#theres probably better more informed people for that job actually but consider: i want to not be broke anymore and it also sounds weirdlyfun
mbat · 3 months
world of warcraft is wild in that they have a species that is an antisemitic caricature (which said species commonly is in fantasy but they really go hard on it) and then they let you play as said species which i think is already wild. also if you play the default starting area you are made to play a horrible person as that species
and then i, a jewish person, made a character of that species as a way to somehow spite them (?? i still dont know how that spites them but it was why i did it) but then i got like really attached to her and shes one of my favorite characters ive made in general and i think about her a lot. also i didnt play the default starting area so she wasnt forced to be a totally completely bad person at least for any of that
tfw you make one dimensional antisemitic caricature species but then you make them playable and therefore allow your players to get attached and make non one dimensional characters of them. wild
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
What Does Our "Motivations” PSA Mean?
@luminalalumini said:
I've been on your blog a lot and it has a lot of really insightful information, but I notice a theme with some of your answers where you ask the writer reaching out what their 'motivation for making a character a certain [race/religion/ethnicity/nationality] is' and it's discouraging to see, because it seems like you're automatically assigning the writer some sort of ulterior motive that must be sniffed out and identified before the writer can get any tips or guidance for their question. Can't the 'motive' simply be having/wanting to have diversity in one's work? Must there be an 'ulterior motive'? I can understand that there's a lot of stigma and stereotypes and bad influence that might lead to someone trynna add marginalized groups into their stories for wrong reasons, but people that have those bad intentions certainly won't be asking for advice on how to write good representation in the first place. Idk its just been something that seemed really discouraging to me to reach out myself, knowing i'll automatically be assigned ulterior motives that i don't have and will probably have to justify why i want to add diversity to my story as if i'm comitting some sort of crime. I don't expect you guys to change your blog or respond to this or even care all that much, I'm probably just ranting into a void. I'm just curious if theres any reason to this that I haven't realized exists I suppose. I don't want y'all to take this the wrong way because I do actually love and enjoy your blog's advice in spite of my dumb griping. Cheers :))
We assume this is in reference to the following PSA:
PSA to all of our users - Motivation Matters: This lack of clarity w/r to intent has been a general issue with many recent questions. Please remember that if you don’t explain your motivations and what you intend to communicate to your audience with your plot choices, character attributes, world-building etc., we cannot effectively advise you beyond the information you provide. We Are Not Mind Readers. If, when drafting these questions, you realize you can’t explain your motivations, that is likely a hint that you need to think more on the rationales for your narrative decisions. My recommendation is to read our archives and articles on similar topics for inspiration while you think. I will be attaching this PSA to all asks with similar issues until the volume of such questions declines. 
We have answered this in three parts.
1. Of Paved Roads and Good Intentions
Allow me to give you a personal story, in solidarity towards your feelings:
When I began writing in South Asia as an outsider, specifically in the Kashmir and Lahore areas, I was doing it out of respect for the cultures I had grown up around. I did kathak dance, I grew up on immigrant-cooked North Indian food, my babysitters were Indian. I loved Mughal society, and every detail of learning about it just made me want more. The minute you told me fantasy could be outside of Europe, I hopped into the Mughal world with two feet. I was 13. I am now 28.
And had you asked me, as a teenager, what my motives were in giving my characters’ love interests blue or green eyes, one of them blond hair, my MC having red-tinted brown hair that was very emphasized, and a whole bunch of paler skinned people, I would have told you my motives were “to represent the diversity of the region.” 
I’m sure readers of the blog will spot the really, really toxic and colourist tropes present in my choices. If you’re new here, then the summary is: giving brown people “unique” coloured eyes and hair that lines up with Eurocentric beauty standards is an orientalist trope that needs to be interrogated in your writing. And favouring pale skinned people is colourist, full stop.
Did that make me a bad person with super sneaky ulterior motives who wanted to write bad representation? No.
It made me an ignorant kid from the mostly-white suburbs who grew up with media that said brown people had to “look unique” (read: look as European as possible) to be considered valuable.
And this is where it is important to remember that motives can be pure as you want, but you were still taught all of the terrible stuff that is present in society. Which means you’re going to perpetuate it unless you stop and actually question what is under your conscious motive, and work to unlearn it. Work that will never be complete.
I know it sounds scary and judgemental (and it’s one of the reasons we allow people to ask to be anonymous, for people who are afraid). Honestly, I would’ve reacted much the same as a younger writer, had you told me I was perpetuating bad things. I was trying to do good and my motives were pure, after all! But after a few years, I realized that I had fallen short, and I had a lot more to learn in order for my motives to match my impact. Part of our job at WWC is to attempt to close that gap.
We aren’t giving judgement, when we ask questions about why you want to do certain things. We are asking you to look at the structural underpinnings of your mind and question why those traits felt natural together, and, more specifically, why those traits felt natural to give to a protagonist or other major character.
I still have blond, blue-eyed characters with sandy coloured skin. I still have green-eyed characters. Because teenage me was right, that is part of the region. But by interrogating my motive, I was able to devalue those traits within the narrative, and I stopped making those traits shorthand for “this is the person you should root for.” 
It opened up room for me to be messier with my characters of colour, even the ones who my teenage self would have deemed “extra special.” Because the European-associated traits (pale hair, not-brown-eyes) stopped being special. After years of questioning, they started lining up with my motive of just being part of the diversity of the region.
Motive is important, both in the conscious and the subconscious. It’s not a judgement and it’s not assumed to be evil. It’s simply assumed to be unquestioned, so we ask that you question it and really examine your own biases.
~Mod Lesya
2. Motivations Aren't Always "Ulterior"
You can have a positive motivation or a neutral one or a negative one. Just wanting to have diversity only means your characters aren't all white and straight and cis and able-bodied -- it doesn't explain why you decided to make this specific character specifically bi and specifically Jewish (it me). Yes, sometimes it might be completely random! But it also might be "well, my crush is Costa Rican, so I gave the love interest the same background", or "I set it in X City where the predominant marginalized ethnicity is Y, so they are Y". Neither of these count as ulterior motives. But let's say for a second that you did accidentally catch yourself doing an "ulterior." Isn't that the point of the blog, to help you find those spots and clean them up?
Try thinking of it as “finding things that need adjusting” rather than “things that are bad” and it might get less scary to realize that we all do them, subconsciously. Representation that could use some work is often the product of subconscious bias, not deliberate misrepresentation, so there's every possibility that someone who wants to improve and do better didn't do it perfectly the first time. 
3. Dress-Making as a Metaphor
I want to echo Lesya’s sentiments here but also provide a more logistical perspective. If you check the rubber stamp guide here and the “Motivation matters” PSA above, you’ll notice that concerns with respect to asker motivation are for the purposes of providing the most relevant answer possible.
It is a lot like if someone walks into a dressmaker’s shop and asks for a blue dress/ suit (Back when getting custom-made clothes was more of a thing) . The seamstress/ tailor is likely to ask a wide variety of questions:
What material do you want the outfit to be made of?
Where do you plan to wear it?
What do you want to highlight?
How do you want to feel when you wear it?
Let’s say our theoretical customer is in England during the 1920s. A tartan walking dress/ flannel suit for the winter is not the same as a periwinkle, beaded, organza ensemble/ navy pinstripe for formal dress in the summer. When we ask for motivations, we are often asking for exactly that: the specific reasons for your inquiry so we may pinpoint the most pertinent information.
The consistent problem for many of the askers who receive the PSA is they haven’t even done the level of research necessary to know what they want to ask of us. It would be like if our English customer in the 1920s responded, “IDK, some kind of blue thing.” Even worse,  WWC doesn’t have the luxury of the back-and-forth between a dressmaker and their clientele. If our asker doesn’t communicate all the information they need in mind at the time of submission, we can only say, “Well, I’m not sure if this is right, but here’s something. I hope it works, but if you had told us more, we could have done a more thorough job.”
Answering questions without context is hard, and asking for motivations, by which I mean the narratives, themes, character arcs and other literary devices that you are looking to incorporate, is the best way for us to help you, while also helping you to determine if your understanding of the problem will benefit from outside input. Because these asks are published with the goal of helping individuals with similar questions, the PSA also serves to prompt other users.
I note that asking questions is a skill, and we all start by asking the most basic questions (Not stupid questions, because to quote a dear professor, “There are no stupid questions.”). Unfortunately, WWC is not suited for the most basic questions. To this effect, we have a very helpful FAQ and archive as a starting point. Once you have used our website to answer the more basic questions, you are more ready to approach writing with diversity and decide when we can actually be of service. This is why we are so adamant that people read the FAQ. Yes, it helps us, but it also is there to save you time and spare you the ambiguity of not even knowing where to start.
The anxiety in your ask conveys to me a fear of being judged for asking questions. That fear is not something we can help you with, other than to wholeheartedly reassure you that we do not spend our unpaid, free time answering these questions in order to assume motives we can’t confirm or sit in judgment of our users who, as you say, are just trying to do better.
Yes, I am often frustrated when an asker’s question makes it clear they haven’t read the FAQ or archives. I’ve also been upset when uncivil commenters have indicated that my efforts and contributions are not worth their consideration. However, even the most tactless question has never made me think, “Ooh this person is such a naughty racist. Let me laugh at them for being a naughty racist. Let me shame them for being a naughty racist. Mwahaha.”
What kind of sad person has time for that?*
Racism is structural. It takes time to unlearn, especially if you’re in an environment that doesn’t facilitate that process to begin with. Our first priority is to help while also preserving our own boundaries and well-being. Though I am well aware of the levels of toxic gas-lighting and virtue signaling that can be found in various corners of online writing communities in the name of “progressivism*”, WWC is not that kind of space. This space is for discussions held in good faith: for us to understand each other better, rather than for one of us to “win” and another to “lose.”
Just as we have good faith that you are doing your best, we ask that you have faith that we are trying to do our best by you and the BIPOC communities we represent.
- Marika.
*If you are in any writing or social media circles that feed these anxieties or demonstrate these behaviors, I advise you to curtail your time with them and focus on your own growth. You will find, over time, that it is easier to think clearly when you are worrying less about trying to appease people who set the bar of approval so high just for the enjoyment of watching you jump. “Internet hygiene”, as I like to call it, begins with you and the boundaries you set with those you interact with online.
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
Doctor's Orders
pairing: gynecologist!harry x reader/doctor!harry x reader
word count: 2.3k+
warnings: smut, fingering
this is so long overdue i apologize but this is a request! i kinda love this piece so i hope you guys do too!
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You sucked in a harsh breath as you heard your name being called from the front desk, the smiley old lady gesturing for you to follow her. You timidly walked behind her, your feet shuffling on the obnoxiously patterned carpet that lined the hallways.
You aren’t one to fear doctor’s appointments, in fact, you have never been apprehensive about going to one until right now. This appointment was something you’ve been avoiding for a while since you had moved to London, but there came a point where you couldn’t put it off for any longer. Back in the states, you were comfortable with your gynecologist, and you had no issue talking to her about problems you were having regarding your genitalia. But now that you were in a new city, you didn’t have the comfort that came with visiting a long-term doctor and faced new ones for the first time since you were a child. The rest of the doctor’s visits were pretty standard, but your private parts were something you struggled with understanding, Sure, you have seen porn and had sex, but it was never a fulfilling experience. In fact, you have never reached an orgasm. About a year ago you gave up on looking for men to help you and made it a mission to bring yourself to a climax. But alas, none of your efforts seemed to work. At this point, you were convinced that something was wrong with you, hence the gynecologist visit. Male gynecologist, that is.
Over the past month, you have spent a lot of time researching gynecologists in your area. The first one that came up was the one you are at now, but considering his gender you continued your hunt. But it kept leading you back to this one doctor, Dr. Styles, and that was why you are currently sitting in an exam room in his office.
You reassured yourself by looking up his name on your smartphone, scrolling through the 5-star reviews. The number of people who seemed to absolutely love this guy helped settle your nerves, so you read through them as you waited for a knock on the door.
That knock finally arrived a few minutes later, and you picked your head up and looked at the wooden door. “Come in!”
A head popped inside from behind the door as it was pushed open, and the doctor’s eyes found yours while he made his way into the small room. He’s tall, with a mop of chocolate brown curls on his head and bright green eyes accompanied by a friendly smile. He sat down, eyes never leaving yours until he placed his computer down and the screen lit up.
“‘Ello Darlin, m’Dr. Styles, but y’can call me Harry if you’d like.” He stuck out a hand, and your palm swiftly met his, the two of you looking at one another as you shook hands. His hands were enormous, and the rings placed on his fingers were cold to the touch. “Considering you’re a new patient, I took a peek at y’records and such, and I saw that y’ve always had a female gyno.”
You nodded your head slowly, opening your mouth to respond but getting cut off by Dr. Styles. “So I just wanted t’let y’know tha’ theres nothing t’be ashamed off, and I know what I’m doin’ so I promise you’re in expert hands.”
“Yeah, I was nervous, but I couldn’t ignore the amazing reviews people have given you, so I made an appointment.” You appreciated his reassurance a lot, and it really helped in the easing of your jitters. He turned back to his computer after nodding in response to you, clicking on a few keys before diverting his attention back to you.
“So what seems t’be the problem today Y/N?” An initial wave of shock hit you when he said your name, but it quickly dissolved when you remembered that he literally has access to all your medical information, so of course, he knows your name.
“This is a bit of an odd thing to come in for on my first appointment with you, but I think my vagina doesn’t work.” You let out a breathy chuckle at your own words. Dr. Styles seemed unphased by your forwardness, and you assumed he had heard a lot more abrasive things than that. “I’m a 22-year-old woman, but I’ve never had an orgasm. For the past year I’ve been focusing on doing it without a partner, but no matter how much time I spent or how many fancy toys I buy, I just end up feeling unsatisfied and disappointed.” He nodded along as you explained your issue, placing his chin in his hand while his elbow was placed on the desk.
“Have y’had any STD tests recently?”
“Yes, I had one last week, I’m clean and I’ve never had one in the past.”
“Is there any possibility tha’ you’re pregnant?”
“No, I haven’t slept with anyone in over a year.” You knew what questions he would ask, so to avoid wasting time you were giving him all the information he would need.
“When y’are sleeping with someone, do y’feel any sort of pleasure?”
“Yeah, but it’s just never enough, I guess.” His lips curled into an expression of concentration, and he pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek. The room was silent for all of around 30 seconds, but soon enough Dr. Styles spoke up.
“Based on yeh’ history and what y’telling me, it seems that y’just haven’t found the right bloke.” Your eyebrows lifted in surprise at his simple answer. It couldn’t be that simple, could it? “M’guessing y’can’t get y’self off cause’ y’tense and not fully relaxed. And the guys y’ve been with ave’all been doin’ a rubbish job.” He chuckled along with you, and you couldn’t help but agree with him. There was no one you could think of that had actually made you feel good the entire time and had actually focused on your pleasure and theirs. Most of the hookups you took part in were with frat boys who would stick their dick into anything with a hole. “But just in case, lemme’ check y’out just to make sure.”
He stood up from his chair and you swung your legs up on the cot, laying down on it. While you had waited for the doctor, you changed into the gown you were provided with, so there was only a thin piece of fabric between you and the curly-headed man that had taken a seat at the end of the seat.
It was now that you were faced with a dilemma that your anxious brain hadn’t even thought of prior to the appointment.
Dr. Styles was attractive. Like, really, really attractive.
Dr. Styles was attractive. Like, really, really attractive. And probably because of the nature of your discussion (and the fact that your body is severely desperate for sexual release), your core had been heating up since he first stepped into the room. So now, he would lift the skirt of the gown and see a pool of velvety wetness coating the inside of your thighs.
The back of the seat was propped up, allowing you to see him. This was a good thing for him because he could talk to you while he does his job, but it means you will have to look at him after he sees the mess you’ve made.
“May I?” His fingers gripped onto the edges of the gown, and you swallowed hoarsely before nodding your approval. While you know that he probably has witnessed much more embarrassing situations than the one you were in right now, it didn’t make the predicament any better. As you suspected, he kept a straight face when he lifted the flimsy material from your legs. Without taking a second glance, he turned to a bottle on his desk and pumped a dollop of lube onto his glove-clad fingertips. He used his other gloved hand to spread the lubricant, only turning back to you when his two fingers were both well coated in the substance. “Y’alright?” Once again, you nodded at his question. “Tell me with words darlin’, wanna make sure y’comfortable.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. What kind of exam are you doing exactly?” That question popped into your mind right before it rolled off your tongue because you noticed he had never specified exactly what he was looking for.
“M’just gonna use m’finger,” he held his lube-covered fingers, “and feel around, just t’make sure everythins’ fine.”
“Ok, sounds good.”
“M’gonna start now, s’gonna be cold at first.”
You hissed when his fingers met your sopping hole, and you had to resist the urge to kick your legs while he slowly pushed his fingers inside of you. The feeling was strange, but definitely not unwelcome. The contrast from his icy fingers to your warm center was sending a tingling sensation down your spine. You could feel his fingers push around inside of you, caressing your walls. And you know you shouldn’t. But his fingers were hitting all the right nerves, and you couldn’t help but find the experience immensely pleasurable.
Despite your best efforts, a small moan of satisfaction escaped your lips. Immediately, you went stiff, and you could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. You just moaned while your doctor had his fingers inside you. For a moment you thought he would ignore the sexual noise that you had just made. But he suddenly looked up at you, his eyes previously locked on his fingers.
“Well, if y’moanin’ just from that, y’more sexually deprived than I thought.” He chuckled, and you cracked a small smile, but that was before his words actually hit you.
Was he, hitting on you?
Maybe not flirting, but that definitely wasn’t something that doctors say to their patients very often. His smirk was also giving you the idea that he had certain intentions.
“Everything seem good down’ere, so I think tha’ problem is with the guys y’gettin with, not you. What type of people do y’usually sleep with.”
“When I was sexually active, it was usually frat boys, so I guess I should’ve known I wasn’t the problem.” You let out a small laugh, Dr. Styles seems to have found it much more amusing, as his chuckle came from deep within his chest. A small movement came with the laugh, which also reminded you that his fingers were still very much inside of you.
“It seems y’need someone who knows his way around,” he cleared his throat, and you smiled as you realized what he was hinting at. “and y’my last paitent of the day, so m’more than happy t’help y’out.” He looked down at his feet shyly, and you found it adorable how he was nervous about what he was proposing. But you were on the verge of tears from how hard it was to hold back your physical response to his touches. Your body relaxed when the words came out of his mouth, and you let out the whine that had been building up in your throat.
“Yes-Harry, god yes.” It was the first time you were using his first name, but the smirk on his face showed his approval.
He quickly removed his fingers from your heat, and you whined again, this time in frustration. Losing contact left you feeling cold, but that feeling only lasted a fleeting moment, as soon as he was pushing his fingers into you again, this time bare.
