#they jus want fae to be happy
crow-stars · 8 months
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❦summary; dreams are wonderful things, the thing we escape to when the waking world gets to burdensome. some dreams, however, give us hints in the future ♪the characters in this story; prefect!gn!reader, malleus draconia ✎word count; 809 ❀what do the ghosts say?; ambiguous, lots of dream talk, very short i won't lie, kind of rushed, reader appears at the end ☛the author's notes; i haven't written in a bit and then suddenly decide to do inktober i am the perfect writer ever /hj ☪look at the catalogue?
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Malleus didn’t often have the time to engage in things other than what he was told to do. Stuck in a castle all the time left him with little to do, and what he was able to find interest in would sometimes become a bore soon enough. 
So, when the fae prince fell asleep, dreams tended to be his only escape. Of course, most of these dreams were either nonsensical or unable to be deciphered once he woke up. But it didn’t matter when many of the feelings from said dreams carried on after Malleus woke up. 
One of the types of dreams that would stick out to him were the familiar ones. Not ones that retold the events of the day, but the ones that he barely remembers when he wakes up. It’s the ones that he only remembers when in the waking world, the ones that make him pause and feel like he’s lived through these events before. At first, it was weird for Malleus, and he wanted to find an explanation for this weird occurrence. 
Though there was only so much Malleus could do before he would be pulled back into the duties of studying and learning. With those obstacles in the way, Malleus eventually relented with just allowing his dreams to be. Whenever he got that familiar sense of deja vu, Malleus would pocket the event away in his mind and carry on with what he was doing. 
However, there was this one dream that Malleus could never forget and always left him yearning for more, even when he was younger. A dream with someone that he could barely remember, but could make his heart feel both heavy and full once he woke up. It was the type of dream that made Malleus yearn for something that he couldn’t reach for, or maybe haven’t experienced yet.
The dream would always start somewhere warm, filled with sun, somewhere that was beautiful and made Malleus feel so at peace. Then he would wander around for a bit before meeting with someone and wandering around with that person. Sometimes they would talk about things he doesn’t remember, sometimes they would sit together and do activities. The dream would end with a scene where he was standing somewhere cold, yet could only feel happy. Then Malleus would wake up and the images his head had built would fade away. 
Malleus would only continue to have dreams such as this until he slowly stopped having dreams. Lilia had told him it was a consequence of growing up, slowly not being able to have dreams anymore. It made Malleus aghast at such a thing and he hated it, oh he hated it. But he had to accept it eventually, as the dreams that he loved having so much slowly began to disappear from Malleus’ nights, especially that warm dream that Malleus held so close to his heart. That too soon faded away like dust and left Malleus only with the emotions he could cling to. 
After that, dreams would be a rare occurrence for the fae, if any happened at all. They were fleeting and barely able to grasp. The dreams that felt familiar to Malleus were also rare as well and only the ones of the past stayed to be fulfilled. Except that one dream. 
It wasn’t until Malleus became a junior at Night Raven College that the last dream could come to fruition. 
On a particular night, when Malleus was out wandering during the night and aiming to explore his favorite abandoned building, instead of serene silence and the feeling of solitude, there was a human there, standing outside of the building that once was a dorm, looking up at the stars with an almost solemn expression. 
At first, they didn’t notice him, just staring up into the starry sky. When they did, however, they jumped in surprise with a shocked cry leaving past their lips. It almost gave Malleus a chuckle. He inquired about why a human was at the abandoned building and getting the answer that they were living there. Pity. It was one of his favorite spots to explore. The human then asked about Malleus’ identity, a light smile on their lips as they awaited his answer. 
It gave Malleus pause, seeing the sight before him. 
It was cold, yet... there was a sense of warmth that bloomed in his chest. He had to pause for a moment, think for a bit, before he responded. He told the human to call him what they wish, and lamenting just a bit about how the dorm they lived in could no longer be called abandoned before disappearing in a flurry of fireflies. 
It was a night cut short for Malleus, unfortunately. But, that sense of deja vu washed over him. And that night, for once, Malleus dreamed again.
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crescencestudio · 2 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #39 | 3.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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Happy March!!
This devlog is going to be a bit shorter, but...... it's for Exciting Reasons that I will share later in the post. heh.....heh.....HEH.....
Let's jump in ^^
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This month, writing was mostly dedicated to Etza's route! We have officially entered the Developmental Editing part of Etza's route, which is super exciting!!!
There were parts of Etza's route I wasn't completely satisfied with, so I spent a lot of this month tinkering, adding, fleshing out, editing, etc. for their route. I'm happier with it now compared to where it was when we entered this month, and especially with Wudgey's help, I'm excited for Etza to get the love they deserve!
I had a small, optional goal for myself to start Kuna'a's route, but honestly, I felt like between work with the Enhanced Demo, Etza's edits, and just generally feeling a bit tired after being Super Productive in January and February, I decided to give myself a break. That being said, I'm relatively confident I'll be getting started with Kuna'a's route next month, and I'm excited to dive into their route (and the Fae routes in general, teehee!).
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Vui is on the very last of the BGs I need from him..... So I am in mourning.......
Kidding but not kidding. Vui has done an amazing job of putting the backgrounds for Alaris together! They're absolutely stunning, and by the time we get to the next devlog, he will have finished ALL of the BGs for Alaris! It's been about a year and a half in the making, which is kinda crazy to think we have been together for this long (and working on the full game for this long), but it's definitely A Moment.
In celebration of him reaching this milestone, I wanted to highlight some of the BGs he's made for the game! The theme is early morning; some of these BGs are in the demo, and some are in the full game hehe. You'll have to guess the context of the mysterious full game BGs :')
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Sneak Peek: BG Showcase, morning strolls around the world of Alaris
I also thought it's been a while since I showcased a CG here. While I don't play on showcasing many of the full game CGs on public devlogs (I do show them on my Patreon!), I wanted to show a little snippet of this specific CG.
Why, you ask? Well, for the OGs, you might remember I showed a sketch of the CG during the Alaris Kickstarter---whenever the hell THAT THING happened.
I finished rendering it now that I got the BG for it, so I wanted to show a peek of that sketch that I showed oh-so-many-years ago.
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Sneak Peek: Kayn Full Route CG I want to lick him
Generally for art progress, I've been working on CGs as well as some promotional materials, which I'll be getting to in the next section \o/
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Now for the Exciting News!!!!
I have two bits of exciting news. The first is...
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Sneak Peek: Selection Screen for Alpha/Beta Access (OUUUUGGGGGHHHHH)
I STARTED CODING KAYN'S ROUTE!!!! The first act is already "done" and ready for beta access. And I'm hoping to finish the other two acts within the next couple of weeks. It is crazy to finally be able to code some of the full game routes. Even if they're not at the "final version" or early access stage, it is Extremely Rewarding to finally experience the scripts I've been writing in the game!!! With the CGs.... Extended Screens..... Just seeing the script with visual assets and not just a Google Doc is SOOOOO FSEIKLFJSEILE
Sneak Peek: Chapter Character Cards (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
The second piece of Exciting News is that I have a release date for the Enhanced Demo. YEEEEAAAAAA. It's finally happening!!! Please stay tuned over the next couple of days...... An Exciting Announcement is on its way...................................
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I didn't do much market research this month. If I'm being honest, I actually struggled a little bit this month with like...... burnout and workaholism guilt. I wanted to take a break after getting the demo ready for public release, but I just couldn't bring myself to fully rest. It felt like there was so much to do (not just with Alaris, but also with real world/work obligations) and all these looming deadlines was starting to get to me.
I'm hoping next month because I'll actually be Releasing the demo (oops, sneak peek of general release date teehee!), I'll be able to feel like I can take a break. But it also sucks a bit that I feel like I have to Earn It. I think with Alaris being a Kickstarter project, I want to get the game in your hands as soon as possible, but of course it's not to anyone's benefit if I burn myself out in the process and end up with either a worser project or taking even longer to finish it.
I did...... start Stardew Valley again since it is the ultimate dissociation/break game for me. So far it's been working! But we'll see how it continues <3
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Should I marry Sebastian or Elliot.
Anyways, hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you Very Soon with an Exciting Announcement! <3
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 11 months
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A God's Pride
⚔️ All Previous Parts Here ⚔️
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO (knots, slick, mpreg), Viking/god Col, fae Dom, bath time, baby fic (occasionally), loving boys, scared boys, teaching a baby to swim, cuddles, fluff, PTSD, possible past miscarriage (not explicit), fear of losing babies, panic attack, biting/marking, shifting, wolf Col, mentions of piss kink/omorashi ☠️ rating: mature/explicit ☠️ shared ideas by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Dom had grown used to the sensation of tiny hands grabbing at him, he had honestly grown used to being pawed at in general, but it was far more difficult as his son grew. When he was small the claws groping his skin stung of course but at two they were starting to see how much Ciarán would take after his father. He already had hands and feet that promised he would grow big and strong. It had taken them a while to finally be able to part after making love- who was he kidding- after they fucked, and by the time they stepped out to start the day their boy was fussy. To settle him they were taking a bath and where that had always been one of Dom's favorite things to do- with a squirming baby and a full womb it was quickly getting almost too difficult.
He was thankful for his mate who kept the boy distracted with their little tossing game. The first time Kol had thrown their boy a few feet away into the water he'd almost fainted but their boy also took after his mother enough to know how to swim. Kol'son was rough with his heir but he was learning it was just a viking thing. To the rest of their clan the man was a softie. "Ma! Mumma! Ma!" Dom shook himself from getting lost in his thoughts and smiled over at his babe. The boy was learning to float on his back and for that he deserved undivided attention and a soft applause.
"You'd fink mumma would be teaching ya but daidí might jus' be better." He teased his mate, moving closer in the spring and kissing the man's cheek. He didn't actually swim all that much any longer, he hadn't even worn his skin in… gods he couldn't remember. Ciarán had been splashing and swimming back and forth between them, grabbing Dom to turn himself around, but now that they were close to each other their son looked apprehensive of letting go. "You can make it. Daidí can reach you." He soothed with a smile but the child wouldn't budge. That was alright though, he didn't need to swim to the other side if he didn't feel safe. They'd both grown up so harshly they made damn sure their children would never feel forced or scared if they could help it.
Cia grinned and it was a blinding smile, his little cupid plump lips parted enough to show off his baby fangs and all the spotty places where they were still growing. Dom had expected human teeth in their babes so when Ciarán started teething and stabbed the siren's skin while feeding one day they'd all been surprised but now he couldn't picture him any other way.
A long arm went around the fae's shoulders and lips pressed to his temple. Kol'son was still full of happy post-coital hormones and wanted to snuggle. How could he ever want to do anything but touch his beautiful whelped mate? Especially when the selkie was naked and so very wet. "You alright ástin min?" He asked softly, nuzzling the boy's hair. Out of his periphery he kept an eye on their rambunctious babe but he could split his focus. In a way he was just watching all his children. His free palm slipped under the water to pet over Dom's belly, he was happy the littles had calmed after he pulled out but he truly enjoyed having their attention. He couldn't wait to have a bath full of pups. He was always amazed watching Cia and seeing what their son got from them both but the masterful water abilities he knew were all his wife- no matter what the fae teased.
"I'm fine Kols, you worry too much. You know I can 'andle more 'an tha'. It's cute you still fink ya co-" The siren paused mid word and glaced to their little prince. "Tha' you so scary me body can't take yas. Done far more wiv yas." He purred with a smirk and the god whined low in his throat.
"Just went hard. I know you can take it but the babes-" Dom pinched him, glaring up and he huffed softly. "-can handle it. Because you're made for me." That glare melted to a smile, one as blinding as their son's and he couldn't help grinning back. That happiness said he had been a good boy and alpha or not- that was always reassuring.
"Gift for a god." The siren winked. He could make jokes about his name though it had taken a while. It still hurt- the way he was raised, it probably always would, but since the day Kol first shifted he started questioning if maybe he was made for a god- just not the one his parents thought. "You okay? You seem…" He trailed off as the chieftain curled tighter around him. He didn't want to say 'clingy' because that sounded as if he weren't happy with being touched and he truly was but maybe- "Protective. You worried bout summat?"
Kol took a deep breath, the scent of his family relaxing the wild beast inside and after truly checking in with his senses he shrugged. He knew it wasn't a good answer but he honestly didn't know. "Nah I'm good. I think I just… I don't like you out."
Dom's brows furrowed and he wanted to give the man a look but with the Viking hugging him from behind like an octopus he could only show his confusion with a hum. "Out? Do you want me barefoot and pregnant and stuck in the bedroom?" He knew the moment it was out he shouldn't have said it but he couldn't take the joke back and he almost laughed at the way his husband's cock jerked against his ass and his hold tightened.
"Fuck yes." The god hissed truthfully before trying to fix it. "I mean no, but yes. I don't like that anyone else gets to see you. I want to keep you safe. The more I put inside you the more I want to hide you."
Dom giggled at that and shook his head. If his ass wiggled just a bit against the man it was certainly an accident. "Lucky you there's only one, aye?" He huffed, turning in those strong arms to wrap his own around Kol's neck. He knew deep down the god was probably right, and just that statement alone should prove the bastard probably knew exactly what he was talking about. He might not have full precognition but he would get feelings that would turn out true. Just because he saw the Viking as his god though, that didn't mean he would ever stop teasing or questioning the love of his life. He couldn't let him get an ego to match that title or his dick. Hands slipped down his back to grab his ass and a soft squeak escaped him but right as they were about to meet in the middle for a kiss Ciarán jumped up behind Kol to wrap those tiny arms around his neck.
A low growl rumbled in the man's chest but he still laughed. His son was never someone he got angry at for interrupting. Even when he was strangling him with his surprisingly tight hold. "Keep telling yourself that, I'll love on them enough for us both." He hummed before grabbing his baby's hand and pulling him up to sit on his shoulders.
A worry overtook the siren and he pulled away to let the boys play. He didn't want his fearful heart to ruin their happy morning. He'd never even thought of it like that and even though Kol'son hadn't meant to upset him the words were slightly horrifying. If he didn't accept there was more than one, was he ignoring the others? If they truly existed and he was being so pushy about there only being one… did that make him a bad mother? He'd been calling his husband a liar playfully since early in the pregnancy and now the thought made him feel a little ill. He just wished he knew how to find out for sure. He was so scared to fall in love with the thought of more only to have there be just one. They'd had too many moments in their last two years where he thought they might have caught but his heat was just late. At least that's what he vowed to himself had happened because he refused to accept they had lost anything else. They'd already been through too much.
He just knew if he accepted the thought of three or more and he let himself imagine them every night- if that weren't true? It would break him. He wanted to trust his husband's instincts, he wanted to ask Modig and Inga, but he didn't know if he would trust anything but his own eyes. Though his own sight already told him he was far larger than he should be. He knew he was starting to panic. He knew he needed to yank himself out of it because he had to be a wife and mother and he couldn't let himself sink every time something frightened him. That didn't stop his breath from coming faster or his heart from racing. He couldn't even tell what was going on around him anymore until a hot breath tickled his neck and a cool wet nose brushed his skin. His spiral didn't stop until fangs closed around his neck and bit down gently. His lover always knew how to help.
'Breathe Dom. I didn't mean to-'
"It weren't you. It weren't. Gods Kols I- I've been- and 'ey- I'm awful!" His voice went high and the wolf's jaw around him clamped down harder, dragging him out of the bath so he could sit on the ground and feel the earth below him.
'Shit I'm sorry. You're not hurting anyone. You're not ignoring anyone. You're an amazing mother ástin min. I know you worry about- but this is different. We're better now and we can do this. I was just trying to play with you, I didn't mean to hurt you.' That graveled voice soothed through Dom's mind and eased his fear and loathing. Neither of them could ever admit what they both might think deep down but this wasn't about that. This was solely about their pups. Present company only.
"Am I better now?" He sighed, finally able to take in his surroundings and realize someone took their prince away again. It was probably for the best, he needed to get out his emotions and then he could be strong. Or he needed to be distracted from them, he wasn't sure which sounded better. Those teeth let go and instead the god licked the water off his skin to help him dry and he smiled at the way it tickled. "I want to be. I… I wish we could know for sure. M'scared to fall in love wiv 'em Kols." He didn't mean to be so blunt but with his lover in pup form it always felt easier to talk. He didn't know why but they both found that true. It was easier to talk to a creature than it was to look into human eyes and bare their souls. "If 'ey ain't 'ere…"
Kol knew some of what Dom said wasn't just about the babes. They would never find out if Bjørn had hurt him and that was why the boy was so obstinate about proof before believing. That bastard had ruined so much but taking so much of his love's happiness and safety was the worst. At least the mild delusion kept him from admitting other bad things that may have transpired. Fuck maybe they did need help.
'They are. Here-' The pup moved fast, dropping his head to that swollen belly to rest his fluffy ear against wet skin. Dom shivered and his tail wagged once but as he listened for that small fluttering it started to move with the beat he found. His paws tapped happily, his body crouching in a little jump. Normally he could keep himself from being too wolf-like but when he felt truly happy all bets were off. His ear flicked, the other one drooping so he could put all his focus on one side. There! There was one beat- then two- and as he moved around the bump he loved so much he found a third.
Dom's panic vanished as he watched his giant puppy of a husband almost vibrating with excitement before the wolf sat back with wide red eyes and bounced before howling. A laugh escaped him as he tried to calm the god down but it was impossible and his lover took off, running literal circles around the spring. "You ain't being fair daidí! You gotta tell me!" He huffed, trying to catch the Viking's fur but it was no use. After a good ten laps the trot slowed and the beautiful blonde bastard tried to stop but he was too excited and he flipped over his large paws, ending up on his back right in front of the siren. Dom grinned down at him and scratched his chest, pressing a kiss to his snout.
'At least three. I could hear three Dom. I swear.' Those big red eyes were so earnest and eager and brimming with tears that the boy couldn't help but believe him. A soft sob left his lips but he was both so excited and still so scared. Could they handle it? 'No wonder I hate people around you. Should claim you more. Just to be safe.' That voice eased from soft and sweet to a low growl and Dom's brows furrowed.
"'Ow?" He whispered, stuck in a strange mental space between fearful, ecstatic, and aroused.
