#themis worship
khaire-traveler · 1 month
⚖️ Subtle Themis Worship ⚔️
Try veiling
When you have a big decision/judgement to make, blindfold yourself for a moment; be in a place where you're alone and can think quietly
Vote if you can
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Stay up to date on local politics
Join a local activism group; LGBT rights, POC rights, women's rights, etc.
Support humanitarian organizations or homeless shelters
Have a stuffed animal lion: have a stuffed animal of any creature you associate with justice, order, custom, prophecy, or judgement
Have imagery of the earth/sky, scales, blindfolds, swords, or lions around
Volunteer at a homeless shelter; volunteer at a soup kitchen
Spread the word about injustice, especially related to humanitarian causes
Speak your mind; be honest and direct with others; note that honest does not mean cruel
Get more comfortable with the idea of conflict; look into healthy conflict resolution skills
Join a debate team; spectate or participate in formal debates
Write letters you will never send to people who have done you wrong; burn them (SAFELY!!!)
Try to get involved with your local community; help run events, join groups/clubs, meet new people, etc.
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Ask someone in need for the things they need most; buy/give them those things if you can
Practice restraint and grounding, especially when it comes to people who annoy you
Try to stay away from gossip; don't spread rumors about others, especially those that you're unsure the integrity of
Get curious about the world around you and the way things work; encourage yourself to question things
Trust yourself; listen to your gut
Work on setting boundaries with others and yourself
Let people know when they've done something that hurt you; ask them to change their behavior or wording
Feel free to give people chances to change, but if they continue not to make changes, don't put yourself through the extra work of keeping them around
Release things that no longer serve you
Work on accepting constructive criticism; try not to take criticism too personally
Get to know yourself better; feel confident in the fact that you know yourself better than others
Keep a self-growth journal; write down things relating to self improvement, how you're feeling, goals you're working towards, etc.
Learn any discreet form of divination; cartomancy, carromancy, pyromancy, tea leaves, etc.
Hold onto family heirlooms
Practice family traditions or create new ones c:
Learn self-defense; learn how to properly use weapons; pepper spray, pocket knife, etc.
Clean up after yourself; don't litter in the environment; pick up litter you come across
Try your best to take the advice you give to others (easier said than done, I know)
Practice patience and mindfulness; release control over the things that you can't control
Ground yourself if you're feeling anxious or stressed over an issue; learn about healthy coping skills for stress or anxiety if you don't know any
Take regular breaks from screens; walk around outside, and enjoy yourself; get some fresh air
Take a walk/hike outside; connect with nature
Drink a calming, soothing, or grounding tea
Take care of yourself after a hard day; be kind and gentle with yourself; engage in comforting activities
I'll likely add more going forward, but for the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Themis. I hope others find this helpful! Take care, everyone. 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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kouriimei · 6 months
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Elidibus Week 2023 - Day 7: Fate
Deliver us unto paradise, O' great Zordiark a fate that Elidibus could not reject nor shy away from
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fluentisonus · 2 years
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Themis with a torch and kanoun, across from Bendis, dressed as a huntress
Attic Red figure, 475-425 BC
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
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diana-thyme · 8 months
Greek Gods 101: A Masterlist
This is a masterlist of the “Greek Gods 101” series. This series aims to provide basic information and worship ideas for both major and minor deities. This masterlist also involves heroes, deified mortals, spirits, and other figures of Greek mythology.
Horae (Seasons)
Horae (Time)
What is a “Universal Offering/Devotional Act?”
Feel free to request or suggest deities! This list will be done in order but you can ask for me to complete one that’s further down the list.
This list is subject to change. There are probably repeat deities (deities who go by multiple names, parts of groups like the Horae or Charities who are mostly grouped together, etc.) on this list. Some deities are not on here. Some names are spelt wrong or different.
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olympushit · 1 year
Apart from being the god of war, he was also the god of generalship, manliness and civil order, which means that he was the god responsible for the correct function of every ancient city in order of laws and politics.
As the god of manliness, he was considered to be the patron of a fine man that every man looked up to. He was a fighter, not only as a merit from being the god of war, but he always fought for his beliefs, just like at the Trojan War when he complained to Zeus about Athena's unfair action. Also, he was the best father to his children and always supported them and their mothers, just like Cycnus fighting with Heracles, or when Aeropos' mother died during childbirth and he made it possible for the baby to drink milk from his dead mother's body.