“Y’already so wet love, what got y’this worked up hmm?”
“Y-you, Harry, I want you.” You tripped over your words, but they came out clear enough for him to understand because he began moving his fingers at the encouragement. His fingers began to pump in and out of you, and you knew he must have been right about not being with the right guys before, because the simple movements left you as putty in his hands. You barely got any pleasure from fingering in your other sexual encounters, but you were already a moaning mess underneath the man. He lifted his other hand, which had also had the glove on it removed, and placed the pad of his finger on your puffy clit. You mewled loudly and his smirk widened.
“Any o’those boys ever make y’feel this good darlin’?” You shook your head furiously, and he smiled, rubbing circles on your sensitive bundle of nerves. You were already seeing stars, and you could feel an unfamiliar knot forming in your stomach. “Y’so pretty, did y’know tha’?”
You couldn’t muster up enough strength to respond to his second question, but the loud moan that you let out was enough of an answer for him. His movements sped up, fingers pumping in and out of you and his other thumb pressing circles on your button.
“Think y’close darlin’? Ready t’come fo’ the first time?”
“Yes, yes..” Your voice trailed off when a guttural moan rumbled through your throat. Although you haven’t had one before, you were sure that he was about to bring you to an orgasm. There was a tight feeling in your stomach and you knew it was just about to burst.
The knot burst and your orgasm rolled through your body, reaching every nerve inside of you. The feeling was euphoric, and your senses were heightened as your body experienced this new feeling.
“Thas’ it, good girl,” he cooed, slowing his movements and removing his fingers from your now overly sensitive clit. He worked you through your orgasm until fully removing his fingers from you, and you let out a sigh as he did so. “Definitely not somethin’ wrong with ya’, I can tell y’that.”
He smiled up at you and you returned the gesture, your smile only faltering when he turned away to write something down. You took the opportunity to get up and change, quickly dressing while his back was turned.
He turned in his chair to face you once again, handing you a small piece of paper. You took it from between his fingers to see a phone number scribbled on it in black ink.
“Is Doctor Styles giving me his number?” You said it in a cheeky way, smirking back at him.
“Yes, and he’s telling you to text him when you get home. Doctor’s orders.”
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
I'm not sure what this little snippet is, but enjoy it anyway I guess aha!
It was about time the hero tried a different tactic. They were tired of waiting for the villain to do something, then showing up to stop it. This time, the hero wanted to stop the villain before anything happened in the first place.
It was genius, really, and was something the hero really should have tried a long time ago.
The only problem, was *finding* the villain in the first place.
It wasn't like the hero had a home adress.
He'd spent nearly two hours scouring the city, hopping from rooftop to rooftop with no sign of anything abnormal when he heard a faint, almost whimpering sound.
The hero was thankful they had heightened senses, otherwise they may not have heard it at all.
They used their super strength to climb up the tall building, continuing to hop a few more rooftops when they froze.
Their eyes landed on the villan. He was sitting on a slightly sloped roof, back against a brick wall where the building continued upward. Their knees where pulled taught to their chest, cape wrapped around them like a blanket to shield them from the chill of the cool night air. One arm was wrapped around their knees, holding their dagger while the other hand was wiping at their face, trying to disperse the tears- *they were crying*.
The hero suddenly felt uneasy. What were they supposed to do here? They always saw the villain as cold, heartless, emotionless but, clearly that wasnt the case. They weren't sure what to do, or even how to feel with that information.
Information they clearly weren't supposed to have, given how high up and secluded this spot was. The villain clearly wanted to be left alone.
But, they were a hero! They're job was to help people and this villain was clearly in distress! He couldnt just leave!
They jumped onto the same roof as the villain, who didnt seem to notice. They were still a good 7-10 meters away from them, but the villain was usually very intune with the environment. The hero had never been able to get even near this close to them without the villain being fully aware.
They were now close enough to use their enhanced hearing to hear the ragged breathes and rapid heartbeat of the other.
The hero took a breath.
"Beautiful night out tonight," the hero offered in a friendly, conversational tone. They were smart enough to know that directly asking what was wrong wouldnt get them anywhere.
The villains reply came in form of a violent flinch and sharp inhale of breath. Their head snapped to look at the hero, shock and... was that *fear* written all over their face?
The villain never wore a mask, much like the hero, but they did usually have a hood down over their face, so being able to see it this clearly was strange.
However, with being able to see it this clearly, the hero could see how red and puffy the area around their eyes were, their cheeks thoroughly damp with tears, their eyes red.
The villain immediately directed their dagger at the hero, scrambling backwards across the roof frantically.
The hero held their hands up, "I come in peace,"
The villain stared at them in shock for a moment, "why are you... what... how long have you been..."
Before the hero could reply, the villain shook their head, steeling their features and pushing themselves to their feet. They wiped their face and took a deep breath, grasping for some sense of composure.
"What do you want?!" They snapped, "Why are you here?!"
Their grip tightened on their dagger.
"Theres no need for that, I come in peace, I swear," the hero tried.
"As if you would ever show up just to chat," the villain hissed.
The hero surveyed the situation. Clearly, the villain, who was usually overly composed and smooth, was distressed.
The villain was doing a good job faking composure, but it was obvious in way their fret twitched, weight shifting from foot to foot, fingers flexing while their eyes darted all over the place. They were one wrong word away from taking off.
Right now, the hero was a threat, and he needed to be seen as not one.
Slowly- very slowly, so the villain could track their movements, the hero sat down on the roof, sliding themselves to sit back against the brick wall like the villan had previously. He bend a knee, resting his elbow on it as he looked out at the city. They didnt look over at the villain, trusting their super hearing to tell them if they moved.
"The view from up here is pretty breath taking," The hero commented casually.
"My favourite spots are usually around the inner city, like the tops of the big office buildings, but this spot might be even better, with the already tall building being on a hill and all."
Finially the hero dared a glance at the villain.
They were standing in the same spot, though their posture was more relaxed. They were staring at the hero with a dumbstruck look on their face.
"What are you doing?" They asked, narrowing their eyes.
"I mean, we could talk about the weather if youd rather?" The hero smirked.
The villain glanced away, seemingly considering running again.
"Come on," the hero added, "it's not like you have anything interesting going on tonight,"
"That's a rude assumption to make," The villain replied jokingly, crossing his arms and relaxing more as he glanced at his feet.
"Please, you know if you had something important going on tonight I would have been bat signaled already,"
The villain snorted at that. They gave the hero another look over, before caving and settling back down against the roof.
"Is this your way of telling me your bored? Have I not been active enough for you?"
"Thats- not what I meant," the hero sputtered, causing the villain to chuckle slightly.
The hero glanced over, watching the villain twirl his dagger in the air mindlessly. Or, well, mindedly, considering they were using their telekinesis. But it was twirling in a non threatening way, just spinning in the air like a spin top.
"That's a pretty cool trick," the hero commented.
"What? Oh-" the villain blushed, plucking the dagger out of the air like he hadn't even realized hed been doing it.
"sometimes I wish I had a cooler power," the hero started so the villain wouldnt have to explain themselves.
"Wait, really?" The villan asked, looking at the hero in shock.
"Yeah, I mean, dont get me wrong, enhanced senses and strength are certainly handy, but they arnt as cool as like flight,"
The villain hummed, fidgeting with the dagger in their hands, twirling the tip against their finger.
"Super senses also have their downsides, like when someone is trying to surprise you by baking you something, but you can smell it before you even get in the house,"
"I get the feeling theres a story there,"
"Friends tried to throw me a surprise party, I could hear them shuffling and whispering from down the hall, and I could smell the cake and such,"
"Only a hero would view not being able to be surprised as a *downside*" the villain replied, rolling their eyes.
"I guess I shouldn't complain though, it helps with being a hero a lot, without the hearing I probably wouldnt have heard you,"
Out of the corner of his eye, the hero saw the villain immediately tense, bristling slightly.
"Is that why your here? Doing this? You think I'm someone in need of saving?" They hissed.
"Partly," the hero admitted, "I dont think anyone deserves to be alone when there upset, but I'm also making sure you arent up to anything dastardly,"
"Oh yeah, I'm always doing something villainous alright, like crying on a rooftop," they replied mockingly, before realizing they were admitting to crying.
"I wont pressure you into an answer, but you know I have to ask..." the hero replied after a moment of silence.
"Theres no way-"
"Before you turn me down," the hero interjected, "consider I'm one of the few people who may actually understand, considering the uh... line of work,"
The villain stared with a blank, unreadable expression for a few moments, before huffing and looking off to the horizon again.
"Its the anniversary of something. That's the only information your getting,"
The hero hummed in response, continuing to look off into the horizon. They both stayed silent.
In the end, it was the villain who broke it.
"I need to go." They stated, standing up.
"oh really? Where are you off to?" The hero asked with genuine curiosity.
The villain shot them a baffled look, "you know I'm not going to tell you that... right?"
"Your weird, hero,"
"Why thank you," The hero joked.
"Until next time," The villain stated, before stepping backwards off the roof.
"Farewell!" The hero called.
Things were... different after that night.
Second part here!
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relaxxattack · 3 years
ayo! (wait this might be a bit of a jumpscare dishdks i apologize) i’m op of That Post and was wondering what your opinions were on the whole woobification thing? /gen
because it’s a Tiny Bit widespread within the dream apologists to sort of,, overdramatize stuff like l’manberg hurting him. like they’re not a 100% wrong but if you look at it subjectively you can see some sort of bias going into that sort of thing that makes the character’s mistreatment a bit more blatant and intentional which,, it really wasn’t? and there wasn’t That Much of it either. especially on twitter (tumblr is much better about it) people just jump to conclusions it seems and yeah. since you brought it up i was wondering if you wanted to write a bit about it from your perspective!
we’re kinda from different corners of the fandom but i still notice that once you are too attached to a character you start taking certain evidence and giving it more weight than it actually has. there’s a blurry line between “taking away a character’s humanity” and woobification and it’s extremely difficult to find a balance when said character shows pretty much nothing of his emotional life (e. g. putting up the intimidating villain act in front of only c!tommy, pretty much everything he does making rational sense with no emotional subtext) and a lot of the fandom instantly jumps to one side or the other while it’s like.
we don’t know by far enough to say “he’s traumatized” or “he isn’t traumatized” or “he was villainized and it hurt him” or “l’manberg didn’t affect him at all”
as a very analytical person people constantly jumping to conclusions grinds my gears, but that’s about it for my own view of the situation - sorry for the rambling.
in general i agree with you that both dehumanization and woobification is Bad and i really hope getting Actual Context sorts this out (e. g. him saying he was betrayed by his friends doesn’t mean it wasn’t partially his fault or that they were allowed to leave him, but it also shows that he did care about that happening. mentioning the cat doesn’t mean anything about what happened to c!tommy but it also shows that he did care about what happened to it. it’s just always interesting to get more information about the way he feels because he usually does a very good job at hiding it.) because man.
it’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, especially if you also are attached to the character and are expected to automatically agree with everything the people on “your side” say. it just ends up with everyone being mad and the character being mischaracterised overall.
oh wow hello! i didnt expect the op of the post to find me you’re right lol
and yes i agree! you seem to have a lot of very good thoughts tbh.
and by woobification, i mean exactly what you’ve already pointed out— the people who will say l’manberg purposely villainized dream, the people who will say wilbur faked his mental illness to manipulate dream, the people who are pretty much always talking about how badly dream was treated by people who were acting only fairly for themselves, usually.
for example people who act like dream was a perfect peacemaker before tommy showed up, or that tommy started most conflict. these are just actual lies that are told by c!dream himself to justify his abuse of tommy, and people fall for them incredibly easily because not a lot of people watched early dsmp and know that truthfully it was chaotic even then, and that dream was chaotic too. not to mention wilbur soot tried very hard to secede peacefully with l’manberg and dream jumped directly into war with no warning. and then people say he was forced into their war when, no, he started it.
theres also people who will say like, dream and sapnap for example are such good friends. i’m sure they cared for each other, but dream on multiple occasions has done horrible things to sapnap with no regard for his feelings (like leading fundy to sapnaps pets during the petwar, leading tommy to sapnaps pets during the other petwar and encouraging him to kill them, handing mars over to tommy to use as leverage against sapnap, etc). george he’s been less awful too but he certainly spoke over him and ignored his feelings enough that george felt hurt. he had places in his hall of attachments for beckerson and mars. george and sapnap were right to walk away from being treated like that.
there’s also what you just said here — “dream puts on a villain persona for tommy”— but honestly he acts like that around quite a few people (example: eret) and it’s usually when he’s revealing crucial info, which leads me and many others to believe that ‘persona’ is actually a more truthful version of him.
there’s the fact that he really isn’t safe for people to be around (or at least he wasn't before the prison) because he was planning to come up with ways to control every single person by stealing and threatening their attachments (some of which were not items but were living animals, or a real breathing person).
and then people will say dream was doing exile to enforce rules, or to keep the peace— when it’s very clear in canon it was a deliberate plan to get tommy on his own and into the prison. (from the way he was framing tommy for multiple crimes, and having sam set up the prison, and kidnapping tommy instead of correctly exiling him, all at the same time).
not even going into how he wants to kill and revive people for fun or make tommy immortal.
it’s just— ignoring all these actual facts and saying “oh he misses his friends, let’s get him some friends now” reminds me of like. when people would put flower crowns on pictures of serial killers. and then, there’s hardly anyone on the server who wasn’t subject to dream’s plans, so there’s absolutely no one i would be okay with him interacting with.
just remembered about the torture thing, and wow i still hate it so much. it’s someone’s sick revenge fantasy twisted into a way to get a manipulative villain sympathy, and it’s just gross to me on every account. i do think dream is traumatized-- just not by l’manberg, which was a conflict he started on his own terms. i would think l’manberg did affect him, because he was scared of losing control.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again— my ideal ending for dream would be for him to be sent far away from dsmp to an island full of therapy animals and super strong therapists who have never met him before. and for him to get a shit ton of therapy until he becomes a halfway normal person. and then eventually he could get integrated into society again; but a different one with new people. (although maybe dteam + bbh + puffy can visit him, they might still like him.)
none of the people on the server (who have all been affected by dream) should be burdened with befriending him or rehabilitating him— look how that turned out with sam! sam had a personal grudge towards dream and it ended with the poor dude being tortured every day; and sam himself falling into corruption and literally cutting off his boyfriends arm. like we can all see thats fucking awful right?
no one who was affected by dream should have to deal with him ever again. and contrary to popular belief, that includes a LOT more people then just tommy. dream isn’t just tommy’s antagonist, hes almost everybody’s.
the only person on the server who might also be able to stand to help dream is techno, and that’s from sheer lack of ability to give a shit. but techno is probably THE furthest thing from a good therapist there is lol, and dream needs better then that.
this kind of just ended up being a rant about my thoughts on c!dream, so im so sorry op. especially since it was probably negative for you. i hope you’re doing very well.
i guess in the end it’s true what you said— people will highlight or ignore things based on what characters they like, and it’s especially easy to do in this fandom, where half the content doesn’t even get watched and then we become a big echo chamber of half-truths.
considering dream has hurt so many of the characters i care about, i almost can’t understand how he could be someone’s favorite or comfort character— but he is nonetheless, and it would be unfair of me to be rude about that.
essentially it just bothers me to see someone who was a perpetrator of accurately portrayed abuse and manipulation (using both those words in their actual definitions, not just as random buzzwords lol) being given the flower crown edit effect. especially since he’s hurt the characters i care about a lot.
ANYWAY all of that being said (this got LONG im so sorry op) i am so so excited to get dream’s pov, because although i disagree with his actions strongly i actually find dream’s character very interesting and cool, and watching his POV is going to insanely fun. i cannot wait to see what theories get confirmed or denied
ALSO incase it wasn’t clear this is all /nm at you! you seem lovely and smart, and neither of us can help what characters we get attached to :]
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velvet-inferno · 3 years
I'm doing my part.
Tumblr media
Okay so I would normally just upload the drawing but in this case I actually want to talk about this whole "visible man" thing.
I honestly find it very funny that people are upset about floating glasses not being hot, but let's analyse why? Why were people even expecting something in the first place? Of course the main factor is personality. Griffin, throughout the movies, was shown to be basically Tumblr's ideal man: funny, smart, loyal, kinda reserved and as a bonus he's good with kids. But all of those qualities are not tied to appearence, Griffin would be the same way as a dilf or as a chubby guy, so why did people felt catfished? One of the arguments is that, lore wise, it doesn't make sense for Griffin to be fat considering that he excercises and doesn't take a lot of space. Another argument is that it doesn't make sense for him to be balding because we have "seen" him take care of his hair during a scene in the first movie, during the same we discover that he's a redhead with curly hair. And yes, techinically you're all right. However, I think that if even if they magically change his design for Transformania none of you would be satisfied and here's why: he was not designed to have a human appearence in the first place. I've been watching and analysing the invisible man in the movies and I have noticed that the animators probably didnt have a body in mind. They tried and clearly succeded in giving glasses a personality, in fact they did such a good job that no face will look like it belongs to the character. I didnt redesign Griffin, I didnt make his canon design "better", I just drew a pretty boy with glasses.
So, Tl;dr it would be impossible to draw a truly satisfying Griffin because those bloody glasses are too funny.
(also theres this whole thing about him looking like an awful Anti-jew cartoon, but I do not consider myself to be the best person to talk about it. If you want to know more you can find information here in Tumblr by scrolling through the Griffin Hotel Transylvania tag)
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burglarbagginsbag · 3 years
Alright so I have this fic idea which I’m probably not going to write out bc I’m not fluent in English BUT my idea that i had for a bamf!Bilbo bagginshield fic:
Everyones already seen it and probably read it but Bilbo is a bamf (AU)
Important background information: Bilbo is like half dwarf (regarding strength, life expectancy, etc) but still has the appearance of a hobbit which is why (even though he has been out on adventures already) he was able to settle down in the shire and blend in with the mass without any problems
So when Gandalf goes to bag end to recrute Bilbo as a burglar Bilbo recognizes him immediately bc they’ve been on adventures together before (and yes bilbo is happy to see gandalf bc im a sucker for bilbo and gandalf being friends)
And Gandalf is like “ok you see theres this dwarf king and his 12 ppl who need to reclaim their homeland and i dont want them to get themselves killed by accident so could you go with them?”
and bilbo is like “i actually have enough gold i dont rly need a new job but it sounds kinda fun, bring them over for dinner and then tell me more”
So Gandalf is satisfied and tells thorin and his company that they are expected for dinner
When Bilbo prepares for the evening he watches out that some of his curls cover his eyes and a part of his face and puts on baggy clothes so his stature isnt revealed bc no one outside the shire really knows what bilbo looks like - they only heard stories about him and bilbo wants to keep it this way
Dwalin arrives and is like “at your service” and Bilbo is actually polite and everything, shows him the dining room and welcomes dwalin and dwalin is like “??? isnt this a hobbit shouldnt he be kinda freaked out? ok guess gandalf was right when he said that this dud is chill”
and so bilbo welcomes all the dwarfes (except thorin of course bc this dwarf lost his way twice) and they are all a bit surprised by the hospitality but dont complain
So movie verse they eat and throw food and all and even though bilbo is not pleased he doesnt say anything but observes his guests, cocks an eyebrow at gandalf from time to time while gandalf shoots him half amused half apologetical smiles
And then thorin knocks, everyones going silent again and gandalf says “he’s here”
And Bilbo opens the door by himself looks at the dwarf while thorin just enters not even looking at bilbo but greeting gandalf and you see in gandalf’s face that he is half panicking about what bilbo will say but bilbo just snorts amused and goes back to the dining room
gandalf follows him so the rest of the company follows gandalf and bilbo just shoots a look at the wizard like “are you serious you said dwarfs are coming here not unpolite and ungracefull beings without manners”
Gandalf tries to cough the awkwardness away “ALRIGHT, now that we’re all here we shall discuss the plan!!”
