#what if ogre girls and cat girls were real huh. what then.
llamahearted · 17 days
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two people will go through similar things & learn to cope in different ways
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 2 - The First Squadron and the Second Squadron
Chapter Index
Katanashu Station - Corridor
Madoka: ...And that's about all of the station. Phew, I'm beat.
Madoka: It's a big building with lots of facilities, but you'll learn to find your way around in about two or three days, give or take. Are we finally done?
Momiji: Yeah. I'll do the rest of the tour myself.
Madoka: And I don't have to guide you to the Grand Gate near the grounds... right?
Momiji: The Grand Gate... You mean the torii-like structure that connects to the human world? I passed through it on my way here, so I should know where it is just fine.
Madoka: ...Speaking of which, how did you get all the way from there to the reception room? Must've been difficult to find.
Momiji: The shikigami waiting in front of the gate showed me the way.
Madoka: Ah... Now that you mention it, I guess we did leave one there to serve as a guide some time ago.
Momiji: Though as soon as I left the reception room, it turned into a guard.
Madoka: Ahaha! Yeah, it was straddling you on the floor. That was hilarious.
Momiji: ...Why do the shikigami attack people? They're supposed to be under human control. Though I did hear that they're very dedicated to their duties during my training.
Madoka: You're not wrong about them being dedicated. That's why the one you were with stopped you from going anywhere other than the place you were guided to.
Momiji: ...I see. So they're not very smart.
Madoka: They can only follow simple orders, but they're still convenient. They never get tired, and they do their duties diligently. You can even play go with them if you teach them the rules.
Madoka: ...Come to think of it, you were trying to cut through the one from earlier... Can't you use shikigami properly?
Momiji: I know how, I just haven't done it before.
Madoka: Gimme a break. You better learn how to use them even a little bit, because I'm not going to handhold you through everything.
Madoka: The shikigami take care of all our daily chores, like guarding, cooking, and cleaning.
Momiji: ........
Madoka: Hm? Cat got your tongue?
Momiji: No... I'm just realizing how different this is from the world I used to live in...
Madoka: No kidding. Over there, it's all political tension and infighting, and over here, it's swords, yokai, and supernatural realms...
Madoka: This place is like a horror movie. But it's still more peaceful than being a soldier in the capital.
Madoka: I didn't know a world like this existed before I got assigned to the katanashu, either.
Momiji: Yokai, huh...
Momiji: Do they really exist? I haven't even gotten to go to that city they supposedly live in, so I'm still not entirely convinced...
Madoka: They do.
Momiji: ...You've seen them?
Madoka: Seen them, talked to them, touched them. They're flesh and blood here, just like you and me.
Momiji: ........
Momiji: Then, that really was...
Madoka: ...Hm? Did you say something?
Momiji: Ah, no...
Madoka: .....? Well, whatever.
Madoka: Never mind that, you said you had training before coming here? Did they tell you what your duty is as a katanashu?
Momiji: Yeah. Just the basics of it, though.
Momiji: "The katanashu are the capital's top secret organization. Its purpose is to monitor the Yokai of Hikagemachi, and it has two primary duties."
Momiji: "Controlling the yokai's travels to the human realm, and making sure humans lost in Hikagemachi are returned home safely."
Madoka: Wow, that was perfect! I've got nothing left to teach you. Can I go back to my room now?
Momiji: ........
Madoka: Geez, don't glare at me like that... Learn to take a joke...
Momiji: By the way, I heard that we were to use our abilities to erase the  memories of any human who wanders into Hikagemachi.
Madoka: Yeah. If we let them blab about their trip to the yokai world, the whole country would be in chaos.
Madoka: Way back when the katanashu didn't even exist... It might've been more common for yokai to live in the human world.
Madoka: A long time ago, they lived so close to us that humans who wanted a piece of yokai power could worship them as gods, or even enslave them using contracts.
Madoka: That stuff's banned nowadays. I guess the yokai got sick of being used by humans, and moved here.
Momiji: Getting lost in another world... It's like being spirited away.
Madoka: Especially if you've never been here before. Like I said before, the human and yokai worlds basically mirror each other.
Madoka: Even our station should have its equivalent in the human world, though we can't see it.
