#the sims 4 tons pastel
pressnat · 2 years
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In English
To take advantage of the release of the last two kits that became available last week, I decided to build a little house in Newcrest using the base game plus the Pastel Pop and Everyday Cluttler Kits. Giveaway is happening on Youtube channel and Instagram, check it out so you don't miss this opportunity! I hope you like it! Enjoy to check out the building on my YouTube channel, link below!
Lot size: 20x30
1 bedroom
1 bathroom
Cost: § 82.267
You can find it on the Gallery, my Origin ID its PressNat
Download: patreon
Em Português
Pra aproveitar o lançamento dos dois últimos kits que ficaram disponíveis na semana passada, resolvi construir uma casinha em Newcrest usando o jogo base mais os Kits Tons Pastel e Bazar em Casa. Espero que gostem! Está rolando sorteio no canal do Youtube e no Instagram, confere lá pra não perder essa oportunidade! Aproveite para conferir a construção no meu canal do YouTube, link abaixo!
Sem CP
Tam. lote:  40x30
1 quarto
1 banheiro
Custo: § 82.267
Você pode encontrá-la na Galeria, meu Origin ID é PressNat
Download: patreon
170 notes · View notes
putadohs · 1 month
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birthday! — oneshot larry
“talvez ter mantido uma amizade com seu ex-marido tenha sido sim uma boa ideia, uma vez que harry revê seu ex padrasto, que a criou tão bem durante anos, fica toda mexida. louis só queria dar um presentinho para sua garotinha no seu aniversário, que mal tinha?”
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hcisgirl • daddy kink • inocência • manipulação • exibicionismo • binky (chupeta) kink • todos personagens maiores de idade • negação de orgasmo • dirty talk.
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— Louis! — a mulher de cabelos loiros escorridos celebrou sua chegada. — Que bom que você veio. Fico feliz que tenha aceitado o convite.
— Eu nunca perderia o aniversário dela — Louis cumprimentou sua ex mulher, entregando em suas mãos o presente que tinha comprado dias passados. — Como você está, Ruby? Parece muito bem.
— Estou ótima. E você… parece ótimo, né?
Ruby notou certa diferença no corpo de Louis. Mesmo que magro, seus músculos definidos eram notáveis, ainda com os braços repletos de tatuagens só realçando a visão privilegiada que era olhar e admirar as curvas dos bíceps. Ruby também não deixou de notar os fios brancos no cabelo de Louis.
— Eu precisava — disse em um tom divertido. — Mas eu ainda continuo comendo muita besteira, você sabe.
Algumas risadinhas só para Louis poder entrar na casa e ficar besta pela decoração. Tudo remetia a Harry.
As paredes brancas da sala enfeitadas com balões rosa choque e rosa pastel, fitinhas do teto pendurando vários lacinhos e a mesa posta só com tons de rosa e branco, nada mais que isso. O bolo estava no centro, em formato de coração com a escrita “Feliz aniversário, Princesa” cheio de pérolas do lado. E onde estava a decoração, podia ver alguns desenhos de bambi pulando pra e lá pra cá.
Louis sorriu bobo para tudo isso.
— Onde ela tá?
— Lá atrás com as amigas — Ruby informou. — Vai lá. Ela está morrendo de saudades do pai.
Ele gostava de ser lembrado como pai de Harry por ter simplesmente boa parte da vida da garota ao seu lado. E somente eles sabem o melhor lado disso.
Louis se dirigiu até os fundos da casa, um jardim consideravelmente grande com uma piscina fazendo a divisa da sala e da área de lazer. Não demorou muito para ele achar Harry.
Estava sentada em uma roda com mais cinco amigas, no chão com as pernas brincando no ar, a barriga deitada na grama enquanto as outras garotas se apoiavam nos cotovelos. Todas pareciam muito despojadas e confortáveis.
Louis elogiou Harry mentalmente, a chamando de princesa ao colocar os olhos no seu vestido azul e rosa, a saia sendo rosa e a parte de cima sendo justinha em um tom muito, muito claro de azul. quase branco. Uma gola gravata era o charme, o colar de pérolas em volta do pescoço era delicado. Percebeu que estava usando meias 3/4 de rendinha, ainda ser está calçando os sapatinhos.
— Princesa?
Harry reconheceu o tom rouco da voz, sabendo que era a pessoa que mais amava no mundo. Se levantou tão rápido que Louis mal teve tempo o suficiente para raciocinar o pulo em seu colo.
— Papai! — Harry entrelaçou suas pernas em volta de sua cintura, afundando seu rostinho no pescoço do homem. — Senti tanta sua falta.
— Eu também, amor — juntou suas mãos por baixo do bumbum de Harry, se virando de costas para as outras garotas para poder apertar de leve suas nádegas, subindo o toque para a cintura. — Estava morrendo de saudades.
— Por que não veio me ver mais? — Harry fez um beicinho choroso, se perdendo nos olhos azuis de seu papai, na barba ralinha meio ruiva e por fazer. — Eu chorava de saudades, você não sabia?
— Eu sabia. Mas o papai estava muito ocupado com o trabalho, viajando pra todo lado — Louis fez mais força para aguentar Harry em seus braços, a garota sorrindo sapeca ao que sentia as mãos espalmadas do homem em seu bumbum. — Por isso eu te trouxe muitos presentes.
— Presentes! — exclamou toda sorridente. — Onde estão?
— Todos na sala — Louis informou. — Mas um tem que pegar comigo depois.
Harry estreitou o olhar, mordendo o lábio inferior sem perceber o movimento desse ato.
Louis colocou sua garotinha no chão novamente, fazendo um carinho em seus cachos, soltos e definidos. Ergueu o rostinho lindo de Harry, o interior de seu peito queimando quando se deu o tempo o suficiente para admira-la.
— Gostou do meu vestido, papai? — Harry questionou, segurando as barrinhas do tecido e balançando seu corpo pra lá e pra cá.
— Eu amei, princesa — Louis fez questão de pegar em sua mão e dar um giro lentamente, descendo os olhos em cada parte daquele vestido. — Bem comportadinha… — disse mais para si do que para Harry. — Rosa e azul para sempre, lembra?
— É claro que lembro, né papai! Por que acha que escolhi esse?
— Boa garota —Louis segurou o rosto de Harry com as duas mãos, trazendo seu rosto até o seu para deixar um beijo carinhoso na testa.
E as amigas de Harry já se queixavam dela. Deu um abraço apertado na cintura de seu papai e foi correndo até as outras garotas, pulando como um bambi.
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Tudo estava indo perfeitamente bem. Harry estava recebendo todos seus convidados, a maioria amigos de colégio e alguns familiares. Até que…
— Cala sua boca, Agnes, para de falar!
— Você tem problema? Eu só estava brincando!
— Que brincadeira mais idiota! Igual a você!
As vozes altas e finas das duas estavam sendo ouvidas por todos da casa. Ruby foi correndo juntamente com Louis até a sala, que era onde estava acontecendo essa discussão.
— Parem com essa gritaria! — Ruby interviu, se colocando no meio das duas para prevenir um possível briga física. — Eu quero explicações agora, andem! Podem falar!
Harry estava chorando, era possível ver seu rímel escorrendo pelas bochechas. Foi direto para os braços de Louis, que teve que fazer um carinho nas suas costas para acalmar os soluços. Estava muito aborrecida.
— Harry, o que aconteceu? — Ruby perguntou.
Ela não soube falar, só enterrar seu rosto no peitoral de Louis molhando toda a camisa social dele.
— Você pode começar a se explicar? — sem chances com Harry, tentou com Agnes.
— Eu só disse que achava Louis bonito! — Agnes literalmente berrou, somente as duas e os pais de Harry ali, o resto todos olhando pela porta de correr dos fundos. — Ela começou a chorar e me xingar!
— Você não disse só isso, sua mentirosa de merda! — Harry rebateu a altura, abraçada em Louis mas ainda assim seu rosto maneava para frente jogando as palavras na cara de Agnes. — Eu nem te convidei pro meu aniversário, você é amiga da Cindy, não minha!
As outras garotas foram chegando ali e Ruby foi conversando com Agnes, enquanto isso, Louis fazia um carinho na sua cabeça com o coração amolecido por ver Harry chorando daquela forma.
— Bebê — Louis a chamou. — O que ela disse pra você ter ficado assim, uhn? — Harry ficou de cabeça baixa, chorando mais porém baixinho. — Não quer falar pro papai?
— Ela… — tinha um soluço entalado na sua garganta. Fungou forte antes de começar a falar devidamente. — Ela disse que te achava muito bonito. Queria ter você como papai dela. Ela quer você, Lou.
Louis sabia que nada do que falasse naquele momento acalmaria Harry. Sendo assim:
— Ruby, vou conversar com Harry lá em cima, okay? Ela está muito mal. Pode tranquilizar a situação aqui?
— Sim, sim — Ruby assentiu. — Voltem só quando for a hora do parabéns.
E assim, Louis abraçou Harry de lado e foram até as escadas, subindo duas até chegar no quarto da garota.
Ainda continuava o mesmo.
— Você ainda tem os bonequinhos Sylvanian Families que eu te dei? — tentaria distrair sua garotinha de qualquer jeito.
— Tenho, papai — disse baixinho, ainda abatida.
Quando seguiram para o banheiro, para limpar o rosto sujo de maquiagem borrada de Harry, ele viu uma fileira só com os bonequinhas Sylvanian que ela tinha guardado, todos bem cuidados e era a coleção inteira ali. Seu quarto com as paredes rosa pastel estavam revestidas por pequenos lacinhos, Harry amava lacinhos.
— Vem aqui — Louis a chamou para seus braços, pegando ela em seu colo para deixar em cima da bancada da pia. Louis ficou entre o meio de suas pernas. — Por que você chorou tanto por causa daquilo, bebê? Você não sabe que ninguém nunca vai me ter como você me tem?
— Eu não gosto que falem de você daquele jeito! — Harry exclamou, os olhos trêmulos cheios de lágrimas olhando para Louis, cruzando os braços à sua frente. — Ela ficou olhando pra você o tempo todo, eu queria pular no pescoço daquela piranha!
— Presta atenção em mim, tá? — Louis pegou o rosto abatido em suas mãos, apertando suas bochechas. — Eu sou o seu papai e você é minha garotinha. Minha princesa, meu bebê. Ninguém nunca vai me ter. Assim como ninguém nunca vai te ter, Harry. Você é minha.
— Jura? Por favor, papai, você jura? — disse tão desesperada que conseguiu tirar seu rosto do aperto, abraçando o pescoço de Louis.
— Eu não preciso jurar. Você sabe que é verdade, não sabe?
— Eu sei.
Harry abraçou Louis com toda sua força, sentia uma saudade imensa dele todos os dias, nunca parecia ser o suficiente estar com ele uma ou duas vezes por semana, tinha que ser todos os dias até morrer. Harry dependia de Louis.