And Thorin just doesn’t get it, he doesnt get why gandalf seems so nervous around the hobbit whose name he doesnt even know (he leans into Balin and asks for the hobbits name out of pure interest but balin just shrugs realizing that the hobbit hasnt given away his name to anyone)
So now they entered the hobbit hole, ate bilbos food and dont even know what he completely looks like or what his name is
Gandalf repeats the plan mostly for bilbo so he knows whats going on and after the wizard is done bilbo hears a “thats what we need a burglar for!”
And gandalf looks so done bc he looks at bilbo and bilbo just snorts and smirks because all his life and after all he has done he has never been called a simple “burglar”
Bilbos occupation is the following: his mother was still belladonna and a took and his father was like mentioned above a dwarf, so while both of them died they still taught him a lot. His father showed him how to fight in general and with a sicklesword and how to throw knives. Training was never a problem for bilbo because (half dwarf) he has a lot of potential strength. His mother taught him about stealth and plants especially poisonous ones so soon bilbo was not only able to fight but to make mixtures of poisons and still being as quiet as only a hobbit can be
Bilbo’s father was a warrior and had to go on a mission but he knew that the enemy had information and that by just “kiling them off” the information would be lost. Having trained his son for many years and knowing that bilbo can be completely silent and probably deadly if desired he decides to take bilbo with him, bilbos mission is to knock someone out with a throwing knife to the shoulder which is covered in narcotics
Bilbo does an excellent job and his father is impressed and is like “i know you’ve never seen anything like this, youve never killed we only trained but i think you would be ready to fight by my side after we got our information out of this dude”
And Bilbo is both really good at fighting and at getting information out of the dude (I imagine him using some non toxic but pain bringing mixtures)
Bilbo and his father return home safely and Bilbo finds himself both guilty and thrilled bc he just killed like A TON of people with his father but at the same time it was exciting and he has this itch in his fingertips to do it again
After some years both of his parents die and not being able to stay in the Shire due to the memories bilbo travels through middle earth, hides his identity and then he hears someone in a pub talking about “killing someone for the better and how he would give a ton of gold to the person who could take out his target” and bilbo is like “oh” and goes out, satisfies the itch in his fingers, kills the person and demands his gold
The news spread like fire and everytime rumors come up about someone that should be killed for a good purpose bilbo will investigate, see if the person should really be killed, and if so will take the person out and demand his gold
Back to present events Thorin is like “do you think this is funny, hobbit? do you think the legacy of my kin is something you are allowed to laugh about? what do we need a hobbit for anyway?”
And Bilbo just pats his shoulder takes the contract that Gandalf held in his hands without saying anything and starts reading it
after he is done everyone looks at him not sure if they should be impressed or unnerved by this hobbit who seems to think so highly of himself that he can disrespect the king
but before anyone could say anything bilbo has signed the contract while looking at thorin from under the curls that covers his eyes giving him a smug smile and you just see that thorin is “this” close to snapping
Bilbo asks when they depart and gandalf says that they will leave by break of day
Thorin considers leaving earlier so they dont have to take the hobbit with them but doesnt say anything
Next day the dwarfs expect bilbo to have a ton of bags with him and that he would be in disadvantageous robes for traveling and they could laugh about him
But the sight they are greeted with is just? (I actually have some concepts in my head for Bilbos outfit but i dont rly know if anyone wants to see them BUT)
Bilbo is wearing of course no shoes but he is wearing long trousers with leather armor around his shins and knees, flexible but still protecting him; he wears a thin chainmail and over that a normal shirt, his arms are protected by thin leather which still looks resilient; a dark cloak which is secured with a clip around his neck; starting by his collar bones down to his navel in a “v” shape are all in all 12 throwing knives attatched in holsters and a sickle sword hangs at each of his sides; his hair which reaches his shoulders is tied up in a simple bun and in front of his face there is a short veil so that only his lips are visible; sewn onto his belt he has like 20 little bottles with different mixtures and poisons and he carries one simple backpack
and the dwarfs are like??? armor??? which looks??? high quality??? weapons??? on this hobbit??????
and they turn to gandalf and gandalf just tries to suppress a laugh at the surprised faces bc he just knew that out of sulkiness bilbo would not even try to hide any of his weapons but present them to the dwarfs
and like this basically the movie verse story would be retold
and it would be a bagginshield fic - oh my god it would be a bagginshield fic
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patrickswayzeme · 3 years
Happy Holidays everybody! Sorry this is a bit late! This is my Secret Santa gift as part of @secret-santa-klaus
My gift is for @skull-w-cigarette , I hope you like it!
Note: this takes places in some kind of alternate timeline where the Hargreeves meet up on a less of an urgent timeline in the 60s. Around the same time but maybe a few weeks later, closer to Christmas. I apologize for the plot not being better thought out, I just thought of the idea and ran with it. Hope you like it! (I also apologize for the lack of a cut, I’m on mobile, I will fix it as soon as I get to a computer)
Allison had almost forgotten her alibi. She grimaced as she looked down at the shopping bags on her arm, filled with hurriedly bought presents. Whatever size shoe that was, she did not think it was actually her husbands. She hadn’t actually went out to go shopping on a Saturday afternoon. She had been having lunch with her sister, which she knew she didn’t have to hide from her husband, but the truth was she wasn’t ready to explain it all. Yes, she had one sister but no her sister didn’t remember who she was and yes they were all adopted. Once she got to that point, she would have to explain who had adopted them, and it was going to keep getting more and more complicated after that. He had already been spooked by two of her brothers and she was going to get to explaining everything, she promised herself, but she just needed a little more time. She let out a deep breath before opening her front door. She smiled as soon as she did and noticed that Ray had decorated while she was gone. The Christmas tree was up and covered with tinsel and there were already presents wrapped under the tree. “Awww” she couldn’t help murmur audibly. He was so sweet. She felt a pang of guilt in her stomach when she thought of the poorly chosen shoes and the half-baked lie he would never suspect.
“Ray?” She called, the smile could be heard in her voice “don’t worry about hanging the mistletoe. You don’t need the help.” She joked in a sing song voice, peaking around corners in search of her husband.“Honey!” Rays’ familiar voice exclaimed, coming out of the kitchen, his arms wide open ready for a hug which Allison immediately excepted. Hey!” She playfully smacked his hand when he tried to look in the bag. “No peaking!” She scolded. Ray chucked and backed away “sorry sweetheart, I just can’t help it!”Allison quickly stuffed the bags in the coat closet, promising herself she would buy better gifts later. Ray excitedly grabbed her hands and started gently pulling her to the kitchen. “Now follow me, I got something to show you!” “Did you decorate the kitchen too?” Allison asked excitedly.“Not quite” Ray winked as he slipped behind her and covered her eyes. “No peaking” he repeated, laughing. Allison smiles impatiently. She heard some kind of scraping sound? No, it was more like a slobbering and a scraping sound and then heavy breathing. “What on earth do you have in here, Ray?” She asked, still amused but growing skeptical. “Surprise!” Ray exclaimed when lifted his hands over her eyes to reveal a small golden colored dog happily eating from a brand-new doggy dish in the kitchen floor. “A dog, Ray? It’s a bit early for Christmas...l” she began slowly, not wanting to hurt his feelings but I little surprised he had never asked her about pets before making this decision. She rationalized that perhaps pet buying wasn’t considered as series of a decision as it was in the future and resisted the urge to get upset. Ray put a calming hand on her shoulder, noticing the worry creases on his wife’s forehead. “Now don’t worry!” He calmed “He’s not for us, he’s for your brother!”
Allison’s eyes went wide. “My brother?! Ray, which brother of mine do you think would be capable of this kind of responsibility…Klaus can barely take care of himself, and I think Luther would like a dog, and could probably take care of one, but I don’t really know where he’s living right now, and his current job is kind of unpredictable…and a pet could be used as leverage…” Ray took Allison’s hands in his own and gently pulled her closer to him. “Baby, slow down. He’s for your little brother! How old is he 11? 13? Where have you been hiding him?” Allison took a deep breath as she realized which brother he must have met. “Five?” She asked. “Pardon?” Ray asked, obviously confused. “He’s…five…years…old?” He asked, slowly. “I mean I know he’s young, but he definitely seemed older than ten….is he a leap year baby or something?” Allison waved her hands in a criss-cross motion. Even though she had regained her voice, she still used motioned with her hands more than she used to. “No, sorry…that’s his…nick-name. Five…” She backed up to lean against the counter. “I’m sorry, when did you meet me ‘little’ brother?” “This morning actually. It was a little scary at first. I came down a little late for breakfast and he a was just sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. It was kind of cute though, after you know, the fear of an intruder wore off.”
Allison nodded. “Okay...what did she say?” “He just asked where you were and I said you were out but he could stay or I could drive him home but he said it was fine and he would stop by later, downed the coffee in the cup and left. I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid that...sophisticated before if that’s even the right word.” Allison laughed “theres a lot of word you could use to describe my brother.”
Alison felt hot breath on her ankles and looked down to see the puppy jumping on her legs, desperately trying to jump up closer to her face. She had almost forgotten about him. He had finished devouring his food and now wanted attention. She scooped him up in her arms and scratched his head.
“Aw, Ray you really shouldn’t have, but he is adorable...” she nuzzled the puppy’s head with her chin and pouted. “can we keep him?”Ray laughed “if your brother doesn’t want him then, sure.” He said warmly. “I guess we should ask his..your...parents?” He said slowly and unsure, hoping Allison would jump in with some more enlightening information. She didn’t. She took a few moments before putting down the wriggly puppy in her arms back on the floor. “Let’s go sit down and talk.”
Ray’s biggest take away from Allison’s limited explanation of her siblings seemed to be that Five was living somewhere alone. Or at least somewhere unknown. She had tried to explain that wasn’t really as alarming as it seemed, he could take care of himself. “He spent years alone” she explained. That only made Ray more concerned. “He’s staying with us.” He kept saying definitively. “At least for a little while.” Allison tried to explain that it was probably impossible to convince him of this and that he might be staying with her brother, but he was insistent. “Won’t people ask questions if we..?” “Have a little white boy living with us?” Ray finished “yes they will. But we’re going to figure it out. He is your brother and even the simplest of minds are going to have to accept that.”
When Five came back the next day, Ray found him in the kitchen again, sipping coffee out of the same mug. “Is she here?” He asked politely but matter of fact, looking up from his coffee to briefly flash a polite smile before looking a way again. There was something so unusual yet familiar about his demeanor that Ray found a bit unnerving but also kind of amusing.
“She is...but before she comes down, there’s something I want to show you.”
Five cocked an eyebrow. “Okay...” he looked at Ray for a a minute, sighed then got up.
“Wait one second!” Ray said excitedly, holding up a finger before dashing into the other rooms
Five sighed again and sat back down to finish his coffee. He thought he might just sneak upstairs to talk to his sister or better yet, leave through the kitchen window. He decided against it if not just for curiosity’s sake. Although he didn’t think that Allison would be able to stay with her husband since they had to go back home and fix the timeline, he did want to at least make sure he was as nice and as well meaning as he seemed.
“Okay you can come into the living room now!” Ray called. He was sitting on the floor, under the Christmas tree holding a box, that seemed be struggling out of his grasp. He had been gently holding down the lose fitting lid and let go as soon as he saw his brother-in-law. Out a sprang a little golden brown puppy right towards Five. Five took a step back and cocked his head at Ray in confusion. “A..dog?”
“Uhh yeah...he’s for you..” Ray was suddenly a bit flustered. This wasn’t the reaction he expected. Did he just buy this boy a dog because he had never got one as a boy, he briefly wondered. “Allison and I..well we were hoping..”. “We wanted to let you know you could stay here.” Allison’s voice cut in. Ray turned to see his wife smiling in the doorway.
“The lady of the house has spoken!” Ray said as he walked over the to her and kissed her forehead. “Good morning, dear.” He murmured.
Five looked at the couple incredulously.
“I won’t be doing that. I’m staying with our brothers and another guy. It’s all good.”
Ray started protesting, Allison just looked at her brother with a thin lipped smile, totally unsurprised. She touched Rays shoulder, to let him know it was okay.
Five got up and dusted himself off “Allison, let’s catch up some other time. This address.” He handed her a card with small neat handwriting. “I will be taking Mr. Pennycrumb though.” He said matter of factly, reaching to shake Ray’s hand. “Thank you, Raymond.” He said before scooping up the puppy and going out the front door.
Raymond looked dumbfounded at his wife who just shrugged. Ray laughed, leading Allison to laugh. “Let’s go get some breakfast, sweetie.”
He said taking her hand.
Allison’s eyes went wide. “My brother?! Ray, which brother of mine do you think would be capable of this kind of responsibility…Klaus can barely take care of himself, and I think Luther would like a dog, and could probably take care of one, but I don’t really know where he’s living right now, and his current job is kind of unpredictable…and a pet could be used as leverage…” Ray took Allison’s hands in his own and gently pulled her closer to him. “Baby, slow down. He’s for your little brother! How old is he 11? 13? Where have you been hiding him?” Allison took a deep breath as she realized which brother he must have met. “Five?” She asked. “Pardon?” Ray asked, obviously confused. “He’s…five…years…old?” He asked, slowly. “I mean I know he’s young, but he definitely seemed older than ten….is he a leap year baby or something?” Allison waved her hands in a criss-cross motion. Even though she had regained her voice, she still used motioned with her hands more than she used to. “No, sorry…that’s his…nick-name. Five…” She backed up to lean against the counter. “I’m sorry, when did you meet me ‘little’ brother?”
“This morning actually. It was a little scary at first. I came down a little late for breakfast and he a was just sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. It was kind of cute though, after you know, the fear of an intruder wore off.”
Allison nodded. “Okay...what did he say?” “He just asked where you were and I said you were out but he could stay or I could drive him home but he just said it was fine and he would stop by later, downed the coffee in the cup and left. I don’t think I’ve ever met a kid that...sophisticated before if that’s even the right word.” Allison laughed “theres a lot of word you could use to describe my brother.”
Alison felt hot breath on her ankles and looked down to see the puppy jumping on her legs, desperately trying to jump up closer to her face. She had almost forgotten about him. He had finished devouring his food and now wanted attention. She scooped him up in her arms and scratched his head.
“Aw, Ray you really shouldn’t have, but he is adorable...” she nuzzled the puppy’s head with her chin and pouted. “can we keep him?”
Ray laughed “if your brother doesn’t want him then, sure.” He said warmly. “I guess we should ask his..your...parents?” He said slowly and unsure, hoping Allison would jump in with some more enlightening information. She didn’t. She took a few moments before putting down the wriggly puppy in her arms back on the floor. “Let’s go sit down and talk.”
Ray’s biggest take away from Allison’s limited explanation of her siblings seemed to be that Five was living somewhere alone. Or at least somewhere unknown. She had tried to explain that wasn’t really as alarming as it seemed, he could take care of himself. “He spent years alone” she explained. That only made Ray more concerned. “He’s staying with us.” He kept saying definitively. “At least for a little while.” Allison tried to explain that it was probably impossible to convince him of this and that he might be staying with her brother, but he was insistent. “Won’t people ask questions if we..?” “Have a little white boy living with us?” Ray finished “yes they will. But we’re going to figure it out. He is your brother and even the simplest of minds are going to have to accept that.”
When Five came back the next day, Ray found him in the kitchen again, sipping coffee out of the same mug. “Is she here?” He asked politely but matter of fact, looking up from his coffee to briefly flash a polite smile before looking a way again.
There was something so unusual yet familiar about his demeanor that Ray found a bit unnerving but also kind of amusing.
“She is...but before she comes down, there’s something I want to show you.”
Five cocked an eyebrow. “Okay...” he looked at Ray for a a minute, sighed then got up.
“Wait one second!” Ray said excitedly, holding up a finger before dashing into the other rooms
Five sighed again and sat back down to finish his coffee. He thought he might just sneak upstairs to talk to his sister or better yet, leave through the kitchen window. He decided against it if not just for curiosity’s sake. Although he didn’t think that Allison would be able to stay with her husband since they had to go back home and fix the timeline, he did want to at least make sure he was as nice and as well meaning as he seemed.
“Okay you can come into the living room now!” Ray called.
He was sitting on the floor, under the Christmas tree holding a box, that seemed be struggling out of his grasp. He had been gently holding down the lose fitting lid and let go as soon as he saw his brother-in-law. Out a sprang a little golden brown puppy right towards Five. Five took a step back and cocked his head at Ray in confusion. “A..dog?”
“Uhh yeah...he’s for you..” Ray was suddenly a bit flustered. This wasn’t the reaction he expected. Did he just buy this boy a dog because he had never got one as a boy, he briefly wondered. “Allison and I..well we were hoping..”
“We wanted to let you know you could stay here.” Allison’s voice cut in. Ray turned to see his wife smiling in the doorway.
“The lady of the house has spoken!” Ray said as he walked over the to her and kissed her forehead. “Good morning, dear.” He murmured.
Five looked at the couple incredulously, absent minded petting the puppy that was climbing all over me.
“I won’t be doing that. I’m staying with our brothers and another guy. It’s all good.”
Ray started protesting, Allison just looked at her brother with a thin lipped smile, totally unsurprised. She touched Rays shoulder, to let him know it was okay.
Five got up and dusted himself off “Allison, let’s catch up some other time. This address.” He handed her a card with small neat handwriting. “I will be taking Mr. Pennycrumb though.” He said matter of factly, reaching to shake Ray’s hand. “Thank you, Raymond.” He said before scooping up the puppy and going out the front door.
Raymond looked dumbfounded at his wife who just shrugged. Ray laughed, leading Allison to laugh. “Let’s go get some breakfast, sweetie.”
