#the spirit of java
javadoodles404 · 8 months
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(Accursed puppet AU)
An AU where Wally used to be a very popular actor, up until his unfortunate demise, only to come back in the form of old puppet merchandise where his restless soul lingers.
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ppmid · 2 years
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Ghostly Coffee - Check this and all my halloween stuff here
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garden-eel-draws · 9 days
Ah, yes, calling a System function.
Also known as calling upon a wizard to use a tiny sliver of their vast, unknowable magicks to System.out.print()
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canadiankakashi · 1 year
One of these days I really need to draw my mc sona
I just finished making her outfit for my server and I need to show it off for the sake of my ego
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ddeltacrane · 6 months
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Hehe. Its beskap (similar to like javanese tribe ones, back then it was used by royals) and batik too.
Also add white tiger because my tribe believe white tiger spirit guards our nature and people.
(I am from Sunda tribe, West Java btw)
Commission info
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luzisahomosexual · 4 months
Hi!! My Names Eva :)
Probably won’t post on here much but if I do it will most likely be shit posts about the webcomics or books I read
-School Bus Graveyard
-Sweet Home
-Cherry Crush
-Java Bonds
-Middle Child Syndrome
-The Four Of Them
-High Spirits Neoma
-The Egg Project
-Fangs And Fools
-To The Stars And Back
-Spicy Mints
-The Moth Prince
-Castle Swimmer
-Fathoms Of Atonement
-Crystal City Killers
-K I D D O S
-It’s Okay To Like Girls
-Warm Spring Rain
-Idiots Don’t Catch Colds
-Post Harbour
-To Be Honest
-The D!ckheads
-Stare Down
-The Half Of It
-My Dragon Girlfriend
-Diamond Dive
-Loving Reaper
-Saving You
-The Silence Of Song Birds
-Morgana And Oz
-Race You
-Our Walk Home
-Mirrors In The Sky
-Dead Water Club
-Fatal Kiss
-My Awkward Princess
-Winter Before Spring
-Bailin And Li Yun
-Our Corner
-Night Owls & Summer Skies
-Pencil Art Therapy
-Jackson’s Diary
-The Four Of Them
-Dazzel Me
-High Class Homos
-When The Day Comes
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themakeupbrush · 1 year
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Puteri Indonesia DI Yogyakarta 2023 Regional Costume: Kanjeng Ratu Kidul
Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is often illustrated as a mermaid with a tail as well as the lower body parts of a fish. The mythical creature is claimed to be able to take the soul of any who she wished for. According to local popular beliefs around coastal villages on Southern Java, the Queen often claims lives of fishermen or visitors that bathe on the beach, and she usually prefers handsome young men. The role of Kanjeng Ratu Kidul as a Javanese Spirit-Queen became a popular motif in traditional Javanese folklore and palace mythologies, as well as being tied in with the beauty of Sundanese and Javanese princesses. Another aspect of her mythology was her ability to change shape and her appearance several times a day. Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogyakarta described his experience on spiritual encounters with the spirit Queen in his memoire; the queen could change shapes and appearance, as a beautiful young woman usually during full moon, and appear as an old woman at other times. Kanjeng Ratu Kidul is in control of the violent waves of the Indian Ocean from her dwelling place in the heart of the ocean in a significant amount of the folklore that surrounds her. Sometimes she is referred as one of the spiritual queens or wives of the Susuhunan of Solo or Surakarta and the Sultan of Yogyakarta. Her literal positioning is considered as corresponding to the Merapi-Kraton-South Sea axis in the Solo Sultanate and Yogyakarta Sultanate. Another pervasive part of folklore surrounding her is the color aqua green, gadhung m'lathi in Javanese, which is favored and referred to by her and is thus forbidden to wear along the southern coast of Java. She is often described as wearing clothes or selendang (silky sashes) in this color
Description via wikipedia
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glitxd-shenanigan · 6 months
Tl;Dr - Primbon is like a type of "Zodiac System" for the Javanese where we use nature, astrology etc as a tool for divination, cleansing, etc.
I want to ramble a little about Indonesia's old spirituality, mythicisms and beliefs!!
I'm not entirely religious but ever since I practice Tarot, I have this belief of souls and spirit guardians in divination, and the more I practice divination the more I feel rooted into our culture's old beliefs.
Anyway, this has nothing to do with that... kinda.
Here in Java, we have this old manuscript called Primbon Palintangan Palindon Pakedutan, it contained texts on physiognomy and astrology, as well as other subjects.
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In this age, to believe in Primbon can be seen as Syirik and could lead to blasphemy.
