#they couldn't do anything wrong (they're kind of a horrible person)
lingering-paperwork · 3 months
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so um i found a post today and it inspired me a little...
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ft. LFCA
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suzukiblu · 7 months
NaNoWriMo fic, day one: obligatory sugar daddy Tim/sugar baby Kon AU.
Tim Drake had absolutely no intentions of ever becoming anyone's sugar daddy when he met Superboy.
This would have worked out better for him if Superboy had ever had an actual legal identity or an actual legal guardian or just . . . literally anything whatsoever in life. Ever. At all.
Just a bank account, even.
"You're working for Cadmus," Tim says slowly. "Cadmus, as in the lab that stole Superman's body and cloned him without his consent. Cadmus, which you had to break out of so they couldn't put mind control code words in your head."
"Yeah," Superboy replies like that's not literally insane. Tim stares at him.
"Why?" he asks incredulously.
"Food and shelter?" Superboy shrugs. "And I mean, I dunno, where else am I gonna go?"
Tim is not okay with this situation.
"What did Superman say?" he says.
"Just to like, keep an eye on things," Superboy says with another shrug. "Make sure they're not up to anything shifty."
Tim stares at him.
"Superman," he says. "Told you to just . . . 'keep an eye on' the dubiously ethical cloning lab. The specific dubiously ethical cloning lab that tried to put mind control code words in your head. Specifically."
"Yeah," Superboy confirms.
Alright, Tim is actually even less okay with this situation than he thought, apparently. Like, impressively less.
"Okay," he says. It is absolutely no kind of okay in any way whatsoever, of course, but he doesn't want to put Superboy on the defensive. That'd make effectively interrogating him a lot harder, for one thing. Cooperative subjects are best in these situations. "What are they paying you?"
"I mean, like, they gave me my own room and they're feeding me and whatever, so I don't really need much money," Superboy says. "There's a discretionary fund I can use if I need to go on an undercover mission or anything like that? But I'm not really the undercover type anyway."
"Sure," Tim says. So . . . no way for Superboy to save up to move out and get an out-of-lab life, then. Great. That's not fucked-up or crazy or horrible at all. "Do you like it there?"
"It's okay," Superboy says, shrugging again. "Better than literally everybody in Hawaii yelling at me every time they see my face, yeah?"
Tim wants to set the world on fire, but he's trying really hard not to go supervillain before he's thirty and he'd hate to throw out all that hard work.
"They just let me do whatever, mostly," Superboy adds. "They don't really care as long as I'm around when they need me."
He'll go supervillain as soon as Bruce dies, Tim promises himself. Just–he'll give his share of the eulogy at the funeral and then he'll blow up three-fourths of Arkham and the entire GCPD while Commissioner Gordon is on his lunch break. He can time that out, that'll be easy. And then he'll go and personally murder the Joker with the very specific combination of a rusty crowbar and a shrapnel bomb, and then he'll just . . . well, he'll just go with the flow from there, he figures. Do whatever feels natural.
Seriously, the world as it is does not deserve to exist. It really just does not.
Tim figures he can probably convince the rest of Young Justice to tag along for the whole supervillain thing and hopefully Dick and Steph and Barbara too, and ideally also Alfred, in the unfortunately likely event that he outlives Bruce. He's got time to lay the groundwork with them all and all, and also everything really is awful and horrible and really does deserve to burn.
"Are they sending you to school or anything? Or tutoring you?" Tim asks with what little scraps of hope he has left. Higher education would be . . . well, something, at least. And actually it probably wouldn't hurt for Superboy to learn a bit more about genetic engineering from the same place he got genetically engineered, just in case anything goes wrong with his DNA again. Cadmus should at least be good for that much, right?
"Ew, no, thank fuck," Superboy says, making a face. "Like I said, they mostly let me do whatever until something needs punched."
So . . . no furthered education or learning any usable job skills or making real money or literally anything that could, again, lead to Superboy ever getting any kind of an actual out-of-lab life established.
Just great.
"I see," Tim says.
"It's a pretty sweet gig, considering," Superboy says, and grins brightly at him. It's a very nice grin. Normally being faced with that particular grin would make Tim need to beat down the highly unprofessional urge to kiss it.
Right now, though, he's a little bit more concerned with the fact that his teammate is just . . . living in and working for a fucking lab. As a matter of course. Just as a thing.
And Superman of all people thinks that's . . . fine, for some reason? Like, normal and ethical and okay? Somehow? In some way?
What the actual fuck, Tim thinks to himself.
"You said Superman told you to keep an eye on things?" he asks.
"Yeah," Superboy says, his grin widening. "He took me to his fortress and asked me to do it there. Showed me around a bit, too."
"That sounds really interesting," Tim says, wondering in vague disbelief if that means Superman had never taken Superboy to the Fortress of Solitude before. He must've, right? And just . . . inexplicably not shown Superboy around then.
Yeah. Sure.
"It was awesome!" Superboy says with more enthusiasm than Tim's seen from him since they met Nina Dowd's . . . endowments, seemingly forgetting the need to be "cool" for long enough to lean forward in his seat and outright beam at him. Tim is gonna need a minute to recover from the sight of that expression, probably. "It's seriously freaking freezing up there, but there's so much cool shit in the place. Like, from all over the universe, but from Krypton, even! The only thing I'd ever seen from Krypton before was kryptonite!"
Tim considers moving up his supervillain timeline after all. Like. Just possibly. Just a little.
Maybe he can convince Bruce to take an early retirement off-planet and just go from there.
What the hell is wrong with Superman?
"Oh, wow, really?" Tim says, simultaneously pretending he didn't already know what Superman has in his fortress and trying not to be screamingly obvious about the internal calculations he's running on figuring out how to weaponize red sunlight. Or like, maybe he could look into learning some magic. That's technically an option. Probably more time-consuming and harder to hide the process of, though. Still, it's on the table.
"Yeah. He showed me some of it. Told me some stories and stuff, even," Superboy says, and that excited grin turns just a little bit shy and soft and somehow even more distracting than usual. He ducks his head just a little, and then that soft grin is more like a soft smile, and Tim suffers. "And I, uh–and he gave me something, too."
"What did he give you?" Tim asks, praying to God that the answer is "an emergency contact number" or "an allowance that can cover a semi-decent Metropolis apartment" or "an offer to live literally anywhere but Cadmus, including in the thirtieth century or on a hostile alien planet or inside an active volcano". He's technically an atheist, so the praying thing is probably moot, but times of desperation are times of desperation.
"A name," Superboy says, and his smile widens helplessly. "Like, you know, a real one."
Tim might hate Superman, he thinks. That might actually be a thing now.
Yeah, he's definitely going supervillain after Bruce dies and doesn't need an emotional support sidekick anymore. Better start stocking up on the kryptonite.
"That's great," he says with a very carefully not-forced smile of his own instead of anything more along the lines of "wait, you've been alive and active as a superhero for all this time and no one ever actually named you?!" Superboy would probably take it the wrong way, not in the least because that genuinely never actually occurred to him as being a thing before. Like–he really did just assume Superboy was keeping a lid on whatever his real name was for personal reasons or Superman reasons or something. "Are you allowed to tell me it, or is that a no-go?"
"Oh, yeah," Superboy says with a sheepish laugh, rubbing at his arm. "It's like, a Kryptonian name? Not like a secret identity one. It's, uh, Kon-El."
Of course it's not even a damn secret identity, Tim thinks in absolute frustration and abject loathing. Of course not! Why would it be?! Fuck forbid!
"I like it," he says, because he lies to Batman and therefore there is no fucking way that he's going to let Superboy–Kon–see any sign whatsoever of the metaphorical 9.9 on the Richter scale that is currently happening in his psyche. "It suits you."
"You think?" Kon grins all the wider. Tim can't even calm down enough to want to kiss him, except in the sense that he always wants to kiss him.
"I do," he says, and smiles at him again.
Kon smiles back.
Tim hates everything. All the things. There is nothing that Tim doesn't hate right now, except maybe Alfred's snickerdoodles because he might be having a nervous breakdown but he's not, like, criminally insane or whatever.
"Yeah, it's kinda cool," Kon says, straightening up in his seat and then leaning back, clearing his throat and slipping his sunglasses back on like they're not in a literal cave right now. Tim doesn't call him on it, because he has a supervillain timeline to work out and that's much more important.
Also because the teammate he has an inadvisable crush on is in a much, much shittier situation than he ever realized and he has to reconcile that with his worldview and also his opinion of Superman. Tim doesn't especially idolize the man except in the sense of knowing he's one of the greatest heroes on Earth and a very, very good man that Bruce thinks incredibly highly of, one of the best men on the League and maybe even on the planet, but . . .
But if he's such a good man, then why the hell is Kon living in a lab that tried to mind-control him and why has he only just seen the Fortress of Solitude for the first time?
Why didn't he have a real name?
"So do we call you Kon or Kon-El now?" Tim asks, which is a bit of a senseless question but also at least a bit of a distraction. He wants to say this whole situation is a horrible idea, who the FUCK convinced you this situation was a good idea?!, but there is no possible way that Kon would respond well to that. Ever.
Also, Kon had a point. Where else is he gonna go?
Clearly not the Fortress of Solitude.
Seriously, would it be that hard for Superman to give him a room there? At least a place to stay sometimes, so he wasn't exclusively relying on the mind-control cloning lab for food and shelter and basic comforts?
"I think just Kon?" Kon says, frowning consideringly. "'El' is like Superman's last name, I guess? So I think just Kon."
"Makes sense," Tim says, internally seething. Superman gave him the "El" name but not a secret identity? A name from a dead civilization with a bit of sentimental value, maybe, but nothing usable on this planet? Fuck, you'd think Kon didn't already know his secre–
. . . Kon doesn't know Superman's secret identity, does he.
Tim had thought he was lying, when he'd said that stuff about Superman not having one, before. Thought it was supposed to be a cover or a misdirection or something. But Kon actually thinks that, doesn't he. And Superman has just . . . kept letting him think that.
Becoming a supervillain actually might be an underreaction, in retrospect.
