#the lost boys paul x gender neutral reader
lazywerebat · 1 year
hi hi hello !! cld i request a lost boys fic or hcs (whichever u want) w a reader that gets scared rlly easily but also has a LOT of patience ? i feel like that'd be kinda fun !! also i love ur writing sm omg
Scaredy Cat With Patience !
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Polyam! Lost Boys x GN! Reader Who Gets Scared Easily But Has A Lot Of Patience
a/n; helo, thanks for request anon! i hope you rlly liked this fic! i tried writing in a new style :), hope thats okay! also thank you sm for loving my writing i rlly appreciate it :D! since you didn't specified what gender reader is i kept it gender neutral!
warnings; boys scaring reader not meant in like dangerous way more like in playful way idk :')
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Boys and me were doing our normal hang out routine. I finished preparing my outfit for tonight, I spent some time I had left to finish this project that Im working on. Looking at clock I noticed it reads; 20:30 PM, I decided to go to boardwalk to meet the guys. I opened my door as I was about to walk I heard some kind of tapping on my window, my attention went to window to see if I was right or wrong. It was nothing, so I decided to just go and meet the boys, next thing I know before I was screaming was fast footsteps and screech then laughing. My heart skipped beat for sure, trying to calm down from this I looked at Paul whose laughing his ass off.
“You should have seen your face babe!”
He chuckled, I looked at him with commotion of what the fuck and not surprised look. Paul went close to be pulling me into a hug, kissing me before saying,
“You alright doll?”
He questioned with worry as he heard your heartbeat beating loud,
“Im fine Paulie, don't worry.”
I said to him kissing him before pulling away from hug,
“Where are others?”
I asked him curiously looking behind him, he placed my face between his hands, making my attention on him and kissing my nose.
“On boardwalk, I came here to scare you before anyone could.”
“Then who tapped on my window?”
I asked with confusion, he looked at me with i dont know look, which made me more strike with fear. All of a sudden I felt someone grabbing me from behind spinning me around while I was screaming a lot. When it stopped I heard laughter from Paul and Marko. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour and ignoring them went outside while I was leaving I could hear them calling my name. We ended up going to their bikes, i rode with Marko and went to boardwalk. Once we got on boardwalk, they parked near others bikes with David and Dwayne nowhere to be around. Suddenly I felt something grabbing me so sudden which caused me to jump and scream from being scared. I saw David smiling and going to me wanting a kiss. Of course, I didn't rejected a kiss, then I felt someone kissing my neck and touching my waist causing me to gasp into Davids and mine kiss and jump too. For some reason they all loved scaring me, tired to asked them once why, they just said vampire stuff. I didn't really questioned it, they know I get scared easily but I have a lot of patience too. Sometimes them scaring me too far would make me lose that patience but it made them even more impressed and into it.
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i-heart-slashers · 5 months
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You look up at the four of them holding out gifts for you with expressions ranging from sheepish to expectant. Somehow, each of the boys had gotten you a gift, and the rules of Secret Santa had descended into anarchy.
The boys, quickly seeing each other holding gifts, started to argue or, in David's case, quip dryly that he didn't listen to the rules. Dwayne stood silently, watching as Paul and Marko swatted at each other. 
"Wait, so which one of you actually picked my name?" You ask, hand on hips, realizing you should have known this would happen; your boyfriends weren't known for playing by the rules.
"I did," Dwayne sighs, rolling his eyes as Marko and Paul knock into him during their childish squabble.
Quickly taking all their gifts before a full-out brawl started, you kissed each of your boyfriends before handing David his present as you had pulled his name. "Sorry, I haven't got the rest of you a gift," I say sadly, feeling bad.
The boys go quiet at my tone until Paul comes over and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "... I can think of another gift you can give me." He grins flirtily as the other boys laugh at him.
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a-supernatural-writer · 8 months
Rusted Orange Leaves
Poly Lost Boys x gender neutral reader
It's been awhile! I am so sorry for being gone so long. Ever since graduating life has been sort of a roller coaster. Working full time along with trying to figure out student loans has been tough.
I wanted to start writing again and get back into The Lost Boys with a bit of a self indulgent fic. For context I recently lost my Nana (grandmother) a couple weeks ago and its been tough to say the very least. She was not only my grandmother but she was another mother to me and in this fic there is a lot of things that are actual things that my Nana and I would do together. Not only that but this is also a fic for anyone who might've lost there own grandmother or even a grandparent in general who you had a very close connection with.
Happy fall to all of you and I am very excited to write for one of my favorite seasons of the year. Get ready for some spooky, Halloween fun and in general fall themed fluff.
Word Count: 1,840
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The smell of pumpkin and cinnamon filled David’s noise as he walked into a place that he called a second home. Music that he remembered coming out during the time of the 1910’s and 20’s played at a reasonable volume. Being loud enough for anyone to enjoy but just low enough that people could talk comfortably to each other without raising their voice. 
He smiled softly as he walked deeper into the house and caught sight of you doing your thing around the kitchen. 
You were making your grandmother’s infamous great pumpkin cookies that she made every year around the fall holidays. You smiled a little though that smile didn’t quite reach your eyes as you mixed in the chocolate morsels that went in the cookies. 
But now these cookies were to be made by you and other members of your family since your grandmother unfortunately passed away not even a month ago in September, just before the leaves started to turn. 
A part of you was sentimental; making her baked goods and other recipes she taught you ever since you were little. You and your mother were really the only two who she taught her recipes to, leaving it to the both of you to teach the rest of the family. 
You had her cookies on your list along with her pumpkin and apple pie and the traditional fall soups she made from scratch. You also had some of your own recipes you’ve been wanting to make. 
With it being the beginning of October, the leaves turning their beautiful vibrant colors, you turned on the music that your grandparents played and had been going at it in the kitchen since the early hours of the morning. 
You were so engrossed in your activity that you didn’t notice your boyfriend David walk into your home. You had given him a key a while ago, turning your home into his home as well… along with your other three boyfriends; Dwayne, Marko and Paul. 
David had gotten there before any of the boys could. He knew that you were dealing with your grief in your own way. You had been having your days where certain sounds, images and even scents sent you into a crying mess. Hell, even before your grandmother passed away, you got so upset because a candle you bought smelt like her. 
You wanted to bask in her scent forever. Her smell gave you comfort and it scared you that you could never live in it again so you haven’t even lit it since her passing. Afraid to lose it and never smell it again. 
David knew that your grandparents weren’t just that, they were another set of parents; a mother and father to you. David knew how much your grandmother loved you. He and the boys got to spend some time with her and she talked about you so much and always wanted to make sure that you were taken care of. You were her first grandchild and she loved you like you were her own. 
Your grandmother even had them tear up, making them promise her that they would love you and make sure that you would always be happy and live your life. And they promised that. 
You eyed the amount of batter in your mixing bowl, finally noticing David when he walked into the kitchen, “Hey.” You said quietly, not fully trusting your feelings in that moment. You wanted to cry, but at the same time, you were feeling the most comfortable since her passing. 
David smiled, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing a soft kiss on your temple, “Hey. I can see you’ve been busy.” 
You nodded, leaning into him, “I made some apple turnovers for the first time. I think they came out really good. I have another batch in the oven and pumpkin soup is simmering on the stove… think it’s too much?” 
David shook his head, “Nope. I think it’s perfect. Do you need any help?” David didn’t think it was too much. If anything with how much the four of them loved your food, it could never be enough. And who was he to stop you from cooking and baking, this was your way of coping, he didn’t want to stop you from healing. 
You felt warm and fuzzy when he offered to help. Cooking with David was always wonderful. It surprised you just how much he enjoyed doing the activity with you. It warmed your heart even more at the idea that you were gonna teach him your grandmother’s recipes. 
“Yeah, I can teach you her pumpkin pie and I wanted to make her chicken pot pie to go with the soup.” You could help but get excited as you explained what you wanted to make. 
David just smiled, taking off his coat and gloves, grabbing a basic brown waist apron that was hanging on a hook in your kitchen, matching your own. You got one for him after he complained a little by getting flour and food particles on his pants one night. 
He tied it around his waist and grabbed the kitchenware he needed and the ingredients that he needed. He followed your instructions as you did your own thing, chopping whatever vegetables and poultry needed for the chicken pot pie. 
Of course, during the longest part of cooking, prep work, did the others file into your home. 
Paul came in smiling at the scene before him. He never in his life thought he would see David doing such a domestic thing in his life, but then again, he didn’t think that for himself either. “Do we have to kiss the cooks?” Paul teased before giving you a kiss on the lips, tasting pumpkin and chocolate on your tongue as he gave you a stomach fluttering deep kiss that held nothing but love with no lust behind it. Just pure love. 
David rolled his eyes when Paul gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek to tease the bleach blonde. “Smells great in here.” 
Paul honestly loved it when the home smelled like this. Your home for him was a place of comfort. A place for him to unwind and just relax. That’s what made you very similar to your grandmother. Both of you made your homes feel like a home. 
He always thought your grandmother was the definition of a grandmother. A woman with a heart of gold and a pure soul. Always making sure everyone was taken care of. The day she passed was a sad one. 
He was frozen in fear the moment the news settled in for you. He had never seen someone feel so much pain that wasn’t physical. He’d seen you sob your heart out before. But seeing your face turn into anguish and cry out so loudly and so heart broken, truly shook him to his core. 
Since then he’s been treating you much more softly. It wasn’t per your request, but something in him changed and he wanted to show you just how much he cherished you. It’s not like he didn’t already, he just had a much more lustful and hornier way of going about it. 
Marko was next to walk in, carrying a small brown bag in his hand and smiled once he saw you spreading out the cookie batter on the pan, “Are those the pumpkin cookies you were talking about?” 
Marko softly grabbed your chin and placed a short kiss on each of your cheeks before placing one on your lips. 
You giggled as Marko gently nipped at your lip, “Yes. I’m gonna bake them once the rest of the apple turnovers are done… what did you get?” 
Marko smiled as he carefully pulled out two tea cups with saucers attached to them. One design to be like fall colored leaves and the other in the shape of a pumpkin with leaves. You cooed at the teacups, wanting to hold them but didn’t want to dirty them with the batter on your hands. 
“Oh, Marko. They’re so cute.” You cooed softly. Marko felt his chest swell with pride as he got you a gift that made your eyes sparkle. And he knew that tone in your voice. You only talk that way when you truly love something. 
“I’ll go put them with the rest of your collection.” He took the teacups and placed them in a wooden cupboard with glass that you used as a display case for your teacups that you pulled out in rotation to use. You had an addition to mugs and teacups and you had an ever growing collection that weren’t just sitting on a shelf but were used for different times throughout the year. 
Marko grinned to himself. He had been trying his best to make you smile recently. Little gifts and outings have been his way to do just that. Even though you’ve told him multiple times that he didn’t need to buy you any gifts, he wanted to. He loved seeing your eyes shine with happiness and he wanted to treat you. You’ve been going through your emotions and even your thoughts for the most part alone. 
You didn’t want to talk to your family much about how you were feeling, afraid of judgment on some weird level. You were afraid that your family wasn’t going to understand how you felt and the way you were going through your grieving process. 
After placing the teacups in the case, he took one of the apple turnovers you already made and took a bite of it, groaning at how good they were. “These are banging.” He comments. Paul joined in and grabbed one of his own, enjoying the freshly baked dessert. 
