#the violin guy was cool but the rest just a mess
signedkoko · 4 months
Hii! Could I get a romantic Hazbin Hotel matchup?
I'm bi with male preference, an ISTP and a Leo
Appearance: 4'11 with waist-long black hair and blue eyes + glasses. i've been told that i look rather cold and unapproachable (and tired cuz of those damn huge dark circles under eyes i have). 99% of times dressed whole in black with slight addition of red or blue + lots of chains as an accessory
About me: Absolutely exhausted comp sci student living off energy drinks and garlic baguettes trying to survive and not lose sanity. Rather aloof, rational and private loner with a sharp tongue. Also unbelievably stubborn and trying to play off as extremely independent when i'm a huge walking mess. Honestly all I need is peace. Peace, headphones and good 12+ hours of sleep. Since I get overwhelmed extremely easily I often have days/weeks when I'm moving much slower and talk more slowly and quietly or don't talk at all. I often hear that I give off "uneasy" vibes (but I am autistic so yeah, checks out). I don't talk much nor engage myself socialy but i will drop a few words or a little pun/joke into a conversation if needed. ppl tend to come to me for advice or just to confess and get a non judgemental opinion/adcise. I'm usually just going around minding my own business, not a huge fan of drama or gossip. I can't read social cues for my dear life so I never know if ppl like me as a friend or want sth more but if I start liking someone I'm suddenly loosing all my cool and get terribly awkward around them and overthink every interaction (while praying they didn't see the change in my behavior). I'm a gif giving & acts of service type of girl since I'm not the best with expressing emotions with words. But I do enjoy teasing and flirting with my friends (but i shut up the second someone actually flirts back cuz i get too flustered) I'm that friend you call at 3AM because u did sth stupid and now u need help (and i will get there, after spending 30min screaming at u for how dumb u are and telling u that there's no way i'm getting out of my house rn)
And a little fun fact about me: i always have a lighter on me. No, i don't smoke but there's always someone who needs a lighter and that's a great way to meet some rly cool ppl
Hobbies: collecting vinyls, astronomy, stargazing, reading, playlisty violin, gemology, long walks, cloudy and rainy weather
Dislikes: eye contact, loud noises, hot temperatures, bright lights, childish & reckless ppl, coffee and alcohol (never grew to like it, don't think i ever will)
Thank you so much in advance! Hope you're doing well and have a great day♡
You got…Husk!
He doesn't know shit about technology, let alone computers, so he may not get your career or your specialties, but he shrugs it off. If anything, it's better that you know because it means he won't have to, and less is always better when it comes to this demon. 
Both of you are very standoffish, and while it took a long time for the two of you to really meet and get along, your 'alone' becomes 'alone together' real quick. 
He's a very sleepy guy, and while he wishes he could sleep all day, he'll settle for half if it means he gets time with you awake and in rest. Husk doesn't have a preference for weather, but he finds that when it rains, you'll stick with him a little longer, so he learns to love it. 
Your jokes and puns are always strangely timed, and they usually catch him off guard. You have a bit of a game going where you try your best jokes when he's busy just to see if he'll laugh. So far, he's winning, but he never wants you to stop trying. It makes his work a lot less boring (or annoying when it comes to the others). 
With his many years as a bartender, he's met all kinds of people. His ability to understand others is almost uncanny, so there's no need for you to express yourself to him in words; he already knows. It just takes one glance for him to get the message. 
Carrying a lighter around when you don't smoke is a bit strange to him, but eventually he starts giving you any of the lighters left behind by barpartons. From bic to intricate zippo lighters. 
Expect a lot of nights helping him close the bar, tasting the mocktails he makes for you, and long evenings spent cuddled up together.
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Author’s Note - I hope you enjoy Husk, I really think he'd suit you! Your runner up was Stolas, but you mentioned hazbin so I left that out. Thank you for requesting!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hello. I am dude reader number 3 (I think) sent here by violin anon. I’ll start out by saying this is a big deal for me as it’s my first fanfic. (Although I did cheat and read another one of your things so more on that later ig)
🎻 showed me the 📖 and 🏀 messages and now I spend my limited free time catching up on your page. So hello fellow bros
I’m planning to catch up on everything soon before I give real commentary because I want it to make sense but I really get what basketball bro meant about confidence.
I mess up a lot with relationships because emotions are not my strong suit and I think reading this is eye opening a bit. I think it’s quite realistic, very relatable, and well written. As much as the oc keeps bottled up, Yoongi’s brain is swimming. The fact that it’s easy for him to tell her to say what she wants is so telling. Because, I often use this as a way to avoid having to share how I feel. If I have them constantly focused on sharing themselves they won’t ask to see my fragile parts as much - the shit I’ve been through that I haven’t dealt with and don’t want to relive. I don’t know if that’s intentional on your part, ryen but that was my thought on it. 
I have more but I’ll be here sporadically as my confidence ebbs and flows. I specifically want to get through the apparent “all yoongi pov” chapter before saying more. So I’ll leave you with this: I saw during scrolling that someone mentioned women writing men is the best and after reading this so far, I agree.
If you want I can be either 🎷 or any instrument that’s not taken, you pick.
Holy shit, this is.. wow. Damn, sax, thank you for sending this in and thank you violin for introducing him to 3tan! Also.. you read something else, as well?? Was it FL3 because that is my most music-themed fic so far and very much a result of my evolving relationship with it🤍
But anyways, wow. Again. 📖 and 🏀 we have another bro!! And 🏀, you are definitely not alone as far as the confidence thing goes. Here is solid proof.
If this is realistic and relatable even for you? Holy crap. I guess we all can gather that.. we’re all fundamentally the same. Like, as far as human emotions and feelings and how we deal with them go. As for your experiences, I wanna say I hate how you had to go through any shit at all. But we’re all learning, and we’re all gonna keep learning and failing but still try despite all of that🫂 If this was eye opening for you, it’s been a journey for me, too. Also.. Your commentary on Yoongi telling reader to say what they want just so that he doesn’t have to do it himself (and can still learn about them?) Yeah.. Pretty fcking spot on.
And oh my god.. you haven’t even read Dal Segno onwards yet, either😳 now I absolutely can’t wait to hear your comments after that or after you catch up completely because of your commentary already.
I just feel a myriad of feelings right now. It’s totally okay if you appear sporadically, too🤍 as long as you know that we appreciate anything you decide to tell us, i’m good. this alone was certainly cool and a huge telling from a guy’s perspective! like damn.. I’m just sitting here staring. thank you so much for saying all of this and have fun diving into the rest🍊
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balkanballad · 4 years
national finals 2020 the ones that got away:
Raj - Amvon duo & Bilja (Serbia)
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retroaria · 3 years
pronouns: gender neutral
warnings: just swearing :3
here’s my masterlist ^o^
enjoy !!
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omg omg omg very excited about this one
in the eyes of sapnap, you are literally the most perfect being to ever walk this earth
he loves you so much
he’s so open about his feelings and everything too like he has nothing to hide it’s the cutest
he loves showing you off
talks about you on stream and tells fun stories
if you’re active on social media he is not afraid to yell at any other guys hitting on you LMAO
gets a little heated when it comes to defending you
but at the end of the day ur the only one who can rlly calm him down
being on his 8 hour val streams
being close friends with george and telling sap to stop being so mean to him
george being like “see even ur s/o said to stop, this is literally messed up” *insert british accent lol*
him introducing you to patches
her liking you more than dream and sap
sad bois haha
omg you showing him new music and making playlists for him like karl did
him calling you after he won the hide and seek money lol
“uhhh u already were rich sir 🧐😐”
watching anime together would be the greatest thing ever :’)
you guys have a shared list of animes you wanna watch and you both add to it whenever u find a new one
wearing his merch and making him go feral
as a sapnap merch owner i can confirm it is very very comfy
he would be super shy at first but once you assured him you wouldn’t care if he sucked he played and it was epic
“cool! now stream it. 😐”
much like george this relationship is definitely just very content and comfy
but i’ll add a sprinkle from my karl hc and say that sapnap really does try his hardest
he doesn’t just wanna date you this man wants to WIN you
i think if you guys had any issues he would always be the first one to apologize
not in a simp kind of way but (and yes i know this man is stubborn but hear me out) when it comes to you he really just wants things to work out and is willing to put in lots of effort
if you guys were long distance the first meeting would be a little awkward
but the hug? oh my god literally top tier
you would both be a little tense at first but then once you guys hug it’s just so warm and happy
he’s so happy to be with you and it shows literally anytime he talks about you or how he lights up when he hears ur name
i just know he loves cuddles
he’s the type to just completely engulf you and not move for the entire rest of the night
anyways i love sapnap 10/10
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this was fun anyways send me some requests maybe 🤔
ok bye much love mwah
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nanayoungishere · 3 years
Play It Cool (Part Two)
He was sure he fucked it up.
The way you refused to look him in the eye, your stilted and monotone voice -- he did something wrong. He must have.
But that was fine. He failed --
-- but it was completely fine. There was always another chance, another encounter. He could always make up for it. You would come around eventually.
And if all else failed, he still knew where you lived. You always kept the window unlocked, and never looked into the closet before bed. And your roommate, the bitch who constantly mooched off your hard work, would be too busy fucking some stranger to hear you struggle or scream for help.
Some chloroform and a quick getaway would be all he needed to make his time with you last forever. And with all the time in the world at his disposal, it was only a matter of when you came to your senses, not if.
When you realized how much he loved you. How he was made for you, and you alone.
So he thought it was fine.
At least until he got a good look at your blushing, adorable face.
Every carefully thought out plan went out the window as he resisted the urge to rip those clothes off you, and see for himself if that blush traveled all the way down.
God, the way you looked at him.
The way you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye when you thought he wasn’t looking. The way your eyes trembled whenever he spoke, hanging onto his every word. The way you stared at his face, his lips, his eyes. The way you jammed your hands into your pockets, as though resisting the temptation to reach out and touch --
It was all he could do not to push you down and fuck you against that bench. He was sure you would have loved it, would’ve screamed your appreciation for the world to hear.
But he had already asked you out for dinner. And he wasn’t going to break promises when it came to you.
Plus, you seemed a bit shy to him. A lot shyer than you were with everyone else. You were always so direct, so confident when you talked to your moocher roommate, to your nosy landlord, to the disgusting coworker that was taking up too much of your time.
But not with him. No, you got so shy. So quiet. So nervous as you stuttered out each word, fraying those precious lips of yours with your teeth. Your beautiful, perfect fingers twirling around each other. Your body shaking ever so slightly as you huddled in your jacket.
It was adorable, this new side of you. He thought he knew everything about you --
where you worked, where you lived, how long you slept, what classes you went to, what you ate, how you breathed, what you smelled like, what you tasted like
-- but you surprised him. You opened up to him, and him alone.
He could feel his face warming up. A smile, wide and full of barely suppressed glee, grew on his face.
God, he loved you so much.
He loved your blush, the way your eyes lit up with happiness. He loved your voice, every word like the most beautiful of melodies. He loved your adorable nose and those wondrous, expressive eyes. He loved how small you were, how comfy and perfect you felt in his arms.
He loved your laughter, he loved your tears. He loved you when you were sad, when you were mad, when you were just wasting time and letting the seconds go by. He loved you when you were sleeping, loved the peaceful expression on your face as you rested. He loved you when you just woke up, the grumpiness and drowsiness making you all the more adorable in his eyes.
He loved your awkwardness, your confidence. Loved how you were in public, how you were in private, how you were with him.
He loved you.
He loved you, he loved you, he loved you, helovedyouhelovedyouhelovedyouHELOVEDYOU --
And soon you would be all his.
He started running. He had to hurry, before the flower shop ran out of roses.
And while he was at it, he might as well buy some chocolates.
And a tux for the date.
Maybe a violin? He didn’t know how to play, but he was sure he could learn something in the next few hours.
And a nice ring too. He saw one in a jewelry shop that would have been perfect on your finger.
And --
He stopped. Took a deep breath.
No, no, no. He had to stay calm. Keep himself together.
Too much at once would overwhelm his darling, considering how adorably shy you were. You might have had a crush on him --
-- but bringing up so much this soon in the relationship would only scare you off. He needed to take it slow.
For now.
He still had that chloroform after all.
You arrived at Dan’s Damn Diner half an hour early.
You ordered five milkshakes and went to the bathroom twice.
Once to actually go pee, the second to check your hair and make sure you looked like some semblance of a decent human being.
God, why didn’t you wear something -- anything -- more than what you wore today? A baseball cap, hoodie, and jeans?! You looked like a complete fucking slob!
It was nothing short of a miracle that such a cute, adorable, awesome guy even looked at you, let alone asked you out. The only reason why you didn’t immediately run back to your apartment and change was because you didn’t want to look horribly desperate.
You smoothed down your hair for the tenth time, cursing yourself for not bringing a comb. Your head looked like a fucking mess right now. You had no choice but to cover it up.
You gave yourself one last look -- stop shaking dammit -- and headed back to your table.
The waitress was giving you an odd look again. You ignored her and ordered another milkshake.
God knows you’d never eat here if you could; the milkshakes were the only good thing about this place. Make with real milk and ice cream instead of that processed crap.
Maybe that’s why he picked it? Maybe he liked milkshakes. Maybe he wanted to share a milkshake. With you.
You could almost see it. The two of you drinking from the same glass, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, faces growing closer and closer by the second --
You could feel yourself starting to blush. God you needed to get your shit together.
You felt the alarm you set on your phone vibrate.
7:00 PM.
You sat up straighter, pushing the newest milkshake into the center of the table.
Two straws were ready and prepared. You could do this.
7:01 PM.
You checked your phone for the umptenth time. Maybe the clock was off? You had some sorta update happen on your phone this morning; maybe it messed up the time.
7:02 PM.
Your leg started shaking.
Maybe he was running late? The streets can be kinda crowded at night.
You hope he didn’t get lost. He knew where you worked, right?
7:03 PM.
Did something happen? Oh God, what if he got into an accident? Maybe you should call someone? Say that… that…
7:04 PM.
You didn’t even ask.
What the fuck was wrong with you?! How the fuck could you forget something so, so basic?! HE ASKED YOU OUT FOR FUCK’S SAKE!
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck --
7:05 PM.
He stood you up.