He was the only greek god that never raped a woman. All his sexual encounters were consensual and he always seemed to respect his lovers, because he kept his private life low key and none of them suffered or were subjected to tortures, unlike Zeus' or Poseidon's lovers did.
He was the god of dance. Legend has it that before he was taught how to fight, Priapos, his tutor, refused to teach him unless young Ares knew how to dance. Afterall, war is considered to be the ultimate dance a man could perform in ancient times. Also, he appeared to dance for his daughter's Armonia wedding with joy, leaving behind the animosity for her husband Cadmus. Finally, in the feasts of the Gods, it was said that Apollo played the lyre, while the Harites, Artemis, Hermes and Ares danced with great joy.
He was a forgiving god. Despite his enraged and bloodthirsty behavior, Ares knew how to forgive someone and appreciated what they were doing to gain his trust. After Cadmus slaughtered the Dragon, he was put 8 years under servitude to indulge Ares. Finally, Ares not only forgave Cadmus for his crime, but he also blessed his wedding with his own daughter Armonia. Cadmus, in order to gratify the god, built the city of Thebes and made Ares its patron god.
He wasn't a coward. Many greek myths refer to Ares' lack of courage to face danger. This is far from true. At the Trojan War, when he found out about Ascalaphus' death, he disobeyed Zeus' order with the risk of his immortal life in order to go to the battle amd avenge his son's death. He was later stopped by Zeus' thunderbolts. Also, when the Aloadai were about to take Olympus, he was the first god to interfere in battle in order to save Olympus. Afterall, one of his epithets was "Olympus' Protector".
He was sentimental. At the Trojan War he was seen greaving for his children's loss and always wanted to inervene for their safety. Also, he understood the rejection of his parents towards him and he was a lonely god that lacked love. But he found the love he was seeking to Aphrodite, and did not only lust her, but he loved her deeply. Together they had 8 children, and both of them were jealous about each other's affairs, because of Adonis and Eos. They also had an open relationship, because he never refrained Aphrodite from her nature, which was love and sex. Afterall love is not meant to be given to only one person.
He was the protector of women. When Hallirothios attempted to rape his daughter Alcippe, he flashed in the scene and brutally killed the rapist. From that moment on, a temple in Athens was built for Ares "Gynaikothoinas", which means the one feasted/worshipped by women.
He knew the feeling of loss. A war has two sides, the winners and the defeated. A war isn't always to be won, and everyone must learn what it is to lose. He lost many wars, but he also won many. That's why he is among the Olympians.
He was a god of justice. That is because he was referred to be "Themis' Ally", which means that he was a helper to the goddess of justice. One of his least famous daughters, Adrestia, was the goddess of balance, justice and retaliation. Also, "Areios Pagos" or aka "The hill of Ares" was named after him because he was the first man ever to be tried for substatial homicide, for slaughtering Alcippe' rapist.
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my-name-is-apollo · 3 months
On the shrine of Apollo at Delphi:
Between the bounds of east and west, the twin peaks of Parnassus tower to the heavens. The mountain is sacred to Apollo and Dionysus, in whose honour the Theban Bacchantes, honouring the two deities as one, hold their triennial festival there, at Delphi. When the Flood drowned the Earth, this mountain alone rose above the waves, and was all that parted sea from sky. Parnassus’ peaks were differentiated even so by the waters, one rocky summit on display the other one submerged. There Apollo, his skills as yet un-honed, killed the Python with his arrows, avenging his mother who had been driven out when pregnant. Themis once ruled that shrine and oracle. Thus Apollo, hearing the deep chasm in the earth breathe out divine truth, exhale prophetic words, enshrined himself in the sacred cavern, brooded over the sanctuary, and there became prophetic.
- Lucan, Pharsalia (Trans. A. S. Kline)
!!! Apollo Dionysus joint worship mentioned !!!
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coinandcandle · 8 days
Eris Deep Dive: Goddess of Discord and Strife
Eris (Ἔρις) is the Greek personification of discord and strife—more notably she was considered to be the daimona of the strife of war. She was not considered a goddess in the same respect as the Olympians until more recently.
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While she was not worshiped in ancient Greece, she has become a popular deity in Discordianism, a modern religion, as well as being worshiped by solitary individuals. In modern day she is given a kinder but still discordant role, worshiped as a goddess of chaos and specifically necessary chaos; chaos invoked as the catalyst of change. She is also said to be the goddess of the chaos needed for artists to create.
Parents and Siblings
Her parentage depends on who is relaying the story. The most popular belief is that she was spawned by Nyx alone.
