creature-wizard · 10 months
May I ask how Blavatsky's New Age movement is culturally Christian despite her hating Christianity?
So, being culturally Christian isn't about agreeing with Christianity's beliefs. It's about living within and internalizing elements of Christian culture.
For example, many of our swear words/phrases are related to Christianity - EG, hell, damn, Jesus Fucking Christ, Christ on a cracker, etc.
The word "goodbye" derives from "god be with ye." We often say "bless you" after people sneeze, which comes from "God bless you," which again, has Christian origins.
Christmas being a federal holiday is an example of cultural Christianity. And if you're an atheist celebrating Christmas because you see it as being about family, you're still participating in cultural Christianity.
Now of course, none of these things are inherently bad. In fact, most of cultural Christianity isn't bad. Most of it's pretty neutral. Most of it.
Cultural Christianity also shapes our ideas of what religion looks like, how it functions, and what its purpose is. For example, many western antitheists just assume that all religions want to aggressively spread themselves, all claim to have ultimate truth, and threaten nonbelievers with punishment. Meanwhile, many of these atheists go about their atheism the same way many Christians go about Christianity - treating it as something that needs to be far and wide to save the world and usher in the utopia.
And this brings us to our next point - Christianity shapes how many of us expect the future to unfold. Specifically, a lot of us just sort of think that a utopia is just around the corner (or just imagine that as a thing that can happen if we try hard enough) thanks to Christian millennialism.
Blavatsky's concept of a New Age is basically informed by Christian millennialism. Her whole idea that the spiritually unevolved would be wiped out and a new race of spiritually superior people would take over isn't exactly Christian belief, but it's definitely informed by it.
Now some of you might be thinking, "okay, but Blavatsky drew inspiration from many religions." And you'd be right. But the thing is, she looked at and interpreted these other religions from the perspective of one who was culturally Christian. Additionally, she was taking a perennialist approach to religion, which is a thing Christians have been doing since the early days of Christianity, basically trying to claim that proof of Jesus was found in their own spiritual beliefs and religious traditions. Blavatsky, of course, wasn't looking for proof of Jesus, but she was looking for validation of her own beliefs. Hell, like many Christians before her, she even tries to claim Kabbalah validates her beliefs.
Additionally, she values the Christian Bible as a holy text with spiritual truths that she and everyone should be concerned about. Even if she disagrees with more orthodox interpretations, the fact that she thinks this is a book she needs to concern herself with at all is because of her cultural Christianity. She was informed and influenced by Christian modes of occultism and esotericism.
Ultimately, being culturally Christian has nothing to do with whether you embrace or even like Christianity's spiritual doctrines. It's about living in a Christianized society and conforming to any of its Christianity-derived assumptions, mores, and customs, regardless of what they have to do with any official church doctrine.
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teenageascetic · 7 months
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Madame Blavatsky
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holybookslibrary · 6 months
Echoes From the Gnosis - The Gnosis of the Mind - All Volumes
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Echoes From the Gnosis Echoes From the Gnosis - The Gnosis of The Mind is written by G. R. S. Mead the first modern scholar of Gnostic tradition. G. R. S. Mead was the secretary of H. P. Blavatsky and in 1906 he published the first volume of eleven in the series Echoes From the Gnosis. The works are a combination of translations and interpretations of ancient Gnostic writings. Long before the discovery of the Nag Hammadi Library, Mead translated these esoteric texts of various origins such as Christian and Roman. Unfortunately, I have only been able to find six of the eleven volumes, download Echoes From the Gnosis here:
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 The Gnosis of The Mind (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. I) The Hymns of Hermes (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol.II) The Hymn of Jesus (Echoes from the GnosisVol. IV) A Mithriac Ritual (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. VI) The Gnostic Crucifixion (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. VII) The Hymn of the Robe of Glory (Echoes from the Gnosis Vol. X)  
Who was G. R. S. Mead?
