#the look glazed in the screenshots
drbabywario · 1 year
why the hell are the payday 3 masks so shiny
11 notes · View notes
wereh0gz · 11 months
Gotta stay away from tumblr until I watch the new episodes
3 notes · View notes
harryslittlefreakk · 5 months
we could hide away
Tumblr media
(late night talking part 4)
Summary: when a photo of you and harry is leaked, your relationship suffers. can you manage to mend it despite hurt and miscommunication?
Warnings: pure angsty, fluffy goodness, smut (f and m receiving)
A/n: thank you as always for everyone’s support on the previous parts 😭🫶🏼 it means the world to me , especially for the very idea that inspired me to start writing again! please let me know if there’s anything you want to see from our babies, any requests etc in general. i don’t know how much i like this part, my head is sooo fuzzy but i wanted to get it out, so edits may be made in the next few days !!
part one
part two
part three
my masterlist can be found here!
The first thing you heard the next morning was the incessant buzzing of a phone. Notification after notification, call after call. You woke up groggy after passing out in Harry’s arms, still fully clothed on top of the duvet. A headache hit you instantly, a cruel reminder of your perfect night. Harry woke up as you peeled yourself out of his hold, stretching your arms above your head before padding over to the kitchen for some water. His eyes were glazed over, still half asleep as he reached over to shut his phone off.
Harry scrolled through the notifications silently, eyes wide as he clicked on screenshots and messages. You placed a glass of water on his nightstand, crawling back on the bed beside him and wrapping an arm around him from behind. He placed a strong hand over yours, fiddling with the giant S ring you were still wearing. “Fuck, I’m sorry baby, gotta take this,” he mumbled, voice raspy and dry, as he slid off the bed and strode out to the balcony, phone to his ear immediately.
You watched as he shut the door behind himself, placing his phone on the table as he paced around the small space, hands dragging through his messy hair. Your phone was tucked under your pillow, completely drained of battery since you hadn’t managed to charge it. You leaned over to plug it in, eyes still fixed on Harry. Whatever he was talking about, whoever he was talking to, it seemed heated. He was fiddling with anything he could find, jaw tensing up as he breathed in and out. “We can talk about this later,” he said, slamming the sliding door behind him as he re-entered the room. He marched immediately into the bathroom, banging and crashing as he went. You walked over to find him slumped over the sink, cold water dripping off the end of his nose and the point of his chin.
You had no idea how to act. You didn’t know whether to comfort him, stay out of his way, share his anger. Whatever this was, was it even any of your business? It was in your nature to comfort, however, so you walked over and placed a gentle hand on his back. “Hey,” you said softly, pushing his hair out of his face with your free hand. “What’s happened?” Harry turned around and gave you a small smile, pulling his phone out of his pocket to show you. You were totally blindsided, your mouth falling open. It was a couple of grainy pictures, Harry and you in the hotel hallway yesterday morning. You in just his robe and some socks, walking down the hallway with his hand pressed against your lower back. You walking into the room, your hands laced together. The photos were captioned:
exclusive: harry styles pictured with a mystery woman in london
He scrolled to the next screenshot, the same pictures, now captioned:
who is harry styles’ rumoured girlfriend? we’ve narrowed it down!
He continued scrolling, showing you at least 25 posts and news articles about the pictures. They were taken from behind, so it wasn’t even obvious it was him, let alone you. Even still, your perfect, private little bubble had burst. “Harry I- I didn’t even know someone was there, how did this happen?” you looked into his eyes as you spoke, searching for some kind of answer or clue as to how he felt. Just as his lips parted, his phone rang again. He listened to the voice on the other end for a few minutes, nibbling at the skin around his fingers. One strong hand pushed through his hair once the call ended, grabbing a thick fistful of curls as he threw his head back, eyes closed. Harry still hasn’t said a real word to you since he woke up, and seemed to be holding a lot back from whoever called him. Truthfully, he didn’t know what to say. It hurt him that people sought to invade his privacy. It angered him that your relationship was at risk of being exposed because people couldn’t resist selling stories about his life. It infuriated him that he now had to spend the day dealing with his management instead of nursing a sore head with you.
Harry strode into the living room to pull his trainers on, grabbing his trademark Pleasing tote bag from a hook next to the door. He slipped sunglasses onto his head, pushing his unbrushed curls out of his face. You lingered on the opposite side of the room, arms wrapped tight around your chest. “Harry, where are y-,” you started, teeth clamping down on your bottom lip as he interrupted you. “Need to sort this out. Y/n, I don’t want to ask but I need t’know. Was this anything at all to do with you?” He asked. You couldn’t believe he was pointing the finger at you. “Harry, no! No. I wouldn’t- I’d never,” you told him, hurt at the accusation. He nodded curtly, then disappeared out of the room, leaving you wounded and alone.
You’d decided to head to Joanie’s after Harry left, needing quality time with your best friend. “I’m so sorry I haven’t been around much,” you rushed into your best friends arms as she opened her front door. She pulled you inside, thrusting a pre-made cup of tea into your arms as you slumped in the corner of her ragged sofa. “I’ve been seeing someone,” you started to explain. “He’s been here in london with me, but I think that’s all over now.” You spilled as much as you could to your best friend, twisting the story slightly to keep Harry’s identity secret.
Wiping your hands against your thighs, you stood up, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from your purse. “Do you have a lighter?,” you asked Joanie, scanning the room. You’d never particularly enjoyed smoking but it was just habit for you to have a couple of ciggies when you were sad or stressed. It started when you and Joanie were much younger, newly 18 and enjoying pubs, clubs and boys far too much. Every time one of you had your heartbroken, got rejected at the club or simply drank too much, you needed to share a pack. Now 6 years down the line, it was a dirty little secret you shared, one that Joanie’s long time boyfriend and new husband didn’t even know about.
You sat on the little brick wall outside her house, talking about your plans for the show tonight. “I want to be where we were on Tuesday,” Joanie sighed dreamily, flicking the ash from the end of her cigarette. You smiled meekly in response, dreading even being in the same venue as Harry, let alone so close to him again. “Did you see he was spotted with someone?” Joanie gasped, slapping her hand down on your knee. “I wouldn’t have married Tom if I knew Harry was dating.”
“Oh yes, your marital status is the one reason he’s gone for somebody else,” you scoffed, the pair of you collapsing into each other in a fit of giggles. You were so glad you had your best friend by your side through all of this, even if you couldn’t be totally honest with her. Joanie had always been the perfect opposite to you - the smart to your silly, the rose-tint to your pessimism, the light to your dark. Or whatever way it needed to go. She always managed to oppose your views and feelings, but in a way that gave both of you exactly what you needed. She lifted you up, mellowed you out, always opposite sides of the same coin. You had even spent your teenage years trying to convince school friends that you were destined to be best friends. Joanie was born on the hottest day of that year, and you on the coldest. It took fourteen years for life to bring the two of you together, but you felt as though you’d known her from birth. She was your soulmate, and it was eating up at you that you couldn’t tell her everything about Harry.
On the other side of London, Harry was sprawled across an armchair stuffed far too firm to be comfortable, though he knew that was the point. His long fingers were tapping a rhythm across his thigh, his eyes glued to the empty space left by his still-missing S ring. The tan line left behind sent a twinge through Harry’s chest. He regretted questioning you as soon as he’d said it, though he really didn’t know you well enough to be sure you weren’t involved. For all he knew, this could have been your plan all along. Get friendly with Harry Styles then sell your story to make a quick buck. Truthfully, he felt as though he could trust you, wanted to trust you, but he’d been burned too many times to fully count on his instincts.
“You best start explaining this, H.” Jeff’s voice was kind but stern, a cloud of frustration hanging over his head. Harry held his hands up in surrender, telling his manager, “it’s just a girl I’ve been seeing. Didn’t realise I had t’tell you and the world about it.”
“Harry- I’m your manager, for fucks sake. If you’re out doing things that could make a good story, it’s wise to tell me first. You know we need to get on top of things before anything like this happens.” Jeff’s words were now laced with annoyance. Annoyance with Harry, with the situation, with the media. When Harry failed to say anything further, Jeff pushed again. “So? Tell me what there is to tell and I can find a way out of this for you.”