He stood you up because you didn’t even bother to ask his name.
You didn’t blame him. God, you were such a fucking loser. Too busy acting like a lovestruck idiot to even --
The door jingled. A familiar figure burst into the restaurant, looking winded and carrying a white package.
You clasped your hands to your mouth and screamed into your palms.
It was him! He didn’t stand you up after all!
Play it cool, Y/N, play it cool! Don’t fuck this up!
You calmly and coolly waved at him, catching his attention.
His big beautiful blue eyes lit up, filling with happiness and warmth. He beamed at you, his smile encompassing his entire face, seemingly lighting up the entire restaurant with its vibrance.
You banged your knee against the table.
The milkshake toppled and spilled directly on your lap.
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 211 let's go
ok first of all, this is the second to last episode guys... I don't even wanna think about how much pain I'll be in after next week's episode
mr mazzara doing the recap-
this is so weird to me and I don't know why
is Nini giving out the cards a callback to season 1 when Natalie Bagley said that Nini gave her a card or something on opening night of another musical?
Ricky in the crown gives me Harry styles in that photoshoot vibes
he's so pretty.
ok but why did we never see Ricky and Ashlyn interact before? it's been like 5 seconds and I already love how they bounce off each other and it's just so natural
well that explains a lot...
so Ricky fell on top of Ashlyn and all that broke for both of them was their wrist-
insert Jake Peralta *coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool no doubt no doubt no doubt*
of course howie was amazing as the beast, were we expecting anything less??
Ricky is so beautiful and I will not shut up about it....
let me enjoy this before the makeup crew slaps mud on his face.
Nini and Ricky talking to eachother? in a civil manner? wasn't she avoiding him just in the last episode? hm ok
yes Kaden and Rico, my favourite east high boys 🥰
I mean....where's EJ?
EJ AND GINA IN THE BACKGROUND... doing something idek
Howie is a shining star, ofc ofc
the smallest fOrk
can't wait to see the fork burst into song about how she deserves more than to be used to eat salad😌
the duster and the bluster.... ok😃
hi Gina!
hi- oh wow I didn't know Robbie Rotten was in this show!!!!!
the portwell look.
that my friends, is a married couple's look✋
aww Gina's so excited for this
D word?
Dom Toretto?
"good, clean fun all alone with someone I dig...a lot"
sir that does not sound very clean to me
Seb looks so cute standing there next to pope Carlos
Seb's reading Carlos better than big red read the script in episode 102, this is great development after the "fight"
Kourtney really just made the best outfit for herself and let the rest of them suffer
the way Gina immediately goes to hold on to EJ after the announcement
"tonight we're going to put the U in UTAH"
"hey where are you from?"
he's officially salt lake city's resident thanos
just wity clapping because for some reason I have a feeling he doesn't know how to snap his fingers...don't ask why
Ms Jenn do you mind encouraging your leads before the show? idk just an idea
pepto bismol product placement smhsmh
those flowers are bigger that big red himself-
*bops along to the opening theme*
that whistle at the end slaps everytime
I guess they're all here to see Ms Jenn go on as a fork after Nini decides to *go her own way*
wow i am so funny
so they couldn't do many group scenes cuz of covid, but this 300 person crowd is cool? nice
"Mr Caswell", he said, in the loudest voice possible while backstage at a show that's about to start.
Mazzara what are you trying to pull-
I usually like Benjamin but I don't like his tone
"we've had some good conversations these past few weeks"
right so what's going to happen after you graduate?
what does he think of you not going to Duke?
what did he say about you giving the sweatshirt that's been in the family for 3 generations to a girl you're not even dating?
good old Mr. M
therapist Mr. Mazzara, they all need it.
start with Ricky though.
"Michael Bowen"
dude why did you shave, now you look less like "hot lumberjack" and more "creep at the gas station"
does she not like Mike anymore?
why does it sound like jennzzara started dating and now they just sit back and talk smack about everyone in their freetime
break the fourth wall-
uhhhh im scared
why am I scared
he's scary
hehe flowers for Ricky, obviously for Ricky, ObViOuSLY
oh boy poor Michael
this man is in love, rip
why does Ms Jenn always look at people with her eyes open so wide
I'm only excited because I really like the idea of lily and Ricky being friends, nothing more.
ha this guy's got jokes
also he's very pretty.
"the wolves and very talented humans"
how dare he forget to mention the very talented wolves and normal humans, smh erasure
"being nice, what a concept" ted talk by Lily who still doesn't have a last name
did she just say lol out loud
same with the hug emoji last episode-
go touch some grass babes
the way he didn't say no, but said he didn't know how the east high kids would react-
not saying he does want to date her but that's an interesting thing to think about, also another thing to write an essay analysis on just to leave it in my drafts for a few months
awww lily genuinely trying to help him
sorry guys, I've been taken by the Lily charm (didn't know it existed until now but oh well)
just look at me now
the Lily wink I can't she's so cute-
David Attenborough?
oh nvm it's Benjamin narrating the show in a really weird British accent for some reason.
also is this to show that Nini doesn't care about being the star of the show anymore? the way she's supporting everyone else even though she's a fork?
I would pay for a special of the full musical ngl
yo where did the makeup come from
man I wish I was a theatre kid
my girl is starring
"needs an X-factor"
Simon Cowbell creeps in
"it's a yes from me"
and them boom, he takes Nini and mistreats her horribly and then she comes back to theatre after deciding music isn't for her👍
"I thought she just hog-tied him?"
don't ask sebby, it's better if you don't know.
imagine they spotlight the wrong person and this dude is just some random person that likes writing down stuff during shows.
Ms Jenn just let them do what they rehearsed (at some point we never saw) or else this is gonna end horribly wrong
same Carlos, same
I love how seb is just his translator rn
I thought he said "great displeasure" instead of "greatest pleasure"....help?
big red coming out from throwing up to see his girlfriend star is the cutest thing in this show.
Ash and Gina dancing is so fun
I'm imagining them practicing at night at their home, watching the movie for the 100th time and making sure their one dance together is perfect
no because I'm actually crying
I'm dead serious.
we need this musical released as a special
big red is so proud and I love to see it
Natalie: "if you do not by at least 20 dollars in concessions, you do not support art"
rando in the audience: "but I pay for ad free Spotify"
Mr Mazzara clapping in the distance
Gigi, the guy you like is talking to you, complimenting you and hyping you up
aw EJ teasing her about the chocolates in a way that doesn't make her feel bad? take notes Richard
there is no rest of the show idc Jordan is it for me
they look like they're high and having "deep" conversations on the floor
@sunshine-julie-molina YOU HEAR THAT
Natalie really just be coming for them all
Howie what is happening rn
I'm scared
"did you enjoy it"
"very much"
dude wants a kiss so bad
I want a Jordan autograph please
just keep swim- oh pushing...
Gina is literally a giant next to him and I live for it
am I about to cry for the 3rd time in this episode?
Ricky's leg kicks under the table makes me so happy aw
the portwell glances will kill me.
ah yes, mashed potato snow
Mr. M.... I'm not a theatre kid but even I know you can't have your phone on backstage.
Howie please just do it
oh ok bye Jordan
oo tea
"we're all just glad Gigi has a big brother figure in her life"
excuse me for a few thousand hours while I laugh hysterically
someone else said this already but I think it's hilarious that they had to bring in 2 guest characters to create some portwell angst
omg this really is Cici's episode, found family is their thing
elevator music lol
I'm gonna bet that big red took the harness for his surprise for Ashlyn without realising what it was
did Ms. Jenn just....tell her most mentally unstable student....to commit suicide....on a disney show...was that....I'm very....well....what the actual-
oh and there she goes running off instead of trying to make it right
oh wow Nini's the hero, she's gonna save the show 🤩
the judge is doing a sudoku
honestly if I went to the hsm show as well, I'd come prepared for this one too
Lily why are you looking like that-
wow ok, there goes that.
what if Howie was acting weird because he knew what Lily did and wanted to tell Kourtbut Lily threatened him so he was scared to-
anyways see y'all clowns next week when we all simultaneously lose all motivation for the week without Fridays to look forward to.
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tots-insane-ee · 3 years
How would the Warner’s react to having a friend that’s a child star around their age who is shy and has bad anxiety due to their over controlling parents but loves to go on zany adventures with them?
*cracks knuckles* Well let's see...
Also I went with the "actor reader" idea, hope you like it!
The Warners befriending a shy, child star reader would include:
Reminder: This is completely platonic and just pure fluff. Reader is gender-neutral and not species specific
Okay let’s start from the beginning, how you guys met
You enjoyed performing in front of your family, singing, recreating scenes from movies or cartoons you liked, but in front of your family only, since you were really insecure and shy. Your parents back then were really encouraging and supportive, and thanks to that you were able to take part in school plays… and that’s how your “career” started!
And before you knew it, your parents became your legitimate managers, you moved from town to town, getting roles after roles, losing touch with your friends, becoming famous while many agencies started looking for you.
That’s how you found yourself in Burbank, California. Well guess what, you have a contract with Warner Bros. now. 
And as you were standing in the set, the spotlight shining down at you, many people watching, after months of repeatedly telling your mom and dad that you didn’t want any of this, you felt your anxieties get the better of you
You love acting, you really do, but this was too much
You started shaking and breathing heavily, not hearing your parents yelling your name. You felt dizzy and your heart was beating incredibly fast. It was so much, everything was too much and you just wanted to leave, but you couldn’t move at all.
AND THAT’S WHEN the Warner’s literally crashed the shooting
Needless to say, they kinda managed to drag you away by accident because of their shenanigans. And you had to realize that for the first time in forever, you had fun.
Surprise, surprise! The zany puppy children instantly liked you and wanted to be friends with you. (They really don’t interact with kids their age, huh) and the rest is history!!
They. Adore. You.
They don’t really interact with kids their age and adults always just shoo them away, so they just gonna be ecstatic about having somebody around who actually likes them
You are a child star? They think it’s so cool! You made a contract with Warner Bros. and plan on staying too? Poggers!!
Will follow you around in the beginning of your friendship. It’s either because they want to help, guide, protect or just hang out with you 24/7
“Excuse you, sir. I’m Y/n’s manager, I have all the rights to be here.” Dot would tell the director when the filming crew tried to send them away for the first time. “I’m their coach, it’s only given that I’m staying too.” Yakko added, draping his arm over your shoulder while grinning smugly at the director. Wakko just clings to your leg, not letting go
They’re basically your emotional support, and nobody has the guts to mess with them at this point
(They will legit ask for advice from Scratchy when it comes to your anxiety. These kids are so worried about you and just want to help ;-;)
So protective of you, not just because you are shy. You are their first real friend, and they would do anything for you
After some time you became more and more confident thanks to them, and a lot of producers noticed that too. A lot of people found you guys’ interactions adorable and marketable. The possibility of performing together with you in future installments make them so excited
They don’t like your parents, not even a bit, but they can’t really do anything too risky about this situation. What if they go too far with their pranks and your parents decide on leaving, taking you away as well? So they’re careful, but still messing with them. Passive aggressive bantering most of the time, just to intimidate them
But bold of you to assume they didn’t adopt you already. You are part of the fam now
They are just so sweet and supportive, bless them
Adventures and causing trouble with them in your free time, it’s the perfect bonding experience
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This boy is low-key your biggest fan
Hell, you are his second favorite actor now (Sorry, nobody beats Don Knotts)
Would definitely accompany you to your shoots, cheering you on from the sidelines
Often visits you at breaks just to eat lunch together with you or to give you some comfort
He thinks your shyness is cute and just loves to chill with you in the backside while Yakko and Dot handles the “interaction with new people” business
Will gladly teach you how to play the piano, the drums and the violin
Really protective of you, will literally become your bodyguard, especially after hearing how your parents are 
Will cuddle and watch some movies with you after a hard day. (Marathoning your movies/shows on the weekends? Absolutely, you can’t run from that one)
He’s just all around so excited for you, will always ask about your day and listen attentively 
Once you get your free time, you better believe he will just take you by the hand, get Yakko and Dot, and all four of you ready to go, off to cause some mischief
This good puppy loves you so much. He just wants to spend more time with you while also wants to support you to reach your dreams
"You are so cool, Y/n! Can I have your autograph?" "Only if I can have yours" "Deal!"
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She respects you so much, let me tell you
Admires how hardworking and patient you are. She knows that she wouldn’t be able to handle people like your parents or a really uptight director the way you do 
Someone says anything negative about you, they will be destroyed before they can finish their sentence
Binged watched all of your movies, knew about you before you actually met
She finds your shyness adorable, but would also try her best to help you break out of your shell and boost your confidence
After finding out how your parents mistreat you? Let’s just say… she made some adjustments about your contract 
She’s now your unofficial manager and lawyer. “Don’t worry about it, hun! Just leave it all to me.”
Will absolutely scold you if you don’t take care of yourself
Will also prep you, do your makeup and hair, help you choosing you outfits when she comes along to your shoots
Whenever she sees news about you on the internet or gets a glimpse of you on TV she’s like “You are doing amazing sweetie”
She loves how much livelier you get when you go on adventures with them. It just shows how genuinely happy and goofy you are when you spend time together  
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Oh… Ohohoho, this guy, while not outright showing it, he is so glad to have you
We all know that he’s the biggest theater kid and drama queen there is. He also likes to perform, so now he finally has someone he can nerd out with (about musicals? theater? yes)
Just imagine him helping you with rehearsals, practicing your scripts, giving you vocal and dancing lessons and so much more
Would definitely love to be featured in movies with you and his siblings (or anything, really)
Loves how shy you are, would 100% tease you and compliment you a lot just to see your reactions, but also does his best to encourage you
When it comes to your parents, he’s really thinking about confronting them
On one hand: They are controlling jerks, but on the other hand: They are still YOUR parents
When you have told him about your anxiety his big brother instincts activated, but he also feels you. Even tho your fears are different from his, he tries his best to comfort you *by experience*. Frequently checks up on you during your shoots, and after you are finished he makes sure that you feel relaxed  
Shenanigans around the movie lot, but will show you around Burbank with Wakko and Dot too
He’s so proud of you. Expect a lot of praises and compliments
"You're doing great, toots! You got this!"
