#they’ve never had a crush before!! they’re still new to having friends!!
smeddiemunson · 2 years
Gareth notices first and as soon as Gareth has a thought he has to share it.
They’re at Hellfire (now hosted in Mike Wheeler’s armpit of a basement) having just finished a long combat when Eddie declares it time for a break and without any further preamble dashes up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and calling dibs on the main bathroom. 
The others are taking a bit longer to get to their break. They all stand like they’re in some kind of synchronised swimming competition and all reach up in unison to crack the various bones that need to, heaving out groans and mumbles about shitty chairs. 
“So,” Gareth says as he rubs his fingers in his eyes. “Eddie has a crush.” 
Jeff collapses back in his chair to burry his face in folded arms with a groan. “I can’t do this again, Gare-Bear.”
Gareth wrinkles his nose at the nickname, and mentally curses his mom for using it around his friends. They’ve never been able to let it go. 
“Wait, what?” Dustin asks. His head is bouncing between Gareth, Jeff, and Grant, eyes tracking over their faces to see if they’re just trying to fuck with him. As if Eddie’s love life wasn’t already tragic enough without the added fun of trying to bother some kids with it.
Grant nodded sagely. “Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here.” 
Mike, who had been half way towards the stairs, now joins in. “What gets worse? He’s being normal Eddie, or like, as normal as Eddie can get.” 
Gareth shares a long look with his bandmates, all seemingly coming to the same conclusion. These kids were here to stay, that much had become clear after the Spring Break/Eddie in a coma Saga, so they could be let in on a few Eddie secrets, not the big one, never the big one until Eddie told them. These were more secrets about Eddie that Eddie was completely unknowledgeable about. 
“You remember the bartender at The Three Brothers we spoke to to find out about the curse?” Gareth says, somehow becoming the voice for the older members of Hellfire. “Did you notice the way Eddie described him?”
“He talked a lot about his hair?” Will offered quietly. He was new to Hellfire so Gareth didn’t really know him, but just from the way Will played his cleric, he could tell that he was a damn sight more observant than his friends. 
“Exactly!” Gareth pointed. “That is Clue 1 in the ‘Eddie Munson Has a Crush’ textbook. He gets so hung up on that one thing that he likes the most about who he’s crushing on, get ready to hear a lot about the NPC’s hair. Clue 2 is that when he comes thundering down those stairs in a minute and realises we haven’t actually done anything with our break, he won’t be shitty about us taking extra time. He just gets nice outta nowehere.”
“Eddie always hates when he has to wait for us though!” 
Jeff finally pulled his head up from his arms. “Just watch, and it’s the one good thing that’s going to come from this crush, so make the most of it.” 
The four boys all gave each other looks that seemed to be conveying a whole conversation. They seemed to come to the same conclusion just as Eddie, as Jeff predicted, thundered down the stairs, skipping the last one so he could jump to the floor and theatrically clap his hands. 
“Who’s ready to get fucked up by what I have planned next?” He asked, not even noticing the way the rest of the boys hadn’t moved from their places stretching next to the table. 
“Sorry man. I still gotta go to the bathroom,” Lucas quickly said before Dustin could start grilling Eddie about his crush. 
Eddie shrugged with a smile. “No worries, Sinclair. You gotta go when you gotta go, right?” 
This was particularly offensive to Mike, who when he first joined Hellfire had been forced to squirm in his seat for over an hour while Eddie threatened to kill his PC off if Mike left the table to use the bathroom. He turned his gobsmacked expression to Gareth who could only raise his eyebrows in a kind of ‘told you so’ gesture. 
Lucas, to his credit, didn’t let on that he was also gobsmacked and rushed up the stairs. Will and Mike followed him quickly, stumbling out an excuse about getting more drinks. Eddie being amenable was seemingly still too new to let them make the most of it, the Corroded Coffin boys had at least been through this three notable times before.
“Get me a coke while you’re up there, please?” Eddie called out after them. He kicked up his feet to rest on the edge of the table, crossed at the ankles and rocked back onto the back two legs of his chair. He turned to the Corroded Coffin boys. “I’ve been thinking about arranging this song, not our usual style but I think it could sound totally metal if I did it right.” 
“What song?” Jeff asked carefully. 
Grant caught Dustin’s eye and mouthed ‘Clue 3′. Dustin nodded as if he were mentally taking notes, which if Gareth knew anything about the kid, he probably was. He took to the puzzles Eddie laid out for them with more gusto than anyone else. 
Eddie closed his eyes and brought his hands up in front of him as if he were tenderly cradling his warlock. His fingers worked over imaginary frets. “Dancing in the Dark. Springsteen.” 
“That’s Steve’s favourite song,” Dustin blurted out, clamping his hand over his mouth when Eddie’s fingers paused in the air. 
A slow smile spread over his face. “Is it?”
Gareth turned to his best friends to see the expression he wore mirrored two times over. 
Holy shit. 
Eddie was crushing on Steve Harrington. 
(part 2)
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misty-caligula · 1 year
We’re all sad to see Nat go, but I think it’s important to recognise, she’s gone because of decisions that she made, over and over.
S1E10 she made the choice to shoot herself. It wasn’t a GREAT choice, but it was one that she made, which Lottie negated against her will. In eerily similar fashion as Misty with the cocaine.
S2E1 Lottie talked to her about her bees, about how when a new queen was born she’d sting the others to death for the good of the hive.
For most of the rest of the season, Nat began taking the lessons of the cult to heart, despite her initial reservations. Some people wondered how sincere she was, but I genuinely think that she began to really work on herself, really believe in Lottie’s wisdom.
Then the poison came out. Immediately, Nat’s demeanour changed. I was wondering what that was about when Lott was trying to convince them in s2e8. She told Nat that she was in so much pain, and Nat didn’t even fight back at all. Just gave her this look...
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I think that right here, at this moment, she recognised Lott for what she was. A danger to them all. She decided that she wasn’t capable of changing, of being helped. Just like she’d said to Misty, “We’re ALL like this, aren’t we?” I think that at this moment, Nat decided that once again, Lott wasn’t fit to be queen, that she’d have to take charge, like she did before, and that she should take the example of the bees.
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I think she’s also ... angry. Angry that Lott can’t recognise the SOURCE of that pain. She recognises the reality, that it exists, but she’s blind to how responsible she is for it. Consider:
As far as Natalie knows (because of what Misty said in the cabin) Lottie told them that eating Javi was what IT wanted them to do. And then immediately made her in charge of the team, dropping that burden of responsibility and guilt directly on her shoulders. She’s smiling in the moment, when everyone’s bowing. See how much she’s smiling when the reality of that weight sets in, when the unbearable guilt of being in charge crushes down on her. When that PURPOSE is lifted from her shoulders and all she has left is the pain of what she’s done, what she’s made others do in her name. And now, Lott has the AUDACITY to point at Nat’s pain in public, without ascribing blame, as though it were simply ... a natural state of being.
In the beginning of S2E9 she says that Lott shouldn’t go back to the psych ward, but I believe that she never meant any kind of help should be offered. I believe that she had already decided to kill her. I think that she’d hoped that Lott would draw the Queen of Hearts, and it would’ve made it easy. She’d have submitted, I’m sure. Because when she drew the Ace, she looked  SO crestfallen I’d actually assumed at first she got the Queen. Lottie wanted that queen so badly, wanted so much to help her friends. And then Nat would’ve made it quick, with the secret real blade she’d brought with her.
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But it wasn’t to be. So Shauna HAS to be the centre of attention, as always, and everyone’s playing along, not realising that Lott’s brought her own real knife to the party. And when they’re chasing her, if Lott catches up she’s GOING to kill her, for reals. I don’t know what kind of 4 dimensional chess they think they’re playing, but they’ve RADICALLY underestimated the danger level here, and it’s only when Callie steps in that she calms it down a little (with a bullet wound of all things).
But still, Nat goes in for the kill.
And it’s not just because she thinks she’d be a better queen, it’s not JUST that she’s afraid. She’s ANGRY. Because, despite herself, despite all of her bluster and her cynicism, her worldliness, and all of it, SHE was the one who bought in to the cult. Shauna and Tai and Van and Misty are here, they’re playing around, they’re drinking and partying and kind of just taking a vacation. They’ll do the therapy for a bit of fun, but they’re not taking it very seriously.
Nat, in a very short time, has found a BELIEF. She’s gone from 2 seconds away from a bullet to actually having a meaning, a reason to get up in the morning. Sober. And nobody except Lott is taking that seriously. Is recognising that she’s making real growth here, that she’s really trying. They’re begging her to drink with them - HER, NATALIE, THE FUCKING ALCOHOLIC, and they’re peer pressuring her to drink.... and she’s saying no.
Because when Lisa said “Do you want to die?” and she said “Not today” she pushed away her drink. Because that’s what alcohol IS to her. It’s not a fun party, it’s not a joyful thing. It’s a curse, a burden, a poison that hurts less than the one she’s trying to drown out. And now she’s found a way to live without it.
And it’s all a lie.
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These two women are doing VERY different things. Shauna’s preparing for a pantomime. Nat’s preparing for a murder. Shauna’s in the light, and she’s casting shadow with her dark thoughts. Nat’s bathed in darkness and the only light is the bright fire of her rage.
So she goes to Lisa, and she BEGS her to leave. I feel like there’s a bit of a comparison here with Shauna telling Javi to run from the doomcoming, like go, you’re not safe here. She’s trying so hard to make Lisa understand that she’s the real deal, that SHE got through to Nat, that she can be better than the cult. (And there’s a layer here too, because Lisa is so much just like teen!Nat, and she’s trying so hard to save herself from the cycle). And Lisa just can’t hear it. Just like teen!Nat couldn’t in her shoes. It’s all hopeless.
It’s meant to be a pantomime, but Nat says “Something’s HAPPENING tonight, and I NEED you to leave, while you still can.” What’s happening tonight? She’s going to kill Lisa’s god, and she’s NEVER going to forgive her.
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She stops before she leaves and says “Thank you for trying to teach me about forgiveness. It’s a nice idea.“
But it’s not an idea she can get behind. She’s too far gone for that. She, like Coach, can’t let it go. She’s going to burn the motherfucker down. And in the lull that Callie leaves, she does EXACTLY that, she takes the lunge, and it would’ve worked ... if only Lisa had taken her advice.
And suddenly she’s her dad. Attacking Lisa’s mother figure, without context why. For raising her wrong. And Lisa comes to her defence. And Nat can’t explain. And it’s all too fast and too much and Misty doesn’t understand, doesn’t know her well enough, doesn’t have enough faith that Nat has the situation under control. And all she has is a split second to choose, and so she does.
Because Lisa, like Javi, is just trying to help. Overwhelmed by a situation too big, too dangerous. Stepped onto what looks like solid ground, unaware of the danger til it’s too late. But this time, Nat’s not going to let Misty or anybody talk her into letting someone else take her place, not again. She closes the cycle.
I can’t stand seeing people saying she died for nothing, she died for EVERYTHING she believed in. She didn’t die just as she was working on herself, she died BECAUSE she gave up on that work, she was in that situation because she chose violence, and then she chose to give it up in the last moment. She died because she couldn’t forgive. Herself. Misty. Lottie. Any of the other ‘jackets who stood by and let her live. Let her kill. She died because she decided that Lisa was more important than her, and that maybe just maybe she could do it better than she had.
But here’s the thing. Coach says “You’re not like the rest of these girls.” And she replies...
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Cycles, cycles... will Lisa be able to forgive herself for surviving Nat? Only time will tell, but we have to have faith in her, like Nat did.
Tai in the car, with Shauna says “I have Simone and Sammy, you have Jeff and Callie. Who does Natalie have?” Nat had Lisa. And now, Tai has Van. Shauna still has Jeff and Callie. Lottie’s hopefully got help. Misty has Walter (thoughts for another day). And Lisa?... Who does Lisa have?...
Watch this space.
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revasserium · 1 year
Can you do #154 with Hoshiumi or Bokuto ❤️🥺
send me a prompt and a character, and i'll write you a drabble (or ukno, like a 2k fuckin fic)
154. Leap into my arms @thisbicc
diving into the wreck
bokuto; 1,815 words; angst in the beginning, but its honestly more hurt/comfort, and the ending is fluffy ;) ish.
he is a volcano, he is a thunderstorm — he is every natural disaster poets have ever tried to tame with language and still, the truth remains — bokuto koutarou is a force of nature. but the thing about natural disasters is that they end. they pass and, like shooting stars, all that remains is the wreckage they’ve left behind, the imprint of light across a moonless night.
“losing isn’t everything, y’know.”
you run a hand down the curved planes of his back, trying to sooth the tantrum building just beneath the surface.
“it is! and you know it is! you just — you just don’t know how it feels! you don’t know anything!”
the words seep through the house, oozing blood like an open wound, soaking the carpets and weighing down the curtains, staining them till neither of you are sure what color they used to be when you first got them.
(”look! look! these are on sale! and they’re the design i like!” “ah, well if they’re the design you like, then i guess we gotta get ‘em, huh?” “oh shut up, you big goofball.”)
you pull back your hand and sigh.
