#the idea that not everyone has to like their specific interpretations and beliefs
aro-culture-is · 11 months
Aro culture is screaming internally when the shippers (derogatory) insist two characters can't be friends because friends don't "______"
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yuri-is-online · 7 months
A Pocket Full of Posies and WTF is up with Rollo's Hankie
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Before we begin, a slight disclaimer: yes, Medieval beliefs about disease and how it spread were weird. They did not have the ability to know about germs because those are literally microscopic and germ theory would not be "discovered" until the 1860s. THIS DID NOT MEAN THEY WERE STUPID AND IF I SEE YOU SAYING THAT WE WILL FIGHT. Anyway-
If you have been kicking around on the internet for a bit, chances are you might have heard the "dark history" fact that that the "Ring Around the Rosey" nursery rhyme is about the Black Plague. That's probably not true but the reason it was originally theorized to be the case has to do with Miasma theory, and the use of strong scents (typically herbs and flowers) to ward off the "bad air." What does this have to do with Rollo huffing that handkerchief every time someone talks about magic? Well we'll get there but first just what the hell do I mean by bad air?
Miasma Theory in Practice
The Black Death/Bubonic Plague was a roving pandemic that gets it's name from the first wave that bitch slapped Europe from 1347-1351. There were technically three forms of plague kicking around by I am not a scientist and we are here to talk about that. Given that this was, as stated in the disclaimer, pre-germ theory the ideas people had about why this was happening and how to prevent it wildly varied, but Miasma Theory was so popular it actually stuck around long enough to duke it out with Germ Theory when scientists started talking about that.
The basic idea is that diseases like the Black Death were spread from bad smelling air. This theory was proposed by Hippocrates, as in that guy from third or fourth century Greece we aren't even sure existed, but it was a pretty universal belief, we have sources from Ancient China that also reference the idea that bad smells can make you sick. This "bad air" was thought to come from decay; in the case of the plague, dead bodies were believed to have released it (hence all the "bring out your dead" stuff), as were cracks in the earth, and sewage. ALL AIR WAS THOUGHT TO HAVE A LEVEL OF MIASMA, but smell was the best way to tell if you were in danger of getting sick; basically if it smells like shit out then you are in danger because there is only so much of it you can breathe in before you get sick. So when you end 1351 with 40% (that we can confirm!) of the population dead, how exactly do you keep yourself from huffing in all that invisible miasma?
Roi du Mouchoir
Well you make the air you breathe smell nicer of course! And this is where we get to Rollo's hankie.
The "posies" in that nursery rhyme doesn't actually refer to one specific flower. It's a type of small bouquet, which apparently are also called nosegays or tussie-mussies? It's also the technical term for those tiny groups of flowers that make up a corsage. The idea was that people would carry around things that smelled good, like flowers and herbs, and any time you smelled something bad you would bring the flower out of your pocket and hold it up to your nose just like Rollo does with his handkerchief. Literally, people usually kept those nice smelling flowers in "Plague Bags," which could refer to nicely sewn sachets or just neatly wrapped up in cloth. Eventually these got super fancy, and evolved into these really elaborate pouches people put potpourri in, but given how strict Rollo seems to be with himself (and everyone else) I've chosen in my own fan fic to interpret his posies as being the common kind, which would be rosemary and lavender. Today they are thought of as being soothing scents that calm you down, and that does seem to be what he is trying to do with all those deep breaths.
I got a lot of this specific information from this article here which is on a wonderful website curated by a professional perfumer I highly recommend poking around if you are interested in learning more.
Cool Story But?
"Sure Yuri, all of that is neat but isn't Rollo's handkerchief a reference to Esmeralda's scarf?" Yeah probably. I don't really think it has to be that deep, but I do think this stuff is cool and well-
Malleus's name is likely a reference to the Malleus Malificarum, a book I have a PDF of on my computer because of course I do that was published around the same time that this theory of disease would have been kicking around. It's about- well the author says it's about "witchcraft" but that's another paper for another time, and why they are super evil and bad and should all die. Specifically why they should all be burned at the stake, it's a fun read. And sounding oddly familiar to certain events...
That's all to say, sure it probably isn't that deep but with all the other really well researched and designed character choices, I would not be surprised if it was.
Semi Unrelated Fun Facts:
Bridal Bouquets are thought to have started, in part, as a way to ward off Miasma and keep the bride healthy on her wedding day.
Miasma theory was still super popular in the Victorian Era and lead to a lot of public clean up projects as people thought that they could get rid of disease if they got rid of all the sewage everywhere. And hey they were right, just not for the reason they thought they were.
Yes a lot of people thought the Black Plague was a punishment from God and a sign of the end times. I will remind you that 40-60% of Europe's population DIED IN FOUR YEARS. I'd assume something supernatural was out to get me too tf? Seriously these people were not stupid, they just lived in interesting times.
If you are wondering "hey I heard Plague Doctors stuffed herbs in the long beaks on their masks, is this why?" Yeah it is! Gold star!
I love you for making this far, thank you for listening to me friend and I hope to get back to entertaining you soon (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
The Misinterpretation of Dimitri
Specifically, I'm referencing the frequent misinterpretation of his dialogue with Edelgard towards the end of Azure Moon.
I've seen people claim Dimitri is arguing for the necessity of Church of Seiros/faith and/or divine right of kings. That, because people are weak, they need the people in power to protect them in contrast to Edelgard who wants to empower the people and doesn't think they need to rely on anyone.
This is interpreting Dimitri and Azure Moon through and Edelgard and Crimson Flower lens and not at all what Dimitri's saying here.
Faith and religion play little to no role in Dimitri's life or Azure Moon's plot. Nor does the divine right of kings. Those are motifs and themes explored in Edelgard's story, not Dimitri's. The argument above is only true if you view the whole game through a crimson-colored lens.
So what is Dimitri actually saying? That the bootstraps mentality doesn't work for everyone. Some people need help - many kinds of help.
More relevant to Dimitri and AM's story is the importance of emotional support and having people to rely on. To a lesser extent, it's also Dimitri's reaction to living in poverty while on the run. He understands that some people need emotional support and time to properly grieve to move on from trauma. He also understands that some people don't have access to proper food, shelter, etc . . . and will need government assistance to move forward. He's arguing that Edelgard's ways leaves behind the people who need something or someone to lean on, hence "the path of the strong."
He isn't even saying everyone is like this. Right in that dialogue he acknowledges Edelgard as an exception. Edelgard doesn't need time to grieve. She processes trauma by pushing forward. While I am personally uncomfortable labeling that as "strong" compared to grieving as "weak," that's an argument for another time. As an imperial princess and then Emperor, she has no lack for resources either, unlike Dimitri during his time on the run and the others living in poverty he came in contact with.
So, no. Dimitri's not arguing that faith is a necessity, but that it is needed by some. He's pointing out that Edelgard's ways strip people from safety nets - regardless of the form it comes in. He's also arguing that people at the bottom need people at the top to provide for them to lessen the inequality gap - not necessarily in the form of a king - but that Edelgard's war leave them destitute and her meritocracy unable to compete as long as they're "weak" in any way.
Does this mean Edelgard's wrong and Dimitri's right? No. There's flaws with Dimitri's rulership too, but what he's pointing out here is a major flaw in Edelgard's beliefs and ideas about government and it should be explored as such rather than seen in a borderline bad faith interpretation.
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elizakai · 8 months
revealing my true analyst self 😪💫
When it comes to media I enjoy I get so much brain-rot, and zuchiyeni’s idol! Au has been plaguing me, so I thought I’d share for anyone mildly interested. And I’m definitely totally not procrastinating.
these are just headcanons (?) and ideas mwaha.
I WANT TO TALK ABOUT IDOL DREAM✨ because it’s dream.
VOICE WISE , I think it’s pretty universal in fandom to imagine dream’s voice as more ✨feminine✨ (correct me if I’m wrong).
But an au that contains SINGING provides OPPORTUNITY. See, Dream’s well known , recognizable, popular, surely he is unique in some way. “Pretty voice” is Great and all, But he gives me ‘actually talented vocalist’ vibes. like. Imagine he’s got this really pretty atmospheric voice, pretty normal idea. Now ELEVATE THAT. Imagine he has the vocal capacity to be gritty. I’d ASSUME that’s not their music style typically (I have no idea what their music will be like to be clear) but just the ABILITY. To be really raw and powerful. And it comes out sometimes *ascends* that makes it more interesting imo. He’s sweet, mipy cinnamon roll. But boy could keep up with like a metal band if he wanted. That’s just equally funny and amazing.
I have example ideas but I’ll leave that out unless someone wants em so that this isn’t torture text to read hhhhh.
I just. Have brain worms at this point. If you’re still reading this, kudos.💀💫
My brain is also convinced that dream gets passionate in that way when he’s absorbed in emotions rather than performance. Like, if he’s invested in a song, he sometimes disassociates. That’s when the most impressive performances happen either way, I imagine ink and blue let it happen and just keep an eye on him. subtly snap him out of it afterwards.
