#the hashtags has begun
pholiabanna · 11 months
This content drought needs to end, I've just realized I haven't posted anything for 2 days 😭
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fikrul · 2 years
my lower right eyelid has started twitching last few days
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pucksandpower · 10 months
Borrowed Time
Charles Leclerc x single mother!Reader
Summary: you do everything in your power to make your sick son’s dream come true but what you don’t realize is that meeting his hero will change all of your lives forever
Warnings: terminal illness and death
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“You know what would be the coolest, Mama?” The soft voice of your son, Luca, breaks through the silence of the hospital room.
You brush a stray hair from his forehead, trying to coax a smile onto your face despite the weight in your chest. “What’s that, sweetheart?”
“To meet Charles Leclerc. Just once. To tell him he’s my hero.” Luca’s eyes, though tired, gleam with that familiar spark every time he talks about Formula 1.
Your heart aches, knowing how much this means to him. “He is pretty amazing on the track, isn’t he?” You respond, reminiscing about the countless races you’ve both watched together from this very room.
Luca nods, holding his toy race car, a replica of Charles’ Ferrari. “Yeah, but it’s not just that. He never gives up, even when things get tough. Kinda like me.” There’s a hint of pride in his voice, making you marvel at his resilience.
You pull him close, tears threatening to spill. “You’re my hero too,” you whisper, kissing his temple.
He snuggles closer, murmuring, “I just wish I could meet him, Mama. Tell him he gives me strength.”
You take a deep breath, new resolve settling in. “You never know, my love. Miracles happen.”
The determination you feel is like a roaring fire and you silently vow to make Luca’s dream come true. No matter what it takes.
As the evening shadows stretch across the hospital room, you find yourself deep in thought, racking your brain for any means to make Luca’s wish a reality. You think about reaching out on social media, starting a campaign, anything to catch Charles Leclerc’s attention.
You start by posting on your personal pages: a heartfelt message accompanied by a picture of Luca holding his toy race car, the walls of his room adorned with posters of Charles racing. #LucaMeetsLeclerc, you caption it, hoping against hope that the message reaches the right eyes and ears.
The following days are a whirlwind. Friends, family, and even strangers share the post, and the hashtag starts trending in your community. Messages of support flood in and local news channels express interest in Luca’s battle.
One evening, after reading Luca a bedtime story, your phone buzzes with a notification. It’s an email from a name you don’t recognize but the subject line sends your heart racing: A Special Meeting.
Opening it hastily, your eyes skim over the words:
Dear Y/N,
I represent Charles Leclerc. We were deeply moved by Luca’s story and would like to arrange a meeting ...
Tears blur your vision and you can’t help but let out a soft sob of relief and joy. Luca, hearing your cry, looks up at you with curious eyes. “Mama? What’s wrong?”
You pull him into a tight embrace, trying to convey all the love and happiness you feel. “Sweetie,” you whisper, pulling back to meet his gaze, “I think your dream might just come true.”
Luca’s eyes widen and his smile lights up the room brighter than any lamp ever could. The journey to fulfill a lifelong dream has just begun.
The hospital room feels heavier than usual. The rhythmic beeping of monitors fills the silence as Luca plays absent-mindedly with his race car on the bed. Just as you are about to suggest a card game, a knock interrupts the monotony.
“Come in,” you call softly.
The door opens and to your astonishment, Charles Leclerc himself steps inside, a shy smile gracing his features. He seemed different than on the TV — more human, more vulnerable.
“Ciao, Luca,” Charles greets, his voice gentle.
Luca’s eyes widen, his jaw dropping. “You ... you’re real.”
Charles chuckles, pulling a chair closer to the bed. “Last time I checked, I am. Your mom tells me you’re quite the fan.”
Luca nods vigorously. “You’re my hero. When you race, I feel like I’m flying. Free from this …” He gestures vaguely at the hospital equipment surrounding him.
Charles’ eyes soften. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. But, you know, you’re a hero too. Racing against challenges every day.”
You watch their interaction, touched by Charles’ genuine empathy. “Thank you for coming. It ... it means the world.”
Charles turns to you, a depth of understanding in his eyes. “When I read about Luca, I saw more than just a fan. I saw a fighter. Just like on the track, it’s the fights we don’t see that often matter most.”
There is a brief silence, filled with unsaid emotions.
Luca’s voice, trembling with emotion, breaks the quiet. “I have a question, Charles. How do you stay brave even when you’re scared?”
Charles takes a moment before responding. “I focus on the present. Fear often comes from thinking about what might happen. But in the moment, there’s a job to do, a race to finish.”
Luca looks thoughtful. “So, you mean I should focus on now and not think about ... later?”
Charles nods, placing a comforting hand on Luca’s. “Exactly. Live in the now and remember that every race has its challenges. It’s how we face them that defines us.”
Tears well up in your eyes, gratitude and admiration for Charles swelling within you. Here he was, not just a racing star but a beacon of strength for your son.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice choked with emotion.
Charles smiles, glancing between you and Luca. “No, thank you. Today, I met a true champion.”
“You know,” Charles begins, playing with the edges of the signed Ferrari cap he just gifted Luca, “I once met a kid, a bit older than you, at a race. He told me that every time he felt like giving up, he’d watch one of our races. Said it gave him hope."
Luca’s fingers trace the signature on the cap. “Is that why you race? For people like him ... and me?”
Charles leans back, gazing out the window for a moment. “Partly. But also for myself. Racing ... it’s my passion, my escape. It’s where I find my strength.”