Dwayne was the last to walk in. Seeing you doing something that you love and glowing, his heart, if it could, would’ve fluttered. Without a word, Dwayne came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and leaned down placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re not pushing yourself, are you?”
You shook your head, done with placing the batter on the pans, “No. I’ve been taking breaks here and there throughout the day.” 
Dwayne hummed, squeezing your waist a little, “Good.” 
He didn’t want you overworking yourself too much, even if it was doing something you loved. Sometimes, Dwayne would just make sure that you took time to rest and relax. He knew how hard the past couple weeks have been for you. If the nights of you crying in his arms didn’t tip him off, then you being extra clinging to them lately did. 
You moved to go wash your hands, Dwayne still having a grip on you and moving with you, not wanting to let go yet.
You chuckled, and after you dried off your hands, you reached up and tangled your fingers through his hair. Feeling the utmost content in this moment. 
Out of all the days that have gone by in the past couple weeks, for once you felt at ease.
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Slightly Stabbed | The Lost Boys x Reader
Plot:  you get a little bit stabbed.  oopsie? [The Lost Boys x GN!Reader]
Word count:  3807
Warnings: first aid, stab wounds, blood, the reader has some issues but it's ok
A/N: this is literally a fanfic in headcanon form, holy fuck.  tumblr almost couldn’t handle this thicc thing
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Sooooooo, here’s the thing about dating a group of vampires
They uh
They can smell blood
At least not today
No, today we’re discussing the fun challenge that is Hiding Your Stab Wound From Your Four Boyfriends
(five boyfriends if you want to add michael, and five boyfriends one girlfriend if you want to add star)
Either way
All these bitches can smell your blood, which makes hiding injuries Difficult
It literally doesn’t matter how little blood there is, the second that red shit escapes your flesh prison, they Know
It makes papercuts very difficult, because you’ll be reading, you’ll get the papercut, and then one or more of them will just Appear behind you like
“Hi, could I offer you a band-aid?  Or perhaps you could offer to give me a sip of your blood?”
It’s a fuckin
Also, RIP to you if you ever get scratched in the face by something, because some of these fuckers
(paul and marko)
Will just
Lick your face
They don’t even give any warning, they’ll just lick you
It’s an experience, to be sure
It’s even more of an experience if you go with the idea that they have forked tongues
But anyway, we aren’t here to talk about little injuries
We’re here to talk about Stab Wounds and How To Hide Them
Short answer: you can’t hide them.
Aaand that’s it, thanks for coming to the TEDTalk everyone, rmr to like and subscribe, blah blah blah
Long answer:
Let’s start with how you got the stab wound
Because that’s very important
There are lots of ways to get stabbed
The boardwalk isn’t the safest place
And i mean, you’ve seen the “people are strange” sequence, there are missing posters fucking everywhere
And yeah, all that murder that could be just the boys, but also
There could be other killers wandering around, you don’t know
There are also vampire hunters
And random delinquents
And people who just
Don’t Like The Boys
And by association, don’t like you
Whatever it is, whoever stabs you
They manage to get you one of the few times you’re on the boardwalk alone
To any passers by, it just looks like a fist fight- probably something that came out of harsh words and youthful anger
But alas, the sharp stinging in your side says something else
Actually, it’s less saying something else, and more screaming it
Nevertheless, you manage to fight off your attacker, and then you’re left standing on the boardwalk, your hands covered in blood as you try to put pressure on your wound
It’s a very strange experience
You’ve got a hole
In your side
You’re leaking blood
And you almost don’t know what to do next
But you know you can’t exactly go home like this, so you end up walking through the crowds on the boardwalk, fighting off shock and trying to ignore the bright lights and joyful screams around you as you try to find a bathroom to clean up in
If anyone notices that you’re hurt, you don’t notice them
Eventually, you find a bathroom, and once inside, you lock the door behind you and take a look in the mirror
As you stare down your reflection, you silently pray that the wound looks worse than it is
In part because it looks really bad
Like, bad enough to freak you out
But you’ve also got your fingers crossed that it looks worse than it is because, uh
If you die alone in a random boardwalk bathroom, David will kill you.  
And yeah, the thought of an angry david sobers you up pretty quickly
You start doing first aid on yourself
You’re no pro, but you do your best with what you have
You clean the excess blood off of your wound with paper towels and tap water
At first you’re so focused on speed that you forget to be gentle
You regret it
But you quickly learn how to get shit done efficiently without needlessly torturing yourself
And thank fucking god, the wound does actually look worse than it is
The stab wound isn’t deep, and it didn’t hit anything important
It’s just gross
Once the bleeding stops, you frantically wash all of the blood off of your skin
And then you realize that you don’t have much to patch yourself up with
You end up using your jacket, which was already stained with your blood beyond repair
You rip it up for bandages, and then you realize that you’re uh
You’re probably going to have to get another shirt
Because yours has Noticeable Bloodstains
And not only will your Vampires notice that
But so will the General Public
So yeah, you buy a dumb t-shirt from the boardwalk
It says, “i survived the murder capital of the world and all i got was this stupid t-shirt”
You find it hilariously ironic that you are using this shirt to hide the fact that you almost didn’t survive the murder capital of the world
You yeet your old shirt into a random fire, and then you head on back to the cave, hoping for the best
(hoping for the best here means: hoping that you don’t start bleeding again)
You don’t
And hey, when you get to the cave, it looks like the no one’s home
So that’s another win for you!
You walk on in and let yourself collapse onto one of the couches
And i mean, you instantly regret it, because ow
But it’s nice to feel something soft and comfortable after the time you had
You can’t relax, though
For one thing, every time you close your eyes you’re back there
Either getting stabbed by a stranger on the boardwalk, or shaking in the bathroom trying not to bleed out
You can feel your breath coming faster as the adrenaline in your system fades away and you start to realize that you were just stabbed
Someone pulled a knife on you, and they stabbed you
They could have killed you, you could have died, and you’re lucky you didn’t, but also, you’re not super lucky because you still got stabbed
And you really liked the shirt that you had to burn
And for another thing
There’s a vampire standing in front of you
When you open your eyes it makes you jump and scream a little
Which irritates your stab wound
Which makes you scream more and curl in on yourself
It’s very confusing to poor paul, who was already very confused because he could smell your blood even though none of your vampires bit you that day
Also, it’s not super relevant but you should know: he does kind of look like the “mom i frew up” meme
Or at least he does at first
Because the second you start to curl in on yourself, he is on you
Usually he’d apologize for startling you, but right now?  Right now he can tell something’s up
Your boys might be dumbasses, but they’re more than smart enough to know when something is wrong
So, paul goes all
“Hey pretty thing, are you okay?  What’s wrong?”
And you
You don’t want paul to worry, and you don’t want him to get mad at you for letting yourself get stabbed
And you really don’t want to talk about your stab wound in general
You just want paul to go so that you can have a panic attack over it in peace
But he doesn’t go
So you respond with
“I’m fine!  Totally, totally fine, I just slept on my side weird and it’s bugging me, that’s all”
And y’know what, you’re actually mildly convincing
Too bad he can smell your blood
Thanks to that fun vampiric trait, he knows you aren’t telling him the truth
So, he leans in a little further, eyebrows furrowed, and he says
“You can tell me, baby.  What’s wrong?”
Luckily (depending on who you ask) you don’t have to answer him, because marko drops into the cave
Yeaaaah, you were lucky enough to come home like, two minutes before the boys did
Anyway, it doesn’t take marko long to notice the scene on the couch
You’re curling up into the armrest and paul is leaning over you
It looks weird
You’re clutching your side
And paul looks concerned, so like i said, these boys may have like, three solid brain cells between them (three and a half if you want to count star) but they fucking Know when something’s up
Especially when something’s up with you
So, marko bounces over
And now he’s asking what’s wrong
He leans over the armrest of the couch
So he’s standing like, behind your head
And he asks, “What’s up, hot stuff?”
You lean your head back so you can look at him, you roll your eyes at the pet name, and again you say
“I’m fine.  Paul’s just being a dick”
And paul, who now looks majorly offended, collapses onto the couch by your feet and goes
“I am not!  I’m being a concerned boyfriend, you’re being a dick!”
Paul picked the wrong place to sit, because you kick him in the leg as hard as you can without hurting yourself
It’s not super hard, but paul acts like you stabbed him, ironically enough
While you and marko grin at his dramatics, david and dwayne drop into the cave
And uhhh, they’re much harder to distract, so good luck with that
Literally from the second they get into the cave, they’re both honed in on the smell of your blood
They make their way towards the couch you’re all crowded on, and as they do, david says
And he projects a bit, so the sound echos off the cave walls
“Why do I smell blood?  Paul, Marko, did you start something without us?”
His tone is chiding, maybe a little teasing
But the second he sees their faces, his taunting demeanor drops to something much scarier
And now david says your name
And his voice gets a little deeper as he asks you why he can smell your blood
As you struggle to come up with an answer, david and dwayne make their way over to the couch
Dwayne, Known Sweet Boy, comes up behind the couch, takes your hand and kisses it
He doesn’t ask you anything, but he also doesn’t let go of your hands
You don’t look at his face
If you look at his face, you know he’s going to look back at you with an expression that is 100% concerned puppy dog, and you will crack like an egg and tell them everything
And then it’ll become a huge deal
And they won’t leave you alone
And you’ll probably cry in front of them
And you’ll make them waste their night taking care of you
And then you’ll get yelled at for being stupid, so no
You do not look at dwayne
Instead, you focus your attention on paul, who’s focusing on david, who’s focusing on you
And for a second, everything is silent
Then david kneels at your side which is fuckin
He likes to feel tall, kneeling is the Opposite of that
But he does it nonetheless
And he says your name again, and you Don’t Look At Him, you just keep your gaze straight and pretend to be somewhere else
Of course he says your name again, sounding more irritated this time
And he asks
“Why can we smell blood outside of the cave?”
And you relent a bit by answering
“Hey, it’s not like I’ve never bled around you before.  Remember that time I fell?  Or the time I gouged my shin open?  Or the time one of the pigeons bit me?”
Yeahhh, even you know it’s a stupid argument
No matter how much blood you’ve lost around them, you know it doesn’t match this
And marko puts your thoughts to words
He legit says
“Yeah, but it’s never been this bad before, babe.  What’s wrong?”
And after that you’re just
Bombarded with the boys asking some variation of “What’s wrong?” over and over
You cling to dwayne’s hand as their voices start to overwhelm you
But then he pulls away
And you just can’t take it anymore
So you yell
And you don’t mean to yell it, you just want to be heard
“OKAY, OKAY, fine, I’ll tell you”
They shut up, and instantly your voice drops like
A million decibels
As you say
“I… I may have been… lightly stabbed.”
There’s a beat of silence and then
“I’m sorry, you were STABBED?”
Dwayne breaks his silence, looking horrified, which is almost funny, because you know his methods of killing are a little more brutal than “stab the victim with a knife”
But then again, he’s never tried to kill you, so
Anyway, dwayne’s outburst is followed by paul and marko both shrieking some form of “excuse me”
(“I’M SORRY, WHAT?” and an actual, “EXCUSE ME?” respectively)
David is silent now as the other three just
Lose their shit
Paul is demanding to know where the wound is
Marko fucks off to go hunt for first aid supplies, but you can still hear him shouting about it
Dwayne has taken your hand back and he looks into your eyes as he asks
“Who did this to you?”
