#they think he is super great and also extremely biased about who they are as a person
weenis-on-your-elboe · 5 months
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I PROMISE things are being worked on T-T
Vulture thinks Ripley is cool! Ripley does not think Ripley is cool
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bonefall · 8 months
Golfy is literally one of my favorite cats of all time and I adore the way you’ve characterized her!! Any fun tidbits to share? I want to know more about the woman
There's a sketch of her floating around if you want to go on a treasure hunt! I don't have time to look for it right now (I am currently in the trunk of a clown car), but I've actually drawn a beta of her design and her big mane
Also note: BB!Goldenflower is part of the Doekin line. Speckletail's perception of herself and her family is tied strongly to being Doestar's niece. This association dies out with Thornclaw in BB!OotS as he's the last one to strongly value this legacy.
Golfy's mane is so poofy, unmanageabley poofy. She keeps it braided
Lionheart just surrendered to entrophy on that one lmao. "Dirt happens."
It's my little way of trying to show the difference between the siblings.
They're both proud and honorable, but Lionheart is more calm and patient. He's a Que Sera Sera kind of guy.
Goldenflower is more fond of the expression, "Fortune favors the prepared."
Note to self: Clanmewnize these expressions. Que Sera Sera is notably quite RiverClannish... Golfy's phrase is definitely from early ThunderClan
Not to get too distracted but I recently got this FANTASTIC idea for how to close out Book 3 of BB!DOTC on a bittersweet note, involving The First Boarhunt and Clear Sky being delightfully devious as always. Maybe it would be cool to put that phrase there... anyway.
She had three siblings total, Lionheart, Mistleclaw, and Snowkit. It's really difficult being the last one; family was extremely important to her.
Mistleclaw wasn't even a year out of apprenticeship; you're really considered an ADULT adult after being on your own for a year. Losing her was like losing a sibling who's college-aged. That was to the plague, before Firestar's arrival.
Smallear was openly the father of all four of them, but Goldenflower hesitates to call him Ba. Him and Speckletail had a really toxic on-again off-again thing.
Smallear was closest to Mistleclaw, who coincidentally looked the most like him. Goldenflower is like... "yeah thats what i expected of him, that fish-eared loser"
She's biased in favor of her mother though. Lionheart was more chill with Smallear; not CLOSE but, neutral-positive.
It wasn't entirely Smallear's fault that the relationship kept falling apart though, to be clear. I use toxic in this use very much on purpose, it wasn't abuse, they really cannot get along.
So when Goldenflower eventually picked a mate, she REALLY just wanted a stable lifepartner that would not be like that.
I would describe her relationship with Tigerclaw more in the terms of an "arrangement." Fishing for romantic information from her is VERY funny because she just like. Doesn't "get" romance.
Brambleclaw: "Mom... what did you... like about dad?"
"He was large, we were both very large. And he was a responsible warrior, respected and ambitious. Well... at the time we believed that. And he spoke with great confidence. He had a way of making you feel like you were both safe and powerful by his side."
It will not even click for her that most people don't open the answer to "why did you love x" with "he was tall like me"
She wanted kits and a partner. She doesn't regret the relationship, she regrets what he made her believe.
On Tigerclaw's end, it was mutual. They both liked each other as trusted Clanmates. He was attracted to her and reciprocated when she proposed a mateship, but I don't think he ever really got over Spottedleaf romantically.
Plus, getting into this family was a smart political move. Having Speckletail's approval was VERY useful.
I might stick Goldenflower as Head of Hunting through TNP to early Po3, until she trains a successor, since there's no rush. I have an allegiance list floating around but I can't remember off the top of my head if she's where she should be
She's actually super disappointed in Tawnypelt for her choice. I don't think they ever reconcile this, they're both too proud
So she's kinda iffy on that alliance with ShadowClan. Not to the point of spite, but she does easily believe stereotypes about them.
"A bunch of holdouts of TigerClan and duplicitous fiends over there."
Both Golfy and Tawnp miss each other a lot, but again. Neither one is going to apologize to the other or say the other was even slightly correct.
And Golfy wouldn't accept it if Tawnp even did. She made her choice. They're in different Clans now. She chose her father, who killed Swiftpaw and Lionheart.
And for that, Golfy will not forgive her.
If they ended up in a battle, neither would hold back. They both know this.
I'm really fond of her. She really is Speckletail's daughter and the whole family has a special flavor of pain and pride.
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marineduo · 9 months
Cobymeppo / Kobymeppo Fic Recs!
Here's a list of Koby / Helmeppo fics that I personally recommend, for @klausbens and anyone else just getting into Kobymeppo from the Live Action! Putting them under a read more because this is going to be a long. Fics will be linked in the fic titles! They are ordered in oldest to newest.
General Recs
This Modest Paradise - Eloarei
Coby and Helmeppo run into Morgan while shopping.
This one is my all-time favorite Cobymeppo fic. It was one of the first I found and it's one I still think about and revisit often
Grow - Eloarei
Helmeppo is able to take care of himself, but when his father returns home with a promotion, he finds he suddenly doesn't have to anymore, and that's the weirdest part about moving to the Marine base in Shells town. Without any responsibilities, he becomes bored, and any of the positive attitude his mother might have left him with goes straight out the window.
This is a really sweet fic about Helmeppo's initial time in the Marines. Not as overtly Cobymeppo, but the last little bit always gets me right in the feels.
The Way of Monsters - Eloarei
Coby was used to monsters. After years under Alvida he thought he understood them. But escaping out into the world shows him that there's a lot he doesn't know. What makes a monster? And what redeems one?
This one's very fun. It has werewolves, and is a bit of a Beauty and the Beast kind of tale. Highly Recommend.
Building Desks For Dummies - thecayenneknight
Koby and Helmeppo must face their greatest mission yet: assembling a single piece of furniture.
Short and sweet and super cute.
Dance With Me - RedPen1992
Soon after the conclusion of the Paramount War, the Marines have to face their next greatest challenge, The Marine Gala.
This one's more focused on Akainu/Kizaru, but the Coby/Helmeppo stuff in there is really good. Overall a great read.
Anniversary - altokiwi
Ready to go party, Hina demands they tell her all about last year's Halloween Night, first. Holding Helmeppo's hand tight, Coby tells the story about the scariest —but also the happiest— night of his life.
This is a really good one. I may be biased since it was an exchange gift for me, but it's a wonderful blend of silly and a little spooky <3
To Come Back - merricat
Coby and Helmeppo's close-knit circle of Marines is holding a celebration at none other than Shells Town, which forces Helmeppo to confront demons past and present.
I'm also biased towards this one (another exchange gift), but man it's so good. Lots of Helmeppo looking back on things, and them just being so sweet with each other.
Daydreams - hamstercheese7
Coby just cannot concentrate on paperwork. And who could blame him, with a view like that?
This one's so silly sweet I love it. Has both Coby/Drake and Coby/Helmeppo.
Coby/Helmeppo Oneshots - ShadowoftheLightningPack
Ok this one's a doozy at 109 chapters but there are a lot of good ones in there. If nothing else I think it's really worth at least browsing to see if anything catches your attention! (That being said, read chapter 93 it's fun)
Against Change (You Can Wander Through the Ruins) - owlboxes
“I don’t want to pry,” Coby murmurs, quiet so as not to startle Helmeppo, who already looks seconds away from crumbling. “But…I want you to know I also want to listen, if you want someone to talk to.” “I have to get my hair cut in the morning,” Helmeppo says, his voice trembling, as he tugs at the strands that have grown longer, almost to his chin now. “…but what if I don’t want to?”
I'm a sucker for Cobymeppo Fics that center around Helmeppo's hair and this checks all the boxes.
My Fic Recs
(These are all ones I wrote myself that I think are worth a read)
Over the Edge
When Helmeppo ends up letting go in a precarious situation, Coby is forced to consider life without his other half, if only for a little while.