Momiji: Maybe they're on different wavelengths, or something... Like electromagnetic waves that you can't see with the naked eye?
Madoka: Maybe? I don't know the specifics, and I don't really care.
Madoka: In any case, it's not actually uncommon for people to wander in here by accident.
Momiji: ...I see. So that's what they need the katanashu for.
Madoka: Hmm... Is that all there is to it..?
Madoka: It's not rare for humans to end up here, but it's still only around 4 to 5 people a year.
Momiji: ...Then what do the katanashu do when they're not taking care of lost humans?
Madoka: Nothing, really?
Momiji: ...Nothing?
Madoka: Yeah. Nothing. Ah. I guess Commander Kasane plays games? With playing cards and stuff.
Momiji: Playing cards...
Madoka: And hanafuda, too.
Momiji: Hanafuda...
Madoka: If only we could use phones. We're not even allowed to bring electronics here. Not that I could get a signal here.
Madoka: Can you believe  that's not possible in this day and age!? I can't get in touch with girls! I can't check my social media timelines!
Madoka: It feels like I've been kicked out of the real world... I don't even know what I'm living for in this cryptic realm.
Momiji: .......
Madoka: Sigh, I wanna go home soon... It's getting to a point where I'd gladly get fired, and I don't mind resigning whenever.
???: Cowardly as always, Madoka.
Madoka: Ugh..! ...Commander Hanabusa. My humblest apologies..!
Hanabusa: If you wish to return to the capital so badly, I'll gladly  have you repatriated together  with a report letting them know that you're abandoning your post.
Madoka: I-I was only joking, of course. A new member has joined our squadron, so I thought I'd make him feel more at home..
Hanabusa: Hmph. Your mouth still runs endlessly.
Momiji: .......
Madoka: Allow me to introduce you. This is Momiji, who'll be in the second squadron starting today.
Momiji: My name is Momiji. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Hanabusa: Right.
Madoka: Momiji, this is Commander Hanabusa. He was sent by the capital to be the katanashu's superior officer.
Madoka: He serves as an inspector outside of his military duties. Make sure to treat him with the appropriate respect.
Momiji: Yes.
Hanabusa: His conduct is fine, but he's arrived a bit late.
Madoka: Well, uh... We had a bit of a mixup...
Hanabusa: More like negligence. This is Kasane's second squadron we're talking about. It's hard to imagine you doing your jobs properly.
Madoka: Ahaha...
Hanabusa: You must've been very unlucky to have been assigned to this group of slackers.
Momiji: Not at all. I will abide by any decisions the military makes for me.
Hanabusa: ...Hmm.
???: Commander Hanabusa, are you here!?
Hanabusa: What is it, Aoi? It's rare to see you so flustered.
Aoi: We've received a message from the capital, and... The general has  something to tell you directly.
Hanabusa: ...The general? Hand me the message.
Aoi: Yes. 
Hanabusa: .......
Madoka: Eep... The general's practically at the top of the chain! What would a head honcho like him want with the katanashu..?
Momiji: .......
Aoi: ...I haven't seen you before.
Momiji: I'll be working in the second squadron starting today. You can call me Momiji.
Aoi: ...A newbie, huh. I'm Aoi, of the first squadron. Nice to meet you. Since we're in different teams, I doubt we'll interact much.
Momiji: Yeah.
Madoka: By the way, the first squadron has one more member. But now that I think about it, I haven't seen him all morning...
Aoi: He's probably wandering around Hikagemachi again. Or maybe he's wasting his time loitering around that ramen shop?
Madoka: Again? He's a weird one, for sure.
Aoi: What a disgrace... I just hope he doesn't cause trouble again.
Aoi: I don't want anything to do with his problems, even if we are in the same squadron.
Momiji: "Again"..?
Madoka: Whoa... That's cold, dude. He's still your senior, isn't he?
Aoi: He's someone who caused so many problems in the capital that he was demoted twice. Senior or not, I find it hard to want anything to do with him.
Madoka: Yeah, but still.
Momiji: ...What kind of trouble did this person cause..?
Madoka: Who knows. I'm not sure, myself. Why don't you just ask him?
Momiji: Right...
Aoi: That aside, what did the general's message say, Commander?
Hanabusa: .......
Momiji: ......?