Kol'son shook himself and rolled over, standing on all fours as he watched his wife start to tremble. He didn't know if it was from fear, the cool air, or his power but the predator in him loved it. His tongue flicked out, licking a wet stripe over that swollen belly but on the second time he made sure to hit lower and work his way up and the flavor of his mate's slick made him shiver. Dom squirmed, his thighs falling open, his hips shifting forward. His husband's mouth was always amazing but there was something so claiming about his god form licking him from hole to tits. It dipped between his folds, cradled his balls, ghosted over his cock, and painted drool over his stomach and chest. Fuck his anxiety was gone like so much smoke. 'Can I scent mark you?' His mental voice was so deep it felt like sex itself in the siren's mind.
"'Ow?" He asked again, his breath trembling. He couldn't imagine saying 'no' to anything.
'Can I piss on you?'
Author's Note/Tags: @manicpixiedreamb0y @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @cole-way-iero28 @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
This one was slightly all over the place but hopefully in a good way. I thought since everyone has been so nice I might give you a little treat!
Jinx reader's can have a little omorashi as a treat 😂
I hope you're liking the new part so far! I'm really enjoying exploring how they've grown 🖤☠️
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aldbooks · 2 years
hello hello! i have an idea for a prompt if you’d like to use it :) it’s basically jus Lucien finally saying to Elain “well I didn’t want this bond either” an jus finally says what he needs to say. he’s of course been respectful but I think eventually he’s gonna have to say something because this was super impactful for him too
Ooh I had a line like that in A Breaking but I’m more than happy to write it again. I fully expect there to be some sort of confrontation between these two in the book with a very similar line.
Here you are love
Not. A. Single. Word.
He hadn’t said one word to her all night. Not even when he’d arrived and they’d inevitably had another of their awkward greetings. He’d just stopped walking by her long enough to give her a short bow and then continued on, offering more effusive greetings to- well everyone else. Even Nesta had gotten a smile and a “congratulations” after the ceremony ended as she and Cassian greeted guests at the reception.
She’d watched him the whole night, watched as he made his way around the crowd, chatting with High Lords and lesser fae alike and generally charming everyone he met. But he never looked her way. Not even a glance, not that she saw at least. Though he had to be just as aware of her presence as she always was of his.
She’d overheard some drunken courtier ask when they’d be celebrating his mating ceremony, throwing a lecherous glance in Elain’s direction. Her stomach had dropped, wondering if he’d try to use the opportunity to force her into a corner by claiming it would be forthcoming.
Instead, Lucien had given the male a thin smile and said “you’d have to ask her. I’m sure I wouldn’t know. You know how females like to plan these things and then tell us when to show up.”
The male laughed rather obnoxiously, barely noticing when Lucien turned and strode off towards the willow that stood near the river on the outskirts of her garden. She wasn’t sure what possessed her, but suddenly she was following.
She attempted to keep a sedate pace so as not to draw attention though a few people tried to stop her to chat and she put them off with the excuse of needing the washroom. When she burst through the branches into the dark privacy of the willow, Lucien was standing with his back to her, hands on his hips and head thrown back on an exasperated sigh.
“Mother’s tits, am I not allowed any peace?” She heard him mutter and blushed at the curse.
To her he said, “go enjoy the reception Elain. Your sisters will be wanting you.”
“What was that?” She asked, throwing her hand in the general direction of the party they’d just left.
“What was what?”
“Back there, what you said to that man.”
“You’ll have to be more specific than that,” he drawled. The sarcasm that dripped from his tone made her grit her teeth. “I spoke to many males tonight.” She didn’t miss the way he emphasized the word males, reminding her again that she no longer lived among the humans. That she was no longer human.
“The one who asked about th-our- your mating ceremony. You made it seem as though I was to blame for our current situation.”
He scoffed quietly. “That was not my intention. Though I suppose you blame me for our ‘situation’, as you call it.”
“Is it not?” She accused. Now that the subject had been breeched, nearly three years of resentment came pouring out. “You found your mate, what so many yearn for. Are you not happy, my lord? I was educated and trained to be a human Lord’s wife but maybe that is not grand enough for a High Fae? Do I not meet your expectations?”
“I did not ask for this!” He cried, finally turning to face her, fire blazing in his gaze. She nearly took a step back at the intensity.
He gestured broadly, stabbing a finger at nothing in particular. “I did not ask for any of this! Not your disdain, or your sister’s scorn, or your lover’s jealousy and hatred, or the pitying looks. I didn’t ask to lose my home, again, or the friendship of a male I once considered a brother. I did not ask for the pain and humiliation; this accursed bond. None of it!”
His arm sliced through the air, almost making her flinch and she watched as he began pacing the small space before her. She heard him mutter, “I wish sometimes I’d never heard the name Archeron.”
She stared at him for a moment, stunned by his vehemence. He was usually so… calm. How long had he been holding that in?
“You- do not want the bond?” She asked hesitantly.
“No,” he said, then paused. “I don’t know. I only know I wasn’t expecting it. Certainly didn’t ask for it. I thought I’d already found my mate. Thought I’d seen her die, right in my arms. I- I grieved that. I mourned her. For two hundred years. And then, in an instant, one terrible night, my entire world was shattered. And suddenly I find myself bound to female who can barely stand the sight of me!”
The anguish in his eyes pierced her chest, straight through the heart. “Why would I want that?”
This def deserves a part 2 but I’m too tired to keep writing tonight. My eyes are tired lol
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eorumverba · 6 years
side note u should totes write a jongtae based off one being anon or something (noooo pressure just a random thought i had)
this prompt is 10 months old?? yikes. n @orgel-ontae ♡♡♡
And there’s something about it, something that makes Jonghyun feel soft and almost flustered even though they haven’t even really said anything.
It’s been a lazy day and an even lazier night, Jonghyun stretched out in bed, half under the covers with their phone in their hands and their stuffed animals close to their face. They’re warm and soft and sleepy in the way they always get when they lay down after they eat, but it’s that awkward time of night where it’s too early to go to bed but too late to take a nap. They’re sort of mindlessly just scrolling through tumblr, just to keep their eyes from slipping shut even though every few minutes, they’ll close and they’ll start to drift off.
But then his phone buzzes in his hand, startling him awake and forcing his eyes open to read the question he’s just gotten. It’s a short one, but it’s one that makes his heart melt and a soft smile spread across his lips. He almost doesn’t want to answer, wants to keep it like this, his, forever, but he wants a new friend more, and the person that’d asked it seems so cute.
Anonymous said: hello… i like, rlly, rlly wanna be friends w you guys, but i’m so shy and awk with new ppl so i’ll just say……. ily both, you’re the cutest!
It’s to their shared blog with Jinki, and Jinki’s been asleep for hours, so Jonghyun sits up and reaches out to grab their laptop from the end of their bed before flopping back down to stay laying down while they use it. It takes only a moment to log onto tumblr and to find the ask, but longer to figure out what to say to answer it.
kjh: ♡♡♡ pls dont be shy ;;;; we’re both really nice,,jinkis really shy too but i really really like meeting people so pls feel free to message either one of us if u ever want to !!
Even after fifteen minutes, the anon doesn’t come back in their inbox like Jonghyun had been hoping, so they close their laptop and put it back at the end of their bed so they can curl up with their phone again, but it isn’t long before their phone is blinking again with a message from someone on tumblr.
chaitaem: (hi, i said i wanted to b friends on ur other blog and i just thought maybe i could come say hi..?)
And there’s something about it, something that makes Jonghyun feel soft and almost flustered even though they haven’t even really said anything.
petitjonghyunnie: !! hihi would lov eto be friends mhm ♡♡♡
chaitaem: !! that’s so awesome ur so cute n i’m so annoying u’ll prolly get bored of me but !! great 💓💓
And at this point, Jonghyun is kind of glad that Jinki’s not here, because he’d tease them so much about how they’re blushing, how soft they are, how cute, how sweet. And it’s true that they’re soft, but they haven’t even…god.
petitjonghyunnie: i fgdhkj m nOt cute omg n ur not annoying !! promise im ghjfkfgd rlly flustered so i dunno what o say otl ;;;
As they wait for a response, Jonghyun clicks onto their tumblr, skimming their bio and giggling a little. Taemin, they/fae, dancing is like walking to me. It’s simple, sweet, cute. Fae seem adorable, and Jonghyun likes fae already.
chaitaem: ah, me either,, i just wanted to say hello ur v cute i want to friend u,, i didn’t think past that otl
petitjonghyunnie: ! fkjdhg shsu h
chaitaem: ahh, but why would i shush when ur so cute tho??
petitjonghyunnie: shs u sh omg
chaitaem: mmh, but ur bein even cuter?? adorable, one might say
And here come the first twinges in their stomach, the simple praising words already making them edge on fluster. It’s Jinki’s fault, honestly, Jinki’s fault for conditioning them to react so easily to words like cute and adorable and baby and of course, baby boy. God. And it’s not like Taemin knows about how easy they are, but maybe fae do? Because fae do follow their and Jinki’s blog, and that one is…pretty revealing.
Jonghyun shifts under the covers, pressing their face into Roo’s soft fur before peeping back out at their phone to answer Taemin.
petitjonghyunnie: s h u s h thats n ot fair !!
chaitaem: totally fair! if ur bein adorable aren’t i allowed to tell u? ur absolutely adorable!!
petitjonghyunnie: not fair n Not adorable n im pouting at u
chaitaem: pouting? oh no but now ur the Most adorable…
petitjonghyunnie: s h u s h
chaitaem: mmmmh but ur so cute it’d be a shame not to tell u how much of a cute babe u are.
petitjonghyunnie: ;;;;;;; shh
chaitaem: cutie~
petitjonghyunnie: n o
chaitaem: yes! ur such a cutie~
petitjonghyunnie: Pouting At You
chaitaem: u can pout all u like, ur still Adorable
petitjonghyunnie: shhssuhshh
chaitaem: i thought u were bein extra cute and pouting? i won’t shh if ur bein like that
petitjonghyunnie: n ot cute
chaitaem: mh but u must be at least a lil cute if i’m tellin u so
petitjonghyunnie: s t op my heart is rlly weak
chaitaem: if u stopped bein such a babe i’d stop tellin u~
petitjonghyunnie: m not talkign to u bc ur v vv v vmean mhm
chaitaem: i’m bein mean? well then maybe i won’t talk to u bc ur v vvvv v v cute, hmm??
petitjonghyunnie: p o u t i n g
And they are. They’re pouting, and their heart is fluttering, and it hasn’t even been a day yet but Jonghyun’s realized both that they have a crush on Taemin and that they really, really want to be soft for fae.
chaitaem: bein cute so i’m not talking
petitjonghyunnie: mean !!! mad at you
chaitaem: mad at me? but i don’t want cutie to be mad.. just sayin ur rlly a cutie~
petitjonghyunnie: ;; my heart though s very weak
chaitaem: is it all the cuteness that makes it weak then?
petitjonghyunnie: ;;;;;;;;;;;; youre flustering
chaitaem: ur easy to fluster~
petitjonghyunnie: mean for teasing
chaitaem: mm,, not teasin just tellin u ur a babe a rlly cute babe
petitjonghyunnie: s h h that Is teainsg
chaitaem: hmm, guess i am teasin then but ur cute to tease tho
petitjonghyunnie: ;; like being teased
chaitaem: ahh i can tell that’s why ur being such a cute baby..
petitjonghyunnie: ;; i wanna say
chaitaem: hmm?
petitjonghyunnie: wanna say !!
chaitaem: yeah ??
petitjonghyunnie: ;; flustering
chaitaem: ur so cute sound like ur blushing, sweetie, it’s so cute
petitjonghyunnie: m pouting not blushing
chaitaem: ur not mad at me still? when ur bein so cute to me too
petitjonghyunnie: m mad at you cuz i wanna say
chaitaem: u can tell me sweet honey, just say
petitjonghyunnie: ;;; shh Flustering wanna say but its flustering
chaitaem: c'mon, wanna tell me, cutie?
petitjonghyunnie: ;;;; shhshhsh
chaitaem: but u won’t say so if i shush we’ll just be quiet
petitjonghyunnie: ;; i wanna call you daddy
chaitaem: all right, baby, you can call me daddy
petitjonghyunnie: ;;;; s flustering
chaitaem: no, it’s cute~ ur cute
petitjonghyunnie: not cute;;;; flustered
chaitaem: flustered is cute on u tho
petitjonghyunnie: ;; do you have a kakao?
chaitaem: yeah i do, you want it?
petitjonghyunnie: mhm
chaitaem: it’s just chaitae
petitjonghyunnie: ;;; thank u daddy
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loganscanons · 3 years
uf short fics
Context: Some short fics featuring UF friendship duos. The first is Precious and Helena, the second is Paige and Orthanach, and the third is Tulio and Zelda.
Precious walked into the morgue with her head down, focused on the paperwork Fil had just handed her. When she looked up, opening her mouth to ask Helena a question, she stopped dead in her tracks, her expression shifting from neutral blankness to surprise, her eyebrows raising.
“Helena, what are you doing?” Precious asked. There was a sharp edge to her bewildered tone, like she was too caught off guard to be sure if she should be disapproving.
Helena sat on the autopsy table, her legs folded like a pretzel, bent forward as she scrolled on her phone. At Precious’s question, her shoulders tensed, and she looked up, though she wasn’t sure why she seemed to be in trouble.
“It’s my break!” she said defensively.
“But why are you on the autopsy table?” Precious’s black heeled boots clicked against the floor as she neared.
Helena’s shoulders relaxed, realizing that the reason for Precious’s outburst was about an arbitrary matter. She looked down at the metal slab, and then back to Precious. Not much thought had gone into sitting on the autopsy slab; it was a surface on which she could sit, so she did.
“Oh, uh, cause it was the closest thing when I decided to sit down,” Helena said.
“The autopsy table is not a chair; it’s for decedents. Get off,” Precious said, and she swatted Helena’s knee with the thin stack of papers in her hand. 
“I cleaned it first!” Helena defended, though that was not what Precious was concerned about.
“So?” Precious asked. She figured Helena had cleaned it. She wasn’t sloppy with her work. “It’s for dead bodies, not for you to use as a chair during your break, Hel.”
“I’m a little bit dead,” Helena chirped as she unfolded her legs and hopped off the table.
“Aren’t we all?” Precious said dryly. “When you’re all the way dead, you can sit on the autopsy table all you want.”
The Oak & Swan was abuzz with cheerful chatter and laughter, the air saturated with a mood of giddy celebration. The proposal that Rhonda had put so much thought into had been a success, making Teale cry her tearless cry from happiness. When they left the private room, Teale was greeted with another surprise. The company of her friends ready to celebrate.
Sitting alone at the bar, Paige observed the festivities with a small smile. As she watched Divina trying to teach Anastacia the steps of a modern dance, a large figure leaned forward next to her, his arms resting on the bar. She turned her attention to the man, and he smiled, his crooked teeth showing and his golden eyes shining. 
“Hey, why’re you all by yer lonesome, Paigey?” Orthanach asked, nudging her with his elbow. 
“I’m fine,” she said. “I like watching.” 
Orthanach gazed around the room, slowly taking in all the smiling faces, then looked at the ceiling, where music played through speakers. Then, he turned his attention back to Paige. 
He folded his arms on the bar and rested his chin on them as he looked up at Paige. “You should come dance with me.”
“Oh—I-I don’t really dance,” she said.  
Nach sat up, his eyebrows raised in disbelief, but his eyes still twinkled. “Yer tellin’ me ya grew up goin’ to Bates and Rachkov events and ya never learned to dance?”
“I don’t like dancing,” she said, shrugging. 
“Don’t like dancin’? Dancin’ is a great way to have a good time!”
“I don’t like people looking at me dance.”
“Ah,” he said, nodding understandingly. He looked around the pub again. He wanted to convince Paige to let loose and have a little fun. She was so uptight and serious.
He turned his attention back to her, “How ‘bout ya dance with me now? And if anyone looks I’m sure they’ll be lookin’ at me bein’ ridiculous and not at you. And if ya hate it, I promise I’ll never ask again. Unless I’m very drunk, and I forget I made that promise, but jus’ flick my forehead or somethin’ if that happens.”
She hesitated. He was fae; his promises had weight to them. If she agreed to dance this once and didn’t like it, he would keep true to his word.
With a gentle smile, he said softly, “If you don’t want to, that’s okay, Paige. I won’ hold it against ya.” 
He stood and took a step back, then held out his hand to her, his palm up. “Whaddya say?”
For a few seconds, she said nothing, staring at his outstretched hand. Then, she smiled and placed her hand in his. A grin spread across his freckled face, and moments later, they were whirling around the pub. A laugh escaped her lips as he loudly sang along with the song playing through the speakers, prompting Grant to join in, and tried not to collide with any tables.
Zelda craned her neck as she took in the enormous factory and it’s high ceilings. She and Tulio had been wandering the abandoned building for at least ten minutes, passing slowly among the old machines coated with dust and rust. Cobwebs hung in the gaps of the machines. Patches of the factory were illuminated by moonlight coming through the broken windows. The atmosphere certainly wasn’t welcoming, but it didn’t provide any indication of ghosts.
“I thought you said this place was super haunted,” Zelda said. She squinted at movement in a pool of moonlight. It was just clouds passing over the moon.
“I didn’t say ‘haunted,’” Tulio said. “I don’t really like that word. It has such a negative connotation, and most ghosts don’t mean to haunt people; they just haven’t been able to pass on.”
With quick strokes of her forefinger, Zelda drew her initials in the dust covering one of the machines. She wiped the dust on her finger off on her pants and asked, “What would you say instead?” 
“Inhabited?” Tulio suggested. He pointed the large camera balanced on his shoulder toward a sign of movement. It was Zelda’s shadow as she wandered away from him. 
“Okay, I thought you said this place was super inhabited,” Zelda said. “That doesn’t sound as cool.”
She brought the camera that hung around her neck up to her eye and snapped a picture of the shattered glass, yellowed from age, that let in the moonbeams.
“This isn’t about being cool, Zee,” Tulio said with a small frown. “We’re here to help spirits pass on to the other side. And it does have a lot of spirits. Old factory not up to code, unhappy workers, accidental deaths. It’s bound to lead to some angry spirits.” 
She was right that the equipment for finding ghosts was unusually quiet. Tulio chewed the inside of his cheek, then said, “They might not like the camera. Some spirits don’t like being filmed.” He cleared his throat and announced to the seemingly empty factory, “To anyone who resides within this factory, I’ve turned the camera off. We respect your privacy. See? The light isn’t on anymore.”
