#there is nudity and violence and blood and sex scenes and such
no but genuinely HOLY SHIT. i know i went into this trusting u that it was good but i was not expecting that. i love getting to see media where i can completely understand what's going on at least in a sense of storytelling structure it's just. so much fun.
I am so glad you trusted me and are trying it out because holy shit is so right. Like holy fucking shit. Words cannot properly convey the experience of watching Black Sails. It changes you fundamentally as a person.
I think I said this before (I'm getting mixed up in my excitement), but I'm so eager to see what you think once you've watched more. Because, as with many stories, as you learn more you discover things that change what you thought you knew. And cast them in a new light. Like things I learned about characters in the last seasons are affecting how I understand their actions and motivations in the first, you know? So i'm really excited for you to get all that and experience it all
And just the way the stories intersect and how interconnected and yet distinct everything is is so much fun. The series is heart breaking and fascinating and inspiring and contemplative and so so so delightfully entertaining. It captures you from the first moment and its like. There's no going back
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purpledthots · 2 years
Ok what even is peaky blinders,, from your blogging its making me realize how little i know. I thought it was a quirky 90s coming of age/comedy show like Friends or The office (I've never seen any of those shows either)
jokes aside it basically follows the story of the peaky blinders, a razor gang in birmingham. it's lots of politics n whatnot and most of it is tommy shelby (the leader) expanding and moving to bigger things etc etc. definitely not a quirky 90s thing tho, s1 takes place in 1919 and there is barely any comedy
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llycaons · 7 months
literal seconds after making that post I was like oh! warrior! and I went to start it and while this show ISN'T a cinematic masterpiece (cliched, stiff dialogue, somewhat unoriginal), the fight scenes rule and the mc beating up a racist immigration official in the first five minutes did entertain me. so I do like it and I will continue it unless something really major puts me off of it
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chubbyreaderchan · 1 year
Crying in the Sand | Poly! Lost Boys x plus sized!Reader
Summary: The Lost Boy’s mate has some old “friends” come to town. She wants to spend time with them without her boys but they end up destroying her self-esteem instead. The boys will not let them get away with it. 
Warnings: Sexual innuendos but no real sex scenes, cursing, blood, violence, fighting, body shaming, self-hatred, anxiety, shirtless men for some reason, nudity, strong language, bullying, adult bullying, reader is larger in clothes size than the boys but they don’t care, Marko being let loose. Everyone in the coven is dating everyone else. No Michael or Star or Laddie :(
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David’s arm wrapped around her plush hip, pressing her into his side gently. The boys were acting rowdy as they walked the boardwalk, minus Dwayne who was loyally carrying her bags despite her protests. She had been holding off the entire night to tell them she wasn’t going to be hanging out with them the next night. They had a hard time allowing their mate to go anywhere without them, but she made them promise to allow her to have other friends. Which was hard to do as an adult who surrounds herself with scary biker boys with pretty hair. 
But old friends were good. They didn’t know her boys, they had no idea they existed since they were coming to California for vacation from her hometown. They were only passing through the next night and then they were off to try to get to Hollywood and Disneyland for the rest of their trip. She was sure she was a fleeting thought in their minds. They hadn’t contacted her since graduation and she mostly forgot about them until they got her phone number from her family.
“You alright?” Dwayne said. 
His voice was low, and had the depth of dark chocolate and the warmth of his leather jacket on a cold night like tonight. His knuckle brushed over her plush cheek, a forest fire against her cheek despite his deathly cold. David’s fingers dug into her side and the leader looked at Dwayne, mildly annoyed he noticed her thoughts before he did. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” 
She took a deep breath. Now or never. 
“My friends from high school called me last night. I guess they are flying into Santa Carla because the tickets were cheap,” she said. 
(Y/n) leaned into David a bit more, as if seeking physical support from him. He was the leader and protector, she thrived off of that. She liked feeling his protection and listening to his opinions. 
“They want to hang out. Go to some beach. Something less popular than--” 
She motions around them at the crowds and lights. 
“They only have a day to stretch their legs and they want to hit up the beach before they go to Disney,” 
“Are you wanting to introduce us?” David asked. 
(Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, thoughtful. That was something she hadn’t decided on yet. There were a few snakes in her old friend group and she did not want to share her boys with them. They had snatched so many crushes from her in the past, or even helped boys prank her with false dates. 
“No,” she was firm. “They are from a small town. They wouldn’t get it… or us,” 
David gave her a look, it was cold and distant. A tinge of jalousy seemed to sully the air. Dwayne’s hand joined David’s on her body. His hand pressed against the blonde leader it was intimate and comforting for both (Y/n) and David. 
“She should be able to see her friends without us,” Dwayne said gently. 
They could aways watch from a distance. 
Leave it to Paul to ruin the comfortable gazes between the two boys. His lanky arms wrapped around their human mate in a near breath stealing grasp. He nipped at her neck and she giggled at the ticklish sensation. 
“What? Don’t want your high school buddies to be jealous?” Paul purred. 
Marko was in front of her in an instant, keeping a steady pace walking backwards to look at her features. Her soft stomach was his favorite and he often encouraged her to show it off, but it was hidden tonight. With a final leer he grinned his devilish smile that made (Y/n) melt and give into practically anything he wanted. 
“Maybe she doesn’t want them to know how kinky our lady is,” Marko smile never wavered. 
His fists pulled at the opening of his jacket, tongue lapping out at his lips. 
“Not that they’d ever find out, amore,” 
Never in her life had she had so many boys pinning and loving her like they did. She felt wanted and taken care of all at the same time with the four wild vampires. 
“If we aren’t going to see you much tomorrow then we should go back to the cave,” David mused. 
The vampire swiftly tugged the cigarette from behind his ear, pressing it between his lips before lighting it. The hot burn of cigarette smoke filled the air even with his efforts to puff the smoke away from the fragile human he was so annamoured with. 
“Why’s that?” she asked. 
“We need to scent you,”
“Scent me?” 
He hummed, his own devilish grin tugged at his lips. It wasn’t fair how handsome he was. It took everything in (Y/n)’s body to run her fingers through his course facial hair. 
“Can’t have any others trying to touch what is ours,” 
His face was close to her’s now. David’s scent of tobacco, mint, and metal washed over her face. He leans in close and almost purrs his next words. 
“And kitten, you can touch my beard all you want…. But I think it might feel better against your thighs,” 
Her face heated and her thighs rubbed together at the insinuation. The sharp ears of the others caught every word and like a pack of hyenas they howled with laughter. 
“I would punch you if you weren’t so pretty,” she said,
She crossed her arms over her chest like a child. David couldn’t help but laugh, knowing very well her threats meant nothing. His soft lips pressed against her’s in a chaste kiss. 
The day started with her friends arriving at her apartment. No, scratch that. One friend who was one of the snakes, and two girls who used to bully her relentlessly arrived on her front porch. She knew the snake friend was coming but apparently (Y/n) had assumed that she was still friends with the others she used to be around. 
“You look…” the snake, known as Allison grimced visibly. “Like you!” 
Ouch. That one hurt. She could feel herself folding in already and the day with them had hardly started. Ashley the blonde resident mean rich girl in the town hugged (Y/n) like she had a disease and only did so out of politeness. The third was a dark haired girl who always seemed to be a package deal with Ashley. Bridget… thought (Y/n) had often called her an “idiot” in her head. 
“Hi, uh…” she smiled fakely and followed Ashley into the apartment. 
“Once we get relaxed a smidge,” Ashley said. “We should go to lunch. Didn’t you mom say you work on a boardwalk?” 
“I thought you didn’t want to hit the boardwalk?” (Y/n) asked. 
“Oh, we don’t want to hit the boardwalk at night. Too crowded and… too dangerous,” she cringed. 
The plump girl wanted to roll her eyes, but she was right. The boardwalk plus peak summer season plus night and minus her boys could be a one way ticket to robbery… or worse. Though the “or worse” were her boys. She’d always be safe on the boardwalk. 
“Oh, sweetie, You aren’t going to wear that to lunch are you?” Allison asked. “It’s a bit tight don’t you think?” 
(Y/n) looked at the shirt that hugged her body quite tight, a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt. Yes it was a bit small, fitting a bit like a crop top and she did snip part of the neckline to fit a bit better but it was Paul’s shirt. He gave it to her. From his own clothes. 
“Here sugar,” the wild blonde grinned, tossing the t-shirt at her bare body. 
The boys were out feeding that night and Paul had practically destroyed her mind with incredible sex and just his overall vibe. They never liked her to be alone in the cave if they could help it. 
“Paul, how high are you?” 
“No, babe, it’s hi how are you,” he grinned jumping into her nest and kissing her jaw. 
“No, Paulie. Baby… I’m gonna stretch it out,” 
“Don’t you like this shirt?” 
“It’s my favorite,” he grinned. 
His lips continued to kiss her neck. 
“I’ll ruin it. Stretch it,” 
“Well, call it payback, sugar,” He sucked on her neck. 
Her mind was getting fuzzy again. “For what?” 
“For you letting me stretch your pussy out,” 
The memory normally made her laugh but her fingers were now tangled at the hem of the shirt. Stress was filling her mind. 
