#the hardest part was looking for suitable pictures
carrie-tate · 1 month
appears randomly
How do you make your tk art? Any tips on finding poses, if you haven't posted about it? :3
runs away in a pirate style
Well, I'm actually not very good at talking about how I draw. In the sense that this is something spontaneously emotional, rather than a schematic process.
Am I just coming up with a scenario in my head and the pictures in my head come together on their own? Most of the poses come from my head (read: “I have a good eye and can find suitable positions for characters.”), although I sometimes resort to things like EasyPoser if the pose in my head is too difficult and I don’t understand how this is what it should look like.
And so I almost always have the same process of drawing characters, I start with the head/torso, after which I figure out the necessary position of the arms and legs, to the resulting pose of the first character I also draw the second (usually when this pose is “One character on top of another”, I start drawing the second character with uh... the lower half of the body?? in short, at some stage the drawing looks like a mannequin and an butt hovering above it... well, ahem, whatever) And then the clothing, the position of the fingers, the hair are already being worked out.
Facial expressions are the hardest part and sometimes I find it difficult to draw the right expression right away. That's why I'm leaving this until the end...
Basically, that's all I can quickly tell you now about how I draw, I hope it was at least somewhat informative x'>
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govindhtech · 4 days
Reduce the Google Compute Engine Cost with 5 Tricks
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Google Compute Engine Cost
Compute Engine provides several options for cutting expenses, such as optimising your infrastructure and utilising sales. Google Cloud is sharing some useful advice to help you save Google Compute Engine cost in this two-part blog post. This guide has something for everyone, regardless of whether you work for a huge organisation trying to optimise its budget or a small business just starting started with cloud computing.
Examine your present budgetary plan
It would be helpful to have a map of your present circumstances and spending structure before you embark on a journey to optimise your Google Compute Engine cost. This will allow you to make well-informed decisions regarding your next course of action. That billing panel is the Google Cloud console. It provides you with a detailed breakdown of your spending, tracking each expense to a specific SKU. It can be used to examine the overall financial picture of your company and to determine how much a given product will cost to use for a given project.
You can find resources you are no longer paying for but no longer require by taking a closer look at your spending. Nothing is a better method to save money than simply not spending it, after all.
Examine the automated suggestions
On the page where your virtual machines are listed, have you noticed the lightbulbs next to some of your machines? These are Google Cloud’s automated suggestions for things you could do to cut costs. The following project management categories cost, security, performance, reliability, management, and sustainability are addressed by Recommendation Hub, a new technology. The recommendations system can make suggestions for actions that you might think about based on its understanding of your fleet structure. Helping you cut costs without sacrificing fleet performance is Google Cloud’s main objective.Image credit to Google Cloud
The machine can be scaled down according to its utilisation, or the type of machine can be changed (e.g., from n1 to e2). You get a summary of the recommended modification along with the expected cost savings when you click on one of the recommendations.  You have the option of applying the modification or not. Recall that the instance must be restarted in order for modifications to take effect.Image credit to Google Cloud
Check the types of discs you have
You must attach at least one persistent disc to each virtual machine in your fleet. Google Cloud offers a variety of disc formats with varying features and performance. The kinds that are offered are:
With a full range of data durability and administration features, Hyperdisk is a scalable, high-performance storage solution built for the most demanding mission-critical applications.
Hyperdisk Storage Pools 
Hyperdisk Storage Pools are pre-aggregated volumes, throughput, and IOPS that you can reserve in advance and allocate to your apps as required.
Persistent Disk 
Your virtual machines default storage option is called Persistent Disc. It may be regional or zonal. has four variations:
The desktop computer’s equivalent of an HDD disc. offers the least expensive storage with a slower I/O speed.
A speed-focused option with excellent I/O performance, albeit at a higher cost per gigabyte.
The default setting for newly created compute instances; it strikes a compromise between “Standard” and “SSD.”
Suitable for the hardest workloads. enables you to manage the disk’s IOPS in addition to its size.
Local SSD
An SSD that is physically attached to the host that powers your virtual machine is called a local SSD. incredibly quick but transient.