Diaries of Coby-Meppo
I particularly recommend Scissors.
When things go south on a solo mission, Helmeppo takes things to the extreme.
Coby and Helmeppo attend the year's big masquerade ball at Mariejois and the night goes far better than Coby had ever expected.
A Haunted Base
“Tell me again why we’re doing this?” Helmeppo looked down from his perch on a ceiling beam, watching as Tashigi came in with a huff and slammed a box down on the operating table he’d stolen from the base earlier. “Because Smoker had better things to do, and nobody gets out of Vice Admiral Dahlia’s plans?” 
Day on the Edge
Coby enjoys a peaceful morning with his partner, but something leaves him feeling uneasy.
SPICY Fic Recs
Saved and Earned - Tonko
Integrity is a hard road, but Helmeppo is trying.
I don't even know what to say about this fic. You know that pic of the stick figure on all fours shaking something violently in its mouth? That's how crazy this fic makes me.
Guilty Pleasures - me
When Coby witnesses the carnage his friend and partner is capable of, in the moment he's not sure how he'll get past it. But the jokes on him, because he's into that shit.
I wrote this to be similar to Bloodsoaked, but more spicy.
Searching for the Words - 2Farky2Furious
“Helmeppo.” He shook himself from his thoughts. “Huh?” “It’s just me. You know you can tell me anything, right?” “I—” Helmeppo met the soft, familiar warmth of Coby’s gaze and blurted into the scant space between them. “I want to kiss you again.”
A little angsty at first, which makes the semi-public sex even better.
Helping Hands - leghair
What had started as a rare bartering chip back when they themselves were new recruits and every drill had left them quaking like newborn deer had shifted into a standard IOU or repaid-favour, and from there, eventually, had simply become… habit. After their midnight training sessions left them fatigued, they would crawl back to their barracks, where Helmeppo would scratch Coby’s back and Coby scratched his - quite literally. That’s just how they got through it. It had been a while, though, come to think of it. Their schedules had grown to be quite different since Coby’s promotion. He still got the occasional remedial massage from medical, but it just wasn’t quite the same as someone who knew his body as well as Meppo did.
Very good fic, but also I think of the tag 'formal apology to the one (1) cobymeppo shipper with an appetite for toes reading this with dismay' at least once a week.
Coby/Helmeppo Smut Oneshots - ShadowoftheLightingPack
If you don't read any of the others (though you should), at least read chapter 8. It's very good.
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Is every boy in NRC canonically handsome? I don't mean designed to be handsome to us consumers but in story line? I know that people always refer to Vil and Leona in story as extremely attractive but has anyone else had that type of comment?
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I believe that (of the main 22 NRC boys), only Vil, Leona, and Silver have been consistently described by their peers as “handsome/beautiful” in-universe. (It’s not that the others look bad, but those three just stand way above average.) I guess Epel could count too, but in his case it’s more like he’s being called cute or traditionally feminine looking rather than handsome or beautiful... so let’s leave him at a special mention rather than with an official spot 😅 (I’m also not counting Malleus here, because off the top of my head I only ever recall Sebek calling Malleus handsome, and well... Sebek is an extremely biased perspective. He also calls Lilia handsome, and Lilia self-identifies as cute—but again, biased perspectives here.)
Vil is, of course, considered conventionally beautiful, as he is a very popular celebrity and takes great pains to maintain his looks. Leona is also noted to be handsome, mostly in a “wild” kind of way; it’s a different sort of beauty than Vil’s (something which Vil himself comments on, often saying it’s a shame that Leona has such an attitude paired with his good looks). As for Silver, people with good aesthetic tastes (like Vil) have commented that he is prince-like in demeanor and has a pretty face to match.
I believe that Jamil is called handsome by Azul in episode 4, but I don’t know if I would consider this one since it was said in an over-the-top cheeky and flattering kind of way. This is meant to mirror Jasmine pretending to compliment Jafar to distract him once he has usurped the throne from her father. TWST subverts this by having the boys use it to announce their return to challenge OB Jamil for the throne and the dorm he has stolen.
I think the one character that the boys can agree looks generally “unattractive” is Idia. In Ghost Marriage, a lot of them express surprise when Eliza chooses Idia, of all people, to be her destined groom, especially considering her high physical standards and other dubious requirements for one. However, I don’t think Idia is actually “unattractive”, but that he just doesn’t put effort into his appearance and has low self-confidence, which gives of the vibes that he’s unattractive.
Speaking of Eliza, she doesn’t particularly remark on most of other students looking handsome or not (and you’d think that someone as picky as her would judge them out loud about it if they were all as handsome as we perceive them to be in the real world). I do think she comments on some of their looks, but not to the point as to imply that every NRC boy is considered super attractive in their world.
ADDENDUM: Please keep in mind that TWST has a LOT of content out right now (especially in the Japanese version of the game), so it’s possible that there are one-off lines or remarks on the boys’ physical appearances that I may be overlooking. The characters I specifically mentioned in this post are the ones who have their physical appearances most often commented on or are most often praised as being explicitly good looking or beautiful by the people in their own world.
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wickjump · 1 month
hello!! I am super busy atm so I'm not able to scour through your blog, but I was curious about something. What's your opinion on Dream x Error? I believe the ship is called Insomnia? Can you give me some of your headcanons, why it wouldn't work, or general information you have on it? I've never seen the two paired so I have no idea how it could work! Any info you could provide would be nice.
Also I noticed a ship on your blog called Hyperinsomnia? What's that? Is that a poly relationship? I've never head of it before so I'm super curious!
LOVE THEM 10/10 SHIP TYSM FOR ASKING. okay hypersomnia is the poly ship of ink x error x dream, inspired because i like pj gradient and palette equally and can never choose between them, so why not just. poly it all together? then i thought of them more and started to really like their dynamic and the loads of potential they had. i like errorink, drink, and insomnia, so why not combine them into the best possible ship ever?
insomnia is great on its own too and that’s what this ask is about so by golly will i answer. canonically, dream respects error and what he does (this means that in dreamtale, error’s morals are different, considering canon error has no reason for what he does and is kind of nuts). and even with canon error, i can still see it. maybe i’m biased, who knows, but i love them. this is because error has emotions, he’s able to be sympathized with, and he can be reasoned with to an extent. the extent is very small, but it is there.
while error is erratic and unstable, i genuinely feel that dream could curb this behavior over time, think discord from mlp but a lot slower of a change. error is a fucked up fella so i don’t see it being the perfect relationship with their canon selves, but i can see it nevertheless. looking back at this, i’m totally biased rip. but still.
i feel it’d be healthier than a ship like errorberry because dream has the power to leave and fight back more than swap could, so the lack of power error has over him would make it much more equal and error would view him in a much better light than a ‘normal abomination’ or something of the sort. dream’s extreme empathy and error’s struggle with it would probably cause a few disagreements though
fanon? even better. mostly because fanon tends to have error a less sporadic character and has him follow a pattern. this dream would be able to work with a lot easier, and they’d be a lot smoother of a relationship and dynamic and be a lot healthier overall.
as for headcanons, i like to think dream and error hold hands with mittens or gloves, and i’m also a fan of the headcanon regarding dream translating undernovela for error, as error canonically doesn’t speak spanish and guesses the context. i also like the idea that error makes dolls for dream a lot more than he would anyone else, because dream never had toys as a kid because it was the 1500s and he was also homeless. this is once more inspired by something else (nxzlian’s art of dream holding a doll of passive nm), but. but… but error making dream a doll of passive nm….. and dream cries and error is worried he fucked up…. but it becomes dream’s favorite thing and comfort item idk…. or dream coming to the antivoid to destress and since error is so sensory avoidant his everything is the perfect way to get dream to calm down…. i dunno man i love em.
i really really love them and i love their vibe and the possibilities regarding them and. ugh them 💕 they have so much potential and they’re fairly underrated, but if you know where to look there’s still a good amount of content for them out there!!!
and i’ve already talked about hypersomnia here, in case you want to check out more info on my thoughts regarding them
wow ok this is way too long i’m so sorry
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waywardangel-wilds · 1 month
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
How old was Katniss when she gave birth to her daughter?
