#the island is very humid
sameschmidtdiffname · 3 months
Accidently drank an energy drink today. Spiritually on the island w/ Mr. Huzzle-Hizzle
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kombuuuu · 1 year
Can I request Miles 42 bullies you at school and is always bothering you but he gets mad and tries to fight someone else who is bullying you because he’s the only one who can be mean to you😩😩‼️
Earth42!Miles x Fem!Reader
“I would get your hands off her if I were you, homeboy.”
This one is kiiiinda violent, not by Miles mostly be warned C:
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such a cute wife (throw me on an island to live in my delusions)
You were quiet, silent most days. Not stepping out of the very thick circle you’d made for yourself consisting of just you.
And yet, still.
Still, the mere thought of keeping to yourself as a permanent transfer student would make even the most daft of people scoff.
You weren’t anything special, you were void of attention, and happy that way. Acted appropriately and left anger at the door. Had nothing and no one to complain to, so why make problems for yourself?
You’re entire life was just floating along your schooling and waiting patiently for the day you left. Even if you were the rare case of “Got transferred half way through the year because the school saw potential!” girl, you’d just wanted to be left to yourself.
But even the premise of that seemed almost impossible now.
Because ever since you were pushed by some rushing kid straight into Miles Morales, tripping him over with you. Him and his asshole friends had made it their life mission to bother you.
“The cute new girl?”
“Yeah, the one that—,” The first boy glanced at Miles. “,—tripped on.”
“Oooh, shit—, She’s fucked.” The other man whispered back, laughing under his breath. You could feel his taunting stare at the back of your head, and when you checked your peripherals, Miles was sending a sickening glare your way.
You sighed.
The ache in your head was probably the only thing keeping you awake.
The day dragging longer than usual had you right about ready to get home and knock yourself out within a minute of being in your bed. Your hand slowly dragged down your face, taking a deep breath and stuffing your jacket somewhere in your locker. The heat of the school mingling with the temperatures the Summer was providing and then adding on the rain from the prior day? You cursed Brooklyn and its humidity. Reaching to close your locker, you finally fit the jacket in the already cramped space. A little piece of the fabric poked out, and you pushed it in while simultaneously trying to keep everything else in too. Pulling a face before you finally managed to get it shut, and slip your finger out before it can get trapped. You turned the key into the dumb metal and scowled at it before pocketing the key and turning to leave.
Being so engrossed in your feud with the locker, you had failed to realise the very man who’d given you this headache, leering over your frame. Turning straight into his chest and reacting in a pained groan, gripping your forehead in displeasure and glaring up at whomever was standing so close to you.
Which happened to be Miles Morales. Staring down at you with cold, dulled eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing, man?” The simmering anger in your voice was made known, and also promptly ignored. He tilted his head down at you, braids shifting with the movement, his expression barely changing. If only he had a conscience. Then maybe you could read his expression, the emotions on his face —, but in this universe? The thought seemed laughable.
He stepped forward, sending you staggering closer against your locker.
“Back off—,” You’re voice shook a little as you swore. Dropping his eyelids into a glare, he spoke, “You keep talkin’ to me like that, and we gon’ have a problem.”
“You keep creeping up on me like a fuckin’—,”
“Like a what?” Miles’s bored, taunting voice grated against your eardrums.
You let out a shaky breath, chest heaving, and clenched your jaw. Shaking out the annoyance in your bones, you kept your calm.
“Don’t get shy on me now.”
A surge of anger rose through you, before you willed it away.
He was antagonising you.
You tried not to instigate him. If you didn’t encourage it, maybe he’d go away.
“Never mind. Whatever, Why—,”
“Miles, my man.” A different man clapped him on the shoulder, giving you the chance to step back and away from him. The other man was tall and lanky, spindly in the way where he looked out of place for a high school. His blue eyes caught sight of you, smirk contorting the bridge of his nose and baring his teeth. “Fuck you doin’ with this thing?”
“What d’you want.” Miles diverted attention from you quick, his companion not getting the hint.
“Fuck, nevermind man,” The man sent a sleezy smile at you, looking you up and down slowly, a short whistle under his breath.
“Shut the fuck up, James.”
You glared are the taller man, something like bile clawing at your throat. The way he was talking about you was sickening, nothing more than a bothersome rodent.
Miles glanced at you, raising a brow, he wanted to see how long it would take before you’d finally fight back. Through the months you’d been at this school, not once had you actually lost your nerve.
On worse days, like this one, you gave him attitude. Snapping at him the moment he showed up, knowing if you didn’t, he’d take the chance too first. He looked forward to those days, where you would engage him. It sent some sick thrill through him. Watching the way your eyes unfocused, urging yourself not to roll them. How your composure surely chipped but never cracked, fingernails digging prints of a fine line when dug into your palms.
He watched your breathing stutter and counted your breaths with you, he’d basically memorised the pattern.
10 beats in, hold for 8, and 12 beats out.
Though, this was only on a good (bad?) day. Other days you just stood and took it. Letting him say whatever he wanted to you, talk shit right to your face. Spread rumours without repercussions and mess with you just because he had the urge.
And just like always. Through the heat of Summer and the full ache in your head, you managed to do nothing.
Just stand and stare as James acted like you were less to a piece of meat.
Miles scowled, dropping his shoulder and causing the man to fall from leaning on him. “Omf— Hey! What the fuck, dude.”
“Let’s go.”
James scoffed, rolling his eyes but following behind nonetheless.
“Miles, what was that shit about?”
“None of your fucking business, homeboy.”
Their voices faded as they walked away, the white noise of chattering people swallowing the scraping of James’s voice.
You wondered what Miles had really wanted this time, as he hadn’t gotten the chance to say anything with James showing up. You hate to thank him, but god. You might’ve lost your mind.
Four months in and you were losing your mind. Miles hadn’t stopped, neither had his determination. He seemed so eager to piss you off and do nothing but stare coldly as you composed yourself every time.
Just as that thought brimmed in your head, something kicked out in front of you, sending you flat on your stomach. Hands pressed into the hardwood of the gym below. You groaned, knees being knocked straight to the ground, landing with your arms outstretched in front of you. At least it wasn’t your face.
A voice was heard behind you and you froze, unsure what to do at that moment.
“Get up, [Name].”
“Yeah, I’m—“ You shuffled back onto your feet. Standing up cautiously and checking your uniform was in place.
“Shut the fuck up.” He interrupted you, and you turned around slowly to face him. “Ever since I made it clear how little you were fucking worth, that dipshit Miles has been a fuckin’ dog to me.” He spat at you, the anger rising in his voice, he gripped the polo shirt you wore, dragging your limp upper half closer to his.
You shivered at his breath on your face, wanting to gag.
“You’re a fucking freak—.” His group of even more childish people were standing behind him like some sort of team work movement.
“Please let go.”
“I’ll fucking gut you. I needed that motherfucker—,” “Woah.” “,—He’s lucky I don’t beat his ass for ditching me.” Seems like attachment issues. “And you too, cunt. I’ll end your fucking life.”
He pulled you ever closer, using his height to intimidate you, six foot four of an angry man standing over you, no thanks.
A whistle was heard from the main room of the Gym, prompting James to let go of you.
“You’re lucky you’re a looker, call it pretty privilege.”
“Next time I’ll fucking kill you.”
You dropped from where you had been dragged onto your toes, stumbling a little as James’s group snickered when they walked past, bumping your shoulder and wolf whistling.
The lesson ended, and you rushed to get out of there. Making your way to the locker room, and being the first in there, also the first to leave. Changing from your sports uniform and rushing out of the Gym.
You kept looking over your shoulder, Knowing that James wasn’t lying. He probably would kill you, or, objectively worse.
You tripped over your feet before righting yourself again. People around sent curious looks to you which you ignored easily.
Getting to the front of the school, glass double doors shut with a “locked” sign on it, you continued to shoulder forward. Ignoring the shout of the office lady, you pushed against the metal bar and opened the door. You’d already known about the doors being unlocked constantly, having seen many times teachers trying to check no one was watching before slyly slipping out. So when the door opened for you with no trouble, you breathed out quick, and booked it.
You praised yourself for the amount of cardio you could do, the school was three stories for goodness sake, the amount of stairs you needed to climb was insane.
You slid to the side, dodging the occasional pedestrian and making it to the main gate, another shout was heard from the front of the school and you slipped out the gate just as it opened for another teacher, thanking them as you passed.
“Thank you!” You shouted as you ran.
“You’re welcome?— Oh..”
“Kid, Get back here!”
The office lady watched you hit the end of the street and turn, no longer in her sight. She threw her hands in the air and sighed.
“I’m going to get fired.”
“No, Marlene. I’ll cover you.”
“Thanks, John.”
“Why were they running, anyway?”
“Dunno, maybe AP exam.”
Miles watched as James was escorted back inside the building. His scowl etched onto his hideous face. Two of their shared buddies trailed behind him, rolling their eyes at the teachers questioning them.
One of the girls in his group was pressing against him, Miles getting more agitated by the minute. His disinterest in her only seemed to fuel her infatuation more, and it was getting annoying.
The guys at his table were all laughing at some—, probably sexist joke one of them made, the ladies giggling along with them, feeding their toxic lovers the attention they so desperately want. It’s not like Miles thought he was above these people. He just was. They were scum, but the only friends he could keep. Hurt people hurt people, and all that sappy shit. So when you hurt so much, only a small portion of people can stand you, and you them.
But when your name was mentioned, he perked up significantly — his ears fine tuning to the conversation. Completely forgetting about the raven-haired girl pressing against him, and focusing on the words spat by James and his two huevos.
“She’s hot though—,”
“Fuckin’ cares ‘f she is? Woulda beat her ass.”
“Yeah, [Name]. Miles got all fuckin’ sissy I thought she was hot, and now we don’t talk.”
“So—!? Now I lost my chance with Imogen, she’s all fuckin’ over him cause I’m gone.”
Right, Imogen was her name.
“You want to beat her up over you losing a bitch? Just bag her instead?”
James rolled his eyes, debating it. Miles tensed, his relaxed posture straightened quickly, causing him to almost knock Imogen in the face. Too which she squealed at. An awful noise, really.
He quickly stood, chair falling behind him with a loud clang, and strode out of the hall, Glaring at James the entire time. His two friends laughed James’s sudden hesitance to respond, knowing how piss scared he was of Miles.
James stayed silent until the doors to the cafeteria closed, and the whispers started up. Then told his buddies off in a harsh tone.
No one had ever seen Miles do anything too bad. But with the amount of times he’s shown up to school with a busted nose and smug aura, you could tell—, whatever fight he’d had.
He’d won.
To say that Miles wanted to have the day away from school, probably wasn’t true. With the stuff he’d heard James and his dogs speil, he’d rather you not be alone.
He was—, worried.
But when his Uncle Aaron called him in for something urgent right at 4 AM, telling his Ma it was a work emergency, he couldn’t refuse his Uncle. He fit his mask onto him, faceplates slotting closed. Claws being turned and clicked into place, he flexed his hands, dragging the window of his room open in the early morning, and left with his Momma sound asleep.
The peace and quiet of the day had been rather disturbing. Not having Miles or any of his groupies bother you—. Was off, not unwelcome, but odd.
So when the bell rang for your fourth class, everyone heading from their lunch break back to their assigned classes, it was only by nature you’d be pulled into deserted corner of the school by some unknown figure. A hand placed over your mouth and the other gripping your wrist, pulling you back.
You struggled against the mystery person, a sickeningly familiar voice croaking in your ear.
“Be—,” You kicked your head back, knocking his jaw. “,—Fuckin’ bitch, be quiet.”
Your foot slipped under you, bringing him more leverage to haul you further from the light of the main hall.
You screamed through his hand, tears building behind your eyes when you heard a door unlock.
“Get in.”
“Fuckin—, Open it wider, dipshit.”
“Fuck off.”
James ripped his hand off your mouth before you could realise, pushing the middle of your back so you were forced into a dark, cold classroom.
You fell to your knees, a sense of déjà vu kicking in as you braced yourself with your hands.
Your chest heaved, James slamming the door shut.
“Keith, close those blinds.”
“Fuck are you gon’ do?”
“Beat the fuck outta her.”
Miles stuffed his claws somewhere in his locker, uncaring for secrecy. No one was there now, everyone having gone to class. He’d arrived fairly late, not an unusual occurrence considering his occupation, though. So the office ladies didn’t mind.
He slammed his locker shut, an image of you doing the same with a pout on your lips coming to mind. He had class with you now, sat right next to you, actually.
So he made his way towards the back block of the school, where you’d be.
A hit straight to your cheek sent you flying to the floor again, Mathew letting go of where he was holding you up.
“Dude your grip is shit.”
“Nod off.”
Keith muttered something about “Fucking brit..” from his seat on the prior teachers desk.
You groaned internally, eyes lolling to the closed curtains, the broken glass of the window letting in a sweet breeze. The only reprise from this entire ordeal was a broken window.
There’s some poetry in that, or something.
Blood dripped from your nose and lip. A cut on your cheek now present too. James, the creep, had rings on his thin fingers that, when used, hurt to no end.
You were picked back up by under your arms, closing your eyes in pain and hissing. You opened your eyes in time to see the small glint of metal in James’ pocket, and the wince on Keith’s face before another fist connected to your temple.
You weren’t there.
You had shown up to school, evident by your paper on the lecturers desk, but hadn’t shown up for the period.
And by the empty seats of James, Keith and Mathew. He could only guess what was happening right now.
Miles slammed the door to the class shut, ignoring the panicked yells of his teacher and started towards the darker parts of the school. Where no one used, a chemistry accident setting the safety board director deep in debt and a block of the school unusable.
He flung open his locker when close enough, snatching the prototype version of his claws from the locker. Small, sharp finger coverings that were something close to the claws he had for his Prowler suit. The knuckles were brassed and the wrist latch clasped easily to his skin. He slammed it shut again, not bothering with the lock, and honed in his hearing.
The walls were thin enough.
“Don’t you think this is a little too far?”
“Shut the fuck up, Keith.”
“Fuck you gonna do if she snitches—?”
He gripped James’s wrist, holding the knife away from both you and himself.
“—You gon’ ruin your life for this shit, man?”
“She’s been playing my fuckin’ nerves—, yeah.”
Keith gave him a bewildered look while Mathew stared on in disinterest, still holding you at a position you couldn’t right yourself.
The blood had stained your shirt now, bruising littering your face and body.
James had taken to ditching the knife.
“Fuckin—, Whatever man.”
