. He's hungry and he's so so tired. He's flying which ever way the wind takes him, just a little guy in the sky. And oh, what's this? Some Good Soup™? It smells a bit funky, but that's just flavor.
Talia find Danny bleeding green whilst drinking from the pits. She's feeling maternal (sort of) and Damian has just been brought into the world, what's another son? ESPECIALLY a Lazarus child?
Danny wakes up after taking a nap in his spicy soup to a woman that is more of a mother than his own had ever been (which,, yikes) and he's pretty happy. So what if there are assassins trying to kill him and him brand new brother (literally, that kid is FRESH) it's fun. It's enrichment 🤸 he probably needs to learn how to fight normal humans anyway. Talia doesn't even get mad when he accidentally kills the ninjas!!
He's only there for a few months before he gets another new brother! This one's a little weird, but he's also hurt so that's okay! Danny will support his healing journey!!
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kedreeva · 2 years
When I was a kid, maybe 14 or so (which is, you know, 20+ years ago), I belonged to a Yahoo! mailing list for an anime called Gundam Wing. It was mostly populated by other teens, of varying ages, as it was started by a teen and her friends. Eventually it migrated, when Yahoo! groups started as forums, and even branched off into non-GW related stuff in a second forum.
One of the things I remember the most clearly is the oldest person in the group. Her name was Steelsong. She was a 40-something Dom with a sub whose name we knew even though we knew nothing else. She ran her own fanfic archive because the web was still handmade HTML and navigated in webrings and I’m pretty sure Google didn’t exist or was only barely, barely launched and not well known. She was kind and patient and we loved her. She treated everyone on the group with the respect given any adult, even though most of the rest of the world was still treating us like we were children. Not teenagers even, but children. She never once condescended to any of us, never made our youth a barrier to her respect, never treated us like we were incapable of being full people or like we were less than her because we were young.
I remember that she hosted our fanfiction, as absolutely terrible as it was (and I still have some of it, I am WELL aware of how cringingly terrible it is, just absolute nonsense garbage), right there alongside of other fic that was soul-achingly beautiful. Not a separate section for her friends or for kids, just right there like we were good enough to feature alongside other authors. I never once received crit from her that I didn’t ask for, only support. Only love. I am still writing today partly because Steel was so kind about our fic, fanfic and original.
I remember that when I started doing clay sculpture, she commissioned a tiny pair of dragons from me, to support me doing artwork. She sent a check my mom cashed for me, and my mom helped me mail it when it was finished. It broke in transit, and Steel assured me that she mended it and that it was still beautiful. It was a small gold dragon curled up with a small silver dragon.
I remember that her patience knew no bounds. I remember that she was there for us, regardless of reason. When we wanted to know silly things like what to do with a single AA battery, she answered. When we had serious questions about sex, she answered.  When we had questions about writing, she taught us. When one of our group members, a young gay teen in Australia, ended up in the hospital and then stopped making posts, and we all knew what had happened, she let us talk to her about it because we couldn’t go to our own parents, even though we had just lost a friend.
She was not a replacement to my parents, but she was an extra parent, in some ways. A friend, certainly, but someone that had been through more life than we had and was willing to pass on knowledge if we asked for it. Someone older that we trusted with things that were too uncomfortable to go to our parents or teachers or whatever about, because we already knew she wasn’t going to judge us or something, and that we would get an honest answer.
I don’t know why I’m remembering this so hard tonight, and I’m not sure if there’s a point to sharing this, except that I know she’s gone now. She was ill the last time we spoke, and her site went down a long time ago, and I miss her. She was a huge influence on my life, then and now. She was hope, for me, that life as an adult didn’t have to be boring, it wouldn’t have to mean giving up the things I loved and Becoming Only Responsible With No Fun. Her presence meant I had hope I could still write and play with friends even when I wasn’t ‘a kid’ anymore. And she’s gone, and I miss her, and I wanted to share her from the perspective of youth, and the perspective over twenty years later has provided me.
And I think of her, when people go off about older folks being in fandom with younger folks. I’m an older folks now, or at least middle aged folks because there are certainly folks older than me still, but I wasn’t always. I’ve been here since i was a younger folks, and I know how much Steel’s presence and support meant to me, how much she helped not just me but everyone on that group. And I think of the people saying older folks don’t belong in fandom, and that they shouldn’t interact with younger folks at all, and I just think... I can’t agree. I needed that kind of solid presence in my life back then and even at the age I am now, I need the folks older than me to stay. I want them here.
So I guess, like, if you’re here and you’re 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 or whatever, I want you here in fandom with me, still. Your presence here is a comfort. It is hope. It is a reminder that life will continue to be fun, even as I get older, myself. And if you’re younger and you have this sort of elder in your groups, I hope that they are like Steel. I hope they are kind and patient and supportive, and that knowing them gives you hope for your own future. I hope in twenty years you look back and remember them fondly.
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mlpoutofcontext · 1 year
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semisolidmind · 4 months
I love how no matter what ,your reader always has her scary dog privilege no matter the fandom, the fact that this time is an actual dog though —
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loyal to his savior. it's only fair that he return the favor.
(i can't help it dude, i have a type when it comes to relationships. i want the big scary one to protect the smaller not scary one. and it would only make sense that after everything he's been through, he'd use his regained strength to protect the peace he's found with the one who's saved him.)
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blakbonnet · 6 months
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actual scene from the show that was cut
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chikorra · 5 months
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"You're safe now, my darling" The knight rescued her precious princess from the evil Gabriel Agreste
=>>Reference that inspired this piece. :3 =>>Contact me through these socials if you like! <3
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aviolettrose · 17 days
I need a fanfiction, where all the batkids are alternative version of themselfes.