Since persistent disc storage is the most widely used type of storage, let’s concentrate on it. The Balanced disc, which offers a decent compromise between performance and cost, is the default disc type used when building a new virtual machine. Although this works well in a lot of situations, it might not be the ideal choice in every situation.
Fast I/O to disc is not needed, for instance, by stateless apps that are a component of auto-scaling deployments and keep all pertinent data in an external cache or database. These apps are excellent candidates for switching to Standard discs, which, depending on the region, can be up to three times less expensive per gigabyte than Balanced discs.
A list of the discs used in your project can be obtained using: the list of gcloud compute discs with the format “table(name, type, zone, sizeGb, users)”
You must clone the disc and make changes to the virtual machines that use it in order to start using the new disc in order to alter the disc type.
Free up any unused disc space
Moving on to storage, there are other factors besides disc type that influence price. You should also consider how much disc utilisation affects your budget.You will be paid for the full 100 GB of persistent disc space allocated for your project, whether you use 20%, 70%, or 100%. You may still want to monitor your boot discs closely even if your application does not use Persistent Discs for data storage.
If your stateless programme really needs a disc with many gigabytes of free space, think about reducing the size of the discs to match your actual needs. Because they enjoy round numbers, people frequently build 20 GB discs even when they only require 12 GB. Save money and act more like a machine.
Agree to make use of CUDs, or committed use discounts
Compute Engine is not the only product to which this advice is applicable. You can receive a significant discount if you can guarantee that you’ll use a specific number of virtual machines for three or more years, or at least a year! You can get substantially cheaper costs for local SSDs, GPUs, vCPUs, memory, sole-tenant nodes, and software licences by using a range of (CUDs). You are not even limited to allocating your vCPU and memory to a certain project, area, or machine series when using Flex CUDs.
Discounts for committed use are offered on a number of Google Cloud products. If you’re satisfied with Google Cloud and have no intention of switching providers anytime soon, you should seriously think about utilising CUDs whenever you can to save a lot of money. When it comes to computing, you can buy CUDs straight from the Google Cloud dashboard.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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theblogofinsanity · 3 months
Navigating the murky waters of dating as a single parent...
...can be very duffucult.
Navigating the murky waters of modern dating in general is diffucult.
Online dating is an absolute circus that I've decided to remove myself from.
I just don't have the emotional bandwidth to deal with it anymore.
To swipe through that many people. To wade through the swamp looking for gold. Vetting is the hardest part.
As a man, I can tell you that women are just as bad when it comes to the apps.
Unsolicited nudes and sexual propositions are a shockingly common thing for me to receive on the dating apps. And I'm nothing special.
Another problem that I have with the apps is that it turns dating and human connection into a game of sorts.
The sacred experience of attraction and chemistry has been turned into an app that asks for money and steals your data. What a goddamn shame that is.
It's hard to make any kind of commitment when something (someone) better could be just around the corner.
And there always is. Seek and you will find. There is always another rung in the ladder to perfection.
I can tell you from experience, that ladder is a very lonely place to be.
That's why the apps are so popular and make so much money. It's a self-perpetuating, never-ending cycle fueled by the fear of missing out.
That fear isn't necessarily a bad thing. Nobody wants to be abused in a horrible relationship. But online dating has driven it to the extreme.
And when you do find someone that you fancy. A diamond in the rough. It makes you compelled to try too hard. Desperately trying to stand out in the sea of other options that you know this person has access to.
I don't like it. Not one bit.
But I'm also not exactly a suitable partner myself.
I don't believe for one second that "women only want a 6' tall millionaire with a fat cock".
That's absolute bullshit.
There are (sadly, a lot of) desperate women out there who will throw themselves at anything with two legs and a penis.
I think women do want someone who is stable and who has the trappings of a person that has made good decisions.
Being smelly and homeless is generally a deal breaker, even if you're smart, funny, and caring.
Being a single dad (with majority custody) who lives in a trailer park and has two busted ass vehicles at my age doesn't exactly scream "marriage material".
I think that I could make someone very happy someday.
But the things that I offer aren't easily communicated through a picture and 2 sentence bio.