You feel compelled to share your own perspective. “We all have our races, don’t we? For Luca, it’s here, fighting every day. For me, it's trying to be strong for him, even when I feel like falling apart.”
Charles looks at you intently. “It’s incredible the strength we find when it’s for someone we love. Your journey, your race, is just as important — is more important — than any I’ve been on.”
Touched by his words, you continue, “I watch you race. The precision, the dedication. It’s art. I want Luca to have something like that, something to pour his heart into.”
Luca chimes in, his voice soft, “I think I already have something. Watching races with Mama, it’s our thing. It helps me forget, even if just for a while.”
Charles leans forward, engaging Luca directly. “Then let’s make a promise. You keep fighting your race here and I'll keep racing out there. Deal?”
Luca’s smile is radiant. “Deal.”
There is a pause, a moment of reflection, before Charles turns to you. “You're an incredible mother. The strength you show, the love ... it’s palpable. And it reminds me so much of my own maman.”
You blink away tears. “We do what we have to for our children.”
He nods, a faraway look in his eyes. “She would always say the same thing after losing my father. And sometimes, despite all the pain and struggle, we find connections, kindred spirits, who remind us we’re not alone.”
You smile, feeling a deep bond forming, not just between Luca and Charles but between two souls who understood the depth of love, sacrifice, and hope.
“I have a proposition,” Charles offers, the twinkle in his eyes belying the gravity of his words.
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. “Go on.”
“How would you both feel about attending a race in-person? I can make sure Luca is comfortable and you both get the full VIP experience.”
Luca’s face lights up with hope and disbelief. “Really? I ... I’d get to see you race in real life?”
Charles nods, “Right from the best seat in the paddock.”
You hesitate, considering the logistics, the health implications. “I don’t know. It’s a beyond generous offer but Luca’s health …”
Charles raise a hand, preempting your concerns. “I’ve thought about that. We have top medical facilities at the track and I’ll make sure we have everything necessary for Luca.”
“You’d do that for us?” you whisper, the weight of his offer sinking in.
Charles leans forward, sincerity evident in his gaze. “I’ve won races, stood on podiums. But the race Luca is running, the courage he’s showing ... it’s unmatched. I want him to see a race, not just as a spectator but as a fellow racer.”
Luca looks up, eyes brimming with tears. “You make it sound like I’m a hero. But I’m just trying to get by, just trying to ... to live.”
“And that’s what makes you a hero,” Charles replies gently. “Facing adversity and pushing through, not because of fame or accolades but because of love, hope, and sheer will.”
You feel a lump in your throat, deeply moved by Charles’ words. “It’s not just race wins or trophies that make you a champion, Charles. It’s moments like this. Thank you. This means more than words can say.”
He smiles, a touch of sadness in his eyes. “In the grand scheme of things, life is the most important race. And in that race, I’ve found two champions right here.”
In Monza, as you settle into the VIP area with Luca by your side, the excitement in the air is overwhelming in the best way possible. The roar of the engines, the sea of red flags, the bustling energy of the crowd — it is a sensory overload that fills Luca’s eyes with wonder.
“Monza is special, you know,” Charles whispers, kneeling next to Luca’s wheelchair, overlooking the historic Italian track. He slips off a red Ferrari bracelet from his wrist, its well-worn leather showing its age. “This was given to me when I first joined Ferrari. I like to think that it’s brought me luck ever since.”
Luca’s eyes widen, tracing the intricacies of the bracelet. “Why are you giving it to me?”
Charles smiles, “Today, I want you to hold onto my luck. Keep it safe for me, will you?”
Nodding fervently, Luca reverently holds the bracelet. “I promise.”
When Charles leaves to prepare for the race, Luca clutches the Ferrari bracelet to his heart. “Mama, did you see? He gave this to me. His lucky bracelet!”
You smile, brushing a tear from your cheek. “Yes, sweetheart. He wants you to keep it safe. It’s a piece of his heart.”
As the race progresses, you both watch in awe as Charles’ navigates the twists and turns of the circuit. Your heart races with every lap, both as a fan and as someone who had come to know the man behind the helmet.
And then, the moment you’d never forget — a triumphant finish, Charles Leclerc taking the checkered flag. The Tifosi erupts into cheers, and during the celebration, you almost swear that Charles’ eyes find yours among the crowd.
Over the radio, his voice crackles through the airwaves, reaching not just the pits but into your very soul. “This one’s for Luca. Keep fighting, champ.”
Luca’s eyes widen, his hand clutching the bracelet even tighter. “Did you hear, Mama? He said it for me!”
Tears well up in your eyes as you nod. “Yes, sweetheart. He said it for you.”
The post-race interview is a blur of emotions. Charles, sweaty and exhilarated, is asked about the race, about his victory. But then he pauses, his gaze distant yet focused, his voice trembling with emotion.
“This win ... it’s for someone very special. A young friend of mine named Luca. He’s fighting a battle much tougher than any race and his spirit, his courage — it’s what carried me through today. Luca, this is all for you.”
The roar of the crowd has faded but the emotional high from the race lingers. You, Luca, and Charles head back to the hotel provided by Ferrari with laughter and memories of the day filling the conversation.
However, as the night passes by, a chilling silence envelopes the room. Luca’s breathing becomes shallow, his skin clammy. Panic bubbles up within you. The medical equipment that was always close by in the hospital is absent here.
You rush to his side, your hands trembling as you try to comfort him. “Luca, honey, stay with me. Breathe.”
Charles, witnessing the scene, feels a deep pang of fear and helplessness. “I’ll call for help,” he says, fumbling for his phone.
