#these are the top 15 from my spotify wrapped
hotasfahrenheit · 5 months
hyperfixated 2023 kpop tracks
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[Monsta X - Beautiful Liar]
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[Seventeen - Super]
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[NCT Dream - Broken Melodies]
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[NCT 127 - Fact Check]
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[Shaun x Jeff Satur - Steal The Show]
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[Ateez - Bouncy]
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[Pentagon - PADO (wave to me)]
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[Blitzers - Macarena]
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[EVNNE - Trouble]
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[ONEWE - Gravity]
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[DPR Live - Hula Hoops (ft. Beenzino and Hwasa)]
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[DPR Ian - Ballroom Extravaganza]
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[KARD - Icky]
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tea-earl-grey · 6 months
posting in solidarity for everyone who's finding out about their cringe music taste today. you'll be okay. free yourself from the bonds of "good music" and embrace the sweet touch of 70s bops you inherited from your family, soundtracks from your favorite movie, emo ballads you listened to in middle school, and That One Song you turn on repeat on a bad day. trust me, you'll be happier.
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exogenesis-lights · 6 months
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mr andrew hozier byrne what are YOU doing here
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extervus · 2 years
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Genuinely astonished that Daft Punk didn't make it in my top five artists again because I definitely listen to at least one of their songs almost every day, and Mother Mother I definitely only listen to like only a few times a week. Anyways here's my funny Spotify Wrapped
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Danny Phantom x DC crossover
Regent!Jazz, Vigilante!Jazz AU
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd (Anger management or Hardcover ship)
Main Masterlist AO3
Original prompt
Part 1: What’s lost can be found
Part 2: Let the world know
Part 3: If you could’ve seen
Part 4: Show me those issues
Part 5: Dare not preach
Part 6: From the top of my lungs
Part 7: Running from a crucifixion
Part 8: Dressed in all black
Part 9: Left its seeds while I was sleeping
Part 10: Keep me from my grave
Part 11: A thousand candles burn into the night
Part 12: It was just for fools
Part 13: Goddamn when you're young
Part 14: Taking these wounds to their grave
Part 15: We’re all misunderstood
Part 16: But I know where to start
Part 17: The stars are shining their brightest light
Part 18: I'm anything but tame
Part 19: Wrapped in your regret
Part 20:
Memes: #1 #2 #3. #4 Social Media Time: #1 #2 #3 #4
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The Regent & Red Hood Official Spotify Playlist (Title songs) The Regent & Red Hood UN-Official Spotify Playlist (Inspiration songs) *Coming Soon*
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soobnny · 1 year
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wishlist — yang jungwon. best friends to lovers. fluff.
synopsis. jungwon doesn’t understand why you won’t just tell him what you want for your birthday. clueless and determined to give you the best present, jungwon is left at a crossroad. instead of getting it wrong, he might just… confess? (7.1k words)
note. since 2022 is ending, i only saw it fit to write something for my bias based on my spotify wrapped top song. drum roll please … wishlist by txt! i have also missed writing for jungwon so i hope this is good!
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I. 30 days before d-day
Yang Jungwon would like to think his meticulous 15-step plan for your birthday was going perfectly.
Despite still having a month until the celebration, he had prided himself in his preparations. A surprise birthday party should always be in order for his person where he can quietly hide his feelings, yet show them at the same time – through platonically giving you a bouquet of your favorite flowers, and writing a lengthy letter on how much you mean to him as a friend.
It is your birthday anyway, and he thinks you need to be reminded everyday of how loved you are. Nevermind if his love has seeped past the boundaries between platonic and romantic. You didn’t need to know that.
So, with 14 steps down his plan, he’d like to think it was going perfectly.
He has gone back to the venue thrice the past month to double check if his reservations went through, he has made sure to tell all your friends to free their schedule for your celebration, he has ordered your favorite cake with the exact proportion of icing and cake (just how you liked it) — just step after step to make sure you had an unforgettable birthday.
Yang Jungwon would go through all the trouble again and again to make sure you’re happily fixed in a golden daze on your special day, and maybe for the rest of the days after that too.
But something was bothering Jungwon, almost like an itch he couldn’t scratch. An itch that had spread through his whole body, and he didn’t think any form of medicine could ever remedy him. It had started out as a small bother and grew into an overwhelming rash.
He has the “15th step” to thank for that. Your birthday present.
It was never easy shopping for you. Even during Christmas, you would happily tell him you didn’t really want anything. You were very much satisfied with your life right now, with the friends you had, and you wanted nothing more than to create memories forever captured in the lense of your cameras and engraved in your memories to look back on when you were older.
While it was a sweet answer, Jungwon was not having it.
He’s been discreetly trying to get an answer from you for months to no avail. All he ever gets from you is a laugh, and an annoying “guess!”. But, he knows there’s something you want. Deep down and hidden behind your sweet laughter was something he knew you’ve been wanting for a while.
Yang Jungwon prides himself in knowing you like the back of his hand. With each other, there’s an absence of needing to pretend because you know you understand each other very well. He knows you as if you’re a reflection of himself. He has drunk up your movements enough to know how you feel with a single flick of emotion.
When your legs start to bounce a little, he knows you’re feeling a little nervous. When he finds you chewing on your bottom lip, he knows you’re deep in thought.
So, when he asks you what the best present to you would look like, he doesn’t miss the glint in your eyes.
You know exactly what you want, and Jungwon doesn’t understand why you won’t just tell him.
“Hyung, I know there’s something she wants. You don’t understand!” Jungwon is whining about you again. Jay is no longer bothered. He has learned long ago that being friends with him came with the consequence of him never shutting up about you.
It was funny how Jay practically knew everything about you before even meeting you. Your favorite color, what your go-to-drink was at cafe’s, your favorite fast food chain, even little mannerisms like how you curl your lips when you concentrate enough. Jungwon unknowingly slips pieces of information about you in everything that he does.
Jay buys him Mcdonalds? Best believe he’s sharing about the time you had both gotten a happy meal the night of his birthday a few years ago. Jake brings over Layla? Jungwon’s talking about Maeumi’s particular soft spot for you.
Jay’s eyes twinkle with amusement. Perhaps Jungwon is unknowingly falling deeper and deeper in love with you – Jay only hopes you’ll be there to catch him when he eventually feels the pressure of the fall.
“Hyung, are you there?” Jungwon’s eyes are fixed on his as he tugs gently on Jay’s sleeve, almost mirroring the mannerisms of a child when they want to get someone’s attention.
Although, Jay thinks he’s partially to blame as he did allow his mind to wander off while they were walking along the crowded halls of the mall.
“I’m listening. I don’t get why you’re so worried? Just get what she wants then.”
Jungwon’s boba eyes squint as he glares at the boy he had dragged along with him. Jay just doesn’t get it! However, he doesn’t have it in his heart to get upset with the boy. Jay had willingly accompanied him to the mall despite the crowd of people.
Jungwon knows Jay isn’t fond of overcrowded places.
The mall is packed with people — officer workers, street vendors, the poor and the rich. A variety of people walk through the limited space, pushing past one another to get to where they want. Jungwon’s convinced he would’ve gotten lost without his companion.
“How am I supposed to get it if I don’t know what it is?” He’s pouting now, and Jay resists the urge to pinch his cheeks.
Perhaps Jay should’ve expected this the moment he had volunteered to go to the mall with Jungwon, but he didn’t mind. Even if he had expected it, he would’ve still accompanied the young boy..
“There’s still a month left before her birthday. You have all the time in the world.” Jungwon feels a pat on his head as he’s frantically scanning around the mall for anything you might like.
“A month means I’m running out of time.”
Jay laughs, choosing to stay quiet. He prompts to keep Jungwon close, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to make sure he doesn’t lose him in the crowd.
Jungwon tends to get lost in his thoughts, and in turn, get easily distracted in public spaces.
Old people and children were pushing their trolleys of groceries left and right. If you didn’t pay attention to where you were going, Jay was convinced you’d fall victim to the wheels of the grocery carts or accidentally bump into someone and tip their shopping bags over.
When Jay drives Jungwon home empty-handed, he tells Jungwon there’s always tomorrow, and the day after that. There was still time to figure out what you wanted.
Still, Jungwon doesn’t get an ounce of sleep that night.
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II. 15 days before d-day
Six in the morning is too early.
Jungwon doesn’t understand why classes start as early as seven — he’d have to wake up at five or six, prepare breakfast for himself, get changed and look presentable, and pack his backpack.
There was too much to do crammed into an hour.
He isn’t sure how he isn’t used to getting up even earlier when training for competitions. Then again, he truly believes six in the morning is just too early.
Yet, despite his disdain for the early hours of the morning, Jungwon never fails to get coffee. Even more than that, he never fails to show up at your doorstep to walk you to school either.
None of his friends tell him he doesn’t need to get up so early in the morning if he chose not to walk you to school every morning. Something tells them Jungwon already knows this. He’s a smart boy, and they know his constant habit of walking you to school every morning is to make sure you’re safe – because he cares a lot about you.
Six in the morning is never too early to see you.
“One cold brew.” He politely tells the barista, reaching out for his wallet in his book bag. “And a matcha latte, please.”
“Would you like anything else?”
Jungwon looks up from his bag, unzipping his purse as he scans over the menu and the specials for the day. And then his eyes widen.
With a smile on his face, he adds, “A slice of strawberry shortcake please.”
Your face flashes in his mind, and he vaguely recalls you’d texted him a few days ago mentioning that you were craving the strawberry shortcake his grandmother makes whenever you came over.
However, because it wasn’t harvest season yet, his grandma couldn’t make another as of recent which prompted you to randomly text him about how you had missed his grandmother’s baking. He thinks spending a little extra this morning is worth it in exchange for the look on your face when you see what he got you. While it isn’t his grandmother’s, he knows you’d still greatly appreciate it.
And Jungwon is absolutely right.
When you catch sight of the familiar box from the bakery you frequent, Jungwon notices the smile on your face right away — trying to capture it long enough for him to remember and look back on for the rest of the day.
“Jungwon, you didn’t have to.” You flick his forehead before wrapping your arms around him in a short hug. Jungwon bites back a very obvious smile as he returns the hug.
“But I wanted to.”
He doesn’t know when his heart started beating a little faster every time you pulled him into a hug. One moment, it was a completely normal thing. The next, he couldn’t stop thinking about the short display of affection for the rest of the day.
Somewhere along the lines, Jungwon had fallen in love in the silence between best friends.
Maybe he had realized just how much he’d fallen when he realized he could do nothing next to you forever and he’d still want that – he’d still greatly appreciate just being around you.
The silence of falling in love expands as you share the slice of cake on the way to school. Jungwon snorts at the sight of icing carelessly gracing your cheeks and your nose — though it's fond in a way only you can bring out of him.
So cute, he thinks.
He knows six in the morning is too early for cake, but it wasn’t too early to see the smile on your face as you're blissfully unaware of the mess you had left on your face.
Jungwon’s lip twitches at the sight.
He doesn’t really give you a chance before he’s taking the spare tissues the guy behind the counter had given him and wiping the icing so carefully on your face.
You’re taken aback by the sudden gesture, halting in your steps as Jungwon places a hand on your shoulder to steady you and make sure there won’t be traces of icing on your face when you reach school.
When he’s done, he simply places the tissue back in the plastic bag and carries on walking. You, on the other hand, turn a bright, embarrassing red. Jungwon had been at such a close proximity without warning, and while innocent, it seemed strangely intimate.
You brush the thought at the back of your head before racing after him so you aren’t left behind.
Silence greets the both of you as you comfortably walk side by side. Jungwon shifts his weight a little bit, enough that your hands brush while walking.
“Sooo…” Jungwon starts.
“Sooo…” You continue, looking at him funny.
“What do you want for your birthday?” You laugh at his question, having heard it too many times the past month. You had already known the direction of the conversation the moment Jungwon decided to say something.
In truth, you didn’t really want anything materialistic and you’ve already told him this. You don’t know why he refuses to believe you. There wasn’t much you really wanted. So long as you get to spend your birthday with him, even in silence, you’d think that would be the best present he could give you.
You laugh at the thought that he might’ve bought you cake as a bribery tactic to finally get you to say what you wanted for your birthday. You don’t know why it’s such a big deal to your best friend.
“Is this why you bought me cake? Jungwon, I already told you I don’t want anything in particular.” You say through a laugh, bumping your shoulder with his as you take the steps up to your school’s entrance. He pouts, nudging you back while mumbling, “you’re such a liar.”
Guessing your heart was so much harder than an exam, that Jungwon can conclude as he walks to his first class after dropping you to your classroom.