It clattered to the ground with a large clang, the tiled floors of the science room made the echo ring in your head like the growing migraine.
“Drop ‘er.”
Keith glanced down at you, then backed off. An odd look on his face while he kicked the knife away from James, unintentionally pushing it closer to you.
He walked back to his seat.
Mathew let go, watching as you dropped to the ground and started coughing.
Choking on your own blood before you spat it out.
“You know how long i’ve been wantin’ to fucking do this?”
He raised his leg, tilting your chin up with his boot, how demeaning.
He swung back and kicked your ribs, sending you into another coughing fit while you fought the urge to throw up, tears streaming the blood dripping down your chin.
“Your family ruined my fucking life.” Another kick to your stomach, you gagged.
“Taking my dad, then my fucking girl too?”
What is this guy on about.
“Your fucking daddy couldn’t just mind his own business. Had to get involved, then you.”
A harder kick to your stomach, you clenched your abs and covered your head.
A sudden shock ran over you, a familiarity that always sat with James clicking in your mind.
James Ohnn, son of Jonathon Ohnn, a man who had a hand in the collapse of a still-in-construction Kaleidoscope that was said to bring revolutionary science to the new world. It’s framing shattered while the workers on it all went with it.
His father was the lead scientist of that Kaleidoscope, and by turn in of your dad, was promptly arrested.
“I didn’t do shit—,”
“Shut your fucking mouth.”
He kicked your ribs again, and you swore you could feel them crack.
“I’ll kill you, you fucking ruined me.”
He swiped the knife again, Keith shouting something you couldn’t hear amongst the ringing in your ears.
You shut your eyes, crowding your head with your arms.
A slam broke through the muffles of your mind. Panicked voices and accusations being thrown around before a thick accent curled around your head.
Miles Morales.
“I’d get your hands off her if I were you, Homeboy.”
Miles approached slowly, checking your face while keeping his eyes on the three men.
“Fuck off, Miles.”
“No.” His head cocked to the side, eyes slanting while he assessed the situation.
“What, you gonna fight us?”
James’s voice was shaking. He’d never seen Miles looks o absolutely pissed before.
“Don’t think I can, asshole?”
“It’s three against one.”
“Realmente piensas—, sabes que, no importa.”
Miles lunged at him, Keith and Mathew shouting in tandem while you struggled to keep your eyes open. The pain working its way past your adrenaline and into your bones.
He grabbed James by the wrist, twisting it back and listening to the sickening crunch of his Lunate bone in curious satisfaction. James screamed, trying to tear his hand away from Miles. Even with his right hand pulling too, he wouldn’t budge. The metal clicked together every time James shifted, and Miles gave an extra squeeze before letting go. The force James was pulling sending him flying back, he stumbled and tripped over your feet, falling back and smashing his head on the tiles.
The other two boys scrambled for the door, running out the hallway and whining like dogs.
James groaned, rolling onto his stomach, Miles deadpanned down at him. You watched through blurry vision as Miles picked his up, sat him against the teachers desk, almost slumped against it. Grabbed his hair by his crown, slowly bringing his head forward, bending him at the waist. Before slamming his head back against the wood with a dull thud. He repeated this sick, prolonged process until James had fallen unconscious. Standing over him, then going to grab the knife laid a bit from you. You looked at him from your position, not unthankful, but still—, he was evidently a contributor.
“Don’t move.”
“Wha— Why? I have to get home.”
Miles scoffed, crouching down next to you, knife in hand. His limp wrists resting on his bent knees.
“You gonna’ go home with a cracked rib and busted face? Nah, Chiquita. Vente conmigo, yo te arreglo.”
He stuffed the pocket knife down the side of his Nikes and took off his claws, putting them in the pocket of his jacket.
He hooked his arm under your knees and upper back, cradling you bridal style before standing to his full height.
You panicked a little— “Wha—, No. Miles, put me down.”
“Hh— Whatdyu’ mean ‘No’!?”
You hooked your hands over his shoulders and gripped him as he made his way through the back exit of the school.
“I said, I’m taking you home.”
You groaned in pain, shirt lifted to just under your bra line as Miles assessed the damage.
He had been joking when he said cracked rib, but there was an underlying sense of real possibility. According to him though, nothing had been enough to seriously injure you. Except the disgusting looking bruises littering yourself.
You tried to focus away from the pain. Or Miles in general, he was very distracting, the lingering attraction you had when you met thought to be squished, was bubbling up again.
He had an ice pack pressed to your skin, and if you were a tad less conscious, maybe you would’ve made a joke of how cold his hands already were. The sweltering heat doing nothing to soothe the bruising.
“Keep this here.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Watch the attitude.”
You huffed a breath, laugh being painful.
“Yeah, whatever.”
You shifted yourself to alleviate some pain, and took his place holding the pack on your stomach.
He grabbed an anti-septic from the small kit he had for first aid. When he’d pulled it out earlier, you’d questioned it.
“You get injured women on your room often, Miles?”
“Nah, Just you. Usually they can take care of ‘emselves.”
You’d giggled at that, not entirely offended but more so amused he’d decided not to take offence at your jab.
His hands reaching for your face brought you back to the present. Flinching back in surprise, you watched him watch for a moment. “Chill, ma. Just gon’ put this on your cuts. Needa’ touch your face for that.”
You cringed, the twisting of your lip having you suck in a harsh breath. “Yeah—, yeah, okay. Thanks.”
The callouses in his hands were made known the moment he touched you, spreading the cream along the cut on your brow, cheekbone and lip.
His hands were a nice contrast compared to the heat of your cheeks, and the gentleness at which he was using.
When Miles touched your face, leaning his body closer to yours, he wanted to savour the feeling. The softness of your flesh against his own, how he could trace the contour of your cheek without it being awkward. His thumb rubbed a small amount of cream onto your lip and he couldn’t look away. The sight of your blood stained skin under his blemished hands had him stuck in the moment. Unable to answer her last question.
The way her lips formed around his name sent a burning heat throughout his body.
“Is my lip okay? ‘M I gonna need stitches?”
You poured up at him and he shook his head. “No.”
“Mmh— Okay.”
You looked to the side, addressing his room and Miles watched the way your eyelashes brushed along your cheeks when you blinked.
“Okay, just this left. Gonna be a little cold.”
“Thank you.”
“No stress, Chiquita.”
He grabbed some petroleum jelly, spreading it along the cuts on your face and moisturising the wound.
He then placed adhesive bandages along the places necessary, and placed everything back into his first aid.
“Yeah, Mami?”
You paused at the name, he’d been using those a lot lately.
“How’d you know to find me?”
He looked down, shuffling up next to you against the headboard. You gazed out the window, ignoring the tension that was eating at the both of you. He did too.
“Gut feeling.”
tags :3 @gemma42 , @denuparxoume
my gorgeous translator @kissmxcheek !!
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undiscovered-horizon · 7 months
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[Zoro knows your father would never let him date you. That doesn't stop him from climbing through your window in the middle of the night.]
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The night is hot and humid but you feel unbelievably cold. Part of you wants to blame Roronoa Zoro for that state of things, although you know only your lovesick heart is to blame. Ever since you accidentally fell asleep against him while watching the stars, each night without him is a dread. The kingsize bed feels overwhelmingly big and empty, despite being the same bed you've been sleeping in your whole life.
You're sitting at your vanity, blindly staring at your reflection in the mirror, the activities of your nightly routine long forgotten. The nightgown you're wearing is so thin it's almost see-through and yet you still feel sweat running down your back. You've opened the window and unbuttoned half of the garment but it changed nothing. Monsoon season is truly uncomfortable.
"You look nice," a low voice speaks behind you.
Your blood runs cold as your heart halts for a moment. Quick enough to give yourself whiplash, you look over your shoulder at the unforeseen guest.
Zoro is sitting on your windowsill, back comfortably leaning against the window frame. His swords are propped up against the wall. It seems that he has been perched there for a while now, quietly watching you in your natural habitat. Beads of sweat on his forehead are glistening in the twilight of your candle-lit room. His hair, a deep shade of green, looks almost black in the darkness of the night. The intense look in his eyes makes you flustered, almost forcing you to look away. Still, something about his presence is so magnetic, you can't force your head away.
The initial dread of someone being in your room with you subsides but then another terror creeps in - the terror of someone stationed barely two rooms away. The very same man who sees anything pirate-related as problems that require violence as the solution. Even pirate hunters.
Nervously, you clench your hands into tight fists. "Do you have the slightest idea what my dad will do if he finds you here?" you hiss at Zoro, afraid that any sound would awaken your father.
The thought of 'You're worth it' is the first thing that crosses his mind. But no matter how true, Zoro can't find the courage to let such vulnerability be known.
"I don't care," he answers. Zoro gets up from the windowsill and lays in your bed with such casualness as though there is nothing out of the ordinary in his behaviour. Like he's not risking bodily harm to be within the confines of your bedroom.
You watch him in shock, eyes wide open. "He could come in at any moment, Zoro."
But he's just laying there, hands under his head as he's staring at you out of the corner of his eye. "Your old man's sleeping like a log," he states, uninterested.
The short moment of silence between you is filled with your father's muffled snoring. It's still a mystery to you how your mother can sleep with him in the same bed and wake up well-rested in the morning.
"Well, what if he wasn't?" you continue to argue but you already feel the need to do good by your father withdrawing, its place taken by something much more motivating and hard to explain. A calling, one might say.
"Just come here." Zoro motions at you.
Your flowy gown shuffles quietly as you get up from the chair by the vanity and gently lay on top of Zoro on your bed. As the familiar scent of wood, hay and metal hits your nostrils, you can feel all of your muscles immediately relax. All of the tension you carry in your shoulders and back is suddenly gone. In some unconscious reflex, one of his arms circles your waist, keeping you firmly in place. The strength of his hold couldn't be challenged even by a fatherly wrath.
Despite neither of you saying anything for a good moment, your bedroom is not filled with silence. Various sounds of the tropical island are pouring in through the open window: rustling bushes, laughter of late-night drinkers, cicadas, packs of stray dogs barking at each other in the distance. And, above all, the calming hum of the sea as its waves rhythmically wash the shore. The music of life as it follows its mundane, routine path.
"I can't sleep without you," you finally whisper against his firm chest.
"Me too," he admits quietly.
Although Zoro knows how ridiculous of a euphemism this really is, he never lets on. All of his waking hours are accompanied by thinking of you ('Are you safe? Are you alright? Do you miss him? Are you taking care of yourself? Do you ne-'). He's gone from taking multiple naps a day to barely one, only because he feels desperately uncomfortable sleeping alone as though his physiology knows that something important is missing. And when Zoro does finally fall asleep, you appear in his dreams. Sometimes he wakes up with the memory of your scent and touch lingering for a moment until he comes to his senses.
"Will you be here in the morning?" you ask hesitantly. It's selfish to ask Zoro to stick his neck out like that but at the same time, you desperately don't want this moment to end.
"Do you want me to?" he whispers.
As you nod, your cheek rubs against his chest.
You feel his chin resting on top of your head, further encircling you in a tight hold like a child who refuses to let go of their favourite toy. Perhaps Zoro is not the best with words but his actions tell you more than enough - if he could, he'd keep you close just like that until his last day. But knowing this moment ought to end in a few short hours, he wishes to memorize every detail of the way your body fits his.
That night Zoro wasn't sleeping in his own bed but still, he felt he was home.
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jayrockin · 10 months
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Avian Homeplanet
Star: F-class (yellow white) Vegetation: blue and black Axial tilt: 11 degrees Gravity: 1.12 g Position from star: fourth
Over 90% ocean and blasted by the light of an intense star, the avian homeplanet is prone to hot, humid weather and enormous monsoon storms. In spite of this, the planet’s very slight axial tilt gives its poles a coating of year-round sea ice, whose sifting, dune-like surface plays host to a strange variety of slow growing plants and hardy animals. On solid land, the dominant photosynthetic life is a clade of “plants” ranging from dark blue to cerulean, and a clade of sessile tube-dwelling “landworms” with black flesh and frond-like appendages. Their dark colors selectively absorb and reflect the harsh, high-UV light of the sun.
The crust of the planet also has an usually large amount of the element cobalt. It compromises over 5% of the planet’s crust, comparable to iron on Earth. Cobalt compounds generally have a much higher solubility in water than iron compounds, though, and the avian oceans are stained a purplish red from huge amounts of dissolved cobalt nitrate, cobalt chloride, and cobalt carbonate. Mineral veins of cobalt compounds can be found commonly in the planet’s rocks, forming streaks of red, blue, black, green, and sometimes yellow depending on composition. Sand and soil are sometimes stained purple and blue by cobalt salts, as well.
The clade of avians has a difficult evolutionary history to track, given the limited amount of dry land and intense development over the past thousand years. The current theory is that a flying sophont ancestor originated on the planet’s largest landmass, an Australia-sized continent, and radiated outwards to evolve into the 5 extant species of avians.
In modern history, avians have often run into space issues developing their societies, and metal as a resource has been at the center of some particularly bitter wars. Most land on the homeplanet is currently colonized by the Dominion of Tiiliit, and now in the space age, imported metal and helium is being used to add new land in the form of artificial islands and floating cities.
Avians tend to use simple, writable icons to represent their nations. Though traditionally, the Hotsuuv nations use local cultivated varieties of seal fruit as icons, and the mineral rich south pole uses dots of pigment.
Map art rendered in Photopea by the stellar @cmaidaartworkblog! Edited in CSP by me.
PATREON | Runaway to the Stars
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ellecdc · 4 months
Things You Can Say in a Swim Lesson & Also in Bed
meet cute/ugly - swim instructor!marauders + fem!reader
CW: learning to swim/fear of drowning, sexual innuendos, swearing (you know what to expect from me by now)
You were excited. Really, you were. 
Your best friend in the entire world was getting married, and she wanted to be married in the Maldives. So, that’s where you were going.
It didn’t matter if you might need to take out a small loan to afford the trip and time off, and it doesn’t matter that all of the events happening before the event were just as expensive.
This was your best friend, dammit! And you were happy for her.
There was only one problem.
You can’t swim.
But that was going to change today! Or...at least in the next few weeks starting today because you were officially taking swimming lessons.
You were not going to fly to the most beautiful beaches and islands in the world and be the fall risk on bridges, docks, and boats. And for fuck’s sake, you were going to swim with the dolphins whether it killed you (literally) or not.
So, you signed up to take swimming lessons. You felt ridiculous.