Momiji: What? Why do I feel like Commander Hanabusa's glaring at me..?
Hanabusa: ...It wasn't anything too important.
Hanabusa: The general was only reminding us of the soldiers' grave we live in. It was quite vile.
Momiji: Soldiers' grave..?
Aoi: What does that mean, sir..?
Hanabusa: You... Momiji, right?
Momiji: ......? Yes.
Hanabusa: Here's your first lesson from me. Don't get carried away, thinking you're any better than the rest of us.
Momiji: ........
Hanabusa: I don't know how they treated you in the capital, but I'm in charge here. If I catch you doing anything out of order, know that you'll be punished for it.
Hanabusa: Don't get too comfortable, and focus on your duties. Understand?
Momiji: ........ I understand.
Madoka: Whoa...
Hanabusa: Madoka, I'm saying this to you, as well. Pass this message to  your commander too, while you're at it.
Madoka: ...Yessir!
Hanabusa: Let's go, Aoi.
Madoka: ...Ugh, I'm soooo tired..! At least they're finally gone... Those dudes give me the creeps..!
Madoka: Commander Hanabusa and Aoi are too goddamn serious. They're always looking down on the second squadron. Some call him Commander Ogre, but that's not exactly a popular nickname.
Momiji: He was pretty harsh on me. I don't remember offending him in any way, though...
Madoka: ...Pfft. Guess it was hate at first sight?
Momiji: Seems that way.
Madoka: You don't seem to mind.
Momiji: I'm used to it.
Madoka: ...To being hated? Maybe you should try being less anti-social, then?
Momiji: I make sure not to waste energy on useless things. No matter how I deal with other people, it's always the same.
Madoka: Hmm?
Madoka: Well, Commander Hanabusa's basically always like that. He's constantly on edge because he's such a glory hound.
Momiji: Glory hound? How come?
Madoka: Because he wants to return to his post in the capital. Unlike the rest of us, he's still working for them. That's why he's always showing off what an elite he is.
Madoka: Seems like he was well on his way to the top, but as you could see, he's stubborn and not too flexible. Some say he was shipped off to the katanashu because he was such a pain to deal with.
Madoka: Not that there's any glory to be found around here.
Momiji: .......
Madoka: At least the two of us should more or less get along, yeah? I get tired when things are too tense, and I don't want any trouble.
Momiji: Agreed. Too much tension will get in the way of our duties.
Madoka: Haha. You really are a serious guy. Welcome to the katanashu again, Momiji.
Momiji: Yeah.
Madoka: ...Is this finally enough info for you? Aagh, I'm beat! I'm gonna go to my room and take a nap.
Momiji: ...Hold on. Aren't you going to show me around the city?
Madoka: Huh? The city?
Momiji: I want to see the city for my duties' sake. And there's something I'm curious about...
Madoka: Ugh... Only a weirdo would want to go to a city swarming  with yokai voluntarily.
Madoka: Not that I'll stop you. Wait a sec. Uh, I think it's around here...
Momiji: .....?
Madoka: Ah, found it! ...Here, you can have this.
Momiji: A piece of paper..? It looks pretty old...
Madoka: It's a map of Hikagemachi. Use it. You'll be fine by yourself as long as you have that, right?
Momiji: ...Huh?
Madoka: Like I said, I'm off duty. I was up all night playing five-in- a-row, so I've been sleepy all morning... Yawn...
Momiji: Five-in-a-row...
Madoka: Alright, you're free to go. We don't exactly have a curfew, so come back whenever you're done scoping the city out.
Madoka: Seeya~.
Momiji: ........
To be continued...
