#they probably do have that on their armors
chosolala · 2 days
𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆ jjk guys crushing on you
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pt 2!! this is just some of my headcannons on how i think the jujutsu kaisen characters would act while crushing on you :]
characters: yuji, megumi, inumaki, yuta, todo, noritoshi, kokichi
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yuji itadori
he probably would wait a while before he tells you but there are MANY signs before he actually confesses
he always calls you pretty and always wants to be near you
he also shows off on missions a little when you guys go together
he is constantly talking about you and asking you if you want to hang out
he is so sweet though, always paying for your food, making jokes to keep you laughing, letting you win when you guys play video games, holding doors for you, all that jazz
when he finally does confess he’d probably do something stupid like make todo stand outside your room with a boombox while he break dances
don’t break his heart he will never recover
megumi fushiguro
he doesn’t want to have feelings for you because he knows it’ll end with one of you getting hurt with the whole jujutsu sorcerer thing so he pushes you away a lot
he actually makes you think he hates your guts so you guys go a long time not talking unless you absolutely have to
when you guys do talk he is always blushing and looking away
over time you manage to crack him though and he starts treating you like a human being with emotions
he probably buys you a soda or some sweets as an apology for being an a-hole to you
you find out he likes you through nobara or yuji but he would never confess,
if you want things to work out between you guys you’d probably have to confess to him and hope for the best
toge inumaki
he also makes fun of you but in a WAY more light hearted way
like friendly picking on you, like he’d somehow find a way to make fun of you for being pretty
he likes to invite you to help him cook just so he can hang out with you
panda never hears the end about you
on your off days he always invites you to go out and do stuff with him, like literally anything, he’ll invite you to run errands with him or to go to the arcade
when he finally confesses to you it’s no surprise to anyone, yourself included,
he slips a note into your bag and it’s literally just the cutest confession ever like that note could bring a man to tears
inumaki may be a man of few words but he knows all the right ones
yuta okkotsu
he is actually terrified when he realizes he has feelings for you because of rika so he waits a while before he even talks to you because he wants more control over her, yk so she won’t bite your head off
since he’s never around anyway he decided to just talk to you once he got back from one of his missions about how you guys have so much catching up to do
he is very observant though, he watches you and he knows what you get up to and who you hang out with, what kind of shows and music you like but he doesn’t want to be creepy about it
he is very sweet though, you mentioned running out of your favorite candy and he surprises you with a new bag that you guys eat together
he is a very vanilla guy, if he likes you, and he’s able to express it, he’ll do things like ask you out on a date or bring you chocolate, open doors for you,
he also covers your eyes from certain things on missions, he knows you’re used to seeing stuff like that but he just doesn’t want you to see what HE does to curses
he would probably confess by inviting you to the park or something and asking you to be his <3
aoi todo
he is NOT slick about it at all
first time he sees you his jaw is on the floor
he is borderline harassing you but in a…. caring way?
like he’s the type of guy who would throw himself over a puddle so you don’t get your shoes wet
he wrote a song for you except he’s a terrible singer
he probably also got yuji to help him confess to you with said song
he’s honestly like your night in shining armor though, it’s almost like he can sense when your in danger because whenever missions are looking rough he busts in out of no where to save the day
whenever you guys actually get together you always catch him shamelessly admiring you, whenever you’re together his eyes are only on you
noritoshi kamo
also in denial about his feelings towards you, he would never confess to you first or even tell anyone he liked you, yourself included
he can’t stop himself from being near you or constantly doing favors for you though
he doesn’t invite you out or anything but he just likes being near you and being able to see you i guess
like he’s always looking out for you
he likes meeting you outside late at night and just talking to you
one time during your convos he let it slip that you were the prettiest person he’s ever seen and you ended up confessing to him after that
and they lived happily ever after
kokichi muta (sorry in advance)
this is a tough one since he’s kind of a robot for most of his screen time….