What I offer, and frankly what I crave, isn't valued by dating apps.
But I digress.
It's lonely out there.
It's so hard to find an unadulterated romantic experience.
It's the paradox of choice. We have so many "options" that we are overwhelmed and less happy than we would be otherwise.
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kdcampus · 10 months
How Aspirants Can Make Preparation Strategy for SSC CGL Exam
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SSC Combined Graduate Level is one of India’s most renowned entrance tests (CGL). One can undoubtedly succeed in the exam if one takes a structured method. Since each individual is unique, there must be a unique SSC CGL course preparation strategy. The practice exam is divided into several stages. The four primary areas of quantitative aptitude are trigonometry, geometry, algebra, and arithmetic. It helps if you focus on geometry to achieve a decent grade. Trigonometry is a high-marking subject; therefore, never become casual about the practice. You should have no trouble evaluating and analyzing data. Algebra is a complex subject, but with enough preparation, one can succeed.
The training of reasoning is included in the remaining sections of the exam. Arguments, ties of blood, a directional exam, rationale, and sequences will all require preparation. Most SSC CGL course coaching institutes offer additional lessons on logical reasoning because it is the highest-scoring section. If you have any troubles or hurdles in the reasoning section, you can register in the renowned coaching center in Delhi K.D. Campus because a petite extra effort will help you get high marks. The most common questions asked in the non-communicative section are regarding pictures Drawings with attached photos are part of a symbolic set.
An applicant must practice all of the topics necessary to crack the exam. Series data problems might be challenging since you must figure out where the absent data are. The English language part follows, with idiomatic words, opposites, parallels, replacement, connect the dots, phrase restructuring, and comprehension becoming the main topics. There are numerous opportunities for simple phrase questions. More repetition would only generate better outcomes. General Knowledge seems to be the hardest of all the courses and will take up tremendous time and effort. The G.K. segment requires considerable time to understand.
When you’re a working individual who requires supervision but cannot hold daily classroom training, virtual or remote online SSC CGL coaching is the solution. It hardly makes a difference whether you continue receiving day-to-day online or offline mentoring; you never need to stop. If you want to accomplish those goals you wish in your Life, dedication, discipline, daily practice, time management, and the proper guidance are some compelling answers. There is no need to look for the correct time. Instead, you may make the appropriate time by making the right choices.
Annually, the SSC holds multiple recruitment cum entrance exams for various positions in government. If you want to pass these entrance exams, you need to put in the effort, dedication, and coaching. Interested aspirants try to perform their best to score well in the SSC CGL course exam; it becomes hard to reach the desired goal without real mentorship. Therefore, enrolling with reliable SSC CGL coaching always works.
In Delhi, numerous SSC CGL course Coaching Centers provide preparation for SSC CGL and other entrance tests. Candidates face a daunting process in locating the top training institute. The biggest issue is determining how and where to locate the appropriate coaching institute, as every academy claims to be the finest. Finding the best institute is thus a tricky task.
Preparing for the SSC entrance exam necessitates hard effort, confidence, determination, motivation, and guidance. Students must devote all of their attention to preparing for this test. Contestants frequently select the incorrect path for SSC test preparation. As a result, contenders should choose the top SSC CGL Coaching in Delhi since they assist pupils in improving their skills and abilities, enhancing their enthusiasm, and motivating them to pass the SSC or other government exams. As a result, the most dens process for participants is to select the suitable training institute in their desired location.
You can look at their previous achievements and achievements to locate the premier institute in your area. The institutes provide demo classes for applicants’ contentment, and these courses also enable applicants to decide what institution to attend for the SSC CGL exam. K.D. Campus is a proficient SSC CGL and government exam preparation institute to give standardized and successful training to guide students to pass numerous government tests.
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dslmcamera · 2 years
Planning a Family Photoshoot? Here is your guide!