With an exam, you have all the time and resources to study. And there was so much material to learn from. Guessing your heart, on the other hand, was a little more complex. While Jungwon generally knows what your heart feels like, it’s still difficult to know what it truly wants.
He spends the rest of his free time pondering over your birthday gift, phone in hand and your feed on his timeline.
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III. 7 days before d-day
You didn’t mean to fall asleep on Yang Jungwon’s shoulder, with your cheek against his shoulder and your hands gripping on his sweater. It was honestly meant to be just a quick little rest after staying up all night doing Chemistry homework, so you wouldn’t fall asleep in class later on.
What stems from a lean on his shoulder results in a nap.
Jungwon makes an effort not to move too much as he makes the homework given to him prior in advance. While it was due next week, Jungwon finds that there’s free time during his lunch break to start working on it as early as now.
Although it’s a little hard to focus when your fluttering eyelashes and parted mouth is directly in his peripheral vision. Jungwon would like to believe he controls himself well – he’s mastered the art of being meticulously planned. If he could, he would’ve mapped out the rest of his life already.
He’s a little untrusting of fate, and he didn’t like the uncertainty of not knowing. So, he makes sure everything he does is in his control, whether that’s the homework due next week or his responsibilities as class president.
Jungwon didn’t see you coming though.
Your soft breathing sends him into a frenzy, and he struggles to keep on writing down ideas on his essay despite his mind being clouded by the feeling of your hands wrapped around his arm and your head drooping on his shoulder.
He doesn’t think much work can be done when he sees his friends make their way over the pair of you with smirking faces and knowing looks. Nishimura Riki is the first to nudge him teasingly, motioning over to you before giggling to himself.
“You’re so whipped, hyung.”
Instead of replying to him, Jungwon pressed a finger to his lips before running a hand down your back to make sure you hadn’t awakened from the sudden ruckus.
He knows how much you worked on your homework last night. He had been there on video call, ready to tend to any of your questions. He had also been there to convince you to sleep already, and that he would help you on the way to school the next day.
“You’re so whipped, hyung.” Riki repeats in a whisper, laughing as Jungwon moves him aside with his foot. He messily places his books on the table before pulling out the lunch box his mother had prepared for him.
“How long has she been sleeping for?” Jake slides in the seat across Jungwon, asking curiously while being careful not to raise his voice so you could continue your soundless nap. Unlike Riki, Jake neatly stacks his notebooks aside on the table.
“Just around 15 minutes now.” Jake hums in acknowledgment, smiling at the sight of Jungwon’s flushed cheeks as he constantly checks to see if you’re still comfortable in your position.
“What are you so focused on?” Slipping beside Jungwon, Jay peeks at the notebook plastered on the cafeteria table.
“My essay.” He spots the essay Jungwon’s been working on, yet a knowing smirk creeps up on his face when he sees the other page of Jungwon’s notebook. “You sure about that?”
Jay gestures towards the messily written list, and Jungwon turns a bright red upon being caught. “Okay, maybe I wasn’t too focused.”
“What is it?” Sunoo butts in the conversation, taking a bite of his sandwich before leaning over to see what all the commotion was about.
“(Name)’s possible wishlist.” Jungwon mumbles, looking over his list.
A useful something — a new watch perhaps? He knows yours doesn’t work anymore and you’re just wearing it because you’d gotten used to the feeling of the watch around your wrist. Or maybe pretty trash? You’ve mentioned multiple times that you wanted to buy a fake plant to decorate your room with.
“How about something romantic?” Heeseung peers over to make sure you’re still asleep before asking the question. “Some flowers?”
“He’s already going to get her flowers. Jungwon doesn’t count that as a gift.” Sunghoon responds for Jungwon, stealing a bite off of Sunoo’s sandwich earning him a smack on the shoulder.
“Hey, what happened to respecting your seniors?” Sunghoon pouts, rubbing his shoulder. Sunoo is unbothered as he steals his sandwich back. “I’m special.” Sunoo replies sweetly, finishing up his lunch.
“I really can’t make a guess. What could be the best present?” Jungwon mumbles more to himself, brushing a hand over your hair absentmindedly.
He looks down at you and he smiles at how cute you look with your cheek pressed against his shoulder. His friends notice this — he’s looking at you that way again, that same adoring way Jungwon thinks he’s hidden quite well.
He looks back at his list, crossing out the things he had written earlier. While going through them, everything suddenly forms a meaning.
The neck pillow reminds him of times like these, when you’d fall asleep on him in school or on the way back home when you’d decide to take the bus instead of walking. He’s reminded of times when he’d have to shake you awake as you’d arrive at your doorstep because you’d fall asleep even on the short walk from the bus stop to your home.
Jungwon made sure to always help you out though, and you’d gratefully smile up at him and squish his cheeks in thanks before stepping into your home.
The hoodie reminds him of all the times you’d steal his. He doesn’t even act surprised when he’s picking you up one day and you’re clad in what used to be his favorite hoodie. He knows you won’t even wear the hoodie he’d get you, prompting to keep stealing his because freshly bought hoodies just don’t smell the same.
The bracelet reminds him of the ones you’re wearing right now. Although a little messy and mismatched, you had both made them when you were a little younger — friendship bracelets. He remembers designing yours with a little too much heart beads. At the time, he didn’t even know he had the biggest crush on you.
A jewel box with a star called you inside is overflowing in his heart. The yearning feels a little too overwhelming.
Jungwon feels like he’s just been thrown off a plane, freefalling with everything out of his control. The harsh winds feel like it can tear him apart, and the acceleration increases with every hoodie you steal and every moment you fall asleep on his shoulder. There’s a deafening silence as he falls.
“What were you guys talking about?” You peel your head from Jungwon’s shoulder, rubbing your eyes gently before dropping them down so your best friend doesn’t scold you. Then, you lean your head back on his shoulder.
Jungwon crashes.
“Good morning noona.” Riki changes the topic shamelessly, waving at you enthusiastically.
You’re too exhausted to respond as enthusiastically, so you prompt to wave back at him instead, sending a smile his way.
A reserved smile plays at Jungwon’s friends’ mouths, greeting you as they continue to eat their food. You aren’t necessarily from the same circle, but you’ve learned to bond with the boys in different ways.
Although shy at first, you’ve found various interests to talk to them about.
You always made an effort to get along with your best friend’s circle, and they reciprocated that. The way Jungwon beams at you so wholeheartedly is enough for them to know you’re good for Jungwon. Besides, you’d known him the longest and it didn’t really take much to know that all his gentle smiles have always been reserved for you.
With Heeseung and Jake, you talk about video games to the point where they’d invite you to game lobbies without having to ask Jungwon. They regard you as one of their friends.
With Sunghoon, you share the same love for ice skating. Sometimes you’d see each other at the local ice rink and spend the rest of the time skating side by side and talking about whatever came to mind. You’ve always been hesitant with Sunghoon since he was a little introverted like you. You didn’t know if he wanted you to strike up a conversation with him. Yet, when you were ice skating one day, and he decided to skate towards the direction you were in and guide you through the rink while joking around, you knew he didn’t mind being a friend.
Jay had become like an overbearing brother. Because you were so close to Jungwon, he had naturally grown a sense of overprotectiveness when it came to you. Maybe it had something to do with protecting Jungwon’s happiness, but somewhere along the way, you’d become like a little sister to him. You knew you could always confide in him.
Sunoo was the easiest to get along with. You’d talk gossip, on the latest shows and movies you were obsessed with, on practically everything. To the extent where Jungwon would joke around about how Sunoo was stealing his best friend from him.
Riki was the sweetest. He treated you as an older sister and always got on Jungwon’s nerves with your help. You’d come along with him as he’d set up pranks on his friends, and you’d listen to him blabber about how Heeseung and Jake would kick him out of lobbies because it was way past his bedtime.
Because you meant a lot to Jungwon, his friends naturally gravitated towards you. They’d become your friends too.
Truth be told, it wasn’t the most difficult thing falling into a friendship with the six boys. While branded as intimidating, they were actually really nice.
“You can go back to sleep. There’s still 30 minutes before the next class.” Jay smiles softly at you, apologizing if their ruckus might’ve shaken you awake which you dismissed immediately.
“Wait, before you head back to sleep…” Jungwon says, cupping your cheeks and looking down at you through your droopy eyes. You hum in response, waiting for what he has to say.
“What do you want for your birthday?”
The question elicits laughter from the table, including you. With a playful glare, you tear Jungwon’s hands from your cheeks before situating yourself back on his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t take advantage of a sleepy girl.” Jungwon laughs, resting an arm around your waist to make sure you’re comfortable, and so you don’t strain your neck.
“It was worth a try.”
There’s a gentle smile adorning Jungwon’s pretty face as he rests his head atop of yours. Jungwon recovers from the crash and is ready to jump again.
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IV. 1 day before d-day
Jungwon was going to go absolutely mad. It was inevitable, how he was going to go insane, the madness creeping slowly and slowly until it consumed the entirety of Yang Jungwon.
It was a day before your birthday, and while his 14 steps had been ready a month prior to tomorrow, he could not, for the life of him, get the fifteenth step down.
He thought 30 days was a good enough marker for him to have some time to get you the perfect present. He thought wrong as he scrambles through lists on end that he had previously written days.
Jungwon had already gone through it multiple times. He knows he won’t get anything new when he reviews it again, yet he still does it anyway. Jungwon has never known frustration quite like this.
Sure, he had crammed a few tests and homeworks before, but not like this. He had never been completely unprepared. He had never gone without a backup plan, a Plan B of sorts.
The stress over your birthday present has reared into a good first place of the list that was driving Jungwon straight into madness. Forget about the exams. He had studied for that long before it was even announced.
Heeseung raises an eyebrow at the sight before him. He had never seen Jungwon this out of control before with his eyes wide and his shoulders slouched over his notebook. “Still thinking about (name)’s birthday gift?”
Heeseung knows he’s right, and the blush on Jungwon’s cheeks is enough confirmation that you were yet again the reason as to why he had blown out of proportions and was panicking as he was going through your surprise birthday party with his and your friends.
There’s that sincere, loving look in his eyes that solidifies Heeseung’s question. Although Jungwon tries to appear composed and stoic, the visible panic in his voice while he reviews the plans for tomorrow was enough to blow his cover. Besides, you’re the only person that can make Jungwon go from calm to insane to flustered in the blink of an eye.
“You’re so in love.” Riki giggles as he wiggles his eyebrows at the older boy. He supposes he should’ve seen the shove coming.
“Jungwon, I’m sure this surprise birthday party is the greatest gift you could give her. Your time and effort into planning this just goes beyond. You don’t need to get her anything.” Everyone at the table hums at Jay’s insight.
While it was amusing seeing their friend on the brink of madness, it was still just a little bit concerning. Jungwon was always the one who had his shit together, and the uncharacteristic insanity was slowly creeping the boys out.
“I just really wanted to get her something.” Jungwon mumbles, staring down at his notebook before sighing out in defeat. He really wanted to get you what you wanted, but he just couldn’t figure it out. Since when did you get so hard to read?
“Maybe if you confessed to her instead.” Sunoo giggles at his idea as if it’s the most genius thing he’e ever said. It might just be.
While he meant it in a joking manner (everyone knew Jungwon was way too much of a coward to tell you how he feels, instead choosing to hide behind platonic gestures), Jungwon seriously considers it.
“As if Jungwon could actually do that.” Sunghoon looks at Sunoo incredulously, shaking his head. Sunghoon’s absolutely right and Jungwon knows it.
“Oy, hide your notebook. She’s coming this way.” Jake is quick to close the notebook that had all the details of your surprise birthday party, hiding it on the bench between him and Jungwon before waving at you innocently.
Before you can approach their table, someone calls out to you quietly. Your head whips at the sound, smiling politely at your classmate who greets you an advance happy birthday.
“Any idea on what you want for your special day?” Wonyoung smiles sweetly, hoping to hear a response.
She was planning on going to the mall after dismissal today so she could get you a gift before coming to your surprise birthday party tomorrow. Sullyoon had already gotten you a present days before, but had volunteered to come with Wonyoung anyway.
Jungwon hopes none of his friends notice the way his head whips so fast at the question.
If you won’t tell Jungwon, maybe you’d tell Wonyoung.
“Nothing comes to mind.” You laugh quietly and Wonyoung pouts at your lack of response. “Nothing?”
Guess Wonyoung has quite a challenge when she goes shopping later.
When you finish talking, Wonyoung politely excuses herself before waving you goodbye and walking off to the halls of the school.