I know that canon is somewhere around 30-32 but my soul wants it to be 35. Probably because I personally consider 35 to be the best age to get pregnant by. I also like the idea of K&P having elementary-aged kids while they're in their 40s. 40 is such a hot age, its also such a good age to be parents IMO. 40 is just great.
How many years apart are they in age?
I picture them as being 4 years apart at the maximum. I think that makes sense for the epilogue ages we get hinted at. Toddler is 1-3 so the boy is somewhere in that range while the girl is between 4-7. I think that makes sense.
Your headcanon for their name?
I'm a strong believer in Willow and Rye. Those names just sound so Twelve to me. There's also something 'traditional' about those names, in that they're callbacks to Katniss and Peeta's own families (that is assuming the baker names all the kids after bread/bread-related/adjacent items). It's a way of honoring the dead, which I think is extremely important to them.
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
I'm the controversial everlarker. I don't love stories where one kid is super Peeta-like and the other is super Katniss-like. In my experience kids aren't like that, they don't typically take after their parents' talents/hobbies/skills. I think each kid might have a special bond with either parent surrounding one of these skills but I think it's unrealistic to expect one of them to be super artsy and the other to be super outdoorsy. I just don't see it. I also think Katniss and Peeta would love it if their kids pursued other interests that are in no way connected to their own just because that is something they never got the chance to explore at all. I might be biased by my own family (my family has lived through war and military occupation), but because of that context I see Katniss and Peeta being those parents who go all out for every single interest their kids have. Oh, this summer little Rye is into swimming? It's swim world now baby. Little Willow wants to do soccer? The whole family has jerseys now. I don't think there's anything wrong or bad about the kids doing their parents' hobbies or anything like that - I just think it's unlikely they would inherit so much from their parents. I think both kids have wonderful memories of baking and painting with Dad as well as hunting, camping, and singing with Mom. I don't think either of them is necessarily amazing at those skills nor do I think Katniss and Peeta push them in that direction because one way or another all those skills were cultivated from a need to survive. Peeta bakes for work but also paints for therapy. Katniss hunted to survive and also sang for the emotional value she got out of it. These hobbies/skills have their baggage to them. I think that's something to keep in mind. Hell, my grandpa is a hunter, grew up a hunter, and used to hunt during the war so my family could eat something other than rations. None of us know how to hunt. It's something he decided he didn't want to trouble us with. There's baggage there.
Bonus question: please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
I am the worst for fic recommendations because I never remember the titles of anything. Rn I can recommend my friend @vasilissadragomir 's fic Us Among The Living (it is very good and she puts so much love and care into it!!) and my own growing together fic which is (I swear) going to be updated soon. Other than that I'd have to go on a hunting spree myself to figure out the names of stuff lol.
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little-alien-duck · 1 year
the worlds most nichest post: my thoughts about what different doctor who characters rock climbing styles would be 
okay the point of this is to discuss dr who characters climbing vibes. Climbing is a sport with an INSANE amount of jargon so i’m gonna try to define all of it/explain my thought process but we’ll see how that goes. Also this is written in the order of vibes which is to say that there is no order at all. Also this is not exhaustive as there are characters i don’t have any specific climbing thoughts about (yet)
first category: characters who would primarily be top-ropers
top-roping is what people often think of when they think of climbing. you’re wearing a harness which is attached to the top of the wall via long rope. there is another person on the other end of the rope belaying you (catching you if you fall). this kind of climbing is more technical and endurance based.
-liz shaw would be an EXCELLENT top-roper. super analytical and extremely determined. she would absolutely CRUSH long, technical problems. Specifically i think she’d be really good at problems with crimps (little tiny holds where you’re only using your fingertips, you have to have really good technique for these holds) and slab problems (where the top of the wall is titled back from the bottom, really balanced based and again, super technique driven)
-ian and barbara would top rope together i think. They work together on the problems and it’s very cute. They’re both SO proud when susan sends something
-tbh i think five would really enjoy belaying people. You have to be mentally engaged bc you’re watching the person you’re belaying but it’s also an easy repetitive motion which can be kinda soothing? It’s also just the ultimate Parent activity. He would be so proud of his kids (though tegan would definitely prefer bouldering over top roping. Nyssa would be really into top roping i think. Adric would focus way too much on the grade (how difficult the climb is rated) and would get really frustrated if he could do one 5.10 but then fell on a 5.9 and for this reason would have a lot of trouble actually finishing anything. He knows all the terminology and is extremely pretentious about it but spends all his time commenting on other people’s attempts instead of doing any himself)
-jo: she’s also just like a great climbing buddy. super positive and cares more about having fun than sending anything (more ppl in the gym should have this attitude)  
category two: boulderers
Bouldering (my fav type in full transparency but i’ll try not to be TOO biased) is climbing on lower walls without a harness. The max wall height is generally about 15ft and if you fall, you land on a mat. If you do this outside you bring multiple (!!!) crash pads which are a little smaller than a mattress each and position them under you so if you fall that’s where you land. Outside you ALWAYS have a spotter but inside you rarely do if ever. In bouldering the individual moves are generally harder than in top-roping in that they require more power and are riskier but they’re generally less techy and far less endurance based  
-charley “i’m a champion faller” pollard. self-explanatory.
-ace mcshane bc the lesbian vibes here are off the charts. seven would absolutely try to coach her on like proper technique which she completely ignores. She has the worst footwork in the world which has torn holes in the toes of her shoes bc she’s brute forcing her way through every move. LOVES dynos (short for “dynamic move” essentially it’s just a jump. in a true dyno there is a moment where no part of your body is touching the wall) and is incapable of static climbing (the opposite of dynamic climbing, slow/deliberate movements)
-bill: she isn’t actually bouldering really, she is mostly hanging out in the bouldering area bc there are cute girls here (bouldering is the favorite climbing style of douchey gym bros and women who want to show them up. There are girls doing pull-up competitions here)
-twelve was there at the beginning of bouldering in hueco tanks texas he told me himself :) this was the prime era of climbing being hippie shit so obvs he was there smoking pot with them
-eight: likes the physicality of bouldering. Also he would be doing show-offy moves like campusing (climbing without using your feet so essentially doing pull-ups through the whole climb) and knee-bars (literally jamming your knees into a good hold and using the tension between you knees and feet to keep yourself at rest, in a good knee-bar you can fully let go with your hands and just hang there). would also be really into buddy climbs (boulder problems done by two people working together. you literally have to step on/hang off of your partner and vice versa. They’re risky for obvious reasons and you only ever do them with someone you really trust. eight would love them)  
Category three: lead climbing
Lead climbing is like top-roping in that you have a harness and someone belaying you except that instead of the rope being attached to the top of the wall, there are clips attached to the wall at intervals throughout the climb. As you ascend, you clip yourself in. that means that if you fall while 3ft above your last clip you fall six feet (length of rope above the clip doubled bc you are now dangling below it). Your belayer has to be paying more attention than in top-roping and it is possible to “deck” (hit the ground) if you fall from low enough
-nine and rose would be an ICONIC lead duo (she has to have an anchor when belaying him so she doesn’t go flying if he falls but still can you imagine)
-martha jones would CRUSH lead problems like they’re NOTHING. Super techy problem with little pinches and edges and insane footwork? She eats that for BREAKFAST. Essentially my reasoning here is the same reasoning i gave for liz with top-roping but martha is more of an adrenaline junkie than liz so lead over top-roping
-sarah jane would also be super into lead but would hate climbing with harry bc he’s way over protective (he’s a terrible belayer bc in an effort to make sure he is on top of the job he takes in way too much slack on the rope, accidentally making it harder for sarah to clip in)
-three and delgado!master make a really good lead duo which comes in handy during some contrived circumstance after one of the master’s plans goes awry and they’ve gotta lead climb to save the earth or whatever
cat five: free soloing  
This is like bouldering only stupider (i’m biased). Free soloing is the kind of climbing that other rock climbers refer to as reckless. essentially it’s bouldering except that you climb way higher than that 15 foot ceiling i mentioned earlier. You climb like things that really should be top-rope or lead routes without a harness or any other kind of equipment (sidenote: soloing refers to a lack of safety equipment not whether or not you’re climbing with other people)
-tbh like academy era one would be into this shit. It’s risky as hell and you can be extremely pretentious about it, perfect combo for him
-jack bc he literally can’t die so might as well am i right
Deep water free soloing
This is free soloing but slightly less dangerous bc if you fall, you land in water (any kind of soloing can only be done outside for obvious reasons)
-clara: it’s all of the risk and thrills of free soloing but sexier. self-explanatory.