“Yeah, I can change,” she said softly. “Just make yourselves at home,” 
It wasn’t long and she came out to the three girls giggling. It was like they never left high school. They looked up at her and Bridget laughs again. 
“Are you done?” (Y/n) asked. “Would you like to see the boardwalk or not?” 
“Of course, you look so cute. We’re gonna take my car. It’s bigger,” Ashley grinned. “A rental,” 
It took a lot to not gag at the fakeness in her voice. (Y/n) threw her bag over her shoulder, tracing the patch Marko had stitched into it as she walked to the car. 
“Bridgy,” Ashley smiled. “Let (Y/n) sit up front. She is hosting us after all,” 
Bridget climbs into the back and (Y/n) sits in the front telling her in detail the best ways to get the pier. She couldn’t remember the last time she was her in the day time, it was still lively but it was just a different feeling.
It felt more family friendly and not one wrong move from being either a rave or a brawl. No David holding her hip or Marko pinching her sides. No Paul wanting to sneak her off into one of the changing booths or even a Dwayne making sure she actually eats something that was sugar dipped in more sugar. It was a familiar loneliness she had hanging over her she had most of her teenage year as the three women linked arms and (Y/n) fell behind them. She was never lonely or felt as if she wasn’t wanted with her boys. 
Hell, if they didn’t want her around they would’ve eaten her by now… and not in the fun way. 
“Where should we eat?” Allison called over her shoulder. “What’s good?” 
“There’s a 24 hour diner near the Di--,” 
“What, no,” Ashley said. 
The preppy blonde was aghast at the mention of a diner. She rolled her eyes and reached into her beach bag. A pamphlet of the local attractions and restaurants she must’ve gotten at a rest stop at some point. 
“Oh, we should go to the seafood place,” Ashley grinned. 
(Y/n) cringed at the thought. The boys had told her many sketchy things about the owner and management. It was not a great choice but a water and a side salad would hold over until she could get a corn dog from her favorite booth. Maybe. 
The best part of the restaurant was definitely the air conditioning. It felt nice against her skin, she even tugged her well loved jacket from her shoulders. Another gift she had an argument over when David gave it to her. It was older, but with Marko’s sewing skills and patches from all of them it was transformed into hers, though the arms were a bit tight and it didn’t zip properly but it fit the best out of all the boy’s clothes and she adored it. Marko promised to make it fit better but she wasn’t sure she wanted it. It was like a constant hug from David, it even smelled like him. But even a punk can get sweaty in a jacket on the beach. 
“Why did you let us eat there?” Ashley whined as they walked down the boardwalk. 
“You wouldn’t listen if I told you,” (Y/n) replied. 
“Wait where are you going?” Bridget copied the whine of the other girl.
It made her want to jam a plastic fork into her ear. Somehow she managed to get in line at the good corndog place, as suggested by Marko. 
“I thought you were dieting. You know cuz the jacket was so tight and the salad,” Bridget accused. 
She shook her head and bit her lip. Her hand went into her pocket fidgeting with the coins inside. This was going to be a long day and it had barely started. She could’ve been in bed this whole time. Hell, she could’ve been in her nest the entire time, with her boys. Hell, she’d even hang out with Max at this point. At least he wasn’t an open asshole like these girls were. 
(Y/n) bit into the fried treat and sighed in contentment. 
“Are you sure this beach is private enough?” Allison called. 
Then she giggled and whispered. The sun was starting to set and the girls wanted to abandon the boardwalk quickly. (Y/n)’s mind ached from being around the three girls and she was practically counting down the hours until she could go back to her boys. By the time they were on the beach she knew of, the sun was down and it was quite dark. 
“Of course, I come here all the time,” she said. “Nothing for miles,” 
Other than a cave. 
“Oh good,” Allison giggled.
She tore off her top and began stripping in the dark. (Y/n) watched in shock. The darkness of the beach wasn’t enough to conciel the girls stripping down to their birthday suits. 
“Come on, (Y/n). We did this all the time back home. It’s why we wanted to come here at night,” she giggled. “Join us,” 
The grin on Allison’s lips would have mimicked Markos. This would have been a Marko or Paul idea but something felt off about this. The instinct to pull in and run as fast as she could was buzzing in her brain harder than the first time she saw a vampire feed. But just like then she pushed it away, the wild side that was primmed and built by the coven of vampires was screaming to just do it. 
A sharp swallow felt like it cut down her entire body. She pulled her jacket off then her top and the rest of her clothes. The girls were huddled and giggling, bile made it’s way up her throat. Bitter and painful as the rest ran into the water. Even at her age, peer pressure seemed to be winning her over as she went into the dark waters. Her heard was racing as the cold touched her hot skin. It cooled over the places where the sun had touched, she sighed again in contentment. The fear was washed away from her body with each crash of the wave. 
Her eyes fluttered shut and she enjoyed the sounds of the night. Quiet and still, with the occasional sound of wildlife that lived in the area. Quiet never happened with all the boys. Quiet could only be obtained with Dwayne or David. All four was shouting and calling and flirting and--. 
(Y/n)’s eyes shot open. It was too dark to see anyone. She spun in a circle, hoping to see anyone. Anything. Gone. They left her. She swallowed hard, and fought back the tears of frustration and memories. This wasn’t the first time Allison played this prank. Leaving her in the middle of nowhere. But it was fine. She would just pull on her clothes and just go to the cave or the boardwalk and find her boys. 
She stepped onto the sand, careful not to step on a scuttering crab before heading to her clothes which---
They weren’t there. Her jacket. Her shirt. Even her swimsuit and bag were gone, hot tears filled her eyes arms wrapping around her bare body as she fell into the sand with a thud. Her breathing was hard and ragged. The bullying through the day seemed to have built up to this moment. It was as if time hadn’t moved since she was 16 and trying to blend in only to stand out more. She coughed out a sob. She hardly registered the rumbling of motors coming down the beach. 
“This is lame,” Marko said. 
He chewed at the glove on his left hand anxiously. The group of boys seemed dull. David was simply browsing the night’s produce, deciding which bodies could fill their bellies and the boredom without their mate to complete their family. 
No one peaked his curiosity. Hell, he wasn’t even that hungry, at least not that kind of hunger. David could practically still taste her on his tongue and her smell still lingered on the boardwalk. It was hours old but he knew her scent so well that it could’ve been just a few seconds ago. 
He was growing irritated. Like a caged jaguar. He wanted to rip into something, but had no one good enough. Nothing caught his interest other than a back and fourth look over the crowd. 
“Maybe (Y/n)’s friends left,” Paul said, hopeful. 
“If that’s the case she’d come to us,” Dwayne said, leaning back a bit on his bike. 
He stretched and grunted slight before leaning forward again on the handles. Dwayne didn’t need to stretch but it was an old human habit, like breathing. But he was disappointed when he remember that their little mate wasn’t their to ogle at his muscles beneath his skin. 
“Let’s go,” David flicked his cigarette carelessly. “No one looks worth it tonight,” 
They kicked off their bikes and onto the beach they drove. Taking the long sandy way home in the hopes of finding some form of entertainment. The pack were wooping and hollering but it didn’t feel as good as when it was filled with giggles. A piece of their coven was missing. David hated and loved how much she meant to the dynamic of their family. 
David inhales, sand brushed against his nostrils but that wasn’t the scent that bothered his nose. Tears. Fear. 
Something was wrong, and David tried not to allow his true face out. He slowed his bike and the boys followed. Marko was next to him sniffing the air, he liked the smell of tears but not like this. They could see her curled in on her self crying. 
Naked. And crying. 
Leather enveloped her shoulders and she looked up to see Dwayne. He smiled at her sadly, kneeling to her level. 
He brushed a rough thumb under her eyes, wiping a tear off her cheek. 
“What the fuck happened, amore,” Marko was in front of her, hands gripping into fists. 
Pacing and cursing in Italian. David looked just as pissed and she didn’t see paul. Not until he threw the shirt he had on at her playfully. 
“Paul,” She whimpered. 
“Don’t even start, sugar. Just put it on,” 
His voice lacked any warmth. No happy go lucky Paul, but a serious man with anger in his voice. A black Led Zepplin shirt that smelled of him and weed. It stretched over her body, but it wasn’t enough to cover her bottom half. She moved Dwayne’s jacket to covers up but she was still very bare. But she did feel a bit better with her boys surrounding her. 
“What the hell happened,” David mimicked Marko’s question. 
His movements were so quiet she jumped when she turned to see him crouched infront of her, leather hands on her knees. 
“They convinced me to swim… without,” she sniffed. “Then took my clothes and left… I just want my jacket and bag back,” 
David pulled his large over coat off and placed it on her as well. 
“Don’t worry kitten, we’ll take care of it,” David said.
His gloved hand 
“I’ll take her back to the cave,” Dwayne said. 
He didn’t even hesitate. He lifted (Y/n) as if she weighed nothing, wrapping her tightly to keep her modest, not that anyone would see a thing or even look while in his arms. 