He really likes Error. As a celebrity. I have an explanation I promise. Original Dreamtale Dream, according to the creator, has a respect for error. INTERESTING, right? You’d think their opposing morals would suggest otherwise?
This is ME interpreting (SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
But maybe Dream sees some of himself, or understands Error despite not interacting much. The both have a conviction, a belief, and they adhere to/ act on that. …alone. ERROR is convinced that alternates of the original world are bad, so he’s convicted to take care of it. It’s HIS responsibility in his mind. And the task is IMPOSSIBLE. he knows that deep down. But he tries, and he's all alone in it.
DREAM has been conditioned to believe that his worth/ purpose/ existence all ties back to making sure everyone is happy. That’s IMPOSSIBLE. But, he’s convicted of this as his sole purpose. So he tries. And he knows it’s impossible. And he’s all alone in it. They are both just isolated. So while dream doesn’t necessarily agree with him, specifically his erm, methods. (Cause dream DOES understand balance and probably can somewhat understand his pov) he doesn’t hate him, he has RESPECT. EVEN MORE INTERESTING IF YOU INCLUDE INK. He may align with Inks values MORE than Errors. He’s respectful towards and works together with Ink. But I think Ink has lost his respect. It’s confirmed that in dreamtale, dream and ink have some sort of falling out. There’s broken trust. Imagining inks response to dream not disliking error as much as he should is interesting. Lmao ig they both have drama with ink. (END SIDE TANGENT)⚠️
ANYWAYS. Back to applying this to Idol! Error strikes me as a more ‘senior’ idol. I’m just imagining dream enjoys watching his performances and keeping up with his fanbase, just. Happily watching interviews and listening to his music sometimes. <3 Does he entirely emulate him? no X) he just liked him. And if he takes notes sometimes, that’s his business.
ink: ‘REALLY? THIS GUY? He’s an Asshole!!!’
dream: *sighs dreamily* yeah…
meanwhile blue probably has managed to casually say hi to the guy and make friends. Dreams too shy. An interaction would be very awkward. But an colab would be an drEaM come true .(wow! So funny!) Ink half heartedly hating the guy.
also I’m JUST saying.
Error. Dream. messed up. sleep.
Insomnia. I JUST. Like the idea. *evaporates* if I count as a fan, the fans want a colab >:(
I’m going to assume we all already are guessing dream and nightmare have some sort of drama🤪. I really like the idea of the MT.trio and The Stars performing together , despite probably being rivals, but I wonder if MT.trio looking up to Nightmare would affect that. Like, depending on how the twins feel towards each other, Nm might be like ‘avoid dat biatch’ and the trio is like ‘yes yes, very bad’ 😪✨ (also if what are their FANBASES like???? Like interacting with each other?? Drama much?) also I guess this could apply to Error. Is he a rival to nightmare? Are they friendly? Either way, does he care much about nightmares opinion? If they are RIVALS him interacting with dream and crew is funny.
(I imagine blue is friends with like everyone anyway. And ink probably would tolerate him if he had to.) but If nightmare is negative towards dream, and Error is a friend of his, it’s kind of great imagining Error just being chill and aloof but mentally assessing dream when they interact, keeping in mind what nightmare has said. Next time nightmare complains about his brother errors like ‘lol ur little bro seems perfectly normal but ok hoe B)’ *proceeds to hang with both of them*
(god it’s longer than I wanted ahem.)
I NEED TO STOP GOODBYE NOW :) these are all just goofy ideas and now I need to actually go be productive at 2 am.
I like discussing silly things so like, feel free if you somehow read to the bottom💀.
Idol! Dream by @tuxibirdie
Idol! Au by/ belongs to @zucchiyeni
dead brain cells by @ me.
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tonyglowheart · 1 month
Thinking again (more, lmao) about The Contentious Chapter 45, and my Why It Needed to Happen thesis, so here are some more semi-organized thoughts on this topic:
Why It Needed to Happen: Yan Wushi edition. So, we don't ever really know what specifically Yan Wushi went through/experienced in his life and more specifically his childhood - we get hints here and there that seem to imply or can be interpreted to be that he's gone through some shit as Xie Ling, and that's (partly? mostly?) what led him to reinvent himself as Yan Wushi, and then there's also the New Years Extra that has a line about how he'd (already) witnessed countless evils borne of the human heart - but the text does tell us he has this belief that human nature is wicked, slash humans can be pushed to do wicked things no matter how "good" they may think themselves to be. As far as YWS knew by Chap 45, SQ was no different -- he'd received no proof yet that SQ was different, he just hadn't found SQ's bottom line. This is sort of similar to the abused child or abused dog thing, where they will lash out to try to provoke the abuse they're expecting either to "get it over with" or so they know where the line is with this new person (except these are purposeful tests that YWS is doing and not like a reactionary mechanism). Basically, this needed to happen for YWS to know/believe that Shen Qiao is different from what he's observed of human nature -- he needed this proof of concept that the world isn't just rival(/rival peers) -- the closest to equals he has, and rabble. This needed to happen to show/prove - to him and the reader - that there may be a thousand Chen Gong's in the world, but there is only one Shen Qiao.
Why It Needed to Happen: Shen Qiao edition. Shen Qiao is a good guy, but he WAS very sheltered and naive. He holds his beliefs firmly, but his worldly experience was limited and so his character was untried. It's the "it's easy to be a good person when you're rich" idea -- he doesn't know if he has a bottom line yet if he would snap. It's easy to say that you will stay true to your principles when they're not tested - it's when they're put under the stress test that you can truly say that you know yourself and your character. Yan Wushi threw him into a fire, yes, but in many ways this was a tempering of his character, much as one would temper steel. This whole experience very much was an absolute low for Shen Qiao, and it's easy to see fire (analogy) as only destructive, but fire can also be a creative force -- e.g. the forging/tempering analogy from earlier, fires used to clear out brush and weeds choking up the land so that new growth can germinate in the new fire-enriched soil, that kind of thing. This isn't to say that Shen Qiao doesn't experience agony in this metaphoric fire, but he also very much textually experiences a sort of epiphany and rebirth. This is both a spiritual (character-based) sort of rebirth, as well as a rebirth of his wugong. It's after this and after traveling with Yan Wushi that we see Shen Qiao exhibiting much more wisdom when it comes to people, where he's not just naively believing and expecting the good in everyone (I don't have specific citations but iirc this is textual, there's whole parts where it's like, before he might have thought x, but now having traveled with YWS he knows xyz, etc.) Yes this was "bad," maybe, but it tempered Shen Qiao, catalyzed his recovery/"rebirth," and overall led to the strengthening of his wugong and his character. (The conversation they have in Chapter 124 underscores this point, actually.)
Why It Needed to Happen: Yanshen edition. Or maybe more like, what does it do for us from a yanshen perspective lol. Cuz imo, it does a lot. I've posted about this elsewhere before lol, but like aside from the above for the YWS side of things, an argument can also be made that this was YWS going "wait. oh shit, I'm experiencing... feelings? for him" (narrator voice: that feeling was friendship, although he had never experienced it before) and like, lashing out at Shen Qiao like "that'll show you for thinking of me as a friend (and maybe making me feel friend-like feelings towards you..)" -- he was already softening before this (him digging that grave for the dead boy unasked, for example), and the way he's like. ....so you think of me as a... friend? before he pulls the rug from under SQ's feet. But this is important because it tells us that YWS *does* care. He's flippant and teasing and gives the impression that he does it for personal amusement and not really out of affection or anything, so really Shen Qiao may be his latest target of amusement, but it could be anyone. But the fact that he reacted like this to Shen Qiao declaring him a friend instead of just dismissing him as not being worthy of being his friend, not being on his level, etc (I mean he does also do that, but it's not the FIRST thing he does, and also I'd argue that when he Declared it contextually he was purposefully trying to hurt Shen Qiao's feelings), or like, just laughing at him and ridiculing SQ for something so preposterous -- this tells us that he IS feeling some kind of way about Shen Qiao already, that something HAS changed and Shen Qiao went from "latest disposable amusement" to at least "point of fascination." We're not in the endgame yet with this, but it does show that for all that Yan Wushi is trying to influence and "experiment" on Shen Qiao, traveling with Shen Qiao/being around him is conversely having an effect on him, too. That he's not just some unchangeable flat "evil" archetype but is also a complex character that responds to stimulus/reacts to his environment and is capable of being influenced by Shen Qiao. Theirs isn't just a one-sided relationship of one influencing the other or one trying to change the other-- it already by this point is a mutual communion between the opposing but complementary worldviews they hold and embody. They're already like if the taijitu were people (sans the dots in each section-- that comes through the course of the story with their mutual temperings). The same or similar actually holds for the SQ side of things too. Actually, the very fact that he feels anguish from this act and finds it a betrayal is also a very huge indication that Shen Qiao also already cares. I mean, yes, he declared YWS his friend, but like YWS said when they were burying the boy - you didn't even cry when your shidi Yu Ai betrayed you - or later when YWS was about to face Hulugu and SQ says if he were to do it, it would seem natural, but if a friend were to do it, he'd worry. and YWS is like, a friend? If LQY were to face Hulugu would you feel the same way? -- Basically, a similar idea holds here. Would you feel the same way if it were someone else? Yu Ai betrayed him, we didn't see him experience this level of individual, personal anguish. Chen Gong betrayed him, he just kind of sighed and moved on. But coming from Yan Wushi... he reflects on how much it hurt, actually. I still hold to my theory that SQ fell first and by this point was already at least kind of in love with YWS, but even that aside, the very fact that this "betrayal" hurt SQ shows that Shen Qiao, like Yan Wushi, despite seeming above worldly/petty matters slash is disconnected from such normal-people-problems like getting your feelings hurt or, godforbid, heartbreak -- are very much not above that, at least, not when it comes to each other. They're not just two ships passing each other in the night -- they're already mutually entangled together, and this growing bond will only grow stronger as they travel more together
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creature-wizard · 10 months
May I ask how Blavatsky's New Age movement is culturally Christian despite her hating Christianity?
