#and they hate their families and never want to spend time with them
bietrofastimoff23 · 2 days
"Traitors and villains!"
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His family was never completely safe. not when the king openly gave preference to his daughter, whom he allowed to go unpunished several times after treason to the crown. not when he ignored his son's injury in favor of trying to incriminate his wife and punish her because of the truth.
His family was never completely safe. even when his family was doing their duty properly because his father and sister considered themselves above the law.
His family was never completely safe. Aegon knew that when his sister ordered the swords to be raised, he would be the first whose head would fall. but he was not prepared for the fact that the first victim would be his son, killed in such an insidious and cruel way.
His family was never completely safe. why did the gods give Viserys all the time in the world that he could spend with his children when he didn't need it, while Aegon, who really loved his children, had to bury one of them before he even had time to grow up?
His family was never completely safe. and Aegon hates and despises his father and sister for this reality. hates them because they put his family in such a vulnerable position, because they turned his life into endless grief for his child.
His family was never completely safe. years earlier, Aegon did not want to be a challenge to his sister, but now he wish only one thing and that is to spill blood.
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fastandcarlos · 2 days
Dating A⇴Z Headcanon ⇴ Charles LeClerc
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Charles is an incredibly affectionate person, particularly when the two of you are behind closed doors. He loves having you as close to him as possible, where his hands can rest on your waist or his fingertips can brush gently through your hair.
You both knew of each other before you started dating, you’d passed each other a few times in the paddock and smiled politely at one another as you rushed around to get all of your jobs done for your teams. However as soon as you’d finished your first conversation, Charles was sure that you were someone who he wanted to get to know and spend a lot of time alongside.
One night when things were starting to get packed up and everyone was preparing themselves to head home after the race, Charles took a hold of your hand and pulled you into a quiet corner, making sure that there was definitely no one around. He was supposed to be celebrating yet another podium but instead he found himself sat in front of you, pouring his heart out to you as he found himself unable to clear his mind of thoughts of you.
He treats you like the most important thing in the world when it comes to your dates, Charles pays close attention to the things that you like and organises things that he knows you’ll enjoy. Most of your dates are usually quite private as Charles hates to have your moments together ruined by fans or cameras. Your favourite date with Charles was when he took you out to dinner, with you both dressed up wanting to impress the other, enjoying endless conversation as you sat at a table which always overlooked the beautiful sunset of Monaco.
It was well known that you weren’t the first partner that Charles had, but he was adamant that with you things felt completely different and more special than with anyone else before. At times you worried that you didn’t live up to those who came before you, however Charles was always there to reassure you and insisted time and time again that he was at his happiest whenever he was with you. He didn’t care how many times he told you, whatever relationships he had before didn’t matter to him now that he had found you.
There are definitely moments when Charles can get quite passionate and sometimes you both tend to get a little bit heated with one another. However, Charles never lets an argument go on for longer than it needs to, mostly because he knows how little time you have to spend together, and he absolutely refuses to leave you for work knowing that the two of you aren’t talking. Even if you don’t want to talk to him, Charles will talk at you and make sure that you know how he feels and how sorry he is, especially when he reluctantly has to admit that he’s the one in the wrong.
You were like another sibling in his family, you got on with his siblings like a house on fire and they were definitely fond of you. You’d felt welcomed by them since day one and it melted Charles heart being able to sit back and watch as you and his brothers made each other laugh and teased one another at every opportunity.
There was never any pressure from Charles for the two of you to move in together, but that didn’t stop him dropping hints constantly about how nice it would be. He loved having you at his place where he was able to keep an eye on you, and if he was honest, the day you agreed to move in with him was one of Charles’ favourite days ever.
Charles was the first one to whisper those three little words as the two of you reunited at the end of a race. Monaco was special, but when Charles finally won it, he was on top of the world. As his arms wrapped around you, he whispered closely into your ear, wanting you to know how big of a part you’d also played in helping you finally win the race and achieve his dreams.
He had his moments when Charles would find himself getting jealous, he wasn’t proud of it, but he couldn’t help being so protective of you and your relationship together. If someone started talking to you that left a sour taste in his mouth, Charles would stand a little bit closer to you and usually wrap his arm around you as if he was silently sending a message to the person to let them know that you were his and there was no point them even trying to get to know you.
There was no secret from Charles that he wanted to have kids, but he also made it clear to you that he was in no rush and would happily wait. He promised to wait until you were both ready, but that didn’t stop him gushing sometimes about what an incredible mum you would be someday. Quite often you would snap Charles out of a daydream as he found himself wondering about how amazing a family of your own would be.
The two of you were a double act together, you knew exactly how to make each other laugh which made others laugh around you too as they watched you both goof around. At times you had quite a blunt humour with one another, your dry jokes would leave you both sniggering and prodding against the other person in fits of giggles. You particularly found yourself laughing at Charles’ silly side, a part of him that he often saved for behind closed doors, not wanting to share that side of himself with the rest of the world.