Nyx, no father
Nyx and Erebus (only because Erebus was Nyx’s lover)
Zeus and Hera (because she is noted as Ares’ sister)
Siblings will also depend. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her siblings are:
The Keres
The Moirai
The Hesperides
The Erinyes
If she is the daughter of Zeus and Hera then the list of siblings would be way longer including all half siblings. She is specifically mentioned to be Ares’ sister in Homer’s Iliad. Too many to list, I will instead offer you the genealogy of Zeus and Hera.
Her full-blooded siblings would be:
Lovers or Partners
No lovers mentioned
Ponos (Hardship)
Lethe (Forgetfulness)
Limos (Starvation)
Algea (Pains)
Hysminai (Battles)
Makhai (Wars)
Phonoi (Murders)
Androktasiai (Manslaughters)
Neikea (Quarrels)
Pseudea (Lies)
Logoi (Stories)
Amphillogiai (Disputes)
Dysnomia (Anarchy)
Ate (Ruin)
Horkos (Oath)
Note that these aren’t historically attested, they do come from translated myths but that doesn’t mean she was called this throughout history.
Infernal Goddess
Mother of Cacodaemons
Often Eris is called a goddess of chaos in modern times, but in history she is recorded as the goddess of discord. While they seem like synonyms they are not, chaos is disorder and confusion; discord is argument or disagreement. While discord may lead to chaos, they are not one in the same.
This confusion may come from the conflation of Eris and the similar but still separate Roman goddess Discordia, who is the goddess of chaos and was often seen in a kinder light than the Greek Eris.
Eris is the last born of Nyx according to the Theogony.
She is noted in mythology to be particularly fond of the bloodshed of war.
Eris and the goddess of war Enyo are often conflated.
In his writing Works and Days, Hesiod says that there are two Erises; one that exists purely to plague mankind with strife, and the other is a kinder Eris who instills a healthy sense of competition in mankind.
Unfortunately Eris does not appear in mythology often, as is the case for many daimones, However her most popular roles in mythology are:
Throwing the (sometimes golden) apple into a feast with the words inscribed “to the fairest”, causing three goddesses, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera, to argue about who the apple should go to. Eventually, not wanting to deal with it, Zeus made the human mortal Paris decide. Though her role was short, it was a huge part in starting the Trojan war in mythology. Read about The Judgement of Paris.
When Polytechnos and Aëdon said their relationship was way better than Zeus and Hera’s, Hera sent Eris down to create marital discord between them. She did just that, making them compete against each other. Polytechnos was completing a standing board for a chariot and Aëdon a tapestry at the time, so they made a bet on who would finish first. Whoever lost would present the other with a slave. It gets pretty dark and they end up getting turned into birds by Zeus, a common ‘kind’ gesture from him in mythology. Read more here.
Interestingly enough, Eris is pictured with Themis, the goddess of divine law and order on a vase depicting the Judgement of Paris. The two watch over the three goddesses.
In another painting, Eris is depicted wearing winged shoes and having wings herself. This could symbolize freedom and swiftness—sometimes sneakiness as well. This would make sense for Eris as she is considered in mythology to be a sneaky troublemaker.
There were no shrines known to be dedicated to Eris.
Discordia, Eris’ Roman counterpart, was associated with the type of discord needed for societal change and going with the grain.
Modern Deity Work
Seeing as she was not worshiped as far as we know in ancient times, these are pulled from mostly modern practitioners’ posts as well as general practices of Hellenism.
Gold, Onyx, Smoky quartz, moldavite
Apples, hallucinogenic plants,
Venomous snakes, scorpions, ravens, foxes (all associated with other deities of chaos and discord)
Apples with Honey
Olive oil
Red meat
Blood (please be smart about this)
Gunpowder (again, don’t be dumb)
Imagery of war
Weapons or imagery of weapons
Acts of Devotion
Learn to embrace chaos as a catalyst for change.
Enter into competitions, whether they be sports or art contests, just go compete!
Learn about the history of war, especially the wars of Ancient Greece.
Join protests for what you believe in, breaking societal norms.
Pull a prank! She’s a trickster, what trickster doesn’t love a good prank?
References and Further Reading
Eris - Theoi Project
Eris - Britannica
Eris -World History Encyclopedia
Eris - Greek Mythology Link
A Guide to Worship Eris Cheat Sheet by screeching-0wl
Theogony by Hesiod
The Iliad by Homer
Works and Days by Hesiod
Subtle Eris Worship by khaire-traveler
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My Hellenism journey started with learning about Greek Gods in school, despite attending a Church of England institution. Although never religious until I became pagan, that early exposure unintentionally prepared me for aspects of prayer and spirituality. Greek Mythology captivated me, nurturing an enduring interest.