You break out into a wide smile as you walk over to where Jungwon and his friends are. Jungwon returns the smile, cheeks burning red when your eyes fall to him. He doesn’t recall when art and beauty was capable of looking back at him.
He motions you over and pushes Riki (who was seated on the other side next to him) aside so you could sit next to him. Riki simply finds another seat across from the group.
Besides, no one could adore you in the way that Jungwon does. You don’t receive that kind of admiration from Jungwon so easily. And it’s only yours.
“Advance happy birthday.” Jungwon smiles up at you, pulling you down to sit next to him. “Thank you.” You hum sweetly before quietly thanking everyone around the table who had joined in on the greetings.
The group easily falls into banter, and your surprise birthday party is kept a secret from you for the rest of the day.
Jungwon walks you home that day, just like he always does. He admits with little shame that he was distracted the whole walk home.
You’d have to pull him back so he doesn’t walk directly into a streetlight.
He’s incredibly busy thinking about tomorrow, how the day just had to be perfect. And it’s even harder to focus when the golden light of the sun was hitting you just right, his favorite person walking right next to him.
Jungwon can’t contain his smile. He needed to make sure tomorrow was unforgettable for you. It’s one of the few days he can shamelessly show just how much he cares for you in disguise of celebrating your birthday.
He doesn’t stop thinking about you even after you’ve called him out.
“You look deep in thought, Wonie.”
“I have a very good reason to be.”
He doesn’t stop after dropping you off either. Jungwon just can’t stop thinking about you.
His thoughts range from different things — homework, his friends, you, class president duties, extracurriculars, you, competitions, exams, you. His mind always finds its way to the color of your eyes or the quirk of your lips.
He only hopes he can keep himself calm enough tomorrow that his feelings don’t bleed through.
Maybe then Jungwon can stop thinking about going in for the first kiss, maybe he just needs to busy himself with the preparations so you can stop being the subject of his dreams for a moment.
Obviously, he’s in denial. Because even with preparations, you will always be the first person he thinks about. Even more after tomorrow when there’s nothing else to be busy about.
His thoughts cut short when he meets the front of his house. So, he stops spinning the daydream of you for a moment — he can always resume in his dreams.
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V. D-Day
You couldn’t say you saw it coming.
While you knew your best friend, Yang Jungwon, was up to something — you didn’t think he’d go far and beyond to actually plan a surprise birthday party.
You’d thought your birthday would just be a repeat of last year. A simple dinner with your family and Jungwon coming over to throw you a mini celebration. He knew that was enough for you, and it was enough for him too.
However, this year, he decided to take it a step further.
It was wonderfully planned. He had borrowed Jay’s house for the evening and carefully strewed colorful balloons of red, blue, and yellow around the walls (ones that the boys blew up the entire afternoon and taped themselves).
At the center, with the table of food and cake, lettered balloons carefully lined up to spell “Hapy B1rthdy”.
It was strangely endearing – how the balloons were spelt wrong. The effort was so visibly there, and you don’t know why the simple spelling error has your heart bursting with happiness. Sunghoon won’t tell anyone he almost got a scolding from Jungwon for cramming the purchase of the balloons.
They had to make do with the material Sunghoon got.
Jungwon spots the smile on your face as your friends jump out to greet you with a happy birthday. He finally feels calm. His peace has always depended on your own, and nothing warms Jungwon’s heart more than seeing his efforts in full effect.
The moment was sweet. It was just an intimate get together with you and your friends, and you had Jungwon to thank for that. If only you could actually find him through the string of people making their way to you and greeting you.
“Happy Birthday!” Sunoo wraps you up in a big hug after Wonyoung and Sullyoon had collectively greeted you and showered you with compliments.
You smile at the boy, linking your arms around his to complete the hug. “Were you surprised?”
“I was!” You exclaim, pulling away from the hug so you can face him while you’re talking. Though, your conversation doesn’t last long when Riki pulls you away from Sunoo.
His expression is serious as he drags you away, but before you can ask him what’s wrong, he stops in his tracks. With a pout on his face, he opens his arms wide and greets you with a happy birthday.
You laugh endearingly at the boy and grant him the hug he was demanding. He mumbles something about how everyone was hogging you, and he’d been meaning to greet you first but everyone beat him to it. You thank him, patting his back and he pulls away with a smile.
While grateful to see all your friends and be greeted on your birthday, there’s one person you’ve been looking for since everyone had jumped from their hiding spots. Quickly scanning Jay’s house, you finally find your best friend.
Jungwon’s eager eyes brighten at the sight of you before they motion towards his phone as if to tell you to check your own. Then, he brings his gaze up to shoot you a warm smile.
The way you mirror his smile brings a splash of giddiness into his heart.
wonie: come here. let’s go to the rooftop! i’m tired of sharing u >:(
Your feet easily bring you towards the boy behind the whole evening’s surprise. He reaches out and you sigh happily when you find his arms, inching closer so you can rest your head against his chest, cheek pressed against his shirt. He wraps you up, encasing you in his embrace, with his lips brushing over the top of your head.
“Thank you, Won.” The melodic sound of your gratefulness and the laugh that escapes your lips feels like the purest definition of heaven.
He’d plan a million birthday parties to make sure you’re forever genuinely happy.
“Oh, before I forget.” One of his arms unhook from your figure, grabbing something from behind him before carefully placing the party hat on your head, hooking the band just under your chin. He puts one on for himself too.
“Now let me borrow you for a bit.”
Without a single warning, you feel a large hand grip onto yours, tugging at you to follow him up the steps to Jay’s rooftop. You smile warmly at the giddiness radiating from the boy at his gift.
The moon has risen, taking the sun’s place as it leaves to rest. A mass of stars follows suit, taking over the skies and shining particularly brighter for you and Jungwon.
You stand there in silence for a bit, glancing at Jungwon who is clearly having a battle in his own mind. He looks pretty with the full moon flooding a silver glow on his face.
“Are you okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You laugh, pressing the palm of your hand on his cheek to check if he was still there.
Jungwon had a tendency of dozing off into daydreams.
He swats your hand away with a sheepish grin, turning his attention back to you and pretending not to feel a new wave of giddiness in his heart.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?” He shakes his head at you before he sighs out in a poor attempt to calm himself down.
It was now or never.
Despite the pounding of his heart, Jungwon knows exactly what to do, but it doesn’t really help when he’s a string of nerves that’s about to untangle with a single wrong move. He feels like he’s floating.
Your smile brings him back on Earth.
When he finally catches his breath, he reaches to slide his hand into yours. He gives you a soft smile before speaking gently. “Close your eyes.”
You’re about to make a retort, to tease him a little, but the look in his eyes was too delicate for you to ruin with a stupid joke. And your heart melts in your chest at how softly he speaks, with his heart on his sleeve like that. So, you comply.
You absentmindedly play with the fingers that lock between yours as you wait for his next move. Then, you feel a gentle squeeze on your hand.
This moment right now is making Jungwon’s heart burn in his chest, making his head hurt in a good way. You look so pretty with your eyes closed and your hands in his, and the moonlight pouring wonders to your face.
“Okay, stay still. I’m about to give you your gift.”
You laugh. So that’s what this is about.
“Finally figured it out?” You bounce between your feet, playing with his own fingers nervously. Did he actually figure it out? He couldn’t have.
“Stop moving, I’m really nervous right now.” His transparency makes you laugh even more, and he curses you for having to laugh with your sunshine smile. He curses himself even more for saying everything in his head when he’s nervous.
“I’m not moving!” You curl up your lips in a smile, planting your feet to the ground to quietly oblige with his request. “Wonie, how much longer?”
You've been closing your eyes for a good 3 minutes now, and you wonder what’s taking Jungwon so long to give you his present. You’re blissfully unaware of the measures and lengths he’s going through to push through with his plan.
“I’ve been trying to figure out what the best present would be. For a month, I’ve gone back and forth on whatever could be on your wishlist. So… rather than getting it all wrong. I just…”
There, on the rooftop, half drunk from his overwhelming emotions, with the sound of music from the party downstairs and you smiling and his heart bursting with something he couldn’t quite identify, he needed to confess.
You wait for him to continue, but no words come after. Instead, you feel soft lips press against your cheek in a kiss. You feel him linger there for a moment.
Your eyes shoot open and your cheeks flood with warmth when he squeezes your hand and looks at you with his stupid eyes. “I like you.”
Your mouth opens, then closes, then opens again.
You can’t seem to escape his eyes and his smile, and you find the longing in your heart intensify as he pulls you closer.
“I really, really like you.”
You blink. And in one fluid motion, you lunge forward and pull him into a hug. “Jungwon, that was the only thing on my wishlist.” You murmur into his shirt, holding onto him as if the moment could vanish at any second.
The poor boy turns into the deepest shade of red you’ve ever seen, hugging you back and staring blankly ahead of you. Did that actually just happen? Did you… did you like him back?
Yang Jungwon tries not to be big on public displays of affection, but he reaches for your hand while you head back downstairs.
Before he fully allows the pair of you back into the party, he brings his lips to your cheek again, letting it linger there for a moment before looking at you with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on his face. “This means you like me back, right?”
“I do, you idiot.” He doesn’t fight the giddy grin on his face as he contentedly squeezes your hand.
Jungwon’s heart is bursting with genuine happiness as his and your friends eye your intertwined hands. They send him a cheeky, knowing smirk as they pat his back – as if to congratulate him on finally getting the girl he’s been pining for forever.
When you blow your cake, they ask you what you want, and while looking at Jungwon, you tell them you already have everything you want, and he smiles that giddy smile of his and wonders when it’d be appropriate to kiss you.
The whole room joins in on making fun of the both of you, vomiting air and telling you guys to get a room while nudging each other.
It bothered neither of you.
The evening draws on with games and greetings, with opening presents and singing “happy birthday” in one breath, with your friends spreading icing all over each other’s faces. You look over at Jungwon who is already looking at you, and a smile creeps its way to your face. An identical one crawls on his.
When it was time to say goodbye, Jungwon walks you home and wraps you up in a final embrace. And he thinks he could stay right here in this moment – even if the world ended right now. He’d stay like this forever.
All his life, Jungwon has fought to gain the upper hand. He has always made plans and back-up plans to make sure everything was under his control. He only now realizes that falling in love was never in his control, and one sight of you has Jungwon willing to throw caution in the wind and dive head first.
This time, he doesn’t crash. He finds that he’s landed in your arms, safe and wanting to freefall for you all over again.
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anonzentimes · 11 days
do you have any song from the dr osts that you really like? personally the ones that immediately jump to my mind are living in a lazy parallel world from v3 and the dr2 fakeout intro song
ok so. here's where I fully admit how bad my love for this franchise is. because back when you could check your ALL TIME stats for spotify I checked, and I kid you not, my most played song ever is trapped by the ocean scent. It has been on my spotify wrapped 2 separate times and is my most played song PERIOD. And now that they've updated how far back you can check I will never know if that will ever change!
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Aside from that, I have a Danganronpa playlist that I use with most of my favorite tracks that is 100 songs long and is specifically organized with thought behind the placement of each song. It also has some fan songs too! I listen to it when I'm struggling to be productive a lot.
On the top of my head though, I'd like to talk about how amazing the ending themes for the Danganronpa games are! They make me so emotional and they're all this bittersweet or calm feeling and it's genuinely so nice. The Day Before the Future never fails to calm me down or get me emotional, same with Goodbye Despair High School and Trial END. Similarly to them Closing Argument v3 is also such an interesting and calmingly beautiful track that I adore and has some bittersweetness to it.
One thing I really love about the music in the franchise is the reuse of motifs and updating the songs themself. There's multiple versions of New World Order and they're all empowering and emotional in their own ways. The two versions of trapped by the ocean scent are always so wonderful, again, unironically my most played song of ALL time 😅.
The investigation songs are also great, I love the "jazz" elements the songs have especially Homicide (Or Kill Now), Box 15, And Despair Searching.
I also really love the motif Monokuma has, like, only a few days ago did I realize after years that Let's Start the Killing Game ACTUALLY has the motif of Mr Monokuma After Class IN IT!!!!
I genuinely could say how much I love so much of this franchise's soundtrack all day, but I want to focus on what I think people should absolutely listen to if they haven't since I've been asked.