— Você ainda usa chupeta, meu bebê?
— Uhum — Harry faz que sim com o rostinho no ombro de Louis.
— Vai gostar dessa.
Simplesmente, Louis tirou do seu bolso uma caixinha pequena com uma chupeta rosinha com um desenho de um bambi, e isso fez Harry brilhar os olhos.
— Ela é linda, papai! Eu gosto de usar por que me deixa calma.
— Sei disso — Louis fez um breve carinho nas suas bochechas. — Coloca ela pra mim ver?
Nem precisou pedir. Harry colocou sua língua para fora, uma mania sua, e abocanhou a chupeta, Louis vendo ela se remexer em sua boquinha rapidinho, vendo como sua garotinha precisava se acalmar. Precisava até demais.
— Você é linda — Louis elogiou, dando um beijo na chupeta fazendo ela se empurrar na boca de Harry. — Agora o papai vai cuidar de você, tá?
Harry fez que sim, balançando as perninhas aéreas na bancada vendo Louis pegar demaquilante e algodões.
Ele se fez novamente entre as pernas e Harry ficou sentada, reta e com o rosto para frente, para que Louis pudesse pegar em queixo e limpar sua testa, olhos e bochechas, nessa sequência, bem devagar para não machucar.
— Tem tirado notas boas no colégio?
Harry fez que sim, os olhinhos fechados sentindo Louis tirar sua sombra rosa gliterinada.
— Jura?
— S-sim, papai — disse um pouco atrapalhada por conta da chupetinha.
— E sem distrações, né? — Louis questionou, segurando seu rosto pelo queixo encontrando os verdes esmeraldas se abrirem. — Você sabe o que eu quero dizer.
Harry hesitou.
— Só existe uma resposta para essa pergunta e eu espero que seja a que estou pensando.
Ela tirou sua chupeta antes de poder falar, os olhos daquele jeitinho pidão.
— Eu só me distraio pensando em você, papai…
— Por que eu sinto que você está mentindo?
— Não estou! — Harry colocou sua chupeta na boca novamente, para não se equivocar novamente, deixando ela na beira dos lábios. — Eu fico pensando quando você brincava comigo… — seus olhos estavam olhando para seus pés enquanto falava, mas de repente, um pensamento surge em sua cabeça e decidiu colocar para fora: — Mas você não deve gostar mais de brincar comigo!
— Por que acha isso? — Louis estava sorrindo pela forma birrenta que Harry disse. Colocou os algodões e demaquilante de lado para tomar sua atenção a ela.
— Você não quis mais ficar comigo… — Harry resmungou pausadamente, a chupeta indo para o meio de sua boca. — Você me deixou, papai.
— Eu nunca vou te deixar — Louis puxou Harry pela cintura com certa violência, erguendo seu vestido para passar os dedos bem de leve por cima de sua bucetinha ainda revestida na calcinha. — Sempre vou querer brincar com a minha bebezinha. Lembra quando foi a nossa primeira vez? Você chorava tanto, amor, mas não queria deixar meu pau.
— Papai… por favor, me diz que você vai brincar comigo? — Harry implorou baixinho, abrindo mais as pernas para que Louis pudesse ter mais facilidade com os dedos. — M-mhn… você vai fazer com carinho?
— Muito, meu amor — Louis deixou um beijo na chupeta, tirando ela de Harry, vendo a garotinha formar um biquinho tão gordo que apenas sentiu seu lábio inferior entre os dela, da forma mais fofa. — Vou mostrar pra você que não precisa fazer birra com medo de perder o papai. Sempre vou estar aqui.
— O senhor… mhn… papai, o s-senhor? Mhn! — as palavras começaram uma cair sobre as outras quando Louis decidiu só arrastar pro lado sua calcinha, massageando devagar seu clítoris inchadinho, indo tão lento que era uma tortura. — Papai, dorme hoje aqui!
— Shhh… — Louis se aproximou de Harry, sentindo seu pescoço sendo abraçado pelos bracinhos da garota.
O que fez foi como dizer a Harry “fique calma, vive esse momento com seu papai, não pense demais.”
Louis tinha dado início nos carinhos por todo rosto de Harry, fazia questão de acariciar suas bochechas, enrolar os dedos nos cachos e fixar os olhos na chupeta que mexia pra lá e pra cá na boquinha de sua garotinha. Mesmo que estivesse gemendo baixinho contra a chupeta, Harry parecia pura demais, numa inocência genuína, do jeito que Louis se encantou por ela.
Seu pau já estava extremamente duro, precisava se aliviar de uma vez ou poderia gozar ali mesmo só com os gemidos manhosos de Harry e aquela bucetinha toda molhada, o toque escorregadio e macio em seus dedos. Louis conseguiu desabotoar sua calça somente com um mão, tirando seu cacete para fora da boxer e iniciou seus movimentos por todo comprimento r��gido e pesado, se punhetando rapidamente ao que o pré-gozo jorrava da glande avermelhada.
Harry arregalou os olhos quando sentiu Louis parar com dedilhar em seu clítoris. Ficou confusa, mas logo depois reparou devidamente no que estava acontecendo.
Imediatamente a garota abriu os braços com os dedinhos chamando por Louis.
— Eu quero colinho! — Harry praticamente gemeu, naquele tom dengosa, e ao mesmo tempo, um tanto diabólica.
— Vou te dar colinho depois que deixar sua buceta escorrendo minha porra — Louis disse rangendo os dentes, sem muitas cerimônias, desceu mais o corpo de Harry na bancada da pia e começou a roçar somente sua cabecinha nos lábios gordinhos daquela xotinha. — Você merece tanto isso, amor, sei que vai deixar o papai orgulhoso, não vai?
— Uhum, uhum — Harry fez que sim freneticamente com a cabeça, ela mesmo se esfregando no pau que estava quase se introduzindo.
Louis só arrastou pro ladinho a calcinha branca de renda, e sem muita demora, enfiou todo seu pau na bucetinha de Harry, arrancando dela um ofego alto e doloroso, os olhinhos se fechando com força por se lembrar do quão grande e grosso seu papai era. O quão sem piedade Louis podia ser quando se tratava de cuidar de sua filhinha.
— De… devagar, papai, você me m-machuca assim… — Harry pediu aos choramingos, sua voz chorosa na chupeta era um tanto embargada. Ela amava ver o cacete de Louis saindo e entrando de sua bucetinha, não conseguia tirar os olhos disso.
— Vê se fica quietinha? — foi uma pergunta retórica, Louis indo mais rápido com seu quadril, sentindo uma certa dificuldade em voltar com seu pau dentro de Harry por ela ser simplesmente muito apertada, muito mesmo. — Não quer que ninguém veja o papai brincando com você, quer?
Harry negou com a cabeça, respirando fundo a cada estocada.
— Boa garota — Louis segurou a cintura de Harry com as duas mãos, deixando ela com um total de zero chances de sair dali.
Os gemidos de Harry eram baixinhos por conta da chupetinha em sua boca, ela chupava mais forte a medida que Louis empurrava seu pau na buceta toda encharcada, já estava se acostumando com o tamanho, trazendo em todo seu corpo aquele prazer mórbido que era sentir uma saliência em sua barriga devida a sua dilatação e o tamanho daquele cacete.
Louis não se aguentava e tinha que beijar sua boca contra a chupeta, sabia que isso deixava Harry louca e sem graça, as bochechas da mesma se queimando.
— Papai, eu quero colo… — Harry implorou novamente, queria muito, muito, mas muito sentar naquele pau e deixar Louis gozar dentro de si, bem gostoso. — Por favor, eu prometo… mhn! Papai!
Como se já não bastasse, Louis começou a estimular seu clítoris rapidamente, tão rapidinho que era doloroso a sensibilidade. Louis fazia de seu cacete ir o mais fundo possível, perto de seu ápice, querendo prolongar a sensação a cada estocada forte e rápida.
— Você promete? — deu continuidade, a respiração indo pra casa do caralho com aquela velocidade que seu quadril tomava.
— Eu! Mhn… papai, eu prometo ficar quietinha! — Louis queria devorar aqueles peitinhos balançando pra cima e pra baixo pelo solavanco de seu corpo. — Eu quero seu colo, papai, por favor!
Louis sorriu tão sujo que a ideia de serem pegos só o motivou ainda mais. O fato de que Harry era o seu segredinho mais sujo.
A cintura de Harry tinha marcas dos dedos de Louis, ele a apertava com mais força assim que voltava a enterrar aquele pau dentro da bucetinha apertada e toda melada.
— Eu vou gozar, Lou… — Harry contorcia os dedinhos de seus pés e tentava afastar Louis do seu corpo, por estar muito sensível.
— Nem pense — Louis disse rapidamente.
O som das estocadas estavam altas, Harry começando a dar indícios de um choro e Louis fazendo o favor de ir lento e fundo, gozando dentro daquela bucetinha a cada ida e volta para fora e para dentro, gemendo rouco juntamente com os gemidos chorosos de Harry, que estava mordendo a chupeta.
— Oh, bebê, se você soubesse o quanto eu amo comer sua bucetinha… — Louis disse meio aéreo, segurando seu pau pela base para não sair do ritmo, ainda estocando lentamente. — Você deixaria o papai orgulhoso todos os dias.
— Deixaria, papai! — Harry estava se derretendo por dentro, não havia sensação melhor do que fazer seu papai gozar tudo na sua bucetinha, sentindo cada centímetro alargando sua entrada. — Isso… mhn… é tão gostoso, papai, não para…
Louis enterrou seu pau em Harry para poder pegar ela em seu colo. Tirou a chupeta da sua boca, que estava toda babada mas isso não era problema, e selou seus lábios, andando até a cama para deitar ela com cuidado, ainda dentro daquele xotinha tão quente que seria um pecado deixá-la para trás.
— Eu vou descer… — Louis sussurrou contra o beijo, dando mais um selinho e logo indo para o pescoço de sua garotinha. — Você vai se arrumar de novo… — fez mais uma estocada, a última, deixando seu pau mais enterrado ainda em Harry, arrancando da mesma um choro. — E vai cantar seu parabéns. Seu presente de aniversário é ser minha garotinha, minha putinha, que eu sei que você ama tudo isso.
E quando finalmente saiu de Harry, viu aquela buceta expelir seu gozo para fora, pulsando repetidas vezes pela pressão que levou durante todo esse tempo. Era a visão mais linda que Louis já viu em toda sua vida.
— Depois você tem outra surpresa. Agora quero que se arrume e desça aquelas escadas direito, sem cambalear.
— Fica comigo um pouco mais, papai… — Harry estava chorando, tendo que colocar sua chupeta novamente na boca para não surtar ali. — Eu quero gozar, por favor, por favor!
— Você vai — Louis disse, firme. — Mas não agora. Para de birra.
Harry fez que sim tristemente.