i think if he wasn’t mechamaru and he was an actual person he would be kind of cold but still soft towards you
like he wouldn’t necessarily be mean or nice to you but he’d bring you ice cream or something as a ‘here just so you know i actually like you’
he’s the type of guy to bonk u on the head
i think he’d probably confess with like chocolate or a flower but he’d be so nervous that he can’t even look at you while he does it but if you accept his feelings he can’t stop smiling
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imissa3en · 3 days
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Twst x Fe3h (Fire emblem 3 houses)
I've been playing fe3h a lot since graduation so i figured i'd be fun to make something like this, i don't actually have the dlc so i hope the dlc class assignments i did seemed somewhat correct
General ideas:
1st years would usually be in beginner classes
2nd years in intermediate classes
3rd years in advanced classes
Instead of 3 houses we have 2 schools (3 if we add noble bell but honestly i'm leaning towards only 2)
Instead of the white heron cup the vdc decides who gets to be in the dancer class (which i guess could mean we can have up to 7 dancers??)
Good at flying a broomstick = Good at wyvern/ pegasus riding(?)
I'm planning on ignoring the fact that some classes are genderlocked because i think that locking certain classes behind gender is stupid
Despite the fact that everyone in twst is capable of magic i will be ignoring it because it would be boring if everyone was a mage/warlock/gremory
(Ideas and explanation for class choices under the cut)
I know i said 2nd years get put in intermediate classes but i feel like riddle should be an exception
The only thing stopping him from getting his master class is his his level not being high enough for the certification exams
I'm leaning towards dark knight instead of gremory (he's good riding so why not?)
I feel like his stat growth would be similar to lysithea's
He'd probably have the highest magic growth (His dorm card has the highest attack stat right?)
I think he'd have warp as a spell list?
He'd probably be good at reason, faith and riding
Bad at axes and heavy armor
A healer and i take no criticism on this
His dorm card is really good defense card with high heals so i think it fits
I think he'd be a less squishy healer (higher defense growth?)
His strength probably wouldn't be bad so maybe he'd excell even if he wasn't a healer
I'm thinking he'd be good at axes and faith
Personal ability would be similar to mercedes (??)
Unlike with trey i do take criticism on this because i'm not sure what to class him as
I ended up going with wyvern rider since riddle has a line that says cater's good at flying
I wanna put him as a falcon knight but unfortunately it's a master class and i'd prefer to save that for a timeskip
I feel like he'd be good at lances idk
Maybe his doubles can all be deployed in battle with different classes??
I feel like he might end up being op?
Myrmidon but i feel like he can fit into any beginner class tbh
When he gets older he probably becomes a trickster (people who have the dlc please confirm)
Despite both him and deuce being in the same class i figured i'd try to make some differences in their uniform
Decent dancer class candidate (good at swords, no weakness in learning reason or faith, probably decent charm stat)
I feel like he'd be the type to hide in bushes and forests a lot for the high avoidance(?)
Probably has a balanced magic and strength growth
Another myrmidon but with different intermediate class choices
Would probably go into thief or mercenary
Although i think archer is pretty good fit?
Obvious advanced class choice would probably be assassin
Another good dancer candidate (good at swords, high speed stat, budding talent in reason)
Unfortunately i feel like he'd suffer in the charm department but that can probably be fixed with stat boosters and tea parties
After that we can class him as a dancer with the +20 sword avo and he'd be a dodge tank
Alternatively he can be a brawler?? Instead of training him in sword we can go down the brawler path so he can be a war master in end game
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nyoomfruits · 9 hours
i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you (carlos/oscar, 1k, t rated)
wrote this in a 20 min sprint with my tsgc gc besties <3 prompt was 'royalty au + "why are you covered in blood?" "long story"' so i wrote a carcar fantasy au heavily inspired by the book 'so this is ever after' by f.t. lukens and the dungeons and dragons movie :)
Oscar really only just manages to stagger himself outside before he collapses on the stone steps of the castle, feeling all the fight drain out of him. Behind him, the castle burns, and he should probably put that out, should probably try to find the other, but right now he’s just exhausted.
Three years of chasing prophecy all lead to this. He needs a moment to breathe.
Which is of course, annoyingly, when Carlos shows up.
“Cabron,” he says, coming to halt in front of Oscar, smoothly dismounting his horse. There’s not a single spatter of blood on his clothes, not a hair out of place. His armor gleams in the soft warm light of the setting sun. Oscar hates him so much. “Why are you covered in blood?”