According to KBBI, Primbon is defined as a Book consisting of forecast, knowledge of kejawen, occultism, a peculiar numeric system for calculating lucky days, prayers, selections from the Qur’an, instructions relating to ritual purity and performance of obligatory worship, texts on mysticism, astronomy, astrology, and every other important matter.
This book is mainly oriented towards the relationship between mankind and nature and is used as a life guide for Javanese people. Jogja also have their own Primbon called Bataljemur Adammakna!
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Primbon uses the Javanese calendar where every day, month, and year has its own calculation and is used to identify events that could occur in the future. It could be used as divination and a tool to hone vigilance.
There are eleven teachings;
Pranata reads the universe and petungan are the numbers that reads your fate
Pawukon calculates time and dates
Perobatan, where medicinal Primbon filled with prayers, spells and spiritual intentions are inscribed into a piece of paper and then burnt. Its ashes can then be rubbed on an affected area to heal.
Wirid are messages, suggestions, or prohibitions that are considered necessary to be followed for the sake of creating harmony
Aji-aji reflects the supernatural side of Javanese life. It is believed that extraordinary supernatural powers are contained in a spell if it is truly believed.
Kidung is a song and / or poetry that contains advice and such.
Ramalan means Divination, it is self explanatory...
Kawilujengan contains guidelines about the implementation of Javanese rituals for various purposes.
Donga is similar to Aji-aji but uses the verses from the Quran and spelled in Javanese
Finally, Ngalamat or sasmita is usually a strange phenomenon in the universe that is considered an oddity. The phenomenon is then interpreted as a sign of something.
Basically, Primbon is like zodiac systems and common astrology for us!!! Also the Brits took six volumes in 1812!!!!!! Give it back along with our legendary Keris!!!!!!! Please :(
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mamadkhalik · 7 months
DM 2 Solo
Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada para BPH, Pengurus, kader, dan peserta yang telah menyukseskan agenda DM 2 Solo. Sungguh tidak mudah memegang amanah pengkaderan besar ini, atas izin Allah semua berjalan lancar.
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Kedua, teruntuk para peserta, Prof. Rhenald Kasali telah memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang perubahan dunia. Dakwah kampus yang terasa "jumud" itu perlu segera disikapi dengan bijak tanpa mengurangi esensi dakwah.
Dari buku "Menuju Kemenangan Dakwah Kampus" kita disadarkan mengenai pentingnya makna kemenangan, bukan sekadar menduduki jabatan strategis seperti BEM, namun kebermanfaatan yang dapat kita berikan bagi mahasiswa dan masyarakat.
Bagian penting dari buku ini adalah seruan untuk kembali ke Ashalah Dakwah Kampus, memahami kembali makna Islam, pentingnya tarbiyah untuk manusia, pentingnya dakwah sebagai seruan kebaikan, dan yang pasti fiqih dakwah sebagai rambu dasar yang dilengkapi oleh manhaj dakwah. ADK perlu paham itu.
Masuk ke bab metode, setelah memahami Ashalah Dakwah Kampus, kita perlu membaca perubahan pemuda saat ini. Bagaimana memahami diri sendiri, memahami orang lain, selanjutnya memberi pembebanan yang tepat dalam setiap amanah yang diberikan.
Kita para aktivis dakwah, berangkat dengan mimpi, ekspektasi, dan juga pengalaman spiritual yang berbeda. Jangan menganggap sama, jangan menuntut banyak hal sebelum memberi pemahaman, jangan mematikan mimpi mereka! Jangan berlindung dengan term "ini amanah dakwah."
Mengutip dari buku "Di Kekinian Dakwah" dalam proses tarbiyah, terkadang para aktivis banyak melupakan proses pemahaman dari perangkat-perangkat dan rukun-rukun ukhuwah. Apabila 2 step ini dilupakan, dakwah akan runtuh dari dalam.
Ingat kembali klasifikasi basis dakwah, mana basis pendukung, mana para penggerak, mana ideolog gerakan. Saat berada di fase penggerak, sudah sepantasnya sadar akan peran, pun saat hilang arah tujuan, bukan sibuk mencari kesalahan atau pembenaran, namun kembali lagi ke 2 poin atas, harus saling memahami dan menguatkan ukhuwahnya.
Kita sudah sama-sama membaca umat ini. Kita familiar dengan kalimat dakwah tak butuh kita, namun kita yang butuh dakwah. Namun dalam tulisan ini, saya tegaskan bahwa hari ini dakwah butuh kita semua! orang-orang dipersimpangan jalan itu butuh kita, orang-orang terzalimi butuh kita, saudara seperjuangan pun butuh kita, jangan sampai mengecap manisnya iman sendirian namun kita tutup mata di luar sana.