It was tricky for Charles to be away from you, he would always worry about you and want to know that you were safe. In the back of his mind, he’d never quite find himself able to not fret a little bit. Whenever he had a spare couple of minutes he would be trying to get in contact with you, keen to hear your voice and see for himself that things were alright. As much as he wished that you could constantly be by his side, Charles was also very supportive and aware of the fact that you had your own career and that sometimes you needed that time apart in order to both be able to achieve your dreams.
Charles was full of nicknames for you, the sweeter the better as far as he was concerned. He loved when his nicknames were able to make your smile turn up and turn the colour in your cheeks into a slight crimson colour.
He was obsessed with your smile as it filled Charles heart with love. He was always wanting to make sure you were happy, and knowing that he was the reason for that smile made it all the more meaningful.
Neither of you were huge on PDA, however everyone knew that you were a couple. Charles often held your hand or wrapped his arm around your waist to make sure that you were by his side and didn’t end up getting separated from him, and when he felt his confidence grow, he’d be there to plant a sweet kiss against your lips.
One of the things Charles loved to do was ask you questions about your futures. He was intrigued to know how you saw the rest of your life panning out, particularly when you talked about how you envisioned life with Charles.
No one aside from you knew this, but in his race boot Charles kept a photo of you so that you were still with him whenever he raced. He slid it in randomly once when he was still a junior and it seemed to bring him luck, and so ever since then it had just continued to be routine for him. He never changed the photo, despite the fact after so many years it was getting damaged, as he never wanted to change his superstition.
The most important thing to Charles when the two of you have sex is that you feel loved and that you feel adored in his company. He’s surprisingly romantic when it comes to those intimate moments between the two of you, Charles can be quite vocal, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and running his fingers through your hair. He’ll do anything just to make sure that you know exactly how much he loves you.
It’s the first thing that Charles does when he wakes up in the morning, he always sends you a message to see how you’ve slept or wish you good night, depending on where you are in the world and your difference in time zones.
You were the centre of Charles’ world and he couldn’t be prouder to make sure that everyone else knew that too. He gushed about you constantly and gave you a lot of credit for all of the amazing things he was doing in life.
During the off season Charles loved to go away with you, switching off from everything and forgetting about the chaos that usually followed your lives. Your phones would be off and your attention would solely be on each other as you explored a new place together and made plenty of new memories with one another too.
Although Charles was understanding when other people were around, that didn’t stop him from whining when you weren’t paying even just a small bit of attention to him too.
You always felt the amount of love that Charles had for you in his kisses. Each one was delivered to you with sentiment and meaning, he never liked to just kiss you without reason. His favourite place to kiss you was against your cheek or against the corner of your smile as when he leaned over your shoulder to place it there it meant that Charles had the perfect view of your smile when he pulled away from you again.
You were everything to Charles, he simply adored you.
One thing about Charles that never fails to surprise you is how cuddly he is at night, he refuses to let you go and makes sure to hold you as close to his chest for warmth as possible.
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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smoooothoperator · 1 day
What Was I Made For?
00: Prologue
Charles Leclerc x driver!OC (Dafne Morelli)
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers
a/n: Hello and welcome to the prologue of WWIMF! Is everyone ready to what is coming?
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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He has always been there, in front of her or right in her back, too close to her liking. He always had that smile, the one that always makes whenever he wins something, whenever he has what he wants or when people do what he wants, that smile haunted her dreams ever since they were six years old.
Even when they were kids, they exchanged many eye roll. He always found a way of making her blood boil and stick her tongue with disagreement, and somehow she always made him want to pull her pigtail to annoy her or wrinkle his nose whenever she talked near him. They always found a way to annoy the other and most of the times it successfully worked, and other times it ended with both arguing and with their parents or our siblings trying to pull them away before they ended arguing loudly in the middle of the park or the beach.
“They’ll end up warming up to each other” their parents used to say, secretly praying for that to be true.
And that never happened.
As years went by, the hate they had for each other grew and the competitiveness got added into the mix.
The summer of 2005, he started his karting career with the help of his godparent Jules. And since their families were close friends, they decided to spend the summer of that year cheering for him in the karting track, watching how he practiced and competed against other kids. She hated to admit it, but she couldn’t stop following him with her eyes, watching how he drove that kart like he knew what he was doing, overtaking and driving faster than a kid of eight years should be driving. 
“Do you want to try too, Dafne?” Jules asked her with a smile, watching how she followed with big eyes that kid with a yellow suit and a helmet that was too big for him.
That sentence. That sentence was what started it all. 
Soon, the dolls and the stuffed animals were ignored, the shelves of her bedroom were holding trophies and kid-sized helmets, and every Sunday the TV of the living room had fast cars on it. She found herself seated on one of those karts, overtaking other kids, standing on a podium, winning races.