“Long story,” Oscar sighs, letting his head fall back against the stone railing of the stairs. Papaya, the little baby dragon they’d befriended on their journey, chooses that exact moment to trip through the large castle doors, skittering over the worn grey stones towards Oscar, chirping loudly.
“Hm,” Oscar says, scritches Papaya under his chin. “Well, tell him I’m okay, yeah. And to enjoy his moment. He did it and all,” he tries not to sound too wistful when he says it, as he watches Papaya skitter back into the castle. He’s just has a hard time accepting it’s all over now. Done. They can all go their separate ways.
Lando will probably have to do whatever The Chosen One has to do after they’ve defeated The Evil Wizard, George will go back to doing his whole Lord thing in the Kingdom of Mercedes, Alex and Logan will probably find a nice little inn to run somewhere. Charles will inevitably make some rich Lord fall for him and then never have to worry about money ever again, and Oscar.
Oscar will be alone. Like he was before.
“So he did it, then,” Carlos says, startling the shit out of Oscar, who had fully forgotten he was there. “Killed The Evil Wizard?”
“Yup,” Oscar says, pulling himself back up into standing with a loud groan. “You’ve got perfect timing, as always. Showing up when all the hard work is already done.”
Carlos ignores him. “And everyone is okay? Lando?”
“Everyone is fine, according to Papaya. Lando’s panicking a little bit but honestly I wouldn’t have suspected otherwise. Logan broke his leg, but Alex is already trying to heal him, so. All good,” Oscar sways on his legs a little, tries to hold on to the railing. Fuck. Maybe sitting down was a bad idea.
Carlos eyes him. “And you?”
“I’m fine,” Oscar grits out. He tries to take a step, and wavers. God, he’s so exhausted. His bones feel like mush. He’s not magic, like the others. He’s just Oscar, and he’s just spend hours fighting an unnecessarily large amount of The Evil Wizard’s minions.
He sways again, and suddenly Carlos is there, hand on his elbow, holding him upright. “You are hurt,” Carlos says, frowns.
“I’m fucking fine, Carlos, let me go,” he grits. God, he wishes they’d never bumped into Carlos back in the first year of their journey, in the Enchanted Woods. Fucking self-righteous magic ass knight always showing up when Oscar’s at his worst.
Carlos, as always, completely ignores Oscar’s request. “Let me get you back inside.”
“No, I’m, no,” Oscar protests, as Carlos starts leading him back up the stairs, struggling a little. “Carlos, let me go.”
Carlos doesn’t let him go, but he stops walking, looks at him for a really long time. “You were never planning on going back inside,” he says, eventually.
Oscar looks back down the stairs, at a moss stain a few steps down, stubbornly refuses to look at Carlos. “Fuck off,” he says, eloquently.
“Your friends,” Carlos says. “They would miss you.”
“Right, sure,” Oscar says, finally turns back to look at him. “Would they, though? Lando’s probably like, King now. George is already a Lord, Charles will probably marry one, and Alex and Logan have each other. What do I have?”
“Me,” Carlos says, and Oscar snorts.
“Oh, yeah, great. Fucking consolation price, that. No thank you,” he goes to yank his arm away again, walk back down the stairs, but Carlos holds on.
“And Lando,” Carlos continues. “And all your other friends. They care about you. I care about you. If you are not going back inside, at least come with me. I could use someone like you, on my journeys.”
“Yeah, really not making me feel better here,” Oscar spits. “Just. It’s fine, okay. I know Lando only took me along because I was the only one in our village to read maps. I know they see me as a burden. So it’s like, fine. It’s whatever. I can just slip out now and they’ll never have to see me again and it doesn’t have to be this whole big deal.”
Carlos makes a frustrated noise, and suddenly he lunges forward and kisses Oscar full on the mouth.
Oscar is still very much exhausted and very much covered in blood and very much confused, and so he doesn’t even consider kissing back until Carlos is already pulling away. He’s glaring at Oscar, something that’s somehow both slightly undermined and slightly made creepier by the fact that there’s now a smear of blood on his perfectly moisturized cheek.
“Do not ever say again people see you as a burden,” Carlos tells him, so firmly and adamantly, that Oscar can only look at him a little wide eyed and say, “Okay.”