He said taking her hand.
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emmadarci · 4 years
Killing Eve ― 3x06 (Review)
The time has finally come for yet another review. I can’t believe we only have two more episodes and it will be the end of season 3. Seriously, Killing Eve should AT LEAST have 10 solid episodes per season as most of other shows do. It would be just enough content (more than we get now) and without having to stretch things out. Now, theres A LOT to talk about, so I’ll try my best to touch upon as many things and details as I can! So sit back, grab your tea/coffee and let’s get started!
Title cards
I covered this topic back in 3x04 review, but they did it again, and this time the title card game is somewhat different. It’s really apparent that they are experimenting with editing and trying new things and that’s good, because we know that not only they want characters to develop, but to improve and change the editing and production of the show itself.
It was a bit unusual when they swapped from location titles to character names back in 3x04, but this time it was actually fun. I mean “PISS OFF FOREVER?!” This cracked me up sooo bad, I had to rewatch it several times lmao!! And don’t even try to tell me that they left Niko alive for THIS. It’s not the first time he rejects Eve and wants to get away from her, so what is the point of that scene with him? We didn’t get any new information or knowledge. So... I’ll call that waste of precious screen time which, in this case, should be dedicated for Eve’s personal character story because hell, she’s the one who deserves it the most.
Then they did it again with CUBA/NOT CUBA and honestly it cracked me up, AGAIN! I actually loved they did something like this, even though it kind of gave this comedy type of feel knowing how dark and complicated this show actually is. And of course the “THIS IS BULLSHIT” was exactly what Oksana said at the meeting with Helene not so long ago, so them reflecting on that and showing the phrase as a title is so relatable and at the same time kind of expresses how Oksana feels and what she thinks. 
So far they haven’t really decided as to what kind of editing style they are going for, but I do hope that at the end of this season they realize how they will carry the show onwards starting with season 4, because them keeping this up and changing things constantly is not a good thing. Many people find it annoying and really, they aren’t used to any of that, so I hope season 4 will have a more consistent style when it comes to editing and carrying the main storylines, ect!
Niko (ft. Eve)
There isn’t really much to talk about here, other than... Niko being alive makes NO sense, whatsoever. I personally wasn’t expecting to see him being killed off or anything similar to that, but since they basically PITCHFORKED him, just let him die, okay? There is NO way he could’ve possibly survived something like this and that means they have to have a VERY big reason that would, you know, justify him surviving so fans can “ignore” the fact that it doesn’t make sense to begin with. So far, they didn’t provide any reason for that. Niko didn’t say anything useful to Eve... nor did Eve. She was just rejected again and had a confrontation with Niko’s uncle, I believe. Wow, someone of his family members don’t like Eve. What a shocker, right? 
One of the very few options that I could see happening and making sense is for Niko to be alive and for Eve to make a decision and choose Villanelle over him. Not because she lost everybody and she’s the only one she has left, but to be able to choose her because she WANTS to. Instead, what did we see? We saw a very desperate and determined Eve who’s willing to go that extra mile to find whoever hurt Niko. Despite everything, a part of her still has hope for them even now so maaybe, after those fancy “PISS OFF FOREVER” words, Eve will finally come to her senses? Even though most of following scenes had her feeling the same way. So I really have no idea what else to expect and why Niko is still there. 
There’s also a theory going around about how Eve should pull the plug and kill her husband lol. I mean, that way, their conversation from the very first episode about how Eve could kill Niko and that storyline could come full circle, but given what we saw of Eve and her values and mental state.. yeah I don’t see her doing that anytime soon, or ever, in fact. She’s still clinging to Niko somewhat and she must go REALLY wild and dark in order to do something like this. Though, I must admit... I kind of would love to see it as well! At the end of the day we all want dark!Eve to rise... and she is getting there, believe me!
Villanelle & Helene
I’m very conflicted about this duo. Especially after watching the promo/preview of upcoming episode. Yeah... I’m just going to throw it out there. I think Villanelle will end up killing Helene. The meeting wasn’t exactly successful, as Dasha of course lied to Villanelle about having all the control or probably, the description of a Keeper is quite different to Helene and Dasha than what Villanelle already knew about it thanks to Konstantin. So.. could it be that back in 1x07 Konstantin lied to her? Or that Dasha told Helene something different to get Villanelle in line and believing she is actually “moving up” in the world? Honestly, still much to think about.
I LOVED Villanelle’s, or should I say, Oksana’s outfit during the meeting and especially how big of a mess her hair was. I mean the hair perfectly reflects her inner state and yeah, she IS  a mess and she has every reason to be. Someone previously mentioned how Villanelle was the one who went to Russia, but it was Oksana who left it and now I’m starting to really see and feel just how true it is. I mean this episode was almost all Oksana, except a couple of moments where she tried her best to keep her defenses up, for instance being sarcastic with Helene. “Are you trying to seduce me?” I mean... I wouldn’t mind them getting some.. buut, it’s not going to happen. Still, those lines were hilarious as much as they were iconic and yeah, in that moment she was trying to play her main character, which is Villanelle but as soon as she spotted the post card it was over. Oksana took over and she freaked out. The bad thing about this is that she is very emotional and very vulnerable right now, her mind and emotions are all over the place and that could be why she didn’t really think about Dasha being the one who lied to her? Or maybe she did think about it but we aren’t aware of it yet? This can’t mean anything good and I am honestly concerned for her. 
What else I noticed from that scene is that Helene was quite open in terms of deciding to speak to her daughter I’m guessing, in front of Villanelle while not really you know, feeling like she could be in danger? Despite the fact that she is literally standing in front of a killer. I guess she is really used to that and her job is meeting a lot of assassins and other dangerous people? And then there is Villanelle who keeps asking her all kinds of questions, silly or not, she did ask whether Helene was her real name and yet she didn’t answer. In fact, she didn’t answer any of Villanelle’s questions and that is again, concerning. So maybe Helene isn’t her name, but that’s kind of ironic, knowing that Villanelle isn’t really her name either. So yeah, seeing Helene be so...cool around Villanelle especially while she was freaking the fuck out should say something and that probably means she knows exactly how to handle such people and situations like this. I’ll definitely keep my eyes on her from now on. 
Our precious Eve is finally getting some quality screen time. Not enough, but at least she’s getting some. What I absolutely LOVED about her in this episode is just how confident and sure she is about Villanelle not being the one who hurt Niko. Yeah, let’s remember that the last time she and Villanelle saw each other was on the damn bus where they had a major fight and a kiss. That was Villanelle and she was such a smug asshole there and everything and thinking about this now, it’s completely different person from who Oksana is and it’s mindblowing actually. So to think that Eve didn’t consider Villanelle being the one who hurt Niko, despite there not being ANY evidence that state that is just... their connection is simply incredible. No matter how many times Villanelle and Eve end up hurting each other, they STILL have this hidden trust within each other that I find extremely fascinating and then Eve gets the photos of Bertha Kruger and of course, that’s what Villanelle was doing while Eve was in Poland coming to visit Niko. I’m glad that there is this alibi in Villanelle’s defense to show that she was doing something else, KILLING someone else at the time and the fact that Eve thought that it was Villanelle who killed her, even if she did it in a “nice” way... is beyond me. There is really no one else who knows and understands Villanelle/Oksana better than Eve. Period. 
Another important aspect that is worth mentioning is the fact that the writers are kind of robbing Eve of screen time and character development. We haven’t seen her much this season and especially during the previous couple of episodes and even in this one it seems like Carolyn got more screen time than she did and Villanelle as well, who JUST had her solo episode, which is kind of unfair. However, I do think Villanelle deserved to have her own episode now since her character is going through such a huge change, meanwhile Eve is going through her thing, but it doesn’t feel like it’s as huge and as extreme as it is for Villanelle. At least that’s what they’re showing us. But yeah, I think season 2 was way more about exploring Eve’s inner darkness than this season, which is more about acceptance of her dark self and her feelings for Villanelle. Let’s just trust the writers and see how they will handle Eve’s character during the next remaining episodes and only then we can actually judge the crew and the lack of screen time Eve received, because really, what I noticed this season is that Suzanne really wanted to show EVERY character and so far she has been sucessful in that for the most part, with one flaw, that is the screen time management and yeah, we shall see how that aspect is handled in the next episodes!
Villanelle & Konstantin
So we got the hockey game scene. I’m glad to know that Konstantin didn’t set Oksana up by sending her to some strangers. One of the highlights of their conversation was Konstantin’s comment about Oksana’s mother who he thought was INSANE rather than evil and was hoping for Oksana to awknowledge it instead of killing her. Guess she didn’t really consider it as an option? But does that mean then that Oksana as just as insane and isn’t aware of it just like Tatiana wasn’t? At the same time we know that Oksana KNOWS there is something wrong with her, at least that’s what everybody else keeps telling her, so I wouldn’t call her insane. At the same time seeing that Konstantin wanted to give this chance for Oksana to get some kind of closure by being with her family and especially her mother does show just how much he cares about her. Until... their conversation shifts. Again.
So apparently Oksana knows about Konstantin’s plan to “get out” and she is suddenly interested in joining him. Now this part of the conversation PAINFULLY reminds me of their last interaction of season 2 finale. Especially the part where Konstantin chooses his family instead of Villanelle, who is ALSO his family, whether he admits it or not. They might not be related by blood, but he IS her father and seeing not only her own mother reject her but her father as well will do things to you. So again, Konstantin leaning towards choosing to leave with Irina and leaving Oksana behind only to promise her that he will come and get her is not enough. He betrayed her several times... he left her at the prison in season 1 even though he “tried” to get her out of it. He betrayed her at the end of season 2 by choosing his family over her, and now... now it feels like ANOTHER betrayal is coming and to be completely honest I don’t think Oksana can handle so much rejection at the moment. Of course, Konstantin can’t just pick Oksana over his own daughter, but it’s wrong to play with her like that. She killed her own mother and left her blood family in order to get back to her REAL family who is Konstantin and Irina and neither of them show enough of determination to bring her along which really saddens me. I mean Oksana went through enough as it is... I’m not sure how she will get through this if Konstantin will leave her again... and I won’t have it either. They better not do it again.
Villanelle & Irina (ft. Konstantin) 
I just love, love, LOOVE these two together. I mean 1x08 is one of the most iconic Killing Eve episodes and they are the biggest reason why. I’ve been waiting for them to get together again and those a couple of scenes they got to spend together didn’t disappoint. I LIVE for their interactions. I mean what can be better than two sisters bonding? Especially when it’s Vasiliev sisters. Them fighting like true siblings do, having fun while both of them having this insanely chaotic driving session and at the same time touching upon going to CUBA as well as finding out Irina’s feelings towards her own mom and her boyfriend, who Villanelle doesn’t see any reason NOT to encourage her to kill him lmao! I mean, first Irina sarcastically calls Villanelle a “real role model” and 15 seconds later she is literally driving over her step-father LOL! I mean... I am SO proud of her. She really did take her sisters advice on this without much of thinking and at the same time I am kind of concerned about her. We all saw Konstantin’s reaction to her driving over the guy and well... that’s not exactly the best thing to do.
In Oksana’s defense, I do think she was trying to be helpful in giving Irina this advice, since we all know that’s how she normally chooses to solve problems. By killing. Plus, I don’t think she actually expected Irina to take her advice either way. Let’s take Tatianas case for example. Yes, it’s a lot different because she was mentally abusing Oksana for years and there was lack of affection and all that, so Tatiana definitely deserved it. In Irina’s case... she’s just “disgusted” of seeing her mom with her boyfriend all the damn time and I don’t think she should’ve killed anyone for that. Besides, she was already preparing to leave with Konstantin so what’s the point? She wouldn’t have to put up with them anymore, yet she did it anyways. And what stands out for me about this is that we see Oksana not wanting to do any of that anymore, no more killing, just wanting to get out of this assassin thing meanwhile Irina just had her first kill. Kind of beautiful in a way, of having one of them ready to quit this way of life while having one of them indirectly influence and push the other into the beginning of such dangerous path. And from the looks of it, Irina didn’t seem to feel bad for driving over her step-father, like AT ALL. So I wouldn’t blame Oksana for the whole thing. Yes, she planted the idea in Irina’s head but it was her who actually did it and didn’t feel bad about it.
This whole dynamic just makes me want to remember the lunch scene in 1x08 where Villanelle asks Irina “Are you a bad person?” “I don’t know yet” well, guess now we are starting to see the person she is becoming and yeah I don’t think any of us saw this coming, that their previous conversation could be a foreshadowing in this way!. I’m VERY glad they decided to bring Yuli back this season since she is one of fan favorites and like I said, the dynamic between Villanelle and Irina is just great!
Konstantin, on the other hand... guy is in serious DEEP shit this season and now having to witness his actual daughter kill someone... yeah, I think having to handle Oksana is complicated enough and she alone manages to drive him mad so now the idea of having TWO mentally unstable daughters... yup, it’s time to do something about this. At the same time I kind of see the parallel between Oksana and Irina and how they could be reflecting one another. Tatiana wasn’t there for Oksana most of the time and didn’t show her any affection, ect. Konstantin is of course not as bad as Tatiana was, but the fact is, is that he is not really there for Irina. She’s not really getting as much of his attention and love as Oksana gets from him since she’s so demanding. So it makes sense for Irina to become more like Oksana, having them both be neglected by their parents in a way.
ALSO!!! Is it just me or is Konstantin the FATHER of the entire show lol?! A lot of people thought that he might be the one who killed Kenny. Now, all out of sudden he might actually be his father?! Yes, the thought did cross my mind but I never expected them to address it in that way. So... based on Carolyn’s forried look and silence that followed afterwards... this is the confirmation? Konstantin is Kenny’s dad then? Or maybe Carolyn isn’t sure of that either? Life is SO much more complicated in Killing Eve, I swear lol! Then there’s the thing with Geraldine... not sure where they are getting with this yet. Feels like we don’t really know anything about Geraldine just yet and really.. so far it just seems like she has daddy issues which could explain her amazing bond with her father and him not being there anymore. (I assume he died). Funny enough, we see Oksana having mommy issues. Yes. It is a thing now. And I’m not very excited to see where Konstantin/Geraldine thing is going... 
Carolyn (ft. Geraldine)
We finally get to see Carolyn uncovering more information about Kenny’s case and actually it brings more questions than answers if you think about it. Kenny calling Konstantin, him possibly being his father, Geraldine kissing Konstantin and so on. This is suuch a mess. 
The long awaited conversation with Geraldine gave us more insight as to why Carolyn is so cold towards her daughter and I get it. Really. What I don’t realy get is the fact that Geraldine decided to not mention Konstantin coming to visit her while insisting her mother to talk about Kenny. If she wants them to be truly open about things and just have a honest conversation, she has to open up about other things as well. That includes Konstantin. And gosh, she better tell the truth in the next episode because I’ve had enough with all the lies. Plus the season is almost over and we hardly know anything about her. Please, Suzanne, don’t let us down on this!
Eve & Dasha
I just love how easily Eve teleported to Barcelona lol! I’ve been also waiting for their face off and it happened. I was expecting something a lot more... crazier, physical, but all they did was basically annoy each other by fighting over VILLANELLE and their importance in her life while having this bowling match. The fact that Eve has NEVER done it before makes the whole winning aspect sooo much more delicious and come on, Eve just HAD to notice how Dasha missed one of her strikes as soon as she mentioned that Niko was still alive. Makes me wonder if its THAT easy for someone to throw Dasha off her game, yet she’s soo narcissistic and so ahead of herself. 
Eve’s trust in Villanelle continues to AMAZE me, like no matter what Dasha told her she STILL denied all of her bullshit as if it was nothing and that is coming from someone who had only met Villanelle a handful of times. This is such a nice parallel to season 2 finale where Carolyn told Eve that Villanelle wouldn’t do the same for her. Not only did Eve figure out who Dasha was and that Villanelle was working for her, but she actually went to Barcelona to confront Dasha like that and call her out without much of hesitation. Again, Dasha mentioned “killing” Eve and that is concerning. There is a reason Carolyn told Eve that Dasha ended up killing one of her own... and that, I feel, is huge foreshadowing for upcoming episodes. Dasha IS the problem and she will cause even more. Honestly, I’m afraid she might do something to Villanelle or Konstantin for that matter. After all, she DID kill one of her own to save her own ass and I bet she can and will try to do it again.
Villanelle/Oksana (ft. Dasha)
To put it lightly, Oksana is a mess. She is going through a LOT. We’ve never seen her this vulnerable and emotional before and she has EVERY reason to feel this way. Now, it is sad that people seem to be struggling to separate Villanelle from Oksana. Like I’ve mentioned in my previous post, this episode was almost 95% Oksana and the rest 5% of her trying her best to look somewhat like her old self mostly at the meeting with Helene and during her next kill. After killing her own mother, she doesn’t see or feel the same way about killing. At least not right now. It’s a lot more difficult for her to turn her emotions off now that they are so intense and she can’t focus clearly. She is becoming sloppy at her job and she doesn’t want to do any of it anymore. Now that I’m thinking about it, we’ve seen more of Villanelle so far than we have of Oksana. The previous two seasons we saw only this confident persona that Oksana has created with several occasions where her real self comes to surface. And this season it’s all about peeling those layers, of slowly peeling away Villanelle and getting to meet Oksana. So, we are sooo used to seeing Villanelle in action, her interact with people that we can’t see her being emotional, let alone crying. It’s not like her. Because it’s NOT her. It’s Oksana and don’t know her enough to know what she is like and what is in character for her. Truth is, she is vulnerable, hurt and in pain. She is going through the death of her mother, the loss of her family, the loss of control and being manipulated (again)  by others in doing something for them. It all was building up and now she can’t escape those feelings anymore and she wants to quit. 
I feel like this time she REALLY means it. She really wants to quit and she is willing to give away EVERYTHING. The apartment, the clothes.. and EVE. The first time I’ve watched the scene I got really concerned and scared... because that means Villanelle is willing to leave Eve like that. At the same time I started to realize that this is sooo much bigger than Eve or them being together. This is Oksana wanting to have a new life... and she wants it so bad, she is willing to leave Eve behind. This, right here.. it called CHARACTER GROWTH and I am soo proud of her for reaching this point, of wanting this life, wanting something for HERSELF even if it means giving away everything she loves. That’s when you know she is being serious about it. So maybe this will turn out to be a good thing... maybe when Eve will notice and find out about this... she will be even more willing to accept her feelings for Oksana and they might end up just running away together because they can and because both of them want for this bullshit to end.
Now, Konstantin told Villanelle to NOT tell anyone about their escape plan. She promised not to do it but then she had a breakdown and ended up telling it to Dasha.Such a BAD move. I mean.. Dasha is the last person she was supposed to tell this to... and I’m sure it will cause major problems. Dasha will get someone killed and I don’t blame Oksana. She’s not in the right state of mind and really, if she haven’t told it to Dasha, we probably wouldn’t have as much action and drama happening in the next remaining episodes. So will see. But I really do hope Dasha will fail at whatever she will try to do.