Tulio glanced and Zelda, who was still holding her camera up as she looked around with wide eyes. He whispered, “Zelda, put your camera down.”
“Oh, sorry!” she said. 
For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, a translucent apparition of a bloodied, torn-up man appeared just feet away from them. 
Tulio, startled, jumped back and yelled, “AHH!” at the same time that Zelda gasped.
He clutched his hand over his heart and took a deep breath, “Oh, you startled me.” He shook off his fear and addressed the spirit, “Hello, sir. My name is Tulio, this is Zelda. If it’s not too much trouble, we want to talk to you.”
“About what?” the ghost asked in a raspy, thin voice.
“Your life, any concerns or last wishes you had, things like that,” he said with a comforting smile.
“And how you died!” Zelda interjected. Tulio glanced at her, wide-eyed, and she added, “If you’re comfortable with that.”
The ghost made an unpleasant sound that was somewhere between a growl and a moan. “Oh, I’ll tell you how I died. We said things like this would happen,” he gestured to his missing arm and torn up chest. “But did anyone listen? Nooo.”
Zelda and Tulio exchanged a look, Tulio’s eyebrows knit together, and Zelda with a delighted smile.
“Maybe we should find a place to sit,” Tulio suggested.
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nade2308 · 3 years
"Bargain" for Robin...
It’s finally here. Took me a while to come up with the full story, but in a surprise bout of inspiration I had it written in a few hours last night. 
John wakes up in the dark cell. He can feel the fever racking his body, the shakes are worse than they were last night and sweat has glued his hair to his forehead. 
It's the infection running through his system, he knows that, he knew it the moment they drove his own bowie knife in his stomach. If John had to guess, the blade nicked his kidney, or at least some other organ close to it. He took a first aid course and has some training in field medicine, but he ain't a doctor. Even with that he knows that if they stay here for longer than what they have already been kept for, he won't make it. 
It makes John sad, because he doesn't want to croak on the kid just now. They had just begun to build their relationship and he feels like he's starting to earn Robin's trust and love and that's more than John could ask for. 
He dreamed of Arion last night. It felt so vivid he woke up screaming. He woke up to an empty cell. If John had to guess it was close after 6am. The cell was still empty. 
The first time John suspected the guys who had them weren't keeping them just for information was when Robin disappeared and the next time he returned he brought fresh bandages and antibiotics. And the good kind. 
The second time, John was too out of it to question it. There was food and water along with the meds, and if John was healthier than this he would notice something was wrong, but be as it was, he wasn't. 
It felt wrong to have Robin take care of him. John was supposed to be the one to protect him and not the other way around. He was supposed to be the one to hold on, take the blows. 
Instead, it was Robin who was probably being tortured and asked questions. 
John wondered why they didn't kill him already. He was becoming a deadweight and slowing everyone down, most of all Robin. He knew the kid was never going to attempt an escape if John was to stay back, and he knew that because he wouldn't have done that, leaving Robin alone. Even if it was just to get help. 
They had to get out of here. John was starting to feel better despite the fever and his injuries. He could talk to Robin, get him to think of a plan, something. The longer they have been held captive, the more leverage whoever held them had over Chimera. If they tried to make an exchange or to blackmail their agency… John didn't even want to imagine what would happen if someone didn't just outright come and rescue them. It looked like they were stuck here for the foreseeable future the way things progressed. 
He wished for the kid's magic to, you know, magically return so they were able to burn this place from the ground up. But that wasn't an option. It wasn't an option before, and now with such a distress thrown over the kid's shoulders. 
Where are you, Robin? 
The next time John opened his eyes, Robin was in the cell with him. He looked worse for wear, his clothes were dirty and torn in some places. The smudges under his eyes were more pronounced. If John wasn't so worried and hurting he'd make a joke how Robin's bags under his eyes needed their own baggage tags.  
The kid looked sad and resigned, but when he realized that John was watching him his eyes suddenly changed color. 
He's trying to be forcefully happy for me, the voice inside John's head supplied him helpfully, and his heart ached. 
"Hey, you are awake." 
John stared a little bit more at his partner, there was definitely something off with Robin. He couldn't tell what it was, but it wasn't a good thing. 
"Hey…" John rasped out and he was in a need of water. They haven't given him any since yesterday. 
"Here, drink this. There's more meds." 
John eyed the pills and the bottle of water warily, but he trusted Robin so he took them dutifully. 
Lying back against the tattered mattress, the wound on his stomach pulled and John groaned. 
"Lay still, you don't need to make it bleed again. Last night you moved in your dreams… and they didn't like that you started bleeding again." 
It was the first real talk they had in days, and John could see the worry in Robin's eyes now. They were sparkly in the dim light of the cell, and John realized that the kid was holding back tears. 
"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to worry you." 
"It's okay. Now you are okay. It's fixed." 
It felt wrong to hear words that were meant to soothe him sounds so mechanically said. John had a hard time focusing and there was a thought that eluded him every time he tried to ask Robin… something. 
The way Robin was huddled in the corner of the cell, close to where John was spread out, yet so far, made John think hard about what that reminded him of. 
But why was it so hard to reach and hold his thoughts? 
"Do you have any idea who has us?" John asked, aware that he needed more water. 
Robin shook his head and it was only now that John realized Robin was shivering. 
It wasn't a good idea probably because they were both grimy, and John was feverish at that, but maybe if he could hug Robin and warm him up…
It took a lot of work for him to let John even touch him in the aftermath of what happened with Arion. 
"Hey, kid… c'mere. Come closer." 
John watched as Robin frantically searched his surroundings with his eyes, like someone was hiding there with them. The kid was jumpy and scared as it was, but it was unsettling to see him that much rattled. 
"I ain't gonna hurt you. Jus' want to check if you are hurt somewhere, and maybe you could humor this old man and give him a hug?" 
Robin physically recoiled at John's words. It told John that his hunch was right. 
"I… I can't." 
"Why… why not? Kid?" 
"Please, I can't." 
It was alarming to see Robin teary eyed, pleading with him. It was right as if John was caught in one of his nightmares. 
The Robin that he was seeing before him felt so much like Robin at the start of their partnership. Wary, distrusting, recoiling at any touch that might have been too much or too- 
Oh no. 
It couldn't be. 
Not again. 
There were steps closing in on their cell and Robin recoiled again, but this time the look of fear got replaced by the one of resignation. 
Robin didn't move to fight off what was to come. Like he knew what was going to happen. 
They both looked up in surprise when it wasn't the people holding them, but a Chimera TAc team approaching the doors to the cell. 
The relief was too big when John realized that their agency somehow located them. John closed his eyes, sighing when Robin wrapped his hand around the one of John's he extended. 
The next time he woke up, John was in the infirmary and there was something warm wrapped around his wrist. 
He opened his gritty eyes and took a look around. Taking a stock of his injuries, he looked at the source of warmth. He smiled when he realized it was Robin's head propped on John's hand, his face smushed half in it, and half in the mattress. It was cute and John wanted to run his hand through the blond mop of hair. But he didn't want to disturb Robin in his sleep. Even though the kid was contorted in an uncomfortable position, they were both beyond tired so John didn't say anything. Instead he closed his eyes and went back to sleep himself. 
John awoke several times after that and every time Robin was around, also sleeping. They were both exhausted and it was normal for them to need to replenish their lost energy. And in John's case to battle the infection away. 
Robin was sleeping in a bed next to John's and John was starting to worry about the kid. There wasn't anyone around, but John could see several get well soon cards on the nightstand which meant that their team visited them while John was asleep. 
Robin stirred on the bed next to his and John tried to get himself upright. He woke up and just like John, scanned his surroundings and when he saw John on the bed, Robin exhaled in relief. 
"Hey, Sleeping Beauty." 
John knew that would get a reaction out of Robin and as predicted Robin groaned and buried his face in his hands. 
"How are you feelin'?" 
"Pretty sure I should be asking you that." Robin's voice sounded off, tired and exhausted. 
"I think that since we are in the infirmary and I'm up and talking that I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about." 
John waited for a reaction, for something to tell him that he was wrong. He remembered everything that happened when they were still held captive and his realization right before they were saved. 
"I'm fine. You should be worrying about yourself and your stab wound." 
"I will. Look, Robin, I…" 
John didn't know what to say. How was he going to ask his partner if he exchanged sexual favors to keep John alive? And how did John ask that in a way that did not sound like he was blaming the kid or judging him? The memory of what happened at Rowan house, shortly before Arion took Robin was still fresh and John did not want to make the same mistake twice. 
He could feel Robin's eyes on him and John was ready to drop the topic when he heard Robin's breath hitch. 
"I'm sorry. I know what you are thinking, and I'm sorry. But I had to… I had to keep you alive. It was the only way I knew how- What are you doing? John, don't move." 
John realized too late that he should have listened to Robin, but he wasn't going to just lay there while Robin blamed himself for something he had little to no control over. 
"I won't let you put yourself down like that. It's not… It was never your fault. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did back when I learned what happened to you. You did not deserve any of it. And it hurts me to think that you did that again to save me, but not for the reasons you think." 
"I… I let them do what they wanted to me because I… I was selfish, John. I wanted you to live. I know that no one lives forever, not even the fae, even though we are known for the longevity of our lives. But I want you, I need you to live. I can't… I can't lose you, too." 
John realized where Robin came from and his heart was hurting at the prospect of the kid losing someone else too. John wanted to promise Robin that he wasn't going to die anytime soon or ever, but it wasn't realistic to do that to the kid. 
"I know. I don't want you to lose me either. It doesn't make what happened any less… hurtful. I don't want to put you in a position where you are forced to do that to keep me alive. Or to save me." 
"They were hellbent on killing you. For what we did. Or rather what I did, and what you didn't. You didn't let him to… not like Michaels." 
The lightbulb went off in John's head. 
Robin nodded.
John had to bite on his hand so as to not scream. He was afraid that something like this would happen one day. 
"John… are you mad at me?" 
"What… no, of course I'm not mad at you. I… I know that my past actions are still present in mind, yours as well as mine, and chances are we won't ever forget what I did and how I acted, but I want you to know that no matter what happens, I won't ever get mad at you. I'm mad at myself." 
"Because I… I wasn't strong enough kiddo. I let them ambush us and take us. They did this to you because you had no other choice and I was useless." 
"Don't say that. You were hurt. With your own knife, John." 
John didn't say anything, too caught up in the memories of that night and the hurt that followed. Which was nothing compared to what Robin had to do to keep him alive. 
"I know this situation wasn't ideal. But I want you to know that if that's the only way to save you, or anyone else, I'd do it again." 
"Exactly what I want to prevent. I'm sorry I failed you, kiddo." 
"You didn't. You held on. You were practically half-dead. After two days the meds stopped working, I could see that. But, I managed to bargain more." 
"I felt better towards the end… before they found us." 
"It always feels that way before you crash hard from dehydration, blood loss and improper treatment of the wound." 
John knew that Robin was speaking from experience. He has seen the scars. 
"I'm really glad you are alive, kid." 
"Me too." 
John extended his hand and Robin slowly came and sat on John's bed, taking his hand. John knew that it would be awhile before Robin felt comfortable enough for a hug or even a closer contact than this. But John was going to wait him out. 
They had time. 
They were safe. 
They are home. 
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oh, and how did therapy go yesterday Vee? (or Patton lol) -🤠
How did therapy go yesterday? I hope it went well!
m sory late , needed wait for dady to help
i don remeber lots but but me and dr picani did colourins ! and mm remeber dr picani had a tedy bear n teddy was talkin to dr vilot
hm i fink dr picani forgetted it is therapy and mayb he jus wanted to play wiv me insted (´๑• •๑) - 💜
Aw, sweetpea 😄💕 Dr Picani definitely didn't forget it was therapy! The drawings were special questions, like "Can you draw things that make you warm and comfy?" "Draw things that make you scared" "Draw things that you love" (There was a lot of drawings of her family and Sanrio characters for that question!)
And Mr Teddy bear was asking Dr Parma Violet to show him what to do in those situations! Like what to do when he's happy, or scared, or sad. Vee picked up Mr Teddy and put him in my lap for that one 😭🥺
My tiny sugarplum loved it so much! At first fae was a lil shy but fae quickly warmed up to Dr Picani and got super giggly and bouncy to have someone new to play with! Oh, and it was adorable when she started babbling "ticka ticka" so I explained the story behind why Vee says ticka when fae is happy. And Dr Picani thought our 'happy sticker chart' was a really great idea! He even asked us to add one once we got home since Vee was clearly happy 💖
I think we made an amazing choice with this therapist, he a real life angel! - 🐶
and !! i got nother lolipop !!! yumy ฅ⁽͑ ≧ ˑ̫ ≦ ⁾̉ฅ - 💜
And Vee got another lollipop! 😆🍭 - 🐶
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gegenji · 5 years
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(Metarutaru Koradrix) Out in Lakeland, it'd be a cloudy, but otherwise fine day... As fine a day in Lakeland can be anyway. Koratt would be smiling as he brought his direwolf, Gidgett, some Zonure meat from the nearby field, smiling brightly. "Here you go girl, bit of a snack after a hard day's work, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Koratt would likely hear Chachan before he saw him, much like before - though under different context. The clop of hooves, the irate snorting of a temperamental stallion, and the quiet (hopefully calming) words being repeated by the aforementioned horse's rider - stammered out in a clumsy approximation of the fae tongue. Trying to both soothe the fiery beast and keep an eye out for his Dwarven friend at the same time was quite the task.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He would hear the hoof and snorts, though not the quiet words as the horse sort of drowned out his words with its snorting. He smiles brightly upon seeing who was on the Horse... and honestly was amazed to even see a horse! They haven't been seen in Norvandt for who knows how long! Wide-eyed for a moment, he shook it off and pat Gidgett once she finished with her food, which she did in short order, before moving over to the Horse. "Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) The Lalafell's ears perked at the familiar voice and Chachanji looked up from his near-constant patting of Aen Reion's mane. "Ah, Koratt! There ya are!" he chirped, pulling on the reins with some more urgent quiet reassurances in fae. "Finally got Gria 'n 'em ta let me leave Il Mheg, so I figgered I'd swing by fer tha' get-t'gether we talked 'bout durin' tha' whole... um... sin eater hunt thin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hah! That's amazing that you've earned the Fae's favor! I'll be honest I get a fair bit terrified every time I go there! Only reason I haven't been turned into a leafman, or worse, was because the Nu Mou vouch for me when I visit. Scary place to be!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, it ain't all bad. Ya jus' hafta watch out fer th' pranks. 'n th' tricks. 'n th' kinda random whims. Other'n tha', 's fine..." Chachan offered, though the little list of fae problems made it seem not quite as appealing. Which he seemed to notice, give his awkward smile and dismissive wave. "A-a'course, helpin' deal wit their pro'lems tends ta help a lot... w-whether it be a Pixie 'r a Nu Mou."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I can imagine." He nods, "You're braver than most not to have run away from the Pixies, and good on you for it too." Gidgett would sort of lift her head and sniff Chachanji curiously. "Gidgett, down girl." This prompts the wolf to relent, sort of lying on the floor. "Don't mind Gidgett, she's a curious sort, really."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion gives the direwolf a withering glare as she drew nearer, giving a bit of a warning snort before Chachan hurriedly pulled lightly on the reins and murmured some more quick words to the horse. "W-well, 's more they wouldn't -let- me, ta be fair," he admitted bashfully once Reion was calmed down again. "There was always a bit of'a fog hangin' 'round 'n it always got extra bad at certain spots. Prolly close ta th' ways outta th' place. Goin' in always kinda ended up wit me back where I-- (Chachanji Gegenji) entered, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Yeah, that's pixie magic for sure." He nods, then looks to the horse, and couldn't help but have a look of amazement at the sight of it. "I gotta ask, what is this fella's name? Amazing little critter you got there." He waves to the horse, but doesn't try to pet it. He's never seen one before after all, and wouldn't know how to not get bit by one!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Using the word 'critter' go Koratt a glare from the horse itself - did it understand what the Dwarf was saying? Whatever the reason for the look, Chachanji gave the stallion another hurried pat before answering. "A-ah, thi' is Aen Reion. 'm still tryin' ta get 'im ta... well... play nice. 'e's a bit of a stubborn butt," he explained, giving the horse a bit of a pouty glare. "'s much better'n when th' Pixies first introduced 'im ta me. Was part'a th' requirements fer lettin' me leave - ta tame (Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion. I-I ain't really sure if'n it was jus' fer laughs 'r they act'lly didn't think I'd be able ta do it but... here we is."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Aah... Sorry for insulting ya, Aen Reion, yeah?" He'd apologize to the horse with a chuckle, before looking to Chachanji. "I'll be honest, that's incredible. I've only heard of horses in stories, like the one of Lord Tolthewil and the Knights of the old Elf Kingdom. Never thought I'd actually -see- one in person! Blessed or Cursed by those pixies, who knows, but you're definitely something else." He would say to Chachanji, his tone and look is clearly one of awe, and a bit of admiration, even!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted again, but it seemed less... irate, if one could discern the differences between such sounds. "W-well, 'pparently Reion 'ere's been runnin' 'round fer a while. Made a bit of'a name fer 'imself." A proud little whinny from the stallion, though his rider had a bit less of a positive reaction to the praise sent his way. A brief fluster and shake of his head before commenting: "'m-m not all tha' great... 'm-m jus' glad I managed ta do it so I could finally get home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hey, you helped me take down a Sin Eater, so you're A-OK in my book! And I don't blame ya for being happy to be outta there. Hmm, Theres a few spots you could take a break at now that you're outta that ol' mess of a place. You can definitely use it after all that!" He looks around. There's Clearmelt to the north of us, as well as the town of Sullen to the South. Oh! Also the Crystarium itself, though I'm not sure how much you're in a mood to travel after all that."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I act'lly stopped at Clearmelt on th' way 'ere!" Chachan stated with a smile that quickly took on an embarrassed look. "I-I thought -it- was Ostell, act'lly, so I was askin' 'round fer ya fer a bit. Did end up stayin' ta wash up fer a bit... 's been a while since 've had a nice hot soak, y'know?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "'n 'm act'lly headin' t'wards th' Crystarium," he added, looking over to the imposing landmark in the distance. "Gria thin's goin' there might help me figger out a way home. Since there's a big ol' crystal tower like tha' one near me home. Well, kinda near. Near 'nuff."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ahh, gonna have a chat with the Exarch, is that right? Well, if anyone can help you get where you need to go, it's definitely him. Fella's done more for the people than we can ever hope to repay. Hope you don't mind if I tag along!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I mean, I wouldn't mind th' company. Not f'miliar wit thi' place 'r th' Crystarium. So havin' someone 'long who does would be much 'ppreciated."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "No problem! Place is pretty big, so I'll help ya around the place!" He pats Gidgett a few times, which prompts her to get up with a light stretch. "Ready then you are, Chachanji!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ya meant right now?" Chachan interjected with a bit of surprise. "I mean, 'm good ta go if'n ya are... jus' thought we were gonna meet up fer somethin' ta eat 'n drink." A thoughtful pause. "Though, I 'spose th' Crystarium'd have places fer tha' too, huh?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mhm! Clearmelt and Crystarium would be the best spots for that, but you've already been to the first one, hah!" Metarutaru Koradrix laughs.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, fair 'nuff, then..." he relented. "I guess we're off tha' way, then. I'll... uh... try'n keep Aen Reion 'ere from goin' too fast. 'e... can really get goin' when 'e wants ta."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Don't let Aen here show ya up, Gidgett! Show 'em you're not slouch either!" Gidgett lets out a few barks, as she seemed ready to run!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Reion snorted at that, getting an alarmed look from Chachanji. "A-ah... d-dun get 'im riled up...!" was all he managed before the horse was off like a shot. In a matter of seconds, the stallion was already out of the outpost and down the hill. The Lalafell hadn't been kidding that the horse was fast.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looked a fair bit surprised at just how fast it is! But it only prompts Gidgett to really give it her all, chasing after the horse with with vigor!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Aen Reion's apparent fame wasn't without merit, it seemed. Even with Gidgett giving it her all, the fae stallion was pulling further and further ahead. At least until the flailing rider finally managed to grab hold of the reins and FORCE the horse to slow down some, which Reion was none too happy about. There was a lot of snorting and flailing of Reion's head as Koratt finally caught up. But they managed to stay apace, at least, for the remainder of the trip to the Crystarium.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Upon arriving at the gate, Koratt would explain that He is entering the Crystarium with a friend seeking a place to say, making sure to mention Chachanji is from Kholusia. This would set the guard at ease some and would allow them in, provided Gidgett and Aen are stabled as soon as they reach the Crystarium. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay! We're in, a bit more and we'll be in the city."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan was plenty willing to let Koratt do the talking, since he was also busy trying to calm Aen Reion's temper at being denied a full-on race between him and Gidgett. His ears wiggled at the mention of that Kholusia place, but didn't ask questions. What DID look like would be a problem, was the idea of Reion submitting himself to being stabled.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You definitely weren't kidding about how fast that thing is! Hopefully I enjoyed the run some! and well, hoping it doesn't get too mad about being in a stable, but Rules are rules you know?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I tried ta warn ya," Chachan lamented, continuing to try and calm the stallion. "A-and stablin' 'im might be... a pro'lem, yeah. Ev'n at Clearmelt 'e refused ta be tied up. H-had ta let 'im jus' run free on th' promise 'e'd come back when I called fer 'im."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well... I suppose that is an option you can do.... They ain't gonna let 'em roam around the city freely, too risky to the citizens there."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, yeah, tha's fair," Chachan agreed, slowly dismounting off of Aen Reion. He murmured a few words to the horse in fae. There was a snort from the horse, then the Lalafell added a few more curt words before the horse nodded. Chachan nodded in turn, then let go of the reins. And with that, Reion was off like a shot back down the road - apparently to get the run in that he had been so cruelly denied.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt couldn't help but snicker a bit. "Yep. Definitely something else." He shook his head with a smile. "C'mon Chachanji, let's head in the city. I think you'll like it. Who knows? Might even give a familiar feeling being back in one."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan turned back to the Dwarf and nodded. "It'll be nice, ta be sure. Feels like 's been moons since 've been in a normal town..." That last bit was punctuated with a bit of a sigh.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles brightly upon arriving. "Chachanji, Welcome, to the Crystarium! Last bastion of Norvandt, Beacon of Hope, Center of Civilization, all that silliness!" He snickers. "But seriously, welcome!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-it def'nitely looks pretty impressive!" Chachan admitted, his eyes glued to the Crystal Tower itself. He'd seen the other one in Mor Dhona, but always from a distance. He had to wonder if that one felt just as... imposing... as this one did up close.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, first thing's first. let's get ya attuned to this place. If you ever get lost, you can always use this place as a safe haven to return to, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) "Once that's outta the way, we'll get something to eat!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, ta th' aetheryte? Y-yeah, tha' might be a good idea." He pauses and blinks. "Should I'a done th' same in Ostall?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, Ostall's probably not that important... Unless you're one to enjoy hot springs then maybe, hah! But you can always head back to that later. C'mon!" He would beckon Chachanji to follow him, a bit of pep in his step!