So, being culturally Christian isn't about agreeing with Christianity's beliefs. It's about living within and internalizing elements of Christian culture.
For example, many of our swear words/phrases are related to Christianity - EG, hell, damn, Jesus Fucking Christ, Christ on a cracker, etc.
The word "goodbye" derives from "god be with ye." We often say "bless you" after people sneeze, which comes from "God bless you," which again, has Christian origins.
Christmas being a federal holiday is an example of cultural Christianity. And if you're an atheist celebrating Christmas because you see it as being about family, you're still participating in cultural Christianity.
Now of course, none of these things are inherently bad. In fact, most of cultural Christianity isn't bad. Most of it's pretty neutral. Most of it.
Cultural Christianity also shapes our ideas of what religion looks like, how it functions, and what its purpose is. For example, many western antitheists just assume that all religions want to aggressively spread themselves, all claim to have ultimate truth, and threaten nonbelievers with punishment. Meanwhile, many of these atheists go about their atheism the same way many Christians go about Christianity - treating it as something that needs to be far and wide to save the world and usher in the utopia.
And this brings us to our next point - Christianity shapes how many of us expect the future to unfold. Specifically, a lot of us just sort of think that a utopia is just around the corner (or just imagine that as a thing that can happen if we try hard enough) thanks to Christian millennialism.
Blavatsky's concept of a New Age is basically informed by Christian millennialism. Her whole idea that the spiritually unevolved would be wiped out and a new race of spiritually superior people would take over isn't exactly Christian belief, but it's definitely informed by it.
Now some of you might be thinking, "okay, but Blavatsky drew inspiration from many religions." And you'd be right. But the thing is, she looked at and interpreted these other religions from the perspective of one who was culturally Christian. Additionally, she was taking a perennialist approach to religion, which is a thing Christians have been doing since the early days of Christianity, basically trying to claim that proof of Jesus was found in their own spiritual beliefs and religious traditions. Blavatsky, of course, wasn't looking for proof of Jesus, but she was looking for validation of her own beliefs. Hell, like many Christians before her, she even tries to claim Kabbalah validates her beliefs.
Additionally, she values the Christian Bible as a holy text with spiritual truths that she and everyone should be concerned about. Even if she disagrees with more orthodox interpretations, the fact that she thinks this is a book she needs to concern herself with at all is because of her cultural Christianity. She was informed and influenced by Christian modes of occultism and esotericism.
Ultimately, being culturally Christian has nothing to do with whether you embrace or even like Christianity's spiritual doctrines. It's about living in a Christianized society and conforming to any of its Christianity-derived assumptions, mores, and customs, regardless of what they have to do with any official church doctrine.
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
Hello! Weird ask, but I’ve been toying with this idea for awhile.
Out of personal experiences, I’ve always wondered how the cast of OM (more specifically the brothers) would react to a human MC who’s a devout follower of God. Even if they’re not super strict about their beliefs, they did grow up in a religious household and had experiences praying to God. (or some kind of god, any specifics of religion can be vague to fit the MC’s background and culture).
I think it’d make for an interesting and weird dynamic between all the brothers, especially Lucifer. Because it’d be hard to ignore why he and his brothers + his sister were outcasted from heaven, when it’s not only essential to the plot of the game, but the brothers entire narrative. Their trauma and collective grief is a big part of their identity. And the way I see it, if MC is religious, having to actually face with the real tangible truth that God is real (like actually, and not some mystified being) but also that they must face a question of their own faith.
Qhosojbejaodlwllspxps not to get existential here 😭 But I fell down a rabbit hole of religion and read a few interpretations of religious texts. There was this one quote about Jesus being a son of a carpenter, that when when he smelled the cross made out of wood, he must’ve thought of home. Not exactly relevant, but it did lead me to a spiral of revelation that Jesus was a human being after all, and he was very much like everyone else; despite how certain biblical texts hail him as a mythical figure. Religious themes and symbolism are my TEA! So I was wondering how the brothers of OM would react to an MC who’s religious.
Man, I wonder how Lucifer would feel. Knowing that the person he’s grown to love believes and loves his very own father that has sent him down from Heaven after he avenged his sister. Would there be spite or shame on his part? Could he and his brothers stay cordial for an MC who worships their father that’s forsaken them? Would they, the brothers, beg MC to worship them—to believe in them as much as they love their god?
Or possibly, how would staying in the Devildom affect an already questioning MC? Would it only reaffirm that the idea of God is not someone humans should mystify as a force of good? All the while, that after meeting the brothers and learning about Lilith, also rectifies that God IS real and very much a being capable of not only miracles, but punishment? Would it even be worth to questioning believing God?
Hope this makes sense 🫶
Hello there, anon!
I wouldn't say this is a weird ask at all. In fact, I think it's something that it makes sense to explore considering the game's source material.
I feel the need to begin by saying that I am agnostic myself. I had a religious upbringing in my younger childhood, so I had a foundation of Christianity. But I've been agnostic for years. I might also add that for most of my life, I lived in a place that had a very dominant religion that I was not part of. So I have a bit of an outsider's perspective on devout religion.
All that being said, I have very much thought about what it'd be like if the human who had been chosen was religious, specifically Christian.
Because yo, if I personally ended up in the Devildom and discovered that demons, angels, and God are real and exist, I would have a HUGE crisis about it. I've spent a stupid amount of time questioning the existence of God and coming up empty on answers, so to finally have an answer that I couldn't deny? That'd be difficult for me personally.
So I'm trying to imagine what it'd be like for someone who has always believed. Where instead of finding the truth they were always seeking but never found, this person finds the truth that they knew all along.
If you truly believed in God, you prayed to him and maybe even to his angels, and then you found out they were all real? I think that MC would either take it all in stride like, yes I always knew, or they would be like so overwhelmed by it that they would go through their own crisis for a bit.
But once things settled down, can you imagine an MC who is a devout believer in God and has prayed regularly even able to handle being with the brothers at all? And I don't mean in a romantic context. I mean even just living with them or being near them. They're demons. They're the definition of God's enemies.
My MC's mother is a devout Catholic, so my MC deliberately does not tell her that they live with Lucifer. Because to her, she's going to hear that name and think her child has been taken by the devil and dragged into hell and that their soul is forfeit. (Most of that would be true lol, technically MC did get taken by the devil and dragged into hell... but anyway...)
The issue is that she would believe that her child's soul was going to be damned for all eternity. If she really believed that her child would spend the rest of forever being tortured, wouldn't she do anything she could to save them?
This is how I think it'd go for religious MC, specifically Christian. Because associating with demons and living in the Devildom would likely be enough to cause MC to be damned for eternity.
Now. Is it possible that Diavolo, as the next demon king, has some sway in this regard? I would assume that it's the Celestial Realm that is passing judgement on souls. That they're the ones deciding who gets damned and who doesn't. So you could argue that MC wouldn't end up in hell because the Devildom and Diavolo have an agreement with the Celestial Realm to have a human representative in their exchange program.
So let's assume this is the case and MC isn't going to be damned for eternity simply for associating with demons.
The next issue is absolutely what all of this means for Lucifer & his brothers. Depending on MC's religion and how devout they are, they themselves might take issue with being the roommate of Lucifer and his brothers. But even if we put that aside, too, then there's the issue of MC likely loving what they consider a benevolent God that Lucifer and his brothers see as the one who betrayed them.
It's been my experience that people are very good at pretending religion doesn't exist. Even when they truly believe. They're able to put it aside temporarily or in the name of preserving friendships. How much of this a person can do depends on how much they believe.