I know there are some of you out there who haven't actually seen Danganronpa 3, and I won't judge you since that's your choice, but if you're someone who hasn't watched it please oh please listen to this song it is soooooo good: https://youtu.be/EF8lbBkfW8A?si=fe2YLQx080lAKcWe
In the English version of Danganronpa v3 the ending song was cut, I'm not really certain of the reason why, but it was cut. Because of this it's possible some may have not actually heard it before, Which is a CRIME Because it's delightful!!! Please listen to it!: https://youtu.be/1BnZLuW92Hw?si=VQsSJOBCDRO6dsn4
I really don't see people talking about the Danganronpa Pachinko, or P Danganronpa, Soundtrack and it really is a shame because I think all of the remixes and songs are great! My favorite song from the album is this one: https://open.spotify.com/track/2dYwE1ete8yshENgPBpOKn?si=1at3xvEmQoWjDwjRUv4CUw&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7K9BG8Br4xp4n7caXN0IM9
And this one!: https://open.spotify.com/track/1lWI7y6gbc1rTy8nbhe7Ck?si=yfBKeuGoR2SuhoaFC-81xQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A7K9BG8Br4xp4n7caXN0IM9
And last but certainly not least, I can't go on a ramble about Danganronpa's songs without mentioning Nagito Komaeda's songs. I won't talk too much about them since, as some may know, I am making an essay video of brief summarizes of my interpretations about the songs. They're all so amazing and beautiful, all three songs are written with his character in mind and sung by Megumi Ogata herself in his voice. I'd genuinely say they're masterpieces and I adore all three with all of my heart. Please listen to them if you get the chance! <3 https://youtu.be/IAMKvTOBHhI?si=ehM_Jl2X0OaTQwL5
Thank you for your Ask <3!!!!!!!!!!!
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starkid-innit · 1 month
Starkid Innit Setlist Discussion (ani)
2 weeks to go everybody omg!!! and I'm only about half way through these the panic is starting to set in... but today we get to talk about ani!
Here's the discussions on songs from:
Honestly I have such a weird relationship with ani because I ADORE this soundtrack. 100% the soundtrack I listen to the most it's appeared in my spotify wrapped a lot over the last 5 years
However I'm just very... meh about the show. It definitely has some great moments (Brian's delivery of 'I can't read' is one of the funniest lines in starkid history fight me) but ultimately just I don't know dick about star wars
What would be your absolute top choice 'it probably won't happen but I will go feral if they perform this' song?
Eurgh please clark I'm begging you to perform A N Y T H I N G from ani!!! I would be singing along from the front row at the top of my voice and you wouldn't even notice that nobody else in the theatre knows the words
My top top choices would be with my own eyes or the force but every single song in Ani is a 10/10 banger
2. What would be your realistic top choice? Like you'd love to see this song AND you think they might actually perform it?
Let's be real we're not getting any songs from Ani and it's such a shame because they're fucking great and (maybe) the best thing about leakycon london was how much the audience went absolutely INSANE for clark and he deserves that again
3. Which songs from ani do you think will actually make it on the setlist
Starkid pls
It's your 15 year anniversary
Every show deserves some representation
You barely talked about ani in an age and an age so you owe me this
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airenyah · 5 months
QL Wrapped 2023
i was tagged by @nongnaos and @ranchthoughts thank youuu <333
i meant to upload this at the latest by december 31st, but the thing is when i saw the tag i was a little overwhelmed at first bc i didn't know how to fill it out and then once i had it all written out i had a super hard time deciding on what to gif and then it all ended up taking soooo much longer than planned. and now it's already 2024. oops. well, better late then never...
so without further ado:
You watched 12 QLs this year that's about 264 hours!
(i'm counting only qls that started airing 2023 bc i didn't keep track of every single show that i watched and it's a lot easier to count all the 2023 dramas on mdl lmao)
You primarily only watched QLs from Thailand
i blame my bachelor thesis for this which i was writing on the translation strategies of thai to eng and also the fact that i'm learning thai, so any time i watch a series i'm like "do i watch something from a country other than thailand tonight??" only for a little voice in my head to go "yeah but you COULD be spending your evening practicing thai listening skills" so yeah...
You spent way too much time thinking about these characters: Pat Napat Jindapat
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listen. LISTEN. i know ok, i know bad buddy is from 2021 not from 2023. however!!!!! bad buddy was part of our skyy 2 and that included my boy pat and so i'm counting it!!!! i'm always thinking about pat napat jindapat ok bye
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no for real tho. i am NOT kidding when i say i have spent hours on end thinking about pat in the year of our lord 2023, two full years after the show dropped:
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maybe in 2024 i'll finally sit down and write that meta that's been in my head for two years now
Your favorite show was Moonlight Chicken
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it's gotta be the chicken show for me. yeah. it just felt so... idk, real in a way. idk how to explain it. i'm not even obsessing over mlc all that much but any time it pops into my head i go all kinds of 😭😭😭 and 🥰🥰🥰
not to mention the firstmix
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the heartliming
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and most importantly earth and fourth as an uncle/nephew duo??
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i am so🥺🥺🥺
special shoutout also to jimbo the cat (left) who looks almost exactly like coco, my family's cat (right):
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Another one of your favorites was Last Twilight
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just. the way p'aof shows relationships on screen okay. yeah.
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i cry
You are still stuck in this hallway:
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yeah i've been thinking about the yank-kiss-yeet scene from hidden agenda and joke breaking down afterwards in that very hallway for 19 weeks straight gay. bye.
The soundtracks you listened to the most were:
(according to my spotify wrapped top 5)
Just Friend? (Bad Buddy)
Our Song (Bad Buddy)
น้ำลาย (My School President Cover)
Secret (Bad Buddy)
yeah. i've given up on the "only 2023 media" thing. if we're talking songs only from series released in 2023 then i've got love love love (our skyy 2) on no. 32 and no more empty nights (our skyy 2) on no. 46 on my spotify wrapped
also if you're wondering what the 5th song (on no.3 in reality) from my top 5 was that's missing above where i only mentioned four songs, well, it's none other than tilly birds' same page? which yeah. is also bad buddy related. surprise surprise 🤭
Your overall bl mood was P'Aof
You created 15 gifsets (of which "only" 1/3 were about making other shows about bad buddy)
you can find them here
You shazammed 295 royalty free background music pieces/songs from thai dramas
fun fact: i haven't mentioned this publically yet but since thai dramas keep using the same music over and over again in various series i've actually started collecting the different songs/pieces and i'm planning on making a side blog about it. i just want to go through some more dramas first before i publish anything. so this is something you can look forward to in 2024 dkjfkfdj
currently shazamming my way through bad buddy (you may have seen my blorbo breakdown about pran in the ep4 sleepover scene the other week that was triggered by me shazamming all of ep4). next on the list: theory of love and the eclipse. it takes ages tho, so don't expect it any time soon
Your favorite acting pair was JoongDunk
(is anyone even surprised by this lol)
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no but for real whatever these two have going on, i'm intrigued:
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i just. i love their energy ok. they're fun. and they're clearly having fun
i couldn't decide on what to gif so here's a little compilation bc fuck it, this is my post and i get to do whatever the fuck i want
(actually there's more that i could have put in there but i didn't wanna waste any more time with posting this tag game and also i was trying to keep the compilation somewhat short lmao)
they are such silly little idiot boys ("little" says the 155cm tall short person about the 180+cm giants 🤭) and i adore them &lt;3
their energy is essentially this meme and i'm so here for it:
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and they just communicate so well when they're performing and you never feel like either of them is "alone" on stage (doing his own thing in his own little bubble), it's SUCH a joy to watch!!!! once again plugging two of my all time fave performances that i've been rewatching over and over again for the last 3 months:
also dunk is just SO little brother-shaped to me idek!! looking at his face just makes me go into big sister mode. it doesn't help that he's only like a month or so older than my actual little brother. AND he reminds me a lot of one of my fave kids from my youth group that i used to go to for years. dunk natachai has klein-andi energy and you all don't know what that means but i know what that means as does my mom and she agrees. so.
i feel so ashamed for not making it in time before 2023 ended so i'm not gonna tag anyone but if you see this and you really wanna do it bc you haven't done it yet then please do so and tag me because i say so!!
and mutuals, send me yours bc i'm not sure i saw everyone else's!!!! (@celestial-sapphicss @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @telomeke @waitmyturtles @dribs-and-drabbles did you guys do this already and if yes, send me yours? i must have missed it 🥺🥺🥺)
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napollya-inspiration · 6 months
25 (for the Spotify drabble game)
#25 on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped is Dancing With Our Hands Tied by Taylor Swift (one of my top three Taylor songs!!! This was so fun to write but also that song is so them anyway)
(send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write a drabble about the corresponding song on my 2023 Spotify Wrapped)
15 46 69
“Don’t think anything in the world could have stopped it,” Illya murmurs and it makes Napoleon light up from inside. It’s a throwaway confession that grows in the silence between two people who know better than to believe in faith.
This cannot end well, Napoleon thinks even as his fingers dance over Illya’s exposed shoulder. Things like this don’t end well. They’re just on borrowed time. There are good reasons why he’d sworn to never do this. It’s hard to remember when Illya rolls out of his bed in the morning. Just once, he’d told himself, the first time they’d done this. Now there’s a drawer full of Illya’s things at his place and Napoleon can draw the constellations of his scars from memory.
The soft morning light plays across Illya’s muscles, unashamed as he’s always been while he moves around Napoleon’s bedroom.
At this point it would be foolish to deny the thrum of love under his skin and Napoleon cannot help but wonder when this will all come crashing down. People have started to notice. Gaby, of course. But the secretaries at UNCLE have started to give them looks. The janitor had caught them, the other week. How much longer until one of them doesn’t come back from a mission? How long until it becomes undeniable just how emotionally compromised Napoleon is?
“Cowboy. Come here.” Napoleon hadn’t even noticed that Illya had turned and taken notice of his drifting thoughts. No one but him could’ve been able to tell, he supposes.
He sighs and takes the outstretched hand, lets Illya pull him to his feet.
“What is wrong?” Illya asks, one hand landing on Napoleon’s bare waist.
Napoleon just shakes his head. Talking about it wouldn’t help. He doesn’t need Illya to realize just how deep he’d fallen. The man who doesn’t take the same person home twice. The mysterious, elusive figure of Napoleon Solo, clinging to his lover in the early morning light.
“And you call yourself a great liar,” Illya teases him softly, pulling him closer until they’re flush. Distantly, Napoleon wonders if humans can actually melt. Everything with Illya feels new, like he’s experiencing it for the first time again. The butterflies, the terror at the thought of losing him, the yearning he feels in his bones to just be close to him.
“You’re the only one that can tell the truth,” Napoleon confesses and it’s as close as saying those three little words as he’s gotten since he’s been young and foolish.
Instead of saying a truth that would prove every fear in Napoleon’s body right, Illya intertwines their fingers, resting their hands on his chest. It’s only his little smile that betrays how pleased he is at Napoleon’s words.
There in the early morning light, they start swaying to music only the two of them can hear. If this was to end in ruins, Napoleon thinks, this once it would be worth it.
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fics-not-tragedies · 6 months
January 2024 Music Prompts - Spotify Wrapped edition
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♪ Hello again! Yes, I'm finally back, at last. Let's start new year with something great: music prompts ♪🎵🎶
♪ Since getting your Spotify Wrapped is such a huge event every year (at least for me, who listens to the same 5 artists and even tho I still get surprised, lol), I decided to surprise you with a little prompt event.
♪ I've chosen 15 songs from my 2023 Wrapped playlist and a lyric (or few) for each one of them that just has THE vibe (y'know):
1. Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin I'm prayin' at your altar if you know what I mean.
2. Dinner & Diatribes ♫ Hozier I’d suffer hell if you'd tell me/What you'd do to me tonight.
3. Kiwi ♫ Harry Styles She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes/Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect.
4. Electricity ♫ Arctic Monkeys Tell me something I don’t already know/Like how'd you get your kisses to fill me with electricity?
5. Francesca ♫ Hozier Though I know my heart would break/I'd tell them, "Put me back in it".
6. Honey (Are You Coming?) ♫ Måneskin I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor/It's gonna love you harder than ever before/You will like it.
7. Don't Blame Me ♫ Taylor Swift I would fall from grace/Just to touch your face.
8. For Your Love ♫ Måneskin I wanna be the first man you look at tonight/I wanna be stuck in your head and make you go wild.
9. Stuck ♫ Thirty Seconds to Mars I've been lost in your eyes all afternoon/The more I drift, the closer I get to you.
10. Mammamia ♫ Måneskin They ask me why I'm so hot, 'cause I'm italiano.
11. Nobody ♫ Hozier I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave/But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love.
12. I Can See You ♫ Taylor Swift But what would you do if I went to touch you now?/What would you do if they never found us out?/What would you do if we never made a sound?
13. Baby Said ♫ Måneskin Baby said, "Let me taste your silhouette/You can talk between my legs"/Uh-uh, uh, uh, know you really want to.
