#they’re probably gonna suck at the office
treesah · 1 year
I do not trust anyone who does not have a good relationship with their partner(s) and/or child(ren). Especially if they’re in any position of authority. How about you get your own house in order before you try being in charge elsewhere?
Anyway I just watched Succession last night with my husband and I don’t understand how Shiv and Tom have such a toxic marriage. If Shiv’s so smart and savvy, why is she so bad at manipulating Tom? He is such a simple little man! Tell him you love him and ask after his winery and hide your affairs better! Put some more fondness in your tone when you’re being condescending to/about him! Hint that you have mysterious and better plans for his future after you imply that he’s going to be let go from his job! He never would have betrayed you if you were actually good at playing the game and didn’t make him question his security as your spouse! He already wants to kneel at your feet and eat out of your hand so let him and tell him good boy once in a while!
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dante-mightdie · 23 days
My heart wants angst so I’ve just been imagining the 141 as an underground fighting ring. Price is the ringleader obviously, he started it, he makes the most profit etcetera. And all his boys are his prized fighters, bringing in the big bucks. Specifically Simon, an ex-felon with a warrant out for him.
But someone ratted them to the police and mid fight between Simon and some pore sap they get raided. It’s chaos. Price is on his knees in cuffs, Kyle is pinned to the ground, yelling obscenities as he gets frisked, Soap has his cheek and chest pressed to a cop car and Simon is getting cornered by about three or four cops, ready to fight his way out, he won’t go back.
But then there’s sweet little you. You always sit in price’s lap during matches and count his cash for him, and you patch up your boys with stitches and forehead kisses when their broken and bruised. And now you’re getting caught in all the crossfire as you walk out in cuffs, head hung low.
oh absolutely yes to everything about this
c/w: criminal activity, violence, smut
price who owns a club above the literal underground fighting ring. fancy joint that no one would ever suspect was a den of iniquity. you spend most nights up on price’s vip table, dancing the night away whilst they watch you. peeking up your skirt or blowing cigarette smoke in your direction
price only reacts when the police put you in cuffs, yelling at them in that scary tone when one of them gives you a rough shove towards the exit. telling them to get their filthy fucking hands off of you, that you have nothing to do with any of this
you’re too sweet for this. you won’t last 5 minutes in an interrogation room :( you’d never rat on him but his pretty girl has no business being in nasty places like that. you should only be in boutique stores and Michelin star restaurants or his bed
simon obviously makes the dumb decision to swing at the officer escorting you off the premises, starting a brawl in which he probably would’ve won single-handedly had you not wailed for him to stop before he got hurt
best believe when they’re all out because john pays off all the right people, he’s gonna spoil you rotten. keep you all curled up and safe in his bed, making the boys do those silly face masks with you because you feel all yucky from being in that stuffy police car and dirty station :(
lets you scroll through netflix to pick what you wanna watch whilst john lays between your legs, expertly licking and sucking at your clit until you’re kicking against his back
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its-your-mind · 2 years
“oh clearly jon feels no emotions and is in complete control of himself at all times. this man is a logic machine.”
did we??? listen to the same podcast?????? this man feels first, thinks later. there is a strong emotion? get ready for jonathan jarchivist sims to act on it with little-to-no second thoughts. rational thinking who. we throw ourselves full force at the first thought that comes into our head. like, we are talking about the man who:
busted into the office of a guy he hadn’t talked to more than twice since he woke up from a six month coma, sincerely offering to gouge out his eyes and run away with him, and was Absolutely Gobsmacked when he was refused
was prefectly ready to let a face-stealing monster live… right up until it reminded him that it had killed his friend without him realizing (that “…what did you say” is one of the lines that gives me GOOSEBUMPS every time)
dove headfirst into a pile of evil sentient worms to grab a tape recorder bc he was so determined to not die as aNOTHER GODDAMN MYSTERY
let his survivor’s guilt from when he was eight drive the major decisions he made for the rest of his life
threw himself into a fear dimension of evil loneliness to save the man he loved (who had refused to speak to him for months) at the probable expense of himself who knows
had so much MALICE in his voice when he killed peter lukas like damn girl you do not get that emotional when you’re just killing someone bc they’re evil or whatever. there was Hatred there. go off queen.
literally was willing to sacrifice an entire WORLD so that no one would ever f e e l what he had to feel when jonah voicesnatched him
LITERALLY speedran a love story in like six weeks in scotland. this man was SO READY to be in love it’s ridiculous. so was martin. I love them sm
heard his predecessor was dead
came to the conclusion that he was next
what should we do with this?
oh I know
stalk every one of my coworkers bc clearly one of them is out to get me
committed himself to living in the archives forever bc he didn’t want to put georgie or “god forbid the admiral” in danger (has his priorities STRAIGHT he does)
oh annabelle caine has martin? and an artifact that completely knocks me on my ass and takes away all my powers? off to hilltop road we go come on basira we have spider ass to kick
threw himself into a coffin to save a woman who LITERALLY was ABOUT TO KILL HIM bc he just wanted to HELP and everyone around him was HURTING SO MUCH
was insulted when a statement giver called the institute stupid and immediately discarded all professionalism and clapped back by calling her wildly successful youtube series dumb
also immediately discarded all professionalism when disgusted by a teeth apple “we do NOT want it.” like damn bro this traumatized doctor brought this bone apple teeth proof in for you and you are too grossed out to grin and bear it
was slightly annoyed by the fact that martin was not the Ideal Assistant. Offhandedly mentioned on an official recording that he wanted an evil flesh witch to slowly kill his literal employee by a series of freak accidents that resulted in the loss of one body part at a time. this man has no chill whatsoever.
took so much satisfaction in killing jonah magnus. like jonah told him not to be dramatic and jon PROMPTLY started monologuing while stabbing douchard directly in the chest.
“I don’t want to die”
sounded so SMUG when he told the eye he was gonna go apologize to his boyfriend. like yeah stupid all-powerful fear god I have a BOYfriend and I LOVE him suck on THAT
remember when he decided to doom his whole world bc he wanted to stop anyone else from feeling like he did? yeah that plan went out the window fuckin imMEDIATely as soon as his beloved martin walked into the room. oh, he’s in the world I’m going to be dooming? well fuck didn’t consider that part. welp guess he’s just gonna have to stab me. and then we will hold each other and declare our love and kiss and hope to still be alive and together somehow as the world collapses around us. our love didn’t save us but it was here and that mattered. okay list cancelled I’m gonna go curl up in a ball for a little bit. ty for your time.
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Hey, I was wondering if you could right a Mel x Reader fic where R gets super drunk at PECSA and ended up getting knocked up(from a rando), her and Mel not being together but flirts pretty heavily. And Mel finds her crying in the bathroom abt after finding out, and after Mel finds out why she starts distancing herself and being cold. Then maybe when R’s a few months along Barb tells Melissa off for being so rude, then fluff + whatever ending you think is best?
your wish is my command. lemme know what you think, because i lowkey loved writing this :)
as always, entirely unedited.
WC: ~3.55k
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You’re at PECSA, and of course that redhead that you constantly flirt with is right by your side. Neither of you have mentioned anything about going out or whatever is going on between the two of you, but you quite like having her by your side.
You’ve both had quite a few drinks, and the flirting is beyond ridiculous at this point- anybody at the convention can see that the two of you are madly in love despite the fact that you aren’t in a relationship or even doing anything remotely ‘romantic’. She’s not hanging off of you, you aren’t hanging off of her… it’s just the look in both of your eyes and the smiles on your faces when you’re together.
But eventually, she calls it a night as Barb tells her it’s maybe time to head up.
“Oh, go,” you roll your eyes. “I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.”
“Are you sure, hun?” Melissa asks you, voice oddly soft considering the party still going on around you.
You nod. “I’m sure, babe. I’m probably just gonna have another drink and retire to bed myself.”
“Have a good night,” the redhead tells you as she pulls you in for a hug. She turns on her heel and heads out of the room with her work wife.
And that leaves you as the last Abbott worker at PECSA. You head up to the bar and order yourself another when a man tries to approach you. You’ve seen him at a few of the different panels and discussions, but you haven’t spoken to him and he hasn’t spoken to you (mostly because you’ve had Melissa by your side this entire weekend, not that you mind that at all). He offers to buy you a drink, and you don’t have it in you to say no.
That last drink, although you were heavily intoxicated to begin with, does you in. You end up blacking out.
The next morning, you wake up in your room naked and alone. There’s a familiar burning sensation between your legs. Fuck- you just had a one night stand… and at PECSA weekend of all places. What a fool.
But you figure nothing will come out of it. You’re on the pill, there’s a condom wrapper in the trash… you’re safe. 
That was two months ago. And now, you’re sitting in the Abbott Elementary bathroom, sick as hell. You did have the leftovers that you let sit in your fridge for maybe a day too long before eating last night. After expelling the contents of your stomach from your body, you wipe your mouth and head down to the office, looking like you’ve absolutely had the life sucked out of you. 
“Girl, what’s got you lookin’ like shit?” Ava asks you in her conventional Ava way.
You groan as you sit down in the chair in her office. “I think I have food poisoning. I need to go home.”
“You got emergency plans?”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Mel knows where they’re at in my room.”
“Okay, but I can’t promise you gon’ have a competent sub. Mr. J might even have to-”
“I don’t care,” you groan as you hoist yourself up from her chair. Suddenly, you get insanely dizzy. Your vision goes dark, and you wake up with Melissa sitting on the floor next to you looking at you with more concern and love than you’ve ever seen from her.
“What happened?” you groan as you try to sit up.
“Stay down,” the redhead tells you gently. “You passed out in Ava’s office.”
“I what?” you mumble.
She just brushes a few hairs away from your face. “Here. Drink.” She holds a water bottle up to your lips and helps you take a few sips.
“Good god,” you mutter. You lay there for a few more minutes before you finally have your bearings.
“Let me drive you home,” your colleague insists.
“I’m okay,” you sigh softly. “I can just walk.” You don’t live far from the school, so it really isn’t a problem.
“I’m driving you. C’mon.”
Melissa gets you comfortable in your home before she drives back to Abbott, and she’s back at your house come the end of the work day with what she claims to be her own remedy to a stomach bug or food poisoning.
The next day, you’re feeling much better, but then at lunch, the smell of Melissa’s lunch makes you queasy and you have to excuse yourself. You don’t think you can stomach lunch with the way you’re stomach is churning. What the fuck could make you feel so shitty?
And then you remember… you should be on your period right now. But it still hasn’t come. Actually, now that you really think about it, you’re a week late.
“Fuck,” you hiss to yourself. Without thinking, you grab your wallet out of your purse and head down to the convenience store on the corner. You buy a pregnancy test and sigh. Ducking into the bathroom, you rip open the package and take the test. You sit there for a few minutes, silently praying that you aren’t with child.
But as luck would have it, five minutes later the word pregnant is staring up at you. At first, you think your eyes are playing tricks on you. How are you pregnant? You’re on the pill, the last guy you slept with was… shit- you had a one night stand during PECSA weekend. You burst into tears. Loud enough tears, that when a certain redhead comes to check on you, she can hear your sobs from the hallway outside the staff bathroom.
Concerned, she knocks frantically. “Y/N? Hun?”
You wipe the tears from your face as you try to catch your breath. “I- I’m fine.”
“No you ain’t,” she tells you, seeing right through your act. “C’mon. It’s just me. You need me to hold your hair back while you puke?”
“‘M fine,” you say again, but the crack in your voice gives you away.
She sighs loudly. “Hun, you either let me in, or I pick the lock.”
You don’t think she can pick the lock, so you don’t open the door. She counts to sixty, and then you hear the door click as the lock unlatches approximately ten seconds later. She appears in the doorway looking quite proud of herself as she slides the bobby pin back into her hair- that is until she sees the puddle that you are.
“Y/N?” she lowers her voice and softens it. “What’s wrong?”
You just hold up the test as you hang your head in shame. Her eyes go wide as you see what you’re holding up.
“You’re… When did you…?”
“PECSA weekend,” you choke out. “After you- after you left. I- I thought I was fine.”
“You had a one night stand?” she asks you, clearly bewildered and a little hurt.
You nod as the tears continue to flow down your cheeks.
“When were you going to tell me?”
“I didn’t think I had to!”
“What are you… you seriously had a one night stand?”
“I did,” and you pick up on her tone- the sharpness. “I’m allowed to do that, you know. I am single, and I don’t need you judging me.”
“I ain’t judging you. I’ve had my fair share of those, but not when I’m talking to someone!” she bites out.
“What do you mean?”
“It means I thought we had somethin’ going on here, but clearly I was wrong,” she huffs out. Before you can get anything else out, she’s gone, and you’re left on the bathroom floor crying alone.
You try to talk to her during dismissal, once you’ve collected yourself a bit more- although you haven’t collected yourself by much. As you would later realize, your hormones are very much already all over the place. But she pretty much refuses to talk to you.
You cry on the way home. Oh how you wish you could have a glass of wine to at least somewhat numb the pain you’re feeling, but now you have a child to think about. Speaking of, you should probably make an appointment with your doctor to confirm that you are pregnant, although you’re almost 100% certain that the test didn’t give you a false positive.
The next day, you take a half day. The doctor is able to confirm that you indeed are pregnant- already about eight weeks along.
You show to school the next day in bulky clothes, as if your stomach grew overnight and you feel the need to hide any sort of signs that you’re pregnant before you’re ready to tell everyone.
Melissa avoids you like the plague. And it absolutely breaks your heart. The next few weeks continue on like this.
And with your hormones and mood swings only getting worse, it becomes harder and harder to fight the big emotions that you’re feeling. So, about a week out from being able to tell everyone that you’re with child, you burst into tears when Melissa comes into the break room, grabs her lunch, and leaves without so much as glancing in your direction.
The sob that erupts from your body startles everyone in the room, and their eyes are on you immediately.
“I- I’m sorry,” you rush out as you grab your lunch and head down towards your end of the hall. Your tears don’t stop, and once you’re in the confines of your own classroom, the dam really does break. You’re reduced to pathetic whimpers and choked out sobs as you almost curse the day that you conceived this baby that you’re carrying- he or she cost you Melissa.
You hear heels making their way to your room, and there’s some stupid part of you that hopes it is the second grade teacher. It isn’t, of course. It’s Barbara instead.
“Sweetheart, what has gotten into you?” the kindergarten teacher asks as she enters your room and closes the door behind you. She makes her way to where you’re curled up in your desk chair and perches herself on your desk.
“I- I’m fine,” you try to tell her, but the tears that continually fall down your face say otherwise.