When we talk about family, we talk about strong bonds, togetherness, fun, and laughter. Be it on a family’s part and definitely on a photographer’s part, a family photoshoot demands a lot of planning, syncing, and efforts. As a photographer, you have to bring subjects together in a way that the picture shows the bond and love between them. You can go with a themed shoot with fancy props and costumes, or you can let them be in their natural element and cover the diversity of personalities.  There are so many photography tips and tricks available online to incorporate in your shoot, but it will be after understanding your client’s expectations that you will be able to apply them in your shoot. Every family has its own story, and it is up to a photographer to decide the shoot according to the family’s suitability.  Apart from experimenting with tips and tricks, you can also opt for online photography classes as they are impactful because they give you step by step learning process. Professional guidance will always help you to gain a new perspective and make you understand how you can effectively bring together different elements and subjects for a beautiful family picture.  The famous photographers in India who have given more than 20+ years to this field while working in India have understood that each Indian family has a unique charm that needs to be brought out via photos.  Based on experiences and techniques shared by the experts of the industry, here are some amazing photography tips and tricks you can try your hands on while planning a family photoshoot:
Know more about them The first principle of photography is to know everything about your subject/s. The more you know about them, the more comfortable they will be with you, and you can execute the shoot smoothly. For example, start with kids as they are more notorious when it comes to following directions. Make them your friend, and they will cooperate with you throughout the shoot.
Make it a fun experience A simple family photo is easier to get but capturing the emotions is the hardest part. Amongst many photography ideas for beginners, this trick is the most loved. For example: Crack a joke and immediately take the shot if there are babies, make funny faces and when they smile, take the shot.  
Use wide-angle lens This is one of the best photography ideas for beginners. Family pictures need the background to showcase the occasion, and thus, taking candid shots with a good background adds a nice story to your compositions.
Must have camera settings You must have studied these settings in your online photography classes. Shoot in aperture priority when you want to capture family shots in low light, shutter priority for freezing the moment. With new inbuilt features like 4K photo and burst shots, you can never miss any moment. Use autofocus so that any motion can lock the focus on that subject, and you don't have to manually select your subjects.
Search for as many photography tips and tricks online, and don’t be afraid to try them on your own. Family photos are very special and thus, it's your task to make them memorable for generations to look back on. 
To help you look for the best platform to get perfect advice, go for brands like Panasonic Lumix, which post the latest repost, content, and reviews on different genres for you to get creative thoughts. Even the famous photographers in India, do recommend this platform, want to know more, visit: @lumixindia.
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skyholders · 3 years
MLQC Mini Garden Series: Lucien
This series is something between a study and a headcannon, focusing on the MLQC characters, and what flowers symbolise their character and their relationship with the MC. It's just a small, niche project. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
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Karma CG from @acrispyapple
Other parts of the series: Gavin / Kiro / Victor
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"He is witty, graceful, lovely to look at, loveable to be with. He has also ruined my life, so I can't help loving him - it is the only thing to do." - Oscar Wilde, Picture of Dorian Gray
The hydrangeas symbolise a wide array of things. Its name stems from the Greek word hydros, meaning water, and angeion, which means barrel. Blue hydrangeas grew around the ancient Japanese imperial family's gardens, and the emperor would often send his lovers blue hydrangeas as a form of apology.
Hydrangeas come in quite a few colours, each with different meanings; most of which reminds me of Lucien in some ways or the other.
Blue hydrangeas: Used for apologies, understanding, or the want to understand someone. And also gratitude.
Purple hydrangeas: The colour purple itself symbolises royalty or nobility. However, this flower can also convey a deep understanding.
Pink hydrangeas: Sincerity, true feelings.
White hydrangeas: Purity and grace.
Multicoloured: A loss that can't be avoided.
Hydrangeas are also a rather peculiar flower. The colour of a hydrangea is determined by the acidity of the soil. If the soil is acidic, a hydrangea is usually blue or purple. If it is alkali, the flower is pink. I think it fits Lucien rather well; he changes his "colours" for every person he meets. He adapts his personality to fit the person he's with. Lucien also wishes to understand MC, and to be understood by her as well.
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Purple Hyacinth
"I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days." - Oscar Wilde, The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde
Let's talk about the origin of the hyacinth's name!