I’ve probably said it plenty of times but Jodie Comer’s acting STRIKES AGAIN! So many powerful performances delivered each single episode, I am speechless and I really don’t know what else to say. Just see it for yourselves. She deserves another Emmy and more! 
Villaneve screen time
This is not really a part of a specific episode review, but more like me wanting to point something out. It’s been 6 episodes already and we only got ONE Villaneve scene. The bus scene. The kiss scene. Yeah, it was mindblowing and amazing but that’s not enough. And something tells me they might not even meet in next episode.. only see each other at the very end of the episode and that’s on it’s own upsetting... I mean I dare to say, even season 1 had more Villaneve screen time than season 3 has. I’m not even talking about season 2, where literally they spend together half of a season together occasionally meeeting up. This show IS about them and their dynamic and how can we have it if they are not interacting together? I get that this season is more focused on character development and them evolving separatelly, but Villaneve still has to be a thing... and they better give us the entire finale filled with Villaneve quality content or else... after all, they ARE the main plot of the show for me and there’s that. 
Overall Thoughts
Another solid Killing Eve episode. Since they have only 8 episodes, they can allow themselves to make such rich, intense and filled with information/action type of episodes and it shows. There were a couple of weaker episodes, but overall this season is getting stronger with each episode and I am very nervous as I am scared and excited for the remaining two! 
As always guys, if you have any theories or thoughts about this episode, Killing Eve in general or anything else, feel free to jump in my ask box or message me directly, I’d love to chat!!
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octoshott · 3 years
for that dnd ask im gonna throw alot so :3c 21 and 7 for taeral, 58 and 41 for quill, 2 and maybe 47 for alexandra, and maybe just a little 69 (nice) for luther.
aahHh thank you reed ; v ; !!! okay lets see here.
12: If they were a potion, what would it look like? (Color, glass shape, smell, etc.)
Taeral as a potion would be thick oil, a couple of leaves yanked from things like banana leaf plants and vanilla. It would look like a low, deep greenish colour with flecks of white and gold inside and it would smell of burnt wood and sea salt.
7: How impulsive is your character?
Not very surprisingly! Taeral tries to think things out before doing them, he is much more a fan of having a plan that just going and doing things on a whim and anything sudden or unexpected, despite he can handle it, does tend to stress him out a fair bit. Unless it's an actual situation where he can't lean against a wall n think of course, then he'll be as impulsive as he likes, but usually thats not a natural reaction to him. Plans before stupid, sudden shit, please and thank you.
58: What’s a habit that needs to be broken?
Honestly I'd say Quill's baddest habit is not talking about things and bottling stuff; its a little funny because Quill is kind of an open book so with most things that bother her she usually comes clean pretty quick. As my dear friend Jayson one said, Quill trying to bottle things is like pouring water into a thimble. But the one thing she struggles with is when someone pisses her off or does something she dislikes that makes her specifically hurt or angry she has weird hang ups coming forward to talk about.
I think its something about appearing weak or feeling bad about being hurt by something but she's working on it. It's something that certainly needs to be sorted less another Florence situation arises but thankfully she's doing better with it now.
41: What’s a texture/sound your character cannot stand?
Interesting... hmn. I feel like the sound of like- blacksmith's hammers on metal makes her twitch? Like the consistent plink, plink, plink sound. I also feel in that case the sound of water dripping would drive her fucking insane if left long enough, she loves rain but that has layers to it. It has texture its hitting so many different things and the rhythm is uneven but with a single drip like water dripping from a roof she would hate. Her ears are super sensitive so anything rhythmic sounds would drive her fucking nuts.
2: Do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality?
Alexandra, herself, would probably consider herself an outright optimist. Even in situations where she's utterly terrified and anxious beyond belief and truly believe theres no way out she will always raise her voice and keep her crew in good spirits, even if she cannot put herself in that place and believe it fully herself she understands its important to have share the minuscule amounts of belief with the people shes working with for it to grow and spread.
I want to say truthfully that shes stuck somewhere between realist and optimist but sticks firmly more to the side of optimistic. She's always looking on the silver lining for things and its very unlike her to struggle in finding even thinly stretched ones. She does her best.
47: Do they consider themselves funny? How do they use humor?
Hmnn... Alex tends to consider herself vaguely funny, she knows she can make people laugh and thats important but she doesn't consider herself like overly hilarious. Folks like Cornelius she'd consider more hilarious than her, better at telling and delivering jokes and sarcasm.
Humor for her often comes off as dry sarcasm with a hint of a smile or a good, healthy amount of teasing but the way she would use it would usually be a show of comfort. She does her best to read folks to make sure making jokes isn't an appropriate thing during the time; but its not too uncommon for her to use humor to make light of a situation that might be difficult for her.
69(nice): Which do they value more? Journey or Destination?
OUGHHGHh this is a hard one! Luther's job is being a historian, specifically researching and making information about cultures and places available to people. He loves learning traditions and the ways people did things so long ago and hows its been translated, tweaked and upgraded, had its own little handful spice added to it over the years to make it tied to its roots yet still feel like its progressed and traveled with people throughout the ages.
And in saying this, as much as the destination, finishing a breakthrough and having hard work pay off or even just going through something with someone close to him all for it to end in a satisfying way is a good and wonderful thing. The strides, moments and things that caused that to happen are what make it memorable in its own way and I feel like for Luther's case it'd be the journey.
Sure, he can say that he found out something that led to a breakthrough and ended up discovering something that might otherwise have been missing for years but the time leading up to that, figuring things out with friends, going places and seeing things, the times of laughing and struggling through what seem like impossible puzzles is something he'd hold close and relate to the accomplishment more than the accomplishment itself.
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Dimension Jumping pt. 3
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The Fellowship x Reader
Grocery runs, unsavory conversations of stalking, and toxic mushrooms. Fun.
Trigger warning: Discussions of stalking and dangerous people.
Good ole Sam wasted no time in compiling an entire list of at least 25 different items (some of which you don’t know of), and when he handed it to you, you pat him on the head and praised his devotion to good food. 
You hold a great deal of respect for Samwise for a couple of reasons, and his excellent knack for culinary things is one of them. He does use some off language when referring to different techniques, but it’s easy to work around that language barrier since he’s pretty well spoken (also, you have the others there to give you assistance if you're too confused). 
After you got the list, though, you went ahead and walked to your room and began to get ready, which is what you’re doing now. 
Reluctantly, you change out of your fluffy pants and put on a pair of jeans and maroon shirt, fixing up your hair with some pins once your clothes are all sorted out. 
Once you’re satisfied that you don’t look like a total slob, you leave your room and join the others who are having a discussion about something in the living room. At this point you’ve learned to just tune them out during their boring conversations. 
When you step out into the room it goes quiet.
At first you think it’s because they’re discussing sensitive information, but then you see their eyes locked on your outfit which is different from your usual fluffy pants and t-shirt. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Aragorn asks, glancing over at Sam who seems to know exactly what’s going on. 
You nod your head and grab your purse from the counter and pull your phone out of your pocket. 
Great, more calls and texts from Brian. 
With a roll of your eyes you put your phone in the pocket of your jeans and head towards the door. “I sure am, and I’ll be back shortly." 
"Wait, I still have the list!” Sam calls suddenly, making you pause and pat your pockets. 
“Oh shoot, you’re right!” You turn and accept the list gratefully, then say apologetically, “I promise I wasn’t trying to pull a fast one on you, I just forgot." 
He nods his head (he doesn’t quite understand your odd figurative language) and takes a step back, asking slowly, "Are you sure you don’t need any help…?" 
Aw, what you would give to be able to bring him with you, but no matter how much you wanna, you can’t. 
"I’m sorry Sam. I really want to bring you with me, but it won’t end well for any of us. People will take pictures, hunt me down, and you’ll all probably be taken to government facilities for ‘testing’.” You ruffle his hair tenderly and sigh.
“Government facilities for testing?” Pippin the ever curious hobbit asks slowly. “Taken away?" 
Right, they probably have no idea what any of that means. "Well… how should I put this…” You reach up and bite your thumb while you think it over, then you nod and start again, “You see, humans in my world are really 'curious’ I guess you could say. When there’s something they don’t understand or can’t control, they like to take that thing and do one of two things.” You hold up a single finger, “One, they will lock you up in a lab somewhere and do god knows what to learn what they want. Like experiments and stuff.” You then held up a second finger, “Two, they will eliminate you." 
It seems your explanation successfully scared them all straight because none of the hobbits asked to come along after that. 
"Maybe I’ll be able to figure something out later on, but for now just stay put, okay?”
They all agreed without hesitation.
When you came back a few hours later you were greeted by a really excited Penny as well as Merry and Pippin. “Do you need help with the bags?” They ask eagerly, and you nod. 
“I do… my car is only a few feet away so I suppose it’s okay for you two to go out and grab some. Just stay out of sight and come back in straight away.”
The two hobbits nod their heads and scamper outside to your car (you’d showed it to them a few days back) and began taking the bags from your car. 
Boromir follows after them (he’s quite fond of them you’ve noticed) to make sure they don’t drop anything or get seen no doubt, and nods at you on his way out. 
After everything is brought inside you begin to put everything where it belongs, letting Sam look at everything you got food-wise before putting it away which seemed to make him quite happy. 
Once all the food is taken care of you go back to the remaining bags that contain some other things like toiletries and new clothes that will actually fit them with Merry and Pippin standing over your shoulders to see what you’ve got. 
You hold up some kids section plain clothes and hand it off to them, “These are for you two and Sam and Frodo too." 
They nod in unison. 
You then pull out some more clothes that are more fit for men and pass it off to Legolas who is standing with the hobbits. "And those are for you and Boromir and Aragorn.”
After everyone takes the things you gave them you stand up straight and clap your hands, “Alright, so what I want to happen is everyone bathe and then change into those and then I’ll figure out how to wash your things. Sound good?”
“Yes, thank you very much for your hospitality.” Boromir states, standing from his claimed spot on the couch to approach. “You’ve been very generous." 
"Very generous indeed. We owe you a great debt for welcoming us like this and paying our way through your world.” Aragorn agrees from your comfy chair with Penny in his lap.
You have to resist the urge to glare at him for stealing the love of your life, so you glance away quickly with a pout on your face. “What else was I going to do? Throw you all out?" 
Theres a few moments of silence before Aragorn speaks again, "Well, yes. You would’ve been right to do so, as well." 
"No way, that would’ve been a horrible thing to do! And I like to consider myself a pretty decent person.” You cross your arms over your chest after saying this and glance over toward the front door, thinking silently to yourself for a moment before asking, “None of you happened to see a small black vehicle outside earlier, right?" 
Pippin and Merry share a questioning look, a silent exchange asking if one or the other saw what you’re asking about, before looking back at you and shaking their heads. Boromir also shakes his head 'no’, "I’m afraid not. May I ask why?”
You don’t reply right away, and when you do it’s more of a mumble, “It’s nothing. Just, well, that’s the car the guy who was here yesterday drives and…” You trail off after a moment reaching up to bite at your thumb again like earlier. Quite well you know that Brian has been lowercase ’s’ stalking you, and while that’s unnerving and creepy as fuck you don’t feel much worry about anything happening with them here. What you’re really worried about is him seeing them.
When you don’t speak for a while Legolas asks curiously, “And, what?" 
Your teeth stop biting at your thumb and you allow your hand to fall to your side, focusing in on them again, "Sorry, what I was saying is that he… likes to watch… me, and, er, my house. I’m just worried he’s trying to catch a glimpse of the lot of you is all." 
The taller men and elf share a look, one that you can’t put your finger on, but none of them get a chance to speak before Gimli grumbles, "It sounds like you’ve got a double shadow, if you were to ask me." 
That’s one way to put it. 
"I guess you could say that.” It feels weird to discuss this with others (much less 8 others from another timeline), but it’s better than discussing it with Marissa or something. Nothing ever happens to him because he’s the son of the boss, so when he set his sights on you, you had no other choice then to deal with it. Certainly you would be fired if you were to make a complaint, and it sends shivers down your spine to think about not having your job as a safety net against him anymore. “I-It’s complicated." 
When you descend into silence once more they share more odd looks, and Legolas breaks the quiet once more. 
"Is that man from the day before the reason for your,” he pauses and looks like he’s trying to recall something. His expression brightens when he seems to remember, too, “your hand phone’s constant singing?”
Oh, so they noticed that. Isn’t that embarrassing. 
“You’re very observant… Yes. He is. When I don’t reply right away he likes to send upwards to 100 messages to get my attention." 
"100?” Merry asks in disbelief, looking at his cousin, “That sounds like a lot." 
You reach up and rub the back of your neck, nodding your head sheepishly, "It is. I guess I just ignore it usually." 
"And he tracked you to your home?” Aragorn asks. Before you can respond he asks another question though, “Is he your lover?”
The innocent question makes you physically cringe, and you shake your head quickly and make an 'X’ with your arms, “Um, hell no. That stalker ain’t no lover to me. I don’t know how things are for you, but men like that typically are of the very unsavory sort.” You drop your arms to your sides again, then reach up and run your fingers through your hair as you become more stressed, “He’s a bad person." 
"Then why not tell him you wish to be left alone?” Boromir questions, eyebrows furrowing. “Like you did yesterday." 
Oh, these poor dears certainly don’t get it at all. 
Of course, it’s your job to explain it to them, but you’re not sure if they will even understand. Who knows how things are where they’re from, after all. Maybe they live in some place that doesn’t have this sort of problem.
You then begin to explain, "It’s hard to explain… You see, sometimes when men don’t get their way here, they take it anyway and then we get punished for it. I can’t just tell him to leave me alone because he’s the son of my boss, therefore he is also my boss. So if he makes… advances towards me, I can’t tell him to screw off because I can’t afford to be fired. And the reason I felt comfortable enough to do it yesterday is because I had the two of you there. He’s a coward, and wouldn’t dare to do something in the presence of others he has no control over.” It seems they’re beginning to understand, but there is still confusion in their expressions. 
“So you can’t say so for that reason?” Merry asks, head tilted to the side slightly in a way that makes his shiny curls sway in front of his face. 
“That’s one reason. Yes." 
"And the other?” The blond elf asks again. He’s got to be the most curious of this bunch (next to Pippin of course).
“The other? Well, it’s something a lot more, um, unhappy.” You’re not sure how else to explain it.
No one says anything this time, but you can see that they’re waiting for you to elaborate further. 
“People like him aren’t used to being told no. They see people as playthings and puppets since they’ve been handed everything their whole life. He has power, and I don’t, so therefore I have to just deal with it. I mean, no one would bat an eyelash if he did whatever.” You don’t want to outright say it because it’s a very unsavory and uncomfortable topic, but they just don’t understand where you’re coming from. 
At least they don’t judge you, though.
“But why?” Pippin asks again, scratching the back of his head. “A new job doesn’t seem so bad if you don’t have to deal with him, right?" 
A part of you is grateful that they’re trying to hard to see where you’re coming from, but gosh they won’t get it if you aren’t more direct. 
"I don’t know what people like him are really capable of, Pippin. If I tell him I’m not interested and I hurt his feelings, there’s a strong possibility he would probably kill me, or do something worse than that." 
It seems that bluntness did the trick.
Unfortunately, the confusion is quickly replaced with expressions of horror and bewilderment. 
"He’s going to kill you?” Aragorn questions in alarm, looking over at Boromir and Legolas who share similar shocked expressions. 
Boromir shakes his head and looks at you again, saying rather determinedly, “We won’t let that happen." 
"No, I didn’t say he is going to kill me, I said it’s a strong possibility.” You feel kinda guilty for worrying them like that, “Besides, as long as I don’t go out at night by myself or address his affections directly then I won’t have to worry about it too much anyways." 
You get some weird looks and Legolas asks slowly, "Why do you say that so calmly? Like you’ve already accepted that something horrid could happen with a single misstep?" 
That’s a nice way to put it. Not. 
"Because it’s the reality I live in. Is it not like that where you’re from?” You rub your arms and shift from foot to foot, glancing down at the ground briefly to avoid looking at all their stares. 
“I wouldn’t say that. The world of men is just as despicable there as it is here, but I suppose that it seemed more likely that it would be different in this place.” Aragorn explains, gently stroking his hand down Penny’s back. “But I suppose with us here, you’re safer." 
"I don’t doubt that for a second.” A small smile comes to your face at the assurance of protection, and it warms your lil’ ole heart. 
Okay, but you’re kinda done with this topic now, so you suddenly clap loudly and pick up a bag full of fluffy fabric. 
“Enough of that depressing stuff! I’ve got a bag here full of absolute heaven, and there’s some for all of you!" 
Pippin’s expression brightens, he knows exactly what you’re about to bring out, and he runs over to look inside of the paper bag.
You pull out a bundle of dark blue, red, and black checkered fuzzy pants and drop them all onto the couch. You begin to separate them by size, all the kids sizes on the left, and the mens sizes on the right. 
The boys pants are red and black, while the mens are dark blue and black. What you really wanted was to have everyone match, but this was the best you could do. 
"I’ve also got some t-shirts in this bag,” you nudge another paper bag to your right with your foot, “So you can all bathe and give me your… outfits, and we can figure out how to clean them in my washing machine." 
You turn with a bright smile on your face, and it seems your excitement is rubbing off on them because you see at least 5 matching smiles. 
The hobbits get all of theirs right away and seem rather grateful, Gimli grumbles something about the color, and the dudes and elf guy all share a look but accept it regardless. 
Pippin holds his new pants on one arm and states a very happy, "Thank you!” Before scampering off to the guest room you gave them to, probably, put them on. 
Later in the day after you’ve successfully corrupted the majority of them with your magical fluffy pants, you are hanging out in the backyard with the hobbits (you have a substantial backyard with a tall wooden fence, so you don’t worry about anyone seeing them) when Merry and Pippin suddenly gather around the far left corner of your backyard. 
You pay it no mind at first and continue to idly scroll through your phone, slouching heavily in the chair with your feet planted on the ground and butt half off the chair, until Merry calls to Frodo and Sam, saying something about looking at a thing over there. 
Still you don’t get up to investigate, but you do lower your phone a bit and look at them over the screen like you do when Penny is misbehaving and trying to be sneaky. 
They’re all huddled over something, so you sit up normally on the chair and squint a bit to look at what they’re doing before your eyes go wide. “Hey! No, stop that!” You yell loudly, jumping to your feet and running over as your phone falls on the concrete. You take on a tone you usually only use when talking to your pupper, force of habit you suppose, and it successfully makes them all turn with wide eyes. 