“Y/N, I’m going to ask you a question, and I want you to answer truthfully,” she says calmly, evenly. You nod. “Are you pregnant?”
You gasp. “How do you know?”
“Sweetheart, I’ve been through it twice… I’ve had many friends who have had children. I know the signs: not being able to handle certain foods you love anymore, craving the oddest food combinations, more frequent bathroom trips… the fact that you’ve switched from espresso to tea. How far along?”
“Twelve weeks,” you whisper.
“I didn’t realize that you were seeing anyone,” she says softly.
“I’m not,” you mumble. “PECSA weekend… I blacked out after Mel left.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” she sighs quietly. “When did you find out?”
“A month ago,” you cry. “And since I told Melissa… she- she hates me!”
“She doesn’t hate you,” the kindergarten teacher tries to assure you.
You sniffle as you wipe your tears on your sleeve. “She does! She was mad!”
“Why would she be mad?”
“Because… because she said something about how she thought something was going on between the two of us, but clearly she was wrong… Barb, I- I didn’t mean to hurt her!”
The older teacher frowns at that. “Sweetheart, are you and Melissa dating?”
“No! I mean, yeah we flirted, but she also flirts with Gary to get cheaper stuff from the vending machine! And I- we were never dating… we never even talked about it, and if I had known that was going through her head… I never, ever would’ve slept with that guy.”
“Does she know that?”
“No,” you mumble as the tears begin to subside. “She left and hasn’t talked to me since.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Barbara says, slightly pitiful.
“It breaks my heart, and it’s made… it’s made me hate this baby,” you admit, and the second it comes out of your mouth, you hate yourself. You can’t believe you just said that. “I- I didn’t mean that.”
“I know you didn’t,” the kindergarten teacher assures you as she pulls you into her arms for a hug you didn’t know you needed. “I know.”
You nod silently, aggressively wiping away at the remains of your tears and relaxing into her touch. “I- I’m fine. I just… got a little emotional. This has been really hard, especially all by myself.”
“I’m sure,” Barb says softly. “If you ever need anyone to help out, you know Gerald or I will always be more than happy to assist you… now, and when the baby comes.”
You start to cry again at that- the genuine kindness radiating off of the woman. That, and while you’re more than grateful for the support, you want that support from Melissa.
“I appreciate it,” you whisper. “I really do… I just wish Melissa would’ve been more supportive… I wish she was here with me through this.”
“I’m sure she’ll come around,” the woman promises. You don’t know it, but she’s already made up in her head that she is going to be giving her work wife a piece of her mind later about this.
You just shrug as you pull away from Barbara. “I- I’ll be okay, no matter what.”
“Yes you will be, dear,” she assures you. “Yes you will.”
“Thanks for coming and checking on me,” you give her your best smile considering your emotional state. “Go enjoy your lunch, I’ll be alright.”
“You need to eat too, Y/N,” she reminds you. “Especially now that you’re eating for two.” She extends her hand out to you, and you take it gratefully.
“Can we just… not talk about what just happened… the Melissa part?” you request softly as you follow her through the halls.
She nods, and when the two of you walk in, she gives everyone a stern look when they ask if you’re okay.
You sigh softly as you settle back into your chair next to Barb. “I’m okay. Just a bit emotional lately… because I’m pregnant.”
There’s a collective gasp heard throughout the room, and then you’re bombarded with questions as they all talk over each other.
“Twelve weeks, no I do not know the gender, no I am not seeing anyone, yes I am keeping the baby, yes I will continue to work throughout my pregnancy,” you state. “And: I expect that none of you will act like I’m broken. I’m not; I’m just pregnant.”
Barbara looks at you proudly as you finish your statement and take a bite of your lunch. Then she turns and gives them all another stern look, and they’re quiet again.
“Congratulations,” Janine says sincerely, and then the rest of them are congratulating you just as genuinely and letting you know that the Abbott crew is always going to have your back and that this baby is going to have more love than you could ever imagine.
You give a sad smile. You wish this baby had Melissa’s love.
When the lunch period is over, you’re able to get through the day without another breakdown, and you’re so grateful that you get to go home and veg out on the couch for the night- no appointments, no meetings, just peace and quiet. 
Meanwhile, Barbara Howard is marching her way over to Melissa Schemmenti’s house.
“Melissa Ann, you better open the damn-”
“Barb, what the hell?” the redhead whips open the door.
“What in the Earth, Wind, and Fire are you doing, just dropping Y/N like two day old bread?! She is pregnant, and alone and scared, and all she wants is you- but you decided that you’re too good for all of a sudden? Melissa, I thought you were better than this,” the kindergarten teacher goes off.
“She’s the one who went and slept around,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she walks away from the front door. “She’s the one who threw away everything we had.”
Barbara enters and sets her bag down on the plastic covered couch before she follows the second grade teacher further into the house.
“As far as Y/N was aware, the two of you weren’t together,” the older teacher purses her lips. “Because for once in your life, you weren’t direct with somebody you had feelings for.”
“I thought I was pretty damn obvious about it!”
“You flirt with Gary too! She thought it was innocent!” Barbara tells her. “All I’m saying is, all she wants right now is you. And I do hope you’ll pull your head out of her ass and be there for her- because while I can offer my own support and the rest of the Abbott group stands behind her, it doesn’t matter; she wants you.”
“Doubt it.”
“Melissa, look at me,” the kindergarten teacher orders, and Melissa pulls her eyes away from the carrots she’s peeling. “Y/N left the break room crying when you came in and didn’t so much as look at her. I followed her, and she told me directly that she thinks you hate her- that she wants you to be there with her through this… that she has some not so pleasant feelings towards this baby because it made her lose you.”
“What do you mean?” the redhead teacher asks as she places a hand on her hip.
“It means that she told me… before redacting the statement, that the situation involving you has made her hate this baby.”
“She doesn’t mean that.”
“She doesn’t hate her baby, but she does hate that you aren’t talking to her… that if she knew that you two flirting was anything more than innocent, she never would’ve slept with the guy at PECSA.”
Melissa sighs. “I should go talk to her.”
“You should,” is all Barbara says back. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get home to Gerald.” She turns on her heel and leaves.
Melissa runs a hand through her red hair before glancing at the pot of water that is just beginning to boil. She turns off the stove and grabs her keys before rushing to get to your apartment.
She pulls in all too quickly, nearly hitting your car in her haste to get to you. She’s able to slip into the building thanks to another resident and books it to your apartment number. She knocks swiftly.
Inside, she can hear you groan as you pull yourself off the couch. You assume it’s just the pizza you ordered, and you open it. What’s on the other side of the door shocks you.
“Melissa?” you ask quietly.
“Hun, I’m sorry. I’ve been an-”
“What are you doing here?” you interrupt her.
“Just let me get this out,” she tells you. “I’ve been practicing this the entire way over.”
You nod and gesture for her to continue.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. I was an ass, and you didn’t deserve the reaction I gave you. I was… I let my emotions get the best of me, and when you told me that you slept with someone else, I just got so jealous and angry because I wish it was me that you ended up with in bed instead, but I wasn’t direct enough with what I wanted, and I fucked up. I- I don’t hate you; I could never hate you. I am so, so ridiculously in love with you, and I want to be here for you in any way I can if you’ll let me- for both you and this-”
You hiccup out a sob.
“Hun, hey, why are you crying?” she stops her speech. She pulls you into her arms and holds you tightly, playing with the ends of your hair.
“I’m- I’m sorry,” you choke out. “Just really emotional lately… hormones,” you hiccup out a laugh at the last word.
“I’m so sorry I left you alone when you needed me most,” Melissa whispers. “So sorry. But if you’ll let me, I want to be here for you and the baby.”
“That’s all I want,” you tell her softly as you wipe at your tears. 
“And I want to be here for you as more than someone who just flirts with you innocently,” she tells you. “I want to… we should date.”
You give her a sad smile, and she knows she’s blown it. “Mel, I-”
“That’s okay,” she says softly. “I- I get it. Not the right-”
“You still want to be with someone who’s three months pregnant?” you ask her hesitantly. “You want to deal with all of this, and then a new baby?”
“If it means I get you,” Melissa whispers.
The tears that had started to subside hit you again, and you cling to her as if your life depends on it. “Please.”
“I’m right here,” she promises you as she continues to hold you in her arms. A hand slowly makes its way down to your still relatively flat stomach. “I’m never leaving you, either of you, again.”
You smile as you lean into her. You, and this baby, will be just fine with Melissa Schemmenti by your sides. 
tags (and lmk if you want to be added to the list!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels—slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @nothere1111 @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1
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youthereader · 5 months
Gator blackmails you.
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pairing: gator tillman (fargo) x teenage fem!reader
summary: 1.9k. to avoid arrest, you do something for gator.
rating: e; dubcon, mentions of underage drinking, reader is an 18 year-old high schooler, blowjob (m recieving), vaginal fingering, praise kink, toxic dynamics
a/n: there's just something about this guy! I hate him but I want him! this is my first ever joe keery character fic, so please be gentle.
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“Go fuck yourself!”
“I wouldn’t be talkin’ to me like that if I were ya.”
This town makes it easy to hate cops, especially because of Sheriff Tillman and his son. Luckily for you, or not so luckily, depending on how you look at it, you’re dealing with Gator tonight.
He has you backed into the side of his car, all alone, and it’s freezing cold. You can see your breaths in front of your faces, your body occasionally shivering. Your cute outfit just feels idiotic now, along with many other decisions that led you up to this point.
Gator’s eyes shift to the end of the street, which is completely deserted. You and your friends were there together up until a few minutes ago, when his cop car turned the corner and spotted you.
“Your friends ain’t gonna help ya,” he says. “They’re long gone.”
“And I meant it when I said it the first time – go fuck yourself!”
He smirks, lifting his vape to his lips and inhales. He exhales away from you, but you can still smell the mango scent as it drifts into the night. He smells like whatever body spray he showered himself in earlier, too. It’s not bad, exactly. Just invasive, lingering. Kind of like Gator himself.
You’ve known each other for years. He was in your older brother’s class in high school, in and out of your life forever, and this is the closest you’ve been to him in a long time. He always sort of scared you as a kid, but now it’s a different kind of fear. Less boogeyman, more realistic and sadistic.
Especially after he told you to suck his cock so he doesn’t arrest you for drinking underage.
“Somethin’ like this on your record when you’re applyin’ for college…”
He trails off, shaking his head. Your face warms and your guts twist. He can’t be serious, and yet you find it entirely possible he means it. His eyes dip to your lower half, your stupid short skirt and tights. You’re not even wearing snow boots, what the fuck were you thinking? You’re not even tipsy anymore by how sobering this is.
“Your brother would be shattered, too.”
“Don’t talk about my brother,” you snarl.
You take a step forward and he doesn’t flinch, eyes dipping to your lips. Your stomach flips at the sight of him taking you in like that.
“You a virgin?” he whispers.
You step back, face on fire, ignoring him. He makes a show of sighing, putting his vape away to take out his handcuffs.
“Okay, turn around.”
“You can explain you and your delinquent buddies down at the station-”
You do think of college now. You care about getting out of this town, away from shitbirds like Gator Tillman. Without college, it’s that much harder to succeed. You think of the shame and humiliation your family would feel, because it would get around so fast, your drinking.
“Okay, okay! Okay!” you yelp, as he spins you around.
He presses up against you, hips to your ass and you gasp at the force of him.
“Okay, what?”
“Okay, I’ll do it,” you whisper. Your eyes shut and you gulp. “I’ll blow you.”
“Nope, changed my mind-”
You start to beg, but he still cuffs you, takes hold of your wrists to open the backseat and pushes you inside with ease. He’s deceptively strong. You land sidewards, and he slams the door shut as you struggle to sit up, slipping into the front seat.
“Asshole,” you hiss, hating him.
You start to wish your arrest would be for more, like assaulting an officer. He probably tried to blackmail you just to see if you’d say yes.
He takes off and you manage to sit up, huffing as you glare at the back of his head through the divider. You realize then that he’s not headed towards the station, but further out, further away from the center of town. You feel panic start to set in, your eyes meeting his in the rear-view mirror.
“Hey, what the fuck?”
“Y’know, I was on my way home when I picked ya up,” he calls over the engine.
He’s speeding and you feel each lurch of the car, every swerve.
“I wasn’t even lookin’ for some action tonight. But you always are. Fuckin’ whores.”
He can’t be talking to you. He must mean the collective ‘you’, of all the girls in town he sees. Has he done this before?
“You’re all whores.”
He seems on a roll, so you stay silent. He drives to the high school, to the football field at the back, the turf iced over and crunching underfoot. You know this because you walk across it most days, dreaming of somewhere far warmer. College was meant to take you away from the cold.
He parks the car. As it idles, he turns around in his seat.
“So have we got a deal?” he says, and you blink at him.
“Uh, yeah.”
He seems to have changed, he seems younger. You stare back at him and he frowns. It’s almost comical.
“What did ya think I was goin’ to do?”
“What kind of question is that -?”
He jumps out of the front and opens the back, crowding you, and he shuts it behind him, settling beside you. You glance down at your own arm pointedly, and he moves forward to uncuff you.
“I wasn’t gonna rape you or somethin’… your brother’s my buddy.”
“I hope he’s not,” you snap.
“Hey,” he says, and he tugs you toward him. “I still could arrest ya. Public intoxication? Underage drinkin’? Intent to sell?”
“Intent to sell what?” you retort. “I have nothing on me-”
“For now.”
You glare at him, rubbing your sore wrists, and he smirks again. His gaze dips again to your mouth.
“You’re kinda cute when you’re pissed off, did ya know that? You’re eighteen, right?”
“You are fucked up,” you say.
The silence between you is heavy, and he pulls in a breath, not disagreeing with you. You close your eyes for courage, breathing in his scent. Annoyingly, he smells really good, and the heat of his body makes it weirdly intimate.
“If I do this, then you’ll let me off the hook?”
Your eyes meet and he nods. “Sure, baby.”
You sigh, moving to unzip his fly and put a hand in his underwear. He’s hard already, and huge. Holy shit, you were not expecting that – and neither did you consider physically reacting to him like you do. Your stomach flips as your face burns with want. You want this.
You obey, ducking down to swallow him, trying not to cough, and Gator sucks in a breath on impact. His hand finds the back of your neck and squeezes, your thighs pressing together. His direction helps you with your initial nerves. Giving bad head would surely mean arrest.
You find yourself trying to not show too much enthusiasm, either. This tightrope means sucking his cock but suppressing your moans, because you’re not a virgin. You’ve done this many times before, but it hasn’t been like this. It hasn’t been risky, or so matter of fact.