Some narrow-minded parents at school looked at her and shook their heads disgusted, watching how she went to the school with a miniature of Ayrton Senna's or Michael Schumacher's cars instead of the new Barbie that came out. 
“That's a world for boys. She won't have a future there” they spat to her parents, laughing.
But every time they said something like that, the next day she went to school with a gold medal hanging around her neck or a trophy under her arm, walking in her classroom with her chin up and a proud smile on her lips.
“If she doesn't have a future, why did she win the French National KArting Championship?”her older sister defended, always standing up for her.
Dafne’s sisters are the ones that always inspired her, the ones that supported her no matter what. They stood by her side when the guys came to bother, and they always went to her  races to cheer up for her.
But the reason why she put on the suit and the helmet every weekend was something else. It wasn't only because she wanted to be like one of those women that had a little taste of what I want. And even if it sounded selfish and childish, the reason why she raced every weekend was to beat him.
Charles Leclerc.
He was most of the time in front of her, sometimes behind. But always a step ahead. While trying to beat him, he won and won, getting new friends and then beating her. He always looked at her with that smirk, somehow feeling superior only because he was on the top step or because he was welcomed to higher categories before she could.
“Come on, don't lose your faith” Jules always said, placing his hand on her back and trying to cheer her up. “He's a good driver, and you are too”
“But he's a boy and I'm a girl. At the end of the day, men will always have more chances of getting a seat than women” 
For a while, she always thought about that. He was going into higher categories, he even got into the Ferrari Academy before she could ever get a chance of doing something good. 
And then it happened. Suddenly, sponsors started to get interested in her, in the girl that was surprisingly beating boys on the track. It was like Jules was working for her up there.
“I’m going to have a seat on Formula 2 soon, you know?” he said while they were having dinner, the two families together.
“Good for you. I have one in Formula 3”
“What?” he said surprised, shocked by her new achievement.
“Yeah, you are not the only one trying” she said. “And the Ferrari Academy called too”
“That's impossible” he frowned.
“Why? Because I'm a girl?” she scoffed. “Thank God I am, because I will make them make history”
After that, Charles always showed his competitive side with her, not only on their careers but during the family meetings. He always competed against her to see who was the one that arrived first to the water in the beach, or who lasted the most under the water in the pools, even who was the first to find Waldo on the messy drawings. He needed to show that he was better in every way possible.
“Why are you bothering?” she scoffed whenever he found a new way of challenging me. “Is it because your man pride is hurt because I am achieving something you never expected me to make?”
Dafne was confident, watching him lose his nerves and fighting hard against her fueled her determination, she was enjoying knowing that he felt threatened by a girl. For once, even if she was in an inferior category, Dafne felt she was winning him. She didn't care if he won the title in Formula 2, because she knew that she could do better. 
But when he got into Formula 1 and got a contract with Ferrari after his rookie season in Ferrari, her need to win against him got bigger. Bigger than she could achieve.
Dafne's first year in Formula 1 was marked by a team with a tight budget as Haas, with a team principal that only cared about his mediatic influence and never cared about the mental health of his drivers. 
Charles Leclerc signed with Ferrari and it made him the youngest driver in Ferrari's history. And that gave him another reason to feel superior.
“You are stuck in Haas” he smirked. “I don't think you'll be on the front row teams teams. Maybe Sauber. Right now they are happy with me and Sebastian and I'm sure the driver who will take his place after his contract ends will be someone else”
Dafne hated him with all her guts. Every time they made them have a press conference together, she always made sure to sit far from him. 
But the fandom found it funny. They thought it was funny that they hated each other, making fun and saying that they would soon be lovers, saying that it would make the best plot twist ever. The media knew about it and always tried to put them together by making conferences, but that only ended with them ignoring the other and their teammates trying to calm the situation.
“I don't understand why you two hate each other like that” Mick Schumacher, her teammate, sighed looking at her while they walked to the hospitality. “Charles is a good guy, I was with him in Prema and he never acted that way”
“I'm sure it is because he feels threatened by a woman” she scoffed. “It has always been like this since we were five. He always wanted to be better than me, no matter in what thing”
“Are you sure you two won't end up like lovers?” he teased her. “I’m sure I saw a movie with my sister that started the same way”
“Lovers my ass” she groaned. “I would rather be dead that with him”
“I feel that I'll need to write down those words. Just in case” he smirked.
Finally, her dream contract came. In 2022, she had the offer of Ferrari to be their second driver. And that only meant two things. One bad and one good. The good? She was achieving her dream and driving for Ferrari. The bad? Charles Leclerc was going to be her teammate.
When the news of her contract was announced, the internet exploded. Fans started to write theories, they started rumors. But what started as a joke in the fandom, ended with a ridiculous petition.