And quietly, you go
“Some douchebag on the boardwalk- look, guys, I was only lightly stabbed-”
And there’s another outburst
Paul and marko both yell that being “lightly” stabbed still isn’t good
Dwayne looks like he might kill someone or start crying, you aren’t sure which, maybe both
And that’s when david grabs your jaw
He’s surprisingly gentle with you- though, considering the stab wound, maybe that isn’t really a surprise
Either way
David makes you look at him, and he asks you
In a voice he reserves for quiet moments, which this isn’t, and special occasions, which this technically is
“Where’s the wound, baby?”
With a sigh, you tear your eyes from his and gingerly lift up your new shirt to reveal a blood-soaked makeshift bandage, which itself covers the shallow wound in your side
Haha, fuck
You wince at the sight of it
But your boys remain stone faced- if anything, they look angry
Except for paul, who also winces, but in a split second he goes from wincing to pissed like everyone else
And you let out a groan, because this is the one thing you were trying to avoid
Anger and concern
Just as you open your mouth to apologize, marko slams a small box of first aid stuff on the floor by the couch
You move to reach for it, but instantly, several pairs of hands are on you, pushing you (gently) back onto the couch
Roll Your Eyes
Fuckin vampires, always treating you like glass
“Hey, I’m not four years old,” you say, trying to sit up again, “I can treat my own stab wound”
Yeah, as you say it you manage to catch just how absurd your words sound
‘I can treat my own stab wound’ who says that?
You do, i guess
And you intend to follow through, but hey
You get pushed back down again
“Stay still, wouldya?  Goddamn,” Marko fuckin growls as he pins your shoulders down, “We’re trying to help you, so stop moving.”
You give a very defiant wiggle.  No one is amused but you.
With an irritated sigh, you resign yourself to staying on the couch
But it doesn’t stop you from trying to get them to leave you alone
“Look, guys, I’m fine.  Don’t you have anything better to do than poke at me?  Seriously-”
“Ha, you’re cute,” the response comes from paul this time
Paul who has, by the way, taken to holding your legs hostage
He continues with a very blunt
“But seriously, shut the fuck up and let us fix this, ‘kay?”
You glare at him, but with your legs and shoulders pinned, it’s not like you have much of a choice
So you just
Lie there
And try to pretend that this whole thing doesn’t make you want to break down crying because fuck, you couldn’t just almost get murdered, you also had to be a burden
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck
As you lie on the couch, the night’s events replay in your head
And as your emotions build, every shitty thing that happened to you that particular week also replay in your head
As marko starts to patch you up, and dwayne takes over pinning your shoulders down, and david starts plotting the murder of whoever did this out loud, you just
Try to stop them from seeing that you are Not Doing Okay
And here comes second, even tougher challenge:
Hiding Your Feelings From Your Four Boyfriends
Yeahhh, you fail at this one, too
Paul notices the tears in your eyes right the fuck away
It helps that he’s looking at your face, and not focusing on the marko medical drama going on at your side
He reaches up towards your face and he just says
In the softest fucking voice
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?”
And you just
The tears come to the front, just a bit, but it doesn’t stop you from yelling
“Jesus fuck, CAN YOU ALL JUST FUCK OFF SO I CAN CRY ABOUT THIS ALONE?  Go hunt, or something, just- just go away.”
They do not just go away
They don’t really know what to do with that
They just know that you’re hurting and it’s bad
And they Don’t want to leave you alone
So instead, paul and dwayne give your leg and shoulder a squeeze, respectively
In like, emotional solidarity
And david leans in towards you so that you can hear him say
“If one of us was stabbed, you would be upset, right?”
You nod and he continues
“So why is it any different for you?  You’ve been stabbed, you’re allowed to have emotions.”
You’re in the middle of processing that when marko
dear marko
Gives your shoulder a very awkward pat and says
“Besides, crying is sexy!”
And he states it so matter-of-factly
And he does it with this little smile, that you’re sure is supposed to be comforting, but oh my god
David smacks him on the back of the head for that while you just
Start to giggle
It’s which devolves to a weird mix of laughter and tears
It’s like
Mostly laughter
Meanwhile, paul just starts to openly mock marko for his, “crying is sexy” comment
And before you know it, your side is properly bandaged up
But of course, it isn’t over
Less yay!
You’re finally allowed to sit up, and immediately paul yoinks you into his side
He clings to you a little bit, too, like he’s not sure he’ll get to hold you ever again
And yknow what it makes sense, you’re human, and fleshy, and easily breakable, and you got stabbed
He’s allowed to be freaked out, too.  They all are
The second you’re up, david is on his knees in front of you again
His hands are on your thighs, and now it’s his turn to ask
“Now tell us, baby- who did this to you?”
You give them best description you can, and just like that, they’re all headed for the exit
Except for paul, who’s still clinging to you
But before they can leave you call out to them
And you say, “I’m sorry.”
Every single one of them freezes
The next voice you hear is david’s
He asks
“Why would you apologize?”
And you take a second to answer
Because in your head you have several answers for him, but it is
Very difficult to express them out loud
And as you figure out how the fuck you’re gonna verbalize any of your feelings, the boys come right back to you
Marko plops down on your other side, dwayne stands behind you, and again, david is in front of you
But you can really only focus on david, because once again, he’s on his knees with his hands on your thighs, and he’s looking at you with a mix of confusion and sadness that you rarely see on his face
And finally you say:
“I- um.  I’m making all of you worry.  And it was stupid of me to get stabbed in the first place, because I could’ve gotten myself killed, and then I fucking cried everywhere, and-”
And that’s where you get cut off
Because david leans in (and moves his hands up your thighs) and he says
“Now, why would you ever apologize for all of that?”
You look up and meet his eyes as he continues, but he’s turning to look at the boys around you as he says
“I mean, if we apologized for being stupid then Paul and Marko would never stop apologizing- and if we had to apologize for getting stabbed, well-”
Everyone looks at marko
And that little shit just grins like he didn’t almost get murdered by a bunch of teenagers, and he says
“I’m not apologizing for that.”
It’s a little shit thing to say, but david nods and says, “Exactly, so you don’t apologize either.  It’d be stupid to apologize, okay?”
You nod a little bit, and he smiles and says
“That’s it, babe,” he kisses you on the forehead and he stands
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we have to go commit a murder.  We’ll be back, don’t go anywhere.  Paul, you’re good staying?”
Paul promptly buries his face in your shoulder and gives david a thumbs up
Marko stands up, stretches, and starts to bounce away
Dwayne leans down and kisses your temple before he also walks away
Marko then runs back to you to kiss your cheek (he got excited about the oncoming murder)
Aaand that leaves you and paul alone
You turn to face him
(you fail, because he’s not going to move his face from your shoulder until he wants to_
And you ask
“Hey, don’t you want to go do some murder?  Doesn’t murder sound fun?”
And i mean it does
But that’s not the answer you get
The answer you get is a very stressed sounding
Yep, you and marko really did a number on this poor guy
So, that starts challenge three
Not Getting Stabbed For The Mental Health Of Your Four Boyfriends
It’s an easier challenge, you succeed at this one
Idk about marko tho, marko’s probably gonna get stabbed again.  Not necessarily by a person.  Maybe by a fence.
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anna1306 · 2 years
Do you think you can right a poly!lost boys x gn reader who's deaf? Not a lot of deaf representation and I would love to see a fic. Love your work <3
I know very little about that theme, I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, but I really hope you will enjoy this c:
Poly!Lost boys x Deaf Reader
Not gonna argue about that. That's something new for the boys.
They are used to loud and obnoxious people on the Boardwalk, who doesn't know what personal space is. Who goes out for fun, music and noise.
And there is you. Sitting in the middle of the noise without any care in the world, looking at people. You were in the centre of loud music, yet you didn't even wince when something screechy was screaming in your ears.
Paul tried to sneak up on you. But his scream at you from behind didn't work. He was getting anxious and impatient. Bending over, he looked right into your face, making you finally shiver and look at him strangely.
"Why the hell didn't you get scared?" He asked you angrily. You furrowed you brows and took... A notebook? He watched angrily, as you scribbled something in it. When you raised the page he felt dumb.
"I am deaf, can you talk slower?"
Now it all made sense. You were deaf, that's why you didn't wince from music and didn't hear his scream. Paul sighed, sitting near you. He tried to speak slower and face you so you could read his lips, but it was a challenge for him. He was too restless, too fast. So in the end...
"Tell them I am sorry that I tried to scare them, they can't read my lips." He literally dragged you to the boys. Marko laughed at you dumbfounded expression. David observed the situation from the side, while Dwayne was the quickest to understand the context.
He knew sign language a bit, so he signed "He is sorry." And pointed to Paul. You giggled, scribbling in your notebook.
"He could write it himself."
"He's dumb." Dwayne signed back, and you laughed. However hard Paul tried to pry out what he told you, Dwayne never did answer him.
They kinda adopted you to the group. Whenever they saw you at the Boardwalk, they were near you, helping you or showing you something. It was hard for them to communicate with someone who doesn't hear them, but they managed. Paul still couldn't speak slow enough for you to understand, so he always went to Dwayne. David just lied about his words.
And if we are being honest, it's easier for them with their secret. When you start hanging around them, you can't hear talks about blood, hunting and everything else. Well, if you don't look at them.
David probably the most easy-going with this. He loves quietness after living with the boys for so long. He doesn't care about your disability, it is unique for him. Even in his years he hasn't seen much of it. Plus, David can perfectly talk slowly. And while he doesn't know the sign language, in his book it's even better. You watch him so attentively and closely... Yes, he enjoys it a lot.
Dwayne is the easiest one in terms of communication. He can sign a bit, he speaks little, but slowly. And when he wants to speak to you, he always alerts you, so you could see his face. He is the one the boys are going to for the advice or for some lesson in ASL. He learned only some of it, but when he gets closer with you, he resumes his lessons. This way is even better for him. He doesn't like to talk around people and now he can just sign if he wants to without getting much attention or getting understood by others.
Paul is often frustrated. More with himself than with you, but still he is tensed up most of the times. He can't learn this ASL for the sake of his life and speaking slowly... No, he just can't do that. He has too much thoughts to talk in a calm manner. One time, when he got especially anxious about that, you just pushed yourself into him and pressed your face into his chest. You liked the vibrations of his voice in his chest, so in the end you finally found the way to calm him down. And he was eager to hug you. No matter if you hear him or not.
Marko is the only one who prefers to communicate with you in writing. He constantly drawing in your notebook, wasting your pens, pencils and paper. You collect all of his art at your house. He even crafted your notebook and upgrading it. He liked to scare you with jumping at you, but with time you learned how to guess it.
If anyone talks shit about you or giving you hard time. Even if it is slight disrespect, they are onto it. No one dares to do that. Even if you don't hear them, they do. And Paul is just tugging you to cafe, while the others "explain" grave mistake of your offenders.
They are wondering what you would be, when they turn you. Would you hear anything? Or just be very sensitive? Still they are very cautious about the truth and keep it hidden as long as they can, so they won't scare you away.
