#they’re so ridiculously cute
“Alice and Lain this, Alice and Lain that-“
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ahappyphjl · 11 days
dan and phil are a married couple in every sense except the official traditional married on paper sense
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padfootastic · 8 months
I like to imagine that the Black cousins were all really close in age: Bella and Andy were in the same year, Narcissa was the year below them, Sirius was the year below Narcissa, and Regulus was the year below his brother. If JKR can claim Cygnus had 3 kids at 17 and had Bellatrix at 13, I can say whatever the hell I want about the timeline. Plus, it’s fun to think that there are several years where the entire school is subjected to the Black Family’s chaotic nonsense.
hehehe i love both this option and the other one, that they were all a little spread out in years bc the hilarity of like. blacks being utter menaces and the profs being exhausted but relieved to see them go. except, a new one pops up every couple or so years and it’s like ‘oh merlin’s saggy balls no, not again’ so it’s like a black reign of terror for like. a decade and a half, starting from bella, who’s managed to get slytherin under her thumb in her first year alone thru sheer malice and magical power, then it was andy and her assorted rebellions (she started a minor unionisation campaign in slytherin in her second year; to date, no one knows how or even for what, just that for atleast 5.3 months, lil kids were going around chanting about the rights of the proletariat and it was only when sirius stepped in with ‘andy ur literally the bourgeois, what r u on about’ that it slowed down), then there was cissa who was a Younger Sibling™️ and wrecked havoc trying to be Everywhere, and do Everything bc she finally has freedom and no limits.
and then came sirius, of course, who kick started chaos on his first day by sorting into gryffindor and soulmate-ing a potter. he was not only a genius, but a bored one, which made him dangerous. making other kids cry was a specialty and unintended consequence of his sharp tongue and indifference, and generally, he was a Problem bc he couldn’t be controlled. and regulus, who finally seemed to be a decent options and slughorn (?) could’ve cried in relief at finally getting a normal black but alas, he should’ve known that typology just did not exist in nature bc the youngest black turned out to be a raging death eater with a massive hard on for a man his grandfather’s age steeped in dark arts to the point of losing his soul. so ykno.
black reign of terror.
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zappedbyzabka · 10 months
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kicktwine · 10 months
I am really happy that you're having fun with FF14! Favorite thing so far?
(<- just woke up barely and is checking tumblr activity so you’re getting the sleepiest answer) biiiiifg dragon
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
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She’s at it again 
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woundedheartwithin · 3 months
Middle of the fucking night, I go to the bathroom and hear my fucking chickens screaming???? Go out to their coop and they’re out in the fully fucking enclosed pen with bloody faces and there are feathers everywhere. They’re okay, thankfully, but Jesus Christ can these fucking predators quit trying to kill my birds?????? I keep them cooped now to keep this from happening and something still tries to eat them like STOP IT. So now they’re in an extra large dog crate in my milk room 😑
#she speaks#there was signs of digging and a hole in the fence but no fur#girls have as good as they got apparently cuz like they’re alive#whatever it was tried to grab their heads so probably a racoon or a skunk#no smell probably means no skunk especially since the birds fought back but raccoons don’t really dig#but we do have a major skunk problem anyway#we’re just gonna have to break down and buy electric fencing#cuz this is fucking ridiculous#they’re in a fully enclosed coop/pen with hardware cloth#my dad was crouched down in their pen stapling the hardware cloth back to the frame#and my sweet little peep kept coming over to see what he was doing and demanding attention lol#she’s so cute and she’s gotten so big#like she’s a real chicken now#and this is the fucking second time she’s gotten attacked#like can y’all stop? she’s been through enough#and my older girl was like why is this happening why are you in here#I love my birds but man it seems like the entire universe is conspiring against us#so now we gotta figure out a solution in the meantime#cuz they can’t stay in my fucking milk parlor omg#but like even if we get electric netting we’ll have to order it and that’ll take time#ugh frustrating#my poor dad I had to wake him up to help me move the birds#and it’s like four in the morning when this happened#and now he has to go to work#UGH and I have to drive my brother to the doctor’s office tomorrow omfg#I haven’t slept#I was reading and then I went to the bathroom and then something tried to kill my birds#great start to the day jfc
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northsballad · 11 months
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sorry for yet another ooc post BUT THEY FINALLY CAME
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castielinpastel · 2 years
“but [insert ship/headcanon] doesn’t make sense!” lol have you ever been in a fandom before? people ship characters who haven’t even met because they’re personalities fit or they’d be cute together. and there are literally entire fandoms that are based off of headcanons (i.e. the marauders fandom.) unproblematic ships and headcanons don’t have to make sense.