“We would love it if you two were a little more friendly” their managers said. “The tension is so big between you two, and it's affecting the team work”
“I will not be friendly” Charkes and her said at the same time, making their managers roll their eyes.
“You two don't get it, right? I don't care about the history between you two. This has to end now” Mattia frowned. “The arguments in and out of the cars are ruining the work and it's making the team be tired of you two. So please, at least act in front of the cameras”
And that's what they did. Act. In front of the cameras.
Everyone was surprised when the rolling of eyes stopped whenever the other opened their mouth during the interviews, or even when they started to record challenges together. The PR team didn't care at all if they started rumors about them being together. 
The team was working and that all that mattered. That's all that they wanted.
Until it happened.
The weekend her life changed.
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@racinggirl @elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni
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lorethebookworm · 2 days
Okay so we need to talk about helluva boss actually. More specifically I'm going insane over one or two certain characters.
I have been staring at the ceiling for awhile trying to make sense of blitzø. He is a badass , a mastermind and a skilled killer . He is a fucking loser , he loves his friends so much his apartment is filled with pictures of them. He adopted a bloodhound because she seemed as alone and hopeless as he was. He would do anything for her. He was so alone he started to adopt everyone in sight and make them part of his team. He's a selfish bitch. But is he really? He thinks he can't be loved. He yearns so much for a connection that he lives vicariously through his friends' love life. He doesn't care about anyone except he remembered about stolas after years. He could have left him tied on that bed and taken the book but he stopped and stayed because stolas called him his first friend. He hates stolas and doesn't care about their relationship. "he can get hurt?". He has a picture of stolas asleep. He refers to his co-workers as his family. He's terrified to die alone. I'm actually not okay you guys he's so complex but also just a wet little meow meow I'm in shambles actually
Then there's stolas and I like him so much it's embarrassing to be honest. He's a royal. He never acts entitled and accepts no as an answer. He saw some clown when he was a child and fell in love with him. He saw him again years after and his first response was " yes , this man clearly wants to fuck me ". And then got shy when blitz played along. He's such a loser. His whole flirty filthy persona exists only because he thinks that's what blitzø is into. He suffered years in a toxic relationship just for his beloved daughter. He's the biggest nerd and adores books. He is a badass and extremely powerful. He crammed his big owl ass in blitz's van instead of using a portal because he wanted to spend more time with him. He loves him, he loves him not.
Yeah I'm done for now but I haven't seen full moon yet so expect even more rambling in the immediate future
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emberuby · 3 days
in your arms forever — preview: chapter one. | p.js
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pairing: park jongseong x reader (feat. ex. almost fiancé! park sunghoon)
a/n: here is a sneak peak of the first scene of chapter one <3 i've been writing a lot for the past few days but it's a slow process so i wanted to post a preview. however, i finally have a date for the release: june 14th woohoo! there will be 3 chapters and an epilogue. i have the entire story mapped out so i'm very excited!! if any of you have questions feel free to ask. ^^
warnings: the full chapter is pretty intense but the preview doesn't have many warnings, just isolation, slightly toxic! jay (may or may not get more toxic 🥹) and mentions of infidelity.
series taglist: @nshmrarki, @strxwbloody, @anittamaxwynnn, @heeheeyeoiizz01
wc: 980
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It had been a week since you began living in Jongseong’s manor, a beautiful cage where your every move was monitored. You had an hour to spare before he came home, an hour to savour your solitude before the pretense of ignoring and dismissing him continued. Despite his attempts to break your shell and get closer to you, you maintained a cold distance.
Eva and Celia, Jongseong’s two corgis, laid beside you on the floor of Jongseong’s study as you read the books he left to keep you occupied, as if you were some helpless child. Your phone had been confiscated, leaving you with only the option to contact him through his servants. Any outing required a chaperone from his guards, who conveniently never allowed visits to your father, sister, not to mention Sunghoon. Gods, you missed Sunghoon. Your body ached to be held by him again, and your mind grieved at the thought of never seeing him again.
Time had frozen since you entered Jongseong’s home. You had been mostly alone with your thoughts, except for the corgis’ whines when they were hungry. The servants and guards barely acknowledged you unless it was to tell you not to do something. You kept wondering what your father could have possibly done to piss off the Parks and now owe something to them. This marriage, you were certain, was not about the flimsy excuse your father had told you but rather the Parks’ insatiable hunger for power. A part of you was grateful that all they demanded was a marriage, given they could easily kill you and your family with a snap of their fingers. You shivered at the thought.
“How are my sweet girls doing?” you heard from the door, and you sat up, surprised that your fiancé was back so early. Jongseong smiled widely and walked up to Eva and Celia to pet them. He began scratching Celia’s chin, followed by asking, “Has Y/N been treating you well? I’m sure she has; I know how much you love her.” He turned around to face you and continued, “I’m honestly quite jealous of how much time you spend with them. I think they’re starting to like you more than me,” he laughed to himself.