They are supportive, each in his own way. But they learn how to properly communicate with you. Because they are deeply in love with you and that means you are with them forever. Even if you don't hear that for now.
The Lost Boys Taglist: @minafromasgard @starmullet @iloveslasher @twistedharper @ichorixm @promptsforstuff @collieflower215 @henhouse-horrors @smenny @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth @lazuli-leenabride @panickinanakin1 @thatonedeadbride
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ares-the-strange · 2 years
Could you do poly lost boys with a GN s/o, where they tell the boys, "I don't think im a good person"
Please and thank you
Reassuring Nights
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
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The midnight wind nipped at your exposed skin and played with your hair. The boardwalk was as crowded as ever, outlines of people blending into each other, creating multicoloured blobs. Anxiety would have clutched at your heart from the sight of the various peoples, however you found comfort in the men who walked alongside you. To your left Paul walked in step with you, his arm wrapped around your waist, David beside him. Dwayne had his fingers entwined with yours on your right, marko pestering him as well. No one dared to give you any nasty looks, not with the well known bikers by your side. Whoever was stupid enough to glare, or god forbid say something, would mysteriously go missing the next night. 
Laddie tugged at your sleeve, encouraging you to follow him to a particularly flashy new ride. Bouncing up and down, he could barely contain his excitement as you enthusiastically followed behind. The line was considerably long but those who knew what was good for them moved out of the way, unbeknownst to you. The ride attendant accepted your tickets, the metal squeaking as they swung it open, everyone behind you patiently waiting for you and Laddie to get the seats you wanted. 
The boys watched with smiles painted on their handsome faces, the smiles and laughter of you and Laddie were contagious to the four vampires. Laddie yelled out to the men, waving and giggling as you laughed for him to keep his hands inside the ride. Absolute adoration and love was all the boys felt as you and Laddie ran back to them, hand in hand, unable to stop giggling as adrenaline coursed through your veins. Marko couldn’t contain his overflowing love and suddenly lifted you up, spinning you around in a tight hug. A surprised laugh left your lips as Marko nipped at your vulnerable neck as he finally allowed your feet to touch the ground once more. “Don’t hog them” David spoke, smacking him upside the head as he took your hand into his gloved ones, pressing his lips softly to your skin.  “I wasn’t hoggin’ ‘em!” Marko defended himself, placing his chin upon your shoulder, pouting at David. Turning your head you placed a kiss on his cheek, his lonesome dangly earring ticking your face. A smile replaced his pout, always incredibly happy to receive your affection.  “You’re always so good with Laddie” Dwayne softly spoke in your ear, kissing your hair as he did so. “I really love you” he spoke with a genuine smile, nuzzling his head into your neck. “Mmm we all do doll” Paul added, pushing Marko out of the way to mirror Dwayne’s actions on your otherside, but with considerably more nips and bites.  “Honestly it perplexes me that you hang with us kitten. Considering your golden heart and all” David spoke, clouds of smoke floating out of his mouth with each word. The adoring look in his eyes was replaced by concern as he noticed the slight frown on your face at his words.  “I don’t know about heart of gold” the boys on either side of you facing you as those words left your mouth, their eyebrows knitted together in a frown. “What do you mean baby?” Dwayne asked, tenderly placing his fingers between yours. “I mean, I don’t think I’m a good person” I whispered, the confidence in my words dying out as five pairs of eyes looked into my very soul. David stepped towards you, cradling your face, the cool black leather contrasting the warmth of your cheek.  “Kitten, you’re the sweetest person I’ve ever met and in all the years I’ve been alive, that’s a lot” David’s voice was unusually sincere, the snarky quip to his tone void in his words. “And you’re super cool!” Marko added, snaking his arms around your waist as he pressed his chest against your back. “And extremely hot” Paul continued, adding an exaggerated purr to spur a laugh from you “there’s the sound I love” Paul pecked you on your cheek, rubbing his head against you like a cat “Baby you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to us, to me” Dwayne’s smooth voice whispered in your ear, kissing your neck and giving a small teasing nip.  “And you’re the best to have fun with!” Laddie’s cheerful voice added, his beaming smile giving you no choice to join in with your own.  “We all love you more than anything kitten, never forget that okay?” David reassured “now let’s get some stupidly greasy food”
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bella-goths-wife · 2 years
Yandere lost boys
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He noticed you from your interactions with laddie
He had always held affection for laddie and is somewhat protective of him
Laddie is usually treated quite badly by the people of Santa Carla because of his age and dirty clothes
So when Dwayne saw you on your knees talking to laddie he became somewhat protective
That quickly passed though as soon as he heard what you were talking about
Laddie had lost the group and was wandering around so you had gone over to check on him
When you found him alone you held his hand to the snacks truck and bought him an ice cream while trying to find out more about his situation
Dwayne’s heart warmed with you gesture so he decided to talk to you and retrieve laddie
He explained the situation to you and you gave him a smile in return and let go of laddies hand
You tried to leave but Dwayne had said he should give you a thank you for helping him so he offered to take you back home on his motorcycle, and you accepted
Little did you know he just wanted to find out where you lived
After that night he would be in your eyesight a lot
Every time you went out with friends, Dwayne would be somewhere in your area
You just thought it was because Santa Carla was a small place
He would watch you sleep at night by hovering outside your window
He would like to try your blood at least one but he would definitely want to turn you
He decided to befriend you by going into your work place regularly and then it turned into him being your ride home
He flirts with you occasionally but he doesn’t want to scare you away
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Paul is someone who has zero awareness half the time because of how high he gets
But some how you caught his attention
You were out with friends and this guy was flirting with you
Paul was originally planning on luring you away from the man’s advances so he could kill you and drink your blood
But the more he watched as you tactfully insulted the man while disguising it as playful flirting, the more intrigued he was about you
He watched as you gave a smirk to your friends and asked the man to close his eyes for a kiss, which he did
Just as Paul thought you were leaning in to kiss the man, you took his wallet and began running away
You ran to your friends van while the man stood their confused before realising his wallet was gone, he began chasing after you but you were already gone
This gave Paul an idea
He put himself in the same situation as the man and approached you and began flirting like crazy with you
You used your thinly veiled insults again and he’s gotta say you were creative
“Yeah I love your outfit, I always thought the homeless runaway look made men look great”
It wasn’t until you asked him to close his eyes for a kiss that he got excited
He closed his eyes and pulled an over exaggerated kissy face
Just as he felt you going for his wallet that he only brought for decoration and that actually had no money in, he grabbed your wrist
He looked at you shocked eyes and smirked while your friends ran away
He told you that it was a nice try but you weren’t fast enough
As soon as he let go you set off running
He saw this as a challenge so he ran after you
Obviously he had the advantage
Once he caught you he calmed you down and told you he wasn’t here to snitch on you he just wanted to be friends
You openly laughed thinking it was a joke, friends? With the person who tried to rob you?!
He wasn’t joking though
You quickly learnt that after he started helping you rob people
He taught you short cuts to run away in and gave you tactics to get more than just a wallet
After this you invite him to your home which basically made it so you had signed your life away
He is over at your house so much people think he’s your roommate
Even when your sleeping he’s over
You just assume he’s sleeping on the coach but nope he dead ass lays in the bed with you
He would get intense jealousy when you flirt with a man for money so he tries distract you from doing it
He offers you weed hoping it would get you to open up to him more, but you downright refused saying you needed to stay sharp
He would trail you wherever you went with the excuse that it a robbery ever goes wrong he’ll be their to intervene which you returned with a scoff telling him you could handle yourself
He would go through your apartment when you were out
I mean full on snooping he would go through your stuff trying to learn anything new about you
Which he did
He found out that you were from a lower class background and you had no contacts or family outside of Santa Carla
The only family you had that you kept in touch with was your big brother who you weren’t really close with but you didn’t really want to lose anymore family
You were perfect with zero people to look for you if you went missing
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Marko met you at your place of work, the local diner
He went looking for future victims without the group and you were his waitress
He found you a bit odd for a waitress because of the hours you worked
He was a regular considering this was his usual victim stalking spot so he knew your work times like the back of his hands
You worked very late into the night, so much so that you would be the one to lock up and then you would change in the bathroom before meeting your friends
He wondered how you couldn’t be exhausted, if he remembered correctly from when he was a human, you should be getting 8 hours of sleep
He grew more curious when he saw you talking to Paul in the diner about money and then he spotted Dwayne giving you a ride on his bike
He decided to talk to you more
So then next time you went to get his order he didn’t brush you off straight away this time and began a conversation with him
You weren’t very open to the idea at the start but because of how slow it was when you worked you began sitting at his table and taking with him
He began scaring people away from the diner so he wouldn’t have to wait for you to finish serving people to talk to you again
He noticed that your boss was very harsh with you and kept harassing you so Marko killed him and drained him of his blood
He became much more physically affectionate with you after a few days
Like hugs when he saw you, playing with your hair when you were talking, holding your hand
You just shrugged it off as him being an affectionate guy
You even enjoyed it on occasion
He would give you things that smelled like him like jackets or jewellery just to piss off Paul and Dwayne who he still hadn’t told about his friendship with you
He would intimidate any rude customers until they were sweating out an apology for their behaviour
Marko buys you lunch most days considering you didn’t really have time to eat and won’t let you get up from the table until the plate is empty
He enjoyed your company but he still got cravings to drink your blood so you satisfy it he’ll drain any rude customers to defend you
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You met David after laddie had wandered off again
You just finished locking up and was waiting for Dwayne to pick you up after saying goodbye to marko
Laddie ran to you as he remembered you as the nice lady who bought him an ice cream
He comes and hugs and you instantly hold him back and asked him where Dwayne was
He shrugged and just continued to ramble to you about a cave?