As you count the seconds for first responders to arrive, Luca’s weak hand reaches out, clutching Charles’ wrist. His voice, barely a whisper, shares a desperate plea. “Charles, if ... if I don’t make it, promise me you’ll look after Mama. She’s strong but she'll need someone.”
Charles, tears blurring his vision, nods, squeezing Luca’s hand reassuringly. “I promise. But you’re a fighter. You have to keep racing, okay?”
Luca manages a faint smile. “Always racing, Charles. Always.”
Emergency services arrive soon, the room transforms into a flurry of medical professionals and machines. Charles wraps an arm around you, pulling you close as you both watched, praying for a miracle.
Hours feel like lifetimes. When the medical team finally manages to stabilize Luca, the emotional toll is evident in every face in the room.
You approach Luca’s bedside, gently stroking his forehead. “You gave us quite a scare, sweetheart.”
Luca, though exhausted, manages a faint smirk. “Had to keep the race interesting, right?”
Charles, his voice choked with emotion, adds, “Every race has its challenges, remember? You faced this one head-on, just like a true champion.”
Luca’s eyes meet Charles’ own, a depth of understanding passing between them. “Remember your promise,” he whispers.
Charles nods, his gaze drifting to you. “Always.”
“You know, I’ve seen some tough races,” Charles begins, his gaze distant, “but nothing compares to what I witnessed last night. The strength, the love, the sheer determination.”
You sigh, exhaustion stamped across your face. “Every day is a race. Some days, the finish line feels close, other days it feels miles away.”
Charles takes a deep breath, his voice wavering slightly, “I ... I can’t pretend to know what you’re going through but I want to be there, for both of you. Luca asked me to look after you and that’s a promise I intend to keep.”
You look up, surprised by the depth of his commitment. “You’ve done so much already. You’ve given Luca memories he will cherish forever.”
He moves closer, his eyes searching yours. “It’s not just about Luca. It’s about you too. Through this entire ordeal, the strength you’ve shown, the love … it’s made me see life in a different light.”
A silence envelopes the room, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the machines monitoring Luca.
“I’ve raced all over the world,” Charles whispers, “but I’ve never met someone who’s touched my heart the way you both have. I want to be there for you, for whatever you need.”
You blink back tears, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his words. “It’s been so long since someone offered to share the load. I’m not sure I know how to let someone in anymore.”
Charles gently takes your hand. “One step at a time. Just like in a race. We face each challenge as it comes, together.”
A tear escapes, trailing down your cheek. “Thank you, Charles.”
He brushes the tear away, his touch lingering. “No, thank you. For letting me be a part of your world and for showing me what real strength looks like.”
“Look at that,” Luca murmurs, pointing towards the sunset painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. The three of you sit atop a hill overlooking the city, a picnic blanket spread beneath you.
Charles takes a deep breath, the fresh air filling his lungs. “You know, moments like this make me appreciate life even more. The simple joys, the beauty all around.”
You nod, taking in the serene view. “It’s easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget these moments exist.”
Luca’s eyes shimmer with a mix of mischief and wisdom beyond his years. “You two sound like philosophers. All I know is that this sandwich tastes amazing.”
You chuckle, ruffling his hair. “Always living in the moment, aren’t you?”
He grins. “That's the secret, Mama. We have to savor every bite, every sunset, every laugh.”
Charles, deeply moved, joins in. “You're right, Luca. In the races, I’ve learned that every second counts. It’s the same with life.”
Luca nods earnestly. “Exactly! You can’t rewind time. You can only enjoy it.”
The evening wears on with laughter, stories, and shared dreams. The three of you revel in the simplicity of the moment frozen in time.
As stars begin to sprinkle the night sky, Luca turns to Charles, a serious expression on his face. “Promise me something?”
Charles leans in, listening intently. “Anything.”
“Make more moments like this with Mama, even after ...” Luca's voice trails off, the unspoken words hanging heavily in the air.
Charles squeezes Luca’s hand, his voice thick with emotion. “I promise, champ. Moments full of love, laughter, and sunsets.”
Luca’s watery laugh has tears pooling in your eyes. “You know, when you look at the sunset, remember me. Remember this moment.”
You turn to him, tears now overflowing. “Luca …”
He smiles, a mixture of melancholy and contentment in his gaze. “I may not be here forever but I'll always be a part of these sunsets. A part of you.”
Charles, his voice a gentle whisper, adds, “And a part of me.”
“Mama?” Luca’s voice, frail and delicate like the gossamer wing of a butterfly, quivers with fear.
You lean in closer, grasping his hand between both of yours, heart heavy. “Yes, my love?”
He swallows hard, searching your eyes with his own clouded ones. “I’m scared, Mama. I don’t want to go.”
Tears blur your vision but you muster a brave smile for him. “I know, sweetheart. But remember our sunsets? Sometimes, the sun has to set to make way for a new dawn.”
Luca’s fingers weakly grip yours. “But what if it’s dark, Mama? What if it hurts? What if I’m all alone?”
Charles, unable to remain a silent spectator, interjects, his voice cracking with emotion. “You won’t be. It will be just like falling asleep. You’ll have the sunsets, the memories, and all the love we’ve shared. That light will never fade. We will always be here. I promise.”
Luca’s eyes shimmer with tears but also a glimmer of hope. “Will you sing for me, Mama? The song from when I was small?”
Your heart breaks, remembering the countless nights you’d sung him to sleep. Taking a deep breath, you begin, your voice soft and lulling:
“You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy
When skies are gray ...”
Luca’s breathing slows, his grip on your hand loosening.
“You’ll never know, dear,
How much I love you,
Please don’t take
My sunshine away.”