“you’re right… i don’t know how it feels to lose like you do but —” you bite down hard on your lips, swallowing down the words —
i know how it feels to lose you.
he looks up, his expression desperate. he wants to reach out, to pull you close to say no, i didn’t mean that or no, i’m sorry, let’s get some icream or some popcorn or some new damn curtains but he looks away instead.
(”how do you jump so high?” “huh? me? oh… uh… well, i mean… i just kinda do it… i guess.” “but… aren’t you afraid you’re gonna fall and hurt yourself?” “nah. like, the floor’s not goin’ anywhere, y’know?”)
“bokuto… i — i think i’m gonna go stay with a friend for a while.”
bokuto feels the world press in, the walls inching towards him, the ceiling pressing down. he wants to curl in on himself till there’s nothing left, he wants to crush you to him, to hold you so tightly you become a part of him but his body won’t move. his lips are still. and there’s a part of him that wonders if he does this to himself just so he’ll have something to fight for.
because the truth is — he doesn’t know how else to love you.
he doesn’t know how else to love but like this — with no training wheels, with his eyes closed and fists clenched and wild hope pounding in his heart. and he knows he’s not good at this — he’s never been all too good at this but he never thought it would hurt — he never knew that the floor could disappear from beneath his feet and that sometimes, just sometimes, you really should look before you leap but…
“for… for how long?” he asks.
“i… i’m not sure yet but… i think —” you take a breath like gasping for air in a vacuum-sealed space, “i think it’d be good for us,” another heaving breath.
“some time… apart.”
bokuto feels the air leave the room like a scolded child, slipping away through the opened doorway, disappearing into the darkness of the hall. he tries to breathe and finds that he doesn’t quite remember how.
(”so… its like a trust exercise. with the floor.” “w-wha?? you still talkin’ about jumping?” “yeah! like… in order to jump that high, you gotta trust that the floor will be there to catch you, right?”)
the word burns through him, a comet with a too-long tail, singeing his tongue. it tastes like cinder and smoke and all the words he never had the courage to say out loud.
“okay,” you echo, with a tiny little nod.
he feels the ground beneath him crack and crumble, and for the first time in his life, bokuto is afraid of falling.
“i…” he nearly chokes on the word, but he forces himself to his feet, his fists balled at his sides. like this, he towers over you, like this, he’s a huge, imposing thing, but like this — he feels the smallest he’s ever been.
i’m sorry.
“i love you,” he says, finally. after a long-held breath.
you look up at him with wide, sad eyes and after a moment, you let out a small laugh. it shakes your shoulders and breaks something inside him. because this, at least, he knows to be true. he might not be good at it but he knows that he loves you. he loves you strong, and he loves you hard.
he loves you like a thunderstorm might love a lightning sea, too much salt, and not enough water —
“yeah…” you say, “yeah… i know.”
(”ahh… there’s no fixin’ that, is there?” “what, the dish you broke cause you put it in the dishwasher wrong? nope. don’t think so.” “mm… but what if we keep it anyway?” “aww, you big baby, i always knew you were the sentimental type.”)
you run a hand through your hair, leaning back against the kitchen counter with a deep, heavy sigh.
slowly, the air trickles back into the room.
“let’s go swimming,” he says. and you look up, all sadness gone and replaced by confusion, but bokuto is smiling, a hopeful, indulgent sort of thing.
“what, right now?” you blink at him. he rocks on the balls of his feet.
“yeah. right now.”
for a second, you narrow your eyes, for a second, you wonder what this might be about. but years with bokuto has taught you that there are moments where you don’t ask why or when or how. it is only the who that matters — and it has always been him.
the pool is closed but bokuto manages to find the key tucked in the gym manager’s drawer and you bite back an exasperated sigh as he unlocks the door and lets you both in. there’s a triumphant smile on his lips and you can’t help but laugh. when he cannonballs into the water, whooping out in joy, you stand by the poolside and watch him — and for a second everything is fine. for second, everything is forgotten — all the big fights, all the long nights, all the things neither of you really meant to say — washed away by the chlorine-scented water dripping down the length of his spine.
“c’mon! come in! the water’s great!”
bokuto motions for you to join him, and you only hesitate for a second before pulling off your shirt and slipping into the cool, temperature controlled water. you let yourself sink beneath the surface and you feel the world above you slip away.
you open your eyes to find bokuto there, right in front of you, his eyes just as wide open as yours. his lips are moving, bubbles streaming from his mouth as he speaks but you shake your head, feeling the laughter curling up within you.
“b-bokuto — i can’t hear anything you’re saying!”
you break the surface and reach out to pull him up. but he only shakes his head and drags you under again. you shake your head too, about to break away when you see him mouthing the words —
i’m sorry.
don’t leave me.
you still, and for a moment, you both hang there, suspended by the weight of water, the sheer lack of air. and for once, bokuto is thankful for it.
(”i — i’m not that sentimental! i just… i like holding onto broken things, sometimes.” “bokuto… but… we can just get a new dish —” “no, like… i just think… that it’s worth a try is all.”)
this time, when you break the surface, bokuto comes up with you, gasping for air like a drowning man. he takes you by the arms and shakes you, ever so slightly. water droplets cling to his hair like gemstones, glittering in the refracted blue lights.
“we — we’re not broken,” he says, his voice a bit waterlogged, his chest heaving like some great beached whale, fighting for every breath, for every word.
you purse your lips, a wave of something cresting inside your chest.
he gives you another shake.
“and… and even if we are…” he gulps, “i — i think we’re worth fixing.”
you let out a tiny sob, the hot prickling behind your eyes bursting out in a maelstrom of salt and water and bokuto holds you at arm’s length and lets you cry. he lets you scream and struggle and tell him all the things you’d never have told him otherwise.
he takes it the best he can. he weathers the storm. he waits it out like a patient beach, knowing that eventually, the tide will recede. that eventually, even a hurricane will blow through it’s course.
“i’m sorry,” he says, finally, when you’ve cried yourself out, still hiccupping with his hands on either side of your arms, both your fingers pruning in the water.
“y-you better be.”
bokuto laughs, nodding, finally pulling you in for a kiss.
“i am… and… i’m sorry that i’m so bad at apologizing.”
you let out a watery laugh and make a half-hearted attempt to splash him.
“as long as you don’t make a habit of breaking into the gym pool at midnight just to say sorry.”
“i dunno, it’s kinda nice though, isn’t it?”
“what, a midnight dip? i guess it is…”
for a moment, the both of you are quiet. and you both know this isn’t the end, that there are still words to be said, new curtains to buy, old dishes to mend.
“hey, wanna try something?” bokuto’s voice is hopeful, but as you turn to look at him, you allow yourself another smile. because isn’t this what you fell in love with in the first place? the highs and the lows, the sunlight days and the stormy nights.
“sure, what do you wanna try?”
bokuto points at the diving board hanging over the deep end of the pool with a wide, wayward grin.
you hike your eyebrows.
“c’mon! try it! i’ll catch you!”
trust me.
you hesitate for a moment longer before swimming to the edge and heaving yourself out of the water. bokuto whoops as you walk onto the diving board and look over the edge.
he opens his arms and waits for you.
you take a breath, and —
you jump.
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lyrakanefanatic · 16 days
2: odette morales
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• closest to in the game: lyra kane
• love interest: brady daniels
• the person she dislikes the most in the game (at first) knox landry
• personality traits: creative, quieter yet outgoing when you get to know her, smart, caring, reliable, patient, empathetic
• negative personality traits: can be bossy, anxious, naive, and forgetful
• is a dark skinned girl with curly hair who is about 5’8
• LOVES music. has listened to every song on this planet and loves reviewing new albums when they drop (she has a whole instagram account dedicated to it)
• is soft spoken but also tries her best to defend her self and her friends, although she has trouble with it at times
• people pleaser
• has a little sister that’s about lyra’s little brothers’ age so they have little play dates a lot 💗
• tea over coffee person
• she’s incredibly smart, and was in private school from ages 8-16 because she got a scholarship
• she’s struggled with depression for half her life, which started when her mother had originally left her dad when odette was 12
• she’s doing better now, but still has mental relapses where she can’t do anything but rot in her bed for days at a time every so often
• now she has a stepmom, but since she’s white and odette isn’t mixed, they constantly get stared at when it’s just the two of them in public
• has given grayson advice on gifts and what to do on dates with lyra since 1. odette knows her so well and 2. she loves planning things for people
• she wishes she wasn’t so nice and soft spoken sometimes because a lot of people see that as an opportunity to walk all over her and she hates it
• she’s 22 years old
• knox landry: she only didn’t like him at first because him and lyra didn’t really like each other and she didn’t like how passive aggressive he was to her, but then when they were playing hawthorne chutes and ladders and they were confessing things about themselves, knox confessed something that made her realize why he was passive aggressive and almost “hard to love”. from that point forward, though, they’ve both bonded over music they both like and knox sees her and lyra both as little sisters.
• lyra kane: ever since they’ve met, both lyra and odette just fit. lyra was the first person that odette walked up and talked to in the game, and they both immediately clicked. they bond over favourite books, their little siblings, and what’s it’s like to have an absent parent. odette isnt that great at defending herself when she’s getting talked down on and doesn’t really like confrontation, but is willing to defend lyra no matter what. they’ve never really seen each other as competition, (although they quite literally are) and have made plans many times on what they would do if the other were to win. they’re best friends, partners in crime, sisters, and would do literally anything for each other. 💗
• brady daniels: at first, odette felt anxious around him because of how confident he was, before she started developing a crush. although she doesn’t really like mingling with the other contestants because of how awkward it makes her, she always looks for opportunities to talk to brady, although she pretends she doesn’t. brady’s nick name for her is “smart girl”, where as odettes nick name for him is “dumb boy”. they’re both oblivious at times which is why it takes them a while to date. also the fact that brady tries to flirt with her and she just brushes it off as a friends thing by ignoring the fact that she likes him. there’s also a lot of pining between them for the same reason, and even if it’s clear that brady’s flirting with her, she just laughs it off. finally brady just outright said that he liked her and all that flirting wasn’t in a joking way, and she got so flustered that she ran away. after she finally got her things together and confronted him in the hallway, though, she told him that she liked him too and from then on they started dating.💗
• savannah grayson: she surprisingly gets along really well with sav even though they’re practically opposites, and odette finds it cool how easily savannah can defend herself and how she’s not afraid to. although they were wary of each other at first, they never really had a bad stage and always got along pretty well. whenever the two of them find each other in the library, kitchen, or just roaming the hallways late at night because they both can’t sleep, they find someplace to sit and talk for hours until they get really REALLY tired. although odette is not one for sports, savannah somehow manages to get her into basketball and she gets really good at it. now, they play together all the time.
• gigi grayson: she’s not as close with gigi as she is with sav, but she still finds her so sweet. since odettes like 22 years old, she sees her as a little sister and adores her upbeat attitude. odette never gets tired of all the pics of gigis cat that geeg sends her, and adores them. they also get a bunch of snacks and have movie nights where they watch the sherlock holmes movies. and yes, they are those kind of people who get a million different bags of candies and make candy salads lethal enough to send them into comas. also, they’ve gotten into more arguments than they would like to admit about which is better: coffee, or tea.
• rohan: rohan and odette don’t really interact as much as they have completely different personalities, and odette doesn’t really like him because he keeps going after savannah, but they still end up being friends. rohan, although he flirts with everyone, never really tried to flirt with odette and is a completely different person with her than the other contestants. he still has that “playboy who’s sassy and confident” vibe going on, but he’s never really had to maintain it with odette and most of their “hang outs” are just them doing their own thing while having simple chit chat about their day. odette does end up being harsher towards him once he started showing how much he liked savannah, but rohan assured odette once he and savannah started dating that he wasn’t going to hurt her.
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Wildest dreams, pt. 16
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Summary: Meeting the imprints.
Warnings: fluff, angst
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Sitting in the corner of what she could best describe as an all-girls sleepover, Y/N sipped on her tea trying to ignore the drying tear stains on her shirt. Her lower lip quivers each time she releases it from her teeth formed prison, the flesh bruised and swollen after her merciless, anxiety induced chewing.
Emily catches her gaze every now and then, but Y/N is quick to avert her eyes. She had been given some space to gather her thoughts, but how can she do that when her mind is far too engrossed in the very real possibility of losing Paul before she even had a chance to call him hers?
Would destiny be so cruel? After all the time she spent ripping him apart for things that happened so long ago, she would deserve this. 
But he wouldn’t. 
Paul wouldn’t deserve to die just to torture Y/N, or so she hopes.
“They’ll be fine”, one of the girl speaks to her. Her hair is short, down to her shoulders – black as is usual in La Push. Her face is wide, mainly in the cheeks thus making her eyes seem smaller than they are. The dark eyes reflect empathy, a kindness of spirit that allows Y/N to relax. She remembers her from high school. She was one of the few girls that hung around with the guys. 
Y/N used to be so jealous of her,
At least she understands now.
“You’re Kim”, Y/N states. “Jared’s imprint.”