You felt even more ridiculous as you stood in the changeroom of a very posh country club that your best friend’s fiancé’s parents own, in a one-piece swimsuit you bought just for these lessons (the only swimsuit’s you owned her two pieces because their main use was for tanning).
You tried to find the most modest swimsuit you could, which was very difficult and still not quite as modest as you’d like because for fuck’s sake why won’t the bum cover your entire arse cheek!?
The people leaving behind you were all middle-aged to senior couples who obviously worked in ‘the business’ whatever the fuck that meant because they can clearly afford the membership fees this place obviously charges per month if their gold and crystal chandeliers in the bathroom stalls meant anything.
You tried to readjust your poor swimsuit one last time before grabbing your towel and making your way to the pool. You just hoped you didn’t flash your tits to the other children likely attending swimming lessons.
Except...you got to the pool and there was no one else there. 
Well, that’s not entirely true. There was one sexy looking lifeguard covered in various tattoos which stood out brilliantly against his fair skin. His black hair rivaled the ink of his tattoos and was long enough to be pulled back into a messy bun behind his head – though a few stray locks seemed determined to keep their place next to his sharp jawline.
You were jealous of strands of hair.
There was also another lifeguard on the other end of the pool putting away various life rings, flutter boards and lane dividers. He was just as striking as the first lifeguard for nearly opposite reasons. His skin was a deep tan colour, and he wasn’t built like a swimmer – rather, he was built quite like a body builder. His arms and torso were lined with hard defined muscle and his thighs...
For fuck’s sake, stop staring at the man’s thighs.
He had a mop of curly dark hair and a pair of glasses that seemed foggy with the humidity of the room; he seemed no less happy about his current surroundings because of it, however.
You awkwardly looked behind you into the changeroom to see if the rest of your class was coming out. Maybe you should text your friend? Ask her to confirm with her fiancé that you got the times right?
“Here for the swim lessons, love?” a deep, lilting voice startled you from your pondering.
You turned towards the voice and were accosted by the view of a third beautiful man.
Is it, like, a requirement to be hot as hell to work here!? 
The man had honey blonde curls and eyes to match that screamed trouble, but the kind of trouble you’d far too willingly find yourself immersed in. Unlike his tanned, spectacled friend, this man was built like a swimmer; he was all long limbs and long muscles, and unfairly tall. You forgot how to speak.
“I’m Remus, I’ll be the instructor tonight. What’s your name?” He asked you like he didn’t have it in front of him on his damp clipboard.
You cleared your throat and offered it to him, and he smiled at your shyness. The smile pulled at a scar that ran through the right side of his lip, and you noticed that he had a few more scattered across his face. They didn’t make him any less handsome, however. Damn him.
“Alright, Y/N. What has motivated you to learn to swim?”
You furrowed your brows at him and looked behind yourself again. “Shouldn’t we wait for the rest of the class?”
His smile faltered as his brows furrowed to match yours. “Class?”
“Private lessons, Dollface.” The tattooed man drawled as he made his way over to you.
“You’ve got the pool to yourself tonight.” He added with a wink.
“This is a private class.” Remus clarified.
“Jesus Christ.” You muttered. You were startled by a bark of a laugh from the tattooed man and immediately flushed to realize you’d said that out loud.
“How did you not know you booked a private class?” Remus asked with a bemused smile.
You sighed, face feeling like it was about to melt off from sheer embarrassment. “I didn’t book it. My uhm, my friend’s fiancé’s family owns this place and said he’d set it up for me. I thought it was going to be a group thing.”
You felt awfully foolish as the two men nodded. “What made you want to learn?” Remus asked again.
“Uhm, that same friend – her wedding is this spring, and it’s a destination wedding.” But the tattooed man started nodding before you’d even finished. 
“You wanna swim with the fishes, but not in the mobster way. Got it.” He said as he clapped his hands together.
“Sirius.” Remus gently chided the man. “That’s fair, well, you’ve given yourself a lot of time to learn. I figured we’d start by finding out how much you already know.”
You grimaced.
“Well, that’ll be easy, seeing as I know nothing.” 
“Nothing?” Remus asked.
“Nothing.” You confirmed.
Sirius and Remus shared a glance before turning back to you with matching smiles.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” 
“Prongs! We got a firstie!” The tattooed man – Sirius – shouted to the tanned man across the pool as he confidently made his way to the edge of the pool. You opted to skirt around the edge – widely.
The tanned man gasped (far more dramatically than you felt the situation called for) and immediately dropped everything that had been in his arms. 
“No.” He bellowed. “Can I help?!”
Great, now you were going to be inhaling pool water whilst three of the hottest men on earth watched – no big deal.
“That’s up to our swimmer.” Remus said as he looked towards you for an answer.
“I’d relax on the use of that title until you see me in the water.” You muttered.
Sirius barked another laugh, which made the corners of your mouth lift in comradery. He had a way of making you feel funnier than you likely were, just by enjoying your banter. 
“What do you think? Me and James here can be the rest of the class you thought you would be a part of.” He offered with a smirk.
“Class?” James asked, “I thought this was a private session.”
“It is.” Remus answered with a slight edge, clearly used to the other two men getting off topic. “She had the lessons booked for her – she didn’t realize.”
“Gotcha” James said with a clap of his hands. “Okay, I’m all caught up, lets swim!” and with that, he jumped sideways and made a large splash as he landed in the water.
“You’re welcome to use the stairs like a civilized person.” Remus said to you kindly as Sirius cannonballed himself into the pool behind him. Upon hearing the splash, Remus closed his eyes in exasperation. 
You took his advice and used the stairs, wading into the pool until the water hit around your waist.
“So, you’ve never been in a pool before?” Remus asked as he placed his clipboard on a flutter board and mindlessly sent it sailing to Sirius.
“No, not like this.”
“Okay. Do you know how to float?” He continued
You shook your head and looked down to the water.
“That’s alright. That’s perfect, that’s where we’ll start, alright?” He offered you, bending to try and catch your eyes. He was smiling kindly at you and his eyes oozed empathy.
“Here, Jamie and Sirius will demonstrate what we’ll do.”
Without a second though, James threw himself onto his back and brought his feet up, so he was floating on top of the water in a star-fished position. 
Sirius smiled down at him like he was the sun and placed his arm just below him to ‘support his weight’ – though you were well aware that part was just for show.
“Now, we’ll do it right here where you are now; you can touch the bottom, so even if you feel like you’re going to sink, you can just stand up.” Remus encouraged you.
Your heart fell at the ‘sink’ part.
“You also have three certified lifeguards here.” James offered sympathetically.
Yeah, three real Adonis’ here to watch me drown.
“Nothing will happen, love.” Sirius offered in the softest tone you’ve heard him speak since you met him, apparently your trepidation made itself known on your face.
“I’ll help you get into position, okay? Lean back... atta girl, just like that.” Remus coached you as he supported your back, and one of the other men grabbed your ankles to ease them up. The hands near your feet surprised you and you breathed in a gasp, which was mistaken for anxiety. 
“Hey, you’re alright, okay?” Remus said as he paused all movements, “I will not let anything happen to you.”
Jesus Christ, he was going to put you into cardiac arrest.
“Okay.” You offered instead of swearing at him and continued to lean back with his support.
Suddenly, you were suspended above the water as the hands (apparently, they were James’) let go of your ankles. Your instinct was to start kicking and tense up.
“No, you’re alright, keep your legs up and relax.” Sirius coached you from your other side.
Things you can say in a swim lesson and also in bed. 
“I’ve still got you.” Remus reminded you as you tried to do what you were told.
Your legs kept wanting to sink to the bottom, but you did your best to will them upward. 
“Try to take in a breath – the more air you have in your chest, the more buoyant you’ll be.” Remus told you.
You did as you were told, and your ears sunk just below the water.
“You can keep breathing, dollface.” Sirius said, and you felt your cheeks flush as you let out the breath you were apparently holding.
You listened to the sound of the water lapping against your head and the edge of the pool and timed seemed to slow.
This was actually quite nice – floating. You like floating, you decide. You’d like to do more of it; maybe this will be how you would spend your time at the beach in the Maldives and oh my god where is he going get back here you son of a bitch. 
Remus’ hand began to sneak away from you, and in your panic to correct yourself without his assistance, you overcompensated and ended up below the water line.
Gentle hands grabbed your forearms and hauled you above the surface again and you made terribly embarrassing choking and gasping sounds as you wrapped your arms and legs around the being like a newborn koala bear.
“Easy, easy. Hey, you’re okay! You almost had it! You did so well, look at you.” James said brightly as he pushed some of your wet hair away from your face with careful fingers, apparently unaffected by your attaching yourself to him.
Between the men, their flustering you, and the water up your nose – you decided you’ll just spend your vacation at the beach side bar.
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tellioari · 7 months
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Velvet items! Strawberries, Cordyline plants, Cherries and Pokeberries!
Strawberries are a new plant that can be found in most temperate biomes, and have a placement behavior similar to pink petals. The more (up to 4) strawberry plants you have in one area, the more strawberries you get every harvest!
Strawberries can be directly turned into velvet dye, or crafted into a variety of new foods: strawberry shortcake, chocolate strawberries, strawberry milk, strawberry cheesecake, golden strawberries and a golden strawberry angel food cake!
Cordyline plants are a new plant found in humid biomes near water, or on islands. They are mainly decorative.
Cherries werre carried over from Grape Dye, and are now instead used to create velvet! You can read more about them on my grape dye post.
Pokeberries are a rather uncommon find in almost any non-warm biome. Their berries can be eaten, but are very poisonous - instead you can mix it with string and make pokethread, which can be used to make velvet rope as well as a new weapon: a yumi bow (which is a middle ground between a crossbow and a bow!)
There's also a new Chocolate Velvet cake that can be placed and eaten like a normal cake :3
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salemoleander · 1 year
"My teeth hurt," Martyn says.
He and Scott are on the deck, enjoying the morning sun before it has the chance to get humid; Scott is busy crafting sugarcane into paper while Martyn is (ostensibly) trying to carve a bowl.
"What, like- cavities? We've only been here for a few days, and I know you're eating the same fish and dried kelp as me." Scott pauses, holding a fresh sheaf of paper. "-and if you're not, and you've been holding sweets out on me, I'll be pissed."
Martyn huffs a laugh, then grimaces when pain shoots up through his sinuses. Ambling over to the table, he half-sits, half-leans on the back of one of their deck chairs.
"Nah, same food as you. Man, I don't know what I did. TNT to the face carry over, d'you reckon?"
He grins, and Scott blanches. Well, shit.
"Alright, what's wrong with my mouth?" Martyn asks, stress rising when Scott doesn't answer. "I've still got teeth, right?"
Scott nods sharply. He wavers on an answer for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. You've just got some new ones, seems like."
The hard part of suddenly having shark teeth, Martyn quickly discovers, is that they are not particularly designed for beings with lips, and certainly not ones that talk.
He tells Scott this, nursing several sore spots on his lips and tongue.
"Have you considered talking less?"
"Oh, screw you."
Scott rolls his eyes, and they go back to sorting through chests in companionable silence. Waves gently lap against the edge of their island, while bamboo canes creak and shift. After a few minutes Scott says, "In the- last time. I remember being relieved, a bit, that even though Cleo and I chose each other-"
"Exactly the conversation I wanted to have," Martyn deadpans.
"Would you shut up? Honestly." Scott smiles, but his jaw flexes as he does and Martyn resolves to shut up and let him say this, whatever it is. At least for the next ten or fifteen seconds. Probably.
"Anyways. I was a tiny bit relieved that I was paired with Pearl, because she was human. And I'd seen how it was for BigB getting canine features and Joel getting whatever the hell from Etho, and you, y'know..."
"Eugh. Yeah." Scott looks through their fence-lattice walls and out to the water. "But Pearl didn't stay human."
Martyn raises an eyebrow. (For effect. If Scott is doing a dramatic monologue towards the ocean, Martyn at least gets to make faces, whether or not Scott sees him. Them's the rules.)
"She got kind of... wolf-y? Or more accurately, the game made her wolfy. Not like Ren, not nearly that elegant a combination."
Scott's voice is bitter, an edge to it that Martyn associates with fireworks going off too-close by. "I woke up one morning and my teeth were sharp and there were too many for my mouth. And it hurt, and the worst part was knowing this wouldn't be happening if we'd just done what the game wanted."
Blinking, Martyn says, "Oh." Brilliant. Nailed the response, there.
"I just wanted to tell you. That it might- those might be my fault, because it seems like whatever runs this game doesn't like me very much. There's a reason I set up alone out here."
Martyn- ignoring the ache from his jaw and the kernel of self-interest that tells him to get while the getting is good- scoffs. "None of that, thank you! I don't care if bloody Herobrine has it out for you, we're sticking together."
Relief washes over Scott's face. Martyn adds, "If whoever runs this circus thinks unlimited knives for teeth is a punishment, they're mad."
"Clearly! You were already enough of a menace." Released from whatever tension kept him still, Scott reaches over to flip another chest lid up and starts rifling through. "It's like trying to annoy Joel by giving him too many TNT minecarts."
Martyn snorts. "Right! Once my mouth gets the memo about where everything is now I'll be doing fine- probably better than I was before! A supernatural entity trying to tell me who I can be friends with? C'mon, nothing that stupid is busting the Mean Gills up."
He almost believes it.
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vestaignis · 3 days
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Необычный и изящный июньский цветок - Василистник. . По фото растения видно, что оно при цветении напоминает нежные, пушистые облака, парящие над садом. Но не только за декоративные качества полюбилось растение садоводам, а еще и за неприхотливость, простоту в посадке и уходе, морозостойкость.
Василистник (Thalictrum) — представитель многолетнего травянистого растения, относящееся к семьи лютиковых. Семейство насчитывает близко двух ста пятидесяти видов. Множество из них из региона со средним климатом, где чаще всего можно встретить в тенистом, влажном месте. С точки зрения ботаники, это малоизученное семейство.
Листва Василистника всех сортов очень декоративная – только ради нее в цветнике обычно находится место хотя бы для одного представителя. Она немного похожа на листву водосбора, часто голубоватая, у некоторых сортов весной окрашена в темный пурпур. Самая красивая листва у сорта Василистника Thalictrum ichangense, которая напоминает пеструю листву цикламена. У цветка Василистника множества сортов нет лепестков – то, что считается цветком, на самом деле является большим и красочным чашелистником. Особенность практически всех сортов этого растения является яркая, длинная тычинка, благодаря которой соцветие выглядит в особенности пушистым. Цветок может быть бледно-лиловый, белый, желтый, оранжевый, розовый, пурпурный,фиолетовый с разным оттенком. Цвет некоторых сортов Василистника особенно подчеркивает цветная, темно-фиолетовая цветоножка. Если не беспокоить его, то это растение может расти на одном месте в течение многих десятилетий, постепенно разрастаясь в небольшие островки.