— E desça sem calcinha. Quero meu gozo escorrendo pela sua buceta o dia inteiro hoje. Mais tarde, seu colinho vai chegar.
E Louis deixou um beijo na testa de Harry, se arrumando dentro das calças já indo para a sala novamente, dando a desculpa para Ruby que ela só estava terminado de se maquiar.
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O sol se pondo sempre refletia a luz laranja nos fundos da casa de Harry. Era lindo ver a grama verdinha sendo beijada pelas luzes cansadas e quentes, a água da piscina bem calma se movimentando de acordo com o caminho do vento.
Ela demorou um pouquinho para descer as escadas, e quando o fez, arrancou elogios de todos e um olhar orgulhoso de Louis, um olhar muito singular também.
— Quer ver o pôr do sol, querida?
— Não, mãe, acho que vou tirar alguns fotos antes do parabéns.
— Hum — Ruby passou as mãos pelos ombros de Harry. — Está bem. Acho que Louis está lá dentro. Chama ele?
— Sim, sim — sorriu gentilmente.
Harry encontrou Louis sentado no banco da mesa posta de seu aniversário, o bolo em formato de coração era simplesmente lindo, com a escrita delicada e o chantilly fazendo enfeites em volta. Ele estava distraído, até colocar os olhos na figura de Harry, ali parada sorrindo boba.
— Você fica linda desse jeito — fez referência a troca de vestido, um mais curto, mas nem tanto, e a pouca maquiagem. Cabelos soltos, apenas duas mechas presas em um laço atrás. — Vem aqui, amor.
Harry foi até o homem com pulinhos, fazendo o barulho de suas Mary-Jane no piso porcelanato.
— Posso sentar no seu colo? — Harry pediu com um beicinho proposital.
— Meu colo é seu, bebê — e Louis deu tapinhas em sua coxa, indicando que podia sentar ali quando quisesse.
Dito e feito. Harry fez questão de levantar seu vestido para sentar diretamente com a bunda no colo de Louis, o mesmo que correu suas mãos entre as pernas da garota só para sentir sua bucetinha ainda quente e toda melada, cheia de gozo do seu verdadeiro dono. Harry começou a rebolar nos dedos de Louis, gemendo para dentro e sem tirar os olhos dos convidados ali.
— Levanta um pouco — Louis mandou de repente, tirando seu pau para fora da boxer e se encaixando aos poucos na buceta de Harry. — Não queria colinho?
— Mhn… eu quero, papai… — Harry gemeu tão baixinho que sua cabeça caiu para frente ao sentir todo o cacete de Louis dentro de si, sua buceta pulsando com todo aquele tamanho enterrado, praticamente enterrado dentro de si.
— Rebola pro papai, amor — Louis teve que abraçar o corpo de Harry, encostando sua cabeça nas costas da garota só para apertar seus peitos e deixar leves beijos em seus ombros. — Isso, uhum, devagarinho…
Harry fazia movimentos muito calmos e leves, lentamente para frente e para trás, a bucetinha pulsando no pau de Louis trazia a sensação que alguém estivesse o beijando ali.
E todos os convidados voltaram.
— Não para.
— Papai, eles vão ver a gente!
— Não. Para. — Louis sibilou, apertando muito forte sua cintura, a obrigando a rebolar.
— P-papai, por favor!
— Você quer mesmo me deixar decepcionado? — Louis disse, tendo que fazer um carinho nem tão carinhoso para controlar suas pernas tremelicando de baixo da mesa, olhando o pessoal se aproximando cada vez mais. — Depois de tudo o que eu fiz para estar aqui hoje? Depois de você me implorar pra sentar no meu pau e agora fica nessa? É assim que você diz ser minha garotinha?
— Uh-uhn — Harry negou com a cabeça, gemendo por estar muito, muito, mas muito perto de gozar.
“Tudo está lindo!” “Que graça esses laços, Ruby, onde comprou?” “Harry está cada dia mais angelical, como pode?” “Tudo parece tão encantador” “Que decoração mais bonita!”
Eles iam ouvindo os mais tipos de comentários.
Chegou certo momento que Harry não conseguia mais rebolar, se fizesse, ia se tremer inteira e acabar gemendo um tanto alto. Sabendo disso, Louis deu início no seus movimentos rápidos no clítoris todo inchadinho da garota, não demorou muito para ver ela abafando a boca e fingindo sorrisos meigos para cada convidado, se custando a dizer algo quando alguém perguntava onde ficava o banheiro, só sinalizava com as mãos e Louis ainda tinha a pachorra de dar um sorriso calmo. Se abrisse a boca, um gemido escaparia.
— Pode gozar, meu bebê — Louis disse, num sussurro. — Bem devagar, tá?
Os dois estavam gozando juntos naquele momento. O cacete de Louis não parava de jorrar toda sua porra dentro daquela bucetinha, e todo o seu melzinho lambuzando os lábios gordinhos e ardidos, Harry queria tanto a chupeta que começou a chupar o próprio dedo, discretamente.
— Agora sabe o que você vai fazer? — Louis questionou, os últimos jatos de gozo lhe trazendo o alívio necessário. — Você vai cantar parabéns com a bucetinha marcada por mim. Você vai dar seu primeiro pedaço de bolo para Ruby e para mim. E depois, quero que mostre a Agnes o que seu papai faz com você.
— C-como assim? — podia jurar que o gaguejo foi um gemido.
— É isso mesmo — disse firme. — Enfia seus dois dedinhos na sua bucetinha e leva elas até a boquinha da sua amiga Agnes, mostra pra ela que ninguém vai me ter como você me tem, mostra pra ela quem é a garotinha do papai.
— Eu não posso fazer isso…
— Você deve. Se não, vou ter que mostrar a ela o gostinho do que seria me ter.
— O que quer dizer?! — Harry protestou em revolta, tendo que disfarçar a expressão brava para os convidados.
— É dois toques pra mim levar Agnes pro seu quarto e fuder ela na sua cama, bem do jeitinho que eu faço com você.
— Não! Você não faria isso!
— Faria. Se você não mostrar a ela o quão bom é ser minha, terei que provar isso diretamente com ela.
Harry olhou para Agnes com raiva. Muita raiva. Com certo custo, conseguiu se levantar e gemeu em protesto por estar longe do pau de Louis.
No passo que Harry ia dar para ir até a garota, voltou no mesmo.
— Eu não consigo…
— Consegue — Louis deu uma piscadinha. — Vai lá e me deixa orgulhoso.
E ela foi. A ideia de aborrecer Louis era a pior que podia passar por sua mente.
Harry pegou no pulso de Agnes a trouxe para um canto reservado e perto de onde já estavam, levou seus dois dedos maiores até sua bucetinha recolhendo todo o gozo de Louis e o próprio, Agnes olhava confusa e paralisada, mal se dando conta que aqueles dedos de Harry estavam pintando seus lábios e sua língua com tanto gozo.
Harry chegou perto do ouvido de Agnes, tão perto que sua boca encostava em seu ouvido, e então, disse em um sussurro manhoso:
— Esse é o gostinho do meu papai.
E assim, Agnes foi deixada de boca aberta e olhos arregalados naquele canto, vendo Harry se sentar ao lado de Louis toda sorridente, o mesmo homem que sorriu sujo ao ver a expressão pasma, vendo a garota levar seu gosto goela abaixo.
Harry teria aquele gostinho pelo final de semana inteiro, a tal surpresa de Louis não podia ser melhor, pois dentre a três, todas elas se conversavam.
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thesirensims · 1 month
The Bikini Bottom Legacy
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Hi Guys! Oooooo🎙️🎶🎵🎼🧜🏽‍♀️! My name is SirenSims & I have been thinking for a long while about a legacy challenge that I could create that was a bit different from the other challenges I have been seeing. So I thought about the personalities of the Spongebob Squarepants Characters, and so The Bikini Bottom Legacy was formed! There are a ton of personalities to play with in the Sims 3. So this Legacy will help you discover those and have some juicy Storylines to keep it engaging! It was hard to pick just 10 archetypes, and some of these features I’ve never used before so I’m excited to try this out! 
If you decide to do this, tag me thesirensims or bikinibottomlegacy so I can see! And feel free to let me know what you think. This is my first challenge so if there are things I could do differently/better let me know!
Important! - This Challenge is not Basegame only, if you find a way to convert it to Basegame or to the Sims 2, Please tag me! I would love to see that! Also, This Challenge is Story Driven to help it not get boring fast. So try to stick to the required storylines as needed. And please do not use the money or needs Cheats in this challenge if you can manage ( Makes it more fun IMO) <3
And without further ado, the challenge.
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Generation 1 - SpongeBob Squarepants
You have a heart of gold and just want to make others happy with your Cooking! Your Family raised you to be positive, helpful & friendly (even to your detriment!). Moving into a new town you bring light, laughter, and good food. You bought a two-story tiny house for you and your feline friend (Cat with any G name you want). You made two best friends, one Grumpy and one Lazy ( Make them in CAS or find sims with those traits in town). By the time you reach level 6 or 7 seven of your Culinary Career, you feel like spreading your love by extending your family. So you adopt a kid-aged sim ( Easily Impressed & Couch Potatoe Trait required). At this point you know everyone in town & go out whenever you are invited (despite the inconvenience). You have a lot of experiences on your belt and you boast a jellyfish you caught yourself and a few different Butterfly Species you collected on days off (atleast 3 types). You end your life as a wise Chef that people can't help but love!
Traits Needed - (You can use This mod to add more traits if you want, or just choose 5. Natural cook and childish being required.) Natural Cook, Childish, Cat Person, Easily Impressed, Good, Workaholic, Neat, Lucky.
Lifetime Wish - Celebrated Five Star Chef
Career Needed - Culinary (Specifically a Dinner, not the Bistro)
Recommended Town - Any European World You like or Monte Vista.
Aesthetic Color - Yellow (Pastel, Golden, Sunshine, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Freckles and or Moles. Bunny or Buck Teeth (Using Sliders and Teeth CC). Blonde hair with any race of sim. Blue Eyes. Uniform for Everyday Outfit (Colored in red, white, and khaki brown). Sim's name must start with Sv or Sp (Otherwise call them a Variant of Bob or Bobbie).
Favorite Food - Burgers (Obviously LOL)
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Sagittarius
Voice Pitch - High (Male or Female)
Charity - Give up to $5,000 to charity.
Starter Money - $1,500 (After Decorating or just struggling with bare necessities)
Romance - Meet a Mermaid or Scientist and marry them.
Pet Goal - Become Best Friends with Cat.
Heir - Adopt a sims of child age.
Get up to level 4 or up to 7 in Martial arts skill.
Max the Chef Skill and Charisma Skill.
Brighten 10 Sims day.