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, comin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Can't help but smile every time I come here. No matter how much of a mess it was out there in Norvandt, this place... I dunno, would just always put me at ease. Everyone here's so eager to help one another. It's like a home away from home..." A content sigh escaped him as he spoke, but shook his head, no need for him to be getting all sentimental.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan pattered quickly after the Dwarf, looking at him as he commented on the Crystarium itself. The idea of everyone helping one another brought a smile to the Lalafell's face, which stayed there as he moved over to the aetheryte itself. Reaching out and closing his eyes, he began the attuning process. Once he had, though, his expression changes slightly - as if he had noticed noticing. Eyes still shut, his brows raised before furrowing.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He looks to Chachanji with a smile... though his expression confused him. "Something the matter? You can attune to the aetheryte yeah? I know there's a few rare cases of folk being unable to, but I'm sure you're not one of them, right?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "N-no no, I can attune ta it jus' fine," Chachan stated, though he kept his eyes shut. "'s jus'... I thin' I can feel a link ta one'a th' aetherytes near me home... 's faint... -real- faint, but..." He lowered his arm and opened his eyes to look at Koratt. "I... I might be able ta teleport near home from 'ere!" A bright smile. "I couldn't feel anythin' from th' aetheryte from Il Mheg, mebbe thi' one is jus' close 'nuff?" A pause, then a glance at the Tower. "Or mebbe because'a tha'...?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Wouldn't be shocked if it's on account of the Tower. It is very magical like that. This tower kinda came outta nowhere when it did, and it was around for a long time. Before me, My Pa, or even Grandpappy I think. When it did something about it just drew folks together from all over. Humes, Mystel, Drahn, Ronso, Elves, Galdjent... even Vhis and Dwarves, which usually aren't ones for traveling. Something about that tower, and the Crystal Exarch who resides in it, is mysterious... powerful, even."
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan followed Koratt towards the Tower as he talked, looking up at it - even more impressive even just a few hundred yalms closer like this. He gave the Dwarf a look of confusion at the strange names for the various races, but quickly assumed it was just the culture for this part of Hydaelyn and didn't interject. "Well, it IS plenty powerful-lookin'," he admitted. "'n kinda pretty. Wonder if'n th' one near me home looks thi' neat up close..."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Near your home?... You mean there's more than one of these?" He would look up, wide-eyed. It surely didn't sound like there could be, but the way things have been since the Flood, and the more recent events with Night returning, who knows at this point! "If there's another... Hmm..." He ponders it for a bit, but shakes his head. That probably wouldn't be like he thinks it is. Nonetheless. "Hey, I did promise you food n' drink. So c'mon! My treat."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh! Right! Almost f'rgot wit Reion bein' all grumpy 'n findin' out I might be able ta jus'... -teleport- home from 'ere!" Chachan chirped, looking to Koratt. "I'll... um... hafta warn ya. I... ah... tend ta eat a lot. 'specially if'n thi' teleport is gonna be anythin' like when I came back from Yanxia. Real long teleports like tha' really take it outta ya, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The heck is a Yanxia, he would wonder, but there's questions that can be answered as they eat. He nods and smiles, calling Chachanji over to follow to the Musica Universalis Markets. (Metarutaru Koradrix) "The place is always bustling! Regardless of how many turns of the sun or moon cycle, you'll see people moving about here!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Oh, Ul'dah's like tha' all th' time," Chachan offered with a smile. "Ya get used ta it." A pause. "... though, I 'spose I'll hafta get RE-used ta it after all thi'." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Still not quite used ta ev'rythin' not bein' all super colorful like in Il Mheg."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "I'll need to visit all these places you're talking about. Yanxia, Ul'Dah, never heard of any of those places before! Wonder if you live as far away a land as the Exarch does?" He would wonder a bit. "Sounds like places he would know about. Anyhow! Take a seat and I'll get some orders in."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, mebbe!" Chachan offered with a cheerful shrug. "They're all neat places 'n worth visitin', I figger." A nod and then he goes hunting for a nice place to sit.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) As Chachanji went to get a seat, he walks over to Glynard. Chachanji may see Koratt smiling brightly, laughing some with the man as he placed his order, nodding to him as they spoke. Once the order is placed, he smiles and walks back over to the table Chachanji chose, and took a seat himself. "Okay! Order's placed. Expect some good eats real soon!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I hope so!" Chachan stated with a nod as Koratt sat down. "Th' fae food is... akay, but it's mostly a lotta fruit 'n mushrooms, y'know? 'n I always felt bad after I... ah... got back ta normal size since 'm always starvin' somethin' fierce after it." A bit of a frown crosses his features as he thinks on it. "Always end up havin' ta help restock th' food stores afterward 'cuz I ate most'a it."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well! I told 'em you're from pretty far away, like Exarch far, So it oughta be some real good stuff. maybe something you're familiar with!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "We'll see! Honestly, jus' havin' some good meats 'n popotoes 'n stuff'd be best." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Somethin' hearty, y'know?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Then you're in for a treat!" He smiles brightly. There would be quite a few plates on the table! A sweet shellfish stew in tomato broth, along with a blood tomato salad with a dark vinegar topping, a big plate of peppered popotoes to be shared as well. For himself, Koratt got a nice big mug of ale, while for Chachanji, the drink he got was apparently something the Exarch appreciated. (Metarutaru Koradrix) (also, Matcha tea!)
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan went wide-eyed at the spread, mostly focusing on the stew and popotoes more than the greens - but that was probably to be expected considering living on a fae diet for a couple moons. He made a bit of a face at the tea - tea was always his brother's favorite, not his - but tried to mask it as best he could. Though, the success of that would be mired a little by his request to the waiter before they returned: "Ah, could I also get a glass'a Cham--" A pause. "Um... some fruit juice 'n-- (Chachanji Gegenji) --sweetwater if'n ya have it?"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) The waiter nods and leaves to get the request. "Aaaah, not a fan of the stuff? My apologies. Probably should've asked you first!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A-ah, 's fine, 's fine!" Chachan stated as he started filling a plate with stew and popotoes. "Tea is all well'n good but... 've always been a fan'a juice, ev'n after spendin' all tha' time wit th' fae."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Fair enough! Personally a bit of alcohol helps me through the day, always!" He laughs a bit before taking a swig of ale, and snagging himself some popotoes and some of the salad first, wasting no time in digging in. "Dom't be affphraid to chow dhown, yheh?" He would say with his mouth kinda full as he ate happily.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Ah, I dun really drink alcohol much, meself," he admitted bashfully as he began tucking in as well, the food on his plate disappearing at a frightening rate into the little Lalafell. He honestly seemed to be on pace to down the entire spread himself without too much difficulty, though he did make sure Koratt got all he wanted too. "Only had a drink'r two while at home."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Well, I feel a lad or lass would appreciate a fella who ain't a drunk, so good on ya! Also don't be afraid to ask for more! Eat til' you're stuffed!" He laughs heartily before resuming his meal, the waiter bringing the drink Chachanji requested.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Most of the food had already "mysteriously" disappeared by the time the waiter had returned, so Chachan sheepishly asked for a refill on everything else even as he nodded in thanks for his change of drink. Once they were away preparing more, he looked back to Koratt with a timid sip of his beverage. "A-ah, I 'unno if'n it's worth all tha' much praise. I jus' get... um... more talky 'n stuff when drunk." And more huggy, but he wasn't about to openly admit that. "So... i-it jus' seems safer ta do (Chachanji Gegenji) stuff like tha' at home rather'n when 'm out 'n about."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ah, fair 'nough, fair 'nough. So! How're ya enjoying the Crystarium? I know we haven't shown much, but hey!" He laughs a bit, happily eating his fill and relaxing some... but not too much, lest he lean back and fall off the barstool like last time.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "'s nice!" Chachan admitted immediately, looking about. "Nice ta be 'mongst other, non-fae peoples. And in a proper city 'n stuff, one not made outta lil' homes in hillsides or giant mushrooms."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Very different from Il Mheg for sure! Glad you're enjoying your time here! Was a bit worried you'd be too overwhelmed, shy sort you seem to be from earlier." He couldn't help but giggle. "But in all seriousness! Glad you're enjoying yourself, Chachanji."
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I-I ain't THA' shy!" he insisted with a pout and a fluster, followed by a slightly sulking sip of his drink. "'n-n 's more like comin' back ta somethin' f'miliar after bein' on a vacation fer a while, y'know? A vacation full'a pranks 'n monster-huntin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Okay okay! Not thaaat shy, hehe! And monster hunting sounds like a fun vacation to me! Not so much the fairy pranks though. Could do with alot less of those." He shook his head, before finishing his mug, having had a few swigs here and there as they were speaking. "But hey! It's good to hear, and who knows? Maybe the Exarch can help you find a way back? He's a nice guy, always has time to hear what folks have to say. With any luck he can help get you home safe n' sound!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "I dun really like fightin', though," he admitted with a sigh, rubbing at the back of his neck and looking back down towards the Aetheryte plaza. "'n hopefully I'll be able ta teleport proper-like back home... but I 'spose it can't hurt seein' if'n I can't talk ta this Exarch guy ya keep mentionin'."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Ya should, really. but here I am being all pushy!" He shook his head. "I see, then maybe the Crystalline Mean is more your style? It's a center area within the Crystarium. Crafters from all over Norvandt gather there to trade, buy, sell, and learn from one another. From Smiths, to Carpenters, Weavers to Alchemists. Anything you need would probably be there!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan nods. "Tha' sounds nicer, yeah. 'm a smith by trade, act'lly. Armor mostly, but I also make tools 'n do repairs 'n stuff," he clarifies. "Act'lly managed ta make a lil smithy in a lil cave in Il Mheg. Most'a th' Pixies didn't like it - they dun like smoke 'n metal 'n stuff." (Chachanji Gegenji) "... Though tha' was nice ta get 'way from them fer a bit now 'n then."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "You're bold or bonkers doing that. More gutsy than me I'll tell you that! Well, I'd enjoy the time here while you can, yeah? Dunno when you'll leave but you claim it's super far away. Who know when you'll be back, yeah?" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He smiles. "Enjoy yourself here while you -are- here, after all!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "W-well, I needed a place ta do me work... plus th' Nu Mou helped set it up. Lil' mushroom house 'n ev'rythin'," he explained further. "'s-sides, th' Pixies figgered out pretty quick tha' they could keep me outta it by makin' me too big ta fit inta th' cave... or get me out doin' th' same..." A sigh and a scratching at the cheek. "S-so, 's kinda nice ta be away from all tha'. 'course, Gria could be floatin' 'round somewheres nearby wit'out me knowin' so I gotta watch what 'm sayin'..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Dun want them decidin' ta do tha' while 'm in th' city 'ere..." (Chachanji Gegenji) "While home might be super far 'way, I DO wanna be able ta come back 'ere. 'n ev'n go back ta Il Mheg ta visit now'n then..." One couldn't tell if the latter was because he actually liked being there, or if was part of some promise made as part of being allowed to leave.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Mmh, I see I see...." He ponders this and nods, a smile appearing on his face. "Well, if you do come back to this side of the world, do let me know! Always enjoy company of a friend, which frankly one can never have too many, yeah!" Metarutaru Koradrix smiles at you. (Metarutaru Koradrix) He would pay for the food and drink which... admittedly was more than he expected. a good bit more really... but! He said he's paying it and damn it he's keeping his word.
(Chachanji Gegenji) "A'course!" he responded immediately. "'m always up fer meetin' up 'n hangin' out wit friends, so ya know I'll try'n find ya if'n 'm in th' area." A pause. "Um. Is there any good way ta reach ya? Linkpearl'r somethin'? They dun seem ta have range 'nuff ta reach back home, but 'm sure if'n 'm 'round 'ere I should be able ta reach ya by one."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Hmmm...." He ponders.... "Best I can think is simply asking! The folks at Clan Nutsy know me well enough, and If you go to them they can give a good idea as to where I'm at. They have a chapter in the city here so it's safe, no running about aimlessly. Heck, they may be able to contact me themselves afterwards so I can come on by!" (Metarutaru Koradrix) He realizes he might not know what the heck Clan Nutsy is. "They're a group of monster hunters, keeping the bad beasties in check for the good of the people. I'm a part of them!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Clan Nutsy?" Chachan echoes. "Guess I'll hafta go see them 'long wit thi' Crystal-Mean place 'n tha' Exarch guy a'fore I go, huh?" (Chachanji Gegenji) "... 's turnin' inta quite th' list'a thin's I gotta do a'fore I try teleportin' home, isn't it?" A chuckle.
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Heh!... Sorry for givin' ya all that... Just there's so much to look at around here in the Crystarium! The great Library at the Cabinet of Curiosity, the Hortorium which has all sorts of plants gathered and saved from all around the world, the Temenos Rookery which houses all the creatures used for travel, and combat as well, it's a grand city!"