14. Cuff It ♫ Beyonce I wanna go higher, can I sit on top of you?
15. I Wanna Be Your Dog ♫ John McCrea So messed up, I want you here/In my room, I want you here/Now we're gonna be face-to-face/And I'll lay right down in my favorite place.
♪ You can now start making request for the following list of characters:
1. Keanu Reeves along with his following characters/movies:
John Wick & the John Wick movies franchise,
Constantine & the movie,
Johnny Utah & Point Break,
Jonathan Harker & Bram Stoker’s Dracula,
Neo & The Matrix,
dr Julian Mercer,
Jack Traven & Speed;
2. Riccardo Scamarcio along with:
Santino D’Antonio;
3. Andrew Hozier Byrne;
4. Tom Hiddleston along with his following characters/movies:
Sir Thomas Sharpe & Crimson Peak,
Loki & Avengers/Thor,
Adam & Only Lovers Left Alive,
dr Robert Laing & High Rise,
Jonathan Pine & The Night Manager;
5. Henry Cavill along with his following characters/movies:
Geralt of Rivia & The Witcher,
Walter Marshall & Nomis,
Capt. Syverson & Sand Castle,
Napoleon Solo & The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,
August Walker & MI: Fallout,
6. Alexander Skarsgård along with his following characters/movies:
Eric Northman & True Blood,
Leo Beiler & Mute,
Gadi Becker & The Little Drummer Girl,
sergeant Brad “Iceman” Colbert & Generation Kill,
7. Peaky Blinders franchise along with the following characters:
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Shelby,
Alfie Solomons,
8. Supernatural franchise along with the following characters:
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
9. The X Files franchise along with the following characters:
Dana Scully,
Fox Mulder,
10. Kiefer Sutherland along with his following characters/movies:
Jack Bauer & 24,
president Tom Kirkman & Designated Survivor,
David & The Lost Boys.
Please send in a number with the song/lyric you fancy + a character from those listed above, first come - first serve, as always.
If there are any questions don’t be afraid to ask them, I’m always all ears for y’all!
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orivaa-kun · 10 months
BAD ATTITUDE | Chapter 8: Lovers & Fighters
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 chapter word count: 7.4k warnings: mature (18+), violence, drinking, drug use, smut, fluff, angst, feels, rough s*x, emotional manipulation pairings: Gojo Satoru x Fem OC, Geto Suguru x Fem OC, Nanami Kento x Fem OC, Fushiguro Toji x Fem OC series summary: Jujutsu Kaisen Yakuza AU where Riku Ozaki (OC) is really good at getting herself into trouble. Though the Ozaki family is ranked #10 out of the 15 clans of the Tokyo Yakuza syndicate in terms of power & strength; and the Gojo, Geto, and Zenin families fall at #1, #2, and #3 respectively; that doesn't keep her from getting in the mix with these highly ranked, highly dangerous men. Her clan's bodyguard, Nanami, can hardly keep up with all the compromising positions she constantly finds herself in. Will she ever learn her lesson? Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ba- fic playlist: Spotify YouTube
When Riku enters the massive, white painted, warehouse style gym, her eyes widen and her hand drops out of Gojo’s at the sight of two shirtless guys intensely sparring in a ring in the center of the floor. They look younger, definitely not past their mid 20s, and the sight of them fighting so hard honestly makes her a little nervous. The one dominating the fight has blondish-pink hair, and he throws a quick sequence of jabs, punches, and kicks at the other guy with black, long yet spiky hair who stands at a similar height as him—both just a bit taller than Riku. She squints her eyes at the black-haired one. Doesn’t he kind of look like—
“SENSEI…!” Riku’s thoughts are cut off when the one with pink-blonde hair—who’d seemed to be winning—almost immediately spots Gojo entering the gym and shouts, bright smile beaming from ear to ear. The black-haired guy takes the other’s distraction as an opportunity to kick him square in the jaw, sending blondie to the ground to writhe in pain.
Gojo guffaws to the sight of this but collects himself before shouting his response, “Hey, Yuji! Hey, Megumi! Hey, everyone!”
Everyone training and exercising in the main open space of the gym, including those on its outskirts lifting weights or practicing by hitting punching bags pause what they’re doing to shout in unison, “Good afternoon, Gojo-sensei!!” Riku blinks in surprise to this. She didn’t know Gojo was a teacher…
The black-haired one in the ring turns and removes his gloves after he’s kicked his opponent to the ground, “Gojo-sensei?”
“Satoru! Ooo, who’s the gal?” A tall woman with blonde hair and sharp-cut, middle parted bangs asks, leaning on the rope of the sparring ring. Wearing an all-black tracksuit, she stands next to a much larger and bulkier man with a small man-bun and a thick scar down the left side of his face. He wears the same style black tracksuit pants as the woman but has on a white tank top instead of a jacket.
“Sensei brought a girl?!” As if he hadn’t just been hit in the head, the pink haired one springs up from the floor of the ring to look around his sparring partner, expression turning to one of surprise at the sight of Riku.
Gojo wraps his arm around Riku’s shoulders, keeping his voice loud, “Everyone, this is Riku—Jin Osaki’s niece!”
Riku waves, a friendly yet nervous smile on her face.
The tall woman in the tracksuit approaches them first, hands confidently sitting on her hips, “Oh she’s hot.” She stops right in front of Riku with a smirk and analyzing eyes, “What’s your type, Riku?”
Riku’s jaw falls agape, not having expected the woman to ask her that of all things, “What? My type?”
Gojo chuckles, “Meet Yuki, Ri. And don’t worry, she asks everyone this.
Yuki nods, hands still on her hips, “So, what is it?”
Riku is still dazed by the woman’s question but reluctantly answers, tapping her index on her bottom lip in thought, “Uhm… I guess, tall and muscular guys who are strong, smart, and will give me whatever I ask for?”
Yuki crosses her arms over her chest and nods repeatedly, closing her eyes to smirk knowingly. She opens her eyes again after a second, “Bold choice. I get that…” She laughs to herself, “You’re the type to get yourself and others in a lot of trouble, aren’t you?”
Riku’s eyes widen, “What?! Wait… how’d you know that…?” She says the last of her words a bit quieter, her shock turning to fear.
Gojo clears his throat, speaking lower so only Yuki and Riku can hear him, “She forgot to add she likes guys who are mean to her.” He grins devilishly.
Riku’s cheeks burn bright red, and she shoves Gojo away as hard as she can, “No, I don’t! Shut it, you cat-haired fuck!!”
Gojo hardly moves from Riku’s shove and simply laughs.
“Ohoho?’ Yuki quirks a brow, gently chuckling and narrowing her eyes on Riku for a moment, “…I can see it.” She states with a bit of finality.
“Please don’t listen to him!” Riku pleads to Yuki as the muscular man with the scar, Yuji, and Megumi all approach them.
“Riku, this is Todo, Yuji, and Megumi.” Gojo introduces, each of the guys waving after their names are called, except for Megumi who just nods his head once.
Now that he’s closer, Riku stares at Megumi more closely, and makes a perplexed face in realization, “You know, you look a lot like T—”
“Toji’s my father.” Megumi says shortly and monotone, completely unphased by Riku’s sudden connection.
Riku’s perplexed expression turns to shock; the color drains from her face, “Wait, what?!”
“But I’m not connected to that deadbeat piece of shit.” Megumi clarifies, “Not even in the Zenin clan.”
Riku presses her hand to her chest and releases a deep breath in relief, “Holy shit, you almost gave me a heart attack…”
“Oh, sorry.” Megumi’s expression remains flat and emotionless, but he rubs the back of his head, “Didn’t know you knew the asshole.”
“Unfortunately, I do. Wait—how old are you?!” Riku asks. Toji didn’t look that old, and Megumi doesn’t look like a kid…
“22. My father was 16 when him and my mother had me.”
“Oh. Well, sorry you have an awful and absolute menace for a dad.” Riku says.
Megumi shrugs nonchalantly.
“Wait, is she the one who kicked Toji in the balls?!” Yuji pokes his index in Riku’s direction.
“That’s right.” Gojo smirks smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.
Todo reaches forward to clasp Riku’s hand in his two, shaking it once before holding it for a few seconds, “The type of girl to kick Toji in the balls is my type of girl. I had a feeling you were different.”
Riku swears she sees tears of joy in Todo’s eyes and she hums in confusion, brows lifting at the other’s sudden movements.
“Don’t mind him, he’s really strange, but he’s a good fighter.” Yuji notes.
Riku laughs awkwardly, pulling her hand back from Todo’s grasp.
“Well, now that everyone’s well-acquainted…” Gojo turns to Yuki, “You have some forms for me to sign?”
“Yeah, they’re in your office.” Yuki pokes her thumb back in the space behind her, towards a hallway with a few doors along it.
“Good, thanks.” Gojo rests his hand on top of Riku’s head, “While I do that, Yuji, why don’t you give Riku a tour of the gym?”
“Sure thing, sensei!” Yuji smiles so bright and honestly that it’s infectious, and Riku finds herself smiling, too.
“Megumi, you do some drills with Yuki and Todo. Your roundhouse is too slow for your competitor next week, and the only reason you won just now was because Yuji was distracted.”
Megumi’s eye twitches with a bit of anger to Gojo’s painfully straightforward feedback, “Got it.” He grunts between clenched teeth.
“Be back in a sec, Ri, okay?” Gojo ruffles Riku’s hair before turning and letting go of her head, already heading off towards the hallway. Todo and Megumi begin to retreat back to the fighting ring in the center of the room.
“Nice to meet you, Riku!” Yuki says with a sweet smile before doing the same.
“Well, welcome to the Six Eyes Gym!” Yuji stretches his arms out wide, gesturing to the expansive workout and training space around them, “This is the main floor…”
Gojo’s phone vibrates in his pocket as he approaches his office and he retrieves it from his side, quickly sliding his finger over the screen to answer the call when he sees ‘SUGURU’ flash across it.
“Yo.” Gojo says short and quick into the phone, beginning to stride down the hallway that leads to his office.
“Hey Satoru—” Geto’s voice is cut off by the sound of a blood-curdling scream from a man in the background, “sorry ‘bout the volume, but just found the culprit who delivered Toji’s letter and wiped the security cameras… Let me get somewhere quieter.”
“Ah. Get anything out of him yet?” Gojo asks casually, entering his office and closing the door behind him. He flicks on the lights and spots the stack of papers on his desk.
“Nah, not anything substantial. Seems like he might just be an errand boy and doesn’t know much. Though I do have two of my clan muscle interrogating him for Toji’s location.” As Geto speaks, the thuds and screams in the background begin to grow quieter and fainter, and Gojo assumes his friend is now at a distance or in another room completely.
“With how many yakuza we got tracking him in Tokyo, doubt he’s even in the area. That or the asshole is really fucking good at hiding.” Gojo plops down into his office chair, searching through one of his desk drawers for a pen before beginning to mindlessly scan his eyes over the first page of the small pile of forms in front of him.
“Yeah, we’ll see what happens with our current lead, but I honestly doubt Toji elected to tell this messenger anything. Also doubt he cares if the dude lives or dies.”
“Knowing him, he definitely doesn’t.” Gojo says plainly, and there’s a short pause in their conversation.
“How’s Riku been?” Geto asks, voice lower and playful.
“Oh, so that’s why you called. You wanna know how our date’s been going?” Gojo grins as he flips a page over and clicks the end of his pen a few times. He signs his family name at the bottom, “What? Afraid you’re gonna lose our game?”
“Never that.” Geto laughs on the other end of the phone, “So you gonna tell me or not?”
“Since you’re so nosy… Riku’s doing great. Took her the scenic route to the beach, stopped at a clifftop coffee shop, let her taste the new club menu and sake at Iwai’s, we walked on the beach, and I even found time to fuck her in between. Now Yuji’s giving her a tour of the gym while I do some fight club maintenance work in my office.” Gojo smirks as he flips pages to the next set of forms.
“You fucked her, without me? That’s not fair.” Geto says in a sultry voice, his smirk evident through his tone.
“No rules, remember?” Gojo chuckles, sitting up in his office chair and clicking the back of his pen a few more times, “She begged for it, too.”
“Yeah? Where’d you fuck her?”
“In the back of Iwai’s,” Gojo snickers once, “nearly broke the bathroom door down, I nailed her so hard into it.”
“Was she loud?” Geto asks, voice heavy with lust.
Gojo notices, “Of course she was loud. I found a way to keep her quiet, though. Well, as quiet as she could be getting the sense fucked outta her… You know, you’ve got quite the curiosity today, Suguru.” Gojo cocks his head to the side and tucks his phone between his shoulder and ear, holding the form still with one hand while he signs the paper with his other, “Feeling lonely?” Gojo murmurs, purposely making his tone breathy and wanton.