Manhaj kita menuntun manusia untuk menuju kemuliaan, melepaskan diri dari perdebatan khilafiyah, dan yang paling penting mengupayakan persatuan umat.
"kita adalah dai sebelum apapun"
"Sampaikan walau satu ayat"
bukanlah menjadi pembenaran untuk kita tidak menambah ilmu. Cari majelis ilmu, carilah guru, jagalah adab dengan guru, orang tua, dan saudara sesama muslim. Carilah bekal sebanyak-banyaknya, tenangkan hatimu, sucikan hatimu dari niat-niat untuk pujian, harta, dan dunia dan segala isinya.
Tempat kita berdiri saat ini, Solo, bumi yang diridhai oleh Allah memiliki jenama "The Spirit Of Java." namun menurut Ustadz Syihabuddin Al-Hafizh, Solo ini bukan hanya jawa semata, tapi "Spirit Of The World"
Peranakan china di pasar gede, peranakan Arab di Pasar Kliwon, India di Laweyan dan jawa sebagai etnis mayoritas berkumpul di kota ini.
Tak cukup dari itu, di kota ini juga ada bekas Kraton Kerajaan Mataram Islam yang besar di Kartasura, Kraton Mangkunegaran pimpinan Pangeran Sambernyawa dan Kasunanan pimpinan PB X yang gigih melawan belanda, lalu munculnya SDI yang memicu pembentukan SI sebagai perlawanan oligarki kolonial di Laweyan.
Di zaman ini, ormas dan kelompok Islam meliputi : MTA yang besar di Karangayar, LDII Sukoharjo sekitarnya, Hidayatullah di Mojosongo, DSKS dan laskar Islam di Ngruki, Muhammadiyah di Sukoharjo, dan Para Habaib tarekat yang besar di Pasar Kliwon.
Faktor historis dan landscape ormas ini menjadi bukti bawah Islam adalah pemersatu bangsa, sebuah spirit yang harus kita bawa sembari menyerukan moralitas kepada peradaban barat yang rapuh itu.
Maka, saat berkumpul kembali kelak, kita sepakat untuk mengesampingkan perbedaan pendapat dalam suatu perkara, kita berfokus merangkai persatuan antar umat, sesuai dengan prinsip kita, persaudaran adalah watak muamalah KAMMI.
Terakhir, dimasa yang penuh fitnah ini, kita harus membangun optimisme akan kejayaan umat. Bukan toxic positivity, namun berputus asa dan berpangku tangan itu bukanlah karakter seorang muslim.
Selayaknya Bilal bin Rabbah dengan ketauhidanya, Rasulullah Shallallahu alaihi wassalam saat memukul batu di Parit Khandaq, Umar bin Abdul Aziz dengan reformasi birokrasi Umayyah, Imam Ghazali, Nuruddin Zanki, Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi sebagai aktor Islah dalam menaklukan Al-Quds, Muhammad Al-Fatih yang menaklukan Konstantinopel, dan kita semua para aktivis dakwah kampus yang tengah mempersiapkan diri untuk kejayaan Islam.
Semoga dimudahkan dan dikuatkan!
"Kenyataan hari ini adalah mimpi hari kemarin, dan mimpi hari ini adalah kenyataan hari esok" - Imam Hasan Al-Banna
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princesssarisa · 1 month
Cinderella Tales From Around the World has now taken me to Southeast Asia, with tales from the Philippines and Indonesia.
*The book features six Cinderella stories from the Philippines, but all except one are just variations on the same story:
**The heroine is named Maria. The royal man she marries is usually a king, typically named King Enrico, though he can be a prince instead.
**The setting is sometimes given as Hungary, though not always.
**Maria has a stepmother and two stepsisters. In several versions, at the beginning, her father falls in love with the future stepmother while his first wife is still alive, and so he murders his wife by drowning her in the sea.
**Maria befriends a talking crab, who is sometimes said to be the spirit of her mother. But either the stepmother orders Maria to kill it and cook it, or the crab itself asks her to do so. Either way, she buries its shell in the garden, a lukban (pomelo) tree grows from it, and from this tree she gets her finery for church or for a ball.
**In some versions, she also gains either a star or a shining jewel on her forehead, much like in Iran's The Story of Little Fatima.
**Her stepmother and stepsisters tie her up and put her in a sack to hide her from the king when he searches for the golden slipper's owner, but of course he finds her.