Fast forward to March 21st, 2023, during a walk, feeling disconnected, I turned to the Greek Gods for guidance. That day, at work, I sensed a presence, perhaps Zeus or someone linked to him, observing me.
Discovering the Hellenist subreddit that day marked a significant turn. On March 21st, I embraced Hellenism. Initially drawn to Athena, Hermes, and Themis, I later replaced Themis with Aristaeus. Now, I worship Aristaeus, Athena, and Hermes, contemplating incorporating Dionysus after thorough research and reaching out to ascertain compatibility. That's the essence of my Hellenic journey. Along with the Greek hero Odysseus.
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voidsentprinces · 6 months
Man, thinking about how the difference between Ascians and the Twelve comes down to how similarly they loved by how they were influenced in one manner or another. The Paragons loved Amaurot and its people and all of them desired something that was in the past that could no longer be reclaimed. Lahabrea probably just wanted his son back but after jumping so many bodies, Athena's ambition probably took hold of his senses and his mission was removing Hydaelyn from the Source's influence to make room for Athena's Godhood. I imagine if he had remained the same and had Erichthonius by his side the entire way, Lahabrea would of eventually sided with Venat on the issue. His memory forged from Athena in Pandaemonium sees the modern people as a bit weak in the aetheric region but the people of the future which is more than content to accept. Eitheirys survived the Final Days and he was happy with it. But a Lahabrea driven mad by the Heart of Sabik and the influence of his other absorbed half? Of course he'd be self-destructive and crazed to the last.
The Elidibus we come to know was a Primal. He had love for his worshipers and his brothers who pleaded to Zodiark for aid to return to the world that was. Themis would of tried to be an ambassador or Emissary for the new people of Eitherys. But a being driven entirely by the prayer of its people? He had his mission. He couldn't see past it. The Themis inside Elidibus only briefly seen here and there as a fading conscious who takes great interest in the use of the Crystal of the Azem. Before the prayers over take his senses and he become set on combating us at the Seat of Sacrifice. Slowly being stripped back down to Themis as he is absorbed back into the aether stream in the Syrcus Tower on the First. Sees him more pleasant, tame, and almost contently pragmatic. Sending us back to Elpis cause it was the right thing to do. Even though he didn't quite understand why he did it. The only prayer guiding the Primal Elidibus's hand being the vague memories of Themis from that point on until finally he faded away.
Emet-Selch loved the time he spent with Hythlodaeus and Azem. He loved the duty he had as watcher of the Underworld. But he has spent a thousand, thousand life times hearing the whispers of his fallen Amaurotines. Twisted by the prayers of Zodiark and seeing Amaurot through rose tinted glasses. He wanted to reobtain that perfect world that never truly was perfect. He wanted things to be as they were. He is briefly and happily able to go along with Eitheirys being the way it is until the untimely death of his firstborn son sends him grief stricken back to the mission ahead. And in the end, a part of him saw there was just no returning to how it was. So he puts on a performance to see to the funeral proceedings of both him and Elidibus while handing over the memory of Amaurot to us.
The Twelve love Eitheirys and the World itself. Many of them were Amaurotines with their own studies and tasks to see to. But some of them were wanderers of the land itself, outside the scope of Amaurot. Some of them were hunters, wanderers, wild men. Some of them were scholars of the life of Eitheirys or creation of new things. The Twelve were made up of those who loved the world beyond Amaurot. Who cherished its people in one way or another. Who would take it in any way it presented itself. They themselves are influenced by Venat's ideals, her wishes, and her love for the world as well. They sacrifice and become her Thirteen watchers who stand by and see Hydaelyn sacrifice for the good of the star. Before deciding to meet with her champion and go out and meet the people of the world after remaining distant for so long. Loving mortality as it is not as it was. They are initially taken aback by the changes of Nophica and Halone. As Gridania became more aggressive in its war between Duskwight and Wildwood for control of the Black Shroud as well as the supposed word of the Elementals. Nophica ends up becoming more aggressive and a seeker of combat as well. As Halone goes from being worshiped as a stalwart defender to a patron of the Dragonsong War. She becomes more serious and reserved. But also from mortality worship, Menphina gets a companion in the form of Dalamud and Oschon is able to walk amongst humanity. Showing that mortality can had dire and positive effects on them. They are an ever changing, ever growing people to be loved and cherished and seen happy as they can. So each of the Twelve set about ensuring the continuation of not the Eitheirys that was but the world as it is and the world that it can be.