Harry explained as much as he could, leaving out the raunchier details. He started to speak about ‘kiwi girl’ (as twitter had affectionately nicknamed you), when Jeff held up a hand. “I’m gonna stop you right there, H. Do not tell me this girl is a fan.” Harry’s silence and hanging head was a dead giveaway that you were, in fact, a fan. “And I’m assuming this is the same girl you upgraded the night after?” Harry nodded this time, standing from his seat to pace the length of the room instead. Jeff’s head was in his hands, sighing as he half-yelled “rule number one is you do. not. sleep. with. fans,” slamming the tip of his pen into the table with every word.
“It’s not-“ Harry started. “Not like that, I know. It’s never like that, mate.” Jeff finished for Harry, eyes finding the back of Harry’s head. “Listen, let’s set up an opportunity for more photos with a different woman. Make out you’re having a bit of a phase. Takes the heat off, means you can keep playing with your little fuck-toy in private.”
“She’s not my little fuck-toy,” Harry growled, his irritation threatening to explode out of him. “And I’ve been fucking doing it in private. All of it. Haven’t been with her outside the hotel, not since the first night. Haven’t entered and left at the same time, done everything to keep it fucking private.”
“And no one knows it’s this girl?”
“No, mate. No one else.”
The frosted door swung open, Glenne’s high heels tip-tapping across the marble floor with every step. “Harry!”, she beamed, pulling him in for a lingering hug. “Has my lovely husband been tormenting you?” She looked Harry up and down, eyes full of love and care. He chuckled bitterly, his tired eyes following her back across the room to where she perched on the edge of Jeff’s desk. “This isn’t such a big deal, you know.”
“No, seriously!” she insisted as both men scoffed. “It’s hardly a scandal. ‘Young single man spotted with woman’. It’s not exactly the headline of the century.”
“It is when the world finds out she’s a fan. He’ll be tormented by young girls for the rest of his career now,” Jeff told his wife. “So we don’t let that part get out - not unless you’re serious about her, H. Her family and friends might know if you’re spotted together again, but by the time it has to come out, you’ll be off the market. If you’re not serious, not seeing her again, how you met never has to leave this room. Besides, you’ve been tormented by young girls for years already.”
Harry had no idea how Glenne did it. She always managed to find the best solution, easy fixes that passed right under his and Jeff’s noses. “That works for me,” he sighed, the rubber band snapping from around his chest, finally able to breathe fully and deeply. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out quickly, praying it would be from you. It was Anne.
mum: Just got to the station. Think you have a bit of a situation so will see you later !! Xx
“Mum’s here. I need to go, Jeff. Thank you, Glenne,” Harry muttered as he fled the office, holding his hands up in a prayer position. He sent you a quick text as he left, having not heard from you since he’d left you this morning. Harry was relieved to have a plan, but his heart was still heavy. He should have warned you how quickly things can get real when you’re associated with him. He was so used to fooling around with other women in the industry, women who already knew the ins and outs of life with a celebrity. If the world learned your name, your life would be changed irreversibly. He’d seen what it had done to others, how the media had shared their private details, their families details. You might have known it was a risk, but neither of you had seen this coming so quickly. You hadn’t even discussed it, it was far too soon to even think about what would happen when the bubble burst.
You and Joanie had ended up in almost the exact position you were for night one, just as she wanted. You were wearing your red outfit today, wishing you’d worn that on Tuesday to match with Harry. Everything came back to Tuesday. A white denim skirt hugged your hips, carefully hand-painted red hearts dotted all over the material. You’d paired it with a bright red off the shoulder top, and Joanie next to you was wearing the same but in inverted colours. You were glad to have her close by your side tonight, glad to have been able to tell her the bare minimum about your aching heart. She’d insisted on bringing a funny sign tonight, desperate to catch Harry’s attention and make you smile. ‘my bestie had her heart broken, can you cheer her up ?!’, the sign read. You would keep your fingers crossed for the rest of your life if it meant Harry didn’t see the sign, didn’t notice you at all tonight.
He seemed more muted than usual, his dances and energy toned down in comparison to his usual self. You wondered if he’d tried to contact you at all today. Your phone had barely charged before you left for Joanie’s, then died again on your way over. You hadn’t bothered to charge it up since, preferring to ignore the internet for today at least. Harry knew where you were if he wanted to see you.
Joanie’s fingernails were digging into your arm, her screams bordering on nutty as Harry pulled his guitar strap over his head, mere feet in front of you once again. His eyes had glanced over you a few times, but he hadn’t noticed you. Either because he didn’t want to, or his mind was elsewhere. “Don’t tell me he’s going to-“, Joanie started, screaming again as the opening chords to ‘boyfriends’ echoed through the stadium. You couldn’t help the tears that immediately welled in your eyes, threatening to spill down your blushed cheeks. You hadn’t even thought about crying all day, hadn’t felt as though you needed to and now it was all pushing to the surface.
Are they just pretending?
Joanie wrapped an arm around your waist, using her thumb to wipe a tear from your eye. You rested your head against her shoulder, giving a smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes. You weren’t even sure what made you so upset, but your heart couldn’t stop aching now that you thought about what had happened that morning- then it hit you. Harry hadn’t even asked you how you felt this morning, thought for a second how these pictures could affect you. After how attentive he’d been for days, it felt like a slap in the face. Had he been pretending? Did he only want you in his bed, only care when it was your secret?
They don't tell you where it's heading
You kept your eyes fixed on Harry, his dark pupils scanning the crowd in front of him through heavy eyelids. They lingered on you for only half a second, not long enough for anyone to notice but long enough for you to watch his breath catch in his throat. His eyes clouded over, blinking rapidly as he cleared his throat and looked away from you.
And you know the game's never ending
He stepped back from the microphone, signalling to the crowd to sing for him as he turned his back, the gut-wrenching glisten of tears in his eyes visible for a split second.
He whispered something to Sarah as the song finished and stepped closer to the microphone, his rich voice suddenly crooning, “baby, you were the love of my life”. Harry’s eyes looked anywhere except for you, hurt and shame written all over his face. He knew he’d acted like a dick today, from the way he handled the situation with you, to the way he spoke to Jeff, to the way he made almost no time for his darling mum and sister before the show. He needed to make it all alright, most of all with you. He silently prayed that you’d know these songs were for you, feel what he was trying to convey.
He moved over to the opposite side of the stage, turning to point at Jonny’s place when he mentioned it. Yours and Joanie’s faces flashed up on the screen, Joanie waving her sign around like a mad woman while you wiped your teary eyes. You laughed at the sight of the two of you, you made an insane pair. Harry was watching the screen as he sang, desperate to let his eyes linger on you without actually doing just that. He blew a kiss to your general area as the band played out, girls around you screaming. He walked past you on his way back to the main stage, watching you subtly catch his kiss with the hand still trying to dry your eyes. That soothed him a little, lifted his mood just enough to get through the remainder of the show.
Harry explained everything to Anne and Gemma after the show, head in his hands as they sighed and groaned at his story. “Harry Edward, you’re a very bad man sometimes,” Anne gasped, swatting at his knee. “You got this poor girl obsessed with you, then you ditch her at the first sign of trouble?”
“Oi, I didn’t ditch her!,” he said, his vibe not too far from that of a petulant teenager’s. “I needed to deal with the business side, needed t’sort out Jeff.”
Gemma placed a hand on Harry’s forearm, “have you spoken to her? Explained it all? Y/n is probably going out of her mind right now, H.”
“I think her phones off, we haven’t spoken all day,” Harry sighed. He didn’t have the words to explain to himself, or his family, why this felt like a much bigger problem than it was. Why his heart was so much heavier than it should have been for someone he’d only known for 4 days. “It’s getting late now, go and get some rest darling. See if you can reach her tonight, you’ve got us all day tomorrow.” Anne rose from her seat, tugging on Harry’s wrists to get him moving. She pulled him in for a cuddle when he stood, knowing a mother’s hug can make the biggest problems seem smaller. He held her tight, taking a deep sniff of her floral, earthy scent. She smelled like home. It always seemed to calm him down.