"Just Kon sounds less formal anyway," Tim says instead of so just in theory, do you think tactile telekinesis could trigger a heart attack or stroke in a full-blooded Kryptonian, if you could REALLY concentrate on doing it? like not FATALLY, just dehabilitatingly?, because he still has some groundwork to do before they get that far into potential supervillainy. There's steps to the plan. The steps need to be followed. They're very important steps. "You don't want Bart full-naming you every time he's looking for the remote."
"Like he'd even bother, it's faster for him to turn the living room upside-down than actually ask anyway," Kon says with a laugh, dropping his head back on his neck. Tim has some thoughts about climbing into his lap and figuring out if the TTK makes him hickey-proof, and then buries them. Not appropriate. Not professional. Just not.
. . . technically, if Kon wanted a hickey, he could just let his TTK down and ask for–
Tim buries his thoughts deeper.
Much, much deeper.
"Point," he says. "So what time does Cadmus expect you back?"
"Dude, it's a job, not a boarding school," Kon says, giving him an amused look. "I don't have a curfew."
Tim, technically, hasn't followed his own curfew any way but accidentally once in his entire life, but for god's sake, is Cadmus even pretending to be raising a teenager or are they really just being that flagrant about ignoring all the child labor laws they so clearly do not give a fuck about? Like, there must be something illegal about this. There has to be.
If there's not, Tim will be adding "burn down Project Cadmus" to his list of supervillain plans to set up in advance. In red pen. Underlined.
God, why is the world like this. Why are people like this?
"I guess that'd be convenient," Tim says, internally ranking various methods of combustion. "Though I guess it depends on the cafeteria hours, too."
"It's whatever, I can always eat later," Kon replies with a shrug. "I think I've still got a couple protein bars in my room anyway."
"Just protein bars?" Tim asks, mentally upping the amount of explosives he was considering going with. Cadmus is going to be a crater by the time he's done with it. "Don't you need more calories than that?"
". . . well, sort of," Kon says, folding his arms and looking very briefly embarrassed. "Superman doesn't have to eat, apparently, but, uh, guess I'm not Kryptonian enough for that. Actually I kinda need to eat more than normal humans, it's weird. Like. A lot more."
"I'm ordering pizza," Tim says, upping his mental explosives count again. "What do you want on it?"
"We're the only ones here," Kon says, looking puzzled.
"More pizza for us, then," Tim says.
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gatitties · 4 months
Hiii!! I'm so happy that you're taking requests again. I love your writing! May I request Strawhats, Heart Pirates and Kid Pirates x female!teen!reader (Platonic)? Reader gets captured by the Marines for, I don't know, four months? And they got tortured nearly daily. Everyone has to win her trust again, because the torture was brutal and they took too long to get her out. The reader was extremely affectionate and cheery before she got captured, so her avoiding their touches and staying quiet really overdrive their nerves worrying about her. (By the way, if you can add Vivi, Yamato and Carrot to the Strawhats that would be great! They're part of the crew in my eyes. But if that's too much trouble then that's okay!)
─Strawhats, Heart Pirates & Kid Pirates x teen!reader (Platonic)
─Summary: Being kidnapped is not a pretty experience, neither is torture, your entire personality will change completely, but maybe they can heal your emotional wounds.
─Warnings: slight mention of kidnapping and torture
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─ Everyone is devastated by your disappearance at first, if it weren't for the fact that it was something that not even they expected, Luffy would have burst in immediately to avoid everything that awaited you.
─ While everyone's anxiety increased every day, your hope faded little by little.
─ You remained adamant about not talking gritting your teeth as you felt all kinds of pain even when you moved a single finger.
─ They were mentally punishing themselves for letting them kidnap you and it created a huge commotion, no matter how much has passed, everyone continues counting the days while investigating information about your whereabouts.
─ Once you meet them again, it breaks their soul to see you in such a deplorable state, you barely seemed alive.
─ Chopper took care of all your wounds, noticing how you flinched with every touch, he was worried when you swatted Carrot when she tried to gently caress your back to comfort you.
─ Vivi and Nami did everything possible to make your smile shine again, but you couldn't even look up to face them, they would be constantly watching in case something happened or you needed help.
─ Sanji insisted that your diet be strict since it seemed like you had been starved, although he didn't receive your praise or help like before, he would be patient with that.
─ Zoro seems quite angry, not with you, but with the people who have made you like this, you used to admire his training and fawn foolishly, although he never said anything, he liked to see you there in that happy mood.
─ Usopp, Franky, Brook and Robin will take cautious steps with you, they know that you are more sensitive than usual so they will not force interactions that were previously everyday like hugs or quality time, at least, you would return to that slowly in the hope of to see your eyes shine with enthusiasm again.
─ Luffy and Yamato will be the least cautious, they will scold you slightly if they see that you are quieter than usual or if you don' t join in their games as usual, of course, they are somewhat more insistent than the others and more direct, but if you are really uncomfortable or overwhelmed, they will give you your space.
─ They just hope that all that horrible experience will be erased from your mind, they will assure you that no one else will put you through that hell again while they are there.
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─ Law really didn't expect the plan to end so badly, he was really worried when he received the information that you were now being held captive with marines.
─ He really thought that not even the lowest scum would torture a teen, but his assumptions were wrong.
─ Shachi and Penguin were the ones who found you after you miraculously managed to escape, they were doing the relevant search for another barracks when you staggered towards them.
─ They cried with happiness and anger when they saw that you were alive but full of marks and wounds, they took you to Polar Tang immediately to leave that island and receive treatment.
─ A whole commotion was generated when the others saw you passed out in the arms of those two, Law remained silent, still with anxiety in the pit of his stomach when he was healing you.
─ He knew it, you weren't even awake and your body was reacting negatively to his touch, even if his intentions were harmless, you cringed with every bandage on your skin and even kicked him when you suddenly woke up.
─ Law wasn't bothered because you didn't apologize for that, he just frowned and continued the work with a little help from Bepo to hold you back since you were still having a hard time getting used to the fact that he wouldn't hurt you, it was an involuntary stimulus.
─ They had to scold Ikkaku because she jumped at you to hug you, although she managed to catch you, you hissed like an abused cat, which broke the woman's heart when she saw that you did not reciprocate something so everyday for both of you.
─ Bepo was disappointed not to be able to have your morning hug like every day too.
─ Law strictly expressed everything they should do around you, he knew that right now you were as delicate as glass and that your personality would not change from one day to the next.
─ They took it easy while you adjusted back to your old ways, feeling a little better about your surroundings.
─ Everyone celebrated in silence (because loud noises would scare you) when you decided to join in on your own to play cards instead of watching emotionlessly or locking yourself in your room.
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─ Kid tried with everything he had, but it was inevitable that they would take you in the middle of a battle, before his eyes, if he could, his anger would have set his hair on fire.
─ Killer had to make a tactical retreat if they didn't want more casualties for the moment, and everyone decided to flee while the worst days of your existence passed.
─ Of course, Kid's pirates are quite brutal, they didn't do a little search for you, they burned and destroyed all the marine bases where they couldn't find you, being a threat to the future for whoever really wants to kidnap you again, because they were clear that they would find you.
─ And they did it, although they didn't like the sight in the slightest, your bruised state gave them a direct blow to the heart, taking into account that you were the smallest of the crew, they had that obligation to guide you and keep you safe.
─ Wire took you back to the ship while the others enjoyed destroying everything around them.
─ The crew did not usually be very open in terms of physical contact, but you were, you always found an opening to hang on to one of the boys and do something stupid, however, you did not even dare to get closer than two meters.
─ They also noticed that your idle, squeaky voice couldn't be heard chattering about anything you found interesting, which bothered them a little, thinking that all the chaos they had caused to get to you hadn't been enough.
─ The first one who dared to confront you was Heat, this crew does not have much tact when communicating things, but although his words were harsh, he wanted to assure you that none of this would happen again.
─ Killer softened and reaffirmed those words, hoping that you would slowly return to the same person you were before, he himself is not a happy and dazzling man, probably no one on the crew, but that's why they had you, they needed your optimism and smile to contrast.
─ Kid will get fed up quickly if you continue playing hide and seek in your room and will drag you like a scolded puppy so that you can spend time with them again like before, although he will let you free if he really sees that you are having a bad time, Kid can be a bad guy, but he wouldn't make you cry being one of his comrades.
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bigfatbimbo · 4 months
AH‼️ It's 🫶 anon, good to hear that you did, indeed, receive at least one of my ramblings! You're truly one of my favourite hazbin writers :)) the way you write fluff is immaculate! Your fluff smells of coconut dish soap and freshly cleaned clothes, but without fabric softener because you're efficient and know that fabric softener is a scam. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my long talk about Velvette! I doubted it would have turned out well considering I am ace/aro (shoutout to alastor🗣🗣📢) and well, as I predicted, it could have went better ahaha x-)).
Well! I always deliver on my promises! So, i will give more romantic headcannons for Velvette (because as you may have noticed, I am more of a pining kind of person and forgot to write the romance part of the romantic relationship with her, so, use this ask as a.. apology of sorts?) And, one of my next asks will be those awaited nsfw headcannons haha^^
So‼️ now that your relationship has really started, there are a couple paths this could go in (all equally adorable if you ask me)
Our reader is a weak demon!
In this case, this entire situation is a little more hillarious than it would be if the reader were stronger ahaha:)) anyway! Velvette would probably have your safety on her mind 25/8. She is only eased in her anxiety because, well, she doesn't exactly allow you out of her sight. She's working? You're sitting next to her watching as her new collection comes to life.
Nobody gets to be close to you! Nuh uh! She isn't as bad as Vox to the point where she doesn't even let you see your friends with how nightmarishly bratty he'd get if you did go see them, but she is quite assertive when she thinks it is "too much".
Sometimes she sees you as too valuable for the low-lives you interact with among the weaker demons, and, if you cannot tell the signs of that thought creeping into her head, she might just start whining about how awful all your friends are. Insessantly.