Hyacinths are named after Hyacinthus - a Spartan prince and Apollo's lover. One day, while Apollo was throwing a disc, the winds blew it away and it gave a fatal blow to Hyacinthus. He bled heavily, and died straightaway. From his blood grew flowers, though it's said that those flowers aren't hyacinths, but instead irises or larkspurs.
However, as his namesake, the hyacinths convey a deep sorrow or regret. It is used to apologise to someone. To say, "Please forgive me."
There is a line from The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde which I've almost quite frankly engraved into my mind: "I know Hyacinthus, whom Apollo loved so madly, was you in Greek days." Wilde was writing to his forbidden lover, how much he misses and yearns for him.
Lucien knew he shouldn't be falling in love with her at the beginning. A part of him yearns; the other pulls him away. And when it all fell apart, he wished to express his sorrow and regrets so desperately he began to imagine a version of her that's never there.
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"It has been discovered - What? - Eternity. It is the sea fled with the sun." - Arthur Rimbaud, L'eternité
Irises, one of the supposed flowers that'd grown out of Hyacinthus' blood after his sudden death. It's a flower which means wisdom and admiration; psychic abilities and intuition. An overall fitting flower to describe Lucien's personality.
A quick fact, but irises can also symbolise royalty, as it's the inspiration behind the fleur-de-lis, a symbol of the now fallen French royalty.
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"I love you as one loves certain obscure things: secretly, between the shadow and the soul." - Pablo Neruda, Love Sonnet XVII
To give a little reference to Garda in the actual story, I think it's quite adorable how the flower Lucien and MC took care together symbolise loveliness and secret love. Gardenias can also symbolise joy, and gentleness.
It's so easy to imagine Lucien picking this specific pot of flowers because it's one of his millions of little ways to tell MC he cares. That with her, he's found his joy, his calm, and he's found how lovely the world can be.
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Lavender roses
"What is there to do: I've made love to satellites in your name." - Keith S. Wilson, Heliocentric
Lavender roses symbolises enchantment, or a love at first sight. I don't think this requires much explanation at all.
Because can you imagine living in a monochromatic world, just for it to be painted anew by this one person? And the very first colours you see are the colours of them? Must be the most enchanting moment of your life, isn't it?
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"And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
This flower isn't so widely known, but for such a delicate flower, it speaks quite a few words.
Rainflower, or the Zephyranthes, is a flower whose name stems from the Greek words 'zephyr', meaning wind, and 'anthes', meaning flower. If you gift this flower to someone else, it can either mean, "I love you back," or "I must atone for my sins," or, "I will never forget you."
These pretty white blossoms can also symbolise new beginnings, big expectations, and joy. If I am to use one flower to summarise Lucien and MC's relationship throughout the story, I think this one's a good choice.
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Hello! It's been a while, has it not? Sorry for being so absent these past few weeks. I'm occupied with school, personal projects and health. But I'm fine, and I hope you're well too!
This series is.. sorta random. But to get back to the spirit of posting I decided to mash in things I love - character studies, literature, flower language - and make it into this weird amalgamation that is this post. I hope you're liking it so far. Tell me what you think of it?
Anyways! I should probably go and finish a math assignment now. Stay safe, have a brilliant Sunday!
- Shio
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Writing Prompts List #2
Obviously, some of the scenario prompts are not original to me, but are popular tropes most of us have heard about.
Writing Prompt List #1
If you want to use these for your own writing blog, feel free to reblog. And feel free to use them in your own writing.
If you want to use specific prompts, in your own list, I give you permission to copy them - but only if you provide a link to the original post and/or an @ credit to me. Please, and Thank you! (and to that one specific person that once asked me if they could use some of my prompts, to which I said yes, but please provide credit. Only for them to block me and steal them anyway, later claiming they were their's.....🤡) lol
Requests: I prefer 1-3 prompts per request. Feel free to mix and match from other writing prompt lists as well (you can find the other prompts lists here). - please check my bio to see if requests are open.
**There are 25 prompts for each section (200 total). Divided between Angst/Emotional, Fluff/Romantic, Miscellaneous (humor, gen, other), and scenario prompts.
"Come with me." "You know I can't."