“You did amazing tonight, my special baby boy. Love you so much, we can’t wait to get some proper time with you tomorrow,” Anne said, a radiant grin spreading across her face. She never wanted to see him torn up about anything, hated watching him fall in and out of love every so often, healing the hurt and heartbreak he wore so well. But having her little boy in her arms was more than enough to warm her heart.
Harry knocked on your door, feeling sheepish. He was usually far too stubborn to trail back with his tail between his legs so soon, but this was different. You hadn’t done him wrong, hadn’t bought him anything other than joy. You were the innocent pawn in someone else’s game, a game that he hadn’t realised could, and had, hurt you both. He let the gift bag he held fall to his side when you didn’t answer, his clenched wrist going limp.
He knocked again after a few minutes, and again a few minutes after that. He couldn’t hear anything inside, but that didn’t mean you weren’t in there. He turned on his heel, deciding to head back upstairs, hoping he’d at least get a text from you before he slept. Then he saw you, trudging towards the door, eyes fixed on your phone screen. Your hair was hanging down your back in a messy braid, the t-shirt Harry had loaned to you on Monday night engulfing your slender frame. You looked up as you got nearer, brown eyes locking onto his. Stopping in your tracks, you felt the wings of a thousand butterflies knocking against the inner walls of your belly, heart beating like a ticking time bomb. The hallway was silent, the weight of a thousand things you wanted to say to each other but couldn’t find the words to say hanging over your heads. “Hey,” you smiled, reaching for your keycard. “I just went to get some food, is everything okay?”
Harry let out a breath he didn’t even realise he was holding, stepping forward to wrap you up in his arms. Your bodies melted into each other, your hands splayed against Harry’s back, cradling him so tight you thought you might never let go. “Everything’s okay,” he mumbled, pink lips spreading into a warm smile. Holding onto each other, just being close, was enough to make it right.
You let the two of you inside, unpacking your food onto the countertop as Harry lingered behind you. “I got sushi, there’s enough for two if you want to stay,” you offered.
You both sat on the bed to eat, giggles cutting through a peaceful silence as you watched reruns of the Office. Harry’s fingers found yours after a while, his thumb tracing shapes on the back of your hand. “I got you something,” he told you, standing up to grab the gift bag from where he’d left it.
Your eyes were wide with curiosity as you untied the white ribbon, pulling a handwritten note from a tiny envelope.
‘heard you got your heart broken. thought this could cheer you up’.
You shook your head as you read it, a deep blush creeping up your cheeks. “I told her not to take that sign,” you laughed. “I tried to tell her a bit this morning but it’s a little hard to explain.” Harry grinned, “it was sweet. Though I bet she’ll be mortified if she knows she told me I broke your heart.”
A dark green velvet jewellery box sat in the bottom of the bag, slimline and dainty. You looked up at Harry, as if unsure this was for you. “Open it,” he smiled, words coming out small. Inside was the most beautiful necklace you’d ever seen. A tiny chain, the perfect shade of gold to complement your other jewellery. At the bottom of the chain sat a tiny H, studded with imitation diamonds. You bought the box closer to your face, fingers tracing delicately over the elegant design. “H,” you whispered, totally taken aback by the gift. “For Harry,” he smirked. “Do you like it?”
You were stunned, your mouth trying and failing to form words. All you could do was keep tracing over the pendant, eyes glancing between the necklace and the man sitting in front of you. “I love it, Harry. I really do,” you eventually managed, grateful tears filling up your eyes. You set the box down beside you, closing the distance between you and Harry. He held a warm hand to your cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to the end of your nose. “Turn around, let me help you put it on.”
He secured the chain around your neck, peppering soft kisses across your back. “It’s beautiful Harry, really. I can’t thank you enough,” you sighed, fiddling with the H as you spoke. You leaned back against his chest, turning your head slightly to nuzzle against the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry baby, I really am,” he spoke. “Didn’t mean t’rush out on you in such a hurry.”
“Harry, it’s f-“, you interrupted, wanting to put the whole day behind you now that you had him back. “It’s not fine. Didn’t like you seeing me so pissed off, I wanted to get away and sort it all out. But I hurt you.” He was speaking softer now, his voice gentle. “You didn’t Harry, I was confused that’s all. I didn’t know what any of this meant, for you or for us.”
“And I should’ve spoken to you, got on the same page so we could handle it together.” You pulled away from him as he spoke, turning your body around to face him again. You could see the shame etched into every line on his face, the way he’d beaten himself up all day showing in his eyes. You rested your hand on the side of his neck, thumb stroking the sharp edge of his jawline. “You got it sorted though?” you asked. “All sorted, princess. Had to tell everyone everything though. Even told my mum,” he smiled meekly. “Yeah? Told her how pretty and perfect I am?” you grinned, fluttering your eyelashes. “Told her you’re the prettiest girl in the world. After her of course.”
He really did think you were the prettiest girl in the world. Especially now, in his t-shirt, wearing his initial around your neck. Your hair was messy, your skin fresh. The evening light seeping in from the window was illuminating you from behind, giving you an angelic glow.
“Have you showered?” you asked him. “Yeah. But I’ll have another one if it means more time with you,” he grinned, already yanking his hoodie over his head.
You were taking turns under the water, laughing and joking as you manoeuvred around each other in the small space. “Give me a kiss,” Harry smiled. “Since when have you asked for kisses?” you laughed, poking at his chest. “Don’t know if I deserve one today.”
“Lucky for you, I can’t deny you any,” you said as you leaned towards him. He held onto the back of your head as his lips met yours. His lips were as warm and as soft as they’d ever been, the tickle of his hot breath sending sparks down your spine. Your tongue darted out of your parted lips, licking a trail across his bottom teeth before slipping into his mouth. Harry moved his mouth to your throat, suckling on your wet skin. “Gonna mark you up, show everyone you’re mine,” he whispered. He ran his tongue over the bruise he left behind, before continuing to kiss down your body, pausing to nibble on your perky nipple. He licked a circle around your belly button as your hands found his wet hair, shifting your body to lean against the tiled wall.
“Open up for me,” he asked, nose nudging into the space where your thighs met. He rested back on his heels, admiring your pussy. “So perfect, my sweet girl,” he drawled, fingers tracing up the inside of your thigh. His warm face was so close to right where you needed him, mouth so close that his tongue could reach out and have a taste. His mouth was watering at the sight of your arousal wetting your folds. He couldn’t take it anymore, he needed to taste you, wet his face with your juices, have you screaming as you came on his tongue.
You were whimpering as soon as Harry’s lips made contact with your pussy, his tongue lapping into your folds. He was eating you like he’d been starving, like your pussy was the first and only thing he’d ever be allowed to enjoy. His nose grazed over your clit as he licked at your entrance, sending your hips bucking into his mouth as the bundle of nerves lit on fire. He chuckled at your body’s reaction, murmuring a slurred, “need daddy to give you more?” You tugged on his curls in response, breathless and unable to speak. He moved immediately to focus on your clit, his lips wrapping around your button as he sucked and popped. He moaned against you, the vibrations shooting pleasure deep into your core.
You’d never found much pleasure from someone’s mouth, yet Harry’s was taking you to places you’d never been before. Your back was arched off the wall, fingertips buried so deep in his hair you could pierce his scalp. Your eyes were grainy, the hot steam from the shower swirling around your head. You felt like you were in a trance, moans and incoherent words slipping out of your mouth uncontrollably.
Harry gripped onto the back of your thigh, steadying himself as he pulled his mouth closer into your entrance. His tongue was licking deeper into you, one finger rubbing circles around your clit. “Harry,” you whimpered, feeling your legs begin to buckle beneath you. Your orgasm rolled over you in waves, your body so limp yet so tense under his touch. His tongue kept fucking into you, his hard cock twitching between his legs as you screamed out a strangled moan. You pulled one hand out of his curls, gripping onto the shower caddy to keep yourself from collapsing. Your head was spinning, stars all you could see as Harry rode you through your high. Between the water dripping from his hair, and your juices drenching his face, Harry thought he could drown. He’d die happily here, nestled between your legs, lips attached to your perfect pussy for eternity.