An unusual and elegant June flower is a Thalictrum. According to the photo of the plant, it can be seen that when blooming, it resembles delicate, fluffy clouds hovering over the garden. But gardeners fell in love with the plant not only for its decorative qualities, but also for its unpretentiousness, ease of planting and care, and frost resistance.
Thalictrum is a representative of a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the buttercup family. The family has about two hundred and fifty species. Many of them are from a region with an average climate, where they can most often be found in a shady, humid place. From the point of view of botany, this is a little-studied family.
The foliage of Thalictrum of all varieties is very decorative – only for its sake there is usually a place in the flower garden for at least one representative. It looks a bit like the foliage of the catchment area, often bluish, in some varieties it is colored dark purple in spring. The most beautiful foliage of the Thalictrum variety is Thalictrum ichangense, which resembles the variegated foliage of cyclamen. The Thalictrum flower of many varieties has no petals – what is considered a flower is actually a large and colorful sepal. A feature of almost all varieties of this plant is a bright, long stamen, thanks to which the inflorescence looks especially fluffy. The flower can be pale purple, white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, purple with different shades. The color of some Thalictrum varieties is especially emphasized by the colored, dark purple pedicel. If not disturbed, this plant can grow in one place for many decades, gradually growing into small islands.
Источник://www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/,ukrflowers.info/vasilistnik-uxod-foto-peresadka .html, /dzen.ru/a/XpK-aSxfGnv0dM8y,//klau.club/7665-vasilistnik-delaveja.html,//orhide.ru/Vasilistnik-vidy-i-sorta-razvedenie-v/, //www.botanichka.ru/article/kak-vyrashhivat-vasilistnik-i-uhazhivat-za-nim/, ://7dach.ru/Anastasia/vozdushnyy-vasilistnik-dobavte-legkuyu-dymku-v-cvetnik-247233.html,/sadovnikam.ru/429936a-vasilistnik-foto-vidyi-opisanie-razvedenie-i-osobennosti-uhoda, ://mycoweb.ru/GIF/catalog/plant_catalog.php?searchterms.
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jadedxhearts · 4 months
You wear a new bikini with the intention of teasing Law with it. Only, your plan backfires on you.
Warnings: nsft, afab reader (no pronouns but Law does say “my girl”)
Originally posted on April 21st, 2023
repost from my main @jadedrrose as a part of my most popular fics event.
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You’d practically doomed yourself from the very start of your evening out. 
The crew was having a night out at some island, and truthfully you’d completely forgotten the reason why. It wasn’t anyone’s birthday, and there weren’t any holidays that you could think of. But, nevertheless you were excited for the excuse to dress up. 
It was very hot and humid on the island you’d be spending your evening at; and even with the sun fading away, the heat just never left the air. You also knew it was a beach town, meaning just about everything was on the front of the island, bars and such all incredibly close to the water, some even built on the water. So, with this knowledge combined you decided on an outfit that would work best. 
The base of it was a bikini. It was vibrant, your favorite color in a bright shade with a hibiscus floral pattern in white, littered across both the top and bottoms. It was also rather flimsy and small. The top was a basic triangle cup bikini shape that was held together by two string ties; one behind your neck and the other in your mid back area. The bottoms were similar, only the strings were more high-waisted and tied in little bows at your hips. The set was skimpy and daring, hardly hiding anything from wandering eyes. But it was an easy fix. You grabbed a pair of denim shorts and pulled them over the bikini, only leaving out the strings as the bows would get in the way. So while your ass was covered now, one could only imagine how the outfit looked underneath…
You slipped on a thin floral print open front shirt to cover up a bit more, then grabbed your favorite pair of sandals and sunglasses to complete the look. You reviewed the look over in your mirror, before deciding everything was set in place and you were ready to go.
When you emerged from the stairs of the submarine, it became evident that you were the last one to be ready. Some of the crew had stayed back to wait on you, but most had already departed for the island. 
Law stood at the front of the group, wearing white shorts and similarly to you, an open front shirt with a pattern on it. He looked at you suspiciously, raising an eyebrow and scanning the outfit you wore. He only let out a light huff and didn’t say a word, though. Once you reached his side, he seemed flustered as he slipped your hand into his and muttered, “took ya long enough…”
You looked up to gaze at his face, playfully smiling. There was a hint of blush dusted across his cheeks. But, you decided not to embarrass him over it. “I wanted to look cute… for you,” you replied to him, leaning up to place a little kiss on his flushed cheek. 
In the time that you’d spent pretty much partying in the beach town, you’d abandoned the shirt due to the heat. And now, since you were on the beach, you figured it would be fine to remove your shorts. Everyone else was in their swimwear, after all. It’s not like you’d stand out too much.
So you stood up from your seat in Law’s lap, stretching out your limbs before unbuttoning the shorts and moving your hands to slip them down your frame. 
You’d only gotten them slipped just under your bottom when you were suddenly stopped. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
Letting your hands and shorts freeze in the position they were in before you’d been stopped, you turned your head back to look at Law.
“Taking off my shorts so I can get in the water?” 
It was only then you noticed you’d barely stepped a foot away from Law, so you were pretty much directly on display for him. 
“Y/n… don’t you know what your bikini looks like?” 
“Yeah, why?” You asked, trying to play along with him; pretending to be oblivious.
“I can see all of your ass, you’re practically wearing a thong.” He remarked, arms crossed as he frowned.
“Do you like it?” You teasingly asked, smirking down at him. 
“Wh-? Yeah… but, I don’t want some creep looking at my girl’s ass.” He pouted, the same blush from earlier dusting across his face.
You giggled, deciding to let the shorts fall to the sand beneath your feet. “Fine then. You can come with me and cover my ass.”
“I can’t get in ocean water, y/n.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to just return to his lap, only this time facing him. “Fine, fine. Honestly I just wore it to tease you… I didn’t really plan on letting anyone else see it anyway.”
“Then why did you-“
“To tease you,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around his neck and shimmying further into his lap. 
Law sighed, placing one of his tattooed hands on your lower back. “And did you plan on paying for it, too?”
“Don’t think you can just tease me and get away with no punishment,” he muttered into your ear, placing a small kiss on the skin of your neck. 
Feeling more daring, you decided to just dig your own grave now. With a sultry grin, you moved to kiss Law, removing one arm from his neck and placing your hand against his face, holding him as your lips connected.
Law seemed to tense up, probably because of the rather intimate display of affection you two were showing in public, but he moved his free hand to grab your bare thigh, squeezing the soft skin in his grasp. 
He briefly pulled away, but only far away enough to get some air. His breath came out hot as he panted against your wet lips, your mixed saliva still connecting you both together. 
Just before Law could kiss you again, you subtly began to rock your hips, grinding your lower region against him. A breathy grunt escaped Law’s lips, his body tensing up even more as he hardened his grip on your back and thigh. 
“Shit… you’re just asking for it now, hm?” 
You decided then to reconnect your lips, giving hot, wet opened mouth kisses against his own lips. You pushed your hips down harder, whining at the friction of your just barely covered cunt against his hardening length. 
Though your reply was late, you did so anyway, “mhm… please take me back home… punish me for being a whore, Law.”
Not wasting anymore time, Law practically shoved you off of him and slid your shorts back up, tossing your sandals and shirt at you before grabbing the towel you’d been laying on and taking your hand to lead you back to the sub.
As soon as you were back in your bedroom with the door locked behind you, Law jumped at you, grabbing your body and biting at the tender skin of your neck, sucking it between his teeth to mark you.
You let out a high-pitched cry, tilting your head back to give him more access. His lips were still wet, and as he dragged them across your skin, your neck became slick with his spit. The sensations felt so intoxicating; the slight pain of his bite before the feeling of his lips sucking you in, the hair of his goatee pleasantly scratching your skin.
“Law,” you quietly whined, legs shaking with need as you tried squeezing your thighs together, desperate to be touched. But his lips didn’t leave your throat.
“Law, please,” you pleaded, fisting his shirt into your palms. “I need you so bad…”
Finally, his attack on your neck ended and you watched with hazy eyes as Law looked down at your needy body with lust evident in his eyes, along with a mischievous look that meant you were really in for it this time.
Just before you could open your mouth to beg for him again, Law pushed you down onto the bed, grabbing at the fabric of the bikini top between your breasts, ripping the entire thing off of you. 
He quickly tossed the garment away, wasting no time to put his tattooed hands on your chest, groping and massaging the plushy mounds. Another whine left your lips as his palms brushed against your nipples, and you leaned your back up into his touch.
“God, you’re so needy,” Law shook his head, removing his hands and watching with amusement as you cried from the loss of his touch. 
Then he was grabbing your waist, fingers digging into your skin as he harshly flipped you over to lay on your tummy, one hand landing on your ass to hold you in place as the other delivered a teasing smack to your skin that poked out from underneath your ridden up shorts, which were removed from your body only a moment later.
Law didn’t even try to be gentle as he forced the denim off of you, throwing it away to free his hands. His palms were on your skin again, squeezing the fat of your bottom as he looked over what was left of your bikini.
The bottoms didn’t cover your ass at all, so when he spanked you again, the contact was directly on your skin this time with a loud slap. 
“You bought this thing knowing it’d piss me off, didn’t you?”
You tried shrugging but that was difficult with your current position. “I knew you’d like it on me… but not in public.”
“Exactly,” he hissed, smacking you again. “You’re such a brat, y/n.”
Letting go of your bottom, Law hastily untied the bows from your hips and pulled the rest of your bikini off. Once that too was tossed away, he freed himself from the restraint of his shorts. You continued to whine, voice louder now as he rubbed his cock against your skin, spitting down at it to get it wet. 
“Law, please!” You begged, “I need to feel you in me… I don’t care what else you do, just stuff me!”
“Don’t care what else?” He echoed your words, lining the tip of his member up with your soaked cunt. “This is a punishment, don’t forget. How about you don’t get to cum until I say so?”
You whined, clearly not liking that idea; but you had no say in whether or not Law would do it. 
You felt one of Law’s hands slip into your hair, grabbing fistfuls of it before pulling on it and finally sliding into your throbbing pussy at the same time. Already it was hard to not cum from that alone, and all you could do was moan and scream in frustration as you tried to hold your orgasm back. 
Law’s pace was ruthless and hard, not giving you any time to adjust to the stretch from his cock as he repeatedly slammed himself into you, getting lost in the feeling of your warm walls fluttering around him as you tried fitting him in. 
Already, your cunt was flooding with juices and that only created more opportunity for Law to fuck you faster, hitting into you more forceful than before; lewd squelching noises accompanied by the slapping of skin echoing throughout the bedroom. 
You moaned and grasped desperately at the sheets underneath you, letting your entire body rock back and forth from the motion of Law’s hard thrusts. “ah-ahh. Law!
“Law! I can’t hold it in anymore,” you cried and begged, letting his name fall from your lips a few more times. “L-Law! Please, I need to cum, Law! I can’t take it!”
You listened for his approval but all you got were grunts and loud pants from behind you, Law not giving you any mercy as he kept up with the abuse on your cunt. 
“Law! I- I can’t- Law,” you screamed, clenching hard onto his cock in an attempt to stop yourself from cumming.
“I don’t give a damn anymore,” he groaned. “Just cum, baby… cum on my cock.”
With his approval, you finally let yourself go and moaned loudly into the mattress as you came; creaming on Law, leaving a white ring of your cum around his cock. 
And Law wasn’t far behind, he continued to fuck you, slam his cock into your spasming pussy for just another moment before tightening his grip on your hips, thrusts becoming sloppy as he let himself start cumming. 
He let out a flustered moan as his hot seed began spilling into you, but he quickly pulled away and let the rest of his cum spill onto your back, leaving a warm sticky mess on your skin.
You both panted heavily, catching your breath and calming down from the intense punishment you’d just endured. After a moment, you felt his mess being wiped off of you, Law gently cleaning you off before turning you on your back so he could look at your face. 
His soft hand cupped your cheek and a kiss was placed on your lips. “You okay, y/n-ya?”
You nodded, blinking away the tears from your eyes. Another kiss against your lips, and you wrapped your arms around Law once again. 
Lifting you up into his hold, Law decided you deserved a relaxing warm bath after what he’d put you through. He carried you to the bathroom, kissing your shoulder and whispering quiet “I love you”s to you the whole way.
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starfxkr · 2 months
hiii so domspace jj x kitten 🤗
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you were whimpering from the second jj wrapped his massive bicep around your throat, forcing you to remain flush against his sweaty body as he dragged you kicking and snarling back into the house.
neither of you know exactly what caused it, maybe it was the heat--a storm was heading its way towards the island and it was just the two of you, trapped at your house as you waited for it to come. maybe it was the cabin fever. whatever it was, you'd been a bitch all day, complaining and snapping at him for the smallest infractions until you got the bright idea to go rushing out the house like there was anywhere for you to go.
asking you to come back inside did nothing--so he forced you instead, fighting to get ahold of you until he wrapped you in a firm headlock with his other arm around your waist and practically throwing you on the ground.
"you wanna tell me what the fuck your problem is? i haven't done anything to you." it was very obvious jj was at the end of his rope, and if you were smart you would have sensed the charge in the air buzzing around you.
sometimes you let your anger get the best of you.
"fuck you! i'm so fuckin sick of having to look at you all day."
jj just blinks, he's almost eerily calm when he stares down at you-- fingers flexing, jaw clenched tight, "okay."
"wha-?" before you can comprehend what's going on he's hauling you up by the front of your shirt, you're barely off the ground as he drags you to your room, "let me go!"
he's not listening, instead he just bends you over the edge of the bed, not at all caring about the way the floor bites into your knees.
"sick of lookin at me? fine, then don't" his blunt nails scratch your skin as he yanks your clothes off, a strong hand keeping your head pressed against the mattress.
your legs are unceremoniously shoved open and you shiver when the humid air hits your quickly dampening cunt, he spreads you open with two fingers, letting out a mean scoff at the sight.
"for someone who's this fuckin mad, you sure are wet pussycat." that's as much of a warning you get when he roughly shoves himself into you, smacking his hips against your ass so hard he has to grab the back of your neck to stop you from sliding off the bed.