Speed climbing:
Literally exactly what it sounds like. This kind of climbing only exists for competition and its objective is speed and speed only. It is the only type of climbing where speed is an objective at all and if you saw climbing in the olympics, it was probably this
-ten: noodle man. look at him. he’s perfect for this. long limbs, no body weight, and the hyperactivity of a child with a caffeine addiction.
Other misc. Thoughts:
-Leela would obviously be good at climbing as an activity though i’m not sure about climbing as a sport. She would rainbow (use any holds instead of the ones for the route she was specifically climbing) literally every problem bc “the holds are there, why should I not use them?” just generally would have a difficult time with the rules of climbing as a sport not bc she doesn’t understand them, she just thinks they’re stupid
-missy would never climb as this is obviously beneath her BUT she gives really good climbing advice. She will insult you while doing it tho
-mel rotates between bouldering and top-roping to be more well-rounded (and therefore healthier) and would use the hangboard a lot (like a pull-up bar but designed to mimic small edges on climbing holds)  
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compacflt · 1 year
Do you have any nonfiction that you would recommend if someone was interested in the US Navy/military?
im probably not the right person to ask this bc most of my military knowledge hyperfixation is centered on the ARMY in the American Revolutionary War & World War II. It’s only pretty recently that i got into modern warfare as a topic, so let me just give some indiscriminate recs
Can’t go wrong with David McCullough‘s 1776, which is a great overview of the first year of the revolutionary war + the extremely fraught politics of trying to start a new nation’s military—really illustrates where a bunch of lingering schools of thought in our military originated from.
Another David McCullough shout-out: his The Wright Brothers is an excellent book about the origins of flight, AND it was the book right next to the picture of Ice and Maverick shaking hands on Ice’s bookshelf in TGM. So we know ice has read that one. I think you can’t go wrong at all with any David McCullough. I own like 5-6 of his books and he hasn’t missed once. (His best is John Adams but that’s not mil related)
Ron chernows biography of Washington goes into his military background (7 years' war) a whole bunch, and kind of elucidates how truly fortunate we were to have our nation’s first leader be a military man who really kinda didn’t want to be there. Some really good takes on leadership. Just beware that chernow does have a reputation in the history community for just makin shit up sometimes. If it sounds too cute/quaint to be true, it really might be.
u may be tempted: DO NOT read Brian kilmeade's Thomas Jefferson & the Tripoli Pirates, one of the few navy NF books I've read. I read it b4 I even knew who kilmeade was--didn't matter. it fucking sucks. he uses like 7 sources in the whole book.
Stephen E. Ambrose's Citizen Soldiers is a great WWII NF book about that generation of infantrymen.
The one big Navy NF book I've read recently is (not to brag but my personally signed copy of) Craig symonds' new biography of admiral Chester Nimitz, who was COMPACFLT during WWII's war in the pacific. I got a SHIT ton of professional characterization for Ice from Nimitz' life and this book--Nimitz also worked 18 hour days, was also separated from the love of his life for long periods of time in Hawaii, was also probably acutely depressed, etc.
okay: THOMAS E. RICKS. The Generals is SUCH a good book. Army leadership from WWII up through Iraq and Afghanistan. Focusing on how the Army used to relieve (fire) commissioned officers who couldn't hack it, and that's a huge part of why we won WWII, but somewhere between WWII and Korea, being fired started being super shameful (macarthur's fault if I'm reading it correctly) so mediocre officers didn't get fired and that's why the army has suffered shit leadership in every war since WWII. It's a HUGE thesis that he backs up so well. Would so recommend. I'm also currently reading his FIASCO about the fuck-up of Iraq. Also incredible so far.
Michael O'Hanlon's Military History for the Modern Strategist-- a post Civil War survey of military strategy on the campaign/operational level. Might be a good introduction to US military history, just giving a pretty broad overview of post-CW warfare, so that way you don't pick up a random book about the Korean War and go "wait what was the Chosin campaign again?" Interestingly written and I got to meet him and he wrote "wishing you the best" in my book after I told him I wanted to steal his job at Brookings someday, so admittedly I'm biased.
Lawrence Wright's The Terror Years: From Al-Qaeda to the Islamic State is not strictly military related, but it is one of the best-written and most illuminating nonfiction books I've ever read and I cannot recommend it enough.
For war fiction, my taste is v mainstream: Pat Barker's Regeneration trilogy, Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato (imo better than the things they carried), Ahmed Saadawi's Frankenstein in Baghdad, Kevin Powers' The Yellow Birds, Cannot Miss Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front if you haven't read it, Hassan Blasim's The Corpse Exhibition: And Other Stories of Iraq... For specifically Naval lit: Run Silent, Run Deep is a pretty good classic, and this summer I read the 600-page behemoth The Caine Mutiny, which is about specifically WWII-era naval law... it's a brick. But it won a pulitzer and it's...passable. Kind of interesting at least.
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jyndor · 1 year
My guess is that “this is a first for me” now refers to the fact that Cassian’s never been in prison while awaiting execution. He’s been sent to prison for crimes not punishable by death (not that prison wasn’t its own death sentence, at least on Narkina 5) but he’s never been locked in a cell knowing he could get a blaster bolt between the eyes within hours of being locked up. The Partisans were almost certainly planning to execute him, Chirrut and Baze; they just had to clear it with Saw first. As a secondary qualifier, it could also refer to the type of prison; it’s probably the smallest cell he’s ever been in, and it’s in a cave instead of an incarceration facility.
lol okay so i really went in on this as is my mo, not because anything you said is wrong or whatever lol it's your opinion. but it's sparked Discourse in my head rip
i feel like since the show aired i just haven't been explaining myself clearly with this but i'll try: i don't care what headcanon someone uses to handwave a thing that doesn't track 100%. i do it when something just doesn't track to ME or when i feel like telling canon to fuck off lol askdhasjdh but people will use their headcanon explanations to tell folks canon is still consistent. it's NOT lol it's a retconnnnnn
this is why i don't like retcons generally speaking. it just isn't that hard to stick to what canon already says, and while this one isn't really important at all (like it's a comment cassian makes offhandedly and can easily be handwaved like this) i think writers should try to avoid retcons (not always, sometimes things should be retconned because they're trash? but usually yeah retcons are meh). and then when you've got like a relatively small fandom like rogue one's that has been going along with what we all thought was canon until the show aired, it's extremely aggravating to be told that oh actually what we thought was true (even though until a few months ago it was) is not true anymore and aren't we crazy for not seeing that??? not that you have said any of that btw im not talking about you lol.
like i shouldn't have to qualify things to make them make sense with the main piece of media - which rogue one is. andor is a prequel to rogue one. rogue one is not a sequel to andor. andor has the responsibility to track with rogue one because it's supplementary material for rogue one. plus rogue one came out first. i shouldn't have to do mental gymnastics to make little moments in rogue one still make sense. and luckily i can divorce andor from rogue one pretty well and handwave shit and come up with my interpretations like yours and other fans' but we shouldn't HAVE to. it isn't a high bar to meet to be consistent.