In walks David who’s already pissed off
His boys seemed so distracted lately and never wanted to hunt together using the excuses that they were busy
And now laddie had ran off which caused Dwayne to panic because if he couldn’t find laddie fast he wouldn’t be able to drive you back and who knows what could happen to you
So Dwayne asked for help from David and reluctantly agreed
So when he saw laddie cling to you he grabbed his arm and tried to drag him away
Key word tried
You asked him what In the hell was he doing and when Dwayne, Marko and Paul showed up behind him you began scolding them
You told them it was unbelievable that they lose laddie so much and continued scolding them like they were misbehaving children
This is when David found you intriguing
You just stood there and scolded 4 men who were in a pretty well known gang about a child you had only met a few days ago
When David tried to argue back you fired back with insults at him
On one hand this made him angry
On the other he found it extremely hot that you just bossed them around
You stormed off to your friends van and the other boys took this as a good time to practically beg David not to kill you and tell him that you were just worried about laddie
He agrees not to kill you but that doesn’t mean he won’t stalk you
Not only are you extremely attractive, you also bossed him around with no fear and had the ability to wrap his boys around your finger
He eventually begins talking to you but you ignore him at first
You only start talking back when he promises to bring laddie in to see you at the diner
He found you not only beautiful, but extremely funny and easy to talk to
He mostly just listened to you talk but that doesn’t stop him from trying to manipulate you away from your friends by twisting their words and offering bad advice about them
Yes you thought David was a dick but he was a dick who bought you food so you could tolerate him for now
He would begin to join the boys in where they went with you and even created a little ritual of his own with you where you would both walk along the boardwalk and talk about things while you were on break which successfully pissed marko off
All of them together
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After they all realised how much they were attracted to you they began group activates with you
Dwayne used to give you a ride home? Now they all give you a ride home
Paul used you help you rob people? It’s a group hustle now
Marko used to go to your work to hangout? Guess where they’re going for lunch
David used to take you walks along the boardwalk and beach? Now you have 4 people to walk with
To try and avoid jealousy they’ll give each other certain days they can hang out with you after work
Dwayne got Mondays, Paul got Tuesdays, marko got Wednesdays, Thursday was your day to be alone, david got Fridays, Saturdays are where you would spend time with laddie and Sundays were the group days where you guys would either hang around the caves or go to the boardwalk
They use laddie to manipulate you a lot
If you ever wanted to go out with different people they would bring laddie to your apartment or work and claim that he cried to see you
You having a soft spot for laddie, just cancel plans or stop talking talking to whoever has your attention
This in turn gives the boys the ability to steal your attention
They will turn you there’s no question about it
At first they’ll offer it to you and if you say yes? Great your officially a vampire so they can move you into the pre made room they’ve had ready for months now in the cave
If you say no? They’ll simply spike you and then manipulate you into thinking that you accidentally drank the wrong wine
If you try to run away from them they’ll simply trap you on the cave
Time passes by like seconds for them so they would probably let you out 10 years after your attempt at escaping them
They won’t let you not feed even if David has to hold you down while the boys force feed you blood
They will make you kill people at some point because there’s no slacking allowed (y/n)
Overall they’ll be controlling and extremely jealous
They will have you as theirs, wether you like it or not
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hooman4ever · 2 years
!SFW! TLB x Reader Pride Month HCs
Contains: Gender Ambiguous Reader, Gender Neutral Reader, Lightly Edited
This man enjoyes intimate time together with you so it was no surprise when David proposed a private sort of celebration for pride month. 
David would spend sleepless days planning out what the two of you could do to celebrate pride month. He would overthink every little detail till his brain felt like it was about to implode. In the end, David decides to plan an elaborate bonfire on the shore. Far away from any unneeded eyes- and fangs. 
The two of you would be swaddled up together in a (Insert pride flag of your choice) blanket. Appreciating the special relationship you shared with David and all the people who fought so you both could be there together unafraid of being your authentic selves. 
The both of you would enjoy watching the stars in the night sky while wrapped in one another's arms. 
Paul would be over the moon about pride month. As soon as it hits midnight pride flags of all sorts would appear in the cave covering any wall room that was already not covered. 
He would be dancing around the cave having a good time when he would grab your hands and drag you along with his senseless antic.
Paul would be talking your ear off spewing ideas of cute and unorthodox activities both of you could do to celebrate pride. 
Everything you’d want to do Paul would be 100% on board with, even if it’s just to be your cheerleader from the sidelines. 
Expect Paul to shout something about Pride month at least once every time you all leave the cave. 
He will also add a lot more sparkles and rainbows to his outfits to celebrate and would adore it if you joined him in wearing eccentric clothing. 
Paul would just waddle up to you one day before offering a monstrously bright article of clothing fully expecting you to wear it. 
Dwayne is rather quiet and likes to go with the flow instead of planning. What the both of you do during pride month to celebrate will most likely be left to you. 
While you are left to planning Dwayne will still surprise you occasionally with small but meaningful gifts. These gifts would range from things he found while walking around the dock to things he swapped off of unsuspecting meals he had earlier. 
Dwayne when asked will give his honest input to whatever you are planning. Want his opinion on location? He knows just the spot. Need something for decorations? He’s on it.
Dwayne is more content to watch your planning. He enjoys how concentrated you look as you loom over your notebook writing down places and times before finally being done a fun day all planned out for the both of you. 
Marko isn’t good at planning or sticking to plans therefore so what the both of you end up doing will be more spontaneous. 
The both of you will be out on the dock and next thing you know both you and Marko are out to eat, partying with a group of fellow LGBTQ+ members, or just running down the beachside hand in hand flags in hand while he shouts in joy. 
Every day Marko will wish you a happy pride month while kissing you on the cheek a grin stretching his mouth. 
Marko would randomly run up to you grabbing your hand and dragging you off no matter what you were in the middle of to show/do something with you. Lots of random dancing with this funky man will be done. 
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lazywerebat · 1 year
lost boys with a sleepy reader 👀
Sleepy Night !
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Polyam! Lost Boys x Sleepy GN! Reader
a/n; thanks for request anon, i hoped you liked this fic! since you didn't metion what reader should be i kept it gender neutral :D! also i tried to writing in a new style so yeah :))!
warnings; metion of David smoking cigarette & metion of Paul smoking weed!
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Lately I been been feeling so much tired from keeping up in school and hanging out with boys, which was very difficult. School in morning from 8:00 AM to 13:55 PM or 13:10 PM and hanging out with boys during night made me a lot tired. Boys and I were in this bar which we went often to, its honestly not too bad, everybody is nice there and food was delicious. We were at table, David rolling his cigarette, forgetting to buy his, Paul rolling his weed, both of them smoking and Paul making jokes about David forgetting to buy his cigarettes. Marko was going down on his food, Dwayne was sitting peacefully, observing every little detail about each of us, ready to protect and is chill at the same time. I was slowly eating [food] with [drink] being too tired to eat it how I usually would, my thoughts were mostly thinking about being in a soft warm bed full of many many comfy blankets keeping me warm and safe during night. Finally finishing my dish, i layed back on this couch we were sitting at, Dwayne was about to move until i layed my head on his shoulder slowly closing my eyes. Dwayne stopped moving from realising i rested my head on him, he looked at me too see i was half asleep, he looked at the rest of boys in case they might noticed too, which they didn't being busy with their own stuff. I felt my body was placed somewhere else, at the moment I didn't really care I just wanted to rest my eyes for a second. After a while I felt I was being lifted, slowly opening my eyes I looked around me to see what's going on and boys and I were leaving the bar. I cuddled my face more in Dwaynes neck wrapping my arms around him, feeling him kissing my cheek made me smile. Dwayne gently shook my body and I tried to look at him without closing my eyes.
“Hey little bat, I need you to be awaken for a bit, okay?”
Dwayne softly spoke to me, my response was a nod. He smiled and kissed my forehead. He sat on his bike as I held his waist tightly not wanting to fall off of the bike. Clearly our destination was my house as my body was once lifted and carried in my house. Behind me I heard door close and Dwayne walking up the stairs, guessing into my room. I heard door open and felt soft mattress under me as I tried to sit without falling on bed. Dwayne and Marko spoke about something but I was too tired to hear what it was, only stuff I felt was Dwayne and David taking off my clothes so it could be replaced with clothes I usually sleep in by Paul and Marko. They tucked me in bed making sure I was comfy and warm, each of them cuddling me by my side. My back comfortably being against Paul and Dwayne, my face cuddled into David chest while Markos head is resting on my stomach. I felt them giving me back rubs, stomach rubs and playing with my hair as I drifted away to sleep knowing Im safe with my boyfriends by my side.
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them-bo-dacious · 1 year
Second part of my headcanons of The Lost Boys interacting for the first time with nonbinary!reader. It's Paul's turn!
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(First part with Marko here)
I honestly think Paul doesn't even consider the gender of his conquests/eats before they cajoles them, so when she finds himself hunting alone and lures you into a quiet corner on the sand with the promise of sharing some of his weed it is startled when you correct xyr on your pronouns. He doesn't know if it's because she's a little high, if it's because discovering that you have something so personal in common awakens a rare empathy for a human being or something far worse, the horror that you think he's a cis man! which makes them feel tremendously guilty about assuming your gender and xe rushes to apologize, assuring you that she themself is genderfluid and uses any pronouns. After its sincere and comically effusive apology she smiles at you after a few seconds of silence saying that he is also bisexual so it wouldn't be opposed to earning your forgiveness in other ways.... 😜
You decide whether or not to accept the offer, either way you definitely survive the encounter with Paul not only because of her guilt for misgendering you but because he wouldn't want your murder to be construed as a hate crime lol
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i-heart-slashers · 5 months
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ebony-blood · 1 month
Poly!The Lost Boys x Reader 
Warnings/AN: They’re a packaged deal, ofc you’re getting all four. Yandere/obsessive stuff because they’re just like that. I tried to be as gender-neutral as possible, lemme know if I need to fix anything.
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You have been in Santa Carla for about a year now, you wanna know how long it took for the boys to fall for you? 2 months
Paul fell first, bro spent a whole 2 hours daily rambling to Marko about how much he loved you, how perfect you were in his eyes, how cute you were…
Gender doesn’t matter to these rat bastards, you’re still Paul’s Cutie
Marko fell next, listening to Paul rant about your utter perfection, thus, he started believing you were an angel, literally an angel.
And that’s when the two boys started stalking you, following you around the boardwalk and practically growling at anyone that approached, male, female, whatever
Paul practically has heart eyes every time he sees you, every single time.
Dwayne is next, and he falls WAY harder than the other two
Mr. Tall, dark and handsome over here will follow you home daily, he waits for nightfall and comes out to see you, when he’s not with his brothers, he’s around you.
He may as well be lying on a bed, writing in a notebook about how much he loves you, giggling and kicking his feet like a schoolgirl
So, the three that AREN’T David fall in love with you in two months, David followed shortly behind, and only a month after Dwayne fell, David was fucking INFATUATED.
He has it BAD, like, god, it’s even worse than his brothers.
Eventually, all four of the boys decide they wanna talk to you, and goddammit the minute you open your mouth they’re even more in love with you. 
And so, they start leaving you anonymous gifts, roses, jewelry, Marko paints for you, anything they can think of, they’ll steal it and leave it on your porch. 
It took a few months, but when you realized they were giving you the gifts, you started hanging out with them more, and soon, you were taken to the cave.
They loved you, obviously.
It took almost no time for you to fall for their silly personalities, and that was when they knew they had you.
They became protective, but not outwardly obsessive.
At least, you thought so. 
After they started dating you, they started getting worse in their stalking.
They had a system, every other week, sometimes months between instances, one of them would silently stalk you, keeping hidden in the dark, and one or two of them would pretend to bump into you when you start freaking out.
You were always too freaked out to ask how they were there.
You found out they were vampires when you caught them killing and feeding on a guy who had been actually stalking you. You were freaked out at first.
Eventually, David managed to calm you, promising they would never hurt or kill you.
Now that we’re past all the meetings, falling, stalking, and so on, here’s the actual cute stuff. 
Paul and Marko
These rat fucks are literally never not by your side. 
They bite you, randomly grab you, kiss you, just whenever they want, it doesn’t matter. 
Both boys steal things from you, all the time
Clothes, blankets, stuffed animals, books, your perfume/cologne/body spray, makeup if you wear it, whatever they can get their hands on, it’s with them.
You slowly start noticing them wearing your clothes, your perfume/cologne/body spray, and you ask about it. They always deny having it.
If you wear it, they put on your lipstick or lipgloss before they kiss you, because they think it's funny. 
Paul started trying to get you to smoke with him. 
Marko paints you like constantly, and anytime he catches you watching or looking at him, he has the most lovestruck and goofy look on his face.
Both fantasize about you 24/7 and just bounce stuff off of each other. 