Dick is a Talon
Jason is the red hooded ninja
Tim is Joker junior
Damian is an assassin (w/ Jason. They're co-dependent on each other)
Cassandra offs people with no remorse
Stephanie took over her father crime business and perfection it
Duke is a cult leader
But Bruce is still Batman.
The JL wants to create a new team, and Bruce brings all of them to the watchtower, and they freak the JL and their partners out.
JL:" .. Batman, what do you got there ?"
Batman: "These are my children"
Dick: *Glares at them*
Jason: *looks around the room* *looks for threats for damian*
Tim: *giggles like a menace*
S/b: "Holy shit, is that. Holy Duke?!"
Duke:" Yes it is I, my child"
Cass and Steph: *don't care* *want to go home*
Damian: *glares at the JL*
Batman: "Aren't they precious?"
(The reason they go is because Bruce took them in when they had nothing or were lost. They love him so much and will do everything for him)
(BTW, it's just an AU idea. There is nothing to be taken seriously. Duke, being either a cult leader or being worshipped, is far from Canon, like Stephanie taking over her father's "business".)
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geezmarty · 8 months
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guess who started playing bg3
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bbygirl-paul · 1 month
thinking about paul saying "we're harkonnens. so this is how we'll survive. by being harkonnens" and about jessica saying "your father didn't believe in revenge" and paul replying "yeah well i do" and how things can die even as they continue to draw breath and how the harkonnens really did kill off all three of the atreides that night not just leto
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Instead of the “Jason vs Percy” rivalry we should have gotten Annabeth vs. Jason but instead of a fight for power it’s them having a battle of autism cause their special interests were Greek myths vs Roman myths.
Jason calls a Greek god by their Roman name and Annabeth pops up out of nowhere and goes “erm, actually”
The 7 is talking about some landmark and Annabeth and Jason start arguing about which pantheon it was dedicated to.
“It’s amazing right? It was dedicated to Athena.” “Erm, it was actually built for Mars…”
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jedi-starbird · 3 months
Alpha-17 and Obi-Wan being friends (derogatory) on 17's part and friends (threatening) on Obi-Wan's part is such an underrated dynamic
They could be so funny and terrifying, like Obi-Wan went through a soul shredding experience with Alpha-17 as his only company. They're friends because what else are you gonna be after you witness each other at absolute rock bottom from torture.
It's like 'dog put in cage of cheetah who's threatening to go crazy', except the dog is a grizzly bear and also threatening to go crazy.
Emotional support trooper except the trooper in question has never done any sort of supporting in his life and is actively an emotional distress trooper to a great number of the CC batch.
I want them texting everyday, I want Obi-Wan mailing handmade BFF bracelets to Alpha and Alpha sending pics back of him flipping off the camera but still wearing them, I want Alpha using Obi-Wan to keep track of and occasionally terrorize his cadets, I want 17 ending problems in the GAR (like Krell) before they begin because Obi-Wan has him shipped out on a personal transport at the first opportunity, decked out with slug-throwers Obi-Wan got him for his decant-day.
Natborn officers think this is all just an odd indulgence of General Kenobi, the Vode, however, correctly identify it as a goddamn threat and their danger assessment of Obi-Wan ticks up significantly.
When Alpha arrives on Kamino, Shaak Ti presses a shiny new comm into his hand. It has the Jedi Order symbol painted onto it alongside a smiley face sticker, and it pings immediately with a new message: Hello! I hope you're settling in well!
Alpha stares at the message, stares at the singular contact named 'OWK' and then stares Shaak Ti in the eye as he pitches the comm straight into the ocean. Shaak Ti's serene smile only grows larger as she calmly reaches into her robes and pulls out an identical comm, only this one has a frowny face sticker, and presses it into his hand. It lights up: I'm afraid we've bonded, Alpha :). Alpha shuts it off and pockets it with resignation.
Cody arrives on Alpha-17's personal recommendation.
A-17: He's the most difficult little bastard I have. You're perfect for each other. OWK: Thank you, he's very handsome :3 A-17: No. Stop.
The first thing he asks once he gets comfortable is who his general is texting so much that has him swinging his legs and twirling his hair. Cody assumes it's Anakin, given they seem joint at the hip anyway, but little does he know Obi-Wan's ability to consistently have the Weirdest Relationships Ever.
"Oh, it's Alpha-17, I understand you're familiar with each other?" Hmm. OK. Cody.exe is experiencing a processing error, please hold. He exits the room instead of answering. The next day he peeks over the General's shoulder when he's texting and sees walls of rambling messages from Obi-Wan. Alpha-17 replies every hour with a single text: Lose this number. Obi-Wan giggles. "He's so funny." he says.
When Obi-Wan meets the rest of the CC batch, Cody makes sure to stand perfectly angled so that he can record the reactions when his general cuts off their introductions with "Oh, no need, Alpha-17's told me all about you." It's always immediate FEAR.JPG followed by a slow spiral of What The Fuck.
What do you mean by that General. What does that mean Cody. What do you mean they text. No. Cody. What the fuck is happening, Cody. Alpha-17 doesn't have friends he has enemies and enemies he tolerates enough not to shoot on sight.
OWK: Wolffe reached for his vambrace? when I mentioned you A-17: That's where he keeps his spare knife. OWK: Hm that does explain the way he eyed me up, ambitious. A-17: Clearly not enough, he should have followed through. I taught them better.
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