Nodding, Kim smiles softly. “One of the first imprints in the pack.” Reaching for Y/N’s hand, her smile widens. They’ve seen each other quite a lot, but they’ve never really spoken. When Paul was stuck to the bed, she barely paid any mind to anyone else and Kim understood that. She wouldn’t be interested in making new friends if something happened to Jared either. “I’ve done this quite a lot. It’s almost never anything more than a few scrapes and bruises.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N frowns. “I haven’t done this a lot, but mine came back with a lot worse last time.”
“Paul is strong. One of the strongest in the pack.” Looking around carefully, she leans in and whispers. “Don’t tell Jared I said that.”
Pressing the tip of her thumb and pointer finger, she runs them over her lips and locks them before throwing away the imaginary key over her right shoulder.
“Does the worry and constant fear fade away?” Placing her hand over her heart, Y/N lets out a shuddered breath. “I don’t think I can survive many more nights like this.”
“It’s always there”, a blonde speaks up. “Just as your love for him is. It’s like a phantom limb.” Shrugging, she manages a small smile as she looks at her hands. “Ever since I met Embry, I’ve felt it. I didn’t know the truth for the first few months of dating and I still felt it.”
She’s stunning. Shaking her head, Y/N suppresses a chuckle in disbelief. All those years ago, Y/N was so certain she’d marry Embry and they’d have a perfect life…like most young girls do. It never occurred to her they’d stop being friends at sixteen, or that their lives would be so different.
This girl is the epitome of beauty – as if the sun itself kissed her hair golden and the skies reflect in her eyes. She’s all Y/N never was nor can be. It’s silly, but the teenage girl that harbored those feelings for Embry is genuinely stumped at how dumb her crush was when this is his type.
“Embry never told me he imprinted.” Y/N admits.
“I’m Daisy.” Her eyes lighten up. “I’ve heard so much about you. Feels like I know you already!” It doesn’t look like she knows Y/N’s history with Embry and Y/N has no plans on changing that. Stirring drama isn’t good for anyone involved.
“I look forward getting to know you.” Y/N offers a friendly smile and for once, she means it. She can’t help but look around the room.
Next, she met Claire – Quil’s imprint. She’s still in high school and they’re friends. She’s dating her best friend – Andrea, who is also present.
The other girls were rather young as well, imprints of those who joined the pack as mere children at a time when vampires were frequent in the area.
They told her about Leah and Owen who live in Los Angeles, and of their daughter who is starting kindergarten.
Seth is one of the rare wolves who has yet to imprint on anyone, or so they said.
“What about Jacob?” Y/N furrows her eyebrows, confused. “You said almost everyone has an imprint. Does Jacob?”
Emily clears her throat. “He does.”
“Oh”, escapes her. She didn’t know if she was more hurt about the fact he didn’t tell her himself or about the way he talked to her as if he was interested in starting a romantic relationship with her when he came back.
Sure, not all imprints are romantic, Claire and Quil aren’t, but she didn’t believe Jacob would be able to resist a connection like that. It’s cosmic, all consuming. At least it is for her. So what happened to have him acting the way he did with her?
Before she can ask for details, the door opens and in an instant the room is overcome with joy. She watched as the girls leapt from their seats and into the arms of their loved ones. Emily kissed Sam, Claire and Andrea embraced Quil, Daisy nearly knocked Embry over as she jumped from the couch and straight into his chest.
Lips parting, she grips the hem of her skirt as Paul moves past Sam and pauses in front of the coffee table. Shirtless, the muscles on his chest move up and down as his breathing quickens at the sight of his imprint.
She’s curled in a chair, her hands shaking as she grips the hem of her skirt, pulling it down to make sure she’s appropriately covered. Her eyes are glossy, tied to him as if he’s the anchor she desperately needs to hold on to. His eyes flicker to the quivering chin and it’s enough for him to smile – she cares. Moving to her side, he falls to her knees before her.
Most would assume she’s indifferent, but they’d be blind. She’s tired, fighting tears and likely can’t even feel her legs to actually stand and run to his arms and he can feel it in his heart and soul that’s what she wanted to do. He didn’t need her to do that, he didn’t even see it worthy of a second thought. All he wants is to hold her hand and remind her he’s there – that he always will be.
And that’s exactly what he does.
The moment the palm of his hand rests over her pale knuckles, her hands relax and without a moment to waste, Y/N’s arms are wrapped around him, her face hiding in the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay”, he whispers as he pulls her closer and lifts her up only to sit in her place, allowing her to remain in his lap, wrapped around him. “I’m here, dove. I’m here.”
“I hate that nickname”, she reminds him meekly and he can’t help but chuckle.
“Might grow on you”, he insists.
“You know, we are here too?! We deserve a hug, don’t we?” Embry exclaims, earning himself a middle finger from Paul.
“Oh, nice! Real mature!” Jacob remarks.
Inhaling sharply, Y/N pulls herself away just enough to rest her temple on Paul’s shoulder. “As mature as neither of you telling me you’ve imprinted”, she sasses back and Embry glances at Daisy nervously.
“We didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
“I’ve already been pushed off a cliff and into the ocean of madness you’ve got going on here. Meeting your soulmates would be a vacation compared to everything else”, she deadpans. “And Daisy is pretty amazing.”
“I know, right?!” Embry smirks as he pulls Daisy into a half embrace.
Raising her brows, she looks to Jacob. “And where’s yours?”
“Probably best we leave that for later”, Paul warns her gently.
“Why? What could be worse than Quil imprinting on a little girl?”
“Hey!” Quil pipes up.
“Well, she’s right”, Claire remarks and he quiets down.
“A newborn”, Seth spills the beans instead.
Wide eyes, she looks to Jacob. “No frickin’ way.”
“Mhmm”, Jared laughs. “Bella’s one minute old vampire baby!”
Opening her mouth to speak, Y/N stares at Jacob without a single word leaving her lips.
“Oh, come on! I didn’t exactly have a choice!” He reminds everyone. “If I did, I’d have imprinted on you!” Jacob points at Y/N.
Gripping her hip tighter, Paul narrows his eyes at Jacob. “Better watch that finger as well as your mouth, Jake.”
Tapping Paul’s shoulder, Y/N pecks his cheek. “We should probably go before you decide to eat Jacob for dinner.”
“He can try”, Jacob snorts, further angering Paul.
Realizing he’s shaking, Y/N swallows thickly. Placing her hand on his cheek, she turns his head to look at her.
The anger is burning in his eyes like a bonfire, spreading through his veins like a forest fire and yet, the moment she presses her lips against his, it’s as if a wave has washed over him, putting the fire out instantly.
It doesn’t take long for him to return the kiss, pulling Y/N closer until they can hardly breathe.
“WE CAN SEE YOU”, Seth reminds them, causing Y/N to laugh and pull away sheepishly.
“Thanks a lot, Seth”, Paul grimaces.
“What? I’d rather not barf the delicious cupcake I just had!”
And though the night didn’t quite end the way Y/N planned, she enjoyed the dinner they shared as a big family. She enjoyed hearing their stories and while some scared her to the core, being with Paul helped her heartbeat calm to a reasonable pace.
“You do realize I’m wearing an extremely sexy pair of red, lacy panties and a matching bra?” She whispers in his ear as the rest of them all seemed to be lost in their own conversations.
“Heard that”, Quil whines.
Throwing her head back, Y/N groans. “Get up”, she orders Paul who chuckles and raises his hands in mock surrender.
“There is no way I’m going anywhere with you.”
With hands on her hips and raised eyebrows, she looks at Paul. “Do you prefer everyone here hearing all the dirty things I’d do to you, or would you rather have me skip theory and go straight to a practical approach?”
Paul hisses, “Temptress!”
“3”, she begins.
“2”, she places a hand on her zipper and his eyes widen.
Jumping to his feet, he looks at the amused looks from his brothers in shock. “This is why I never wanted an imprint!”
Raising a brow, she takes a step back. “Excuse me?!”
Embry explodes with laughter, while Quil exclaims. “I GET YOUR HOUSE WHEN SHE KILLS YOU!”
“Not that I regret it”, Paul tries to coerce her to smile, but her eyes narrow at him. 
“Sure”, she swallows thickly. “You’re right. Stay here.” Turning on her heel, she waves at everyone. “And I’m going home. Enjoy your night everyone.”
Watching her walk away in confusion, Paul rubs his forehead.
“What the fuck did I even do?”
“You basically told her that you didn’t want to imprint”, Daisy exclaims. “Which translates to: I didn’t want to be with you, but I am because a magic bond has made sure I can’t leave.”
Huffing, he shakes his head. “I’m an idiot.”
“You’re a bigger idiot for standing there instead of running after her.”
“I was gonna!” Paul insists. “Just needed to know what to apologize for.”
Shaking his head, Jacob grimaces. “And this is the part where you run after her!”
Tags: @the-chaotic-cow @xxxjaexxx @captainrogers-19 @bexloxl @laehlaluvs @adaydreamaway08 @sunsetevergreen @volturiwolf @twihard08 @galacticstxrdust @sorrow-and-bliss @ireadthensuetheauthors @missxmarvelous @locokoca @unstablekay @makhaia @venusdelaroix @avadakadabra93 @tearsforhan @a-marie-a @lendeluxe @seagulls-corner @jdbxws @kitabestboy @rottenstyx @itsmytimetoodream @dreamerwasfound @avis15 @whatevenisthisname @julia13123 @convolutings @rachelccollier @prvncessvibes @thingfromlove @jennyamanda8 @havecourage-darling@luvr-exe @alittlejudgemental @bugerie @turningtoclown @vikingsheart12 @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows 
A/n - Anyone not tagged has either changed their @ or deactivated their account. If you haven’t and the tag didn’t work for you, let me know. I’d like to apologize for a relatively short chapter after waiting for a while, I’ve been having a lot of personal issues - work, health and especially the overwhelming depressing that’s been trying to win this little war we’ve been having for the past five years. So, I’ll try to be more active and write, but I really can’t make any promises. 
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origamiplushie · 4 months
Dustin's really going through it
Read on AO3. Inspired by this tumblr post.
It is an ordinary Friday like any other. The party is once again gathered in the Wheeler’s basement. They’re just having a normal sleepover not playing DND so even Max has elected to join them. They have a pile of snacks and soft drinks, they’ve picked out some movies to watch later and right now they’ve given in to stereotype and are playing truth or dare.
So far Max has admitted to shoplifting (multiple times) (with very little shame), Will has demonstrated that he can do a handstand but only hold it for about 20 seconds, Lucas has been forced to chug a shaken bottle of coke and spent a tense fifteen minutes doing his best not to throw up and Dustin has confessed that he once destroyed a sweater his mom bought him and blamed it on Mews just so she couldn’t force him to ever wear him to wear it again. 
Dustin spins the bottle and watches it slow down to land on Mike. He dramatically pretends to contemplate his choices for a moment before turning towards Mike and asking with a sly grin: “What is the most embarrassing crush you’ve ever had?”
Mike sputters angrily. 
“None of your business!”
Dustin immediately shoots back with: “Actually we’re playing truth or dare so right now it is very much our business.”
“Shut up, I’m not telling you guys!”
“Come on dude, you forced me to show you pictures of the sweater! Fair’s fair!”
Will tries to goad Mike into telling them.
“Come on, Mike, it can’t be that bad?”
Max snorts and says: “Or at least not worse than Dustin in that puke coloured sweater.”
“Just rip off the bandaid and tell us already!”
“It’s Steve! It’s Steve, alright?” Mike finally exclaims. Immediately after that he slamms his face into his hands.
A moment of shocked silence follows.
And then Max starts laughing.
Seeing as Mike is clearly mortified, El leans over to pat him on his back.
“Steve is very handsome. And he is nice. I do not think he is an embarrassing boy to crush on,” she said.
Lucas decides to also try and reassure his friend.
“I mean, if I wasn’t dating Max and if I liked guys, I would probably also have a crush on Steve. He’s just like the whole package - he's athletic and charismatic and super supportive and a good listener, you know?”
Now Max, still laughing under her breath, adds: “Not just charismatic and nice, he’s hot! Have you seen him shirtless at the pool?”
Will, who so far had been struck speechless, turns entirely red in the face as he shyly nods and says: “I personally like watching when he plays basketball with Lucas.”
Mike looks like he feels a bit better and even dares to peek at the rest of the room through his fingers.
“For real?” 
Lucas nods enthusiastically.
“Yeah dude, Steve’s a nice guy. Half the school probably has a crush on him.” 
Mike isn’t hiding his face anymore but Dustin seems disturbed by the entire conversation.
“Nononono, fucking ew!Steve isn’t… hot. He’s a fucking doofus and a dork!”
They’re all laughing at Dustin’s distressed face now.
“You’re just mad your friends like your “older brother”,” Max chimes up.
Mike is confident enough by now to speak.
“Now you know how I felt when you were crushing on Nancy!”
After that all of Dustin’s protests are ignored as the group trades stories of Steve as well as their other crushes. Meanwhile Dustin tries to smother himself with a pillow and does his best to tune the whole conversation out.
Dustin doesn’t even give Eddie the chance to get out of the car and wave before he’s already throwing his bag in the back, sitting in and slamming the door closed.
“Soo… going out on a limb here, I’m guessing the sleepover didn’t go well?” Eddie says backing out of the Wheeler’s driveway.