"I thought you loved me."
"I do love you, I just, don't think I'm in love, with you anymore."
"What can I do to make you stay?"
"I'm here for you, whenever you need me, know that."
"Please tell me that's not your blood."
"You always said you would hurt anyone who broke my heart. But you're the one who's broken it the most."
"Why did you leave me?"
"You're still in love with them aren't you?"
"I never thought there would be an end to us."
"I have no idea where I'm going, but I feel so lost all the time."
"I feel so lost, all the time."
"Are you okay?" "No."
"I can't stand the fact that I can never be with you."
"You torment me."
"How is it that we are perfect for one another, but were not allowed to be together? How is that right?"
"It's alright, I'm not scared."
"I didn't know if you'd come back." "Neither did I."
"You let me think you were dead, how could you do that to me?"
"In the end, we all end up alone."
"Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do." Possible addition: "And coming back was the easiest"
"I don't remember what it's like not being alone."
"Why wont you let me love you?"
"You shouldn't be with them, you should be with me."
"I'm so cold. Why is it so cold?"
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met. Inside and out."
"I think you're my one weakness."
"I saw this, and thought of you."
"I've been in love before, but with you, it feels different, it feels real."
"You are my home."
"Wherever you go, I'm going too."
"I've never met anyone that has made me feel this way."
"You make me feel safe."
"There is no where else I'd rater be." (possible addition "..than in your arms.")
"You're a part of me."
"Isn't there anything you want so much it drives you crazy?" "Yes." "What is it?" "You."
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of kissing you."
"I'm still not used to it." " Used to what?" "Having someone that cares about me so much."
"Why are you staring at me?" "I just like looking at you."
"We could be worlds apart and I would always find my way back to you."
"I like the way your eyes light up when you smile."
"The safest I've ever felt was when I was with you."
"You make me feel brave."
"Truth or Dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to kiss me."
"I've never been able to picture my future with anyone, until you."
"You are my favorite part of every day"
"If I asked if I could kiss you, would you say yes?"
"You're hands are so cold." (followed up with them warming your hand)
"I'm tired of hiding how I feel about you."
"I can never seem to find the right words to express how much I really love you."
Miscellaneous: *a lot of these are suitable for enemies to lovers or frenemies fics.
"Good morning!" "No."
"I swear I'm not following you, it's just a coincidence we keep running into each other!" (could be a general scenario and not a dialogue prompt)
"What could go wrong?" *something immedietely goes wrong*
"Are you here to kill me?" "No, I'm here to save you."
"Where do you want to go? I'll take you anywhere you want."
"I just want to break something." "Awesome. I'm all for letting the anger out, but can we maybe do it somewhere other than my home?"
"Why are you here?" "Why are you here?" "I live here!"
"You're an idiot you know that?" "I am entirely aware, yes."
"I thought I was the one saving you?" "Then do a better job next time."
"Honey, I'm home!" "You don't live here."
"Let me protect you."
"What was that?" "I'm pretty sure it was the sound of 'x' falling down a hill."
"Why do you have that look on your face?" "I'm deciding whether or not I'm going to kill you." Alternate response: "I'm deciding whether or not I want to kiss you, or kill you."
"Don't you dare leave me in here alone."
"Out of all the people I had to get stuck in a room with, it had to be you?"
"You scared me! Where did you come from?" "...The bathroom?"
"I've never seen someone so smart, do something so stupid."
"You're not scared of me?" "Should I be?"
"Don't ever do that to me again."
"You really never get tired of driving me insane, do you?"
"Stop." "Stop what?" "Everything you're doing, all of it."
"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" "Nope, you're stuck with me."
"You're the worst." "Thank you."
"I hate you." "For what?" "For turning me into the good guy." "I'm pretty sure you did that yourself."
"Did you just...save me?" "You're surprised?" "Well seeing as you are usually the one trying to kill me, yeah, kind of."
Scenario Prompts:
**For prompts with Characters A and B; you can choose who is who in your request (who is the reader and who is the character)
A and B were childhood enemies, reunited years later as adults, only to be attracted to one another.