They definitely bite you the most
65% of the bitemarks on you are from them, and 35% are from the other two boys.
Cuddle you the most.
Tease you the most
Teasing nips are greetings to them
Both have very little consistency in pet names for you, they just pick whatever.
The sweetest, and the biggest stalker ever.
Bro follows you around constantly. 
He doesn’t allow you to ride on the back of Paul and Marko's bikes, it's either him or David.
Holds your hands all the time
Gives you his jacket all the time.
You get cold? Take his jacket. Getting outta the ocean after Paul tossed you in? Take his jacket.
Smiles every time he sees you. 
Also takes your perfume/cologne/body spray, sprays himself down, and snuggles into clothes you wear he stole when he wanted to snuggle with you.
Acts totally normal around you but is a giggly schoolgirl when talking about you with the boys.
Brings you food and drinks daily, if he doesn’t know if you’ve eaten, you bet your ass he’s bringing you food.
About 15% of your bites are from him. 
Constantly makes sure you care for yourself.
Not into PDA but will hold your hands daily.
Bro has a mix of songs that reminds him of you.
Calls you stuff like Darling and Honey, he just gives those vibes.
David is worse than Dwayne, Marko, and Paul combined.
Stalks you, constantly, and he always makes sure you know he’s there.
Sassy, sarcastic, an asshole, we know this, but this carries over to you too.
Bro sasses you all the time.
Dude treats you like he treated Star, bro will just stare at you, if you don’t respond or do as he’s implying, he just calls your name again, and again, until he eventually just snaps in your face, not shouting, but literally snapping.
Nips at your ears, neck, and shoulders
Teases you, all the time, constantly for no reason. Like if you trip bro is laughing and he doesn’t even help your ass up. 
He does care though, he loves you so SO much.
The dude actually takes his damn gloves off to touch you sometimes! That NEVER happens!
Isn’t into PDA, at all, his hands stay securely in your back pockets or with his fingers through your belt loops, you are not leaving his side, if he isn’t around you bet your ass you’re sticking with Dwayne.
Will randomly give you things, Bro gave you one of his old tee shirts and he gets very pouty if you don’t wear it around.
He is not a sweet boy, but also a sweet guy, if you wear down his walls and wiggle your way into his heart, you will NEVER leave.
He’s terrified of being alone, if you leave for even a second, the man almost melts down. 
Calls you stuff like Babe, Baby, and Doll, doll is used no matter your gender, he won’t stop.
One more because our first one for Davie here also brings you food but fucks with you like he did with Micheal. He does keep extras if you actually freak out about it but after a certain point in your time with the boys, you start leaning into the goofiness. 
All four of them
Only a few here.
The boys are cuddlers, if they stay with you in your house, (You have blackout curtains) they are wrapped around you, Paul and Marko are damn well laying on top of you.
Will scream at any bastard on the boardwalk that even LOOKS at you wrong.
They fight anyone at all, for any reason, for everything, at all for you.
These nerds rant about everything they love, David will scream about how much he loves Billy Idol at any time, Marko talks about art all the damn time, Paul will just rant about how fucking much he loves guitarists like Mick Mars, Ace Frehley, and Eddie Van Halen, and Dwayne talks about books. All four always have stars in their eyes when talking, it's so cute. 
The rats started rubbing off on you, you’re crazy now, you ride bikes, and you yell, and scream with all of the boys.
When they do turn you, it amplifies by 20.
Your favorite activity is hanging off the bridge with the boys and biking. 
You eventually get your own, they were hesitant, but eh.
They love biking with you, and then you all either hang from the wood beams while sleeping or snuggle up in your bed and sleep peacefully. You wearing one of their jackets of course.
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Baby Girl | The Lost Boys x Reader HCs
Plot:  ya call the boys baby girl. just to see what happens. [The Lost Boys x GN!Reader]
Word count:  1420 (nice)
Warnings:  implied horniness???? it's not that bad, it's just paul being a dingus
A/N: again, holy fuck i can't believe i wrote this. even more holy fuck, somehow, this isn't the stupidest thing i've ever written, and the most holy fuck, i think i might do one of these for every fandom i write for. wish me fuckin luck babes.
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Marko finds it hilarious 
You saunter up to him on the boardwalk
Full of confidence and mischief 
You throw an arm around his shoulders 
Lean your weight on him
And you say
“Ok, where are we going, baby girl?”
Yeah, you don’t end up going anywhere, because he starts wheezing 
He just wasn’t expecting it, it caught him off guard
And then you have to stand there for five minutes while he laughs so hard he fails at standing
Boy is on his KNEES losing it at “baby girl”
And you’re just standing over him for a few minutes, ginning like a madman until you kneel down next to him
And holding back your own laughter
You say
“What’s wrong, baby girl?”
And he just falls over
And at that point you also fall over 
And both of you are just cackling at this dumb shit
It’s attracting attention, but neither of you care
Eventually the rest of the boys come back to find you and marko just
On the ground
And david straight up turns around and walks the other way
It’s great, it’s fantastic
You and marko call each other “baby girl” for at least a week
And you both die laughing every single time
Everyone else hates you but it’s so fucking worth it
He also finds it hilarious, but like
Slightly to the left
The two of you are also on the boardwalk 
Waiting for everyone else to show up
And you’re sitting on one of the rails while he stands like, kind of in front of you?
And he gets distracted by something
As he does with startling frequency 
And you watch him for a few minutes
Admiring him
But eventually, you get bored with that, so you kinda 
Kick him
A little bit
Not hard 
It’s not enough to hurt him
(if you can even do that)
But it’s enough to get his attention 
He looks at you
And his eyes get really big and sad, like he’s silently asking, “Why did you kick me?”
Either way, you power through it
And you go
“Whatcha lookin at, baby girl?”
And this boy just
Lights Up
The sad puppy eyes are Dropped 
And They Are Replaced With The Horny Eyes.
He just
Leans into you
As he looks at you, scanning you up and down
His gaze is piercing and uhhh
It looks like he wants to Eat You.
And goes
“baby girl, huh?”
And you’re like
“Yeah, baby girl.  And you didn’t answer my question.”
Which like
You say it
And you are Aware that you are Playing With Fire
But fuck, the fire is fun to play with
And you won’t complain about getting burned 
When he takes another step towards you and like
Smacks a hand down on your leg
You just lean in further and go
“Are you gonna answer me, baby girl?”
Yeah, you get bit
On the neck
You fucked around and found out
You leaned in too far and you got bit
These boys, i swear, they’re animals 
Just fuckin biting
It’s a gentle bite tho
And when he pulls back he goes
“Doesn’t matter, baby.  All I can see now is you.”
And it’s so fuckin cute that you almost fall off the rail you’re sitting on
Anyway, yeah, you and paul also call each other “baby girl” for a week, but the context is Different 
Dwayne has a relatively simple reaction
The two of you are vibin in the cave
It’s dark outside 
So everyone else is out
And the two of you are alone
And he’s minding his own business
Lounging around a bit 
Reading a book 
And you
You are Bored
And you’re in the mood to cause problems on purpose, so
You slide in
Lean over him
And you watch him for a second
Tilting your head every now and then like a confused puppy
He ignores you
And after a few minutes of standing there, a plot comes to your wicked little mind
You lean in even closer
And you go
“Hey baby girl, whatcha reading?”
And he just
Looks at you 
For a second
Maybe he blinks once or twice
And you don’t budge, you’re just sitting there grinning at him
In silence
And then suddenly 
In the blink of an eye
He pulls you down onto him and into his arms
You quickly find yourself resting on top of him 
Using his chest as a pillow 
And this man
Does Not Wear A Shirt
So that’s fun for you
Anyway, he takes the book and just
Holds it above the two of you 
So that you can both read it
And he says
“Look for yourself, baby girl”
Which if you ask me, is the fuckin Height Of Romance, but you didn’t ask me, and that’s okay
Anyway, yeah, it’s cute
Adorable shit
Anyway, time for david
David is
By his baby girlification 
He’s not mad, he doesn’t expect it
(Kinda like marko, but he doesn't laugh, he just sorta sits there)
It takes him a second to process, because the second the word “baby girl” leaves your mouth and floats his way, he blue screens
David.exe is not working
The first time you do it, you’re in the cave with everyone else
And he’s sitting in his wheelchair, staring off into the distance like the brooding vampire man that he is
And you lean over him and go
“Whatcha thinkin about, baby girl?”
And he just goes
And like
I don’t think you can actually say that he says what
It’s more like he breathes it out while his eyebrows furrow together and he shoots you the most confused look you have ever seen on his face
In part, he’s unsure that you’re talking to him
And in another part, you usually use more
Standard?  Pet Names? 
Darling, maybe sweetheart 
And he wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to weird pet names, it’s just that one time on the boardwalk you heard him call a potential meal “kitten” and you didn’t stop meowing at him for three months
So yeah, he didn’t see that one coming
It doesn’t help that the rest of the boys are there at the time, and you, marko, and paul just start chanting the word “baby girl” over and over again
Side note, i think the boys may have a thing for chants
The next time you call him baby girl, he you catch him off guard with your sheer boldness 
It’s not the “baby girl” itself, it’s the words that accompany it
See, he’s drinking something 
Water, blood, whatever
He’s drinking it
And you look over at him and you just go
“Damn, you’re pretty thirsty tonight, huh baby girl?  We’ll just have to do something about that.”
And your tone is like, half joking, but that doesn’t matter, he still chokes on his drink
He coughs for like
A Good Few Minutes
And in those minutes you go from laughing at him, to panicking and patting him on the back
Congrats to you btw, you almost killed known horror icon david lost boys
Good for you
Anyway, he survives, which is good
Bc idk how forgiving the other boys would be of you committing manslaughter (vampire slaughter?) against david
(tbh, they’d probably be pretty forgiving given the sheer hilarity of the situation)
The next time you call him baby girl is in front of max
And like
This is peak 0 brain cell behaviour for you, because you straight up aren’t even thinking about it
You see david in the video store
You walk into the video store
You don’t realize he is in the Middle Of Talking To His Dad
And you go
“Hey baby girl”
And then you wander off to the horror section 
No thots given 
You don’t even notice david and max staring after you
You’re too busy looking at a copy of texas chainsaw massacre 2
And when they turn back to face each other it is literally that one meme
“David, why does (Y/N) call you baby girl?”
“Maybe we should stop talking for a while”
David doesn’t mind it, it just fucking surprises him every gd time
You’d think he’d get used to it but nope
It always gets him
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anna1306 · 2 years
“ you know me better than anyone. you always have.” and “you have no idea how much I love you”
You didn't specify with whom I should write, so I used the randomizer and got Poly!Lost Boys. If you want someone else, I would write it
Prompts here
Poly!Lost Boys x Reader
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You were friends with the boys for over a year. You met them at the Boardwalk, slowly gathered their attention and paved your way to their hearts. They didn't kill you and moreso, told you their secret in half a year. So it was a huge win for you.
You were friends. Nothing more. Just normal, usual friends. You hung out together, rode ferris wheel, went to cafe, got into fights. You accepted them as they were and even if David asked you to change, you didn't. For the time being. You were content with being human. They had to except in eventually, but rather than that - everything was perfect.