**After her marriage, Maria gives birth to septuplets (or in one version just triplets), but the stepmother kidnaps and abandons the babies and replaces them with a litter of puppies. Thinking his wife is a puppy-bearing freak, the king has her imprisoned. But the babies are found and raised by either a shepherd, an enchanter, or a supernatural being, and when they grow up, at their guardian's instructions, they go to the castle, meet the king, and insist on meeting Maria. When Maria sees them, milk flies from her breasts into their mouths, revealing their identity. The family is reunited, and king has the stepmother dragged to her death by "fiery horses." (Some versions leave out this portion and just end the story with Maria's marriage.)
*The alternate Philippino Cinderella is called Abadeja, or Abadeha, and is a simpler tale. Abadeja's stepmother repeatedly sends her out of the house to do impossible tasks, but each time a beautiful woman appears from the river and does the tasks for her. Eventually the woman gives Abadeja the gift of a beautiful chicken, but the stepmother kills it. At the river-woman's instructions, Abadeja buries its legs in the forest, and a tree grows from the spot that bears beautiful dresses and jewelry. One day a rich man's son discovers the tree, picks off a ring and puts it on his finger, but then can't get it off. His father invites every young girl to try to remove the ring, with the promise of his son's hand in marriage to the one who succeeds. Of course Abadeja is the only one who can remove it.
**A footnote mentions that this story can also be combined with the other one described above. In another variant, the heroine's name is Maria, her father drowns her mother so he can marry another woman, and her helper from the water is her mother's spirit.
*The two near-identical Indonesian Cinderella stories seem more closely related to the Chinese and Vietnamese versions, but have their own distinct identity too. In these versions, the heroine is the youngest of seven orphaned sisters. One day she catches a beautiful fish and secretly cares for it, feeding it so much of her own food that she grows thin, until her sisters find out, and either out of cruelty or out of concern for their little sister's health, they kill it. The heroine buries its bones, and an enormous iron tree with silken leaves grows from the spot. One leaf blows off its branch and drifts to the king of Java, who is amazed by its beauty and searches for the tree from which it came. When he finds it, he also finds the girl. The tree identifies her as its owner by bowing down before her, so of course the king marries her.
Next we travel to the USA for some Native American tales.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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minecraft · 2 years
My headcanons for minecraft as a whole is that it wasn’t actually written in Java originally but a leaked esoteric programming language called WorldCurve+ and slowly ported over to java and this is a very secret fact since WorldCurve+ became something that got outlawed and banned/erased from history by the United States shadow government in late 2009 because it was found to have various anomalous effects. As for Herobrine, within the world of minecraft, they’re an entity kinda a ghost but more physical but not like in the normal sense, but like a Nazgûl almost. and he’s actually Steve’s great grandfather in a sense, because he was created by leaving in a sort of prototype framework that lays out a very loose set of core guidelines for players in minecraft in the game’s code between many different versions in the early unconverted WC+ builds; sort of like leaving a man-shaped depression in the ground and then waiting until it rains. Herobrine is just a puddle of stray electrons and bits from the universe shaped crudely into the profile of a player but completely freed from physical limitations. and when cave game and java minecraft became a thing Herobrine jumped along over for the ride. And ever since this has happened Herobrine has been trying to communicate with Steve to tell him about the past and figure out what his place in the world is but due to the nature of the game itself it’s very hard to get the player, aka the real Steve, to talk with him because Steve doesn’t really develop a true machine-spirit until much later.
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mybeingthere · 9 months
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Jumaadi (born 1973) moved from East Java, Indonesia to Sydney in 1997 to study at the National Art School. He graduated in 2000 with a Bachelor of Fine Art, and then again in 2008 with a Master of Fine Art. Before immigrating to Australia, from 1994 to 1995, Jumaadi was an Art Educator at the PPLH Environmental Education Centre in Seloliman, East Java (Indonesia).
Jumaadi’s ‘most typical subject matter’, is love (either romantic or familial) portrayed in varied forms. More often than not his work revolves around demons, spirits, and fanciful creatures; John McDonald notes ‘story-telling’ as intrinsic to Jumaadi’s ‘personal history and psyche’ (Catalogue Essay, An arm and a leg, 2018).
Jumaadi currently lives and works between Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Mosman, Sydney.
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chlorophylliccoyote · 2 months
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Here's some more hawt men, the rabbit is most definitely going to be a monthly mini, but the dog men are going to be part of my "Stellar Java and Spirits" series.
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Book Review: Modern Witch: Spells, Recipes & Workings
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TW: Appropriation, mentions of sexually transmitted diseases.
This is: Modern Witch: Spells, Recipes & Workings by Devin Hunter
Rating: 4/10 for the first 100 pages then 1/10 for the rest.