“I don’t,” 
“Don’t worry mama,” he soothed. “We’re flying. I’ll get my bike when you are in your nest,” 
Paul, Marko, and David were off. Following the scent of fake cucumber and soon to be dead bitches. Marko was the first to spot them, his eyes were especially sharp when he was pissed off and hungry. They didn’t care about safety or stopping, they tailgated them until the women finally pulled off. Clearly, they weren’t very smart. David’s bike barely stopped when he hopped off. Rage was fueling him, and his eyes were yellow. His hunger had suddenly returned. 
“What the hell--,” the blonde yelled. 
“Where the fuck is her stuff,” 
The woman in pink finally looked into David’s face. She stammered. Marko had already ripped the door of the passengerside causing the women to scream. Paul smashed the back window, seeing (Y/n)’s clothes and bag. 
The brunette screamed again as Marko tugged her from her seat. He held her so tight her arm snapped under the force and she screamed again. Marko’s long tongue flicked out before he took a rough bite. 
They would be another set of missing people. 
“Good thing you leave so much here,” Dwayne teased, running his hands over her thigh. It was a pair of sweat pants she had forgotten ages ago but she was grateful for them. She didn’t want to steal another item of their clothes. 
“Though I still think you’d be cuter in my boxers,” 
They were laying in her next again, right under where the boys would sleep. It was safest to them and they liked having her there, since she would be joining them on the ceiling someday. Dwayne leaned forward, kissing another stray tear. He had already left and retrieved his bike, and now he could be comfortable with her. His jacket was still over her shoulders and she was hugging David’s like a security blanket. 
Tears still crept from her eyes, but he could tell she was feeling better. 
His fingers traced over the waist band of her hips and he kissed another stray tear away. He kissed down her cheek all the way to her lips. Dwayne smiled when she returned the kiss, moving so she could touch his body. The cave rumbled and the other vampires came in wildly. The curtains moved and the first boy rushed in, bag on his shoulder and a grin on his face.
“Sorry, Dwayne. There wasn’t enough bitch for all of us,” Paul said patting his shoulder.
Happy Paul was back but his face and hands were coated in blood. He placed her things beside her bed and he leaned in to kiss her but Dwayne put a hand against his other lover’s chest. 
“Clean first, then kiss her.” 
“Yeah yeah, human blood disease,” Paul hissed. 
Marko rushed in next. Wild eyed and looking like he could go for another fight. But he was clean, or at least his skin was. His shirt was stained and ripped apart but his jacket was a beautiful as alway. 
 His eyes flickered around and landed on his girl. Puffy eyed, but smiling at him. 
“Feeling better, Venus?” He teased. 
She nodded. 
He shrugged his jacket off, then shoes, then his shirt before climbing in behind her. His arms snaked around her middle, squeezing at the doughy flesh of her belly just right. 
“Stop! That tickles,” She giggled trying to pull away from him. 
“Amore, how can I stop when you are just so irresistible,” 
Dwayne rolled his eyes at the antics. “Marko,” He was stern. 
Marko paused his tickling and rolled his eyes before just hugging his hurting mate from behind. He kissed her neck and nipped at the skin softly. 
“Don’t worry, my Venus,” he whispered. “Those girls wont ever hurt you again,” 
His breath is cool against her skin and she can’t help but to hum. She leaned against Marko and he allowed her enjoying her against his chest. 
The curtains pulled back again, David was now also shirtless his hair damp and gel-less. It was slightly messy without product and (Y/n) loved it very much. His lips curl into a smug smile. 
“I’m glad you like my jacket, kitten but I think I’d be a better replacement,” 
He crawled into the nest as well. He sat between Dwayne and (Y/n) taking the jacket from her hands before pulling her from Marko’s grip. She layed against his soft chest and he purred as her fingers danced over his soft belly before gently playing with his chest hair. Marko found himself back behind her, hugging for dear life. His fingers tapped against her middle. 
They all seemed to be buzzing with energy. 
“What the fuck? Why are you guys hogging the babe!” 
Paul launched himself into the pile of lovers wedging himself between the tangled legs of (Y/n) and David. Dwayne rolled his eyes before scooting into David’s other side, placing a hand on the exposed midriff of his princess. 
“I don’t think I want friends anymore,” she hummed. “You guys are like friends and boyfriends wrapped in one,” 
“You should still have friends,” Dwayne said gently. “I bet you’d like Gloria,” 
“No, I think i’m content,” 
“Whatever you want kitten,” David said. “That’s what you’ll get,” 
His fingers traced over any skin or into any hair that he could. They went down to her jaw and gently lifted her chin. He pressed a kiss against her lips. 
“I want to kiss her,” Paul huffed, pushing up against David’s stomach to climb to her face.
David grunted in annoyance but held his tongue from shouting at the vamponeside golden retriever. He just watched as he sloppily devoured her lips. 
She was never going to be alone like that again. He wouldn’t allow it. 
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frauleiiin · 6 months
SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
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As requested by many, there is the SWTOR Secret Santa for this year! The exchange will be hosted by me @frauleiiin.
The exchange is open to writers, artists and people who make edits!
The exchange works like a real life secret santa. You'll receive a prompt to draw/write/edit a piece for someone and you'll also receive a piece from someone else.
We'll stick to a Safe For Work (SFW) event to try to include as much people as we can. So no explicit sex or explicit nudity. The exchange is open to 16+.
No extreme gore, blood, violence. Action/fighting scenes are fine and minor blood is okay. If you have doubts refer to me.
If you can't finish your gift in time, please message me @frauleiiin as soon as you can so I can find you a replacement.
Be sure your tumblr can accept private messages from me so I can send you the prompts and check on your progress!
Fanfictions need to be a minimum of 600 words.
Illustrations need to be more elaborated than a sketch. So colored sketch, colored line art, black & white rendered sketch, etc. As long as it feels somehow finished, go for it.
This is an obvious rule but still, Star Wars: The Old Republic pieces ONLY.
Signs-ups are open NOW (December 10th)
Signs-up end December 15th at 2:00 PM UTC−5! [CLOSED]
You'll receive your Giftee and prompts on the 15th-16th.
Gifts are due January 1st-11th 20th January (Delayed)
Here's the form to the exchange!
If I forgot anything or you have questions, please, do contact me! The tag this year is #swtor secret santa 2023. I'm really excited for this secret santa, I hope we all get to have a good time!
REBLOG AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, we only have 5 days for the entries this year so let's try to hook as much people we can!!
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dotthings · 1 month
How, by the farthest reach and stretch people could reach, is saying "spn wasn't about this queer ship or queer love" not gatekeeping and othering and exclusionary language, how is that not patronizing and hanging a sign on the spn gate that says "there is no place for queer characters and a queer love story here" (because...this is a family friendly space?? a horror show drenched in blood, torture, violence, guns, beheadings, plus m/f sex scenes, and partial nudity??? But Dean and Cas PG-rated hand-holding or something like that would make spn no longer about family???) and how is "but it's about platonic love only" not also very gatekeeping against queer characters and a queer love story? How is allowing Dean and Cas's love story a space at the table a spot to share in the story somehow making the show no longer "about the brothers"??? Why can't spn be "about Destiel" given it's utterly and absolutely canonical that their love saved each other and saved the world?????? Given that their love is already part of the story? How does Dean and Cas's love story somehow make spn no longer predominantly about platonic relationships??? How is it people keep insisting a show about love had to bar the door and chain the gates against a queer love story yet claim this is progressive and inclusive????? I mean what??? Seriously, what, WHAT?
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blacksapphicguide · 3 months
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First Kill (TV series)
2020s TV series | 1 seasons (Cancelled). Fantasy, drama, romance.
Plot points:
Vampire x vampire killer trope.
Vampire fantasy.
Supernatural world.
Family dynamics.
Enemies to lover romance.
Teen-high school romance.
Interracial lesbian couple (main).
Black sapphic characters:
Calliope "Cal" Burns [lesbian] Imani Lewis
Calliope x Juliette - Calliette (interracial lesbian)
Sex & Nudity - Mild
Violence & Gore - Moderate
Abusive parents - death threats, choking, and slapping their children.
Drinking of blood from (vampire) victims.
Profanity - Mild
Use of the word fuck, bitch, hell, etc.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking - Mild
Alcohol: social drinking.
Underaged drinking.
Teen drug use.
Frightening & Intense Scenes - Very Mild
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robsheridan · 1 year
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Getting psyched for the Big Game with my favorite sports movie, 1981’s CANNIBAL QUARTERBACK. A schlocky low-budget grindhouse splatterfest, the film is impossible to track down but cherished by aficionados of tasteless cinema. Although it contains no sex scenes, it received an X rating for “senseless, prolonged nudity and graphic violence” thanks largely to its notorious “cheerleader blood orgy” scene, which at 27 grueling minutes accounts for nearly a third of the entire film.
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In CANNIBAL QUARTERBACK, radioactive waste from a secretive government facility leaks into the farm of cattle destined for leather, and a football made from the mutated cows finds its way to the local college football team. At first the mysterious football seems to give the players power and stamina on the field. But what follows is anger, violent rage, and an intense hunger for raw bloody meat. When gobbling beef before each game is no longer enough, the gruesome killings begin; students begin disappearing, and mangled bodies turn up around the stadium, the flesh chewed off them.