Person A is staring at Person B, distracted, ends up making a mess/hurting themselves.
Accidental confession during heat of the moment/fight.
Person A is with their friends at a carnival. B is with another group. Groups end up competing at a game, Person A and B hit it off.
Neighbors that keep bumping into each other, slowly forming a friendship that leads to more.
Person A has a hidden power, Person B finds out.
Person A falls asleep, instead of waking them, Person B carries them to bed.
I was hired to kill you, but now I want to protect you.
Tall and angry falls for small and happy. - OR - Tall and Happy falls for Small and Angry
Person A and B were hired to kill each other by the same person, they find out at the last moment, and decide to team up instead.
Person A sees Person B, a stranger, and can tell that they are sad, so they buy them a drink/dessert to make them smile.
We keep bumping into each other in random places, so it must be fate.
A and B are in an arranged marriage. They are determined to believe they will hate each other. But when they meet for the first time, the connection is obvious.
Person A is in love with Person B. B is also in love with A. But somehow, they are both convinced that the other is in love with Person C, who is completely oblivious to all of it.
People keep assuming you are a couple, this causes one of you to finally confess their feelings.
Falling asleep with your head in their lap.
Person A hears someone in their house, so they walk around with a "weapon". They round the corner and almost hurt Person B.
Person A is hiding an injury, no one finds out until they collapse.
Turning around, and suddenly being met with a kiss.
A trying to teach B how to ice skate.
Person A and B (strangers) keep running into each other in wildly different places, with growing lengths of time between them (1 day, a week, a month, etc.). Eventually Person B decides if it happens for a fifth time, they must be soulmates.
Finding anonymous love letters left for you. (optional addition: you accidentally catch them leaving one, and you're surprised to see it's your crush)
A is alone and hurt badly, they can talk to B through an earpiece/phone. Eventually A stops talking and B thinks they lost them. But they find them alive.
A finding a detailed portrait of them, painted by B.
Waking up to find a cute drawing on your hand in pen, and no idea who drew it.
Meet up for a blind date, and getting along really well. Only to realize half way through you met up with the wrong person on accident.
Much Ado About Nothing Trick - Your friends make you think 'X' is in love with you. 'X' friends do the same. Making both of you realize you actually do have feelings for one another.
A and B fall in love . A leaves to protect B; B looks for A but can't find them. They eventually reunite.
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writing-in-april · 3 years
Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde (2/?)
Part two: Caught
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: After reader’s first introduction to Spencer she can’t wait for the next meeting and tries to look for him.
Part One, Part Three
Series Masterlist
A/N: Hey guys!!! This is my final fic for my 1250 follower celebration!!! Plus this is part two to my new series 🥰 I’m like so excited for this guys I’ve got so much planned for this one!! Thanks again to @spencers-dria who came up with the way I started out this story 😘 and @andiebeaword who gave me the prompt that spiraled into a series!!! Let me know how y’all like this series so far 🥰 also I will be mass accepting the rest of the requests for my 30 fics in 30 days tomorrow so be warned for a bunch for posts lol and I’ll be making a Masterlist for this series as well- maybe with a cute moodboard?? Thanks for reading guys!!!
Warnings: 18+, Speculation on how dark Spencer can be, mentions of kidnapping, Dom Spencer, Public sex (of course), Fingering, Use of the nickname Doctor, Slight size kink, Muffling, Spencer gives Reader a nickname at the end (I won’t spoil it 😉)
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.6k
Ever since the last meeting you had been itching to lay your eyes on Dr. Reid. Even though you could have waited until next month when there’s another book meeting happening, with a new theme, your impatience was not having it.
The library that housed the book club and apparently now any of your interactions with the mystery man had never been frequented as much by you- until now.
Everyday after work now you stopped by to try and find him. You did other stuff there for sure, making your way through a full fantasy series while you kept your eyes peeled for his fluffy hair. Sometimes you did walk through the shelves that were stacked high with every book you thought imaginable just to maybe get a peak at him, or maybe speak to him if you were lucky.
You felt like you were both dancing around each other, never touching or even getting close enough to speak. But, a little look of his curls, a spot of his mesmerizing eyes, or a glimpse of his cardigan assured you that he was there.