Your face remained unmoving; you didn’t know what to say back. You tried to stand up by yourself, but Jongseong grabbed your hand and gently pulled you up instead. You hated how your body reacted every time he touched you. Your body was hot whenever he was near, and your skin felt like it was on fire wherever he laid his hand. You would have been lying if you said he wasn’t attractive. He had the alluring look of his mother, magnificently beautiful. It was hard not to stare and admire him when he wasn’t looking. Then you remembered just how wrong this all was. You had the love of your life, and you were betraying him every time you leaned too far into Jongseong.
“Cat got your tongue, my love?” Your thoughts were interrupted by him again. The more you got to know him, the less he intimidated you. Honestly, you thought he was quite pathetic, constantly at the beck and call of his mother, desperate for her approval. You weren’t sure if he did anything without his mother knowing about it. It made you feel a bit brave.
Brave enough to point your chin towards him and glare at him, “I want you to let me go see Sunghoon.” He stood there in silence for about a minute, with a completely unreadable expression. You thought he may have not heard you until his menacing laughter broke the stillness. The way he was folded over, you’d think you were a comedian.
He finally calmed down and said, “That’s hilarious, Y/N. I know you’re not stupid. Tell me why the fuck I should let you go see your boy toy?”
“He’s not a boy toy,” you continued testing your luck, “and why not? It’s not like we’re in a real relationship. I don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe me—” he cut you off.
“Don’t fucking think about it. Our marriage is public news as of now. Why do you think I’m so scared of letting you out? The paparazzi are on our ass and they can’t find out that this is arranged,” he furrowed his eyebrows and scoffed, “Can’t have the press thinking I’m getting cuckolded by my wife with some nobody, now can I? Wouldn’t be good for my reputation.”
You clenched your fists, anger boiling inside you. “But I know this isn’t about your reputation. I know you and your mother are using me as a pawn. You’re probably out whoring yourself around with any girl that gives you attention, but gods forbid I go to see my boyfriend!” You yelled that last part and immediately regretted it when Eva began whining.
The fire in Jongseong’s eyes extinguished. “You are scaring the girls, Y/N,” Jongseong sighed and stepped closer, held your waist, and pressed a kiss to your temple. His eyes softened slightly, but his presence was still intimidating. “Don’t think so low of me, honey. I admit I’m a romantic, but I would never be unfaithful. You’re mine now, and I’m yours.”
Him standing so close reminded you just how much he towered over you. Half of you wanted to hit him in the chest and run in the other direction, while the other wanted to lean into his touch and let him hold you closer.
“Remember, Y/N, you are my wife. That little boyfriend of yours is someone you need to forget. You can keep fighting it, but it doesn’t change the facts,” then he whispered, “you belong to me.” He could feel you tremble in his arms, so he reached out for your hand and squeezed it.
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creedslove · 2 days
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
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• loving Joel Miller was a heartache you never really got over; you'd been in love so hard and fast, it was so sudden and the way you were head over heels for that man even caught you by surprise, as it was such a strong feeling
• you thought of your moments with him with such affection and love, it warmed your heart to think of the way he loved you back; Joel was a compassionate lover, he was caring and affectionate, he liked spoiling you and treating you as a princess
• and things between the two of you would've been perfect if it weren't for the fact you were both incompatible; there was no other explanation to it
• after the honeymoon period between the two of you was over, your relationship couldn't maintain itself much further, not with how incompatible you were and how you both disagreed on every single thing, from smallest things such as what would be the best flavor of a birthday cake, to major things like marriage and having kids in the future
• as much as you and him loved each other and felt that connection and attraction that pulled you two towards each other, the relationship got harder and harder, especially when instead of focusing on love making and spending quality time together, all you did was argue and stay away from each other as much as possible - you'd lock yourself in the bedroom while Joel would stay longer and longer at work
• you both knew it was a matter of time until you'd break up, and as much you didn't want it to happen, it would happen sooner than later. It was a shame you'd both have to give up your beautiful love and that intensity of feelings just because you were both incompatible, it wasn't fair really
• when the break up finally happened, you felt as if your heart had been ripped off your chest, not wanting to believe that was actually happening to you; as much as you knew it wasn't worth staying together just to fight and argue every day, it was so painful to think of how Joel would never kiss you or hold you again
• time healed all, that was what you always heard, but it didn't feel that way, as the weeks turned into months and then a year, you still felt the fresh wound in your heart; you still loved Joel and even if you didn't know what he was up to, you closed your eyes and secretly hoped he still loved you too
• in fact you dreamed about it, like a teenage girl who would create cute little scenarios about loving each other from afar and finally meeting again and giving yourselves a new chance that would lead into a very happy relationship and your much deserved happily ever after
• so your heart shattered even more, - something you had no idea it was even possible - when you walked into that restaurant that night, and saw Joel at the table with that woman, the one who had her arms around him, kissing his cheek and laughing out loud seemingly wanting to drag everyone's attention
• you noticed how Tommy and his girlfriend and also Sarah laughed at the scene, cheering at the lovely view, just enjoying a mundane family night with drinks and good food; as they all exchanged interactions, you realized none of them thought of you at that moment, chances were they didn't even remember your presence in their lives, as if you'd never existed
• as for that woman, you didn't need much information to figure who she was, not with that engagement ring on her finger; it wasn't her fault, you knew it, but you hated her, because she'd stolen your Joel, the same Joel who told you he would never get married again after Sarah's mom, but somehow changed his mind after meeting that woman
• perhaps he just didn't love you enough for it, but loved her and you couldn't do anything about it because you'd lost him
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gglitch1dd · 2 hours
There's a question I've been thinking about
We know that Izuku no cannon went through a war, right? Right. And until the current chapter of the manga, he's not doing very... well. As being visibly more depressed, not sharing your thoughts, once again lying and saying he's fine when he clearly isn't, a few more things.
