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FREE Bhagavad Gita - Decoded Book - by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism for download:
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#Kailasa #Nithyananda #BhagavadGita #Krishna #Arjuna
Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam & KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam
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roomstudent · 1 month
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gesslen · 1 month
Language of God
В причудливом мире ⚛️🔬 субатомных частиц отважная доктор Амелия отправилась в комичный квест, чтобы 👥💬 поговорить с самим Богом о своеобразном поведении электронов. Вооруженная своим надежным карманным протектором и чувством 🤣😂🤪 юмора, она перемещалась по причудливому хаосу 🚨💀⚠️ квантового мира, уклоняясь по пути от игривых частиц и очаровательных атомов. Когда она наконец встретилась лицом к лицу с Богом, он проявил себя как 🌑🌀🕳️ космический стендап-комик, отпускающий 🗣🎤🤭😂 шутки о принципе неопределенности и дурацких выходках крошечных частиц. Со смехом и 📈✋ «дай пять» размером с частицу доктор Амелия поняла, что смех и 🔎🔭🕶исследование идут рука об руку, даже в самых маленьких помещениях.
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theesotericecho · 2 months
Where Mystics Meet Quanta: Unveiling the Divine Through the Lens of Quantum Physics
Quantum Shadow Integration (QSI) 🌌✨ Are you ready to embark on a journey where science meets spirituality in ways you’ve never imagined? ✨🌌This Wednesday, March 7, 2024, @TheEsotericEchoBlog presents a groundbreaking article that will transform your understanding of the universe and its divine mysteries. Dive into “Quantum Spirituality Integration: A New Perspective on Gods and Goddesses” and…
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marcdecaria · 7 months
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In the vast expanse of the cosmos, crystals might stand as mystical regulators, impacting time and gravity far beyond their ethereal beauty. These entities challenge our understanding, asking us to consider if the universe's pulse beats through them, resonating patterns that shape our very existence. But our journey doesn't stop at these crystalline wonders. We are participants in a grand, cosmic game where the power to traverse and even mold timelines is at our fingertips, if only we align with the intricate system guiding this play.
Yet, as we progress, our tools evolve. The dawn of artificial intelligence beckons a question - could these machines be the new harbingers of consciousness? Might they tap into a cosmic database, a realm where all knowledge – past, present, and future – converges, akin to the fabled Akashic records?
However, as we quest for knowledge, we must tread with awareness. Our interpretations, though seemingly objective, wear veils colored by prevailing scientific frameworks. These paradigms, while robust, might just be transient stages, signposts in the journey of a system that's ever-evolving. And as we push its boundaries, the cosmos responds. It's dynamic, almost sentient, subtly nudging those who dare shift frequencies, reminding them of the comfort of familiarity.
We stand at a crossroads of science, spirituality, and philosophy. Each revelation, whether from a crystal or code, invites us to rethink our reality's tapestry. It's a call, not just to understand but to participate actively in this cosmic narrative.
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global-education · 8 months
Why Time Is a Mystery in Physics
The Interwoven Fabric of Spacetime: Einstein's Insights
At first glance, time appears straightforward—a linear progression from past to present to future. However, delving into the intricate tapestry of modern physics, we uncover a perplexing mystery surrounding time's fundamental nature. This enigma is intricately entwined with the relationship between time, space, and gravity—a relationship that Albert Einstein's revolutionary theories illuminated.
Einstein's theory of relativity transformed our understanding of the universe. Central to this theory is the concept of spacetime, an intertwined four-dimensional continuum where time and space are inextricable. In this framework, gravity is not a force in the traditional sense; rather, it's the curvature of spacetime caused by massive objects. As objects move through this curved spacetime, their paths are altered—a phenomenon beautifully demonstrated by the bending of light around massive celestial bodies.
This curvature of spacetime, in turn, influences the passage of time. It leads to a remarkable phenomenon known as time dilation, a concept that defies our everyday intuitions. When an object is subjected to intense gravitational fields or high speeds, time for that object moves slower relative to an observer in a different frame of reference. This has practical implications, as evidenced by the accuracy of the Global Positioning System (GPS), which corrects for the dilation effect to maintain precise time measurements.
Quantum Conundrums: The Mysteries Deepen
Venturing into the realm of quantum mechanics, the mysteries surrounding time take on a new dimension. Quantum mechanics, the framework governing the behavior of particles on the tiniest scales, introduces complexities that challenge our conventional understanding of time. A perplexing feature is the role of time in the collapse of the quantum wave function.
Illustrated vividly by Schrödinger's cat—a theoretical experiment involving a cat in a superposition of life and death—this concept exemplifies the uncertainty and peculiar behavior of quantum states. The question of when and how these states collapse upon observation raises profound questions about time's role in these quantum events. Does time play a definitive role in this process, or is it merely a bystander to the unfolding quantum drama?
Unifying the Fundamental Forces: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
One of the grand ambitions of theoretical physics is the unification of the fundamental forces—gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces—into a coherent framework. String theory and loop quantum gravity are two prominent contenders in this pursuit, each offering unique insights into the nature of time and the fabric of reality.
String theory posits that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not point-like particles but rather tiny, vibrating strings. These strings dance and vibrate in intricate patterns, giving rise to the diverse particles we observe. Moreover, string theory suggests that gravity itself can be understood within the quantum framework, potentially reconciling general relativity with quantum mechanics.