He pulled away after a moment, pressing a kiss to your sensitive clit before standing, pulling your weak body into his arms. “Always do so good for me, baby girl,” he cooed, pushing the wet strands of hair off of your forehead. He could get drunk off the way you looked post-orgasm, your cheeks flushed and pupils blown. The way your mouth never fully closed and your breasts jumped as your chest heaved. Harry got a kick out of knowing he did that to you, he bought you that pleasure.
His cock bumped against your hips as he helped you out the shower, your hands all over each other as you pushed him towards the granite countertop. “What’s bought this on?” Harry smirked, not used to seeing you take such an active role. It had been established pretty early on that Harry was a giver, all he wanted was to pleasure you, and you had no problems being a taker. But his cock had been calling out to you for days, begging you for a taste. “Where you going?” he asked you, head tilting to the side as your hands slithered down his body, your knees hitting the tiled floor. You stayed silent, pressing kisses up the inside of his thigh. You bit down into the fleshy part near the top, quickly licking over the teeth marks. Harry shuddered as you nipped at his skin, repeating the move up and down both his thighs. You suckled at the skin next to his base, leaving your mark. A perfect little purple bruise, a matching tattoo.
You looked up at him as he reached down to swipe his thumb over your bottom lip, his butterfly tattoo seemingly flapping its wings as he breathed in and out. “Gonna stuff daddy’s cock into that pretty little mouth?” he rasped, his thighs tensing as you hacked spit into your palms. You stroked his member up and down, up and down, again and again as you pressed swollen-mouthed kisses to his thick tip. Holding a hand at his base, you licked a line down the underside of his shaft, then took his tip in your mouth hungrily. He was far bigger than you’d ever had, and you were unsure of how well your usual tricks would work on someone his size.
He whimpered as you took him further in your mouth, your warm cheeks tightening against his length as you sucked. Your hand moved up and down the inches of him you couldn’t manage to take, swirling your heated tongue around his head as you pulled him further out. “Knew you could be a good little slut for daddy,” he drawled, gathering your dripping hair and using it to guide your head up and down his cock. He kept his free hand steadied on the countertop, mouth dropping open as you popped off of his head and moved your mouth to his balls. Harry threw his head back as you suckled at his sack, rolling your tongue against the soft, sensitive skin. Your hand continued tugging against his length as you worked, your nose bumping the underside of his foreskin. “Fuck baby, give me more, please,” he groaned, wrapping your long hair around his fist. You switched your hand and your mouth, fondling his balls while you stuffed his cock back into your mouth. You looked up at him through heavy-lidded eyes as you took his member further than you had before, reaching as far as you could before gagging against his head. His hand tugged at your hair somewhat involuntarily as your throat closed around him, a choked moan squeezing out against his tip. Your eyes were red, tears brewing above your lower lashes. “Taste so fucking good daddy,” you told him, mouth moving up and down faster now, humming in appreciation as his cock twitched in your throat.
Harry had never seen you look so sexy, not when you took his cock so well, not when you were coming on his tongue. Like this, stark naked on the bathroom floor, his cock lodged between your perfect swollen pout, this is what he wanted to remember. Have the image etched in his brain forever, see you like this every time he closed his eyes. His balls felt heavy in your hand, loaded with the cum he couldn’t wait to shoot down your pretty little throat. “Fuck, princess. I’m gonn- gonna come if you keep doing that,” he warned, his voice deep with lust. You moaned against him, keeping your lips wrapped tightly around his girthy member, your perfect H pendant swinging against your chest as you bobbed back and forth. You splayed your free hand against his thigh as it started to shake, looking up his body to see his abs tensing, his pecs twitching as you bought him close to climax. “Come for me daddy,” you whined against him, words muffled by his cock taking over your throat. He pulled his head down to his chest, eyes screwed tight and jaw slack as he came violently, thick cum splashing against the back of your throat. You swallowed around his head, ribbons of cum flooding your cheeks. You moved the hand cradling his sack to stroke his length, riding him through his orgasm. His hips jutted towards you, your hair wound tightly around his clenched fist.
His grip eased up as he came down from his high, darkened eyes opening to look down at you as you removed your mouth from him completely. You had his juices dripping out of your mouth, eyes threatening to spill over as you wiped them with the back of your hand. “Never seen anything so pretty in my whole life,” Harry smiled, rubbing the curve of your neck.
You dried yourselves off, fluffy towels soothing your aching, exhausted bodies. Crawling into bed still naked, you and Harry faced each other, whispering sweet nothings as you kissed over each others faces. He fell asleep before you, one arm draped across your chest, hand still cupping your jaw. Your phone lit up with a text from Joanie,
J: everything ok? you happy?
You snapped a selfie, Harry’s strong hand barely visible in the pitch black room. You sent it to her, captioned simply, the happiest
part five
taglist: @ameerakane20
you can join my taglist here 🫶🏼
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pictureamoebae · 11 months
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GREENHOUSE BUILD SET in Image Spectra by amoebae
I used the slatted wall from the Greenhouse Haven kit in my last build and thought it could do with some more colours. Then I realised I should really do the windows and doors to match. And then I remembered the gable end. And the roof. And the plain wall.
So here they are! They all come in the Image Spectra palette. The windows and doors have separate catalogue entries for the different types of glazing: clear, lattice (shown in screenshot), and mesh. That leads to lots of package files, so I've merged them together.
The roof looks funky. I can never get them right. They're always too bright. It looks fine from inside, but you might want to avoid the lighter colours if you're planning on taking screenshots of the outside. Or don't, I'm not the boss of you.
TOU, requirements, and credits: Share and use as you wish, but please do so freely and always allowing others to do the same with your resulting content. Requires the Greenhouse Haven kit. With thanks to @fiddlefolk for the Image Spectra palette.
Find me here:
pictureamoebae @ tumblr
amoebae @ twitter
amoebae @ ko-fi
amoebae @ patreon
amoebae's TS4 screenshots @ flickr
amoebae's cc, builds and ReShade presets in one place @ flickr
amoebae's amoebas discord server
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duskvortex · 4 months
with Nightshade out, I want people to watch out for anyone claiming that Glaze and Nightshade are nothing but snake oil, and ask yourselves why the pro genAI crowd would suddenly care about artists when these tools are now out in the open. look at their rhetoric and analyze it. look at their word use and how they try to fearmonger. these should be immediate red flags
also be wary of anyone claiming that they defeated the disruptions by using any simple method such as screenshotting, blurring/unsharpening, resizing etc. these claims have been thrown against Glaze on social media for months without any proof to back them up. meanwhile, Glaze team has provided actual papers to back up research behind these disruption models. would you rather trust a source with research papers to back it up, or some rando with no background in data research claiming these disruptions have been defeated with nothing to back it up?
any claim that these disruptions have been defeated using simple methods and are nothing but snake oil to prey on fearing artists should be highly scrutinized and anyone spreading these claims should be highly questioned
with all of that said, I have to stress that you should keep in mind that AI models are constantly evolving and these disruptions can be defeated in the end. however, it costs time, money and resources for the companies that own these genAI models. this is why Glaze and Nightshade are game changers and why using them isn't pointless, even when they do get defeated in the end. while genAI models are constantly evolving, so are Glaze and Nightshade
Nightshade and Glaze your art. you put time and labor into all of that, and you absolutely have the right to protect yourself
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jbbartram-illu · 4 months
I'd love to know more about layering glazes!! I've taken ceramic classes in school and as you can imagine we were limited to single glazes to stop kids from mixing things together with too-early second coats.
Ooohhh get ready for another ramble because I am SO into glaze layering (tho also very early on in the journey...now that I have a kiln, I'll have way more capacity for tossing in some test tiles alongside the proper work, so hopefully I'm only getting nerdier in this aspect of the craft!).
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A couple of beasts featuring cool surface effects via layering glazes!
The main thing that got me properly into glaze layering was the fact that both Mayco & Amaco provide online resources for layering their glazes, which provided me with a foundation to start from when deciding what glazes to layer.
Mayco's glaze layering resource
Amaco's Glaze layering resource
With few exceptions, all of my layered glazes have been based on suggestions from those sites. Of course, most look slightly different from the reference photos provided due to firing temp/clay type, but it's amazing to have something to work from!