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zoe-b-raiden · 3 years
// ALRIGHT  FUCKERS you guys showed interest and now I will proceed to dump my chaotic AU thoughts on your heads.
~~~~~ ToA Dance AU ~~~~~
Disclaimer: This was originally intended to be just a Zouxie AU. I make a lot of those in my head. But that quickly spiraled out of hand when @nikibogwater wanted the Found Family w/ Nari to be a thing and I said “Well damn, it’s not like I have a million and five things I’m already writing, why the hell not?” And so here we are. Anyways, this will be me spewing random bullshit until I figure out what’s going on.
Douxie: The adopted son of Merlin who taught him piano and violin to eventually become a part of the orchestra, turned performance dancer of his own volition and interest. Generally good at what he does in the performance arts but knows nothing of modern dance.
Archie: Douxie’s incredibly intelligent and frighteningly understanding ESA who goes with his partner everywhere and is often seen in the crowd or on the stage of a performance (this doesn’t matter but he has an adorable set of cat neck-ties and bows to match Douxie)
Zoe: Member of The Coven, a modern dance group. Originally a ballet dancer, she left the formal and strict teachings behind at a young age to pursue something more free and rebellious.
Merlin: Conductor and manager of Camelot Dance Co. Renowned for his teaching ability and prowess. Particularly dislikes any dancers/music that doesn’t follow traditional or classical styles (i.e. modern dancing.).
Arthur: Owner of Camelot Dance Co., once ran it with his wife Guenivere before she got caught and met an untimely end in Darklander gangwar conflict nearby.
Morgana: Cover conductor under Merlin, talented in music and like the older sister to Douxie. Understanding and a bit serious.
Bellroc: Head manager of Arcane Industries, a company that actively searches out real estate to purchase and turn into business districts for profit. Serious and dedicated to their job, believing this is the right course of action for progression into the future.
Skrael: Bellroc’s right hand and co-manager, shares many of the same beliefs with them.
Nari: Essentially the younger sibling to Bellroc and Skrael, who is mostly along for the ride and does not understand the damages being done in the beginning. Rather neglected and forgotten about by the other two. A little naive but caring and understanding and dedicated to doing the right thing. Eventually leaves Arcane Industries and secretly lives with Douxie and Archie, out of fear that Arthur and Merlin would retaliate.
Bular and Gunmar: members of the Darklander gang, violent and angry with Arthur for taking property and businesses from them and leaving them at a significant economic and social disadvantage.
I do not really know yet where the teens/kids (in the show they are older here) quite fit in but: Jim and Toby own a restaurant, Claire has a theater troupe, Aja and Krel are refugees from another country and are musicians, Steve....? Maybe he’s part of a boxing program? honestly don’t know, the rest of them I haven’t worried too much about yet.
~~~~~ Background/Plot ~~~~~
For all the years Douxie has practiced music and dance under Merlin’s instruction, it’s been mostly the same. Learning something new, practice, mastering it, and performing. This all changes, however, when Arcane Industries, a monopolizing company seeking to make profit at whatever cost, begins to stake out new territory in ?
Zoe’s rented studio used for The Coven is bought from it’s owner by Arcane Industries, putting them out of a usable place for practice. Arthur’s grand dance institute is the only place left to turn. When Zoe and her troupe arrive it’s understandable chaos even when she asks to rent a space from them and share the stage at times.
Merlin vehemently disagrees, claiming that modern dance will ruin their rigid style and dirty their name. Zoe points out that Camelot Dance is next in line unless they can make enough to keep themselves from being bought out. Morgana proposes letting The Coven rent out a few studio rooms in exchange for participating in a large upcoming performance that they were lacking the members for and splitting profits. Arthur reluctantly agrees to it and Zoe accepts.
It’s not long before various internal conflicts come up and heads are butted, on top of the ongoing disaster of a production. Douxie and Zoe are chosen to be the leads of the performance, much to Zoe’s initial irritation. Douxie’s just kind of happy to have a dance partner at all.
Eventually things change a bit and feelings are recognized between Douxie and Zoe, yada yada I’m still cooking that all up lol. It’s stupidly fluffy and fun.
Once Nari shows up, he begins to teach her formal dance and she loves it. It’s actually a return to her roots; Bellroc, Skrael, and herself came from a wealthy family that were mainly dancers only a couple generations ago. Bellroc and Skrael learn of Nari’s betrayal and join forces with the Darklanders to get her back and secure the deeds to Arthur’s property at the same time. Morgana has a corruption plot here but I don’t know what I’m doing with that yet.
~~~~ Misc ~~~~~
Not entirely sure where the plot of Trollhunters comes in, but so far I’ve got:
Gunmar, Bular, and the Gumm-Gumms form the gang that got Guen killed and have it out for Arthur-- who owns multiple businesses and properties formerly belonging to the Darklanders --that they want back. Notorious for having tattoos of trollish figures. 
Arthur requests that Merlin and Morgana do something about this issue because he fears for their collective safety, and hence a small fighting force, the Trollhunters, are formed to defend them. Something happens with all that but I’m not entirely sure yet.
Is this a metaphor for capitalism being really bad? Maybe, I wasn’t aiming for it but hey that’s cool with me. Bellroc and Skrael get a redemption arc, I’m not sure what that entails but they do because I said so. Clearly a lot of plot work to go and I’ll change things up as I work on it.
If any of y’all have input please be my guest because this is a beast that I’ve been thinking about all day and I’m sure there’s things or potential connections I’m missing that would be neat.
And by all means please feel free to get involved in this mess.
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remywrites5 · 4 years
           Sirius yawned and stretched his arms over his head as he walked through the hallways of his school. It had been another sleepless night of listening to his parents argue and pretending he couldn’t hear them. He’d put his headphones in and turned his music up as loud as he could but it still wasn’t enough to drown them out. In the end he had given up the illusion of sleep and committed to staying awake – a decision he was now regretting as he tried to make it though the school day.
           He had an off period so he was looking for a place to take a nap. He went down towards the music rooms, as there were usually a few practice rooms vacant. He would be able to shut the door and be undisturbed for at least a good half hour. He would just have to set an alarm on his phone so he didn’t miss his maths class. He knew McGonagall was planning a pop quiz because he’d peeked through her planner.
           Sirius poked his head into one of the practice rooms and found Remus Lupin strumming a guitar with a pick in his mouth resting against his silver lip ring. Remus glanced up when he heard the door open and smiled kindly. Sirius felt something funny happen to his insides the way it always did when Remus was around. Remus had only moved to their school the year before and no one really knew much about him. Sirius had barely spoken ten words to the guy but it hadn’t stopped him having an annoyingly inconvenient crush on him.
           “Sorry,” he said, his hand still on the doorknob. He kept telling his body to turn around and leave but it wasn’t cooperating.
           “It’s okay,” Remus said, taking the pick out of his mouth. He played a few more chords and then glanced back up at Sirius. “Did you need something else?”
           “Will you teach me the guitar?” Sirius blurted out before he could think better of it.
           Remus scratched the back of his neck nervously. “I don’t know, I’ve never taught anyone before. I don’t think I’d be very good at it.”
           “I really want to learn though,” Sirius said, pouting slightly at the rejection. It was actually true as well, Sirius had always dreamed of being able to play guitar like a rock star. “I’ll pay you.”
           Remus chewed on his lip for a moment while he considered it. “Do you even have a guitar?”
           “I can get one,” Sirius promised quickly. He could tell he was wearing Remus down just a bit. He wasn’t going to give up now when he was starting to win him over.
           Remus exhaled loudly. “What was your name again?”
           Sirius did his best not to look offended at the question. “Sirius Black.”
           “If you can get a guitar then I’ll do what I can to teach you,” Remus said, playing a few more chords. “But no promises, okay? I told you I’m not much of a teacher. You really should ask Professor Flitwick. He’s the music teacher after all.”
           “He doesn’t like me,” Sirius confessed, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning casually against the doorframe. “Last year I purposefully sang the wrong words during our chorus concert and I was in the front row. Everyone could hear me. He wasn’t very happy about it.”
           Remus bit his lip ring to keep from smiling. “No, I don’t imagine he would be. Should I expect such disrespect when I attempt to teach you?”
           “Nope,” Sirius said, popping the p before letting his lips curl into a grin. “I’ll be an angel.”
           Remus rolled his eyes. “Somehow I doubt that. Get the guitar and we’ll see.”
           “I will,” Sirius promised. He could already feel himself getting excited. He had wanted to learn guitar since forever and now bonus he was getting to learn it from his crush. It felt like a win-win scenario. Sirius headed off having forgotten any ideas of taking a nap, too excited to even think of closing his eyes, for fear that this was a dream.
           “What are we doing again?” James asked as he hit a tambourine a few times. Taking James Potter anywhere was a menace but Sirius’ best mate had insisted on coming with him.
           “I’m buying a guitar,” Sirius responded distractedly as he looked at the wall of guitars in the music shop. “I’m just not sure what kind of get.”
           “Why though?” James asked, scratching his head, his fingers getting lost in his unruly hair.
           “Remus Lupin offered to teach me,” Sirius explained, pulling one of the guitars off the wall. He put the strap over his head and positioned it against his body. It was a black and white Fender and Sirius couldn’t help thinking he looked kind of cool as he watched himself in the mirror.
           “Ah, okay.” James said, nodding in understanding as he put the tambourine back. “So you just want an excuse to spend time with Remus.”
           “That’s not all,” Sirius said defensively, strumming his left hand without playing any chords. “I’ve always wanted to learn guitar. This is a perfect opportunity. Plus I get to spend time with Remus.”
           James grabbed a pair of drumsticks and began twirling them between his fingers. “Do you think Lily would like me if I played an instrument?”
           “Mate, I think the only way Lily Evans would like you is if she got a lobotomy.”
           “Rude,” James said, putting the stick back.
           Sirius tilted his head from side to side as he looked at himself in the mirror. “Remus had an acoustic guitar. Should I get one of those instead? If I show up with the wrong kind of guitar he might change his mind about helping me.”
           “You’re overthinking it,” James assured him, clapping his hand on Sirius’ shoulder. “Just get whatever kind of guitar you want.”
           Sirius nodded and gave his best friend an appreciative look. He tried a few more guitars and decided on a candy apple red and black Fender. It was about six hundred pounds but Sirius thought it was well worth it. He just hoped that Remus liked it as much as he did.
           Remus’ eyes widened as Sirius took his new guitar out of the case. “Wow, that’s um…quite the guitar.”
           “Is it bad?” Sirius asked, his stomach dropping. He knew he would mess everything up. He should have just gotten an acoustic guitar like the one Remus had. “I can always take it back.”
           “No, it’s fine.” Remus said, smiling softly. “It’s kind of flashy but I think it suits you.”
           Sirius tucked his hair behind his ear and returned Remus’ smile. “You think so?”
           Remus nodded and then adjusted the beanie on his head. His tawny curls were poking out from the front of it and his school tie undone. He looked relaxed and effortlessly cool. Sirius desperately wanted to kiss him and find out what the lip ring would feel like.
           Remus sat down on the floor with his guitar in his lap and Sirius immediately moved to sit down across from him. Together they tuned Sirius’ guitar so that it matched Remus’. Remus showed him a few chords and they played Yellow Submarine together very slowly since it only had about three chords in the chorus. “That’s really good,” Remus said, beaming at Sirius proudly. “You’re a natural.”
           Sirius grinned and shook his head. “No you’re just a good teacher.”
           “Bullocks,” Remus teased, scratching his eyebrow. “You’ve played an instrument before. I can tell.”
           Sirius snorted and ran through the chords again. “My mum made me play violin as a kid. Had to take private lessons and everything. I wasn’t that into it but she liked having a son that could play. My brother Reg played the piano and she would make us play duets during dinner parties. It was the worst.”
           “But she let you quit?”
           Sirius glanced up at Remus and then gave him a shrug in response. “The high school doesn’t have an orchestra anyway so there wasn’t much point in continuing on. She allowed me to pursue other interests.”
           “She sounds kind of tough,” Remus said, patting Sirius’ knee sympathetically.
           Sirius reached down and places his hand over Remus’, enjoying the feeling of warmth that came from touching him. He turned Remus’ hand over and felt the callouses on Remus’ fingers from the guitar strings. “You don’t know the half of it.”
           “Sirius – “
           “Anyway, I’m here to learn, not share my tragic backstory,” he said, dropping Remus’ hand. “What’s next?”
           Remus chewed on his lip ring for a moment and seemed ready to argue. After a moment he shook his head and showed Sirius another chord. “So, um, my band is playing a gig this weekend.”
           “You’re in a band?” Sirius asked, his eyes widening in surprise.
           “Yeah, we’re terrible,” Remus told him with a soft chuckle. “Lily convinced me to join after her old guitar player, Fabian, hurt his hand during a rugby match. If you wanted to come see us play we’ll be at the Three Broomsticks on Saturday night. You don’t have to though, as I said, we’re not very good.”
           “I’ll be there!” Sirius promised, knowing there was no way in hell he’d miss it.
           “You’re sure Lily is going to be here?” James asked, following Sirius through the pub.
           “It’s her band, you numpty,” Sirius said as he playfully smacked James upside the head. “She’s the lead singer.”
           “Oh god, I’m going to die. She’s so pretty and she can sing?”
           It was pretty crowded for a Saturday night as James and Sirius weaved their way through the crowd. They each got a pint from the bar and then went to find somewhere to stand so they could see the stage. For the moment they were just playing music through the speakers of what sounded like a club mix.
           After about twenty minutes of Sirius searching in vain for Remus, the lights dimmed and the spotlights on the stage came on. Sirius glanced over at his best friend and saw his jaw drop as Lily Evans stepped onto the stage. She had on a pair of fishnet stockings and black shorts, a Star Wars t-shirt and an unzipped hoodie over it. While James stared at Lily, Sirius’ vision focused just slightly to her left where Remus was plugging his guitar into the amp. Instead of his brown acoustic guitar he had a turquoise and white electric guitar. He wore ripped jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a blue and green flannel with his signature (as Sirius had come to think of it) brown beanie on his head. Rounding out the band was Benjy Fenwick on bass and Marlene McKinnon on drums.