“It’s called FOMO.” Geto explains in a low, heated voice, before quickly changing the subject, “But tell me how her pussy felt.”
At the sound of Geto’s words, Gojo’s eyes blink wide in realization and he grins, “Wait, are you jerking off right now, Suguru?” Gojo leans forward in his chair, intrigued.
“…Maybe.” Geto heavily exhales the word, only confirming it for Gojo.
Gojo chuckles once, smirk remaining on his lips, “You want me to tell you about how good Riku’s pussy felt? How warm and wet she was, and how she kept squeezing me like crazy?” Gojo drops his pen on his desk and sits back in his chair, returning his left hand to his phone so he can properly hold it against his ear to hear Geto clearly. He turns up the volume with a few taps of his thumb.
“Fuck, yes.”
Gojo bites the inside of his lip after hearing Geto’s depraved-sounding tone and uses his free hand to slide a drawer open in his desk, fishing around in it before retrieving and clicking a remote that slowly shuts the electric blinds on his office room’s windows, “And you call me the horny one?” After returning the remote to its drawer and closing it, Gojo rises from his chair to lock his office door. His voice suddenly turning alluring, “Why don’t you squeeze yourself from base to tip nice and slow, Suguru? Can you do that for me?”
“Yeah. Shit, it’s so tight…” Geto huffs out, clearly consumed with being so turned on.
Gojo returns to his chair, “That’s how tight Riku was. The harder you fuck her the tighter she gets—it’s insane, really.” He coos.
“I wanna fuck her face again.” Geto grunts.
Gojo hums, appreciating the sound of Geto’s voice, “Mm… She’s got a good mouth, that one. Nice and wet with a tight throat, and she knows how to work her tongue.” Gojo smooths his hand down the bulk of his thigh when he feels his own cock twitch up against the confines of his shorts, “You think she gives better head than me, Suguru?”
“Fuck, Satoru…” Geto moans hungrily, just above a whisper, “She’s good, but you know me. You know what I like.” He pauses to pant a heavy exhale, “Want you to suck me.”
Gojo’s lips silently form a small ‘o’ in response to Geto’s words and he unbuttons his shorts, reaching beneath them to retrieve his hardened dick. He begins to pump it in his fist, “Yeah? You want me to suck you, or do you need me to?”
Geto sighs lustfully, “Need you to.” He pauses before he continues, voice low and gravelly, “You know how to make me cum quick.”
“That’s right. Are you still stroking yourself nice and slow for me?” Gojo turns up the honey in his voice.
“Stroke a little faster.”
Gojo assumes he listens because Geto curses before he speaks again, “I’m so fucking hard, Satoru.”
“I know, Suguru. You made me hard, too…” Gojo trails off, keeping up his vocal composure, though his own horniness and stroking of his cock is beginning to eat away at his ability to, “You want me to get your dick nice and wet, and take it all in my mouth? Want me to suck the head and lick at that spot right beneath it, just how you like?”
“Oh, fuck.” Geto tries to restrain a moan but fails.
Gojo grins wickedly, pleased that he’s the only one who gets to hear Geto’s depraved and desperate voice like this, “Why don’t you stop stroking and squeeze that spot for me?” Gojo demands, saying the question more like a statement.
Geto breathes raggedly on the other end of the phone line. He speaks up after a long pause, “Can I start stroking again?”
“You never really answered my question earlier, Suguru.” Gojo says plainly, blatantly ignoring Geto’s request as he strokes himself freely.
“Shit. What question?” Geto groans.
“You think Riku gives you head better than me?” Gojo asks again, nearly singing the question as he continues to fist his dick.
“No, Satoru.”
“And you know why that is?”
“It’s ‘cos your cock is mine. Now, say it.” Gojo commands coldly, any sweetness now gone from his voice.
“My cock is yours…” Geto pants.
“My cock is yours, Satoru.”
“Start stroking again. Fast.”
Geto sucks in a breath, sharply, “Gonna cum.”
“You wanna cum in my mouth, Suguru?” The honey returns to Gojo’s tone.
“Yeah, I thought you would.” Gojo quickly interjects, pumping himself faster, “But I’m gonna cum, too. Where do you want it?”
“…My hair.”
“You like that, huh?” Gojo chuckles, “That’s pretty nasty, Suguru. What, you need a protein treatment?” Gojo smirks, murmuring the question mockingly.
“Geez, can you shut up, Satoru? ‘M gonna… fuck!” Geto moans with finality. After a long pause, he clicks his tongue against his teeth and sighs, “Did not want to cum to that.”
Gojo closes his eyes and imagines himself gripping a handful of Geto’s long, black strands of hair. In his mind, he grips them at the root with one hand while his other continues to stroke himself off. Geto’s hair is soft and Gojo wants to rub his dick in it, maybe even wrap it around his cock. He bites his bottom lip at the idea and grunts, hips jerking forward in his chair and cum messily spilling into his own hand, “Your hair feels so good, Suguru.”
“Fuck you.”
“Sorry,” Gojo laughs, leaning over to grab a few tissues from the small box on the other side of his desk, “you want me to make it up to you tonight?”
“Yeah, you owe me.”
“Come to the fight club early, then. I’m sure I got time for you in my office there…” Gojo wipes his hands on the tissues, careful not to spill any cum on his shorts before he throws them into the trash can underneath his desk.
“What about Riku?”
“Keep her at home. Just put her to sleep or something.”
Geto huffs out a single laugh, “You want me to put her to sleep?”
“Yeah, the best way you know how.” Gojo says suggestively, “I mean you’ve still got extra muscle protecting your territory, right?”
“Well, then everything’s good and covered.” Gojo concludes with a small smirk.
“Alright. I gotta clean up the mess I made in the meantime.” Geto chuckles, “I’ll see you tonight, Satoru.”
“Later, Suguru.”
Later in the afternoon, after Gojo had driven Riku back from the gym and dropped her off at Geto’s estate, Riku found herself in the shower with Geto, again—the long-haired man having talked her into it for the second day in a row.
Riku steps into the shower and closes the door behind her, to which Geto curiously examines her reddened backside, “Shit, Satoru did this to you?” Geto smooths his hand over the curve of Riku’s ass, and she flinches from the soreness.
Geto clicks his tongue and gently tugs Riku close to him by her arm so that they’re both under the warm spray of the rain-style shower head, “You gotta tell him when he’s being too harsh with you, Ri.”
Ri looks to then turns away from Geto for a moment, shyly biting her lip out of embarrassment from his discovery of the marks Gojo had left on her. Though, Geto seemed more than comfortable talking about Gojo fucking her… This was a dynamic that would take Riku a while to get used to.
Geto smirks just slightly to Riku’s expression, sliding his hands up her wet skin to wrap his arms around her waist from behind her. He bends his head down to speak lowly into her ear, “Even if you like it, your body can only handle so much. You wanna soak in the bath after we shower?”
Riku turns her head back to face Geto as much as she can in their current position and nods a few times, before allowing her eyes to flutter shut to enjoy the heat of the shower water and Geto’s embrace.
Geto releases his light hold on Riku and she opens her eyes once more, turning to face him and letting the stream of water wet her hair. She gently runs her hands through her long curls and Geto’s smirk grows when he realizes something, “You’re way more agreeable than usual, aren’t you?” He runs the lengths of fingers underneath Riku’s chin, “Part of me’s kinda thankful for Satoru fucking you into submission…”
Riku feels her face redden even further, clearly embarrassed, “Can you stop saying shit like that?!”
Geto releases an honest laugh, lips curving into a toothy grin, “There’s my brat,” He swiftly bends and pecks her lips, “was starting to think something was wrong with ya, being so quiet.” Geto begins to reach up and rinse his hair in the shower’s spray, the colorful dragon tattoos on his arms and chest dancing quietly at the command of his rippling muscles beneath.
Riku rolls her eyes but then studies Geto movements as he reaches over to grab a few pumps of shampoo from the bottle from the ledge of the shower, appreciating the art on his skin. After working the liquid into her curls, Riku removes a hand from her damp hair to gently run her fingers down Geto’s chest, “I like these.” She says, simply.
“Thanks, beautiful. I like your chest, too.” Geto winks, shamelessly eyeing Riku’s body for a moment; after squeezing a few pumps of shampoo into his palm, he returns the bottle to the shower’s ledge.
Riku sighs, turning to get herself some more shampoo, “You know, you and Satoru are a lot alike, actually.”
Geto laughs, starting to lather the liquid into his scalp, “Ouch. That felt like an insult.”
“Not my fault you both are always spewing horny shit.” Riku shrugs, beginning to wash her hair as well, “I was trying to complement your tattoos,” she describes, turning back towards Geto, “how long did it take to get them done?”
Geto looks up, thinking to himself before returning his gaze to Riku, “Well, they’re various pieces I got over the past few years that each took months to heal, but just the hours of tattooing, altogether? Maybe like… 94-ish hours?”
Riku’s eyes widen with surprise, but also can understand as there’s hardly a millimeter of skin on Geto’s torso and arms that isn’t covered in ink, “Oh my god, that’s nearly four days… Did it hurt a lot?”
Geto’s smirk softens into a light smile, “Of course… But it’s something the male leaders in my clan have done for generations.”
“Really, Ri.” Geto chuckles under his breath, “C’mere.” He removes his hands from his hair to turn Riku around and back her into his chest, fingers already beginning to trail to her scalp and gently massage the shampoo suds at her curly roots just the way she likes, “Know you want me to do this, anyway.”
Riku’s hands fall to her sides in response to Geto’s sweet movements and she closes her eyes, “Mm… What’s your family like?”
Geto continues to massage his fingers in in Riku’s hair in small circles, “Normal. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. What was it like growing up?”
“You mean like my childhood? It was fine. My parents are good people, and they spoiled me a lot as a kid, until I started doing work for the family.” Geto removes his hands from Riku’s hair after a while and she turns to rinse it off; Geto follows suit.
Riku opens her eyes again after washing off her hair, glancing up at Geto, “What changed when you started yakuza clan work?”
“Well, I quickly learned how nasty this world of ours can be, that’s for sure. And the drug game already isn’t pretty on its own.” Geto admits, eyes still closed as he rinses the last of the suds from his hair.
“How old were you?” Riku can’t help her curiosity.
Geto’s face temporarily scrunches up in thought, “Thirteen, I think.”
“Fuck, that’s horrible…! You were just a kid!” Riku’s brows knit together, her eyes filled with concern.
“We’re yakuza, Ri. What did you think? That they would wait ‘til I’m 18 to teach me shit?” Geto pauses, eyes softening as he gazes down at Riku with a mixture of interest and some other emotion she can’t place, “Damn, you were sheltered a lot, huh? Must’ve been nice and comfortable growing up in a low rank family.”
Riku’s stomach turns a bit to Geto’s words, and her expression reflects it as she grabs for the conditioner, “Not quite. Though I don’t remember much, I did lose my parents due to yakuza-related violence when I was seven. Being born into a low rank family isn’t as comfy as so many high rank dicks from our syndicate make it out to be.”
Geto’s brows lift as he recalls this bit of information she’d told him and Gojo just a few nights ago, “Shit, that’s right—I’m sorry, Ri.”
Riku sighs and shakes her head, continuing to speak as she squeezes a few pumps of the conditioner in her palm before passing the bottle to Geto and working the cream into the length of her hair, “But just ‘cos I’m yakuza, doesn’t mean I agree with how our families do things. I know we deal in shady work, so danger comes with the job description, but there’s gotta be a better way… At the very least, when it comes to unnecessary violence.”
Geto pumps out a bit of conditioner for himself and places it back on the shower ledge before going to work on his hair, “You’re not wrong. 98% of the bullshit problems our syndicate deals with are over greedy pieces of shit who want one of three things: money, power, or a woman. Maybe it wouldn’t happen as often if we didn’t raise assholes who were baptized by fire.”
“Exactly!” Riku emphasizes, relieved that Geto had gotten her point. She lets the conditioner sit in her hair while she begins to wash her body, retrieving one of the cutely folded black washcloths from the ledge of the shower before dampening it beneath the shower’s hot stream.
Geto washes the conditioner from his hair, “Looks like you just got caught up in the drama, this time around.”
“Yeah…” Riku trails off, expression falling from her face as she looked down at the drain in the shower. She hadn’t really thought about the situation with Toji since this morning, even after meeting his son at the gym. Megumi was so different, after all.
“You doing okay?”