She isn't aware that it is a manipulation tactic, pointing out their flaws all the time, that is. If you do inform her that it is wrong to do such things, I regret to inform her that you're out of luck. Her "friends" are more business partners than anything, and slandering them to you is one of her favourite activities; "fuck, you deserve to be an overlord WAYY more than any of the losers in that meeting. UGH. They're so annoying, it's crazy. Oh also did I tell you? That old fuck was at the meeting! Oh, which one? I don't fucking know his stupid name, but I think it's the one Vox has his panties in a twist about.. oh oh! Hear this-" it is her favourite part of the day, really. The only people she found tolerable in her work were those who agreed with her all the time, and the didn't pay much mind to them honestly. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer", it seems. So, it is hard for her to grasp why you didn't want her to slander the people you held close.
She will make an effort to complain about them less, though, but only after you managed to put her in the right track to having a mature discussion about it. You two agreed that you'd see them a little less, and, she'd stop complaining about them as much. Her point wasn't irrational, she says that these demons were horrible influences for you. This is hell, after all, you couldn't argue with that. But it was also the best you could be getting in terms of friends in hell, so, the compromise was thus reached.
The reader is a strong demon!
Her worries are eased by the knowledge of your power, she'd be lying if she said she didn't find it the least bit attractive. Seeing you stand up to vox or any other overlord, while both you, her and the overlord knew you could probably beat them in a fight, was so... entertaining, to the both of you. Your social footing also didn't allow you to be attached at the hip with her, which upset her. At least she knew you were safe!
You two were an absolute power duo, with you being openly in a relationship to the public or not, all of social media couldn't shut up about the two of you. She loved watching edits of you both online, but she'd never tell you that. If you were to peek into her phone, various tabs and apps are opened on discussion boards where hundreds of demons exclaimed their want to be in either her's or your position. It made her feel powerful to see how much people wanted you, however weird that may seem. It didn't make her the least bit jealous, no; knowing that she is the one that caught your undivided attention and love while hundreds others would kill to be in her position felt good. Though, she already knew she was desired, so, the ego boost from posts that said "I wish I was velvette right here(´ 3`)" attached to a picture of you holding her waist as you held out a flower for her with a smile brought her far more satisfaction than the ones where people wanted to be you.
Being able to use the "do you know who we are??" Argument whenever something didnt go the way you two pleased was basically an automatic response from her. She is very powerful on her own, but loves the scary dog privileges you bring along.
Never the matter of which category the reader is, please do compliment her on her designs! Approval and praise have always been a driving force in her life, but, she didn't really care for people's opinions as much, because she doesnt care about who those people are! She's a devout follower of the "I won't take criticism from someone who isn't contributing for my life" mindset. What are those people doing for her? Giving her money? Organizing her bedroom? Didn't think so.
But you? Gosh you were the summer in the coldest of winters! Being with you brought Velvette so much joy, it was no wonder your opinion mattered.
The fashion in hell took a noticeable turn for whatever you enjoy after you started dating her ahaha:)) being it a different color scheme or you for whatever reason really liking 80's exercise sets with those ridiculously large leg warmers, within the mountains of red beautiful elegant dresses she made, a pop of other colors could be spotted. If you were out to the public, she would proudly announce that you were her muse for the piece, praises of how innovative the style was amidst the current fashion of the Pride ring. Needless to say, with all of her praise about it, the clothes you inspired sold out much quicker than others.
Giving her little gifts and such made her quite happy. She loved expensive, beautiful rings and jewelry and all things shiny, but, what really got to her were the things you made or that reminded you of her. You baked cupcakes based off of her looks? AGH! That is SO adorable! Expect it to be posted all over her social media profiles that very same day. You drew her in a dress you came up with yourself because her work inspired you so much? She might just actually die again. Even if you're a horrible designer, she will still be so flattered.
Oh well! What are your thoughts? Also, I'm thinking about starting to use my actual account to send asks, mainly because I am an artist and made more than one piece inspired by your wonderful works, and I'd love to share them with you. Do you think I should?
I might also send things about sir pentious, vox, lucifer, husk, basically everyone haha! I actually have some things about mimzy in mind. But, most scary of all, I am madly in love with the absolute scumbag we call Adam. Hopefully you don't mind hearing the most deranged thoughts I have regarding him ahaha x-)) maybe I'll even convince you to write for that loser! Who knows.
I await your insight :)))
- a very excited 🫶 anon
OH MY GOD? 🫶 ANON YOU’VE STRUCK GOLD ONCE AGAIN! There’s so much to unpack here oh my gosh where do I start?
I love how protective Velvette is over a weak reader. Her possessiveness is written in a very in-character way. Because I do think she would be incredibly possessive but I don’t think she would fully understand how possessive she was being, like she would just think this is the correct way to react simply because it’s how she thought to react. Of course she’d lighten up as much as she could after a serious talk, just as you said.
I also think that Velvette with a strong reader is soooo interesting oh my god. Like the power couple you two would be, OH AND WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT THE EDITS? Absolutely. She would eat that shit up, and definitely feed the public with cute photos and videos of you two. Oh and when you said she finds the readers power attractive, oh yea she does. Shes incredibly turned on, to say the least. All of her models and workers kiss her ass so much, that the fact you don’t kneel down to Velvette like everyone else literally does something to her.
Also I absolutely adore the words of affirmations and gift giving love language as the ones she likes to receive. Gift giving is 100% for her like she eats that shit up. To be honest, still think she appreciates an acts of service reader BUT words of affirmation is an interesting one for sure. It takes a long time, and I mean a long time, for someone to earn her respect. But when this happens, there opinion of her starts to actually matter, which is obviously a kind of rare thing. So she so loves compliments and praise and lots of things to feed her ego.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on the Velvette headcanons! I eat your writing up every time!
So let me start off by saying, I am SO INCREDIBLY, STUPENDOUSLY, TOTALLY interested in your thoughts on the other characters, Lucifer, Sir Pentious, Husk, Vox, Adam, etc. I’m specifically interested in your thoughts on Mimzy because even though she’s on my characters list, I don’t have many thoughts on her myself. So I am very curious as to what you’re thinking.
Also very close to writing for Adam, but I’d love for you to try to convince me.
ALSO about you using and actual account to send asks, GO FOR IT!!??? WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT BEING AN ARTIST… oh boy i’m intrigued. AND YOU’VE MADE THINGS INSPIRED BY MY WORKS? Don’t make me blush, babes, oh my god??!!
“Your fluff smells of coconut dish soap and freshly cleaned clothes, but without fabric softener because you're efficient and know that fabric softener is a scam.”
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darkbluekies · 11 months
The Hedwig diaries: I want to kill
Warnings: mentions of wanting to kill, yandere, jealousy, obsession
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Dear diary, I want to kill and you have to believe it's more than just selfish reasons. I don't know what else to do. I respect everyone, why can't they respect me? Why does no one think that my relationship is serious? I love Y/N more than anything else in this entire world! Am I the only one seeing that? Certainly not, right?
Someone tried to approach them today in the cafeteria. I could see in an instant that he had no good intentions. I've tried to get Y/N to ditch the grotesque cafeteria food, but they won't hear me out … I can't for the life of me understand why. I've told them that I can get my chef to make lunchboxes for us both, but they squirm when I'm trying. I think it's because of what others will think. Y/N wants to blend in and not stand out. Being with me only complicates that. They told me once that if they would start eating food from my house, they'd stand out even more — people might even think they're a gold digger, that they're using me. I know Y/N, I know they're not. Why do they have to care what others think so badly?
Anyways, this person who talked to my love finally admitted his defeat when Y/N told him to go away. I hugged their arm and they told me that it was okay. They could sense that I got uncomfortable. Bless their wonderful soul. But it wasn't okay. How could anything be okay when someone had just tried to steal my partner in front of me?! As if it didn't even matter?!
I tried not to sulk for the rest of the day, but there was a nagging feeling that I couldn't shake off. Although that person had stepped away, the audacity of them to ask in the first place made me furious and I knew that I wouldn't be able to relax as long as they were around. As long as they breathe. It still makes my blood boil writing now.
"Can I do something to cheer you up?" Y/N asked. "Did I do something wrong?"
Y/N? Do something wrong? How could they ever think such nonsense?! I could tell how worried they were and I instantly felt bad that my horrible mood spilled over to them — to the point where they had started blaming themselves. I kissed them and I hope that was enough to reassure them that they were the most non-wrong thing in my life. Plus, I bought them a juice box from the vending machine to make them happy. They did smile a bit afterwards ♡
Y/N is sleeping right now. They look so sweet, I wish I could keep this moment forever. I've taken countless photos … but I want more. Photos and videos aren't enough. I want to freeze this time and stay here forever. I want to be this moment, as crazy as it may sound. I'm going to bed soon too, but I had to get this out of me or else I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I've never been so furious before. I've never wanted to kill before. I've never liked horror or gore of any kind, but when it comes to Y/N … then it just feels like the only solution. I don't want anyone to look at them the way I do. I don't like it when others capture their precious time. It makes my skin crawl.
I'm going to put down the pen and join my dearest. I’m exhausted after this stressful day. I’m going to ask Y/N if they want to go to the spa tomorrow to relax. 
Yours truly, 
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lauralot89 · 9 months
Unapologetic Assholes and the Fans Who Love Them
(It's me, I'm the fans, it's me.)
Every child has a character they want to be when they're growing up. Whether it's because they love the character itself (Han Solo is the greatest) or because they want to be part of the character's world (who doesn't want to be a mermaid?), there's always some fictional person a kid would swap lives with in a heartbeat.
For me as a child, that character was Veruca Salt.
Now, Veruca Salt is a spoiled brat. She is THE spoiled brat. She has no redeeming qualities and if I ever met her in real life I wouldn't last five minutes without punching her in the teeth.
But I'd have given anything to be her.
Growing up autistic is growing up being wrong. You talk wrong, you laugh wrong, you interact with your peers wrong. You play wrong. Your interests are wrong and so is the way you talk about them. The things that upset you are irrational and insignificant and wrong. The bullying that other kids do to you isn't really bullying, you're just reacting wrong.
Everything about you and how you experience the world is wrong, and you need to get over it.