"i fuckin hate you, jj get the fuck off." you're still fighting, trying not to let yourself sink into the space you know he wants you to go, reaching back to smack at his arms and face before he pins you and you gasp.
every thrust makes you whine in overstimulation, he's everywhere--the hand on your neck has shifted to stuff two fingers in your mouth, pressing down hard on the back of your tongue to make you gag, the other digging into your soft tummy to drag you back to meet each rough thrust, his sweaty torso pressed against your back, the musky smell of him filling your senses.
jj feels beside himself, each little jingle of the bell around your neck makes his dick throb inside your creaming pussy. he cant tell where you stop and he begins, he can feel your heart thumping through your back, but it might also be his. maybe you're trembling, maybe it's him, but the need to put you in your place is enough to keep him going.
"stop fuckin whining, you wanted this, i can feel that little pussy tryna milk me dry. you're making me do this to you sugar, so shut the fuck up." the fingers in your mouth press one more time and with a hiccup you spit up over his fingers making him groan.
"s'what the fuck you get, i tried being nice to you all day but this is what you wanted." he presses your face in the mess, ignoring your whimper when he pulls out.
"nonono, papa don't go m'sorry."
there it is, that's what he wanted, that hazy faraway look in your eyes and your pussy spasming from your quickly fading orgasm, tears are beginning to clump in your lashes when he pulls you fully onto the bed and flips you over and you sob.
"don't cry now, i'm givin you what you asked for." he pushes your legs up to your chest and sinks back in with a grunt, once again pinning you under him.
"i'msorryi'msorrypleasecanihaveakissi'llbegood." you're blubbering now, doing your best to grab at him from where your arms are trapped between your bodies.
jj knows when you cum--your eyes slam shut and tears trail down your cheeks as you let out a choked gasp. you're completely silent outside of a soft clicking sound that comes from the back of your throat every couple seconds and he'd be worried that you'll pass out.
he would. if the sight didn't make his vision blur when his orgasm hit him like a punch to the back of the head.
his hips begin to stutter when he presses them flush against yours, digging his fingers into your thighs hard enough to bruise. there's an urge to sink his teeth into your cheek and he does, licking up your salty tears as he fills your cunt until its spills and drips onto the sheets.
when he finally lets go of your soft cheek he sees you flinch, there's an imprint of his teeth that he kisses until your breathing evens out and your heartbeat slows.
"you aight?" he noses at your jaw and you nod, you're practically purring and he can't believe how content you look. "I'm about to pull out."
"o-okay." your voice is hoarse, thighs trembling as he slides out and maneuvers your body into a more comfortable position on your stomach.
everything feels brighter, your skin sensitive as he kisses down your spine, pausing to nibble at the tattoo on the back of your neck.
by the time he cleans the both of you up, you're curled up in his lap, sleeping when the storm finally starts raging outside.
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kyri45 · 1 month
The Forgotten Island, AKA The Kingdom of Stars
A ISAT and Sky:Cotl Mix list of headcanons for a possible sequel of the main game.
Basic Information and Assumptions from the game:
From what we know, The Country is a rocky, forest, and mountain-filled island, close enough to be seen from Bambouche. Because of the cold climate, I’ll assume that it's located more northern than anything else in the ISAT world. Let’s also assume that it’s a highly humid country (it’s an island, so). Therefore, for a society built principally on the study of stars, I will further assume that the mountains there are high enough to well surpass the level of the clouds.
Another post also pointed out how the Country closest reference would be Iceland, which I couldn’t agree more ( even though I don’t think it would be THAT cold, I think the cold is more from the altitude than the position on the globe itself)
My personal take:
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If even children are aware from a very young age of the physics and rules of the cosmos, then it’s safe to assume that these things not only are being taught in schools but are also present in their everyday lives in their homes. Just like the Change god is present in the form of statues and figurines around every house of Dormont, we could imagine that every house of The Country could have had its own observatory floor.
For an entire town, or city, or even country, to be able to see the stars perfectly at night, they would need to have their buildings more elevated than wide, so that the upper floors aren’t so affected by street lights pollutions or other form of illuminations for the roads.
As for the materials, we can drop down to at least:
Wood, from probably evergreen trees such as birch or even pine and spruce?
Basalt, from the (most likely) volcanic beach. It has also wonderful heat-keeping properties so It wouldn’t be strange to assume they use it in their buildings as well. The dark color also reflects less light during the night and would increase the star's visibility.
Other grey stones or concrete, from which they build at least the base of their tower-based architecture to be able to sustain multiple floors.
While an island such as The Country should technically be poor in metal, the presence of volcanic terrain and geysers should, on the positive side, mean that there is the presence of gold! So yes, shiny gold decorations for observatories or other star-related rooms are realistically allowed :)
I will take as a reference from the world of Sky 3 main realms for this AU:
Isle of Dawn: can be used as a reference for the surroundings part of the kingdom, using the same rocky and sandy morphology. Sky also has many boats scattered around the kingdoms, and since the Country mostly based its economy on trade and fishing was its main source of protein, I’ll take those as a reference as well.
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Valley of Triumph: for its peaks, mountains, and climate. Also maybe for their transportation methods and house architecture from the Village of Dreams
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Vault of Knowledge: the Vault itself is just one big building that could be well used as a like the main capitol center building for archive, research, and study of Wish Craft and stars. The architecture itself can also be used as an inspiration for other buildings such as libraries and schools.
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I'll be updating this thread with possible more personal designs and sketch about the architecture!
Let me know if you finds errors in what I wrote or personal suggestions!
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sovasleepy · 2 months
hot and cold
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[gekko x gn!reader] - you're an agent with such a seemingly cold exterior - both physical and metaphorical - but being gekko’s saving grace might change some minds about you.
warnings: the agents kinda make assumptions about the reader, a little hurt/comfort if you squint real hard. brief mentions of injuries, unconsciousness, very minor swearing
notes: tbh a “reyna being a motherly figure to gekko” vibe popped out a little too hard but i digress. requested by anon, i hope you enjoy!
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kingdom's agents were well trained.
from the freezing temperatures of russia, to the most humid days on bermudian islands, the agents were resilient to all types of weather. today wasn't supposed to be particularly challenging in that aspect. a routine mission in some section of los angeles didn't sound particularly hot.
in fact, it had been the least of your worries about two hours ago.
you respected all of the agents on the protocol, especially considering the facts that not only were you newest addition, but some of the agents on this particular trip were among the first.
reyna, omen, cypher, and gekko stood next to you as the jet approached the site you were landing at. it felt almost childish to you that you were more nervous to be around your own coworkers than you were thinking about the fact that you could be lying dead any minute now.
they hadn’t ever directly been mean to you.
omen, bless him, was never any good at showing too much concern so you didn’t mind the cold shoulder you often felt from him.
cypher had his own secretive issues, and so did reyna.
that said, you never quite found your place amongst the agents. granted, you hadn’t been here too long, but the creeping and perpetual sense of being unwanted bothered you. to add to this, your abilities directly harmed the abilities of other agents. thus, your training sessions were always against your coworkers, which didn't always seem to sit well.
speaking technically, your ability did revolve around the manipulation of heat just like phoenix's did... only, you controlled the absence of it. the reaction of his abilities made fire, and yours made ice. this meant that you and phoenix either paired a little too well.
or not at all, depending on how one wants to look at it.
and then there were the other agents. kay/o's body produced a little heat, but ultimately couldn't produce enough to shake the ice. the same for killjoy's bots, cypher's tech, chamber's utility, sova's bow, even harbor's water.
and so you began keeping to yourself.
except for on missions, when communication was key. only your communications were down, and had been for some time.
the only people you could find were dead. slouched, bloodied bodies against buildings or in doorways seemed to mock you. luckily, none of them had been the faces of those on the mission with you.
that was until you heard a weak warbling. you called back to whatever created had made the noise, and was met with another weaker sound. still, you followed the creatures direction. after a few moments of sifting through debris, you were met with the dusty and bloody face of gekko.
dizzy sat curled up in his lap. his arm was limp, but bent as if he had been holding her close. for a brief moment, you thought he was dead. however, his chest rose and fell and slow, scarily shallow breaths. he was alive at least. the next thing on your agenda was to find the source of his unconsciousness, and hopefully stop it.
you knelt down to his level. he was slouched against the wall, head lolled to his left. there were splotches of dried blood on him, just the occasional mark on his clothing or his skin, but it didn't appear to be his.
his outer thigh had a darker patch of blood, thicker and definitely coming from him. however, the wound didn’t seem like it would be severe enough to have led to his current state. something else was wrong.
you continued to inspect him. his skin was pale, but cold and sweaty. this had to be the cause, right? but there was something deeper than that, those were simply more symptoms. you looked around and observed where gekko was. the trail in the dirt around him wasn’t footsteps, but was instead the markings of gekko half-dragging himself to where he was sat.
but yet he wasn’t in any danger at the time. the only pair of footsteps that had been close to him belonged to an already-dead enemy. so he dragged himself there for what? the shade that surrounding buildings and debris provided?
of course.
your alignment with the cold also gave you the benefit of not feeling the heat so harshly. it was the middle of a californian summer afternoon, of course it was hot.
heat exhaustion. that’s what was wrong with him.
you allowed yourself to feel the cool of chilled air surround your arms. you passed a hand over dizzy and wingman, who made weak noises of thanks. as much as you would like to help them, gekko needed you more right now.
you sat down beside him and pulled him onto your lap, his head on your stomach and him situated half on and half between your legs. you didn't want to turn him too cold too quickly, worried that the rapid change might cause him more harm. to the best of your ability, you slowly chilled your own body and the air around you.
one hand was placed on his forehead and the other arm hung over chest in an attempt to disperse the cool. dizzy, apparently feeling better, wormed her way up under his feet. elevating his legs was supposed to help too, right? maybe she knew that.
faintly, you heard a noise come from gekko’s earpiece.
“mateo? answer me, mateo. are you okay?”
the voice belonged to reyna. you hadn’t enteracted with her as much as you would’ve liked, but you respected her nonetheless.
you took your hand away from his forehead. after unbinding your own broken earpiece and tossing it, you leaned down to get closer to his. pressing the small button on the side, you spoke into it.
“hello? this is y/n. gekko is with me. i think he’s going to be fine, but he’s unconscious, and i really don’t know what i’m doing.”
“y/n?” the voice belonged to cypher this time. “how about you? are you alright? your communications and vital signs went down. we thought we lost you.”
“i’m… okay, i think? a few bumps and bruises, but nothing too bad apart from the earpiece i’ll be paying for.”
“good.” reyna spoke again. “omen is here, too. we have mateo’s location and we’re on our way. a medic is with us. just keep him alive until then.”
“got it.”
rushed as it may be, the concern they showed you warmed your heart. but everything felt like it was going to be okay. help was on its way, everyone was alive, and the mission was successful.
“just me and you guys,” you spoke, looking down at wingman and dizzy, who looked equally worried.
true to their word, the jet landed close to you roughly three minutes later. reyna was the first one to step foot off the aircraft, and the next thirty minutes went by in a blur. when your brain finally settled from its adrenaline high, you plopped down in a chair next to gekko’s bed in the makeshift-infirmary of the jet. reyna stood at the end of the bed. her arms were crossed and she wore her usual stern and hard-to-read face.
“the doctor said he was be alright, y’know.” she spoke after what felt like twenty minutes of comfortable silence.
you looked up from where you had been spaced out, staring at gekko. wingman was on the floor at your feet and you were absently letting him play with your fingers. however, he stopped to look up at reyna too.
“i hope so. i was… scared. honestly, i was beginning to think you guys would have left me. not that i would blame you. everything was down, you had every right to assume i was dead.”
“never.” she spoke. there was a chilling certainty in her voice. “you are an asset.”
“i suppose.” you paused for a beat, debating whether or not to finish your sentence. “i adore you guys. all of you. i think i just have a hard time finding my value to you all.”
you were met with silence. it festered, feeding the anxiety already unfurling within your chest. finally, reyna spoke again.
“admittedly, it’s hard to join the protocol and feel like you fit in. mateo felt the same way when he first joined, too, but the feeling goes away eventually. he wanted to speak to you, y’know?”
“he did?”
“all the time. he has this… fantastical way about him when he speaks about you. like he has all these… emotions or something built up, and instead of talking to you he’s trying to fit them all into two sentences while i’m still drinking my damn coffee.”
you couldn’t help but smile. you were always so nervous to talk to him, yet you never took the time to consider the fact that maybe he was nervous to talk to you too.
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drakulana · 7 months
the first spark // trafalgar law x reader
content: sfw, fem! reader, female pronouns, sloooow burn w little resolution, long reader backstory, violence
part 2, part 3
word count: 5.5k
notes: this is my first ever fan fic!!! i’m very proud of it, and i worked on it for a few weeks on and off. i hope you enjoy!!
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The Polar Tang had been under the water for about a month now. Never in a million years did (Y/n) think she’d be in the middle of the ocean, let alone underneath the surface in a submarine, 395 meters down. She had joined the Heart Pirates about 6 months ago and was just now getting used to being underwater for such a long amount of time. She had been having continuous headaches she assumed to be due to the pressure of being underwater for such a long time. They would come and go, some days worse than others. Today was one of the worst days. The chores had been done, and all the tasks were complete. Most of the crew decided to lounge around, hanging out with one another. To (Y/n) it seemed as if all corners of the submarine were occupied, and they all had too much noise to focus. Trying to find some peace and quiet, she made her way down to the boiler room, letting the laughter and chatter of her crew fade as she departed. It was not the first time she had done this, in fact this was her little secret. No one liked to come down here unless it was included in the work that they had to do. Pipes lined the walls, and the low hum of engines from a few doors over buzzed through the room. Finally at peace, she took a deep breath and exhaled.
A week ago, (Y/n) had stashed a book and a blanket down here, along with a pillow and a cushion she found in storage. She tucked herself into the corner, and sat down on the box that had placed the cushion on. She pulled out the book she was reading which was just a volume of some medical book Captain Law had in the library. Principles of Neurology. It was not an interesting read in the slightest, but there really was not a wide variety to choose from in the Surgeon of Death’s library.
Her mind started to wander as she flipped page by page trying to follow along the best she could with what she was reading. An entity of “frailty” has been conceived to encompass the sum of breakdown in multiple organ systems… She read the sentence over a few times. She made a mental note to get a book that was relatively interesting on the next island that they stopped on. Letting out a sigh, she continued to try to read but ended up drifting away with her thoughts. She was still relatively new to the crew, she had been with them for 6 months. Long enough to get comfortable with her crewmates, but not so long that they knew everything about her.