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Generation 2 - Patrick Star
You have a soft place in your heart for your parents. Especially the one that adopted you, because life was hard before you met them. You only moved out of their home after you became an adult since you were so comfy. You miss their cooking and how they accepted you for who you are. But since they passed, it's been hard to look at the walls of bright yellow memories. You move into a tiny house or apartment because you don't require a lot to live comfortably. People expect a lot from you, however, you don't have the same work ethic as your parents. You start off as a Day Spa attendant for the perks and to help others relax and have a good time. You go to clubs every weekend and get sloshed. You even have a one night-stand or three. As a hobby, you love to fish (Maybe you could do it for money one day). You just want to relax and live free. Can you survive on a reckless low-maintenance lifestyle?
Traits Needed - Couch Potatoe, Childish, Easily Impressed, Party-Animal, Slob, Absent-Minded, Heavy Sleeper or Angler.
Lifetime Wish - Master Romancer or Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium.
Career Needed - You can either become a self-employed fisherman or Only work in Part-time Jobs (Specifically the Spa Career).
Recommended Town - Any Island or City World You Like, or Pleasant View
Aesthetic Color - Pink ( Pastel, Hot pink, Rose Gold, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a few Moles and maybe even a scar. Give sim Pink Hair. Sim must have a fat or thick body type due to years of eating a lot. Beach style or Beach theme party outfit for Everyday wear. Have a piercing or two and tattoos once you become a teen/adult. Sim`s name must start with Pat (Can also be a variant of Patrick or Patricia).
Favorite Food - Tri Tip Steak
Favorite Music - Beach Party
Zodiac Sign - Aquarius
Romance - Have some one-night stands.
Heir - A baby you had because of a one night. (Must have the traits - Grumpy and Artistic)
Charity - Give up to $2,500 to charity in honor of Last Gen Founder.
Catch 3 different Types of Butterflies.
Throw at least 3 Successful Parties.
Visit Parents grave once a week to mourn.
Brighten 5 sims day.
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Generation 3 - Squidward Tentacles
Your Parent was definitely not strict, but they gave you so much freedom that you ended up resenting them and the rest of the town. Their lack of attentiveness caused you to fall off a slide and break your nose, as a preteen, so you had to get it fixed. However, a mishap occurred at the plastic surgeon that made your nose a little longer than normal. You had to move to the City where people are as rude and isolated as you are. One thing that you do thank your parents for is their overbearing but consistent support of your love for Painting and music. Once settled in the new City you make one friend who is so positive you don't see them very often (On Purpose!). You also make an enemy on the first day that infuriates and intrigues you at the same time. Your Dream is to be a composer for Movies, but you`ll be happy just making a living in the arts in general. You hate Butterflies and Jellyfish cause they remind you of your Parent, but you do get a pet and name it after your Parent. (Maybe you do miss them). Hopefully, a life of semi-solitude will fulfill you and help you live your dreams.
Traits Needed - Grumpy, Loner, Artistic, Dislikes Children, Hot Headed, Snob.
Lifetime Wish - Master of Arts or Rockstar
Career Need - Hit Movie Composer or Self-Employed Artist.
Recommended Town - Any City town you want or Bridgeport.
Aesthetic Color - Irish Green (Light green, Pastel, soft green hue, etc...)
Create A Sim Addons - Give Sim a longer Nose. Allow the sim to have a grunge aesthetic with brown and green colors. Sims' hair can also be colored or highlighted a shade of green. Sim can have a nose piercing and one to two tattoos.
Favorite Food - Philly Cheesesteak
Favorite Music - Classical
Zodiac Sign - Aries
Romance - Enemies to lovers (You can have a love child or get married and have a baby accidentally)
Heir - An accidental baby (Must have traits - Frugal and Mooch)
Max any instrument skill in the slowest time possible (Reach lvl 10 as an elder!)
Reach at least Lvl 6 in Cooking skill.
Join or start a band and host at least 1 SUCCESFUL performance (Getting over 100-300 Simoleans in tips)
Heckle at least 5 different sims.
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Generation 4 - Eugene H. Krabs
Even though your Parent did not plan for you, you still had an okay childhood. To make up for the distant Parenting you grew an attachment to the idea of Financial stability. Your parent loved their dream more than providing for the family. You plan to never make that mistake! You are brilliant at selling things and decided to move to an island. This was a strategic move to sell more modern things to natives who live in older comfort. You have a love for food like your grandparents that caused you to sell muffins and lemonade in your childhood. Now as an adult, you are considering being either a Restauranteer or Hotel Mogul. You will use anyone for a quick buck, causing you to sell out your best childhood friend, making them a lifelong nemesis. Despite your success, you feel lonely and have love hidden in your heart that you want to share. So you adopt a girl toddler that looks nothing like you. You shower her with love and even a bit of your money (Through kicking and screaming!). At the apex of your career and wealth, you feel a hole in your heart only a warm body could fill. You meet a sim that makes you feel romantic and alive, you spend some time wooing them. And although it didn't work out, you can look back on your life and say you loved every bit of it.
Traits Needed - Born Salesman, Frugal, Mooch, Ambitious, Natural Cook, Lucky
Lifetime Wish - Swimming in Cash or Resort Empire
Career Need - Self-Employed Resort Owner, or Own The Bistro & Diner
Recommended Town - Any Island World you Like or Isla Paradiso
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim has a pudge due to eating well when they made meals. Sim must dye their hair red by Young Adulthood. Sim must wear a suit with blue colors.
Favorite Food - Waffles
Favorite Music - Electronica
Zodiac Sign - Libra
Romance - Fall for someone Older ( One Life State Above Yours - Adult or Elder)
Heir - An adopted Toddler (Must have Traits - Snob & Dramatic)
Mooch over 100 Simoleans from one sim.
Reach Cooking lvl 10.
Only shop with Coupons.
Never buy anything over 300 Simoleans.
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Generation 5 - Pearl Krabs
You loved your childhood and your Single parent. You love the life that you were afforded and you have no desire to give it up. You are a bit of a brat, but that's only because you're a star (Obviously). You plan to make it big in the movies and keep up the family legacy by keeping up the money. So of course you move back to the city of dreams your grandparents used to live in. However, that might be hard considering your eclectic taste in decore and cars. Hopefully, a high-paying profession will make up for your purchases. Despite your Big Features, you`re attractive to most sims around, and you take advantage of this by starting an affair with a wealthy celeb. Hey don't judge, we only mess with sims that impress us. Maybe we will settle down with that same sim one day, or maybe another (😉). During your 7th year as an actress (Level 7), you remember your Parent and what they did for you. So in a moment of passion, you adopted a smart kid and funded their dreams the way your Parent did for you.
Traits Needed - Snob, Dramatic, Schmoozer, Star Quality, Irresistible, Great Kisser
Lifetime Wish - Lifestyle of The Rich & Famous or Superstar Actor
Career Need - Actor or Socialite (Find Socialite Career Here)
Recommended Town - Any City World you Like or Anne Arbor
Aesthetic Color - Hot Pink
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Blonde hair despite race. Sim must have some big features and a shapely body type. Must wear Girly pink dresses. Sim must have blue eyes and bangs.
Favorite Food - Lobster Thermidor
Favorite Music - Pop
Zodiac Sign - Leo
Romance - Have an Affair with Married Celebrity. Marry a Celebrity (It can be the one you had an affair with if you like)
Heir - Adopt a child sim. (Must have Traits - Genius & Computer Whiz)
Befriend at least 4 Celebrity sims.
Have one Scandal.
Dance on table at the Club at least once.
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Generation 6 - Sandy Cheeks
You love your Mother for how she supported your dreams. It gave you a leg up in school and allowed you to have some fun while studying in University, You have a logical yet fun spirit that leads you to make the world better using science. You have the spirit of your great-greatx2 grandparent. This pushes you to help others and make advances to make others' lives easier. You have a love of your body that was shared with your mom. However, you take to a different place by learning Martial arts. You gain a high level in that skill during a trip to China. China is where you also find the love of your life (another martial artist) and bring them home with you after a small wedding ceremony in their community. As you advance in your Career as a scientist, you feel further fulfilled by teaching sims martial arts on the side. You cap off your life (aka level 7 of the science career) by making your own offspring. You have a plant-sim baby. This decision will change the lives of others down the line. Was this unnatural child a mistake?
Traits Needed - Handy, Eccentric, Disciplined, Genius, Computer Whiz, Green Thumb
Lifetime Wish - Scientific Specialist or Martial Arts Master
Career Need - Science
Recommended Town - Any Town World or Riverview
Aesthetic Color - Lilac
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have light brown hair. Light brown eyes. Sim should have buck teeth (which can be simulated using sliders and bunny teeth cc). Sim if a woman must be slim thicc (Small waist, medium boobs, big butt). Sim can wear glasses if you want to show their intelligence that way.
Favorite Food - Grilled Cheese
Favorite Music - Geek Rock
Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Romance - A martial artist from China ( Have a whirlwind romance that ends in marriage before the trip ends).
Heir - Plant-Sim (Must have traits - Evil & Bot Fan)
Max the science skill.
Make your Imaginary friend real.
Have a collection of animals. (Turtles, and other small pets)
Max the Martial Arts Skill.
Max the Yoga & Meditation Skill (Here is the Yoga Mod)
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Generation 7 - Sheldon J. Plankton
You lived in a level of solitude, as your hero parents were not into your brand of social interaction (Klepto and Mean Spirited behavior). Even though you were pretty smart, you still felt the need to take things that weren`t yours. Despite all of this, you somehow managed to be a scientific prodigy like your mom. You had a childhood friend that you had a bad betrayal from, and that sim became your nemesis for life. This betrayal made it hard for you to make friends. You decided to go to University online to hone your skills. After you graduate, you leave home and find a new job to reinvent yourself. So you join the Criminal career so you can become The Emperor of Evil. There's always been an emptiness in your soul that you fill with machines so you won't be alone. In the end, you live life with a robot who loves you and start a makeshift family from that union.
Traits Needed - Kleptomaniac, Evil, Computer Whiz, Eccentric, Bot Fan
Lifetime Wish - Emperor of Evil or More Than A Machine
Career Need - Criminal
Recommended Town -Any Country Town or Lunar Lakes ( You do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Green
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must keep a lean or skinny physique. You can use plant-sim skin and detail replacements. This sim can wear glasses if you like. Sim can wear shades of grey with either a suit or overalls (You decide their aesthetic)
Favorite Food - Hamburger
Favorite Music - Digitunes
Zodiac Sign - Cancer
Romance - Fall in Love with the Sim Bot you plan to make Sentient. ( Call simbot Karen)
Heir - Baby you had with Karen. (Must have Traits - Neurotic & Handy)
Steal candy from a baby.
Burn down a home.
Steal from at least 2 Homes.
Build the Perfect Simbot.