I couldn't even breathe without an adult jumping down my throat for how I did it, and I was undiagnosed, so I had no idea that there were others like me and I wasn't just some aberrant freak alone in the world.
But then there was Veruca Salt.
Veruca was never wrong. Even when she clearly was. Even when Veruca demanded the impossible, those around her bent over backwards to achieve it and fell over themselves apologizing when they couldn't. Veruca never apologized. Veruca always got what she wanted. She was like a cruel and angry god who only met her fate because she crossed paths with another god who was even more powerful.
And in the Oompa Loompas' song after she fell down the garbage chute, they didn't even blame her for her horrible behavior, by far the worst of any child in the factory. Even when she lost, she won.
I would have given anything to be Veruca, even if only for a day. To express myself without fear and without regard for everyone I was inconveniencing by being abnormal. The rush of that power would have easily carried me for the rest of my life.
And then I grew up, and there was Carla Rutten.
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Carla is not only the greatest character in @itswalky's magnum opus, Dumbing of Age, she is also arguably the greatest character in the history of fiction.
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Carla is a student at Indiana University. She's transgender and asexual, and in the hands of lesser writers this might lead to temptation to portray her as perfectly kind and moral and inoffensive, lest she be viewed as a negative stereotype.
Instead, Carla is loud, demanding, self-obsessed, and perfect in every way.
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Carla refuses to reign herself in, even if it brings further bigotry and anger her way. She won't hold herself to a different standard than any other jackass.
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And in the end, even if you hate her, even if you want her wiped from the face of the earth, that's still acknowledging her. And she's still won.
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As an asexual ginger Hoosier I cannot even begin to express what Carla means to me and how thankful I am for her existence. There aren't words for how great it is that a character like this exists and is just allowed to be. Allowed to be as flawed and rude and funny and spoiled as anybody else.
More ladies need to be unrepentant self-absorbed jerks. It's a beautiful thing.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
Thing I'd read for forever: Whumpees who don't think they're people
There's a moment in Linden and Colton in a flashback when Colton breaks and he disregards his own personhood bc "this was too awful to happen to a person" so he doesn't believe he is a person. These things don't happen to people, therefore he must not be one
It's makes me feral! LIKE YES! RATIONALIZE IT!
Even better if they get questioned on their logic and they straight up do not understand.
My absolute favorite thing is a caretaker being like "well you're a human so you must be a person, right?" And whumpee is like "no. not a person. obviously." Literally believing they're built different from other humans. Just how it is.
Like how do you even combat that logic?? You don't. Sorry. This is Whumpee's worldview now. Good luck.
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tw dehumanisation, conditioned whumpee, past trauma with multiple whumpers
"I appreciate it," Whumpee said softly. "I do. You're... you're very kind to me, and I know you're trying to comfort me, and it means a lot."
Caretaker listened, unsure where this monologue was going. They knew Whumpee had a lot of issues, a lot of new triggers they had to watch out for and avoid. Had they missed one? Had they upset them in some way?
"But I'm sure there are people who need you. I know– I know this is your decision, and you decide whether you want to waste all this energy on a useless thing like me, but... but if you care for my opinion at all, and you seem like you do, because you're s-so nice, then... then stop wasting time on me. I'm okay. Whatever duty you have in mind for me, I, I can start doing it today."
Caretaker hummed. "The person who needs me right now is you."
Whumpee shook their head a little. "Not a person."
They didn't flinch. They continued holding Whumpee's hands in their own, rubbing circles into the backs of them. "No?"
"Just a thing. A thing to use. I don't need such kind attention, though I am endlessly grateful for it." They shifted, averting their eyes. "I had to say something. I couldn't keep lying and taking advantage of such a kind person. I'm sorry I didn't speak up right away."
"You couldn't," Caretaker reminded them. "You were unconscious when I found you and barely conscious in the following days."
Whumpee didn't have a reply to that, but their guilt was palpable.
"How come you're not a person?" they asked gently. "You seem like one to me."
"I thought so, too. When I was still stupid and useless and arrogant. Bad. But Master taught me what I was. Showed me."
"Showed you?"
"Yes. They stopped pretending I was a person. They treated me like a thing, like I deserved to be treated, and no one said anything. You wouldn't have been able to treat a person like that. Somebody would've said something."
Caretaker tried not to let it show just how crushing those words sounded. Even through such a casual retelling — or maybe because it was so casual, like it was normal, — they could picture everything too vividly. A poor soul trapped in that horrible place, with monsters who brainwashed them to the point where it was all Whumpee knew. Trapped in a small world of torture and humiliation until they gave up the memories and the experiences of their life from before.
"I see," they forced out.
"I'm sorry if that was upsetting, I was just trying to answer truthfully and–"
"I know. You didn't do anything wrong."
Whumpee fell silent, their fearful eyes searching Caretaker's face for any lies or deception.
"For the time being, why don't you think of this little recovery period as maintenance?" they suggested carefully. "Would that make more sense to you?"
"Yes. Repairs, even. Getting you back to full working order instead of pushing you to your limits with barely any rest time over and over again for no reason. You wouldn't do that to a thing you intended to keep for a long time."
Whumpee thought about it. Caretaker could almost hear the cogs turning. "I don't think I was meant to be kept for a long time," they whispered.
Caretaker squeezed their hands, prompting them to look up. "Yes, you were. If Whumper got to treat you however they saw fit, then it's only fair I get to do the same, right? And I would like to treat you like you matter, person or not."
general drabbles taglist: @ashh-ed @whumpsday @whump-queen @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @rosewriteswhump @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @whumpkinpie @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @whump-em @cyborg0109 @morning-star-whump @justanotherlokifan @2in1whump @lthrboy @justletmereadmywhump @florissimps @anonymous-tiangou
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semiweirdshipper · 8 months
Altering Wesker's personality to make him an emotional supporter.
Usually I write this process on paper when I need to work on a slashers personality, but I wanted to share it with you guys so you could get an idea on how I turn the bad guys into emotional supporters.
So when it comes to working on the slashers' personalities, I always try to find a way to make them each more kind, sympathetic, supportive and likable while still somewhat staying true to their unique personality traits. Normally this process comes easy. I've never really struggled much with altering a slashers personality....
Until prince blondy bitch came into the picture that is.
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Yes, this rip-off Corey Hart makes me wanna hit the snooze button in my brain every time I think about him. He's just so DIFFICULT and his personality is extremely unattractive to me. But I have him put down for future roles in billions of my fics and drabbles, so mentally I can't ignore him. I've gotta work on his personality and turn him into a proper emotional supporter.
Let's break down those traits, shall we?
Prince blondy is-
- narcissistic
- controlling
- manipulative
- dishonest
- powerful
- sadistic
- cunning
- polite only when he wants to be or if he's trying to manipulate someone
- disloyal
- teases and taunts people.
- gets jealous and loses his temper.
- gets bored of his friends and romantic partners
- views most people as insignificant and lesser than him.
- backstabbing attitude
- merciless
- gets bored easily and abandons people and/or projects.
- rude.
- does not value people for who they are but rather the benefits they can provide him with. Once someone is no longer valuable to him, he either runs away or kills them.
Yeah.... He's a real tough one. There's not a lot of positivity going on with this one. He's got every unattractive trait from A to Z. Imagining him as a supporter is like trying to walk on needles.
So what do I do during hard times like these? I make the positivity myself. I alter his bitch traits and give him some positive ones.
Altered Wesker
- Let's make him narcissistic still but with the ability to accept competition and rivalry without getting jealous or murderous.
- let's make him honest. Brutal honesty or keeping his mouth shut is better than lying.
- He hates unfinished business and will not abandon anyone or anything without explaining himself first.
- he can be manipulative but only during serious situations.
- He owns up to his failures, mistakes and misunderstandings. (There's nothing more attractive than a person who can admit they're wrong).
- he is still very intelligent, strong and powerful.
- He's still obsessed with uroboros and will murder, but he's more empathetic and less sadistic. He won't murder people he cares about.
- uses his honesty to defend his loyalty.
- has a high standard for people he considers worthy of his time. These worthy people will receive his kindness, consideration and attention.
- Likes independence, trust and dependability. These are traits he seeks in a partner.
- still egotistical and holds himself in high regard.
That's just some of the traits I'm giving him to make him more supportive. Now for a little bit of writing. Albert Wesker x reader headcanons. These help me get an even deeper understanding of his personality.
Original/unaltered: Wesker x reader.
Wesker enters the breakroom and notices you sitting at a table. You looked horrible; your hair messy, your eyes dark and your outfit wrinkled. What a ghastly sight for him to walk in on. You should do a better job keeping yourself in proper shape.
Focused on ignoring you, Wesker made his way to the coffee machine on the other side of the room. His brow twitched in frustration at the sound of your pitiful "morning sir". Of course he couldn't go without drawing your worthless attention.
"(y/n)," He answered flatly, his back facing you, "Don't you have morning patrol?"
"Leon switched me," You answered, "I had a really long night last night. It was rough..."
"Excuses, excuses," Wesker glared at the bitter taste of his coffee. Why couldn't things just be the way he wanted them to be? "Allowing your personal life to get in the way of your job is insubstantial. Do better next time."
You remained silent, soon finishing your beverage and rising up to leave.
Wesker didn't notice nor did he care.
Altered/my version: Wesker x reader. (same situation)
Wesker entered the breakroom and immediately noticed you sitting in your lonesome at a table. You looked exhausted and unkempt, the expression on your face tired and miserable. Hm, he wondered what was wrong. Normally you were well dressed and always upbeat.
"(y/n)," He addressed as he slowly walked past you, turning his head to meet your eyes.
Despite your situation, you still managed a smile at him, your body lifting and your voice kind, "Oh, morning sir. How're you doing today?"
He always respected how considerate and proper you were even during difficult times. "I'm doing well. And you?" He continued to give glances to you as he fixed himself some coffee.
"I'm fine," You say softly, "Just a rough night."
Ah, so it was something personal most likely. "I see you swapped positions with Kennedy. I'd rather not have short notices like this in the future. After you're finished here, meet me in my office and we will discuss what you are going through."