           Remus looked out into the crowd and smiled when he noticed Sirius, his teeth resting against his lip ring, making Sirius’ insides do funny little flips. Marlene banged her sticks together a few times as Lily stepped up to the mic and began to sing. James immediately started cheering and clapping as the song began. After a moment Sirius couldn’t help joining in.
           Lily took the mic out from the stand and walked over to Remus, their hips swaying in time to the music as they danced together. Sirius couldn’t help the pang of jealousy in his chest from how close Lily was getting to Remus. He knew it was just part of the show but they leaned in close to share the mic as Remus harmonized with Lily. Sirius took a large pull from his beer and tried to get himself under control. He felt slightly better when the song ended and Lily went back to the mic stand in the center of the stage.
           “What do you know about that bloke Remus?” James shouted in Sirius’ ear as the next song started. He clearly was jealous of the on stage chemistry Lily and Remus shared too.
           “I know he’s going to be mine after tonight,” Sirius said before downing his beer and heading to the bar for another one.
           They played a total of five songs before Lily thanked everyone and wishing them good night. The lights on the stage went out and the band began to pack up their stuff. The same club mix started to pour out of the speakers as James and Sirius made their way to the stage.
           “Oh great, what do you want?” Lily asked already scowling at James.
           “I just came to watch the show!” James answered defensively.
           Remus had just finished putting his guitar away when Sirius tugged him down from the stage. “Hi there,” Remus said, smiling warmly at Sirius. “Did you – “
           Remus was cut off by Sirius capturing his lips in a kiss much less frantic than Sirius felt at the moment. Remus pulled back after a few seconds and stared at Sirius with a puzzled expression on his face. Sirius reached up and brushed Remus’ curls off his forehead before pressing a kiss there as well.
           Remus laughed softly. “Should I take that to mean you liked the show?”
           “I did,” Sirius confirmed, letting his arms rest around Remus’ shoulders. “Also you lied to me.”
           “I did?” Remus asked bemusedly as he put his hands on Sirius’ waist.
           “You told me you were rubbish,” Sirius reminded him. He let his hand cup the nape of Remus’ neck and he pressed down just slightly, feeling Remus shiver against him in response. “I thought you were really good. You were a rock star.”
           Remus rolled his eyes before leaning in and kissing Sirius again. “I think you might be a tad biased on that account.”
           “Not at all,” Sirius said as he nibbled playfully on Remus’ lip. “I’m quite the music snob if you must know.”
           “Ah,” Remus huffed in amusement. “So you liking our music is actually quite the compliment.”
           “Exactly,” Sirius murmured against Remus’ lips, kissing him again and then again for good measure. “I’ve excellent taste in music and men.”
           Remus took a step back in order to grab his guitar off the stage. He held it in one hand and took Sirius’ hand with his other. “You know, if you wanted to go out with me you could have just asked. You didn’t have to pretend you wanted to learn guitar.”
           “I did want to learn the guitar,” Sirius insisted as Remus led him out through the back door of the club. Benjy’s van was parked outside so Remus slid his guitar into it and then sat down on the edge of the open boot. He grabbed Sirius by his Ramones’ t-shirt until Sirius was standing between his open legs. “I might be a bit hot for teacher, though.”
           “God, I hope you mean me and not Professor Flitwick,” Remus teased with a knowing smirk.
           “Mm, Flitwick is dead sexy,” Sirius joked, tracing the contours of Remus’ face with his finger, trying to memorize it already, as he couldn’t get enough of it. “But I prefer you.”
           “It’s a good thing you’re my only student or I would get accused of playing favorites,” Remus said, putting his hands behind him and leaning back.
           “Only two lessons and I’m already teacher’s pet, huh?” Sirius managed to quip even though his heart was racing from the way Remus was looking at him. He desperately wanted to shut the boot and snog Remus in the back of the van.
           Remus hummed in agreement. “My pet, you say? If that’s the case then maybe I should feed you, huh boy?”
           Sirius let out a yip like a puppy and licked a stripe up Remus’ neck. “Remus Lupin, are you asking me out on a date?”
           Remus laughed and shoved Sirius’ face away. “Yeah, I guess I am, since apparently I already own you anyway.”
            “Think you’ll keep me then?” Sirius asked, sitting down next to Remus and lacing their fingers together. It was astonishing to Sirius that something as simple as holding Remus’ hand was enough to make him feel a little lightheaded.
           “Yeah,” Remus said, giving Sirius’ hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll keep you.”
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whitefoxed · 3 years
Come Wake Me Up
@the-muse-mansion | Re-Archived: Written to this.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, three seasons have since passed from the last time the ground here crunched beneath the soles of his shoes. Stumbling in the dark, Lise saw the previous barren trees and shrubbery were now heavy with leaves, rustling dryly like quiet murmurs of disapproval at his approach. The night’s cold wind chilled him to the bone.
Dressed in only a white dress shirt, black trousers and loafers, the doctor’s usual tidy appearance was nowhere to be seen. In its place was a look of disarray, the shirt’s top buttons missing, leaving a vulnerably revealing V neck though its upturned collar was an obvious attempt of trying to curb that indecency. Its sleeves were rolled up to the man’s elbows however, making no effort to hide the hand like purple marks around his wrists. That brown hair too, was in a tousled mess, though it had traces of fingers having combed through it in failed effort.
Yet except for that and the lack of colour on his lips, the brunet who now stood at Adam’s door and knocked with the back of his knuckles, was not that much different from the he who stood here last. Breathing in, he let out a quiet sigh. “Open the door… it’s me.”
It was exquisite torture. Waiting each day for a word, a call, a letter, anything to show that he wasn’t hated and despised for some mysterious reason. Though he could not think of any reason for that to be the case, Adam could not think otherwise. Silence was all too telling after all.
So he lost himself to his music, compositions darker than any he’d written before, harsh and jarring manifestations of his own self loathing born of the conviction that he’d managed to screw this up somehow. It was all that kept him from ending it all in a desperate attempt to escape. That and the small undying hope that Lise would return one day.
Cursing to himself, Adam worked to re-hair his violin bow. It had not stood up well to the last bout of emotional outpouring. It was a task he was not fond of but one he was well practiced at. Even so his fingers stilled as a step sounded at his door. The words that followed would have sent him to his knees had he already not been seated. It couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.
If he’d been asked, Adam couldn’t recall leaving the couch and yanking the front door open. “It’s you,” he echoed almost feebly as he drank in the sight before him. Had he finally gone off the deep end and was now left to hallucinations? Would his mind manifest such vivid markings and bruises on the pale skin? Would he imagine the disheveled state as some sort of explanation as to Lise’s absence? He simply had no way of knowing. “Is it you?” he asked with hope coloring his voice like a child hoping the nightmare wasn’t real.
There wasn’t any sound beyond the door, nor would it be unexpected if the one he called upon chose to ignore him, but Lise knew it wouldn’t be long before he was answered. Because despite having ran away from this very porch months ago and abandoning his friend behind, he could still keenly feel that man’s gentility that would afford him at least a word: to stay or go away.
Just as the lingering beauty that was their friendship resurfaced from the watery depths of his memories, the door opened and Lise saw, his lily maid still alive and gazing upon him in the familiar form of a dark haired man. The hand he had kept raised to knock again slowly fell to his side, as he took in the sight, as haunting and beautiful as the name his mind had bequeathed Adam.
“… Yes… May I come in? It’s cold out here.” Tiredly, grey eyes - brighter than normal, as if touched by fever - raised and met the other’s searching gaze proper as he spoke with long shallow breaths in between. It was indeed cold out here, but what truly bothered him was the vulnerability of being exposed in the open. Where any predator could take him.
Seeing how Adam was looking at him and thinking he should explain his sudden return, Lise broke into a chuckle and dropped his head to his right shoulder, revealing dried, new scars on his pale neck. His own pallor was not the same as Adam’s, it was livelier, like the blush of pink sunlight over fresh snow. But it made the dull red craters all the more grotesque.
“I made a mistake last year… I left a true friend.” Voice cracking with a broken smile, Lise blinked away his watering eyes, unconscious of how his arms had wrapped around himself defensively.
By force of habit, his dark gaze flicked out to the night stretching out beyond the circle of his porch light. Lise, by all appearances, was alone though why Adam was concerned by that, he couldn’t say exactly. Perhaps it was nothing more than instinct.
Stepping aside, he invited the human into his home, door closing and locking behind him. Questions flooded to the fore, each jostling for position to be the first voiced. And with each detail the vampire’s eyes noted, the more difficult it became to remain calm. Whatever had happened in the past, and it was clear a great deal had occurred, Lise was safe here. Only Eve ever sought him out Others avoided this dying and decrepit city in favor for the more thriving metropolises or artistic meccas.
“Where have you been?” Fuck. He tried for neutrality in tone but damn him if there wasn’t the brush of hurt and accusation underlying his words. Biting back the rest of his questions, Adam busied himself with tugging a blanket off a chair and wrapping it around the slender frame of his friend and urging him to sit closer to the fire.
Where indeed. “…Lost.” Not that he hadn’t thought of giving a proper answer, like being at his work and the hospital, staying in strictly human places during the day and home at night, drinking with people he knew and just plainly avoiding vampires… until recently. But he couldn’t bring himself to, seeking the comfort of what was their friendship with such poetic conversations.
It was a shame he only realised now how he disappointed and failed to reciprocate the respect Adam gave him.
A blanket was then draped around his shoulders, drawing his scattered gaze back upon the dark man beside him before he followed Adam’s urging and brought himself to sit nearer to those flames. Chill had permeated deep into his bones and as if the strained vigilance he had kept on his journey back here finally broke from knowing he was finally safe, the cold suddenly became unbearable and his teeth clattered, shivers turning even his hands shaky.
Lise wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, turning his eyes back upon Adam. “I’m sorry.”
“Lost? A simple word for the time that’s passed. A simple word for the look I see in your eyes now. A simple word for the way you are curling upon yourself.” The idea of an apology, no matter how heartfelt, was put aside for the moment. Understanding must come first, if understanding was to be had.
“Be clear with me Lise. Something has happened and I would have the truth of it before this goes further.” If there were revenge to be had, by all the darkest demons that resided within him, Adam would have it. First he needed answers, he needed information.
Warmth from the blanket and fire seeped through his skin, calming the tremors. The fear that hounded his heels since he woke up and made his way here seemed to have been held at bay by the door. His gaze flickered from Adam to where it was, then back around them, and for the first time felt grateful that Adam kept his curtains closed all the time.
Shaky lips pursed and parted, far too dry as he thought about how to phrase his words. Feeling safe, he did not even think of lying, nor did he have the energy or intention to. “I’m sorry… I got scared. So… I’d left. Stayed home. Worked. Stayed with humans.” With every word he spoke, his arms got tighter around his legs, having brought his knees up somehow. He could not look at Adam anymore, too ashamed, keeping his gaze on the wooden floor.
”But… I missed you… and us… it’s been too long, and I didn’t know how-” Guilt strangled his throat and he choked, coughing before he could continue. “So I thought I’d try to know more first.” Read up on vampires, ask questions on the net and-
“There was a human-friendly bar.” Different from his words prior, these echoed out emptily and Lise’s eyes blanked out, having found their direction somewhat at the fire. When they came back into focus, they dropped to his bruised wrists. “Been there for a week… met someone. He was cool… said he had something in his car to show me. Then…” This.
Two nights. He had been lucky. Guy went out and the ropes were not that tight. Kicked a window and made his way here. But he did not want to think about those two nights.
Adam watched and listened in utter stillness. With each second it seemed as if Lise turned into some hardened but brittle thing that would shatter at the wrong word or gesture. And so Adam remained unmoving lest he misstep.
Ah, but then, the words started to sink in and the images they painted became clearer. And the knot in his stomach grew and tightened. He knew of such bars and the dangers they presented to the overly trusting or the unwary. He was humbled by the intent Lise had held but infuriated by the way he went about satisfying it. With a clenched jaw and a dark look that was quickly averted, Adam managed to maintain his calm exterior.
“What did he look like? What was his name?” The vampire’s voice was soothingly soft but no less intense. He now had intentions of his own. Someone beloved to him had be terrorized and he could not let it stand. “Where was the bar?”
Led by Adam’s gentle voice, Lise answered without thinking. “Andy… I think they called him Andrew.” He blinked and shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind. “Brown hair, tall… bigger than me or you…” He was shaking again, but this time it went unnoticed by the man himself, who was busy soaking in the warmth of the fire. “Looked like them P.E. teachers…” The nice, sunny kind of guy… funny how a vampire could be sunny… Lise gulped, remembering how it all turned terrifying instead.
He didn’t notice the change in Adam, still too caught up from his escape.
Bar?… Lise’s eyes finally moved to try and meet Adam’s, as his head took its time to shift from remembering that vampire to reverse and recall the bar he mentioned earlier instead. “Erm… it’s called the Hook-Up… you can find it on main street at Corktown… just knock to go to the basement… that’s why I-” His breath hitched again, before he stopped talking. Instead he stared at his long lost friend… well, the friend he abandoned for so long.
Adam moved closer as he stored the description away. The name wasn’t familiar but that meant little in the long run. Names were as changeable as the seasons for those who lived centuries. “Shhhh,” he said softly, attempting to soothe the tremors away the best he could. “You don’t have to worry about him,” he continued, assuming that the shaking was born of the fear that this Andrew would find him again. “That’s why what?” he asked, genuinely curious as to the ending of that sentence.  It didn’t really matter in the long run what Lise had been going to say but damned if Adam wasn’t just a little starved for his friend’s company and quick thoughts. In the back of his mind the vampire was busy trying to sort out everything necessary for Lise’s recovery but he found himself at a loss. So for now it was this; a comforting hand on a shoulder and a soft word. Revenge could wait for now though no forever.
“-Thought it was safe.” Staring at Adam, the words he had forgotten finally returned to his tongue and he breathed. After so long, his friend was still his friend and still cared. It was like the fact finally caught up with him. Lise breathed in deeply as he tried to keep his eyes from watering.
Corktown was filled with humans. It wasn’t that popular, but there were plenty of bars popping up in the area that made it attractive. Even at night there was quite a crowd with enough neon lights to brighten up the whole street. For just one of them to have a small vampire friendly bar downstairs seemed well- friendly enough. He just didn’t think he could be so easily kidnapped in ‘broad daylight’. “Adam, I’m sorry.” He apologised again, more lucid this time.