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Generation 8 - Mrs. Puff
Growing up with an Evil parent and a stressed robotic mom didn't help the anxiety you were born with. You always had the uncomfortable feeling that something was going wrong. You helped yourself destress with food, which made you gain a plumb physique. To help you pass the time you gained an obsession with cars. Your evil parent was a mechanical genius and you learned to drive at a young age. You even knew how to fix vehicles as well. However, above all else, you have a knack for home decor and design. you became used to homes as you stayed inside often as a kid to avoid danger. It was your dream to become an interior designer. You find love unexpectedly with a younger wealthy sim. You have a love child by that sim. That boy was born brave and took care of you until you found inner strength.
Traits Needed - Neurotic, Unstable, Hopeless Romantic, Vehicle Enthusiastic, Handy, Frugal.
Lifetime Wish - Home Design Hotshot
Career Need - Interior Designer
Recommended Town - Any Comfy World You Like or Strawberry Acres (you do not have to move for this gen)
Aesthetic Color - Aqua
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have a bigger body type (Not fit). Sim must have Platinum blonde Hair despite race. Sim must have Hazel eyes. Sim can wear an academia-style outfit with red blue and white color patterns.
Favorite Food - Cobbler
Favorite Music - Soul
Zodiac Sign - Capricorn
Romance - Get into a Relationship with a Wealthy Sim (Get pregnant from this relationship)
Heir - Baby Boy (Must have Traits - Brave & Loves to Swim)
Max the Handiness Skill.
Freak out on at least 2 Sims.
Build one Car.
Own 3 Cars apart from the one you built.
Make all appliances in your home unbreakable.
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Generation 9 - Larry The Lobster
You didn't have much of a childhood, since you spent most of your time protecting your worrying Mother. You were a nice kid who never made friends until you were a young adult. You are all about helping people with their fitness and helping them have safe fun at the beach. So your best path was becoming a lifeguard. One day you get abducted by an alien (Do you become pregnant? Do you keep it?). This experience causes you to take life more seriously and makes you want to protect people even more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alternate Option; Instead of Alien pregnancy and a possible love story. You can find love with a mermaid sim.
Traits Needed - Athletic, Brave, Loves to Swim, Daredevil, Charisma, Good
Lifetime Wish - Perfect Mind/ Perfect Body or Seaside Savior
Career Need - Lifeguard
Recommended Town - Any Beach / Island World or Sunlit Tides
Aesthetic Color - Red
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must have Red hair and Green eyes. Sim must have an athletic build. Sim can have freckles. Sim can have a Scar or two. Sim must have Beach type of Attire for every day wear (For males an open shirt, for girls a crocheted top)
Favorite Food - Stu Surprise
Favorite Music - Hip Hop
Zodiac Sign - Scorpio
Romance - Fall in love with Alien or Mer Sim. (Have a half-alien or mermaid sim baby)
Heir - A Female Occult Sim (Preferably a mermaid, but it can be alien too). (Must have Traits - Adventurous and Shy)
Save at least 10 Sims (5 if you're trying to speed up the Challenge)
Break up with 2 Sims before Settling Down.
Host 3 Epic Parties. (Can be any type of Party)
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Generation 10 - Princess Mindy
You grew up in a warm and loving home with a great father who believed in you and protected you. He emboldened you to follow your dreams. Now you want to travel the world and document it with your trusty camera. You have always loved taking pictures and having new experiences, even though you are shy. You want to break out of your shell and become a brave explorer. You are also a good person who always gains bravery from being able to help people. Maybe you will find love during your adventures. And if not who cares!! You`re In love with The Journey Anyway!
Traits Needed - Adventurous, Lucky, Photographer`s Eye, Shy, Good
Lifetime Wish - Seasoned Traveler or Grand Explorer
Career Need - Self Employed Photographer or Monarch (Find Monarch Career Mod Here)
Recommended Town - Any World you Like or Sunset Valley
Aesthetic Color - Turquoise
Create A Sim Addons - Sim must wear glasses. Sim must have Short Black hair. Sim can wear a girly top and a long jeans skirt.
Favorite Food - Kelp
Favorite Music - Island Life
Zodiac Sign - Pisces
Romance - Do whatever feels right to Finish your story!
Max the Photography Skill.
Collect 3 Butterflies (2 must be RARE)
Befriend 1 rich Sim.
Reach at least to lvl 6 or 7 of Model Skill.
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miniemalism · 23 days
o seu perfil é tao lindo 😭 poderia dar dicas de como organizar um aqui no tumblr? 🥺
obrigada, meu amor. 🥹 posso sim! vou falar o que na na minha mente e que tô usando, mas se quiser saber de outra coisa só manda outra ask.
0. acho que o primeiro de tudo, caso você for um blog de edição, e que posta, é criar blogs secundários. tenho um pra reblogar as asks que recebo aqui (apago daqui depois que reblog tudo no @minieasks) um pra reblogar posts aleatórios que escrevo aqui (tipo o @minieblog) e um pra reblogar posts que gostei (tipo o @minierb). assim, tudo que eu não quero que fique no meu blog principal, eu jogo para os secundários que guardam tudo que eu não quero perder.
meu perfil fica organizado e sem muito spam de coisas que não sejam os posts principais.
0.0. outra coisa é usar hashtags pra separar tipos de posts, como cores, artistas e etc.
1. sempre escolho uma ou duas cores foco pro meu blog. por exemplo, gosto de tons pastéis como o rosa pastel e o azul. começo sempre a mudar a cor da fonte no nome e também no realce do blog.
2. eu também gosto de colocar link na bio, você pode colocar um link da sua playlist fav do spotify, um vídeo, etc. aqui um tutorial de colocar colocar link na bio.
3. pra criar um fixado legal, eu gosto de usar gifs no tema da cor ou até preto e branco. centraliza o gif usando duas imagens de cor branca (uma de cada lado do gif.) também dá pra usar um simples moodboard (na cor do tema) usando três imagens ou até seis uma do lado da outra.
3.1 você pode também fazer um fixado com texto degradê (e até nos seus posts), mas pra isso você precisa usar o html: aqui um tutorial. o html permite a gente usar cores além dessas que o tumblr disponibiliza e principalmente usar as cores que a gente escolheu pro blog.
4. aqui no tumblr, você pode pesquisar por dividers, tem muita coisinha linda pra por no fixado e até usar nos posts. e também pesquisando por symbols você encontra várias coisas pra enfeitar o nome, bio, fixado e post. (eu não sou de pegar nada pronto, mas se pegar, precisa creditar os blogs que disponibilizam dividers e até packs de symbols prontos, geralmente eles pedem créditos).
5. gosto de usar frases de efeito pra ser tipo um tema pro blog (uso no fixado também). o cherry do seu blog é ótimo pra seguir o tema.
6. use o messletters pra ter fontes diferentes no seu nome, fixado e post. pode até usar uma mistura de duas fontes, fica lindo também.
7. não sei se você pretende postar, mas é bom também seguir uma organização nos posts. usar sempre posts em números pares. (3, 6, 9 imagens por posts, pra não ficar uma imagem maior que a outra).
7.1 também fica legal se você seguir uma paleta de cores nos posts, assim o blog fica organizado (principalmente se você usar as tags das cores do post, ajuda o post alcançar mais pessoas que procuram por aquele tema: tipo #pink #green) nos posts dá pra usar o html, dividers e symbols com a cor que você escolheu.
8. ah, como header pro seu blog, da pra usar headers comuns de twitter. fica lindo também. pra deixar ela inteira (sem cortar) é só desativar a opção "mover cabeçalho". mas se preferir, da pra usar gifs como header do blog).
é isso, mas qualquer outra dúvida pode perguntar que te ajudo sem problemas.
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simlicious · 20 days
Personal update 😃
I have not done a personal update for quite some time, so here it is! Today, I dreamed that it was suddenly the 1st of December and I had nothing prepared for my advent calendar yet and was feeling in over my head and thinking "Do I really want to do this again?!" Maybe my brain telling me to actually prepare patterns ahead of time this year and to start early? 🤔 I'll keep that in the back of my mind. I actually finally got Sims 4 running (let's see how long until the next patch breaks everything, maybe I have a few days left). I only want to play with tons of mods, which break all the time and are a pain to update, so I only do that procedure once or twice a year. When I actually get to play, I really like to immerse myself for a while until it is all over again. The funny thing is that I actually have fun playing because so many aspects are new to me (having fun in TS4 is almost unheard of, but apparently it can really happen 😆). Building and CAS are so much fun too! I'm not exactly a gameplay blog and not sure how many of you want to see TS4 on here anyway, so I doubt there will be many pics. I get super frustrated whenever I try to make sims in TS3 CAS, I guess I do not have some of y'all skills or the right CC at times (or do not know how to use it properly). In Sims 4, everything can be solved with a few skin overlays and I feel the weird head shape proportion thing that is so off in Sims 3 does not apply there, which makes everything easier. I do miss patterns though 🥲 I have been pretty preoccupied with other hobbies lately, I've been on a serious style rediscovery with my best friend, we discovered this style system called the Style Key and it is all about giving yourself permission to try out new things and your personal needs when choosing styles, which is really refreshing to all the systems that tell you "you cannot wear that with your body type!" So I've been trying things I did not actually dare to wear, like cute/playful outfits in pastel shades. I may wear the styles now that teenage me was too shy to wear and it feels great! I do not care anymore what other people may think about it. I recently discovered those colorful chunky plastic rings which surprisingly look good on me. I always felt like I could never really make jewelry work on me, and tried the tiniest minimalist pieces because everything felt "too much", but I have never tried the other extreme, the big chunky stuff because I told myself "that could never work". Turns out that trying out stuff instead of limiting myself feels really great and yields surprising results! And I feel more confident too because my outfits are fun and make me happy, and I am more relaxed if I feel happy too. In the Style Key system, I think I'm a Ruby (left-down quadrant) and I think the archetype "Spicy Girl Next Door" fits pretty nicely for me. The biggest takeaway for me is the realization that outfits have to "feel right" for me, not for anybody else and I do not dress to please anyone, but to help me feel good in my own skin and take into account my comfort needs and feelings on that day when I choose what to wear. The Style Key is not a system that tells you exactly what to wear, but it helps you figure out what you need your style to do for you and go from there. It's a bit daunting to get into because it is really so different from other systems and includes rather abstract theory/unusual concepts that are not really that intuitive, but the videos on the youtube channel really help to explain those concepts.
I also still work on some Python projects, but they're still a long way off from amounting to anything. But it's where I can use my problem-solving skills and just tinker around. I just really need something to bite my teeth into every now and then and that is perfect for it. 😊
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thesims4blogger · 2 years
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The Sims™ 4 Everyday Clutter and Pastel Pop Kits Now Available on Origin
The Sims 4, Maxis has released EVERYDAY CLUTTER KIT  and PASTEL POP KIT, The new Kits for The Sims 4 can be purchase for $4.99 each on Origin. 
What's included in The Sims™ Everyday Clutter Kit
Browse this pack’s content and get inspired by more fashion, furniture, hairstyles, and décor. Imagine what you’ll make next!