So let's say that MC is at a place where they believe, but it isn't so prominent in their life that they can't put it aside just to get to know the brothers. To do all the things OM's MC does in the story and to develop feelings for one or more of them.
Imagine MC and Lucifer fall in love, but deep down MC has this nagging feeling about it. And Lucifer does, too. He knows that MC prays to his Father. He knows how MC feels about it.
I think in the end they'd have to confront that directly. They'd have to discuss it. Could Lucifer put aside his own trauma and grief over his sister and the fall of his brothers in order to accept this part of MC's identity? I don't know for sure, but my first thought is probably not. So it might come down to how much of their own beliefs MC is willing to give up.
I kind of think all of the brothers would feel awkward about it. Lucifer is the most mature and stoic, so he might be able to just not say anything if he's not in a relationship with MC. But imagine if it was Mammon we were talking about.
Imagine religious MC falling in love with Mammon instead. I don't know, maybe people will disagree with me on this, but I really don't think he would be okay with it. I feel like Mammon fell with his brothers not just because he will always follow Lucifer, but because he saw that they were going to need him. They needed his strength, his protection, the way he was able to keep it together better than any of them. They needed him to hold them together. Lucifer needed him to take charge when he was too injured physically and emotionally himself. Think of all that Mammon had to shoulder in the fall and then imagine an MC who loves and prays to the God that caused all of that suffering to begin with.
Lucifer blames himself for what happened. He has daddy issues, sure, but I think he could look past it. And we saw in the latest lesson that he's willing to accept his Father's love again.
But Mammon? I just don't see it.
I kind of think everyone else could manage to get past it. They might all struggle with it to a certain extent, but I don't know how much it would interfere with their feelings for MC. I think it would vary a little bit for each of them. And maybe some of them would want MC to worship them instead (I could see both Levi, Asmo, and Belphie all kind of getting into that territory lol).
Now, I also think it's interesting to consider a questioning MC.
Because the thing about this is that yeah, you can no longer question whether or not God exists. But you get to decide whether or not you worship him.
If it was me, I'd be like okay well I can't be agnostic anymore because God obviously exists, but there is no way I'm going to worship him. I would refuse. I would side against him every time. I find him and the Celestial Realm's love to be toxic and oppressive and I would never be able to forgive him for what he did (or didn't stop) to Lucifer and his brothers and sister. That whole situation is way too fucked up for me to be like oh well okay, God exists therefore I must worship him. Like hell no lol.
But of course it's going to be different for every MC. And I think it depends partly on what their religion means to them. How much of it are they willing to question or to give up or to compromise on?
OOF sorry this was a really long response. I could probably write a whole lot more lol. But this is just a very interesting topic and I think it really runs deep. I didn't really consider religions outside of Christianity, so there's also that, but that was mostly because that's where my experience lies.
Anyway, I hope this answered some of your questions! I kinda ended up all over the place. And of course this is all just my personal opinion. Other people might think about it differently!
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mischiefmanifold · 9 months
An Explanation of the Diagnostic Criteria of Schizotypal Personality Disorder
In order to be diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder, one must meet five (or more) of the following, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts:
1. Ideas of reference (excluding delusions of reference)
Ideas of reference are incorrect interpretations of casual incidents and external events as having a particular and unusual meaning for the person; must be distinguished from delusions of reference, in which beliefs are held with delusional conviction
Believing that, somehow, everyone on a passing city bus is talking about them
Feeling that people on TV or radio are either talking about them or talking directly to them
Believing that headlines or articles in newspapers have been written exclusively for them
Believing that the lyrics of a song are specifically about them
Perceiving objects or events as having been deliberately set up to convey a particular meaning to themself
Thinking that posts on social media have hidden meanings pertaining to them
2. Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., superstitiousness, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or “sixth sense”; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations).
May feel that they have special powers to sense events before they happen or to read others’ thoughts
More likely to believe in supernatural phenomena and entities
May believe that they have magical control over others, which can be implemented directly (e.g., believing that their partner taking the dog out for a walk is the direct result of their thinking an hour earlier that it should be done) or indirectly through compliance with magical rituals (e.g., walking past a specific object three times to avoid a certain harmful outcome)
3. Unusual perceptual experiences, including bodily illusions
May sense that another person is present or hear a voice murmuring their name
May see shadows or movements in their peripheral vision, similar to hallucinations, but may not be as intense or persistent
May see colors as lighter or darker than others do
May struggle with facial perception; may see others as deformed, misrecognize them, or feel as if they’re an alien
4. Odd thinking and speech (e.g. vague, circumstantial, metaphorical, overelaborate, or stereotyped)
Often loose, digressive, or vague, but without actual derailment or incoherence
Responses are either overly concrete or overly abstract, and words or concepts are sometimes applied in unusual ways (e.g. they may state that they were not “talkable” at work)
A 2012 study of 28 people with STPD noted several speech patterns that differed from the control group, including fewer expressed emotions, increased pauses, monotonal (less variability), and slower rate of speech
5. Suspiciousness or paranoid ideation
Thinking someone has a hidden agenda when they speak to them
Difficulty believing that people actually want to get to know them or likes them
Frequently believing that others are talking about them behind their back
6. Inappropriate or constricted affect
Appear to interact with others in an inappropriate, stiff, or constricted fashion
Can have difficulty recognizing their or others’ emotions, which can extend to difficulties expressing emotions
May have limited responses to others’ emotions and can be ambivalent
7. Behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar
Unkempt manner or dress that does not quite “fit together”
Inattention to usual social conventions (e.g. may avoid eye contact, wear clothes that are ink-stained and ill-fitting, and be unable to join in the give-and-take banter of co-workers)
May dress in a way that their peers consider “eccentric”, which may include unusual hairstyles, wearing bright colors that don’t match, and using combinations of bold patterns
8. Lack of close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives
Experience interpersonal relatedness as problematic
May feel less drawn to forming social relationships than others
Uncomfortable relating to other people
May express unhappiness about their lack of relationships, but their behavior suggests a decreased desire for intimate contact
9. Excessive social anxiety that does not diminish with familiarity and tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather than negative judgments about self
Will interact with others when they have to but prefer to keep to themselves because they feel they’re different and don’t “fit in”
Their social anxiety does not easily subside, even when they spend more time in the setting or become more familiar with the other people; this is because their anxiety tends to be associated with suspiciousness regarding others’ motivations
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On the mountain tall:
This song does a great job of setting the tone, of being that known world that we as the protagonists find ourselves in.  As we look at this through a couple different lenses we can either think of this entire work as either a story about deconstructing christian evangelical fundamentalism or we can think of the entire work of the four winds as a metaphorical piece about the process of growing as a person, of challenging the systems of the world that we live in and finding out how to be better.  Because both of these are fundamentally correct ways to think about the four winds I’ll analyze each song and album from both perspectives.  
We start with On the Mountain Tall and even the title itself is setting, the entire song gives you a very good idea of the level of comfort we have in the known and in the way that we think about the world around us.  This does not mean that the song is passive in any way, however.  The song is very active and shows how you believe, when you are in this system, that you are a part of the creation of a great thing and how good that feels and, to a certain extent how scary anything outside of the great thing you’re building feels.  
Within the context of evangelical christianity the song talks about having a connection to your god and trying to build the belief in that religion because of not only the connection to your god but also the connection that you have with all of the stories that you were taught.  You were taught that there is a kind and loving god who will save you from torment and because of that there is a feeling of comfort and fear at the same time.  
Within a context of a more general idea of growth and backstory the song talks about what it feels like to be complacent in a system, maybe not quite as active in the perpetration of the ideas of the system but you nonetheless feel like this is a part of you, and that there is a piece of you or a community that you would alienate by questioning these norms.  
On the Mountain Tall is very much about the setting of complacency and the comfort that comes from being in a system that works for you.  
Ok time for analysis of specific lyrics with both of these contexts:
On the Mountain Tall
Whisper to me words in a voice so small
Like the one that to Elijah called
Quiet as a candle and bright as the morning sun
There is a clear sense of connection to the purpose of the thing that created this community, whether that be a sense of purpose or to a specific deity depends on the analytical context.  The call to it, no matter which of these things it is, is generally something that is almost subconscious in your thinking in that its existence in your life is obvious, it underscores everything that you do.
Though the fire and wind
Shattered down the hills with a rage unbent
And a fear that shook the firmament
He was not within them, the clatter of brass and drums
This section talks about the existence of other things and people outside of the community that you have for yourself within this connection, the existence of these people creates a sense of fear within your community.  This could even be interpreted to talk about the fear for someone who is outside of your community because you believe that this thing that is so intrinsic to you and so important has to have the same importance for everyone.  
I know you want me to be afraid
I know you want me to love you
These lyrics are repeated multiple times throughout the song, it starts to talk about the fear that happens within a community towards the outside of it.  Whether that fear be a fear of those outside that group, a fear for those outside the group or a fear of becoming an outsider of the group.  All of these fears are present but so is the love that was mentioned in the first part of the first verse.  