“How… have you been?” Without even noticing, his tremors had ceased and the blanket around him was finally warm enough.
Resolutely, Adam shook his head. “You have nothing to apologize for. I, on the other hand, do. I made you feel unsafe, made you feel as if you had to flee.” With a clenched jaw, he bit off the rest of his words. This was neither the time nor the place for self recriminations. He focused on practical issues instead. “I have nothing to offer in the way of food or drink but I can order out easily enough. Are you hungry?”
He stood and went in search of his phone. Having only recently joined the current decade in regards to telephonic communication, Adam often misplaced the device as he rarely had use for it. He located it under a stack of papers after a minute of searching. “Allow me to correct myself,” he muttered as he fished out the charging cord. “I’ll be able to order in a minute or two. Damned thing is dead again.” He glanced at Lise as he spoke, pleased to see that he looked more at ease than he had.​
Lise bit his lip. Guilt still clawed at him listening to Adam’s reply, but he already couldn’t quite remember why he was so scared of Adam in the first place. Sometimes a perfect memory isn’t all that perfect. What he felt made little sense.
“Mn… yes.” It had been two days since he last ate. Apparently Andy didn’t think much of feeding a soon-to-be-dead prey. Lise snuggled in the comfort of the blanket, soft from age and use. Watching Adam fish out the dead communicator, a nostalgic smile crept unknowingly unto his lips, amused and relieved that Adam’s still the same after all this time. Such was the image Adam would see when he glanced back at Lise, who was much more relaxed than when he came in before. Quiet crackles of firewood and Adam’s rustling about fixing the phone were all very comforting sounds, with familiarity rushing back after two nights of horror. With it, came the exhaustion that slowly weighed itself on the young man and he leaned against the coffee table nearby, trying not to sleep.
He gave a glance to the clock on the wall then moved to check the heavy drapes. It was nothing more than nervous fussing in an attempt to keep questions and anxiety at bay. What should he be doing now? What would be best for his friend? What were the chances that Lise would be followed here? On a level he was hoping that would be the case but not at this moment. Now was for his friend.
He moved with careful deliberation, not that he ever truly rushed anywhere anyway, stopping to kneel next to the huddled figure. “Your eyes are starting to close,” he observed quietly. “Let’s get off the floor and find a place for you to sleep?”
"We’re not ordering food?...” Lise mumbled groggily, squinting his eyes open to look at Adam.  Struggling to keep himself awake, he nodded anyway to what Adam said, thinking he should listen to him to not trouble him further. Stumbling as he tried to get up, another wave of dizziness from the anemia rolled over him.
He would try to follow where Adam led him though, and as soon as they reached their destination, his remaining strength drained out of him and he crashed down, legs left hanging off to the floor. It would be at least some hours before the man will wake up again.
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vventure · 4 years
Played - Atsumu Miya Must Die, Ch. 3
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Series Mini Mlist: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x fem!reader
Genre: Angst, Drama
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: cheating
Summary: Atsumu Miya is a player; dating three girls from three different friend groups so they don’t find out. What happens when they do, though? And how does [Y/N] play into their plan for ultimate revenge?
A/N: Alright, this chapter really finally gets into the drama. I know it’s longer than the other chapters but it had to be this length in order to fit everything I wanted into it! I hope you guys enjoy it, and I can’t wait to share all the scheming to come with you all. <3
Taglist: @for-ests​ @miyuswriting​ @babyboytsutomu​ @captain-shittykawa​ @writeiolite​ @lunarknox​ @heccingdead​ @yams046​ @infamouswhitepawsies​ @hideewrites​ @lilolpotato @burnthoneymint​ @bb-noya​ - let me know if you’d like to be added (or taken off)!!
Last Time: 
Chika laid down the facts: Atsumu was dating three different girls from three different friend groups. It was a secret to everyone but he and Chika, and now you, that he was doing this. Atsumu would only come to Onigiri Miya when Osamu wasn’t working. He was somewhat of an idiot in that respect, and Osamu had caught him with different girls at the establishment before, but the bleached twin had played it off as him seeing different girls every week; something that wasn’t outside of the realm of possibility for the player.
Chika went on to explain that while Atsumu used to work at the onigiri shop for his brother, he had taken time off in order to focus on university and his club volleyball team at the school. He was arrogant and self-centered, and often lied to his brother even about small things. The picture Chika painted was far from flattering.
You sat looking at her during her spiel, your jaw basically on the floor. 
“So, yeah,” she finished. “He’s kind of a mess and a jackass.”
“Thanks for the warning, I’ll try to avoid him.”
“About that,” her smile strained as she spoke her next words: “He’s moving into the same dorm as you tomorrow.”
The day rose in a blaze of sun, the perfect weather for a barbecue on the quad at your new university. It was too hot for wearing anything other than a tank top and shorts since there was no way you were going to make it through the two-hour long event with no shade if you wore anything else.
A cacophony of laughter and raucous excitement reached your ears as you stepped onto the lush green of the expansive quad, taking in the plethora of grills and the several volleyball and badminton nets set-up to enjoy with fellow students. Clusters of students from every year were scattered about the lawn, drinking from plastic cups and munching on snacks while trying to find the courage to jump into an activity and break free of their timidity.
It should have come as no surprise, but Atsumu Miya had no issues with running head first into a new adventure. He was playing 2-on-2 volleyball at one of the nets, showing off just how high he could jump to slam the ball down on the grass on the opposite side of the net. His athleticism shined here, clearly leaps and bounds beyond the others he was volleying with who looked like they were about to pass-out from heat stroke while desperately trying to match his pace.
It would have been almost comical, the difference in skill between someone who was obviously well-versed in volleyball and someone who had never touched a ball in their life, except that Atsumu looked so smug every time he scored a point for his team. It was hardly a competition and even from this distance you could tell he was letting it get to his head.
Turning your attention away, you nearly collided with another person as you moved to grab a drink from one of the coolers. The person you were now face-to-face with wore a black t-shirt with “RA” in white lettering across the place a breast pocket would be.
“I’m so sorry!” You blurted out, backing up slightly and raising your hands. “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Don’t worry about it!” They replied, a genial smile splitting their face in response to your sudden panic. “You look familiar. I think you moved onto my floor yesterday! Yeah, [Y/n], right?”
“Guilty,” you quipped, looking at them closely. It clicked into place once you noticed their black bangs pinned back with their high pigtails. “You’re the resident assistant on my floor...Nanami, right?”
“Yep,” she replied, giving you a thumbs up. Her cheerfulness seemed a bit forced, but you smiled back at her regardless. “It’s actually good ya bumped into me ‘cause I was looking to round up the girls to play some volleyball. You in?”
“Um, sure, I don’t really have anything else to do.”
That’s how you found yourself entangled in a lot more than you’d bargained for: an icebreaker activity with Atsumu’s three girlfriends.
“Let’s say our names and then a fun fact about us,” Nanami said once the small group of girls she could find was rounded into a seated circle. “I’ll go first. My name’s Nanami and I love going to concerts!”
Dead silence befell the group as they all looked at her, expressionless. It was hot and she was making you all sit in the sun and tell a fun fact about yourselves? Weren’t you supposed to be playing volleyball?
“Cool,” said the girl clad in sports attire, repping the school’s colors. “I’m Sara, I play for the soccer team here and love kick-boxing.”
Sara used her thumb to point to the girl on her right, taking charge of the situation so they could all get it over with.
“I’m Izumi,” came the soft voice of a girl with her eyes turned shyly downward. “I work in the library in my spare time.”
Could this be any more dull? So much for a fun barbecue. 
The next girl down the line stated her name and a fact about herself that slipped through your mind like water until it was Atsumu’s final girlfriend’s turn. 
“My name’s Aiko, and I play the violin,” she said, flicking her long hair over her shoulder and fiddling with the hem of her pure white blouse. 
Once again, this elicited no response and all eyes now rested on you as they waited for your name and riveting factoid.
“I’m [Y/n] and I work at an onigiri shop off-campus and just moved here from Miyagi.”
A pregnant pause followed your statement as the small group merely blinked in acknowledgement of each other’s existence before Nanami’s voice cut through the heavy air: “Let’s play volleyball!”
The group stood, returning shredded grass particles to the ground and moved like cattle to the volleyball nets.
“I’m gonna ditch, my boyfriend wants to get boba,” the girl whose name you couldn’t remember whispered into your ear before skipping away from the group now composed of only you, Sara, Aiko, Izumi, and Nanami. 
Just perfect, you were going to be playing volleyball with three girls dating the same guy and the person who would be watching every move you made in the dorms for the year, what could be more ideal? You almost wished Osamu had put you on the schedule today, but he’d given you the first week of classes off to acclimate to the new university. 
It was done now, so you’d make the most of the situation and maybe get a new friend out of it. Izumi seemed really sweet and down-to-earth, so you’d give chatting with her a shot. Walking up beside her, you opened your mouth to say something before the realization that you knew a dirty secret she didn’t about the guy she was seeing hit you. You snapped your mouth closed and walked the remainder of the expanse of green to the free volleyball net.
A collective gasp sounded from the group as you approached the net, causing you to look up from the ground you’d been examining in order to avoid tripping. When you saw where their heads were turned, you sighed internally. 
Of course, every single one of them had their eyes locked on Atsumu finishing up his game on the make-shift volleyball court next to the one you’d soon be playing on. He had sweat pouring down his face from what you could imagine was the heat and exertion, and you couldn’t tear your eyes away as he lifted his shirt to wipe at his face exposing the glistening muscles of his abdomen. 
What was this, a teen movie? No one looked that hot after playing a taxing sport and it was highly unfair that someone so vile could look so good.
“Okay, girls,” Nanami said, clapping her hands together yet again. “I’m gonna ref, so choose your teams.”
Aiko immediately flocked to Sara, likely taking in the fact that the latter was a college athlete and would be better poised to win the game. Izumi didn’t look particularly thrilled to be stuck with you as her teammate, but she’d have to deal for the short amount of time you’d be playing. 
Sara served first, landing a solid ace across the net that punted against the grass that neither you nor Izumi received, giving your opponents the first point. Aiko and Izumi looked at each other through the net, their eyes suddenly serious. You furrowed your brow, watching how Sara was now in a fighting stance, until the sound of Atsumu’s voice reached your ears.
“So, yer the RA for the boys’ and girls’ floor, eh?” He said, leaning toward Nanami who looked less than pleased to be conversing with him at the current moment.
“That I am,” she replied stiffly, trying to keep her eye on the ball. “I’m kind of busy right now, if you’ll excuse me.”
“I’m sure ya don’t mind if I stay and watch a little bit?”
Nanami shrugged, turning her attention completely away from him. He didn’t appear to care, and didn’t press her any further. 
Atsumu was watching the game, that’s why these three were acting like their lives depended on winning a casual volleyball game on the quad. This asshole knew exactly what his presence would do to these girls and was eating it up like a Korean drama.
Whatever, he wasn’t your focus and would never be your focus, so you returned your attention to the game. Your heart clenched in your chest as you watched Aiko look over at Atsumu, sending him a salacious wink just to receive a smirk in return. In the time that your eyes left Sara’s serving form, hoping that no one had noticed the exchange, the volleyball was colliding with your head and sending you reeling. 
“[Y/n]!” You could hear Nanami call before her knees were thudding onto the earth next to you, her black pigtails dangling over your face. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you responded, sitting up to notice that Atsumu had departed with his hand on the upper back of another tall male walking away. A feeling of impending doom flowed over you as you looked at the girls standing near the net, their faces directed at each other expressing confusion and mounting anger. “What’s going on?”
“We’re at the quad for the barbecue, do you have a concussion? What year is it?” The RA asked, clearly not anticipating this at the event.
“I’m fine! What about them?”
“Why were you winking at my boyfriend?” Izumi seethed, her kind and calm demeanor slipping away easily to reveal a nasty underside. 
“I was winking at my boyfriend,” Aiko replied, stepping closer to Izumi but remaining on her side of the net. “Atsumu Miya.”
“What the hell did you just say?” Sara bellowed while stomping towards the two already in the throws of their disagreement. “Who’d you say your boyfriend was?”
Izumi and Aiko replied in unison: “Atsumu Miya.”
The trio of Atsumu’s lovers sat a safe 6-feet from each other in the grass, ice packs pressed against the bruises they’d given each other during the scuffle that eventually had to be broken up by the University Police. You’d also tried to pry them apart, which only earned you a split lip and a disciplinary mark on your record for the trouble. 
“So, I get the pleasure of explaining what your punishment is,” Nanami said, sitting down on the grass with exaggerated annoyance, producing a map and setting it in the space between everyone. “The resident director thinks it would be a good idea for you guys to clean up around town. So you’ll be tackling the areas I’ve marked every other day and clearing them of all the litter you can see.”
“How long?” You asked, pressing the ice pack to your lip in an attempt to get it to stop stinging so horribly.
“Ten hours, which is pretty lenient,” she explained. “Since you guys don’t have any other infractions she didn’t think it was worth more than that. And she wants you to do it together to learn some cooperation and teamwork.”
The tension in the air was suffocating at this news and not a single girl could look the other in the eye, opting to stare at their feet while nursing their wounds. 
“This is all your fault, Aiko,” Sara spat.
“How is it--” Aiko began before you cut her off.
“I don’t know,” you spoke up, raising your hand in defense as Aiko shot you a glare, her white blouse sullied with dirt. “Seems like you all got played, right? He told you all that he had to keep his relationship with you secret, right?”
A grumble rose around the small area between the 5 of you. 
“Okay, so he was lying to you so he could mess around with other people, so who’s fault is it really?”
You had no idea the trouble your logical mind had gotten you into.
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storiesbyjes2g · 4 years
Genetics & Story Summary
Even though we all know Melany looks nothing like Kameron, she doesn’t look exactly like Brytani either. Like, most of the time, I don’t feel like I’m looking at a younger Brytani. But they look so much alike I can’t tell what the differences are. Last night I decided to find out how they are different. I found Brytani in another save and aged her down. I aged Kameron down and took off his beard and skin details so we can really see him. I also took away Mel’s details even though they don’t change her much. I made a picture with them all side-by-side to compare.