The other crucial thing that comes along with glaze layering (& just glazing in general!) is keeping a record of your choices. I've got a two-pronged system going now where I write everything down in a notebook while working, then take proper photos when the pieces are done & put it in an app on my phone called ClayLab.
This allows me to more easily organize my glaze results & reference them in a more streamlined way than my initial system of 'read tragically messy notes in notebook while scrolling through my overloaded & disorganized phone photo album'. Sometimes apps DO make things easier!
Here are some photos of my not-at-all-unhinged notebook scrawlings & a screenshot of the ClayLab app:
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The app lets you apply all kinds of info to each entry & then filter by all those categories (eg. type of vessel/creature, glaze name, clay type, etc). I really do recommend it if you want a non-stressful way of keeping track of your glazing choices!
So yeah!! I hope this was a little bit helpful? I'll be talking a bit more about my personal favourite glazes/layered glazes in a future ask, which I'll post soon!
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leafofkudzu · 4 months
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Hello and happy endless January! Despite how long this month may have seemed, it is almost over - and that means it's soon time for another art party hosted by my guild, Verdant Shield [VS]! We're taking a little tour of the cozy size of the jungle this time, over at Mabon Market in Caledon!
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
Caledon Forest is a nice easily-accessible map for everyone, and Mabon Market even has its own dedicated waypoint (that is, Mabon Waypoint)! I imagine we'll kind of scatter out across the market and beach, so don't take my exact location in this screenshot too seriously!
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we'll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don't be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Time (aka 3pm Eastern Standard Time or 4 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Aemryn of Dusk for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Standard Time (aka 1am Central European Time or at in-game reset). I’ll be hosting this one on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
Closing Words:
A few days ago some nasty info came to the surface about various GW2 sources being scraped for AI purposes, with tumblr tags specifically being mentioned. Though I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for being discouraged and not wanting to draw at all (even this post was delayed because of it), I think at the end of the day, even if you don't post anything publicly, you still shouldn't deny yourself the company and community of your fellow creatives! If you'd like to make this art party have more of a focus on screenshots, or even just hang out and not draw at all, please feel free - your presence is what makes these parties...well, parties, after all!
If you are still interested in posting your artwork though, please check out Glaze and Nightshade as potential ways to protect yourself (and hurt AI datasets) if you haven't already! And even if you don't do that, make sure to slap signatures/watermarks/etc wherever you can. This may be a disheartening time for us, but it doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we love.
So, whether you're coming to create or just to hang out, I look forward to seeing you all this Saturday. Take care, stay safe, and see you soon! ♥
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fibrielsolaer · 1 year
"Ethical AI" activists are making artwork AI-proof
Hello dreamers!
Art thieves have been infamously claiming that AI illustration "thinks just like a human" and that an AI copying an artist's image is as noble and righteous as a human artist taking inspiration.
It turns out this is - surprise! - factually and provably not true. In fact, some people who have experience working with AI models are developing a technology that can make AI art theft no longer possible by exploiting a fatal, and unfixable, flaw in their algorithms.
They have published an early version of this technology called Glaze.
Glaze works by altering an image so that it looks only a little different to the human eye but very different to an AI. This produces what is called an adversarial example. Adversarial examples are a known vulnerability of all current AI models that have been written on extensively since 2014, and it isn't possible to "fix" it without inventing a whole new AI technology, because it's a consequence of the basic way that modern AIs work.
This "glaze" will persist through screenshotting, cropping, rotating, and any other mundane transformation to an image that keeps it the same image from the human perspective.
The web site gives a hypothetical example of the consequences - poisoned with enough adversarial examples, AIs asked to copy an artist's style will end up combining several different art styles together. Perhaps they might even stop being able to tell hands from mouths or otherwise devolve into eldritch slops of colors and shapes.
Techbros are attempting to discourage people from using this by lying and claiming that it can be bypassed, or is only a temporary solution, or most desperately that they already have all the data they need so it wouldn't matter. However, if this glaze technology works, using it will retroactively damage their existing data unless they completely cease automatically scalping images.
Give it a try and see if it works. Can't hurt, right?
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doodlemancy · 3 months
so here's the deal re: this fucking horseshit. god i hate this.
i, personally, have mostly given up on trying to dodge inclusion in AI datasets. the stuff i make generally isn't what they're looking for anyway and there's no real way to 100% avoid being scraped short of becoming entirely invisible online, which would um, lead to me having no money and dying. that's part of the cruelty of all this, but also, in a way, it's the same risk artists online have always taken; if you want people to see your work, you have to post it knowing that some of those people are fucking lowlife piece of shit scumbags who will try to resell it on redbubble or something for a quick buck. AI is just a new and exhausting way for garbagey people to stink worse. i am not in any way excusing that behavior or trying to imply people should not be mad about it or that we shouldn't condemn this move and fight back. "if you don't want your work stolen, don't put it online" is the kind of shitty Internet Tough Guy talk i've always hated since my dA days. it's as useless and heartless as telling people that if they don't want their bikes stolen, they shouldn't leave them at the bike rack. i'm saying that i, personally, will not let a bunch of soulless thieving shitheads drive me offline. i belong here. they belong in a wifi-proof dumpster.
nightshade and glaze eat my artwork alive. they make it look terrible. when you have to sell things on the basis that they look nice, it's a big problem when protective measures make them look like dogshit. my work is not a good candidate for these processes. even if that weren't the case, i don't have the stamina, especially right now while my chronic pain is flaring for the third month in a row and my adhd meds are scarce, to go back and shade/glaze everything, and it wouldn't work on reblogs anyway. given the way midjourney and its equally stinky siblings have already scraped years and terabytes' worth of image data from popular websites, it doesn't seem worth my time. if you think it is worth yours i am not going to like, yell at you. i am just one person. but i want to be clear about the kind of situations some of us are being forced into.
i think some of the doomsaying about AI and what it will do to us has been overblown-- they need you, for marketing purposes, to believe that someday their shitty robot will be as good at "drawing" and as practical to work with as a human-- but the consequences of "AI" (which is not even actually AI) are already real and visible and obvious to anyone paying attention. i unfortunately am not infinitely wise and powerful and therefore do not have an ideal all-encompassing solution to this deeply stupid problem that the Most Unlikeable Manbabies On Earth have imposed on us after NFTs fizzled out.
what i do have is a very large repository of nice anime and game screenshots i've taken, knowledge of many archives of nice public domain images, a computer that can run nightshade overnight or while i'm off doing other things, and, most importantly, near-infinite capacity for pettiness. i do kinda feel like the jury is still out on how well nightshade/glaze will work in the long run, but in the meantime, i suppose it wouldn't cost me a lot to... perhaps... every time i get Mad About AI™, channel that anger into dumping some thoroughly-but-not-spammily-tagged, high-quality, inconspicuous poison onto this godforsaken hellsite via a secret side blog. i could make a batch of poison ahead of time, keep it on my phone, use my Toilet Scrolling Time or my Public Transit Time to post and tag up an image here and there. it could be a fun challenge to try to make some pretty robot poison that some humans will still enjoy.
the other thing we need to poison at this point, IMO, is the word "AI" itself, by being loudly and mercilessly critical of any company that dabbles in it, the same way we all clowned on any company that pushed their luck with NFT/crypto shit a couple of years ago. we need to have every corporation terrified that association with AI will tank their sales and hurt their brand. AI must = number go down and lots of people screaming at you. companies will fuck around. we must provide the finding-out. we shouldn't have to. but we can!
so make sure to let tumblr know you hate this. maybe you could include this interesting link (tw child abuse) about how Stable Diffusion was trained on some extremely serious crime. or these screenshots of Midjourney devs just sort of admitting what their whole thing is, which i got here but which have kinda been spread all over since January.
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spite and anger can be forms of hope. that's all i have to say, or at least all i'm willing to type with my left hand tonight.
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Hi hi! I have a weird question/thought after seeing the talk about Idia's use of language. There are a lot of things that are just unable to translate from Japanese to English, and some things that get changed as short hand. The whole nerdy implications of Idia using "-Shi" are basically absent from EN, instead he seems to use "Mr." (If I recall correctly) which really doesn't give the same impression? In your personal opinion - is there anyway you'd personally localize it? Stick with the same? Remove it completely? Use "M'lady/M'lord" instead? (haha)
Hello hello!! I love your "M'lady/M'lord" solution more than I can say ♡ It is associated with the past while still being used by some people in present-day just for fun, which is just like how Idia speaks! That would have been so great for the English-language adaptation!