Still the wild wind blows
Up out of the grave of an angry ghost
Firing bricks from broken canon and prose
To build a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky
This is the part where we start to talk about building something bigger within this community, taking the pieces that fit the narrative that the community wants and turning it into something greater.  
Can we take a sec and talk about the brilliance of the lyricism here? Firing bricks from broken canon and prose? Beautiful, we are misled by the firing to think that it’s about conquest when it’s actually talking about construction.  This is where the biblical references become obvious by talking about building a wall so high it reaches the heavens in the sky, a reference to the tower of babel, the excitement of everyone around it about its construction, of the idea of reaching the heavens and really of being a part of something with lofty goals about changing the world is intoxicating.  The sounds of doubt from others is something that you consider either unimportant or long gone, coming out of a grave because you’re caught up in the creation of something greater with the core of your being in mind.  
Also a quick note that broken canon and prose is a little nod to the amount of cherry-picking in the church of bible verses.
After this we have a repetition of 
I know you want me to be afraid, 
I know you want me to love you  
Which really just stresses that in the back of your head the fear is still there to a certain extent even with this great project and all of its intoxicating idealistic beauty.
Still you beat your drums
Raising holy war with every strum
Shouting down the quiet kingdom come
Brushing at your fingers, hoping you’ll come around
These lyrics vaguely allude to the idea that everyone in these kinds of situations believes that everyone around them who doesn’t is either evil or misguided for not falling into step with them.  Everyone who is not helping in the creation of the tower is obviously against it but it’s okay because they’ll come around to it as it happens, they will all be saved eventually and all of the objections of the rest of the world won’t matter.
Musical analysis:
Not a ton of different notes right now, (please leave your own thoughts in comments/reblogs) I just really like how the music matches the song’s content so well, there’s pounding drums in the background from the beginning that moves the content forwards.  The music is intentionally creating a moving but comforting piece that rouses the spirit.  I have been told that it is in a very similar style to the music that is used at youth church camps once you  get too smart for the songs that just repeat the same things over and over again, although since I was never part of evangelical christian circles I will just have to take that at face value.  After listening specifically to make notes on the musicality I’ve noticed that after the first verse we get tyler joining maggie and creating harmonies as soon as the point of the song itself moves outside of the first person and more on the person’s relationship with their community. 
The harmony focusing on being even and almost muted compared to the other parts of the song in ‘I know you want me to be afraid, I know you want me to love you’ really shows that idea of falling into place within the community, especially since it is echoed right after even softer.  The second repetition of this being much louder is because this person has become more comfortable in the community as they find a role within it.  
I also really like the part where it musically creates a beautifully complex upward moving harmony for ‘reaches the heavens in the sky’  for its own reason but combining it with the idea of working together to reach an otherwise deemed impossible goal is chef’s kiss.
As the song continues on, it adds more and more parts and it could just be because it sounds cool but I would think of it as a fun way to show that there are several different pieces that come together to form the beautiful community in an almost overly idyllic way, but that is pure english teacher why-was-the-door-blue level of speculation.
Song link (spotify):https://open.spotify.com/track/24nbKu7Yydp3G3TPd7OAhO?si=583273855d2347c6
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k-rising · 1 year
Ningning's birth chart analysis
DISCLAIMER: This is just a part of the analysis of the idol’s natal chart, which wants to show a deeper perspective on the idols life. This analysis is carried out thanks to the data that appears in the birth chart. These are my interpretations of the signs and how they work based on my experiences with them. Everyone has different opinions and all interpretation and experiences within is valid. The point of this post is to entertain. [This idol hasn’t confirmed her birth time, so I used the standard 12pm time to calculate her natal chart].
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!!: since we don't know ningning's birth time, we have no idea if she's a scorpio or libra sun. when this happens, we should analyse her sun with the traits of both signs.
ningning's a charming woman who has an eye for beauty. having both her mercury and mars in libra means that she's indecisive and works better in company. even though she doesn't like when conflicts arise, cause she feels comfortable being a mediator, this woman can have a passive-aggressive behavior when she's annoyed. ninging doesn't like to give a "no" for an answer and she doesn't want to receive a "no" for an answer either, that's why sometimes she can be quite manipulative in order to get what she wants. this girl seeks for mental connection in her relationships as well as reciprocal love. she always tries to prioritize her loved ones desires and all of these placements can also indicate that she's a great at giving advices!
this woman is open-minded, original, creative and unique without even trying! ningning expresses herself in a very inspiring way, she tries to make ties with people from all walks of life and values when people are honest. ningning's a rebel who doesn't care about what others think about her beliefs and thoughts with her sun and mercury making a trine with uranus.
having her moon in taurus and having almost a stellium in libra makes her a hopeless romantic; this girl is in love with romance! this combination also makes her a very artistic person. plus, I read that her hobby is cooking, am I right? that's so taurus of her lol. she also has mercury trine neptune in her chart, which indicates that she possesses a lovely voice. ningning can be an amazing songwriter as well! she's just very talented, what else can I say? haha.
when it comes to her job, she's very responsible. however, this girl can be quite impulsive and might forget to think twice before doing or saying something...
as I said earlier, this girl has taurus as her moon sign, which indicates that, in order to feel safe and comfortable with someone, she needs people to demonstrate her loyalty and kindness; having good manners is key here. this placement makes ningning a very stubborn and quite materialistic person. she probably likes luxurious things and she may enjoy spending time with her closest friends.
when things don't meet her expectations, she may swing from periods of excess optimism to disappointment with her moon square jupiter. ningning's emotions can cloud her perspective sometimes, which can make her take decisions based on how she's feeling at that specific moment. and, as I said before, since she doesn't like to confront, she may think 'everything will work out in the end'.
when it comes to relationships, this woman seeks intense and passionate connections. ningning doesn't like superficial relationships, tho... this girl wants relationships that can transforms her and make her become a better person. but it's not all rosy having a scorpio venus, cause she's cautious af. she likes putting her relationships to the test and it can take a while for her to show her most vulnerable side. ningning wants to know every single detail about the people she loves. however, sometimes she can be jealous and a little bit possessive.
now... there's a lot of contraditions here about what she wants and what she needs. cause one day this girl craves for intimacy and the next day she wants her freedom back 🧍‍♀️ also... unfortunately, I think that she hasn't had good experiences with people, cause there's a lot of aspects in her chart that may indicate that :(
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
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cleromancy · 8 months
one thing ive been thinking about a lot lately is just that. even if i did think that it was possible for a corporation to be a good or effective custodian for intellectual property *at all,* much less a sprawling long-running collaborative universe like dc comics, dc has proven itself a zillion times over to be actively hostile to both the creatives and the story itself
i think a lot of canon vs fanon arguments about the dcu specifically are silly bc people come to the argument without bothering to acknowledge that, or the fact that even if youre exclusively talking about the mainline continuity you still have to pick and choose from a deeply inconsistent and self-condradicting canon, and everyone has to take their own approach to what *is* canon to them. and that doesn't even start getting into what the difference between canon and fanon even *is* when some of these characters date back 80+ years ago and are practically unrecognizable from their first iterations, and moreover we *like them that way.*
and its like. okay. sometimes we just want to complain about fanon or interpretations we don't vibe with and aren't actually sitting down to have an intellectually honest conversation about story or character or transformative works. other times we just want to complain about the new guy dc has writing our blorbo who is doing a total dogshit job and driving them away from the stories that came before that were actually good, and again, aren't trying to make definitive sweeping statements on what writers cannot or should not do with established characters.
but other times people definitely are, and this is always where i think we need to actually hit pause and rewind and address our individual beliefs on who has the right to tell what story or do what with what idea. bc if we don't start there its inevitable we're going to be talking in circles around each other having two totally different conversations.
bc ultimately i think a lot of issues come down to like, "was this character choice deliberate and purposeful, what function does it have in the story, and is it well-executed within the story it tells; also, what impact does it have/will it have on the stories that follow?" rather than an issue of factual *accuracy* with what came before in the source material.
i think a lot of people just want the legitimacy of saying "this is canon" while also feeling free to dismiss canon that contradicts or overwrites it as "not really canon" (in instances where it literally *is*), and. man. you are just not coming to that conversation from an intellectually honest place.
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blazescompendium · 1 year
Blaze's Compendium Entry #5:
What does the fox say? Ask Cironnup- Kamuy
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Warning: Faith and religion are important real life topics, that tackles the culture and way of life of millions of real life people. It is a cultural expression, and must be respected by all means. Here, we use a video-game series only to ignite the flame of learning about the matter, using its art when well depicted, but we do this with all due respect to the cultures we talk here, grounded by real life sources, cultures and people. And i mean this with respect. Hope you all enjoy.
