#they don't need murrays help
Murray doesn't need to help byler out. He walks in on them kissing in the hallway and then proceeds to pour himself a drink
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meangirls-imagines · 3 months
Leap of Faith
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Description: Part 2 to "Best Friends?" The roommates call an audible when they see how much the aftermath of the Incident™️ is affecting both girls. Help comes in the form of the Murray family.
WARNINGS: buckle up, this is a 2.4k word RIDE, realizations of love, reader being sad, sports injury (reader breaks her ankle), first kisses.
a month.
that's how long it had been since what leighton had deemed "d-day".
this was the longest she had ever gone without talking to y/n and leighton was hurting. she broke things off with alicia after the incident happened. it wasn't pretty. 
hurtful things were said, alicia flipped a coffee table and had to be escorted out of the dorm building by jackson, who kimberly luckily had at the ready when things turned south.
her roommates could see this was taking a toll on the blonde, the trio trying their best to keep leighton's spirits up. whitney was really the only one who got to see how it was affecting both girls. 
y/n, in whitney's opinion, was doing worse than leighton was. whitney rarely saw the girl outside of practice and the one class they had together. she had heard through the grapevine that y/n hadn't slept in days, maybe weeks. all she had been doing was going to class, practice and the gym.
had she tried to talk to y/n? yes. but to no avail. the girl had brushed her off every single attempt. whitney had no idea what to do. she talked to bela and kimberly and they formed a plan.
they were going to get the girls together.
leighton was pleasantly surprised when she saw her dad and nico sitting outside her dorm on a bench, seemingly waiting for her. she walked up to them and immediately was pulled into a hug by nico.
"leighton! there's my beautiful sister." the blonde was confused but hugged her brother back. once he released her, her dad pulled her into his arms. "hi guys. not that i'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" the two shared a secret look with each other. "we wanted to visit and say hi. your mom is here too, but she went to talk to the kappa president about something."
the blonde looked suspicious but shrugged it off. the two men kept talking as they guided leighton to their suv that was parked near by, planning on taking her to lunch. the blonde allowed them to, finally relaxing for the first time in weeks. 
y/n shot another ball into the back of the net at full force. practice had ended over an hour ago and she was still kicking penalty shots, trying to get her frustration out. her body was exhausted and threatened to shut down at any moment, but y/n stayed fueled with energy drinks. she had jogged after the ball she had been practicing with when a voice yelled out.
"i knew you'd be here." 
y/n froze. she hadn't heard that voice in a while. she slowly turned to see a woman taking off a pair of designer sunglasses, staring into y/n's soul.
there she stood, in all her glory. mimi murray. y/n audibly gulped at the woman staring at her. she slowly walked towards the woman, kinda like a scared puppy. the woman looked at y/n and cupped her cheeks. "have you been sleeping? eating?" y/n opened her mouth to answer when mimi put her hand up to stop her. 
"no. you don't need to answer, i already know. grab your stuff. we have plans." y/n nodded and quickly grabbed her stuff, not wanting to disappoint the woman more than she probably had.
with leighton, nico, and henry, the trio were out eating at an italian restaurant half an hour away from campus. the two men noticed how quiet leighton had gotten, asking her if everything was okay. she spilled everything to them, the men looking at her sadly. "leighton, i'm gonna be honest with you, i'm surprised it took you this long to catch on."
leighton looked at her dad surprised. "what do you mean?" her dad sighed. "i had a feeling a while ago that she had feelings for you. and then the feeling was confirmed last year. remember when that alex guy came to our house to ask you to prom?" leighton frowned. "yeah?"
y/n and leighton were hanging out in the living room of the murray household. since it was the spring, soccer season had taken over most of y/n's schedule, leaving her barely any room to hang out with the blonde. so, every rare weekend that y/n had off, she spent at leighton's house. 
as the two sat on the couch cuddling and watching a movie, the doorbell rang. thinking it was one of nico's friends, the girls ignored it. until leighton's dad came in. "hey leight, there's someone here for you." confused, the two girls got up, walking to the front door where alex hightower stood at leighton's door with a huge sign and a bag of leighton's favorite treats. the sign read "it would be a treat if you went to prom with me". y/n's heart dropped to her stomach as leighton smiled at the boy, accepting his invite. 
she was hoping to gather enough courage to ask leighton if she just wanted to go together as friends. she visibly deflated as leighton spoke excitedly with alex about prom plans. henry was standing off to the side watching it all unfold. he saw how y/n reacted to the proposal and his heart broke a little bit. 
alex eventually left as leighton dragged y/n up to her room to have the girl help her plan her dress. henry saw as y/n plastered on a fake smile and allowed the girl to drag her up the stairs. 
when he woke up the next morning, y/n had already left. a few weeks later, as leighton danced with her date and scanned the room looking for y/n, her heart breaking when she didn't see her anywhere. y/n sat at home alone, looking on instagram and seeing how happy leighton looked. in that moment, y/n made sure that leighton kept that happiness with her, no matter how much it hurt her.
leighton's heart broke at the revelation. she had no idea she was the reason y/n didn't go to prom. it broke even more when she thought of y/n wanting to ask her to prom. she definitely would've had the perfect prom with y/n. nico and henry looked at leighton. nico spoke up. "leighton, y/n has been in love with you since you guys met. she has dedicated this friendship to making you happy, even though it kills her. and i think you love her too."
leighton was crying at this point. henry scooting closer to her and pulling his daughter into his side. "leighton, honey. you wanna know what i think you should do?" the blonde sniffled and nodded. "take the leap. go after her. you two are made for each other. you need each other more than you know. take the first step and get your girl." leighton sniffled and nodded. 
they paid for lunch and headed back to campus. on the drive back, ideas ran through leighton's head on how she could take the leap. a light bulb went off in her head and she smiled. 
she knew exactly what to do.
with mimi and y/n, the older woman took the girl to the best spa in town. after she had received a mysterious phone call from leighton's roommate, she listened as the girl told her what happened between y/n and her daughter and how y/n wasn't taking care of herself. her protective mom side came out and she cancelled any meetings she had for the rest of the day and headed to essex. 
now, the two sat in the steam room together, fresh out of their swedish massage sessions. mimi decided to break the ice first. "so, what happened between you and leighton?" y/n froze again. "we had a fight last month. i haven't talked to her since." mimi nodded. "did this fight have to do with the fact that you're in love with my daughter?"
y/n's head whipped around to look at the older woman nervously. "w-what?" mimi looked at the girl smirking. "i know more than you think. i also know that my daughter is also in love with you." y/n's jaw dropped. "no she doesn't. she's dating someone else." mimi shook her head. "nope. she called me the night you guys had the fight and told me that she broke up with that anna girl." 
y/n chuckled. "you mean alicia?" mimi waved the girl off. "same thing. she told me that the breakup didn't go well with alicia." y/n's heart dropped to her stomach at the thought of what might've happened. she shook her head. "so what if she broke up with her? she's not in love with me." mimi sighed. "yes she is. don't you remember what happened a couple of years ago?"
leighton murray was NOT a school spirit person. 
except when it came to y/n. 
when it came to y/n, leighton and her parents would be in the front row of the stands. leighton would be draped in whatever jersey y/n wasn't wearing, her soccer letterman, and the blonde would even go the extra mile and paint her face in school colors. she loved watching y/n play soccer. especially when y/n got extra sweaty. (leighton would daydream about other instances where y/n would be sweaty but she would never admit that.) 
this certain game, spence was playing their cross town rivals, st. john academy. the game was intense, both teams receiving multiple cards before halftime. y/n was getting pushed around and tackled more than usual and every time she hit the ground, leighton would lose a little off her life.
it all culminated in the 40th minute of the game. y/n was sprinting down the field with the ball at her feet, no defenders in front of her, ready to put spence in the lead. a defender from st. john had caught up to her and slid into a dirty tackle. y/n was blindsided as the defender's cleat came in at full speed and force to y/n's ankle.
there was a pop, a scream, and a thud as y/n fell in a heap to the ground, not before bouncing her head off the field. leighton couldn't breathe. she squeezed nico's hand extremely tight as the boy tried to calm her down. the second the ref waved her hand for the medics, leighton was out of her seat, sprinting to the field. 
coach smith met her at the sideline and ran over to y/n with her. the girl was writhing in pain on the ground, tears streaming from her face. the medics began prepping her ankle to transport her to the hospital. leighton kneeled next to her head. "y/n. hey, you're gonna be okay. i promise." the blonde took y/n's hand, squeezing it gently to let her know she was there. y/n squeezed back as her head pounded and her ankle throbbed. 
the medics eventually moved her to the ambulance where leighton demanded to ride with them, texting her parents to meet them at the hospital.
leighton never left y/n's side during her recovery. so when senior year rolled around, leighton was where she always was, front row, letterman on, watching her best friend take the field for the last time in her high school career. 
y/n was pulled out of the vivid flashback by mimi. "i knew leighton was in love with you when that happened. she was glued to your side that whole year you recovered. she had multiple guys ask her out on dates and she always shot them down. she always drove you to physical therapy. i knew then that if leighton, who refused to go near one of us when we're sick, was doing all of this for you being hurt, she loved you." 
y/n's heart raced. maybe mimi was right. but, had she ruined it with the fight they had last month? mimi noticed the hesitation on her face and stood. y/n looked at her confused. "where are you going?" mimi turned and smiled at the girl. "i'm taking you back to campus to get your girl."
y/n walked back to her dorm, more relaxed than when she left that morning. maybe she would sleep on it and make a decision from there. she pulled her keys out to unlock the door, eagerly wanting to get into bed. when she opened the door, the sight before her took her breath away.
leighton had crafted a blanket fort in the common room of y/n's dorm, fairy lights and all. y/n could see that leighton had gotten her favorite takeout, including dessert, she had a bottle of wine (that she convinced her dad to buy), and her laptop had disney plus queued up with the movie they always watched together, cinderella.
y/n looked at the blonde, who stood nervously by the couch. she was wearing one of y/n's soccer hoodies and some sweatpants. y/n had never seen her look more beautiful than she did in that moment. leighton smiled shyly at her. "hi. i know you're probably still mad at me but i've missed you and i couldn't stay away from you any longer so i did all this so hopefully you would forgive me? it's totally cool if you don't-"
y/n strode across the room and pulled leighton into her arms. she was taller than the blonde so she buried her face in leighton's hair. the blonde relaxed into y/n's arms, tucking her face in the crook of her neck. "i missed you too bubbles." leighton smiled at the nickname. they pulled away from the hug as leighton looked up at y/n. 
in a last second idea, leighton leaned up and kissed y/n, catching the girl off guard. y/n quickly relaxed into the kiss, sparks flying behind her eyes. the two kissed for a few minutes and pulled away. 
"i love you. i think i always have but i was too scared to admit it. but i've always had this weird feeling when i'm with you. i can't explain it, but i know it's a good feeling. and it's a feeling i don't want to ever lose. i wanna be yours, y/n. forever, if you'll have me."
y/n smiled wide and pulled leighton in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. "you have no idea how long i've waited to hear those words, bubbles." leighton smiled at the girl. "well, buttercup, get ready to hear them forever." the two kissed again, their passion slowly bleeding into the night.
the couple could never figure out what came over leighton's family to show up that day. 
they would find out years later.
in a speech, surrounded by their friends and loved ones.
with matching rings on their left hands.
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0blobthefish0 · 4 months
leighton murray masterlist | main masterlist
Part 2
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Leighton Murray x Female Reader 2,204 words
You take biochem with Bela and Whitney and you're never usually one to party, so when Bela finally convinces you, you find yourself letting go. Leighton can't help but keep an eye on you.
You let out another sigh as you fall onto your back in the middle of your friends' common room.
"We're gonna fail," you mumble, covering your face with your hands and slowly dragging them down before letting them slump against the floor with a thump.
"Stop, don't say that," Bela quickly scolds and you can't help but frown in defeat. You feel a gentle pat on your knee and groan. Biochem was going to be the death of you. "See? The thing just goes in this thing and that other.. thing comes out?" A half-suppressed - but lighthearted - laugh shot out of you and, in return, you felt a slap to your knee.
"Ow-uh," you pouted at Bela as you sat up to which she scrunched up her face and mocked you like a child. Your mouth fell agape at the sheer audacity of your friend and you felt for a pillow from behind you.
"Are you guys still studying for the exam?" You hear Whitney question and you begrudgingly release your hold on the pillow.
"Sadly," you and Bela reply in unison - which brings a grin to your faces.
"Ugh- it's no use though, I need to let off some steam." Silence fell of the room for a brief moment and then Bela turned to you with a glint in her eyes.
"I know what could help..." she smirked, but you were already shaking your head. You knew what she was going to say. She had brought it up so many times and each time you said the same thing.
"No, absolutely not," you waved her off as she began to creep closer.
"Oh come onnnnn," she whined her hands gripping onto your upper arm, "pleaseeeee? Just this once."
"I've been before, they're not that good," you replied and you felt Whitney sidle in next to you.
"But," she lightly paused, "have you been to one with us?" She combated with a sly smile. You  shook your head in defeat.
"So you're going?" Bela asked loudly, causing Kimberly to emerge from her room.
The four girls, Kimberly, Bela, Whitney and Leighton, stood in the middle of their common room - all dressed in accordance for the evening - and four shot glasses stood lined on the coffee table. A knock sounded and the four girls turned their heads toward the door, Bela ran over, her heels clacking against the floor.
"Quick!," she waved to one of the others, "pour a shot."
Leighton stood, brows furrowed as Kimberly quickly rushed to pour a shot, unaware of the incoming visitor. "Who's here?"
"Y/n? As in biochem Y/n?" Her question was answered as soon as the words left her mouth.
"Ayy! You actually came," Bela shouted and wrapped you in her arms. Leighton took a few moments to blink back her shock.
"Yeah, I wasn't gonna leave you hanging," you smiled shyly and looked up, your eyes locking onto Leighton's, just for a brief nanosecond but you felt as if you had been winded, before engaging with the others. As soon as you let go of Bela, Kimberly passed you a glass.
"We only have four, so it looks like you'll be taking the first one," Bela cheekily grinned. She watched as you wavered slightly. "I'll help you," she whispered and a smile pulled at the corners of your lips so she touched the bottom of the glass and pushed slightly over time as you guided it to your lips and threw back the first shot of the night. The girls erupted into cheer and your cheeks warmed as the liquor burned its way down your throat.
Leighton watched you intently as you were pulled into the middle of the room, the movement causing the skirt of your dress to ride and your hands quickly pulled the material down.  You picked up the bottle and placed your shot glass down before pouring the liquor.
Once again, four shot glasses lined the table, only this time they were full. The four girls reached for their respective glasses and you swallowed a gasp as Leighton grabbed the glass you had just drank from. It was stupid, really; getting butterflies over sharing the same glass, but you couldn't help it. Your small crush on the blonde was sometimes all-consuming and it needed to end, for your own sake. Leighton would most likely find a one night stand tonight and you ultimately concluded that you would do the same.
"Okay, one," Bela began, "two," she pointed at the bottle in your hand and gestured for you to take a swig, "three!" Your lips met the lip of the bottle and you let the cold liquid fall into your mouth.
The four girls felt the instant rush of the first taste of alcohol and the excitement of what the evening could hold was nearly suffocating. However, Leighton couldn't help but look at you; she's never seen you like this, so eager to get drunk, and she can't tell if she should be worried or not. She shook the feeling off, you were your own person. If you wanted to get black-out drunk, then so be it.
Loud music boomed through your very soul. Your brain felt as if it were vibrating in your own skull and your heart felt too big for your chest. But you found that you didn't mind. Bodies pushed up against you, the crowd moving as a collective body, swaying and jumping in time to the beat of the music.