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How about I never really realized Melany had a dimpled chin! And, how cool is it to learn Kameron gave it to her! (I feel like she should write a song about him called Dimpled Chin lol) I’m guessing her cheeks come from him because Noemi also has high, cute chubby cheeks as well. Mel’s face seems to be a little longer than Brytani’s, also compliments of Kameron, but I knew that one already. There is something about their eyes though. I can’t really tell what it is, but they are not the same. Are Brytani’s wider or something?
As far as skin tone goes, Mel is right in the middle, a shade darker than Brytani and a shade lighter than Kameron. I still think it’s funny how EA measures what is light and dark, but we won’t get into that in this post...or maybe ever lol.
Story Summary
This may get long, so I’ll put it under the cut.
Recently I welcomed my new followers and told you about my story. I appreciate everyone who has hopped on for the ride! 😘 So many of you have joined in on this silly little legacy drama, and I don’t want anyone to be lost. I’m going to catch you up so you know who everyone is and what’s going on because I don’t expect you to go back to the beginning, although it doesn’t take very long. I did that a few months ago. It was fun!
Ok! So you’ve met Melany and her parents. Kameron started this whole thing as my guy to save Strangerville. Afterward, I figured I would continue playing with him and give him a much deserved good life. He had the world famous celebrity aspiration, so he started hanging out in DSV and rubbing shoulders with celebrities. That’s how he met Brytani Cho and thus creating our dear, sweet Melany. But, Brytani is not about that relationship life, and things fizzled after he attempted to propose to her.
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It didn’t take long for her to leave. Bye Felicia.
Kameron and Melany left Strangerville for a new life in Oasis Springs. He joined the intelligence branch of the military and moved up the ranks. It was tough being a single dad, but he made it work.
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Brytani was hyper-focused on her career and made very little time for Melany, and Kameron held that against her. Needless to say, their relationship was never the same, and co-parenting was no walk in the park. Melany, however, attempted to make the best of her mother’s visits, though she wished she visited more often.
Eventually Kameron moved on completely and began dating. He had a few flings and a few dates, but when he met Nadia, he was like a moth to flame.
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They messed around a lot, and it didn’t take long for him to ask her to be his girlfriend. They dated for a while before he asked her to move in. He needed to see how things would work with her and Melany. It delighted Kameron to see how well they took to each other. I mean, Melany was an exceptional kid. Who wouldn’t love her? Nadia did and took her role in Kameron and Melany’s lives very seriously once she understood the family dynamics.
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Nadia’s pregnancy and the engagement happened around the same time. They had a son named Nathaniel Courtney Pierson, whom they call Nate. Life was very busy with a new baby, new house, and new city (Willow Creek). Once life settled down a little, they were married in Sulani.
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It should be noted that Melany began playing the violin at a young age. Kameron took her to El Selvadorada once, and it rained almost the whole time. She was going through a loud phase and picked up the violin; she loved it. She completed all 5 child aspirations which gave her a boost at learning adult skills. By the time she was a teenager, she had maxed the violin skill and had written her first song! She also started a SimTube channel. Between her two celebrity parents and the videos, she was a 4 star celebrity by her teen birthday.
Teen life for Melany was pretty average—aside from the celebrity madness. She had a group of friends she loved. She was on top of her studies and made A’s. She didn’t give her parents any trouble.The only complaint she has was with her mother. Brytani retired and came around more often, but still not often enough. By this time, Melany’s little sister, Noemi Amiah Pierson, was born, and she saw what she missed by not having two parents in the same house. Nadia was an excellent step-mother. Melany didn’t want for anything, and she loved and appreciated her. But she had a mother. Why couldn’t Brytani be like Nadia? Was something wrong with her? Did Brytani love her at all? She was secretly jealous of her young siblings, and those feelings ate away at her. She became withdrawn, cried a lot and made angry videos, but it didn’t help. Brytani was still a deadbeat mom. Melany expressed her frustrations once, but Brytani couldn’t make her feel better. She wasn’t the motherly type and thought Melany would be fine with Nadia not realizing the girl just needed her mom.
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Things got slightly better in their relationship, but this would always be a thing between them. Even now, long after Brytani’s death, Melany still feels conflicted about their relationship.
The Piersons moved to Sulani. Melany aged up and went to Britechester University to study Fine Arts. She stayed in the dorms her first semester and had two roommates. That’s how she met her current best friend, Dr. Anissa Thurston. She studied biology and felt a connection with Melany immediately. Being a popular celebrity, Anissa knew everyone would be all over her and act weird. She just saw a fellow freshman nervous about being in a new place and hoping everything would be ok and made it her business to befriend Melany. Little did she know their shared Bailey Kay fandom would create a near indestructible bond.
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Like any overprotective father, Kameron struggled with Melany going to college. He wanted her to stay at home for the first semester. And, as one could imagine, he was not ready for boys. Luckily, he made a friend in an elderly gentleman named Myron Churchill. He never had an older friend who could advise him from experience—a father figure. Mr. Churchill’s friendship became precious to him and helped a great deal.
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Melany met Nick Wilkinson at a party. She felt uncomfortable about the outfit her friend made her wear on top of everyone looking at and whispering about her being a celebrity and all. Nick approached her and started a conversation. He made her feel better and was terribly cute. All they did was talk, but he definitely left an impression on her.
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Brytani died, and Melany withdrew from school for the rest of the year. Nick called to see how she was and to express his condolences, and that’s how their friendship began. He was a huge movie buff and studying drama at Foxbury Institute to become an actor. He also was a huge nerd and avid gamer. Melany is also a gamer as Kameron was a gamer geek and raised her on video games and sci-fi. They were “friends” for a long time before he asked her out. After dancing around each other for so long, it didn’t take long for them to begin an official relationship.
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They graduated, and Melany goes back home to Sulani to figure out the rest of her life. At this point she had written and licensed 7 songs and had a few small performances. She loved performing but wasn’t sure if she wanted to be a full blown artist like her idol, Bailey Kay. Also, up until this point she had only been a musician. Few know this, but Melany is also a singer. She keeps it private, but the girl is talented. Despite this talent, she never considered being a singer or writing lyrics to her songs. But sometimes she hears words in her head. They repeat themselves and won’t go away, so she began writing them down. After having this experience a few times, she felt her music life changing and needed professional advice and reached out to Bailey Kay (after much coaxing from friends and family) who gave her some wise words.
Eventually, Melany decided to live in Brytani’s mansion in Willow Creek which she inherited. The thought of living there used to give her pause, but she wanted to be closer to Nick and her friends because traveling from Sulani to San Myshuno and Del Sol Valley was getting to be too much. Besides, she was a grown woman now and needed to get on with her life. Also, she felt like she caused the problems Kameron and Nadia had briefly in their marriage. She invited Anissa to live there as her roommate because she didn’t want to live alone and wasn’t ready to have Nick move in yet. But, soon after, he approached her about the idea and she agreed it was an excellent idea.
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That’s pretty much where we are now. Melany and Nick are living their best lives together. Nick is a dynamic actor and getting more popular by the day. Anissa finally got a job as a doctor and is looking forward to dating since getting over the breakup...that Melany caused. Yikes. We’ll hear from her about that soon, so I won’t steal her thunder, but I will say it almost ruined their friendship!
I hope this was helpful for the newcomers and nostalgic for the OGs. If you have questions along the way, just ask! 
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sortavibing · 3 years
Hey if it isn't to much trouble may I have (male) haikyuu matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. I'm a Capricorn my mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud around people who im close to. Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller/ice skating. I also love read books and also cook/bake food. I've been playing the violin for 6 years. I also love to watch animal/nature documentaries. I love animals and im planning on becoming a wildlife veterinarian. I have medium length brown hair with green eyes, I wear round glasses and have pale skin and a lot of freckles. I kin yamaguchi. I also love music and can listen to almost any music type. Somethings I would want in a partner would be someone who is quite and calm but can also be loud and energetic at times. I hope this is ok, sorry if I spelt anything wrong. Also I hope im not bothering you :)
hello :) thank you for requesting! you definitely aren’t bothering me, and we stan someone who plays in orchestra and hasn’t quit yet (ahaha i used to play viola) anyways, here’s your matchup!
generating matchup...
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matchup: complete
i match you up with sugawara!
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one of the first dates you had with suga was an ice skating date, and he was surprisingly really good at skating, so you guys tried to do one of those couple routines that you saw online, and though it didn’t turn out great, it was a lot of fun, and you both were laughing the entire time. after you guys finished, suga took you out to get some hot chocolate, and you guys just talked and vibed for the rest of the time.
he thinks it’s really cool that you want to be a wildlife veterinarian, so if you are up for it, he will sign both of you up to volunteer at a local rescue shelter for a few weeks, and it was actually really fun, since suga was there to make jokes and just keep you company, and you guys made a lot of fun memories. after those few weeks, sugawara’s camera roll was filled with pictures of you with cute animals, and he keeps them all in a special folder dedicated to you.
since you enjoyed music so much, he started to enjoy music more, so whenever you guys are together, he’ll ask for song recommendations, and then he’ll listen to whatever you recommend and tell you what he thought about it. his favorite genres so far are indie pop (beach bunny, paramore, etc.) and bad bitch music (Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B, etc.)
sugawara really likes to listen to you playing violin, and he will always just sit and listen, content to just hear you play something that you are passionate about. after you finish practicing, he will tell you how good you are at playing, and how he wants you to teach him. the first time you gave him a lesson, he was pretty bad, so he let you be the resident musician of the relationship.
he will recommend you books that he thinks fit your vibe, and will leave little notes in the pages that say things like “this section reminded me of you :)”, or “you look really pretty today”, and if you are ever reading the book near him, he loves to see your reactions to the notes. sometimes he even leaves pressed flowers and things like that, because he loves to see you smile when you find his little gifts.
suga will send you recipes and say that he wants to make them with you, so every few weekends, he will come to your house and you guys will attempt to bake what he wanted to make with you. sometimes it turns out good, and now you guys know that recipe by heart, and other times it goes terribly wrong, and you and suga spent more time cleaning the mess than baking.
when you guys first started dating, suga introduced you to the karasuno team, and you were a little overwhelmed at first because of nishinoya, tanaka, and hinata, but after a while everyone calmed down a bit and you became pretty good friends with the team. everyone really liked you, and they constantly told suga how lucky he was to have found such a nice girlfriend.
if you ever want him to watch a nature documentary, he will agree, and at first he thinks that they are kind of boring, but he won’t tell you that. he actually starts enjoying them like halfway through the show, and he is so surprised that he is kind of invested in the documentary. he won’t tell you that he wasn’t interested at first, but he will tell you that he actually enjoyed it.
suga loves to take you on hikes in the nearby forests in the summer, because he thinks you look beautiful while your face is framed by the sunlight filtered through the trees. you guys are basically the only ones out in the woods, so you both just talk about whatever comes to mind, happy that you and suga get to have a break from reality and just get to relax in nature with each other.
overall, you guys are so cute together- like people aspire to have such an affectionate caring relationship. you guys can be chaotic when needed, but still sweet at the same time and it’s a perfect mix for both you and suga. he cares about you so much, and he just wants you to be happy when you are with him.
i hope you enjoyed!
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Actually, I’ve been thinking about the EU team all day, which means it’s time to subject the rest of the fandom to my headcanons 
-Excalibur’s resident Short King, clocks in at around 5′7″/170cm
-He tends to cover the right side of his face with his bangs because he has a lazy eye and is fairly self-conscious about it.
-He’s actually really good at video games and can beat everyone else on his team at Smash Bros.
-He plays the violin! He even has a cool-looking electric violin that he messes around with in his spare time.
-He swears more than anybody else on his team and is prone to coming off as abrasive, even when he doesn’t mean to be.
-The Cetus bladers are responsible for protecting Excalibur’s one shared brain cell. Sophie is in possession of this brain cell ~80% of the time.
-She wound up wanting to be an archaeologist because she owned way too many of those children’s encyclopedias on ancient civilizations as a child. 
-Definitely the most approachable of the bunch. She’s actually friends with a couple of other people from the other World Championships teams, namely Nile, Mei Mei, and Lera.
-People sometimes think that they can get away with walking all over her because she’s the most outwardly polite person on her team. They are wrong. 
-She loves cats and owns two of them!
- [Makes one tiny mistake while doing anything ever] “Due to personal reasons I will be passing away”
-He’s been riding horses for years and he doesn’t understand why people think they’re cursed animals. They are perfectly good boys! You guys are just mean! 
-If he gets sick on a day where his schedule isn’t too full, he will be a really huge baby about it. 
-This man drinks way too much coffee. His teammates don’t understand how he’s able to sleep at night.
-Following the Hades City incident, he actually tries to get his act together and be a better person. He’s even on good terms with Da Xian. (He’s still pretty prone to slipping back into his perfectionist tendencies, but old habits die hard.)
-Emotional support German strongman
-Really though, if you have something you need to get off your chest, he’s a good listener (and to be honest, he’s probably the best person on the team to go to for advice.)
-His family is pretty well off, but he’s the only member of Excalibur who didn’t go to private school. 
-He gives good hugs and can pick up any of his teammates with ease. Not even Julian is safe.
-He’s not a huge fan of going to big parties at all. Three piece suits are stuffy and uncomfortable, small talk is awkward, and some of the people who wind up attending them are super irritating. 
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Heyyyy girl could i please get the other boys reactions to finding out mc accadently got married to gavin. I'd imagine they be really shocked/upset that she said she was pleased with the arrangement
Hello! I was gonna write something else, but I couldn't resist your prompt. This was a little difficult to write. Here is my attempt at their responses, and I hope you like it. 🙈
Title: Regrets
Pairing: Gavin x MC
Prompt: What is the reaction of the other guys to MC marrying Gavin?
Word count: 2,000+
7:30 am
You rolled on your back, your heart still racing from your passionate lovemaking. Beside you, Gavin did the same and the fine sheen of sweat that covered his body reminded you of how sexy he looked when he held your gaze as he thrust his engorged cock deep inside you until you rode out one orgasm after another. 
"You've got a funny smile on your face, " he teased. "Don't tell me you're ready for round two."
"Am not, " you replied, bringing the covers up to your neck. 
"Oh, come on. Can't you let your husband show you how much he loves you?" 