“No! It didn’t! They all spent the whole evening basically gossiping and talking about some… dumb shit! We never even got to watching “Highlander”! It's new enough that it's still under the two day rental policy! And Steve said he’s not going to waive any more of my late fees! So I guess I’m going to have to drop this off today too. And when Steve asks ‘Oh Dustin, how was the movie? Were the swordfights as awesome as they looked on the box?’ I’m going to have to say ‘Well Steve, I never actually got to find out!’”
Dustin grosses his arms with a huff and glares out the window.
“That sucks dude. Did you tell them you wanted to watch the movie?”
“Yes! But apparently Mrs. Flemings is right when she complains that teens these days have no appreciation for art and culture!”
Eddie glances at Dustin sitting sullenly in the passenger seat and offers with a wink: “How about this? I’ll drive us to Family Video, rent the movie under my account after you’ve returned it and then we can hang out at my pace and watch it together. Then tomorrow you can tell the others how cool it was and what they were all missing out on by ignoring you.”
Dustin immediately brightens up.
“Really? Thanks, Eddie, you’re the best!”
“And hey, if we’re hanging out all day anyway, you might as well pick out another movie to watch as well. I don’t know about you but I don’t have any other plans for today.”
Dustin rushes to browse the shelves and pick a second movie while Eddie waits at the counter with the “Highlander” tape. 
He personally prefers sci-fi above all but he knows Eddie likes horror movies, so it might be nice to go with something Eddie liked as a gesture of appreciation. He considers his options for a while. Finally, “Star Trek” is put back on the shelf and Dustin turns towards the counter with the “Shining”. 
And then he stops.
Steve is leaning on his forearms against the counter.
Eddie is leaning forward as well, a strand of hair pulled in front of his face.
The two of them and Christopher Lambert staring up at them from the VHS case form a little triangle. They seem utterly oblivious to the rest of the world.
Eddie is definitely blushing.
Dustin takes a deep breath.
Steve and Eddie are reminded real quick that they are not alone in the universe when he starts yelling.
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sitp-recs · 9 months
Very late on this but following tradition here’s a birthday rec post to celebrate our kind, brilliant and inimitable @lqtraintracks! It’s not a secret that I’ve loved LQT’s works for over a decade and am beyond grateful for everything they’ve done for the fandom, for Drarry, and for my fave rare pair. I love using any excuse to rec LQT but after many lists and recs it was a challenge to come up with something I hadn’t done before. Since they’re impressively prolific (how lucky are we?!) I thought of bringing together new gems recently posted and beloved old faves, Drarry and rare pair galore as it should be! So come and feast on another self-indulgent and slutty Liv list, my specialty 😌 Thank you my friend for being a steady, joyful, welcoming presence in the fandom, for gracing us with so many brilliant reads, for introducing me to my favorite rare pair (my whole heart belongs to your Hardy) and for bringing to life the perfect Teddy Lupin - your characterization remains my ultimate headcanon for him even after all these years. I hope you’ve had an incredible day!!! 💜
5 new rare pair fics to read:
🚗 destination unknown (M, 1.2k) - Teddy/James
They’re taking a trip together; they’re falling in love, or already there.
🧨 ballroom, close hold: five, six, seven, eight (E, 1.4k) - Fred/George
If there are two things that don’t go together, it’s sex pollen and going into heat. Or maybe they do go together and it’s just a matter of perspective.
📷 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart (E, 4k) - Ginny/Pansy
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🧹 Like Love Itself (E, 5k) - Albus/James
Albus has spent his whole life chasing after James. It never occurred to him James might want to be caught.
🐾 Eyes Gone Golden Like Coins (E, 5k) - Harry/Teddy
“Wish I could knot you,” I hear myself say. His eyes flash golden, like Galleons fresh from the Gringotts mint. When we’ve finished and we’re lying all tangled up, he asks softly. “You can… can’t you?”
5 Drarry faves to reread:
💔 A Pain of Our Choosing (E, 6k)
It’s 8th year and everyone’s still a bit messed up. Harry and Draco fall into being messed up together.
🎯 check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous (E, 8k)
Harry's had a crush on Malfoy for months now. But it will take a bar full of his friends, some Firewhisky, wagers made on his behalf, and Malfoy himself to get him to act on it.
🎁 Touch Me Fall (E, 23k)
Malfoy was such a ponce. And he was a complete snob. And he was so fucking fit Harry wanted to jump him where he sat. It would be too easy to forget his objective tonight: to really, really, really get Malfoy out of his system.
🐉 Blood and Fire (E, 45k)
Harry has spent the last twelve years in Romania, not returning to England as often as he knows he should. It's complicated. But when Ginny asks him to be her best man and help her plan her wedding, he can't say no. Having a reckoning with his choices, with himself, won't be easy. To say nothing of seeing Draco again.
🎲 Right Hand Red (E, 73k)
Harry felt Malfoy's breath on his lips as they came together over the bottle, hands firmly planted on the floor as though they each needed their familiar soil, refusing to cross into enemy territory. Except that Malfoy no longer felt like his enemy. Malfoy felt inevitable.
Bonus: Liv’s angsty PWP picks 🔥
🥃 Afterimage (1.7k) - Ginny/Ron
Ron comes home drunk (again); Ginny takes care of him. Again.
🌙 Beneath a Foreign Moon (2.7k) - Harry/Teddy
Harry visits Teddy in the middle of the night.
🪞 Slip Free of My Grasp (3.4k) - Harry/Sirius
I don't want to be bad for him. I want to do bad things and still be, somehow, inexplicably, good.
👠 Rogue Waves (6.5k) - Ginny/Pansy
A story of living with the trauma, fucking who you want, and maybe finding a little solace.
🎸 like the lost lyrics of a song suddenly remembered (11k) - Teddy/Bill, Teddy/James
Teddy Lupin, aging rockstar, is making a comeback after his life and career were nearly ruined by an illegal potions habit. Everyone's out to support him tonight. Including the man he's always tried so hard not to love -- as well as the man he's always turned to instead.
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starksbabie · 8 months
You Belong With Me
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Eddie’s got what he always dreamed of, he is passing his classes, Hellfire is going great, Corroded Coffin is sounding better than ever, Chrissy Cunningham is his girlfriend, and his best friend Y/N is right by his side.
A/N: A fic inspired by Taylor Swift’s You Belong With Me where Eddie overlooks his best friend who is completely in love with him... or does he? Hurt/Comfort. One of my fics with a happy ending.
Wordcount: 1.4k
Eddie laughs keeping his arms tight around Chrissy’s waist as she groans and stomps her foot in response to a joke he made.
“Aw, come on babe it’s just a joke!” Eddie laughs, pressing a loud wet kiss to Chrissy’s cheek, making the strawberry blonde girl gasp.
“Eddie!” She squeals.
You just roll your eyes at their antics and look back at your lunch, you still can’t really believe that they’re dating. Of course, you had known about Eddie’s crush on Chrissy forever, but never in a million years did you think the head cheerleader, queen of Hawkins High, would return his affections.
You look up when Eddie snaps his fingers in front of your face.
“Hello? You in there?” He asks, giving you an odd, slightly concerned look, you notice the cafeteria is mostly emptied out now.
“Yeah, sorry just thinking about that quiz in Ms. O'Donnell's.” You look at him and smile packing up your stuff.
“…we have a quiz in O’Donnell’s today?”
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You lay back on your bed listening to your new Van Halen album, when your window slides open and Eddie comes tumbling in.
“You know one of these times you’re going to get caught in here.” You laugh, as he rights himself and settles himself back onto your bed next to you. “Is this your new album?” He smiles, ignoring your statement, putting his hand behind his head as he relaxes next to you, looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to your ceiling.
“Yeah, it’s really good, I think I like Sammy Hagar.” You say, looking at him, taking in his side profile, admiring the slope of his nose and the fizz of his curls as his listens to the music filling your room.
He turns to look at you, and you think you’ve been caught but Eddie doesn’t seem to notice that you were staring.
“Really? Better than David Lee?”
“Yeah. Here, Listen to this.” You get up and put on a song that you had listened to earlier for him, before laying back down. The two of you lay there side-by-side, and finish the entire album before arguing over which lead singer is better.
After a while Eddie puts on another album and breaks out a joint that he brought with him. The two of you lay next to each other smoking, enjoying the music and each other’s company without feeling the need to fill the air between you with endless conversation. Once the joint is reduced to nothing but ash and the album has been flipped to the ‘B’ side Eddie starts telling you his plans for after graduation.
“I’m gonna do it. I swear it, I’m getting out of this town one way or another. I know my uncle wants me to come work at the plant with him, but I just can’t imagine that as my future. I want to play stages. I’m going to get me a warlock and I’m going to LA and I will find someone, anyone who will take me seriously.”
You smile at him as he talks, you know if anyone deserves to get out of this hick town it’s him. His imagination, his dreams, his personality. They’ve always been too big for Hawkins.
“And it doesn’t hurt that Chrissy is going to UCLA next year either.” He adds.
There it is, the one thing that could dampen the amazing evening you’d been having, you’d almost forgotten about her.
“Oh… She is?”
“Yeah, she got the letter this afternoon. I’m going with her. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me, Y/N. I’m so lucky.” He smiles and sits up, pulling his shoes back on, “I should get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow for Hellfire.”
You watch as he climbs out the window, before closing it behind him. You sit back on the bed and put your head in your hands and wishing, and hoping and wanting more than anything for Eddie to see you as more than his best friend.
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You don’t know why you’re here. You sit next to Eddie and the rest of the Hellfire boys in the bleachers watching Lucas play basketball, at least that’s what you’re telling yourself. You know Eddie is here for one reason, who’s wearing a short skirt and currently standing on the sidelines of the game. You try your best to focus on the game but it’s hard to not notice how Eddie whistles at her after she does a cartwheel, or how he claps loudly each time she does something.
After the game everyone decides to go to Benny’s for milkshakes, but you excuse yourself saying that you have a headache. You walk home and lock yourself in your bedroom laying in your bed feeling so lonely over the fact that the man you are head over heels for, doesn’t see you in the same light at all. You don’t register the tears at first, it’s not until they are dripping down your cheeks that you realize the sound you’re hearing is your own sobs. You lay there and allow the sadness to overwhelm, and envelop you until the peaceful darkness of sleep pulls you in.
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You do your best over the next few weeks to avoid Eddie, especially if he’s with Chrissy, which seems to be all the time. The school year is coming to a close and there are more and more parties and celebrations, which makes it harder to avoid him while still enjoying time with your other friends. You decide to skip Jason Carver’s party though because you know Chrissy will absolutely drag Eddie there. Instead, you have a movie night with some of your other friends and find for the first time in a while you don’t feel so lonely.
After everyone goes home, you work on cleaning things up. You know it’s late but you’d rather get it done now than have to do it in the morning, who cares if it’s the middle of the night. You make your way up to your room and get ready for bed, and are startled by the knock on your window, opening it there he is, hair disheveled.
“Hey…” He smiles, “can I come in?”
You nod and step back giving him space to crawl on in, he tumbles through the window with as much as grace as usual and he sprawls on the floor looking up at you.
“What are you doing here, Eddie?”
“Why are you avoiding me, Y/N?” He sits up and leans against the wall under the windowsill.
You pause and look at him, before sitting next to him with your back against the wall too.
“Why aren’t you at Carver’s party with Chrissy?” you answer his question with another, two can play at that game.
He sighs and looks at you.
“Her friends are so fake. There’s not one real, genuine thing about any of them. It’s exhausting to be around them. I’d rather be here. Around you. So… Why are you avoiding me?”
You take a deep breath and look at your hands in your lap, “can’t you see, Eddie. She’s just like them. I’m the one who understands you. I’ve been here all along, so why can’t you see? You don’t belong with her Eddie. You belong with me.”
The room is silent for a long moment after your confession, before Eddie lets out a long breath and hooks his finger under your chin to lift your face so you’re looking at him.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, I really mean it.”
He leans in and seals his lips over yours in a warm, loving kiss. Nothing is perfect but he knows, no one knows him better than you. You have always fit together like two puzzle pieces and if he’d realized just how much you’d loved him from the start he never would have asked Chrissy out. Together you two can make it through anything, and this, this kiss feels like perfection.