when i analyze media, i always start with an out-of-universe (doylist) approach. i look for preconceived notions that might have influenced the writing, i look for motivations and at the history of the writers, etc. and then i can more easily take an in-universe (watsonian) approach. it's just hard for me to ignore inconsistencies, writer biases, real world context etc. probably because i have ocd and i am very literal. that's a personal problem lmfao.
so i can't even get there with things like this because it's obvious to me that tony gilroy, who did not write the film, wanted to tell a great story. he wanted to write what he wanted to write and wasn't super concerned with it lining up 100% with the film in a literal way. and he did. i mean all gripes aside andor is a fabulous show. easily the best thing i've seen all year. but i've still got my gripes lmfao.
in this case i think it's understandable that he'd do that because it actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense that cassian wouldn't have gotten caught by someone at some point. it is more reasonable that he would have. and for someone like the cassian in the show who is certainly anti-imperial, has politics despite what other people in the show say, but is not necessarily radicalized, yeah it makes sense that being sent to prison based on some bullshit xenophobic profiling would radicalize him. that is me doing some in-universe analysis btw.
but let's not kid ourselves. it doesn't fit with that line. before the show aired, not a single viewer thought he was lying or on some obi-wan bullshit with the "certain point of view" thing at that moment. yes, he's a liar. yes, he's a spy.
chirrut, who knows cassian is a captain not because cassian tells him he is but because of the force lol (this is why cassian gives him a weird look like 'how the fuck do you know that???'), takes him at his word and then says 'there is more than one sort of prison' meaning that just because cassian hasn't been literally locked up, it doesn't mean he doesn't have things that hold him back or imprison him metaphorically. that's the whole point of that moment - and lol it's actually kind of a more insulting retcon than I initially thought because chirrut reads cassian extremely well throughout the film with the force. but apparently he doesn't because he takes cassian at his word on jedha.
when cassian is about to go assassinate galen and he's avoiding jyn's eyes and being all shady lol, the camera keeps panning to chirrut looking away from the rest of the group but with a very disgusted expression on his face. he tells jyn that 'the force moves darkly around a creature that is about to kill' when she is like ??? the fuck do you mean by does cassian look like a killer?????
my point is that chirrut has a very good understanding of cassian's vibes in the force. chirrut takes him at his word on jedha but he is visibly disgusted by cassian on eadu. cassian actually being in prison before jedha changes chirrut's connection to the force for me. hmm now i'm mad LOL.
we were not intended to think cassian was lying on jedha. we were however intended to catch how shifty cassian was being on eadu - not making eye contact with jyn in a very overt way, not making a whole lot of sense to anyone, chirrut's callout, baze's deliberate use of "he has the face of a friend" but not that he IS a friend (although he is <333) because again. spy. mask. lying. that's what baze and chirrut call out on eadu, and what makes jyn realize that she fell for cassian's deception. it's really important that chirrut's connection to the force is credible because otherwise lol okay he's just some guy who fights well. he's not that - he's a guardian of the whills and his connection to the force is undeniable if not defined.
cassian's lying on eadu until he has his moment of truth. it's a different feel than his interactions with everyone else on jedha (although when he's talking to jyn about meeting tivik's sister he deliberately doesn't make eye contact).
cassian makes eye contact when he's being honest - the hangar scene, the eadu fight with jyn (which... lol im not even going there right now), definitely on scarif a number of times and most notably in the elevator. when he's lying, he gets avoidant.
that's a deliberate choice by the writers, director and diego ofc. in 2015/2016.
cut to 2020/2021 or whatever and tony gilroy, who did an immense amount of work on rogue one with the reshoots (allegedly mostly in the 3rd act of the film although that first scene with cassian is all him lol - also side note why couldn't he have cut the bor gullet smdh) to the point that he got a screenwriter's credit because of SWG(? the union idk) rules (totally fair of course, but i think a lot of people don't know that he didn't literally write the film or create cassian lol), is writing the best story he can and isn't really worrying about how much it tracks with minutiae from the film or like idk what pablo hidalgo wrote in guidebooks lol (pretty sure that's where the fest thing came from as well as him being 26 and jyn being 22? but also i mean im not sure if that hadn't been decided by the writers of the film).
i mean you'd have to ask him but im sure he'd say as much - that he wanted to tell a great story and as long as it was mostly consistent or could be considered consistent with who cassian will be in rogue one, it's easily handwaved or explained. and yeah that's true for most people but unfortunately for me i'm neurodivergent as hell with a hyperfixation on this dumb film and plus i have severe ocd so i notice discrepancies. and they annoy me.
i wanna be clear: i don't think this is the most egregious retcon of the show. not at all. but i'd like people to acknowledge that it is a retcon and that no, gareth edwards and chris weitz and gary whitta did not intend for cassian to be like "well actually what i meant is that technically, i have been imprisoned but i wasn't sentenced to death" or whatever reason we may now individually use to make it make sense. and i don't see a problem with doing that - i literally make headcanon all the time because canon ends in a way im sad about LOL. but this is headcanon. because canon doesn't track with itself.
also just a note: personally i think it's pretty clear cassian knows that narkina COULD be a death sentence. cassian understands narkina is dangerous as hell from the moment he steps his bare foot onto that metal floor. they fry people. he's smart, to me he knows it's a potential death sentence. but that's just my interpretation of the show.
i think the best way to handwave this retcon is to say cassian hasn't been imprisoned by rebels before or by alleged allies. or maybe in service of the rebellion.
*and cassian recognizes chirrut's force-ishness immediately, which is why he asks if he's a jedi. (it's why im like lol everyone just shut up about cassian not knowing what jedi are, i don't need an explanation for how he learns about them. i don't need them to make a big thing of whether or not cassian knows what jedi are because of course he does, jedi are in fact extremely well known in the galaxy and this is an area where im like tony gilroy stay on your lane XD)
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Read your answer the second you posted it basically! I meant to answer but mulled over nicknames. Used a thing to make your account name  Anagrams. It’s in the end.  This has been living in my head rent free. 
Shadowheart def deserved more cute assist lines. Yeah, they all deserve causal flirting. Wyll and Karlach are the cutest! 
Post game definitely works for them. Slowwwwburrrrrrrrn. A lot of stuff goes ‘lemme go back to a previous save real quick, bae.’ XD
Bending things for canon is really so entertaining. 
AA would really be an ass bout it but would take you back. He does say he misses Tav in epilogue. He is still pretty obsessed. Also there was another thing that says he thinks about Tav a lot but is too prideful to seek them out: 
Asty and SH having Tav as a shared ex would be so crazy. Them being like ‘We’re so happy without Tav’ (at first. Pettiness) . Then them being ‘surprise pikachu face’ when they actually do get over Tav and fall for each other.
I have so many work in progress fics. SH deserves more fics l! 
I just adore chatting with you! You’re so fun and sweet. Might actually just dm you one day but let’s see!
Get you a couple that can do all three! I love the random funny bits that can ensue. They think they’re all that but would do cringey and funny stuff too.
The ‘I mentally plotted and planned a lot but didn’t see this coming at all’ is so funny to think about. 
Asty would be like why did this happen again (his track record of accidentally falling for Tav before). He’d be extremely possessive and extra. Definitely would be like ‘You won’t be getting rid of me ever, Jen.’.
Both are will try and avoid making the same mistakes.
Batstarion shenanigans and him just being even more chaotic and silly and just trying to accompany her ‘undercover’ though it’s like it’s a dead giveaway and everyone’s ‘that’s your vampire boo isn’t it?’. 
Also the trying to be suave and being silly and caught off. 