He holds you like someone with experience does, and you like it a lot. You shift your hips a little, heat below your navel. He yanks you off him, drool on your mouth and chin, and kisses you.
His hot tongue pushes into your mouth and you grunt in surprise, not disgust, and he’s good. He’s really good at making you go in for more when he moves his lips away from you, staring at you with a glazed expression on his face.
“I knew it,” he whispers. “I knew you’d enjoy this.”
“Shut up,” you mumble.
“Hmm, I like it…”
His hand trails down your side, then under your skirt. You turn your head away from him, whimpering when his fingers curl into the waistband of your tights, pulling them down. You take his cock into your mouth again, re-doubling your efforts, and Gator groans for the first time, his hand more determined.
His fingers meet your underwear, rubbing over the clothed cut of you. You know you must be wet by now, and he doesn’t humiliate you for that. Instead, he pushes aside the material to reach your cunt, tucking two fingers inside with ease.
“Fuck,” you moan, because he’s not gentle.
You bob your head, tasting his pre-cum, sacrificing air to get him off. You’re fighting the building pleasure inside you, until he pinches your clit and you cry out, starting to tremble.
“That’s it. Good girl,” he whispers, and you cough, taking him as far as you can out of sheer desperation. “Good girl…”
You come, your orgasm ripped from you, and you can’t hide it by how you clench around him and shudder. You ride his hand to the very end, and his fingers stay inside you, that possessive edge to him still as he grips your neck a little tighter.
He starts to pant, your eyes streaming now as you commit to his end, and within a minute he follows you over the edge. His come hits the back of your throat and you go still, unsure of whether you’ll swallow. He doesn’t let go, and you decide then that you’ve gone this far already, you may as well…
“Good girl,” he gasps, and that does it.
You swallow, panting. Your ears are ringing and you feel dazed. At some point, the events of tonight will feel real. For now, you have to feel outside of yourself, watching Gator’s fingers move from under your skirt up to his mouth. He licks them clean and then tucks himself away, zipping his fly.
It is utterly bizarre, especially when he glances your way, searching you.
“I’ll drive ya home.”
“Yeah,” you murmur.
“Your friends are shitty, for runnin’ away like that,” he adds.
You nod. You wonder what you look like, sweaty and wrecked.
He moves back to the front seat, and you stare at him through the divider. When he finally looks at you again, you realise he must remember the way to your house from years ago. Something about that makes your chest ache. It’s been a weird night.
“Don’t do shit like that again, alright?” he says, and you nod again.
You don’t know if you’ll do as he says. He is right about your friends, though. Whatever apology they offer you when they see you on Monday will be bullshit and you know it. At least Gator isn’t bullshit.
He stops the car outside your house, and the lights are off. You snuck out hours ago, and your parents won’t know you ever left. But Gator will.
You think about seeing him again in town but don’t feel as miserable as you expect.
“I still think you should go fuck yourself,” you say, ducking under his arm when he lets you out of the car. You feel a little better already.
You glance back at him, and his eyebrows lift. He smirks.
“Okay, baby.”
His vape is back and he watches you walk to your front door. You smell his body spray still, you can taste his come. You’re still a little congested with it, your lips rubbed raw.
“Good girl,” he calls, as you unlock your front door, your back to him.
Your head whips toward him and he disappears into his car, the engine coming to life as you slip inside, heart pounding, the image of his glistening fingers still fresh in your mind.
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Thank you for reading! If you liked it, consider throwing me a like or reblog it. 🖤
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somanyratsinthewalls · 2 months
Burning Hearts Chapter 17
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Pairing: Law x Straw Hat Zoan Type (named) OC 
Summary: You were teleported across the globe in an instant, away from your crew. Your body was badly broken and beaten, thrust into the harsh landscape of a Northern island. You are discovered by the Heart Pirates and brought back to health. Startled upon waking up in a foreign place with an unfamiliar crew, you are shocked with the news that you’ll be spending two years there. Trafalgar Law, the captain of the Heart Pirates has made a promise to train you, but will it become something more than a mentor relationship?
Taglist: @zoros-fourth-sword @cottoncandyloverrrr @nothing-but-brass @airwolf92
Burning Hearts Chapter 17: Happy Birthday
— — 
Fall had arrived on the island and the air temperature wasn’t the only thing that had turned colder. As the leaves on the trees turned from green to a burnt orange, Law had turned distant not just from you but from the rest of his crew as well. You knew there would be a shift in your dynamic after you lost control and took a chunk out of his arm, but holding a grudge against you didn’t seem like Law’s style… and it wouldn’t explain his indifference towards the other crew members. 
You had a nightmare a few nights ago and found yourself knocking on Law’s bedroom door, looking for comfort in your restless state but you were met with nothing. Another day, you had attempted to drop off breakfast in his office but you were told to “leave it outside” and he would “get to it eventually.” Hours later you walk down the hallway to find it untouched and each delicious morsel you prepared was undisturbed. 
“Hey Bepo,” You ask with a mouth full of peanut butter on a piece of bread from a loaf you freshly baked the day before. “Why is tomorrow’s date on the calendar crossed out all weird?” You point at the calendar on the fridge and tap it with a long fingernail. 
“Oh… well… it doesn’t matter…” Bepo says nervously from the doorframe in the kitchen, twiddling his large clawed thumbs. 
You choke down your breakfast and cock your head. 
“Okay you’re being weird about it and you suck at lying so give it up, big guy.” 
Bepo sighs. 
“That’s the captain’s birthday.” He says finally while staring at the floor. 
“Okay…? That doesn’t explain why it’s blacked out.” 
“Well, he hates his birthday. Insists we ignore it, actually.” 
“Why?” You inquire. 
“He’s always hated it. We never really asked why. We got him a cake one year and he yelled at us before spending the rest of the week alone in his room. We just figured out that it’s best we leave it alone. That’s probably why he’s been weird lately… he knows it's coming up…” Bepo looked distraught. 
“Hating a day of the year seems silly… but I guess so do most of the things he does…” You wash and dry your hands and head past Bepo to return to your room. “Thanks for the info.” 
— — 
“Hmmm… okay steam for fifteen minutes…” You slide your pointer finger down the hand written rice ball recipe to make sure you were getting the correct timings and measurements. 
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” A voice calls from the doorway and you turn around to see Shachi coming in to the kitchen, obviously following his nose. 
“Rice balls. They’re not done yet and they’re not for you, so hands off!” You call as you throw the dish towel over your shoulder and fix your apron straps. 
“Oh the captain’s favorite huh? Somebody must be trying to-“ Shachi’s sharp-toothed smile fades once he sees the calendar on the fridge behind you. “Wait… what the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
“What does it look like I’m doing? Making the birthday boy his favorite dinner, idiot.” You return to the stove. 
“I’M the idiot? Are you insane? He’s gonna freak out if you even MENTION his birthday, let alone make him dinner! Do you have a fucking death wish?” Shachi rushes over to you and tries to squeeze behind you to turn the stove off. You swat his hand away from the knob. 
“Will you cool it? Let me do this. If he gets mad at anyone, let him get mad at me. Now get out before you’re an accomplice.” You slap Shachi on the back and push him out of the kitchen. 
You spend another hour in the kitchen diligently molding rice balls into perfect little triangles and arranging them onto the plate in a neat little tower. You smile at your handiwork, but you were still a little apprehensive of how your birthday stunt was going to go over with the grumpy doctor. You grab a piece of paper from the pad next to the fridge and a pen and scribble out a makeshift sign to put next to the meal saying “DO NOT EAT” with an angry face. 
You head to Ikkaku’s room and knock on the door. 
“Come in!”
You push the door open and smile at your friend, immediately heading to her closet. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, my lady?” Ikkaku says sarcastically as she watches you start going through her rack of clothing. 
“Do you still have that black dress? The wrapped one? Kind of a slutty little hemline?” 
“I do, it’s collecting dust in there in the back. And why do we need to get dressed up on a Tuesday evening at home?”
“I have a plan.” You smirk as you retrieve the dress from the back of Ikkaku’s closet. 
“Wait… it’s not… is it? Oh my god, Daisy this is a bad idea. You are severely underestimating how much that man hates his birthday. Haven’t you seen the way he’s been moping around the place lately? You cannot do this!” Ikkaku shouts at you from her position laying on her bed.
“I think you’re severely underestimating how much that man likes rice balls and boobs. Men are simple… even the crazy ones.” You wink as you flit back to your room, dress in hand. 
— — 
You look at yourself in the mirror before you head out to bring your plan to fruition. Ikkaku’s black dress was wrapped tightly around your figure, tied in one bow at the waist holding it all together. The neckline dipped low on your chest and the thigh high hemline made your legs look much longer than normal. You had unbraided your long hair, leaving it in soft waves cascading down your back and shoulders. 
“If this doesn’t work, nothing will.” You say to yourself ask you reach the kitchen and pick up the plate of rice balls you had made earlier. Approaching Law’s door, you swallowed harshly and straightened your dress before knocking. 
*knock knock knock knock*
“Working.” You hear from the other side of the steel door. You sigh and turn the handle anyway. 
“Hey hey!” You say cheerily as you peek your head through a crack in the door. 
“Daisy. Do you need something? Are you hurt?” Law looks up from the mountain of papers on his desk. He meets your eyes. His pale grey eyes were winked in and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. 
“No no I’m fine! I just though I’d bring you your favorite dinner!” You step fully into Law’s office and present the plate of rice balls with a smile. 
“Oh. I see. Thank you.” 
You walk towards Law’s desk and place the plate down. 
“I thought you could use a nice meal, it being a special day and all…” You let your voice trail off  as you sit down carefully in the leather armchair directly across from him. 
“What did you say?” Law furrows his brow. 
“I know you hate your birthday, Law, but you have to learn to let people do nice things for you.” 
“Who asked you to do this? Who told you today was my birthday?” Law raises his voice and you can see the anger in his face. “I don’t want fucking shit done for my birthday, and it’s clear you knew that and made a big deal out of it anyway!” 
You maintain your composure. 
“A plate of rice balls isn’t exactly making a big deal about it, Law.” You roll your eyes. “You’re so afraid of people being nice to you that you scream at them for making you dinner on your birthday. Your crew loves you, they care about you. You make sure they’re safe and happy every other day of the year, why can’t you let them treat you for one day?” 
“I… I can’t.” Law looks down at his hands on the desk. 
“Why? Is it so hard to believe people care about you?” You ask. 
“I just can’t!” Law slams his fists down on the desk. You jump a bit, but remain steadfast. 
“Fine, if you can’t accept that your crew cares, what about me then?” You say as you rise from the chair and walk towards the side of Law’s desk, getting closer to him. 
“W-what do you mean?” Law looks at you from his seated position behind the desk. 
“Maybe I can show you how much I care…” You reach to your side and untie the bow holding the dress together. You unreel the dress from your body, slowly revealing a black lace bra, matching panties and a garter belt you had picked up sneakily last time you went clothes shopping in town. 
“D-Daisy-“ Law stutters as his eyes widen in shock at your nearly naked form leaning against his desk. 
You move towards him and swing your leg over his lap to straddle him before he had a chance to protest. 
“You’ll let me show you, yeah?” You cup his face in both hands to make him look up at you, his goatee tickling your palms. The look in Law’s eyes had changed from anger to vulnerability. 
“Yes…” He pants up at you. 
You respond by slamming your lips onto his in a passionate kiss. Law grunts in response before grabbing your torso with cold hands, making you shudder. You snake one of your hands to the back of his neck and the other wrapped itself in his hair, lightly pulling on the black strands. Law hums in appreciation of your boldness and slides his hands down to cup your exposed ass. 
After a few more minutes of making out, Law starts grinding your hips onto his in a desperate attempt to feel more of you. He pulls away from your lips, a messy string of saliva still connecting the two of you when he speaks. 
“I-is it getting hot in here?” He asks shakily. 
“I don’t know, just take me to bed.” You say as you place more kisses along his chiseled jaw. 
And in flash off blue light, you and Law were locked in a frenzied kiss again, but this time you were on top of him in his bed. Law leans up and rips his shirt off his head, knocking his hat to the floor in the process. He leans into you and starts mouthing wet kisses into the base of your neck. 
“Off… Please…” Law gasps against your neck as his hands fumble with the clasp of your bra behind your back. 
“Let me help.” You giggle and reach around behind you and undo the clasp yourself, your breasts spilling out into Law’s face as you toss your bra to his bedroom floor. Law was completely frozen with his hands on your lower back as he gazed at your naked tits. “You can touch them you know, you don’t have to just look…” 
Law is shaken out of his daze and raises his hands to gingerly grope at your boobs, squeezing and pinching at the soft flesh. 
“C-can I kiss them?” Law whispers and looks up at you sitting on his lap. 
“Mmhmm…” You coo as you stroke his face with one hand. You gently draw his face into your left breast and he latches onto your nipple hungrily. He groans and you sigh and throw you head back at the feeling of his lips wrapped around your sensitive bud. 
Law pulls back from sucking your tit and uses both of his chilly hands to squeeze your breasts together and let the flesh jiggle in his hands. 
“You’re so fucking perfect…” Law sighs out as he is mesmerized by your breasts, cherry pink nipples erect and begging for him to bite and tease them. 
“Law… Please… Need you…” You grind your hips down hard onto his denim clad bulge, desperate for more stimulation. 
Suddenly, you’re flipped over onto your back and Law is hovering over you. 
“I need you too…” Law says to you frantically as he captures your lips in a heated kiss again. He leaves your lips to trail sloppy kisses down your neck to reach your chest again. He laves his tongue over your nipple and you mewl out as his hands caress your naked sides. 
You feel beads of sweat forming on your forehead and between your breasts. 
“Maybe it is hot in here…” You pant out. 
“Gotta get you out of these…” Law grunts as he rips your black panties and garters off your body, not caring about how many berries you spent on them, he was too desperate to have you naked in his bed.  Once you were bare, he leaned back down to kiss and bite at your lower stomach. 
“Shit… Law…” You whimper out as he gets closer to where you’ve really been craving him. 
The metal door to the office is slammed open. 
“Shit! Room!”
You had no idea what happened. You had heard the door open and Bepo’s voice from the adjoining office… and now you were fully nude and fully aroused alone in your own bed in your own room. 
— —
“What the fuck is the problem?” Law shouts as he springs from his bed. 
“Captain! Thank god you’re up! I see you noticed how hot it is, too!” Bepo looks Law up and down. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” “Well the boiler’s on the fritz again and the place is heating up like crazy. I thought you noticed… your shirt and hat are off and you’re all red…” 
“Oh.. well yeah I guess it is hot in here…” Law looks down at his bare, flushed chest. “What are you waiting for then? Let me get dressed and we’ll fix it.” 