You smiled weakly and blushed. Wesker always knew when something was wrong, and he was always so quick to provide any care he possibly could. He really was a good boss.
That morning, Wesker sat with you in the breakroom.
Aaaannnnnndddd.... Emotional support slasher born. BOOM!
The reason why I have so much trouble writing prince blondy is because I really don't like him. His personality is like a smelly trashcan to me and if I ever met him in real life I'd kick him in the balls so hard his motherless grandkids would feel it. But creating these writing templates helps me to view him underneath a different light. It's how I build personalities and familiarize them.
I've done this process on paper for multiple killers. I just thought it would be fun to share with you how I altered personalities to write my stories.
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misomiho · 10 months
now playing..
𝙊𝙪𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
Genre: Sfw, Angst
Pairing: Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
✩Synopsis: Desperate for closure, you ran after the friend turned mass murderer Suguru Geto to seek for answers after his betrayal but other than answers, you were left confused with his feelings too
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"To protect the people I love and to protect the weak"
Those words were enough to silence you down, past memories that were hunting you until you're out of breath because of running away. Running away from your own weaknesses.
You cowardly hid yourself when you were given the chance to speak to him one last time but if you were ever to return back time, you would've ran straight towards him and told him that he isn't alone within this mess.
That we should talk it out.
Is talking it out even enough?
That things would've returned to how they were. Suguru would be his kind and empathetic self again. Suguru would be the caring person again. Suguru would be the one who always listen again.
It wasn't going to be easy but you would do everything for it to be deemed as easy.
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"He's here"
You heard Shoko's voice, it was hoarse and you felt the tinge of disappointment and sadness within those words she spoke over the phone.
You saw her as someone who's strong enough to not be held down by her own emotions yet you knew that even if she kept such barrier upon herself, it's still gonna break.
"She's not answering the phone, guess she isn't talking to you"
You heard a hum before the phone call ended, you knew it was Suguru who wished to speak to you.
Shoko saw the same eyes expecting closure from someone dull the moment silence answered her call, she couldn't do anything but watch hopelessly.
Someone would say that was disrespectful of you not to answer but they don't know anything about your own situation.
You felt betrayed even if people were to say you didn't have the right to do so because you weren't affected anyway.
They're wrong...
You're just a mere second year who wasn't even anything off useful towards the battlefield in hopes of taking Shoko's steps in a case where something might happen, you were a back up plan.
You ARE heavily affected...
He was there to help and aid you whenever you felt as if the responsibility placed upon your shoulders were burdening you.
The way his hands would find it's way towards your hair to ruffle them up, the way his smile lines would show whenever he grins at you while you scold him out of the blue that those would destroy his beauty, the way he would offer his hands for you to stand up because the ground is dirty, the way he would hold the back of your head and push you gently towards his chest to hug you while making fun of you because you never reach his shoulders since you're shorter than him.
The way he just threw all of that out of that window and never spoke nor saw you again.
You could just feel the ache burning inside you, your throat hurts, your eyes sting, and you couldn't speak.
You remembered that one time Shoko shared another one of her horrible medical 'fun' facts about people dying from a heart break.
That's what you feel right now, you felt like you're dying from a heart break.
Would you even consider this a heartbreak?
You two were never in a relationship.
You fell down, weeping while clutching the phone towards your chest as if you let a last chance slip away from your grasps.
Without second thought, you dashed out of your dorm with tears still in your eyes, you knew they sent Satoru after him and you knew Satoru wouldn't kill off his best friend, you just have to get there and talk to him before he disappear again.
Tell me your answer..Suguru!!
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"I like you"
Your hands were trembling, shaking, and fumbling to anywhere you could find to ease your discomfort and nervousness.
You just saw the special grade Tsukumo Yuki walk up to him, it wasn't your intention to eavesdrop but you were waiting for Haibara to finish his chat with Suguru so that you can congratulate the special grade personally on his promotion but then Tsukumo went ahead of you first.
You were a bit annoyed when all that frustration you had were replaced with widened eyes along their disturbing conversation.
extermination of curse energy..? just what-
You heard the woman get up and hid yourself away to wait until her departure to have a talk with Suguru undisturbed. You want to know what was on his mind when he said something about..
Killing off non sorcerers..
"What do you want to talk about?"
You got out of your trance when his gentle voice snap you out of it, you bit your lip as to ponder your next words carefully.
"Congratulations about your promotion to special grade.."
"Oh that..yeah thank you"
He's not okay, you can clearly see the visible eye bags and tousled hair he has everywhere, he isn't sleeping well and he's always..always.. thinking about something that seems to bother him.
He glanced your way as if expecting the next words out of your mouth.
Tell him..! tell him about what you heard!
"I like you"
You weren't expecting that to come out of your mouth instead, you were gonna question him about his statement earlier but you were just here..confessing out of the blue.
You were trembling, nervous, and fumbling everywhere, your eyes dart from him to the ground and your mouth was rushing to find your next words, crimson traced your cheeks, sweat rolls of your neck and.. butterflies were swirling around your stomach.
Was this just what you came up with as an excuse because your cowardice got the best of you when you were about to question him or was it..
out of desperation that you just want him to stay with you because something on the back of your mind tells you that he will be out of reach someday and you won't have a chance to say those words again.
You saw his eyes recover from shock to confusion to complete understanding.
oh no is he showing sympathy? does he not feel the same way? i-if that's the case, I wouldn't mind wait what? I will surely mind!
Thoughts were running around your head miles per second you couldn't even keep up.
As soon as you heard and saw those words start to form out of his mouth , you hurriedly dash over the doors out of pure humiliation.
"I'm sorry!! pretend you never heard that or just completely pretend that I didn't exist 10 minutes ago!"
You shouted with voice decreasing and echoing when you go further down the hallway and straight through the door.
Suguru was shocked at least, a small grin making it's way to his lips while he mumbled something incoherent to himself
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You shook off the memory in your head, that was a long time ago already.
Not even a long time, it's weeks ago
You confessed to him weeks ago before the mass murder he did at that village, you were eager to tell him because he was going to graduate soon and you knew there would be little to no interactions unfortunately but it seems that it wasn't the only reason you had to confess, he's gone completely different from before, he's a murderer on the loose..
he's gonna be executed..
he's completely out of reach now..
You didn't care about his answer, wether he accepts it or not you're still gonna be happy, talking to him will suffice.
Gods..just please..let me know I'm not too late
The train ride was painful, the sun is slowly disappearing along the horizon yet you hope you won't be left disappointed, you kept hiding the painful lump on your throat and the tears that were blurring you eyes threatening to spill any moment, a tear would slip and you would immediately wipe it off with your sleeve in hopes you would not disturb any tired salary men on the train after their long shift from your obvious sniffles.
You reached Shibuya, finally.
You took an eager step but your feet was in place, frozen. What's wrong? Why are you stopping? those questions were swirling on your mind, your trembling hands grabbed your attention.
You're frustrated yet you can't do anything.
Do you really want to talk to him? Why are you being such a coward? Suguru could potentially disappear again, What the hell are you doing?
Why just why-
Am I afraid that he might lash out on me because I didn't want to talk to him? Am I afraid that he might say something that would be stuck with me until my last moments. Until my grave. Until after death.
In the end, you just sat there until the next train to tokyo arrives, somehow the cold chairs in the station provided you some comfort from the burning feeling inside you.
You clasped your hands together and placed them on your forehead while your knees provided support, you were in utter sadness, utter humiliation, and utter hopelessness.
Someone important to you just disappeared.
You waited until a train to tokyo was announced, your head hung low and everything was just blurry while your ears were being pierced with a static sound. Probably overstimulated from all that crying.
You came back home disappointed.
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Unbeknownst to you someone was standing on the other side of the station patiently watching your every move.
Suguru was surprised you weren't reacting nor sensing his presence since you were the one among the second years known for her strong awareness. He had already suspected you weren't gonna come and talk to him but he was not expecting you more to rashly get a ride from Tokyo to Shibuya, that's more than enough for him to understand.
He understood you were somehow afraid yet he was quite upset you didn't had the courage to at least take a step and find him, he could've somehow found a way for you to accidentally bump into each other and just get things over.
Then and there, he would have said his unsaid feelings towards you and maybe just maybe..
He would've came back to jujutsu high and accepted whatever fate has in store for him but that didn't happen and never will because he already set an oath for himself that each of your feelings would never get in the way of his plan.
No. He'd never.
Then and there, he saw you get on the train, he saw how exhausted you are, he remembered how you fix your hair whenever he would approach you and whenever you would approach him yet here you are hair tangled and not a care in the world when you were about to confront him which unfortunately failed, it made him chuckle but your state right now made him stop. You were obviously crying for hours from the way your eyes seem to be puffy and red.
It made him more upset.
You entered the train, a count down began for the doors to close.
Maybe he could still get in there and tell you everything..
Maybe he could still get in there and convince you to join him..
Maybe he could still follow you to jujutsu high and get executed for good..
Maybe there's a chance..
The train got on it's way to Tokyo as it's doors closed.
He pulled his hood down and continued his way because he knows his daughters are waiting for him.
"Shame..they would've loved another parent"
He bit his lips and was lost in thought
"I like you too"
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Your daydreaming was interrupted by someone poking your cheeks rather aggressively, you opened your eyes groggily and saw your white haired blindfolded superior who was getting on your nerves right now.
"Oh..w-where was I again..?"
Satoru chuckled at you and shook your shoulders.
"You were questioning dear Yuuta here on why he wants to become a sorcerer!! you wanted him to answer or else you won't heal him!"
That was quite mean of you but you always knew that a sorcerer without a strong foundation is always bound to fall into their own demise just like....him
"You know..that protecting someone isn't enough"
That's right, that's what I've always said yet you always insisted. Suguru.
You were stern but you're only protecting those young sorcerers, how ironic of you..
"That's not the only case sensei.."
he fired back with more determination as if reading your mind, he clenched his fist showcasing the ring that Satoru mentioned beforehand and said..
"I wil set Rika free from her curse!"