Astarion would have a rivalry with Shar in a way ngl. He’s like that’s my girl just so we’re clear. Vampire Bride! Dark Justiciar! SH would be soooo extra. SH would find a way to keep power over him too somehow. A and SH would have a super back and forth, push and pull dynamic. They’d really have a long game. Super powerful both of them. Accidental equals and evil power couple.
The possibilities are truly endless. It’s great to speculate and indulge in what ifs! You’re very inspiring.
A song that suits both of em is ‘Can’t fight the moonlight’ by LeAnn Rimes. 
‘Can’t remember to forget you’ by Shakira suits em too (plus the players who can’t get over em. It’s like let’s do a new route! Gravitates towards Asty and SH still. Shame you can’t poly with them together. But I get it would be a lot of work and that’s why). 
That’s so nice of you. To be like ‘the stories I want aren’t out there’s gotta make them and cater to other fans too’. Your ideas are so fun and smart. Your writing style is so engaging. The angst and  potential and exploring stuff is everything.
Congrats on the followers and you deserve even more! It’s so cool to think bout! 30 people is a lot! 
For the nickname, I settled on Wenona!
I hope you don’t mind it? Hawthorne, Arya, Honey, Heather, Wendy, Dorothy, Howard, Shanon, Anthony, Reyna, Thea, Ashton, Rosanna, Rowena, Sandra, Sherwood were the other options. All of them are so posh! 
- bloodmoon anon
Always a pleasure to hear from you, bloodmoon!
I'm flattered you put so much effort into coming up with a name! I'm used to the only flattery coming from my partner, but they're biased. I could write the equivalent of Mirkons story when you save him and they'd still say "that's beautiful, my love" yes I'm calling you out, babe, I know you're reading this.
The lack of cute/sassy assist lines is part of why I wrote Deny Me Not Your Heart. The other part is I see all this hurt/comfort/injury stuff and no one is writing these for Shadowheart SHES THE HEALER GUYS, THINK ABOUT IT.
I think a post-game slow burn is the only solid way for an Ast and SH fic, at least for me. I'm sure you or others are more creative in that regard than me.
You don't want to know how many saves I have stacked up on my PS5 only to do it all over again to my Xbox now lmao.
Bending canon is what makes us fanfiction writers, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. It's an art of balancing canon and the characters to what your vision is. A well done fanfiction is one that is almost indistinguishable from the actual story. That blurs the lines between canon and fan content. I wrote a whole speech that I had to cut to keep this from getting too long but short version, yes it is very fun bending canon!
I heard about the too prideful thing but I believe that was a cut epilogue card so whether it's canon is up for debate. But yes, he is pretty obsessed and I'm here for it.
A story with Tav as a shared ex would be very interesting! That's sort of the concept behind my longfic but instead of falling in love with each other, Ascended and Dark Justiciar end up having a Yandere 1v1 over their ex. But for the sake of discussion, let's say Astarion and Shadowheart end up fake dating to spite Tav but end up falling in love together instead. Sounds like an interesting prompt!
I'm more of a Tav shipper myself, if my content is anything to go by. But I agree, Shadowheart deserves more content!
Aw, I enjoy chatting with you too! My DM's are open if you or anyone feels like hitting me up and discussing fanfic, if you'd rather not send it as an ask that gets posted to over 30 followers. I'm getting busier lately, so my responses may be slower but I'm always trying to respond to things asap! So if you or anyone else wants a more private conversation to discuss bg3 ideas or some such, don't hesitate! I'll bounce ideas back as best I can. I will say my ideas/concepts are primarily Astarion and Shadowheart though.
Ascended and Dark Justiciar accidentally falling in love due to not planning for the outcome is hilarious and, for Astarion, very much in character! It's established several times that intelligent as he is, he's not the greatest at planning ahead so him catching feelings for Sharran Shadowheart after manipulating her into a tactical alliance (spongebob fish anchor voice: when will he learn?) rings of...
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And after losing Tav, he definitely would be way worse in the possessive department of Shadowheart.
"Is that your vampire fiancee, Mother Superior? He's quite adorable!"
Shadowheart: he is, isn't he? And he's all mine.
More angry chirping: YOURE MINE! MINE, I SAID! MINE!
So with Shadowheart having access to memory magic, she would need to subdue him, tie him up and laser guide amnesia his ass. You can even manipulate or modify his existing memories, if you go by Shadowheart initially believing the Sharrans saved her from that wolf and didn't abduct her from her loving parents.
Aww, I'm so glad I'm inspiring you guys! This is the reason I started this little blog and to see it helping people in any way is what keeps me going! Thank you so much for your support, I really am beyond words for how grateful I am for you and the others!
I discovered many years ago that if there's a story you want to see, sometimes you have to create it yourself! And if you want it, other people do too! So you sort of bring together your own little club of likeminded people! Case and point, us and this blog! It's always reassuring to hear my writing is engaging, I'm one of countless writers who always feels inadequate and insufficient, especially after I read other people's work.
You can call me whatever you want within reason, of course. So long as it's nothing malicious, harassing or bullying. My partner may have some choice words about people calling me honey though 🤔 Wenona and Hawthorne are nice too! But really, it's whatever you want. My blog is to serve. Not the other way around.
And if I take a little while replying to your asks please don't think I'm ignoring you. I try to set aside enough time to fully read and respond whatever I see posted/replied somewhere when it feels appropriate!
Think I replied to everything in your ask... Sorry if I missed something!
-newly named Wenona/Hawthorne/Whatever else you wanna call me! ❤️
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sunnyhatchats · 10 months
sorting the gang: charlie kelly
Previously: Dennis, Mac, Dee
Two more to go, one obvious, one maybe less?
Primary: Badger (Snake model)
Something I've been taking into account is that everyone on this show is going to be biased toward looking and behaving like a Snake, primary and secondary. The Gang is a strong mutually negatively reinforcing influence on each other, there's an entire episode about that dynamic. (More on that episode later.) So I've had to kind of correct for that the whole way through. Plus it would be very boring for everyone to be the same type.
So, Snake model, pretty clear. Charlie is very attached to Frank - when Frank starts dating his mom he stages an elaborate plot to get him "back in my arms." Obviously for most of the series he has an unhealthy stalker obsession with the Waitress. He goes to extreme lengths to protect them, or at least to do what he perceives as protecting them, and will go to great lengths to get revenge on anyone who'd hurt them...
...but those extreme lengths get superseded all the time. In "The Waitress Is Getting Married" he agrees to go on some dates with other people at the Gang's suggestion, and at the end when Brad says he's going to trick Dee into thinking he likes her, he gives Brad a box of hornets to punish him. (Although he was planning on doing it anyway) He involves the Gang in his proposal musical in "The Nightman Cometh." He is generally willing to join whoever in the Gang on whatever they're scheming to do. And also people outside the Gang, whenever there's a storyline about genuinely bonding with an outsider, Charlie's usually the one doing it: Buster in "The Gang Gets Whacked," the girl in "The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation," the juggalo kid in "Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth..."
This is because Charlie is, out of everyone in the Gang, the one most attached to the idea of it as a group. When his place in the group is threatened he gets really upset. In "The Gang Gets a New Member," he is fixated on Schmitty replacing him and devastated when the Gang chooses Schmitty over him when he gives an ultimatum about it, unlike in high school when he gave the same ultimatum and they didn't.
(Idk about dehumanizing but maybe his being totally negative at Schmitty or his sisters counts?)
Charlie is super identified with his role in the Gang even when that role makes him the butt of jokes, being the one doing the Charlie work, etc. He can be susceptible to peer pressure, admitting in "The Gang Misses the Boat" that he only picks on Dee because the Gang does. Charlie did this in high school too: he really identified with being "the Dirtgrub" even though that was a nickname given to him by a bully, and threw himself right back in the role in "The High School Reunion."