As you say, Idia's honorific for others has (kind of) been translated as "Mr." on EN, but only in a select few places.
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For the most part it has just been removed, but the curious continuity makes it seem like he thinks that only Malleus, Azul, Grim and Riddle are (sometimes) worthy of "Mr." (the Riddle screenshots below are even both from the same vignette).
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And then there is the Harveston sub-plot between Sebek and Marja, where Sebek refuses to refer to Marja with an honorific until she proves herself worthy of respect (by fixing his plushie).
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At that point he awards her with an extremely respectful honorific (equivalent to "-sama," and the same word Silver uses with Lilia).
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Marja, however, immediately gives him permission to refer to her in the same way he has been throughout the entire trip.
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Idia is a psuedo-narrator for this sub-plot, commenting on Sebek's disrespectful way of speaking in both languages.
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But on EN he then proceeds to refer to Marja in the same way as Sebek (and everyone else) does.
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This has the unfortunate result of making Idia look odd for mentioning it in the first place, when the odd person is actually Sebek, as everyone else is using a respectful honorific with Marja.
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Idia using "M'lady" and everyone else (except Sebek) using "Ms." probably would have been a lot more successful in getting the situation across to people who may not be familiar with such Japanese-language nuances!
As for what I personally would go with...this conundrum reminded me of this amazing joke by @anottercoffee on Twitter:
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And I would be very tempted to go for the "fansubber" solution of translating everything literally, but just having the words doesn't mean that the players are going to understand the nuances, and might cause even more confusion.
If "-san" and "-senpai" are just mouth-sounds to someone, they're not going to understand the significance behind Riddle and Azul dropping it from Leona and Riddle's names in important moments, for example.
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But maybe that's okay! Because at the moment, the alternative that we have is everything getting removed from everywhere, and no one has the chance to understand anything at all.
The best comparison I have come across is Lord of the Rings and Star Trek, where authors incorporated languages that are completely invented, giving no one any chance of understanding them.
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Japanese is a language that already exists, so it seems like it would actually be less of a challenge to introduce world-specific terms like "-sama" and "-chan" for people to either glaze over as a world-building aspect that doesn't interest them, or to gradually adapt to through sheer repetition, so by the end of Book 6 they might have a greater-than-zero understanding of the nuances of a foreign language (much like another magic-school series did with Latin).
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The manga is actually approaching the honorifics in a different way than the game and giving “Mr.” to everybody, so Azul’s “Riddle-san," Crowley’s “Trappola-kun” and Deuce’s “Diamond-senpai” are all now Mr. Rosehearts, Mr. Trappola and Mr. Diamond (more here).
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So it seems that VIZ Media did not agree with Aniplex USA's localization?
What is going to be the most interesting is the novel! Slated for an August, 2024 official English-language release, the novel is also being overseen by VIZ Media.
This means that we might see "Mr." being used everywhere (to uphold continuity with the manga), but the novel goes much deeper into character relationships than the game, and relationships are what honorifics are all about.
Cater, for example, uses them with everyone:
“Usually, Cater does not ever yobisute anyone. When he calls to Trey, he always adds ‘kun’ to his name...When Cater uses Trey’s name like this, it is only when he is really serious. Only when it is important.” -Twisted Wonderland the first novel
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Is Cater going to be calling Trey "Mr. Clover"? And how are they even going to localize these sections describing a feature of a language that is not being spoken? It gives us a lot to look forward to!
In the end, writing out Japanese-specific honorifics into English might actually cause more confusion than it's worth, which is why Twst (and so many other foreign-language-adapting-to-an-English-speaking-audience properties) has gone in the direction that it has.
I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they know more than we do about what is going on, and that there are important reasons behind the choices they have made.
But I also think that the sheer popularity of the "fansubber" approach to this situation is a good sign that maybe people are sometimes okay with not understanding things, as properties like Lord of the Rings and Star Trek have shown us!
While too late for Twst, it will be interesting to see how this situation continues to evolve in the years to come. Maybe, one day, we will even get an official localization that introduces honorifics directly!
If such an experiment fails it will be most expensive for the localizer, and money is likely a large factor behind why companies might be reluctant to take such a gamble and would rather play it safe and just have everyone say "Mr."
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mayalaen · 5 months
VPNs aren't just for pirates and company data anymore
A friend complained to me that they couldn't access pr0n anymore because the government is now requiring ID to verify age where they are, and due to data leaks and privacy issues, didn't want to share their ID even though they're of legal age.
Shit like this doesn't work on the intended target. It only frustrates people who are aren't tech savvy while a lot of kids have already found their way around it because that's what kids do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I talk about VPNs (virtual private networks), non-tech savvy people's eyes glaze over 😂
It sounds like complicated, unknowable magic. It's not! And you don't even have to understand it to use it!
With the government and ISPs (internet service providers) invading privacy more and more and hackers breaking in and stealing user data from companies, VPNs are becoming necessary.
Some Things a VPN Does for You:
hides your data from others
can make your internet speeds faster if your ISP does speed throttling (purposely making your speed slower)
hides what you're doing from your ISP
keeps you safer from some malware, viruses, hackers, and trackers
allows you to access things that are either restricted in your area or not available in your area (such as content in other countries)
keeps you safer when you're out in public connected to wifi
Below is a basic infographic on how VPNs work. When you access the internet, a VPN encrypts your data - making it into a secret code that can't be read by anyone else including your ISP.
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Tech companies, ISPs, etc. want you to think VPNs are complicated so that you won't use them.
When searching for a free VPN, please be aware that a lot of the free VPN services out there are malware or full of viruses and trackers.
Either do some research into which one to choose or use a paid VPN service. You can either pay monthly or yearly - the yearly is always cheaper in the long run.
Some of the Top Rated VPN Services:
ExpressVPN $7 - $13/month
NordVPN $3 - $13/month
Surfshark $2 - $14/month
PrivateInternetAccess $2 - $12/month
ProtonVPN (some sites block this one) $4 - $10/month
CyberGhost $2 - $13/month
I use ExpressVPN, so for the purposes of this post, I'm going to use screenshots from ExpressVPN.
Once you have an account, download the program from the website to your desktop/laptop or find the app on Android or iOS app stores.
Signing in requires a code that the VPN will email to you that unlocks all the features. Pay attention when the program installs because it'll ask you about preferences, and you can easily check yes on blocking pr0n when that's the reason you wanted a VPN in the first place 😂
When the program is open, you'll see this:
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As you can see in the screenshot, not only do I have the program, but I have an ExpressVPN icon on my browser. The program installs this automatically, and when the program is running, the icon will have a green checkmark on it so you know it's working in your browser.
You'll notice I've recently connected using Japan. I did this so I could watch a series that isn't available outside of Japan.
The program automatically chooses a location near you, but if you want to access things that are restricted to you, make sure you click on the three dots to the right of the selected location (see screenshot below) and search for a state/country/place that your content will be available in.
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Once your location is selected, click on the start/power button, and you'll get a popup notification from your computer that ExpressVPN is connected.
Go to the site you want to use and use it like you normally would.
Here's what it should look like when it's running correctly:
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Keep in mind that if you leave a VPN running all the time (which is perfectly fine to do), search engines like Google will assume you live wherever ExpressVPN tells it you live, so searching for "stores near me" will give you results that aren't close to you.
When you're done using the VPN, just hit the power button again and it shuts off.
I use this on all my handheld devices, my desktop, and my laptop for business and personal reasons. I'm a pirate, and I've been using VPNs for a long time, yet none of the ISPs I've used have ever given me a warning about torrenting.
Good luck, and enjoy all the new things you can access!
BTW for anybody wondering, my desktop wallpaper is a map of the world's time zones. So pretty!! 😍
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abyssal-jinks · 3 months
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Quick screenshot study!
a friend made me watch Hackers yesterday and I was inspired
Im playing with Glaze and Nightshade but for the life of me, I cannot get it to look good, any suggestions?