(Chachanji Gegenji) "Well, I 'spose 's fair," Chachan admitted. "Comin' ta a new place like thi', it'd be kinduva shame ta jus' jump fer home rather'n look 'round some. I mean... 've been gone fer a bit as is..." He scratches at his floofy mass of hair. "I 'spose takin' a couple bells more ta look 'round 'ere a'fore leavin' can't hurt." (Chachanji Gegenji) "Tha' or jus' thin's ta visit th' next time 'm back 'round. Depends how much teleportin' back wears me out."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) "Enjoy your time here, then head on home with tales of this land, Norvandt! Maybe folks will believe you, maybe they won't! But hey. You've been to the place yourself, you know it exists." He nods lightly." And who knows? Maybe someday the opposite will occur, and I'll be able to see your land. This 'Ool'Dah' and 'Koo-gah-neigh' places you've mentioned. I bet they're like nothing I've ever witnessed before." A bit of wonderment was in his tone, and almost a bit of longing. There's more to the - (Metarutaru Koradrix) world that the Flood of Light hasn't destroyed? Places that may be just as fantastical as he's heard of in stories before the Flood... It gives him an look of hope to him that may no doubt seem odd to Chachanji, considering.
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan mostly just misinterpreted it as being curious to see other parts of the world - he got that, having left Doma to see Eorzea. As such, he gives an energetic nod. "A'course! If'n yer in th' area, def'nitely call me up! I can show ya 'round Ul'dah 'n me proper smithy 'n stuff! Kugane 'n Yanxia might be a bit of a trip on top'a all tha' but... 's def'nitely worth seein', I thin'!"
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt smiles brightly at that. "I'm going to hold you to that, Chachanji." He nods lightly. A bit of a sad sigh comes out of him though, as he listened to something from his own linkpearl. "Shame I can't stick around much longer, though. Seems Clan Nutsy needs my help taking down another beastie, over in Amh Araeng." He shook his head. "I'm sorry I gotta leave like this. But as long as you stay in the city, you'll be safe, for sure. Explore the city as you like or head on home and keep it in - (Metarutaru Koradrix) mind on your next trip, yeah? I uh, heh, look forward to seeing ya again when you do, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan canted his head. Amh Araeng? A whole other area he hadn't heard of yet, along with that Kholusia place. Definitely was a lot left to see on this side of Hydaelyn, to be sure! Still, at the apology, Chachan shook his head with a smile. "Hey, beatin' up those thin's keeps folks safe, ain't nothin' ta be sorry 'bout," he stated. "'n ya bet I'll try'n reach out ta ya th' next time 'm 'round these parts."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) Koratt nods lightly with a smile, hopping down and... Admittedly not really as good around folks as his demeanor and chatter would imply, just figure to shake Chachanji's hand with a nod. "Don't be a stranger, yeah?"
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan hopped off his own stool to return the shake. "A-ah, a'course. Ya too! 'n be careful wit tha' beast in Ahn Mereg or whatev'r tha' place is called."
(Metarutaru Koradrix) He snickers a bit at how Chachan said it, and nods! "You bet! It'll be a cinch! I'll see ya soon, Chachanji!" And with that, he waves to him and starts jogging down towards the entrance to the Crystarium, to pick up Gidgett and begin his trek to his next hunt!
(Chachanji Gegenji) Chachan waved as Koratt darted off, seguing into scratching at his cheek once the Dwarf was gone. Well, what was next then? Visiting Clan Nutsy? The Crystalline Mean? Or perhaps that Exarch fellow? He had quite the surprise itinerary now before he tried teleporting home, and he wasn't sure where to start.
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umbralsound-xiv · 4 years
For everyone but Zevi and Mhira! 💔: Have they ever had their heart broken? If so, why or how did it happen?
“Yes. Several times.”
The Seeker’s words were quiet, holding a little sorrow with each.
“...The first was a Knight. We had a... Distant relationship, in ways. But he was the first to show me what love and kindness looked like. But he left. Torn between his duty and me... He did not pick me.
The second. The one perhaps, most who know me, know. A man as damage and twisted as i was. He sharpened my edges, and made the previous love feel like a glimmer compared to the inferno he provided. He even lost himself, once. But i stayed. And he did not offer me the same devotion, when such a tragedy befell me.
And yet, i still hold a candle of hope, that it won’t happen again. Foolish, perhaps. But what choice to i have? I have to have some faith. I hope i’m right.”
Mist stares, as though she might yell any moment, her eyes cold and narrowed. How dare anyone reminder her, or pry into that most delicate?
“Yes, once, and only once.”
She snaps her answer.
“His name was Jin. He was twenty cycles younger than me. We grew together, and then apart again. I was incredibly stupid, and i pray that i only find the sense to keep myself from such blind idiocy in the future. You have your answer. Happy?”
Zhav murmurs. Her hand reflexively reaches to touch her neck.
“...’s name was Sahr’li. One’ve th’Karahli. Sure, i liked a bunch’ve folk, an’ slept with some’ve ‘em. But he was... Differen’. Sired m’kit. Probably might’ve sired a few more, if i’d ‘ad time. Jus’... Lots’ve folk died in th’Blaze. He were one’ve ‘em.”
Ulan knits her brow, and offers a frown, and a short nod. Motioning to her horns and tail, and pressing the backs of her hands to her chest, her hands raise up to form a circle in the air, before one hand wavers across the gesture. Slowly rolling her shoulders, she walks her fingers away from herself, glance cast aside....Yes. He was a Raen, and his name was... Fugetsu. But he... Left.
“Ah... No? No i haven’t. No, not really.” He seems happy for his response, but the tug of a frown on his lips spoke more than he did.
“...Not a... Person, anyway. An idea? A dream. I... Thought i’d have children, one sun. Maybe. If... I could manage it. But then... Things change, don’t they? Things out of our control. Now, it... It wouldn’t be ideal. Or fair. So... Suppose, i’m just... Well? It was just a dream, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah. I have. Don’t talk about it much, but... Well, never met anyone exactly keen to talk about their heart in bits, aye? Bit of a grim subject.
Her name was Faelenne. We were together for... A bit. Don’ get me wrong, when Jumi left, i was upset, but... Not like this. Fae left to fight at Carteneau. I... Said some not so nice things t’her before she left. Didn’ want her t’get herself killed. But... Fightin’ for others is what adventurers do. I couldn’t stop her, even if i’d have done everythin’. An’ she went off an’ died. So. Yeah. I were in bits for a while.”
Vjkta stares, and a brow lofts high enough that it threatens to dissapear into her hairline.
“No? No. I have not. Matters of--- Of the heart are... No interest to me. I have dabbled, but there is--- Is no conn...ection.
I have see--een what it does. I think myself gla-ad, on occasion. For when the mis-sery sets in. But sad. That i have also never ex...perienced the joy.”
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askoverexposedhc · 5 years
Mod Introductions! ★
Mod Obsidian
My name is Miles, i use he/him pronouns and my mineblr is @gay-obsidian! im really happy to be helping out with this AU! I’m modding for Etho & Iskall!
Mod Emerald
Hello ! I'm Lacey (she/her) but you can call me Emerald. My mineblr is @emerald-ores if you wanna find out more about me. I will be modding for the Big Renbowski! Needless to say I'm learning how to draw werewolfs jus for y'all... 👀👀👀
Mod Sylv
Hey guys! Im Sylv (or Sylveon if you want) I use they/them pronouns, and my mineblr is @nb-sponge! Im really excited to work on this au, especially on the art side of things! Although i am trying out writing for this! I'm mainly in charge of Grian and Mumbo!
Mod Xeno
‘Ello!! I’m your local goblin-fae mod, Xeno! I use any pronouns! My mineblr is @cheshire-vex and my main is @xxenobiology I’m super hyped to be here and help out with the OVE AU both w/writing & art! I hope y’all stick w/us cause this blog is gonna be heckin’ awesome! :33
Mod Wither
Heyo!! I’m Em (she/they), and my mineblr is @grianheadhunt! I’m another one of the writers on this blog, and I'm in charge of Joe (and possibly others!) Super excited to work on this! ♥
Mod Endstone
Hiya! I’m Mak (they/them/he/him) and my mineblr is @endstone-brick while my main is @mak-roni . I’m a writer and freelance artist for the blog and I’m not in charge of any hermits at that moment. I’m super excited to be a part of OVE because AUs are my lifeblood.
Mod Pingo
Hello! I’m Pingo (she/her) and my mineblr is @hermitgang ! I’m an artist and amateur writer and currently in charge of answering for docm77! Can’t wait to see what we do for this blog!!
Mod Al
Howdy! I’m Al! (she/her), for clarification, it is al, not ai! I’m the owner of the blog @fake-it-until-you-hermit! While it is my sideblog, I would rather keep my main away from my hermitcraft things! As usual, if you have seen my blog already, I’ll be doing a lot of things for Evil Xisuma! ^^”
Mod Elytra
Heya! I'm Noki (Any pronouns)! My mineblr is @minecraft-time and will be in charge of any asks from Scar or Jevin! I'm super excited to draw more of this au :D!
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maplesamurai · 5 years
The Witch’s Apprentice, Ch 7
Soon enough, and far too soon for the Butcher family, winter had come at last. The season’s snow had come as early as the last days of November, at first in the form of light flurries that melted in the sun as easily as the autumn frost, but by December’s second week, everything Arthur could see from the hilltop farmhouse was blanketed in snow, and icicles hung from every rooftop. In Arthur’s final month home, the hearth was kept burning all day round, putting the piles of firewood Arthur had diligently gathered in autumn to good use. But even in the dead of winter, there was still work to be done, and Arthur was happy to keep himself busy and thus his mind occupied away from the coming deadline.
  As the root vegetables his family kept in the garden still grew in winter, Arthur continued tending and picking the turnips, onions and sprouts. While he now needed to be fully bundled up in his coat to do so, he also kept on working on whatever repairs that he not taken care of in the fall, mostly the barn, as he had greatly prioritised the house while his sister was still ill. It was around this time too, that the time came to slaughter the family’s hogs for much needed meat. It was also somewhat hard for Arthur and Morgan to part with the animals they had been tending to all year in such a way, but such was life on the farm.
  What little free time Arthur had this time of year, he spent taking walks around town if it wasn’t too cold to go outside. He liked to take in the sights he had never fully appreciated, from the smoke rising from the townspeople’s chimneys, to the winter salmon leaping over the river rapids, and he also took the time to say his final goodbyes to everyone he knew outside of the family. Occasionally, he would still catch a flash of black out of the corner of his eye only to see a black feathered bird flying away when he turned to look, but by now he had grown oddly used to the possibility that his new mistress may be watching him.
  On these walks, he would often invite Morgan or his parents to join him, wanting to spend as much time with them as possible while he still could. And it was his sister who accompanied him as he took his final walk among the town the day before the Solstice Eve, the sun slowly setting over the horizon.
  The Solstice Festival proper would not begin until tomorrow night, but already Arthur and Morgan could take in the sights of the coming festivities. All across town, dwellings rich and poor were decorated with holly and ivy to ward off what darker spirits would roam in the dead of winter, and at the town square where months earlier the Butchers had sold their unexpected grain, priests of various gods tended the fire pit that would tomorrow night be lit for the festival bonfire. Lamp-posts illuminated the town roads, alight with flames enchanted by the local lord’s wizards to glow in all colours, while farmers wandering the streets spoke proudly of how large their sacrificial boars for the year had grown. 
  There were many holidays celebrating the Winter Solstice among the many cultures across the continent, but in the kingdom of Albion, the most widely practiced was the Festival of the Winter’s Hunt. When night fell on the eve of the Winter Solstice, the old legends said, the Elvenking would ride out of the Faerie Kingdom into the mortal world, followed the riders of the Wild Hunt, to judge each living soul they came across. Those the Elvenking judged as kind and virtuous, were said to be rewarded with gifts such as toys for children and coal to fuel a house’s hearth, left at one’s feet as the Wild Hunt invisibly rode past fast as the wind. Those judged as wicked and cruel, however, would be hunted and spirited away back to the fae realm, to what fate no one knew. These days, some would dismiss such tales as mere myth, only told to frighten children into behaving properly, but occasionally people would hear tell of those who ventured into the night on Solstice Eve never to be seen again, tales that convinced most to stay inside when the sun set this time of year.
  Arthur’s family were always the sort to honour such traditions. After all, Arthur thought to himself as he looked among the ivy draped homes and the icy roads glistening under the light of dusk with his sister walking beside him, it certainly would not be the strangest of tales they discovered to be true as of late.
  “You know, Arthur,” Morgan said to her brother as they continued to stroll past ivy draped homes, making sure to tread carefully on the icy roads, “I’m going to miss taking these walks with you once you’re gone. And I don’t think you’re going to see many sunsets like this inside that forest.”
“You said it,” Arthur sighed. “Part of me wishes I could just stay and spend all my remaining time just taking in the sights like this.”
  “Well, careful now,” Morgan teasingly told her brother. “If you stay out too late, the Wild Hunt might come to spirit you away.”
  “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” Arthur said with a shrug. “They shouldn’t arrive before tomorrow night. And besides,” he paused as he opened his hand to look at the Witch’s mark upon his palm, “I have the feeling they wouldn’t want to dispute a certain someone’s claim.”
  Morgan looked at Arthur’s palm curiously, before saying, “You know, Arthur, it’s still weird knowing how you’ve got that mark on your palm when I still can’t see it.”
  Arthur sighed. Just like the faeries that had accompanied the Witch’s healing spell, neither his parents nor Morgan had been able to see the mark on his palm. Melion had seen it when he arrived too late to stop Arthur’s bargain, but he was seemingly the only one other than Arthur or the Witch herself that was able to. He’d hoped to focus on the here and now and he came out for this final walk into town, but he couldn’t help but recall when he’d asked their Uncle Melion about the subject the day before he had left…
  O – O – O
  It was mid-afternoon on the day the Witch of the Woods had healed Morgan of the White Plague and restored the Butchers’ failed wheat to full health as well, on seemingly little more than a whim. After an unexpectedly busy morning of harvesting a whole field, one would think Arthur Butcher would be spending his free time at rest, but one would be wrong. Knowing how little time he had left among family, Arthur wanted to make that time count. And considering how little he could see his Uncle Melion even before the clock started ticking, Arthur wanted to take his uncle up on the offer he had declined the day prior.
  So it was inside the Butchers’ family barn was Arthur and Melion were getting ready for the latest of the various sword fighting lessons Melion had given his nephew over the years. The two wooden practice swords the two used for these lessons were propped against the barn wall, ready to be wielded, but this time, the weapons were to wait a little longer. For this time, even as Arthur was putting on the gambeson shirt and padded helmet he wore over his clothes to these lessons, his sister was sat on a barrel next to him, not to watch the lesson as usual, but to continue to pester Melion about a certain subject…
  “Ye’re really not gonna let up ‘til ah do it, are ye?” Melion sighed, clearly exasperated from his niece’s constant questions.
  “Nope,” Morgan said happily.
  “Okay, fine, ah can show it tae ye once.”
  And with a sigh of frustration, Melion dropped down on all fours, and the fur cloak on his back enveloped his body, changing as his shape did, until the gigantic, but still human looking man was replaced with a sabre-toothed black-furred wolf as large as warhorse.
  “There,” Melion growled. “Are ye happy, now?”
  “Very happy,” Morgan confirmed. “Does it feel weird when you do that, though? You know, with your fur separating from your body and merging back with it whenever you change shape?”
  “’Twas a bit strange at first, but ah’ve since grown used tae it,” Melion admitted, before turning back towards Arthur and telling him, “Ye just had tae tell her in front of everyone, didn’t ye, Arty?”
  “Oh, I didn’t have to,” Arthur said, barely stifling a laugh, “but I’ve yet to regret doing so.”
  “Of course ye don’t. Ah don’ suppose ye want tae ask anythin’ ‘bout this before we start yer lesson?”
  “Well, there’s one thing I’d like to know before we start,” Arthur admitted. “Not about your enchantment, but about something that concerns the both of us.”
  “Oh?” Melion asked curiously. “And wot might dat be?”
  “Well, remember how back when the Witch healed Morgan, it seemed like only I could see those faerie like spirits she conjured? And back when I made the pact with her, she seemed surprised when I could see the magic of the contract.”
  “So ye want tae know why we can see those things, but others can’t?”
  “Yeah, pretty much.”
  “Well, ah don’t know much about magic meself,” Melion admitted as he made a circle to lay down on the floor as Arthur had seen ordinary dogs do before, “so this is mostly pieced together from wot ah’ve learned from me time with the Witch and from wot magi ah’ve met on me later travels have told me, but the gist of it is that most magical things, like fae and other spirits, are mostly invisible unless they want tae make themselves known. ‘Tis the same with the magical energy that flows through a mage’s spells and the like. Pretty much anyone with working eyes can see the end result of such things, but only certain people can see wot’s really doin’ the work tae get that result.”
  “Okay,” Arthur replied, trying to wrap his head around the concept, “so what makes someone able to see magic, then?”
  “Afraid ah can’t give ye all the answers tae that,” Melion admitted, “but wot ah’ve bin told is that some people are jus’ more sensitive tae these things than most. An’ that doesn’t just mean ye can either see ‘em or ye can’t; some folk can just sense the presence of magic an’ spirits an’ that’s it, some can only faintly see such things, and others see ‘em as clear as a cloudless sky.”
  “And I’m guessing most magic users can see these things, right? It seems that would be an important part of their craft.”
  “Aye. In fact, some wizards ah’ve met have said the Sight’s usually the first hint that someone’s got mage talent. It’s not always the case, though.”
  This made Arthur curious. Could this possibly mean he could use magic himself if he learned how? Probably not, he decided, since he’d never seemed to be able to so much as sour a cup of milk. Still, it was certainly an interesting prospect, even if it was just wishful thinking.
  “The gift can also be more’re less common dependin’ on a whole bunch of factors, like where ye live, wot lineage ye come from, the circumstances of yer birth, or wot creature ye are, as well. Most animals can sense magic around ‘em, fer example.”
  “Speaking from experience?” Morgan remarked.
  “Don’t be rude, Morgan,” Arthur sternly reprimanded his sister.
  “S’ fine Arty, ah’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it,” Melion reassured the both of them. “’Sides, that’s partly true at least. Sure, we wargs are still a people in our own right, with our own language and laws, but we’re still closer tae common beasts than most races are, and our awareness of the magical world be no exception. Anyway, that’s how ah was ‘fore ah met the Witch.”
  “And that changed when you became a skinchanger?”
  “Aye. Ye see, one of the other things ah know ‘bout the whole deal is that inherently magical creatures can see magic, whether yer born as one, or become one later in life. So once ah made that pact with her, ah started being able tae see clearly wot I’d been sensin’ me whole life.”