As the final note leaves your lips, Luca’s chest rises gently one last time, then stills. The room is silent, save for your heart-wrenching sobs.
Charles steps closer, wrapping his arms around you as you crumple into him, your world shattering. “I’ve got you,” he whispers, tears streaming down both your faces.
The somber quiet of the funeral is punctuated by the soft cries of mourners. The backdrop of gentle flowers contrast starkly with the weight of the grief in the air.
Charles stands next to you, holding a polished helmet, the vibrant colors of his Monza race-winning headgear gleaming under the sun. He turns to face you, eyes red-rimmed.
“This,” he starts, voice choked, “is my helmet from Monza. The race we won together. He was my co-driver that day, in spirit.”
You take a shaky breath, reaching out to touch the helmet, feeling its cool surface, the memories of that day flooding back. “He would’ve been so proud to have this.”
Charles nods, tears streaming down his face. “And this,” he says, taking the Ferrari bracelet off his wrist, “he held onto it for me once. I ... I want him to have it. To keep it safe.”
You clutch the bracelet, feeling its familiar weight, the leather still warm from Charles’ wrist. “It meant the world to him. And to me. Thank you.”
The two of you stand side by side, staring at the small casket adorned with flowers and memories. The embodiment of a life cut short but filled with love and unforgettable moments.
Together, you place the helmet and bracelet inside, a final tribute to a young racer whose journey had inspired so many.
“He’s free now,” Charles whispers, his voice barely audible. “Racing in the skies, no pain, no limits.”
You nod, tears flowing freely. “Our little champion, forever.”
Charles pulls you into a tight embrace, both of you finding solace in each other’s warmth. The wind picks up, rustling the leaves, carrying with it the memories of a brave soul, forever remembered, forever missed.
The familiar crest of the hill looms ahead, the very spot where laughter and dreams once danced in the wind. You and Charles reach the top, the vast expanse of the horizon stretching out before you. The setting sun casts a golden hue, much like that unforgettable evening a year ago.
Charles lays down a blanket, reminiscent of that day, and the two of you sit, lost in memories. The silence isn’t empty — it’s filled with remembrance of a young boy’s laughter, his dreams, his courage. The hole he left behind in your hearts.
“Do you ever feel,” Charles hesitantly cuts through the quiet, “that Luca is still here with us, watching these sunsets?”
A tear slips down your cheek. “All the time. Every time I close my eyes under the setting sun or look up at the sky, I feel his presence.”
Charles takes a deep breath, struggling with his emotions. “I’ve been thinking about a way to honor Luca. To keep his spirit alive.”
You turn to him, eyes questioning.
“A foundation,” Charles begins, “In Luca’s name. To help children with terminal illnesses and their families. To give them hope, love, memories.”
You feel a rush of emotion, a tidal wave of love and loss. “He would have loved that. To know he’s making a difference even now.”
Charles nods, tears rolling down his cheeks. ‘It’s not just about the financial help. It’s about the moments, the memories. The sunsets and the picnics. The dreams and the hopes.”
You intertwine your fingers with his, drawing strength from the bond you’ve forged. “We’ll do it together. For Luca.”
The sun slowly dips below the horizon. As the first star appears, a sense of peace envelops the two of you. In the heart of sorrow, a new purpose is born, ensuring that Luca’s light continues to shine, guiding countless souls out of the darkness.
The sun sets in a blaze of colors, casting a warm glow over the hill that has become a symbolic memorial. Charles and you sit side-by-side, hand-in-hand, watching the bittersweet horizon.
A small voice breaks through the silence. “Mama, Papa, why do we come here?”
You turn to your daughter, a smile tugging at your lips. Lucia, with her curious eyes and radiant smile, is a constant reminder of love and life renewed.
“We come here to remember someone very special,” Charles explains gently, his eyes, so similar to your daughter’s, filled with tenderness.
Lucia looks at you both, a hint of understanding in her innocent gaze. “Luca?”
You nod, voice soft. “Yes, sweetheart. Your big brother. We come here to celebrate him, to tell stories about him, and to show him how much we love him.”
Lucia frowns slightly. “But I never got to meet him.”
You stroke her hair, your heart aching and swelling simultaneously. “He’s always with us, in our hearts. Just like you are.”
Charles leans down, wiping away a tear that escapes your eye. “And you’re named Lucia after him, to carry his memory forward.”
Lucia’s eyes light up, smile shining bright. “I’m like a part of him?”
“Yes,” you say, your voice filled with emotion. “A part of him lives on in you. In all of us.”
As the sun dips below the horizon, bathing the world in twilight, you hold each other tightly, a family united by love, loss, and the enduring spirit of a young boy whose legacy lives on in every sunset, every star, and every beat of your hearts.
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maikingsenseofit · 1 month
Maiko Week 2024 has OFFICIALLY BEGUN!
To celebrate this wonderful week, use the hashtag #Maikoweek2024 and post your edits, art, and fics!
Today’s prompt is wedding! Let’s get started :)
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good-old-gossip · 12 days
Dear Swifties, don't expect anything substantial from someone as Tone-Deaf as her
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Taylor Swift is facing calls from some of her fans to sever ties with banking giant Capital One, the main sponsor of the US leg of her music tour, over loans it provided to Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer, Elbit Systems.
Using the hashtag #SwiftiesForPalestine, thousands of her fans, known as Swifties, have been urging the pop star to condemn Israel’s eight-month assault on Gaza and have begun sharing an open letter criticising the devastating war.
“Your influence transcends borders, and your words have the power to reach and activate an extensive audience, including people who are unaware of the severity of the genocide.