George Robert Stow Mead was born in 1863 in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England. He was educated at St John's College, Cambridge, where he studied mathematics and classics. His intellectual prowess was evident from a young age, and his academic journey set the stage for his later work in philosophy, religion, and mysticism. Involvement with Theosophy In 1889, Mead became a member of the Theosophical Society, a group dedicated to exploring esoteric knowledge and advancing a synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy. He was particularly influenced by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the society's co-founder, becoming her secretary and developing a strong interest in the esoteric and occult that would define his life's work. Contributions to Esoteric Studies Mead is perhaps best remembered for his comprehensive studies on Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and other ancient religions and philosophies. Unlike many scholars of his time, he approached these subjects with a sense of spiritual respect and scholarly rigor, helping to revive interest in religious traditions outside of mainstream Christianity. Notable Works Throughout his career, G.R.S. Mead produced an impressive array of books and papers that explored a wide range of topics in religion, philosophy, and the esoteric. Some of his most influential works include: - Fragments of a Faith Forgotten (1900): A detailed exposition of early Christian Gnosticism, exploring texts and beliefs that were suppressed or marginalized by orthodox Christianity. - Thrice-Greatest Hermes (1906): A comprehensive study of Hermeticism, focused on texts attributed to Hermes Trismegistus and their significance in the broader context of Mediterranean spirituality and philosophy. - Pistis Sophia (1921): An important Gnostic text translated and commented upon by Mead, providing unique insights into early Gnostic teachings and cosmology. - Gnostic John the Baptizer (1924): This work comprises selections from Mandaean texts, offering insights into an early religion that revered John the Baptist as a central figure. - The Doctrine of the Subtle Body in Western Tradition (1919): An exploration of the concept of the 'subtle body' in Western spiritual traditions, discussing ideas of astral travel, aura, and other esoteric concepts related to human consciousness. - Apollonius of Tyana (1901): A historical investigation of the life of Apollonius of Tyana, a philosopher and miracle-worker in 1st-century Roman Empire, often compared to Jesus of Nazareth. Legacy G.R.S. Mead died in 1933, but his influence endures. He is credited with making esoteric and Gnostic studies more accessible to a broader audience outside of the academic sphere, and his works continue to be referenced and valued for their insight and historical significance in the study of Western esotericism. Despite the passage of time and the evolution of scholarly standards, Mead's passionate pursuit of ancient wisdom helps keep these discussions alive in contemporary spiritual and philosophical debates. Read the full article
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lesewut · 1 year
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Blavatsky, Helena "The Theosophical Glossary" published originally in 1892, this version is a reprint of 1918. This posthumous work, purposes to give information on the principal Sanskrit, Pahlavi, Tibetan, Pâli, Chaldean, Persian, Scandinavian, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Kabbalistic and Gnostic words. Defining occult terms generally used in Theosophical literature.
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Most information are taken from the Kabbalah, which is illustrate Hermetic or Rosicrucian doctrines. Blavatsky also took definitions from "The Sanskrit-Chinese Dictionary" by Eitel "The Hindu Classical Dictionary" by Dawson "The Vishnu Purâna" by Wilson "The Royal Masonic Cyclopoedia" of Kenneth Mackenzie
Russian mystic of German descent Madame Blavatsky is know for her esoteric works and co-founding of the Theosophical Society. Still today her meaning is moving between an enlighted Sage and charlatan, as we can not determine which biographical information is "true" (which is a northworthy fact, as the Theosophical Society claimed the Truth as the highest value... More information in the first lemma) or embellished to create an alluring myth. Despite the carefullness in which we should handle all spiritual world-views and explanatory principles, it is an undeniable polygot venture and can support to arouse a deeper understanding of the synthesis of religion, philosophy and science. Indisputable there is more between earth and space, as we can measure and see.
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Actually I had photographed more, but due to the limit of a post, I have selected some exemplary and interesting pages... It is also sad, that Altaic Shamanism (Tengrism) or other spiritual ideas e.g. from southern Africa or South-East-Asia, are unregarded. Imagine how motifs, we thought tailored in our region, appear all around the world! What a fantastic conception, but also human-strenght exceeding project this would be !!!
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lapinchecanela · 1 year
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No puedes recorrer el sendero antes que el sendero seas tú mismo... #blavatsky https://www.instagram.com/p/Co04VclOt_E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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animystsoul · 2 days
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Shakti or Sophia or Spirit or Isis is bride of Truth-witness-absolute—
Within the veils of the world appearance is hidden the Truth-witness-absolute
To appear as world the veils must be pulled down but when the veils are lifted, in #Aletheia (through self revealing truth, & opening) Truth-witness-absolute shines as the primary reality
In the next moment, the veils come down in calypsis— concealing...
There is no other way for the One to play as the many
#anacalypsis #blavatsky #veilofisis #truth #calypso #calypsis #nonduality #occult #magic #esoteric
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alienfocus · 2 months
To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion - Alt-Market.us
If you want to see something truly demonic, imagine a world in which all inherent truth is abandoned for the sake of subjective perception. A world that caters to the preferences of psychopaths with no ethical imperative. A world where the ends always justify the means. This is the luciferian way, and the globalist way. And no matter how much they deny it, the reality of their beliefs is visible…
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immaculatasknight · 4 months
Leaven of the Pharisees
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mi-libro-grafico · 6 months
🪐🌌⚛️ Force is the origin but not the begging 🫀🕉️🪷
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dripist · 8 months
Nero on the Influence of Blavatsky
Seraphina Nero on the Influence of Helena Blavatsky
The Profound Influence of Helena Blavatsky on My Life byu/theDripist indripist Seraphina Nero on Reddit
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blessthisbeat · 10 months
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creature-wizard · 10 months
For lovecraft anon- and I said this once before, we should invoke Lovecraft and Blavatsky and see if they duke it out in my living room, no joke. I practice necromancy to talk to spirits, and I summon Aelister Crowley's ghost just to punch him every few months. I can handle seeing two bigots who were at each others' throats fight live in my living room.