You're the most drunk you've ever been, you're sure of it, and you find yourself being glad that it was the weekend. You feel so light and you throw your head back as you take another shot. The room starts to spin as you push a cup to your lips and you do your best to ignore it, just closing your eyes and giving in to the music, giving in to the feeling. There's a pair of hands on your hips, you aren't sure how long they've been there, but they grip onto you and you'll probably find finger-shaped bruises the next morning.
Leighton nurses on her red solo cup as she eyes you in the crowd. She's staring daggers at the boy behind you - the one with his hands on you - and she feels her jaw clench involuntarily. She can't help it. And she swallows painfully when she watches you lean back into him, your eyes fluttering closed. You're drunk. So drunk she's surprised you haven't toppled over yet.
Then his hands begin to roam.
At first dragging up towards your waist and pinching at your skin. He's so rough. Leighton can't help but point that out. His hands move back down toward the hem of your short skirt and push the fabric up, his hands resting on the skin of your thighs. There's a sharp tingling feeling in her fingertips and a lump begins to form in her throat and, before she knows it, she's pushing through the crowd to get to you.
"Okay that's- that's enough of that." She spits out at the boy as pushes a hand between the two of your bodies. She knows him, one of her brother's friends. And she feels sick to her stomach as you slump so easily into her side as she guides you away with a hand on your shoulder.
You stagger on your own feet as you cling onto Leighton's arm.
"Where're we goin'?" You mumble.
"Back to mine, I'm sure your roommate wouldn't be too happy if you came home now," Leighton explained as she unscrewed the lid to a bottle of water and pushed it toward you.
"You taking me home?" You smirk, taking the bottle, and she can hear the innuendo in your voice, causing her heart rate to pick up ever so slightly. She shakes her head with a smile on her face as she heads in the direction of her dorm.
You're uncharacteristically flirty. Something she wasn't prepared for by the way her stomach does flips and the grin on her face. It's cute. Seeing you like this. But she can't really understand you as she opens the door. You're babbling - something about your dress and the floor and her bed. She's glad you're as drunk as you are, otherwise you would have taken note of the deep blush covering the blonde's cheeks and the way goosebumps litter up her arms.
"Yknow?" You pause as you use her to keep your balance to slip off your heels - her hand finding your waist as yours rests on her shoulder so that you can stand on one leg.
"Know what?" Leighton questions softly, following you, as you pad over to her room and climb on top of her bed. You sit on your knees and reach out for her. You've misjudged the distance by quite a few centimetres and slip so fast Leighton feels her heart jump out of her throat as she catches your fall and pushes you back up. She lets out a nervous laugh as she stabilises you and your hands move to cup her face as you stare down at her.
"You're so pretty, you know that, right?" You smile softly as you search her eyes and she doesn't know what to say. "Your eyes and your face and your hair and your nose and your lips," you whisper as she sees your eyes flicker to her lips and she absentmindedly pushes her tongue out to wet them slightly.
You're drunk - she tells herself. You'd never say this if you weren't. Maybe you'd never even think it if you weren't. Your hands glide over her shoulders and then down her arms before grabbing onto her wrists. Leighton swallows a gasp as goosebumps rise in wake of your movements. She doesn't know what to do. Of course she's dealt with drunk people before and of course she's dealt with liking friends before. But it's you and this time liking a friend could actually amount to something. It didn't have to be some silly little fantasy, it could be something real. 
No, she couldn't do that to herself. Not when you're currently pulling her into her own bed, which you are in. You not liking her in the way that she wants would be different; different because you're the first friend that she's liked who actually likes girls. You not liking her would be so much more personal.
"Where're you going?" You question her with furrowed brows as she tucks you into her bed.
"The couch," she mumbles in reply and you frown ever so slightly as you search her eyes.
"Aren't you staying?" You're so tired that words are hard to form and Leighton pauses as she racks her brain for an answer. For some reason there's a sharp pang in your heart and you lightly clear your throat before moving the duvet off of you. You go to say that you'll go sleep on the couch, but nothing leaves your mouth. Instead, Leighton pulls the duvet back over you and bids you goodnight.
"Leight.." you whisper just before she gets to the door and you stare at her for a moment, your pupils wide from the alcohol and your gaze hazy. "Please stay with me?" 
Leighton tugs at her bottom lip with her teeth, but she's recently found that she can't say no to you.
"Okay," she whispers back and you quickly move to give her more room as she steps forward. She climbs into bed and you unashamedly make yourself comfortable - tugging the duvet over her as you snuggle into her side. It's a small bed, of course the two of you were going to be close, but you were practically holding her and your head rested on her chest. Her heart was pounding, so hard she could hear it in her own ears, and she hoped that you were still too drunk to notice. 
You could hear it, of course you could, but, little does she know, it's the sound that you're falling asleep to.
Leighton lets out a light yawn, she hadn't realised how tired she was until she got into bed and before she knew it she found herself closing her eyes and falling asleep.
Bela, Whitney and Kimberly fall into the dorm after struggling to open the door and push their uncomfortable shoes off as soon as possible. Whitney stops dead in her tracks when her eyes land on a mystery fourth pair of shoes. She points a finger at them and turns a head to her friends.
"Are those Y/n's?" Kimberly whispers, though not very well. Whitney's pointed finger moves up from your shoes to the closed bedroom door. 
Bela's eyes go wide and she slaps Whitney's hand down before tiptoeing over to her shared room with Leighton. The two other girls followed closely behind. She pushes the door open and takes a few steps in. Wide grins fall onto all of their faces as they take in the sight. 
Your head is still on Leighton's chest, but now her arms wrap around you protectively in your sleep.
"This is the cutest thing ever-"
"They didn't sleep together?" 
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xtra7s · 4 months
𝗘𝗤𝗨𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡𝗦 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮 ──── 𝘓𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘰𝘯 𝘔𝘶𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Synopsis: Leighton and Y/N struggle through her being closeted, and figure it out together.
Content: Leighton Murray x Fem!Reader, fluff, closeted!reader, some angst.
Word Count: 1k
a/n: Felt like it needed a part 2, couldn't just leave it at that<3
masterlist | previous part
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Leighton and Y/N were spending an afternoon together, enjoying a quiet moment in a park. The sun casts a warm glow, creating a serene atmosphere around them. Leighton, feeling a surge of affection, decided to express her feelings by attempting to hold Y/N's hand.
As Leighton reached for Y/N's hand, Y/N instinctively backed up, a sudden tenseness in her demeanor. The atmosphere shifted, and Leighton sensed Y/N's discomfort. Y/N quickly dismissed the situation, avoiding eye contact.
"Leight woah, chill." Y/N said, her tone tense but firm. "I should head back to my dorm."
Leighton, caught off guard by Y/N's response, pulled back immediately. "O-Okay? I'll see you?"
Y/N nodded, offering a small, apologetic smile. "I'll talk to you later."
Leighton watched as Y/N left quickly, a mixture of confusion and concern in her eyes. She couldn't help but wonder about the sudden change in Y/N's behavior. As Leighton reflected on the situation, she realized how uncomfortable Y/N must have felt with the public affection, and Leighton frowned at her mistake.
Later, Leighton reached out to Y/N to check in, giving her the space she needed but also expressing a willingness to discuss anything that might be on her mind. Y/N, appreciating Leighton's understanding, eventually opened up about some struggles she was facing, explaining that her reaction was not a reflection of Leighton but rather a result of her own internal struggles.
Leighton, with empathy and patience, offered her support, understanding that Y/N needed to come out on her own time and she should be patient. 
As weeks passed, Y/N and Leighton's connection deepened, and they found themselves navigating the complexities of the relationship. However, Y/N remained adamant about keeping their relationship a secret. Leighton, though understanding, couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration.
One evening, Leighton and Y/N found themselves in a quiet corner of Sips, sharing a table for two. The warm ambiance couldn't fully mask the undercurrent of tension between them. Leighton decided to broach the topic gently.
"Y/N, I've really enjoyed the time we've spent together," Leighton began, choosing her words carefully. "But I feel a bit undermined, I know you need your time to come out, but I just want to fully appreciate you."
Y/N sighed, her gaze focused on her hands. "Leighton, it's not about you. It's about me. I'm just not ready for everyone to know about us. I'm still figuring things out."
Leighton nodded, acknowledging Y/N's perspective. "I get that, I really do. But it feels like I'm in the closet again, and I don't want to back peddle like that."
Y/N looked up, meeting Leighton's eyes with sincerity. "I care about you, Leighton. That's why I want to protect what we have. Once I'm more comfortable, we can be open about it. I promise."
Leighton sighed, torn between her desire for openness and her respect for Y/N's journey. "I care about you too, Y/N. I just wish we didn't have to keep this under wraps. It feels like we're taking a step back when we should be moving forward."
Y/N reached under the table, squeezing Leighton's hand. "Please be patient with me. I want this to work, but I need time. I hope you can understand."
Leighton nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within her. "I'll be patient, Y/N. Just promise that you'll tell me when you're ready."
Y/N smiled, grateful for Leighton's understanding. "I promise. Thank you for being patient and supportive. It means a lot to me."
As they continued their conversation, the air between them softened, and the cafe's warmth mirrored the hope that their relationship held. While the journey might be challenging, Leighton and Y/N were determined to navigate it together, with patience, understanding, and a shared commitment to each other.
Leighton's dorm room buzzed with a relaxed atmosphere as Leighton, Y/N, and Leighton's roommates, Bela, Kimberly, and Whitney, spent a casual evening together. Laughter and friendly banter filled the air, creating a sense of camaraderie among the friends.
Suddenly, Y/N stood up, drawing everyone's attention. The room fell silent as she took a deep breath, preparing to make an announcement. Leighton, curious and supportive, looked at Y/N with a reassuring smile.
"Hey, everyone," Y/N began, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of nervousness. "I have something I want to share with you all."
Bela, Kimberly, and Whitney exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued. Leighton's eyes remained focused on Y/N, offering silent encouragement.
"I've been trying to find the right time to say this," Y/N continued, "but I want you all to know that I'm gay. And," she added with a smile, "I'm dating Leighton."
A moment of silence followed Y/N's announcement, and then the room erupted with a mix of surprised gasps and supportive cheers. Leighton's roommates quickly transitioned from surprise to excitement, expressing their happiness for Y/N and Leighton.
Bela grinned, "That's amazing! Congratulations, you two! Leighton is a great person to date, she's hot, smart, and hot!"
Kimberly added, "Seriously, we're so happy for you. This is fantastic news!"
Whitney joined in, "You guys are cute together, we're proud of you"
Leighton, beaming with pride, wrapped an arm around Y/N. "Thank you, guys. Your support means a lot to us."
The room filled with a renewed energy, as the friends continued to chat, laugh, and celebrate the newfound openness in Y/N's life. Leighton and Y/N felt a sense of relief and joy, knowing that they had a circle of friends who embraced them for who they were.
Y/N and Leighton sit back down, Leighton giving Y/N a soft kiss as Y/N blushes softly. Y/N places her feet across Leighton's lap, holding her hand as they all converse.
As the evening unfolded, the dorm room became a haven of acceptance and love, reinforcing their friendship and celebrating Y/N's coming out.
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radiokathryn-if · 9 months
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Nate Nicks has disappeared.
Why should you care? Do you?
You probably should, considering he's the face and host of your extremely popular radio show and you've just landed one of the biggest contracts of your careers.
You are a sound tech engineer and a damn good one at that, while Nate was the face you were the sound, usually your work is strictly behind the scenes, except for the odd occasion when you were needed on air. So when Nate goes missing and you're tasked with filling in his shoes you're practically thrown in at the deep end.
It only gets worse after a missing persons case becomes a murder case and the cast and crew of Radio Kathryn and FloNote Ent become the suspect pool...
RADIO KATHRYN is rated 18+ for explicit language, explicit sexual scenes and references, themes of death and blood, use of alcohol and drugs, physical abuse and violence. please check trigger warnings.
The setting of the 70s is purely for aesthetic and technology. Don't expect era—accurate racism or homophobia as it won't be included in this IF.
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FEATURES ☯︎ [ Trigger Warnings ]
fully customise your MC! name, gender&pronouns (M/F/NB), appearance, personality
decide your on air persona──can you hack it in the limelight or will you crack under the pressure?
build your relations──do you get along with your fellow teammates? how about your fanbase? or your company?
+your radio teams backstory──how the four of you (Nate, José, Mica and yourself) got along, created the pirated radio show, how you got signed into legality, how everything went to shit... or not?
romance someone (or not)──featuring eight solo routes and two poly routes OR just enjoy the mystery and figure out a murder!
chose paths that affect the game──your choices matter, and the ending you may or may not get is dependent on them.
decide which kathryn is your mother──and your relationship with her. (Catherine, Kate, Cathy, Katherine or Rynnie)
The Man, The Myth, The Legend. [???]
“Nate Nicks” Nathan Nicholson──he/him. 28. Radio Kathryn's host and front man, adored by thousands. Complete arsehole but somehow it makes him endearing to others. Cocky son of a bitch that let fame get to his head... or is he? Nevertheless, he's missing now and you may have something to do with it.
think a mix between gauge burek and chris veres in druck (2019)
The Benefactor.
“Mr Robinson” Lionel Robinson──he/him. 42. The man who funded your radio show, the one who got you to where you are. Kind, calm and considerate, especially with Nate. But every one has a line to cross at some point and Mr Robinson is not someone to get angry.
think chad michael murray in sullivan's crossing (2023)
The Fiancé. [RO]
“Eva Vidal” Evangeline Vidal──she/her. 25. The woman who's been there from the beginning, your first listener, your first fan. You used to be closer but Nate sunk his teeth in her and pulled her away. You watched her steadily lose her glow and for someone engaged she seems quite jaded at the news of her missing fiancé.
think penélope cruz in vanilla sky (2001) or vicky christina barcelona (2008)
The Best Friend. [RO]
“Mica Hollens” Michael/a Hollens──he/him, she/her. your age (24─28). Your voice of reason in the chaos of life and Radio Kathryn's manager. Your support system and rock, even if they are a bit quick to jump the bullet in your honour. Mica has strong opinions and Nate has never been in their good books, but surely they wouldn't do anything to jeopardise your job.
think tanaya beatty in through black spruce (2018) or alex meraz in mine games (2012)
The Detective. [RO]
“Detective Han” Han Jimin──he/him or she/her. 30. The detective assigned to Nate's missing persons case. They are meticulous and goal oriented and their current goal is figuring you and your work family out. The more you resist the more they're intrigued and the more you help the more you unravel them.
think lee soohyuk in tomorrow (2022) or lee siyoung in sweet home (2020)
The Rival DJ. [RO]
“José Danger” Jose/phine Jeager──she/her or they/them. 26. Nate calls them the traitor─the defector. They used to be part of your team, a co-host with Nate in your beginning days. The two of them worked like magic until Nate was in demand more and José was kicked to the curb. You wonder if the festering grudge they left with is still there... and if it still extends to you.
think zazie beetz in deadpool 2 (2018) or wounds (2019)
The "Hater". [RO]
“Ji Han” Han Ji Young──he/him. 24. The younger brother of Detective Han. Ji Han is not a fan of Nathaniel Nicholson but he is a fan of the songs he plays─or rather the ones you play when he's absent. He's taken the utmost interest in his siblings case, suspiciously enough to become entangled in it more than anticipated.
think a mix of choi san (2022-23) and lee dohyun in 18 again (2020) or the glory (2022)
The "Fan". [RO]
“Fauve” Faye─Mauve Langham──she/her. 25. Fauve is a bit of a groupie, she can admit. She's not totally obsessed with Radio Kathryn, she reasons, she's just invested in the show and even more so in the people behind it. Fauve become more involved in the case of Nate Nicks than she's wanted, leaving you to wonder just what it is that keeps her going─even to the edge of insanity.
think a mix of imogen poots in need for speed (2014) and hayden panettiere in nashville (2012-18)
The Family Man. [RO]
“Mr Lewis” Jackson Lewis──he/him. 33. The night shift receptionist-slash-building coordinator. He usually brings his daughter to sit in on show recordings, seeing as she's got a bit of a crush on Nate─he's a no-bullshit kind of man but his soft spot is his daughter's puppy dog eyes. He just so happens to be the last person to see Nate before he disappeared and you can't help but get the feeling he's not being truthful in his statement about it.
think brian tyree henry in eternals (2021) or atlanta (2016-22)
The Question Mark. [???]