"Standby, I'll get my materials, my technique works differently from Ieri"
The poor boy just shuddered with the thousands of horrible ways the medic has to heal someone according to some rumor (rumored by panda) and without another word you simply walked away.
A hand went up to your head and gently ruffled them. You took notice of the white glistening strands under the fluorescent lights, his blindfold pulled down as if a clear blue sky unfolds infront of you.
"Man, you're such a crybaby sometimes, you may seem serious but I know you're vulnerable when it comes to young sorcerers"
The man simply heard silence and a little sniffle before he proceeded.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, I'm here too"
This scene feels familiar..
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sarnai4 · 2 months
All In
Spoilers ahead for RTTE. I've seen and read a lot of stories, but I only have one character who's been my favorite hero and villain. That character is Dagur because he always went all in on whichever role he's supposed to play. I think the reason is that most characters are written with one particular role in mind. I've seen some who are meant to become heroes, so they never do anything too bad. They can't seem truly evil because they're eventually going to be good guys. Then, some characters have been part of that untrustworthy/villainous side for so long that even when they're supposed to be good, they do shady things that show how they're almost naturally villains. Neither of these happen with Dagur. When he's bad, he's really a villain; when he's good, he's really a hero. I love that.
I've seen mostly two opinions on Dagur. One where he's this monster who would eat kids in their nightmares and one where he's done nothing wrong. I feel like part of what makes him so amazing is that he did have both sides to him. As an antagonist, Dagur pulled no punches. He had the highest confirmed kill count of any human character. On top of who knows how many merchants he killed (since he was very ready to do that), he killed an entire island worth of Vikings. It's not just that either. He's one of the few villains who consistently tries to kill the Riders. When they were caught on the ship, he wanted to drown one of them. When he was fighting Astrid, he tried to dig an ax into her torso. He wasn't even loyal to other villains since he was constantly planning to betray them like with Alvin or the Grimborns. Villainous Dagur was threatening, unpredictable, and murderous. He was also a lot of fun, which made him my favorite baddie. Then, he pleasantly surprised me by turning good.
Dagur didn't have one of those moments where he tried to turn bad again. In all honesty, he couldn't. He'd done so many horrible things as a villain that if he ever did anything even remotely villainous again, no one would be able to forgive him. To put it into perspective, Dagur tried to sacrifice himself for everyone and STILL didn't gain all their trust. Generally, self sacrifice is kind of the most you can do, but since he didn't die, Heather was immediately suspicious of him again when she found him. It's because of everything he had done. So, to make up for how good of a villain he was, he had to be just as good a hero. Dagur became an incredibly selfless good guy.
Hiccup literally yelled that he hated him for leaving him with the Hunters (who technically had only captured the two of them because Hiccup tried to kill Dagur for supposedly poisoning Toothless) and Dagur was on his way to get Toothless to save him. When Dagur tried to sacrifice himself, he had to fight against Heather to do it. He isn't someone who needs someone to care about him back in order for him to protect them. Even in what he thought would be death, Dagur continued to try to help the Riders stop Viggo. Although the gold wasn't his, he still found it for Berk. Even though no one asked him to, he sent Berk willow bark when they didn't have any for medicine. On top of this, Dagur let Gustav (who is basically canonically hated by everyone) stay on Berserker Island at the request of Stoick. I'd say that after putting his life at risk and protecting the Riders, these other actions are necessary, but they show that the little details matter to him. I realize they matter to me too because they really showed me how much being a good person meant to Dagur. At every turn, he tried to do what he could to help his new friends. I truly respect that. He never half did anything. It makes sense. According to him, it's the Berserker way. All in, all the time. Sounds just like Dagur to me.
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My favorite- Lady Lesso X TeacherReader!
Synopsis: Lesso vowed to never let their words effect her, but what happens when they do?
Warnings: Kinda OOC Lesso, she's sensitive and emotional and soft as hell. Lmk if I missed anything.
Word Count: 1.9k
A/n: I've been in an angsty writing mood lately. Could be gn reader? I have a smutshot coming soon but idk when. Reblogs, likes, and comments are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
Many thoughts and feelings were swirling within the Dean, and she tried her damndest to ignore them. She tried ignoring the sorrow and detest for everything she heard about herself.
'Everyone is right about her...'
'I don't see how anyone could like her...'
'Evil isn't enough to describe her, maybe... monstrous...'
'She's really pretty, such a shame that won't hide her hideous personality...'
'It's not an insult if it's describing her...'
Each 'whisper' would be accompanied by an elbow nudge from one friend to another, partnered with blatantly obvious side-eyed looks.
These were things she's overheard, and that was just today. The worst part of them was that some of them had even come from her own Nevers, the very ones that she'd do anything for. The Evers? Well, these things are practically expected from them. And Lesso would vehemently deny it but these painful, venomous words were getting to her. More than she knew.
She knew she was evil, of course she did. She was proud of it.
But why does no one else seem to understand that it's not who she is, it's what she does. That evil isn't born, it's made. That she does have a heart. And just because she doesn't show it when she teaches doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
For some reason, the bitter words became more and more common as the years came and went. They're just getting softer, Lesso tried justifying the words of the insipid little creatures, that they were simply sheltered and couldn't handle her nefariousness.
And while that was partly true, Lesso couldn't help but think maybe they were right.
Maybe she was just a vile and heartless being with no regard for anyone but herself.
Well, that was the picture she thought she liked to paint.
She also thought she was doing a good job at handling their words, not letting them penetrate deep into her.
But she was wrong if the way she was currently pacing and ranting in your office was anything to go by.
"They speak as if I've done something to them personally, I can if they want me to!" She didn't spare you a single glance as she turned on her heel and began walking the same path she had been on for the last 10 minutes.
You knew she just needed to let off steam, to get things off her chest, but it didn't hurt you any less. Seeing her talk about herself like this, even if she didn't realize she was doing it.
"Them and their, their opinions... This just proves that everyone is unimportant and they don't matter. The only thing that matters is me and being evil." Wait, you don't matter?
Did she even know you were in the room? Of course, she had to... She was in your office. You knew you shouldn't take anything she's saying right now too hard, doesn't mean you won't.
You never took your eyes off of her, "I-" You just stopped talking because you kind of didn't want to hear the answer, and also because she may not even know what she was saying.
"I'm just a vile, no-life monster... I'm nobody's favorite person,"
"You're mine." You interrupted her rant, teary-eyed. Your Leo, talking horribly about herself and then saying that? No, you won't let her do that to herself.
She stops pacing and looks at you.
Only then did she see your tear-filled eyes watching her every move, the utterly broken look on your face. And that was the moment that she processed what she was saying.
"I said," Your voice came out all squeaky, but you didn't mean your words any less because of it. "You're mine. You're my favorite person. And I don't know where you get off thinking that you're alone in this forsaken world because you're not."
She sighed, straightening her back slightly, "If everyone is only going to see me as evil and ruthless, then there's no point in trying to be anything else-"
You abruptly stood up from your spot leaning against your desk, "No! I don't know where you got these ideas that you're this horrible, low-life being that deserves a life of pain and misery because you don't."
You started walking towards her, and the tears began welling up in her eyes as she saw the tears falling down your face.
"No. You deserve better than that. You deserve all the amazing things you have in your life."
"Everyone seems to think otherwise."
"Well, I'm not everyone. I'm yours. And I'm telling you the truth, I'm telling you what truly matters."
She searched between your eyes and you reached up and cupped her face with your hands.
"Leo, my amazing girl. I don't know where you've heard these lies but I'll make it my personal mission to eliminate every single one of them from your beautiful mind."
You saw her bottom lip quiver, she was fighting off more emotions, you took this as your cue.
You placed a kiss on her forehead, "You are an amazing, intelligent woman." You planted another kiss on her nose.
"You are more than enough," A kiss to her cheek. "You're immensely breathtaking and beautiful," A kiss to her other cheek.
You saw the corner of her lips upturn into a faint smile and you knew that she at least wanted to believe you.
"You are incredibly charismatic," Yet another kiss placed on her chin, "You're loving, affectionate, magnificent, funny, genuinely you, and most importantly. You're mine." You finished off with a kiss on her lips.
She instantly melted into the feeling of you, enjoying your warmth against her, and she wrapped her arms around your waist to pull you closer to her. She was certainly not letting you go.
Your lips moved together harmoniously until neither of you could resist the urge for oxygen anymore.
You rested your forehead against hers, "I don't like when you talk about yourself like that. And I know that it won't be easy to banish these thoughts of yours, but I won't let you do it alone."
"I don't know what to say, I can't thank you enough."
"You don't have to say anything."
"But, I do. You're too kind to me,"
"If you're about to say that you don't deserve it, you can save it. Because you do deserve everything I can give you and more. You're the most incredible person I've met and you don't deserve these things being said about you, let alone having them as your own thoughts."
"It's just, hard you know?" You listened attentively, "At first it was easy, to ignore all the whispers. But it just gets to a point where you can't ignore them anymore and you start believing them." Her eyebrows furrowed.
"It's perfectly human for things to get to you. To feel all these things, even if you don't want to. And that is what makes you human, my love. To be able to feel things so deeply, to resent the things being said and the emotions they evoke. And the most important thing, never let anyone tell you what to feel or when to feel it." She moved her head to nuzzle her face in the crook of your neck.
You felt her breath on your skin, involuntary chills erupting during it, "Thank you, Mon Amour." She placed a soft kiss on the skin just below her lips.
"Any and every time, Mon cœur."
You didn't let go of her, knowing that she needed this. And when she held onto you tighter, you held onto her tighter. You brought a hand up to her head, lightly scratching her scalp for a moment.
You weren't sure how long you were standing there, just in the center of your office, but you didn't care because it was just you and Leo. Nothing else mattered at this moment.
"What do you say," She pulled her head back to face you, still tightly embracing you, "We go back to my quarters, share a nice hot shower, and I can read to you for a little bit, hmm?" You asked as you began toying with the baby hairs on the back of her neck
The sweetest smile came to her face, "Can we cuddle too?"
You absolutely adored it when she was needy like this, it didn't happen often so you silently savored it.