Yeah this still sounds epic.
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kitkatabasis · 11 months
GOD I could do a Jurgen Leitner hate rant for Helena Blavatsky.
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escritosdelcamino · 1 year
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Varias de las filosofías espirituales actuales que buscan la auto salvación mediante conocimientos de maestros que eligen a sus aptos escogidos, incluso ideas propias de la new age o nueva era, tienen influencia de la teosofía. Pero, ¿y quién fundó la teosofía? Remigio Vilariño en “Masonería, Espiritismo, Teosofía” nos lo describe:
“El fundador es una mujer, una rusa, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, nacida en 1831. Mujer de modales groseros, procaz, iracunda, a los 15 años juraba que “sería capaz de escandalizar a los mismos soldados”. Su instrucción primera fue muy deficiente. Se casó a los 17 años con un general que pasaba de los 60. A la primera vez que su marido, escandalizado de su conducta y lenguaje, la reconvino, se marchó de casa a una vida de aventuras.
Tropezó en Asia Menor con el prestidigitador y mago Paulos Metamón, y se asoció con él para recorrer juntos Grecia y Egipto. Vuelta a Europa, en Londres (…) frecuentando al mismo tiempo los círculos espiritistas y revolucionarios, inscribiéndose en la secta de los carbonarios con Mazini, el enemigo del Papa. (…)
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Bajo la dirección de un tal Michal, periodista, espiritista y masón, se hizo ‘médium’ espiritista, aunque después lo negó. En 1870, en el Cairo, con Metamón y un matrimonio francés abrió el Club de Milagros, en el cual dos veces por semana oficiaba de ‘médium’ espiritista. Como se descubrieron sus fraudes y trampas, desapareció (…) se embarcó para Nueva York “enviada, decía ella, por un espíritu, John King, quien debía de ser un masón que la relacionó después con Enrique Steele Olcott, masón y espiritista de acción. (…) con éste, fundó en Filadelfia un nuevo Círculo de Milagros, que fracasó también, porque se descubrieron sus trampas. (…) Pusieron otro Salón de Milagros, en el que atacaban sin cesar al catolicismo, y aquí comienza ya la fundación del teosofismo”.
Caminante, ¿qué opinas de la fundadora de la teosofía? Comenta, guarda y comparte este post con alguien que aprecies. Te lo agradecemos. ¡Sigamos!
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Dagens helgpodd <3 Finns där poddar finns. Avsnitt 180: Hilma af Klint, Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner och heliga Birgitta nytänkare från den gamla tiden Här gör jag en sammanfattning efter att ha sett filmen Hilma af Klint på Viaplay. Det är ett spännande skifte runt 1800-1900 talet för många av de influenser som då blev synliga bland andliga lärare och inspiratörer till nutidens andlighet. Här började new age den nya tidsålderns tänkande när man gick ifrån de religiösa dogmerna och blandade mystiker och religion för att få nya idéer och uppenbarelser. Du kan läsa det som blogginlägg på min hemsida eller lyssna när jag delar det i min podcast. Jag summerar kan man säga Hilma af Klints fantastiska konst, med Rudolf Steiner grundare av antroposofin, Madame Blavatsky känd som grundare av teosofin samt den heliga Birgitta med sina vackra uppenbarelser ( kanaliseringar ) på 1300-talet. Se utställningen med Hilma den kommer att bli ett oförglömligt ögonblick i ditt liv. Bilden kommer från moderna museets webbshop där du kan handla tryckt konst från Hilma af Klint #hilmaafklint #defem #rudolfsteiner #blavatsky #heligabirgitta #andlighet #andlighetidennyatiden #medialt #andligkonst #spiritualister #spiritism #dimensionellkunskap #modernamedium #mediumisverige #mediumpodd #solkarina #sinnligkunskap https://www.instagram.com/p/ClGpA6dIL-_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teslaverse369 · 2 years
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👉 Follow @teslaverse369 & align with the Electric Superconscious intellect ⚡️ • #teslaverse369 • 👉Like, comment & share 😊💥🌈 👉 Follow @teslaverse369 👉 Follow @teslaverse369 👉 Follow @teslaverse369 #raisethevibetribe #goldenmean #rainbowchild #lawofoneness #hermetickabbalah #hermes #hermeticorderofthegoldendawn #quantumreality #kybalion #blavatsky #lightwarriors #familyoflight #divinecreation #mandelbrotset #nikolatesla #drstrangeinthemultiverseofmadness #nikolateslatshirt #5D #starseed #AgeOfAquarius #RainbowWarriors #soulmission #quantumelectrodynamics #witchythings #lightcodes #astrologyshirts #growwithin #merkaba #witchaesthetic https://www.instagram.com/p/CdVhSSthzg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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