You were so caught up on playing hard-to-get, you almost failed to hear the creaking of your front door as it opened. You froze and looked at your husband, who had already wrapped a towel around his waist and tossed his shirt at you. 
As you slipped into his white undershirt, you heard the sound of the voice you've been dreading to hear. 
"Honey, I've brought you breakfast. You can't still be mad at me for - oh."
It was Lucien - top-notch neuroscientist, next-door-neighbor, and until yesterday, your lover. He held a bag of hot buns in one hand, and his gaze shifted from the half-naked police officer to you a few times. 
You sighed. He rarely used the spare key you gave him in the past, but you were so upset yesterday, he must've felt he needed to do something special. "Lucien, " you called,  your voice snapping him out of his reverie. "I'd like you to meet Gavin..."
The scientist looked at you like you had lost your mind. Really, he must've thought, why would you be standing in front of him introducing the guy you had just slept with, whose shirt you had on? 
"... My husband."
Your last line struck him like a punch in the gut. His eyes drifted to the ring you now sported, and his heart sank. So surprised by your unexpected announcement, the usually calm and collected Loveland University Professor dropped the bag he was holding, the buns rolling out of the bag. 
Thinking fast, Gavin bent over to pick up the buns and place them back in the brown paper bag his wife's former flame had just dropped. "Here you go."
"Uh, thank you, " the scientist replied in his usual monotone, before shaking his head. "Oh, where are my manners? Congratulations to you both. I'm sorry for intruding your privacy. I should go."
You watched in silence as he fished the spare key of your apartment from his pocket, and placed it on the table before walking out the door. You felt the weight of your guilt vanish as he took one step after another away from you, and when he finally closed the door behind him, you knew for certain you weren't going to see him again. 
One down, two to go. 
10:30 am
LFG was bustling with activity as the employees went about their daily grind. On the top floor, the CEO paced back and forth in his office. He had been feeling restless since last night, but he had no idea why. Throughout the sleepless night, he typed messages to you several times but never sent them. He smiled wryly at the thought that you might be getting the wrong impression once again. 
But you had an appointment with him at ten in the morning, and you were never late for your meetings. Until today. 
His head snapped when he heard the light rap at his door. Soon after, you poked your head in to check if he was busy or not. 
"You're late, " he said, not sparing you a glance. 
"Yes, and I'm sorry, " you replied silently, as you entered the room.
He looked up from his paperwork and sat back. "Not offering an excuse for me this time?"
"I have none, " you said. "But I have an explanation."
"Do you know? Let's hear it, " he gestured with his hand, encouraging you to speak up. 
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself. Though he never admitted it, you always felt that he treated you differently - like you actually mattered to him - and what you were about to say to him would probably break his heart. 
"I… I… well, I…"
He frowned as you stammered, and he watched you twist your fingers together. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, " you nodded. "The truth is, I was gonna send Anna to take my place today, but I thought that would be improper."
He narrowed his eyes as you spoke, silently assessing what could be wrong. And then he saw it - a faint glimmer as the light hit your wedding band. "I see, " he said. "I have to change my evaluation of you. Up to now, I thought you were the worst idiot to walk this earth. Apparently, there's someone even stupider than you…"
"Hey -"
"Who's the unlucky man?"
"His name is Gavin, he's a police officer, and he makes me happy, " you replied, stressing on every word to get the message through. 
The twenty-eight-year-old executive was silent for a while. He knew the guy - he was rough around the edges, but he was an extremely talented Evol Agent, probably the best in the force. He sighed in resignation. 
"Well, I suppose I owe you a present for your wedding, " he finally said as he took out an envelope from his drawer and tossed it across his desk to you. 
Curiously, you opened it and saw two tickets to a Carribean cruise. He watched as your eyes widened and your lips stretched to a smile - the widest and most beautiful you've given by far. As you held the tickets in your hand, he felt his heart sink. He did intend to give those to you today, but he had hoped it was him you'd be taking with you on your well-deserved vacation, but fate wasn't so kind. 
"Now get out of my office and tell Anna to come. You need to go on a proper honeymoon as commoners do."
"You know you could be less of a jerk about it, " you said, faking a frown. In reality, you felt relief wash over you as the regular rhythm of your banter returned. "Thank you for these, Victor!"
He waved you off and waited until you closed the door before he picked up his phone. 
"Goldman, I'll be taking the rest of the day off today. Cancel my appointments. I won't be reachable for the next twenty-four hours."
One more to go…
2:30 pm
On your way to pick up Gavin, you made one last detour to B.S. Entertainment. Kiro was guesting in your new talk show tonight, but you wouldn't be around to watch it so you thought of cheering him on early. 
As you made your way up the elevator, you silently wished he wasn't shooting anywhere today. 
"I didn't expect to see you this early. Have you come to pick up Kiro?"
You smiled as his agent greeted you quite warmly. Normally, he'd be too swamped with phone calls to even nod at your direction. 
"Quiet day today?"
"It's quiet now. It was crazy this morning, " he replied, scratching his head. "If you want to see him, he's in the studio rehearsing for tonight."
An enchanting melody filled the air as you walked to the recording studio. You recognize the sound - Canon in D - your favorite, being played beautifully on a solo violin. You snuck inside the closed room and were immediately entranced by the vision before you - Kiro with his eyes closed, playing so exquisitely, you couldn't help but applaud when he finished. 
"Hey! When did you get here, Miss Chips?"
You laughed at his term of endearment, which he never seemed to get rid of, after all this time. 
"That was so amazing, Kiro!"
He blushed slightly and then regained his composure. "Of course, it is. I'm rehearsing because I'm playing your favorite tune tonight," he said, as he bounded over to you. "So what brings you here this early?"
The earnest look in his eyes made you want to cry. You haven't been anything more than friends, yet it felt like you were going to do something horrible and your heart couldn't take that. 
"Hey…, " the superstar said, taking your hand in his. 
You notice his eyes widen as the cool metal of your band touched his palm, and he suddenly brought your left hand up to inspect closely. 
"New ring, Miss Chips? It's cute… and it almost looks like a wedding ring…"
You cleared your throat. "That's because it is."
As his gaze drifted from the hand he was holding to meet yours, you could have sworn you saw a tinge of hurt in those blue eyes for a split second, and he forced a bright smile on his face to cover it up. 
"Really? That's amazing!"
"Yeah, it is. He's a great guy. I wish you could meet him, " you trailed off, as you let his hand go. "But anyway, I'm here now because I won't be able to come to the show later. We're going on a trip for a few days, so I thought I'd come to cheer for you before I go."
"Aww… You didn't have to do that, " he joked, messing up your hair. "But thank you for dropping by. I- 'll dedicate the song I play later to you."
"That's so sweet of you, " you beamed. "Thank you, Kiro!"
"No problem, " he said, his smile plastered upon his handsome face. "So, I guess I won't be seeing you for a while."
"Yes, but I'll bring you back a souvenir from our trip!"
"I'm sure you'll have lots of fun, " he mused happily. 
"I sure will, " you seconded. "But right now, I gotta go. Gavin should have been done filing his leaves by now."
"Yeah. Well, take care and don't overeat!"
"I'm not you, Kiro, " you called out as you waved and turned to exit the room, your head on the clouds as you thought of your trip with Gavin. So caught up in your daydream, you failed to notice the smile disappear from the pop star's face, as he brought his hand up to brush away his tears. 
7:30 pm
Willow texted that Kiro was up next, so you turned on the television to listen to him play.
"I'm still surprised we got a present from one of your business partners on such short notice, " Gavin said, as helped you pack. "Pretty lucky, huh?"
"I'm pretty lucky, " you replied, hugging him from behind. "Because I'm married to the best guy ever!"
He chuckled. "Is that so?"
"Of course. Where can you find a guy who would shop with you without a complaint, carry all the bags, and then help me pack for our honeymoon?"
"Mmh… either he's great or he's just crazy for you, " he said, turning around slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead. 
"And speaking of great, he's pretty great in bed, too." 
He smiled at your sly comment and straightened up. "Is he now?"
"And do you care to give him another chance to show how great he is in bed right now?"
Throwing your arms around his neck, you stand on the tips of your toes until your lips hovered just below his. "I thought you'd never ask, Babe."
In the background, you could hear that the host had just turned the floor over to Kiro and that he was going to perform anytime now. But all that was forgotten as your lips hungrily sought Gavin's, and he matched your passion with his. He made quick work of your clothes until you were stripped down to your panties. He lowered you in bed and kissed every single part of you, as Kiro played for the audience, a song he dedicated to you. 
A few doors down, Lucien lay on his bed, attempting to read while the TV was on. The apartment felt unusually cold and empty tonight and the Finale of Tchaikovsky’s 6th symphony that Kiro played beautifully on the violin did nothing to lighten the mood. He sighed and dropped his book, defeated. While it pained him to admit, he had everything and let it go - and now he had nothing. Nothing without you. 
Down the road, Victor took another shot of whiskey and asked his personal bartender to refill his glass once more. He lost count of how many glasses he's had as he played billiards by himself. The bartender turned up the volume to listen to Kiro's performance, and he paused briefly to listen. He'd never felt regret until now - for treating her the way he did, for not being honest about his feelings… for not having the power to turn back time and change things - for if he did, then he would've been the man she was making love to at this moment. 
And as Kiro played the last chords of the symphony, he finally allowed his tears to fall. 
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songbird-musing · 5 years
Virtuoso: Chapter One - Exposition
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Enjolras is Saint-Michel Academy's brightest young composer. He runs the orchestra, the Musician's Rights board, chairs the scholarship program, teaches free classical music to children, and is in the middle of his dissertation. He has never been anything less than a prodigy, until his teacher forces him to write a pop song.
Enter the effortlessly cool Grantaire, with his smudged eyeliner and lovely guitar-playing fingers. He really digs Enjolras' "vibe," whatever that means.
“Got a light?”
Enjolras blinked, staring at his own hands. He had three flutes in his left, two violins in his right, and a cello strapped precariously to his back.
“Um,” he answered, arching an eyebrow, “I don’t smoke.”
The stranger half-smiled, rolling his unlit cigarette between long fingers. Good fingers to play piano with, Enjolras noted.
Enjolras half-smiled back, pressing his lips together, hoisting his cello strap, he glanced up to the heights of the campus building.  
“Hang on... you’re that third year that conducted that concert last Friday, right?”
He faltered, and re-examined the boy in front of him. A sketchy mess of ink-black curls and inked arms. He was a dark smudge against the dazzling marble school. Enjolras had been to a lot of classical concerts, and people that looked like the stranger in front of him did not tend to frequent them. With the shadowy smear of eyeliner around wild eyes, and a glint of metal pierced through his nose, the boy looked like he belonged at the underground concert of a band no one had heard of. Enjolras smiled.
“That’s right. I’m Enjolras.”
“I really dig your...” the boy made a vague swishing motion with his hands, “vibe.”
Enjolras didn’t know how to react.
What was his vibe?
“I’m Grantaire. Second year.”
Enjolras’ gaze traced the trajectory of a gemstone looped around Grantaire’s neck and the stark, sharp lines of tattoo ink, which bled into the collar of his shirt.
“Well, thank you very much, Grantaire.” Enjolras looked unhurriedly into the eyes across from him, a little taken aback by their returned steadfastness. He smiled widely. “I appreciate the stroke to the ego.”
Grantaire grinned and kicked one ankle over the other. “See you around,” he said, oozing with easy grace. His vibe was pretty enviable, to Enjolras’ tightly wound, deeply engrained stiffened etiquette.
Enjolras smiled his rehearsed showman’s smile and strode into Paris’ finest institution of the arts: Saint-Michel Academy.  
“Courf,” Enjolras called, not allowing the figure sneaking up the edge of the grand staircase to escape.
The boy turned deliberately slowly, resting an arm on the banister. “Enjolras!” he beamed, “My dearest, dearest friend.”
“Your dearest, dearest luggage rack,” Enjolras said, blue eyes narrowing. “I bought your flute and your violin.”
“And my trombone?” Courfeyrac asked hopefully. Enjolras fixed him with a dead stare. “See, if you were my dearest, dearest luggage rack you would have bought my trombone. Combeferre is much better trained than you.”
“I’ll bring you a set of spare clothes, next time, as well, because you’re still wearing yesterday’s.” Enjolras retorted, offloading two instruments into his friend’s hands.
Courfeyrac didn’t look bashful in the slightest. Enjolras didn’t expect him to. He winked scandalously, the action seductive and over-dramatic. “Did you miss me last night?”
“Do you even still live with us?” Enjolras laughed, “Combeferre’s getting moody because you keep missing movie night.”
“I’m not going to be twenty-one forever; gotta get the most use out of this flesh prison as I can.”
Enjolras grimaced. “Please never recount your sexual exploits as getting use out of your flesh prison again.”
“Enjolras, my man,” Courf grinned, “That is how I will exclusively refer to it now. Laters!”
“You’re in my lecture now.”  
“Uh... Tell Johnny-boy I’m tuning up. Gotta have a quick smoke,” he mimed taking a drag of a cigarette and bounced down a couple of stairs.
“Are you high?” Enjolras asked mildly, looking past Courfeyrac’s morning-after scruffiness to his blown pupils.
“A teeny, tiny bit,” he laughed, holding two fingers together, “Last night hasn’t quite worn off, but, hey, don’t tell Johnny-boy that.”
“Every time you call him that I die a little inside,” Enjolras said drily.
“Love you!” Courfeyrac dashed away, leaving Enjolras to go into Jean Valjean’s theory lecture alone.
“Ah, Enjolras, good morning!” the professor said, glancing up from his laptop. “I said it at the time, but well done again for Friday. The faculty couldn’t have chosen anyone better for the role.”
Jean Valjean wasn’t a man quick to praise, but he had always liked Enjolras. Secretly, all the professors hoped for Enjolras on their register, longing for his ambition and determinedness and his almost prodigal writing.  
“Thanks sir,” he said, making his way to his unassigned seat in the front row. He couldn’t help but blister with pride.
A few minutes passed. Valjean looked around at the half dozen students and sighed through his nose. “Where is the rest of the class on this delightful Monday morning?”
“Still in bed?” offered a voice.
“Still in bed when they could be learning about the delights of atonal counterpoint?” Valjean tutted, turning on the projector.
“Courf is tuning up,” Enjolras said.