A cell phone case in your Sim’s favorite color, a stack of books and games placed off to the side in their living room, a creative display of pictures – this collection includes tons of small, personal, touches that will make your Sim’s house feel more like home.
Scattering used coffee cups to show your Sim is a big fan of caffeine or adding makeup and jewelry boxes to the top of their dresser for a hint at their morning routine are just a couple examples of the visual storytelling this kit empowers.
What's included in The Sims™ 4 Pastel Pop Kit
Browse this pack’s content and get inspired by more fashion, furniture, hairstyles, and décor. Imagine what you’ll make next!
Decorating should be fun and carefree! Give your room a quirky side with irregular, but simple, shapes in dreamy pastel colors. This collection has heart chairs, mirrors shaped like puddles, and even more ways to incorporate whimsy into everyday design.
Create a contemporary space that draws inspiration from times gone by. The patterned bed sheets and psychedelically curved table legs in this kit are nostalgic for summertime in the 60s and 70s, but they still fit right in with modern, understated, décor.
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unbotheredgoose · 2 years
i’m sitting here, in front of my computer, with all packs for the sims 4 (that i totally didn’t acquire illegally because i think EA is a shit company, no, of course not, Your Honor), downloading shit tons of custom content
my game takes 20min to load, i should stop, but i can’t because my brain goes PASTEL PINK MODERN COUCH BY HEYHARRIE WHAT I AMSJGBÉÁJVBEALVLEÇIANV I MUST HAVE IT
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achadosbaratinhos · 7 months
Banheiros pequenos: dicas de design para otimizar o espaço
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Banheiros pequenos: dicas de design para otimizar o espaço Introdução Banheiros pequenos podem ser um desafio de design, mas com as estratégias certas, é possível otimizar o espaço e criar um ambiente funcional e agradável. Neste artigo, exploraremos dicas de design para banheiros pequenos, ajudando você a maximizar o potencial de seu espaço de banho. Vamos mergulhar no mundo do design de interiores e descobrir como fazer o melhor uso de cada centímetro em seu banheiro pequeno. Escolhendo as cores certas 1. Cores claras e neutras A escolha das cores certas é crucial para criar a ilusão de espaço em um banheiro pequeno. Cores claras e neutras, como branco, bege e tons pastel, refletem a luz e fazem com que o espaço pareça mais amplo. Armazenamento inteligente 2. Prateleiras flutuantes Para economizar espaço, opte por prateleiras flutuantes. Elas não ocupam muito espaço visual e oferecem um local conveniente para armazenar itens essenciais de banheiro. 3. Armários embutidos Considere a instalação de armários embutidos para otimizar o espaço de armazenamento. Isso ajuda a manter o banheiro organizado e livre de desordem. Iluminação adequada 4. Luzes LED A iluminação adequada pode fazer maravilhas em um banheiro pequeno. Luzes LED brilhantes e direcionais podem criar uma atmosfera luminosa e expansiva. Espelhos estrategicamente colocados 5. Espelho de corpo inteiro Colocar um espelho de corpo inteiro em uma parede pode criar a ilusão de um espaço maior, refletindo a luz e o ambiente ao redor. Materiais e texturas 6. Azulejos grandes Use azulejos grandes em vez de pequenos mosaicos. Isso reduz o número de linhas visíveis e cria uma sensação de continuidade no espaço. 7. Superfícies transparentes Superfícies transparentes, como box de vidro para o chuveiro, tornam o ambiente mais aberto e arejado. Sanitários compactos 8. Vaso sanitário suspenso Um vaso sanitário suspenso economiza espaço no chão e dá uma sensação de amplitude ao banheiro. Acessórios inteligentes 9. Torneiras de parede Torneiras de parede economizam espaço na pia e contribuem para uma estética mais limpa e minimalista. Plantas e decoração 10. Plantas em vaso Adicione plantas em vasos para dar um toque de natureza ao seu banheiro. Elas podem trazer frescor e cor ao ambiente. Maximizando o espaço vertical 11. Prateleiras acima da porta Aproveite o espaço acima da porta instalando prateleiras para armazenar itens que você raramente usa. Manutenção regular 12. Limpeza e organização Manter o banheiro limpo e organizado é essencial para otimizar o espaço. Elimine itens não utilizados e faça uma limpeza regular. Tendências de design 13. Minimalismo O minimalismo está em alta no design de interiores, e isso se aplica perfeitamente a banheiros pequenos. Menos é mais. 14. Móveis multifuncionais Móveis que desempenham várias funções, como bancos com espaço de armazenamento embutido, podem ser uma excelente escolha para banheiros pequenos. 15. Personalização Não tenha medo de personalizar seu banheiro de acordo com suas preferências. Toques pessoais podem tornar o espaço mais acolhedor. Conclusão Projetar um banheiro pequeno pode ser desafiador, mas com as estratégias certas, é possível criar um espaço bonito e funcional. Escolher cores claras, investir em armazenamento inteligente e seguir as tendências de design pode transformar seu banheiro pequeno em um oásis de tranquilidade. Perguntas Frequentes (FAQs) 1. Quais são as melhores cores para um banheiro pequeno? Para um banheiro pequeno, é recomendável usar cores claras e neutras, como branco, bege e tons pastel. 2. Como posso maximizar o espaço de armazenamento em um banheiro pequeno? Você pode maximizar o espaço de armazenamento em um banheiro pequeno usando prateleiras flutuantes, armários embutidos e móveis multifuncionais. 3. O uso de espelhos realmente faz um banheiro parecer maior? Sim, espelhos bem posicionados podem criar a ilusão de um espaço maior, refletindo a luz e o ambiente ao redor. 4. Quais são as tendências atuais em design de banheiros pequenos? Tendências atuais incluem o minimalismo, móveis multifuncionais e personalização. 5. Como posso manter meu banheiro pequeno organizado? Manter seu banheiro pequeno organizado requer limpeza regular, eliminação de itens não utilizados e a adoção de soluções de armazenamento inteligentes. Read the full article
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madameshop · 8 months
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simblrinterests · 3 years
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Spark: There, here’s your pound of flesh you...you...dillhole...
Canary: If I were you, I’d lie forward now to avoid a nasty bump on the head.
Spark [slurring]: Don’t know what ... you’re talkin’ about ... I’m doing ... amazing so ... toodaloo back to San MyShhhhhh ... with YOU ... cause I ... won.
Canary: Indeed.
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kiwibomb · 4 years
Eita , que bom que conseguiu ajeitar seu cell! O que deu nele? Ironicamente eu estou comendo agora 😂😂😂😂😂😂 nem tá muito tarde perto da hora que eu costumo comer (00h pra 01h) afs costumes...... E desde quando pastel é janta senhorita??????? Olha lá ein 🧐 Manda uns aqui pra mim 😂😂😂😂😂 meu dia foi normal , nada de uau mas eu pude fazer as coisas que gosto ! O do yibo que eu tava usando era esse aqui 👇🏽
Muito soft 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 mas ai to usando agora esse do dongil 👇🏽 serio esse menino me conquistou de uma forma nesse comeback vey , parece lavagem cerebral 😂 ele é muito engraçado , eu sempre caio em amores por idols com pinta de comediante 🤪 e mds a ask vai ficar gigante 😂😂 mas a outra lock é a que ta todos juntos hehehehe benzadeus me perdoa pela ask enorme , tomara q nenhum seguimor militante seu venha brigar comigo , cm vc, que nem fizeram por causa do nick
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ah, deu pau... ele ficava com a tela preta e eu não conseguia desligar e ligar de novo, sabe?! mas dai ensinaram no youtube e eu copiei e deu certo dele ligar de novo. meu deus, mas é muito tarde pra você jantar! tem que jantar lá pelas 20h... que o corpo demora 4 horas pra digerir a comida. hoje vc ja jantou? tem que jantar! eu vou logo também, tô morta de fome que nem almocei hoje, comi só melancia e bolo a tarde. kkkkk ah sim, eu gosto dessas locks também, ainda mais com tons mais azulados. mas você gosta dos palhaços dos grupos então?? k e ai, nem esquenta se virem brigar... outro dia tava até pensando que queria um drama fake dessas porque tava no tédio. kkkkkkkk ahhhh e vc me mandou uns vídeos lá no wpp, né?! vou ver mais tarde enquanto eu janto, daí eu te respondo lá mesmo. kkkk
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mamabearssims · 4 years
10 Random Questions
Rule: Answer 10 random questions and tag 10 simmers!
I was tagged by the lovely @saps-sims, thank you so much for the tag 💜
1. If you could travel to one place in the world where would you travel?
I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand, It just looks so incredibly pretty in every movie I’ve seen filmed there. I would also like to visit a beach with crystal clear water, I don’t care where.
2. What do you do in your free time away from sims?
I don’t really have any free time away from the Sims XD Being a mom to 4 babies is pretty time consuming.
3. What other games do you play besides the sims?
I enjoy playing Call of Duty mobile.
4. How tall are you?
5. One random interest of yours?
I really enjoy painting with acrylics and I’ve been watching a ton of videos of oil pastel drawings.
6. Current favorite bands or artists?
Evanescence has always been in my heart and I am so exciting they’re releasing a new album soon.
7. Something you’re looking forward to?
Getting to know my new laptop. I am already so enamored with it.
8. Current favorite films?
I’m not really sure. The Nightmare Before Christmas will always and forever be my favorite movie.
9. Who is a historical icon who has left an impact on your life?
I don’t really have an answer for this one, and that makes me feel very shallow. I’ll have to think on this one for a bit.
10. Favorite series (book or movie series)?
Schitt’s Creek was incredible and I adored David and Patrick. We’ve also been watching The Good Place and I love it.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. have you ever gotten soap in your mouth for cursing? do you think that’s right to do to kids who curse?: Nope. I didn’t say any curse words as a kid for one, but also I’m pretty sure my parents wouldn’t have done that if I did. They would have just talked to me about it and tell me not to say them. I personally don’t like the soap punishment, I think it’s dumb. I’ve heard of some parents who use hot sauce instead, which is just horrible. I understand if you don’t want your kid to curse, but you don’t have to torture them. Just talk with them and explain why it’s not nice to say and that kids shouldn’t speak that way or whatever. Don’t make too big a deal about it. Try not to curse around them either, that’s where they likely hear it and you can be an example for them. If talking doesn’t work then take something away like a toy or some computer time or whatever. I think it’s also important to reward kids when they’re behaving, even just acknowledging it. That can go a long way.
2. what age do you think is appropriate for kids to start watching horror movies with lots of gore?: Well, I personally don’t think kids should watch that at all. I’d say wait until they’re in high school. 
3. do you know what the word “polyamorous” means? and did you ever hear that song by breaking benjamin?: Yes I know what it means, no I haven’t heard that particular song by them.
4. how many bug bites do you currently have?:  Zero.