  “Okay, that explains a few things,” Arthur said, “but I’ve only started to be able to see these things now. If I have this Sight, why haven’t I seen any kind of fae before this? I’ve even seen the lord’s wizards do their magic, but I’ve never seen a flash of magical energy come from them when they cast their spells like I have with the Witch. So why am I only seeing these things now?”
  “Honestly, Arty?” Melion said with the closest thing his canine shoulders could give to a shrug, “Beats me. Ah’ve heard that some folk don’t gain the Sight ‘til later in life, and there’s still others where their magic senses come and go, but ah’ve never been told why. Maybe ye’re just one of those cases, but ah’ve already told ye everythin’ ah know fer sure ‘bout the subject. Sorry if it don’ help ye much.”
  “Oh, it’s fine,” Arthur sighed. “I at least know more now than I did before I asked, so it’s not like I lost anything out of it.”
  “Glad tae know ye’re always eager tae learn,” as he stood back up and changed back to his human shape, his furred pelt returning to the form of his fur cloak. “Speakin’ of learnin’, how ‘bout we get started on yer newest lesson. We don’ know when I can next give ye one ‘fore ye go, so ah’ll be sure tae teach ye some of the good moves.”
  Eagerly, Arthur picked up one of the practice swords leaning against the wall, and his uncle made it over to grasp the other one. Then the master and student made their way to the mock ring at the center of the barn’s open space, and each made a ready stance opposite of each other.
  “Well?” Melion asked his nephew, “are ye ready tae begin?”
  “Ready when you are, Uncle,” Arthur replied, and both men drew their weapons…
  O – O – O
  Sighing as he closed his fist and lowered his hand, Arthur looked back to Morgan and said, “Maybe it’s for the best you can’t see these things. It hasn’t exactly helped me, after all…”
  Placing her hand on her brother’s shoulder, Morgan replied, “Don’t you start moping again. We’ve got your farewell party to look forward to, so let’s live in the moment while we still can, okay?”
  “If you say so. Speaking of which, you want to head home? I don’t want to be late to my own party.”
  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”
  As the two started to walk home, Arthur asked Morgan, “I know we just promised not to dwell on these things, but I have to ask… do you think you’re going to be okay after I’m gone?”
  “Don’t worry,” Morgan sighed, “I should be fine. I’ll probably have less free time since I’ll have to cover your duties around here, but I guess I’ll grow to live with it. It’s not like I’ve been doing my tinkering all that much, anyway.”
  “Yeah, I’ve noticed you haven’t been working on your contraptions as often lately,” Arthur replied. “What’s with that?”
  With a deep sigh, Morgan began, “This… isn’t easy for me to talk about.”
  “It’s okay; you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
  “No, it’s okay. It’s something I’ve been keeping to myself for a while, and I ought to let it off my chest before you go.”
  “Alright, so what is it you want to tell me?”
  “Well… I never really wanted to spend the rest of my life on the farm. Don’t get me wrong, I like living with you, and Ma and Pa, but farming’s not something I want to do for the rest of my life, you know? But tinkering around with clock parts and stuff has always been something I’ve really loved doing more than anything. So I thought one day, I’d leave the farm, join a clockworker’s guild, and do that kind of work for a living. Sure, we don’t have one here in town, but I figured I could move to the nearest city and join one there. That way, I wouldn’t be too far from home if I ever wanted to come back for a visit, or I could just stop by if I was ever travelling through the area on guild business.”
  After a moment to let it sink in, Arthur asked, “Why didn’t you ever tell any of us this before now?”
  “I didn’t think I needed to be in any hurry is all. I just figured you’d be around to inherit the farm when our folks passed on, so it wouldn’t be that big a deal if I wanted to do something else with my life. But then I got sick, and it seemed pointless to bring up my dreams for the future when it looked like I didn’t have any future left. And then you made that pact to save me, and now it looks like it’ll be up to me to keep the place running once our folks are gone.”
  “Morgan… I’m sorry.”
  “Eh, don’t worry about it. If you hadn’t have done what you did, I probably wouldn’t even be here today, so I guess it wasn’t meant to be either way. It was just a dream, anyway.”
  “I’ll… take your word for it. I’ve never really had any dreams or ambitions, myself. I was always satisfied to just tending our farm my whole life. So I guess neither of us got what we really wanted in the end, huh?”
  The two siblings shared a regretful sigh as they passed through the town gates and began making their way up the road to the Butcher farmhouse, before Morgan asked her brother, “Promise me something, Arthur?”
  “Sure, anything.”
  “Neither of us can mope for the rest of the night. The last thing our parents need is their son being a wet blanket for his own farewell party.”
  “I should be able to manage that just fine,” Arthur replied back with a smile. “After all, you’re the one who broke our agreement to live in the moment.”
  “Okay, you’ve got me there,” Morgan laughed as they began to walk uphill. “But promise anyway, please?”
  “Okay, I promise.”
  Eventually, the two made it up the hill and saw the lit windows of the family farmhouse. However, as they approached the house, the two saw a large, familiar silhouette just at the door, recognisable even through the falling snow.
  “Uncle Melion!” Arthur called, running towards his uncle at full speed as Melion himself turned around to greet him, soon followed by his sister.
  Upon hearing Arthur yell his name, Melion, seeming to be carrying a barrel attached to his back, turned his back to the door, and with a broad smile across his face, opened his arms to accept a great big hug from his niece and nephew.
  “I’m so glad you could come!” Arthur said happily, embracing his uncle tightly.
  “Wot, ye thought ah’d miss me favourite nephew’s goin’ away party?” Melion laughed heartily. “Ah wouldn’t miss this fer tae world!”
  “Glad to hear it Uncle,” Morgan said to Melion as she joined the embrace as well, before noticing the small barrel her uncle had strapped to her back and asking, “What’s that you’ve got on your back?”
  As he finished laughing, Melion looked down to Morgan and answered her, “Oh, this? Just a cask of ale ah picked up on me way here to liven up the party. An’ how’ve ye been, Morgan? Takin’ it easy like ah asked?”
  “Well, I did say no promises, didn’t I?”
  “Well, ah’d hoped ye’d honour me request fer yer folks’ sakes…”
  “Did you honour Pa’s request to play it safe on the job?”
  After a long, awkward silence, Melion broke his embrace with Arthur and Morgan and said, “Well, let’s not stand here in tae cold! We’ve got a party tae get tae!”
  “That’s what I thought,” Morgan said with an impish grin.
  It was then that the front door opened, and Melion turned around to see his brother Harold greeting the three of them.
  “Glad you could make it, Mel,” Harold welcomed his adoptive brother. “And I see you’ve brought the man of the hour back to his own party. So since we’ve got everyone here now, would you three like to come in and join the party?”
  Melion looked own to Arthur for the answer to that, who smiled and asked, “When do we start?”
  O – O – O
  While the Butchers’ household was nowhere near as extravagantly decorated as the town proper had been, but for Arthur’s last Solstice, it was simply breathtaking. A holly wreath had been hung above the door, and the rafters above everyone’s heads were draped with vines of ivy, which hung low enough to nearly graze the top of Melion’s head. A roaring fire had been lit in the hearth, a thick log burning at its center, making the house as warm as a home of peasant farmers could hope to be this deep into winter. In lieu of the magically coloured fires that lit the town square, upon every table in the house stood a lantern with coloured glass that cast light of all colours about the house to the same effect. The smell of a hot Solstice dinner wafted to the door all the way from the kitchen, carrying the scent of roast ham, mashed potatoes, and sauce of plum and redcurrant alike.  
  “Now, this be a sight,” Melion mused as he walked in. “No matter how far ah’ve traveled, no matter wot wonders ah’ve beheld, nothing ah’ve seen ever beats a good Solstice at home.”
  “I’m glad to hear you approve, Melion,” Summer said with a smile as she stepped out of the kitchen with a cooking apron over her outfit. “A Happy Solstice to you.”
  “And tae ye all as well! Say, is this old wolf’s nose deceiving me or does it smell like tae night’s dinner’s coming along well?”
  “Indeed it is, although you should be asking Arthur that,” Summer sighed as she handed her husband a pot of boiled greens to bring to the dinner table. “He cooked most of it. Harold and I were just taking over while he and Morgan stepped out for a walk.”
  “Really, Arty?” Melion laughed as Arthur himself made his way into the kitchen and grabbed himself a cooking apron hanging off of the wall. “They’re making ye cook the dinner fer yer own party?”
  “It certainly wasn’t our idea,” Summer sighed as she helped place the plum and redcurrant sauces on the table while Arthur opened the oven behind her to retrieve the roast boar. “Arthur was adamant about cooking the Solstice dinner. He was even hesitant to take that last walk into town until Morgan insisted he let us take over for a time.”
  “Yeah, well, you guys have always said you’ve liked my cooking,” Arthur replied as he pulled the boar out of the oven and carried it to the dinner table. “So I wanted to take this last opportunity to let you all enjoy it before I have to go tomorrow.”
  “Don’t worry too much about it, Arthur,” Morgan said as she followed her brother to the table, carrying the pot of mashed potatoes. “I’ll be sure to take over your share of the cooking when you’re gone. It’ll probably take a bit of trial and error to get as good as you, though.”
  Arthur shuddered as he placed the roast boar on the table. If there was only one thing he would not miss about his old life, it was Morgan’s cooking. He had sampled his sister’s past attempts in the culinary arts, and while he would never say as such to her face, from then on, every time she expressed interest in cooking the night’s meal he wondered if the family hogs would be willing to share their slop with him instead. At least, he thought, he would seldom be around to taste her future attempts.
  Arthur did not linger on that thought for long, as before the minute had passed, the whole Solstice dinner was on the table and ready to eat. Once the family was seated, everyone was given a wooden mug and their fill from the cask of ale that Melion had brought with him, even Morgan.
  Looking at her mother, Morgan asked, “Not gonna raise an objection to this, Ma? No reminders that I’m still underage for the next three months?”
  “Well, it’s a special occasion, so I can make a second exception,” Summer said before taking a sip from her own mug. “Just don’t expect a third time before your birthday in the coming year.”
  And so, the Butcher family dug in to their meal. The family enjoyed their food and drink, which was followed by a dessert of Solstice pudding once the meal was finished, they sang songs together, and listened to Melion weave bombastic tales about his recent adventures (which were probably more than a bit embellished) as the hours passed by, and before long, the moon had risen high into the sky, shining its light through the house windows with only hours to spare before the true Solstice Eve truly began at midnight.
  It was then, as the Butcher family sat in front of the roaring fire, that Harold Butcher stood up to make an announcement to his son.
  “Arthur,” he began, “we know you don’t normally expect much in the way of gifts this time of year, but given how this is your last Solstice here… each of us has gotten you something as a farewell present.”
  This was a surprise to Arthur. It was true that, because of the family’s lack of wealth, he and Morgan rarely received much in the way of presents. If their parents could afford to gift anything at all, it was usually something collectively given to both children, and if they were lucky enough to have to have Melion visit during the Solstice, he would bring Arthur and Morgan each something that he picked up during his travels, but that was all they could usually expect. So if he was receiving a gift from everyone here, then they truly were making every attempt to make his last Solstice count.
  “I…” Arthur began, taking a look at everyone around him, “I don’t know what to say.”
  “Ye’ll have time to find the words when ye open yer presents,” Melion told him as he made his way to a wooden chest by the door and opened it, taking out three gifts bound in string and brown wrapping paper, while taking another such gift out of his bags and walking back towards Arthur’s seat, handing him the first of the packages, a short and narrowly shaped one. “This first one be from yer old man.”
  “Well, thank you,” Arthur said as he began to tear the paper off of the package. “Thank all of you, really. I never expected you’d do all of this for me.”
  “Don’t thank us all, just yet,” Morgan told him as Arthur finished opening his first present. “Just thank us one at a time as you open them.”
  Looking down into the unwrapped present in his hands, Arthur saw that it was a sheathed foraging knife with a pale wooden handle, which he carefully unsheathed to reveal a curved, silvery blade.
  “Your mother and I have been thinking of what to get you for a while,” Harold explained to his son. “After quite a few scrapped ideas, we thought it would be best to each get you something that would come in useful in your new job, so we can still be with you in spirit after you’ve gone. I remembered that witch saying she’ll need you to go out and gather things for her, so I hope this foraging knife will come in handy for that.”
  “I’m sure it will,” Arthur replied. “Thank you, Pa.”
  Sheathing the new knife and placing it on the small table beside his chair, Arthur began to open the gift signed by his mother, which was flat and vaguely square shaped and felt soft under the packaging. Arthur guessed from the feel that it was an article of clothing of some variety, which was confirmed when he opened it to reveal a dark lime green cloak just his size.
  “I know it’s a bit cliché for a mother to worry about her child being caught in bad weather,” Summer began, “but I can’t help it. You’re no doubt going to working outdoors in that forest, and I doubt that new employer of yours is going to give you a day off because of rain. I also thought to pick a colour that might hopefully help you elude the gaze of that wood’s more dangerous inhabitants.”
  “Thanks, Ma,” Arthur smiled. “I’m sure it’ll help me avoid situations like my first venture into that place.”
  While giving a slight shudder at the reminder that her son was nearly eaten by a monster that one time, Summer gave Arthur a warm smile and a nod, telling him, “You’re very welcome.”
  “How about you open mine next?” Morgan suggested. “It’s something I’ve actually been working on myself, and I’ve been waiting since I finished it last month to see what you think of it.”
  Curious as to what Morgan could be referring to, Arthur began to open the gift signed with Morgan’s name, which revealed a hinged wooden box, which Arthur opened too. But when he saw what was inside, he only barely managed to hold back his tears. Lying atop a linen cushioning in the box was what looked like a brass clockwork bird about the size of a chicken egg, with a wind up key in its back.
  “Morgan…” Arthur breathed as he took the bird-like contraption out of its box, “you made this yourself?”
  “Yeah,” Morgan replied, seeming somewhat embarrassed. “It’s called an ornithopter. I read about them in a book on clockwork inventions at the town library once, so I wanted to sort of try my hand at making one. I’d gotten started on it before I got sick, and by the time I got back to working on it, I was already thinking of what I could get you for your going away present, so the timing just sort of worked out in the end.”
  Arthur legitimately didn’t know what to say. Just today Morgan had told him of her dream of becoming a clockwork inventor that she now had to give up, and here she had given him something she had planned to build as part of working towards that goal. He realised that his sister must have poured her heart and soul into building this gift for him… and he couldn’t help about feel guilty about it, even if he made sure not to show it on his face.
  “’Ornithopter?’” Harold inquired. “Is that some fancy word for a metal bird?”
  “Not really,” Morgan began to correct her father, “but it’s not entirely wrong, either. It refers to a kind of machine that’s built to mimic how birds- you know, it’s better to show you all. Arthur, put it on the floor and wind up the key, and you’ll see what it does.”
  Curious to see what his sister meant despite his guilt, Arthur got out of his chair and kneeled down on the floor, gently placing the ornithopter down there, and wound the key clockwise two times. In barely a second, the tiny machine unfurled its wings, which appeared to be a framework like a bat’s wings with the gaps filled by a cloth membrane, and to everyone but Morgan’s amazement, immediately flapped those wings and began to fly. It only barely rose an inch above the floor and covered about half a foot of distance before it landed again, but it was still unlike anything any of them had seen.
  “Morgan,” Arthur breathed, mouth agape in astonishment, “that’s incredible!”
  “Thanks, but I don’t think it’s as great as it could be if I had more time to work on it,” Morgan said modestly. “It can fly up to just under two feet, if you wind the key all the way. I’m actually kind of disappointed that I couldn’t get it to go farther.”
  “Don’t sell yerself short, now!” Melion contested Morgan with a hearty laugh. “Ah’ve seen the work of clockworkers’ guilds in big cities far and wide, and they’d be lucky tae have someone talented as you workin’ fer ‘em!”
  Arthur couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable about that comment, no matter how well-meaning Melion was when he made it. It seemed true that no one else knew about the dream Morgan had given up so she could pick up the slack in Arthur’s coming absence. Even Morgan seemed to visibly wince at being reminded of that fact, which the others noticed.
  “Morgan?” Summer asked with concern. “What’s wrong?”
  “Oh, it’s nothing!” Morgan lied to reassure them. “I… I’m just really glad Arthur likes it, that’s all.”
  Attempting to change the subject, Morgan continued, “But enough about me, why don’t we top off the evening with Arthur opening whatever Melion got for him?”
  Arthur, just as eager to move on from a subject that was surely distressing his sister, did just that, moving on to what had first appeared to be a strangely shaped package signed with Melion’s barely legible signature, but upon closer inspection, was actually two packages tied together; one long and narrow, and the other short and rectangular.
  “Two presents?” Arthur said in surprise. “Uncle, you didn’t have to-“
  “Don’ tell me I don’ have tae do these things fer ye,” Melion interrupted his nephew. “Like yer folks, ah wanted tae give ye somethin’ ye’d get some use outta, and I jus’ happened tae git me hands on two things that should serve ye well in that forest. So no more complainin’ ‘bout it, jus’ go and open ‘em, Arty.”
  Arthur opened the smaller of the two, which turned out to be a rather thick book entitled, A Manual of Monsters: The Comprehensive Guide to Magical Beasts & Spirits, by Albertus Magnus.
  “As ye no doubt remember from last time,” Melion explained as Arthur flipped through the tome’s pages to view the vividly illustrated magical beasts accompanying the detailed descriptions on such creatures, “the forest ye’ll be workin’ in is home tae all sorts of dangerous creatures, so ah thought ye could use a guide on what tae expect in there and how tae avoid comin’ across ‘em. Ah’m not exactly a book lover meself, but luckily ah meet quite a few experts on such beasts in me line of work, so ah asked an old associate of mine tae recommend a guidebook that’s up tae date enough tae be useful, while still simple enough that ye don’t need to spend a few years at some royal university tae read it.”
  “Thanks, Uncle. I’m sure this will prove invaluable.”
  “Aye, it should be full of useful tidbits like not walkin’ in tae a basilisk’s lair,” Melion said with a wink.
  “Hey, in my defense, I didn’t know what a basilisk’s lair looked like,” Arthur half-jokingly protested.
  “Well, now ye can look it up in that there book tae find out.”
  “And I was also trying to hide from a pack of wargs that had just come out of nowhere to kill a giant boar!”