“Well text him to hurry, if he’s not in the room in two and a half minutes I’m locking the doors,” Valjean said.
Courfeyrac had been on the wrong side of a locked door a few too many times.
Enjolras hastily texted his roommate.
After a couple of hours of relentless note taking, the class broke apart, each student working on their own personal projects, buried in manuscript paper and notation software.
“Oh, Enjolras,” said Valjean after listening to the orchestral piece he had composed through the night.
“What?” Enjolras panicked, noticing the slight quirk to his professor’s eyebrows. He looked at the score and saw nothing out of place, “What’s wrong?”
The professor took too long to respond.
“It’s perfectly fine,” Valjean said.
Enjolras frowned, the usual marble finesse of his forehead tarnished with worry. “What’s wrong with it?” he repeated, fingers clawing into his palms.
“No, Enjolras, it’s fine. It’s lovely. It’s as proficient and melodically satisfying as your works always are. You have your unwavering grasp of harmony and you’ve handled all the instruments with your usual precision.”
“But...” Valjean echoed, “You’ve shown this kind of work consistently recently...”
“I know. I’ve been trying to focus on a post-Classical, pre-Romantic period to truly master it. I could compose in a more Bach-style arrangement if you want,” he said, words tripping over themselves in their haste to be known. Enjolras had never really had much criticism in any field; a slither of it sent him reeling.
“I’d actually be more interested to hear more modern influences.”
“I could use some 20th Century techniques, yes,” Enjolras nodded seriously.
“No, no... I want to see you write a pop-song,” Valjean suddenly smiled widely. “Yes, that’s what you need to do. I want a pop song.”
Enjolras’ toes curled.  
“And true commercial pop,” Valjean’s eyes were alight, and Enjolras knew he would not be dissuaded. “None of the jazz pop I know you’re already planning to write.”
Enjolras gulped, the litter of extended chords that had crept into his mind, dispelled.
“Don’t look so terrified,” Valjean said with a laugh.
“But that’s going to be so horribly boring!”
“It doesn’t have to be boring; I just want you out of your comfort zone.” Valjean kindly tapped the top of Enjolras’ laptop. “Brilliant work, as always, but let’s see something different next week, alright?”
“Alright, sir,” Enjolras said, holding back a groan.
Approximately two seconds later, he received a Facebook message from Courfeyrac. Courfeyrac always commanded words so succinctly, and had sent a gif of someone laughing hysterically. Enjolras turned to scowl at his friend, who was sniggering over his scrawled sheet of manuscript paper.  
Throughout the next hour, he composed an extremely angry 20th Century piece, full to the brim of staccato, discords and intense crescendo. He tried not to be elitist, but...pop music! The hazy glow of Valjean’s compliments had quickly worn off.  
The next class held no respite.  
“Typical Johnny-boy!” cawed Combeferre upon hearing the news, his glasses knocked from the bridge of his nose.
“Ugh,” Enjolras said, “Don’t call him that.”
Jehan was an explosion of colour in the room: vividly patterned cloth trousers, a clashing equally ornate shirt, a jumble of too much jewellery, and slowly dying fresh flowers in their dreadlocks. “Are you going to write the lyrics?” they asked, voice lovely and mellow with the notes of laughter still ringing there.
Enjolras died a little more inside. “I’ve only written lyrics in Italian before... And besides! Lyrics are an easy way out. A good composer should be able to convey every story without explaining it needlessly with words.”
“You’re gonna need to write lyrics, mate.” Combeferre snorted, “Oh god, I didn’t realise how much I needed this news today. My skin has cleared, my student debts have been paid off.”
“Just wondering... do either of you know of anyone interested in joining the orchestra?” Enjolras asked, scowling. “I have two new positions to fill. Two ex-members just got expelled for being terrible friends.”
Jehan tried to look sympathetic, rolling a bead across their palm. “Oh!” they exclaimed, “Have you met Grantaire?”
“No,” said Enjolras, bottom lip exaggeratedly pouted. An image of the smoker on the steps of the university wafted into his consciousness. “Wait... does he have black hair... and like...” Enjolras gestured to his face, “A crooked nose?”
“Oh man,” Jehan beamed with a nod, “He is such a cool guy. What a character! He has this energy that is just so eclectic –”
“And?” Enjolras interrupted, sharing a glance with Combeferre, who snorted. Jehan’s ramblings on energies had been timed to last hours.
“He has this really awesome vibe going on, like, he’s been writing this indie-pop stuff built on classical conventions. It’s actually amazing... I could try and hook you up... he’s like the only one I know here who writes pop...” Jehan pondered, eyes drifting away from the conversation, “Oh Enj, are you coming to that gig tonight?”
“What gig?” Enjolras unloaded his notepad from his bag and scribbled ‘music historical context’ across the top of the sheet.
“Enjolras only goes to concerts not gigs, darling,” Combeferre said in an over-dramatically refined voice.
“You totally should come. It’s this student band I’m totally into at the moment. It’s like this psychedelic, contemplative, indie, punky folk music.” Prouvaire said, “R will be there, he’s roommates with the singer. They’re both really chill. You can discuss the pop thing with him. It’s at the Musain.”
“Oh, the Musain is cool,” Enjolras said tiredly. “That’s a good venue.”
“Yeah, well, they’re really good. Just get there for about eightish.” They smiled, long eyelashes curling across their cheeks, in a lazy sort of bliss that only Jehan could achieve. “I’d offer to help with lyrics but I’ve challenged myself to only write in abstract Latin for a month, so...”
The fact that this news didn’t faze Combeferre or Enjolras in the slightest summed up Jehan Prouvaire perfectly.
“Enjolras!” Jehan cheered, looking even more luxuriated than usual. “You made it!”
The Musain was a good venue, but Enjolras hadn’t seen it much in the dark. He had usually spent afternoons there, drowning in sheet music and coffee.
“Jehan Prouvaire!” Courfeyrac whooped, embracing Jehan, in his usual, all-encompassing style.
“Are you alright after last night?” Jehan questioned, glint in their eye, “You looked absolutely out of it.”
“Yeah, I was.” Courfeyrac laughed wildly, “I’m being well-behaved tonight, though...” he paused for, what Enjolras knew to be, a well-practised dramatic effect, “No Class A’s, at least.”  
Jehan turned their gaze to Enjolras and crushed an arm around his tall frame. “R is hanging out with Éponine at the front, I’ll introduce you later.” Enjolras couldn’t see Grantaire amidst the mass of swaying heads. “The band playing now is called Chakrafied and they’re really deep,” Jehan said, letting their shoulders drift in time to the spacey sound.“ Don’t look so horrified, Enjolras, I’ve lured you over to the hippie side. Listen to Chakrafied and enjoy it!”
And Enjolras actually, kind of, did.  
The second band was made up of five members: four imposing gentlemen and an even scarier looking girl with eyeliner smeared across her face.
“I’m Éponine and we’re Patron-Minette,” she purred into the microphone, basking in the onstage lights, “We’re the scoundrels and ruffians of the Musain tonight.” Her smile was vicious. She nodded to her drummer, who sped into a series of counter rhythms that Enjolras was entirely not expecting.
Their music was wild and aggressive but threaded with a lull of tender despair at the world’s injustice. It was surprisingly melodic and Enjolras, who was a master of piano, still found himself drawn to the keyboardists techniques, which were messily executed by tattooed fingers adorned with a clatter of rings, but with a bit of refinement, could fit into a Saint-Michel’s classroom with ease.  
Courfeyrac was already in a bit of a state, giggly and flushed, dancing erratically. “Dance with me, Enjolras!” he said and Enjolras obliged. “Drink with me!”
And once more Enjolras obliged.  
When Enjolras drank, which was a very rare occasion, the usual tight coil of his body unwound into a loose end; he blushed a lot and for once stopped mentally composing symphonies.
Prouvaire reappeared when the music finished, looping long arms around Enjolras and Courfeyrac’s necks, “My boys!” they said over the hubbub, “Wanna hang in the dressing room? That’s where the real party is!”
The four walls of the dressing room were packed with limbs, the sound of loud celebrations and smoke.
“Hey, dude, quit it,” snapped a voice, “You’re going to get us thrown out.” The keys player stubbed out the drummers cigarette with his thumb. The drummer rolled his eyes and exhaled his breath of smoke into the other man’s face.
“Chill out, ‘Parnasse,” the drummer laughed, his voice far more velvety than expected. “I’m the bodyguard’s dealer, he won’t say anything.”
“Just smoke outside the fire exit door,” ‘Parnasse commanded, kicking the door open with a boot, allowing a rush of cold air into the room.
“Yeah, get out, G,” Éponine said mildly, fixing her tangle of hair in the mirror.
“Éponine!” Prouvaire said loudly, almost knocking the singer off her feet with a hug.
“Prouvaire, my dear! I didn’t know you were here!”
“Of course I was. I wouldn’t miss you guys for the world!”
Éponine preened at Jehan’s response and threw her head back in laughter. “You sweetheart,” she said, “What’s your next gig?”
“I have a poetry slam next week but the poems are read syllabically to the sound of Bach. It’s this new project I’m working on at the moment.”
“Sounds weird,” Éponine said, “I’d love to come!”
“These are my friends Courfeyrac and Enjolras,” Jehan introduced, smiling fondly at the gangly pair, “From Saint-Michel’s... this is Éponine, Montparnasse, Babet, the bassist... The weirdo in the mask is Claquesous and Gueulemer just got kicked out.”
Éponine hugged them both, much smaller in person than she had appeared onstage. Montparnasse gave a flutter of his ringed fingers. Enjolras was usually aware how much taller he was than a room full of people, but even Montparnasse towered above him. Built like a ballerina, the keyboardist was slender and wraith-like, expression not unfriendly, but not particularly inviting either: as though rearranging his face into a smile would take too much effort.  
Babet was also tall and unhealthily pale. “Nice to meet you, but I have places to be,” he said mysteriously, translucent eyes flicking quickly across the room. “Text me the next rehearsal dates, Ép. See you.”
Claquesous, or ‘the weirdo in the mask’, didn’t say anything, but huddled over his guitar, fingers dancing over the fret boards effortlessly.
“Are you alright, darling?” Éponine asked Enjolras a while later when they were all lounging on the few sofas, the sounds of other bands dancing through the walls. Her brash accent was so unlike the silken tones of her singing voice.
“Huh?” Enjolras replied, blushing, because he was a little bit drunk.
“This isn’t usually Enj’s scene,” Jehan interjected, “He doesn’t usually enter an establishment unless it has a guaranteed string quartet, at the very least.”
Éponine laughed, and ruffled Enjolras’ hair, which was a very bold move. Enjolras’ hair had never been ruffled before. “Bless your Saint-Michel heart. What do you play? Wait – let me guess...Harp?”
“Yes, actually,” said Enjolras.
“Oh, I bet you get minted doing corporate gigs... How many weddings want a pretty boy harpist? What a genius career move...” Éponine mused aloud.
“He doesn’t just play harp,” Courfeyrac added, “I haven’t found an instrument that Enjolras can’t play...” Courf snorted into his drink, eyes lost in memory. “Actually, you’re terrible at standard pop drumming, like horrifically bad,” he said, resting his head on Enjolras’ shoulder. “Sorry,” he added.
Jehan suddenly sat upright, looking around the room comically. “Where’s R?” they asked.
“Uh,” Éponine smirked and looked at Montparnasse, “Was that girl coming tonight?”
“No,” said Montparnasse fixing an eyebrow. “But I saw him talking to a different blonde girl by the side of the stage.”
“Oh,” said Éponine, looking to Jehan, “He’ll be busy, then.”
“The boy has more game than me and he isn’t even in a band,” Gueulemer complained, “That was the only reason I learned guitar.”
“Grantaire’s uglier than you, by far, and he still has more game than you,” Montparnasse said with an amused sneer.
“I should give being bisexual a try,” Guelulemer laughed.
“Not funny,” Éponine flicked her drummer’s upper arm. “Also, don’t be awful ‘Parnasse. You pride yourself on being the hottest in the band and you still don’t get laid as much as R.”
Montparnasse scowled and gestured rudely at his band mate.
When Grantaire arrived into the dressing room a while later, he appeared smudged, ruffled, and incredibly smug: the image of an utter rock star. Enjolras had to remind himself that Grantaire went to Saint-Michel’s, which made him, in at least some degree, an enormous classical music nerd.
He received a chorus of catcalls and cheers as he walked through and merely shot a wink before collapsing beside Éponine.
“You rocked it, as always,” he said, bumping shoulders with her. “Oh!” he looked at Enjolras and beamed, “Composer boy! I didn’t picture you as an avid Patron-Minette fan!”
“It’s Enjolras,” Enjolras said, ears tinged pink.
“We’re gonna get kicked out soon,” Éponine interrupted, “It’s nearly curfew. After party at ours?”
“I have class tomorrow,” Grantaire sighed.
“Go to bed then,” Éponine said, sounding bored, as she collected some leads and equipment. “Come on squad, we should get going.”
When they were outside, huddling under the lip of the building to shelter from rain, Courfeyrac passed his lighter around, minute flickers of deep orange lighting up the night.
“Are you coming to the after party?” Courf asked Enjolras, curled around his cigarette as if it would warm him up.
“I have 9am class,” Enjolras said, though he probably wouldn’t have gone anyway.
“That is such a Combeferre thing to say,” Jehan piped up, “You’ve been hanging out too much.”
“We are roommates,” Enjolras laughed, increasingly awkward without a matching cigarette in hand. “Anyway, he’s probably getting worried; I don’t usually stay out past midnight.”
“Oh, god!” Courfeyrac suddenly exclaimed, “I think he said he had something really important to discuss with you about Bach and maths or something.”
“Yeah that sounds like ‘Ferre,” Enjolras smiled, “I should head off. Nice show, everyone. See you around.”
Éponine pulled him into a hug because she was closest, and the boy sculpted from marble and gold weaved his way into the night, leaving the bubble of chatter far behind him.
Hey yall this is a fic from my ao3 account, it’s a long one! If you want to see enjolras and grantaire bond over classical music then this is the fic for you! probs one of my favourite things I’ve ever written, so hope you enjoy! let me know what ya think! I’m songbird-musing on ao3 too so give me a shout!
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