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sarcasticassian · 1 year
Robin, Chrissy, Vickie and Nancy are in a rock band, Robin sings, Chrissy and Vickie on guitar and bass and Nancy drums, Steve is their manager and Dustin, Steve’s little brother is their number one fan and tags along to gigs all the time, Mike is more reluctant but even he can admit his sister is kinda cool for being in an all girl rock band that slaps, Lucas is their best friend and so he comes along for the ride, holding back Dustin when he gets too enthusiastic and underfoot until he also gets too excited and they cause a small amount of chaos and Erica is an admirer of the band so she squeezes her way into events as well
Corroded Coffin are currently the world’s biggest new metal band, Jonathan is their actual manager but Max, Eddie’s little sister, likes to follow him around and tell him what she’d do instead, Will and El encourage her much to Jonathan’s dismay and Eddie’s delight, they’ve just dropped a killer album (Satanic Panic) and they’re organising a tour, Max suggests the rock band she’s always listening to and after checking out the discography Corroded Coffin agree it would be a good fit
Steve switches off his hearing aid before he tells the girls about CC reaching out because they’re all big fans and CC is a small influence on their work, Robin and Eddie share the same raspy vocal quality, and he was thankful he did because they all scream, he snarks that he’s assuming they’re up to be CC’s opener and he’ll get back to Jonathan
Max and Dustin connect on social media before the band’s get together and it’s the meeting of two of the most chaotic minds and they’re already causing trouble, I just want them to cause shenanigans and that leads to them deciding to parent trap several members of the bands and teams because then they’re forever intertwined and Dustin and Max can keep going to both of their concerts for free, Lucas thinks its a little manipulative, Mike and Will think it’s genius and El would just like to go to concerts and learn about girl power and fucking the patriarchy and Erica knows a lot about that
the adults don’t know they’re being moved around like chess pieces until it’s too late and then one day Steve sits up in bed, accidentally elbowing Eddie on his way up from where they were spooning, and he’s like those little shits they did this on purpose, it’s 3AM but he’s calling Dustin and making Eddie call Max so he has them both on the phone because he knows they did this only for the two fuckers to laugh and say they really only meant to get Vickie and Jeff together because the two of them had openly stated that they thought the other was cute, everybody else just fell into place after that so they can’t be punished but they’ll take the credit
Gareth and Argyle, who are both still happily single, neither ready to settle down, will take it to the grave that they helped the kids by passing on info about any crushes or hook ups with in the adult group, they just sip on their drinks that the kids money bought them because the information came at a price as well as their silence and enjoy the peace and quiet now that nobody is moaning about being in unrequited love or never getting laid
it went something like Vickie and Jeff started to date which made Chrissy realise Robin wasn’t in a secret relationship or pining after Vickie and Robin realised Chrissy was interested so they make a move on each other, Steve gives Robin some space to date Chrissy without him hanging around and ends up ferrying his brother to hangouts with Max who just happens to be getting dropped off by Eddie despite the fact that both of them can drive but Steve and Eddie make plans to hang out and they make it complicated because it’s them but eventually they get together properly and while all this was happening Nancy and Jonathan were slotting into place quietly but sweetly and it works and now the kids have four couples for the price of one and their favourite bends are gonna be able to collab forever
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oh-surprise-its-me · 8 months
I listened to so much loud music last night and got drunk. Apparently I wrote this idea in my notes app last night.
So here’s an actual au of Jake never becoming a pilot!
The only reason why Jake was going to the hard deck tonight was for Javy.
Okay Javy and his dads. They convinced him to go. Jake is still in his scrubs. But with three days off starting tomorrow he figures Javy will forgive him.
He slides into the bar and looks around for his dads. A man comes him to him. “Hey pretty boy not sure this is your kinda place.” Jake wipes all the thoughts he was having about the mustache out of his head. “They let you fly with something that distracting on your face?”
Jake shoves past him. He sees his dads now. He ducks through the celebration. Comes up behind his tata. “Congratulations.” The three of them turn and Jake is quickly pulled into hugs. He gets kisses pressed to his head. Ron turns and shouts for Javy.
Javy catches sight of Jake and practically runs to him. Jake is brought into a crushing hug. Tom laughs at them and Chris reminds Javy to go slow.
Jake pulls back and gently smacks Javy’s chest. “You got a fucking concussion?” Javy flushes. “No?”
There’s a new voice from behind him. “Don’t lie to the man Jav.” Jake glances back to see a smaller brown haired man. He’s pretty sure it’s Maverick. Chris laughs. “Good luck with that Mav.” Jake instantly snaps back into nurse mode. He can’t help it. He shoves Javy onto a stool. “Tell me everything.”
Javy glances at Mav. “Go ahead we both know who his dads are.” Javy quickly tells Jake about the accident. Jake nods along the entire time.
Tom leans around Chris to talk to Mav, “get your kid they should meet again now that they aren’t 2.” Mav laughs. “Does Jake promise not to bite this time?” Jake blinks at his dad. “I don’t even want to know what you two are referring to.” Ron laughs and presses a kiss to Jake’s hair. “You were a bitey kid.”
“Says the man that bit dad and tata for me to see. Who’s fault is that.” Chris smacks Ron. “See.” Jake knows this has been a gentle argument they’ve had for years.
Jake eventually tells Javy he’s fine. Javy smacks his hip with an “I told you now drink.” Jake accepts the beer passed his way. They all move to a booth.
Chris in Tom’s lap, Ron on the inside, Jake and Javy sharing a side like they always do.
Mav drifts back over with him is the idiot with the facial hair. “Jake meet my son Bradley. Rooster for his callsign”
Jake and Bradley stare at each other. Bradley breaks first. He reaches a hand out, “nice to meet you.”
Jake blinks at him. “Yeah nice.” They shake on it. Bradley holds on. “Want another beer?” Javy elbows him. “Fuck it sure if you’re paying.” Jake is pulled up by Bradley. “Let’s go get it pretty boy.”
Mav takes Jake’s seat. “God Chris you were right they’re going to kill each other.”
Ron and Tom both chatter in polish, Chris smacks them, “stop it you two I don’t need to think about that.” Javy laughs. “I already know too much. He’s exactly Jake’s type.”
Mav stares after them. They’re leaning against the bar. Bradley has an arm around Jake’s waist. Jake looks like he’s turned on but considering breaking the arm. “Oh no what have I done.”
The four others laugh. “It’ll be fine Mav.”
Mav shakes his head, “how did your kid end up a nurse anyways.”
The three of them grin. They’ll take any opportunity to talk about their kid. Chris starts, “he took after our friend Lucas. He was an ER nurse in Texas and here. Always was fascinated with his stories.”
Ron nods and presses a kiss to Tom’s head. “We taught him how to fly and he loves it but it just wasn’t what he wanted to do.” Tom smiles at Chris before continuing, “he’s a little grease monkey like Chris here too but he wanted to help people. Decided to go into nursing. ER like Lucas was.”
Chris shakes his head, “told him he wasn’t allowed to become a firefighter though. Paramedic sure. But I never wanted him do follow what David and I did.”
Mav nods. He’s jealous in a sense. Wishes Bradley understood why he pulled his papers. Wished they didn’t loose so much time.
“Holy shit they’re gone.”
They all turn to look at the bar. Yep. No Bradley or Jake. Tom let’s out a loud laugh. “He really is our kid.” Mav slams his head into the table. “Goddamn it.”
Javy pats his shoulder. “Come on old man let’s see if you can beat me at pool.”
Jake’s dads watch as they leave. Chris leans back and whispers to his husbands. “Wanna go home and celebrate our own way?” Ron’s eyes flash. “Absolutely.” Tom squeezes his hip. “Good thing tomorrow is Saturday.”
Chris laughs. He grins at the two of them. “Come on then.”
They all wave to Mav and the daggers.
They give Javy and hug on the way out.
The daggers look so confused. They know they’ll have to host a bbq and invite all of them.
It’ll be a good weekend.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
Y’all let’s talk for a second. I rewatched ASIAS at the ER last night and I noticed something. Now forgive me, this might be a long post buttttt hear me out. I think of Willow wouldn’t have found out quiiittte yet that Hunter was the golden guard, the guard that Luz had talked about, she would’ve started liking Hunter. I think she actually might have developed a crush on him already, and here’s why:
On there first meeting, you know how the story goes, she’s looking for recruitments and sees Hunter playing flyer derby with a griffin for his boot. She’s immediately amazed by him. Ok? Now we haven’t had much throughout the series on Willow herself but we know she started off bullied, her best friend was forced to unfriend her- and she’s a powerful witch. She’s gained this new confidence now that she’s able to legally act on that.
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Sure, he’s a little wierd upon first meeting. But their meeting towards eachother is totally parallel! They’re both confused by eachother, hunter bc she didn’t think the was to uhm.. test the recruits was deathly courses, and Willow, bc of how he thought they should test the recruits.
And then the next scene we get, where he’s showing off the flying skills to help Willow,
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They both quote eachother. Not literally, but they’re impressed, even amazed by each others talents and recognize each others strengths. Both stating the the other would make a great edition/ and if there’s any others like them. Now ofc, Hunter is upset, like really upset that the so-called “best and brightest” are what she presented to him. Now that upsets her, bc she understands what it’s like to be misjudged at one point, but then she hears what she’d felt her whole life. “If you’re considered a half-a-witch like me” and she understands.
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What I’m trying to say is, TOH producers and crafty and smart. They know what to create. I believe they did this parallel for a reason, I think it was for her to develop a crush on him this episode, just as I knowwwww he did as we see later on in future episodes. Now all of this stuff stuff you’ve probably picked up on your own, but I want to go to this one scene, that made me want to look into this.
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AINT NOBODY ELSE IN THIS SHOT LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT. I think she started to like him. I think she saw this scrawny, cute, cocky, a little judgemental at first(with reason she begins to understand), having fun, she was having fun with him. I think she developed her crush then. I think she still likes him. And here’s why.
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When she starts to put the pieces together after his grand introduction. She’s nervous, confused, and even upset. Very upset if you ask me. This was the golden guard LUZ had told them about. The right hand of belos that ain’t none of them like. She had let the golden guard join their team. She thought the GOLDEN GUARD was a very neat fellow. Maybe even thought he was rather cute.
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She’s hurt. She immediately puts her guard up. She quotes, “I made a bad call” implying, trusting Caleb. This new guy. Someone she’s never seen before and blames herself. She put her team at risk. And even goes to quote, again another parallel from earlier in the episode, “I’m just half-a-witch-Willow” I believe at this point, she put her guard up. As seen on the following episodes, she does what she can to help him, like in the episode where the school gets ilusioned up, can’t think of the name at the moment. She saved him, her and the Emerald Entrails (except for Gus ofc) but she still had that guarded look on her face. Sure, they’ve texted back in forth on penstagram, and o think she was ok with him, but I believe she didn’t want to put her friends in danger again by trusting what he said until proof. I believe once she fully trusts him, she’ll be able to develop proper feelings without having her guard up and the blushing and nervousness will begin. But there you have it. That’s my very bad grammar, not fluent and all take on Willows crush on Hunter.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Cracking the Code
Eddie finds out that Steve knows hanky code and that he would fit perfectly with Eddie. The revelation is enough for him to finally make his move.
On AO3.
Ships: Steve x Eddie
Warnings: it's about hanky code, people, though there's nothing beyond a steamy make out here. And it's the 80s, so homophobia mention
After their fourth run in with the Upside Down, the group has grown even closer with the new addition of Eddie, of course.
The man in question is glad for his new friends, who have helped him so much when he was recovering from his wounds in the hospital, recuperating right alongside Max. They’ve also been there for him as the town got used to him being innocent.
Steve has been the most helpful in that department, almost aggressively befriending Eddie and dragging him around town. He is unafraid to be seen with Eddie, shooting looks to anyone who even thinks to question it and loudly regaling the heroic tale of Eddie saving Steve’s life from a serial killer, per the government cover up.
It loosens something in Eddie’s chest that he has been ignoring since his second time Senior year, which he had shared with Steve.
Not that the man makes it easy to ignore the embarrassing crush Eddie has developed on his very straight best friend. He is always there hanging out with Eddie, letting him invade his personal space and taking the joking flirts in stride, blushing at some of the nicknames.
Still, Eddie has long since resigned himself to admiring Steve from a distance. He’s not messing up this friendship, no matter how badly he wants to hold Steve. Because Steve while might not mind Robin and shrug off Eddie’s joking comments, that can all change. A boy accepting a lesbian is very different than finding out their male friend’s joking flirts weren’t so joking at all and Eddie likes his teeth where they are, thank you very much.
So, he just lets his gaze linger and makes his comments, leans in close and hopes Steve never figures it out.
But Steve is not the only good thing about the whole Upside Down business. The whole group of friends are amazing and the days on which they all collectively hang out are some of Eddie’s favorites.
Today is such a day.
They’re all hanging around the new Byers house, which is still remotely located and is near a clearing in the forest. It’s a nice day out, warm enough that Eddie has shrugged off his heavy leather jacket as he leans back and tries not to blatantly stare at Steve, who is in nothing but his jeans and a tight shirt as he pitches balls for Lucas to hit, sweat sliding down his neck in a way that makes Eddie want to loose more than the jacket.
Dustin is sitting next to him, which is the only reason he is able to tear his eyes away. Because he’s not going to gawk at the man his favorite kid considers a mother (“Brother, Eddie, brother.” “Whatever you say, man.”).
At some point, Steve decides enough is enough, calling to Lucas to drink some water as he makes his way over to Eddie and Dustin. Eddie doesn’t know whether he is happy Steve is coming or sad he lost the view.
He resolves to be happy when Steve rolls up and uses the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face, showing off a strip of skin.
Steve grabs a water for himself as well, drinking half, before splashing his face with the rest as he groans: “It’s fucking hot, man.”
“You chose to wear jeans,” Dustin points out to him.
“It was too cold for shorts this morning,” Steve defends himself. “What did you want me to wear instead?”