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hary-and-droc · 7 years
Droc was in the middle of atempting to kill the kind-hearted, onion smelling ogre Shrek to get the attention of his boyfriend, Hary. Roon was wondering if he could still get an autograph off shrek once the fighting had stopped. Headlice was in the owlerly thinking about voldoor, voordod was in the basement of the mafflososos house thinking about Natarshar. Hermy and Minvery were in 1396 playing their thirty second game of wizard chess, present day mcogoggl was onto her one hundred and fifty second flip, seamus and deen were holding hands and trying not to kiss (but really kissing), haggy was making tea, serious and remis were up to their usual tricks. Linguini was a snake, ginney was leading an evergrowing protest against climate change, and hary was desperatly following her to get her attention so he culd ignore her. Nevil was in a wheelbarrow for his third day in a row, but no one cared about that. ‘Ginney. Wait UP’ said hary. Ginney kept running, singing her climate change song to the tune of ‘we will rock you’ The sound of an orge call came from a couple hallways down, but hary ignored it. He had had his fair share of fighting ogres, especially ones that wre set loose by a dark arts teachets with turbans and faces on the backs of their heads. Hary perfomed the flick and whip gesture he had been learning in class, and all of a sudden ropes appeared and ginneys legs were tie and she was on the ground. She nearly got tramppled by her group of 100 or 200 students who were also protesting climate change (Silly deen and seamus). Hary wat are you doing said ginney. Hary helped her to her feet. Ginney didnt go in for a kiss. Hary frowned. ‘You need to stop saving the world. Im here’ hary winked and showed off his signature scar. He had gotten it at a very young age. ‘No,.... the polar bears! And the encinads. And the ducks and the rbead and thr VOLACNOES WILLLE RTUPTTPTUP’ GINNEY BEGAN SINGING AT THE TOP OF HER VOICE. Hary placed his hands on her mouth, but a muffled sound kept coming through. He went to use a silencing charm. ‘Silenc-’ Ginney, all of a sudden powerful with her new found purpose in life, roundhoused kicked hary in the face, broke hie wand over her knee and tied the ropes around his feet, all before hary could say the ‘o’ in ‘silenco’. girl power! Back in the hall, drc was in the process of stickning his wand up shreks nose. ‘Die ogre’ ‘No i am the kind hearted shrek from the movie franchise’ said shrek. Droc was a wizard so he didnt knwo what that was. mcgoalal entered the great halle of the food t get her daily asai bowl, but was baffled by the sight. Of course, cmggo couldnt repremand droc or tell him to stop or even ask who the green fella was in case she lost count. So far she was on flip one-hundred and sixty nine (wink). Mcgocnal decided to get her asai bowl and leave. Many of the muggle born students were trying to pull droc off shrek because they wanted an autograph. Many of the full-blood wizards were also baffled by the gree ogre in their school so were cheering for droc to kill the beast. It was very confusing. One of the baby photos that hary had stuck up flew off the wall and found itself on drocs face. He was temporalily blinded, and shrek used the opportunity to push droc to the gournd. Because hoggy was a castle, the ground was CEMENTE and droc’s head hurt. It might have been a concussion, but wizards didn’t use that word. They used ‘unfortunate quidditch accident injury’ . Madame pompfrey fixed him up quick and told droc to have a rest in the hospital wing. Droc wondered where hary was, and if he was thinking about him. He fell asleep. Hary was not thinking about droc. instead he was thinking about his apparent lover but not real lover ginney. He was currenlty on the ground of the hallway in the west wing, with ropes around his feet. Classes had been cancelled for the morning because everyone was trying to sort out who the green fella was, but hary didnt know that. He spent the next four and a half hours trying to untangle himself from the ropes. Special, indeed. Hermy and minvery were having breakfast in the royal kicthens with the house elves. ‘..and that’s why we decided to take the polyjuice potion and turn in crabcakes and goyle. Except i didnt take the right hair. It was a cat’s hair. So you’ll never guess what i turned inot when we all took the potion.’ Minvery and the house elves waited expectantly. ‘I turned into a-’ ‘Dad?’ Hermy turned in her chair. Standing before her was a the king of england. Not the present one. The one from 1396. Minvery’s DAD. Hermy swallowed nervously. ‘Halla minervy. Who is your friend?’ he said. Minevry gestured to hormones. ‘This is hermy. She’s from….hoggy.’ The king smiled. ‘Ah, hoggy. Very nice, very nice. Minvery graduated from hoggy last year!’ Hermy opened her mouth to say something (she didnt know what, yet) but a rat ran across the floor by her feet. Hermy gagged. What kind of place were they running here? Dont worry the king said. ‘There are heaps of rats here. The pied piper must have been around, huh?’ (No one laughed) Hermy was confused. She swore she had read something bad about rats in the muggle world around this time… whatever it was, it was probably nothing. She would tell Minvery to stay away, though, just in case.
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