"Who?" ??? ???──unknown.
it'll be revealed later!
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©️ bonnie berry 2023────@moretinyideas
──the polymances are between eva and ??? (eva???) as well as fauve and ji han (fauhan)!
──this is totally inspired by episode 2.8 of sister boniface "dead air" but other than the idea of a radio show called Radio Catherine there are no other similarities!
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periludic · 6 months
" Distraction "
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Qiu and Tamarack partners with the MC for a school project, they didn't get much done (It was the MCs fault)
📌 Pairing: Step 1 Qiu/Tamarack x GN!MC (Separate)
📌 Basically just Qiu and Tama admiring the MC
📌 OLNF brain rot, I'm making an AO3 fic of this next. (Thank you to whoever commented on my last post for this suggestion)
Qiu "Autumn" Lin:
Lets be real this kid needs a lot of help with school stuff, he'd probably be decently good in school if he tried but he doesn't
And to be extra real, he picks you every time to be his partner (he doesn't have a favorite he swears)
Mrs. Murray wouldn't allow that though, "give chance to others" she says. She deals with a lot of kids complaining that "Qiu always chooses (Name)!! Thats unfair" (god bless this woman) and Qiu frowns the saddest frown whenever this happens
But whenever Mrs. Murray does allow it, you bet that Qiu has the silliest, brightest, blinding smile ever stuck on his face
He likes you a normal amount (He lies to himself)
I don't think he'd be too serious about the project, but he does contribute and help you whenever he can
He doesn't pay much attention to it either, he's just happy to be there with you
But can you really blame him for spacing out mid-conversation when you tuck your hair prettily over your ear and how you look absolutely stunning when you're focused or when you have the cutest reaction ever at getting an answer right?
No. No you cant.
He pays more attention to you than your actual project, its cute but come on.
If you ask him why he's staring, he'll probably laugh it off and scold himself, thinking it was impolite of him to do so
But he's not afraid to admit the reason to why he was staring at you!
Its common sense, you're just too pretty. He can't help himself.
If you do start stressing out over the project however, he'll offer to do the rest for you
"I'll be more than happy to!!" he says, and you know. You just know that theres nothing inside that air head of his
It might take him a moment or two or three to understand the question but its worth it
He will do anything as long as its with you
Tamarack Baumann
No Mrs. Murray, she refuses to do the project if her very best friend isnt her partner
Tamarack would absolutely riot if Mrs. Murray got in the way of you being her partner for a project
She will be using her best puppy dog eyes and pleading voice thank you very much
Its against the law to object Tamarack, Mrs. Murray should've known better
Unlike a certain someone, Tamarack actually pays attention in class, and is good at memorizing without taking notes!
And unlike a certain someone, she's not as nice when it comes to not being your partner
Mrs. Murray allows it most of the time though, since you and Tamarack are new to the town and is still adjusting.
Most of the time.
Tamarack is very biased when it comes to you and everyone knows it (she has said so herself, in front of the entire class)
With Tamarack as your partner, you can rest easy!
She remembers your lessons well, and understands the questions fairly quickly
But sometimes she just can't help but to admire you. How can she not?
She's convinced that you came straight from a fairytale book, you're just so charming and adorable it's almost unfair!
Call her out on her behavior and she'll be more confused than a very confused person
Like. Yeah?? She's admiring you?? So what?? Its the logical thing to do? Its not her fault you're gorgeous?? Duh??
She'll give you a million reasons why you're so eye catching if you're not convinced
Please stop her.
I'm serious.
She'll go on and on for hours.
📌 sorry if my english grammar is off <3 english is not my first language
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No Regrets - Part Three
This one got longer than I expected, so it's only about Spring Break. We return to the apocalypse next part.
Part One🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
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Waking up again is disorienting. His head aches like the beginning of a migraine. There was something he was thinking about but it's fading quickly. A conversation in a boathouse...? That's not right. The boathouse was empty. The police had beat them there.
No. No conversation in a boathouse. But there was a phone call. He knows he remembers that. Joyce had called last night. Her and Murray sharing a phone between them as Steve- Oh! Right. Steve told them he knew about Hopper in Russia.
"You have to go, though. Hopper is alive and waiting. And there's a demogorgon. Demodogs, too. You have to kill them all. Any connection to the Upside Down left alive helps Vecna. It's like having a tether to here makes him stronger."
"I can't just abandon El," Joyce sounds conflicted, and Steve gets it. He does.
"You aren't. You're going to be giving her back her dad. She's got Jonathan and Will and Mike. Argyle, too, if he wants to be there. Just. Just get them on the road and back here as soon as you can. If they don't leave soon than Brenner will-"
"Brenner? What do you mean Brenner? He's dead. Right? He's supposed to be dead."
"Yeah, well, he's not. He- I don't know the full details, just. I was just given an overview because, y'know, other shit was going down. But he makes El relive a lot of traumatic shit from her past and yeah, it gets her back her powers, but she's just a kid. She's just a kid."
"Her abilities, they aren't gone?" It's Murray who asks.
"No. She's just traumatized, in a different way. It was... it was Jonathan who said this, actually, to me. I mean, he hasn't said it yet, and if everything goes the way I want, he won't need to say it ever, but that's- sorry, that's not important. He said he thinks El blocked her abilities because she lost Hopper. An internal block, you know? 'Cause she couldn't save him with them, so what was the point of having them?"
"And you think bringing Hopper back will free her of that block?" Murray asks.
Steve can't help it. He laughs. "Hell no. I think years of therapy might, but having her dad will help. There's no way it hurts, right? Also, uh, you're the parent here, Joyce, so I'll let you decide what to tell her, but the big, awful thing that Brenner made her relive? It was a massacre. At the lab, when she was there. Another guy, another number, killed a bunch of the people there. It was El who saved the remainder. She stopped him from killing anyone else by opening the first gate to the Upside Down. She tossed him in and closed it. She's not a monster. Oh, that part you have to tell her. She's not a monster."
There's more to the phone call, Steve knows he knows that but there's yelling and it's distracting.
"What?" Steve snaps, both with his shout and back into himself. He's sitting at the picnic in Forest Hills. Everyone is looking at him with varying degrees of concern.
"You okay?" Robin asks, "we've been trying to get your attention for a while now."
"What? Yeah, sorry," Steve says, distracted, standing up and looking around. Eddie's trailer is right there, and Wayne's truck is parked in front. He knows Wayne. Knew Wayne? He's in charge of the gardens at home base. A real green thumb, not that you can tell by looking at the trailer now. "You think that with Fred's death, they'll stop suspecting Eddie?"
"What? We don't know that they suspect Eddie," Dustin is quick to say, "I know he didn't do it, and so do you so-"
"Yeah, I know! I do know that, but Chrissy died in his home and then he ran. Of course, he's a suspect. But he was in jail last night. So. They can't suspect him still, right?"
Nancy purses her lips, giving Steve a look he knows isn't good. "Well, it will depend on when they apprehended Eddie, which we don't even know they did. How do you know he was in jail last night?"
"Good point. I don't, not for sure. But Wayne might," Steve says as he starts walking away. He can hear everyone at the picnic table shouting for him and scrambling to follow. Steve picks up speed, dashing up the steps and pounding on the door before anyone catches up.
"Steve, what are you doing," Max hisses, because she's the fastest and therefore the closest.
"I just gotta-"
"Can I help you?" Wayne Munson greets, voice even. Steve watches as his eyes sweep the group, pausing on Nancy before coming back to Steve.
"Hopefully. Uh, I'm a friend of- well, no that's a lie. I don't want to lie to you. I'm not Eddie's friend, but I want to be, and Dustin here is, so we just wanted to know if you could tell us if Eddie's okay?" Steve says. "You already talked to Nancy yesterday, but she didn't know that we, like, knew him. Have you heard from Eddie?"
Wayne eyes him with suspicion, which is fair, "I ain't heard from him."
"Please," Steve says, because he's got to try one more time. Either Wayne doesn't know for real, or he's lying because he doesn't trust Steve. He's not sure he'll be able to tell which is which, but he has to ask again, "I swear that we just want to help Eddie. Whatever happened to Chrissy wasn't his fault, I know that. I just need. I need to know he's not- not out there, alone and scared. Please."
Wayne stares him down and Steve refuses to look away. Wayne's eyes flick away from him to the single police cruiser still stationed nearby, then back. "Get in here."
He doesn't need told twice. Wayne retreats into the trailer and Steve follows. Immediately his eyes jump to where the gate will form. Currently it just looks like water damage on the ceiling, but Steve knows. No gate yet, but it'll be there tomorrow. Probably fully formed by the time Vecna tries to take Max.
Robin, the last one in, shuts the door behind her gently.
"I told her yesterday that Eddie didn't do this," Wayne nods his head towards Nancy but he never takes his eyes off Steve. "Didn't stop them from arresting him."
"Thank God," Steve breaths out, which is the wrong thing to say, given how quickly Wayne's face morphs to anger, so he quickly adds, "shit, I mean, that means, he was in police custody when they found another victim last night, right? That'll prove he's innocent."
Wayne doesn't respond right away. Instead, he takes his time looking at each and every one of them, lingering on Nancy before settling on Max. "You live 'cross the way, don't ya?"
Max looks surprised to be recognized. "Yeah."
"Did you see anything?"
"I saw..." she trails off, brows furrowing as she thinks. She looks from Wayne to Steve. He doesn't know what she sees on his face, but he watches as she steels herself, a decidion made, before looking back to Wayne and saying, "What I saw is whatever I'll need to have seen to help Eddie."
"You'd lie to the police for Eddie?"
Max and Wayne have a silent conversation following the question, judging by their stare down and raising and following brow lines. When Max does speak, she says, "I've lied to police for worse people."
"Huh," is all Wayne says as he settles back against the counter behind him.
"Thank you," Steve says, even as his mind starts to calculate. They'll probably keep him the full 48 hours, since there isn't evidence enough to charge him. Right? There isn't really any evidence. Except, perhaps, what Eddie might have told them. Shit. Would Eddie say anything? "Can you let me know when they release him? Whatever happened, whatever he saw, probably freaked him out. I don't want him to feel alone. I mean, we don't."
Dustin is looking at him now like he's grown a second head but Wayne. Wayne is looking at him like he's made a realization. Drawn some unknown conclusion that he must approve of because he nods. "Sure, son."
"You got pen and paper? I'll write down my number."
The silence from his friends is deafening and does not bode well for Steve. He just knows they're going to bombard him as soon as they leave the trailer.
Which is exactly what happens. They wait until they're back by their cars before starting in, though.
"Steve, what the fuck was that?" Dustin says.
"How did you know he got arrested?" Max demands.
"Steve, you are acting so strange right now," Robin says, worry painted across her face.
"Explain," is all Nancy says, crossing her arms.
Should he? Does he even know what's happening? No. Not really. He's got memories of a future that's bleak and dark and terrible and he doesn't want it to come true. Are they even memories? Did those events even happen? He doesn't know for sure. All he does know if he wants to do everything in his power to prevent it from happening though. He doesn't want to have regrets about.... about something.
"We don't win," he says. "We don't win this one. Or, we didn't? We might now. Things are different this time."
"What?" Robin asks.
Steve ignores the question, giving instead more of the information he knows, "Hopper's alive. Joyce and Murray are on their way to Russia to save him."
"WHAT?" he's not sure who asked. Maybe all of them.
"And El is- I don't know. On her way, I hope. But she won't have her powers when she gets here. Or maybe she will? If she believes she's not a monster and really is the hero."
"Steve, you are not making any sense!"
"I know!" Steve shouts and drops into a squat. "I know! I'm not the- the figure it out guy, or the plans guy, or whatever. I'm just the guy who knows things he shouldn't, and I can't tell if it's because I actually lived it, or if I was just given knowledge about it somehow. I know the Upside Down has a red storm that never ends, more democreatures that just gorgons or dogs, and that Vecna slash Henry slash One is a goddamn monster who opens a giant hell gate and causes the apocalypse."
"Whoa, whoa," Dustin sooths, and when Steve looks up, Dustin's got both hands up and approaching like Steve's a wild animal. He kind of feels like one right now. "Slow down and explain."
There's a lot Steve could say. Should say. Steve is kind and soft, even in the face of the end of the world, but he's also learning that he's a little ruthless. Not heartless, but enough that he can see where they are, where they need to be, and how to get there in the easiest way possible. His eyes flick to Max. "Chrissy and Fred. They were both seeing the guidance counselor. You've seen them both there, right Max?"
"I- yeah. Yeah, I have."
"And Nancy, you've got a hunch, right? You need to go to the library to check it out?"
She narrows her eyes at him but nods.
"Okay. So, uh, let's use that as proof. You and Robin go check out your hunch, and I'll stick with Dustin and Max. Take Max to see Ms. Kelley and see if she'll tell Max anything that connects them?"
"You already know what we'll find, don't you?" Nancy asks, and Steve shrugs. "You're right. I won't believe you. Not without this proof. So, we'll go, Robin and me. And when we meet up, I expect you to tell me what we learned."
Max is completely silent the entire drive, an exact opposite of Dustin who shoots off so many questions in a row that Steve can barely remember the first by the time he's onto the next. Not that it would matter, because Dustin doesn't pause between any of his questions or comments to let Steve answer anyway.
Max launches herself from car almost as soon as Steve pulls up to the curb with a loudly groaned, "finally" before she slams the door and bounds across the street.
"Steve! Are you even listening to me!?" Dustin has finally lost steam or ran out of breath or something.
"Are you done yelling at me?" Steve retorts.
Dustin lets out a really big sigh then says, "For now. I just- Let's start with this. How do you know that Hopper's alive?"
"Joyce and Murray confirmed it when I talked to them on the phone. They're supposed to be getting El and crew heading back this way while they go to rescue him, but I don't really know how that's going."
Dustin squints at him. "I thought you could see the future now."
"No. I saw the future, so like, lived it or something. And it's like... You watch Back to the Future yet?"
"Okay, so like, the part where his family starts to vanish from the picture? Because he made his mom want to bang him-?"
"That is a disgusting oversimplification of the plotline, Steve."
"-it's like that. Except I want to change the events because we definitely end up in the bad timeline."
"Okay. Say I believe you. You said we don't win this time. Explain that."
Steve sighs. "Can that wait for like, everyone? Explain it all at once?"
"What made it so bad you have to alter the course of all of human existence?" Dustin demands.
"The Upside Down breaks through, man," Steve says, "Like, toxic air and no more sunlight or blue skies kinda bad. Full on, end of the world apocalypse type shit."
"Shit. We, like, lose lose," Dustin says in a small voice Steve doesn't think he's ever heard Dustin use before he huffs and falls out of view with a click and the sound of squeaking leather. Steve watches as Dustin reclines his seat back so he can stare up at the ceiling of the BMW.