  “Wot, and ye think it’d be worth it for ‘em to chase after a lone, measly human after expendin’ all the effort it takes tae chase one of those brutes down?” Melion laughed. “’Sides, speakin’ as a warg meself, they’d probably be full after that. Those boars can easily feed a whole pack, but ye’d barely qualify as a snack, methinks.”
  “Can we please talk about something else?” Summer sternly asked the two, clearly not fond of how filling a meal her son would be as a topic of conversation.
  “Fair enough,” Melion conceded. “So why don’ ye open yer second one, Arty?”
  Arthur did so, opening the long, narrow gift, which turned out to be a tool that Arthur had become very familiar with thanks to his uncle: a sheathed arming sword.
  “Ah know how las’ time we discussed this, ah said how ah wasn’t teachin’ ye how to handle one of these so ye could go into that forest. But now, looks like that’s exactly wot ye’ll be needin’ one for.”
  Cautiously, Arthur took pulled the blade out of its scabbard and examined it. It was a double edged blade just the length of his forearm, with a short, straight crossguard, underneath which extended a black leather grip ending in a triangular pommel. But what was most striking about the blade, Arthur found, was that the sword was not made of steel, like he might have guessed, but pure iron.
  “Why give me an iron sword?” Arthur inquired his uncle. “I don’t want to sound ungrateful or anything, but I’m curious why that instead of steel.”
  “And under any other circumstances, ah would’ve given ye a steel blade, but here’s the thing,” Melion explained. “There’s more in that wood ye need tae worry ‘bout than just beasts of the flesh. There’s also fae and spirits that can be more easily deterred by iron than steel.”
  “I…” Arthur stammered as he slid the sword back in his scabbard, once again fully reminded of what he had gotten himself into when he made his bargain. “Thanks, Uncle.”
  But after Arthur had put down the sword with the rest of his presents, tears began to well up in Arthur’s eyes, and he began to cry.
  “Arthur?” Summer asked her son worriedly, getting out of her chair to be by his side, “what’s wrong?”
  “It’s…” Arthur sniffed. “It’s a lot of things. A lot of things wrong and a lot of things right, too.”
  As everyone gathered around Arthur’s chair, he continued, “I’m… I’m really grateful to all of you, you know?”
  “Don’t mention it, lad,” Harold reassured his son as he placed a hand on his shoulder. “It’s your last Solstice here, so we needed to make it count.”
  “I don’t just mean for this, but for everything. We’ve never had much, but you’ve all still done everything you can for me and more, even as our home’s been falling apart.”
  “Arthur, dear,” his mother told him, “you don’t need to thank us for doing what a family should do.”
  “You’re probably right,” Arthur said sadly. “But it still just reminds me of how I threw it all away.”
  “Look Arthur, I’m still not thrilled about what you did either,” Morgan told him. “But I probably wouldn’t even be here today if you didn’t. Besides, remember how you promised no more moping tonight?”
  “Yeah, well it’s my party,” Arthur told his sister with a tearful grin, “and I’ll cry if I want to.”
  “C’mere, Arty,” Melion said softly as he pulled his nephew up to give him a great, big hug, which was quickly joined by his sister, and then his parents.
  “Thanks,” Arthur sniffed, “for giving me the best going away party I could have asked for… and being the best family I could have asked for.”
  “Don’t thank us, dear,” Summer told her son.
  “After all,” Harold added, “we couldn’t have done it without the best son we could have asked for.”
  “Or the best nephew,” Melion added.
  “Or the best brother,” Morgan topped it all off with.
  But eventually, this night too came to an end, and the Butchers tired and made their way to their beds, wishing each other a good night and a happy Solstice for their final night as a complete family in this house.
  All in all, Arthur supposed as he lied down to sleep the last night he would spend in his own bed, this had been the best Solstice party that he could have asked for.
  But the fact that it was to be his last made this night all the more bittersweet.
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icewraiths · 6 years
Another update on this AU thing skfjsklfjdsl
This has gotten kinda out of hand, lol--it’s not even really just the ‘kelpie AU’ anymore. It’s more like ‘the incarnates AU’ or ‘the aspects AU’ something, ever since I decided to drag Drusi and the other two into it.
Previous part is here.
The following morning was a disappointment, to say the least. The butcher refused to sell Renata anything--not even cheap stew meat. The rumors had apparently gotten to him. Unfortunately, this left Ren without a solid meal for the kelpie. She figured she was going to be on the outs with the mare for this, for sure.
She'd left in a huff and headed for the nearest tack supply shop instead. She picked out a pale blue rope halter with a pretty braided noseband, as well as a matching lead; the set cost more than she would've liked, but the rope was soft and of quality make. While she was there, she also grabbed a durable mane and tail brush. The mare certainly needed it, what with the atrocious shape her tangled hair was in.
Ren's final stop was at the cafe on the outskirts of town, where she acquired three sandwiches and four decadent pastries for meals and snacks along the road. She was down to a mere handful of shillings--she supposed that, once she returned to Valedale, she'd have to ask Claire for her job back as the stable's resident shit-shoveler.
By the time she snuck sheepishly out of town, the locals were starting to go about their daily routines, and most recognized her as someone who wasn't up to any good. She avoided their accusing stares and was very glad to be leaving the area behind.
The kelpie mare seemed happy to greet her, at least. She appeared, sylph-like, from the water's edge when Ren reached her corner of the woods.
"I don't have any meat for you today, I'm sorry. They wouldn't sell to me! They think I'm using it to lure wolves in." The young woman attempted some damage control. She hoped the gray would accept the sandwiches as a light meal instead, and she fished one out of her bag before peeling the packaging back.  
The mare snorted as though scoffing at Renata's offer. She approached the girl, nostrils flared, and snatched the sandwich right out of her hands. The meal was gone in several gnashing bites.
Unsatisfied, the gray pushed past Ren, and started rooting around in her pack.
"Hey! One of those was for me, for lunch. Well. Nevermind." Renata sighed. The young woman wanted to rescue the halter and lead from her backpack so that the gear wouldn’t get chewed up by accident, but she decided it would just have to wait until the man-eating fae was done with her food. She didn’t dare reach her hands into the same bag as the mare’s formidably keen fangs.
The kelpie's eyes widened and she withdrew something from the backpack. One of the pastries hung from her mouth, partially bitten into.
Prancing around with the confection in her mouth, the pale mare trotted to and fro. She tossed it into the air before catching it; it was gone in a single chomp.
"You have a sweet tooth?" Renata observed, inspecting the contents of her pack while there was still some distance between her and the fae. The gray had been kind enough to leave Ren one sandwich and a single pastry. Carefully, the young woman extracted the halter and lead from the pack, not bothering with the brushes just yet. She also plucked the last pastry from its wrapping, knowing that the kelpie was not going to like the halter one bit.
Ren held the snack out for the mare, waving it as though it were some kind of valuable prize. She showed the halter as well, so that the fae would not startle or feel tricked. The last thing she needed was to lose what little of the gray's trust she'd managed to earn.
"Here, mare. I know you aren't gonna be keen on this, but you have to at least try to look domesticated. The ratty-mane look isn't helping us any."
The fae stared her down. Clearly, the mare did not approve of the halter, but was torn by her want for the last of the pastries.
Eventually, the gray conceded, and stepped forward.
Renata tossed the treat towards the kelpie and sidestepped, moving as quickly as she could to loop the halter over the mare's head. She tied it, fastening the headstall knot before the mare was even finished eating her snack.
"That's not so terrible, is it? I bought the softest rope they had," Ren said, trying to pacify the fae. The mare tossed her head and rubbed her face against her foreleg as though trying to scrape the halter off.
In the meantime, Renata retrieved the lead and attached it to the halter. She stood next to the kelpie, holding the leadrope and tugging it a little to catch the mare's attention.
"I know, I know. I see that you hate it, but we have to get on the road. We have a long way to walk, especially if I can't ride for any of it."
The kelpie shook her mane out, conciliatory but unhappy about it. Ren shouldered her pack and sighed. It was going to be a long walk--she could practically already feel her feet aching.
The pair of them left the secluded stream behind without a backwards glance, and set out onto the road towards Valedale.
Fortunately, they only encountered one other group of riders along the way. It was a trio of girls Ren's age out on a hack with their warmbloods. Tightening her grip on the lead, Renata quietly warned the kelpie to behave as the strangers approached. All three riders paused, asking why Renata was walking the mare alongside the road.
"I just bought her. She's very green. I don't think ever she's had a rider on her before," Ren supplemented.
"Why not take the trailers?" One of the girls asked.
I definitely didn't take the trailers because I am definitely not  trying to avoid drawing attention to this perfectly normal horse that is most certainly not magical or dangerous in any way, Renata thought. She shrugged, trying to spin a plausible story as she stalled to respond.
"I spent almost my last shilling on her. I can't afford to have her hauled all over Jorvik," she replied, continuing without prompt. "I bought her off some shady guy. With a wagon? He had a bunch of greenbroke horses, and they all looked underfed and dirty. I had to buy her and get her out of there, and now I'm trying to get her back to my home stable. I'm sure I got ripped off, but look at her. I couldn't just leave her behind."
The gray played along, pressing her head against Renata's shoulder and looking as sad and pathetic as equinely possible.
"That's awful," one of the riders responded. "Do you know who the man was? Were the horses abused, you think?"
"I dunno," Ren said. "Pretty sure he gave me a fake name. I'm going to call in a report when I get back home. You guys keep an eye out for him, okay?"
The riders nodded, clutching at their reins and patting their horses in sympathy. They decided to continue on their hack, apparently, because they cued their mounts into a walk.
"Thanks for the heads up," the last rider said. "Good luck to you and... what is your horse's name?"
"Shade," Ren blurted. The other girl smiled at her.
"Good luck to you and Shade, then. Bye!" With that, the trio of riders trotted away down the road.
Once they were out of sight, Renata exhaled loudly.
"I'm glad they bought that. Come on, let's keep moving." The young woman tried to lead the kelpie forward, but the mare planted her feet.
Ren looked back at her, confused.
"You did fine, mare, they didn't suspect anything weird about you, I don't think. You put on a fine show. Very dramatic. I'm glad we played the pity card."
The fae still stood her ground.
"Fine, Shade, we have to get a move on if we want to see Vale before dark," Renata said, sarcastic. The gray tossed her head.
"Is it something about the name? I can call you something different, I just had to come up with something on the spot and it suited you. Sorry." The girl bowed slightly, hoping the show of respect would appease the fae.
The mare moved her little ears backwards, and then tipped them forward again. Her eerie pale eyes seemed quizzical.
"Look, I thought it suited you, like I said. I didn't mean any insult by it. I meant it as in, a shade, a shadow, a ghost. A remnant of something that used to be. You're the last of your herd, aren't you? It seemed fitting."
The kelpie nickered, making a sound akin to a woman chuckling under her breath. She dipped her head once, and then trotted forward, nearly dragging Ren off her feet.
"Shade it is, then," Renata said, scrambling to keep her footing as she jogged down the road alongside the mare.
They reached Valedale just after sundown. Ren was leery about being about in the darkness with the kelpie mare, but her fears went unrealized.
She managed to sneak Shade through the championship grounds; she knew that keeping the fae in the stable with all of Valedale's normal horses would be dangerous if not outright stupid. It was the off season, and any riders using the track for training had boarded up their horses for the night.
After successfully sneaking past the riding grounds, Renata headed for Avalon's house. The girl tentatively led the gray through the woods behind the cottage. Several of the lights were on, and she eyed each of them with scrutiny as she and Shade darted from tree to tree on their way to Vale's waterfall.
"All right, this is where I leave you for now. I’ll be back here to check on you tomorrow morning. I don't need to bother telling you to keep a low profile, do I?" Renata untied the rope halter and pulled it from the kelpie's head. The gray shook her mane in indignation--it was clear she was happy to be free from the oppressive headstall--before bounding to the water's edge and slipping into the fall's plunge pool.
Ren wasn't sure if she couldn't hear the impact of the fae hitting the water's surface over the sound of the falls, or if the kelpie simply had not made any sound at all upon diving.
She turned to leave, glancing once-over the area again to make sure they'd not been followed. Taking care to appear nonchalant just in case, Ren twined the lead rope into a coil along with the halter, and stowed them both in her pack. Upon shouldering the bag, she left, sneaking back past Avalon's cottage and making her way across the bridge towards town for the night. 
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thelittlestdemon-a · 7 years
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Apophis let out an annoyed sigh as he went to take a seat at the bar.  Taking note to strangle Loki next time he saw the man for stranding him here.  Ordering something strong to drink emerald eyes then turned to scan the building’s other patrons.  Angels, demons, human and fae; he would never get used to the openness of magic in the modern world.
Hearing the clink of glass in front of him the man turned to view his niece pouring a glass of whiskey from her own personal stash.  The Warlock grinned as she pushed the drink towards him “’Ello uncle!”
Apophis raised an eyebrow at the woman “Shins.  I should’ve figured.  I’d heard you owned a bar.” “Yep!” the brunette beamed “Own two clubs too!” “Dare I ask what kind of club?” “Well, on o’ dem’s a strip club.” The serpentine sighed “I didn’t need to know that.  Still, I suppose it’s better than you owning a whore house.”
The girl shrugged “’Ey, I made some pre’y good money as a pimp.  An’ my girls were always well taken care of.”  She waved a hand, moving to lean against the counter “Anyways, dat’s not da reason I came over ‘ere.”  She leaned in closer, her eye scanning the room “See anybody ya like?”
Another sigh came from the man “First Shylow, then Loki, and now you’re in on this two?  Look Shins, I understand you all just want me to be happy but honestly I don’t have any interest in dating.”
At that Apophis’ niece looked back at the man “Uncle, when was the last time ya even went on a date?” “Erm, well, uh, I don’t remember.  After Shylow’s mother died I just... Didn’t think about it.  I was too preoccupied being a father.” “Exactly!  Ya ain’t even givin’ it any thought!  But now ya got Safire's a full time babysi’er fer ya, and Shy can take care of ‘erself at this point!  So now it’s time ya get back out ter!”
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Running a hand through his hair the demon shrugged “I don’t know Shins.  I’ve been out of the “game” for a thousand years.  I don’t think I’ve got it in me to charm a woman anymore.”
“Oh dat’s bull!  Jus’ look at cha!  Yer young-ish, yer good lookin’!  Plus, da ladies love single dads!  Besides, I told the boys at da door dat yer not allowed ta leave unless A) it’s closin’ time B) Yer too drunk or C) ya got a pre’y lil number under yer arm.”  Smiling Shins reached out to pat her uncle’s cheek “Welp!  Good luck to ya!”  With that the girl drifted to the other side of the bar.  Leaving the bottle with him.
Grumbling irritably Apophis quickly downed his current glass before pouring himself another.  Green eyes once again scanning the room.  He was gonna be here all night wasn’t he?
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court-of-abs · 7 years
Elain and Graysen: A Final Goodbye
Hello Ducklings! (yes I just said Ducklings) Here’s another fan fiction for all of you. This topic took me a lot longer to write than I expected, but for good reason. This one actually made me feel super emotional so I hope you all enjoy it and feel the feels I felt while writing it. It is as the title says it is, and I know not a lot of us like Graysen (myself included) but my AMAZING friend @zorpher requested it and the more I thought about it the more I realized how necessary this scene to Elain may be. This one is a little long (1700+ words) but I couldn’t bring myself to really delete any of it. Alright, enough rambling, I hope you guys enjoy!
P.S. I’m taking requests! Send me your fav ship (or love triangle or love pentagon, whatever suits your fancy) and a quote/prompt idea to go off of, and I’ll write a fic for it! (As long as I don’t get too many requests, that is). Happy Reading :)
 Two years. It’d been two years since the war that had nearly destroyed all of Prythian and the mortal realm with it. Two years, and Elain still felt the effects of what the war had done to her. She would wake up in the middle night, trying to break free of ropes that no longer held her. Sometimes it would take her up to ten minutes to simply calm herself down and realize she wasn’t in Hybern’s camp, but here. Here, in Velaris. In the city she had fallen in love with.
But the worst dreams, the worst ones weren’t even about the war. They were about Graysen. She would dream that they were together, walking in his estate, hand in hand. She dreamt she had become his wife, had his children. Remained human. Those were the worst. Mainly because they never happened. Mainly because they never could happen. Those dreams had plagued her the most, leaving her wanting to sleep in all day and never wake up.
Two years later, and she still couldn’t get him out of her head. When she had finally confided in Nesta about it, telling him how Graysen still hadn’t left her thoughts, she had done something Elain never expected her to do.
“You never got to say good-bye. Not really” Nesta had said, giving Elain a stern look. “While I’d like you to never see the bastard again, I can… understand, or at least try to, that you never had the chance for closure, to say goodbye. It might be good for you to talk to him again, one last time.”
Elain had stood there, completely astonished, not really sure how to react to Nesta’s words. She had expected Nesta to shout, to forbid her from ever seeing Graysen again or even thinking about him. Maybe it was because Nesta always had a soft spot for Elain. Maybe it was because Elain had walked up to her with such sorrow in her eyes when she told her about Graysen, that not even Nesta could be cruel to her in that moment.
And now, after countless letters sent to him, he had finally responded. Finally agreed to talk to her one last time. She hadn’t told him why she wanted to speak, only that she needed to, and that he may need to as well.
Sitting across him now in the same room she had sat across from him years ago, Elain could do nothing but stare at him. Her hands were clasped in her laps, squeezing together so tightly that the object within them began to cut into her palms.
Oh how he had changed. His hair was slightly longer now, curling at the nape of his neck. It made him look older, much older than Elide thought he could ever look. His face was sharper, his cheekbones more prominent and his eyes looked wearier.
But in his eyes Elain no longer saw contempt from him. No longer did his gaze burn her with his hatred of their kind. Her kind. He simply looked tired, as if looking at Elain now, speaking to Elain, was taking all of his strength,
“Elain” he said, his voice raspy and riddled with something Elain couldn’t quite detect. Elain sat up straighter at her name, trying to gage how Graysen really felt in this moment. She tried accessing her seer abilities, to see if this meeting would be a civil one or not. But there was nothing. She supposed this conversation was something no one could predict, not even the foreseer's of fate itself.
“Elain, why did you come?” he asked. Elain knew what emotion was laced with his voice now. Pain. It was pain that coated his words.