Dustin shrugs: “You could wear ripped jeans like Eddie’s,” and Eddie will later claim that he cannot be blamed for imagining Steve in his jeans and being distracted.
“Why would I want to dress like Eddie?” Steve frowns, though there is a light blush coloring his cheeks.
“Because it’s cool, duh. I think you can pull it off,” Dustin tells him, plucking the hanky out of Eddie’s pocket, who just gets with the program, letting out a soft: “Huh?”
Dustin ignores them, stuffing the hanky in Steve’s left pocket as he smiles: “See. You can pull it off. Told you.”
Steve tries to look at his back pocket, arcing his back slightly as he squints at the hanky. But all Eddie can think of what that means and how Dustin and Steve don’t know, but he does and it makes his throat dry.
Then Steve rolls his eye and gets the hanky out of his pocket. Dustin starts to protest, but stops when Steve puts it in the other pocket. The right pocket. The one that would be compatible with Eddie’s. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
He can’t know. Steve can’t know what he’s doing, right? Steve Harrington. King Steve. The straightest, jockiest boy in high school can’t know hanky code. He can’t. But that’s hard to convince himself off as Steve gives a satisfied smile and says: “That’s better.”
“No, Eddie always wears it in his left pocket. Always,” Dustin says and Eddie doesn’t know if he wants to hit the little shit or sink into the ground of mortification.
“Well, maybe that’s what’s best for Eddie, but not for me. Right pocket fits me best,” Steve informs Dustin easily, like Eddie’s brain isn’t exploding.
Dustin huffs: “God, you’re always so peculiar about your fashion,” before walking away.
Meanwhile, Steve’s words are playing on repeat in Eddie’s head. All before that could just be Steve unknowingly doing stuff, but that last part sounds like he knows. Like it’s on purpose. And it leaves him reeling.
Shocked he looks at Robin, his eyes screaming the question if she is seeing this shit?
In turn she just smirks and he remembers all the times she told him to come out to Steve that he was safe. How he had always shot her down, explaining how being a gay man was different than a lesbian and how they couldn't know for sure. How she had always bitten her lip like she wanted to say something, but couldn't before dropping it.
Suddenly it clicks for Eddie that she didn’t want to out Steve. Because Steve isn’t straight. Steve knows hanky code. Steve is meeting his eyes and winking.
Fuck, Eddie is going to explode.
It crashes down on him that Steve knows hanky code. Steve has been watching him parade around with that hanky that Eddie thought no one but Robin recognized. Holy shit, Steve has known what he likes in bed this whole time.
The thought of Steve thinking of Eddie in bed washes over him, but he quickly pushes it down. Not the time, he tells himself.
Steve’s cheeky smile from before when he winked has fallen and Eddie misses it. He dislikes seeing Steve worry and right now he definitely has his concerned frown on his face. Steve glances around gesturing for Eddie to follow.
He must have seen something on Eddie’s face and a hand grips Eddie’s heart. What is Steve going to say to him? Did he finally notice the crush Eddie has? Is he finally getting beat up? Unlikely if Steve knows hanky code, but his brain isn’t really running on all cylinders.
“Are you okay, man?” Steve asks, all soft concern when they were out of sight, behind the Byers house.
Eddie chuckles humorlessly, maybe a tad hysteric. He cards a hand through his hair and decides to just go for it. If he’s to die of embarrassment than today will be the day, because if he doesn’t talk about this, it is going to ruin him. Thinking about Steve with that hanky, his hanky, is going to ruin him.
“Uhm, Steve- God this will be even more humiliating if you don’t. Fuck,” Eddie takes a deep breath, glad Steve is giving him the room to figure it out. “Steve, do you know hanky code?”
“Oh!” Steve’s mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ as he catches on to what Eddie is saying. He blushes a bright scarlet and looks away before muttering: “Maybe.”
“Holy shit,” Eddie can’t help the exclamation that passes over his lips and he blurts out: “You’ve just been watching as I put a giant I’m kinky sign over my head. Fuck, that’s so embarrassing. I thought I was all subtle and shit.”
“Eddie. Eddie! Calm down,” Steve cuts him off before he can really start up and dig an even deeper hole for himself. “The only reason I even know is because I’m also, you know…”
“Kinky? Queer?” Eddie gives the two options, hoping Steve says both.
“Uhm, yeah, that,” Steve says, the blush returning now that his worries have been soothed. He looks away and softly says: “Robin keeps telling me I should make a move, but I never wanted to assume that just because you’re, you know, into that, that you’d be into me.”
Mentally Eddie apologizes to Robin, who has apparently been caught up in their pining for a while, unable to do something without outing one of them.
However, with the confirmation that it’s okay, confidence floods back into his system. A wolfish grin appears on his face, as he puts a step forwards, forcing Steve to take a step back. He brackets him against the wall leaning in close.
He hasn’t said or done anything else, but he has a front row seat to how Steve swallows, head titling slightly, almost subconsciously at Eddie’s advancement.
“So pretty,” he whispers. “Just waiting to be swept off your feet, aren’t you? Needed to be backed into a corner and told you’re liked, like one of those blushing school girls? You like this, don’t you, sweetheart?”
Steve nods, his breathing picking up.
“I’m going to need some words, pretty boy,” Eddie tells him. Not touching him just yet, both teasing Steve and waiting for consent to move further.
“Fuck, Eddie,” Steve breathes harshly. “Yes, I like it, green, or whatever. Please.”
And isn’t that an interesting tidbit of knowledge. Steve knows the traffic light system.
Eddie’s grin widens and he hotly whispers: “Oh, we’re going to have so much fun, princess,” in Steve’s ear, enjoying how he gasps as Eddie finally presses close, licking a strip over the offered neck.
Steve gasps. So responsive, Eddie thinks, a plan already forming in his head. He buries his hand in Steve’s hair, his precious hair, and pulls Steve into a kiss. It’s filthy and wet, but perfect. One of his knees slides between Steve’s legs, letting Steve grind slowly against it as he swallows the small noises he makes.
They make out for a bit more, Eddie waiting until Steve’s hands start to roam. He allows it for a second crowding in more. His hand glides to Steve’s ass, but his real target is something else, though he doesn’t deprive himself of a feel, before taking the hanky and stepping back.
As he does, Steve lets out an honest to god whine, his chest heaving, face flushed and lips slick with pit. His eyes are hazy as he asks: “Huh?”
“I believe this is mine,” Eddie grins, holding up the hanky, before stuffing it back in his own pocket. “Now, I think we’ve been gone for awhile and I wouldn't want the kids to worry.”
Steve’s brain catches on to what Eddie is implying and he lets out a soft noise, face contorting in such a pretty pout that Eddie almost changes his plans. However, he’s not doing anything with Steve if the kids can walk in on them, not to mention Hopper or Joyce. He might actually die of mortification if that happens.
“I know, sweetheart, I’m so mean,” he teases. “But you deserve more than a behind the shack fuck, pretty boy. So, why don’t you try calming that dirty little mind of yours down and if you’re still up for it, you can come by tonight. We can talk, do more if you’re good… How does that sound, princess?”
He watches Steve take a deep breath, blinking a few times as he comes down from their make out session. Reason creeps back into his eyes and he flushes more, adjusting himself and giving Eddie the stink eye as he grumbles: “I hate it when you’re right.”
“You must hate me a lot, sweetheart,” Eddie grins.
“Oh shove off,” Steve says, before making a waving gesture. “Just go. I’ll be right behind you. Last thing I need is for those little shitheads to ask questions.”
Eddie nods, suddenly a bit unsure. Steve seemed into the make out, wanted to continue and Eddie has offered his invitation, but what if Steve changes his mind? Eddie doesn’t know if he could handle the heartbreak if Steve didn’t show tonight.
Steve must have caught on, because he gives Eddie a soft reassuring smile as he promises: “I’ll see you later,” and it could have been about walking back to the gathering, but something in his tone tells Eddie that it’s not.
He smiles brightly, before straightening out his clothes and walking back, pointedly ignoring Robin’s cheeky smirk and knowing eyes. A look that only gets more knowing when Steve joins them a little later, his hair not as perfect as usual.
They don’t speak much throughout the rest of the gathering, but Steve keeps sending him heated glances and Eddie keeps sending him smirks.
Yeah, he isn’t surprised at all when Steve shows up on his doorstep that evening.
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
hiii chami i might be a little rusty at this bc i haven’t submitted a thirst in a while :<
but imagine… student council president darling and secretary yan!! darling is charismatic, smart, and level headed. they have many admirers, including secretary yan!! their right hand man. aka their right hand person.
this yan joins student council purely to be near darling, whom they’ve had a crush on since forever!! following them from kindergarten to middle school to highschool, etc etc, always making sure to go to the same school as their beloved!! of course, they never had the confidence to approach darling all even after these years together, they’re just too shy!! and insecure. darling has been a natural leader since childhood, a shining star yan could never, ever approach or get close too. they’re just too unworthy. (in their eyes, ofc.)
they don’t know why this year they decide to change, but after realizing that the student council was looking for a new secretary…. yan just had to jump at the opportunity. they’ve always envied your little student board friend group and while there have been chances in the past to join, yan is just too scared!! what if you don’t like them? their work? what if they can’t bring anything to the table? but alas, they can only wait for so long before they’re desperate to be around you in anyway. going to the same school isn’t enough anymore. stalking you and walking you home isn’t enough. as shy and scared as they are, they crave attention. this is where secretary/admiring yan differs from sensitive yan. whereas sensitive yan could never, ever bring themselves to approach you, this yan decides they’ve had enough of hiding in the shadows. sure, they could never hold a candle to the light you exuded, but to be by your side in any way is enough for them.
somehow, obtaining the role of secretary goes pretty smoothly. secretary yan finds themselves pushed into an office where you, and the rest of the council greet them for their first official board meeting. they go over administrative details, blah blah, but all hab can focus on is you… you feel their stare and give them a polite smile, you know you’ll be working with them a lot in the future!!
id like to think that secretary yan is actually a really sweet and agreeable person, of course they’re the sweetest to you, but they’re not awful to other people. it’s just clear that they favor you the most. work just goes by so fast and easy with them, you end up having a lot of free time after having finished all your paperwork and duties remarkably early; and who are you to turn down their requests to spend time with you after you’re done? they’re your beloved secretary, after all. you end up growing quite close to them in a short time, it’s like you’ve known them for years!! you’re shocked to hear you went to the same schools all your lives, how have you never noticed them?? either way, you’re so glad to have met them. secretary yan is such a sweetheart and they truly do remind you of a loyal little puppy, following you around, eating lunch with you in the student council room, walking you home from school, doing everything together!! ruffling their hair when they hand you their paperwork, which they seem to really like. they always ask for more!! honestly, you’re so grateful for them and their company.
you two become quite the notorious pair at school!! the school council pres and their loyal doggy. ofc, secretary yan is still… well, a yan. so anyone who dares cause trouble for you… anyone who causes you to have to do more work than necessary, anyone who takes time away from them and YOU, anyone who ruins whayever little dynamic that’s happening between you and yan. they’re goners. but you never have to know that of course!! just let secretary yan be by your side and rely on them forever. they’ll always be next to you to assist!!
and this is why good doggies who make the effort to know their darlings get to be by darlings side :))) take notes sensitive yan, you pathetic, sniveling little bitch! jk i love them too. but personally i like a yan who can interact w me a bit better. anyways i have so many thoughts about this but this is long as is i’m sorry for u having to read this all it’s just brainrot
- sunny <3
sunny,,, you son of a bitch, youve done it again.
i just think its so cute, imagining some weird, shy little thing following around one of the most popular, well respected people. theyre your assistant too so of course theyre always going to be by your side, always going to do whatever you ask of them, always going to reprimand anyone you point out! its a bit.. intense, how devotional they are. and concerning. but hey, they get the job done so who are you to complain?
i can see assistant yandere (assistant yanderes,,, <333 not just student council but other jobs too!!!) adoring staying in the school council room after hours with you, one on one.. or getting to do little tasks for the teachers together.. their favorites are when both of you have to do a bit of manual labor and you get so sweaty and your scent just fills up the room and it takes all of their control not to beg you to show them their place right then and there!!!! <333
and its kinda cute imagining them and their crestfallen face when they get assigned to help other people and while, yeah, they dont hate other people, its very clear to everyone that they would much rather work with you! no hard feelings, everyone knows youre the best <3 and i dont think theyd be too much of the violent type either, if someone were to... complicate things.
say, someone starts leaving love notes in your locker that yandere definitely didnt put there, all signed with 'secret admirer' or something. theyre sweet, harmless at first but then there comes flowers and then stuffed animals and then jewelry and when you start heading to your locker first thing every day, practically bouncing with anticipation for your new gift... they have to find out who the fuck this is and get them to back off.
they try verbal threats first, not wanting to dirty their hands but the gifts keep coming and one letter even takes a jab at yandere so, in true 'gifted kid' fashion, they break and ruin them. yandere thinks killing them would be letting them off easy, plus, you might try to find out who the killer is and yandere cant have you doing that!! plus, you might get scared and grow distant! so, yandere just ruins their reputation. completely exposes them. paints them out as a psycho stalker, plants evidence everywhere (at the expense of some of their own, personal pictures of you and some of their journals), makes a fake blog that admits some pretty messed up shit, anything to make everyone hate them forever.