“Aye aye, Captain.” Bepo turns to retreat to the boiler room. 
“And Bepo?”
“Yes, Captain?” Bepo cranes his neck to look at Law.
“Please be sure to knock. Even in emergencies.” 
*A/N sorry these are taking forever to write! grad school is back in session so I've been crazy busy! But thank you to those who are still interested and keep coming back! Thanks and love ya :)*
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bronx-bomber87 · 3 months
Good evening fandom! Welcome to my inaugural mini review post. Holy hell I can’t believe we’re finally here. These probably won’t be as detailed as normal like I mentioned. Mini review is the goal. It’ll be initial thoughts and feelings. Which will be fun cause all the other seasons other than S5 I had ton of time to reflect on moments. These thoughts for S6 could change when I rewatch the season for review purposes this summer. The exciting thing is having those first reactions. That's what these will be.
So you're getting hot off the presses thoughts haha I just watched it couple hours ago. These are thoughts I had while it was happening. With some editing to make it readable ha Want my reactions be as authentic as possible with these. Why I avoid spoilers tbh. Be interested in seeing what everyone else’s are as well. The gif library was an absolute turd so I didn't get to use all the gifs that were made yet. So I made some. Anyways this so friggin exciting to delve into so let’s get started.
6x01 Strike Back
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Tim got scruffier from the finale to now-and I’m here for it. Mm. Plus he's in Metro gear. Phew Lord. Something about scruffy Tim gets me going. Adore them riding together automatically after their battle. I truly love it. The little things I continually love with them. Also LOVING the Metro call sign. Yum If this going to be his call sign all season I am about it.
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Oh my lord why is her sitting at his desk so squee worthy to me? It’s getting me all in my feels. I love that Lucy can just use his office as her own. So cute using it to steal it for some study time. I love this so very much. Then her asking if they can ride together so he can quiz her? Tim doesn’t hesitate for a moment before saying yes.
Still amazes me we’re in the place with them. The Tim of old would’ve groaned and moaned about such a task. He jumps right on it for her. Ready to help her out. Even though he’s not sure how much it’s gonna do. Clearly very aware Primm is out to get her. That is common knowledge now.
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Lucy is right when she says it sucks. That she has to battle this and face possible wild cards.. It isn’t fair when she's earned her spot more than most. Fought and clawed for everything she's done in this department. Definitely more than Nolan... Hey wouldn't be a review if I didn't pot shot Nolan would it? lol I love Tim finding a solution for them. Saying they can take out do the box calls all day. Widen her knowledge a bit on it. Sharpen her skills with odd calls.
I love her grateful smile when she says 'Thank you.' Loves this man. Damnit they’re so cute their banter coming out of his office is on point. Tim saying she learns best when she’s pissed off. I mean if that isn’t her rookie experience with him in a sentence. Lucy saying this feels like she is giving him permission to be an ass. Heh it kinda is no matter what Tim says.
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You know he kinda loves being able to make her his boot again in some form. He is going to enjoy himself with this. There is no doubt about it. That's why he's doing that smile of his. Lucy calling him out knowing this man so well. Pointing her finger and all. God I love these idiots so much. Tim trying to tell her just his smile. Uh huh sure it is Tim.... Lucy following after him with a smile of her own. These dopes I've missed them so damn much.
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I’m very much loving Tim has not really shaved in 6 weeks ha. The scruffy remains and I’m excited about it. Lucy is starting to question asking Tim to help her. We all know she learns best from that man sitting next to her though. I also always enjoy when she gets to drive. Another micro shift that has changed that I love so much. Her heart eyes when he says Angela’s cop brain is just booting up LOL Loves this goober of man.
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Lucy absolutely losing it and going on a rant of epic proportions had me rolling. LOL Massive emotional downward spiral happening here. I’m dying as I watch Tim take it in. God Eric the master of expressions crushing it again. This was a huge one for her holy crap. Nuclear really. Well done Melissa getting all that in with one breath basically. By the time she’s done I’m cackling at Tim’s expression. LMAO Oh my god these two. God I’ve missed them so much it pained me.
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Lucy knowing Tim's reply without even looking at him. Just epic married status at this point. Doesn’t even have to look at him or for Tim to say anything. It’s already there because of that crazy good connection they have. How deeply they know one another. It’s so good. Tim being the smart man he is says nothing. Lucy knowing he’s thinking it haha
Lucy coming to conclusion she will do crazy wild card during the day and the manual at night. She will sleep when it's over LOL Tim shaking his head. Knowing there is nothing he can say right now that'll make this better. Or to derail her crazy train of thought. This is like S1/S2 them with the added benefit of them being together now. It’s glorious.
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Getting serious Plain Clothes Day vibes from this episode as well. Except this time Lucy light years away from who she was then. Confidently reciting what she’s going to do Tim nodding along. Tim wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t rock her boat a little though. Lucy getting in her head about the crime scene now. Tim isn’t wrong she did tick all the obvious boxes. That the point of today is looking for wild cards. That’s what he wants her to engage that brilliant brain of her's in. It's why he's here.
To zero in on the 'Out of the box thinking'. Poor Lucy spirals out not being able to decide if she wants his help or not. I ADORE Tim telling her it’s ok to not know the answer. Not shaming her in the least just needing her to make a call. God how far we’ve come. Tim pushes her because he knows that is when she learns best. Trying to add a little urgency to her decision making. Unfortunately it backfires. I kinda loved them calling each other by their ranks in this heated exchange.
Lucy is so flustered it’s giving me PCD vibe once again in the best way. The sprinklers turn on and Lucy panics. There’s the wild card….We watch as a bullet leaves this man’s body and enters the storm drain never to be seen again. Lucy being so very disappointed in herself. It’s reminiscent of the disappointment she showed in s1 but only now she's far more experienced. So it hurts much more now….Oh Lucy my heart. You poor thing. Couldn’t have gone more wrong if she tried.
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I can’t believe they played clown music upon her entrance.... Beyond cruel but that's cops. Always taking shots when people mess up spectacularly. Tim trying not laugh.... Babe she is spiraling right now maybe don’t lol Poor thing I would be mortified too. I love how both Tim and Lucy smile when they see Wes and the wee one. My heart. She wants Wes's opinion and he just crushes her with logic. Ugh She needs a hug. Bad day for our girl.
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Lucy continues to break my heart as they sit in front of the crime scene. She is on the verge of tears. Verge of a breakdown it feels like as well. Killing me softly. Saying she should skip the detectives exam. My girl. Tim doesn't want her to give up. I will say this fight I feel like I would be Tim. Trying to be so supportive it’s come off as agreeing with her she can’t do it. When really he was just trying to be supportive of whatever she wants.
Can't win for losing right now Timothy. She is in a bad way right now. Lucy has some weight to her argument though. if I was her in this moment I would feel the same way. If I’m in a bad headspace I need reassurances. So I can relate to both of them in this fight. It’s not a fun time for either of them. Tim is still learning that emotional depth he needs to have with her in these moments.
Being supportive has worked before so he's not sure why it's backfiring right now. They’re solid but always room to grow beauty of them. Lucy spots someone pull up to crime scene crying. She has them peel out with Tim not really understanding why. Lucy catching her digging through her trash. She ends up getting a confession. Phew Well done Luce.
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Oooh this final scene. Oh my damn lord. This is some PRIMO productive angst holy hell. Eric and Melissa came out swinging with it. I knew they were going to have one more scene about it. I just didn't think it would be this explosive. I adore Tim picking up on how short she is with him. Grabbing her by the arm and confronting her. Growth continuous growth for them both continues to show. Love it. Look at Tim being the one to come at this. I’m so proud of him.
Throwing her words from 5x21 somewhat back at her. Saying this isn’t going to work if she isn’t honest with him. Then Lucy really lays into him. Now do I think he purposely undermined her? No I don’t. Not ever. That’s not in his DNA to do that to someone he loves. I was deeply hurt for him when she suggested this. You can see how hurt he is when she says as such. He’s getting emotional and it makes me as well. I just wanna hug him.
Tim as we know is a DEEPLY loyal person. Also one of my main relations to him as a character. To purposely hurt someone they love isn’t fathomable to a loyal person. It's unthinkable. You have to hurt them first. To undermine Lucy would be to hurt her so he would never. To be accused of such by your favorite person? That cut's so insanely deep for him. I haven’t seen him this hurt since the 'Tim Test' line from her in 4x08. I’m legit wounded for him. He is so upset she could think that of him.
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Now Lucy might be onto something with the subconscious part. He could’ve done it not realizing what he was doing. Because love isn’t rational. Man is hardwired to protect her and want to keep her safe. So I could see this especially with her psych background. I think this is solid guess at what happened. Now was this the right time to lash out at him for Isabel stuff? I don’t know…
Felt like a low blow when he was already down for the count. She is throwing him daggers with her eyes most of this conversation. Feels like its more than just the UC right now but that's just my guess at this point. Let's not forget she was having UC doubts towards the end of last season.
Now do they need to have these fights and conversations? HELL YES. My god this subject needs to be discussed. Especially with how 5x20-5x21 were. Want to reiterate this is my first impression. I was literally writing this as I experienced their fight for first time. When I rewatch it this summer this could change. My POV could shift. But right now I see a man who only thought he had her back and was raked across the coals in this moment.
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So for me right now in this moment I feel like Lucy had pent up frustrations and took it out on Tim. The protective side of me for him isn’t pleased with that tbh. Doesn't mean I love Lucy any less. I adore her so much. You all know that. But my gut leaned towards Tim in this fight. That may be bias idk but it’s how I felt when it was said and done. Tim was very very defensive when she brought up Isabel. Which hasn't happened in awhile. But his emotions were heightened and he was on the defensive before they'd reach the topic of her.
Lucy basically kicked him while he was down and he felt it. I'm not discounting her feelings at all. She is allowed to feel overwhelmed. Has every right to be. She is STRESSED and it is coming out in all kinds of ways. Ways that aren't like her. I think she stewed on this thought the ENTIRE shift and it came out in the worst way. Which also isn't like her. What she did had him defaulting back to old school Tim. Cutting off the conversation before more emotions were to be had or he said something he would regret.
Basically cut the fight off at the knees and walked away. Lucy’s face says it all when he walks away. She wasn’t expecting that. Shocked he just left her like that. Oh Lucy, you wounded him more than once and he retreated HARD. Leaving her standing there wondering what the hell just happened? God this is so good though everyone. This is the type of angst I'm all for. What a way to start the season off hot damn. Hurts so good angst to get us going. I could not be more excited for where we go this season. Feel free to comment on this. Love to chat with you all about this. All uncharted territory for us all. We're in for quite the ride.
Side notes-non Chenford
Who are these friggin people? They’re insanely ruthless. Like Rosalind level ruthless in how they just dispose of people. Sending two their team out as a distraction to be blown up. Jesus. Then sniping their own guy. They’re smart but cold af. Then killing who I thought was the boss at the end. Shit. Consider me intrigued.
I liked the 6 weeks later. Makes sense need to do a time jump.
Celina being more afraid of Tim than Harper. LOL little does she know they’re basically the same person haha
Poor Aaron wants to be back in the game and can’t be. I agree with Grey he’s not ready even if he thinks he is.
God I love Nyla Harper. Took that mofo out like the complete bad ass she is. Came with repercussions which made me sad for her.
Angela being more excited to see burritos than her husband lmao I love this woman.
Feeling little potential flirty action for Aaron and his therapist.
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prev chapter
Seven in the morning on September 8th, the mourning doves gently cooing as the sun rises, the walk to the minivan is as silent as a graveyard.
“C’mon, guys,” Luis tries, but not that hard. “Let’s try for a good year, okay?”
To her credit, Veronica does her best to muster up a smile. Marco manages a nod.
Rachel does nothing. She hasn’t so much as spoken a word since the accident.
The half-hour drive to where everyone needs to do is completely silent. Luis tries initially to put on the radio, but he hears Marco’s sharp inhale when he averts his eyes from the road to change the station and stops immediately.
It’s been three months since Mamá and Papá passed. Sometimes Luis feels like none of them are ever going to be okay again.
Rachel and Marco are dropped off first.
“Remember to check in with your guidance counsellors,” Veronica says. “Luis and I talked to them last week. They’re aware of the…situation.”
Not that it did much. They’d made an appointment to talk to the school administration as soon as the high school opened, just before classes started, but they’d made it to the office and neither of them knew what to say. ‘Hey, there’s a very good chance that both of these kids are going to have extreme drops in performance or even fail because they both just lost their parents in one night?’ No, of course not. ‘Please be aware that Rachel has regular panic attacks at the sounds of car horns and brakes squealing, and that Marco sometimes just gets up and leaves and you don’t hear from him again for hours?’ Probably, but still. How the hell were they even supposed to breach the subject? Luis and Veronica aren’t fucking guardians. They’re barely even legal adults. Hell, neither of them can fucking drink, yet!
But there was no one else to do it. So they mumbled their way through an explanation — parents dead, kids traumatized, go easy — and high-tailed it the hell out of there. Both of them have been hanging up the phone whenever the school calls.
“Love you guys,” Luis says as they wrench open the side door and hop out of the van, slinging their backpacks on behind them. Veronica repeats the sentiment. Marco mumbles something in return, Rachel says nothing, and then they’re both off.
Before they can fade completely out of sight, Veronica calls Marco’s name.
“Watch out for your sister.”
Marco hesitates for a moment, eyes shining like broken glass, and then he nods. He turns back around without another word and disappears into the crowded mass of teenagers.
“We knew today was going to be rough,” Luis mutters, starting the car and carefully navigating out of the parking lot. “We expected this. That’s what all the parenting books said.”
Veronica’s silent for a long moment.
“Doesn’t make it any easier.”
It takes them a little farther to get where Veronica needs to go. Her apprenticeship is entirely dependant on whether or not she can find a welder willing to take her on — it’s 2003, for fuck’s sake, it shouldn’t be that hard, but some people suck. Some people will be completely incapable of seeing her as valuable as she is, and they won’t even bother. It’s a shit reality, and frustrating as hell, but it’s their best bet for money in the long run. Veronica’s always been good with her hands, and with Luis already eating up funds in tuition and God knows how much savings they have left with Mamá and Papá gone, Veronica working as she’s learning is their best bet. The trades pay well, too, and they’ve got three more kids to save up for.
Luis swallows the lump in his throat. Marco has always wanted to go to Juliard.
How the fuck are they gonna afford that?