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Consuming human flesh begins to change the players, mutating them one by one into savage creatures who yearn only for blood. Their coach, greedy for the wins his newly supercharged players are bringing, tries to conceal the dark secret of the team and even helps lure unsuspecting students into the locker room to become pre-game snacks. The big game against their rival team proceeds as planned despite the growing body count, and all hell breaks loose on the field. The rage and bloodlust of the now monstrous players can no longer be contained, nor can the sickness afflicting them, which spreads rapidly to the other team — and the cheerleaders.
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A fight between the rival cheer squads quickly descends into a cannibalistic orgy of gore. In a trance-like state, drunk on an abundance of nubile flesh, the possessed women tear each other apart and writhe in their blood and guts, consuming their bodies layer by layer until the locker room is a formless heap of meat and bone.
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Meanwhile, the violence on the field has continued, the teams of deranged mutants engaged in a twisted "game," savagely competing to devour each other all through the night until only the strongest cannibal remains.
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The film’s final scene sees the sun rising on a field of grotesque death, with only a few mindless cannibal monsters still alive, wandering around seeking new blood. But a bizarre post-credits scene returns to the radioactive farmlands of the opening shot, where humanoid mutant cows are seen emerging ominously from the glowing green ooze that created them. A planned sequel of mutant cow creatures seeking revenge on the humans for slaughtering their kind was supposedly filmed but never completed.
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Auteur underground horror director Ron Sharletan, fresh off the success of 1977’s DRIVE-THRU OF DEATH, described CANNIBAL QUARTERBACK as “a commentary on the corruption of school sports and the toxic American obsession with zero-sum victory at all costs.” Upon receiving an X rating from the MPAA for the film’s “excessive graphic violence and nudity,” Sharletan refused to edit the film despite the rating meaning near-certain commercial failure for the film. “Art is not defined by censors,” Sharletan said in a statement, “and my vision will not be sacrificed on the altar of mass market puritanism.” Thus, the film had an almost non-existent theatrical release, and only found its niche audience years later on VHS.
Critical reviews were unkind, with many reviewers walking out of press screenings during the film’s notoriously graphic 27-minute “cheerleader blood orgy.” Gene Siskel wrote: “I’m envious of my colleagues who made the wise decision to abandon this cinematic atrocity, because having enduring the full length of the film, I can assure you dear reader that there is no merit to be found on the other side.”
Peter Travers called the film “regressive, exploitative trash” and Sports Illustrated’s review said “such excessive violence and sexism make a mockery of the beautiful game of football.”
Little is known about why the planned sequel fell apart before completion, but one crew member described it as “a drug-addled trainwreck” and “the worst filming experience of my life.” The never-seen footage from the sequel has become a “holy grail” for underground cinema aficionados.
Official CANNIBAL QUARTERBACK t-shirts now available at Glitch Goods!
NOTE: This film does not actually exist outside of my imagination. This alternate history horror story is part of my NightmAIres series exploring media and events that never existed, conceived by me and visualized with synthography. Some other entries in this series include Cyborg Slaves of Satan, The Macy's Thanksgiving Day "Blood Parade", World Without Christmas, Rankin/Bass' 1967 Krampus TV Special, Children of Irradiated Skies, Jodorowsky's Frasier, David Lynch's Perfect Strangers.
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readwebcomicsgdi · 3 months
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Palette tells a story between two young men Black and White. They both have had their hard times in the past - but now they find new feelings to process in a whole new situation after becoming roommates. Will the ghosts of the past ruin their future or can they overcome those times and make something greater? Will the past forget them and move on? Will their awkwardness come in their way to develop their relationship?
* This comic will contain explicit adult content in the future. Updates will have warnings about the NSFW content. The comic contains strong language, occassional nudity and sex scenes. Occassional physical violence, blood and mentions of mental abuse may occur. 
The author can be found here on tumblr @kultasardiini !
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
In a modern au, what would be the most they could stomach in a video game? like from a 1 to Postal 2 scale
Hmm. I think it depends on what exactly we're talking about. I'm assuming you're talking about violence here so I'll start with that, but I think discussing other categories for ratings would be fun. Sexual content and horror elements would probably be the two other main ones.
Putting under a read more, I don't go into much detail about any of these but hey, it's pretty long anyway so may as well do that, in case you don't want it out in the open on your feed haha
FPK - while he doesn't mind gore itself (we're talking about a guy who eats animals raw in the main AU, after all), I think he would be very squeamish about something like torture, or mass violence. He would be fine with survival games though, since in those you usually commit violence to survive or in self-defense. He's definitely the type to be nice to NPCs in games, he wouldn't want to kill them for no reason. So it really depends on the situation, but if we're talking Postal 2 like violence then he wouldn't like it.
Grimm - he's far more comfortable with violence, he's not opposed to killing others (at least in the main AU) and with video games the barrier between reality and fiction would make him even more indifferent to it. That's where he stands, I think, he wouldn't usually go on mass NPC killings, especially if FPK was watching him play, but he wouldn't be opposed to very brutal scenarios. He can stomach it just fine.
Hornet - she's the type to take her anger out on video game characters so she'd be perfectly fine with shooting random pedestrians in GTA or even playing Postal 2 and pushing it to the extreme. She's desensitized to violence and gore as long as it's in a video game, in real life she's a bit more squeamish about it (especially if she's placed in a situation where she has to treat someone's wounds, she'll handle it but she would have to look away in the worst moments).
Holly - they don't like blood, gore and violence, so they would avoid it altogether if playing video games. While blood itself is usually fine (after all, they don't mind seeing blood on FPK or Grimm's mouth/clothes in the main AU), they avoid any kind of violence. They're the type to play Stardew Valley, or sit and tend to their farm in Minecraft, leaving combat to the others. So not counting the kids, they're the most squeamish about video game violence.
Zote - he's somewhere in the middle, closer to squeamish, he's fine with killing NPCs but if it gets too violent he has to look away (but only if no one is looking at him). He'll claim that he can handle anything and then run out of the room to puke if the game gets really intense.
Lewk, Asta and Milo - too young for violent games. They often watch the others play, but only those games that are suitable to them. Asta and Milo are too young to really know what's happening, but Grimm and FPK still won't let them look at violent stuff. Same for Lewk, except he's a lot more aware so his dads are even more careful to make sure he doesn't see something he shouldn't.
Sexual content
FPK - while he does have an active intimate life with Grimm, he's not the biggest fan of sex or nudity in video games. He would definitely instinctively look away, and if a game has an option to disable it, he always chooses it.
Grimm - 100% has a save file for every romance option in Baldur's Gate 3. As mentioned prior, he can separate fiction from reality - it's a video game, he'd never cheat on FPK. But I think he'd do it more out of curiosity than for any other reason. Also he'd most definitely critique terrible sex scenes in games hahah.
Hornet - she's fine with it, though if there's an option to skip it she will usually do it.
Holly, Zote - they both dislike it and will avoid games that have it.
Horror elements
FPK - very sensitive to it, avoids horror games like fire. He hates jumpscares and the feeling of dread or terror, so he would not have fun playing a horror game.
Grimm - he loves horror, it's incredibly hard for any media to scare him. Makes sense, he's the god of nightmares, the only time he's going to be terrified is if one of his loved ones gets hurt.
Hornet - she enjoys horror, she'll get jumpscared sometimes and get angry about it, but she does like playing scary games for the thrill.
Holly - they don't play horror games, but they would be able to handle them pretty decently (except for those that lean into violent horror). They have pretty much no reaction to jumpscares, they also handle tense scenes quite well.
Zote - screams at every single jumpscare and then acts like he was just pretending. Classic Zote move
Lewk - surprisingly brave about spooky things, though of course he doesn't get to watch violent scary games, for the reasons stated above.
Asta and Milo - even if Asta is the braver than Milo, the two would still get really scared at loud noises and images, and start crying (which would sound more like quiet sad meows).
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lulu2992 · 7 months
My (spoiler-free) opinion on Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
It was very good.
Seriously, I enjoyed it a lot! This “remix”, as the name suggests, is basically a big mashup of Ubisoft franchises, in a style that resembles Japanese animation (but by a French studio), and with a hint of arcade games. Some names, faces, or events may be familiar, but the story is set in 1992 in its own world with its own rules and people, so don’t expect anything or anyone to be exactly the same as what you’re used to.
For example, among the existing characters featured in Captain Laserhawk, we have Pagan Min, who still wears pink, has bleached hair and eyebrows, and is a villain, but isn’t a dictator, doesn’t seem to have the same backstory, and is more exuberant and carefree than he is in Far Cry 4 (he reminds me more of the young version of him we see in the Control DLC). Marcus Holloway, on the contrary, is older and more serious than his canonical Watch Dogs 2 self, but he’s still part of the series’ version of DedSec.
Visually speaking, it’s very rich, and the animation manages to be simultaneously “simple” (because of the low frame rate) and impressive. Sometimes, the show temporarily becomes a retro game, which I thought was really cool, not to mention a clever way to move the story forward. Not only are those “gameplay sequences” very well done and look like actual games, but various styles are also represented (platformers, shooters, even a dating simulator), so they really are a nice, original touch.
The soundtrack is reminiscent of the music we could hear in Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, and I don’t have much to say about it except that it was good and worked well!