A drama teacher once haphazardly described to me in Middle School that a Greek Tragedy was a story where almost everyone involve dies horribly in the end. While a Greek Comedy is that most people survive happily but the main character still dies in someway at the end.
And I feel like this applies to the Ascians and the Twelves as Tragedy and Comedy. Had Lahabrea not lost his son, been influenced by the Heart of Sabik. I imagine he would of actually been someone seeking for the betterment of the world. And eventually, perhaps after the First Umbral Calamity, seen the error of the mission and been against destruction against the star in such a form. Had Themis not become the Heart of Zodiark and transformed into a Primal, controlled by the fears and fervent prayers of his people. Elidibus would of possibly been a force of good, taking on the mantle similar to the Warrior of Light and guided the new people as Emissary, as was his want to do. And Emet-Selch, would of probably taken the longest. He was stubborn and set in his ways but also sentimental to a fault. The whispers of his kin driving him to many umbral calamities for them, the weight of it crushing him beneath it. I imagine if his son hadn't suddenly died in a such a manner, had the firstborn remained a sort of moral compass for him, he might eventually of called the entire business off. And been content to pull back from Garlean conquest happy to tend to the people he now ruled over and turning the magitek discoveries to better the people of the realm like Cid Garlond would come to do. But alas, they were all influenced in a manner that would bring about their down fall. Each love's twisted or marred by a tragedy and so in the end, they both fall. All in their own tragic ways.
And the Comedy of the Twelve? That they accepted the world as it was, believing in Venat's hope and stalwart determination. Even when they were changed drastically like Nophica and Halone. Even when they were suddenly rendered into two like Nald'thal by the prayers of the people. They saw the good that could come from it all. And so, choose to sacrifice themselves and die in the end after enduring for so long. To give the world a better chance. It is a sad affair but not in a light of tragedy like the Ascian's deaths. Think back to Lahabrea absorbed by Nidhogg's eye and then unceremoniously dispatched when Estinien finally destroys the eyes, Emet-Selch's "Remember we must live" moment and appearing the Seat of Sacrifice as a shade bringing the fandom to its knees, and of course Elidibus's "The rains have ceased" all of which are presented as "Alas, the poor villain..." moments. While the Twelve's sacrifice is an emotional moment but it feels like they're now finally able to lay down and take the well deserved rest. Except Deryk who chooses to continue to walk amongst mankind with his companion contently. As was his want to do.
All Ascian deaths are painted as Elidibus remembered, "The rains have ceased...and we have been graced with another beautiful day. But, you are not here to see it." The battle has concluded, the fight is over, but their kin are still not returned. It was for naught. But it is time to move on.
While the Twelve's deaths are painted like the quote, "The End has come...and it will be beautiful." As many Amaurot centric characters espouse in Endwalker. The time has come to bid farewell after standing so long against the despair and darkness. But hope has taken root, it is time to fall asleep. But it was beautiful was it not? Disappear into the shimmering gold curtain and lay your head down to rest.
Ascians loved Amaurot and its people but ill influenced by the things of the past, outside their control. The voices of past Amaurot haunting them to be saved, to make them gods, to return things how they were. Who looked upon the dawning of a new era in flame horrified and unable to stand against it. The Twelve loving Eitheirys and its people and are influenced by them, the people of the present. Who look to the new sun rise with both hope and despair. Seeing the flames of despair bringing them low but also being brought back to their feet by the light of hope rekindling. Two sides of the same coin.