“Drop me off here,” Veronica says, pointing at a shop just down the road. Luis slows to a stop in front of it, peering through the windshield.
“…That place?” he asks skeptically. “You sure?”
If it weren’t for the two people arguing just inside the garage doors, Luis would assume the shop is abandoned. The sign’s paint is so faded and scuffed up that it’s impossible to read, and several windows are boarded up. The walls are more graffiti than brick.
“I looked it up online,” Veronica explains. “They don’t have a website, but I found a couple blogs mentioning it. Apparently it’s the most competent shop in town, and it’s run by a woman.” She shoots him a small smile, grabbing her bag and opening the passenger door. “I’ll be fine, you big loser. Or have you forgotten that I’ve kicked your ass in every fight we’ve ever had?”
Luis snorts. He has not forgotten. He’s pretty sure he has minor brain damage from the time Veronica slammed his head into a side table when they were fighting over a girl in middle school (who didn’t like either of them, go figure).
“Believe me, asshole. I didn’t forget. Keep your cell on, though, okay? Call me if things get weird. I’ll be here, you know I will.”
She smiles at him again, and seeing some genuine happiness and excitement bleed into her expression for the first time in months is more relieving than Luis has the words for.
“I will, Luis. Now get lost. You’re gonna be late for class.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
He waits until she’s inside the shop and talking to who he assumes is the owner before carefully peeling off, mindful of the early morning traffic around him. Once he’s well on his way and a little more comfortable behind the wheel, he adjusts his rearview mirror slightly to see the baby seat strapped tightly in the back.
“You and me, now, huh, Lance?”
Lance grins at him around the thumb he’s got stuffed in his mouth, babbling happily.
“Yeah, that’s right, buddy. You’re going to be the first college-educated baby, because we sure as shit cannot afford daycare.” He grimaces. “Sorry. I shouldn’t say shit around you. The parenting books say you pick up on bad language and are more likely to be using it when you’re older.”
Lance does not seem to be too terribly offended, continuing to stare back at Luis through the mirror, brown eyes big and wide and knowing.
The parenting books say that he will have just barely gained a sense of self and awareness in July — 7 months — but Lance has always appeared so knowing. He’s ten months old, now, and sometimes Luis is convinced he already knows how to speak in full sentences and just doesn’t feel like it.
Babies grow at their own rate, Mamá had said years ago, when Luis asked why Rachel wasn’t walking yet. She’ll get there, mijo. Don’t worry your pretty head about all those milestones your textbooks tell you about.
It hurts to remember her words. Even now, months after the accident, thinking of his parents makes something like bile rise up in his throat.
But he’s never known anyone wiser than his mother. And certainly no parents better than his own, so he might as well get used to thinking about them.
He pulls into the first available parking spot he sees, in what has to be a fifteen minute walk at least to the main buildings on campus.
Oh, well.
He turns off the car, running through the checklist in his head — windows up, lights off, no check engine light, keys in pocket, seatbelt off — before getting out and opening the back door.
“Alright, Lancey-pants. You ready to come sit through Calculus III with me? Huh? Yeah, I bet you are, you little nerd. Let’s go.”
Lance’s carseat is big and clunky and heavy most of all, and combined with the diaper bag and his own backpack he feels like a fucking packhorse. He feels like a freak, too, with all the stares and giggles from other students he walks by.
He swallows, ignoring the burning of his cheeks, and walks on.
He just barely makes it to his class on time, sliding into one of the only available seats just as the lecturer starts speaking. He keeps Lance strapped in his carseat, rocking him gently with his foot as he takes out his notepad. He prays that Lance falls asleep so that he can get through the next couple hours without incident.
“…and hopefully you’ve all read the first chapter of your textbooks, and we can dive right in…”
They almost make it.
They get so close.
For the first two hours of the lecture, everything is fine. Luis is paying as much attention as he can, scrawling down notes to keep up with his rapidly-speaking professor. Every so often someone shoots him a dirty look when Lance says something in baby-talk, but they can fuck right off. Lance is being an angel, by baby standards. He’s almost completely silent, brown eyes wide as he observes the world around him, vastly different from the home he’s been confined to for the entirety of the summer. Any sound from him is no louder than the occasional whisper of any confused students. He’s fine.
And then the sniffling starts.
Luis isn’t quite sure what sets him off. He made sure to feed him just before they left, so he shouldn’t need anything else for another two hours. He’s obviously not sleepy. It might be a diaper thing, but Luis doubts it. He took care of that before he left, too.
Regardless, Lance begins to sniffle, and then he begins to cry, and no amount of desperate shushing and cooing from Luis does anything before Lance truly begins to wail.
Like a scene from a nightmare, the professor stops what she’s doing. Every eye in the classroom turns to him.
“Is everything all right?” the professor asks.
“Fine,” Luis chokes out. He doesn’t even take the time to gather up his bag, he just scoops Lance from his seat and flees as quickly as he can. Hopefully he can come back for his stuff when the lecture ends.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Luis soothes, gently bouncing an inconsolable Lance as he walks the campus grounds. Numerous people give him nasty or pitying looks as they walk by, but Luis ignores them. They’re not his concern right now. “What’s wrong, huh? You miss your parents? Me too, sweetheart. Fuck.”
Lance gets like this, sometimes. He just cries and cries, like his heart is breaking. Veronica thinks his heart is a little broken, and he needs time to heal, like the rest of them.
“It’s okay, Lancito. Let it out. Let it out.”
By the time he sees his class file out of the lecture hall, Lance has finally calmed down to hiccups and sniffles.
“Let’s go get our stuff, yeah?”
Luis tries to slip back inside as inconspicuously as possible, making a beeline for his seat and is relieved to find his stuff untouched. Thank God.
Lance protests when he tries to rebuckle him in the carseat, so he just dumps all his books into the seat and holds Lance instead. It’s fine. If Lance wants to be held, he can hold him. It’s the first day of classes, after all, so he probably won’t miss too much, note-wise —
“Excuse me, young man.”
Luis startles at the voice, whipping around to face whoever’s approaching. His professor stands a few feet away from him, straight-backed and tall, orange saree almost reaching the ground. Luis turns to face her, setting down the carseat and holding out one hand.
“I’m so sorry for interrupting the lecture earlier, Professor. I’m Luis Sanchez.”
“Sarah Lee,” she says. “And no need to apologize.” She smiles kindly, letting go of Luis’ hand and extending hers out to Lance. “And you, little one? What’s your name.”
Lance giggles. He doesn’t remove his hand from his mouth — thankfully — but leans forward to bat his head gently against her hand.
“This is Lance.” Luis pokes him in the stomach, making him giggle again. “He’s noisy. I wouldn’t usually bring him to class, I swear, but I had no other option and I already paid tuition —”
“Walk with me,” Professor Lee interrupts, and then she’s out the lecture hall without so much as a glance behind her. Luis frantically throws the rest of his stuff into the carseat and scrambles to follow her. She doesn’t speak again until they reach the campus gardens — the projects of fourth year environmental science students.
“You’re nineteen, yes? Twenty?”
“Twenty,” Luis affirms.
She hums. “Thirty years ago, I was in your exact situation.” She leans forward and plucks a sprig of mint from the garden, holding it towards Lance. “Good for digestion,” she explains, at Luis’ wary look. “And soothing the mind.” Luis nods once, and she hands it to Lance, who immediately shoves it in his mouth. He makes a face initially, but seems to decide that he likes it, gnawing on it slowly.
“You were in my situation?” Luis prompts. This is…not what he expected, but he’s so lost and the professor is speaking so kindly that Luis is willing to take any helping hand, at this point. Plus, Lance seems to like her, so.
“Yes,” she continues. “Twenty years old, freshly married with a newborn baby, desperately trying to get my degree so I didn’t throw away everything my mother sacrificed to get me where I was. Not an easy task.”
“Oh.” Luis feels horrible for misleading her. “Lance isn’t…he’s not mine. He’s my brother. My parents —” his voice cracks — “my parents passed, early this summer. I have no one else to watch him. My other siblings can’t take him right now and it’s not ideal, but I figured university has other adults, you know? People will be mature about it. I just — I dunno. It’s — I’m sorry if I implied our situations were the same. I can’t imagine what you had to go through.”
“Luis,” she says gently. She stops, facing him fully. “I am so, so sorry for your loss.” She considers him carefully. “You are carrying a lot on your shoulders right now, child. You don’t need to carry unwarranted guilt, as well. True, our situations are not identical, but they are very similar, no?“
“I guess,” Luis says weakly.
“I’m trying to offer my help, child,” Professor Lee says, reaching out and squeezing his hands. “Just like I was helped when I needed it. Accept it.”
Luis shudders, then nods. This is almost too good to be true, and he’s in no place to refute it. He’s not sure exactly what she’s offering, but anything is better than dragging poor Lance to class every day and hoping for the best.
“Good. Now, thankfully there are much better systems in place now than there were in the seventies. Did you know the university offers on-campus childcare for reduced rates, to help train the student educators? Come. Let me show you where to sign up.”
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thehoundwrites · 2 years
Smut alphabet: Homelander
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Pushing the bottom Homelander agenda suck my dick
18+ MINORS DNI - don't look at me
TW: straight cis white guy, idek smut
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He needs physical affection, even if it's a quickie. He'll have you sit in his lap if you two are at his work, so he can uphold his reputation. Otherwise he'd love to cuddle up to you and fall asleep while you hold him. Pet his hair and tell him how much you love him
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite part of his body is everything, he's worked hard to get the godly physique he has. Inspired by Greek gods statues and portraits he's extremely confident with his body. On his partner he loves their lips, and their tits. He has an obsession with softer women, or smaller women so he can stand out against them. But he also has a thing for masculine (muscley/ taller/ etc) women that can step on him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums early when he's a sub, it's canon. If you're gonna Dom him expect some extra steps. He loves cumming inside of you mostly, breeding you. Or cumming over your face or tits. He has a cum kink absolutely, it's a possessive thing.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Mommy kink, it's not a secret after a few times with him. When you top him he wants to be babied, cuddled and held. He wants to fall asleep sucking your tits he absolutely loves it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's very experienced with domming, taking out his frustrations on hundreds of adoring fans ready to worship him for an ounce of affection. But when it comes to subbing he's not that experienced. He rarely meets a woman he'd open up to in that way, nevermind telling them about what he likes. His reputation could be ruined, he would be perceived as weak.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowboy, he loves when you ride him. He loves seeing your tits bounce, or the face you make when you cum on his cock. Extraordinary. He also could get the chance to see a lump in your stomach if he fucks you feel enough which he loves. He could also start flying, and you could ride him in the air.
Doggy style, he loves taking you from behind absolutely ravaging whatever home he decides he wants, since he is the homelander and he'll do whatever he wants.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not goofy at all. Very serious, mood changer if you start laughing.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Only slightly shaved, but his chest isn't and he has a snail trail going up his stomach.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's only intimate if he's in love with you, if you top him. Otherwise it's purely for his pleasure and if you cum well uh. Good for you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I think he'd be into mutual masturbation, he definitely has a kink for watching you get off. He's kinda a stalker canonically so id imagine he'd watch you sometimes and jerk off. He probably does it more often than he admits.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He's a switch so:
Mommy kink, praise kink, gentleness, intimacy, eating out, hair pulling, discipline (but not punishment) rewards, breeding, tit fetish, impregnation kink, milking kink, through clothes, Overstimulation
Daddy kink, rough sex, taking it out on you, choking, breeding, bruises, impact play, gags, binds, deepthroating, cum kink, master kink, begging, crying anything that takes away all of your control and gives it to him.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes his office, over his desk on his couch, with minimal risk of getting caught but the risk is still there
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly anything: most of the time seeing women naked mostly you. If you wanted he could fuck you at anytime. You just gotta beg or tell him to get on his knees.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think there's many things he WOULDNT do. I mean he's horrible.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves eating out, getting his face ridden, a pretty girl using his mouth to cum. It's amazing especially when they pull his hair and call him a good boy.
He also loves face fucking the way you look at him through teary eyes, drool pouring down your mouth how you gag and choke around his cock but won't let go until he gets the orgasm he deserves.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
When he Dom's it's always rough depending on the mood he'd go slower to tease you, or fast to take out his day on you
When he subs he loves slow and sensual, being held and worshiped and cuddled.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He's okay with quickies, but only if it's necessary like there's a mission soon but he's gotta get rid of his boner poking through his skin tight suit.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He'll try anything
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
When he' Doms he could go all night but when he subs he can barely last a minute. But that's kind of cute tho.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He owns toys (you) to use on his partner, vibrators, restraints, bullets, clamps, and gags.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He'll tease you until your sobbing and begging him to let you cum.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He likes to talk when he fucks you, loud over dramatic groans and "shut ups" and anything to humiliate you. He loves to see you get flustered. But when he's a sub he'll try to be as quiet as he can only a few whispers or soft groans.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He would love to have an audience when he fucks you but no one can touch you but him.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's not small but not the biggest 6/7 inches when soft but really thick, uncut and well groomed, only stubble, and 8 ish inches when hard, he's got a pretty dick.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He's ready to go for his partner whenever they want, but gets really pissed and will kill people who only want that from him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
100% will fall asleep in your arms if there's time.
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Finders Keepers Ch 5. (Cormac McLaggen x fem!reader)
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: SMUT!!!!!!!!! Kissing, Dry humping, Sucking on my titties like you wanted me calling me all the time like Blondie check out my Chrissy behind it's fine all of the time.
Summary: It's the night of Slughorn's party and you're ready to make McLaggen jealous.
A/N: I said I wasn't gonna post til Sunday but I am too impulsive!!! Here is some recommended listening: Escapism by RAYE and Daylight by David Kushner (thank you anon for the latter recommendation). P.S. You can tell I'm not actually a Ravenclaw because my door riddle was SHIT lmao.
Tag list: @countlambula
Chapter 5: Firewhisky
Two weeks later, you sit on the same spot on the edge of Marietta’s bed, this time lacing up your strappy stilettos. You point your wand at your feet. ‘Molliare’ you think, silently casting a cushioning charm so you can walk with ease in your heels.
Cho and Marietta join you as you walk over to the mirror, they stand behind you like proud parents.
“Stunning,” says Cho looking at you in the mirror.
“Yes, well, enough about the dress,” says Marietta, admiring her alterations. “Zacharias is going to feel like he’s won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Draw when he sees you.”
Ugh, you almost forgot about Smith. 
You admire yourself in the mirror and you have to admit- this is probably the best you’ve ever looked. Thanks to Marietta, your form-fitting cobalt blue dress seems to glow ethereally in the candlelight. She’s given you a high leg split and its generously low-cut bodice accentuates every curve of your body.