So I've been wondering, did your Izuku go through all the cannon stuff? If so, did he have any after-effects? After all these years, are there still things that bother him? Did it take him a while to deal with everything?
I am not gonna comment on the new chapters, but I have seen them and understand what you are saying.
First off, I hate tiktok and Tumblr for spoiling MHA for me. Genuinely. Like i have no will to continue past season 4/5 in the anime that I am at because of all the spoilers and everything going on. I already know what's going to happen and all the juicy bits so why bother. so honestly, I have very little to say on it because i prefer my fictional timeline to Horikoshi's.
But yes.
He has gone through those canon stuff, but Izuku realises that he was just a kid that was robbed from him from horrible inhumane villains and incompetent adults that were relying on children to win a war.
Izuku never wanted Toshinori to dorm at UA. He wanted him to go there for school but not live there. Just cause he wanted to be able to see and make sure his son was fine, so that Toshinori never felt the pressure he felt all on him like Izuku did.
Izuku never allows UA, as well as the other hero parents, to allow the kids to do more than a level D/C threat villains, so petty thieves and bank robberies is for them. Anything higher than that is for their parents to do and for them to do only once they are adult sidekicks at their parents side. Even when interning with their parents, anything higher than a B level threat, they are sent right back to the agency to watch from the side-lines like everyone else.
Izuku doesn't sleep well after the war, and I think he's on medication for a long time but he learns to get off of it.
However, when he starts a family with Y/N Izuku becomes paranoid. But not bad paranoid. Like he does EVERYTHING to ensure his family's safety. Its the reason why he NEVER talks about when reader is pregnant to the media.
He also sincerely, hates the public. He feeds into them, makes sure he looks good, makes sure that he gets their approval to stay top of the charts, but Izuku quickly pushes for legislation to protect heroes against the public and keep their rights as human beings.
For example,
Something in my The Contract universe is that Izuku was the one to pitch the idea of the Horikoshi Heroes' Hospital which is ONLY for heroes and their families to give them guaranteed privacy.
I also have a headcanon that the public gets angry over government spending particularly, how much heroes get paid and Izuku literally comes out as the Number One hero and says.
"If you don't like how much we get paid to risk our lives to save yours, that's fine. Every hero in japan will be granted paid leave for the next week by the Deku Agency and the Hero Commission. No hero services will be available and only the police, EMTs, firefighters and other none hero emergency services will be available."
Leaves the press briefing and he goes back home, switches off his phone and takes a long nap.
Does he care that after he comes back downstairs after only 4 hours of being off on forced leave, that Japan is already in upheaval?
Does he care the next day that his phone is blowing up with people begging heroes to come back?
Not at all.
That man only comes back to hero work sooner than planned because you force him to.
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sid-the-sandwich · 12 hours
Ok, so feeling a little underwhelmed by the new lesson teaser, and besides the Simeon FNAF jumpscare at the end, it was basically what we already knew, I thought it may have been like the first mini-lesson or something (not the whole chapter, just one book part)
I wanted to write what I think might happen in the next set of lessons, based on what we saw in the teaser but like... there's nothing much to expand upon. (Go girl give us nothing)
So what I am going to do, is I am going to write a plot for season 3 that I think would be the most outlandish thing ever and that would never happen, based on the little summary we got from the description of the video! so here it is (I'll put a TLDR at the end):
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Season 3: False Hope
Returning to the Devildom is hard for MC after the events they just went through, all they want to do now is put their feet up, rest and hang out with their favs
Everything is the best its ever been, despite MC only disappearing for mere minutes in their time, it felt like an eternity and more had passed by them.
The characters' are all constantly happy, everything is bright, warm, exciting, and everyone is in high spirits; even Raphael and Mephistopheles, who once seemed to hate each other, getting along like long-lost best friends.