"Can we cuddle? Of course, we can cuddle! Leo, dear, if I ever say no to that, curse me." A light chuckle came from her.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "I won't curse you, but I certainly won't let you off the hook if you do."
"Come on, let's go, Mon Cœur." You grabbed her hand and led her back to your quarters.
She never left your side for longer than a moment, but you knew it was all a part of what she needed to take her mind off those cruel thoughts.
She wanted to be as close as possible to you, being on you wasn't even close enough. She wanted to be a part of you, to feel you, all of it, all of you.
She insisted that she be the one to undress you for the shower, just as you insisted on undressing her. Though, that was more for pleasure for you both than comfort.
You kept things tame, too afraid to take advantage of her emotional vulnerability. You and Lesso have been together for over a year now, and she knew that you were like that. And at first, she couldn't understand it. But within a few months, she's learned to appreciate it and you.
She may not agree with you, but to you? She is a goddamn queen. She deserves to be spoiled and cherished and worshiped, and you did your best to do exactly that. And Lesso adored it.
And your Leo treated you no less than you treated her.
Once the shower was done and you both were feeling significantly refreshed, and you could clearly see that Leo had become significantly more relaxed, you came out to your bed.
You laid down first with Leo laying directly on top of you. You laughed to yourself as you struggled to reach for your book with the way she was on you.
"Are you okay with me reading where I left off or would you like me to restart?" You said, opening your book to the front cover and waiting for her response.
"You can start where you left off, I just want to hear your voice." She nuzzled herself into your chest.
You just smiled and opened to your bookmark, continuing where you left off last night.
As you were reading the words aloud, you had one hand in Lesso's hair, gently grazing your nails on her scalp. A soft, low hum escaped her lips.
You knew that in no time at all, she'd be fast asleep, but you didn't mind, you loved seeing her so relaxed and it brought you your own comfort knowing it was because of you. And she didn't mind either, whenever she fell asleep on you it was always the best sleep she's ever had.
Once you noticed she had fallen asleep, you continued to read to yourself for a bit. Just long enough for you to get tired yourself.
And once you were, you put your book back in its place on your nightstand and maneuvered to be laying flush in the bed with Leo in your arms.
When she didn't wake, you knew it was a success. And for a minute, you just laid there, holding her tightly in your arms.
"For you, I'd do anything." You whispered into her fiery hair.
Your hold on her didn't lessen for one moment. You loved having her this close to you. And her rhythmic heartbeat and soft breaths are what lulled you to sleep yourself.
Taglist: @v3nusxsky @pebbleswritessometimes
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
Five sucks at Math - A Headcanon
This is a personal fav of mine, not necessarily one I think is real in the show, but that I find endlessly funny for an AU and will now provide evidence for.
Sometimes it seems Reggie didn't give Five the same 'break em down' treatment as obviously as he did the others, but boy do we know Five was a frustrated child, so:
Reggie forced this lil toddler to believe his powers were equation-based, meanwhile Five had just Wanted to be in the pantry, what do you mean he needs to do numbers?
As soon as Reggie knows Five is bad at maths, he doubles down - this is why the boy has limitations on his powers that the others don't, Reggie needs to form him into the Correct way of using them.
Five is, of course, useless at maths to the point of near numerical illiteracy initially, not that he Can't learn how to do them with endless repetition and practice, but it does not come naturally, requires a lot of mental energy, and leaves Five extra exhausted and frustrated that he needs to do all this work and One just punches stuff and Two is allowed to work it out from just throwing things not calculate angles (Reggie tried, but we all know he had Zero time for Diego)
That won't stop him from being conceited and prideful: after all the others aren't even doing this kind of math and also it's a defence mechanism.
"Evidence" in the show:
Five can only do so many jumps, and they're very costly to him. The mental strain from calculating even remembered equations on the fly or accidentally slipping and jumping without thinking keeps him tied down.
His jumping is fairly predictable - Lila figures him out in no time, possibly because it was quicker and more strategic for Five to memorise a few set equations than come up with any math on the fly.
He does jump quickly - at what point do we ever see him pause to work out how to avoid being caught in a wall? He automatically jumps away from threat or being thrown (thank you Luther). That speaks to me that it's at least in part instinctual, he defo wasn't doing equations as a bub either.
The most brilliant use of powers Does come at a moment: When he jumps forward at 13, he looks to have no plan for a set destination and just channels his pent up anger and goes. When he rewinds time, he doesn't have time to write on the walls or a book (how we've seen him calculate complex mathematics before) he just needs it and he does it.
Five does not manage to come back from the Apocalypse via maths - now don't get me wrong, It's more complicated than anything I could comprehend and that's very validly the show's reason why. But in the books he Does make it - this Five is bad at math, and he spent horrible years in the apocalypse trying to calculate something he couldn't whilst he was starving and not understanding it.
Why was he forcing himself to find a way out by math if his powers were instinctual? Five says it himself "I told you" he hears in his head every day out there - being frivolous got him stuck, now he needs to follow the rules to get out.
When Five does work it out, he gets it wrong - makes a typo, after having that moment of inspiration. (Again, very valid for Big Complicated Math but stay on this journey with me)
We see him rewind time once, did he stop after this because his abusive childhood training taught him 'shit now I need to work out the numbers before I can do that again don't fuck it up'
Five doing math looks absolutely chaotic (again, many, many reasons for this obvs but lets look at this one) his probability walls produce names out of thin air - where'd you get the names from Five? The phone book? Did the numbers spell that out for you after you'd stared at them long enough? Did you pick some arbitrary people living in the city and work backwards? Complex math yes, but also a brain not wired to do them struggling so desperately to make the numbers make sense. They're meant to make sense. They have to make sense. I wouldn't be in this mess if I had made them make sense the first time-
Five has some little tricks with his powers - swapping a gun with a stapler. That we see him use all of once despite how much of a power move that could be (Viktor's violin? Here's the baguette Klaus was eating) I like to think of this as he found this power instinctually, showed Reginald who Ruined It With Math, and again learned one single practical combat equation that was drilled into him and it was so heinous that he never wanted to play around with more.
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 4.... Five has a doctorate of philosophy on his wall, not a doctorate for math. Powers gone? Awful. No more math? Guess there's the silver lining everyone always talks about.
Anyway, this is just a fun uno reverse that I wanted to write a story about but could never find the full picture for, so here it is.
I liked the idea of in a world with the apocalypse diverted his siblings start to notice Five's struggles with math and gently start helping to re wire that part of his brain that Five didn't have the experience to notice was all Reggie's bullshit.
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uselesslexbian · 4 months
the battle of the labyrinth by rick riordan sentence starters.
it's not a date!
not even my luck could be this bad.
i didn't get your full name last time when you tried to kill me.
you called me a mortal. like you're not.
tell me. you know what it means. all these horrible things i see?
for years i thought i was going crazy. i couldn't tell anybody.
i'm not a monster.
you don't need that. how about a kiss instead?
such a pretty little blade. what a shame it stands between us.
it would be merciful to end your life now, before you have to see that.
what did you do this time?
i'll make up some story. i'll tell them it wasn't your fault.
she's kind of cute.
promise not to kill me if i put my sword away?
i'm talking about justice. vengeance.
you will learn differently as you get older.
do you want revenge or not?
he was driven insane. he didn't die.
your armor is crooked.
we're fine. we fell in a hole.
there will be no killing today.
i don't fear you.
are you going to help me or not?
don't tell me you're scared.
you don't understand anything. i'm never going in there again.
we've had plenty of problems before, and we solved them.
you wanted power. i gave you that.
i told you not to disturb me.
you know my heart belongs to you.
you're in charge now. all the decisions are on your shoulders. that's what you wanted, isn't it?
i didn't think you liked heroes.
didn't you try to kill him, like, a lot of times?
getting something and having the wits to use it... those are two different things.
if you thought your first imprisonment was unbearable, you have yet to feel true torment.
demigods are cheaters.
i have nothing to offer. i have lost everything.
you should sleep.
how about i take first watch? i'll wake you if anything happens.
my friends are in danger.
you pick fights for no good reason.
i was hoping you would give up.
you have to forgive. you have to promise me this.
you should not fear power. use it.
some of us... the way we learn not to trust people is even more painful.
no. i'm not leaving you.
do you support the gods because they are good, or because they're your family?
be careful of love. it'll twist your brain around and leave you thinking up is down and right is wrong.
you could stay with me. i'm afraid that is the only way you could help me.
we thought you were dead.
you are the single most annoying person i have ever met.
she will calm down. she's jealous.
sometimes things go wrong. heroes get hurt. they die, and the monsters just keep coming back.
do me a favor. if you find him, don't trust him. don't ask him for help. just kill him.
i'm calm. every time i'm around you, some monster attacks us. what's there to be nervous about?
i could be gone a week and my parents wouldn't notice.
you've gotten better with the sword. i'll give you that.
hey, i'm usually about to die. don't feel bad.
you don't have to act like that.
i regret what i did. i was angry and bitter. but i cannot take it back.
there's something evil down that tunnel. something very powerful.
i'll be quick. i won't do anything stupid.
i renounce the gods. what have they ever done for me?
we needed to help you or you'd mess things up.
i didn't want you to die. you owe me too many favors. how am i supposed to collect if you die?
well, i did not miss this place.
maybe it's okay to still be a kid once in a while.
i was beginning to feel better, so i thought i would talk with you a bit. you always manage to annoy me.
you will regret this insult.
it sounds like we've got a lot to talk about.
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miscreantahead · 4 months
Back on Tuesday when episode 4 dropped I had some thoughts about how the "fears" are going to work in this universe. Personally I'm operating under the belief that these are the same entities that could have been destroyed in the TMA universe and got pulled into this new one, but as many have already stated, that doesn't mean they have to be (and at this point I'm thinking definitely are not) the "fears" as we know them.