“Okay, toss your head forward and mess up your hair a wee bit,” says Cho. You flip your head down and back up and push your tousled hair behind your ear. “Perfect - it looks like you’ve just finished a very steamy snogging session.”
“Fuck, I’m nervous.” You reach out and hold both of their hands. “I wish you were coming.”
“Okay, Captain,” says Cho, imitating your most authoritative dressing-room voice. “What’s the game plan? Let’s go over positions.” Strangely, it helps your nerves.
“Meet Smith downstairs and arrive late. Don’t even look at McLaggen. Impress Gwenog. Still don’t look at McLaggen. Have a few drinks and hit the buffet-”
“Have one drink. No bread or you’ll burst out of that dress,” warns Marietta.
“One drink to stay reasonably sober,” you repeat, ignoring the last part. “Wait for McLaggen to approach me. Brush him off casually. Leave conspicuously and in an extra giggly fashion with Zacharias Smith then report back to you two in the common room.”
“Well remembered.”
“Shouldn’t I just snog Smith in front of him?”
“No!” says Marietta. 
“It’ll be way worse in his head if he doesn’t see you. Leave it to his imagination,” nods Cho knowledgeably.
God, dealing with boys was such hard work. You look at your two friends sincerely- they’re extremely skilled in this particular art of war. 
“Thank you- both of you. This was insanely hard work, I mean, this dress, Marietta…” You check yourself out in the mirror again. “It’s beautiful, really. I’m sorry if I’ve ever been sort of disparaging towards this stuff before. As if it’s any less worthwhile than Quidditch or school. It’s just… I’m not used to being bad at things.”
They understand. You don’t need to say any more as the three of you embrace in the middle of the dorm room.
“Right,” says Cho, wiping her eyes. “You’d better go before Zacharias thinks you’ve stood him up.”
Slughorn’s office looks like a beautifully decadent circus tent. The walls are draped with emerald, crimson and gold hangings, contrasting with the striking blue of your dress.
You walk in, arm-in-arm with Smith who looks incredibly pleased with himself. When you met him earlier on the marble staircase he actually did a double take before saying your name questioningly, as if he didn’t believe it was you.
“Fuck off, Smith, I don’t look that different.”
“Ladylike as ever, I suppose,” he scoffed and you rolled your eyes.
But now as you walk in, you keep your head high and smile at other students you recognise, as if you’re delighted to be here with Smith. Murmurs ripple through the crowd, as the two of you pass through- you hope it’s your dress that’s causing a commotion but you resign yourself to the fact that your classmates are probably just surprised to see you here with a boy.
Tactics, remember tactics. 
“Let’s get a drink,” you whisper, marching him towards a tower of champagne flutes. You grab one and drain it quickly, using the opportunity to discreetly scan the room for McLaggen. 
He’s across the room, determinedly talking to Hermione. You have a satisfied feeling that he’s trying not to look at you.
You dump your empty glass, grab another for courage, and link Smith’s arm again, steering him to try and find Slughorn but you don’t need to go far before you hear a booming voice calling your name.
“Professor Slughorn! Thank you for inviting me,” you respond graciously, pretending you aren’t starstruck by his companion, Gwenog Jones. “This is Zacharias, he’s captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team.”
“Oh! I thought- ” says Slughorn looking from you to Smith and then off into the room behind you. “Ah, never mind. I’m an old man, who knows less and less about young love these days.” Slughorn chuckles and Smith gives you a questioning look which you ignore. “Anyway, allow me to introduce Miss Gwenog Jones, Captain of the Holyhead Harpies. Gwenog, this is the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, I mentioned earlier.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” you say, shoving your drink into Smith’s hand and clasping hers when she reaches out to give you a handshake. “I’m a huge fan.”
“Old Sluggy’s been telling me all about you,” she says. 
“All good things, I hope?” You ask playfully of Slughorn who guffaws.
“Of course, of course!”
“I don’t suppose he mentioned our recent landslide victory against Slytherin?” You give her a winning smile, desperate to make a positive impression.
“He did… But I’m more interested in what he told me about your training.”
“My- my training?” you stumble - slightly surprised that Professor Slughorn knows anything about your training.
“I’ve told Miss Jones here all about you spending every evening on the pitch. I can see it from that window, you know.” He gestures to the window in the corner, obscured by the curtains. “You and McLaggen, practising for hours and hours and right in the middle of your N.E.W.Ts too… Oh, look, there he is!” Slughorn looks over your shoulder again and calls his name. “Not that you’d be interested in McLaggen for your all-female team, Gwen,” he chuckles. Slughorn spills a little champagne when he spots Harry Potter and practically runs over to join him, abandoning your group.
You bristle as McLaggen replaces Slughorn’s vacant space beside you. He shakes hands with Gwenog who, you remind yourself, he’s acquainted with already.
“As I was saying, Slughorn told me all about your win against Slytherin and while it piqued my interest, it was your work ethic that really got my attention. And he says you’re a keeper too?”
“A world-class one,” says McLaggen. “I’m surprised she hasn’t been snapped up by a professional team already.”
You blink at him in surprise. It’s very considerate of him to compliment you like that in front of Gwenog, even though you’re not speaking.
“And it’s you two who’ve been practising together every night?” she asks, noticing the look you give to McLaggen. “I mean, you’ve actually been training? Slughorn hasn’t been seeing you head off to the Quidditch pitch so you can snog privately or anything, has he?” She lets out a laugh like a bark.
“No! God, no,” you say quickly, and go to squeeze Smith’s arm but he’s already disappeared without you even noticing. 
“Absolutely not,” confirms McLaggen.
“Good,” she smiles. “Well, you’re not the usual build for a keeper, I must say. They usually look more like him - ha!” She nods at McLaggen. “But if you’re as good as he and Slughorn say you are, it sounds like I’d be stupid not to let you try out during the transfer window this summer.”
“That… that would be incredible. Thank you.” 
She bids you and McLaggen farewell and goes to mingle with the other guests. If you hadn’t fallen out with McLaggen, you’d grab him and jump up and down screaming for joy. Instead, you stand awkwardly, trying not to look at him.
Game plan, a small voice in your head reminds you but the champagne has loosened your sharp tongue.
“Well, you better not keep your girlfriend waiting,” you say, looking for Smith.
“Who told you that Hermione’s my girlfriend?”
“Hermione told Lavender who told Parvati who told Padma who told Cho who told me,” you rhyme off, trying to sound casual. 
“I thought you didn’t like gossip.” 
You shrug. “I just hear things.”
“Look, I know you don’t like her after what she did to Marietta-”
“Oh, is that what she said?”
“No, it’s what I know. I was in the D.A. with them too. You’re not the only one who hears things.”
Finally bringing yourself to look at him properly, you’re extremely annoyed to see that he looks incredibly handsome in his black shirt and dress robes. 
“So, have you snogged her?” You blurt before you can stop yourself.
“Have you snogged her?” you repeat slowly and clearly, knowing full well he heard you the first time.
“I’ll go and snog her right now if you’re so concerned.”
“Go ahead. It should be easy, right? If she’s your girlfriend and not just here to make Ron Weasley jealous. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my date.”
He watches dumbfounded as you walk across the room to grab Smith aggressively and lead him by the hand out of the room. When you reach the corridor, you turn around and see that Smith looks like he can’t believe his luck.
“Oh,” you say, trying to think of a lie when you realise you really, definitely don’t want to snog him. “Sorry- I just wanted a bit of air. It’s so hot in there and my armpits are like, really sweaty.” You make up wildly.
Smith pulls a disgusted face and turns to go back in. “Wait!” you grab his arm and spin him back around. “Let me fix your hair.” You run your hand through it, messing it up slightly. “There, much better.”
He stares at you, stunned. “You are so weird.” He returns to the party and you groan, leaning against the indented archway in the wall and knocking your head back against it a few times in frustration. When you hear the click of high-heeled footsteps coming towards you, you flatten yourself inside the little cove so you’re not spotted alone. 
Hermione Granger whips past you without so much as a backwards look. You watch her as she walks as fast as she can in the direction of Gryffindor Tower. She’s ditched McLaggen, you realise. You thought you’d feel ready to gloat but instead you just feel… empty. Until recently he was your friend after all.
Returning to the party, you’re not sure what to do with yourself. The game plan has gone out the window.
You want to do everything you can to avoid Zacharias Smith, and you really don’t want to be paraded in front of a vampire by Slughorn like Potter is right now. The only person you actually want to talk to is Cormac McLaggen but lately, all you’ve been able to do is argue, that is when you’re not sitting in sullen silence during Potions. 
You decide you’d better mix with some other students. You spend some time chatting with Dean Thomas and Ginny Weasley who you recognise from the Gryffindor Quidditch team. They congratulate you on your win against Slytherin, and you return the compliment but only out of obligation as both victories make your teams the closest rivals on the table, competing for the top spot. You excuse yourself and cross the room to get another drink but Professor Snape halts you in your tracks. 
“Detention,” he says simply. 
“Sir, I-”
“The first Saturday after the holidays. And I expect you to be more suitably dressed for the occasion.”
You open your mouth to argue but think better of it. Any argument with Snape is likely to extend your detention to a week or even a month. More murmuring cascades around the room as he gestures to the door. It’s probably for the best, you think, that you leave before you drink any more. You got what you came for - an invite to the Holyhead Harpies tryouts. But you wish you’d just…
What do you wish?
That you’d made McLaggen jealous in the process? Or even just made up with him? Gone back to being friends. But could you ever swallow your pride and settle for being just friends? Surely that had to be better than whatever this feeling was right now.
Out of the hot room, the cool air hits you dizzyingly as you walk quickly along the corridor to the entrance hall. You see McLaggen ahead of you, near the front doors, in almost the exact same spot where you had your argument two weeks ago. 
Maybe being friends would be enough.
When he hears your footsteps he turns and groans “Oh, no. Not you.”
You catch up with him. “Always so disappointed to see me, McLaggen.”
“I’ve been chucked out. Snape gave me detention.”
“Me too,” you shrug. It’s not much of an olive branch but your instinct is to try and make him feel better. Misery loves company after all.
“You have?” He brightens up considerably. 
“He thought I wasn’t ‘suitably dressed’,” you say and his eyes follow your hands as you smooth the front of your satin dress. “What did you get chucked out for?”
“He caught me hiding behind the bar trying to drown my sorrows.” He pulls an entire bottle of Firewhisky from his cloak.
“Your sorrows?” 
He shrugs. “Doesn’t matter.”
“And he didn’t confiscate the bottle?”
“I pretended that I was about to vomit on his shoes and he just threw me out without noticing I still had it.” 
Without warning you both burst out laughing. Your stomach hurts from laughing at the idea of Snape dragging McLaggen out at arm’s length, trying to avoid being vomited on.
“Well, no wonder he was in such a foul mood when he saw me. I mean detention, for wearing a dress?”
“Personally, I agree with Snape,” His gaze lingers on you again. “It’s very distracting.”
“Oh, shut up.” 
“Just don’t ask me what colour it is. I haven’t noticed.”
You hit his arm. This is nice - the playful banter, both of you not sulking for the first time in weeks. It feels almost… normal. Until, with a small jolt, you remember it’s not.
“Don’t be a pig, McLaggen. You have a girlfriend.”
“She isn’t my girlfriend,” he says, leaning his head back against the wall. “We can’t stand each other.”
And there it is. The news you’d been secretly hoping for all night. The pit in your stomach feels much lighter.
“Where’s Smith anyway? He was looking pretty dishevelled when he came back from the corridor.”
You feel a pang of guilt. He’d noticed. And it doesn’t make you feel victorious in the way you’d thought it would. “I honestly couldn’t give a shit where he is.” He says nothing. You wonder if he’s been hoping for similar news too.
“Do you want some?” He asks eventually, shaking the bottle of Firewhisky and breaking the prolonged silence. You go to accept it but he says. “Not here - Snape and Filch will be prowling the corridors in a minute.”
“Quidditch stands?”
He nods and you exit the castle, walking side-by-side in the dark, down the path towards the pitch. It’s a frosty night and you feel your teeth chatter.
“Wait a sec.” He removes his heavy cloak and wraps it around your shoulders. It smells good. Like him. “Better?” You nod and take the bottle from him, so you can have a nip of Firewhisky. It burns your chest, spreading heat through your body.
The path ends when you get to the pitch and you feel your high heels sink into the grass. “Shit,” you hiss, freeing one of your stilettos.
“Right, up you get.” He stands in front of you and stoops slightly, so he can give you a piggyback. 
“You must be drunk if you think I’m letting you carry me.”
“Don’t argue for once in your life. Hurry up.”
You give him the bottle back before jumping up so he can carry you across the grass and underneath the stands. The familiar smell of amber and jasmine, this time mixed with Firewhisky and mud from the Quidditch pitch, reaches your nostrils. You resist the strong urge you have to lean into the crook of his neck and inhale.
He lets you off when you get to the wooden stairs. “Ladies first.”
“Remembered I’m not a bloke, have you?” you ask, walking up the stairs. Cho was right- he does always let you walk in front of him.
“If I thought you were a bloke, I wouldn’t constantly be staring at your arse.” He gives you a cocky grin. 
“Oh, well, by all means, carry on objectifying me then,” you say sarcastically and snatch the bottle from his hands before turning around quickly so he can’t see you smile. 
He follows you to the top of the stand where the pair of you sit, looking out onto the pitch and the snowy hills in the distance. 
“I’ve never noticed how beautiful it is up here,” you sigh. 
“Always been too busy watching the game?” 
You nod. 
There’s still an awkward dark cloud hanging over your heads. You take another drink of Firewhisky and pass it back to him. 
“Right, out with it then.”
“What?” he asks.
“We can’t just act like the past couple of weeks haven’t happened.” Being brave, being vulnerable like this is something you’ve always found difficult and the bottle of liquid courage you and McLaggen are sharing doesn’t seem to be helping. 
You try to think of how to get the words out - if there’s one thing you’ve learned from spending more time with Cho and Marietta this year, it’s that it’s better to get this sort of thing out in the open. You take a deep breath, preparing for rejection but he beats you to the punch. 
“I’m an idiot.” He groans. “I just - I got it into my head that we’d go to the party together and you’d end up getting off with Gwenog Jones. So when Hermione asked me to go I jumped at the chance.”
“I don’t fancy Gwenog Jones-”
“-Then you turned up with Smith and that was even worse than what I imagined with Gwen.”