(i have a very very good GPU so that shouldn't be the problem)
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subzeroparade · 1 year
(long post ahead sorryyyyyy)
Some process shots at the request of @lizteaart :)
(sorry in advance - I was not struck with any impulse for originality, so you get these two posh mfs looking dumb and pretty.) 
This is not meant to be a guide by any means, just a glimpse at how I (generally) build up paint and then colour correct. I work the same way unless I’m trying to achieve a particular style for practice or effect (like this piece, in which I strictly followed lineart and hated every second of it; or the Byrgenwerth portraits, done completely in greyscale and coloured with custom gradient maps). 
I work in Clip Studio because there’s something about the colour blending that feels extra buttery, but I used to work in Photoshop; all of this applies cross-software anyway. 
Step 1: lineart. If I’m not working stylistically for clean lineart, I leave it pretty loose. I almost always change things around while I’m colouring. I have about 3-4 rounds of progressive lineart until I’m happy (in a loose watercolour brush).
Step 2: I will have the lineart on multiply so I can work under it for a while. I sometimes (but not always) block in some rough colour underneath just for extra texture and in case I need to clip to layer later. I also put down a tentative palette (skin in this case) just so I can have a range for the colour dropper. I add and subtract from the palette while I work - but it also prevents things from getting too muddy, which can happen if you’re exclusively selecting colours from inside the work itself. 
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Step 3: (sorry, the screenshot is super small here) I do a VERY rough blocking in of colour just to see if things make sense (and so I don’t have to change my mind so much later). These are clipped to the colour-block layer from the previous image to save time. Sometimes I duplicate these layers and play around in modes to increase saturation, contrast, etc. Here I left them as is cause I’m going for a colouring style that’s a little more subtle. 
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Step 4 ad infinitum: refining. Here I’m starting with the skin and hair, since the focus of my work is always the character’s face. I try to work in a way that’s non-destructive: every time I establish a baseline of good build-up, I create a new layer and work on top of that. That way, if I over-render or muck something up, I can just delete that layer, and the previous state will still exist. In this work, I deleted at least one layer of rendering from both their faces, because at some point I felt like I’d over-rendered or lost some nice texture or good shape definition. But I still had whatever acceptable state saved beneath. I merge them as I go so they don’t get to be too many.
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I’m trying to build a pretty smooth surface of skin here, which is a new thing for me, since I used to render with heavier, more textured brushes. Here I’m using about 3 different watercolour brushes. I work soft-hard-soft-hard: softening and blending, adding hard edges, and then going again until it looks somewhat convincing. I try to colour select as much pure colour from the palette so it doesn’t get too muddy, and I also like injecting some unexpected colour here and there, especially in shadows, like cyans, for a little more life. 
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Step 5: By now, I’ve started layering above the lineart. I only do this when I feel the facial structures are solid enough that I don’t need it anymore. But the lineart layers are still there, beneath, if I ever need to go back to it as a guide. 
I also add a very low opacity gradient map at this step, for little more interesting saturation, and continue to work above it. I go back and forth between skin and hair so I don’t spend too much time on one thing, and give my brain a break to come back and notice things I would otherwise glaze over. I try not to over-render and still leave lots of evidence of painterly gesture. 
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Closeup of the hair from base to almost-rendered. I add a sharpen filter to the hair often to get parts of it a little visually crispier. 
Step 6: the exact same thing but with fabric/armour/whatever. I mix my watercolour brushes with bulkier, meatier brushes for textile, since I can’t be arsed to render clothes with the same care as I do skin. These are the types I use (folks can DM/anon if they want the brush names, I have a million different sets and use maybe…ten). 
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The chalice midway through render. 
At this stage I will let it sit for a while longer. Whether it’s done is debatable and usually up to personal preference - you can render till kingdom come if you want something more realistic, but you might lose some lovely, sensitive evidence of gesture or interesting accidents. I also highly encourage playing with gradient maps if that’s something of stylistic interest. A good gradient map can do a bunch of things - change the whole temperature of a piece, push back certain details and pull others forward, etc (example here - this particular gradient didn’t suit what I was looking for, but it still manages to be visually interesting). 
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I usually come back and nitpick a few things before moving it into Photoshop where I’ll do colour management - another gradient map, fixing saturation/vibrancy, selective colour, etc - and anything structural that I may need liquify for. Then I’ll sharpen it one more time, slap a noise gradient on it if it feels like it needs some extra texture, and try not to hate it right after saving it LOL. 
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(I'll probably come back to this a few more times before posting something that feels more "finished").
Sorry for the long post - and hope this was helpful (•‿•)
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ryouhiko-ankuu · 3 months
I saw that post about what Tumblr is supposedly planning to do... I found out about your art a few years ago and I love your style, and I know it's frustrating to have the threat of your work being put on AI and such, I understand the feeling as an artist too (although I haven't uploaded my art yet to Tumblr)
You don't have to answer this message, but I wanted to send this because I found out about an interesting tool that can be helpful against the AI problem that you may like: https://www.tumblr.com/does-this-look-inanimate-to-you/740926391530487808?source=share
Sorry for the bad English though, it is not my first language. I really love your art and hope I could get as good as you someday!
Thanks for your kind words anon.
I know about Nightshade and Glaze, even used the latter a couple of times, and I admire the team's efforts... BUT realistically I can't use it:
they still haven't addressed the issue with 1660/1650/1550 GPUs (and I don't have any spare money to buy a new GPU just to make Glaze and Nightshade work)
iirc the only Glaze version that worked for me was 0.0.3 and that's simply because it didn't use GPU at all; their latest "non-GPU" version on download page still switches to GPU for an unknown reason and produces the same black image error again;
I contacted them three times trying to troubleshoot this and they never replied;
I have access to webglaze, but it barely solves any problems. It has a limitation of 10 glazes per day and 40 glazes per week. This might seem like a non-issue since I post stuff once in a blue moon, but let me illustrate what the problem here is with an example - here, look at the glazed version of the screenshot with Jam that I posted on twitter:
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As you can see, glaze artifacts here fuck the whole image up like some really bad jpeg compression, there's even some weird pink blob on her face. These artifacts are a common problem for artists who use clean lines and colours instead of painterly style. To be fair, you can still make it look much prettier, like some kind of a fancy texture, but for that you literally have to run it many, MANY times, like some gacha. Ten glazes are NOT enough. If I had a working app, I could run it twenty, fifty, heck I could run it hundred times to figure out better settings and image properties. I have no such opportunity, so instead I just tried sending it to webglaze one more time, got another result with a pink blob across Jam's face and opted for posting a non-glazed version.
I guess I sound like some ungrateful bitch but honestly I'm mostly disheartened that the only tools to protect my work at least somehow are just posting smaller images with 72 dpi resolution and blocking AI bros to avoid targeted attention. I'm tired. So fucking tired. And I can't even "draw for myself" and keep my work on the hard drive away from people's eyes because it's quite literally a form of communication for me. Duh.
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wtfuckevenknows · 1 year
One Hundred Ways to say “I love you,” #18 for Tarlos please!
Hello friends, welcome back, I finally managed to finish the first One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ prompt and I present to you another screenshot of @noxsoulmate and my conversation about the length of this prompt.........
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This one now sits at 1.6k and I don't think a single one of these will stay between 100-200 words so I'm officially giving up on that notion, we all know I'm way to fucking wordy!!!
Thanks @paperstorm for the quick *cough* beta, because as always it takes a goodamn village! ❤️😘 (writing in a language that is not your first language is fucking stupid)
You can now also read it on ao3 here.
18 “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
TK was curled up on their couch at the loft, wrapped up in his favorite blanket, watching Brooklyn 99, a show that was fun and lighthearted and reminded him a bit of home and he would never admit this to Carlos but maybe he did have a bit of a thing for cops in general, not just his husband.
Carlos absolutely judged TK for liking it and wouldn’t be caught dead watching, so TK reserved watching the show for nights he spent alone when Carlos was on shift or meeting up with some of his friends. 
There was a bottle of mineral water on the table, as well as a couple of empty sushi containers.