You’ve only ever raised your voice two times, yesterday with Brian, and now, so suffice to say your sudden outburst shocked them all. 
All the hobbits paused with wild mushrooms halfway in their mouths or in the middle of chewing, each one looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
“You can’t eat those!” You exclaim, leaning down and smacking them out of their hands. “They’re poisonous!" 
Oh god, you’re going to have to call poison control, but how on earth are you going to explain any of this? But you can’t just let them die or something, ugh but then you be in so much trouble. 
You reach up and pull at your hair roughly, pacing back and fourth, "Oh god, oh god.” Your pacing is quick and movements frantic as you try to figure out what you’re going to do, “I’ve just killed their hobbits, oh god, why wasn’t I paying attention? I can’t believe I didn’t notice, how could I not?! Oh god!” You look over at them, noticing how all of them are looking at you weirdly, but you ignore that as you rack your brain for a solution, “Is it too late for them to regurgitate it? Ugh that’s disgusting but I can’t call poison control! Way to go Y/N!" 
It seems the commotion has drawn the attention of the other four inside, because the next thing you know Aragorn is stepping in front of you with an alarmed expression on his face. "What’s wrong?”
“I’ve just killed your hobbits is what’s wrong!” You cry, pointing at the four of them and their damned mushrooms, “I-I wasn’t paying attention and they started putting those in their mouths and eating them! They aren’t supposed to do that!" 
The backyard is silent for at least 20 seconds before everyone around you bursts into laughter.
Yes you heard that right, laughter. 
These psychopaths think this is funny!? 
You look around at all of them with bewilderment, stopping your pacing since you aren’t quite in on the joke. 
Was it a prank? Or is there something you’re not getting here? Because they are definitely laughing at you and you don’t like it one bit. 
"Those mushrooms are not poisonous to the little ones, Miss Y/N.” Boromir explains. He’s not laughing quite as much, though he does still looking very amused. “They eat things deadly to us all the time, but they’ve an immunity to it." 
You kinda just stare at him blankly for a few moments before slowly looking over at the hobbits again, then back at Boromir. "I-Immunity…?” Comes you slow question. “So like, they aren’t gonna die?" 
You don’t say anything for a little while, running your hand through your hair slowly as you try to process what the hell is going on. "You know what, I’m not even gonna touch on that." 
Really the fact that you haven’t gone insane yet as is, is impressive in itself, so you find it better to just let the weird stuff pass on by and hope none of it affects you directly. "Enjoy your… mushrooms.” You grumble, walking back to the patio to pick up your phone. 
You were so panic stricken a moment ago that when you dropped your phone on the concrete, the screen cracked. 
Legolas walks up to you as you dust off your phone, “You seemed rather concerned for the hobbits.” He muses, looking down at you curiously. 
A slight flush begins to creep up your neck and you look away, “And what about it?" 
"I only think it interesting how quickly you came to care for them, nothing more. I do not think we have seen you so panicked before." 
Well he’s got a point there. 
You shrug your shoulder lamely, not really sure yourself the reason behind being so concerned for them. "I dunno… I just felt really scared when I saw that is all. I’d be really upset if something were to happen to them.” Your words surprise you slightly, because it’s true. In such a short amount of time, you’ve managed to care for all of them much more then you probably should. 
The blond elf hums thoughtfully and looks back at the others, “It puts me at ease to know we have such a gracious and attentive host, so allow me to thank you for that." 
His praise warms your heart, because truthfully there have been a few times that you’ve been concerned that you aren’t doing enough, but it seems they don’t share in this thought process. "Thank you for saying that." 
"My pleasure." 
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jflove · 4 years
Taekook/Vkook: From things I gathered so far
First of all, it’s just my thinking, I could be wrong. So if im wrong, then just think of this post as a fanfic. So, I started listening/watching BTS just this week. Yeah i know, very late for the party. but i dont usually listen to K-pop, so I came across them simply because they’re everywhere recently. 
They amazed me like most of the world right now, i started to watch their interview or v-live vids just to know them better. 
Then i saw a old news about they almost break the group in 2018, i was really shocked, so i watched the 2018 festa, heard that V talked about Suga write a long massage to him and end with I love you. then Suga said he also sent to another person. 
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then Jungkook raised his hand.
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i found it a bit weird why he didn’t say it earlier, wait till Suga pointed out another person? But i didn’t think into it. the news commented that Suga cared for the two youngest members, and said the almost disbanded reason was pressure from the fame.
Then i came across those Taekook vids, lots of them with detail analyse, those were too many i can’t repeat. i grow up with Japan’s boy groups, those were K-pop’s beginning, so im no new to those fan service behavior. But I really feel this wasn’t the case.
The first one really bring up suspicious, is when Jimin asked if JK was happy, then JK said yes and thank fans.
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I was really shocked to see that, because Jimin actually lower his voice, it doesn’t sound like a joke. 
And also JK’s answer... i have to say hes not the best improviser on cover up. He stop for a sec then said something in a weak tone....
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He didn’t ask why Jimin say that or anything, like a normal person been wrongfully accused. Just really nervous laughing.
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Cute, but boi.
Then theres that famous sleeping together on a boat:
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And also those v-live busted:
Jungkook wasn’t wearing clothes when V came, but they exchanged some shady text before. So theory was probably V told him hes coming but didn’t say he would bring the cam, so... poor JK.
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Anyway there are lots of them, so im not gonna go threw everything. Just my theory: I would guess they probably started just good friends, they both has the same weirdness, and similar age. And JK said he think V really good looking a lot from the beginning. V would pet JK like a puppy and hug him every chance he got.
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Though other’s like the little bro too, but clearly they were the closest.
And most of all, V likes(or needs) to hug something to sleep, and little JK didn’t like sleep alone. So they just naturally sleep together all the time. And other hyungs were used to it. they know each other more than any other members too.
 at first I guess they started to make out around 2017, but now i think probably 14-15. I have to keep changing the timeline earlier because more i dig, more i think it happened very early. 2013 When the group started, Jungkook looked so shy and everyone teased him. V’s teasing a bit different, more intimate or inappropriate even. Like the pic above, JK often looks shy and tries to get away. There’re also a vid (I forgot where i saw it) everyone sit down talking, V held JK under his arm and grabbing his nipple, JK looked so uncomfortable and low key tried to get away.  But that dynamic soon changed, JK suddenly more confident, can tease back, and possessive of V. i think they started to make out during that time. explain why JK used to so awkward when V teased him, because he got aroused by those joking behavior and embarrassed. But after confirmed that the feeling was mature. He’s all exciting and totally in love. But I don’t think they really consider the other one as lover till 2016, could be when V left the group for the movie shooting, the separation made them realized their own feeling. if i can be a bit pervert, i would say before that could just jerking, making out, normal stuff. but 16 or 17 are the time they really doing it and become lovers.
this vid was form 03.24.2017, i saw it from other people’s great vid. pls go watch it, so informational. In this vid you can hear some kissing sound. I used to think this time was they first build up the real sexual relationship so they couldn’t control themselves. But now i think maybe because company were(are) pressing them, so its their way to get back. So as those sneaky tease, it’s their way to express their feeling under the company rules.
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Maybe at first was boys fooling around, but it turn to real general love very quick. It’s not just some dazed and confused, they supported each other in a high pressure industry full with adults. Train together, work together, live together. That would definitely create a strong bond. And I believe them made each other grow a better person. V becomes more thoughtful, discovered his ability on dancing, singing, and song writing. And the very capable JK becomes more caring, confident, and found his mental support he can always rest his head when he really tired.
The another shock for me was the behind scene of Winter Bear.
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first of all, JK isn’t in the credit so why was he there lol? Second, that phone lol. JK’s symbol is rabbit. so no matter who that phone is all quite suspicious.  Although there’re some camera sound, but it doesn’t looks like another person was shooting, the sound and camera shift could edit in. or just ask the camera person leave the camera after couple shoots. Anyway, i think the camera was on the bed was the tiny movement matched their move so it could be just mattress bouncing. But the important thing i want to talk about was this:
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That damn boi was freaking jerking off right?! His top all opened up, his left hand was under the cover, and there were some tiny panting and chest movement... i watched like at least 20 times, its gotta be. And there’s a cut couple sec later, changed to JK singing winter bear with a smirk face.
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cus he freaking knew the song is about him.  yeah. I think V made that song cuz JK. He said before that JK really hates people waking him up. so i guess kinda like a bear?
 Then there’s the walking with JK’s dog scene. Before the behind scene came out, people argued about whether JK was involved. But now, yeah, i would say he probably the person filming since he already filming V a lot on his personal account “golden closet film“... do i even need to say anything about the name?
Back on the bear. 
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V only held one bear, and the finishing had two bears.
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Two bears, how could that be any more obvious?? Two bears, two boys likes to sleep together. do the math.
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do you even wanna talk how close he and the person filming? don’t think a professional would film like this. and the look in V’s eyes, the tiny smile on his lips... im tired to go over this, why do i even need to point out? use your eyes.
So, conclusion, I think they were in love since 2017. And the other members all know about it. There are so many slips i wouldn’t gonna talk about it. it’s already a super long post.
Next, it’s the interfering phase. 2018. 
Anyway, Korea is not a gay-friendly country. And they have mandatory military service, which V and JK haven’t done. if you’re gay in Korea military, you could face jail time. And not to mention coming out in anywhere would be hard. The company started to separate V and JK, they won’t be in the same vid, even arrange different schedule for them. If it’s a group activity, then they couldn’t stand next to each other without others cut in-between.
I imagine its not a great job for the hyngs, probably why they talked about disband. Yeah, I went back to the first question i got and finished my quest. i think i found the real reason. and it explains why-->
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See when Jin said it, V was looking at another person on his right side with that intense look, tell me that's not a look you look at someone you love but couldn’t be with.
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And V all broke down, finally JK couldn’t watch it anymore.
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I can’t find a close up, but i remember seeing in some other vids. JK was holding his tear and put on a calm face but you can see how hard he gritted.
it’s hard to find because they all got ban by the company. maybe my post would too... i heard there was a vid on YouTube point out the same thing and got ban by bighit. so... anyway. if you think im right, you can make a copy of my post and re-post it. don’t worry about copy my words, i don’t mind. if a lot of people did the same thing, then there would be no point to ban.
That’s talk about this v live: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfHecRN_dLk
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if you didnt watch it, go find it on youtu. This vid are so... all over the place. I didn’t understand till some great analysis (see the link above). i couldn’t go throw all the details why how or what... if you don’t believe, why you even read till here? 
Simply says, company wanna hide that JK and V was staying in the same room, so they probably ask V to leave the room, but V came back in the middle, everyone was super awkward, so Jin and Jimin left. V looked sad and pissed. He wouldn’t leave, so company sent someone to ring the bell, and told JK to ask V to leave.
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see how uncomfortable that JK had to ask V to leave. i feel so bad for them both, had to follow those company stupid rules and pretend their relationship. How would that feel when you have the love one so close to you, but you can’t touch, can’t hold each other, can’t even say how important that person meant to you.
They’re in their 20s! they should be having fun with each other, posting those sweet pics and showing off their boyfriends, having the best. Instead, they can’t even stand together in public photo shooting.
People even thought they have issue with each other, can you imagine how insult that would be? have to see your fans pairing you and your lover with other people, but couldn’t say anything.
Then, that’s talk about the new album. because i think they’re not gonna be quite for long. remember RM made a speech in UN about not just love yourself, also need to speak yourself? I think they are gonna speak, that’s why RM hinted in this interview:
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yes form the same youtuber, go find the vid.  He say something big could be coming, i do think definitely could be JK and V coming out. see how serious JK’s face? this kid got frown lines in just a year! People were shock that he looks much grown up in “ON”, i just feel sorry for him. hes only 22, he shouldn’t have to grow up so much. But love would do this to you, the things you do for love age you. V seems much older too, i couldn’t imagine how much pressure hes under. 
And we have to talk about the songs.
First, Jungkook’s My time. He said the same thing about have to grow up fast. Of course industry would do that to you, but he was always quite happy till couple years ago. love do make us weak and hurt, some love just harder than the other. In his song, he said don’t know what’s his time, I think maybe he was thinking about when to come out? But eventually he definitely will, because his song was for V, the lyric mostly was easy to understand, but 
Even if it's opposite of sun One time for the present (one time) Two time for the past (two time) these three lines i think sun means V’s name? probably means even against what V wants? but the one or two im not sure, how many times he disagree with V?
And time, my time, does that mean sexuality? or just simply means he couldn’t have time with V? so many possibility...
But i really wanna talk about V’s inner child. That’s the reason why i spent 4hrs writing this long ass post with my broken english. Not even sure would any one even bother to read... Because after everything i know and believe about V and JK, when i read the lyric i see a totally different song. a heart break love song for someone he knows for so long, when they both young. (im tearing up again) OK, call me imagine things all you want, if there’s a small chance they really are lovers and this song was for JK... just pretend that and read+listen the song again.
At that time, we had it tough While looking up at those stars in the sky, too far out of reach You at that time, didn't believe in galaxies But I saw it, a silver galaxy It must have hurt, it must have been so difficult I ran towards the endless light 
The first part is the beginning of their story, they wanna be like those stars, but JK wasn’t sure about himself. V believes they can make it. so they went for it, even have to go through all those lies and suffering.
and the chorus... 
It tingles, that summer day's air The cold sounds of the grey-lit streets I draw in a breath and knock at your door We gon' change 
maybe how things happened? Not sure the summer is a  metaphor or a real time though. this change means they fell in love.
Now I wish we would smile more It will be okay, because today's me is doing fine Yesterday's you, now it's all clear I want to hug the many thorns in the budding rose The smiling kid, the child who was always laughing brightly When I see you like that, I can't help smiling
The second part is breaking my heart. I think hes telling JK not to worry about him. He doesn’t mind those thorns(all the obstacles they have to face), he want  the rose(JK or their love relationship). And the smiling kid part just makes me cry every time. The line “Yesterday’s you”, Im not sure means he can sees JK’s grown up, or... When i sense that their relationship might be the almost disband reason, i think probably one of them wanted to go against the company, open their relationship. But the other one refused. That’s why they end up still the same. I thought was V wanted to open, because he’s more don’t care about what people think kinda person.  but now i think might be JK. That’s why V was crying so hard on the stage, because hes the one hiding. He felt sorry for JK, and JK held him showed he support his decision. And if that’s true, then the whole “yesterday you” could means that V understand why JK want to go public now. Another thing why i suddenly think JK is the one wanted to come out, is the “Golden Closet Film” name. And It’s started at 2017.11.08... probably the time they talked about coming out, but decided not to, he was frustrated and felt been pressed by the company into this glamorous closet.
the chorus this time means another change, maybe they broke up, or put a hold on their relationship. but i would think... maybe when V made the song, he didn’t know what would happen. this song was what he wanted to say to JK, so he could bring this song to JK and play or sing to him. See what would he choose.
Therefore comes the next part which is dancing in my tears: 
Tonight, if I reach my hand to yours Can you hold that hand? I'll become you You just have to look at my galaxies Be showered with all those stars I'll give you my world The lights illuminating your eyes, they're the me of now You’re my boy, my boy My boy, my boy, my boy
Is V asking JK to come out with him? i couldn’t figure out every single words mean but i don’t have to, that’s something V said to JK, the meaning belongs to them, we can just shared a bit of his emotion. there are just so many love and begging, calling for the boy he deeply in love with. every single word hurt me deeply because they are so real and pure.
If someone wrote something like this song to you, you need to grab that person tight. You might never meet another person could love you more than that.
I don’t know if JK hold V’s hand, like I said in the beginning, i could be all wrong and this is just a fanfic. But it’s the ending, if you still with me. let me make a wild guess...
If they come out on one of the coming concert, that would be epic.  I worry for them of course, I wish them nothing but happiness. I truly don’t want to see this great kids suffer anymore. So maybe its a good thing if im wrong, or the storm might swallow them all. No matter what, i will keep supporting them, hope most of the army too. 
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illlogicals · 4 years
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☆゚*・゚WOAH is that BRANDON SHAPIRO ? i’ve heard they’re a DARK WITCH working here as a SECURITY GUARD. they came here because HE NEEDED A PROPER JOB AFTER HIS ‘ACCIDENT’ and they’ve been working here for  A LITTLE OVER HALF A year. as a  29 / 29 year-old, i’m sure they’re skilled. someone told me they’re IRRESPONSIBLE & UNTRUSTWORTHY but i think they’re RESOURCEFUL & AMBITIOUS. i can’t help but think of A PERSONAL COLLECTION OF SPEEDING TICKETS, A HISTORY OF BAD DECISIONS, AND CONSTANTLY BRUISED FLESH when i look at them. 
no. you aren’t going blind. I did actually finish an intro for once.
imma try to keep this super short n’ brief because knowing me I’ll probably end up changing little details here and there as I develop brandon more. theres a TLDR at the bottom. im a lazy b-tch so i would skip to that first. 
da basics
brandon shapiro is a 29 year old dark witch from ipswich, massachusetts. reigns from a long line of (mostly) dark witches so forgive him for having the ‘im a pureblood’ type attitude. baby boy’s an east coast blue blood. he thrives in making himself high and mighty when he’s got the $$$, the name, and charm to back it up. 
moving onnnn and skipping over his childhood because that’s pretty much irrelevant, when brandon started developing into darker magic more he started obtaining ‘friends’ that would constantly bring him into these sketchy situations. eventually he would consider himself a witch for a hire because that’s pretty much what he was before even knowing about elysium.
he’s spent time in his late teens/ early twenties living in los angeles, new orleans, boston, seattle, and other various places in the states depending on whatever job he had. these were  normally gigs to help break into museums, banks, jewelers, etc. but then there would be jobs deeper into the dark web which brandon and his band of idiot money crazed googlies didn’t think would ever be too ridiculous for them since the more dangerous the job the better the payout. which brandon doesn’t need, it’s moreso the thrill. an adrenaline junkie. 
his last job, before everything went to complete shit, required brandon and his friends to get involved in pulling a spell against a casino table for their buyer to have his pickings win in his favor. this ended up going on for two nights before brandon ( and apparently only brandon ) got caught by the attention of some supernatural mob boss who just so happened to own one of the combo casino/hotels on the vegas strip. 
to compromise, you know to not be murdered for cheating,  brandon agreed to work for these people for free and offer up the names of his old comrades so the mob could have good faith that these terrible, awful, and manipulative people would never come back again. brandon loves his life and will pick it every time. he doesn’t know what happened to his old friends nor does he really care to find out. 
he’s been living in miami for the last two years under the mob doing way risker jobs with very little payback. which has to be karma for giving up his friends but he’s not one to ponder his faults. anywayssss, his official last job ended up getting him arrested due to some unfortunate circumstances. turns out there were people watching brandon ever since he landed in miami. he was being watched, and watched, and watched and they finally caught up to him. and you know what this fool did? gave up information to them about the mob he was working for and where they could find these people if they ever wanted to focus their attention on the real criminals. the agreement ended up with allowing brandon to sort of walk free as long as he does his part in not falling back into the old ways he’s grown stupid to.
originally he was going to move back to massachusetts, but he ended up crossing paths with someone who knew of a place he could work at if he was ever interested. turns out it was a school in new york. and while brandon managed to enjoy life everywhere else, he figured new york would be a piece of cake.