You draw his cloak around you and look at your shoes. “Well, I didn’t realise you had asked me to go to Slughorn’s party as friends.”
“I- I didn’t want to ask you as friends. Believe me. I thought I was kidding myself that you might be into me… everyone said I was stupid to even ask you.”
“Who’s everyone?”
“Belby?!” You scowl. That moron. “Who else?” You demand.
“Well I’m not gonna say now, am I?” McLaggen laughs. “I can tell Belby’s about to regret it.”
Your face cracks into a smile. The aggression bubbling up in your chest evaporates into the frosty night air. His laugh gives you a new perspective - it’s as if you can step back from the scene and can see how daft it is to get so bothered by someone like Marcus Belby.
You look up at his face in the cold moonlight. Butterflies squirm in your stomach. He’s so distractingly good-looking - you can’t think properly when it’s just you and him like this. No quaffle or cauldron to divert your attention or give you a reason not to look at him for too long. 
“To be honest, I sort of thought Belby was right after all because you didn’t seem that keen when I asked you.”
“I hesitated because you make me nervous, Cormac,” you say softly, determined not to look away. It’s like looking into the sun.
“Yeah?” He’s still looking into your eyes but he feels closer now. 
“Don’t pretend you haven’t figured out by now that I like boys too.” You look from his eyes to his lips. “Well, not boys. Just… just one.”
His mouth is inches from yours. You can feel his breath on your lips. “If you say Smith, I’ll kill him.”
And there it is. You’re not sure whether it’s his possessiveness or the fact you’d really like to watch him hit Smith but something about that sentence makes you feral for him. You press your mouth against his, the burning taste of Firewhisky on both your lips. 
He kisses you back fiercely. It’s harder and rougher than the soft kisses you’ve experienced before but you like it. It means you can kiss him back the way you want to - you know he can handle it. You bite hard on his bottom lip in silent admonishment for what he’s put you through. And Cormac returns the favour, his hand roughly gripping the part of your thigh exposed by your dress. You wonder if he knows it’s for him. The absence of fabric - created for the sole purpose of seeking his attention.
You bring your arms behind his neck, pressing your body as close to him as you can and the Firewhisky falls from the bench and rolls on the floor, forgotten. He moves his hand under your thigh and drags you onto his lap so that you’re straddling him. Your lips meet again, crashing into each other and his tongue intrudes into your mouth, rolling over yours. You want to feel his mouth everywhere.
As if reading your mind, his lips leave yours to kiss along your jaw and down your neck. You lean back so he can draw his tongue along your collarbone and bury his face in your chest. Cormac’s strong hands grip your hips tightly, his thumbs pressing bruises into your hipbones without any indication of slowing down or showing restraint. 
From this position, you can feel his erection pressing into you. It’s the first time you’ve kissed a man like this but your body responds almost automatically, sending your hips grinding into him. The night air is below freezing but your skin feels burning hot between the weight of his cloak and the warmth of his body.
The difference in size and strength between you sends wild thoughts flashing through your mind of him pinning you down against the bench and savagely taking you there.
You run your fingers through his dark blonde hair, pushing his face into your cleavage in encouragement, feeling his hot tongue and rough chin against your chest as you grind yourself against him harder. The now hot and damp fabric of your underwear rubs against the hard bulge between your bodies, creating friction more electric than the one that’s been between you the past few weeks.
“Fuck…” he moans into your chest softly.
All evidence so far has pointed to Cormac being an ass man but you’re not so sure any more as he continues his vocal appreciation, licking and sucking your tits right here on the deserted stands.
Cormac’s hands move up from your hips to push your breasts together and he whines when one of your nipples peeks out over the top of your dress. He latches onto the small nub of skin and sucks, swirling his tongue around your nipple. 
“Cormac, fuck, that’s-”
But just what it is, is interrupted by the anguished moan of pleasure that leaves your lips when his teeth graze your sensitive skin. It echoes across the deserted pitch into the night. A noise that would be indiscernible in the usually busy stadium. Unable to take it anymore you push his chest back and stare into his eyes, breathing heavily. 
“We shouldn’t… we should go back to the castle,” you pant.
“Shouldn’t what?” He raises his eyebrows with a smirk, his slightly wet chin glistening in the dim moonlight. “I haven’t suggested anything.”
“I was talking to myself.”
He grins and helps you off of him so you can fix your dress. “Well, that was easily the best thing that’s happened to me in this stadium,” he says, adjusting himself too.
“Ah, maybe you’ll get a game one day,” you tease and cup his face, just so you can feel his stubbly chin against your palm again.  
He kisses your palm before taking your hand in his so you can walk back down the steps to the pitch together. When you get to the grass he insists on carrying you again but this time refuses to put you back down until you reach the castle steps. 
From a tower high above, Horace Slughorn looks out of the window of his now-empty office. The party has long finished. He chuckles to himself when he sees the silhouette of McLaggen emerging from the darkness, carrying you on his back towards the entrance hall, illuminated by the castle torches.
When you climb off him and make it to the top of the marble staircase, you kiss him goodbye one final time. This is the last time you’ll see him before you go home for the Christmas holidays tomorrow. You turn and leave for Ravenclaw Tower, while he goes off in the opposite direction to Gryffindor. 
“I can skip, I can be broken, I can burst, I can sing. What am I?” asks the bronze eagle knocker on the door. “A heart,” you say, ripping off your heels impatiently, waiting for the door to swing open. You need to wake up Cho and Marietta - you promised you’d tell them everything.
Chapter 6: First Name Basis
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twilightknight17 · 3 months
Today on P3R
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Also we take exams I guess.
Turns out Ikutsuki is not going to help me study alone, he’s going to wrangle everyone into one big study group. Dunno how effective the studying is when he and Junpei get into a pun-off, but whatever. It’s nice to have everyone together and not fighting.
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...This is on my exam? For real? This school, man…
Once exams are over, we make plans to go do something fun. While Yukari leaves to get Fuuka, Junpei and I have a little chat.
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I love that you can play Minato as a completely oblivious airhead. But I do not.
On our way outside, Ikutsuki introduces us to our new dorm-mate, Ken, who will be staying with us over the summer. He has potential, so he might be a good candidate for joining SEES!
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...Ikutsuki, recruiting teenagers with attitude is one thing, but you’re crossing the line towards “child soldiers”, my guy. I know Wild Cards have awakened at age 7, but they didn’t actually have to do stuff til they were 16 or 17!
He’s gonna be staying in the dorm, so we’re not allowed to mention shadows or fighting or whatever in front of him. Even though Ikutsuki just mentioned “the potential” in front of him. Akihiko also looked really uncomfortable around him, and it’s clear he knows Ken somehow, so… Yeah.
Ikutsuki sends me off to the antique shop that’s now open, because the antique shop can help me. The same way the police officer helps, apparently.
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This lady runs the weapon fusion menu, and also where I can exchange all my gemstones I’ve been getting. She knows Officer Kurosawa, and ALSO explicitly knows about shadows?? What has Ikutsuki told you, ma’am? Were you involved ten years ago? Do you know about Tarta--
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Oh I want that megidolaon skill card so bad. God. Don’t show me that when I know I won’t be able to afford it for ages.
Anyway, we are off to Yakushima, and Mitsuru’s vacation home is enormous. I wish we got to actually run around in it, but what we do see is pretty nice.
(Wait, wasn’t Ken moving in? Did we just leave him at the dorm alone??)
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Mitsuru I didn’t realize your dad was Big Bos-- *shot*
Junpei wants to go to the beach right away, so we put our stuff in our rooms and book it down there. It’s gorgeous.
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...Akihiko, uh…
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Thank you, Junpei.
Akihiko doesn’t get it. He just wore them because they’re “better” for swimming. Because of course he’s gonna train on vacation. *sigh*
Why is Mitsuru so pretty I’m gonna die
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Yakushima really is beautiful and I’m kinda sad I couldn’t cut off the UI for a minute.
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Elizabeth asked me to bring her back something from the beach. I found a pretty shell, some driftwood, a piece of weird seaweed, and…
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...she will LOVE this crab. I have to.
Mitsuru talks to her dad, and I have made an exciting discovery: A living, onscreen parent who does not suck!
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He wants her to open up to others more and work together, because…
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That’s a pretty good motto, actually. It would help if people playing this game knew what the Nanjo Group was. And despite being in green, meaning it has a definition in the glossary, the glossary just explains the motto again. X’D
The Nanjo Group is where the Kirijo Group got all it’s psience tech from, because they bought out SEBEC after Kandori tried to become god back in 1996. SEBEC had the original prototypes for anti-shadow suppression weapons, and PROBABLY also the teleporter technology from the DEVA System. I think I mentioned before that I think that’s what the teleporters in Tartarus are based on.
Plus, the Nanjo family is all about being Number One, so “two in harmony” is a pretty good shot at them. And that’s definitely lost if you don’t know anything about them. X’’’D
Mr. Kirijo gathers everyone together, because he’s going to tell us the truth. And the truth is, his father was trying to create a time manipulation machine. So it makes sense that their research fucked up time so badly that there’s an extra hour of the day now. But apparently, that attempt to create time manipulation warped into something worse over the course of the project, and Yukari’s dad caused the explosion to stop him.
Yukari is completely freaked out by this realization, because she’d always maintained that the accident wasn’t her dad’s fault. So hearing that he caused it on purpose sends her reeling, and she runs off. Minato follows her to the beach to talk, and it’s a good conversation, actually.
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Thanks, it’s the trauma. ^_^
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Thank you, P3R, for actually letting me hug people when they’re upset. Looking at you, P5, as Futaba and Sumi just cry in front of me and I can’t do anything.
The next day, the girls are on an awkward nature hike (because Mitsuru and Yukari aren’t speaking), when they get a call from Ikutsuki.
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There’s a lab on this island?
Sir you have one job how are you so bad at it??
The boys, meanwhile, are once again at the beach for Operation Ba--
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Oh. Are we not calling it Operation Babe Watch? Okay.
It’s playing the Tartarus music. I’m trying to lead my team into the ocean and it’s not working.
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We manage nothing but failure all the way across the beach. We’ve got girls who aren’t interested, girls who are pissy that high-schoolers are at the island resort (who then get even more pissy when they find out we’re at a friend’s summer home, because THEY had to save up to come here), girls who humor us for like ten minutes before revealing they have boyfriends…
And then one last lady, who has been observing, and reads us all to absolute filth about how our tactics are all wrong.
She might be interested, though. And she wants us to help put on sunscreen!
...300K yen-a-bottle sunscreen.
To protect from artificial sun rays…
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Time for a tactical retreat. Thank god the last girl on the beach is so pretty.
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She doesn’t want to talk to anyone, though. Except Minato. And runs off when the others approach. They seem to think she ran away because I said something to her, and want me to follow her and apologize. Which, guys, I don’t think chasing girls you don’t know into the woods is the right answer here, but okay. Here we go.
There’s a waterfall up here and I can’t go near it. :(
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...believe me, Yukari, I have no idea what’s happening either.
Apparently this is the “vehicle” Ikutsuki lost.
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I’m okay with bringing her home with us. XD
Speaking of home, back at home, Shinji is trading information with those three weirdo assassins in exchange for some kind of pills, which can’t be a good sign because he looks like he’s in actual pain. Weirdo Squad is angry that we want to destroy the Dark Hour because they like having special powers.
They also call Tartarus the “Tower of Demise”, though, so like obviously they realize this is a bad thing.
After we get back from Yakushima, Aigis tries to stay in my room, including waking me up five minutes before my alarm. Which. No. You cannot stay in here. Oh god. My new robot has separation anxiety.
My social links may not be deals for things that can help in battle, but they do make me feel warm and fuzzy.
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I go out with Akihiko again because he still owes me food for last time, and we get accosted by the punks from before, who have returned with an even bigger group, because apparently the best way to win is by fighting a guy eight-on-one. Are you proud of yourself, dude? Does that make you feel cool?
We didn’t actually fight because we distracted them long enough to get out of there, so no police this time. But I did learn that Akihiko does have parents! He has foster parents that love him and send him enough expensive snacks to share with the whole dorm. It’s nice. ^_^
My online friend in my MMO is definitely a teacher at my school, based on her complaining about "Mr. E". Which, you and me both lady. Dude thinks he's a wizard or something.
Speaking of Mr. Edogawa, he mentioned Carl Jung in class! While talking about alchemists, because school is still insane. Literally we’re going on summer break tomorrow, give it a rest.
Which I guess is why Ken hadn’t moved in yet, but… Did we miss like a week of school while we were in Yakushima? Hot damn.
Ken is officially moved in now, though, and despite not being able to discuss shadows or the Dark Hour around him, he apparently knows Aigis is a robot. So… Uh… How secretive are we supposed to be being?
And it FINALLY let me go back to Tartarus and check out the new area, which is very industrial. It’s cool. Very different vibe from the big faces. I actually like it.
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New portal doors that lead to Grand Clocks now have a chance to show up, so I can boost teammates’ levels to match Minato’s? Which is interesting. And more importantly, new “Monad” doors are appearing that lead to stronger fights.
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Calling it Monad makes me a little weirded out, but hey, it's not a mandala and there’s good treasure in here. So we’re probably going in headfirst every time they show up. XDD
Saved back at the Tartarus entrance, so next time is probably just going to be some more fighting. We’ll see. ^_^
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rae-raewrites · 8 months
Hi! I goshed over how cute the dog ask was!.and it gave me an idea for a part 2 how would the riddlers react if they or another member of the rouges gallery lost their little buddy's only to see A Dog found poster with there dog on it and has been found by Bruce Wayne!?
The sequel I didn’t realize we needed but now I know we do lol
The riddlers with dogs part 2: lost and found
Or it’s secondary title,dog dad’s panicking
Immediately knows somethings up when there’s no sign of Einstein for hours.
He knows the pooch doesn’t exactly have a schedule but this certainly wasn’t normal.
Panic finally sets in when he doesn’t show up the next morning
He’s checking everything from security cameras to every traffic light around the block.
It’s one of his informants that makes him aware of the lost dog poster out of wayne manor.
He is one pissed super criminal
That rich boy is going to suck the intelligence out of the poor pooch!
5 people get kidnapped and a ransom letter is sent to GCPD
Batman and Gordon are trying to figure if the dog is apart of some elaborate scheme
Upon time for the trade off Einstein is wagging his tail,while well pampered at Wayne manor he missed his genius dad.
“Animals aren’t normally something you’re interested in,I hope you’re not intending to hurt him.” “Oh please dark knight this sweet simpleton is apart of a much larger scheme! With lasers! Something even you won’t see coming!” (Eddie literally has a line of dialogue about it in Arkham city)
He’s almost about to sob when they get home. Almost.
