#the search engine
the-real-google · 2 days
To celebrate pride month I've decided to make a part 2 of the killing transphobes post since it was given a community warning. (🚗🔨⚒️💥)
For every note this gets I will kill one (1) aphobe AND one (1) arophobe with my bare hands.
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why aren't there more mysteries that take place in nursing homes & retirement communities. i want to watch a group of deranged retirees-cum-amateur-detectives combine their powers of:
decades of life experience
boredom-fueled busybody shamelessness
access to the most gossipy next-door-neighbors in existence
"I am too old to be arrested and/or give a shit" attitude
and solve crimes. this should be an enormous subgenre.
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seasononesam · 2 months
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#logging into tumblr today
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feminist-space · 3 months
"A funny thing happened on the way to the enshittocene: Google – which astonished the world when it reinvented search, blowing Altavista and Yahoo out of the water with a search tool that seemed magic – suddenly turned into a pile of shit.
Google's search results are terrible. The top of the page is dominated by spam, scams, and ads. A surprising number of those ads are scams. Sometimes, these are high-stakes scams played out by well-resourced adversaries who stand to make a fortune by tricking Google[...]
Google operates one of the world's most consequential security system – The Algorithm (TM) – in total secrecy. We're not allowed to know how Google's ranking system works, what its criteria are, or even when it changes: "If we told you that, the spammers would win."
Well, they kept it a secret, and the spammers won anyway.
Some of the biggest, most powerful, most trusted publications in the world have a side-hustle in quietly producing SEO-friendly "10 Best ___________ of 2024" lists: Rolling Stone, Forbes, US News and Report, CNN, New York Magazine, CNN, CNET, Tom's Guide, and more.
Google literally has one job: to detect this kind of thing and crush it. The deal we made with Google was, "You monopolize search and use your monopoly rents to ensure that we never, ever try another search engine. In return, you will somehow distinguish between low-effort, useless nonsense and good information. You promised us that if you got to be the unelected, permanent overlord of all information access, you would 'organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.'"
They broke the deal." -Cory Doctorow
Read the whole article: https://pluralistic.net/2024/02/21/im-feeling-unlucky/#not-up-to-the-task
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twistcmyk · 9 months
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nixcraft · 13 days
I asked Google "who ruined Google" and they replied honestly using their AI, which is now forced on all of us. It's too funny not to share!
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thestrangertime · 1 year
The Search Engine For Real Estate Investors
The Search Engine For Real Estate Investors
The Search Engine For Real Estate Investors Photo by Alex Staudinger Locate The Best Realty Deals In Your Market Automated Property Baits Any Device runs lightning-fast searches of its whole network of freely readily available home noting websites for the very best handle your market that fulfills your spending requirements. Laser-Target The Bargains You Want Look for buildings by any type of…
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prokopetz · 8 months
The funniest possible outcome of all these Google antitrust disclosures re: deceptively re-writing people's search queries in order to maximise Google's ad revenue would be if the corporations that paid for those ads decide that Google has been defrauding them the whole time. The ultimate "bite each other's dicks off" scenario.
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trilobiter · 6 months
Every day of my professional life amounts to telling teenagers variations on the following:
"Google is not a source of information. Google is a tool for locating sources of information. Google does not know anything. Google can only tell you what somebody else said they know. It is up to you to evaluate the reliability of what Google presents you with."
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butch--dean · 4 months
hi besties <3
the other day I decided to be the change I wished to see in the world and finally figured out how to make the supernatural transcript search engine I've been dreaming about since I started making amvs a year ago
the only pages it draws from are transcripts posted on the spn wiki page!!! it's been really helpful for doing research on specific themes/phrases used throughout the show & to figure out which episode a quote came from. If you use it I suggest using boolean search terms to make things a little easier!!!
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hettolandija · 5 months
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Misha at JIB 2010
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the-real-google · 23 days
For every note this gets I'll personally kill a transphobe with my bare hands
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aiweirdness · 1 year
ASCII art by chatbot
I've finally found it: a use for chatGPT that I find genuinely entertaining. I enjoy its ASCII art.
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I think chatGPT's ASCII art is great. And so does chatGPT.
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What's going on here? The chatbots are flailing. Their ASCII art is terrible, and their ratings are based on the way ratings should sound, not based on any capacity to judge the art quality.
Am I entertained? Okay, yes, fine. But it also goes to show how internet-trained chatbots are using common patterns rather than reality. No wonder they're lousy at playing search engine.
More examples, including from bing chat and google bard, at aiweirdness.com
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marlynnofmany · 9 days
If you weren't around for the early days of search engines, you may not be familiar with Ask Jeeves, but for a while there he was the one you went to for answers.
The site encouraged you to ask full-sentence questions, not just type in key words, and it looked like this:
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It went the way of the dodo because Google won the search engine arms race, but Ask Jeeves left a mark on the internet. (The webcomic host SmackJeeves was named as a reference, for one.)
Thanks for all the search results, Jeeves.
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realjdobypr · 3 months
Editor and SEO Researcher Dr. Jerry Doby Releases Book for Digital Journalists and Newsrooms
Excited to have released my first book...would love to know your thoughts! SEO Essentials: A Journalist's Handbook is as up to date as it gets!
For his first published book ever, editor and published SEO researcher Dr. Jerry Doby just released SEO Essentials for Online Magazines: A Journalist’s Handbook on MagCloud. This book is based on his published research paper SEO-optimized Writing: Removing the Mystery, featured in the Cognitionis Scientific Journal (2023) and sponsored by Logos University International (UNILOGOS).SEO Essentials…
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adelphenium · 8 months
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tknp + a long-suffering lawson
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