David was the centre of the group, of course. He set the tone for the night, and you went to him first if you had to warn the guys about you leaving early or not coming in couple of days. Dwayne was great listener and protector, if you had some problems or too much emotions, you went to him. Paul was the best person for chasing the pestering suitors away from you, he was handsy and flirty. Marko was the best if you wanted to just have fun and not think about anything in the world.
And you returned the favour. If David wanted to talk with someone other than boys - he could talk to you, and you ofter argued with him, knowing he liked some confrontation. Dwayne always shared his opinions on the books and movies with you, finding a little bit of peace in you. Paul could vent to you, as you nodded and even listened sometimes to his meaningless mumbling. And Marko could always count on you, when he needed to be comforted or heard.
You were good friends. They had become your best friends. You had no one else that you trusted as much as them.
And then you fell for them.
It dawned on you suddenly, in the middle of the night of you hanging with them in the cave. Dwayne was in the middle of the chase that was taking place. Marko was running after Paul, while Dwayne sat in the middle of it all, and David sat near you, watching it.
"I am still surprised they lived to that day." He whispered to you with a smirk. You nudged his shoulder.
"Give them some credit, it takes a lot of luck to survive with one braincell." You whispered back, making David smile.
"Hey, we hear you, lovebirds!" Paul threw some magazine in your direction. David caught it and stood from his place, making the blonde shriek and try to get away. You smiled, watching as David join the game of chasing as well.
You stayed in your spot, thinking about how you wanted this moment to never end. You felt free in this place. You felt as yourself with them. You felt at peace with your thoughts. It was amazing. It was as if you were...
The sudden thought made you shiver. There was no way you were in love with them. There were four of them. More so they were friends. No, maybe you just... Felt sympathy towards one of them, and that's it!
But... They all were close to you. Close to each other. You couldn't think of being close to one and not to others... Shit, you were done.
"You good?" Dwayne near you made you shiver and jump. You didn't even notice how he came up to you. He raised an eyebrow to this, already sitting near you. You shifted a bit and forced a smile.
"Yeah, totally, I'm fine! Just... Had enough, I think." You moved your bottle of beer away and looked at the boys. You hoped you looked normal and not suspicious at all. They believed you. For now.
You tried to shun away these feelings. They should have been foreign for you. They were dangerous. You all were friends and being in love with four of your friends was wrong.
But the more you hung out with them, the more you noticed how your eyes followed Marko with worry when he was starting another fight. How your heart clenched in your chest, when Paul flirted with someone. How you listened so eagerly to every word Dwayne said to you. And how you lingered behind David on his bike, wishing for the moment to last longer.
So because of your inability to contain your own feelings, you started to distance yourself from them. Maybe, if you would spend some time not with them, but alone or with another friends, it would be easier to forget?
"I found part-time job, sorry, can't ride with you." You didn't even lie, you did find a job, so you couldn't always hang out with them.
"Oh, I talked with my friend about going to the cinema, I completely forgot about it." You... Almost didn't lie, you just stayed at home alone and watched some movie, rather than spend the night with these four nice, beautiful, hot... Not again.
"I don't feel so good." Yeah, about yourself, because how could you fell for your four friends and expect something in return?
"I forgot and fell asleep." You were sleepless, but not always, so... Another half-lie.
And tons and tons more of excuses. You still spent time with them, but tried to limit it to the point where you wouldn't think of them again as of "love material".
All was for nothing. They still lived in your thoughts 24/7
"There is definitely something going on!" Marko exclaimed, too nervous to speak in a normal tone of voice.
"You nerves aren't helping!" Paul exclaimed in response, laying on the couch. Dwayne looked at David, who glanced back at him.
"Maybe they are busy..." The brunette tried.
"Yeah, right, when was this a problem for them?" Paul scoffed, looking at Dwayne. The latter sighed.
"I am trying to be rational." He shook his head. They all were nervous, but you never lied to them. What was going on now? They should have trusted you, but your behaviour was getting really strange.
"What if they are in danger? Maybe some hunters made them stay away?" Marko stopped in his pacing and looked frantically between all of the guys. David rubbed his forehead with a finger.
"Hunters would make themselves known already, it's not them." He threw the cigarette to the barrel and stood from his place. "But you are right. They are strange."
"Can we go to them?" Marko looked at David pleadingly. He nodded.
"Bikes. They got lively neighborhood." He added. Dwayne sighed, moving after the guys to the bikes. He was nervous, of course, but he let you have your time and space. He had the common sense and understood that you wouldn't willingly like the ones that stalked you.
You didn't know they were going to visit you. You just sat in your living room, trying to concentrate on a book you were trying to finish in the last month. It was going really hard. You were so entranced in reading that you didn't even hear the bikes.
Knock on the front door made you jump on your couch, and you furrowed brows. You didn't order anything, so why were there someone at your door? You carefully put the book on the couch and went to the front door. Knocking repeat themselves couple of times and you heard some whispers behind your door.
"I know they are behind it... Shush, you bughead!" You stopped before the door, not understanding who or why was there.
"Who's there?" You asked, not going too closely to the door.
"Kitten, it's us." Shit. It was David's voice. And whispers probably belonged to Marko. You sighed. Calm thoughts, clear mind and no shyness or anything like that. You opened the door and smiled a bit tensed.
"Hey! Didn't expect to see you guys here. I thought you are on the Boardwalk tonight."
"And you are lively for someone that doesn't feel good." David responded, entering your house right past you. Right, you forgot what you had told them this time.
"Oh, I... I felt better, thought a little sleep will help, you know?" You smiled awkwardly, returning to the couch and closing the book now. It felt a lot different - be in the cave or be here, in your place with them. It was too... Personal in some way.
"Baby, you know we know when you are lying, right?" Paul plopped on your couch, looking at you expectantly. You giggled nervously.
"You've been avoiding us." David said seriously. He definitely didn't beat around the bushes and you were a bit taken aback by his bluntness. Of course they would notice, it would be silly of you to think that they wouldn't. Though... They didn't notice you crush on them. Thankfully. Your head already started to hurt.
"Uhm... I think you are imagining things. I've been just busy lately, I'm not lying." You shook your head. Marko suddenly appeared in front of you, pushing you on the couch, and sat on your lap.
"We are not! You are always sick or busy nowadays. It's like one day in eternity..."
"In a week or two." Dwayne corrected him.
"In eternity!" Marko insisted. "When you hang out with us. What is going on? Is someone threatening you? Or telling you bad things? One word, doll, and we..."
"Hey, wow, relax, hero-bat." You snickered and blushed from how close he was to you. "There is nothing wrong with me. I'm just busy, and because of my new work I don't feel so good most of the times."
"Lies." David looked at you seriously. "We know when you are lying." He was adamant to get you to admit to your lies, it seemed. And you were fixated on not telling them the truth.
"Are you leaving the town? And trying to noble save us from the pain of separation?" You looked at Paul, who was at your side, dramatically whining. It was psychological attack, it should have been.
"What... No, have you smoked today?"
"Don't lie and don't be soft, baby! I am a grown adult, I can take it." Paul suddenly looked at you with wide eyes, as if understanding something new for him. You cautiously moved a bit away.
"What's with the look?.."
"Are you dying?" You were dumbfounded. Paul's mind jumped from one conclusion to another very quickly, and you weren't fast enough to keep up with him. "If you are dying and want to leave us, tell me right now. I promise..." He sobbed. "I will take it well."
"I'm not dying!"
"Yes you are! You are strange, you are distant, you always have some poor excuses! You are going to diiiiie." He whined fully volume-on. You were surprised and taken aback by this outburst, but still pulled him to you as much as you could with Marko on your lap and hugged him.
"I am not dying, Paul. Nor I am leaving Santa-Carla. Please, calm down."
"You promise?" He looked at you with sad puppy eyes. You shook your head with a heavy sigh. This boy was full of emotions.
"I promise." You sighed and smiled a bit when he hugged you back. He was much older than you, he was dangerous creature of the night, who kills people. And he was hugging you like it was your last hug in forever. He was like big baby sometimes. "You are so cute. All of you. No one has ever worried about me like you do. You have no idea how much I love you all."
"Really?" You nodded at Paul's mumbling absent-mindedly, not understanding what you had just said. "Finally!"
"Wait, what... Oh shit." You closed your eyes, the realisation of what you had just said hitting you with full force. You shifted, trying to move away from Paul and Marko, but the taller one was still hugging you and the other one sat on you. No chance of escaping.
"That doesn't explain why they hide away from us, Paul, don't be cocky about your plan working." Marko pushed him in the shoulder.
"Plan? What?" You were dumbfounded. They didn't pay attention to your confession at all. And you were so nervous about it! You breath got caught up in your throat, and your head was hurting more and more.
"Don't get off the theme." David came closer to you, standing right behind Marko and not going anywhere. "Why did you avoid us?"
"Can you stop for a moment!" You exclaimed, visibly shaken by everything that was going on. You just spilled the beans about your crush on them, but they acted like nothing happened. They still pressured you to tell them non-existent reason for your absence. And didn't let go of you. They just pushed and pushed You closed your eyes and tried to huddle.
"Get off." Dwayne's voice sounded closely, but not so much like Marko's or Paul's. Suddenly the weight from your lap disappeared, and Paul went away from your side. "Y/N? Princex, look at me, please." He didn't touch you, but was close, according to the sound.
You shook your head. You were too much in your own head to think clearly, your thoughts intertwined and mixed with each other. Your heart was beating out of your chest. You breathed heavily and couldn't imagine to face them all now or ever.
"Princex, we are not going to hurt you. Look at me, please." He repeated quietly and patiently You sighed and opened your eyes. Dwayne was sitting in front of you on his knees. David lingered somewhere behind him, while the crazy duo was gone from your view. "There you go. You are safe."
"I'm sorry, it's just..."
"Too much, I know. Just breathe. I am not pushing you. Do you need water? Something else?" You shook your head. "Alright. Then just breathe for me. And when you are ready, we are gonna talk." He sent somewhat stern stare at something behind your back. Probably at Marko and Paul.
It took you couple minutes to even your breath and calm yourself down completely. Dwayne was patiently sitting in front of you, not moving. You looked up at him. He noticed it and smiled a bit.
"You're okay, princex?" You nodded slowly. "Good. Now let's get one thing out of the way. Are you in danger?"
"No, not at all, no danger." You answered quietly. Dwayne nodded.
"Did something happen in your life that takes away all of your time? Do you need any help?"
"No, everything's fine." You breathed out. You looked at him and then glanced at David. "How are you so calm about it?"
"About what?" Dwayne asked quietly. You blushed again and lowered your head, thinking of the ways to explain your feelings.
"I think I got it." David said and suddenly his voice sounded very loudly for the room, making you shiver. "You are so worried because of your feelings towards us? More than friends' feelings?" You pursed your lips together and nodded unsurely. You immediately heard a groan from behind you.
"Really?! That was all there was?!" Paul exclaimed. You felt your heart sped up again. There comes the part where they tell you how disgusted and disappointed they are in you. Dwayne quickly got you out of your thoughts, taking your hands in his.
"Are you afraid we... Reject you?"
"What else your reaction would be?!" You scoffed. "There are four of you and that is not normal to fall for several people!"
"We are not technically people..." Paul noticed.