“Good,” Carlos says, and then his frown drops, and he gingerly reaches out with the hand not still holding Oscar steady and carefully wiping a strand of hair away from Oscar’s blood stained forehead. “Now, let’s get you inside and clean you up, yeah? And then we can see how bad those injuries are.”
And Oscar. God, Oscar is so tired. And he hates Carlos so much. But Carlos is also looking at him so softly, so tenderly. And maybe he has never really hated Carlos at all. Maybe it’s always been something else. Something else that’s making his gut swirl and his throat feel tight. His lips are still tingling, and he only just manages to refrain himself from reaching up to touch them.
But then Carlos leans down and picks him up bridal style and Oscar thinks okay, yeah, no, never mind. He really does fucking hate Carlos fucking Sainz.
Or maybe, he thinks, as Carlos carries him back into the castle – that is thankfully no longer on fire -  back to their friends, back to their unsure future, as the sun finally fully sets behind them. Maybe it’s a mixture of both.
Either way, he can’t wait to find out. After a bath. And dinner. And possibly a million hours of sleep.
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chocostrwberry · 12 hours
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So I’ll be changing a few bc I kinda just feel like it!
Monkey - Sundance: Huge buff/invincibility. So the holder can basically be almost invincible for about 30 seconds, like an adrenaline rush/shot. But a downside is increased impulsivity, so the holder will be hard to control while in that state.
Dragon - Perfection: Creates a small ball of light that eventually explodes and creates a large shockwave blast, like a bomb. The location of the ball creates heavy storms all around it, with it at the center. Yknow Kamehameha from dragon ball? Yeah, that, but it’s super small and won’t destroy a whole planet, only like a part of Paris AHDKWHSK
Horse - Temporal: Kind of like a mist-step, you can become spirit-like and move through walls, the air, and anything else, kind of like the wind in a sense.
Pig - Passion: Creates an intense bond between the holder and their target. Can be used on akumas, sentimonsters, or any animal. This bond can be used to control the target or support/uplift them. Definitely not permanent, only lasts a few minutes. It won’t break an akuma from being under the butterfly’s control, so it would be used more as a distraction. (When under Passion, they don’t become completely immobile/defenseless. They just feel as though they share a bond with the holder. It’s easier to use this on sentimonsters rather than akumas!)
Ox- Resistance: Creates a horned exoskeleton around the user! Like a protective armor that is also much bigger. It can be subject to breaking though.
I also wanted to change the Goat and Rooster Kwami, but I have little to no ideas atm so maybe if I do a redesign of them I’ll include it!!
And all the Kwamis will appear!! Not everyone will have a miraculous in the au timeline like in the show, only probably Marinette, Adrien, Alya, Chloé, Zoé, and Nino. They will have miraculous but never use them (in Season 3).
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Yuro [8 men @starrystories2]
Yuro is a Jade man born into slavery in Karn occupied Lenndabar. At 18, Yuro's knowledge of herbs has recently moved him from slave, to a margianily-treated-like- a-human food taster. He's been tasked to study all maner of poisons and antidotes, and checks all food made at Fort Forza for poison by eating it himself. When he isn't doing this he's learning how to read and write and teaching his friend and bloodbrother Hennen everything he knows.
Zaire [@5tarryknight]
On paper, Zaire was born into the perfect life. He was the perfect son: obedient, need-less, and talented. Unfortunately, even with the financial security of coming from an affluent family, living as little more than one of your father’s trinkets is no way to live. While attending the prep school the last three generations of his family attended, Zaire made friends who shared his love for music and a desire to build a life outside their parents’ influence. They eventually decided to drop out of school together and form a band. Now, it’s 1980-something. In the few short years since their group began, Zaire went from shy and unsure to the peacockish frontman, donning glamor and eccentricity like armor. His fans’ love for his persona is slowly driving Zaire further away from his friends and his true self in pursuit of filling the bottomless hole in his heart. Will Zaire end up alone before he realizes that family is more valuable than empty praise? TL;DR put Howl, Rarity, and Mettaton in a blender and you’ll have a delicious Zaire smoothie. It’s probably dragonfruit flavored and filled with an inedible amount of edible glitter. :D
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riptidesblog · 3 days
While on the topic of parents,has anyone thought about Ray and Maya reconnecting with Nya?They did that in Seabound,several seasons (at least a few years) after s7 when they were freed.They had the time to reconnect with Kai and yet,it takes them longer to even attempt with Nya.That implies one of these:
1.They haven't tried to do so in all that time(part of which might be Nya's own reluctance,but she's not really obligated to make the first step considering they are strangers to her)
2.Tried and it didn't work out(likely with Kai's line about them being strangers) and decided to try again with Seabound giving them a reason/excuse
3.It didn't work out and in Seabound they ignored Nya's reluctance in attempting again (probably not with the way writers went)
Also,it's only Maya that does anything.Does Ray even interact with her at some point in s14?