(Y/n) joined the Heart Pirates after aiding Law with intel that he needed about someone he was “researching.” During the process of this, she got caught up with the conflicts of whoever Law was looking into, and was taken hostage. While in hostage, the person pressed her for information of who was after them, how she knew all of their info, who was her informant? Despite the pressure, and the fear of looming death, she did not give out any answers. She chose against ratting out the Heart Pirates. At that moment, she was sure she was gonna die either way. If she gave out the information, the Heart Pirates were sure to come after her. If they were to get a hold of her, she’d have to answer to the Surgeon of Death. However, if she didn’t give out the answers, the man who was holding her hostage could kill her. So naturally, she picked the lesser of the two evils. Her mouth was staying shut. Like hell was she going to answer to Trafalgar Law of all people. She sat back and recalled that day.
She was held in a damp, dim, humid room. She wasn’t too sure on how long she had been there, but it was probably half a day. The interrogation started out like all of them did with questions and threats. After the first few hours of not speaking punches began to be thrown, and weapons were soon pulled out. Somebody’s hasty, she thought to herself as the interrogation took turns for the worst faster than she had anticipated. It was clear the man she had sold out was in a hurry. He was scared. How he found out it was her that sold his information, she didn’t know. All she knew was that this guy found out, and now he was mad and had a dagger. He kept questioning, each unanswered question he got a couple cuts in. Midquestion, a commotion outside the door started. Yelling ensued, then things breaking and then a panicked, “Boss, we have visitors.” The man interrogating you paused his mild torture, faltering as he stepped towards the door, like he was weighing his options. Would he stay in this room, or deal with the inevitable of being confronted by the man who seemed out his information, Trafalgar Law. He turned to the girl who was sitting in the chair. Her hands were tied in front of her, and her feet were tied together. “You,” He pointed an accusatory finger, “this is all your fault!” and you know, he was right, it was all her fault. She gave the intel for a very pretty penny, but how was she suppose to know she was going to get kidnapped and interrogated. How did they even know it was her who gave the intel? Questions zoomed through her head as he stormed towards her with the dagger in his hand. He held it to her throat. “I oughta kill you right here, right now. A life for a life.” The cool edge of the shaky blade pressed into her skin, nicking her in the slightest due to his unsteady hands. Then, with a sharp slice, her warm sticky blood poured down her neck. An involuntary gasp ripped from her throat as she felt the blood gather at the neckline of her shirt, soaking it. This is it, she thought, Here’s where I die. But before he could cut any deeper, the door to the room burst open. A warm yellow light illuminated the room from the hall outside. A tall figure stood in the doorway. It stormed over to the man, grabbing him by the back of his collar, turning him around. The warm light from the hallway casted across the face of the figure, it was none other than Trafalgar Law. Law craned down to the man’s height, paying the woman tied to the chair no mind, “I believe you have something I want,” he said in a low gruff voice. The man trembled in his grasp. “Now why don’t we take a little trip to your laboratory,” Trafalgar Law dragged the man out of the room, leaving the woman in there alone. It was a quick few minutes before she realized she was gonna have to free herself, and this was her only chance.
She looked around the room and spotted the dagger that the man had dropped near the doorway. Seeing her chance of escape, she scooted the chair towards the entrance. She grabbed the knife with her feet. Reaching down with her tied hands, she cut the ropes that bound her. Whoever tied her up did a really shitty job. Finally free, she prepared herself to escape. Dagger in hand, the silver of the blade glinting as she gazed upon the object. She couldn’t help but notice the blood on the edge from the man attempting to slit her throat. She tried to pay no mind to the wet sticky pain that was starting to raidiate down her neck and into her collarbones. Pushing the pain aside, she made her way through the place, careful to avoid anyone who might be lurking. Once she made it out, she let out a sigh of relief. Barefoot and bleeding, she decided she should probably take the alleyways home. She would hate to scare oncoming bypassers, or god forbid someone contact the authorities. Slipping into the alley, she started to make her way home before a voice cut through the night, “And where do you think you’re going?” Her head whipped around, gripping the dagger that she held in her hand. That voice was the one of Trafalgar Law. She met the man’s golden eyes. She quickly took in his appearance. When she first gave him the intel she had noticed his height, but she also wasn’t fearing for her life at the time. The weight of impending doom really added a foot or two to his appearance. “I didn’t tell them anything,” she breathed. “I didn’t say a word, I swear.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, and her voice didn’t sound like hers as it bounced off the alleyway walls. He took a step closer to her, “I know, but I still can’t let you go. You’re hurt, let me look at it,” he stepped closer. Her mouth felt as if it were filled with cotton. She took a step back, “I’m fine,” she gritted while taking one more step back, trying to put enough distance between them just so she’d have a chance of running away. She was just interrogated and borderline tortured, if she had known what the intentions were behind the wanted intel, she would’ve denied the offer. Besides, it wasn’t like the intel was collected for malice in the first place. (Y/n) had a goal, and that goal was to collect the most information she could, and write it all down into a book. This extended from histories of islands, pirates, doctors, scientists, government officials. Few people knew about her knowledges of the world and it’s inhabitants. Every now and then she would get someone wanting some information, and if the price was right she’d give it to them. She never thought it would lead to this, cornered in an alleyway by the Surgeon of Death himself. “I’m a doctor,” Law’s voice echoed off the walls as he slowly stepped forward towards her, like he was trying to approach a scared stray, careful not to spook it. His hands were held out in front of him, as if he meant no harm, however the word ‘DEATH’ tattooed across both his hands stated otherwise.
“I know good and well who and what you are.” Unintentional venom laced her words. She knew all about the reputation that seemed to proceed him. She had done her research whenever she came across his wanted poster a year ago. She never thought she would cross paths with him, he was just another name in her book for the longest time.
“Then you know it’s in your best interest if you just come with me.” With that last sentence from him, she falsely dropped her guard, muttering a small okay. She didn’t think this tactic was going to work, but as soon as she saw him relax his stance, she bolted. Running through the alleyway with no shoes seemed to be a difficult task, impeding her usual speed. Trying her best to avoid glass and nails, she darted in between the buildings, and in and out of the alleyways. She had the advantage, she knew this city. The poorly maintained asphalt stung, but she had no other choice but to ignore it if she wanted to get away.
She finally was able to duck behind a building after what felt like an eternity of turning down random streets and alleys. She leaned against the bricks to catch her breath, gripping the dagger in her hand. Her heartbeat was in her ears, she could feel the blood rushing through every vein. She stilled and tried to stay quiet, the only sound leaving her was a shaky exhale. The adrenaline slightly wore off as the silence of the night settled. The events of the night really started to set into her body. Her arms and legs aches, her lungs burned, her throat was on fire. Despite the pain setting in, she thought she had gotten away by some miracle, but a second later the same low voice she was running from bounced around her again. “You really think you could get away from me that easily?” His voice echoed, giving it a more sinister sound than what he had intended. She met his eyes. She didn’t know if it was the adrenaline making her analyze her situation in full detail, or if she was just delusional, but she found herself taking in every detail of his presence. The eyes that held her eye contact were golden. He had a lean figure, and was undoubtedly in shape. The moonlight poured over his figure, casting an intimidating shadow as he now stood in front of her. She noted the yellow button up that was halfway buttoned, showing a glimpse of the tattoo on his chest. He had on jeans that had spots on them, and a white hat that shared those same spots. Draped over his shoulders was a long navy coat. If she wasn’t running from him, she could’ve admitted that he was quite an attractive man, but in her head he was trying to catch her so he could kill her.
Her grip on the handle of the dagger tightened before hurling it in Law’s direction. The blade rotated in the air before hitting Law in the shoulder. The way the dagger was thrown would’ve been deemed as impressive by him if he wasn’t on the receiving end of the throw. He quickly pulled the dagger out of his shoulder, and threw it to the ground before chasing after her, once again. This time she was only able to make it a few blocks before he finally tackled her to the ground against the rough concrete. She felt the skin of her knees and elbows scrape against the asphalt, surely breaking the skin. Heart racing, and body trembling, the woman underneath him had no choice but to accept her fate. “You’ll be coming with me,” he growled at her, bitterness lacing his tone. He pulled her up and off the ground then led her to the dock on the bay. His grip was more than enough of a reminder that there was nowhere she could go.
The walk to the submarine was silent, and the man next to her was not giving off a very welcoming energy considering he was taking her against her will. Blood slightly bled through his shirt where the dagger had hit him. He walked her down the dock, and onto a yellow submarine that had ‘DEATH’ written on the side of it. Well how lovely is that? She thought to herself. His firm grip on her upper arm never faltered as he guided her down the hallways of the submarine. Several of his crew members moved aside to make way for the two of them to walk down the hall. It was like a walk of shame. Once they reached the end of the hall, he opened a door. The sterile smell of rubbing alcohol and latex filled her nose, as the bright white lights poured out of the room. It was an examination room. “Sit,” he pointed to the examination table. Having no other choice, that’s exactly what she did, she sat.
Without another word, he started inspecting her injuries. He lifted her chin to get a better look at her neck. “This will need stitches,” he said flatly. He examined the other scrapes and cuts on her body. The adrenaline wore off long ago, and pain radiated from her toes to her head. He cleaned the area and prepped his needle. The stitching process was painful. She sharply inhaled when he stuck the needle through. “Be still,” he commanded, “It’ll only hurt worse if you move.” She had to force herself not to flinch at the needle stitching up her wound. Finally having her still, and in front of him, Law couldn’t deny that (Y/n) was very attractive. The way her hair framed her face, the way she held herself with such self assurance. Fear still resided in her pretty eyes, as she stayed as still as possible while he stitched. He ended up doing seven stitches, the cut was sure to leave a scar to adorn her pretty neck. He cleaned the other wounds and bandaged them up. It was silent in that exam room, and then finally he broke the silence. “Why did you run away?” He asked her. She looked at him like asked the stupidest question, and in some way he did. Who wouldn’t run away from the Surgeon of Death? His reputation alone was enough to make a grown man fall to his knees, and she had literally just seen a grown man fall to his knees at the hand of him. After weighing her response, she broke the silence, “Dying wasn’t on my agenda once I got out of there,” her voice quiet, but not weak.
“Why would I kill you?” He asked her. Again, another incredulous look was thrown at him. Was he not aware of the grumbling that went along with his name?
“For knowing too much?” She answered, in a duh tone.
“You don’t know anymore than you did whenever I approached you for intel. I had some of my men go through your files, you have some very impressive intel on multiple pirates including the warlords and emperors. Where do you get all that?”
“Verified sources,” she simply answered, not letting onto her process of gathering information. There was another silence before she broke it this time. “Listen, if you’re going to kill me, just go ahead and make it quick. Medical torture really doesn’t sound appealing.”
He chuckled lightly at this, but it was not one of humor, “I’m not gonna kill you, but I’m definitely not letting you go either. I know what you’re working on, and I want your intel. Join my crew.” It wasn’t a question, it was a demand, and by the way he was talking to her that was very obvious.
“What’s in it for me?” She inquired like she had a choice.
“You can do some more of your research, and we could use your intel,” He stated like it was obvious. “Everybody wins.” Unfortunately, he was right. Going island to island would be great for her research, and it would give her an opportunity to get first count perspective about the things she was writing about. For a pirate, the information that she held would be very helpful, they would never go into a situation blind. However, being a pirate was not appealing. If she joined the Heart Pirates, she’d surely be wanted, especially with the information that she had collected over the years. She had been able to keep the things that she knew on the low, only occasionally being visited by certain people who wanted intel, but the intel always came at a price. It was a very hush-hush thing. Putting aside the fact that she knew more than most about what was going on in the world, she was just an ordinary woman with no devil fruit, no haki, how was she supposed to be a wanted woman? After mulling over his words, she finally spoke up, “I don’t think you know what I do. I’m gathering information to add to a book. I am not a pirate. I don’t have any fighting techniques, I would die as soon as we hit the battlefield. I will slow you down, no information is worth dying for, or putting your crew in danger for,” she argued, trying to convince herself if she made herself look like a burden, she would be let go.
“Your knowledge outweighs your weaknesses,” he stated. He wasn’t budging on this matter. “Join my crew, and you’ll get to gain more knowledge about the world. Think about the intel you could get if you were traveling the seas?” Once again, he did make a very good point.
“What if I say no?” She asked, wondering if he’d confirm her suspicions. A pregnant silence fell over the room again. She knew she wasn’t getting out of this one, and this just might be the death of her.
“You don’t want to say no.” He left it at that, and finished cleaning her wounds and patching her up.
That was six months ago. Six months of being on this submarine. Six months ago and she still didn’t feel as if she belonged, still felt as if she served no purpose. Sure after the first month, her crew mates started to adore her with her little jokes and random fun facts, but what was she really doing out on the open ocean? She sat there pondering until a voice ripped her out of her head. “You enjoying the Principles of Neurology?” It was her dear captain. She didn’t know he had been standing there, watching her unmovingly stare at the same page. She looked up at him, and then back down at the page she had been staring at for what felt like forever. “Sure, I’m having a blast learning about…The Neurology of Aging,” she read out the chapter name.
“What are you doing down here?” her captain asked her, curiosity lacing his tone.
“This is my secret hiding place, don’t tell the others,” she mused at him. Their relationship was very professional, and in fact for the first month and a half she was on the Polar Tang, she hardly said a word to him outside of him asking for information about various people and places. It’s not like she had a choice or not to be on the damned submarine. It still didn’t feel quite right to be there, but in the past few months she had started to let her guard down. She always addressed her captain with a professional tone, but every now and then she’d throw in a bit of a playful tone, and most times he would entertain her antics. “What are you doing down here?” she asked. She looked at her captain, taking in his appearance. She couldn’t lie, he was a very attractive man. Whenever she would have thoughts like this she would kick herself. She would remind herself who he was. He was her captain, and that’s all that was.
He looked down at her, discreetly looking her up and down, “I was looking for you. I would like to discuss some information about an island we will be arriving to in the next few days. There is an epidemic there and I will need all the information you have on the island, and the citizens so that we can take the proper precautions upon arrival.” His voice echoed off the metal walls.
“Oh okay, let me go up and grab my notes,” She said as she got up from her box, folding the blanket and placing the Neurology book on top.