Of course he’s not happy Einstein escaped.
They have a long talk about responsibility in his office
Jervis calls him practically sobbing. Mumbles something about the door being open when he went to go check on Francine
Quite literally leaves a meeting with Harvey point blank
He’s a whole mess when he finds an empty apartment
She’s a smart girl! Surly she remembers how to-
Oh god somebody took her didn’t they!?
He is stressed out,like he’s barely able to solve a puzzle right now
It’s jervis who finds the poster.
The two of them immediately decide holding up Wayne enterprises is a great idea
I mean they’ve done worse for less.
Bruce is a little taken aback at first but the green detailing in the poodles hair immediately clicks with both him and alfred
“I must admit you certainly take good care of her.” “Royalty deserves the best Mr Wayne and Francine is royalty.”
Francine is just unbothered by this entire thing,girl gets taken care of wherever she is
They spend a long time cuddling afterwards.
When lupa is nowhere to be found in the riddle lair she’s had BOTH Eddie and Tuesday panicked
“What do you mean she’s gone!?!” “I mean she’s gone Eddie! As in i can’t find her!”
Tuesday sends out what is essentially a dog amber alert via social media
They have a good half of Gotham not doing well
Edward nigma has having a short out,no riddles are being carefully handcrafted by this time
Tim is the one who finds out where the pooch currently sleeping on the couch came from.
“Aahh so that explains the purple tie…”
While both the caped crusaders heads go immediately to trap they both realize it’s probably not best to do this while Eddie is most likely not doing well
They’re not wrong of course
It becomes a whole affair with GCPD especially considering Tuesday didn’t expect to get a DM from the GCPD account.
The dog goes home but if they try arresting the two the riddler is about to make the park a wasteland
You better believe he is creating the most ambitious gps collar ever made
This isn’t happening. EVER AGAIN
Zero year
He went to bed……and now his dog roommate is gone and the door is open
Just great.
He’s more pissed off than anything let’s be honest here.
I mean they get into disagreements all the time the Shiba Inu just decided to be even more petty
So you can only imagine the shock on his face when he sees Helios on the news with Bruce Wayne by his side.
Oh dear he’s gonna have to go see Bruce isn’t he?
He straight up drives to Wayne manor with every intention of dragging Helios home
“Edward…..how pleasant it is to see you again..” “ya ya great to see you too brucie,Helios get your ass over here!”
Helios is smiling like he hasn’t just made him panic
Doesn’t even wait to get home and starts reprimanding him in the car.
“Really? And you ended up with him?!”
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clementine-kesh · 1 year
who do YOU think would win the tournament. additionally. what sport do you think each crew could win a tournie of
i’m giving disco the best odds but nx-01 has a chance to be the underdog champs they’re probably the jockiest of all the crews. as for which crew would win at what sport:
nx-01: swim relay based on the fact that the decon chamber scenes remind me of post-swim practice chilling in the hot tub/sauna and of course because jarcher’s a water polo guy
tos enterprise: hockey. strategy and action. kirk would start so many fights
tng enterprise: unfortunately for them performing shakespeare isn’t a sport so golf
ds9: you might think baseball because of sisko but they do in fact canonically suck at baseball despite his best efforts. almost everyone on that crew is tall as hell though so i’m gonna say basketball
voyager: lacrosse. intense and prone to be kind of violent, a great game for a group of semi-feral starfleet officers and freedom fighters
discovery: if you don’t think jett, saru, and tilly are cleaning up at softball idk what to tell you
cerritos: ok someone in the notes of the softball tourney pool said the ritos would win because they’d cheat their asses off and honestly that’s so real so any sport they could win by cheating their asses off but also ultimate frisbee
prodigy: weird choice maybe but rugby. you see rok-tahk sprinting full force towards you and you know there’s nothing you can do
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finalmemesx · 2 months
The Night Shift
By Alex Finlay.
“Can I go on break.”
“There was a survivor?”
“Thanks for coming, I’m sorry to interrupt your night.”
“I almost forgot, I made you something.”
“I’m pregnant, not incapacitated, you know.”
“You were buying ice cream?”
“What was that?”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“You tell them to take it easy.”
“What can we do to help?”
“Tell me you’re kidding.”
“This used to be my office.”
“You can brief me on the way to the scene.”
“We’re glad to have you on board.”
“I thought we were past this.”
“It’s probably incomplete but it’s a good place to start.”
“I’ll see what I can do.”
“You’d better not tell them anything.”
“The cops want to talk to you?”
“Wanna get Starbucks?”
“You the lawyers?”
“Wow, stalker much?”
“You’ve had no contact with him.”
“You need anything, you tell them to come to me.”
“We’re just customers.”
“You’ve never been to a strip club for a bachelor party or something?”
“Sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.”
“Want me to come along?”
“But I do need you to stay over there, where it’s safe.”
“What are you guys talking about?”
“You told the detectives about this today?”
“They didn’t tell you?”
“I understand you were the only one able to get through to the survivor.”
“Any idea what it means?”
“I’m in some trouble and I need someone to come.”
“I didn’t fucking steal anything.”
“They’re good guys, if you get to know them.”
“You’ve just seemed quiet since the party.”
“Would that have been worse?”
“You lied about what?”
“You broke his nose.”
“Shall I make up the guest room?”
“Where the hell are we?”
“I went to the store to confront her.”
“You got plans tonight?”
“Ow, that looks like it hurt.”
“If I suck your dick, will you get me another Cherry Coke?”
“Then what’s with the frown?”
“I can drive you home after.”
“We’re gonna hang out after shift. You can come if you want.”
“And who do we have here?”
“One thing I’ll never forget is the crime scene.”
“What was the motive?”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
“I’m told you have more than a million views on YouTube.”
“I’m sorry but we have nothing to say to you.”
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“You have your work cut out for you.”
“You don’t have to believe me, no one else did either.”
“How’d you find that out?”
“We’re sorry to drag you in like this.”
“Well, this is humiliating.”
“Got a crowbar?”
“Want me to show you around?”
“I didn’t threaten anyone.”
“Don’t you dare back down.”
“Why were you researching the case?”
“Maybe you can start from the beginning.”
“What is it you wanted to show us?”
“How do you know all this?”
“Who was the father?”
“Are you alright? Do you need a doctor?”
“Woah, you need to take it easy.”
“How do you know I’m not dramatic?”
“Never mind, I’ll see you tonight.”
“Maybe we should go to the door.”
“What are we waiting for?”
“Is there a reason you remember it so clearly?”
“Can you give me a ride?”
“They’ve released you?”
“You understand what your lawyer is telling you?”
“Can you turn the fucking light off?”
“You don’t have to come.”
“They’re digging up the garden.”
“How did they find out where you were?”
“So you’d best leave them the fuck alone.”
“You don’t have to do this, you know.”
“As sure as I am that you’re a badass.”
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staggersz · 8 months
I just started school again this week from fall break and omg 😭 HORRIBLE I TELL U HORRIBLE. but, it got me thinking, what do u think the tbp boys opinions r on school?
AAAA i’m sorry about school! school literally sucks so bad 😭
but omg i love this question .
I’m just gonna talk about how their opinions on school are after the basement and how their opinions changed (my tumblr is basically a page for my AU now isnt it 😞)
Finney pretty much dislikes school before and after; he likes keeping his grades good but he just hates going because of bullies and the stares he gets after the basement. It makes him feel worse. He likes science the most. He gets annoyed when people call him names but most of the time he doesn’t mind because he just wants to get through school. He goes to the counselor only sometimes.
Robin hates school, and he probably always will. I like to think he has good or at least nice grades in all of his classes except math, and he’s barely passing science. He has dyscalculia, so he feels stupid when it comes to numbers but is afraid to ask for help from anyone besides Finney. He’s in the counselor’s office a lot talking about his thoughts, emotions and personal issues. Robin deals with bullying a bit but of course he isn’t sitting by and taking it. Sometimes stuff is written on his locker also.
Bruce used to love school but now he’s like, indifferent leaning towards disliking it. He still has amazing grades and is probably on high honor roll, but he feels out of place now. He feels like he’s popular but not the way he wants to be. He thinks he missed a lot since he wasn’t there for the beginning of the year, plus he just feels out of place in his usual friend group now. Sometimes he just gets irritated and stays alone. He spaces out in school a lot, which leads to a lot of counselor appointments that he himself didn’t schedule.
Vance hates school more than anything. He barely has friends besides yknow, the others that were in the basement but now he just feels completely outcasted. He was given a chance to move up a grade so he took it, so he’s a freshman when he goes back to school. He had a lot of testing to do though, which luckily he passed. Vance is pretty much on a hair’s trigger now. If someone says ANYTHING about his experiences or the other’s experiences, there’s a high chance he’s gonna come out of that with a suspension or a detention. He manages to keep okay grades though.
Billy liked school kind of. He’s kinda introverted but when he was younger he would hang out with Robin and Finney at school, so it kind of got different when he went missing. He had nice grades and he was kind of social.
Griffin disliked school. He was never talked to and he sat alone every class, every year. If he was in a group assignment, he usually asked the teacher if he could work by himself. But he’s a good kid and had good grades.
Griffin and Billy come as a package deal with a lot of things but especially school after the basement events. They’re pretty much glued together. They both dislike school a lot because of bullies. They have a lot of classes together because of their separation anxiety, which the school knows about. Billy is really sad when he graduates 8th grade and is alone without Griffin for a year. They’re in the counselor’s office a lot or have a teaching assistant take them out of their classes for a bit. It’s not because they want to talk to them and their problems, but to just let them calm down and work in an environment where they aren’t pressured and can just work with each other.
thats my opinions 😇
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
happy thursday hoes. time for some law and some order
Well fuck…what an opening..
“but there are definitely still traces of blood” girl… that hammer is COATED wtf…
I would like to point out that the way Kate runs her squad is the legit way that squads run. The CO (whether it be captain, lieutenant or sarge) is gonna stay in the office, they’re piled up with paperwork, the brass, putting out fires, they’re not out in the field…. Like svu. Ugh. I’m already not prepared for svu tonight, I’ve been watching through velasco’s eps and his older seasons were so good, esp compared to this year…
So we’re really doing this Ukraine surrogate/adoption plot line again, hey?
(I mean it is slightly different so far but like, it’s the same idea, right lol)
Samantha crushing it in the wardrobe dept as per usual
I like this new DA so much more than mccoy. Sorry not sorry.
I haven’t been paying too much attention to what’s going on (surprise) BUT, wtf does this case have to do with the grand jury that was taking place at the beg of the ep? With the girl all “he doesn’t know I’m here, right?” like, that girl was the murder vic? Or am I on crack? What is the connection?!
Uugggh… saaaammm my baby just needs a HUUUGGG
Okay, im actively not watching Toronto, see ya in an hour for svu.
Starting off with some personal, at home comfort. This is what we’ve been asking for forever (now give us rollisi at home pls).
“I googled you”
Okay so we finally did get noah discovering where he came from. Woof.
Olivia kinda sucks at parenting sometimes. Like… he’s a kid, he’s an *adopted* kid who already knows about gramma Sheila and ellie… he’s gonna be curious, he’s gonna wonder, also what kid HASN’T snooped through their parents private things? Like yeah it’s not ideal… it’d be best for him to ask you a question and you slowly reveal into things or whatever but we all know she just would’ve shut him down right away anyways.
Lowkey love those heart lights in noahs room, ngl.
I’m not gonna lie. If it was olivia I’d be more concerned about him knowing/reading about William lewis and all the shit that went down than finding out johnny d was his dad…
You know what I think? I think this would be a great time to call you bestie amanda and have her over for a bottle of wine while you talk this through and see what jessie knows about her dad/how amanda’s gonna approach that. Also like, does billie just think sonny’s her dad or does she know? LOL. But will that happen? Obviously not.
Okay you know what, carisi is the second best bet so I’ll take this.
Olivia really needs to catch a fucking break
Carisi you sit like a whore. But we already knew that.
Is there not a way to trace this call? Or like, I know the phone is about to die but like…find my iphone even works on dead phones…use the stepmoms phone rn to find out where she is. Easy fix. Use your brains.
Man… parents on these shows are always so fucking trusting of their kids and they think they know everything about them. Like...what world are we living in?
Awweeee lil carisi back in cop mode!
Girl… you barely looked in that one, that’s not clear
Me: where do I know this actor playing the step mom from?
Checks imbd: ah. She’s been on svu as a diff character before. Of course.
We love a good parent who immediately offers up all their money to pay ransom of their kids bff with no question.
I swear to god it wasn’t raining 5 seconds ago.. I get that these are likely filmed on diff days but that really came outta nowhere
Olivia’s drenched and velasco’s barely wet… wtf lol
Oh god she’s really about to go feral isn’t she?  Like, even velasco’s nervous af.
That’s exactly what I knew he was gonna say. Like, liv should’ve just said she was dead.
Okay what about the other three perps? Where are they?
JESUS FUCK. Velasco… be mean to me. yell at me.. degrade me. jfc.
Okay I love that when she told Velasco to put the perp in her car he was all “uh… that a good idea boss?” kinda unsure thing but as soon as she started going feral he was just all “yup. Okay. I know how to do this.” And was totally on board. That’s my boi
“youre lucky im not in IAB anymore” damn right bitch.
That’s a cozy ass looking sweater liv has on and I want it
He already knows about ellie…why are we starting there?
I can’t wait until this conversation sparks a “hey… can we go see grama Sheila? Is she still sick?” and liv THEN has to explain that gramma Sheila is in fact in JAIL because she kidnapped him
Okay… that episode was honestly really good. It was a nice balance of the at home/personal lives and the case.
OC time.
Pls god have a last time on cause I do not remember what was happening… baby bro joe was doing heroine? That’s all I remember
Is this his apartment or elliots apt? it looks similar but also I like it better lol.
Bernie is a blessing to this show.
Elliot all “an intervention?” as if they didn’t host one for him like two years ago?
Also I JUST watched the ep with Muncy’s brother this week and that actor is baby boy joe stabler so this is throwing me off.
 “we don’t do that…” jet. Another fucking legend on this show
SO glad Bell’s back.
Clearly im not paying attention to this ep in case anyone’s wondering (and yes, it is because it’s a stabler ep…)
Leave it to stabler to be there less than 5 mins before beating someone
Thank god bell had bobby with her cause homegirl had a cane last week, there’d be no way she should be on a foot chase rn. Lol
Omg jet and bobby UC yet AGAIN. I fucking love it.
Jet being absolutely the person that likely annoys the hell outta her, love that. 
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