Let's get back to Japan once again, but this time to the northern Island of Hokkaido. There lives the Ainu people. Today we are not only talking about my favorite Megami Tensei creature, but also about very interesting entities, culture and people. Please, sit back and enjoy the ride.
(Please, note that i don't speak Japanese. I had to go over English sources as well use software to translate. If i got anything wrong, let me know!) This time, all sources will be available at the end of the post, since iv used them extensively, it got pretty messy to pin down the exact points, so will list them below)
Cironnup (Also called Chironnup or Chironnupu in Japan) in the Ainu tongue translates to ''Those who we kill many''. And it can be used to describe foxes in general, but also is referred to a Kamuy.
For us to understand what Cironnup is, we first need to dive in the meaning of the word Kamuy, which is very, very interesting.
In the Ainu tradition, Kamuy can be a complex term to translate. It can be defined as a sort of divine spirit, supernatural entity or even a god. The Foundation for Ainu Culture translated it as the word god, when i emailed them about the matter. Its similar to the word Kami, in Shinto Japan. It's a tricky word to translate that has no perfect match in English. But let's go with god.
Sometimes in the modern day Japan, the word can also be translated as Kami, or Hotoke (Spirit). But as their English counterparts, those words don't match 100% correctly the true meaning of the Kamuy word.
The Ainu belief system comes from their relationship with the Kamuy. This belief came from people who have a deep connection with nature, and helped them to survive and thrive in their environment, as well protect them from disasters and other calamities.
The Ainu belief system does not have a central scripture, like the Christians have the Bible. Their views of the Kamuy can be interpreted differently through time and place, but remain somewhat similar. It's good to remember the Ainu is a diverse group. Beliefs, customs and regional dialects can vary from region to region.
But ok, then what is a Kamuy? You ask.
The Kamuy description can vary, but they are spirits, supernatural entities, or gods. They can be attributed to many creatures and objects. In fact, there's Kamuy for diseases, earthquakes, fauna, flora, and more. It's like this belief system comes around the idea that everything and everyone has a soul.
There's not only natural occurred Kamuy, but also the ones that came from man-made objects, like spears, boats.
The relationship between Kamuy and Human are complex. Some Kamuy can provide for Humans, like animals that provide meat and fur, or plants that provide food and remedy. Others can protect and take care of Humans. There's also Kamuy who bring calamities, like diseases such as smallpox. (Sources where keen on Smallpox, it seems it got pretty common in Hokkaido some times.)
Some examples are like the Fire Kamuy, that not only provides heat and cooked food, but also hears Humans and take their pleads to other Kamuy in case they still have not answered. the owl related Kamuy remain outside villages looking after their people.
Another good and very specific example is the Salmon Kamuy. Known as Chep-Kamuy. Salmon was a much needed fish for the Ainu, so they often built their villages next to streams where they could find this fish. Thus the importance.
Kamuy are often portraied as free willed entities. They live their lifes just as we do, and they can be good or evil. Some times they are not eivl, but there can be a conflict of interests between Humans and Kamuy. Being good or bad, Kamuy would only come back to their world once their mission is accomplished in the Human world.
It is said that the Kamuy have their own relatives and friends in their world, so it is at least implied that are many instances of one Kamuy. For example, many Chep-Kamuy living in their world along many Cironnup-Kamuy. For this reason, when a good Kamuy is going home the Ainu offers them hospitality, food, drinks in rituals so they can either thank the entity for what was given.
This way, according to the Ainu, the Kamuy will come back home happy and satisfied, thankful for the Human hospitality. They will tell all their friends and family about how good they were treated on Earth. The Ainu believes that not only the hospitality offered to the Kamuy makes they wanting to come back, but also they could bring more Kamuy along, after telling their relatives about how good they were treated. This also make that specific Kamuy more respected in their world. Both sides having a mutual relationship.
In the case of bad Kamuy, like disease, the tactics were to run away from it. Some Ainu even erasing their own footprints in the snow so they can't be tracked by the malevolent entity. They were also treated with respect, but in more of a fearsome way.
The Kamuy often inhabited animals and plants, for example. So, in the case of wild animals the way a Kamuy go home is when the animal is killed. Hunting deprives a creature of their life, but it is necessary for survival. This act is seen as the Humans liberating a Kamuy back to their world, after have killed their carcass. (In the case of wild animals)
One of the more famous, and important of those rituals were related to the Bear Kamuy. (Kin Un Kamuy) I wont go too deep into it, because it's complex, but basically the Ainu took care of a bear cub for a whole year, even living among them as another member of their society, before slaughtering it with arrows, and eating its meat. This way, the Ainu hope the Kamuy goes to its world grateful for the hospitality and the time it spent with Humans.
-You can remember Teddie from Persona 4 kinda having this motif in his Persona ''Kamuy''.
As you can see, the Kamuy is a fascinating subject. They can be good, bad, they are multitudes, they have families and lifes, their own personalities and interests just like Humans. They can be humble, hateful, have pride or a good sense of humor. They can be related to natural phenomena, animals, plants. There's just a lot to cover about Kamuy.
My note here, but it remembers me a lot of the concept of Jinn and Daemons, from Islamic and Greek pantheons respectively.
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Cironnup-Kamuy is the fox deity in this context. Foxes by themselves were called upon many names in the Ainu culture. Cironnup is one of those names. But it could also be Kemakosnekur which means ''light footed god'' according to the Foundation for Ainu Culture.
Cironnup appears in many tales and are generally known to be Kamuy that listens to people's requests, brings food, can protect against illness and foreign enemies. They can appear in premonitory dreams to warn about calamities. But there are some instances of Cironnup doing mischief and evil deeds, like possessing people, transforming into people as disguises.
As in many cultures around the world, foxes are treated like cunning and natural tricksters. But the Ainu had a deep relationship with the foxes, since they were essential to their survival in some times. They could be deceiving, but also could bring good help. This could explain this duality.
The name Cironnup could also be referred to other creatures, it can be names of villages, and could also describe wild beasts. It could describe many other wild animals that were heavily hunted by the Ainu, but slowly the name was more and more associated with the Fox. (The Fox itself could have different names in different regions as well.)
In the specific case of Cironnup, the premonitory nature of it were also brought by some regions using fox skulls as divination tools. They could also be used as guardians for Sea Fishing.
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Cironnup calling its Kamuy friends for help? In Japanese this attack is called ''Kitsunebi Aputo'' Which mixes the Kitsunebi flames, with the Ainu word for rain, meaning a rain of a fox fire. Although... Kitsune is a whole different matter.
In my researches i found a Brazilian web page dedicated to Japanese culture. There, i found a story about the author being hunting with an Ainu, and they talked a bit about their relationship with the Cironnup Kamuy.
According to the author, they were out hunting when he noticed footprints in the snow that were from a Fox. He then proceeded to ask the Ainu hunter if they should go after it. But the Ainu stopped the Brazilian hunter, informing him that if they catch the fox first, the Cironnup-Kamuy would certainly go around the woods telling all other animals they were hunting nearby. Because by killing the Fox, the Kamuy would be liberated of the body.
When the fox was indeed caught, they would tie their snouts, so it would keep its mouth shut and wont spoil their hunt. The author did not seemed conclusive if this was a general and normal hunting behavior for the Ainu, but being a first hand account (And written in my own native language) i found it interesting to post here.
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Cironnup's beta design for Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. It wears some clothing inspired by the Ainu.
The Human Race has a very interesting relationship with foxes in general. Their depictions usually repeats itself through our history, because they are very interesting animals by themselves. Me myself, I've lived my whole life, in a culture where foxes are absent because they are not naturals to the place where i live.
Their relationship with foxes makes me wonder and reflect about it, since the creature does indeed have a duality. While it can be deceiving and cunning, it has also a protective nature, it is strong and some times even lovable. Foxes are also signaled worldwide as an awareness and investigative symbol, which is also portrayed by Cironnup, sometimes presenting danger from far away.
Still worldwide, the foxes are treated like the tricksters of the nature, masters in deceiving and playing pranks.
The Ainu fascinated me not only as a culture, but also in their relationship with the nature, not exactly looking at the world around only as resource, but also with care and respect.
I hope one day i can visit Hokkaido and learn more about the Ainu culture personally.
-Ainu online dictionary Ainu-to-shizen Degitaru-zukan”by Ainu Museum
-Akarenga JP (A Hokkaido culture foccused web page)
-Commentary on the book “Karirinka-to-kitsune-no-kamisama” [カリリンカとき���ねのかみさま] (2012) by Sakiko Yatani Provided by the Foundation of Ainu Culture
-The Foundation of Ainu Culture (Inquired via e-mail)
-Ainu Legends, Cironnup Daisuke Tchê (The tale about the Ainu hunter, in portuguese)
Special thanks go for @researcherposts for helping me reaching the Foundation of Ainu Culture.
Again, if i got anything wrong, please correct me! I will be more than help to fix anything :)
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aeternallis · 7 months
i want to hear all the violence: 14, 16, and 18 !!!