"teacher, um, i saw this journal on the ground and, well.... i think you should look at this" "someones been taking pictures of you through your window?! what kinda sick maniac would do that?!" "you know, i heard them jacking off in the locker rooms and i think i heard their family members name... what a freak" "what do you mean they dont live on the same street as you? i always saw them walking the same way as you, just a few steps behind"
a mass investigation breaks and unfortunately, yandere has to be on their best behavior but their rival eventually gets 'caught', some threats and bullying go around, some vandalism of the rivals property and the rivals family goes bankrupt from lawyer fees! and yandere gets to have you all to themselves once again... <3
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richincolor · 1 year
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We have seven new books to share with you this week. It's a great way to wrap up the month. Which ones are on your TBR list?
The Melancholy of Summer by Louisa Onomé Feiwel Friends
Doesn’t she see? I can do this on my own.
Summer Uzoma is fine. Sure, her parents went on the run after they were accused of committing a crime, leaving her behind. Sure, she’s been alternating stays with her friends’ families. Sure, she sometimes still secretly visits her old home. And sure, she has trouble talking about any of this. But she’s fine. She has her skateboard and her bus pass. She just has to turn eighteen in a few weeks and then she’ll really and truly be free.
So it’s extra annoying when a nosy social worker gets involved. Summer doesn’t expect any relative to be able to take her in, so she’s very surprised to hear that she’ll now be living with her cousin Olu—someone she hasn’t seen in years, who’s a famous singer in Japan last she heard, and who’s not much older than Summer.
Life with Olu is awkward for many reasons—not least of all because Olu has her own drama to deal with. But with her cousin and friends’ efforts, maybe Summer can learn to trust people enough to let them in again? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Rhythm & Muse by India Hill Brown Quill Tree Books
Darren Johnson lives in his head. There, he can pine for his crush–total dream girl, Delia Dawson–in peace, away from the unsolicited opinions of his talkative family and showboat friends. When Delia announces a theme song contest for her popular podcast, Dillie D in the Place to Be, Darren’s friends–convinced he’ll never make a move–submit one of his secret side projects for consideration.
After the anonymous romantic verse catches Dillie’s ear, she sets out to uncover the mystery singer behind the track. Now Darren must decide: Is he ready to step out of the shadows and take the lead in his own life? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
You Bet Your Heart by Danielle Parker Joy Revolution
A riveting, swoon-worthy teen romance centered on two high achievers fighting for the title of high school valedictorian and falling in love along the way, from debut author Danielle Parker.
Sasha Johnson-Sun might not know everything—like how to fully heal after her dad’s passing or how many more Saturdays her mom can spend cleaning houses. But the one thing Sasha is certain of? She will graduate this year as Skyline High’s class valedictorian.
At least, she was sure before the principal calls Sasha and her cute, effortlessly gifted ex–best friend, Ezra Davis-Goldberg, into his office to deliver earth-shattering they’re tied for valedictorian and the scholarship attached…
This outcome can’t be left to chance. So, Sasha and Ezra agree on a best-of-three, winner-take-all academic bet. As they go head-to-head, they are forced not only to reexamine why they drifted apart but also to figure out who they’ve become since. With her future hanging in the balance, Sasha must honor her family’s sacrifices by winning (at all costs) or give her heart a shot at finding happiness? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
Her Good Side by Rebekah Weatherspoon Razorbill
Sixteen-year-old Bethany Greene, though confident and self-assured, is what they call a late-bloomer. She’s never had a boyfriend, date, or first kiss. She’s determined to change that but after her crush turns her down cold for Homecoming–declaring her too inexperienced–and all her back-up ideas fall through, she cautiously agrees to go with her best friend’s boyfriend Jacob. A platonic date is better than no date, right? Until Saylor breaks up with said boyfriend.
Dumped twice in just two months, Jacob Yeun wonders if he’s the problem. After years hiding behind his camera and a shocking summer glow up, he wasn’t quite ready for all the attention or to be someone’s boyfriend. There are no guides for his particular circumstances, or for taking your ex’s best friend to the dance.
Why not make the best of an awkward situation? Bethany and Jacob decide to fake date for practice, building their confidence in matters of the heart.
And it works–guys are finally noticing Bethany. But things get complicated as their kissing sessions–for research of course!–start to feel real. This arrangement was supposed to help them in dating other people, but what if their perfect match is right in front of them? — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
When the Vibe is Right by Sarah Dass Balzer & Bray
There are two things Tess Crawford knows for sure:
• She’s destined to be a great Trinidadian Carnival costume designer like her renowned uncle, Russell Messina, and will one day inherit leadership of the family’s masquerade band, Grandeur. • Her classmate, the popular social media influencer, Brandon Richards, is the bane of her existence. Everything about him irks her, from his annoying nickname for Tess (Boop) to his association with David, her awful ex.
But when the future of Grandeur nears the brink of collapse in the face of band rivalry, Tess finds to her chagrin that she must team up with Brandon in a desperate attempt to revive the company.
As Tess and Brandon spend more time together, Tess begins to wonder if everything she thought she knew might not be so certain after all. . . .
Set in lush, gorgeous Trinidad, this is a novel about finding love in the most unexpected places. — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Moonlit Vine by Elizabeth Santiago Tu Books
Fourteen-year-old Taína just learned that she is a descendant of a long line of strong Taíno women, but will knowing this help her bring peace and justice to her family and community?
Despite her name, Taína Perez doesn’t know anything about her Taíno heritage, nor has she ever tried to learn. After all, how would ancient Puerto Rican history help with everything going on? There’s constant trouble at school and in her neighborhood, her older brother was kicked out of the house, and with her mom at work, she’s left alone to care for her little brother and aging grandmother. It’s a lot for a 14-year-old to manage.
But life takes a wild turn when her abuela tells her she is a direct descendant of Anacaona, the beloved Taíno leader, warrior, and poet, who was murdered by the Spanish in 1503. Abuela also gives her an amulet and a zemi and says that it’s time for her to step into her power like the women who came before her. But is that even possible? People like her hardly make it out of their circumstances, and the problems in her home and community are way bigger than Taína can manage. Or are they?
A modern tale with interstitial historical chapters, The Moonlit Vine brings readers a powerful story of the collective struggle, hope, and liberation of Puerto Rican and Taíno peoples.
Also available in Spanish! — Cover image and summary via Goodreads
The Books of Clash Volume 1: Legendary Legends of Legendarious Achievery by Gene Luen Yang illustrated by Les McClaine and Alison Acton First Second
Based on Clash of Clans and Clash Royale and penned by superstar graphic novelist Gene Luen Yang, this first volume of this action-packed eight-volume series brings the characters from everyone’s favorite mobile gaming sensation to life!
SEE! The illustrated exploits of one young Hog Rider and his trusted companion in an unpredictable tale of fantasy and adventure!
READ! Their journey from no-good warriors on the battlefield to true heroes of the Royal Arena!
BATTLE! When danger strikes the village of JazzyPickles and its colorful cast of characters in this heartwarming and hilarious graphic novel based on two of the world’s most popular video games.
In this epic new series set in the world of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale , experience a laugh-out-loud tale of friendship and fun! –– Cover image and summary via Goodreads
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Some incorrect quotes about my oc and the clones (she’s married to all of them but Zoha is like her son)
Ryuki: Hantengu, what do you call people you go out with but don’t try to sleep with?
Hantengu: ...People?
Hantengu: *is visibly upset*
Ryuki: Hantengu, what happened? I haven't seen you like this since you found out candyland wasn't an actual country.
Hantengu: Do you think sex without love is a sin?
Ryuki: If it is, I’ll see you in hell.
Ryuki: Stay foxy.
Hantengu: Die lonely.
Ryuki: Well, Hantengu and I finally did it!
The rest of the clones: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Ryuki: That's right... We kissed!
Ryuki: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
Sekido: ...Have you never taken a shower before?
Sekido: Are you trying to seduce me?
Ryuki: Why, are you seducible?
Sekido: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Ryuki: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Sekido: Fight me!
Ryuki: *gets on one knee and pulls out a ring*
Ryuki: Fight me for the rest of our lives.
Ryuki: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Sekido: This is a lie.
Sekido: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Sekido: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Ryuki: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Ryuki: This date is boring!
Sekido: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Ryuki: Then why did you invite me?
Sekido: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Sekido I'll do whatever I want!
Karaku: Ryuki, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Ryuki, naked in Karaku's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Karaku, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Karaku: *Laughs* Babe, you had a crush on me? That’s embarrassing—
Ryuki: We’re married.
Karaku: Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Ryuki: Marry me.
Ryuki: Do you want to know your new name?
Aizetsu: My... my new name?
Ryuki: Yeah, it's your first name-
Aizetsu: Haha. Very funny Ryuki-
Ryuki: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Aizetsu: Oh- oh my god.
Aizetsu: Bro-
Ryuki: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Ryuki: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
Aizetsu: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Ryuki: The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Aizetsu: Stop.
Ryuki: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized.
Aizetsu: *steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely*
Ryuki: That one. I want that one.
Ryuki: Talk dirty to me, baby~
Aizetsu: The dishes.
Ryuki: Wh-
Aizetsu: They’ve been there for 4 days and it’s your turn to wash them. You still haven’t cleaned them and I have asked you to do so several times.
Ryuki: Wow, Urogi, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Urogi: We literally slept together yesterday.
Ryuki: That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Ryuki: What are you in the mood for?
Urogi: World domination.
Ryuki: That's a bit ambitious.
Urogi: You are my world.
Ryuki: Aww...
Ryuki: OH.
Ryuki: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Urogi: Wow. They sound stupid.
Ryuki: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Urogi: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Ryuki: I guess you’re right. Hey Urogi, I love you.
Urogi: See! Just say that!
Ryuki: Holy fucking shit.
Urogi: If that flies over their head then, sorry Ryuki, but they're too dumb for you.
Ryuki: Urogi.
Urogi: Ugh, crushes are so dumb.
Ryuki: I know. Whenever I’m near the person I like I just start acting stupid.
Urogi: But you’re always acting stupid?
Ryuki: ...
Ryuki: Yeah, don’t think about that too hard.
Urami: Know why I called you in here?
Ryuki: Because I accidentally sent you a tit pic.
Urami: *Stops pouring two glasses of wine.* Accidentally?
Urami: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake.
Ryuki: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear.
Urami: ...
Urami: You mean ring bearER, right?
Ryuki: ...
Urami: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Ryuki: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Urami: Aww-
Ryuki: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Urami: My hands are cold.
Ryuki: Here, let me hold them.
Urami: My lips are cold too.
Ryuki: *covers Urami's mouth with their hand*
Ryuki: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Urami: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Ryuki: Just trust me. Have I ever put you in an unsafe or uncomfortable situation?
Zohakuten: All the time.
Ryuki: Then you should be used to it by now.
Zohakuten, near tears: Please, Ryuki, I don’t speak meme! I don't know what a 'yeet' is!
*Zohakuten and Ryuki are planning to break in somewhere*
Zohakuten: We need to distract the guards.
Ryuki: Right.
Zohakuten: What are we gonna do?
Ryuki: I'm gonna break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Zohakuten: Deal.
Zohakuten: When was the last time you cried?
Ryuki: Uh 15 minutes ago, why??
Zohakuten: really? That recent?
Ryuki: Yeah *voice crack* is that a issue? *starts crying again*
Ryuki: Did you have to stab them?
Zohakuten: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Ryuki: What did they say?
Zohakuten: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Ryuki: That’s fair.
Ryuki: Remember what I told you.
Zohakuten: Don’t be a cunt.
Any combo of them:
Karaku: Ryuki, what are you doing tomorrow?
Ryuki: Having my day ruined by whatever you’re about to ask me to do.
Zohakuten: We have fun, don’t we, Hantengu?
Hantengu: I have never been more stressed out in my entire life.
Sekido: I'm not doing to well.
Aizetsu: What's wrong?
Sekido: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Zohakuten enters the room*
Sekido: There it is again.
Zohakuten: You’re a loose cannon, Ryuki.
Ryuki: No, I’m not. I’m a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
Urogi: I think you play by your own rules.
Hantengu: No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Zohakuten: Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Ryuki: No, I’m just a reckless renegade. Karaku is a loose cannon.
Karaku: *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Ryuki!
Hantengu: I’d say Karaku’s more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That’s an entirely different thing.
Urogi: Now I’m just confused. Is Ryuki a loose cannon or not?
Zohakuten: All right, put on a pot of coffee. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this.
Ryuki: *groans*
Karaku: Aw, man.
Sekido: I know how this must look but I can assure you we have a perfectly logical explanation.
Hantengu: Yeah! We’re cowards!
Urogi: Ryuki has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them.
Hantengu: That can't be true!
Urogi: Watch this.
Urogi: Hey Ryuki, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Ryuki: *Throws themself out a window*
Sekido, watching Hantengu & Aizetsu panic : What's going on?
Karaku: Hantengu is having a midlife crisis and Aizetsu is just having a crisis.