"But still! It's not normal and you can't all like me back, not four of you and I can't choose, so the best option is to distance myself from you and forget about it." You tried to sound reasonable and make them understand your point of view. But they were more... Surprised to hear that?
"That was all it was about?" David sighed like he was relieved and tired at the same time. How he made his sigh have undertones - was beyond your understanding. "We aren't people. And normal doesn't apply to us." You furrowed your brows, trying so hard to understand him. "We kill people, live together and ruin every social rule there is, kitten." David stepped to you, continuing his mini-speech. "You really think that polyamory is a no-no for us? We are over hundred years old, minus Paul, he is fifty with something, but the thing is... We tried everything."
"Almost everything." Dwayne corrected him. David didn't even pay attention to him.
"It doesn't matter now. My point is that you can't shun away four vampires, who are in love with you by your affection towards us." David calmly explained. You looked between him and Dwayne with expression of surprise and little hope, not daring to turn around to look at the blondes - they would definitely take it as an invitation.
"In love?!" You were shocked to hear that, but didn't move. Suddenly you were hugged by Marko from behind.
"Very much so, doll." He giggled, kissing you on the cheek.
"You know us better than anyone from outside our coven. You always have. And you didn't notice it?" Dwayne asked with a soft smile. He didn't mean to embarrass you, yet you still felt silly for not understanding it earlier.
"No... You never acted like it." You mumbled.
"You kidding me?! We brought you food, we protected you, we hung out with you, I personally flirted with you several times!" Paul exclaimed, pacing the space behind your couch back and forth.
"To be honest, you speak like that with everyone." You retorted, making Marko giggle. David stepped closer to you, making Dwayne move away. He stretched out his hand to you.
"The night is young. Let's go for a ride. And we can talk about everything." He offered. You thought only for a brief moment. You trusted them, you wanted to see them happy and not nervous. No one had ever worried about you to this extent. And... If they thought your feelings were valid and accepted them, then... Why not try?
You took his hand, knowing that you shouldn't worry about anything now. At all.
The Lost Boys Taglist: @minafromasgard @starmullet @iloveslasher @twistedharper @ichorixm @promptsforstuff @collieflower215 @henhouse-horrors @smenny @id-rather-be-in-middle-earth @lazuli-leenabride @panickinanakin1 @thatonedeadbride
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ares-the-strange · 2 years
Exciting Beginnings
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x Gn!Trans Masc! Reader
Warnings: None
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Excitement clouded your chest, a smile permanently plastered on your face. A few happy stims left your lips as you shook yourself about. Finally you were going to be who you wanted to be, finally you could start to recognise the person in the mirror. Years ago you were THIS close to going on Testosterone, you were at the gender clinic, talking to a psychiatrist, with another appointment booked. You were over the moon when your mother said something that broke your heart. “I don’t think you’re mentally stable enough for this”. And with that it was taken away.
Tomorrow, tomorrow was the day you would go to the doctors and restart your quest to get back to where you were. As soon as you had gotten the appointment you felt giddy, and you didn’t think you’d be able to hide it from the boys if you tried. Not that you would, the boys were incredibly supportive of you and your gender, happily killing anyone who harassed you. 
Nighttime came as the sunset, the oranges and pinks cluing you in to the fact your boyfriends would soon be joining you. The waves crashed in the distance, yelling of surfers mixing with the ocean breeze. People started to crowd the boardwalk, attracted like moths to the flashy lights. The already wide grin broadened as you felt arms snake around you, a shirtless torso pressing against your back. “Hi little dove” Dwayne’s smooth voice spoke softly in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple. Spinning on your heel you faced Dwayne, seeing the others standing next to him. 
“Something going on or you just super happy to see us, doll?” Paul asked, taking notice of your cheshire cat smile almost immediately. 
“Mm you keeping secrets?” David added, walking a little closer to you, placing his gloved fingers under your chin, lifting it up “does kitten want to clue us in?” 
“Ok ok! So-” another verbal stim as you clenched your fists “so you know how I’ve wanted to go on T for like forever?” The boys nodded, listening intently to my excited tone “I’ve got an appointment tomorrow to get back on track to get it!” Marko and Paul whooped and hollered, hugging you as they cheered and jumped up and down. Happily waiting until the pair’s energy died down, David and Dwayne stood with smiles on their faces. 
“We’re so happy for you babe!” Marko yelled, knowing how badly you had wanted this for multiple years now, and only now were you confident enough to do so despite your parents disapproval. Eventually the two blondes calmed down enough to let the two others join the celebration. 
“I’m so happy for you” Dwayne congratulated, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, his comforting smell enveloping you as David gave a soft smile
“We know how much this means to you kitten, I’m incredibly excited for you” This was one of the few times he spoke without the snarky quip in his words, genuinely happy for you to finally achieve this first step. The boys looked at you with love, the glow of your happiness giving them no choice but to join in with their own smile. 
“We should celebrate!” Marko cheered, Paul adding a shout of agreement. 
“Let’s go!” You agreed, impossibly happy that you were able to share this excitement and joy with the people you cherished most. A long forgotten sense of content blanketing the group of vampires, the person they cared for most was finally getting the happiness they deserve.
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Reactions to seeing you kiss someone
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The reader is going to be kissing both boys and girls so they are going to be labelled as queer for now, if you don’t like the gender they kiss please feel free to imagine that they are the gender you prefer. Thank you for reading, please reblog and like if you enjoy! :)
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It was on a rare night you were allowed out by yourself when Dwayne spotted you walking on the beach
He was about to come up to you before he saw a boy around your age approach you and talk energetically to you
He wanted to keep an eye on the situation just in case you didn’t feel fully comfortable and he had to get you out of the situation
He trailed you from the beach to the carnival where the boy stopped at a carnival game
He saw the boy attempt the game a few times before he won a teddy bear holding a heart and gave it to you
He also saw that you thanked him with a long hug and a kiss
He was taken aback, he didn’t think you were at an age where you interested in dating
He hoped you would never reach that age, he didn’t want you to lose your innocence yet
He was scared that you were gonna out grow him
But when he saw you smile and laugh with the boy, he realised that it was your life
He couldn’t change the fact you wanted to date, nor was it his place
You were 15 now you were bound to have some kind of attraction to others
He slowly left before he accidentally caught your eye, you expected him to be angry, but he just smiled and gave you a small nod before leaving
He would do some research on the boy to make sure he wasn’t a pervert or a bad influence
If he was he would calmly try and explain to you what he found out
If you didn’t except it, then he would kill the boy and make it look like an accident
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Paul was out at his usual party spot when a bunch of high schoolers joined the crowd
He thought it was just more food for him
That was until he spotted you
You were with friends from your school
He was shocked
How did you even get out of the cave this late without being spotted?
He was about to ask you when he saw a girl from your friends take your hand and lead you to where everyone was dancing
He watched as you and the girl twirled around the fire pit as your face had a look that could only be described as pure joy
He watched as the girl brought her body closer to yours and leaned in before giving you a slow kiss
After the kiss you broke off from the crowd to get a drink, paul made himself known to you
You tried to give him excuses but he just high-fived you
You looked at him shocked
He high-fived you?
Before you could ask you followed his knowing look to the girl you had kissed
You turned bright red and looked at him embarrassed
He just pat your back with a “go get em champ”
He did remember to take any drinks away from you though
He’s a cool dad, but not that cool
He would definitely use it as a way to embarrass you by making secretive kissy faces at you throughout the month in the cave
He was shocked, but he’s cool with it as long as your happy
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Marko had taken you out of the cave for a night together when David suddenly called him back to warn him about max being in a bad mood
He left you on the boardwalk for 10 minutes but when he got back you were gone
He began frantically searching for you
He was scared out of his mind thinking about all the ways you could be in danger
He ran past an alley way before backing up and seeing you in there
But you weren’t alone
You were up against a wall whilst pulling a boy down by his jacket collar to kiss him
Marko could only describe the scene as disgusting
He felt sick to his stomach
His baby was being defiled by a sick pervert
At least that’s how he saw it
What it actually was, was you having a consensual kiss with a boy who had been flirting with you for months
Marko ran straight to David, and twisted the story to the others
He told it like you had been forced against a wall and assaulted
Even though you tried to prove that wasn’t what happened, all the boys did was hold you and say you were traumatised
You were after they killed the boy and drank his blood in front of you
This was another thing that put a strain on your relationship with marko
He just couldn’t handle his baby growing up
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You were having a rare moment of bonding with David when he took you for a bike ride
He was enjoying spending with you without arguing so much that he went to grab you some donuts that he knew you loved
He had left you sitting on a bench, and when he returned there was a boy sat across from you, sitting in his spot
The boy was chatting animatedly to you while you seemed to find everything he said hilarious by your cackles that David rarely heard these days
When you spotted david, you tried to hurriedly shoo the boy away but out of habit you gave him a quick peck on the lips to say goodbye
Before the boy could leave, he felt David place a hand on his shoulder and give him a cutting glare
David released him and sat across from you and sharply questioned you
That’s when he found out that the boy was a friend from school who you had been flirting with for a few weeks
He wasn’t happy
He understood that you were lonely and wanted a romantic partner, and that it was normal for people your age
But he wanted you to only seek comfort in him and the others
He didn’t want you to rely on anyone else but them
He didn’t want you to figure out that the way the boys treat you is wrong
He didn’t want someone to steal you away from them
You were theirs, their baby
He kills the boy off after that night
He makes it look like an accident to make sure there was no argument from you
You came to him for comfort and he gave you one of his rare hugs
And he couldn’t help but think about how you were always meant to be like this
Dependent on him
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Star had taken you to a concert for your 15th birthday
She decided it would be a good way for you to interact more with people your age while still being able to hang out with you
She was the one who spotted a girl staring at you all night
She pointed it out to you and you became bright red
You giggled in the corner with her about the attention you were getting from this girl
Star encouraged you to talk to the girl and hyped you up
When you did disappear into the crowd to talk to her, star felt in her heart pure happiness from being able to support you through big moments in your life
She felt a little sad that you were growing up but she knew there was nothing she could do about her baby growing into a beautiful young person
She couldn’t help but laugh when you returned with a red lipstick kiss mark on your cheek and teased you about it for hours
She helped you clean it off and promised to keep your secret for the rest
She hadn’t seen you smile like that in a while
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You and max were having a grandpa and grandchild night out
He decided that he would take you out to a local restaurant
You were both sat down and began chatting when you recognised the waiter as the boy you had been talking to for awhile now
You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek out of habit before you remembered who you were sat with
Max questioned you gently before insisting the boy join you both on his break
Max began to grill him about his intentions before finding out that he as nothing but a good person
The kind of person who wouldn’t take advantage of his sweet grandchild
When the boy left, max gave you a quick nod and said “he’s acceptable��� before returning to his meal
He was actually relieved, he was worried that you being around the depravity of your parents who hadn’t heard about private affection, that you might turn out to have a bad taste in partners
He left a big tip for the boy and got ready to leave
Before you both left, the boy came to say goodbye to you both
Max gave him a hug and said “get them pregnant and I’ll kill you” (alternative for people who can’t get pregnant “hurt them and I’ll kill you)
You rushed out of the restaurant with your grandpa as he began to explain the importance of waiting until your ready and how condoms are a must
You were bright red when you returned to the cave
At least grandpa max kept your secret and had your best interests at heart
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