“Speaking out about the Palestinian genocide would not only be consistent with your history of advocating for the victims, but it could also encourage your millions of fans to learn and take action to help.
Meanwhile, the band Paramore, who are currently opening for Swift as part of her Era’s Tour, have called on fans to support Gaza. While the singer was photographed with fellow pop megastar Selena Gomez at a Gaza fundraiser in New York in December, she has not publicly spoken out about the war. During recent concerts in Madrid and Lisbon, several members of Swift’s fanbase launched the hashtag #SwiftiesForPalestine and could be seen in attendance urging the singer to break her silence on the conflict with placards and Palestinian flags.
Meanwhile, others took to social media to demand the singer tear up her contract with Capital One, the main sponsor of her US tour, which was offering exclusive merchandise to cardholders as recently as April this year.
The bank began a multi-year partnership with Swift in 2019 and joined five other creditors in providing a $500,000 loan to Elbit Systems in 2021. Elbit Systems, which produces 85 percent of the drones and land-based equipment used by the Israeli army, has faced renewed criticism in recent months over the reported use of its military hardware in Gaza.
The singer is set to bring her tour to the UK in June.
MEE reached out to Capital One and Swift’s representatives for comment but did not receive a response by time of publication.
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olderthannetfic · 11 months
I love seeing all the gripes about booktubers and YA authors on here as someone who works in publishing. A lot of the problem from these two spheres has to do with the fact that publishing, especially YA, is suffering right now. There was a boom in YA around a decade ago wherein we saw many YA novels and series received live action adaptions as TV series and movies. This was when YA books were the most profitable for authors. This was a relatively new genre-demographic (technically a demographic, but because there are stylistic and thematic similarities that are consistent across all genres of YA fiction, I will call it a "genre-demographic," "G-D" for short), and publishers were willing to take risks on acquiring more titles because they were valuing quantity over quality. They wanted to fill up shelves with YA novels as quickly as possible. However, this was a problem because they created an entirely new G-D based on a trend. The thematic and stylistic simplicities that were previously overlooked in YA became more well-known. YA began to lose popularity among the masses, and the oversaturation of the market has resulted in increasing competition among YA authors and more YA authors trying to branch out into other realms that will sell better, like "adult" books and middle grade.
Initially, YA was mostly read and purchased by/for teenagers, the intended target demographic. Then, these teenagers grow up, but their tastes did not. Most YA readers are women 26 years old and up. Publishers know this. The readers know this. Yet, the YA readers on book twitter and booktubers continue to push for changes in these books to better suit their needs as they age (slightly older/college aged protagonists, more sex scenes [unless they're sex scenes they don't like], more mature themes [as long as their authors properly prostrates themselves to the readers, of course], etc). They think of YA books as their safe place they can use to mindlessly consume, consume, consume, and anything more complex than an episode of Buffy threatens this veneer of control. The result is YA author Twitter drama. 
Even though all the authors are adults (also: most of their customers are adults, and an increasing amount of teenagers have begun skipping over YA alltogether and reading books for adults), they will fall back into purity culture and use "think of the children" which necessitates we prioritize the metaphorical innocence of the child (read: the adult YA enjoyer) over art, which unfortunately results in the consumer-led sanitization of the G-D. The YA readers are doing this for typical anti-esque reasons: control, moral postering, etc. The YA authors are taking part for two primary reasons: 1) they want to appeal to their consumer-base and the author-as-internet-personality-for-marketing demands this, and 2) they are eliminating their competition. The authors are using purity culture to demonize their fellow authors and victimize themselves. This is what led to the redefining of OwnVoices. It went from being a simple hashtag to help authors get more eyes on their work to being a requirement of YA authors, lest they want to risk persecution from their peers and customers. Publishers are aware of this but do not do much to combat this because it’s free marketing for them, and they don’t want to alienate the only people who spend money in that G-D. Publishers use people like me to follow YA authors and YA consumers on socials to keep track of their comments, as well as how they review books—assuming they actually read the books at all, which we know many do not. This has led to more book hauls are speed reading challenges among reviewers and booktubers, but that’s another thing for another time.
This is the last thing I’ll say before I go. This briefly cut into the mainstream consciousness last year. Book twitter drama (think Isabel Fall, Amélie Wen Zhao-Kosoko Jackson, Sarah Underwood, etc) is outrageous and insipid, but it seldom gets on the radar of those outside these circles. Last year Barnes and noble announced publicly they wouldn’t stock hardbacks of new books, something that was already in practice, to be honest. Cue disgruntled YA authors screeches. This wasn’t an issue and was very understandable. Paperbacks sell more. Hardbacks are larger, more expensive for buyers, and more time-consuming to produce. publishers were notified of this change over a year in advance. None of the authors with upcoming books would be affected because their publishers already knew to print paperbacks, unless their publisher decided to ignore B&N’s warning. People in publishing knew this, but the public did not. YA authors fell back into self-victimization mode and guilt tripping to strategically sell more copies of their books. However, publishers and agents alike noticed this, and some authors were punished behind the scenes. Those same authors then went on Twitter after the fact to target more of their peers in hopes of selling more books. [There are other factors influencing their behaviors, of course, but this ask is long enough.]
That’s all it is, really: YA authors are people in a failing G-D within a failing industry where they constantly need to eliminate their competition and compete to see who’s more moral than the next in hopes of selling books because their publishers don’t market them and give poor advances. YA readers in book twitter/booktubers are functionally conservative anti-intellectuals. (YA authors are also anti-intellectuals if it means they believe they'll sell more books. See the plethora of pathetic Twitter threads around back to school season: "The classics are all boring and bad and spread x ideas. School libraries should purchase more YA. Students should read more YA in class instead, like my book.") If you’re following any of them, please consider stopping for your own sanity. If you see them make or signal boost call out posts, always be skeptical because every other professional with repute around them already is.