5. what’s one word you always have trouble spelling and can’t remember the correct spelling of?: Whenever a question like this comes up, “onomatopoeia” always comes to mind. That’s a word I never use except for these questions haha, but yeah I can never seem to remember the spelling, I have to Google it each time.
6. what’s one band that really sucks live?: I’ve never seen a bad live performance, but I’ve heard things about some bands that I haven’t seen, such as Maroon 5. I’ve heard they’re pretty bad. :X
7. do you go to warped tour? why or why not?:  I’ve never been.
8. do you have any wind chimes outside your house? how many?: Yes, a couple. 
9. do you know someone who actually had someone give them a bouquet of real roses and one fake one, and tell them they’ll love them until the last one dies?:  I’ve never heard of that lol but awww how corny and sweet.
10. which do you like better, firefox or internet explorer?: Firefox out of the two, but I use Chrome.
11. who is the most attractive person on your street?: I haven’t seen all my neighbors, but I don’t find the few I have seen attractive. 
12. do you have a flat stomach? would you ever wear a belly shirt to show it off?:  I have a flat stomach, but noooo you’ll never see me in a crop top. I’m waaaaay too self-conscious for that.
13. which do you prefer on yourself, long or short hair?: Long, which is what I have, but it takes more energy and maintenance than I can give right now and I should just cut it short again. :/ I just can’t bring myself to do it for some reason, though.
14. what about on your preferred sex? long or short?:  Short.
15. with eyebrow piercings, do you prefer the ring or the curved barbell?:  I don’t care for eyebrow piercings, personally.
16. have you ever pierced something yourself? why and what was it?: Nooooo. I would never. I’m terrified of needles and don’t do well at all when getting blood work done, and that’s by professionals. I could never attempt to pierce myself with no experience at all. I’d also be scared of doing something wrong or causing an infection.
17. would you date someone who was five years older than you?:  Maybe. I think that’s the oldest I would go.
18. i heard of a girl whose boyfriend cheated on her with a 13yearold (he’s 18) and got her pregnant, so she left him. what would you have done if you were in her situation?:  Omg. I’d have left him, too, but I also would have reported him.
19. how old was the youngest person you ever found attractive? and how old were you?:  Just a year younger than me.
20. isn’t it annoying when you’re trying to start conversation with someone and all they say is “yup” or “really now” or something like that?: Ugh, yes. If they’re clearly not into it or they’e distracted then forget it, what’s the point? I can’t keep a conversation going if the other person isn’t putting anything into it nor would I want to even try.
21. if you have aim, do you have any linked screen names? how many?: AIM died.
22. which of your favorite bands released a new album last?: Hmm. I’m blanking at the moment.
23. are you waiting for any bands to release new albums? which ones?:  Not in particular, but I’m always down for new music.
24. what’s your favorite store for buying cds and such at?:  I haven’t bought a CD since like 2011. I usually just went to like Walmart or Target. I also bought a few CDs from a place that sold old records/albums/cassettes, though. That’s also the place I sold all my CDs to.
25. what’s the point in buying dvds like “girls gone wild” and other porn if you can get tons more online for free?: I don’t know, ask someone who watches porn. 26. if you had to have one drug (illegal ones, like marijuana and cocaine and all of them) right now, what would it be?: Marijuana is legal here, but that’s the only drug I would do.
27. would you ever get a sleeve or a half sleeve on your arm (we’re talking about tattoos)?:  No. I only want one little one.
28. do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard?: I have a laptop, so it has a built-in trackpad and keyboard. 
29. do you think your biological parents love each other?: Yes.
30. do you have callouses on your feet?:  No.
31. did you see the commercial for that “foot grater” on tv that basically shaves the callouses off of your feet? isn’t that nasty to think about?: Gahhh, yes. 🤢 It was so gross.
31. what’s your favorite color combination (ex. pink and purple)?: I love pastel colors together.
32. ever been to watchmovies.net? what do you think of the quality of the movies there?:  Yeah, back in the day. I totally forgot about that. The quality wasn’t too, too bad on the ones I saw.
33. what’s one movie you’re dying to see but haven’t had the chance to see yet?: There’s a few movies that were supposed to come out this year that I wanted to see, but that’s obviously not going to happen. 34. would you rather live alone in a huge mansion or alone in a small studio apartment?: I don’t want to live alone at all, but if I had to choose I’d definitely choose the small studio apartment. I wouldn’t want to live in some huge house by myself. That would make me a lot more anxious and uncomfortable. I don’t even want a big house like that for my family and I, it’s just so unnecessary. We’d only need a house big enough for 4 adults and a doggo to live in. 
35. if you came across child porn on your computer, what would you do?:  Omg, that would mean I was hacked somehow. I’d be disgusted and horrified and try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Are you supposed to report that kind of thing? I would think so, so that it could be taken down and hopefully catch whoever distributed it.
36. what’s the last computer game you played?: The Sims 4. It’s been a couple years, though. I get urges to play, but I’m too lazy.
37. what’s the name of the street you live on?: I’m definitely not sharing that.
38. would you ever dye your entire head blonde?:  No.
39. what’s the randomest thing you ever heard of someone collecting?:  *shrug* I have a rock collection, so who am I to judge. lol.
40. how often do you use “<3” or “:]”?: I don’t use :], I use :) Anyway, I don’t use emojis or smiley faces super often, but sometimes when I feel they’re fitting. I know some people who get a little carried with them.
41. isn’t it annoying how people walk around thinking hollister logo tshirts and ripped jeans are preppy, even though those things would never be allowed in a prepatory school because of the dress code?: >> *stares blankly in “I don’t care”* <<< Hahaha, for real. 
42. how do you feel about abortion?:
43. what’s one thing your grandmother does that you can’t stand?:  She doesn’t do anything that I can’t stand. My grandmothers were/are (my maternal grandmother sadly passed away 15 years ago) sweet, loving, and adorable. haha.
44. did you ever notice how it’s more tragic if a younger person dies than an older person, even if they both died of the same cause?:  Loss of my grandparents was heartbreaking for me, I had a really hard time with their loss. Them being older didn’t make it any easier. I think why people find it even more devastating when a child dies is because they were so young and hadn’t even had a chance, yet, like their life had just begun. There was so much still to experience. They should have had a lot more time. Even a young adult because it’s like their life is also kind of just beginning in a way, perhaps they just started or finished college, were about to start a new job, or were about to get married and start a family. They, too, have so much still to experience and should have had more time. But still, losing someone who is older is still just as sad. I think some people just can sometimes find a little comfort in the fact that they had lived a long life and got to experience a lot. 
45. when’s the last time you snuck around, and where did you go?: I don’t have to sneak around. Never have.
46. how often do you wash your hair?: Every couple days.
47. do you think the price for a movie ticket is too high these days?: Well, these days movie theaters aren’t even open. However, I don’t think it’s the movie ticket price that’s too high, it’s getting stuff at the concession stand that racks it up. The food and drinks are ridiculously overpriced. I just have to get some popcorn, though. I miss movie theater popcorn with salt and lots of butter.  48. have you ever been to a drive-in movie theater?:  Yeah, a few times as a kid. Actually, the last time I went was to see the Willy Wonka movie with Johnny Depp when it came out. I wish they still had drive in theaters where I live. I think they should make a big comeback, I mean that’s perfect for social distancing. We can stay in our own cars, closed off from others, but still enjoy movies on the big screen.
49. what’s your favorite musical?:  Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter). 
50. what do you think of dr. seuss?: I was a fan as a kid, I loved his books. They’re classics. I actually have a Star-belly Sneetch stuffed animal, which is a character from his book, The Sneetches. 
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Weird Questions that say a lot
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans? Teacups!
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? Lollipops
3. bubblegum or cotton candy? Cotton candy
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? We call elementary school primary school. It depended which teachers you asked, my favourites always said I was “conscientious, kind, and a pleasure to have in class”.
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups? Glass cups or bottles.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? I have like 4 looks, pastel, boho, and goth/witchy/grunge, also vintage-inspired which wasn’t mentioned but I love it.
7. earbuds or headphones? Depends on the shape, I love my Razr headset because it doesn’t squash my ears, and I like galaxy bud shaped earbuds, the ones with the little rubber doo-dads that fit actually in your ear. Apple or a lot of older flat earbuds cause me a lot of pain.
8. movies or tv shows? TV shows. Movies are getting longer and longer and my focus is getting shorter and shorter
9. favorite smell in the summer? Rainy days!
10. game you were best at in p.e.? The game of queue-ducking (where you go to the back of the queue to avoid your turn), or dance, or the less strength intensive parts of gymnastics. Or crying, always been great at that xD
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Muesli, or nothing.
12. name of your favorite playlist? I prefer to listen to full albums rather than playlists, but I have a few favourites on Spotify. Born to Run 150BPM, Infinite Indie Folk, Irish Folk: Jigs and Reels, All Out 80s/90s/00s. I also love scene/pop-punk playlists.
13. lanyard or key ring? Key Ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? Message Hearts (or anything with that texture), the red pack of starbursts (the UK version is vegan). Does Turkish Delight count because if so then that is my fave. I also like gummies if they’re vegan.
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment? To Kill a Mockingbird (high school), or The Bloody Chamber (uni), or Hamlet (uni)
16. most comfortable position to sit in? One foot under me, the other foot out to the other side, but both in the same position (if the surface is flat), or knees up.
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes? I own a lot of shoes so there isn’t really a single pair I wear the most. Recently my Air Force 1s, I’m trying to wear them in because the previous owner didn’t so the cause blisters.
18. ideal weather? Cold, overcast, rainy, still. Or without the rain. or snow (as long as I’m not going in the car and I can go crunch my shoes in it xD
19. sleeping position? Either side, but my body is kinda rotated towards the bed so it’s like half way between on my stomach and on my side. 
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? Notebooks
21. obsession from childhood? Animals, dinosaurs, goddesses, magic, crystals, neopets, sims. I still love all of these things, I am a rotating door of obsessions, usually a bunch of the same obsessions on repeat.
22. role model? I don’t have one particular role model, I do have tons of people that I love and respect.
23. strange habits? I have so many strange habits that I have become one myself. Nothing actually stands out though because 99% of it is because of my brain.
24. favorite crystal? rose quartz or moonstone.
25. first song you remember hearing? Maybe Dancing Queen by ABBA, definitely the first I remember dancing to, but my dad loves music so I grew up with a constant stream of it.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? Suffer xD when I’m able to do so comfortably I’d love to go out looking for pretty stones, and nice sticks with my fiance, also would like to go on picnics with him, or a friend if I had one.
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather? Baking, drawing, crafts, standing in the rain. Everything.
28. five songs to describe you? 6/10 - Dodie Robert Frost - Mal Blum Caught in the Middle - Paramore Side Effects - Jade Bird Snitches Get Stitches - Onsind  Bonus track: The Seed - Aurora I wish I still had the playlist I made of songs I relate to, several of these were on it though.
29. best way to bond with you? Oversharing, or telling me about things you’re into.