Carlos had been out celebrating passing the detective exam with some of his colleagues, soon to be ex-colleagues, for a couple of hours when TK’s phone rang. 
It was Lexi, who asked him to come pick up his drunk husband. In the background he could hear Carlos yelling something he couldn't quite make out and it made him smile. 
Carlos didn't get drunk very often, only sometimes when they went out partying with the whole gang, which admittedly didn't happen as often as it used to these days. Carlos was a happy and loud drunk, letting go of some of his inhibitions when under the influence. 
After promising Lexi he'd be there soon and hanging up the phone, he threw on a hoodie and a pair of comfortable sneakers and made his way to the bar by foot. Living downtown definitely had its perks and he hoped walking home in the fresh, clear night air would help Carlos sober up a bit. If he was too drunk, they could always take an uber back to the loft. 
Entering the bar he could hear Carlos laughing loudly over all the other noise. With a grin on his face, he made his way to where he could see the police officers occupying a booth. 
Carlos looked like he was having fun. His hair wasn't fully gelled down anymore, the curls coming out to play. There was a flush high on his cheeks and his eyes were a bit glazed over but still sparkly. He had rolled up the sleeves of his long sleeved denim shirt, the top two buttons undone, giving TK a peek of his white undershirt. He was smiling brightly, while intently listening to something one of his colleagues was saying.
Shortly before he reached them Carlos spotted him, his face going soft and he very loudly exclaimed, “TK, baby, you're here!”
TK couldn't help but chuckle, replying “Yes, Carlos, I’m here to take you home.” 
Carlos looked up at him in confusion, rapidly blinking a couple of times before looking between him and his colleagues like he was watching a tennis match. Then he shrugged his shoulders, his gaze finally settling back on TK, before breaking out into a dopey grin. 
“I love going home with you. I love our home and I love you. You’re the best husband!” 
Lexi was openly laughing at Carlos now, gently pushing him out of the booth and into TK’s waiting arms. “Go home Reyes, be disgustingly in love with your husband behind closed doors.”
“It’s Strand-Reyes,” Carlos corrected his partner, looking every bit as offended as he sounded. 
Lexi raised her arms in surrender. “Sorry.” 
She didn't look very sorry to TK, but Carlos’ focus had already shifted back to him as he was now pulling TK closer to him with a hand that had somehow found its way to his ass. 
Carlos whisper yelled, “I can't wait to get home and do very naughty things to you,” into TK’s ear and TK quickly steered Carlos away from his colleagues, yelling “Bye” over his shoulder as he started moving them towards the exit. 
Carlos was stumbling a bit for the first couple of steps, but soon found his footing with an arm thrown across TK’s shoulders to help him balance. 
Once they made it outside Carlos sucked in a deep breath, the cold night air hitting him, and he pressed himself even closer to his husband, seeking his warmth. 
TK somehow managed to roll down the sleeves of Carlos' shirt, despite Carlos making it very difficult by not letting go of him during this endeavor. Carlos gave his cheek a sloppy wet kiss in thanks, making TK chuckle again, before he pulled his husband along in the direction of their home.
Carlos was making it hard to walk, clinging to TK like the affectionate drunk that he was, making TK debate calling that uber for a second before deciding they weren't in a hurry and could walk home at snail's pace. 
Every couple of steps Carlos would bestow kisses upon his husband, or try to feel TK up in the middle of the sidewalk. TK didn't really mind, he had a little bit of an exhibitionist streak in him after all, he was rather amused at his husbands antics, who wouldn't normally be so bold in public.
By the time they made it into the elevator of their building, TK’s plan had worked and Carlos had sobered up a bit. Enough so that he wasn't leaning against him as heavily as before.
Once TK pressed the button to their floor, his back hit the wall of the elevator and it took his mind a second to catch up to the fact that Carlos had moved them and pressed him up against the mirror. He was also slotting a leg in between TK’s thighs, rutting against him rather urgently while capturing TK’s lips in a fiery kiss. 
Apparently Carlos wasn't just affectionate but also horny tonight. Not that TK thought he could get it up right now, he hadn't sobered up that much.
He returned the kiss with just as much passion, only pulling back when the elevator dinged with their arrival. 
TK pushed Carlos back, his husband letting out a needy whimper that TK tried to soothe by saying “Come on, let’s get you into the loft, the bed is much more comfortable than the elevator.” Carlos didn't need to know that he meant for sleeping and not any sexy times. 
With some difficulties due to Carlos hanging off of him, TK finally managed to unlock the door and deposited Carlos on the bed, telling him to not fall asleep yet, before making his way into the kitchen to grab him a glass of water and some tylenol. 
By the time TK made his way back into their bedroom, he could hear Carlos snoring softly. He had to laugh. So much for doing naughty things to me, TK thought to himself, having predicted this exact outcome. 
Shaking his head while gazing fondly at his husband, he carefully removed Carlos' shoes and clothes. Once he was down to only his boxer briefs, he hauled Carlos up onto his pillow and tried to wake him up so he wouldn't have a massive hangover tomorrow but to no avail. 
TK pressed a gentle kiss to Carlos' curls before tucking him in, then he got ready for bed himself, joining Carlos in bed soon after. 
In the early hours of the next morning TK woke up to Carlos groaning in his sleep. This time he was able to wake him up long enough for him to swallow the tylenol and chase it with some water, before he promptly fell asleep again. Thankfully his stomach seemed to hold strong for now. 
When TK woke up later to sunlight, Carlos was still fast asleep beside him. His husband was usually the first to wake, but it seemed the alcohol made him sleep in for once. 
Him still feeling the effects of the alcohol would probably also mean that Carlos would wake up with one hell of a hangover, even though he finally took the tylenol earlier, so TK racked his brain to remember some of the hangover cures his friends had mentioned. 
TK got up and showered, before preparing breakfast and it was nearly noon by the time he could hear a pitiful “TK” being called from their bedroom.   
Carlos looked a little worse for wear but he wasn't running off to the bathroom so TK sent a silent thanks up toward the heavens for small miracles. 
“Hey baby.” TK spoke softly as to not aggravate the headache Carlos probably had, entering their bedroom with a glass in his hands. 
He sat down on the edge of the bed, right next to Carlos, gently running his fingers through Carlos’ curls in a soothing motion. 
“Sit up for a second, babe,” TK said and once Carlos sluggishly complied he pressed the glass into Carlos hands. “Here, drink this. You’ll feel better.”
Carlos did as he was told without second thought, his paramedic husband surely knew what he was talking about. He took a big sip before spewing it back out, sputtering “Ew, TK! What the fuck is that?!” 
“Pickle juice. You like pickles, you should drink up. It really helps with a hangover, I remember one of my friends from New York used to swear by this hangover cure.” 
“That is disgusting. I think your friend might have been trolling you. I’m not drinking that. Get it away from me,” Carlos pleaded with TK, handing the glass back. 
“Your loss. Do you want me to bring you another tylenol?” TK asked. 
“Yes, please.” Carlos groaned, before letting himself fall back onto his pillow. 
When TK returned he made Carlos sit up again so he could take the painkiller. He also brought a plate with buttered toast that he made him eat. Carlos complained and whined about it, but once he was horizontal again and TK had joined him back in bed he contently snuggled up to the best husband in the world.
Send me more One Hundred Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ prompts please!
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jbbartram-illu · 2 years
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It's time for the first batch of pre/post glaze fire photos, featuring one of the bigger ungulates! A lot of the darker celadons look pretty subtle in lower light (top left photo), but become incredibly luminous in direct sun. This pal has black sgraffito slip on mid-red tucker's clay & was glazed with Coyote Rainy Day celadon on its body & Coyote Root Beer celadon on the horns (1 coat on each).
This is what it looked like just after glazing:
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& this was pre-glazing / post-sgraffito (I apparently didn't take a proper photo of this stage, so here's a screenshot from a reel I made about it):
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There's so much waiting & uncertainty in ceramics, but I love the process. It's neat both having a lot of control over some things (the sculpting, the tiny carved details) & not much at all over others (kilns! They sure are hot boxes of mystery!! And glazes! Chemistry for wizards!!?) — keeps me on my toes!
I'll do a few more comparison posts in the next few days leading up to my shop update, so stay tuned!
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