"Yeah," Steve says before they fall into silence until Max sprints back, screaming for him to drive before she's even got the door closed behind her and certainly isn't wearing her seatbelt yet.
They all converge at the school, and Steve tells them what Nancy and Robin learned at the library, then Max puts together the thread that connected Chrissy and Fred, and he has to watch, again, as she accepts she's going to die. She even looks to him, as if he'll confirm that with a shake of his head or a nod.
He just blinks back at her until she looks away.
They want answers he isn't ready to give. Not until tomorrow, after Vecna tries to take Max. Given how today has gone, tomorrow shouldn't be much of a change. Nancy and Robin will still go the Pennhurst, and Steve will take Max everywhere she wants to go, but this time he'll be ready. It's not too late, so the little music store down from Melvald's will still be open. Hopefully they have Kate Bush handy. He'll make sure Lucas has a backup cassette player and-
"Wait. Lucas should be told. He should be here. Why isn't he..." Steve trails off, trying to remember why Lucas would be here. He went to party with the basketball team and- and what? There's something he's missing. Something changed. His head hurts and the white noise is back, and it hits him so suddenly he sways and stumbles backwards until he hits a wall.
"Steve!" Robin gasps his name and rushes to hold him up. Dustin is at his other side just as quick.
"I'm ok," Steve says with eyes closed. He can't explain it, but he's changed something. He knows he has. Lucas is with them tomorrow, he remembers that, and there's this feeling that he should be here now. That he should have shown up at the school, but the reason eludes him. Slips from his grasp like he's trying to hold water. "It's- there was something that was supposed to happen. Something that made Lucas find us here at the school. I remember that. I- I almost hit him with a lamp. But he's not here. He didn't- something's changed. Whatever happened before didn't happen again."
"What, like, you changed the past?" Dustin asks.
The laugh Steve lets out is manic, even to his own ears. "I don't know! I can't remember! It's there, the why, but I can't reach it. It's faded, man, like the picture. It's faded."
"Okay, I think it's time we get some rest," Nancy says. "Dustin, you'll radio Lucas tonight and fill him in. Tell him Steve or I will pick him up tomorrow morning to join us. Let's go everyone, before someone does show up."
Nancy takes Dustin and Max, and Robin sticks with Steve. She doesn't even question his detour to the music store, just helps him find the Kate Bush tape. Doesn't even raise an eyebrow when he buys two cassette players, five blank tapes, and a tape recorder.
"Who is the mix tape for?" Robin asks him only once they're at Steve's house and settled in for the night in front of the fancy stereo in Steve's living room. Robin's called her parents already and told them she was staying with a friend, and they had leftovers for dinner from.
"Just in case. Now, shh," Steve says, and once Robin has properly quieted, he pressed record on the tape recorder and play on the stereo. He's already found the track he wants, so it's just a matter of waiting the song out, pausing the tape recorder quickly, then rewinding the tape. He goes too far back, so his finger just hovers over the record button until Running Up That Hill comes back on, and he repeats the process. Over and over again, until the hour long tape is filled with nothing but one song.
Robin watches him do it in complete silence. She doesn't move or shuffle until after he's paused the recording, stilling again once he hits record. He knows she doesn't understand why, but also that she doesn't need to understand. He knows that she knows he'll explain as soon as he's able.
He's just afraid to say too much right now. He can remember tomorrow; the Pennhurst plan, how it is supposed to go based on what remembers Nancy and Robin saying. Max will bully him into driving her around, and they'll end up at Billy's grave. He'll be ready this time, he already knows the answers they're seeking but he doesn't want to risk too much.
He has a plan. And it'll work. It has too.
Because he can't remember what happens after. Patrick dies, and there's... water? A lake? But why is Patrick at a lake in the dark? He isn't, is the thing. It's like there are two memories overlapping in Steve's mind and he doesn't know which is real. Or if either of them are.
There's a memory of... of Eddie? Eddie talking about Patrick floating but there's also a memory of hearing it on the news, Patrick found dead in his room, murdered the same way as Chrissy and Fred with no sign of forced entry in his house. Both memories feel real, but Steve doesn't know, can't tell, which is.
Robin and he falls sleep wrapped around each other that night.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @apomaro-mellow @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @sirsnacksalot @livelifeliketheresnotomorrow @sageclipse @schnukiputz @mbloggotdeletedsothisismybackup @lumoschildextra @juleswashere3 @yet-still-more-banched @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @yearningagain @starlight-archer @chaosgremlinmunson @aol19 @goodolefashionedloverboi @gutterflower77 @moomkin77 @wonderland-girl143-blog @krazyperson @sevenmerrymagpies
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
02/12/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Parrot Analytics; Cast & Crew; Kristian Nairn; Nathan Foad; Erroll Shand; Trends and Stats; V-Day Video for Prime; In person events and Watch Party reminders; People of Earth; WooAsACrew; Kudoboard for Cast & Crew Update; Love Notes; Daily Darby; Tonight's Taika; Well folks, it was another busy busy day. I apologize, I'm a bit exhausted today so I'll be making this quicker than normal.
== Parrot Analytics ==
Some Q4 data was released by Parrot Analytics for HBO and Max and as you can probably imagine, this made most of the internet explode. Referencing @adoptourcrew here since they did a great bit of research.
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SRC: HBO's Most Popular Shows - hidden behind Paywall
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== UK How You Can Help==
Below are actions to do every day to capitalise on #OurFlagBBC! More info below on how to use YouGov. Tumblr
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=Cast & Crew Sightings=
= Wee John Wondays ==
I think everyone's favorite part of the day was when Nathan Foad appeared on Wee John Wonday's. He is by far one of the best guests ever.
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Please go watch the whole damn live, but if you don't have time right now. Here's a clip from our fabulous friend @edscuntyeyeshadow who recorded it for us, I have just left it on repeat so I can continue to laugh.
A few quotes/highlights in case you can't watch anything right now:
Kristian's Garage Fire
Nathan's Writing
Nathan was VERY sick at the beginning of filming S2, Sick AF and had to learn how to roll and smoke cigarettes.
Nathan was not aware he was on camera when the sandwich hit him in the face.
Gypsy made him a jacket to wear IRL that matched his gorgeous one in the show (Gypsy is the best)
Nathan's favorite scene was the one with Matt Maher with the Art on the Wall.
Kristian's favorite scene was the one with Con O'Neill and asking to put on make up
"Sniffed the air like a fox in heat" - Kristian
"You little gay bitch" - Nathan
"Mid town special" - Nathan, as Kristian
"Im a horrible un wanted nipple twister" - Kristian
"Needy puffs" - Nathan
== Erroll Shand ==
As usual our dear friend Erroll is out here really pushing the SaveOFMD material/data.
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== Trends and Stats ==
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== Valentine's Day Video For Prime ==
It’s Monday, which means it’s time to send Prime Video all our love ! Let’s #WooAsACrew 🐙💜 Vocals: ferventrabbit on Twitter Video: Giulianaazr on Twitter
== Event and Watch Party Reminders! ==
= OFMD Matelotage Processional =
Tues Feb 13: 8-11 am at: Kismet Salon 4111 W Olive Ave. Burbank CA 91505
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If you show up-- you get free stickers!
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= People of Earth Watch Party =
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People of Earth Season 1: Episodes 3 and 4 tomorrow! If you don't have access reachout to @iamadequate1!
10 PM GMT / 5 PM EST / 4 PM CST / 2 PM PST
= WooAsACrew =
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Tue 13: Send @netflix some love!
== Cast & Crew Kudoboard ==
Hey all, I already made a short post about it but the Kudoboard was overrun by some absolute twats today so I had to lock it down with a password. If you'd like to still submit something to the cast and crew that's still doable, you'll just need the pw. Please just DM me here or twitter, or Instagram, or wherever you can find me or the @saveofmdcrewmates folks also have it. We will be sending it off / locking it on Valentine's day early morning so please reach out prior!
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies, I am really low on spoons tonight so I'm gonna let some other folks send you love on my behalf. See you tomorrow, all the love. <3
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's gifs are courtesy of:
Taika: @chrysalis-writes and Rhys: @thunderwingdoomslayer
Happy Murray Monday and Enjoy tomorrow's Taika Tuesday!
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141 notes · View notes
brbsoulnomming · 8 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 22
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | AO3
Hopper arrives the next morning with all the grace of a bull in a china shop, bustling his way inside and taking the coffee that Steve offers him with a grunt of thanks.
"You sure you don't want to press charges against that asshole?" Hopper asks.
Guess he saw Steve's car, then. The party'd helped clean up the paint on the driveway, but the tailight's still busted.
"Not yet. Might change my mind, depending on how today goes," Steve says.
It's surreal, watching Chief Hopper - former Chief Hopper - sitting in Steve Harrington's living room, drinking coffee. Eddie hasn't seen him since the pictures that circulated after Starcourt, and the guy looks… well. Hopper'd always been rough around the edges, but now he looks like he's just barely coming out of being in pretty rough shape.
He catches Eddie looking, and his eyes narrow for a moment before his gaze softens.
"I'm sorry you got caught up in all this, kid," Hopper says gruffly.
Eddie gives a little shrug. "I'm not."
Steve's head whips around to stare at him, holding his breath like he's waiting for something, and - oh.
"Not a lie, Stevie," he says, offering him a little smile.
"Yeah, I can see that," Steve grumbles. "Just wondering if you're the one who's had a few too many blows to the head now."
Hopper grimaces.
"I'm not saying I'm happy about being a suspected serial killer or nearly dying in the Upside Down, but look, this was going on under my nose this whole time. I'd rather be in the know than oblivious."
"Is it too much to ask for just one of you kids to not be eager to throw yourselves into this?" Hopper asks, but it's clearly the kind of question that doesn't need an answer.
Naturally, Eddie gives him one anyway.
"That's what happens when you give a party like us a real campaign to be a part of," he says, all wide grins and easy bravado and complete disregard for his own nightmares or exactly how many times he was convinced he was going to die.
Hopper looks at him like he's speaking French, then looks back at Steve.
"Yeah," Steve says. "He plays the same game the kids do. He runs their little club now."
"Great," Hopper groans, and Robin gives a little giggle snort.
There's a knock on the door, and even though they're expecting his uncle, Eddie has to fight the urge to duck down and hide.
He wonders when that's going to go away, if it ever will.
But sure enough, Steve comes back with Uncle Wayne in tow, who does a double take at seeing Hopper.
"Jesus Christ, Jim," his uncle says.
"Never thought you'd see my ugly mug again, huh?" Hopper asks with a little grin.
"It has been a lot quieter around with your occasional midnight calls," Uncle Wayne returns, taking it in stride.
Hopper snorts. "Bringing this one back to get him out of trouble's a far cry from what we've got now."
They turn to look at Eddie, and he flushes.
"Yeah, thank you, we're all aware I'm in a lot deeper than some illicit substance charges," he mutters. "Can we talk about what we're going to do to get me out of it?"
Hopper drains the rest of his coffee. "You and I are walking into the station together."
"Wait," Steve says, followed immediately by Robin asking, "What?"
"Are you guys ready for that?" Eddie adds.
Hopper snorts. "Ready to what, come back from the dead? Is anyone ready for that? Look, Murray says his contacts are as ready now as they're going to be in a few weeks, and I'm not waiting longer than that."
Eddie can hear the disdain dripping off the word contacts, and it makes him wonder once again who exactly this Murray guy is.
"If you walk in there, they're going to care a whole lot more about that than about Eddie," Steve says.
Hopper lifts his empty cup at him in a parody of a cheers. "That's the idea. They want a story, we give them a story."
"So, uh. What is our story, exactly?" Robin asks.
"I got injured really badly in the fire at Starcourt, and it wasn't until the government agents were doing clean up that I got found. I've been in a coma since then. I come back into town, and who do I find but Eddie Munson hiding out in my old cabin in the woods. I get him to tell me what happened, and convince him to turn himself in," Hopper says.
"And what am I supposed to say happened?" Eddie asks.
"Joyce says the truth, as much as possible. Henry Creel attacked you and Chrissy, and you barely made it out. You were hiding from both Creel and Jason Carver's little mob while Creel kept killing. You stumbled on this crew investigating, Creel attacked, and you and Steve fought him off right before the earthquake hit. That's what you told them at the hospital, isn't it?"
"Something like that, yeah," Steve says. "I don't think I said who it was, but I can't really remember. I wasn't exactly in top shape."
"Then Powell knows that much already. Callahan can hardly find the nose on his face, but Powell's probably been putting together some of the pieces. Eddie ran from the hospital when he got worried that Carver would find him there, and he's been hiding ever since," Hopper finishes.
"That… that could work, yeah," Eddie admits.
"And as long as you're vague, none of it will show up as a lie, Eds," Steve agrees.
Hopper fixes him with a sour look. "You are going in there to file a report about the damage to your property, and that's only because I know you won't stay home. You don't have to press charges, but you're putting that report on the record, and then you're sitting your ass down in that waiting room. Don't even think about coming back with me and Munson unless I call you, understand?"
Steve's expression has steadily been growing pissier, and now he just glares at Hopper. "Really, you're trying to make me stay on the bench now?"
"Someone has to, apparently!" Hopper retorts.
"If you think I'm not going to be right there with my soulmate-" Steve starts.
"If you think I'm letting you-" Hopper says over him.
"You can't treat me like I'm a kid!" Steve insists.
"I can if you're acting like one!" Hopper shouts.
"Jim!" Uncle Wayne cuts in sharply.
Hopper turns his glare onto him, but Uncle Wayne just stares right back at him, unimpressed. There's a stand off for a moment - Eddie looks between Steve and Robin, to find Steve deflating a little and Robin's expression etched in confusion.
After a moment, Hopper cuts his eyes away, back towards Steve. "Come with me for a minute," he says gruffly, stomping over to the other side of the room.
Steve tosses a conflicted look at Robin and Eddie, but goes with him, looking confused.
Uncle Wayne watches them for a moment, then, seemingly satisfied, ruffles Eddie's hair and says, "Coffee in the kitchen?"
"Yeah, uh, mugs in the cabinet above the sink," Eddie says, a little thrown.
Robin drops down onto the couch, and Eddie plops next to her, both of them just watching the quiet, terse conversation Steve and Hopper are having.
"I didn't know Steve and Hopper were that close," Eddie mutters.
Or, well - he knows what he assumed when he heard Steve talking about Hopper's adopted daughter, that it was his parents who were cozy with the chief of police, but clearly he was wrong.
Robin leans over, elbows propped up on her knees. "Steve said Hopper used to come by and check on him sometimes, in between things, but I'm not sure they were really, like, close?"
Eddie's brow furrows. "Then what's with the…" He gestures at Hopper awkwardly clapping Steve on the shoulder.
Robin grimaces a little. "Steve kind of made Joyce Byers cry when they got back."
"What? How?" And why the hell would that endear Steve to Hopper?
"He tried to apologize for not having a handle on things here." Robin rests her chin in her hand. "Said he knew they were counting on him, and he was sorry he let them down."
Of course he did. Eddie closes his eyes. "Jesus Christ, Steve."
Robin makes a little disgruntled sound that he's going to assume is agreement.
"We all made it out, though," Eddie says. "How is this time worse than the others?"
There's a thoughtful hum. "The gates have always been closed, before. I mean, kind of seems like they always keep coming back anyway, but at least before it felt like maybe this time it could really be it, it could be the end. We don't have that, now."
Now they know Vecna is still out there, biding his time. It's hard to imagine anything else, for Eddie, but if the others had actually thought it was over, had a bit of a reprieve - yeah, he can see how this would hit harder.