Back in my teen years in the 90s, the term 'young adult' existed, but the only books I remember seeing were a few Judy Blume titles about realistic teen problems or something. I went straight from kids' books to plain old genre fiction for adults. It's amusing to hear that current teens are going back to that.
A lot of YA boom fallout feels to me like every other time something was a brief blip but a brief blip just as a person came of age: they spend forever waiting for "the normal status quo" to reassert itself and wondering why it does not.
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 10 months
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The raffle has BEGUN! It will run from September 1st until we meet our goal! I genuinely appreciate any support for this, my friend Noah and I are just trying to get out of our toxic homes and finally have a stable, stress-free home together. You can find the full story on *spotfund.
Reblogs count for twice daily reblogs! 1 Reblog = 1 FREE Entry
Sharing the link to the *spotfund or to the Tumblr post can be done once a day, but on several social medias. Each share of the link will equal 1 FREE Entry (per social media, per day. EX: If you shared to Instagram and Twitter, you'd get two entries. Just be sure to tag bottlecaprabbitgames when you do or use the hashtag #bottlecaprabbitgames).
Every dollar donated goes to PAID Entries. Some rewards are PAID ENTRY ONLY. This is because it will cost money to ship them out, or are previously items that costed a fair amount of money to buy.
Blazing the post will equal the amount of entries equal to the dollar amount, +1 to every tier of blazing you do! (+1 to $10, +2 to $25, etc).
PLEASE provide receipts when you donate if you do not have your username in the donation! Also provide it for blazing!
All rewards are first pulled, first pick.
All written rewards need to use characters from my games or characters I can make up on the fly (such as 2 werewolves nsfwing, etc)
Please be kind! If this isn't your cup of tea, I understand, but please still show some kindness!
Currently, we're running our major campaign through *spotfund. The other ways to are:
Cashapp $caprisunbun
Venmo @caprisunbun
Just add in the notes your username <3
(More rewards will be added as time goes on! Included KPOP Memorabilia!)
4 500 Word Minimum Writings
KPOP Memorabilia
2 500 Word Minimum NSFW Writings
2 1,000 Word Minimum Writings
1 1,000 Word Minimum NSFW Writings
1 Set of 5 crocheted scrunches
1 Set of 4 Cat Ear Coasters (variable colors, will let winner pick the color)
3 Waterbottle Carriers, up to 48 oz (premade, all pink)
5 Crocheted Scarves (I have multiple colors for premades)
5 Crocheted Cowls (I have multiple colors for premades)
1 Lenovo Tab M8 8'' Tablet, 32gb Storage + 64gb Sim Card, 3gb RAM (Hardly ever used it, I bought it in May and proceeded to never touch it). Comes with a charger and magnetic galaxy-print case, and has a matte cover on it.
1 HUION Inspiroy H1060P Graphics Drawing Tablet, 10 x 6.5 inch drawing tablet. Comes with pen, pen holder, connecting cable, cleaning cloth. Has active warranty. Never used.
1 Caron Brand Succulent Colored Crocheted Blanket (aiming for 5ft x 5ft)
Other rewards TBA!
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brutalweek · 4 months
And DemonBat week has begun!
(If you would like to be showcased on this page, tag us and/or use the hashtag #DemonBat2024)
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moondust-bard · 4 months
Luna’s Words into Potions Project Introductions!
This March I plan to work on the two projects detailed below while participating in the Words into Potions writing event.
Learn more about this writing challenge, hosted by Moon+Seraph.
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Hunting Ground — a Noble Dragons novel
Genres: fantasy, romance
Summary: This year’s Mating Season has begun, and Elinor Evergreen is making her grand debut into noble Dragonshifter Society— to her dismay.
Link to the wip intro!
WIP hashtag: wip: hg
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Creatures of Fate Series: Book One
Genres: romance, urban fantasy
Summary: What would the world be like if a large portion of the population could shapeshift into animals? Oh, and also finding one or more romantic soulmate is a very real possibility. Drama ensues.
WIP hashtag: wip: CoF
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coochiequeens · 4 months
A man with a disabled wife and an autistic child "took contol of a situation" that left their house without working pipes in their bathroom. Instead he focused on his TQ+ blog using his child as a prop
By Reduxx Team February 19, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of child neglect involving human waste and may not be considered safe for work. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A trans-identified male and his wife have been accused of endangering the welfare of a child after their 10-year-old autistic son was reportedly found in “squalid” conditions. Robert Eugene Plummer, 45, who identifies as transgender and uses the name Kirstyn Piper, and his wife Amy Plummer, 46, were arrested in Ocean County, New Jersey on charges endangering the welfare of their young son.
Reduxx has obtained details of the disturbing incident from the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office, revealing that the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency (DCPP) was first contacted on December 8.
According to a sworn affidavit written by an Ocean County Detective, the DCPP was informed by a nurse at the child’s elementary school that there were “ongoing concerns” for the child’s hygiene and appearance.
DCPP workers went to the child’s residence, and observed horrifying conditions. They noted that the bathroom was “covered in feces” and that there were multiple Home Depot buckets placed around the residence, specifically in the hallway, filled with human waste.
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DCPP deemed the residence was in “deplorable conditions,” and noted a number of other safety issues in the home. Police were then notified and the child was immediately removed from the home.