The characters dote on MC, anything they could have ever wanted is given to them:
MC wants to go out? Mammon and Asmo would happily spend all their money just for them.
MC wants food? Beel happily hands his food to MC.
everything is just... odd
But at first, its nothing notable, sure, the brothers are acting weird, but that's because they are practically family and MC did technically disappear for a while so it fits.
But then... things kept being too convenient, random good luck, people where being nice, very nice; everyone, even Solomon was smiling like nothing happened,
MC is seriously doubting the few months they spent in the past since no one has brought it up since that initial return
its something MC cant shake, everything feels too surface-level, too sweet... too fake,
but the most damning piece of evidence... Simeon was an Angel again. and when asked about it, Simeon avoids the question, suddenly being whisked away by Luke or Raphael very conveniently.
Solomon can now cook good...
MC deduces something is definitely wrong, this isn't the present they left,
MC starts noticing weird oddities, but not with our characters, but rather the landscape around them, whenever MC tries to venture too far out the Devidom, they are brought back to the main city as if the world is wrapping around this city.
MC tries telling the characters that something is wrong, but none listen to them, dismissing MC for having an 'overactive imagination'
it goes so far that the brothers lock us in our room once we are more adamant and threaten to find out the truth by ourself, the brothers saying we just 'need some alone time'.
The brothers periodically check in on MC, seeing if they have 'calmed down' and each time MC badgers on about the same point.
Eventually, MC manages to steal the keys of the bedroom from one of the boys and escapes the House of Lamentation in the middle of the night
MC tries to run, somewhere, anywhere they can think; The demons lord castle? Purgatory Hall? Damn, even Thirteen's cave!
But while running through the woods someone grabs MC rather strongly, covering MC's mouth, its... Solomon?
Solomon shushes MC, signaling MC to the sounds of rustling and voices of other characters looking for MC.
Despite how weird Solomon's been acting since they got back, this time Solomon felt warm, comforting and familiar.
MC crawls, following Solomon's instructions, only to be met by... ANOTHER SOLOMON?
The two Solomon's Brawl using Magic and honestly MC is just confused, because what is even happening?
MC recites a magic spell they know and threatens to shoot one of the Solomon's
Both Solomon's freeze and each say something to plead their case, one Solomon expresses Love for MC while the other says the same thing He said when he first met MC in Nightbringer. MC shoots the first,
Solomon explains how this world is an illusion created by Nightbringer to keep MC away from the present,
With the illusion broken, The world becomes grey and devoid of colour
Hastily, Solomon drags MC back to where the portal in the sky that brought them their, With all the 'fake characters' chasing them, Solomon repeats a very strong spell alongside MC so get transported back
Now they are actually back to the right timeline... or are they?
(Side Note: Originally, the character helping Mc was different, but Solomon made the most sense)
TLDR: MC goes back to the present but it is actually an illusion created by Nightbringer to prevent MC from returning
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johndonneswife · 2 months
someone really should be talking about how difficult it is to plan a wedding - a gay wedding - when both of your families fucking suck
#who is talking about this!!!! let me know#idk i have 0 expectations for my family but they still somehow always manage to let me down which#i was anticipating#and i didn’t think i would care because i have never cared before#but liiiiiike.#i wasn’t expecting to feel sad rofl but my family is so fucking flaky. again i KNOW THIS i know i cannot rely on any of them#it’s annoying when i have given them a year and a half to make plans and i have had so many people tell me they would be there#just to back out or ghost or come up with some excuse#like do you know how expensive weddings are 😭 JUST fucking be honest with me and rsvp no#anyway i was very intentional with the few family members i did invite#and specifically invited people i have a rapport with / had a good (ish lol) relationship with growing up#people i have bent over backwards trying to please!!! and dropping everything to help them out#and they can’t even be bothered to communicate with me lol it’s fine. like. i do feel like it’s internalized homophobia at this point#or maybe they have hated me this entire time which is totally plausible#but they KNOW how much ayesha means to me and knows that no one from her family is coming to our wedding#at the end of the day it’s going to be like. 5 people from my family 1 from ayesha’s (her brother) and like 30-40 friends#which i am so grateful for obviously#i sound like such a brat but it’s also like - watching your family continuously choose drugs/alcohol over showing up for you - lol#AGAIN i’m used to this and expected as much but i’m still feeling bad#just rsvp so i can move on with my life please. stop telling me you’re trying to make it work when we both know you aren’t#i have so much more to say but i’m going to sound crazy even though i knooooow it is homophobia like i Know it#i think there are certain people i will finally go no contact with for good after this#which is a freeing thought but i only invited v few family members to begin with. there’s abt to be no one left lmao#probably for the best#ugh whatever#again i can’t help but feel a certain way when they have done more/traveled further for relatives they hardly know#meanwhile i was forced to spend so much of my life living for these people and for them alone#AAAAAAAA i just want to scream#text
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yaminerua · 6 months
my mum: stopped me at every opportunity I asked to come see my dying grandpa bc ‘you don’t want to see him like this’ even tho I already had seen him and he had been happy to see me after years estranged from that side of the family and I very much wanted to fit as much time with him in as possible before it was too late and in the end she blocked me from all of it
also my mum: you never came to see your grandpa, you don’t give a shit
and now my mum yet again: won’t let me come see my gran who has been losing weight and falling and breaking bones a lot and been in and out of hospital since being on her own. Didn’t let me go talk to gran when we were both at my great aunt’s funeral last year and so I never saw her and she only found out I was there through other people who saw me. Refuses every time I ask to see my gran, including now when I’ve got presents for her
also my fucking mum right now in the same breath as refusing to allow me to come over: you never come to see your gran, you don’t give a shit
make it make fucking sense jfc
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pepprs · 1 year
the mortifying ordeal of today being a potluck day.