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khaire-traveler · 2 months
✨ Subtle Deity Worship Master List ✨
Greek Deities:
Subtle Aphrodite Worship
Subtle Ares Worship
Subtle Apollo Worship
Subtle Artemis Worship
Subtle Athena Worship
Subtle Dionysus Worship
Subtle Eros Worship
Subtle Hephaestus Worship
Subtle Hermes Worship
Subtle Demeter Worship
Subtle Hera Worship
Subtle Zeus Worship
Subtle Circe Worship
Subtle Hestia Worship
Subtle Helios Worship
Subtle Persephone Worship
Subtle Poseidon Worship
Subtle Hekate Worship
Subtle Hygeia Worship
Subtle Nemesis Worship
Subtle Psyche Worship
Subtle Asklepios Worship
Subtle Haides Worship
Subtle Harpocrates Worship
Subtle Erebos Worship
Subtle Medea Worship
Subtle Tyche Worship
Subtle Lethe Worship
Subtle Selene Worship
Subtle Eris Worship
Subtle Themis Worship
Subtle Talos Worship
Subtle Thanatos Worship
Subtle Nyx Worship
Subtle Pan Worship
Subtle Hypnos Worship
Subtle Charybdis Worship
Subtle Hyacinthus Worship
Norse Deities:
Subtle Sigyn Worship
Subtle Loki Worship
Subtle Baldr Worship
Subtle Freyr Worship
Subtle Odin Worship
Subtle Freyja Worship
Subtle Thorr Worship
Subtle Tyr Worship
Subtle Jormungandr Worship
Subtle Hel Worship
Subtle Sleipnir Worship
Subtle Idunna Worship - created by @soil-and-stanzas :)
Subtle Fenrir Worship
This list will be updated as I make more posts! I may have to make extra posts due to the fact that you can only have 100 links per post.
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calqlate · 1 year
ALTERNATIVELY: dehya and diluc are so unbelievably kdrama coded that i need to talk about it due to its high importance
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she's too good at anything deemed societally masculine. physical sports, shooting guns, manhandling perpetrators... you name it, she does it better than a man. literally the female version of luke pearce from tears of themis.
think jung taeeul from the king: eternal monarch. she can and will get shit done, and she's super girlboss about it too.
she's the girl crush that makes every female have their gay awakening (see also: yuri from xo, kitty). she supports women, takes care of her friends, is so fiercely protective... honestly, she definitely has a fanclub consisting of females surrounding her.
she's also incredibly sunbae coded. she will look after her juniors and treat them once every while to keep their spirits up (cue the big sparkly eyes as they praise her, "dehya-noona! dehya-unnie!"). the juniors worship the ground she walks on and idolise her.
she will princess carry you when you're injured (cue that one scene from strong woman do bongsoon where bongsoon just runs with minhyuk in her arms) and kabedon you unintentionally. prepare yourself to get dommed and blush intensely.
in a modern au, she will be the sort that goes gymming with a sports bra and her attire just shows off her navel (and you can bet she's got abs) and you will be drooling. there are no exceptions for whatever gender her victims are.
he fits every checkbox of what every kdrama male lead is like: he's attentive, he's caring, he gets jealous... he's very versatile like that lmao
he's the oppa type that will observe you silently. you're sick? he's got you covered and is right by your side, changing wet towels for you. you're cold? say less, he will warm himself up using his vision and share body heat with you, with his jacket wrapped around you.
he's also the type to invite you over to his mansion to try anything he makes. he's good in the kitchen and will make anything you ask for (cue that one scene from business proposal where taemoo just rents out a whole bistro or something to cook for hari). (adelinde watches as the young master cooks, an absolute sight to behold for any other young maiden in mondstadt, really. donna is green with envy.)
he gets jealous only when these conditions are met at the same time: you're giving him the silent treatment after an argument and you're talking to this other person whom he's noticed you spending more time with recently right in front of him. bonus points is when you get touchy with the person. you'd better get yourself ready because this man will drag you aside and confront you about it which leads to him pretty much making out with you lmao.
like dehya, he will princess carry you and kabedon you as well
modern au diluc would be such a sugar daddy and he will literally leave his black card with you and be alright with you buying anything with it ("anything to make you happy, my love," is his reasoning as he kisses you on the forehead)
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y0noirs · 1 year
anyone want an analysis on the newest tears of themis MR cards from the cn server? no? here it is anyway. obvious spoilers for the new MR card set (empyrean touch) under the cut. you can see the PV here. you can see the cards in HD here, and the cards in video form here (credit to both nxx_eun_03 and NXXgallery respectively for those)
i’ll mostly be writing about the visuals of the cards and the imagery (in my own interpretation) in this post. there’s other analyses on twitter about other parts of the PV and the cards, but i just want to talk about the visuals because they are causing me great agony and yearning. also to note, for transparency’s sake: even though i look at the new cards, i do not read story spoilers that often. my frame of reference is still what’s released on the global server. even then, i mostly pay attention to my favorites (that being marius and luke). i may get things wrong or miss things. 