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sentinelpri · 1 year
Kakashi Hatake rarely finds himself craving romance. Usually, he’s too busy, but with Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke all pretty much out of the picture and the conflict in the village calming down, he doesn’t have a ton to do aside from the occasional mission. So, when he sees some of his friends start to go on dates and some of his former academy classmates and ANBU squad members getting married, he’s a little jealous.
He’s never had the time to date, and now he does. Naturally, he can’t help being curious, but since there’s no one in particular that catches his interest, he bides his time by completing mission after mission.
When he’s assigned to watch over Anko Mitarashi for his next mission, he does so without question. It’s considered an A-Rank because of Anko’s skill level, though Kakashi figures it isn’t anything he can’t handle. Tsunade only assigns him to the mission because she’s concerned that Anko was planning to sneak out of the village to find Orochimaru herself. After what happened to her during the Chunin exams, Kakashi knows that she- just like him- would end up dead if she went and tried to fight the Sannin herself, so he agrees to the mission; for the sake of keeping a comrade with good intentions safe.
The next few weeks are spent with him trailing Anko any time she’s not working at the academy, on a separate mission, or at the mission desk.
In those weeks, he notices the little things about her; how she reads romance novels in her spare time, how she feeds the stray cats that linger outside of her house, how hard she trains during the night. Little things that make her more human than he ever would’ve thought her before this. When Tsunade tells him that his mission is over and that Anko has been cleared of any suspicion, Kakashi backs off, but he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t still try to show up at places he knew Anko would be and linger around in hopes of seeing her.
It’s the first time he’s ever felt this way for anyone, so he doesn’t know what to do. Should he just go up to Anko and tell her that he wants to get to know her better? Should he ignore it? Should he tell his friends? 
It’s a warm summer day when Kakashi finds himself at the local dango restaurant with Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy. For whatever reason, they’ve tolerated and loved him all these years, so he tries to take them out to eat every once in a while- to show that he appreciates them no matter how distant he may seem at times.
The four sit at a booth table with Kakashi and Guy sitting in one seat and Kurenai and Asuma sitting in the seat across from them. Meanwhile, Anko sits at the bar a few yards away, happily chatting away with Shizune. The two women down stick after stick of dango. Kakashi wonders if they’re together. Then, he hopes they’re not. The thought makes him jealous, which he hates, but then again, this new crush of his has been making him feel a lot of unsavory things lately. 
Looking at Anko has him totally distracted from his food. She’s beautiful with light brown eyes that he swears have constellations in them and hair the color of blossoming wisterias. Her smile is infectious, so Kakashi finds himself smiling under his mask when Anko chuckles at a joke that Shizune tells. His heart beats slow yet hard within the confines of his chest.
“So, Kakashi,” Asuma starts, snapping Kakashi out of his lovestruck trance. He glances at the couple sitting across from him as if he hasn’t been zoned out for the past ten minutes. He realizes that everyone at the table is staring straight at him. “When did you start having a crush on Anko? Seems like a relatively new development.”
“What?” Kakashi blinks.
“What, do you not?” Kurenai questions while sipping from her drink. “You’ve been staring at her for, like, ten minutes. We’ve all been trying to get your attention for the last five.”
Kakashi glances over at Anko and, much to his embarrassment, she meets his gaze, smiles, and winks. He averts his visible eye and flushes bright red. Thankfully, the restaurant is bustling with enough noise that she can’t hear the grilling his friends are currently putting him through.
“I mean, I do, but is it really that obvious?” Kakashi questions back.
“Rival… This is the third time this week that you’ve invited us out for dango!” Guy points out.
“And?” Kakashi retorts.
He picks at his bowl of white rice. The restaurant sells mostly dango as well as some smaller items. Since Kakashi hates sweets, he ordered the most savory thing he could find- the plain rice. A little depressing, but more than worth it to see Anko.
“You hate sweets,” Asuma sighs.
“Ah… That’s true, but I can’t help it,” Kakashi murmurs. “I want to be where she is, always. There’s just something about her that makes me feel this way… I’ve never felt it before.”
“Oh, you’re down bad bad,” Asuma laughs and buries his face into Kurenai’s shoulder, clearly joking, but Kakashi can’t help how he instantly agrees with the statement.
“Yeah,” Kakashi sighs dreamily and buries his head in his arms. “I guess I am. How embarrassing…”
A few more days pass. Kakashi gets sent out of the village for a mission, and though he hopes it’ll prove as a distraction from his newfound feelings, it does no such thing. Rather, all he can think about is getting back to the village safely so he can see Anko again. 
When he does get back to the village, the first stop he makes is at his apartment. It’s past nine at night, so he knows that Anko will most likely be at the bar with Ibiki or Shizune. He takes a shower, douses himself in lotion and cologne, puts on a new set of clothes, and heads for said bar while rehearsing everything he wants to say to her. The bar is right around the corner from his apartment, so he arrives fast and walks in to see Anko sitting at the counter.
By herself.
Kakashi sits right next to her even though there are plenty of other open spots. He prays to whatever god(s) is/are out there that she doesn’t think he’s creepy.
“Well, well, well,” Anko starts, turning to the silver-haired man with a grin. Much to Kakashi’s relief, she actually looks happy to see him. “If it isn’t Kakashi Hatake! I never see you here. What brings you to my side of town?”
“Just thought I’d grab a drink,” Kakashi shrugs and flags the bartender down to order himself a glass of whiskey on ice. “I got back from a mission a bit ago and could stand to wind down.”
“Makes sense,” Anko responds.
They’re quiet for a moment, but then, Kakashi decides to get straight to the point and ask-
“Say, Anko, are you seeing anyone right now?”
“Oh, God, no,” Anko answers with a wave of her hand. Then, she shakes her head and rests her elbows against the counter top. “Dating’s never really been my scene… Especially lately.”
Kakashi blinks. He’s relieved that Anko isn’t already dating someone else, though he’s also scared that she’s not open to dating at all if her response is anything to go off of.
“What makes you say that?”
“It’s not like people are lining up to ask me out. I mean, I don’t blame them! Damn near everyone knows what happened to me because of Orochimaru, and… Well, who would want to sign themselves up to deal with that baggage? I’m pretty great underneath all that, but shit! May as well throw away the whole suitcase and light it on fire at this point,” Anko laughs. Kakashi can tell that, behind the smile, Anko is bothered by what she’s talking about. “The few guys who have shown interest are just looking for something casual. Believe it or not, that’s not really my thing.”
“Why not? Not saying that you’re wrong for feeling that way, but I recall going through a phase where I’d have casual flings with other ANBU members while I was squad leader and it was honestly pretty nice… The only reason I ever stopped was because I got so busy.”
“I can see how it’d be beneficial to someone looking for physical satisfaction without any strings attached, but now that I’m getting older, I’d actually like to date to find someone to settle down with,” Anko retorts, much to Kakashi’s surprise. He never would’ve taken her as the ‘settling down’ type. “Maybe even someone to marry. That domestic kinda stuff, y’know? I’ve always wanted something like that… A family of my own.”
“Do you want kids?”
“Oh, hell no,” Anko snorts into her drink. “I’d fuck those little shits up. I just mean me, this hypothetical person that I marry, and my snakes. Maybe a couple cats.”
“Well, I share the sentiment,” Kakashi takes a swig of his drink, then continues. His cheeks burn bright red when Anko catches a peek at his face. He hopes she likes it as much as he likes hers.  “I mean, I practically have three of my own children anyway with my team of Genin… I certainly don’t need any more.”
“Exactly! Those academy kids keep my hands full enough as it is, and the Genin are somehow even worse! See, Kakashi, you get me,” Anko, much to Kakashi’s surprise, reaches out, takes one of his hands, and squeezes it gently. The brief affectionate gesture has butterflies fluttering in the pit of his stomach, but seconds later, Anko is downing the rest of her drink and putting money down for her tab. “I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you around, yeah?”
“Uh,” Kakashi stammers, flustered. “Yeah. See you around.”
With that, Anko leaves, seemingly unaware of the fact that she’s gone and taken Kakashi’s heart with her.
The following days, Kakashi can’t seem to get enough of Anko. They meet at the bar at night, ‘run into each other’ at the dango stand during the day, and cross paths frequently. The emotions that she makes him feel are new and exciting, and he wants as much as he can get, so even though he knows it’s a little weird, he finds himself sitting up in a tree on the training grounds watching Anko train as he reads the Icha Icha book that sits in his lap.
In his spare hand is a bouquet of flowers. Anko doesn’t really seem like the romantic flowery type, but if he could just gather the courage to get down from the fucking tree and give them to her, he’s sure she would appreciate the gesture.
After Anko seems to finish her training, she puts her hands on her hips and calls up to him from where she stands on the ground.
“Kakashi, you can come on out!”
Great. Kakashi forgot that Anko can sense chakra signatures. She must’ve known about his presence the entire time.
With a sigh, he closes his book, puts it in his pocket, and scales down the tree so he can stand in front of Anko on the grass floor.
“So, you knew I was here, huh?” Kakashi sheepishly asks.
“Well, just because I’m not the legendary copy ninja Kakashi Hatake doesn’t mean I’m not a highly skilled Jonin who can tell when someone is following me,” Anko huffs and crosses her arms over her chest, walking away from the training grounds. Kakashi follows after her like a lost puppy. “I’m not stupid, you know!”
“Trust me, I know you’re not stupid, but… I must’ve gotten sloppy for you to notice me.”
“Is that an insult?” Anko demands while shooting a playful glare in Kakashi’s direction.
“Not at all.”
The two walk together, eventually ending up on the dirt road that Kakashi knows leads to Anko’s house. He doesn’t want to leave, and it doesn't seem like Anko wants him to either, so he doesn’t, simply following and waiting for her to say something else- anything else. He grips the bouquet of flowers’ stems perhaps a little too hard in anticipation.
“What are you up to?”
Upon being asked about his intentions, Kakashi panics. And, when Kakashi panics, he lies.
“Nothing, really.”
“So there’s no reason you’ve been following me around? No reason you just so happened to join me at the dango stand earlier? No reason you’ve been meeting me at the bar every night for almost a week despite never having gone before that? No reason you’ve been prying about my love life? No reason at all?”
“You know, for a shinobi, you’re a terrible liar,” Anko points out. “Even with the mask on, you’ve got some pretty obvious tells… Even if the flowers in your hand weren’t a dead give away, though I wasn’t sure if those were for me or for the memorial stone as per usual.”
“I guess I have been pretty obvious lately, haven’t I?” Kakashi replies and awkwardly holds out the bouquet to Anko mid-step. She takes the flowers and holds them in her arms with a baffled look on her face. “And they’re for you.”
“So, are you going to tell me what’s going on or am I going to have to drag it out of you? I already know that Lady Tsunade had you following me. She told me all about it.”
“Did she now?” Kakashi inquires, embarrassed. 
“After the fact, yes, but I also know that she dismissed you from that mission weeks ago. So, what’s the deal?”
“It’s, um…” Kakashi starts. He tries to figure out how to explain his feelings. Unfortunately, he’s so embarrassed and unsure of how to go about it that he can’t. “I… Well…”
“I’ve never seen you like this. Don’t tell me you’ve gone and developed a little crush now,” Anko jokes, but apparently, the face Kakashi makes in response to that gives him away. Anko’s eyes go wide as she stumbles over her response with a red face. “Oh. Oh my God. I was joking!”
“Well, I’m not,” Kakashi says, clearing his throat.
“I can tell,” Anko stops in the middle of the street, prompting Kakashi to do the same. She looks up at him and offers a small laugh. “You- uh- you really like me? You mean it?”
Anko pauses. Her expression twists like she doesn’t believe him.
“Why?” She asks. 
“I think… We’re a lot alike,” Kakashi answers. “I’d never tried to get to know you before or thought about it too much, but after that mission, I noticed a lot of things about you. You’re funny, you’re hard working, you’re kind, we share a lot of interests, and… There’s just something about you that makes me feel things that no one else has ever made me feel before.”
Another pause, and then-
“Let’s go on a date tomorrow!”
Kakashi freezes at that.
Was it really that easy all along? He just had to say something? Suddenly, his friends’ recent teasing makes a lot more sense.
Part of him can’t believe it- no, he definitely can’t believe it. He reaches over to pinch himself, just to make sure it’s not a dream. When all he feels is a sting rather than the loneliness of waking up in his cold and empty bed, he blinks in surprise.
“Wait, really?”
“Kakashi, I can’t tell you the last time someone has liked me for me,” Anko laughs- almost as if Kakashi’s disbelief is terrible. Then, much to his surprise, she walks closer to him, tosses an arm over his shoulder, and presses a kiss to his cheek. “And you know what? I think I like you, too. So, yeah, let’s go on a date! We’ll meet at the dango stand tomorrow, and this time, it’ll be on purpose. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds wonderful,” Kakashi breathes, still taken aback. “Can I walk you home?”
“Not like I need you to,” Anko shrugs, then pulls away and holds the bouquet of flowers to her chest. At first, when she starts walking off, Kakashi is too caught up in his shock to follow her. But then, she turns back and winks at him. “But sure, if you want.”
With that, Kakashi rushes to walk by Anko’s side, silently planning out their date in his mind.
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