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kevjrr · 1 year
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I'm down if you're down👉🏾👈🏾
You’re a child.
…yes I’m down. I’ll take the yellow ones please!
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
my brain came up with a scenario where Ellana and Sols run into a dalish clan who, after their whole ‘holy shit it’s the inquisitor and fen’harel’ shock, immediately clock how stupidly in love they are and quickly throw together a bonding ceremony for them because they also clocked that neither of these dumbasses is ever going to properly propose so somebody’s gotta help them out
idk if it’ll end up being a canon thing but it is very cute
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sodacowboy · 15 days
why do shoebills walk the same way as people “walk” their fingers
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Bruce Wayne, sitting in a cute eco-friendly cafe while on a video call with Tim: Oh Noooo, are you sure there’s no way the board of directors will let us get rid of this old decrepit Wayne Factory building that is unsafe for our workers and also for the surrounding environment?
CEO Tim, with equal gravitas: No, I’m afraid they just won’t budge. It technically meets legal requirements on paper, and we can’t prove that the chemicals affecting the local ecosystem that have no other possible source are from the out-of-date drainage system… they’re saying it would cost too much to fix the place up too, which is ridiculous, because we’re us, but our hands are tied…
Bruce, full Brucie himbo mode: Oh I just feel so SAD for all the sweet fluffy animals and the pretty flowers and especially our hard workers dealing with such unsafe conditions… I think I’ll give them all a nice short vacation this weekend, so the ENTIRE PLACE will be EMPTY and SHUT DOWN from FRIDAY TO TUESDAY, the SECURITY SYSTEM WILL BE DOWN because it’s just so GLITCHY, I’m sure nothing will happen to the ENVIRONMENTAL STAIN ON OUR COMPANIES NAME THAT WILL BE COMPLETELY ABANDONED FROM FRIDAY TO TUESDAY- Timmy do you think I’m being too subtle?
Tim, snickering: no no you’re doing great Bruce I’m sure they’ve got it
Poison Ivy, on a date the next table over: ( ‘-‘)-☕️
Harley, through tears of repressed laughter: so… we doing anythin’ this weekend?
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yourneedylilpup · 5 months
thinking of having a roommate who loves seeing me walk around in an oversized shirt with no bra and pj shorts that make them question if i’m even wearing anything underneath because of how thier hidden by the shirt.
i want them to be a little creep who gets off on how trusting i am towards them.
who sneaks into my room when i’m out to steal my panties and use them as a cum rag before putting them back in my closet. knowing i’ll wear them even if i see the stains cause i’ll just assume i ruined them myself and decide they’ll work until i get some new pairs.
who watches me put on location after i shower, seeing me rub the white cream into my skin and wishing it was their cum covering me instead, taking my half empty bottle of cream and adding a couple loads of thick cum to it, loving the way i don’t question why the bottles are little fuller now, nearly creaming their pants seeing me cover myself in the cum filled location, it’s almost like their claiming my body marking it as theirs.
who can’t take it anymore and sneak into my room while i’m asleep, find me sleeping in those ridiculously short pj bottoms, moving them to the side, seeing my pretty pussy presented just for them, getting me nice and wet with their tongue while stretching me out with two fingers, adding a third to make sure i’m nice and prepared, finally getting to fuck me all nice and gentle like a cute princess, so blissed out finally being able to touch me in the the depraved ways they’ve been craving and hearing me make those sweet sleepy moans that bring them so close to the the edge that they don’t notice how rough they’re getting with me, pausing mid thrust when they hear me whisper their name, looking down to see my half awake and unfocused eyes, slowly starting to thrust again while cooing at how cute i am to be having such a depraved dream about my roommate, lulling me back to sleep while still fucking into my wet cunt, cumming harder than they ever have before right into my pussy only to pull out and watch it leak out of my hole, using thier thumb to push it back into my cunt before wiping their hand in my hair and fixing up my shorts, going back to their own room completely spent and ready for sleep.
who wakes up the next morning to see me act like nothing happend and i don’t have dried cum covering my thighs and making my bed head worse.
maybe my lovely roommate will decide to start making nightly visits to my room to test just how oblivious i can be.