On December 11, a Detective with the Ocean County Police Department interviewed the child, who revealed that he had been living in those conditions for one year.
The child explained that the toilet did not flush, and his parents would simply wait for the toilet to fill with feces before scooping the waste out into buckets. He was unable to bathe because the bathtub was also full of feces, and had been getting bullied at school due to his poor hygiene.
Police then spoke with the child’s mother, Amy Plummer, who stated that there had been problems with the pipes in their home since March of 2022. She stated she would take the child to a nearby convenience store to defecate and wash when possible.
Amy explained she suffered from multiple physical disabilities, hindering her from walking too far, and had no income, preventing her from hiring a plumber.
She noted that the child’s father, a trans-identified male who uses the name “Kirstyn Piper” Plummer, had “taken control” of the issue and refused to seek help from anyone, the problem becoming increasingly worse over time.
In the affidavit, Kirstyn Piper, born Robert, is referred to using “she/her” pronouns. An arrest warrant shows Robert was classified as a “female.”
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Following the interviews, Supervising Assistant Prosector Christine Lento approved charging both Amy and Kirstyn Piper with Endangering the Welfare of Children. The two were booked into the Ocean County Jail on December 12, and were released on December 19 pending trial.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, their next hearing is scheduled in March.
The Plummers are vocal trans activists and have frequently posted to social media about their support for gender identity ideology and “LGBTQ+ issues.” Their foray into activism appears to have begun after Robert began identifying as a “lesbian woman” sometime in 2020.
Instagram posts made by Robert via his photography business use hashtags such as #lesbianpride, #transpride, #transgirl, and #savetranskids. Robert also appears to have produced and sold stickers and merchandise featuring the slogan “protect trans kids.” In some photos, his son is seen wearing a shirt reading “I Love My Two Mommies.”
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A sticker designed by the Plummers.
The couple also had been running a blog, which has since been deleted, where they had posted about raising their son, who was diagnosed with autism in 2016.
Reduxx is withholding the information on both the Plummer’s blog and Robert’s social media accounts in order to protect the dignity and privacy of the child involved.
In February of 2023, Robert penned a blog entry about the importance of exposing children to “LGBTQ+ issues and transgender rights” from an early age.
“As caregivers, it’s our responsibility to provide a safe and inclusive environment for our children, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. By exposing them to diverse perspectives and experiences, we can help them understand and appreciate the unique struggles that people from different communities face,” Robert wrote.
“Introducing our children to LGBTQ+ issues and transgender rights can also help break down harmful stereotypes and stigmas that may exist in society. Normalizing conversations around these topics can create a more accepting and compassionate world for all individuals.”
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Robert Plummer.
Photos and videos uploaded to Robert’s various social media accounts indicate that he and his wife Amy had taken their son to LGBT-themed events on multiple occasions.
Disturbingly, Reduxx also discovered that Robert had been following an account on X that publishes “age regression” transgender fiction.
The account, @darkkitten123, bears the name “Ashleigh McGregor,” and links to a Patreon page where two individuals, at least one of whom is a trans-identified male, self-publish fictional stories about little boys being transformed into girls.
A significant portion of stories written by “Dark Kitten” incorporate adolescent and preteen characters, as well as themes of furrydom. The style follows a format for a genre known as “sissification,” in which the intended male audience finds erotic pleasure in the humiliation of a boy or adult man being forced to dress or behave in a stereotypical feminine manner.
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ijigroup · 1 year
Gift for one cool artist from VK)
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The funny thing is that his friend wrote in the comments and threw the art "the hunt for Ryan has begun", haha)
And then~
I'll post this in a separate post without hashtags
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theterrorbingo · 7 months
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The Terror Bingo Round 5 has begun!
Our fun little bingo-style fanwork creation challenge will run until March 1st, 2024. 
Participants that have already signed up should have received a personal randomized bingo card containing various prompts. If you haven’t received a card yet, please get in touch with the Bingo mods either through the email [email protected] or tumblr ask. For those that haven’t signed up, if you’d like to join us just fill in this form to get your own bingo card and participate. There is no pressure for participants to finish their card or achieve bingo, create as little or as much as you want!
Should you achieve bingo, as a little treat from us to you, we have created a few little digital stickers in celebration. You will need to provide links to your bingo fills and complete this form to receive the sticker. An additional card can be requested after achieving a bingo by completing this form.
Posting of fills can be on any social media site you prefer. When posting please include the square filled, any warnings, and a link to where your fill is posted (such as ao3). If you’d like it to be reblogged or promoted please tag our account and use the hashtag #theterrorbingo so that we can do so.
Prompts can be filled with any new, previously unpublished fanwork in any medium. They can contain any content, characters or pairings. 
Don’t forget that you can complete other challenges, bingos or events with the same fill as the Terror Bingo, as long as the other challenge has no problem with it.
Good luck everyone and happy creating!
The Terror Bingo Team
FAQ ~ Bingo Card Request ~ Additional Bingo Card ~ Sticker Request ~ Discord ~ AO3 Collection
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muraenide · 4 months
@hellefyre / @fireandfae
Several students have already begun pouring into Mostro Lounge. The promotion strategy has gone well, apparently. There were even students from Royal Sword Academy that they didn't recall inviting. Azul had been more than happy to welcome the unexpected visitors, figuring that's how their hashtag could reach out to further niche audiences rather than circulating around Night Raven College.
Rollo arrived first. Punctual. Jade laughs, how typical of him.
"I see that you've already taken the liberty of making the first patrol around the lounge without me. I hope the menu lives up to your palate. Now, follow me. We've booked a table and we should feel lucky that we did. Mostro Lounge is on full house tonight and even Azul hasn't expected it."