"And Steve is used to being the one who gets hit the hardest," Eddie says slowly.
But not this time. This time, he and Max got hurt, too.
"Mrs. Byers told Steve and Nancy that she knew she was leaving the kids in good hands when she left," Robin says. "So I think it made her realize how much pressure she put on them, and now her and Hopper feel guilty about it. Plus Hopper found out about the whole Steve being tortured last year thing."
Eddie manages not to wince, but only because it's Robin saying it. He bites his lip, weighing how much he wants Robin's opinion on this against talking about Steve's nightmares behind his back, but - it's Robin.
"I don't want him to have to be questioned with me," he says, all in a rush. "He says it'd be fine, but I'm worried it'll be too much like - that."
Robin's knee starts jiggling, and he leans against it to steady her.
"If their plan works, he won't have to," she says.
"But what if it doesn't? Do you really think he's just going to be fine?"
For a moment, he's not sure she's going to answer, but then she whispers, "No."
Shit, he knew it.
"Can't we do something?" he asks, a little desperate. "It's not worth it, Robin."
He pretends he doesn't know that sentence would be just as true if he'd said I instead of it.
He pretends even harder that she can't hear it anyway.
Robin watches him, something wary and considering in her eyes. She isn't distant, but she's just a touch more closed off than he's gotten used to.
It throws him for a moment before he realizes that Steve must have told her about how their conversation went last night. About how he broke her soulmate's heart, and here he is now acting like he has any right to try to protect it, like she and him are still a team when it comes to keeping Steve safe.
He almost pulls back, has a stammered withdrawal on the tip of his tongue, when her shoulder presses against his.
"Steve thinks it is," she says simply, like that's enough.
"Robin," he starts, but he doesn't know what else to say to that.
She's shaking her head like she's cutting him off anyway, though, so maybe it doesn't matter.
"I don't understand it," she says bluntly. "You want him, and he wants you, and frankly I think you need to get over Steve having two soulmates. But Steve says I'm being unreasonable, and I recognize that he may have a point given our current circumstances."
Eddie's temper flares. "That's easy for you to say," he snaps, only barely remembering to keep his voice down. "You have another soulmate out there, too. You don't know-"
He cuts off, and her eyes flash.
"What, Eddie? What don't I know?" she hisses.
"How it feels to know someone is the only one for you, but you're not the only one for them!" he hisses back. "Platonic, romantic, he's the only soulmate I've got, and I'm not-"
He cuts off again. It's never been a lie when he thought to himself that he loves the part of Steve that is Robin, or that he loves Robin, or that he wants both of them in his life, or even that he likes that Steve has another soulmate and that it's Robin.
But when he tries to tell himself he doesn't care that Steve has two soulmates and he has one, or that it doesn't affect him at all -
That part is a lie.
Their circumstances, as Robin put it, have meant that he's gotten in deep with them very quickly, that it's forced him to rapidly be okay with a scenario he never imagined, but it also means he hasn't had any time to really come to terms with it.
"I'm trying, okay?" he says. "I only have so much brain space, and it's been a little occupied with not dying and dodging murder charges."
She still looks a little puffed up at him, and for a moment he has the absurd thought of the two of them like a pair of cats, hissing and spitting at each other, and that - he shrinks in on himself, just a little, and she deflates.
"Don't do that," she grumbles. "Make yourself all small and sad. I'm not Steve, you can't sway me with that."
It kind of seems like he can, but he takes the tentative peace instead of teasing her about it.
"Thank you," he says instead.
Robin narrows her eyes at him. "For what?"
His brain shorts out for a moment.
"Uh," he says intelligently. "Fighting nice with me?"
She doesn't soften, exactly, but she does look a little sad.
"I don't - know how to do this," he admits. "I've never - okay, I've never a lot of things, but this." He gestures at him and Steve, and then him and her, and then him and her and Steve. "It means a lot that it's not screaming matches or burning bridges."
She blows out a huff of air. "Fine. You've got a reprieve, Munson, figure your shit out or I'm coming back for you. Now shut up, and let's keep you out of jail and Steve from getting handcuffs slapped on him."
Hopper drives him to the police station in silence.
Well, mostly silence. There's terrible music playing over the radio, and Hopper had initiated some stilted conversation going over their plan again, but after that?
Fortunately, it isn't a terribly long drive.
When they get there, though, Hopper shuts off the engine but doesn't get out yet.
Eddie manages to resist the urge to sit on his hands to keep himself from fidgeting.
"You didn't come all this way just to actually arrest me, right?" he jokes.
Or he tries to joke, but he's pretty sure it comes out a little nervous.
"What? No, come on," Hopper grumbles. "Look, I just want to make sure you know that you're walking out of there, all right? We go in together, we're leaving together."
"Why?" Eddie blurts out.
Hopper looks incredulously at him.
"Why are you doing this for me?" Eddie clarifies. "You guys used to bust me all the time, and I know you went lenient on me, but-"
"Munson," Hopper cuts off with a growl. "I'm not doing this for you. We're doing this because you didn't kill anyone, and you're stuck in this now. So you should shut up and accept it."
Eddie considers if it's worth pushing his luck.
Hopper apparently correctly interprets the look on his face, because rolls his eyes and shoves the door open, storming out and leaving Eddie scrambling to undo his seatbelt and follow him.
His uncle's truck is already there, and so is Steve's BMW, smashed tail light and all.
He lingers at the door, just briefly, trying to talk himself up - but then Hopper grabs the back of his shirt collar and yanks him inside.
Eddie's heart is pounding, and he automatically scans the room - sees his uncle talking to Flo, sees Steve leaning back in a chair with a folder in front of him, feels it calm his nerves just a little.
"Heard you lot were looking for the Munson kid," Hopper announces.
The station goes silent.
Eddie raises his hands up. "Well, officers, looks like you finally caught this outlaw."
Somewhat predictably, chaos erupts.
Callahan is struggling to bolt up and pull his gun at the same time, shouting, "On the ground, now!"
Flo is yelling, "His hands are up you idiot, don't you dare draw that weapon in here!"
Steve is scrambling to his feet, looking like he's going to bodily shove himself between Callahan and Eddie.
Hopper gets there first, though, stepping half in front of Eddie with a sigh.
"Powell?" he calls.
"Yeah, Chief?" Powell responds instinctively.
Hopper bares his teeth in something that might be a grin, nodding at him. "Not anymore. How about we talk in your office?"
"Seems best to me," Chief Powell agrees, then shouts, "Hey hey! All of you get back to work, I'm handling this."
Powell leads them back into the office, shutting the door behind them. Eddie glances back before he does, and can see absolutely no one getting back to work.
Eddie drops into one of the chairs, ready for more dramatics, but Powell isn't even looking at him.
Rude. How is he supposed to cover his nerves now?
"We thought you were dead, Jim," Powell says quietly.
"So did I, for a while," Hopper replies.
"What happened?" Powell asks.
Hopper raises an eyebrow at him. "You want the whole truth?"
Which is not at all what they agreed on, and Eddie sits up in alarm, but Hopper waves a hand at him.
"This have anything to do with Hawkins Lab again?" Powell asks tiredly.
Hopper looks at him pointedly.
Powell grimaces, sitting in the chair behind the desk. "Bare minimum, Hopper, I'm talking as few details as possible."
"You know Kline was into some shady shit. Turns out it was foreign shady shit. The Russians got real pissed off when they found out I was a part of blowing up their little copycat Hawkins Lab under the mall. I've been their guest up until a few weeks ago."
"Shit." Powell scrubs a hand over his face, looking at Hopper with obvious concern. "Jim-"
"It's done." Hopper pulls an envelope out of the inside of his jacket and tosses it on the desk. "What's important now is these murders."
"Let me guess." Powell says, nudging the envelope towards himself like it might blow up. "More Hawkins lab?"
"One of its former employees," Hopper says. "Henry Creel."
Powell looks up. "As in the Creel murders? The kid whose father killed their whole family?"
"Whole family but him," Hopper says. "He ended up working in the lab, until it shut down. Twisted little shit like that, no where to get out his sick little urges?"
"We got ourselves a serial killer," Powell says.
Hopper taps the envelope. "Employee record's all in there."
Powell rubs at his jaw, then finally looks at Eddie. "How'd you get involved?"
Eddie slouches down. "He wanted Chrissy. I didn't - I couldn't-"
"Wrong place, wrong time," Hopper cuts in. "Munson barely got out of there alive. He's been hiding this whole time."
"I knew what it looked like, okay?" Eddie snaps. "Carver and his crew were gunning after me. I tried to talk to him, to tell him I didn't do it, but he wouldn't stop. Said he was going to make sure I got what I deserved. It's why I left the hospital."
Powell leans forward a little. "How did you end up in the hospital?"
Eddie swallows. "Some of my friends were out in the woods where I was hiding, they found me. But Creel found us, too. He went after Max. Harrington and I tried to stop him, but-"
He shrugs, and lifts up his shirt to flash his bandages and healing injuries, then drops it down.
"Found him hiding out in my cabin when I got back," Hopper says dryly. "Munson's soulmate is ready to prove he's telling the truth, Powell. You really want to put two kids through that?"
Eddie jerks up, glaring at Hopper in betrayal - he thought they were both pretty on the same page about not involving Steve in this - but Powell just grimaces.
"Do I want to tell Lillian Harrington that her son waived his soulmate rights and we questioned him without a lawyer? Hell no."
Eddie gapes at him.
Powell fixes him with a look. "Steve Harrington carried you into that hospital, despite his injuries being so bad he collapsed right after. He was adamant about not pressing charges against Jason Carver, and now he's out there dithering about filing a report while you're telling me there's a soulmate waiting in the wings to swoop in? I wasn't born yesterday."
Eddie puffs himself up a little, ready to insist that Steve had nothing to do with this - as soon as he can figure out how to say it without lying - but Powell just waves a hand at him, almost exactly the same way Hopper'd done just a few minutes ago.
"I told Steve, you're not our top suspect anymore. We just wanted to ask you some questions."
Eddie shifts his weight. "And here I was getting used to being Hawkins Most Wanted."
Hopper groans. "Cut that shit out, kid."
Eddie looks back and forth between them. "So that - that's it? I can go?"
"I would suggest you don't leave town, but yes, you're not under arrest," Powell says, finally opening the envelope and looking through it. "Not a bad idea if you both make a statement I can give to the press, though."
Hopper hums. "How soon can they release it?"
Powell snorts. "Story like this? We're looking at six o'clock news tonight, front page tomorrow morning."
Hopper looks at him. "Kid."
Eddie fidgets with his wrist brace. He wants to ask if his uncle can come back - he wants to ask if Steve can come in, too, but he feels even more guilty about that, and he doesn't want to risk it even if Powell did say they wouldn't be questioning him.
So he sits up a little straighter and nods. "Yeah. I can do that."
When they're done, Hopper escorts him out of the station with one hand on his back, Uncle Wayne and Steve flanking him.
He can't help the choked laugh that bubbles up - he feels like a rockstar, getting ushered away from paparazzi by his security team.
"You should get out of here and lay low," Hopper says outside the station. "Press should be here soon. I'll stay, answer a few questions."
He heads back into the station, leaving Eddie outside with Uncle Wayne and Steve.
There's no one else out there, but the skin on the back of his neck prickles.
It's the longest he's stood outside in the middle of town in weeks.
Steve scrubs a hand over his jaw. "I'm gonna stay with Hopper," he says.
I don't think he should have to do it alone, Eddie hears, and he can't help but give a little snort at his soulmate's soft heart.
Like Eddie himself isn't just as bad.
"Here," Steve says, holding something out.
Eddie automatically reaches out to take it, and a key is pressed into his hand.
"Everyone's probably going to want to come over," he says. "You guys can let yourselves back in. Eds, I think there's lasagna in the freezer if you want to heat it up?"
"Yeah, it was there when I got the bacon out this morning," Eddie agrees, purposefully not looking at Uncle Wayne.
He doesn't want to see what his uncle's face is doing about him and Steve discussing what's in their freezer.
Steve's freezer, shit.
"You don't have to give me your key, man, Robin or someone'll let us in," Eddie says.
Steve's expression falls, just a little, but then his chin tilts back up. "No," he says softly. "That's yours. You can - I want you to stay. You don't have to, since you're not a fugitive, but I want you to."
Eddie's face heats up so fast he feels almost dizzy.
It feels stupid, knowing Steve, but somehow he hadn't planned on Steve wanting him to stay, too.
He risks sneaking a look at his uncle, who's looking back at him with his eyebrows raised and a little smirk.
"Course I'll stay," Eddie manages to get out. "At least until you get tired of me."
Steve brightens, then rolls his eyes. "Not going to happen," he replies, then seems to remember that Uncle Wayne is standing right there, because he turns to him. "You'd be welcome to stay, of course. I mean, Dustin kind of takes over one of the guest rooms whenever he can, but we have a second one."
A second one that no one's using, because Eddie's been sleeping with Steve, and now he's pretty sure his face couldn't get any redder.
He hopes that his uncle doesn't pick up the implications that Steve clearly isn't aware he's laying down, but unfortunately, Eddie can see Uncle Wayne's little smirk grow.
Still, he doesn't say anything about it.
"Thank you," his uncle says gruffly. "But I'm good at the hotel."
Steve heads back inside after Hopper, and Eddie follows his uncle to his truck.
"Not a word, old man," Eddie grumbles.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Uncle Wayne replies.
That doesn't stop him from laughing at him on the drive back, though.
Sure enough, Robin and Dustin are already there, and it's not long before everyone else shows up.
Including Joyce Byers, who hugs him long and tight and makes him have to excuse himself to go get the lasagna out of the freezer so he doesn't burst into tears.
Hopper and Steve both end up live on the six o'clock news. Chief Powell leads the press conference, and Hopper begrudgingly answers a handful of questions. He gives the coma story, talks about working with a private investigator friend to find out what happened during the time he was missing, reports that he has no current plans to retake the mantle of Chief of Police.
Hawkins has a fine one in Chief Powell, apparently, and Hopper wants to be with his family for now.
Chief Powell gives a brief update on the murder case, reporting that Eddie is no longer considered a suspect, and they have new evidence that points to Henry Creel, including several witnesses to the attacks.
Steve steps in only briefly to identify himself as one of them, stating that he was attacked by Henry Creel as well and can positively identify him. When asked how he survived, he shrugs and says he helped his friends fight him off, that it wasn't the first time they've all been in a dangerous situation.
The story ends with a picture of Eddie himself, the reporter stating again that no charges have been filed against him, and that -
That's it.
Eddie almost doesn't know what to do with himself.
The next few days are weird.
He still stays inside, most of the time, but he does go out a couple of times. With his uncle to get dinner, with Steve to the auto store to get a new tail light, with Hopper to sign a couple of more things at the station. Just enough to ease back into it, to remind the town that fuck you, he's still here.
Andy Johnson and Eric Carson stop by and apologize.
To Steve, which makes him all pissy, but Eddie thinks is frankly hilarious.
They promise they left right after they finished talking to Steve and Robin that night, and they had no idea that Jason was going to come back and mess with his car. They're not going to have anything to do with him until he gets his head back on straight.
Privately, he's not convinced Jason ever had his head on straight, but he doesn't do more than waggle his eyebrows significantly at Steve from where Andy and Eric can't see him.
Besides that, things are quiet.
Even though Eddie was kind of expecting something - there's no sign of Jason.
Up next: Eddie gets more orders to sort his shit out, so okay fine he guesses he has to
Part 23
Tag list (always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
195 notes · View notes
miliamin1 · 5 months
“What is it now?” Wednesday asks gravely, still standing over her.