“Meet me in my office,” he ordered, as he turned to go up the ladder. She made her way into her bunk and pulled out a notebook and a binder filled with stuff about all the islands she knew about. They were organized by North Blue, South Blue, East Blue, West Blue, Grandline, and New World. She gathered all her things and made her way towards Captain Law’s office.
She entered the Captain’s Quarters with a binder that was bursting at the seams, holding all her notes. As she walked in she took in her surroundings. It wasn’t the first time she had been in the Captain’s Quarters, but everytime she had been in there it was only for a brief period, usually dropping off files and papers from her research. Papers were stacked high on his desk, and there were files and books scattered across the room. It was messy, but it was not dirty. The room smelled like paper, ink, and Law.
She made her way over to his desk and started to flip through her binder. The binder was as full as it could be, and while the different places were organized, the contents of the binder within her neatly divided sections were scrawls of writing and small sketches here and there. “So, where we going?” She asked, beaming. She loved talking about all the things she had researched. She loved gathering information and putting it all together. Her goal was to write a full encyclopedia on the world and maybe one day she could write about the One Piece, if it was ever found. Without looking up, Law answered, “Bronze Island.” She was aware of the location, and she was also very aware of the disease that spread through the island, almost 60% of cases were fatal.
She flipped to the section where the island’s information was found, hesitantly inhaling before stating, “Uhh… I don’t think you want to go there.” Law looked up at her for the first time since she had entered his office, feigning annoyance behind his eyes. “I do think I want to go there,” He countered. She didn’t argue with him, he was the captain after all, but this island was being raided by pestilence.
“This disease has a high mortality rate, and it’s more contagious than the common cold. It’s an airborne disease. It spread mostly through bodily fluids,” she spouted off. “The island has poor air quality which just adds to the mix, making the citizens’ immune systems weaker. The island’s government is riddled with corrupt officials. There have been many uprisings staged, but none of them have aided in the ridding of the corrupt officials,” She set the paper in front of her captain. “If you have any questions, let me know. I’ll leave the rest of these pages to you,” she took a stack of papers out of the binder and laid them on his desk. There must have been at least 20 of them. The pages consisted of information about the epidemic, information on the citizens, as well the island officials. Law looked through the papers, before setting them back down. She used that as her cue to leave, and went towards the door, “Just let me know when you’re done with them.”
“Where are you going?” He asked her as if it were normal for her to stay. He never asked her to stay after giving him her research. He usually just looked at them and returned them. They shared eye contact for a split second before he answered her unasked question of why. “I’m going to need your help on this one.” Without replying, she turned back towards him and sat in a chair that was in front of his desk. The chair was hardly broken in, and it was obvious her captain didn’t really enjoy visitors all that much in his study, unless necessary. A dull sense of pride bubbled up inside of her, hearing that he needed her help. For a second she was able to push aside the feeling of not belonging on this ship. Her captain picked up the pages that she had given him and handed them back to her. “Let’s start with the island officials.” (Y/n) flipped through the papers getting to the officials section of her research, and started spouting off the names and the roles they played within the island’s government. She didn’t know what her captain was planning, nor did she think she wanted to know what he was planning. She was still new to this pirate thing, new to the notion that sometimes some people will get hurt in the crossfire. Hell, she was almost one of those people.
Brushing off her thoughts she skimmed across the paper, coming across some grammatical errors. “Captain Law?” A comfortable softness laced her tone as he caught her eyes. He had never heard her voice sound so sweet, so warm. His heart almost melted. “Could I borrow a pencil?” She asked him, holding his gaze with hers. He mumbled a quick of course before holding the object towards her. She reached out to take it, the tips of her fingers brushing his. When they touched, a jolt of electricity shocked them both. His golden eyes met hers once again, but lingered for a second too long this time. Long enough for her eyes to travel down to his lips, and then back up to his eyes. It felt as if time stood still. It felt like it was the first time she had really taken a good look at her captain since that night 3 months ago. She pulled her attention away, muttering a quick thank you as she took the pencil, hoping the lighting in his office didn’t capture the slight pink dusting her cheeks. She internally kicked herself for letting her eyes travel, for letting herself put him on a pedestal in her mind, even if it was only for a split second. It was wrong in so many ways, she couldn’t let herself think about him in that way. She couldn’t let her guard down. Mutually ignoring their little moment, they both resumed to what they were doing.
After about 2 hours of going through the information about the island and it’s government, as well as its citizens, they wrapped up their work. “Would you like me to leave you these papers?” She asked him. Without looking up from all of the notes that he had taken, he let a single, “Yes,” fall from his lips. She nodded, and put the papers on his desk. “If you have any questions, you know where to find me,” As she was about to make her exit, she heard her name being called. She turned her head to look at her captain, unintentionally savoring the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Thank you for the help,” he said smoothly, hesitating before continuing, “And if you ever need a place to hide, don’t hesitate to come in here to read or to finish your research.” She smiled and nodded her head as the feeling of belonging settled in her core for the second time that night. “Thank you, if you ever need anymore help I’m more than happy to do so,” she replied trying to sound as professional as possible in order to combat the warm feeling that was starting to bubble in her stomach. She turned on her heel and made her way back to her bunk.
That night, against her will, her thoughts were consumed by her captain and the moment they had shared. She felt guilty feeling this way, it wasn’t right to feel borderline giddy as she recalled such minor events. Sure, maybe their fingers touched, and maybe he made her feel like she belonged for once, but it was a moral dilemma just waiting to happen. Internally, she berated herself for even thinking about her captain in that way. Despite her self berating, she let her thoughts drift to her captain as she stared at the metal ceiling. There was a comfortable air around him, one she didn’t like to acknowledge that often. He felt safe, but she knew he could be dangerous. He seemed sane, but she knew he wasn’t. She was aware the longer she stayed with the Heart Pirates the more she let her guard down, and that included Law. She surely was trusted if he was offering to share his quiet space. She thought about how he offered it to her, with softer words than his usual tone. No matter how hard she tried to shake the doctor from her thoughts she couldn’t. That night, she went to sleep with Trafalgar Law taking up the space where her dreams usually lay.
Down the hall, in the captain quarters, Law mulled over what he had said to her before she left the room. It wasn’t like him to just offer someone a place in his study like that. Law worked alone. It was his space. That was the one place he was guaranteed to get some peace and quiet. What was even more strange was that he didn’t even regret offering his space to her. In fact, he was hoping that she would take him up on it and spend her time there instead of in the boiler room. He pushed his thoughts away, rationalizing his offer as just an excuse to gather more of the information she held. If she were to come to the office for peace and quiet, it was inevitable for her to work there too. He told himself that was the real reason he had offered it, rather not acknowledging the warmth he felt when he was around her. He pushed his thoughts away and buried himself in his work for the night, every now and then thinking about his crew member. The feeling that was tugging in his chest would have to be for another day.
⋆⭒˚‧₊˚°❀⋆₊⊹ ⋆。𖦹˚. ͟͟͞☆
@drakulana 2023 // i do not give permission to copy, translate, or repost without my consent
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bonefall · 1 year
Warrior Bites: Dried Minnows
Requested by @troutfur!
A series for those who would like their Warriors to have some more advanced culinary abilities.
The art here was provided by my partner!! (thank you for engaging in my research journeys boo <;3)
Dried Minnows
Clan of Origin: RiverClan Occasion: Travel ration, food storage
"StarClan forbid a RiverClan cat go 2 hours without eating," says the other, very jealous Clans.
One of the most common meals prepared by RiverClan warriors, dried minnows are easy to prepare, can be stored for weeks, and are easily kept in bunches with a small string of peeled willowbark.
One minnow on its own won't feed more than a small kit; but they’re easily captured in whole schools and processed in bulk to make lots of food. Marinated in rosemary for taste and valerian for a boost of energy, these are usually carried around as travel rations.
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[Image ID: Three common minnows strung together through the gills with willowbark twine. They are lightly dusted with spice.]
There's two ways RiverClan cats would dry fish; a Greenleaf method, and a Leafbare method.
In Greenleaf, when it's hot and humid, the fish will be sun-dried. Starting on a clear morning, the fish will be laid out on a rock and left sitting in direct sunlight. This method requires a watchcat, else foxes may steal the food.
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[Image ID: Grasswhisker, a brown tabby RiverClan warrior cat, crouches in a ‘loaf’ position on a large rock. She is watching minnows dry.]
In Leafbare, the fish will be strung together and threaded through the gills with willowbark strips, the same as they were being carried. They’re brought to a high branch and left there, the wind drying them out naturally over a few hours.
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[Image ID: Two batches of minnows are hanging up in a tree that has a single leaf in the middle of winter. The landscape is snowy and the lake in the distance appears frozen. The meeting island is visible in the corner.]
Because of the easy nature of dried minnows, they’re faaar from considered a delicacy. Apprentices going through their first leafbare are tempted to complain about eating these night after night, only for their elders to launch off into long-winded lectures about the nutritional value of minnows, appreciation of the food StarClan gives them, and how there’s starving kits in ShadowClan who would kill for a good meal right now.
Is there any truth to that last part? Well, the valerian spices ARE quite tempting, to be fair. It has a similar effect to dried catnip.
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pillow-anime-talk · 11 months
first meeting with a very strong girl.
request: hiii!!! can i do a request? gon, killua, kurapika & leorio and.. what are their thoughts when they first saw you and got to know you because the reader is such a strong badass and very beautiful woman/girl? thank you!! 🤗💗
# tags: scenario; strangers/?; light romance; fluff; a bit of comedy; badass!reader; hunter!reader; sfw
includes: female reader ft. gon freecss, killua zoldyck, kurapika & leorio paradinight {hxh}
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↘ He met you during his time on Greed Island when Mrs. Biscuit started training him and Killua. You were the granddaughter of a short woman and for many months you traveled with her, expanded your knowledge and fighting skills.
↘ So you showed up during one of the two boys’ training sessions, greeting your beloved grandma and bringing a paper bag filled with delicious, still hot food. With a smile, you invited everyone to the meal, and Gon looked at you more closely.
↘ You had by far the most sincere and friendly expression on your face he had ever met; your eyes were very warm and shiny, your smile was sincere, and your attitude showed no malevolence. Also, you smelled like freshly picked daisies and juicy peaches, and your voice sounded really nice.
↘ Gon immediately liked you, and as soon as it was time to train, he was literally delighted. You easily jumped between the enormous stones thrown in your direction, silently approached the opponent and aimed with the greatest accuracy at the target using small but sharp knives. 
↘ You were not only beautiful and modest, but also strong and graceful.
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↘ Killua and his friends were walking around the huge city. It was literally one of the few moments of rest during their journey, so a walk with a cup of ice cream or a sandwich filled with goodies was a really valuable experience for them all.
↘ Many people and animals were walking around them four; out of the corner of his eye, Killua saw a young boy and his sister playing chase, a happy couple of teenagers in love holding hands, someone on their right just playing a guitar... and right in front of them people with big smiles on their faces were throwing small coins into the fountain. It was a quiet, lovely day.
↘ I mean... as it turned out after a while, not so pleasant. At some point, Killua and his friends heard a woman’s scream. 
↘ Someone had stolen a purse with documents from a young lady with a white pram. Killua and Gon were about to run after the thief, but someone overtook them both.
↘ You came out calmly from around the corner. Seeing a crying woman in the distance and a fleeing man in a black hood on his head, you immediately reacted, grabbing him by the neck and knocking him to the ground.
↘ You were not only beautiful and comely in the eyes of a young boy, but also incredibly strong and brave. Killua immediately held his breath as he looked at you more closely. Startling the three friends, he ran towards you. He wasn’t entirely sure why he did it, but as soon as he was right next to your person, he just smiled and said “Hello”.
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↘ Your father was a rich and respected man, and the originator of one of the most useful items in the hunting world – the compass, which shows not only the way, but also the time, temperature and humidity of the air, as well as the exact day of the year and time of day. It was a multifunctional tool that allowed you to track animals and enemies, and at the same time it was a really handy and light item. That day, your father was presenting his product to a wider audience – other rich people, inventors, merchants and businessmen.
↘ Kurapika was your dad’s personal bodyguard that night and followed him closely, watching the guests arrive. As much as he tried to concentrate on his work, somewhere in the back of his heart he felt a strange pang.
↘ In the crowd he noticed you – a smiling woman who greeted everyone she met. During this short party, your eyes met halfway several times, but neither of you had the courage and time to say “Hi” or “Nice to meed you”;  Kurapika was standing next to your father, you were talking to guests and friends, sipping champagne and eating snacks.
↘ Only after the meeting and salary payment the young bodyguard was allowed to approach you and introduce himself. When your hands joined in a short grip, Kurapika instantly felt your strength. Although you looked really delicate and feminine, he was well aware of your position, and the handshake only confirmed his thoughts.
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↘ Leorio loved going to the gym or swimming pool in his free time. It was the best way for him to calm his mind and relax his whole body. He could also meet friends who often came to the above-mentioned place.
↘ The tall man started his training today with a warm-up and a short walk on the treadmill. He calmly watched the program played on the TV hanging on the wall, sipping electrolytes from the bottle from time to time. Somewhere between a short break and another series of exercises, he noticed a pretty, young woman in a sports outfit who entered the huge room.
↘ In your right hand you held a phone with headphones, and in your left a bottle of cool water. You looked really good, so Leorio glanced at you every couple of moments, working up the courage to talk to you and get to know you. After all, he’d never seen you here before, so this was the perfect opportunity to make a new... friend.
↘ You started your workout by warming up all your muscles and running in place. You did a few squats and push-ups, and finally you adjusted the shoes on your feet, approaching one of the two barbells located in the gym. You warmed up your fingers once more, then added a few extra pounds. After a short breath, in the deadlift, you lifted exactly one hundred and forty kilograms.
↘ Seeing your impassive face and smile, Leorio only managed to swallow. You were amazing!
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anystalker707 · 1 year
It's not going anywhere [1/2]
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 3 300 Summary: You were a slave to the Celestial Dragons, saved by Zoro, who decided to make you part of the crew and help you adjust to the new life. Tags: Loving Zoro / Very boyfriend content / Fluffy ending <3
Requested by anon "I want to request Zoro x Male reader. Male reader was a slave (...)"
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          It was weird, to be honest. Not uncomfortable, but curious and unsettling. You had spent so long serving those stupid Celestial Dragons that you had forgotten what living was actually like, which sometimes made you feel angry knowing how much time you’d lost. It was no use being angry now, though. Not with having found a new family. There was no need to waste more time.