14) that one thing you see in fics all the time
In a lot of Kimchay reconciliation fics on Ao3, a lot of authors like to write Chay running away and going off on his own.
And don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I can’t see that scenario of Chay leaving post-canon events as a plausible idea at all, but rather it’s that I disagree with the impulsivity with which he usually makes that decision in the fic, yknow? The impulsivity is mostly based on how he regards both Porsche and Kim at the moment, instead of it being a well-thought out decision on his part and giving the appropriate weight of consideration it deserves. And by this I mean more often than not, the running away scenario is a result of feeling abandoned or left behind by Porsche and/or the betrayal from Kim.
And see, I’ve always been a firm believer that Chay is a very strong, brave, and rational character, so the running away thing is an antithesis to this belief. Despite his young age, the narrative tells us that he's not as naïve as one might expect, and he knows his own worth and steadfastness. I’ve said it before too that at where BOC leaves Chay in the final episode, he has more reasons to stay than not.
He no longer looks at Porsche with the idealization of a younger brother, but it doesn't mean his loyalty to him is any less than it was before. His anger over Kim's lies and perhaps the sudden changes in his life is clouding his judgement, but it doesn't mean he loves Kim any less, or that he wants to cut ties with everyone in his life completely.
So the Chay running away scenario is something I can see under only specific circumstances, but it's an interesting interpretation by a lot of writers for the KP fandom that this character would completely drop everything based on emotional impulse alone.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The babygirl/uwu-fication of one Kimhant Theerapanyakul--//HITS It's a bit vague, but certain headcanons such as:
-acts like a cat / loves cats -not knowing how to act on his emotions -not knowing how to articulate his feelings -no confidence in taking the lead in his relationship with Chay -allowing for Chay to bully him because of his lies, lol
Lol I've said it a lot of times, but I might as well go a bit more in-depth with it on here lol
Okay, see--here's the thing: it's hard for me to see Kim as having any soft edges or any weird, lovable quirks outside of his interaction with Chay and/or his brothers, because throughout the entire show, there's an air of mystery surrounding his character that BOC never quite shakes off. Honestly, my ongoing theory about that is the fact that they may be setting Kim up to be the "true" heir to the throne, as established in the novel. Which again, brings him a little bit closer to his book counterpart.
He's the only character in the show that has no comedic scenes--most if not all of his scenes are either soft/sweet w/ Chay pre-break up, rude to Big, an asshole to strangers, and angst post-break up, lol
He's a very controlled, serious-minded character who is capable of being vulnerable and open with only a select few people, but it's not his default state whatsoever. I don't think it means that he doesn't know how to act on his emotions, since the show shows us the contrary: he's physically affectionate with Chay once the latter confesses to him, and he didn't hesitate to sing to Chay of his feelings and his remorse for his actions that have hurt them both.
These aren't the actions of someone who's awkward with feelings and isn't aware of them; on the contrary, it goes to show that he's all too aware of them, hence his controlling nature from the beginning and his need to know what's going on.
Kim is definitely a character who understands what he wants and the effort he has and is willing to make in order to get it, be it Chay or wanting to know the machinations of his father and their family. Because of this, I just don't want to give disservice to his character by thinking that he's not capable of what he can actually do.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
THIS VERSION OF KORN! He's so different from the Korn in the show who's all scheming and be playing 4D chess with everyone in this life, and I'm just so surprised that not many creatives in the fandom has utilized him????
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He just screams divorced male dad energy who miraculously got custody of all 3 kids during the divorce proceedings w/ the ex and doing his best to keep himself and his 3 sons afloat, all the while running an illegal empire on the side. XD
For example, the chocolate factory thing: he wants to get it off the ground for sentimental reasons, and the wrappers for the chocolates depicts his 3 kids. Adshjhjkhfdkj
For reals, I would have loved to have seen how this version of Korn would have changed the tone of the story, yknow? In the book, he definitely gives off that aura of an exhausted father who's doing his best to leave behind a legacy for his children, even if it means at the questionable cost of trampling on everyone else.
The fact that in the book he's divorced and the boys' mama left the family just a little while after Kim was born is honestly an interesting backstory for this guy, and I for one am here for it. LOL
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KINDA LONG, PLS BEAR WITH ME(or not, it’s a free plane of existence) (this post is about like 5 seconds of Succesion btw)
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about the whole “a child weaned on poison and so on” thing with Succession, and while I agree, this is a valid take, I want to add my two cents specifically in regard to the protest scene in the latest episode.
To first explain my framework for this, I think out of all the Characters on Succession, Roman is the one with the least personality. And I don’t mean that as an insult to the character or the writers or Kieran Culkin. I think, ironically this is his biggest and most defining character trait. Roman Roy is a man who seemingly cares about nothing. When a rocket blows up under his oversight, he washes his hands and gets out of the bathroom. And still, from the very first scene, this man is explosive. He doesn’t stand up from chairs, he practically throws himself off them. Anytime the room is silent for a second, he bursts out with a sex joke, every second word out of his mouth is “fuck”. Because that’s what happens when each of your actions are calculated. Not in a rational way, he doesn’t act logically. But to perform the simplest tasks he first needs to convince himself to continue existing. Roman Roy is a wooden boy. There is no person inside him, he is a carefully crafted amalgamation of collected habits, motions, phrases, ideas, quite possibly even political ideologies(I wouldn’t be surprised if he believes in nothing he is saying). He is mot the firstborn, not even the secondborn, he has no family of his own and nothing to fight for. Roman Roy is a nothing craving to be SOMETHING.
That’s where Logan becomes important, because he, for all his faults, is undeniably SOMETHING. He is a monument, en emperor, Citizen Kane on steroids, the king of the world, but most importantly, he was THERE. Logan Roy was undeniable. When he looked at you, you were marked for life, he walked into a room and everyone went silent. “He made me breath funny.”
Meanwhile Roman was a child. I’ve seen people analysing the way Roman basically becomes a 5 year old when he’s under pressure, and I think all those interpretations are great, but I’d like to take it one step further. Roman isn’t a hard shell harboring a soft core, he is a child who just learned the f-word and is now shouting it at full volume to impress the adults at the table. Because he thinks there’s nothing else he can contribute. He himself is nothing.
Logan, for better or worse, was complete. He was a fully grown man with beliefs, ideas, means and a strong right hook. He was a presence in Romans life, as much as Roman bent over backwards to please others or benefit himself, he would always know that there’s something that never changed. As long as Logan lived, there was SOMETHING in Romans life. That might he the source of Rome’s respect for him in the election episode.
So taking all that into account, I never really saw the protest scene as Rome craving violence. For me, it’s him looking for SOMETHING. This man, this child actually, just lost the only thing in his life that was defining. For years, there was something that made him hold his breath when he saw it. Something that was, in one way or another complete. Logan Roy was a monument, he wasn’t a poison that quietly slipped into Roman’s veins, he was the sound of a thousand screeching nails for 30 years or more in his ears. When Logan Roy was in a room with a thousand people, it was his room. When Roman Roy is in a room by himself, that room is empty. There’s no one around to hear the tree make sex jokes as it falls. If the two of them were together, at least there was SOMETHING there. So for years, decades SOMETHING was there, and then, out of the blue, it was just gone. What do you think it meant for Roman to be in Logan’s presence? It meant stability. Despite all Roman went through, however he slipped and slivered and bent to be accepted and make his way, his no good, piece of shit father was always there, always the same.
So when he walks out of the funeral and stumbles into the street, he doesn’t care about anything. Police? Protesters? Who cares, not this “guy”. It’s only when he sees masses of people go by that he “joins” them. Because maybe, just maybe, a thousand angry people stomping all over you, is kinda similar to being in a room with your dad. The people who walk past and over him, just for the moment are SOMETHING, an undeniable presence. They’re the placebo to the monument Roman needs to justify his existence.
Roman Roy doesn’t like pain. He doesn’t like heartbreak. If he could seal himself in Carbonite, he would. Because the relief he feels upon feeling a hand striking his cheek or a boot on his chest isn’t derived from the pain it causes. Roman loves them because they’re definite proof that there’s something besides him and his charade, that some things are real and true and just like they are, that there’s forces in the outside world, that there’s SOMETHING outside of him,
because there is certainly nothing inside
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
I think a lot of people have a hard time grasping Silver's character because he doesn't fit into an easy to describe archetype. I still see people say that he doesn't have a personality outside of comics because his character chemistry and personality type outside of his optimism and determination/mission focus just isn't apparent.
I'd say his personality type is brash, sarcastic and direct but you'll almost never find those qualities listed in official descriptions.