Riku sort of hates how honest Geto sounds, “As okay as I can be. Haven’t really thought about it much, honestly.” She reaches over to get some shower gel from one of the fancy, glass bottles, then lathers it up on her cloth before beginning to rub it and the soap over her arms. It smells heavenly—lightly scented with earthy notes.
“That’s probably for the best. Don’t let that bastard fuck with your head.” Geto grabs the other neatly folded wash towel from the ledge and wets it before doing the same, “And hopefully Satoru and I are big enough distractions.” He smirks just barely.
“Well, you all are doing an outstanding job at that.” Riku notes with a quick laugh under her breath, beginning to lather the soap over her chest and stomach, and bending at the waist to do the same to her legs.
Geto’s eyes study Riku shamelessly, nearly pausing in washing himself at the sight before him. He bites the inside of his lip and feels his cock twitch, “You need me to wash your back, babe?”
Riku continues to scrub at her legs, completely oblivious to Geto’s gaze as she had her back towards him, “Oh, that would be great.” She stands back upright and moves her conditioned curls over her shoulder so that her bare back faces him directly. Riku hardly turns her head as she offers her washcloth to Geto, “Thank you.”
“Mhm.” Geto hums bright and affirmatively, but the dark and heated expression on his face that Riku can’t currently see completely contradicts it. He retrieves the wash towel from her, rubbing it over the smooth, café au lait skin of her back. He rubs it and the soap back and forth over her shoulders then down the length of it, feeling a familiar heaviness pool in his abdomen as his dick continued to harden. Geto pauses to rest his own washcloth over his shoulder, then continues to lather his way down to the small of Riku’s back and her reddened rear. He wipes the supple skin there sinfully slow, then purposely makes his dick jump so that it pokes the side of Riku’s ass.
Riku gasps, quickly snapping her head back towards Geto to find the cause of the poke—his cock fully erect and prodding firmly against her ass cheek, “Hey…! Stop being a horny bastard!” She teases playfully, only pretending to be annoyed. Riku gives Geto’s tattooed chest a good jab with her index before turning back around so he could finish washing off her back.
“Sorry, beautiful. Just seeing you turns me on.” Geto says lowly, pressing his hips forward ever so slightly. He twists and wrings out the soap from Riku’s washcloth underneath the stream of water, saturating the small towel with water again before reaching around the front of her hips and between her legs with it. Geto begins to gently rub the soft, warm cloth in deliciously light circles around her clit; he bends his head to speak into her ear, “Open your legs for me a little more.”
Riku exhales a moan and immediately follows his direction, breathing growing heavier to the feel of Geto’s other hand suddenly joining her bare backside and fondling the sore round of it, his dick still pressing firmly against the side of it. He moves his hand from her ass after a while, slipping it under her cheeks before pressing and slipping a single finger inside of her while the other hand with her washcloth continues to rub on her clit. Riku weakly groans this time, voice telling to her soreness from being fucked so hard earlier.
“Fuck, you’re still so tight…” Geto trails off, lips still at Riku’s ear and mind partly consumed with lust. He pushes and pulls his middle finger in and out of Riku’s pussy, “Is it sore, baby?” He coos.
“Yes…” Riku whimpers to the dull soreness that’s reawakened between her legs with Geto’s finger.
“Shit,” Geto just barely rolls his hips forward once, twice, three times, causing his cock to rub against Riku’s perky ass, “need you, Ri. But this hole is too delicious of a treat to devour all day every day.” He glances down, removing his finger from Riku’s pussy then using the hand to spread her cheeks apart and press the head of his dick to the rim of her asshole, “you like it back here…?” He’s unable to hold back the growing grin on his lips.
Riku gasps again, suddenly torn out of her budding arousal. She turns and swats Geto’s hand with the washcloth out from between her legs, “With your monster-thick dick, Suguru?! Absolutely fucking not. And we’re in the shower with no lube?? Are you crazy or something??!” Riku looks honestly shocked.
Geto lets loose a cackle at Riku’s reaction, even throwing his head back a bit as his voice echoes and bounces off the shower’s walls, “Come on, Ri, I was joking! But I’m sure you could take it with some training!” He guffaws the words out, smirking ear to ear as he placed Riku’s damp wash towel on the ledge.
Riku glances down to Geto’s prominent erection as she faces him, seriously considering its large size and girth. She shakes her head, “Yeah, even with plugs, and toys, and all the lube in the world, there’s no way my ass is ever closing again after taking that.”
Geto’s laugh diminishes into a chuckle and he cups Riku’s face in his hands, “Relax, Ri, I wouldn’t hurt you unless you wanted me to.” He softly presses his lips to her cheek and kisses it brief yet sweetly, “And I’m not a brute like Satoru.”
After they’ve showered and when they’re soaking in the outdoor, wooden, onsen-style bath, Geto wraps his arms around Riku and pulls her back into his chest. His hands ghost over her breasts and slip down her sides to rest on her hips, which he backs into the space between his manspread legs, “Lay back on my chest, Ri. You want me to finish what I started in the shower, don’t you?” He murmurs into her ear, teeth nibbling the rim of it as the water in the bath gently laps around them.
Riku reclines back and spreads her legs beneath the water so that the outsides of her thighs touch the inside of Geto’s, and he slowly glides both of his hands between Riku’s legs, fingers lightly trailing over her groin. His right hand finds Riku’s clit, and he gently rubs the pads of his fingers in small, practiced circles over the hardened nub of flesh.
“Oh—” Riku moans out, biting her lip to cut herself off. Her breathing grows heavier, and her chest rises and falls on top of Geto’s.
Geto’s lips remain at Riku’s ear, and he takes a slow breath before blowing it warmly, “Don’t hold back, Ri; talk to me. I wanna hear that pretty voice of yours.” He continues to lightly rub her clit, his tongue finding and darting over the heated slope of skin just beneath her ear. Geto kisses down to the crook of Riku’s neck, left hand slowly slipping up and out of the water to palm and squeeze her breast.
“Hah, Suguru…” Riku pants out, eyes fluttering shut to concentrate on Geto’s touch. His low voice ringing in her ears, soft lips on her neck, warm chest pressed flush against her back, long fingers toying with her nipple, thick hand between her legs… Riku felt completely consumed by the man and didn’t want him to stop rubbing her clit so perfectly, “A little harder, please?” She whines, starting to rock her hips forward into Geto’s hand, over and over.
Geto hums out a chuckle, lips parting from Riku’s neck after a long kiss, “Demanding, aren’t we?” Geto carefully presses his fingers just a bit harder to Riku’s clit, picking up the speed of his circling as well. He straightens his neck and cocks his head to one side to study Riku’s every reaction to his movements, “How’s that, Ri?”
Riku again can’t help but hate the honesty in Geto’s tone—like he really cares so much about her pleasure; it’s as if Geto knows exactly how to drive Riku crazy, both physically and mentally. She simply moans to the perfect friction Geto creates between her legs, cheeks flushed deep red to the bit of embarrassment and immense heat that courses throughout her body.
“You’re not gonna answer me?” As if a switch had flipped within him, Geto’s voice suddenly turns dark and is nearly venomous; and a pleasant shock of adrenaline shoots down Riku’s spine to focus in her abdomen. He suddenly stops, removing his right hand from between her legs, “I’m not asking for a lot, Ri.”
“No—yes!” Riku quickly opens her eyes and moans the words out, grasping Geto’s right hand with her own and directing it back between her legs again, “It feels good… Please keep going, Suguru!”
Geto snickers into her ear, “You’re so fucking greedy.” He spits the words under his breath, relenting to return his fingers to Riku’s clit and begin rubbing it again, “See? Was that so hard?”
“Shut up.” Riku complains breathily, simultaneously turning her head back towards Geto’s to press her lips to his in a kiss that immediately turns lewd. Geto’s left hand releases Riku’s breast and instead grasps her wet curls at the root, continuing to speed up the circling of his fingers between her legs. Riku moans into Geto’s equally open mouth, tongue swirling with his as she feels his dick twitch against her lower back beneath the water. She moves her hips even more, the pace of her rolling increasing as she rocks into Geto’s hand. The sense of overwhelming pleasure hits her abruptly, and all of a sudden, she’s on the edge of her climax. Riku parts her lips from Geto’s, brows quivering together and jaw falling open with gratification as a long moan spills from her mouth, “Fuck, Suguru—gonna cum really hard…!”
“Yeah, Ri?” He murmurs lowly into her ear, voice sultry, “Show me how good I make you feel.”
“Ahh…!” Riku cries out at the command of Geto’s fingers, hips jerking and body convulsing on his with each wave of her orgasm as he continues to rub her through it. Her head feels light and spacey as she comes down from her high, and she sinks further into the hot bath water.
Geto laughs at first, thinking it’s just Riku being dramatic, but then stops and quickly locks his arm around her waist before her head slips completely under the water, “Whoa, Riku—careful, babe. You okay?”
Riku turns in Geto’s grasp, weakly wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head beside his. She grumbles as she wraps her legs around his waist, “My head’s been hurting today, and I’m sleepy now.”  Riku whines her complaints a bit childishly.
Geto sighs, rubbing his hands up the smooth skin of Riku’s back, “So you want me to baby you?”
“It’s called aftercare!”
Geto chuckles, “Guess that’s fair after what Satoru put you through today… And that asshat hardly has the patience for shit like aftercare.” Geto sits up and pulls back just enough so he can look into Riku’s eyes and places his hands on her cheeks as he speaks, “But don’t worry, beautiful. You can always come to me after Satoru’s rough with you. I’ll take care of you.”
Riku can’t tell if Geto is playing with her or if he’s really being truthful and it pisses her off—but she feels a strong pull in her chest after hearing his words, regardless, and that’s even worse. What’s wrong with me?! She thinks, making a funny face at Geto in response. Her eyes twitch with a mix of agitation and adoration and her lips quiver in and out of a hard line.
Get laughs once to this, “What’s that face?”
“Nothing!” She hides her face once more in the crook of Geto’s neck.
Geto shakes his head with a smirk, slowly rising from the bath water with Riku in his arms, “You’re the strangest girl I’ve ever met, Ri.” He steadily steps out of it, “Let’s get you outta here.”
Riku is startled awake by her ringtone chiming, stirring beneath the covers of Geto’s bed and glancing around the room to orient herself when she realizes he’s no longer there. Her phone continues to ring, and she blinks sleepily a few times, simply staring at the device that vibrates rhythmically on the nightstand in the distance. Riku reaches over and picks it up, seeing the name ‘NANAMI’ flash across the top of it before swiping her finger across it, “Hello?”
“Hey, Ri. You alright? Haven’t heard your voice in a while.” Nanami’s rich, deep, and husky voice comes through the line, and Riku can’t help but appreciate its hypnotic nature as her eyes are heavy with sleep.
Why does he have to sound so damn good all the time? She nestles her ear a little further into the phone speaker as she reclines back into the sheets again, “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Wait, were you asleep?”
Riku sighs, rubbing her eyes with her free hand, “Mhm, what time is it?”
“It’s hardly midnight. Sorry, Ri, thought you’d still be awake on a Saturday night.”
“S’okay. Fell asleep really early since my head was hurting. Probably would’ve messed up my sleeping schedule if you didn’t call.” She clears her throat, voice still a little hoarse.
“Where’s Satoru and Suguru? They treating you well?”
“Um, I don’t know, actually… maybe working? Suguru was here earlier, but I think he’s gone now. And they’re treating me fine.”
“They left you alone? Hm, I don’t like the sound of that.”
“There’s plenty of guards, like at least 50 around and some even inside the house, so it’s fine. Plus, it’s Geto’s territory. It’s supposed to be hard to get here without being noticed, right?”
“Yeah, it’s supposed to, but we should stay on the phone until one of them comes back.”
“Ken…!” Riku whines, rubbing her fingers into her temples tiredly, “That could be hours!”
“You don’t have to say anything—you can even fall asleep. Just stay on the line with me to be safe, Ri, okay?”
“Fine.” Riku sighs and taps the speaker icon on her phone before navigating to her iMessages, seeing that Geto had sent her a text about going to the fight club for some quick business, “Oh.”
“What?” Nanami asks, curiously.
“Suguru texted me. He made a quick run to Satoru’s fight club.”
“Huh.” Nanami says, sounding as if he’s lost in thought.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me about the yakuza fight club?”
Nanami takes a long pause before speaking again, “Truthfully, Ri—it’s way too dangerous of a place for you to be.”
“Okay, going in the club is one thing, but I couldn’t even know it existed at all? How does that make sense?!” Riku sits up in bed a little, notably agitated.