30. places that you find sacred? Nature. My favourite spots are little creeks/rivers in wooded areas, but just like, all of it is special and should be treated as such. Also bedrooms.
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names? I think maybe I’m not gutsy or whatever enough, but also unpredictable. I wear whatever I like, and I’m just as likely to cry in all of them as I am to accidentally get in a fight.
32. top favorite vines? I feel so basic because I never really did the vine thing.  There was one that nearly killed me because I literally started to choke that was in some kind of office and the bit like can you run this past me again, and they just fucking legged it past them holding a folder up, Saw it once, never saw it again. Road work ahead. Why you can’t lift a house (might be a tok?) Brass dad and oven kid Look at this graaaaph Never learned how to read I can’t sit I have hemorrhoids The one with the people in blankets bobbing the nana nanana song Fr esh avo ca do Look at all these chickens
33. most used phrase in your phone? I love you - if I had to guess
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? right now, nothing. I often get the old Super Liquor jingle lodged in there though.
35. average time you fall asleep? 6am?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? Charlie the unicorn or that one Noodles video by Cyanide and Happiness. Are those even memes?
37. suitcase or duffel bag? Depends. I mostly use a bag though since I never go anywhere for long.
38. lemonade or tea? Tea? Usually if you ask for lemonade here you get Sprite which is not lemonade.
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie? I had a vegan lemon meringue pie once, so good. Cake is easier to make though, and I can eat more in one sitting without getting sick xD
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? Um, the principal in my last year of school got caught for being a peeping tom a few years after I left.
41. last person you texted? My Fiance.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? Jacket pockets
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? Depends on the rest of the outfit and the weather. I wear Jean jackets most though.
44. favorite scent for soap? I love lavender, or vanilla/candy/fruity/baked goods type scents. I still have a bottle of Sugar Fairy spray from lush from a year ago and I love the smell of that.
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero? Fantasy I think.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? Nekkid?
47. favorite type of cheese? As a kid it was feta. Now I only eat vegan cheese. I was never a huge cheese fan tbh.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? Rotten xD um probably a cranberry or something because I’m small, and I’m not a fan of cranberry.
49. what saying or quote do you live by? An it harm none do what you will. Or treat others as you wish to be treated.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? Probably one of the vines I listed above, either “run it past” or “can’t lift a house” because both of those resulted in crying and choking.
51. current stresses? My cat has been throwing up and having diarrhoea the past week or so, she’s been to the vet, it got better for a bit, but tonight suddenly got worse. Living with my parents who I have a very toxic relationship with. Living in a single very overfilled room. Trying to not spend money so that I can save up to move next year. Nightmares about my trauma. Either the house is haunted or there’s a build up of negative energy (probably that).
52. favorite font? I always liked the look of all of the script style fonts (freestyle, french, lucida, lucida calligraphy, Edwardian, Palace) but they’re not accessible so for anything people will actually see (which is literally nothing) I always go with arial.
53. what is the current state of your hands? Slight rash on one finger because I’m sensitive to what is in a lot of hand washing products apparently (never an issue until the pandemic), one broken finger nail that is a bit shorter than the rest. Not painted nails because energy. I always wear my engagement ring, usually I wear several other rings but with how my skin is being I thought I’d better not for a while.
54. what did you learn from your first job? Bakeries are hell, my circadian rhythm will not adjust to anything besides its natural state for longer than a couple of days at a time no matter how long or hard I try. I can absolutely fall asleep standing up.
55. favorite fairy tale? Ugly Duckling
56. favorite tradition? I don’t have anyway... Yet? Hopefully when I move this can become a thing.
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome? I’m interpretting overcome loosely here, meaning “I have not died from this” - Suicide of my first love - Bullying - 3 different jobs that all nearly killed me
58. four talents you’re proud of having? Literally can’t think of one. I’m not talented. I’m passable at a couple of things, but I worked for those things and I’m still not good enough for anyone to confuse me for being talented xD Those things I care about that I’ve worked on a lot are singing, art, languages, crafts? I still struggled to come up with 4. My bad.
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be? Aw jeez xD
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? Magical Girl! This is an easy one, give me the powers and the clothes yessss.
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.? Literally sitting here drawing a blank, so instead of favourite here is the first one that came into my head “eyes are the genitals of the head” (may have that wrong, I’m watching the Office for the first time rn)
62. seven characters you relate to? Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Amelie from Amelie Matilda from Matilda Quasimodo from the Hunchback of Notredame (also my favourite plush as a kid) Iris - The Holiday Jess - New Girl Amelia Shepherd - Grey’s Anatomy Struggled with this because suddenly I drew a blank and also couldn’t remember who my Fiance was talking about every time he’s watched a character and said “that’s you” repeatedly.
63. five songs that would play in your club? Starlight - Superman Lovers Pump It - Black Eyed Peas I Bet that You Look Good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkeys All the Things She Said - tATu Doctor Jones - Aqua Bonus: Push Up - Freestylers These are ones  I have memories of dancing to when I was younger so that’s how I picked, but I’d absolutely be a themed night club with different music on different nights.
64. favorite website from your childhood? Neopets, which I still play daily. The first I played was MaMaMedia, then Bubblegum Club.
65. any permanent scars? That’s a SORE subject heh get it heh
66. favorite flower(s)? Lavender, rose, peony
67. good luck charms? I usually carry gemstones if I’m needing to be particularly lucky, or sigils.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? I hate anything spicy. I had rootbeer candy that tasted like literal dirt. I can’t eat banana stuff without gagging and getting a headache. I hate anything that is artificial blackberry or blackcurrant, tastes like shitty cough syrup.
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned? Sea Monkeys breathe through their feet, but I remember where I learned that.
70. left or right handed? right
71. least favorite pattern? depends entirely on the colours, I like patterns. but certain stripes do make my eyes feel funny.
72. worst subject? If PE counts, then that. If not, math.
73. favorite weird flavor combo? I love pineapple on pizza but that’s not weird. Iused to eat cheese and jam sandwiches as a kid though.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? I operate on how long it has lasted instead of how bad it is, essentially I get so desperate so I’ll try it even though it probably won’t help. I have the resistance of a rhino to most meds.
75. when did you lose your first tooth? No idea, like 4 I think? I did keep them in a weird little box for no reason though because they never got taken away from under my pillow.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? I’m a fan of a good mash if it has lots of flavour (like gravy). Otherwise, crisps or fries.
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill? I grew a radish once! Something cat safe though these days, also maybe something heavy, and hard to knock over?
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? Grocery Store sushi, if it’s just veg.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo? My only ID is my passport, and it is BAD.
80. earth tones or jewel tones? Both.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs? Fireflies (ten million of them to be precise)
82. pc or console? Grew up with PC. Now play my switch mostly.
83. writing or drawing? Both. Wrote more as a kid, draw more now.
84. podcasts or talk radio? Podcasts.
84. barbie or polly pocket? Both. But I prefered pollies as a kid
85. fairy tales or mythology? mythology
86. cookies or cupcakes? cupcakes
87. your greatest fear? Based on my nightmares, stairs.
88. your greatest wish? To live in a comfy house, in the country, with my Fiance, I have travelled the world, we have pets, I can function, we are free.
89. who would you put before everyone else? My Fiance and out animals.
90. luckiest mistake? Can’t think of any, most of my mistakes have been more like bad choices, also never turned out well for me.
91. boxes or bags? Depends what it’s for?
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? lamps, or fairy lights. Unless I’m particularly anxious, then overheads.
93. nicknames? None.
94. favorite season? Winter
95. favorite app on your phone? LINE, it has my fiance, and animated stickers.
96. desktop background? Little Twin Stars
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized? My own.
I never get asks and needed to distract myself so I’m going to just answer these anyway, like a survey or something. Original post by tr33-g1rl 
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thesims4blogger · 2 years
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The Sims 4: Everyday Clutter Kit and The Sims 4 Pastel Pop Kit (The Description and Key Features)
Today The Sims 4 update reveals two new official Kits for The Sims 4 titled “Pastel Pop” and “Everyday Clutter” Kits. The Description and Key Features listed below!
The Sims 4 Everyday Clutter Kit
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Description & Key Features
Craft spaces that look loved and lived-in with The Sims™ 4 Everyday Clutter Kit*! Tell the stories of your Sims’ personalities through scattered items related to their hobbies and daily lives like using coffee cups, stacked magazines, or beauty supplies.
Kit Features:
It’s Personal – A cell phone case in your Sim’s favorite color, a stack of books and games placed off to the side in their living room, a creative display of pictures – this collection includes tons of small, personal, touches that will make your Sim’s house feel more like home.
Show to Tell – Scattering used coffee cups to show your Sim is a big fan of caffeine or adding makeup and jewelry boxes to the top of their dresser for a hint at their morning routine are just a couple examples of the visual storytelling this kit empowers.
The Sims 4 Pastel Pop Kit
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Description & Key Features
Design a soft and playful bedroom that’s perfect for daydreaming with The Sims™ 4 Pastel Pop Kit! Blend simple and psychedelic with quirky pastel prints, irregular shapes, and vintage vibes. This collection is perfect for your Sim’s dorm, bedroom, or studio apartment.
Kit Features:
Avant Basic – Decorating should be fun and carefree! Give your room a quirky side with irregular, but simple, shapes in dreamy pastel colors. This collection has heart chairs, mirrors shaped like puddles, and even more ways to incorporate whimsy into everyday design.
Blast From the Past – Create a contemporary space that draws inspiration from times gone by. The patterned bed sheets and psychedelically curved table legs in this kit are nostalgic for summertime in the 60s and 70s, but they still fit right in with modern, understated, décor.
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cosmovies · 4 years
Flower crown, fairy lights, daisies, 1975, matte, combat boots, pastel, marble !!
Flower crown (When did you last sing to yourself?)
I want to say it was a few days ago when I was listening to music while playing Sims 4, and I don’t remember everything I sang but I know there was some Frampton in there   
Fairy lights (If the crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?)
I’d probably pull a Big Fish and I’d want to know how and when I’d die   
Daisies (What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?)
Hmm I think accepting the love I feel from others and returning it, getting help when I needed it, and the one time Ewan McGregor commented on my instagram post 
1975 (What is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?)
The first happy memory I have that comes to mind was the last time I hung out with my best friend, and we got a shit ton of breadsticks and went to the park to eat them at night and we played on the playground and raced with each other like we were kids again, then we went on a drive in the rain and blared music in her car   
Matte (If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?)
I think I would spend a lot more time with certain members of my family 
Combat boots (Are you a very forgiving person? Do you like being this way?)
Not really, but a little bit. I hold grudges for years, but I am also the first one to reach out and try to fix it
Pastel (Would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?)
Definitely more punk I’d say
Marble (What is the most important thing to you in your life right now?)
Right now the most important thing in my life is just being with family, and taking care of myself during such a stressful time
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