For me, Silver's character is kind of... a juxtaposition between various traits to combine in a very specific way. Overall, I would argue Silver has two main "cores" of his character. You have one that contains his more naive and kind nature, that shows appreciation for minor details like blue skies and people smiling, that values others' happiness dearly, gives him his hopeful and optimistic attitude, and that makes him go back to the past each and every time to ensure his future is safe. And you have his hotheaded, brash, and rude side, that is competitive and impatient, that puts himself as being 100% in the right all the time and everyone who does not agree with him as obstacles to be overcome. And indeed, both of those "cores" can be seen as individual archtypes (e.g. the wide-eyed idealist versus the battle-hardened gruff world-saver), but they're still also both a part of Silver. Sonic '06 is kind of more the first, I would say, Rivals leans wayyyyy more into the second, and I think my own favourite interpretation of Silver is when he's both. Tremendously kind-hearted and willing to give everything for the world, shrewd and always correct in the end, but short-sighted and impatient in the process. And I would say there's also a potential third "core", that contains his more sarcastic side and calmer but battle-loving nature when there are no emergencies happening, like Colours DS.
As for him not having a personality outside the comics... Oof😅 I know people like to joke about how the Rivals games are the games wherein everyone just fights each other all the time over nothing, but there's so much personality for Silver there! He realises that "Eggman" is actually Nega solely because "Eggman's" mannerisms and speech are too similar to Nega's, alongside a slip of "Eggman's" tongue about the future. He all but baby-talks the Chao, and remembers that they live in packs, making him figure there's more than the one he just found. He gets noticeably crass with Knuckles when Knux calls him crazy. He goes out of his way to warn Shadow about "Eggman" potentially not being real, and he ends Rivals 1 with marvelling about Sonic and Shadow being brave. He very directly tells Espio that of course he expects Espio to believe his (honestly entirely unbelievable) story. And so on and so forth: these are just the examples I remember without even looking up the games themselves. In other words: he is shrewd and notices small details, he likes cute things like the Chao, he gets personally offended when someone insults him/his mission, he's very blunt and direct, and he's got a softer and more introspective side to him that he can share with others. And what about Generations, wherein he says that a rematch with Sonic will be fun? Blood knight! Or his suspicion about whether Sonic is the real Sonic or a fake trying to swindle him out of the Chaos Emerald? Being wary is also personality aspect, I would say. Him shooting Infinite's boasting about there being no hope down immediately by outright stating Infinite is lying also shows he's got a hopeful attitude and firm beliefs he doesn't waver from easily. So no, the idea that he "doesn't have a personality" outside of the comics is just outright false to me.
Overall, I think Silver's personality is difficult to get down because it clashes with itself somewhat: it contains traits that perhaps are difficult to really combine, yet they did for Silver and it works (for me lol). But indeed, it's not an easy archtype that can be summed up in just one or two words. That is actually most of the game!Sonic characters, I would say: almost all of them have a lot more underneath the surface than you would say at first glance. But I do wonder if we'll ever get a shift in the perception on Silver that focuses on both "cores" again, instead of only picking a few traits at best and running with those.
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kafkaoftherubble · 5 months
Ok so the idea for dear emperor is that in schools (elementary school, not higher education) kids are treated like crap and are taught nationalist propaganda. They're at an era where people are vaguely aware it's propaganda so everyone dislikes the royal family a little. Basically, the school system is just absolute trash because the royal family keeps trying to change it to turn kids into hardcore monarchists.
Ira never attended elementary school because he lived out on a farm. He attended a military school and later a college, but those were both in adulthood so he didn't get the horrible treatment and abuse of elementary school.
Because of this, Ira cannot understand Edith's desire to change the school system either. All he attended was college and he's best friends with Volker, so he doesn't understand how Volker's family could've created such a horrible school system when they seem to be such nice people.
Because Ira missed out on this universal experience of going to school, he's alienated from part of Edith's views and refuses to see it her way because he's too stubborn in his belief that Volker is perfect
Sorry for my tardiness!
Ah, so an elementary school that keeps having to revise the syllabi to prop up the national narratives du jour? And yet everyone knows that it's just propagandist rewrites. It's historical revisionism based entirely on which narrative helps the royal family (instead of new evidence and interpretations uncovered by continuous historical studies and findings; these are two kinds of historical revisionism)!
Very interesting! I can totally imagine that. In fact, I don't have to imagine. Such a thing is happening in (some states in) the U.S., India [1] [2] [3], Japan, and even my own country. China has its own whole thing. And the Philippines has its own thing, and... really, I kinda wonder which country isn't guilty of this, haha. (I suppose the more pressing issue is the severity of it.)
But this makes me wonder about the degree of freedom in Volker's country. How free are the people to criticize the government?
Have they been free before, but are now less free? My anecdotal impression is that losing a right you used to have often generates way more resentment and urgency to act than never possessing that right, to begin with. The latter is usually a lot more slow-burning than the first as social movements.
Are there other countries around Volker's Country by which information, knowledge, and ideas trade? And I do mean free trading of ideas/the freedom of ideas. While social movements can be homebrew for sure, seeds of ideas have to come somewhere, and across history, these ideas are often cosmopolitan in nature. They are not "grown out of one person or a few in a local and never escaping it to other areas." Instead, ideas are traded across regions, cities, and countries, and they altogether build something grander that can then also be spread to other parts of the world—before assimilating and adapting for local needs. I ask, because Brandi specifically touts democracy. Whence did it come? The best and most viable ideas are built by many instead of one, so I kinda wanna know how an idea like democracy comes to thrive in Volker's Country. (Is it via some books? Some manifestos from far-away land? Some salons within the country?)
There are probably other questions that can flesh out this particular aspect. Why I thought about it is this: the target of these nationalist ideas is children first and foremost, right?
When nationalist revisions happen in education, the ones who shout the loudest are the adults who know what's up. Because these adults can read the curricula, compare it to their own realities/experience/history, and realize it's crap. Kids, however, are statistically less predisposed to do so. They are young and less experienced about the world than an adult. They may also be sheltered from reality—not a fault, because children are supposed to be sheltered in some ways for their development anyway (ex: who the fuck thinks it's good to expose children to war or backbreaking labor?). Their own history is also just starting to grow, being young and all.
However, since you mentioned "everyone knows the education system is trying to make kids hardcore nationalists," I assume that "everyone" does indeed include the kids themselves.
And how would these kids know that their education is shit? The most plausible way I can imagine is "because most of the adults around them tell 'em about it." But for most adults to be able to talk about these things would imply a certain degree of freedom of speech. After all, if only a few kids knew that their education is crap—because their parents told them behind closed doors or because they saw some events with their own eyes—then it wouldn't be "everyone," innit?
Hence my question above!
So yea, just some asides I couldn't help but pursue for a bit hahaha. I hope it's useful for your worldbuilding or plot planning somewhat!
Back to Ira and Edith!
Yes! I think the backstory you give makes a ton of causal sense!!!
Of course Edith would think of education reform! She was once its recipient, and therefore easily projects her lived experience under the system to the the kids of today. She knows the stakes of education because she's been through it. That awards her the necessary sensitivity—or at least, it gives her the potential to be sensitive.
I also like how Ira's personal relationship with Volker while studying influences much of his reluctance to "demonize" Volker.
There is a bit more stuff in your lore that can also add to why Ira doesn't want to see Volker as bad! You might have already known that while conceiving Ira's backstory (he's your baby after all! Hahahhaha), but just in case you missed it:
First, the military school. If I had to imagine a place where the most cynical anti-establishment people and the most diehard patriots will be spawned, I'd think a military school too. Patriotism directed either to the ideal of "the motherland" or to the ideal of "the ruler/royal family" is kinda required to be drilled into all soldiers because it will be important for their job.
Second, Ira's transformation from an illiterate kid to a literate soon-to-be governor. I can imagine how someone will see this transformation as a second wind worthy of gratitude. Imagine never knowing you could be good at art until someone gives you the chance, tutors you, supports you... and then finally awards you a position to do this secret talent you never knew existed in you. I imagine that is how Ira could feel, and it's only logical that he would then feel grateful and a sense of "I owe you." And why wouldn't it be directed to Volker?
Coupled that with Ira's own relationship with Volker's nephew: I assume, for now, that the young prince is a lot more noble and open-minded than his uncle despite also being a recipient of the current education system. Ira could then justify that there is no need for extreme/large-scale/sweeping education reform if the same system could produce someone like This Young Prince. "If the system is so bad, then why is This Young Prince coming out of it pretty good? Clearly, the problem is just Volker losing his touch with reality. The fault is a few individuals and not the system."
This will oppose Edith and Brandi's foundational stance, right? "The fault is in the system, beyond just a few individuals."
Honestly, I really wanna know how are you gonna resolve this tension between Ira and Edith now! Will either one of them have to be sacrificed for the other person's cause? Will Edith have to remove Ira for her goal? Will Ira have to remove Edith for his goal? Will they cause a civil war? Will there be a compromise?
Such exciting scenarios!!!
What an exciting story you have there,  π!!! GAH
I gleefully await more Dear Emperor lore from you, brutha!!!
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