“I lied.” Enid answers wetly.
“You’re disabled and pay too much for the college tuition to feel guilt over-”
“I lied to my mom about having a girlfriend.” Enid sniffles.
“...and?” Wednesday tenses for a moment.
“So when I come home for Christmas alone she will restart the ‘Enid isn’t really gay’ agenda.” More tears again so she rubs at her eyes.
“How much did you lie?” Wednesday asks sitting down.
“I- just mentioned last June in a phone call fight that I’m dating a woman to prove a point. Somehow. I don’t know.  I think she got too sick to continue so I didn’t elaborate. And I-” Enid swallows heavily” I might have mentioned going on a date to cut a call short. Or being on a date. Maybe once when you were hearable in the background. Oh god.” She hides her face in hands.
“Only me?”
“Yeah I say it when I’m home, when I’m out I use going to a class excuse-”
Wednesday interrupts her in a contemplative tone “Do you need a perfect partner or a menace to make her regret budding into your dating life?” When Enid looks up at her the goth is looking far into distance, hand loosely over her mouth.
Enid squints at her before shaking her aching head and wincing “I- perfect partner I guess so she would shut up that only being with a man would make me happy. Or something. I don’t want to remember specific-”
“I can do that." 
“What?” Enid mumbles, rubbing her forehead.
“Play a perfect partner.” Wednesday's head turns to stare.
“... what?” Enid repeats faintly, with fingers to her temples.
Wednesday’s voice is casual but her eyes are intense. “I can be an objectively perfect romantic partner. We’re the same age, I’m attractive, more than able bodied, I have a successful career although I would have to reveal my pen name for that but even otherwise I’m independently wealthy anyway, well educated and I know etiquette to mask well enough. I can’t do anything about the inescapable impression of inhumanity but with my perfect manners complaining about that while sounding sane isn’t achievable. Then there’s atheism and Mexican heritage which could be problems according to your family. I doubt I can pass off as religious but if anyone asks I can just start speaking fluent French and talk about my European immigrant mother. Depends on how racist your family is.”
Pressing with fingers onto the head to make it work didn't help. She's been holding her breath too. “Wens- what- wait.”
“You stopped crying. Good.”
“You were joking to make me stop crying?”
“No. My offer is serious. As long as you won’t cry at me about it again.” Wednesday raises an eyebrow momentarily.
Hi, may I interest you in a pretend relationship Christmas fic a month after? Just don't expect them to actually respect christianity.
Christmas Eve(L) (24096 words) by miliamin Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Wednesday (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Enid Sinclair's Brothers, Esther Sinclair (Wednesday), Murray Sinclair Additional Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship, Christmas Fluff, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Angst, Oblivious Enid Sinclair, Bisexual Enid Sinclair, Autistic Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair Has ADHD Summary: Lying for months about having a girlfriend so that her mother will stop her biphobic comments is close to blowing up in Enid’s face as she's about to leave for her Christmas break alone. But her hot, spooky roommate really loathes her tears so a plan to prevent her from admitting to lying is formed.
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0blobthefish0 · 2 months
Partygirl Part 2
leighton murray masterlist | main masterlist
Part 1
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Leighton Murray x Female Reader 1769 words
a/n - finally, it is here! i literally had this all written out except for the last part before the 17th, but I am incapable of writing cute date scenes, so this'll have to do 😅
You stir awake and your mouth falls open in a silent scream as you screw your eyes shut. Throbbing pain was incessantly stabbing at your brain, there was no way you didn't have any nerves in there because all you wanted to do was take the damn thing out. What the fuck did you drink last night, the whole bar?
Letting out a defeated sigh, you slowly opened your eyes and brought a hand to your head in an attempt to soothe the ache. Wait..
You froze.
Where were you? You questioned as your eyes adjusted to the dark. God, did you actually follow through with a one night stand? You could now hear, and not to mention feel, the soft puffs of someone breathing. You chewed on your bottom lip, nervously, as you wracked your aching brain for a solution. You nearly choke on a gasp when you feel a pair of arms tighten around your waist, pulling you flush against the other person.
Your eyebrows furrow - boobs? What the hell happened last night? And you almost feel proud of yourself until, you realise that you're still fully clothed, and now you feel horrified; how did you half fail a one night stand?
God, this was so embarrassing.
But then, you smell something familiar, expensive, and you finally pull yourself together enough to take a peek at the mystery person.
You hear yourself squeak and a hand flies to cover your mouth and you can't tell if looking was a good idea because, somehow, your heart is beating faster than it already was. You feel her hand slip from your waist and you feel as if your soul has lifted itself outside of your body.
"Y/n," you hear her croak out, her voice thick with sleep.
You let a stretched-out moment pass before replying, "Yes?"
"You okay?" She whispers softly, and you move to lay on your back.
"Yeah, I just- I wasn't expecting to see you there," you explain and Leighton can hear the nervous smile in your voice.
"You were pretty drunk last night," she recalls and she sees you wince in response. "There's some aspirin outside, if you want."
"Ugh, yes please," you say quickly.
You're sat on the sofa when Leighton passes you a bottle of water and an aspirin before taking a seat next to you. You pop the pill into your mouth and take a swig of water, smiling softly to yourself when you find that the bottle was already open. Your pounding headache seemed to dissipate instantly, it may just be a placebo effect, but you were thankful for it nonetheless, and you turned to her with a relieved smile.
"Better?" She questioned and you nodded your head. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, just listening to the quiet through the darkness that no longer seemed so dark.
Leighton couldn't help but be thankful that the room was still dark, otherwise you most likely would have picked up on the pink tint that was dusting her cheeks. The image of you pulling her in close, your hands on her face, the way you looked at her with those drunken eyes and your voice when you called her pretty was all that she could think about. Goosebumps began to litter her arms as she shook herself out of her daze.
"I should probably get going," you announced quietly and Leighton turned to see you hugging your arms.
"You could always stay y'know? I'm sure your roommate wouldn't be too happy with you," Leighton inputted, "and you do live in the other building." You had to fight the hopeful feeling from growing as you turned to look at her; did she want you to stay? No, she was just being nice, anyone sane would offer the same.
"Really, you don't mind?" You smiled sheepishly.
"No, I wouldn't have offered if I did," she shrugged and got up from the sofa to stand in front of you. "But you need to wear something more comfortable first cause," you watched as Leighton eyed your outfit before lightly shaking her head and gave you her hand to help you up from the sofa.
Quietly, the two of you made your way back into the bedroom and you stood beside her as she rifled through her draw for something for you to wear.
"You can get changed in here, or step outside if you want," she whispered to you as she passed you a pair of neatly folded clothes. You nodded your head in reply, quickly spinning on your heel as soon as you saw Leighton reach for the waistband of her jeans. You took a moment to collect yourself and settle your nerves before swiftly slipping out of your dress and pulling on Leighton's shirt and shorts.
"Yeah," you whispered quietly and turned to see her slipping into the bed.
Leighton watched you as you moved closer to her; something about seeing you in her clothes was making her stomach erupt with butterflies, you looked cute. She didn't know why she did it, maybe it was the time of night, or maybe it was an unconscious decision, but she opened up her arms - inviting you in closer - and to her relief you accepted and crawled into her.
"I meant it, y'know?" You confessed and let out a slow yawn.
"Meant what?"
"Nothing, sorry, I'm just tired," you whispered sheepishly, your one second of courage quickly leaving you as soon as those words left your mouth. What you wanted to say, was that when you had drunkenly told her that she was pretty, you were being earnest. You felt Leighton nod her head above you and then the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep once again.
You saw Kimberly send you a small smile and you made your way to their table, food in hand.
"Speak of the devil," you hear Bela sigh out as you place your tray on the table and taking the empty seat next to Leighton.
"Why are we talking about me?" You questioned.
"Bela's in a mood-" Whitney began before being promptly interrupted.
"Why didn't you two fuck?" Bela nearly shouted accusingly.
"Okay! No need to be so crass."
"Just because we both like girls, does not mean that we automatically want to jump each other's bones," you defended with a hushed voice, hyperaware of the people around you.
"Speak for yourself," Bela mumbled, upset, taking a not so discreet jab at Leighton.
"Hey," Leighton gaped, "you're the one that encouraged me!"
"Yeah, I guess I did. I'm just mad, my ship needs to sail; like you literally have all of the materials, get to building!" You shook your head at that with a slight laugh and soon enough the conversation drifted away from the two of you.
You took a forkful of your lunch before turning to Leighton, the movement catching her eye.
"How'd your quiz go?" You asked her.
"Uh- yeah! It was um," Leighton was struggling to hide her shock, she had only mentioned the quiz once, maybe twice, a week ago, "it went well," she nodded with a smile on her face.
She couldn't remember if you said anything after, too concentrated on the way that she was feeling and the way her face was heating up, so much so that she had to turn away and focus in on the conversation at the table.
The following week flew by quickly. You were resting on your bed, the relief of finally sitting the exam washing over you, when you felt your phone vibrate. You felt for it and at seeing the caller ID you squinted suspiciously.
"Are you.. okay?" You questioned with confusion; Leighton never calls you.
"Yeah, I- is your roommate there?"
"No, she wen-"
You stared, dumbfounded, at your dark screen. She hung up.
knock. knock. knock.
The fuck?
Almost cautiously, you get out of bed and tip-toe your way to the door before cracking it open ever so slightly and then swinging it fully open.
"Leighton? Are you sure you're okay?"
Standing before you, in all her glory, was Leighton Murray dressed to the nines like she always was whilst you stood in pyjamas. It wasn't even necessarily late, possibly just half-past six, but you enjoyed living in comfort.
"Of course, never better," she replied, moving into the room after you turned to the side to let her in.
In reality, Leighton had never felt so anxious in her life. If she hadn't called you on a whim, she most likely would have been back in her dorm by now. She spun around as you closed the door and, were those her pyjamas? She had let you keep them that night, and just seeing you in them was giving her whiplash to last weekend.
"I want to ask you out, on a date," she stated. "I know you said that thing a few days ago about how just because we both like girls we aren't automatically attracted to each other or whatever, and that other thing of people in a relationship should be in different friend groups, which was basically a big fat sign saying 'we're just friends', but you honestly make me feel insane and I can't stop thinking about you like all the fucking time and maybe, hopefully, you like me back or maybe I'm just crazy and delusional and all the signs are just figments of my imagination."
You stared at her with a growing smile as she ranted and now she was partly out of breath as she searched your eyes, and swallowed nervously.
You nodded your head tentatively and Leighton took a small step toward you. 
"I need you to say it," she whispered softly, the words barely passing her lips, her wide, Bambi-eyes on you. She needed to know it was real.
"Yes," you nodded again, "I'd love to go on a date with you." You saw as she visibly relaxed.
"When are you free?"
"Umm.." you began as you sifted through the busy days ahead for a potential gap.
"Now?" Leighton offered and your eyes snapped to her.
"I mean- yeah?"
"Great." You felt Leighton take your hand and begin to lead you out of your room.
"I'm not changed."
"You don't need to be, plus you look cute in my pyjamas."
"Yours? They're mine now," you grinned as the door shut behind you and the two of you made your way out of the building.
"Do you have a plan?" You questioned as you stepped outside.
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weird-an · 1 year
Murray is getting on Jim's last nerve. He has been calling the station four times today already, yelling into Jim's ear how he should check on Billy Hargrove, because he's hiding something.
"He's a fucking teenager," Jim says, "Of course we don't get him, of course he's got secrets."
"No, Jim, he's been stealing stuff from Melvald's and has not gone home for the last two nights!" Murray rants. "There's something going on."
Hopper sighs into the phone. At this point he's getting a headache.
"Stop stalking a teenager, Murray."
"Then do your fucking job and investigate!" Murray shouts before hanging up.
Jim doesn't think about it for the rest of the day. But when he sees the Camaro parked at Melvald's parking lot in the middle of the night, after he's on his way home, he stops the car.
Maybe Murray is right, he considers, something is going on. And if it's not, he can tell the idiot at least that he's checked without lying.
He walks over to the Camaro, half way wondering if he'll cockblock a teenager on a date, but he stops dead when he looks inside the car.
Billy Hargrove is curled up on the backseat of his car, a ratty blanket wrapped around him and chewing on a sandwich. At eleven o'clock on a Thursday night. A dark bruise on his cheek.
Billy freezes when he sees him. Hopper can't blame him. He's a big guy.
Billy crawls in front of his car and opens the door. "Is there a problem, Chief?" He smiles at Jim, apparently unaware he's got blood on his teeth.
"Who did this?" Jim points at Billy's face. "And don't fucking lie to a police officer."
He swears internally when the kid flinches at that. He's not good at the whole talking thing.
"Um. I.." Billy coughs and it's obvious he tries to come up with a lie.
"Your old man?" Hopper guesses, because he knows the story. Because he's fucking lived it, too.
Billy stares at him with wide eyes. "It's...I'm...He... doesn't really.."
Jim tries to keep his anger at bay. "Whatever he is, he is wrong about it. You're coming with me."
"Am I... arrested?" Billy asks. Hopper wants to punch someone. Preferably Hargrove Senior.
"No. We're going to mine...and I'm...going to help you." Thank God he doesn't sound as unsure as he feels. He just needs to get Billy away from this man. He's got to figure out how to help this kid.
He wishes the worst thing of all of this would be telling Murray Bauman, he's right. It isn't. It's a fucker kicking out his son after beating him up.
But Billy follows him and sits down on the passenger's seat of his car, still clutching the sandwich. It's a start at least.
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hellfirenacht · 2 months
Reader ==> Have Lunch With Hellfire Club
Isekai Chronicles Master List
Fic Summery: Through no powers of your own, you end up in Hawkins 1985, in a tv show that you once saw on Netflix. Slow burn, Eddie Munson x Reader will be canon, choose your own adventure to a degree, monkey’s paw author.
Chapter Summery: You sneak into Hawkins High to have lunch with Hellfire Club.
Tags: Eddie and Reader, sfw, Reader is on her period, reader is also just a little horny and touch starved but nothing really happens with that.
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Reader ==> Have Lunch With Hellfire Club
"Ow'' You hissed, laying your head down on the cool table. You had been doubled over for 10 seconds and most of the club looked at you with concern.
"Uh... You good, Lipton?" Jeff asked.
You winced, from both the cramp and what he'd called you. Why did no one at this school use first names? It was already hard enough responding to a false name to begin with, even after memorizing the information on your new kinda-fake ID card. Thanks, Murray.
"Just dying. It's fine, I'll live." You groaned, and forced yourself to sit up and look down the table at Eddie, passed Mike and Dustin. "Got any painkillers?" You asked.
"None that would help you." Eddie shrugged.
"Ah, lovely." You laid your head back down as another cramp shot through your uterus.
It was the last day of school before Hawkins High went on fall break. You had snuck over to the school to have lunch with Eddie and the rest of Hellfire Club. Currently, all of you were sitting outside, enjoying one of the last warm days before the cold set in. Out here, none of the teachers would see you all, and even if they did, they wouldn’t take note of one extra person who shouldn’t be on school grounds anyway. Besides, it’s not like it was your first time sneaking into the school, as it had become a habit over the past few weeks as you made yourself a part of Hellfire. 
By this time next week you’d be set up in the small trailer on the opposite end of the same trailer park that Eddie lived. Just a few more days and you could finally move out of Benny’s and you could stop dealing with stupid jocks and bugs and all the other bullshit that came with being a squatter.  
"What's wrong with you?" Asked Gareth.
"Alphabetically or chronologically?” your voice was deadpan and muffled from being pressed against the old picnic table. “And how much time do you have?" 