#purrs#delete later#it’s been 3.5 years since i last was at one and somehow it’s exactly as miserable as it was before if not worse. also why am i being fucking#guilt tripped into doing this and participating in it. im fucking 24 years old. i should get to choose how to spend my time. i should not be#a prop to make my mom look good for running the perfect vegan family. like it sounds like a cartoon but i don’t fucking care about being#vegan and i never did. i just got scared into it and i fucking resent being a prop put on display and unable to do what i want because i#have all this shit in my head about what’s healthy and what’s not and what will make my mom and her community ashamed of me. i fucking hate#these potlucks i hate having to be fake nice to the people who go to them who are so annoying and revolting and i hate being fucking TWENTY#FOUR and forced into doing things i don’t want to do because im afraid of my mom and afraid of myself. my weekends are precious. my choices#are precious. i am not a child anymore. i do not exist to make her look good or feel better about herself. my thoughts and choices are my#own and i own them. i do not want to have anything to do with this and i never did. people are going to get all in my face and im going to h#have to act like a kid again and make myself small and it’s so EMBARRASSING i am an adult!!!!!! im a late bloomer but im an adult. and i get#to choose my life and i get to rebel if i want to. but im not brave enough and we have to go in an hour 30. fucking hellllll#like the fact that my family hosts these. and it’s seen as a FAMILY thing when it’s just my mom. 💀💀💀💀 like please let me have my own life a#and interests and spend my time the way i want to. lol#food#ask to tag
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ribbonzregretz · 1 year
my life is a poorly written and completely self indulgent hurt/comfort found family fic written by a young and unaware plural author
#i am having a difficult time accepting people care about and love me in a non-romantic way#how do i let people love me without completely ruining everything????#like seriously i have never felt this kind of attentive familial love before#google how do i accept platonic love without fucking hating myself and getting caught in my own thoughts#its even worse because im plural and when im in front my thoughts and speaking in my head are indescernable#so they can hear every single self hating thought and insecurity#and instead of hating me for still feeling sad they try to make me feel better?????#like arent you supposed to hate me because im still sad even though ur putting all this effort into me??#maybe im just difficult to love but they like the challenge???#seriously what the fuck how the fuck do i process taht people actually wanna be my family by choice???#and platonically too???#like are they aware that all tehyll get out of this relationship is my attention + affection back#with romantic relationships i understand because my love language is gift giving + quality time#so you get something out of me whilst ur involved romantically with me#obvi zim is diffrent than just wanting gifts from me because i love it#but it made our relationship a little easier to comprehend and process because i could understand why zim would love me#but i havent done anything for these guys other than talk to them and sometimes drawing me spending time with them#or drawing them if they want it#AND THEY STILL LOVE ME???#i give zim a shitton of words of affirmation and play games with him and give him gifts#so like i can process our relationship better#because i give him things so i understand why he loves me#obvi i know thats not why he loves me but it makes it easier on bad days#but my headmates just love me unconditionally??? for no reason other than i exist???#not all of them but a decent portion of them have adopted me#am i charming?? manipulative??? why why why do they like me???? im so confused
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notsogeniusgirls · 1 year
Just gonna vent in the tags don't mind me
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romeoandromeo · 1 year
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inthewild-flowers · 2 years
i should be banned from music that reminds me of home goddamn
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homunculus-argument · 6 months
A reverse Hallmark christmas movie, where a simple small-town guy has to go to the big city in order to do a thing, and encounters a serious no-nonsense businesswoman who has never celebrated christmas, not once in her life. And spending time with her makes him realise that it's not that he hates christmas, what he really hates is his family. So he calls his family back home to let them know that he ain't coming back, he's just discovered that "family" isn't about people you're related to, it's about having people in your life that don't make you want to shoot yourself in the head.
So he stays there and lives happily ever after with her, never celebrating Christmas again.
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