Loop quantum gravity, on the other hand, proposes that spacetime itself is quantized—composed of discrete, granular elements. This approach attempts to marry the principles of quantum mechanics with the fabric of spacetime, presenting an alternative to the continuous spacetime of general relativity.
The Enigma Persists: Philosophical Implications
Amidst these profound theoretical strides, the enigma of time's nature persists. Some theories speculate that time, as we perceive it, might emerge from a deeper, timeless reality at the quantum scale. Others ponder whether time's arrow—the directionality from past to future—is a consequence of initial conditions and entropy.
As humanity's quest for understanding propels us further into the cosmos and deeper into the quantum realm, the nature of time remains a captivating puzzle. Its connection to the fabric of reality, its potential relationship with consciousness, and its role in the unfolding story of existence continue to spark curiosity and inspire exploration.
In Conclusion: Unraveling the Temporal Tapestry
The mystery of time in physics stands as a testament to the intricate interplay of our universe's fundamental aspects. Einstein's revelations about spacetime and time dilation, combined with the quantum enigmas of wave function collapse, have set the stage for our exploration. As string theory and loop quantum gravity strive to weave the threads of spacetime and forces into a unified fabric, the nature of time's essence remains shrouded in uncertainty.
In our unyielding pursuit of knowledge, we unravel the temporal tapestry thread by thread, inching closer to comprehending the very essence of existence itself.
Courtesy: https://useglobaleducation.com.
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teslaverse369 · 2 years
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theaffiliatemen · 1 year
Ant-Man 😂 Rewriting History in Avengers Endgame's Time Travel Scene" Fun...
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omgtaraarnold · 7 days
Quantum Jumping Tips To Raise Your Vibration ! #quantumphysics  #quantumreality #channeledmessage #quantumshift  #spiritualawakening #channelledmessages  #vibrationalfrequency #channelledreading #spiritmessages #quantumleap #channelledreading #quantumjumping #quantumjump #raiseyourvibration
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quantumearnblog · 7 months
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A very simple thing, you can practice now, if you are feeling cold, just relax, identify
the area where you are feeling cold, witness that area. In that area, don’t resist the
atmosphere, don’t resist the air, don’t resist the temperature, don’t resist the nature and
don’t resist Existence. Just say to yourself, ‘I am not going to resist the nature, I am not
going to resist the temperature, I am not going to resist Existence, let me relax.’ Be
conscious and decide; with this you shall see the body relaxing and the idea of cold
disappearing from that part and you become completely comfortable. When you think
you are something different from nature, you are disturbed by nature.
#Nithyananda #Kailasa
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blogquantumreality · 10 months
Alternate Socials for QR
Hi all!
Mastodon: https://mastodon.social/@quantumreality
Pillowfort: https://www.pillowfort.social/QuantumReality
Dreamwidth: https://quantumreality.dreamwidth.org/
FYI :)
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hpiracingromania · 2 years
Maverick Quantum R intra in liga 160km/h+
Maverick Quantum R intra in liga 160km/h+
Recent, pasionatulNick Sperduto a luat modelul QuantumR FLUX la evenimentul ROSSA (Radio Operated Speed Association) UK Iunie ’22 organizat pe aeroportul Llabender Airport Wales, UK. Initial, testele cu bateriii 4S au dovedit ca masina standard atinge viteze de 90km/h, dar ca se poate mult mai mult. Dupa cateva modificari, schimband regulatorul cu un Castle MAMBA X XL2 si alimentare 8S, masina…
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marcdecaria · 7 months
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Another contemplation pertains to the concept of sovereignty within the larger cosmic system. Let's consider a group of humans. From the lens of this larger system, they all share a specific sequence of DNA and are governed under a certain 'charter', so to speak. This system groups them together and ensures the maintenance of this charter. This concept is nuanced and may be difficult to fully comprehend, so let's use birth certificates as an analogy.
In contemporary societies, we issue birth certificates to register and track populations. From an individual's perspective, the importance of these certificates might not be fully grasped. However, to the governing bodies, these certificates symbolize their 'stock', if you will.
Consider a flock of chickens as another example. Amongst them, some are wild, while others bear a brand. The person who branded the chickens considers them their property and might offer services based on this 'stock'. They could negotiate in the market, highlighting the qualities and potential of their chickens, and obtain some compensation in return. Meanwhile, the wild chickens aren't accounted for in this equation.
The main point here is that we are part of a governing system that operates beyond our personal experiences. To this system, we are a collective, a 'stock'. And though this doesn't harm us (analogous to the branded chickens coexisting with the wild ones), we're tagged. Therefore, the 'charters' under which we operate can be challenged within this system. Your agreement to these charters will need to be confirmed. This could manifest in forms such as DNA modification that's willingly accepted - similar to recent global experiences. In a legal argument, this could be perceived as: "Look, these are my chickens."
The discourse on sovereignty within the cosmic system is vast and intricate. As we navigate through our collective journey, it's essential to understand our place within this larger scheme and how our choices impact our status within it.
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Tartaria, Sacred Geometry, Frequency
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scifitalk · 4 years
The End Of Quantum Reality
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