As for the story, it was well-written and engaging; I watched the show in one sitting and never got bored. There’s at least one plot twist in each of the six episodes, and while the series is inspired by and references a lot of existing pieces of media, it still feels unique and manages not to fall into easy tropes and clichés. It’s funny, but it knows how to be sad. It’s colorful, but it can get really dark. It’s animated fiction, but it also tackles very real issues. Captain Laserhawk does it all, at it does it well. It’s made for an adult audience, so it contains violence, blood, drugs, vulgar language, nudity, and (implied) sex. That said, those mature elements, much like everything in the series, are well-dosed and don’t feel gratuitous, in my opinion. It’s appropriately inappropriate, I would say.
In general, I thought the actors were good and that the characters were compelling. My favorite is probably Bullfrog because he has some great scenes and I think he encompasses all aspects of the show: he’s here for comic relief but has solemn moments, he’s a cute cartoonish frog but also a skilled Assassin, etc. On a side note, as a French person, I really appreciate that his accent, although very strong, is real and not a caricatural imitation. Even when he lets out things like “ok, d’accord”, “et merde”, or even just “oui”, it sounds spontaneous and natural.
In conclusion, Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix is great. Both esthetically and narratively, it’s super creative, there’s always something happening, and you’re constantly surprised. This show is a lot but, strangely, it’s never too much. I think it’s obvious by now, but I recommend watching it (if you’re over 18... or just 16 in my country for some reason), even if you’ve never played a single Ubisoft game in your life and just want to see a good animated series. In the end, the thing I dislike most about it is that... there aren’t more episodes!
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cassandra-sims · 1 month
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So I've just finished watching Season 1 of "Hemlock Grove".
I rate it as 6 out of 10.
None of the main characters was relatable, no character development, random sexual scenes all the time, violence (also sexual violence) and above all – nothing made sense at all.
I've never seen a show with werewolves but without vampires. The "creativity" was to have a kind of an alien that feeds on blood. Seriously, why not just using vampires?
The only character which was well written was the mother, Olivia.
Bill (Roman Godfrey) has so many sex scenes with random girls, showing feminine nudity - but he is never naked. You can tell just by that he doesn’t feel comfortable, and yet it keeps happening.
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mandoreviews · 3 months
📽️ Enola Holmes (2020)
I didn’t actually watch this movie until after the second one was out. I was refusing to watch it on principle, although now I don’t even know what that principle was. I enjoyed this movie quite a bit more than I thought I would. I thought it was going to be another super corny, super woke Netflix movie. I was surprised to find I genuinely enjoyed it. I rarely try to figure things out as the movie goes on because I love the big reveal at the end. I do agree with some that have said there was too much going on, but I think it all works out in the end. I would watch this again.
Sex/nudity: 1/10 (breasts shown in an art book briefly)
Language: 2/10 (nothing too bad but there is some)
Violence: 3/10 (there are quite a few fight scenes but nothing too graphic, mild blood)
Overall rating: 7/10
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messers-moony · 2 years
Devotion: Chapter Twenty-Eight | F.H
Paring: Five Hargreeves X Fem!Reader (Series)
Summary: In which the Hargreeves siblings come together to stop the end of the world.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the Umbrella Academy. All rights go to the creators of the show, the comics and everyone in between. Gifs used in these chapters are NOT mine and are/were found on Pinterest.
Warnings: Cursing, Sex, Nudity, Violence, Gore, Alcohol, Drugs, Smoking, Intense Scenes, and Abuse (if I missed any let me know)
—The Curse
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❝Is this guardian a Jedi?❞
They danced. As the world continued to end around them, they danced together. Y/n still had a sinking feeling in her chest, and as the seconds went on, it got deeper. She sighed. Sloane and Luther continued to sway in the middle of the floor. Allison and Ben sat at a table together. Viktor and Klaus did their own subtle dance. Lila and Diego danced together under the blue dotted lights. 
Y/n felt someone tap her shoulder, and she looked up. Diego was standing behind her, “May I take her away for a dance?”
Five looked down. His chest felt empty without her leaning on it. Y/n smiled, and Five sighed, “You may.”
Y/n took Diego’s hand and let him pull her into a clumsy dance. She watched Five go back to the table. She felt Diego step on her shoes multiple times and chuckled, “God, you are awful at this.”
“Well, Klaus was always my partner.” Diego replied, “You don’t learn much when your partner is giggling and not listening.”
She smiled and took the lead. Diego’s cheeks flushed in embarrassment, but he let her lead him in a waltz. Y/n chuckled every time he would accidentally trip over his own feet. They danced until they were out of breath. Diego smiled before twirling her. Her hair flipped, and she laughed before letting go of his hand to sit beside Five at the table. She could smell the alcohol on him. 
Y/n pulled out the chair on Five’s right and grabbed a glass of water. She knew that if Five kept drinking, someone would have to take care of him. The glass had condensation on it, and it left her fingertips wet. It thudded against the plastic table. Five was eating beside her. Klaus was wandering around with a champagne flute. 
“Cinco! Ocho!” Klaus did finger guns, “Mi Hermano. Mi Hermana.”
“Oh, God.” Five muttered as Klaus sat down on his left, “What do you want?”
“Listen to me. Dad is upstairs right now with a plan to save everything. So what say we pop up to the suite for a little chitchat?”
Five narrowed his eyes, “Are you like Frick and Frack with the old man now?”
“This dad's different. He's a turtle.” Klaus said, “Hard on the outside, but all cute and wrinkly and occasionally delicious on the inside.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,”
Five took a sip of champagne, “Old dogs like me and him never change. He has never had our best interests at heart.”
“So, my only plan for tonight is to get fucked up beyond all recognition,” Five continued, “And make love to my wonderful girlfriend.”
Y/n choked on her water, “For fucks sake.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Sure.” Klaus clinked their glasses, “Have at it.”
“I shall!”
She shook her head and placed her cup down. Five continued to eat beside her. Klaus looked over at Diego and Lila. Y/n watched Lila come over and mutter something. She tilted her head at them. Then Chet walked around with an old camera. She watched him press the button, and a white flash filled her vision. 
Cameras flashed on every block on the way back to the Academy. A thirteen-year-old Y/n sat in the back of the limousine. Ben sat beside her. He had blood all over his uniform and his hands. Five sat in front of her, and Klaus was on his left. She picked at the blood beneath her nails. Her hair was matted with blood, and it stained her cheeks. She could feel it drying. It made her feel sticky. 
Y/n looked out the window. Fans lined up on every sidewalk with posters, cosplays, and signs. Most fans had Spaceboy, The Rumor, and The Boy posters. Some kids had The Horror posters. One kid had even dressed up like him. Ben was horrified. She saw very few of the Séance and the Kraken. Y/n knew they weren’t trendy. Not one kid or teen had anything to do with her. 
The Curse was precisely that, a Curse. She felt the weight of the pistol on her hip and sighed. She sat crossed-legged in the back as Ben fidgeted. She could hear Allison and Diego arguing in the front. Luther said nothing in the passenger seat. Five and Klaus whispered together. Ben didn’t like to talk. Y/n appreciated it. She wasn’t fond of talking. 
Her uniform was splattered all over. It was no longer navy blue. She had been too close when Allison exploded a man’s mind. Y/n was instantly covered in his blood. Allison didn’t look the slightest apologetic and ran off to Luther. She sighed and wiped her face with her sleeve. It turned darker instantly. She turned to see Five being cornered by a man and tucked her hair away. 
Diego’s knife was left on the ground. Y/n picked it up and threw it at one of the men, and he crumbled to the floor. Five looked baffled as the other collapsed with no warning. He looked down to see Y/n clenching her fist. She looked determined, “What the hell are you waiting for, Number Five? Get off your ass!”
Y/n heard a wisp, and he was gone. She held out her hand, and the knife flew back into her palm. It was covered in blood. She wiped it on her skirt before throwing it to Diego. He caught it seamlessly, “You know, you could be nicer to him, yeah?”
“I saved his life,” She retorted, “That’s plenty nice.”
He snorted. She saw Klaus get distracted. A man was reloading his gun, and Y/n walked over to him. She kicked him on the back of the knees, and they buckled. Y/n grabbed the gun from his hand and shot him in the back of the skull. She looked up and shook the hair out of her face. Klaus had wide eyes, and Y/n unloaded the gun before throwing it out, “Watch your ass, Number Four.”
She whipped around at a gun firing. Behind her, a bullet was flying threw the room toward her. Y/n huffed and turned it around. It penetrated the man’s chest and hit the wall behind him. Everyone stared. Y/n knew she looked ridiculous. Her foot was on a dead man’s neck, with blood covering every inch of her body. She walked away from the man and looked around the room. She heard Diego whistle.
“Thank god, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
Y/n walked toward the entrance and threw the doors open. The flashes blinded her. They were bright white, and all she could hear was clicking. People crowded the gate, and she navigated through them. Everyone followed behind her to the road where the limousine waited. Y/n growled with frustration.
“Get the fuck out of the way!” She yelled, “We would all like to go home now.”