Nanami sighs, “I was just trying to keep you out of that kind of trouble. I mean you know yourself best, Ri. Can you really blame me for not letting you hear about it?”
Riku boils with anger, “It’s not my fault I get in trouble all the time! It’s almost always some yakuza asshole’s fault, every fucking time! And you know it!” She tosses the phone—still on speaker—on the pillow beside her and crosses her arms over her silk robe-covered chest, “And you have the nerve to blame me for fighting back when people try to hurt me, verbally, physically, or whatever?!!”
“How dare you! Meanwhile you’re having the time of your life bashing some random yakuza muscle’s head in and getting paid to do it, right?!”
“…Satoru told you that?” Nanami asks, voice calm, in complete contrast with Riku’s.
“Yeah, he did, actually!”
“That was before I worked for your family, Ri. I needed the money. I did what I could to survive.”
“Then work at KFC or something!”
“KFC?” Nanami sounds confused, then stifles a chuckle, “I couldn’t work a job like that. Fighting is the only real thing I’m good at.”
“No, it’s not!” Riku protests, voice still raised.
Nanami sighs again, “Then what am I good at, Ri?”
She tugs at a curl that rests on her forehead, finally lowering her tone back to its normal volume, “Protecting people.”
“I’m glad you think that about me. Lately it seems like I’ve been messing up on that quite a bit, when it comes to you.”
“Well, you’re doing a good job, in my opinion… you’ve just got an unlucky yakuza girl with an attitude as a client.” Riku rests her head on the pillow, just beside the phone. She stares down at Nanami’s name that flashes across the call screen, sort of wishing she could be near him.
“Client and friend.” Nanami clarifies.
Riku smiles, allowing her eyes to flutter shut at the sound of that, “Mhm.” The two are both quiet for nearly a minute, but Riku speaks up again, “Ken?”
“Yes, Ri.” Nanami coos smoothly in his velvet tone, and Riku enjoys how loyally he responds to her.
“Tell me a story.”
“You want me to read you a bedtime story? Riku, you’re 25.” Nanami doesn’t laugh, but she can hear the smirk in his voice.
“Whatever! You have a nice voice for it, so just tell me one. Tell me… a crazy story about a fight you were in.”
“Oh, you like my voice, hm?” Nanami deepens his husky voice when he speaks.
Riku clears her throat, feeling her cheeks redden, “The story, Ken!”
He chuckles honestly, a truly rare occurrence—and Riku is nearly surprised by the sound of it, “Okay, alright. So, one night, when I was at a bar with Satoru and Suguru…”
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my year in review (data/stats/numbers)
this year, mental illness kicked my ass until it didn't (when fabba came back), and then about a week ago, it started kicking my ass again. i wish i had spent more of the year escaping into art. 2023 was the first year in a while, i feel, that has had this low numbers.
part of that is because my special interest in the 2000s emo scene was reawakened by fob's return, so much of my year was spent re-obsessing over them. rediscovering a bunch of music that made me happy ages 12-15, a time period full of suicidal ideation. my suicidal thoughts and impulses were slain, once again, by the fabbaboos like champions in an arena. 'are you not entertained?' and all that.
(the only 're-'s i am counting are film re-watches, so no album re-listens are counted in that. so a bunch of the stuff i did this year is not being counted! i actually listened to a lot more music than i have catalogued here, i just don't personally log re-listens in my physical media log, so they aren't counted here.)
another part of this is that i spent so much of the year working on my own projects, working on myself, and trying to manage my mental illnesses. i quit drugs and wanting to kill myself! i'm learning spanish! i'm graduating in a few months! this is not an apology; i just prefer to do a lot more stuff to distract me from all the horribleness in my life </3.
this is a (hopefully) complete-ish log of stuff i did this year bc i like number and data and keeping logs because i have an intense, immense fear of lack of permanence/forgetting/losing things because i have lost and forgotten so much stuff in my life 😁😁😁
this is going to get long, so i'm putting it under a cut.
movies watched: 54
top 10 best movies, loosely ranked best to worst:
the revenge of frankenstein (1958) (re-watch) (5 stars)
moustachette (2009) (re-watch) (5 stars)
a field in england (2013) (5 stars)
barbie (2023) (5 stars)
the curse of frankenstein (1957) (re-watch) (5 stars)
spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023) (5 stars)
how to get ahead in advertising (1989) (5 stars)
field of dreams (1989) (5 stars)
the boy and the heron (2023) (4.5 stars)
withnail & i (1987) (4.5 stars)
die hard (1988) (4.5 stars)
honorable mentions: akira (1988), his girl friday (1940), juno (2007), guardians of the galaxy vol. 3 (2023), a clockwork orange (1971)
top 5 worst films, loosely ranked worst to best:
black jack (1981) (2 stars)
lust for a vampire (1971) (2 stars)
some may live (1967) (3 stars)
renfield (2023) (3 stars)
men at work (1990) (3 stars)
i don't really watch that much television, so i'm not logging it here. i did watch a bunch of tv, but not enough to really warrant a wrapped.
books read: 7 (+3 issues of do a powerbomb) (+ part of great expectations by charles dickens, but i haven't finished it yet 🥰)
ranked, best to worst:
gray by pete wentz, james montgomery (4.5 stars)
landline by rainbow rowell (4.5 stars)
the last command by timothy zahn (4.5 stars)
the secret diary of laura palmer by jennifer lynch (4 stars)
attachments by rainbow rowell (4 stars)
specter of the past by timothy zahn (3.5 stars)
do a powerbomb by daniel warren johnson (first three issues, 3.5 average stars)
death star by steve perry, michael reaves (2 stars)
i still haven't received my spotify wrapped in full because it won't load all the way through, so that is going to have to wait. but i am an album listener through and through, so here are some album stats!
i'm only counting albums that are new to me/i previously hadn't listened to all the way through, so this doesn't count re-listens :/
this also IS counting eps.
albums listened to: 29
top 10 albums, best to worst:
soul punk (2011) by patrick stump (5 stars)
so much (for) stardust (2023) by fall out boy (5 stars)
purple rain (1984) by prince (5 stars)
hot mess (2009) by cobra starship (5 stars)
transgender dysphoria blues (2014) by against me! (5 stars)
can't buy a thrill (1972) by steely dan (5 stars)
like vines (2006) by the hush sound (5 stars)
bleed american (2001) by jimmy eat world (5 stars)
this is why (2023) by paramore (4.5)
flamboyant (2019) by dorian electra (4.5 stars)
honorable mentions: where sleeplessness is rest from nightmares (2001) by arma angelus; the land is inhospitable and so are we (2023) by mitski; old world underground, where are you now? (2003) by metric; phantomime (ep) (2023) by ghost; sempiternal (2013) by bring me the horizon
loosely ordered, non-exhaustive 10 of my favorite new-to-me songs:
fake out by fall out boy
run dry (x heart x fingers) / cryptozoology by patrick stump
love from the other side by fall out boy
thick skull by paramore
so much (for) stardust by fall out boy
allie by patrick stump
bleed american by jimmy eat world
i would die 4 u by prince (there would be more prince on this list, but i had listened to much of purple rain already, so!)
you're not in on the joke by cobra starship
to feel no more bitterness forever by arma angelus
personal project wrapped!
poems: 37
the bc wip: 6146 words (daily writing streak not broken since i started it 😁)
the mi wip: 836 words
the epdb wip: 1697 words
other stuff: ???
i've written too many songs/scraps of songs to count those.
10 favorite real world things + stuff i'm grateful/proud that happened:
got hardcore back into fall out boy !
saw fall out boy live !
saw ghost live !
sobered up and became straight edge !
overcame suicidal urges (kinda) !
have been learning how to read music and play piano better !
went to the pmu !
read 'gray' by pete wentz !
curbed my righteous anger / learned to cope with anger better !
have been learning spanish !
honorable mentions: learning to be a better friend, have been keeping up a writing streak with the bc wip + haven't missed a single day since i started, started the mi wip, have been putting myself out there more, doing things scared, writing a shit ton of poetry + sharing it, got clandestine merch, keeping to my dietary restrictions, recovering from onychotillomania!
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nerdangels · 6 months
for your spotify wrapped: 15, 25, 80
Thanks corv! <3
15: King For a Day - Pierce The Veil
Imagine livin' like a king someday / A single night without a ghost in the walls / And if the bass shakes the earth underground / We'll start a new revolution now
25: What A Time To Be Alive - Fall Out Boy
When, when, when I said, "Leave me alone", this isn't quite what I meant / I got the quarantine blues, bad news, what's left?
80: answered!
send me a number 1-100 and I’ll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist + my favorite lyric(s) from it 💃
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bencastiel · 6 months
Good evening Wüv 🤗 For the Spotify Wrapped asks: 15, 35 and 69 please ☺️
Also I am curious: Which is your favourit EC song and how many EC songs in total are in your top 100?
Hi Gemma :3
15: endless fall - ttraw
35: down - ttraw
69: nicht allein - die ärzte
my most listened song from ec is every time we touch!
Tumblr media
ec songs in total... I think I counted 24? but that's only because pretty much literally every ttraw song is in there, as well as every spc song 😂
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a-moth-to-the-light · 5 months
Most-Listened of December 2023
(via stats.fm/spotistats)
This was finals month, and a particularly rough set of finals, too. But I always tend to enjoy music as a whole more in December, as everyone takes time to appreciate their favorite songs of the year! So, though there weren't a whole lot of new releases, this was a great listening month for me, hence all the five-star songs :)
[last month]
1. The Very First Night -- Taylor Swift
This is an exuberantly painful song--just how happy Taylor Swift sounds, as she dreams of the impossible, breaks my heart and then brings me back for yet another listen.
2. Elevarte Caer -- Xoel López, Repion
This song is so powerful, hit after hit after hit of melody. The headbanging goes WILD whenever this one comes on.
3. Pierre -- Ryn Weaver
Soundtrack to my (requisite) finals breakdown, and WOW is it catchy. The bittersweet feeling chokes me up every single listen!
4. Closer -- The Chainsmokers, Halsey
Of all the songs Todd in the Shadows has featured on his yearly best lists, I don't know why THIS is the one that has made my own monthly list twice. But here we are!
5. Like I Can -- Sam Smith
Sam Smith angst is something special. I still like "Stay With Me" more, but "Like I Can" has the bite I needed this month.
6. Lean On -- Bely Basarte
I got really sick around Christmas, and Bely Basarte's soft covers of songs from my childhood helped comfort me through it :)
7. Numb Little Bug -- Em Beihold
Thanks @embroselu for the rec! When the instrumental go CRASH I go SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (the texture is fantastic we love it)
8. Blame Brett -- The Beaches
This one is so much fun!! It brings pop euphoria to rock music just as excellently as my favorite Yena tracks!
9. Favorite Crime -- Olivia Rodrigo
Yeah, none of the GUTS ballads have managed to match this one, or "1 step forward, 3 steps back", for me.
10. Temporary Fix -- Dirty Blond
This is exactly what winter gloom feels like.
11. Una Sonrisa -- Repion
12. Royal -- IVE
This song is fine, I don't mind it! I left it on repeat while speedrunning a final essay, and apparently that was enough repeats to get it on this list--I don't think I've listened to it in any other context.
13. Heavy Lashes -- Ichiko Aoba
Accidentally clicked on this while looking for "Heavy" by Linkin Park & Kiiara--no regrets! It's mysterious but also tender, a ballad that's full of surprises. One listen, and I knew it was going to be on the five-star songs list.
14. Piklu's Vacation Dream -- Abeer Khandker
Every list needs a random meme song! Thanks to Pinely on YouTube for bringing this song into my world <3
15. All-American Bitch -- Olivia Rodrigo
Me when Olivia Rodrigo lyrics...
Five-Star Songs This Month:
BIBI Vengeance -- Bibi (i didn't realize how great this one is until it showed up on my spotify wrapped top 100 this year. bibi & the song work SO well together, it's captivating!! and there has to be something in that chorus, because its shock value still hasn't worn off)
Bruise -- Jo Yuri (this was overshadowed by the other songs on the album, but i fell hard for its delicate atmosphere this month. jo yuri's vocals on love all really are something else!!)
Call My Name -- Sunmi (yet another flawless sunmi bside. i really hope she releases another mini album--or an album, if we're lucky--soon!)
Elevarte Caer -- Xoel López, Repion
Heavy Lashes -- Ichiko Aoba
Peach Blossom -- Yuju, sokodomo (another song i underestimated earlier in the year. i'm so glad yuju's solo songs have been centering her vocals so heavily, moving away from gfriend's dramatic, showy instrumentals--she really can carry a song, and i'm so glad for the chance to appreciate her singing more!)
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