Maya herself makes comments about Nya's life needing fixing,about her own experiences as master of water when Nya didn't ask nor want to hear about that.Maya says she believes in Nya only to reveal in the next scene that no,she didn't(later she really does,so character development I guess).She also treats Kai and Nya different:making Kai his favorite sandwich while forcing Nya to do things her way.Someone had pointed out that she gives boy mom energy bc of that.In their emotional talk at the bottom of the Tartarus trench she talks about hoping Nya never has to make sacrifices like the one she did.It's meant to be foreshadowing,but I have several issues with that line:
1.s7 flashback shows that Krux wasn't even near Kai and Nya for his threats to be anything other than empty words.They were two war veterans with the entirety of their shop's arsenal against one man with a sword.And in the years it took Krux to get at least a small portion of his vermillion army they didn't try to escape?They had the odds since Krux didn't have armor to hold the snakes and see prev point.They also didn't have anything for situations where old enemies might threaten their family?They're elemental masters with experience and know that there are threats out there(Garmadon,Krux and Acronix's eventual return and any other enemies they might have had).It's stupid to not have a plan for that kind of turn of events.
2.Nya has made sacrifices:she helped Kai when their parents went missing and so,BOTH lost their childhoods just to survive.She had to accept a role she didn't want and become the water ninja.She had to give up Samurai X,her own creation.She was ready to give her life for Lloyd in s9.She sacrificed herself for Jay in Skybound and Prime Empire.All the ninja were ready to be taken by Vangelis/Skull Sorcerer just to save Geckles and Munce.Maya doesn't know that.Makes claims like that without knowing who Nya is,what kind of person she is and what she went through.At least bother to ask Kai,he knows her the best out of everyone.
So the fact that Nya reconnects with her seems a bit forced by the narrative(in my opinion).It doesn't even matter later as they only show up for the final battle in Crystallized.If the writers showed Maya helping Nya,that'd solidify the dynamic change in Seabound and make a better arc for Nya.OR(probably a hot take):don't have Nya reconnect with them at all.Show that it's okay to cut ties with parents when they've never been in your life.It'd be good if Kai,the one with at least some memories,had canon arc about having them back in his life and Nya instead embraced that they're strangers.Both outcomes are okay and they owe nothing to their parents.
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leafeonb · 3 months
i want to try to make other designs for the armor's different eras bc i want to draw their past self with an arrow pointing to it saying asshole.
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julijbee · 3 months
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girlbossing too close to the sun.
#art#ive literally just been treating this game as a library simuator#i walk from bookseller to bookseller opening up all of their books#vivecs sermons are either a highlight or the point at which i stop reading#ive been trying to convince the ordinators that imitation is the highest form of flattery but it hasnt been working#let me wear your helmets please theyre so funny..#posting morrowind in 2024 isnt a cry for help but youre not wrong to be concerned.#morrowind#almalexia#vivec#im going to explain the chitin armor give me a moment#so the bonewalker nerevar on the shrines is adorable and it was only after drawing it however many times that i realized#it looked relatively close to a modified chitin armor#and so i modified chitin armor a few times and this was probably the cutest result#i also know i drew almalexia relatively pristine and untouched by years and vivec not so much but my thought process was#vivecs role as if not a favorite then the most accessible divine or the most “hands on” in a manner of speaking#acting in ways visible to the general population or actions explicitly brought to their attention#like not that almalexia isnt doing anything she is#but the dissemination of information regarding that is very different etc etc etc#anyways to a certain extent a god is the face on a shrine or in art or upon a statue or carving#but vivecs presence is interwoven with the geography of vvardenfell especially and his actions and writings with pubished materials#and the arts and culture and customs etc etc etc#so to me the face of a god you know and feel a commonality with or a god that walks alongside you is a face you would recognize#and vivec is already otherworldly looking enough#the simple mark of the years on his skin in some way grounding him in reality felt more right#that and i think the ways in which he and almalexia care about outward appearance are slightly different- they prioritize different things#and the ways they present outward power and their embodiment of their respective attributes share some similarities as they both have that#important preoccupation with physical power and physical strength to a certain degree#oh my god nobody read this i am yapping so bad.#tes
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pinkcadavart · 3 months
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You can tell I don't like drawing the other eye lmao
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grimdarkqueen · 8 months
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notedchampagne · 4 months
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babyface old man
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Foolish 2000+years, looks 20: man i sure would love being married to Vegetta.