People parted on the steps, and she sighed. Her shoes left bloody footprints all down the stairs. Y/n opened the car door and walked to the back row. It was a twenty-minute drive to the Academy. Everyone exited in number order. Y/n watched them exit. Luther had no blood on him. Diego had some on his cheek. Allison had some splatters on her arm. Klaus had none. Five had some on his face. Ben had some on his uniform and hands. Y/n exited the car covered from head to toe with blood. 
Reginald held out his cane and stopped her from entering the Academy. She backed up from the doors and narrowed her eyes. Then she felt her knees give out. He’d hit the back of her knees with his cane, and the crowd was laughing like it was entertainment. She growled and went to stand, but he hit her again. Y/n was tired, sticky, and annoyed. She looked up to see Ben, Vanya, and Diego in the door window. 
Y/n felt a burning pain on her back and her hands slid against the sidewalk. Her palms burned, and he slammed his cane down on her back. No one complained or yelled for her. No one cried for the villain. No one wanted to save the villain. Her head was pushed down, and all she heard was laughing before everything darkened. 
She shook her head. She felt her heart pound beneath her chest. Y/n pushed out of her chair, and Five furrowed his eyebrows, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” Y/n pushed in her chair, “I’m just going to get some air.”
Five nodded, and Y/n walked out of the banquet hall onto a balcony. The air hit her face. It was warm and soothing. The patio had yellow string lights going across the top. Big rocks made a small railing for the area. She sighed, and her hands trembled. Y/n walked up to the rocks and leaned on them. She looked up and saw the Kugelblitz looming over the building. Y/n grabbed the Rubik cube from her pocket. 
It had been a long time. Reginald stopped the treatment after she came back from the Commission. There were no stars anymore—just orange gas. Y/n looked down at the cube in her hand. It was familiar and felt light in her hand. She remembered yearning for one in Dallas, where everyone thought too much. She stared down at her hands. If she looked long enough, she could see the blood on them. 
It was never hers. Sometimes she wished it was. Y/n turned her back to the rocks and sat down on one of them. It was smooth and cool to the touch. She leaned her cheek against the wall of rock. It cooled her skin. She sighed and closed her eyes. Y/n heard the surrounding noises left. Trees swayed, music played inside the banquet hall and the faint rumbling. 
Y/n felt herself dozing and heard the ocean. She wished she could see it one last time. She looked up to see the stars glittering at her. It all felt like a subtle tease of what could’ve been. It felt nice to sleep. It felt nice to let go of the sinking feeling for two hours while her body dozed. She woke up when someone opened the door again. It was Diego and Lila. They smiled at her and sat on another rock to her left. 
Lila laid her head in Diego’s lap, and Diego leaned back against the rocks. Five was next to stumble out with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. Y/n chuckled, and Five perked up. His face lit up, and he came to sit beside her. She felt him snuggle against her left arm. Viktor gave a sheepish smile before sitting on the rocks. Five offered Y/n the bottle, and she shook her head. Luther and Sloane were next. 
“Hey, guys.”
Y/n gave a subtle wave. They sat between Viktor and Diego. Luther sat on the back rocks, and Sloane sat between his legs beneath him. She felt someone nudging her, and Five was nosing at her arm. Y/n chuckled and brought it around his shoulders. She saw Klaus and Ben exit the building next.
“Oh, no, no, no, no!” Diego shook his head, “No!”
Five grimaced, “Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here?”
“Hear me out before-“
“Hear him out,” Ben said.
“The brother that you all knew as Ben is gone. And not- I don't mean our Ben, the nice Ben. I mean this, Ben.” Y/n tilted her head, “The asshole, he's gone now. Gone.”
Luther furrowed his eyebrows, “Klaus, what are you talking about?”
“And the man that stands in front of you is new new Ben, and he's one of us, and he's a member of the team. And he's part of the family!” They both laughed. 
“And as a welcome gift, I suggest we throw him off the roof.” Five said.
“Yeah. I'll help.”
“You know what? You know what?” Luther replied, “He can stay. He can stay.”
“'Cause, it's my wedding day, man.” Luther retorted, “Come on. He can stay.”
Ben and Klaus exclaimed happily as they sat in front of Viktor. Five took another swig of the bottle. Y/n gently took it from him and placed it on her other side. Five didn’t seem bothered. He just snuggled into her side. She carded her fingers through his hair. Y/n stared at the orange and pink sky. 
“Hey, you know something?” Luther called, “Tonight is all I ever really wanted.”
Diego snorted, “To get hitched?”
“Just… everybody coming together when it really matters.” 
“One big real family.”
Y/n felt a jolt at her side, and Five was standing up. She watched him almost fall forward before catching himself. He coughed. Everyone laughed, “Whoa! Whoa!”
“Oh, I think I'm gonna hurl.” 
Y/n snickered as he looked around cluelessly, “Actually, uh, I think I'm hungry. See ya, guys. I'm gonna hit the buffet.”
Five walked back inside. Viktor looked at Y/n, “Is he gonna be okay?”
“I dunno,” Y/n shrugged. 
“It's Five.” Diego replied, “What do you think?”
She blew a raspberry and got up, “Thank you for tonight. Congratulations, Luther and Sloane.”
“Thank you.”
Y/n got up and walked into the banquet hall. She looked around, and Five was nowhere to be seen. She sighed and walked to the elevator. She clicked floor six and felt it move beneath her feet. It took two minutes before the doors opened again. Y/n walked down to room nineteen and pulled the key from her pocket. The door clicked open, and she locked it behind her. Y/n sighed.
She took off the belt and placed it on a table. Her knife, wallet, first aid kit, and Rubik cube were on top. She unlaced her shoes and kicked them off. Then, she walked to the bottom bunk and pulled the comforter before slipping beneath it. Her head hit the pillow and her eyes closed. The beach was so soothing. She felt the waves at her feet and the sand beneath her. Y/n ran her fingers through the sand and felt it dissolve into the beach beneath her. 
She felt the spritz of water hit her cheeks. It was cooling, refreshing, and sweet. It was like being on vacation after a long year at work. It felt like waking up on a Saturday after a long week. It was a cold glass of water at twilight. It was reading on an autumn day in the shade. It was watching the sun set and rise. It was everything she needed. 
Y/n squeezed her eyes closed when the light drifted in. The curtains had been thrown open days ago, and she forgot to close them. She groaned and threw the comforter off. She slid her legs off the side of the mattress and felt a heavy weight on her chest. Y/n rubbed her eyes and tucked her hair back. She looked out the window to see nothing but orange light. 
She padded over to her shoes and laced them up. Y/n grabbed her belt and wrapped it around her waist. The first aid kit went into her back left pocket, the Rubik cube in her right, and the knife in her front right. She left the wallet. Y/n looked into a mirror and flattened her hair before walking out of the room. She put the key in her front left pocket and walked to the elevator. It took three minutes to reach the lobby. 
Everyone aside from Viktor and Five was in the sitting area to the left of the doors. Y/n tilted her head, “Where’s Five?”
Y/n nodded and walked through the revolving doors. He was sitting with his legs hanging off the edge of the world. A bottle was placed beside him. She recognized it as the same bottle from the night before. Y/n shoes made crumbling noises against the broken asphalt. She sat on his right, and he held out the bottle. 
“No, thanks.”
Five quirked an eyebrow, “You don’t drink or smoke. How do you even have fun?”
“You’re an asshole, sometimes.”
“Well, what’s your secret?”
She crossed her arms, “Drinking and smoking are delaying the inevitable. I’d rather get over it than delay it.”
Five took another swig of the bottle, “I saw something last night.”
“I’m surprised,” Y/n replied, “You seemed pretty drunk.”
“Reginald made a deal with someone.”
Y/n tilted her head, “A deal? What kind of deal?”
“I don’t know. I only got the ass end of the conversation, and I didn’t see who it was with.”
“I haven’t felt right lately,” Y/n said, “There’s a sinking feeling in my gut, and I’ve always listened to it before, but right now, I can’t figure out what it is. But, I don’t think this deal will end with anything good.”
Five took her hand in his and squeezed, “I’ve always trusted you. I trusted you as a kid, on missions, in the apocalypse, at the Commission, back in twenty-nineteen, and in Dallas. I will always trust you; we will figure it out together if you think this deal is trouble. You’ve never steered me wrong before.”
“You make it sound like I have you wrapped around my finger.”
“You do,” He took another sip, “I’m not ashamed.”
She chuckled and squeezed his hand. He did the same. Y/n heard footsteps and perked up. An older man was leaving the hotel. He had slick back grey hair and a monocle. He wore black pants, shoes, a blazer, and a tie. He had on a patterned vest and white button-up beneath it. He held a book in his right hand. 
“I take it you know why I'm here.”
“How 'bout we save you some time? Give you the ‘no’ upfront.” Five replied, “We’re not interested in this bullshit plan you've been cooking.”
Reginald deadpanned, “It's not, as you so colorfully called it, bullshit.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle from Five’s hand. She took a swig before putting it down on the asphalt, “Mind if I join you?”
“I’d prefer you didn’t,” Y/n said as he sat down, “However, it seems like you don’t give a shit regardless.”
Five handed Reginald the bottle. He took a small sip and grimaced, “Dear God!”