A sigh escaped your lips as you observed the deck below and the vast sea, sitting on the wide seat along the walls of the Crow’s Nest. It was a sunny day, with the sunlight reflecting on the sea water and making the weather a little humid. Nami had promised you would stop at an island to enjoy the weather if you had the opportunity, but Luffy, Chopper, Usopp and Frank just put together a pool on the deck to have fun either way. Sanji prepared some cold drinks he had delivered around and didn’t fail on coming to the Crow’s Nest to deliver some to you while throwing rude words at Zoro. It was funny.
The thought of the crew made you smile. They didn’t look down on you or act as if you didn’t exist.
A groan and a slamming sound made you look away to see Zoro breathe heavily, with his hands on his waist and looking down at the barbell. “You can go down there, you know,” he said breathlessly. “It’s not like you’re stuck here or anyone will yell at you.”
“I know.” You smiled a little. Zoro was just one man, a single person, that could take all the guards and the Celestial Dragon by himself—you weren’t sure if it was just to save you, but he did so either way and you were happy he had taken you with him. He’d never answer why, though, but no one else complained. “I just like being here with you.”
Zoro raised an eyebrow at you, but clicked his tongue with a smile, shaking his head. “Won’t you drink more?” He pointed to the tray that Sanji had left on the ground. The jar was halfway filled and ice cubes still floated in it.
“You can have all you want.” He sighed and moved over to serve himself some of the juice, also making a motion to offer to serve more for you, but you walk over there and serve it yourself.
Whatever Sanji put in it, it was so good! You tried not to drink it all at once, but, fuck, it had been forever since you were able to eat and drink things that tasted decently and weren’t spoiled! It was almost impossible getting enough of it and—
“Oi!” Zoro said and then you could feel a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you back a little. “It’s not going anywhere! No need to rush!” The sudden voice made you inhale and start choking, so he immediately took the cup away from your hands and patted your back a little. “Damn, I—”
With a gasp, you immediately bowed down, pressing your eyes shut to be ready for a slap or something. “S—Sorry, sir—”
A hand on your shoulder brought you up again immediately. “I told you you don’t need any of that bullshit here.” Zoro handed you your glass again and grabbed the jar to serve you more juice. “It’s just... You don’t need to eat and drink so fast. It’ll give you a stomachache or something at some point and that’s not gonna be good.” His gaze didn’t meet yours the whole time, and his face was a little flushed while sweat still trickled down his skin, but you couldn’t observe for a lot longer; he clicked his tongue and you looked down to see some of the drink spilled down on the ground.
Only having one functional eye did have him struggling with the notion of depth when it was not regarding fights. You gently placed a hand over his wrist to guide the jar over the glass properly. His skin was warm. It was almost disappointing to let go so he could put the jar away.
“Thank you,” you whispered, refraining yourself from saying or doing anything wrong again. Talking without all those honorifics was hard. So was not cleaning and serving everyone else. Your hands trembled a little as you watched Zoro drag closer the cloth he used to clean the sweat away from the ground to clean the drink he had spilled. You could tell he knew; he knew what you worried about and what you held yourself back from doing, but still, he just smiled when your gazes met.
“Be careful this time.”
Zoro continued training for most of the day while you sat there. Calm days without needing to get up all the time felt like a blessing. The way you didn’t have rags as clothes nor did your muscles hurt all the time. No bruises or scratches covered your body anymore. Sometimes you would catch yourself touching your neck out of habit and the fact there was no collar anymore made you so happy; something stirred in your chest and you wanted to do everything, run, jump, hug everyone. Or just be. It was so peaceful to just sit there and observe the others, too.
Zoro was a quiet person, so it was peaceful to be around him, but it was easy to find someone else to have a nice talk with whenever you were in the mood. Chopper, Franky, Usopp, Brook and Luffy were really funny while Nami would talk to you about good islands to visit. Robin once in a while would tell you about her research while Sanji would talk about simply anything if you showed up to keep him company as he cooked. Being a taste tester for him was great.
No matter what, Zoro ended up being your favorite person to spend time with, easily. Either for the fact he had saved you or the way he treated you, it was very enjoyable to even just sit there with him in the Crow’s Nest while he just worked out or napped. He encouraged you to try working out with him once, but... it wasn’t a good idea, at least not yet.
“I think lunch is ready, Zoro.” You mumble, faintly hearing Sanji shout at Luffy, most likely to wait for everyone else. It was a routine, apparently.
“Oh?” Zoro dropped his weights again with a sigh. “Well then, let’s eat.”
Not everyone was at the kitchen yet when you got there, but Sanji was already finishing setting the pots at the table and the food smelled good as always. Chopper, Usopp, Luffy and Franky were already there as you’d heard earlier, and Nami sat at the counter, clearly not wanting to get involved in their messy fight over stopping Luffy from eating just yet.
Their loud banter had you a little intimidated, afraid anyone would accidentally elbow or kick you, but you quickly rushed forward seeing Zoro already taking a seat. You were about to sit down next to him when Usopp sat there instead, too caught up in laughing with Luffy to notice. Hell, what were you supposed to do now? Would he be annoyed if you asked him to sit there? For sure. You didn’t want any of them to dislike you or—
“Idiot!” Zoro clicked his tongue and hit Usopp on the head. “(Y/n) sits there! Haven’t you learned that?”
Usopp gasped, face falling as he held the bump on his head and stood up from the seat. “Sorry, (y/n)-chan.” He said with a faltering voice, bowing a little, but he quickly went back to normal once he noticed the rest laughing at him.
You suppressed a chuckle by smiling, and finally sat down next to Zoro, nodding in a silent ‘thank you’.
“Today I prepared some special meals!” Sanji set a pot on the free space on the table with a smile. “It’s not everyday that I prepare those dishes, so enjoy. Don’t forget to save some space for the dessert either! I’m sure you’ll love what I prepared with the fruits we got from the last island!”
“Really? Thanks so much, Sanji!” You smile wide, already excited to start eating. Sanji prepared food that was way better than whatever you could manage to snatch from the Celestial Dragons’ feast. And the best part was that you could eat all you want.
Sanji chuckled and patted your shoulder lightly before he walked away once again to come back with the drinks this time, but not without kicking Luffy on his way and telling Franky to go call Brook and Robin. Waiting patiently was an easy task, though, giving all the time you spent standing next to tables watching the others feast.
You sighed, driving your eyes away from the food to watch Zoro picking at his hand. He must've sensed your gaze, raising an eyebrow at you then following your gaze to his hands.
“Calluses.” Zoro justified, showing his palm; you brought it closer to inspect. It had calluses both from the weight lifting and handling his swords. Your hands had calluses from the forced, harsh word. The sight of it made him frown a little, but you smiled as if to silently tell him not to worry.
His hand was big compared to yours. You pressed your palm to his, just observing how bigger his hand was, then you held it to turn it over. The back of his hand had scars, but they were white lines hard to see if you didn’t pay any attention, along his knuckles and fingers, and... His touch was also very warm. Not a lot of people touched you gently and even fewer made you feel that way, like something was bubbling in your chest. You blinked and looked at Zoro, but he also looked at your hands, with his cheeks flushed. Unfortunately, there was no time to question him about anything because Luffy startled everyone by shouting about food the moment the whole crew gathered.
“Want me to put some food for you?” Zoro asked, but you shook your head and did it itself.
Everything was so new. You had no idea how, but Sanji always managed to make the best stuff ever and it was hard to hold yourself back from eating almost like Luffy did, just unable to keep up with his speed, but you just wanted more and more.
“Oi! What did I tell you?” Zoro held onto the back of your neck again. “It’s not running away!”
You immediately took a pause, swallowing the food you already had in your mouth to look at Zoro with pleading eyes, but all he did was to roll his eyes.
“If you get a stomachache...” He said in a warning tone, going back to eat.
Instead of just shoving it all in your mouth, you instead started to eat it slowly, which was difficult at first, but you slowly got used to it, taking a moment to enjoy each bite of Sanji’s food and each sip of the juice.
“How do you like it, (y/n)?” Sanji asked with a smile from across the table.
You thought for a moment and nodded. “It’s perfect! Never had anything better not even when I stole food from the Celestial Dragon’s feast!” You chuckled, watching him widen his eyes before his gaze softened with a smile.
“Sanji’s food really is the best!” Luffy said, followed by something you couldn’t really understand through all the food in his mouth; something that immediately earned him a hit on the head by Sanji yelling about good manners.
The hit, however, made Luffy elbow a glass and spill some of the juice on the table. It was a reflex; you gasped and stood up, only stopped by a hand holding onto yours. Zoro didn’t even stop eating, just shooting you a look. His hand didn’t let go once you sat down again, only doing it when you finally relaxed—because Sanji made Luffy clean it himself—and went back to eating. You looked at him for a moment, but he didn’t return the look, continuing to eat.
          The day went by rather calmly and the night eventually fell, bringing chilly breezes that didn’t do much other than cooling down the weather a little, hence it continued warm. You could already feel the tiredness heaving your eyelids when you left the kitchen after having helped Sanji with the dishes, but instead of heading to the quarters, seeing the Crow’s Nest lights still on made you change your route at the same moment.
No one else walked on the deck and it was already kind of dark, only with the light of the galley and of the Crow’s Nest illuminating around, and the faint loud talk coming from downstairs cut under the sound of the waves.
You started climbing the ladder to the Crow’s Nest for the thousandth time that day, smiling in relief when you finally reached it. Zoro’s head immediately turned to you and he furrowed his eyebrows a little. He was sitting on the couch, taking care of his swords like he had the habit to. He only interrupted the silence when you sat down next to him.
“What are you doing here?”
“Making you company.”
“You know I’m on the night watch tonight.” Zoro sighed, shifting a little.
You shrug, gently grabbing the sheath of... Wado? Your fingers gently traced the patterns, observing it from close. “And?” The question had him hum in response, making you pout a little. “I don’t want to be alone tonight. I still have nightmares sometimes, you know that. You know I like spending time with you.” It was a reminder Zoro didn’t really need, but you felt like it was impossible to stress it enough. Still, it sounded a little pressuring, didn’t it? “But I can go—”
“Stay.” Zoro said simply, so you just sat there, making yourself comfortable next to him to watch him work on his swords. It was quiet and you didn’t seem to disturb his focus or anything, which made things quite enjoyable even if you were just sitting there doing something mundane.
You felt the urge to tell Zoro something. Sleep did want to get the best of you, but there was still something that didn’t sit right yet, and the way you couldn’t find the right position to sit against Zoro was somewhat a hint. Finally, he sheathed his swords again and set them aside, giving you the freedom to curl up against his side properly. Unlike the first few times ever, he didn’t tense up nor did his breath hitch this time, he just sat back on the couch and lifted his arm for you to press to his side and let it rest around you.
At first, you thought you had the urge to be near Zoro all the time and do these things because you had an extreme sense of gratitude towards him, but then it felt like... Something else. Zoro’s presence would make something stir in your chest and also give you that feeling you didn’t feel in forever—the feeling of not being afraid of your surroundings nor anyone else, of being able to sleep without fear of being awoken with a kick, or to make a mistake without worrying about a slap across your face. It was easy to feel home near him. You curled up closer to him to get more of that feeling or to calm it down a little because the way it grew made you believe your chest would burst.
Maybe Zoro noticed it. He had a good instinct when it came to you.
Zoro’s fingers played with your hair and massaged your scalp in a way that was so relaxing, almost compelling you to give in to the sleep already.
“Why don’t you lie down?” He nudged your side and pointed to the futon in the corner.
“No. It’s warm here.”
He sighed. “Are you cold? It’s warm tonight.”
“No.” You sighed, and he just let you be for a moment before he was shifting around so you’d have your head on his shoulder and legs thrown over his thigh. Quite comfortable. A soft hum escaped your lips in a wordless appreciation while you melted more against him, feeling his fingers continue to run against your scalp. “Zoro.”
The words got caught in your throat, so you just hugged him more instead, taking a moment to bury your face in the crook of his neck. He had a specific smell. It was better when he did shower, which he started to do more often after some point.
“What’s it that got in you today?” Zoro nudged your side again, his voice carrying a teasing tone; your lips curled into a smile at the same time. “You know I’m not going anywhere.”
“Shhh...” You still held onto him tightly, which had him grumbling more under his breath. It made you giggle.
You giggled again. “Don’t pretend you don’t like it.”
Zoro exhaled in the same tone he did when he smiled—the type he couldn’t help. “I never said that.” And that answer made you hum softly, pressing yourself closer.
It was good, sitting there with your eyes closed and just feeling everything; you couldn’t help even if your heart beat fast in your chest. Usually, you’d just curl up next to Zoro or lean against him, other times rest your legs on his lap because it was convenient, but never anything that... intimate. His fingers trailed down the back of your neck and rubbed the base of your neck gently, in a soothing motion.
“(Y/n).” He was the one to whisper this time, voice gentle. You hummed in response, but nothing came, only his persisting touch on the back of your neck until you finally pulled away enough to look at him, blinking a little since the lights felt too bright for a moment. He looked at you then reached out a hand, touching your cheek, and the simple touch already made a shiver run down your spine. His thumb ran against your cheek gently, but it also felt intense enough to make your breath stop in your throat. “You’re beautiful, you knew that?”
Your cheeks warmed up with that. “I—I...”
Pride laced the smile on his face. “Can I kiss you?”
The question made you want to ask why. Why would he want to kiss you? Like, ever. Still, that feeling in your chest twisted again, and you were nodding before you could notice it.
Zoro’s lips were warm. They also felt like home. His touch was so caring; intense and soft at the same time, hence you couldn’t help but to melt as you kissed him back gently, at first nervously, but something about the way he held you had you slowly melting into his touch. It was almost as if whatever you felt couldn’t be contained in your chest.
“Zoro,” you whispered, but caught his lips again with yours at the moment he hummed in response. His breath fanned on the space between your nose and your upper lip, with the faint smell of sake it usually had. He hummed again, deepening the kiss as his grip on your cheek grew firmer. Letting go wasn’t easy once you kissed. Even the short breaks for air seemed like forever, taking away precious moments you could spend with your lips pressed together.
Either way, you had to pull away at some point. Zoro could almost see stars in your eyes as you looked at him, which ended up making his cheeks flush as well and he sighed deeply, feeling as if a weight was taken off his chest. He only came back to reality when he felt your touch, hesitant and lingering over his jaw. Your fingers traced it and went down until he could feel them trace the scar that crossed his chest. The touch had him shivering this time, and he couldn’t help but chuckle before leaning in to give you another kiss.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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