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right off, the cards are referencing one of the pre-release(?) promotional pics for tears of themis, as well as the login screen in-game. there’s a great thread that analyzes it here, which i will be referencing here and there. for the most part, all you need to remember is that rosa is depicted as lady justice, or the greek goddess of truth, themis. depictions of lady justice include: scales, a blindfold, a sword, and a snake. artem, vyn, luke, and marius are in those respective positions, which the linked thread goes into.
also interesting is that there’s absolutely no dialogue in this PV. usually, the boys will have a line or two that they say, somewhat related to their MR card. but it’s just music and visuals here, which is interesting! not sure how exactly but it is!
side note, it’s interesting, given that the CN server is approaching the 3rd anniversary of the game, that they chose to return to this original promotional picture. the boys are wearing the same outfits and designs in the picture as they do in the MR cards. i believe we’re approaching a very important point in the story for the game, seeing as this set has a lot of implications for rosa and the boys. but enough of that - let’s get into me agonizing over these MR cards!
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starting with luke, he’s already interesting right off the bat. you can notice that, of all the other leads, he’s not touching the statue at all. it’s already one thing that he was gripping a sword in the original promo pic to the point where he was bleeding, but it’s another to have him make absolutely no contact with the statue whereas the others are intimately touching it.
you could say that he’s in a position of worship with the statue. his face reaches up, tries to lay a kiss on the surface of the statue’s face, but doesn’t make it all the way. he’s kept his face close, almost as if that’s all he can let himself do. like it’s almost blasphemous to love a deity this intimately. additionally, his hand remains wrapped around the sword’s blade, but it no longer draws blood like it did in the promo pic.
this can be seen as growth. people have pointed it out, but the fact that he’s no longer bleeding could symbolize the fact that he’s no longer pushing himself as far for rosa’s sake in the story. their relationship, which was previously sort of unbalanced due to the lengths luke would go to for rosa’s happiness, is now one of equal standing. he is still very devoted to her and would likely do all he can for her, but he no longer keeps himself at length from her to preserve her happiness. he’s not hurting himself anymore when it comes to their relationship. 
he still has a lot of hang-ups, but he’s definitely devoted, almost worshipping rosa. and the aborted kiss in his card definitely reflects the yearning, and possibly the control he tries to maintain when it comes to her. 
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next is artem in the position of the scales. he has a rather intimate position with the statue, but to focus on is how his hand holds onto the statue’s hand.
in the original promo pic, artem has his hand directly on the scales, almost as if he were keeping them balanced. however, in his MR card, he is instead holding up the statue’s arm, while the statue herself holds the scales on her own. i believe this symbolizes a sort of equality in their relationship. one of the more concerning things between artem and rosa is the fact that they were in a working relationship where artem was technically rosa’s boss. however, they moved past that as much as possible as they became partners.
with the support he offers to the statue’s arm, as well as his arm around the waist, i believe his MR card evokes how artem supports rosa. their relationship isn’t unbalanced - instead, he provides support and guidance when she needs/wants it. through her struggles, artem will keep her steady, and when it comes to justice, he will assist her. he doesn’t influence her sense of justice. i don’t think he ever has. he always supports her view as much as possible.
i think his MR card has depicted their relationship in a very lovely and intimate way. in the context of worship, he will trust in her judgment, because he trusts her wholeheartedly.
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the meaning of the blindfold is, as we know it, the protrayal of “justice is blind.” as the thread linked above says, it was also a depiction of deception. however, the statue in the MR shows that themis herself is removing the blindfold, while the promo pic has vyn simply holding the blindfold, possibly taking it off.
of note is that vyn is holding rosa’s chin up, as well as pressing a kiss to the blindfold/her eyes. he also has the other end of the blindfold in his other hand, signifying that he is taking off her blindfold with her. my initial belief was that his lips on her blindfold was a reminder that justice must remain impartial as possible. that she must remain steadfast in her judgment.
after further thinking, i believe that vyn truly is taking off her blindfold so that she can see the world as it really is. throughout the story, he doesn’t really shy away from showing her the truth of things. vyn taking off her blindfold is a reflection of that, but holding her chin up symbolizes how he will support her in the struggles she may have while facing the truth. his hand is a reminder that she will struggle. that the truth is often not pretty. the cracks on the statue’s face reflects this. but he will be there for her, to help her through her hardship. there’s an almost melancholy expression on her face that implies he knows what sort of hardships she will have.
even if it hurts her, even if he is aware of the suffering she will face, he will be there for her to encourage her through the pain. 