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maikaartwork · 11 months
Artists, let’s talk about Instagram commission scammers
There’s been a huge rise in commission scammers recently, mostly on Instagram. A lot of new artists don’t know what to look out for, so I figured this might help people.
How they begin
Usually the scammer will write to you asking about a commission. Something deceptively cute - mostly I encounter asks about pet portraits, with one or two photos sent. They’ll probably try to sell you a sweet little story, like “It’s for my son’s birthday”. They will insist that they love your artwork and style, even though they don’t follow you or never liked a single piece of your art.
What to look out for:
Their profiles will either be private, empty, or filled with very generic stuff, dating at most a few years back.
Their language will be very simple, rushed or downright bad. They might use weird emojis that nobody ever uses. They will probably send impatient “??” when you don’t answer immediately. They’re in a crunch - lots of people to scam, you know. 
They’ll give you absolutely no guidelines. No hints on style, contents aside from (usually) the pet and often a name written on the artwork, no theme. Anything you draw will be perfect. Full artistic freedom. In reality they don’t really care for this part.
They’ll offer you a ridiculous amount of money. Usually 100 or 300 USD (EDIT: I know it might not be a lot for some work. What I mean here - way higher than your asking price, 100 and 300 are standard rates they give). They’ll often put in a phrase like “I am willing to compensate you financially” and “I want the best you can draw”, peppered with vague praise. It will most likely sound way too good to be true. That’s because it is.
Where the scam actually happens
If you agree, they will ask you for a payment method. They’ll try to get to this part as soon as possible. 
Usually, they’ll insist on PayPal. And not just any PayPal. They’ll always insist on sending you a transfer immediately. None of that PayPal Invoice stuff (although some do have methods for that, too). They’ll really, REALLY want to get your PayPal email address and name for the transfer - that’s what they’re after. If you insist on any other method, they’ll just circle back to the transfer “for easiest method”. If you do provide them with the info, most likely you’ll soon get a scam email. It most likely be a message with a link that will ultimately lead to bleeding you dry. Never, and I mean NEVER click on any emails or links you get from them. It’s like with any other scam emails you can ever get.
A few things can happen here:
They overpay you and ask for the difference to be wired back. Usually it will go to a different account and you’ll never see that money again. 
They’ll overpay you “for shipping costs” and ask you to forward the difference to their shipping company. Just like before, you’ll never see that money again.
The actual owner of the account (yes, they most likely use stolen accounts to wire from) will realize there’s been something sketchy going on and request a refund via official channels. Your account will be charged with fees and/or you get in trouble for fraudulent transactions. 
You will transfer the money from your PayPal credit to your bank account and they will make a shitstorm when they want their money back, making your life a living hell. They will call you a scammer, a thief, make wild claims, wearing you down and forcing you into wiring money “back” - aka to their final destination account. 
Never, EVER wire money to anyone. This is not how it’s supposed to go. Use PayPal Invoice for secure exchanges where the client needs to provide you with their email, not the other way around.
You can find more info on that method HERE.
What to do when you encounter a scammer:
Ask the right questions: inquire about the style, which artwork of yours they like, as much details as you can. They won’t supply you with any good answers.
Don’t let the rush of the exchange, their praise and the promise of insanely good money to get to you. That’s how they operate, that’s how they make you lose vigilance. 
Don’t engage them. As soon as you realize it might be a scam, block them. The sense of urgency they create with their rushed exchange, and pressure they put on you will sooner or later get to you and you might do something that you’ll regret later.
Never wire money to anyone. Never give out your personal data. Never provide your email, name, address or credit card info. 
Don’t be deceived by receiving a payment, if you somehow agree to go along with it. Just because it’s there now doesn’t mean it can’t be withdrawn. 
Here is a very standard example of such an exchange. I realized it’s a scam pretty fast and went along with it, because I wanted good screenshots for you guys, so I tried going very “by the book” with it. 
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Please share this post, make it reach as many artists as possible. Let young or inexperienced artists know that this is going on. So many people have no idea that this is a thing. Let’s help each other out. If you think I missed any relevant info, do add it as an rb!
Also, if you know other scam methods that you think should be shared, consider rb-ing this post with them below. Having a master post of scam protection would AWESOME to have in the art community.
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
I truly do not get the spy x family hype….
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