Something I keep coming back to is Leitner's talk of an eye a hand and a boot attacking an anthill and the ants not perceiving that it was all attacked to one larger assailant. This was about the avatars, but considering we have so little confirmed about what the entities we used to call the fears actually are, and considering the eyepocolypse couldn't happen without all of them coming through... what if this time, it's all one big horrible thing? Or, more accurately, to some degree, always has been? Obviously they can't be one individual as we perceive the concept of a singular individual otherwise the Web wouldn't have defected and there wouldn't have been a power structure with the eye, but off the hand I think of like organs in a single body, like the eye became the brain and the Web's shenanigans was liver failure.
Part of what supports that for me is the guy who gave the narrator the violin. The violin itself has obvious slaughter vibes. The man who gave it to him felt very beholding. And he also had a bag of various artifacts that could have done things that we'd associate with certain fears the way we knew them in TMA. Sure, he could just be a Leitner/Salesa, collecting various artifacts related to the powers, but the thing that sets this guy apart of from those two is that they never handed them out. So far, like the post I just reblogged before typing this one said, the cases don't come off like there's much fear involved, or at least they don't end in a place of fear. My sort of whackadoo theory right now is that what happened in the TMA universe has educated these entities (or possibly entity) in some way on what needs to be done in order for them to cross the threshold and take over their new reality like they did previously. Assuming they're capable of learning that is, and I know some things in TMA sort of seemed to imply they're not (but in my mind it's more like huge portions of their existence aren't perceivable to us and likewise much of ours fly under their radar and so I think they could have gathered something, just not anything that would have been perceptible enough for any of us or the characters to understand.) I mean, if you think about how fumbling the attempts for them to cross through were, and the way someone who was essentially human had to be the one to figure it all out (and took thousands of years to do so and let's face it got REALLY lucky that everything finally went his way like if you think about all of the things that could have gone wrong for Jonah, how many times Jon could have died, how many times the next 100 Jons would have to be put in a situation where they could die. The chances of him actually winning were so fucking slim, it was a tough order and he delivered and who's to say anyone would be able to again) and open the right door you'd think they'd be inclined to overhaul their methods. I think the entities still feed on fear, but I think they want the same thing it had before, it's done settling for scraps. I think when it was defeated and sent to live on the outskirts again it got a little pissed off, and I think it's going for a different approach to try and make that happen again. Obviously I might be humanizing the Things too much, I probably am, but I'm also kind of like... if they have manifested in a completely different way in this universe made up of the same meat sacks as the last one, like not just different "categorizations" and "presentations" but different motivations and focuses... it seems like it could be due to it learning from experience. Which is nice and terrifying :-). Another thing I think a lot about is how the fuck would any other power winning have worked in the TMA universe? The eye worked because it wanted to see everyone's suffering, it let the other fears do their dirty work because it wanted to watch. If any other fear had taken the lead, how would the others have functioned? The end probably would have accelerated the death of all of them just like Oli's s5 musings went on about, and the rest would have done some crazy shit making no room for anyone else's priorities because they have no reason to. There's a reason the brain has to be in charge, maybe Jonah Magnus even knew that and it's why he settled on beholding?
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Me ghink theres lot of hate towards tang sanzang some of which IS UNDERSTANDABLE
But alot of it goes too far and say the most rancid shit ever all bc hes book character. Mind ya hes based on actual person and is being use his likeness. Like some lmk fans be saying the worse thing ever towards this guy(for example wanting him get the d*ath penalty n amongst others).
We forgetting that yes some of his treatment towards swk IS horrible but we tends to forget swk had done some atrocious things that sanzang was witness to in full view. No human would journey like that without being completely scar and traumatized. Some of my friends while looking through the book had found that sanzang be using the circlet all in one go and then never used it in years.
His character development does happen yall in where he do trust his companion more and then *insert traumatizing moment* happen. I do think wukong didnt deserves the maltreatment tho(i want to say this bc later i get ppl saying that i support ab*se bc i defend sanzang for a bit, not knowing that i also disagreed w some his actions)
Most ppl forget that the first arc that the gang actually face as a group was the gingseng tree arc, not white bone spirit.that u have him defending wukong and countless other times where he do trust swk judgement in some cases. (i just wanted to get it out there since not many ppl realize it n im fully blaming osp for this bc they are skipping arcs. N they don’t really tell what arcs they’re skipping)
This just me rambling but dam all these ppl need therapy.
THEY'RE SAYING WHAT NOW ANON AAAAAAAAAAA but haha wow on a lighter note that is kind of funny that the fandom which routinely portrays the Six-Eared "I am going to try to murder-replace you for completely selfish reasons / repeatedly try to kill a young mortal that you love" Macaque as a monkey who never did anything wrong ever would then go out its way to demonize Tang "I do lash out & often don't trust my senior disciple but have also been threatened with death for fourteen years" Sanzang. Like geez I've seen many another fandom where the assumption is that for one character to be good/be "redeemed" you need to make another character horrible (tbh I'm starting to suspect that that's what's happening with the lego show version of Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque), but wild if true that some lmk fans would go THAT far in the attempt to paint the monk as a guy so awful that he literally deserves the death penalty.
Now to be fair it does need to be noted that even in Wu Cheng'en's classic (or at least from what I've seen in the Anthony C. Yu translation), Tang Sanzang was in many ways intentionally written as a caricature of a fussy Confucian scholar who may have memorized many doctrines but who doesn't really understand them, and who is often made a figure of fun for falling off his horse, and who does use the headband against Sun Wukong is some very explicitly painful and unjust scenes. In at least the book he's also a much more static character than the Monkey King in that we don't see any real changes in his thoughts or behavior over the course of the journey, which I can see as a something that would sour many against him. THAT SAID, you are very correct anon in noting that besides one traumatizing event after another happening to him, from his mother's suicide to constantly being threatened with death and/or rape at the hands of many yaoguai, this monk does have a number of reasons for why he's constantly crying and acting with hatred and suspicion towards the Monkey King. And let's not forget that one of the things SWK told Tang Sanzang early on in the journey was that he had literally killed so many he couldn't remember them all, and that was right before he tried to kill the monk himself! Point being that yes both Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong are extremely flawed individuals who often clashed with each other in some pretty upsetting ways, but there's also many understandable reasons for why they act the way they do. It's a real disservice to their characters and the underlying implications of the journey (or its retellings tbh) to forget or ignore that! *
*(and on THAT note this is another reason why it's kind of frustrating that the Overly Sarcastic Production & Monkie Kid retellings of Xiyouji seem to be the primary ways that western audiences are understanding the journey. Liking explicitly cartoony retellings is one thing. But then basing all your knowledge of the work on these retellings and/or even outright refusing to understand the classic in any other context makes for some really simplified and even really insulting beliefs about a culturally important work as a whole)
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smolcinnamonchipmunk · 4 months
God, I'm probably going to rewatch the entirety of Hazbin for weeks, something I occasionally do with Helluva. Again, both mostly just passive interests away from my blog... until the actual show dropped and my absolute hyperfixation mode went haywire
Say what you want about the plot and designs themselves, I understand if it's not someone's cup of tea (Personally, I don't particularly like South Park, Family Guy, or Rick and Morty (anymore)), and the fact that it's pretty rushed, a fact I'll certainly agree with, but it is a fucking ACHIEVEMENT
I LOVE the busy designs and saturated colors, even if most are shades of red (If I had a show, it'd be mostly green and purple, lmao). I love the hand drawn and more cartoony style with fantastic VFX animation and backgrounds. I love the concept of Heaven vs Hell with demons and angels where angels can suck and demons can be good. I actually like that Adam was an entitled asshole because he didn't have to try for his wives, they were made FOR him
I don't go around looking for adult animation anymore because there's so many fucking Family Guy and Rick and Morty repetitive ass shows that use rigging and the same goddamn adult animation art style formula. Brickleberry, Paradise PD, American Dad, so on and so forth. Episodic drivel that KIND of teases a plot to keep you watching but it's the television equivalent of empty calories that you put on in the background. I stopped watching Rick and Morty after season 4 because it was just keeping the carrot on the stick way too far for me to care enough to keep watching (that and the whole Justin Roiland fiasco)
There's good adult shows, don't get me wrong, but almost nothing ANIMATED that's substantial and fun. There's a few, but it's smothered under Family Guy copycats and horribly stiff rigging that's cheap and bland by this point, and some are just downright depressing (Sorry Bojack and Tuca, I just couldn't handle you, I'm already sad half the time). To be honest, I almost didn't watch Inside Job because of the style, and even though it was mostly episodic it was fantastic!
Why can't I, for the decades of life I presumably still have past 18, have life in an animation made for adults? Charm? Pizzazz? Plot and color and FUN? Fucking anything more than the capitalistic weeds that choke the market just to turn a profit for the companies involved. I get it. Companies need to make a profit or they'll go in the red, lose money, yada, yada
But, in an already bleak fucking world where it's only getting bleaker and some corporations want to replace NINETY percent of an animated film/show process to AI eventually? I'm choked and burnout and everyday feels like there's no point in trying to make anything because the fucking programs will do it for us anyways, probably by stealing MORE from people who try. I don't need to see Meg from Family Guy get farted on or abused for no reason, or the Family Guy rip off equivalents that do it for shock value. I don't need copypaste stale material or IP revivals that beat over original ideas because they're safe and nostalgic, inevitably fucking up most of the time
Hazbin Hotel is far from perfect, but it got greenlit. It got picked up. It got to be written and MADE. I can almost guarantee you that Amazon only gave them eight episodes to start with, without certainty on whether or not it would be continued with them. I can almost guarantee you they had SOMEONE keep an eye on Helluva Boss's reception on YouTube to see if it would be profitable enough to continue Hazbin (After all, similar target demographic, right?) and the team wasn't informed until halfway through full production of season one that they'd get a second one. There may have even been the chance of them dropping Hazbin if Helluva's numbers didn't stay up
I love Hazbin and Helluva with so much of my heart because they're small oasis's in the corporate world that would prefer people work the warehouse and not the arts. Yes, I know Hazbin is on Amazon and 'Amazon bad', but if it's not encouraged by viewage (Which I'm sure it's doing well in right now) then original works will continue to be looked over in favor of shitty reboots or live action recreations
Ugh, anyways. I'm not sure how to end this. I just had to get my thoughts out
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