Also, intangibles. I feel like Badgers have "nice guy energy" even when they aren't nice people. Charlie is an unstable, delusional stalker with severe anger issues and a vindictive streak that shows up from time to time, has literally killed people, but it is almost universally agreed upon among fans that he's "the good one."
Secondary: Lion (lowkey Snake model, highkey Badger model)
Everyone's secondaries in this show are pretty exaggerated. Mac is a Lion of the loud exploding at situations variety. Charlie is a Lion of the guileless and do-whatever-I-want variety.
"I am who I am." "OK but let's pretend like you're not who you are..."
Basically, Charlie is Charlie. The Gang is constantly frustrated with Charlie being Charlie. Think of Dee complaining in "Charlie Kelly: King of the Rats" that she can't take him anywhere because he insists on stuff like eating spaghetti at the movies and a spa. Or of him being the WILD CARD. His guilelessness endears him to other characters as often as it screws everyone over. And like Mac he also takes the direct approach to situations - think him suddenly kidnapping the critic in "Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia," or knocking down the wall in "Risk E. Rat's Pizza and Amusement Center" last season.
The Snake model comes with the territory, he schemes like everyone else does, and he pretends to be various characters to execute the scheme. But it's usually on his own terms - including when people tell him not to do it - often on the fly, and usually something he does because he wants to, for fun. Think the Texas oil tycoon from "Frank's Pretty Woman," crashing everyone's schemes by playing Green Man, anything regarding "bird law"...
The Badger model is the more visible one. When he cares about something he really cares about it being done thoroughly. "Charlie Work" is an entire episode about this.
galaxy brain tier prepwork
You also see this in "Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties" and "The Nightman Cometh" when he gets put in charge of directing shows and bossily micromanages them. There's a correlation between Charlie being put in charge of something and him insisting that everything is done right. In his own... unique fashion.
In conclusion, a Lion theme song.
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stygianheart · 7 months
inspired by your post asking for headcanons, i, in fact, do not have any to give you. i do come with questions tho!!
will koby like. ever get used to being around luffy? like one day he'll blush a bit less, in the very least. also is the easy and super red blush a koby thing or a koby-being-like-that-specifically-about-luffy thing?
ALSO UNRELATED TO THAT BUT is koby always in the verge of breaking down? after the chapter where he's (rightfully) very pissed and screams about the situation they're in, it got me thinking if it was not just what was happening that caused that reaction, but also weeks or more of constant stress he has to keep in check frequently, or else he'll snap just as bad/even worse as he did that day.
(when i say stress it's more like... beyond his profession? like not only about his job but other things too, as minimal as they are, that keep adding and make him have to keep a great hold of himself to not break.)
Even better, questions. I adore questions, it gets the rusty gears in my head moving.
*pulls up chair and desk* YAY NOW TIME TO ANSWER—
Fortunately for Koby, he will finally get used to being around Luffy. Might take a while, since they’ll have to meet up in secret, but one day, he won’t be a tomato every time he sees Luffy. Though personally, I feel like he’ll still blush a smidge whenever Luffy compliments him, which ties into the next question. Since it’s practically canon that Koby is an ex-crybaby, I like to think that he gets flustered by compliments from anyone quite easily, not just Luffy. However, him turning EXTREMELY red is a Luffy-Only reaction, one that Luffy probably likes a whole lot.
As for the second question: yes. Koby’s a young man of his pretty high status, so he feels like everything had to, while not being perfect, he as close to it as possible. He’s like a naturally stressed out and worried guy, and as the top ranking officer of his own ship, he has the weight of at least a couple dozen marines’ lives in his hands. He feels like it’s his duty to make sure that everyone on his ship is safe (hence him jumping off a cliff with a bomb in his hands.) But during this mission with the Straw-Hats, it’s a different type of pressure/stress. As we know, it’s been Koby’s dream to be a marine since god knows what age, Oda’s never told us. Yet he’s coming to face the harsh truth (once again) that his dream heroes (the Navy/Marines) aren’t as perfect as he grew up thinking they were: they’re corrupted and negligent to those of lower status, and rather biased. Koby, as a *cough* friend *cough* of Luffy, probably doesn’t completely understand why the Marinez hate him so much, and as the hours tick by, he’s only discovering worse things about the people he used to idolize. Which will likely lead to Koby confronting the higher-ups when all is said and done. Who knows. Maybe he’ll blackmail them into allying with Luffy.
Thank you SO MUCH for the ask!!!!!
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loonatic-moon · 8 days
Back again! You have a great point. 0 is what really revived the series in the west and Akiyama hasn’t really been prominent since before that. At least he was in 6! But yeah… not the most prominent… at least the Akikiryu food there was good.
I always thought Akiyama’s appearance fit in pretty well in 5 myself. Sure he didn’t really have a dream of his own to pursue (an interesting aspect to his character!), but in a way, his whole shtick is helping make dreams come true. To help those who need it most… but yeah I can also sorta see what people mean. 5 has to contain some of my all time favorite Akiyama moments though so I’m no doubt extremely biased.
And oh! You started with 5? Wild! Now that makes me super curious as to how you felt when you went back and played through 4 since I feel like there are slightly different vibes between the two. Not so much uncle/dad energy for one.
I can definitely see what you’re saying about Yagami! I’ve even seen some people say that Yagami’s fighting style (Crane really) fits what Akiyama wants to do. It makes a lot of sense.
True. I am happy to see Akiyama in whatever, even if he plays a minor role. He fits in pretty well as a supporting character so if that’s all RGG can/will do with him then… so be it. And yeah! Hana! Bring my girl back RGG! And hey, if Akiyama’s next role is in a turn based game, Hana would also work really well in that system! We know she can kick ass!
And omg if you write more Akikiryu, you’ll be my hero. I mean. You already are for feeding us fans with some great food, but more content of the moneylender with another man’s face on his necklace, a man he is definitely not yearning for, from you is a welcome treat!
Oh god, Y4 was a very different experience for so MANY reasons, lmao. I vastly prefer Y5 Akiyama to Y4 Akiyama to be honest, but there's something to be said about Y4's protrayal.
I went and played through Akiyama's Y4 bit right after I finished 5 because I had to know what this guy's deal was (and because I had already made the insane choice to jump in the deep end with the franchise). I definitely didn't love the whole Yasuko plot and being a dead ringer for his ex-gf, nor the shit that had also carried over into Y5 like having female clients work at a hostess club as a test. Questionable creative decisions at best. But like most other characters in the RGG universe, the narrative also doesn't make any bones about the fact that Akiyama is a flawed human in an industry that's often adjacent to the criminal underworld, despite his more noble philosophies. That's much of why I find this series so enjoyable, after all.
But anyway, after having played Y4 and the rest of the series by now, I personally still think Akiyama has one of the best opening/introduction scenes for any character in the franchise. I think his conversation with the baby yakuza is wonderfully done just from a narrative standpoint. And damn, all that shit he said to Kiryu in New Serena when they first met? Kinda confirmed my strong suspicions from Y5 that this guy has a Thing for Kiryu. Like most people, to be fair, but his Thing is with a capital-T. It was enough to prompt me to write Dragon and the Sky, haha.
Anyway, I didn't mean to go off on a rambly quasi-analysis, but I've thought a lot about the reasons his character fascinates me and has had staying power with fans-- not the least of which is he's like Kiryu in that he was once someone who was at the top of his game, who then took the fall for someone else and lost everything. I always found that to be an interesting template that RGG chose for him...
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, as always!