You wondered briefly what “chronologically” even meant with you. Would you start chronologically in a direct timeline starting in 1895? Or maybe you’d start at the year you were born and loop back around. 
"She can't be in too much pain if she's still a smartass," snorted Jeff.
"You're laughing. A party member is bleeding to death and you're laughing." The cramp subsided and you sat up again.
"Gross." Muttered Gareth.
"I bleed for days at a time and survive. Get on my level" you hissed.
"Level 5?" Jeff shot back. "You're still behind us, even with Henderson's help."
"Motherfucker I swear-"
"Hey now, no need to fight" Dustin piped up, looking between everyone with concern. "We're all stressed because of midterms, we don't need to take it out on each other."
You closed your mouth and backed down. You didn’t mind the occasional fight with Gareth, honestly you almost enjoyed it when he picked a fight with you because it meant you could blow off some steam. But Dustin was currently your only real friend, and you weren’t going to risk pissing him off. That kid was the only one to try and figure out how you ended up here anyway. 
Plus, he’d been running some one on one adventures with you between Hellfire meetings. With Eddie insisting that all new players start at level 1 no matter what the party was at, Dustin had convinced him to let him do some smaller adventures to help you try and catch up with everyone else. Sometimes Mike and Lucas would even join in. 
"Just ignore me." You sighed. "I'll live even if it kills me." You looked at the uneaten sandwich in front of you. The idea of eating it made you feel gross even if you were hungry. You grabbed it and tossed it down the table in front of Eddie who looked at you with a cocked eyebrow.
"Don't want it. You eat it." you mumbled, forehead against the table again. You were starting to feel like you should have just stayed at Benny’s until it was actually time for Hellfire.
"You gonna be okay to play tonight?" Eddie asked. "Or do you need us to find a sub for you?"
You shook your head. "I'll be there." You promised. "I'll just hit up Robin or someone for some aspirin before the game and I'll be fine. Might not be the most talkative-"
"That'd be a first." Muttered Jeff.
You flipped him off. "I'll be there. I can still roll dice as well at anyone here."
Eddie grinned. "Good, and I'm not gonna go easy on any of you tonight."
"Do you ever?" Mike laughed.
"Yeah, you've always been tough on us, but Cult of Vecna has been your most sadistic campaign yet." agreed Jeff.
"That's because this is my year." Eddie said. "I'm gonna graduate and I'm going out with a bang." Eddie drummed on the table with his hands, revved up now. The vibrations of his drumming echoed through your head and you sat up again.
He stood up, the sandwich left forgotten for the moment. You watched him, and the way he moved was like a full-on rainstorm. Eddie only ever seemed to have two modes, 'on' and 'off'.
He was very much on now.
There was a fire in his eyes that had burned you for the past month since you'd been invited to Hellfire. Your initial attraction to a fictional character turned coworker had burst into a full blown genuine crush. In the autumn air, his cheeks were flushed red from the cold and his natural excitement, and his hair was flying everywhere. Even with Eddie circling the table as he bragged about his campaign to the members your heart felt like it might leap out of your chest, distracting you from the other organs inside you that were ripping themselves apart.
A firm hand grasped you at the crook of your neck, and you tensed slightly at Eddie's touch, your mind blanked for a moment as he made physical contact with you.
Eddie was... Very handsy. He wasn't afraid to grapple, wrestle, grab, and generally put his hands on his fellow Hellfire members. Eddie had picked up Dustin and Mike by the shirt collars and pushed them more times than you had bothered counting. 
This however, was the first time he had laid a hand on you. You held your breath as you tried to ignore the shiver that slid down your spine and into your core. You didn’t dare let anyone see that this had any effect on you. 
‘Not the time, self.’ you scolded yourself.
Eddie gave you a shake, which changed that warmth in your core to a vague sense of nausea. 
“Please don’t shake me right now.” you groaned. Your guts were not interested in physical movement right now. Your legs were already nearly constantly sore from biking everywhere. 
To Eddie’s credit, he did stop. His hand was still firm against you though, and you could feel the cold metal of one of his rings against your skin.
“See this one,” he gave you one more shake, the asshole. “This one is so metal that even though she probably should retreat tonight she’s still willing to show up for us.”
The compliment made your heart swell and the air didn’t feel so brisk as your own cheeks warmed up. You tilted your head back to look at him with surprise; Eddie didn’t hand out compliments too lightly with the club. He was always so straight forward, firm. He wouldn’t say anything unless he meant it. 
“I’ve always shown up when it mattered.” you said quietly, flashbacking (flash forwarding?) just a split second to a group of friends from the future. Not that it mattered, I guess. What was that??
The hand slid off of you, and a sense of emptiness echoed through your chest and at the loss of the warmth and pressure. You shoved down the lump in your throat by taking a long gulp of water. You had been here for nearly 2 months, and that had been the first bit of physical contact you had with anyone outside of a small scrap with Murrey or a handshake with someone, or your literal run in with Steve Harrington. 
One small touch, and you felt like you were falling apart. You were really starting to be sick of this feeling. 
Eddie sat back down and pulled out the sandwich you had offered him and you watched it disappear in 4 bites. 
“Jesus Eddie, did you even taste that?” asked Mike, and to be fair it was a valid question. 
“Didn’t need to, it was edible. Thanks, Lipton” 
“Why do you all keep calling me that?” you asked, looking around the table. 
“What, ‘Lipton’?” Mike asked. “I don’t know, it’s just something we do here.”
“Could... you please not call me that? Just call me by my name please. Or ‘Dipshit’. Or ‘Hey You’ or ‘That one girl in Hellfire’. Anything else.”
“You’re barely in Hellfire.” Gareth grumbled, flicking a chip crumb off the table and onto the dirt below. Gareth had been nice enough the first night you showed up for Hellfire, but then the more you hung around the less he seemed to like you. You’d deal with that later.
Eddie looked over at you, his wide brown eyes meeting yours and he said your name. 
The back of your neck prickled at the sound of your name on his lips. You wanted him to say it again. 
‘Not the fucking time, self’ You scolded yourself again. You had so many bigger issues than a guy with pretty brown eyes and a chipped front tooth that made your stomach explode in butterflies. 
Oh, who the fuck were you kidding? You did not. In fact, he was absolutely the main problem that you were going to have to deal with in a few months. If he wasn’t planning on being a hero, maybe you could actually sleep at night. 
You gave him a small nod, and wondered if you looked as tired as you felt. 
“Sorry, it's an old habit.” Dustin said. “We’ll stick with your first name”
“Thank you.” you said, relaxing. You looked at the time, not long until lunch was over. Then two more hours, then school was over. Hellfire started at four, a half hour after school ended. That gave you a few hours to just wander around aimlessly until school ended. 
You zoned out for the rest of lunch, poking at the food you had brought until it was all passed along to Eddie. He never did bring enough food for himself anyway. 
When the bell rang you took your time gathering your stuff up as most of the club started back towards the school building. 
As you were about to turn and head in the opposite direction towards the woods. something grabbed you by the shoulder and moved you behind a tree before you realized what was happening. Eddie stood in front of you, hands on your upper arms, head tilted with that look of intense concern on his face. You found yourself stiff under that gaze, thrown off by how he had suddenly grabbed you. 
“I meant what I said, earlier.” he said. “There’s no shame in retreating. If you feel like shit, you don’t have to come.”
“I want to.” you said. “I- I really do, I promise. I don’t want to let you down.” It took you three seconds to realize that you had said ‘you’ and not ‘everyone’ and heat burned your cheeks. 
Eddie put a hand on your forehead. “You’re warm and you look like.. You look fucking tired.” 
“....Thank you, Eddie. Just what every woman wants to hear from a man.” Your voice was deadpan. “I’ll be fine. I just need to take an aspirin and maybe take a small nap before Hellfire.”
His brown eyes bore into yours and you wondered how easily he could see through you. “Come on, you can take a nap in my van.” Eddie didn’t bother giving you a chance to answer before dragging you around the school, towards the parking lot.   
It took a moment for his words to register in your brain as you followed him. "....Huh?"
"I have some spare blankets and a pillow back there. I crash in the back all the time. Might not be the... Cleanest or the most comfortable but it's safe. Not like anyone's interested in messing with the freaks van" He said, his hand sliding down your arm to grab your hand. 
Eddie was holding your hand. Shit shit shit shit shit- 
Your brain caught up to you. "Ah, yeah that would be really nice actually." you said. "I probably really need the short rest of I'm gonna survive you tonight."
You wondered if Eddie realized that he had given your hand a squeeze. "Get those spell slots back, you're gonna need them." 
"Thank you, I really do appreciate it.” And you did, passing out in his van was definitely safer than passing out in the woods somewhere until Hellfire started.
Eddie looked over at you and smiled. "Everyone in Hellfire has crashed in that van at least once. It's basically a right of passage to help break in the newbies."
You couldn't stop your mouth from running. "You break in all the newbies in the back of your van?" You looked up at him with a teasing half grin. "Damn, this really is a cult." ‘Not. The. Fucking. Time. Get your head out of the gutter please.’ 
Eddie snorted and shook his head. "You'd be surprised what's happened in the back of that van."
"Sex and drugs and rock 'n' roll?" you offered. ‘What did I just tell myself??’
"Two out of three. I'll let you guess which ones." 
The bell rang and you jumped. "Shit, you’re gonna be late to class.” You looked over at Eddie, worried about his getting in trouble. 
“It’s just gym, no one will care if I’m late” he said. “I don’t like being the first in the locker room anyway. Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asked, looking you over. "I'm not trying to be a dick but you really look rough."
"I feel rough. I'll be fine." You promised. "I just need a nap. You said it yourself, I'm metal. Can't exactly let everyone down when you called me that."
"You're either very brave or very stupid." Eddie said, opening the back door to the van, giving a sweeping gesture to motion you inside. 
You tossed your backpack in first before crawling in. To your surprise Eddie hopped in with you and closed the door. 
"Just need to move some things around. As a Hellfire member and your DM, you know that what happens in this van stays here." Eddie's eyes narrowed slightly and you nodded dumbly, wondering if he was aware of how some of the things he was saying sounded. "Good."
He pulled up a section of the floor where a spare tire should be, and pulled out a small box. You leaned against the back of the front seat, closing your eyes. Whatever Eddie was doing, it wasn't your business, not when he was being so nice. You really thought you had completely blown it a few weeks ago when you first went over to his home, but by some power he kept letting you hang around. Being coworkers probably helped. 
With your eyes closed, you breathed in deeply and took in the scent of the van. There was a lingering smell of weed and cigarettes, mixed with the natural smell of him and a hint of some sort of air cleaner to mask the smells. It could have been much worse, you found that your tolerance for the scent of narcotics had gone up a lot since being here.  
Your body was already starting to relax, knowing that rest was coming soon. You had been running around Hawkins all week between shifts and doing your own investigation work of the town, looking for anything that could help you come Spring Break. 
Something soft hit your head and you opened your eyes. Eddie had tossed you two blankets and a pillow. "They were washed recently." He said. 
"Eddie you- can you come wake me up before Hellfire?" You asked, feeling the texture of one of the blankets. It was worn and thin but nice against your hands. "I don't have a watch or an alarm." Your watch had died two days ago and you wouldn’t be able to get a new one until Bev paid you again.
"Don't worry, I'll need to come back here anyway. I'm keeping my notes for today in the front seat. Don't peek. I'll know if you do, and there will be consequences." Eddie's tone was serious as he tossed his Hellfire notes in the front seat. He put his whole being into this campaign, and you wouldn't dare betray that trust that was starting to form between the two of you. 
"Wouldn't dream of it, I doubt I could read your chicken scratch handwriting anyway." you said and he grabbed the pillow from you and smacked it on your head again with a laugh.
"Stan tried once. Once. He learned his lesson after that. He didn't even read the right notes, he ended up with an attempt at my English homework." 
Stan. Another name from his past that never was in the show. You had already accepted that Eddie was real, even if it had left you spiraling for a good two days. But there were still small moments to just how real he was. Hellfire Club existed before now. Eddie had friends before this version of Hellfire. Each new piece of himself that he offered you was tucked away in your mind, a reminder of what you were really working for. You wished you could offer the same. 
It was comfortable in the back of the van with him like this. You could count on one hand the amount of times you had been alone together for longer than five minutes, not counting your shifts together at The Hideout . There was a part of you that was still nervous about being with him, this person who shouldn't exist with you. 
Eddie looked at his watch. "Business calls. Get some rest, I'll be back for you before Hellfire." 
"I'll try not to die in your van."
The van shifted as he scooted over to the door, opening it and letting in the late September air for a moment. 
“Night" He said before closing the door behind him, leaving you alone. 
Reader => Take A Nap In Eddie’s Van
You grabbed the blankets and started adjusting them. Thankfully there were no mysterious stains on any of them, but the pillow was very much a 'boy pillow' which was flat and old and offered zero support. But it was his and it smelled like him and it was... More clean than expected. Not like you had any room to complain. 
You laid back and took a few slow breaths. You didn't expect to actually get any sleep but some time to just lay down and relax was enough for now. You were sure that Eddie would tire you out again tonight-
‘With the campaign you fucking pervert.’ You scolded yourself, trying to ignore the warmth in her stomach again from just his hand on your arm and shoulder. Hellfire was always very high energy, and Eddie's stamina was unwavering. As a Dungeon Master- no fuck, not that kind of dungeon master-!
What was wrong with you today? Being on your period and the stress must be catching up to you. You were starting to think you needed to get laid. Or maybe convince Steve or Robin to loan your their Family Video discounts to rent from the back room- 
No. You were NOT going to hit up a jock and his lesbian best friend for porn. You didn’t even have a VHS player. 
You were so fucking touch starved. 
You shut your eyes tight and tried to clear your mind of any perverted thoughts. It was pleasant in his van in a weird way. Cool, and parked in the shade, and just dark enough to let your mind shutdown slowly. Maybe you’d get a contact high, but you didn't know enough about drugs to know and at this point you were too afraid to ask. 
You tossed and turned for a bit, trying to get comfortable enough to just relax. The van's floor was hard, and it took a half hour to find a position (with doubling your backpack with the pillow) where your brain could shut down fully. 
It felt like you had just closed your eyes when a knock came from outside. You jumped and sat up quickly, fumbling in the sheets to cover up before remembering that you were still fully clothed. 
"Wake up, Sunshine, Hellfire starts in 15 minutes!" The van door opened and Eddie smiled at you. "Hand me my bag"
You reached for his bag and pushed it over, shaking your head to reoriented yourself. Right, Eddie's van. Naptime. 
"Last chance to back out." Eddie said. "Say the word and I'll walk away and drive you home after Hellfire."
"I'm okay!" You said, not knowing if you were going to crash at Benny’s or in a basement. "I actually feel a lot better after laying down for a bit. Just let me use the bathroom and I'll be all good for tonight, I promise." 
Eddie reached out to take your wrist and help you out of the van, and you stumbled slightly before readjusting. Eddie grabbed your arms to make sure you didn’t eat shit on the pavement.
"I'm good, you just threw me off. I'm fine, Eddie." 
Eddie answered by letting you go and closing the van door. "You know the house rules. Anyone late gets a penalty at my discretion."
"Yes, Dad" you rolled your eyes and the two of you made your way back to the school. Once inside you stepped away and slipped into the bathroom to freshen up and readjust your clothing and pee. After splashing some cold water on your face and cleaning up you did feel a lot better. 
"You actually showed up" Gareth said as you made her way down the stairs. 
"Get on my level Gareth." you said, taking your seat at the table. 
"Feel any better?" Asked Dustin. 
"Yeah, much better." You pulled out your folder and set your mini fig on the table. "Eddie let me crash in his van for a bit."