TLDR. homie is a dark witch with a rich family. he got into shady business as he started developing his powers more and that lead him to be caught by a supernatural mob boss and then later eventually people who wanted to take said mob boss down. he took a plea both times he was confronted by these people, offering extange of information for his life, and once that part of his life was over he met someone who worked at elysium and they told him about the school. now he’s here trying to live a normal life. 
brandon has been at elysium since september/october-ish. I’m open to all connections but there is a very important one that I need filled and it just has to be the person who met brandon while was in miami and told him about the school. they’d primarily would be the reason why he moved to new york and possibly his first friend around here yada yada. I need this. halp me.
then of course all the regular schmegluar friends, enemies, and eventually fwbs. I say eventually beause b’s a little too fresh to getting him caught up so early on not that that stopped him from banging diego in the back of some city bar. and I’ll be doing a plotting call for him eventually. so keep an eye out for that. 
SO YA. this is brandon. im having him not really tell people too much about this little secret life prior to the school. he’s definitely going around telling people that he got into a really bad accident while being a firefighter in seattle. sorry this intro sucked. I’m awful at doing these !!!
i’ll be on discord for most of the afternoon while I order pizza and watch trolls 2 with my younger cousin. wholesome content from your dear ol vic. 
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laurens-lil-fics · 5 years
Hallucinate - Matt Murdock x Powered! Reader Part 4
Series Summary: When members of a criminal organization start flooding precincts all over New York, turning themselves in, Daredevil must investigate to see what new player has them running for the hills.
Chapter Summary: A couple days of radio silence makes Matt worry his new partner may do something rash. His solution? A sushi dinner downtown. But an uninvited guest could turn the whole night around.
Word Count: 2597
Warnings: Major angst, cursing, kidnapping
Author’s note: I thought this chapter would be hella short but it is, in fact, hella long. Dont worry, yall will get some answers soon. 
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The third time was, in fact, not the charm. Neither was the fifth, or the seventh.
By the eighth call, (Y/n) finally answered, mumbling a simple command to leave her alone before hanging up.
Matt sighed deeply, repressing the urge to throw the burner phone out the window and start scouring the city for her heart beat.
It had been two days since the incident at the docks. She had refused to let him try to get her to ‘her place,’ insisting she didn’t trust him with that information.
When he tried convincing her to let him treat her wound she only pushed him away, eventually using what little energy she had left to fly off and leave him in the shipping container where they had taken refuge.
Both Daredevil and Matt Murdock hadn’t heard from (Y/n), which understandably put him on edge. 
Karen insisted it was because he had taken the charade too far and let himself get close to her.
He insisted it was because someone powerful enough to rip a yacht in half was on the loose in Hell’s Kitchen, unsupervised and seething. 
She had the addresses of the warehouses Mr. Mackie tipped Matt off to, she could have easily gone on her own to find Blum and kill him. Shit, he was probably dead already.
Groaning to himself, Matt ran his fingers over the case file he was supposed to be reading for a fourth time. He was too distracted to focus on anything that didn’t have to do with (Y/n) or Blum or anyone else involved with the two of them.
By the time he had forced himself to finish the case file, it was already noon.
He reached for his personal phone this time, deciding a call from Matt Murdock was the better approach. On the third ring she answered.
“Hello...?” Her voice was raspy, worn, like she had been crying or screaming, maybe a mixture of both.
“Hey stranger...” he smiled to himself, hearing her chuckle over the line, “haven’t heard from you in a while... everything okay?”
He could’ve sworn he heard her mumble something about him being mindreader before she responded. “Yeah... I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I haven’t felt like talking to anyone...”
“Well if it’ll help, I’m free tonight... Maybe venting about it will help you feel better?” He offered, his fingers tapping anxiously against his desk as he awaited her response.
“I dunno...” she sighed, “It’s a lot... and I don’t wanna bore you with the details. I’m not one to dump my problems onto other people.”
That would explain her reluctance to work with him.
“It’s not ‘dumping your problems’ if I’m offering to let you vent to me... plus as a lawyer, any and all ability to get bored was beaten out of me at law school.”
(Y/n) chuckled again, then the line went quiet. Matt didn’t break the silence, hoping she was taking that time to consider his offer.
“Where did you wanna meet...?”
Matt smiled softly, leaning back into his chair. “Theres this sushi place downtown, it’s small but the foods good... you eat sushi?”
“When it’s in my budget, yeah.” she responded.
Matt assured her he would cover it, though it took some convincing on her part to allow it. Once he gave her the address, he hung up. Now he just had to come up with a line of questioning that would be the most inconspicuous. 
Matt arrived just a couple minutes before (Y/n), worried if he showed up late even by a minute it would rub her the wrong way.
Why was he so worried? He told himself she’d open up to him more if she was in a good mood; that she’d be less likely to kill someone if he put her in a good head space.
From his moist palms he knew he was lying to himself.
He heard her walking up the block towards the restaurant, but still acted surprised when she lightly bumped him before telling him hello.
He could hear the fabric of a skirt brushing over her knees, the light click of her kitten heels, and he could smell just a hint of sweet perfume lingering on her skin.
“It’s a little more casual than I expected...” she trailed off, leaning a bit more into Matt as they entered the restaurant. 
“I’m sure you look beautiful... no one’s really going to mind if you come in a bit overdressed.” he assured her. He realized he had called her beautiful once he felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Matt Murdock sucked at playing it cool.
The two sat down in the corner of the restaurant, neither really knowing how to start the conversation once they had ordered their drinks.
“Okay... then I’ll start...” Matt cleared his throat, leaning in closer to her, “I haven’t known you very long... but you’re very sweet... I enjoy spending time with you. I just want to do what I can to make sure you’re alright... and I can’t do that if I don’t know what’s going on with you...”
The waitress interrupted them, bringing them their drinks and jotting down their orders, (Y/n)’s heart hammering in her chest the whole time.
Once she had left, (Y/n) sighed softly began fiddling with the wrapper from her straw.
“You know how I told you I went to school for photo journalism?” the nod from Matt prompted her to continue. “I never graduated... When I was working on my degree one of my professors told me I’d have to go out and take pictures for a big story if I wanted a real job... so I did...”
Matt cocked an eyebrow at this, “And what did you find?” he pressed.
“Nothing good...” She mumbled, glancing around the room, “I found out this company that had branched into the city my college was in... it was doing a lot of really shady stuff... But once they found out what I had they made my life hell.”
She stopped there, why she refused to say more, Matt didn’t know.
“And that made it harder for you to attend classes?”
(Y/n) hummed in agreement, her voice wavering for a moment.
“Part of me knows I did the right think trying to find the truth... but I also know if I hadn’t seen what I did my life would be so much easier... I wanna go back to school, I wanna finish my degree, but no one will hire me without it and I can’t pay for school without money... I ruined my own life...”
“That’s not true... Hey, it’s not true.” He reached forward, searching for her hand for a moment before gently holding it in his. 
“You did what you thought was right... you didn’t make that company do whatever it is they did, you didn’t force their hands. You only tried to expose it so people wouldn’t get hurt.”
(Y/n) was silent, save for a couple soft sniffles here and there. Matt could tell she was trying to fight back tears, had he known this was under the hard exterior he had seen during his nights with her as Daredevil, he would have opted to talk with her somewhere more private.
“You’re a lawyer... What do you do when the bad people don’t get what they deserve...? What do you do when you know they’ve hurt people, that they deserve to be punished, but they just... they’re not?”
Matt would be a hypocrite to tell her it was best to turn the other cheek. Shit, he spent his nights in a devil costume beating up people who got away with whatever crimes they had committed. People who the justice system just couldn’t stop.
But he also couldn’t tell her to keep fighting them, that could set something off inside her head, something that would give her that good old Frank Castle mentality.
“I may not look it, but I’m a praying man... sometimes you just have to pray that someone else will step in and give those people what they deserve.” That was a happy middle, right...?
(Y/n) slowly pulled her hand away, the sound of her wiping at her eyes not lost on him. “Sometimes prayers aren’t enough...”
Matt shrugged his shoulders, a soft sigh escaping his parted lips. “You’re right... but it’s still important to have hope... otherwise what they did to you will eat you up for the rest of your life and you’ll never move on.”
She seemed to be pondering what he said, all while refusing to look at him. All that pain, all that anger, Matt knew as well as anyone it wouldn’t go away in one night. But maybe this was a step in the right direction.
This time, she reached over, taking hold of his and giving it a gentle squeeze. She murmured a small thank you, to which Matt returned the intimate gesture and brushed his thumb over her knuckles.
The two frantically adjusted themselves once their food arrived, Matt was a bit ashamed that he had lost him composure the way he did.
The conversation became more lighthearted as the meal progressed, a great weight having been lifted off the two of them once they finally addressed the elephant in the room, or at least the elephant that only Matt seemed to be aware about.
This whole time Matt had been trying to figure out why (Y/n) had been after this Blum character, trying to find a way to ease her out of feeling like she had to kill him. Now he had a vague sense of what had happened, and was comfortable knowing his words had some sort of impact on her.
“So you really took Greek to impress a girl...? Guys really do that?”
Matt laughed and scratched at the back of his head, feeling bashful at the mention of Elektra and the lengths he had gone to so he could win her over.
“Yes, guys do that, Ms. (L/n). You’d be surprised just how many guys do, I bet you dated a guy back in the day who did the same thing.”
(Y/n) snorted at his assumption and washed down her last bite of fish with a gulp of her water. “God, now that you mention it I actually-”
“(L/n)? (Y/n) (L/n)?”
A voice from across the room caught their attention, and curiously sent (Y/n)’s heart beat skyrocketing. Matt didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“Little (Y/n)!” The person exclaimed with glee. He approached (Y/n), something Matt imagined would have had her up and shoving this stranger away. Instead she sat there, petrified.
“Never expected to see you in New York, why didn’t you give your old uncle a call?” 
(Y/n) remained silent as this man put his hands on her, giving her an awkward side hug before glancing Matt’s way.
“Is this your new boyfriend?”
“No, he’s not-”
“I’m Marcus, Marcus Blum, (Y/n)’s uncle.” The man introduced himself. Matt felt his blood run cold.
“Matthew Murdock.” His response was curt and to the point. He knew he should have put on a facade, pretended to not sense (Y/n)’s discomfort and played the role of the oblivious date.
But right now (Y/n) was a time bomb, and Matt would do anything to avoid lighting that fuse.
“Mr. Murdock, would you mind if I borrowed my niece for a moment? We need to catch up on family matters.”
Before Matt could even respond, Blum had his hold on (Y/n) and was leading her towards an empty corner of the restaurant.
The worst part was, she willingly stood from her chair, staring at Matt the whole way there like a fish out of water, pulled from the ocean.
“Don’t try anything,” Blum began, all traces of his cheery tone thrown to the wind, “one wrong move and you’ll be pumped full of lead in seconds.”
That meant there were people in the restaurant who worked for him, who had been watching them, probably listening in. They must had been very efficient, Matt hadn’t heard anything suspicious since their arrival.
“They’d never pull the triggers fast enough... not fast enough to save you, at least...” She murmured, pulling her arm from his grasp.
“I thought we’d agree you’d never come back to New York, (Y/n)... That your snooping days were over.”
“I don’t know what your talking about-”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” he snapped, checking his tone once the few people in the restaurant who weren’t on his payroll looked in their direction. “Who else could rip a yacht in half like that...? Who else would send my people scrambling into jail cells?”
“Maybe you pissed off the wrong person... and they’ve come for revenge... Maybe all the people I found years ago have returned as spirits... come to settle their scores.” She grumbled. Though her voice was level and her chest puffed, her heart beat was drowning everything out for Matt.
Blum leaned in close, whispering in her ear. “If you have any sense... you’ll leave New York tonight. Otherwise your boyfriend is going to learn first hand about everything you’ve lied to him about.”
(Y/n) states silent, her strong stature faltering as she looked away from him and towards Matt.
“I’m glad we could have this talk...”
With that, Blum brushed past her and sat at the table he had been occupying. It suddenly felt like all eyes in the restaurant were on Matt and (Y/n) once she returned to their table. 
To (Y/n)’s insistence, they payed the bill and hastily left the restaurant.
Roughly 30 minutes after (Y/n) left Matt at his apartment, having said their goodbyes, he received a call from her on the burner phone. The second he answered, she was rambling a mile a minute in his ear.
“If we’re going to make a move it has to be tonight, can you meet me at the warehouse on the east side?”
Her voice had lost its steely edge, it was clear she had cried during the walk to wherever she was staying since she wasn’t bothering to mask her voice at this point.
“Slow down, we need to make a proper plan of attack before we go in there-”
“There’s no time for a plan!” she interrupted, “They’re threatening innocent people, people who know me! We need to find Blum and take him out before it’s too late!”
Matt could hear keys rustling in the background, as if she was struggling with a door before bursting into her room. 
“(Y/n), let’s just think about this. If we slow down we have a better chance of catching Blum.” Matt, who was preoccupied with going to his closet for his suit, hadn’t even noticed his slip up.
The line was dead silent for a moment, Matt almost called out to her, nervous the call had dropped.
“...How do you know my name...?”
“A-are you with them? How the fuck do you know my name?!” 
Matt began to panic, trying to think up an excuse on the fly, something convincing.
“Answer me, asshole! How do you know my-!” 
The sound of the phone clattering to the floor had Matt wincing away from the speaker pressed to his ear. What followed was the sound of something heavy thumping right beside the device. His knuckles turned white from how hard he gripped the flip phone, realization dawning on him once he realized what had happened.
All he heard next was the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the phone before the line went dead.
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Seyoon was unpacking all the late night snacks he had gotten onto a blanket at a secluded rooftop. Hearing footsteps he looked up to see Guerin, who looked different than usual. She didn't appear to be wearing any makeup, had her normal stud earrings but had a cute black mask with a white sharp toothy grin. She was dressed in joggers and a sweatshirt with the hood up. He cocked his head at her as she approached.
"I know, I look like shit. But it was late and I'd already gotten ready for bed. You can't expect me to spruce up after that." Guerin guessed at his expression.
"You look fine. Cozy. It's just different. Also you're late." He shrugged and patted the blanket next to him, sitting as he leaned against the wall behind him.
"I got lost..." she grumbled, "I've never been great with directions." She sat down in the spot he indicated, looking over the spread he had brought, "Good grief I thought you just wanted tteokbokki."
Seyoon smiled automatically, "You said you hadn't eaten, and I know how much you like food so I thought I should get some options." Guerin leaned her head in his direction and offered a wry smile under her mask, unable to argue with his logic. "Besides, I got this for us too." He pulled out an additional bag, from which he drew two paper cups, a bottle of soju and two cans of beer.
Guerin raised her eyebrows and sat up straight, "Oh we're drinking too?"
"We have to. It goes well with tteokbokki, fried chicken and jajangmyeon." He shrugged nonchalantly as he began opening everything up and handing Guerin some chopsticks. "Although it's blueberry soju. I thought you might like that."
"How did you figure that?" She asked, sneaking a piece of tteokbokki and pulling her mask to her chin to eat it.
"Well you said before you liked Grapefruit and Plum but I couldnt find it, so I thought blueberry was the next best option." Seyoon shrugged, separating the cups and pouring soju into them, handing one to Guerin and offering his as cheers.
She laughed in response and took her shot, "Honestly I dont know how that train of thought lines up but you aren't wrong." She watched as Seyoon refilled the cups and couldn't keep the grin from her face, "You really went all out for this, it's awesome. Thank you."
He shrugged again, looking up at her and their eyes met briefly before both looked away to select food options, "Food makes things better." He said simply.
"Cheers to that." They both took another shot and then ate in silence for a while.
"So... how are you?" Seyoon asked awkwardly, unsure of how to broach the subject.
"I'm fine, all things considered." Guerin said almost mechanically, "I keep telling people that."
"Okay... but how are you really?" Seyoon asked again, leaning back to look at Guerin. She sighed and set her chopsticks down and didn't speak for a moment.
"Well. What do you know happened?" She asked finally.
"I know you were attacked by that crazy lady. I know you were arrested but you were cleared because of video evidence. I know that she is being charged by the company. But I also know you haven't been with HEET lately." He trailed off.
Guerin reached over for one of the beers. Seyoon cracked it open and put it in her hand, grabbing his as well while she took a sip, leaned back against the wall and looked up at the sky.
"Yeah. We were worried something might happen again. So part of our plan included recording any more altercations that might occur. Self defense laws are tricky and it's usually one person's word against another. Plus as a foreigner, and a big one, we knew some witnesses might not provide unbiased information." She paused and took another sip, "The boys were so brave, they did exactly as they were supposed to. That woman had some gross stuff in that present too. Police said it was unwashed underwear, a vial of blood, another of spit..." she scrunched her nose, "stuff like that."
"Sounds like you guys have the law on your side." Seyoon said, waiting for more information.
Another sip and pause before she spoke, "Yeah, we do. We're able to press charges. The company is suing her. She might see jail time. They even made me go to the hospital to make sure they had a medical report for the court."
"Wait medical report?" Seyoon looked over at her, surprised, "What happened?" Now that she had pulled down her mask and he was looking closely he saw the cut and slight bruising at the corner of her mouth as she smiled dryly and tapped her cheek.
"I let her hit me. I figured if she looked unharmed and I was injured it would go better for us too."
"You're crazy." He sounded almost admiring as he leaned in closer, "Let me see that, does it hurt?"
"It's fine, I've been hit in the face many times, and she's probably the smallest adult that's ever taken a swing at me. It doesnt hurt at all. OW WHY?" She flinched and cried out as he poked the bruising.
His eyes widened and he let out a snort of laughter, "Doesn't hurt at all?"
"You little shit." She laughed and smacked his hand away from her face, "Of course it'll hurt if you press a bruise."
He giggled again, "Sorry. It does look like it hurts a lot. You should maybe stop letting people hit you in the face."
She laughed, "Well it hasn't always been a choice, this one was though."
"So... there's more right?" He asked after their laughter had subsided.
Guerin avoided his eyes by taking a longer drink from her beer, "Yeah. There's been some blowback. Some false stories have gotten out and theres some people that claim I'm making a bad name for HEET or that I was the one who started it, that I instigated a fight or was being rude to a fan. There's quite a lot that demanded I be removed as manager, actually."
"So they caved?" Seyoon asked disbelievingly.