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the hand that marius holds is supposed to hold the scales of justice. in his MR card, though, the statue no longer holds them; instead, he has entwined their hands together with a necklace that has a snake on it.
there were a lot of theories of marius in the place of the snake for the original statue. with the snake being the symbol of evil, and the original statue of lady justice stepping on a snake to symbolize her triumphing over evil, it was almost like they were setting marius up for this position of betrayal and evil - especially since he and his family are so closely associated with serpents.
but in the in-game login screen, the statue of themis is not stepping on the snake. there was never going to be a scenario where rosa would defeat marius or anything. marius’ MR card means something entirely different, with meanings completely true to him and the development of their relationship.
by entwining their hands with the snake necklace, marius is willingly involving rosa with his family and his name. his hold on her hand is gentle and intimate, almost in the same degree of worship as luke. he boldly holds her close, leaning in as if to whisper in her ear.
i personally think that the act of whispering in her ear is marius is trying to ask/beg something of her. marius is not the type to burden others, keeping his suffering close to his chest so that he can appear the tall, confident heir to pax. with his position of bringing her close, whispering in her ear, and entwining their hands, he makes a request: to bear the burden of his name and legacy, maybe even help him purge the evil in his name. again, marius is not the type to ask for help. but as he grows closer to rosa, and grows more selfish, he will allow himself to burden her and request things of her. it’s a very good reflection of how his character progresses through the story.
anyway that’s a lot of words to describe how insane this MR set makes me. the yearning and love, the accurate symbolization and representation of character growth and dynamics, this is a very beautiful card set. i can’t wait for when this comes to global, and i can’t wait to see what 3rd anniversary has in store (:
(and just a reminder - this is all very biased and possibly even inaccurate. most importantly, this is my interpretation. i’m open to talking about it, though, because holy hell this MR card set makes me insane!)
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santoschristos · 2 months
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Cosmic Goddess/Themis --Mahaboka
As the embodiment of justice, order, and custom, Themis was known as a creator of balance and a righter of wrongs. Those who worshipped her prayed for the cosmic forces of justice to bring fairness to their lives and endeavors. She was sometimes also regarded as an oracle.
Themis was generally depicted wearing a long robe and veil. Her attributes included scales and the cornucopia. Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which are everything in this world. --Blaise Pascal
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titan-gods · 13 days
Lord Apollo
So lord apollo was the first deity I ever worshipped. I felt so connected to him as a young trans man, and also being born in the 7th month. As well as being disabled and always at the hospital, I would feel his healing powers. However, lately or in the past year, me and him have been more distant. I've felt more connected with the goddesses, like artmeis, Aphrodite, hestia, psyche and themis. Mostly hestia and themis. And I'm just here to remind yall that it's ok to feel distant from your gods you began with. The gods/goddesses come when you need them. They come in your time of need and depending on what you need depends on who comes. And that's OK. Don't feel bad, just keep worshipping them and acknowledging them and they will eventually come back into your life. Even if they don't. That's ok, that just means they believe your on the right path (in the aspect correlating to them).
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deathlessathanasia · 1 year
"In cult, Zeus was worshipped in diverse ways, from a personal, household deity that brought good fortune to a Panhellenic god who symbolized a common Greek culture (e.g., at Olympia and the Olympian Games). As a weather god, he is often called on to bring life-nourishing rain to the crops; he thus has fertility associations. In Iliad 14.346–351, when Zeus embraces Hera before they make love on Mount Ida, the earth itself blossoms into a breath-taking arrayof flowers and they draw a golden cloud around them that sheds dew; this scene seems to be reminiscent of a very old myth of the union of Father Sky and Mother Earth as the source of life itself (see also OH 4i). An inscription found at Palaikastro, Krete, preserves a hymn that invokes him as the “greatest kouros [youth]” and prays that he “leap into” the flocks, fields, and homes as a spur to growth (see also OH 31i). The fertility aspect of Zeus may even endow this celestial god with a chthonic character (cf. OH 7.9n), and he sometimes is depicted in the form of a snake. Note, too, that when Zeus impregnates Rhea/Demeter, both are in the form of a snake. Another important aspect of Zeus in Greek religion is his role in maintaining social institutions. He is one of the gods who protects the sanctity of oaths (like Sun; see OH 8i). Both guest and host are under his guardianship, as well as suppliants and beggars. In general, justice and order, the underlying principles of human community, are his responsibility. This is symbolized in myth, where Dike is his daughter and Themis his first wife (see OH 43i, OH 62i, and OH 79i)."
- The Orphic Hymns, Apostolos N. Athanassakis
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