Five hummed, “Louis XIII, it ain’t.”
“I've had worse,” Reginald replied and looked forward, “It is impressive, isn't it?”
“All the ways we could have screwed the pooch, this way is the most complete. I'm relieved, actually. This time, everything goes.” He took his hand and put his arm around Y/n’s shoulders, “There's no Commission, no leaping away. No life spent going mad with the desperation to see a familiar face.”
“I've seen worlds end in ways that would knock your socks off, old man."
Five deadpanned, “Wow! Reginald Hargreeves, you never cease to surprise me.”
“That is some comfort.” Reginald said, “You know, they all run together after a while. But you never forget your first. Your home. Your original sin. You never stop wondering, ‘Did I do enough to save the people I loved?’”
“Did you?”
“No, but I was hoping you children could help me out with that.”
Y/n took another sip from the bottle, “And there it is!”
“Sorry, Reg.” Five replied, “I got a message from the future.”
“What future?”
“My future self told me very explicitly not to save this world.”
Reginald laughed, “You are an arrogant son of a bitch, aren't you? ‘Future you.’ ‘Present you.’ The past is as much a mystery as the future.”
Five took a long sip from the bottle and held Y/n closer to him. Reginald narrowed his eyes, “You ruined your life once before by not listening to me. Are you prepared to do that again?”
“Hey asshole,” Y/n spat, “Maybe if you weren’t trying to hold him back or gave him the training he needed, he would’ve listened.”
He kissed her temple and sighed, “Fine, I'll attend your stupid meeting.”
“And you?”
“I’ll listen.”
Reginald stood up, and Five glared, “If you tell me what happened with you in the Buffalo Suite last night. Whom were you talking to? Was it Klaus? Was it Ben?”
“No one. I was alone.” Reginald said, “Though I doubt you were in any condition to remember.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes. Reginald gave her a subtle smile, “We should go. Don't want to be late for the meeting.”
Five looked forward, “I would move if I were you.”
“What,” Five asked, “Are you threatening us?”
Y/n felt the ground beneath her shake, and she stood up. She pulled Five’s arm, and he was pulled back. The land they had been sitting on fell from the earth. She heard him sigh and looked down at where they had been sitting. Her heart pounded. Reginald smirked.
“Shall we?”
She shook her head. Five followed Reginald into the hotel. Y/n followed closely behind them. She let them walk through the revolving door together and followed behind them. When she walked in, she heard everyone cheering from the same place they had been. Diego, Lila, Sloane, and Luther sat on a couch together. Viktor was seated on a chair to the right of the sofa. Ben and Klaus sat together on a round couch. Allison sat on a luggage cart. 
“Woo! Five! Yeah!”
Luther clapped loudly, “Here he is!”
Diego snickered, “That speech last night! Wow!”
“Brought me to tears, you big softy,” Lila said.
“I especially liked when you referred to us as a family bound by destiny and love,” Viktor replied. 
Y/n tilted her head, and Diego smiled, “Oh, shorty, you missed it! Five made a fantastic speech last night at the wedding-“
“Okay. Enough.” Five said, “It was the booze talking. In the light of day, you're all still deplorable.”
She coughed, and Five turned around, “Not you.”
Five walked toward a cushioned chair in the back. As he passed Lila, she jumped up and held her arms out. Five ignored them and walked to the chair. Y/n walked around the other side and sat beside him. He put his arm around her. Reginald stood before them, “And your day's about to get worse.”
“The Norse had eight sleepers. The Blackfoot, eight stars. As a boy, I heard the legend of the eight bells.” He explained, “All these stories are the same. The village is under threat by flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciples to a sacred cave. He tells them if they can ring the eight magic bells, the village will be saved, and all will be restored just as it was.”
Lila raised her hand, “Reggie? Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and more ‘What the hell does this have to do with us?’”
“There is a truth to these myths. None of you can deny what's going on around us. All existence will be gone by the end of the day, but whoever or whatever wove together space and time left a way to put things back together if the universe ever faced total annihilation.” Reginald explained, “There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it, and on the other side is the answer.”
Y/n leaned, “Klaus never gets to pick the hotel again.”
Five shook his head with a subtle grin. Luther sighed, “And… we're supposed to, what? Just stroll in there, ring some bells, and fix this shit?”
“Sarcasm aside, you are mostly right.” Reginald replied, “Except for the guardian.”
Y/n tilted her head, “What kind of guardian?”
“Kinda guardian that does this.” Diego held up his hand, “He had a sword.”
“It is a force to be reckoned with.”
“A force?” Y/n snorted, “Is this guardian a Jedi? Cause if he’s not, he is not to be reckoned with.”
Lila snorted, and Luther rolled his eyes, “See? Yeah. This is where you lose me.”
“This is where he loses you?” Lila replied, “I checked out at the sacred cave.”
“Why would the builders of this ‘back door’ need to have a guardian?”
“Ah! To protect it from people who want to use it for nefarious means.”
Reginald smiled, “Correct, Sloane.”
“So it's gonna take all of us to defeat the thing protecting the bells.”
“You're actually buying his crap?” Five asked.
Allison deadpanned, “How is a guardian and bells any crazier than time-traveling briefcases and assassins with cartoon masks?”
“Actually, she's got you there.” Five sighed.
Ben stood up and walked to Reginald’s side, “I'm in.
“Me too.” Diego stood up, “But I think some of us should stay back. Like Lila.”
“Uh,” She stood up, “Or you can stay, and I can go.”
“No. This is much bigger than all of us.” Allison said, “Nobody can stay back.”
“You, my children, are all that stands between us and oblivion. Are we ready to go?”
Viktor shrugged, “Well, I say we vote.”
“This isn't a democracy.” Ben spat, “Dad's calling the shots.”
“I'm with Viktor. We vote.”
“Me too,”
Reginald looked appalled, “The world is ending, and you want to count hands?”
“You're asking us to risk our lives. I think it's only fair you give us time to discuss it.” Luther said, “Privately.”
Y/n heard Reginald scoff and walk away, “Why don't we meet back here in an hour?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Five stood up and pulled Y/n up with him. She led them back to the elevator. She pressed floor six and took him to room nineteen. The key went into the lock, and the door clicked open. Five closed it behind him, and it shut with a thud. Y/n threw herself on the couch, and Five paced the room. Y/n pulled out the Rubik cube and started twisting it around. Five’s tension eased at the familiar noise. 
“I think this is a trap.”
“I believe you.”
Five turned to her, “What do you plan on doing?”
“I don’t know yet.”
She continued to twist the cube in her hands. It didn’t take long for the cube to be solved. The older she got, the easier it was. Five turned an armchair around to face the couch and sat down. She threw the cube, and he mixed it up before throwing it back to her. She started to solve, and Five rubbed his face, “We should warn the others.”
“I agree.”
Y/n stood up and put the cube in her pocket. She followed Five out of the room and walked down the hall. At the end of the hall was Luther and Sloane’s suite. It was nicer than room nineteen. It had a full-size queen bed. It had a couch and armchairs around the room too. Five knocked on the door and opened it. Y/n followed. Luther was sitting on the bed. Sloane was nowhere to be seen.
“Hey,” Luther smiled, “How long do we have left?”
Five made a so-so gesture, “A couple of hours. Could be more, could be less.”
“Where's Sloane?” Y/n asked.
“Raiding the wine cellar for our end-of-the-world party.“
“So I guess you guys know which way you're voting.”
“You're more than welcome to join us.”
Five paced, “I'm still on the fence on that one. I saw something last night that I was not supposed to see.”
“Diego and Lila.” Luther said, “Yeah, they do it on the stairs sometimes.”
“What the fuck.” 
Five rolled his eyes, “No, I saw Dad. He was in his room with someone. He was making some kind of deal. Before you ask, I don't know what the deal was or who it was with. Everything is a blur.”
“Wasn't Sloane or me.” He replied, “We were, uh, busy doing other things last night.”
“Yeah, I get it, Luther. Thank you.” Five sighed, “Everyone was boning everyone last night.”
“Wait, you two-“
“Focus, please.”
Y/n face palmed, “That story about the bells? There's something Dad's not telling us. Think about it. When has the old man ever been straight with us?”
“I don't know. He was ruthless in our performance reviews.”
“He always gave me five stars.”
Five took a deep breath, “Look, I'm old enough to trust my instinct, and it's telling me this is a trap. Food for thought.”
Y/n walked out of the room and exhaled heavily. Five tilted his head at her, “You all right?”
“Yeah,” She said, “I think I’m gonna ponder my decision in the lobby.”
“I’ll see you at the voting then.”
She smiled before she walked off. Y/n took the stairs to the lobby. It gave her more time to think. For years, they had trained for this. She had become Reginald’s weapon for this. The thought made her want to vomit—every hit with the cane, palm, and shoe. He had wanted her angry. He knew she could do unpredictable things while angry. He wanted the public to hate her, and they did. 
Y/n sat down on the last landing. She could hear the people’s taunts down the street. Even after the Academy disbanded. Her face wasn’t forgettable. People threw things at her on the road, called her names, denied her service, and assaulted her. She’d walk around with her hood up and look down at the sidewalk while she walked. She denied herself the scenery to keep the people around her safe. 