The overhead light went out and with a click a single lamp that hung above the table flickered on. Eddie was now seated in his 'throne', his side of the table now set up. 
"If we're done chatting now gentleman, lady" he nodded at you. "Last we left the party...”
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Notes: I haven't forgotten about this series! I feel like I am constantly writing and yet have noting to show for it lol
So what would you like to see Reader do next?
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Dividers by @strangergraphics
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etherealwanderings · 4 months
Will and Mike always end up understanding each other without talking. That's why I would hate Murray pointing them out that they belong to each other. They don't need Murray to know that they have feelings for each other. The painting is there to make Mike connect the dots and can help him to make the first move not to mention that they both know how they feel about eachother . Murray can simply show that to the GA without pointing that to Will & Mike.
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No Regrets - Part Two
TW: OC Character Death (dude doesn't even get a name). Steve reflects on killing both demo-creatures and humans with detachment. Mentions of Major Character Deaths but as a reminder, they don't stay dead! (Well, Chrissy and Fred do)
Part One🦇 Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six
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Maybe he should feel bad about watching Robin grow smaller in the rear-view mirror, her face a mixture of disbelief and anger. Maybe he should feel regret for his actions, for the betrayal Robin probably feels right now.
He doesn't.
Looking at the bigger picture, at the regrets he actually does have in the waking world, this is small potatoes. A non-issue. Robin will forgive him in the end.
War Zone is like a ghost town compared to the first time Steve was here. Though, that should have been expected. The panic hasn't swept through town yet. So far, it's just one dead girl. Fred'll join her sometime this afternoon. Evening? Sometime later today.
Nineteen-year-old Steve would hate himself for not trying to help. For not doing his best to save Fred.
Well, Fred dying will help Dustin, in the long run. Will help Eddie. And that's more important. That's the goal. The dream, if he's allowing himself to be cheeky in his own mind.
Steve's not heartless, or anything like that. Robin, his Robin in the waking world, still calls him a softy and worries his kindness will get him killed on the daily. He always puts the safety of the group above himself. The first to volunteer on supply runs or for scouting or taking watch through the night. He knows he can run on empty for much longer than anyone else he knows.
The end of the world has a way of skewing what kindness and softness are, though. Those first few months were the hardest. Steve wanted to save everyone they came across. Help as many people as possible, but rations run dangerously low that way. Clean water can become contaminated quickly by ignorant people. Not everyone handled the apocalypse with grace.
The first harsh lesson Steve had learned was two months into the end of the world. They'd ventured to Indy to find supplies. Medicines. Try and stock up on things they didn't need yet but wanted around for the just in case of it all. They'd found some survivors, which wasn't surprising in itself. The surprising bit was that these guys had made it on complete luck it seemed. They were loud. Jumpy. Panicky.
When Lucas and Mike, on scout duty, had reported back demogorgon activities nearby, one guy started to panic. Got loud and couldn't bring himself back down. Steve was closest, tried to shush him but he wouldn't be quiet.
"Move," Murray (may he rest in peace) whispered, seeming to have appeared from nowhere, shoving Steve away, nudging him out of the way. Murray stepped behind the guy, one hand covering his nose and mouth, the other arm around his neck. It made the guy panic more, fighting Murray and then Murray just-
Steve remembers he flinched at the noise, turning away to cover his mouth and calm his own panic. The noises stopped though. Steve had shot a horrified look to Hopper, but Hopper wasn't looking at Steve. He was looking beyond, at Murray and what he'd done, nodding his approval.
The demogorgons didn't find them that day.
"You can't help everyone, Steve," Murray said, once they'd started the trek back to Hawkins. "The safety of the group comes first, over just one person."
Lesson heard. Lesson learned. Lesson put to use four months later.
So. Fred must die, for the good of the group. Patrick, too, if Steve can't get to Vecna in time. He should be able to. Vecna will try and take Max first, tomorrow. Patrick the day after. If everything stays the same.
The clerk doesn't even blink at what Steve buys, or the quantity of what he buys, but his eyebrows do go up a little at the total.
Steve hesitates just a bit over the checkbook his parents gave him the first time they'd left him home alone at fourteen. For emergencies only, Steven. It's been sitting in his glove box, unused, since he turned sixteen. He's never wanted to have to explain what he'd used it for. Nothing had ever seemed like enough of an emergency to warrant explaining it to Richard Harrington.
He does find it a little odd that his mind is conjuring up the concept of money. Of all the little things to think about while he sleeps, he really didn't think his subconscious would bring capitalism back.
Steve rips the little check out of the booklet and hands it over. The clerk looks it over before giving a nod and finishing the cash out. Steve takes the receipt when it's offered, shoving it into the checkbook before shoving that into his back pocket.
The parking lot has one other person in it, who Steve is aware of the entire time he's loading the trunk of his car with gallons of lighter fluid, weapons, and padded camouflage. It's only after Steve's slammed the trunk closed and shoved the cart back towards the front of the store that the guy watching him speaks.
"Must be some bonfire you're planning."
Steve rounds his car and opens the door before answering. "It's spring break, man." He slides in, the door falling closed after him. He buckles up, starts the car, and heads home. The house will be empty, he knows.
He works in silence, unloading the car and organizing his haul in the dining room, eyes flicking to the clock. There's still a couple of hours before dark. Before he should go check if Eddie's still in the boathouse, or if the police did go find him.
He sets the timer on the stove for an hour and flops onto his couch and sighs. Just as comfy as he remembers. He can have a nap before making sure Eddie's in jail. Surely his dream will allow him that?
"Mmhm," Steve mumbles as his neck protests movement. He's slow to wake. His head feels like white noise. He thinks he was dreaming but he can't quite grasp at what it was... oh. Family Video and War Zone. Reliving a memory. He wonders if Robin is still mad at him for that day, ditching her with Dustin and Max. It'd been for a good reason and- Steve wrinkles his nose as he sits up, head still static-y. Was it for a good reason? He can't remember what else happened after that....
"He rises," Robin whispers next to him, spooking him. She comes into focus as he sits up straight, leaning out of her space to look at her. She gives him a smile, judging by the crinkle around her eyes and her cheeks rounding. The gas mask prevents him seeing her real smile and he misses it. He thinks about his dream, and getting to see all of Robin's face again.
Dreaming is bittersweet.
"I miss anything?" He asks, because it's a safe question.
"Scouts radioed. The way should be clear in another," Robin grabs his wrist and twists so she can see the time on his watch, "another twenty minutes or so."
The mention of the radio makes him think of Dustin, and how much he misses him. And thinking of Dustin makes him think of Eddie. Steve knows it's irrational for him to miss someone he never knew but that doesn't stop the ache. The almost of it all sits heavy in his chest.
"Right," Steve says. "Want to see how many rounds of Rock, Paper, Scissors we can get through in twenty minutes?"
Robin shuffles sideways to be facing him and holds her hands up. "You always lose but okay."
They get about twelve rounds into it before Steve finds himself asking, "Hey Robbie. Do you remember Spring Break?"
Her hands freeze in the air, an aborted motion to make paper to beat Steve's rock. She locks eyes with him for a moment and he can see the worry there. "I- Steve. Is it- did you take a hit? Is it your head? Should I not have let you nap?"
No. No, he doesn't think he got hurt on this run. Well, his shoulder hurts from when he stumbled and slammed into wall during the last loading of the truck, but he hadn't hit his head. He thinks. "I don't know... I hit the wall hard, shoulder hurts, but I didn't hit my head. I don't remember hitting my head."
Robin stands immediately and begins jabbing her fingers around his skull. "Anything tender?"
"Nope. Just a messed up hairdo," Steve swats her hands away.
"Well, you can never be too sure. You are precious cargo. Why did you ask about the start of the apocalypse?"
Steve shrugs. What can he say? That he's forgetting the start of all their horrors? He can't say that, not without coming across like he's either crazy or bragging. Remember the week that ruined our lives and gave us all enough trauma to fill an ocean? Yeah, well, I don't so ha!
He can't be sure but he thinks Robin frowns beneath her mask. "We'll have to have someone look you over when we get back. Steve, if you're losing your memories..."
"I'm not losing memories," Steve lies. Head trauma is serious and he knows he can't take one more hit to the head. He won't be able to continue helping with supply runs or patrols if he is getting worse. If he starts getting migraines, they'll reassign him for sure. Something that doesn't let him leave the safety of their home base at the high school.
"Steve," she warns. He knows it's a warning.
He shakes his head. "I just. I had a dream about Saturday. Very vivid. Just made me think about it, is all."
Robin softens, sinking back down to sit beside him. She finally answers, "yeah. I remember Spring Break."
"I miss everyone," he confesses, because it's true. Because it's safe.
"Me too," Robin says, leaning her mask against his.
They wait in silence until the scouts call the all clear and they can head back home.
They make it back to Hawkins before night falls but just barely. The gates get rolled shut behind them and the unpacking gets started. The whole community has gathered for their return. This is their longest run to date with how far they had to go this time and Steve doesn't blame anyone for needing to see their loved ones as soon as possible.
Steve turns just in time to watch Vickie launch herself at Robin. Robin must have seen her running, though, because she's already braced for impact and catches Vickie easily, arms grabbing at Vickie's thighs to support her weight as she wraps them around Robin's waist. Vickie places her forehead to Robin's as their excitement switches to tenderness and Steve averts his eyes to give them privacy in this moment.
"Steve, here," Ted Wheeler offers up a box to Steve, who takes it without question. "For the Daycare."
"You got it."
The Daycare is actually a wing of the school that used to be where the language arts classes were held. Daycare doesn't quite sum up what they use the area for, but calling it the Orphanage was too dark. Steve waits through the decontamination process. Once through, he takes the time to pull his mask off and enjoy the feeling of an artificial breeze on his face before heading to the Daycare.
"Please tell me there's something useful in that box," Annie Click says when Steve pushes his way into one of the rooms they use for school. Another room is dedicated to being a daycare, kids too little for learning, another is schooling for kids who would be in middle school, and the last room is lines with beds.
"Sorry, Mrs. Click, but I didn't pack it," Steve says apologetically.
"My problem to sort out then," she stands and Steve can see the determination in her through the weariness. She'd been a bitter old lady as his teacher but the world ending must have shifted her priorities. There's no one better suited to look after the kids than her, here.
Except maybe Joyce, but she's got bigger things to deal with.
He heads for the door when Annie calls out to him, "Since you're here, would you mind checking on the kids for me? Holly's supervising bedtime but she's lenient with her friends."
"Will do."
He heads across the hall and down a door to the sleeping room. The lights are dimmed and peeking in he sees a lot of kids sleeping, or pretending their best to be. Holly is sitting in a rolling chair near the door, one leg bend and pulled up on the seat as she rests her head on it.
Steve clears his throat to get her attention. She must have heard his footsteps because she doesn't spook. Just uses the foot on the ground to spin the chair to face the door. "Oh. Hi Steve."
"All good here?" He whispers.
"Yeah. Everyone's asleep."
"You can probably head home now. Your dad's back."
Holly shrugs one shoulder at him, spinning the chair back away. "Maybe later."
Steve takes the hint and backs away. His chest aches for Holly. All the kids had to grow up fast, given the state of the world, but Holly's hurts him most. He knew her in the Before, and she was there when Karen... Well, she's got a lot of weight on her shoulders at barely eleven years old.
To think. If they'd have been faster on that Spring Break. More diligent, thorough. Holly might have never known about the Upside Down at all.
More regret he can carry, he thinks, as he shoves his mask back on and heads back to the truck. There's more to be unloaded, and always work around to keep him so busy he doesn't have to think of the regrets.
He works so late into the night that once he gets back to his cot and collapses into it, there are no thoughts let in his mind as sleep claims him.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @music9009 @apomaro-mellow @soaringornithopter @reighnofdreams @eddie-munsons-lunchbox @sirsnacksalot @livelifeliketheresnotomorow @sageclipse @schnukiputz @mbloggotdeletedsothisismybackup @lumoschildextra @juleswashere3 @yet-still-more-banched @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @yearningagain @starlight-archer @andrew-mini-ard @chaosgremlinmunson @aol19 @goodolefashionedloverboi @gutterflower77 @moomkin77
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kangen-wanshi · 1 year
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Talking About Other Constructs ft Roland: Flambeau, Lee: Entropy
What sort of reaction will they give if you keep praising other construct in front of him?
Tags: Separate, jealousy, comfort/fluff
A/N: I keep writing Roland Flamingo I don't know why
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Roland Flambeau, He Doesn't Get Jealous (lies)
Roland puts on front, fairly obvious about it yet he still seems subtle in doing so.
Others would just think he's being, well, him. But more annoying.
But of course after spending so long by his side, knowing every bit about how his 'act' works, it's not difficult for you to figure out that he, possibly, is jealous.
Obviously enough, he feels and has explicitly expressed that he's better than every other construct Babylonia has to offer, including the Strike Hawks that keep clinging to you, and Gray Raven that seems to never leave you alone.
And then there's Camu.
Camu, just like him, is a Transcendent. He believes that he can overpowered him easily, but when you came back and told him about the scouting mission with Camu where he's just so helpful in fighting enemies in places with intense virus density,
His guts are twisted.
He'd laugh at you even needing Camu's help, at Gray Raven's incompetent that they have to use the help of someone like him, and maybe at you being absolutely smitten over Camu's strength.
Okay, he's jealous. You get it.
Naturally you laugh it off and brush his mean comments aside, but Roland is persistent and petty, so he'll keep pestering you with mean words until he's satisfied.
When you've had enough with his 'teasing', before you can snap at him, he'd grab your hand, pull you towards him with one hand right on your lower back, while the other firmly grips your chin, forcing you to look at his grin and heterochromic eyes.
"Next time, let me execute your command in battle. I'd like to see your own competency. And besides, with me by your side, following your every word, you wouldn't need those pesky birds and insects trying to woo you away from me."
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Lee Entropy, Improving Himself
Lee being competitive is normal.
Especially against Chrome.
At surface honestly it seems normal: Him pestering the leader of Strike Hawk, convincing him that you're fine and that his assistance is more than enough.
But Chrome, obviously, insists on helping you and Gray Raven to finish the task at hand. Your smile and acceptance at the Strike Hawk's leader honestly doesn't help with his boiling heart.
That sort of scenario repeats every other day. But at the end of the passive aggressive interaction he's had with Chrome, he knows that he'll be the one who will always stay by your side in the Gray Raven team.
So generally speaking, even if you praise or talk about other constructs to him, he'd simply go silent and nod along. (Would probably scoff if it's Kamui or Chrome specifically).
It's less likely that Lee will get jealous. Instead, he'd probably think that he doesn't give you his best yet.
On a mission where you're forced to separate from him, and end up needing to be saved by another team. Or whenever you overworked yourself without telling him for whatever reason, and instead you went on to ask other constructs.
He'd feel like he's not enough. And that sometimes takes the words out of his M.I.N.D and made him quiet for a long while.
When it reached this stage, you'd have to confront him yourself that he's more than enough. For Gray Raven, for Murray, for you, and for himself.
Hold his hand, reassure him with your words. And perhaps if you're lucky and he allows it, hug him.
He'd rest his head on your shoulder and stay there for a bit. Appreciating you and himself, and creating various possibilities in his M.I.N.D about how he could improve himself for you.
Yes you did say he's enough, but Lee is not himself if he's not constantly trying to be the better version of himself.
And honestly, it feeds his ego whenever he manages to flex his capability to you.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't have done better previously, Commandant. Please let me stay by your side and compensate for the mistakes I've made, and let me improve myself further, by being next fo you, for you."
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