Elain took a few comforting breaths before responding. “I needed to see you. We left on such bad terms and I… I didn’t want to leave things off like that.”
Graysen kept his gaze on her, but Elain dropped her head, looking at her clasped fingers in her lap, at the object beneath them.
“We have no reason to see eachother again” he said. Anger starting to seep in with his pained words.
“I know I just-”
“Why did you come Elain” he asked again. His voice growing more forceful with every word. Elain could hear her sisters shuffling outside the door, ready to intervene if Graysen so much as attempted to hurt her. But she had asked them not to intervene otherwise, to not come in unless Graysen attempted to hurt her physically. She knew he wouldn’t. She hoped he wouldn’t. With the way he was looking at her now, she wasn’t so sure she knew what he would do.
“I can’t stop thinking about you” Elain whispered quickly. Her voice was barely audible, only reaching Graysen’s ears do to their close proximity.
Graysen seemed to shudder at that, taking in a long breath and letting out a shaky one. His eyes, if it were possible, looked even more pained than before. She wouldn’t be surprised if he started crying right now. She wouldn’t be surprised if she started crying right now.
“Is it just me?” Elain asked quietly, meeting his pained gaze with her own.
“No” he replied. Tears beginning to stream down his face. His tears caused Elain’s to fall as well. “No it’s not just you.”
Knowing this, knowing it wasn’t just her caused Elain to smile. It was an effort to think about why this made her happy, knowing he was just as pained as she was. Perhaps she was more selfish than she realized.
“I know we can’t be together” Elain started, gaining some strength in her voice. “I know In a few years you’ll grow older and I’ll- I’ll be… the same. But I’m not here for that really I jus-”
“Elain” he said, stopping her confession “What I said during the war, when you and your, friends, came to my house to talk to me,” tears lined his cheeks as he talked, falling in steady streams down his face “I was wrong to say that. You had no choice in becoming one of… them. I just, I was just so-”
“I know” Elain intervened, knowing what he meant to say. Knowing all those hurtful words and looks that he had given two years ago were perhaps in defense of his heartbreak. It didn’t excuse them, no, but it put reason behind them. Thinking the words he’d spoken all those years ago had been of pure hatred had nearly destroyed Elain, but knowing now that he could admit, did admit, that he still cared for as she did him, gave her some peace of mind that she could only have dreamed of.
She had originally believed that hearing this and talking to Graysen might mean that he wanted to be with her again. That she would want to be with him again. But even if she did, even if he did, she knew in her heart it couldn’t happen. She knew in her heart it wouldn’t happen, and as Graysen spoke every word she began to realize it. He wasn’t telling her this to try and get her back, he was telling her this so he could finally say goodbye. Perhaps Elain, now realizing it, was doing the same thing.
“I will always love you” Elain said, a new purpose in her voice. “I will always think about you. I just needed to know that I wasn’t the only one who was hurting, as selfish as it may sound.”
“You are not selfish” Graysen responded “I don’t think you could ever be selfish.”
“I was once, with my sisters, with… Feyre” Elain said, drawing on the memories of her family’s time in poverty that seemed a lifetime ago, when really it was only about four years ago.
“I mean now. I don’t think you could ever be selfish now” he said, pulling Elain from her thoughts.
Elain smiled slightly and Graysen smiled back. It was pained for both of them, but it was a start. It was a start towards healing as two separate people. Elain knew that with each of his words a weight was lifting from her chest. From her heart. She loved this man still, would probably love this man for many years to come. But at least now her heart could finally begin to heal, to stitch back together the pieces that originally ripped apart after every time she thought of him.
Elain heard her sisters moving around outside the room again, growing more restless and impatient with every minute. Graysen noticed too, and smiled to himself.
“I’m sorry, they can be rather… protective to say the least. I should probably get going soon.” Elain smiled at her sister's worrying. They had both become rather territorial and protective as their fae instincts had set in over the years.
“They love you very much” Graysen said, rising to his feet and walking towards Elain. He offered her his hand which was mainly smooth with only a few scars lined across them from battle. From the war she supposed. She took it, rising from her chair and letting the object in her hand drop onto it.
They walked towards the door together and opened it to find both a relieved Nesta and Feyre. Graysen smiled to them both, looked once more at Elain, and then let her hand go. She watched him close the door behind him and then turned her attention back to her sisters.
“Well?” Feyre asked, trying to gage how Elain felt about the conversation. Elain knew that she had heard every word. That they both had. But they still gave her a gentle, questioning look, as if they hadn’t heard a thing.
So Elain smiled and hugged her sisters. When she looked up to meet their eyes again she knew they understood. Hand in hand the sisters walked out of Graysen’s estate. Feyre at her left squeezed her hand reassuringly, rubbing light circles with her thumb across her now bare ring finger. When they passed the outside patrol, Elain felt a final weight lift off of her. She didn’t look back as Feyre winnowed them back to the Night court, to Velaris.
To home.
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I wanted a Librarians/Shadowhunters Cross! Has Jazekiel, Malec and Izzy/Cassandra!
Isabelle sipped at her drink and turned to eye the crowds and flashing lights of Pandemonium. It was finally over, she thought.  They'd won. Valentine was gone, Downworld was safe, and they'd suffered minimum losses. It'd been close, after Jace using the holy fire, Max almost died but Lydia got to him in time,  and she was still trying to wrap her head around Simon being able to daywalk. In the end, their group was safe and happy, and that was all she could ask for.
She looked closer at the crowd and could see Jace and Clary dancing, both completely wrapped up in each other. Simon and Maia were the same a little ways off, Maia snickering at some of the moves Simon was pulling. Isabelle shook her head, he really was an adorable dork. If he hadn't moved on to Maia after Clary, she might have tried herself. They were happy though, and she couldn't bring herself  to be too upset over it.  Her gazed pulled to the VIP booth and she couldn't help but smile at what she saw. Alec and Magnus were curled up against each other, Magnus talking to Raphael while playing with Alec's hand that was resting on the table. Alec would occasionally chime in but mostly he just sipped at his drink and people watched. Nearly losing Magnus had wrecked her brother, and the two hadn't been apart since. In fact, two days after the final battle, Alec had moved in with Magnus and was commuting to the Institute to oversee the work that still needed to be done.
Watching all the happy couples was making something squirm in her chest, so she turned back to the bar, hoping to see the bartender again.  Unfortunately,  he'd moved to the other side of the bar to take care of another customer. She sighed a bit and sipped at her drink. Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone sit down beside her.
It was a pretty redhead woman, maybe a few years older than her. She had a braid in her hair and was dressed in tight pants and a well fit halter. She was leaning forward to check on the  bartender, and as she leaned back, she caught Isabelle's eye and smiled.  
"HI," she said.  She had a bright, infectious smile and Isabelle smiled back.
"Hi," the shadowhunter grinned. "the bartender should be back in a second," she said.  
The woman shrugged. "I'm in no hurry," she said.  She flicked her gaze around and settled on Isabelle again. She had very pretty blue eyes, Isabelle noted. "I like your pendent," she offered.
Isabelle smiled. "Thank you," she hummed and stroked the pendent absently. "It was a gift from a friend. I like your hair," she offered in return.
The woman laughed. "A friend of mine did it, I'm terrible at it."
Isabelle hummed, smirking a bit. "I'm Isabelle," she offered out her hand to shake.
The woman took it with a grin. "Cassandra," she offered. She glanced down at the hand she was still holding and twisted it to see the runes that Isabelle had left visible for a change. "Are those enochain tattoos?" She asked then blushed and let go of hand. "Sorry, I blurt things out sometimes," she offered, drawing back in on herself.
Isabelle chuckled a bit and smiled softly. "It's fine," she soothed. "I'm impressed you know what they are," she said, and it was true. "Not many mun... people do."
Cassandra looked back up at her again, assuaged that she hadn't overstepped. She shrugged. "I'm a Librarian, I read about a lot of weird things," she smirked, seeming amused.
Isabelle raised an eyebrow and smirked. As she did, Cassandra turned to watch the crowds, swaying slightly with the beat of the music. The woman smiled and hummed to herself, enjoying the atmosphere.
Isabelle grinned and offered her hand. "Would you like to dance?" She asked.
Cassandra nodded and took it.  "Sure, but I'm not very good."
Isabelle smirked and lead her out to the floor. "Well I am," she teased. "And I'm a great teacher."
................ Jake sighed from his place at the bar, watching idly for the bartender as he made his way toward him. Ezekiel had tried to give him a ridiculously complicated and most likely expensive drink order, but Jake was paying so the thief would get a beer and be happy for it.
The bartender, a young man with some fae features that Jake could  notice the closer he got, came up to him. "What can I get for you?" he asked
"Two pints of whatever you have on tap," the historian muttered and the bartender nodded. Once he came back Jake handed over the money and turned almost knocking into someone behind him. "Shit! I'm sorry," he muttered stepping back.
The guy was tall, lanky but muscled with thick dark hair and striking hazel eyes.
Jake blinked a bit and the guy raised an eyebrow before shrugging. "It's fine," he said. "Hey, two usual please," he said easily and the bartender nodded and passed over a colorful  martini and what looked like a old fashioned over.
As the man was about to leave, Jake noticed the tattoo on the side of his neck and blinked at the  hazy memory of seeing it somewhere. "Is that Enochian?" He asked the man who froze and turned to blink at him.
"How do you..." he trailed off as Jakes brain finally made the connection. "You're Nephilim!" He exclaimed voice raised in excitement. "Cool!" He muttered.
The man frowned at him, a crease in is brow. "You're not a mundane?" He demanded
Jake frowned. "I'm a Librarian," he said, firmly.
The man blinked and shook his head slightly. "Why don't you come sit with us," he said. "I'm up there," he gestured to the VIP area in front which was empty except for a few people Jake couldn't make out.  Jake paused and nodded. He was curious and he knew it wasn't going away until he got answers. "Sure! I  need to find someone first though."
The man shrugged and nodded. "See you in a few."
Jake made his way through the crowd of people to where he'd left Ezekiel, and handed him the beer. The thief raised an eyebrow. "This isn't what I asked for," he pointed out.
"You hate schnapps," the historian rolled his eyes. "You just wanted to watch me order a sex on the beach."
Ezekiel chuckled and shrugged in agreement. "Your face would've been hilarious. Who were you talking with?"
Jake raised his eyebrows excited. "He's a Nephilim. He invited us to go sit with him. You want to?"
Ezekiel frowned a bit. "I have no idea what that means but sure, let's go," he shrugged.
Jake rolled his eyes. "They were created by the angel Raziel  to battle demons," he muttered as they made their way to the VIP booth.
Ezekiel froze for a second and  blinked. "Angels are real?" He demanded.
Jake shrugged. "That's what the lore says," he said. He reached out and grabbed the thief's hand and started making their way through the crowd to the booth.
He stepped up onto the booth and the young guy waved to him. "Hey," he said.
 He turned to the man he was sitting beside, his arm loose around his shoulders. "This is the guy I told you about." The man, young, Asian, with impeccable makeup and ring laden hands, nodded in greeting. "I'm Magnus, this is Alec, and that's Raphael," he gestured to his other side where a young Latino man was sitting.
Jake nodded and thought he saw a hint of fang. He frowned a bit but he'd gotten better about his prejudice after being around Estrella while her and Cassie had dated. "I'm Jake, this is Ezekiel," he said and gestured to Ezekiel as they settled into the other side of the circular booth.
"So how did you know about me. You're not a part of downworld, I can tell," the man, Alec, asked.
Jake shrugged. "I told you, I'm a Librarian," he said.
Magnus raised an eyebrow. "A librarian or The Librarian," he asked.
Ezekiel frowned. "We're both Librarians. How do you know that?" he asked.
The man smirked and his eyes flashed gold, with slit pupils like a cats. "I've been around for quite some time, I've meet a few of you. It's good that they're making more than one. How's the old hermit Jenkins doing?" he asked, remembering his old friend fondly.
"Um, first mind sharing what a librarian is? Besides the obvious," Alec added and Raphael smirked,  amused.
Magnus smiled and threw an arm around the shadowhunters shoulders, playing with the strands of his hair. "They help control wild magic or magical artifacts. They must be quite busy lately with the lay lines. Was that you people?" he asked curious.
Jake scowled and Ezekiel frowned. "That's a long story," Ezekiel muttered. "It was our first time out, needless to say it could have been better. At least no one died."
Magnus hummed and nodded in agreement. "Well, tell Jenkins if he needs anything to send a message. I'm always willing to help an old friend."
Raphael nudged Magnus and he scooted back to let the vampire slip out and onto the dancefloor. He was probably going to find Simon before leaving for the night. He waved goodbye as he left.
Ezekiel smirked. "I didn't know he had any friends," he said amused and Jake elbowed him. "How'd you meet him?" the historian asked.
Magnus frowned. "He helped me when I was coming into my magic. We stumbled across each other by accident. He helped me, found me a place to stay and learn more about my powers."
Jake hummed and nodded. "Sounds like him," he said.
Magnus smirked and nodded. "So what's it been like with the lay lines open? It's helped me some but I can't imagine it's made things peaceful for you."
Ezekiel snorted. "You could say that," he said. With that, he jumped into a story  about a cursed object they'd come across in London.
Alec seemed really interested and once Ezekiel was done, he shared his own story about a Sax demon in Grand Central. Jake relaxed and let the surprisingly relaxed atmosphere roll around him, slumping next to  Ezekiel as he listened and idly commented. Ezekiel seemed interested in the cultural side of shadowhunters, getting a bit worked up about the clave. Jake rolled his eyes, always problems with authority.  He patted the youngers knee under the table to draw him back a bit, even though Magnus seemed amused and Alec wasn't getting defensive. He just knew the thief would go on if he wasn't stopped. Ezekiel gave him a frown but Jake just shrugged and turned to the two. "So how did you two get together?" He asked. "Seems like there's a pretty good story there," he smirked.
Alec smirked. "I saved his life," he said, casting a teasing side eye to his partner. "And he replied with a pun."
"I had everything under control!" Magnus denied, mock indignant.
"But you did reply with a pun," Alec raised an amused eyebrow.
Magnus huffed and rolled his eyes, mock pouting. Alec chuckled and leaned over giving the warlock a brief kiss, making Magnus grin.
Jake smirked slightly, amused and endeared to the sweetness these two exhibited.
Magnus turned to him still smiling. "What about you two?" He asked.
Jake raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ezekiel who seemed surprised too."Most people don't notice we're together," he admitted. "We hated each other for a bit when we first meet."
"Still do sometimes," Ezekiel teased sticking his tongue out. Jake just snorted and shook his head.
"We were put under a spell by the current big bad. It was a narrative spell that gave you your happily ever after, and while most of it was absurd, we were together in it." the thief said. "It took us a couple of months after that happened to man up to each other but eventually we did."
Jake hummed and nodded. "It's been almost a year now. We haven't anounced it but I'm pretty sure all our group knows."
Ezekiel nodded. "Cassandra absolutely knows. She flat out told me to stop pulling your pigtails around her," he laughed.
"You obviously didn't listen," an amused voice came from behind and Jake and Ezekiel turned to grin at Cassandra.  
"Hey Cassie!" Ezekiel waved. "Come join. You making friends?" He asked eyeing the gorgeous dark haired  woman behind her.
Cassandra just rolled her eyes and made a shove over motion. They did, and Cassandra slid in beside them, her friend doing the same on the other.
"So I'm assuming you guys made introductions?" Cassandra asked.
The boys nodded and Isabelle smiled. "Well  I'm Isabelle," she said gesturing beside her and turning to Alec and Magnus. "Guys this is Cassandra. Cassandra, Alec and Magnus."
Alec just nodded while Magnus smiled and waved. "Pleasure."
Cassandra smiled and turned to the boys. "One of you guys want to dance before we have to leave? Jenkins called a little while ago and said he wants us in early tomorrow."
Ezekiel groaned and slouched. "Should have known two days in a row was asking for too much."
Jake smirked at him and turned to Cassandra. "I'll dance with you Cassie," he offered and the redhead smiled.
Ezekiel snorted. "I don't think you can two step here cowboy," he smirked.
  Jake raised an eyebrow. "I'll show you two step," he muttered grabbing the thief by the sleeve of his shirt and pulling him out of the booth after Cassandra stood.  Ezekiel chuckled and winked over his shoulder as he was dragged out onto the dancefloor.
Cassandra shook her head and turned to the others. "Those two give me migraines," she muttered.
Isabelle and Magnus laughed and Alec smirked.
"I know the feeling," Isabelle chuckled and side eyed her brother.
Alec scowled at her. "Hey, we are not that bad!" He protested. "What about the never ending drama that is Clace?"
Isabelle giggled and nodded in agreement. Cassandra raised an eyebrow in curiosity.
Isabelle shrugged. "Our brother and his girlfriend," she explained. "It never ends and we all get a front row seat."
Cassandra giggled  and nodded. "I see," she said. "So, you were talking about demon possession and how it affects brain chemistry?"
Isabelle brightened and launched into an retelling of some of the readings they'd gotten off of previously possessed people and even some of the corpses they'd examined.  Cassandra followed along and asked questions excitedly. Alec couldn't help but smile a bit. His sister didn't often get to talk in depth about her research. Jace and Alec weren't stupid by any means, but they weren't on her level.
They chatted for a while until Jake and Ezekiel came back, saying something about a door and needing to leave.  Cassandra stood and Isabelle joined them, reaching out to put a hand on Cassandra's shoulder. "Hey, wait," she muttered.
Cassandra motioned the others to go ahead and turned to her. "Yeah?"
Isabelle smiled. "It was nice meeting you," she said. "Can I give you my number? Maybe we could meet up sometime?"
The redhead grinned brightly and nodded. "Sure!" She dug out her phone from her purse and handed it over to the shadowhunter. "Here."
Isabelle entered her own number and sent herself a quick text. "There you go. I'll see you around," she smirked.
Cassandra nodded. "Absolutely!" she enthoused. "It was nice to meet you. I should get going before they leave me though," she added smirking.
Isabelle nodded and leaned forward to give a quick kiss to her cheek. "Bye!"
The redhead stuttered and nodded, blushing slightly and backing away into the crowd. Isabelle smiled slightly and turned back to the group. Alec was watching her with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" she demanded crossing her arms over her chest.
Alec just shook his head. "Do we really need another redhead?" he muttered. Isabelle just laughed and Magnus shook his head, amused.
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