"Well. Kind of?" Guerin sighed, "I've been temporarily removed. Right now with the case going and the false information it's actually less safe for HEET to be around me in case someone tries to target me. So until things are officially able to be released..." she stopped talking abruptly blinking rapidly, trying to hide it with another long gulp of beer. "It's not like I've been fired. I'm grateful for that. Another company would probably have written me off as more trouble than I'm worth. They have me doing other work right now but... I liked my job. I loved my boys, and looking after them." She couldnt hide the tears running down her face now, and didn't bother to try.
Seyoon floundered, watching her face then looking around before seeing napkins and hurriedly handing them to her. She smiled and thanked him, dabbing her cheeks half heartedly before giving up and chugging the rest of her beer through her tears. With an unconvincing smile she looked at Seyoon, "So that's what I mean when I say all things considered. I'm fine."
He didn't saying anything right away, pulling his long shirt sleeve over his hand, he leaned over and dabbed at her face to dry it. She started to pull away, shocked, but he reached out with his other hand and held her in place. "Hold still." She didn't fight back, he was so close and so handsome she couldn't help but feel somewhat transfixed, despite her stomache dropping and heart pounding, all she could do was freeze until he let her go. He picked up his chopsticks, selected a large piece of fried chicken and put it to her mouth, which she accepted without complaint.
"It's okay to be sad when bad things happen. You don't have to lie to everyone." He paused and added quietly as though he wasn't sure he should be saying it, "You don't have to lie to me."
Guerin choked, "Oh my god." She swallowed as soon as she could and laughed, "Are you using lines on me to seem cool? Is this a drama?" She laughed again.
"Yah." He protested, "I was just trying to be supportive."
Guerin laughed again then fed him some tteokbokki, "You're as adorable as a cicada." She said and pinched his cheek.
"I am so much more handsome than some bug." He protested around the food in his mouth.
"Of course you are." She put a shot of soju in his hand, cheersed and downed hers. He followed shortly.
"Thanks though." She glanced at him, "It means a lot."
He playfully shoved her and stole her chopsticks, which started a whole new bickering fit.
Charlie had been working up the nerve all morning to talk to her boss. It was a privilege to be allowed to be so hands on with animals and she didn't want her boss to think she was taking advantage... but it was such a cool opportunity. She had to at least try.
"Byun Minsoo-ssi." She lead off tentatively. The lead vet looked up from her paperwork. Perhaps she looked stern simply from Charlie's point of view but it was just as believable that she was no-nonsense in everyday life as well.
"Yes? Charlie-ssi?"
"I have a friend who is a manager for an idol group, she is friends with a group called A.C.E and I wondered if they could come behind the scenes to meet some of our animals?" Charlie ventured cautiously.
Minsoo paused for a moment before speaking "A.C.E? Your friend knows A.C.E? And they want to come here?" Her attempt to play it cool was poorly hidden and gave Charlie confidence.
"Yes! I'd like to invite my friend Guerin and A.C.E to come and see what we have. I think it would be an excellent opportunity to promote the zoo and educate on the importance of conservation!"
The normally serious Minsoo beamed at Charlie, "That's an excellent idea. Let's get in contact and organize something."
Charlie did a mental fist pump and hustled off to message her friends.
Deciding to keep the visit informal allowed the planning process to go more quickly. Approval from the higher ups and organizing with Beat Interactive took a few days. Guerin has been allowed to come as a personal guest for Charlie and A.C.E who requested she tag along. Guerin, never passing up a chance to visit the zoo, happily accepted. Charlie hoped it could provide her friend with a genuine mood boost. Guerin tended to internalize her negative emotions but Charlie could tell she wasn't her usual self.
"We'll do formal filming in the behind the scenes areas, but then we'll allow you to do your own self cam work throughout the areas of the zoo the public has regular access to." Minseok explained as A.C.E got last second touch ups.
"What animals are we seeing today?" Asked Chan excitedly. They were in the vet and quarantine areas so it was unpredictable what had been planned for them.
"It's a surprise." Charlie said, the most excited A.C.E had ever seen her.
Byun Minsoo would be taking the lead in speaking for the cameras but suggested Charlie stay by to help handle animals and manage the guests. Minsoo might be strict but she was fair, knowing Charlie wanted to do this with her friends she wasn't going to exclude her.
Guerin was hanging back with Minseok as preparations were made. "Noona do you know what we're gonna see?" Chan tried to wheedle from her, pouting slightly. Guerin stared pointedly away from him.
"Don't pull that cute stuff on me, I can't tell you." Of course she knew what animals Charlie was working with, she couldn't let some aegyo spoil the surprise. Chan pouted more and shook his shoulders in a small tantrum.
"Alright that's enough." Minseok stepped in before Guerin could cave, he redirected A.C.E to the main area so they could begin filming. The recording started with a tour of the facilities, showing equipment and how to accommodate all the different animals they had based on type and size. They explained the importance of training animals to participate in their own veterinary care voluntarily then showed them a video example of a mountain lion presenting for a blood draw, and a gorilla opening it's mouth for its teeth to be examined, or a macaque presenting its arm for an insulin injection. Minsoo continued to talk about the research and breeding that the zoo participated and how it was vital for conservation efforts and how it benefitted animals in the wild.
The boys were perfect guests, asking questions and reacting well. They saw a few animals in the quarantine area, new to the zoo and waiting to be introduced to their new homes. The last area they were taken to was for longer term housing for animals that couldnt be in the usual enclosures. A spot had been sectioned, layered with blankets, plushies and other toys. The boys, perplexed, were instructed to go in and sit down with Minsoo while Charlie disappeared momentarily. She returned with an inauspicious crate, facing it away from A.C.E she opened the door and sat with Minsoo, both grinning for the surprise.
Two young tiger cubs tottered they way out, mowing. The trepidation left A.C.E as they all exclaimed in amazement and adoration. Minsoo and Charlie showed A.C.E how to bottle feed them, then let them take turns.
"Their mother was a first time mom, and she wouldnt take care of them." Minsoo explained as the boys cooed sadly, "It's not unusual for that to happen with new mothers even in the wild. But since we are here we made the choice to step in and help raise them." Once the babies were fed they were left to roam and play. One clambered into Jun's lap and fell asleep, the other playing with a toy with Donghun and Byeongkwan. Jun couldn't control his face, his amazement and joy at being chosen as he got everyone's attention and pointed to the sleeping kitten. Seyoon and Chan scooted near him to pet the sleeping animal. Charlie couldn't stop herself from grinning, Guerin knew at least part of it was Jun's reaction and not just the cute tiger cubs.
Once it was time to say goodbye to the kittens, A.C.E did their formal goodbye with them and the filming for behind the scenes ended. The rest of the staff and guests got an opportunity to greet the tigers as well and once Guerin had her turn she flagged down Charlie as the babies were taken back to their enclosure. After a brief talk with Minsoo who let out a restrained laugh and nod, Charlie and Guerin went to a series of smaller tanks on the opposite side of the room, Guerin returning with her hands closed suspiciously.
"We have one more animal for you to meet." Charlie said with a chuckle. Donghun was the only one with the good sense to he suspicious.
"This is one of my favorite animals." Guerin said with a grin, uncovering her hand and showing a large male Madagascar Hissing Cockroach sitting placidly in her hand. All five boys instinctively recoiled, Chan and Jun exclaiming in surprise. A.C.E's reaction elicited chuckles from most of the staff if they werent busy being disgusted themselves.
"It's okay guys. They're harmless!" Guerin said holding it up. Donghun and Jun recovered the fastest, still looking apprehensive and surprised respectively. Chan was behind Jun, leaning around him curiously but still looking fearful. Beyongkwan, eyes wide, didnt move forward so quickly and Seyoon was the furthest away had a very subtle terror that could only be read in his eyes.
"They're really cool, they're called hissing cockroaches cause they hiss!" She gave the cockroach a light pet down it's back which caused it to take two steps forward and hiss quietly as it protested the contact. The boys jumped again. "So insects dont have lungs, they breath through small holes along their body called spiracles. These guys have evolved to force air out of those holes to make a hissing sound that they use to communicate to each other or even predators! Their mouths are too small to bite us so they're harmless!" She was so enthusiastic in the explanation it couldnt help but draw the boys curiosity. She explained how to tell males from females and how most cockroaches are pests at all and how vital they are to the environment. Eventually Donghun worked up the courage first to touch it when offered. Jun became somewhat enamored and greeted the insect before he touched it, but jumped when it hissed before laughing at his own reaction. Chan actually opted to hold it and Byeongkwan even moved forward but Seyoon stayed in the back.
"Come on Hyung!" Chan called to him, looking more closely at the cockroach.
"I'm just looking at stuff over here you guys go on without me." Seyoon said, pretending to examine equipment near him.
"It is kind of cute." Jun admitted, petting it again, still jumping slightly when it hissed.
"On a scale of Seyoon to a Cicada how cute is it?" Donghun joked causing Jun, Chan, Byeongkwan, Guerin and Charlie to laugh.
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atomicbark-blog · 5 years
[Log] Manor Defenses
A Conversation about the Mansions Defences between Jay and Scratch ft @notasinglescratch
Jay had gone around the manor, checking over what she does daily and listing down on a piece of paper of what she believes would up the manors defenses. With every window, door, and floor (oh my) double checked she heads over to Doc's office. The order put vigor in her step and determination steeled her gaze, checking her list again she nods to her self, ears shoved forward in attention and tail curled husky-like along her back.
She rounds the corner to his office and pauses in the door frame, she hadn't sent him a message to see if she could come.. So she stands right there, not coming fully in and tilts her head slightly, "Hello, Sir. I've gone around and listed what I believe would help the manors defenses." Jay gently grips the paper in her hands.
You've taken to leaving your door ajar recently. It tends to tell a lot about people, their reactions. Jay, as always, mild but determined, and a welcome sight after a dreary week.
"Come in, Jay. Let me see what you have."
You motion for her to sit and then hold your hand out, expectantly.
As he motions for her to sit, she does a small nod and finally steps into his office. She reaches over and hands him the list before sitting down and curling her tail around her waist so she can sit with her back against the chair.
"I keep the mansion pretty secure but I believe these would be able to help me with that, go from excellent to absolute."
She leans slightly forward, her elbows resting on her knees as she waits for his response to the list. The list reads: Locks for the inside of the windows, Motion detecting lights on the corners of the manor (I think these exist?), perhaps a camera system She interlaces her fingers an takes a slow calming breath.
A quick glance over her list is all you need, short but concise, thats all right. You trust her instincts better than your eyes.
"Ill see you get what you need to make these improvements. Keep in mind any technology we add to the manor must be completely hidden from view." You take out a green pen and start making notes on her list.
"I trust youll be able to do that?"
"Yes sir, I understand that."
She tilts her head, glancing at the list as he writes, a bit surprised it's in a colour instead of the standard black. She notes that down in the back of her mind, right in the bucket of interesting but probably useless information.
She nods, "Yes sir, I'll be able to handle that just fine. I was figuring putting the cameras on the inside in the halls, accessing them from my phone. The lights will be outside, them turning on will catch my attention in an instant." Her tail flicks to curl around her waist the other way.
Scratch ...Cameras on the inside of the manor? An interesting concept. "Isnt it a bit too late if a camera tells you an enemy is in your base after hes already there?"
You cross something out and rewrite it. "I will get you a map of the manor. Choose a few locations where you believe cameras might prove useful."
Jay "If I'm on the other side of the manor and a camera warns me someone is else where I would be able to find them instantly and get there, perhaps even take them by surprise. It is just an extra precaution and would help me pinpoint their location if they manage to get in."
Seeing him cross out something makes her pause, is she being a bit ridiculous with this thought...? She mentally shakes her head. No, no, she'd being reasonable, a bank would do the same thing, and just as a bank many precious people things hole up in this mansion. She will ask for anything she believes would benefit this home.
"Alright Sir, Will do, I have a few areas in mind already."
Scratch Finished writing, you stand, moving away from your desk to a filing cabinet in the corner. You leaf through the pages until you get to the map section and take out a map of the mansion. Has it really changed so much?
After a moment you return, sitting as you set the map in front of her. "A fair argument. Here, use my pen."  You hand her your pen, white and sleek, though it looks like its been broken in half and taped back together again.
Jay She gently takes the pen, the thought of accidentally breaking it again trips through her mind and she nods, not sure if she should say where she's thinking of placing them as she marks. Her mouth twitches down, let's go with staying quiet and explaining if asked.
She circles a back corner of each lobby, hallway, lounge, sitting room and dance hall, she places two circles in the library, making sure that the placement would have the whole rooms covered. She flips through the map again, making sure she marked the right places before offering the pen back. She would really rather not place cameras in the personal rooms or offices, privacy is key after all and she's interested in intruders no secrets.
Scratch When shes done you lean forward and take the map back, looking over her markings. Cameras in the manor...youre not sure you like that.
"I'll sign off on this under some conditions. One, there cant be any recordings or tapes. Keep it to real time footage exclusively. Two, tell no one. The calm has only just fallen, the last thing I need is the Numbers or worse looking over their shoulder every time they turn a corner."
You breathe a quiet sigh.
"Put that aside for a moment, theres something I want to ask you. Whats all this about a tattoo?"
"Yes sir, that works fully with me. I understand, I'll keep my lips sealed on this."
Jay look at the map, wondering if this is truly the right thing to do... well if a problem ever rises she could always remove the cameras. Looking at Scratch with a tilted head as he speaks up again, dread fills her to the brim, each word a heavy stone on her heart. Her ears pin flat against her head and she sits back, unconsciously wanting to space herself from the problem.
"I- um.."
She digs her nails into the back of her hands as she interlaces her fingers again, looking down at them. If Jay could go any paler than the pitch white she already is, now would be the time for that.
"Just something I considered, I like the meaning some tattoos can have and there are some really pleasing to look at ones.. While it would be neat to have a tattoo, I.. I know you don't want me to have one so you don't have to worry about me getting one."
She wonders briefly who brought this tattoo business back up to Doc, her tail thumps once against her lap in annoyance, way to hang her up to dry there.
Scratch You sit in silence for a moment, hands folded on your desk in front of you, a cool,easy expression on your face. Its easy enough to understand her desire, flashy things like that always look appealing to a young, impressionable girl.
"From what I hear youre quite serious about it, though. Commited, even. And not that I particularly enjoyed hearing about the tattoo, again."
You pause for emphasis.
"But I cant help wonder what design you had in mind. It must be something very important to be pulling your attention away from your work."
Jay Jay doesn't even look at him once, her head is bowed, ears pinned back and heart pounding so heavily in her chest she was sure Doc could hear it himself. It takes her a bit to respond as she swallows her panic and tries to ease her nerves. If this is the feeling she gets for just thinking about it and not acting upon it, she is sure she could never actually break a rule or order, she wouldn't be able to handle it.
She takes a deep breath and steels herself, keeping her head down.
"I don't know who brought this up to you, or where you heard it from, but..."
She pauses, it's not true, it's not true! She bites her tongue, not finishing the sentence. She does want a tattoo, and badly too. What's so wrong with that besides Doc telling her not to get one. Jay grits her teeth and shakes her head slightly.
"I am serious about it, but as I said I wouldn't go against you. Enjoying the thought of things is different than acting a part of it."
She glances up at Scratch, her green gaze firm under all the worry and fear on her shoulders.
"Everyone dreams after all.. And there is no way this is pulling me from my work, I've done everything everyday like I have for the past fourteen years, sir. Nothing comes before my job, ever..."
She sighs and glances down again, the design... of course. She internally grumbles in embarrassment. He's gonna think it's stupid of course.. Rrrgg.
"The design is phases of the moon down my spine with cherry blossom branches on the top and bottom. It's meant to draw attention away from the scars on my back, The moons are a tribute to my space aspect The phases of the moon each mean something different, and cherry blossoms are my favorite plant right next to a white lily."
You can see youve hit a bit of a nerve in her. If she were not already made of nerves, that is, though she seems to be taking it on the chin. Good girl. You'll make a hound of her yet. As she explains her design, you give her a once over, trying hard not to picture your best girl with a back covered in ink. How incredibly unbeseeming. No, you cant allow it to happen. You might have at least considered if it was something classy and simple.
"I see. Well, if thats the case then theres no reason for concern, hm? You're a good girl, Jay."
With a thin smile, you fold the map and place it in your desk drawer. You dont blame Jay for her flights of fancy, if all were punished for desiring things the world would be empty. If anything you're more curious why Doze would bring it up to you if its causing Jay so much grief.
"I certainly hope this will be the last time we have to discuss it."
Jay A ray of hope, for a moment at least. 'You're a good girl, Jay' if only she could of heard just that over this whole tattoo conversation, though it does make you curious about something else you had in mind...
"Yes, sir. I hope so too, I have no intention of bringing it back up."
Rubbing the palm of her hand with her thumb she eases enough to look back up at him, ears drooped instead of harshly pinned against her dark green hair. She pauses for a moment. It's better to ask and know, right? She wants to try out short hair, and after all that can at least grow back, while a tattoo is irreversible.
"Sir.. May I ask something, while on the ending end of things I'm allowed or not..."
Your smile dips slightly, and you return your gaze to her. Theres a reason youre so hard on her. Letting your creations develop too much of a personal identity is just asking for trouble in the future.
"You may ask."
You hope all this 'wanting things' is just a phase.
Jay "Am I allowed to cut my hair? I wanted to try out shoulder length hair.."
Seeing the smile falter on his face makes Jay instantly regret asking. Gosh where is her fucking blue and white cow plushie when she needs it. To avoid his gave she busies herself with smoothing out the fur on her tail.
Scratch There comes a bit of relief when she asks about her hair. Youll miss her lovely locks, but you allowed the same for the Handmaid once she began behaving. And shoulder length is far less drastic a change.
"Yes, I'll allow it. I think it will be a lovely look for you, hoo hoo."
Jay That.. She looks up at him finally for, with a soft smile she nods. Like rain washing things away, that easily rids her of the tattoo conversations tolls. Keeping down a sigh of relief, she swishes her tail behind her and interlaces her fingers again.
"Thank you, Sir. I hope it will be.”
You smile fondly. Yes, you think that will be quite lovely. Youll have to look into getting her a uniform as well, something to match her coloring and new hair. Ribbons...
"Very good, thats that, then. I will get you what you need to set up the cameras."
Jay Jay smiles and takes a breath, tail thumping against the chair. Okay.. Okay, just easy business talk now. None of that stressful 'Hey you can't do this to your own body' talk. She sighs under her breath and leans forward with a nod.
"Alrighty, Sir.. Is that all we need to discuss for now?"
She tilts her head, ears flopping with the motion. 'Just.. let me out of this office for two minutes.' Her ears flick as she thinks to herself, 'Feels like a mountain of smoke in here, just need to get a breath somewhere else.'
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