Vegetta 200+ years, looks 30: I CANT MARRY FOOLISH HE'S TOO YOUNG.
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feroluce · 1 month
Connecting dots tonight (didn't connect shit, I've connected them, etc) because of this post about item descriptions to do with Sampo I saw a few days ago and! I feel like there are so many interesting things that could be implied from this!! Because the recipe for the High-Tech Protective Gear is given to you by Bronya (before the IPC invaded Belobog!), who says this little interesting tidbit about it:
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This is an item from before the Eternal Freeze, 700 years ago. Even to the rest of the universe, it would be SORELY outdated. It cannot be made in Belobog anymore due to the loss of entire eras. It is effectively useless; this recipe had to be somewhere gathering dust, kept around solely for archival purposes. There is no reason for Sampo to know about this item or have any idea how it works and yet. AND YET. He's just running around selling knock offs!!
He shouldn't even know how to make these, but the fact that he does means Sampo either
had the blueprints from off-world before he came to Belobog (most likely but also most boring answer)
broke into Qlipoth Fort and copied down the blueprints (completely plausible - he's possibly shown doing exactly that in his splash art)
found another copy out in the ruins of the old world (also completely plausible - Sampo is astoundingly resilient against both the Fragmentum and the cold, as noted by Lynx haha)
Meanwhile, the Inferior Protective Gear recipe comes from an NPC in the underground, and when she gives it to you, she talks about building robots and the robot fighting scene sorry about the quality I didn't have screenshots for her dialogue so I had to use wiki
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Which makes me feel like it's safe to say that the inferior gear is mostly being used in the underground, especially by the vagrants and their robots for fights, because...well, who else would use it? Cocolia has made it illegal to explore too far into the Snow Plains, and besides, it's way too dangerous for most civilians even WITH gear. The Silvermane Guards are funded by official sources, they have no reason to rely on Sampo for armor. So it makes sense for an underground mechanic to know the recipe; there's probably not as much market for it up in the overworld.
And if you look at the descriptions, you can see why this probably wasn't something that could be made in Belobog anymore; it requires a charging system of some sort.
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We know it's not a problem with the basic materials because all three ingredients can be found right in the administrative district. But the underground only has two of them; somehow, despite being in the planet's crust, and literally crawling with robots...there is no metal down there. It isn't found anywhere, sold by anyone, or dropped by anything. And metal just so happens to be the one ingredient Sampo replaces in his knock off version.
The Inferior Gear uses trash instead, something which, going by the words of that same mechanic, is MORE than abundant in the underground- any good quality parts are extremely difficult to come by down there.
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Anyway, all his shadiness aside, I love the implication that Sampo is smart enough to be able to take this item that no one else on the planet probably knows anything about, and was able to figure out what he could replace, and how, and with what, in order to make it easily accessible to the people of the underground, even without access to overworld resources. Because his version DOES work! It literally gives you the exact same amount of defense boost as the IPC one!
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Someone should absolutely still knock him around for it, though, world's most slappable face fr fjkdsjfdkjafk
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Training with the wolf twins
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Two-Handed Skill increased.
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Heavy Armor Skill increased.
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kheprriverse · 7 months
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Upcoming Ballad changes 👀?
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hekcart · 7 months
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With how fast I drew him, you'd think he's been sitting in my files waiting for permission but actually no
Mirror au Swk - @swagginmun
Edited add on v
so we have Mirror au Macaque as well, ofc still made by Swag
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