Pros: The author covers a ton of correspondences, from spirits, to protection, and anything else in-between. He focuses a lot on vibrations, but insists on cleansing and protection which is very good! The author also uses a lot of more folk-based workings, which would help new witches understand that you don't need a giant fancy ritual and a jar to do a spell!
The author also includes options for LGBTQ+ individuals with the workings that would normally require a male and female attribute or focus in more gender balanced/Wiccanized practices. It has three and a half pages of a bibliography, which is fine for a 200 page book.
Cons: Unfortunately that's about all the 'good' this book has. The author uses a lot of items which are very not minor friendly. He also advocates for the use of white sage, sweetgrass, smudging, honey jars, proper voodoo dolls without initiation, working with closed deities, love spells, and...quite frankly the worst part?
The author very specifically mentions something in the protection section that...boils me up. He says that Java Citronella, the plant commonly used for avoiding mosquitos...when used on a person specifically a member of the LGBTQ+ community...it'll protect them from...very particular STDs. The type that has haunted the LGBTQ community as an epidemic called AIDS. A plant will keep you from getting this beyond horrific disease. It's absolutely irresponsible to make a claim like that, and insulting to those that have suffered with AIDS, not to mention that the LGBTQ+ community isn't the only humans capable of getting these, to make it seem otherwise is crude, rude, and derogatory if you ask me. I did not finish this book after reading that.
Overview: In my personal opinion please avoid this book, save your time, energy, and money. I found a couple of spells I liked, but nothing in this book is worth dealing with someone who thinks this way, regardless of his personal orientation. And he writes Fortnite books. Just saying if you want extra ooh no tacked onto your witchcraft author listing. Witch...and Fornite official author. At least use different pennames for different genres or something.
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year
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"The Independence Class Light Aircraft Carrier USS San Jacinto (CVL-30) saw a few name changes before she hit the water. Ordered on December 16, 1940 as a Cleveland Class Light Cruiser and given the name 'Newark' on February 11, 1942. She was subsequently designated for completion as a light aircraft carrier on June 2, 1942, renamed 'Reprisal' and laid down at Camden, New Jersey on October 26, 1942. Finally, her name was changed again to 'San Jacinto' on January 6, 1943. Here's the story of the final change:
'When the old cruiser USS Houston (CA-30) was lost off Java in 1942, the citizens of Houston, Texas had a bond purchasing campaign to raise the money to pay for a new cruiser USS Houston (CL-81). When the campaign ended enough bonds had been sold not only to pay for a cruiser but there was sufficient left over to pay for a light aircraft carrier. In recognition of their patriotic spirit, the Navy and Treasury Department asked the people of Houston to name the carrier. They gave it the name of San Jacinto which commemorates the decisive battle of that name in Texas' struggle for independence from Mexico.
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And so it was that she was to provide the only case on record where a major unit of the fleet began her first combat mission six months to the day after she was commissioned and remained without interruptions in the combat for the duration of the war, a matter of sixteen months. She was to prove herself indeed a worthy member of the proud sorority of the Navy's 'Fighting Ladies'."
- USS San Jacinto War History
NHHC: 80-G-44590, 80-G-212799, 80-G-212798
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collegelifediary · 6 months
☆ 16.10.2023 ☆
Guys pls if you don't read the whole post just read the question I asked at the end
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Hey there! It's been a while since I last updated you, but I actually had a pretty good day today!
So, last week was a total disaster for me, but I'm determined to bounce back this week. And you know what? I woke up bright and early at 5am today. I took my sweet time getting ready, catching up on some YouTube vlogs, and enjoying a delicious breakfast. I stepped out feeling fabulous and confident.
Morning classes
Started off with some morning classes. First up was a Linux lecture on file and directory permissions. it was honestly a piece of cake and I always find Linux super enjoyable !
Then came the Java EE lecture. I don't know if it's just me or the professor, but Java EE doesn't quite ignite my excitement like all the other classes I'm passionate about.
Lunch time
During lunchtime, I had a club meeting with few designers. I've already designed a stunning ID card for the club, and we were brainstorming ideas for this year. It was great to collaborate and come up with some cool plans.
Evening classes
In the evening, it was the same old Java EE class. To be honest,I couldn't grasp much of it. Oh well, we can't win 'em all, right?
Finally, I made my way back home, and it was raining! But that didn't dampen my spirits. I quickly took care of my hair and followed my night skincare routine. After a satisfying meal and a lovely chat with my family, I dove into studying and summarizing the Linux lecture from this morning.
And here I am, writing this post as a sneaky little way to procrastinate studying Java EE. Any chance you have some ressources about Java EE to share? I'm all ears!
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