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kenergized · 6 months
hi kenergy what's your fav thing about jekyll and hyde (the book not the characters. that's for another ask...)
tbh i dont have many thoughts about the book atm bc i havent read it in a couple years (i might tonight or some time later this week) ive mostly just been thinking about the musical again cause i relistened to it on the way to/back from my friends house (shes like an hour away)
ive always been drawn to stories that get adapted over and over again n j+h is for sure another iteration of that. i love seeing the parts ppl keep, what they change, what they add, what they remove, how they convey different things across different media, etc etc... but i think i also like things that aren't very good that get adapted. lol... like its almost like a blank canvas for this reason. theres little that is super essential so u dont really lose much and it gives creators the freedom to go batshit insane with some small guaranteed audience. bbc jekyll im looking at you
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more specific to like jekyll and hyde i love to see what part they put in the hyde and whats in the jekyll. its really relevant to both like who jekyll is status-wise but also the biases of whoever is adapting the story. tumblrinas love to make hyde queer and jekyll screaming and sobbing that he is a normal straight man. theres some older works with similar ideas (or like similar ideas in the developmental stages that were then axed) but idk the details. thats like a fun shippy take but i get more intrigued taking the story as a some kind of allegory for the ills of class society, how science fails to address ethical inquiries, the cruelties and failings of incarceration etc etc yadda yaddaaaa
its also extremely important that jekyll is a fucking idiot. his idea must fail and destroy him not because he isnt like smart enough but cause his quest is completely nonsensical. what i liked about the musical is how everyone else around jekyll was completely unable to actually argue the claim he is making, even if it so obviously absurd.
one of my favs now, even tho its so long. everyone is just an absolute disaster in this its great.
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[doesnt answer the question]
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golvio · 1 year
Something I noticed during my latest autistic/aspiring critical (as in “critical thinking,” not as in “needlessly negative fan wankery”) essayist note-taking playthrough of BotW:
On the Great Plateau, when Rhoam tells Link what happened to the Ancient Sheikah, he says “Their ancient technology disappeared long ago, or so it is said.”
But when I started making my way towards Kakariko Village as per the game’s recommendation, the second I get to the first sign of civilization, friggin’ Rensa, the stablehand at the horse tent, straight up says “That power put [the Sheikah] at odds with the king of the time, and they scattered across the land.”
The most generous interpretation of this is that Rhoam’s just reciting the super-duper sanitized version of the Royal Family’s history he got from his wife when he married into the family. But without that, well...that passive voice is sure doing an awful lot of convenient heavy lifting for you, old man.
I wonder which version of her courtiers’ history Zelda herself got?
Also, when Rhoam first tells Link about the calamity in his old man disguise, he’s like “For a century, the very symbol of our kingdom, Hyrule Castle, has barely managed to contain that evil. But just barely.”
And the way Rhoam tells you to meet him at the Temple of Time. Like, sure, I get that this is the game’s way of giving you a tutorial about how to solve riddles and puzzles with your map, and the environment basically directs you to come back there if you haven’t figured it out by letting you see Goddess Hylia throwing a rainbow disco rave through the temple windows once you reach the foot of the mountain, but it feels like yet another dancer in the conga line of Rhoam being frustratingly obtuse. Like, we’re coming to the home stretch here and Link’s brain hasn’t exploded from all the cryptic hints you’ve been dropping, so can you please drop the riddles and just be honest and straightforward with me, peepaw?
Now, granted, I am extremely biased against Rhoam because I’d made up my mind to not like him during my first attempted playthrough, plus knowing that his stubborn maintenance of his pride never resolves meaningfuly through something like, oh, I don’t know, his having the humility to appear before his daughter and directly apologize to her for the way he mistreated her? But I digress.
The most interesting thing about this, for me, is that it suggests that the version of her own family’s history she got was extremely sanitized. Either her mom gave both Zelda and her husband an extremely abridged and propagandic version of the whole thing with the Sheikah, which Rhoam himself didn’t think to question either out of disinterest or his own obsession with keeping up appearances as someone who fucked his way to the top and needs to justify his leadership to the people as he’s not officially “of the bloodline” and merely acting as regent until Zelda’s old enough to take the reigns. But even the “nice, polite” version of the Sheikah schism we got from Cado at the gates outside of Impa’s house wasn’t that passive voice, outright saying the king and the kingdom turned against the Sheikah and banished them, even though as the “good guys” the Sheikah took great pains to absolve the crown of its responsibility and blame themselves for their own hubris in thinking they could be more powerful than the king.
Which makes me really, really intrigued about what convinces Zelda in TotK to both figuratively and literally “dig a little deeper.” Was she merely tipped off by her own goddess powers/proximity to Ganon, or is she actively trying to take a peek behind the curtain at the things her mother and father didn’t want her to see, for fear it would ruin their reputation as benevolent fairytale rulers or scar Zelda for life?
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quokkabite · 9 months
Tagged by: @the-strange-world (like a week ago, so sorry 😅)
like i always say, I love! doing these so here we go
Rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. Try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
1. Rowoon (SF9)
2. Han (Stray Kids)
3. Seunghun (CIX)
4. Jacob (The Boyz)
5. Changmin (TVXQ!)
6. Changbin (Stray Kids)
7. Jaeyoon (SF9)
8. Kai (Exo)
9. Sunwoo (The Boyz)
10. Taeyong (NCT)
(this was actually really hard 😭 I wasn’t able to include everyone so I just picked randomly- except for the first two 💀)
Questions! (and answers)
Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
7! Jaeyoon! He was my second ever bias (following Rowoon)
Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
Han Jisung 😍 (Not me accidentally pitting the two Stray Kids members against each other omg) I’m extremely attached to both of them!! I cant choose, I’m sorry, eight is fate don’t you know that 😭
If you were to spend one day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
ROWOON- I’m so sorry Seunghun but I don’t even have to think twice. I will spend that day making him realize that he’s in love with me. I think it’d be really nice to just walk around honestly. You know, talk, get coffee (it’s totally not a date don’t even think that 🙄)
What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
Can I say everything? Man is freaking beautiful. If I have to choose one though… I’m sorry I really tried to choose one but I kept thinking of a million different things. So ‘everything’ is my final answer.
What is your favorite part of 6’s personality?
Oh my god. Another ‘everything’ answer. he’s just *dreamy sigh* 🥰 I’m so annoying, I know. But like come on. Okay for this one I really will say if I have to pick just one… it would be the outgoing part of his personality. His mbti is literally entertainer and he really is. Literally no matter what I watch of him I always end up with a smile on my face, and one of my favorite stray kids moments is “now i’m so sensitive because i’m so hungry!” He’s just loud and obnoxious in the best way and… yeah ☺️
If you were to tell 8 anything you wanted, what would you tell them?
mhhhh 🤔 I think I would tell Kai that he’s an amazing dancer and that he sets the precedent for so many to follow. i’d tell him that his passion shows and so does his kindness and that i’m really grateful that he can and does share his talent with us…. and i’d tell him that teleportation is the best superpower 😌😌
Between 1 and 2 who’s closet would you raid?
well, either way, my boyfriends are supposed to share their hoodies with their partner, right 💀💀 Let me say, I absolutely LOVE both of their styles. It fits them each so perfectly. I feel like ro is sharp lines, long and slender and elegant to fit his frame and ji is oversized hoodies and baggy pants and soft and excess comfort. So in terms of me adopting said style, I’d go for hannie. He’s definitely more in my comfort zone.
What is a style you want to see 3 try?
I don’t know if this is like style of music or fashion style or something else but i’ll go with fashion? Even though I know nothing about fashion 💀 I do know I liked his save me, kill me performance mv (<- go watch 😤) fit. with the asymmetrical black and white shirt. so anything that is similar to that is a-okay 😌👌 I also feel like he would do great in adopting a similar style to Rowoon. I mean, he’s got a similar slender frame even though he’s not as tall as ro. but idk I think it’d look good 🤷‍♀️
Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Jacob! I’m 5’7, he’s 5’9 (Changmin is 6’1)
Between 10 and 9, who’s music do you like the best?
I think i’d have to say taeyong! I really really really like his solo stuff.
Wow 😅 that was a lot of work! But super fun to think about everyone like this!!
I’m gonna tag but I know it’s a lot so no pressure!! @silentcry-skz @letsmpuppy @chogiwa6192
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