She was eighteen years old and just needed her medication. Meritech wasn’t a far walk from the gym. It took her years to finally get help. Diego had pressured her into it. She was thankful for him in more ways than one. He was her saving grace. He was scheduled to fight that night at the gym, and she told him she’d be there. She just needed her medication. Y/n’s hood fell. 
Y/n didn’t think twice about it. The sunset was beautiful. It was purple, pink, and slowly turning orange. She passed a bar and continued to walk. Y/n heard footsteps behind her, but that was common. People walked the streets all the time. She turned a corner, and a man gripped her by the very low back. She grabbed his wrist and flipped him around. He chuckled at seeing her face. 
“Ah, one of the Academy kids,” He smiled, “You’re Number Seven, aren’t ya’?”
She didn’t say anything, “You’re the Curse.”
Y/n rose an eyebrow and lifted her leg. His forearm broke with a snap, and he cried out in pain. The man reached for her hair, but a pain in his leg made him crumble to the floor. Y/n released her grip on the man once he had melted onto the sidewalk. She spat to her right into an alley, “Next time, don’t fucking touch me.”
She sighed. It had been a long walk to Meritech that day. Part of her still yearned for her pills. Despite Five being back, somedays she wished for the white pill to dissolve in her body. Someone knocked on the stairwell, and she looked up. It was Viktor. He gave her a small smile, “We’re ready.”
Y/n followed Viktor out to the main lobby. He sat down in the center of the main stairs. Luther and Sloane sat together on the right. Diego and Lila stood on the left side of the stairs. Five leaned up against a pillar, and Y/n leaned against it on his right. Ben was on her right. Allison stood in the middle of everyone, and Klaus leaned on the opposite pillar.
“I think you can all guess which way I'll be voting. We've all been through a lot. We've all lost people.” Allison paused, “Mannequins… But their deaths have to mean something, which is why I'll be voting to go with Dad.”
Lila jumped off the stairs toward Reginald, “Let's go save the bloody universe!”
“All right, well, since she said yes,” Diego sat on the stairs, “I vote stay.”
Lila scoffed, and Diego shrugged, “How's that for nice?”
“You're not being serious.”
“It's his vote, Lila.”
Allison turned to Klaus, “Klaus?”
“I am with Father.”
“Okay, that's four to one.” She said, “Viktor?”
He sighed, “Look, I wanna believe, okay? I really do. I just can't shake the feeling we don't know what we're getting ourselves into.”
“No, but we know what we've got if we don't. We have to go into this together. Viktor. A family.”
“You can't just keep throwing the word ‘family’ around. It isn't enough.” He replied, “I vote stay.”
Luther rubbed Sloane’s shoulders, “Sloane and I talked, and, well, we're out. Look, we wanna spend whatever time we have left together and not fighting some guy with a sword and ringing bells and stuff.”
“Well, dead even. Four in, four out.” Viktor said.
“That leaves you Number Five and Y/n.”
Five sighed, “I saw the future, and it told me to sit this one out.”
“I vote stay.” Five said, “It's time we accept our fate.”
Everyone turned to look at Y/n, “We’re 4 in and 5 out. Looks like it’s up to you, little Y/n.”
Y/n felt their stares. She shivered. It reminded her of the whole city, watching her get beaten with a cane. She looked down at her feet and crossed her ankles. Her hair covered her face like a curtain. She felt Five staring at her with strong intensity. They felt piercing and made her cheeks run hot. She tilted her chin back up. 
“I won’t go down without a fight.” Y/n said, “I was born to be a weapon. I might as well die being one.”
“None of you get it, okay?” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “You all were the good ones, okay? You all were the heroes. I was never a hero. He,” She pointed at Reginald, “Made me a villain, a weapon, a monster from the moment he gave us our alias’.”
“No one ever thought-“
“That I was a curse?” Y/n chuckled, “Yes, you do. Everyone thought I was a fucking curse. You guys talked and acted like I couldn’t hear. You pretended like I didn’t have emotions and didn’t care. I was completely swallowed in my grief at thirteen years old, and none of you gave a shit. None of you!”
“And you know that boot camp Reginald sent me to?” They all looked intrigued, “Wasn’t a fucking boot camp. I was sent to become a fucking assassin because my grief was consuming me, and if I didn’t get it out somehow, I’d end up killing you all.”
She hesitated, “Just like when I killed Ben.”
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entiish · 1 year
      𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐈𝐅 𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐊 + 𝟏/𝟔  — (#𝟓𝟖)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐌𝐒 as 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐀; linked here are 58 (275 x 155px) gifs of the actress in S01E07 of starz spartacus; ‘great and unfortunate things’ — this is part one of a six-part pack for brooke in this role.     details to note when casting; new zealand (nationality), unspecified white, she was born 3rd january, 1984 and is currently 38 years old, but she was 26-27 during this role. brooke is cis-female using she/her/hers.
     rules — please do not redistribute my graphics as your own though you are welcome to make them into gif icons for personal use if you contact me first, do not edit into crackship gifs, but feel free to use them for blog sidebars.
        THIS IS A FREE GIF PACK !!     mature content present!  + pack warnings listed below cut & on linked page.
SHOW RATING: R18+, high impact violence, blood and gore, sex scenes and nudity.
ALL GIF WARNINGS: blood, gore, murder/stabbing, slavery, violence, grief/shock, children, kissing/romance
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greatwyrmgold · 2 years
Another thing I like about Chainsaw Man: It has "fanservice scenes" that aren't sexualized. Alright, hear me out, I have examples. (Some of which are light spoilers, but I'm pretty sure I talked around anything serious.)
"Flashback to a naked devil chick wandering around the wilderness with a cat" sounds like a fanservice scene...but the framing of the panels/shots, the visible parts of Power, and the fact that Makima hadn't started hosing her down every other week means that it's not sexy.
"Said devil chick takes a bath with the main character" definitely sounds like a fanservice scene...but the framing, Power's emotional state, and Denji's lack of reaction (despite being an infamous horndog) means that it's not sexy.
"Mostly-human (it's complicated) chick turns her school uniform into a sword and fights a devil in her underwear" sounds like a fanservice scene, and it definitely comes closest out of these. You can clearly see sexy bits like her chest and midriff, for instance. But Asa isn't fighting in sexy poses, the panels focus on the action rather than trying to make her sexy, and of course it isn't long before she's splattered in devil blood.
Now, let's clarify what I'm saying. I'm not saying nobody could find these scenes sexy; I don't think it's possible to create such a scene. And I'm obviously not saying CSM never has fanservice scenes; Quanxi and her (harem? polycule? squad?) have multiple...lesbian orgy panels?* framed in a sexual manner. What I'm saying is, it's obvious that the orgy panels were drawn sexy for a reason, because they're contrasted with an extended sequence of a very un-sexualized naked Power.
Fanservice scenes are omnipresent—not just in Japanese media, but in the West, too. As a sex-repulsed asexual, this is very obvious to me in a way I assume it isn't for most people...but as someone who exists in the same world as all you allosexuals, I've grown numb to it unless it's really obvious. I'm used to artists in a visual medium leveraging any scene where an adult woman partially disrobes for titillating viewers who are into that, and I've made my peace with that. Fuck, I'm not even surprised when artists do that with sexual violence or minors or whatever. It's a bad thing, but it's a fact of life.
And here we have Tatsuki Fujimoto, with scenes of naked or near-naked women which aren't sexualized. And I'm pretty sure† it's not just my ace brain not recognizing what heterosexual boys are expected to like about the scene, or some artistic or technical deficiency obscuring the intent, because look at Quanxi.
Power being naked in the wilderness could have been sexualized, but it was just a signifier that she's wild and uncivilized. Power being emotionally vulnerable in the bath could have been sexualized, but it was just a signifier of that vulnerability. Asa stripping off her uniform to use it as a weapon could have been sexualized, but it was just a signifier of her desperation.
* Hell, even the Quanxi orgies have a purpose beyond titillation. She's obviously a foil for Denji, living the life he thinks he wants. The scenes with her fiends emphasize the lust that she and Denji share. It's not a creative decision I'm 100% comfortable with, but Quanxi's sexuality is obviously not just an attempt at shoehorning some lesbian sex into the manga to draw in horny teenaged boys.‡
In a world with so much female nudity thrown in for mere fanservice, I feel like it's worth pointing out artists who do better. Mangaka don't need to write pure Christian stories without anything vaguely sexy in them to appease us social justice warriors; they just need to have a point beyond sex appeal when they draw naked women. And it doesn't have to be a deep point! It just has to exist!
† Though not certain—part of me expects to hear back from people who're confused about how someone could think those scenes weren't sexualized.
‡Why are straight dudes into lesbians, anyways? Is that weird? It seems weird.
BELATED EDIT: Of course, right before this popped off my queue, chapter 110 had to have some panels of Asa's de-uniformed body that feel like they were framed for fanservice. I thought that it was a Denji's-gaze sort of thing and it would lead to his horniness driving him to do something, but it didn't really?
It could still be a Denji's-gaze thing and not a bog-standard male-gaze thing, but the only reason I'm giving this possibility any weight is the previous 109 chapters.
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