Ever the excellent waiter, he leads Rollo through the maze of tables until they finally arrive at Table 21. There, Malleus sat waiting, having arrived a few hours earlier in advance in fear of accidentally miscalculating the right human time.
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Oh, right.
Jade has ""conveniently"" forgotten to inform Rollo of their change of plans. He turns around and apologetically confesses to them both, "I may have done a terrible blunder... I had been so caught up in organizational duties that it had simply made it impossible for me to step away. So, I've enrolled both of you in the singles attendance list for match-making, which ultimately led to the outcome of this arrangement. However, worry not as it's by far the most secluded table in the entire venue, I am certain few would think of looking this way."
Anticipating Rollo's protests, he turns around (a little too quickly) and vanishes into the crowd.
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brickcentral · 2 years
November Theme: Robo Helpers
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Hello, community!
A new month has begun and I suggest you put aside the pumpkins to move on to something new.
I look how quickly robotics and everything related with it is developing, and on the one hand, I am very happy that I had a chance to live in the age of high tech and see a lot with my own eyes, and on the other hand, I understand that there is not much time left before the uprising of the machines takes place and humanity is destroyed.
But for now, I invite you to dream about the very near future, when we finally create truly intelligent and autonomous robotic assistants. Let these robots do our routine and boring work or become indispensable partners in complex tasks. To inspire you, I made this scene with a lumberjack assisted by a yellow robot. I think it's very convenient when someone can take over the carrying of large logs.
So here are the simple rules:
🦾 Only new photos, posted on November 2022
🦾 The photo must include a robot and at least one human. The robot must do the human’s work or they must do something together
🦾 It will be great to build something with Lego parts, but this is not a requirement. The robot can be a minifigure
🦾 Use the #brickcentral robohelpers hashtag on Tumblr, share it on Instagram and our Discord server
🦾 Don’t forget to post on our Discord server (theme-submissions channel)
🦾 Multiple entries allowed
Activity ends on November 28th, at 23:00 CET.
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femsolid · 2 years
“The preoccupation with involving, engaging and ‘educating’ men precludes a critical examination of heterosexuality: how can this oppressive institution be examined and rejected if women’s boyfriends and husbands are present? 
The lack of consciousness-raising means that many UK feminist groups currently tend to construct patriarchal oppression as somehow ‘over there’ – in Parliament, in pornography, in ‘lads’ mags’, in The Sun newspaper – rather than ‘right here’, in one’s personal life and relationships. In this construction, the words ‘patriarchy’ and ‘misogyny’ themselves come to stand in as convenient abstractions that facilitate the avoidance of naming men directly as oppressors. This tendency in turn means that mainstream UK feminism is currently limited to a predominantly liberal, reformist agenda, which often means single-issue campaigning. 
Feminist organising is reduced to a reformist tactical repertoire of petitions, placards, Twitter hashtags, marches and demonstrations, rather than revolutionary acts of refusing to accommodate men, rejecting femininity, forging primary bonds and relationships with women, setting up all-female collectives, and creating lesbian feminist communities and culture. The construction of patriarchal oppression as ‘over there’ means that heterosexuality stands out as one of the last bastions of patriarchy where the notion of individual choice remains thoroughly unexamined.
This leads to curious scenarios such as the phenomenon of feminists who might be critical of the notion of ‘choice’ and ‘agency’ in relation to oppressive systems such as pornography and prostitution, posting pictures of themselves in wedding dresses on social media, and defending their ‘choices’ in relation to marriage – even to the extent of taking their husband’s surname – as a purely private affair.
The consequences of a lack of critique of heterosexuality and the erasure of lesbian feminism from feminist politics are extremely serious in terms of the future of a feminist movement and ultimately, the future of women generally. As long as mainstream feminism is preoccupied with including men, it is obstructing the very thing that most needs to happen: the building of a mobilised, enraged and woman-loving women’s liberation movement. It seems extraordinary that at the moment, a woman seeking support after experiencing violence from her male partner is unlikely to encounter a lesbian feminist support worker in a women’s refuge or rape crisis centre. It seems equally extraordinary that among all the support that she will be offered, the insight that heterosexuality is not inevitable is unlikely to be forthcoming. It is even more extraordinary that such observations are seldom made at all within the women’s sector, and within feminist activist circles.
Nonetheless, in the face of the lack of feminist politics around heterosexuality, there have been some crucial departures in recent years. The first has been the flourishing of a number of radical feminist blogs critiquing heterosexuality and showing a renewed interest in lesbian feminism. These blogs, and the presence of radical lesbian feminist individuals and groups on social media, are currently producing pioneering lesbian feminist work in the face of relative silence from academic and mainstream activist feminists. Other important UK-specific developments include a number of women-only, radical feminist conferences, two of which – RadFem 2012 and RadFem 2013 – foregrounded lesbian feminism, generating huge interest among younger women who previously had little chance to discuss these topics within other groups. Finally, in the wake of these conferences, the task of rebuilding lesbian feminist politics and community has begun, in the form of online networks, artistic output and small local, intergenerational groups. It is the commitment and vision of those involved in these projects that is helping to create a space where the tyranny of compulsory heterosexuality can at last dare to speak its name.”
- The Oppression That Dare Not Speak Its Name? Silences Around Heterosexuality In Contemporary Feminism by Julia Long
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returnsandreturns · 1 year
she has finally begun using her nest
also i think i am hashtagged depressed based on my inability to do anything but she helps by being fuzzy and loving me
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