You were sure he had to have seen you just as you had seen him at some point. Maybe he only wanted to see you during your book club or maybe he was done with you after that one time in the empty room.
Seeing him without half of his face covered seemed to make the shroud of mystery surrounding him get pulled back further. That however didn’t change the fact that you barely knew the man that danced between the shelves. You had called him by his earned prefix more than his real name and even then it was only his last name with the earned prefix attached that had slipped between your lips.
It was not like you did not know his first name, you had heard his full name with his title attached when he had first introduced himself to you, albeit behind that mask of mystery. And, even with his physical mask removed even with one look it would be obvious to anyone that there was an invisible mask still covering most of him.
There was this strange pull towards him that you could not explain. You felt like Christine being entranced by the phantom, his twisted face or in this case his soul behind the mask not shocking me away. You still hoped I was not dealt with a man that was as demented as Christine’s phantom. You could take a damaged man, not a kidnapper along with whatever other things the phantom of the opera had done to Christine. With one look at his face he hooked you in, perhaps unintentionally. But, if it was intentional and his bad didn’t squash the good in the end you didn’t mind at all.
Your feelings teetered on a precarious edge, you’d willingly take the plunge off if he’d just give you a peak at what was underneath. It all hinged on whether or not he’d let you take a look. He’d given you a taste of his Dr. Jekyll plus a little of his Mr. Hyde, but it left you nowhere in determining who Spencer was underneath.
Spencer- that was the first time you had even thought of his first name by itself without a prefix attached. You wondered how good it would sound if you let it stop dancing on the edge of your lips and let it slip out.
The ghost of his name danced on your lips precariously at the edge just like you were, so close to being whispered out. Only the pages of old books would hear you, there was no harm in saying his name. It was only a name after all.
Even though it was just a name made up of two syllables it was stuck on your tongue like it was one of the hardest words to pronounce. Your lips did finally speak in the softest whisper when you finally managed to stomp out your hesitation, “Spencer-“
“You called?” A gasp left you, way too loud to be appropriate in the library, but then again you had already bucked many of this library’s rules. You whipped around to face the voice that you recognized instantly as you had been closing your eyes tight every night trying to remember his voice and picture what he had done to you.
Seeing him without the mask up close, not through quick glances when you caught his fugue from afar was somehow more intriguing to you than when he wore the mask two weeks ago. When you did not come up with a response for at least a minute, he cut through the somewhat awkward silence, “What book are you looking for?”
“I don’t know.” That was an honest answer from you, you had other motives for hiding between these shelves.
His eyebrows shot up to his hairline clearly spotting your skittish behavior. You thought you were a good liar too, you wondered how it was so easy for him to read you. It made you feel vulnerable considering you couldn’t get a read on anything about him, besides the basics. Maybe you were just a bad liar and he was a master at it. “So you were just browsing? In the nonfiction section- specifically in the ancient and medieval philosophy section?”
His questions flustered you even more. It was like he knew that you had spotted him once in this very spot speeding through a stack of books a mile high while sitting cross legged on the floor. You would admit you stood there in awe for a moment to admire the way his fingers slipped down the page to track what sentence that he was on at an inhuman pace. You had been too shy to approach him that day, even though it was a perfect opportunity to do so, mostly because you were intimidated by how fast he seemed to be reading. Though later you thought maybe he had just been skimming to find what interested him, you wish you were brave enough to ask. That was why you had been loitering in the last spot you had your last chance to speak with him. It was possible he had already spotted you from your staring. Your voice shook a little as denied, having no suitable white lie to say, “No…”
“Not interested in philosophy then, no Plato for you??” He knew you were here before, watching him, his tone made it obvious.You shook your head from side to side slowly with your breath held tightly in his chest. He looked away from you for a moment to glaze over the spines of the books ordered by the Dewey Decimal System, maybe looking for something that sparked his own interest. It was only a small moment that his gaze wasn’t fixated at you, but you still felt like whining at him to get his attention back onto you. Luckily, you did not have to make such a sound as his pupils fixated back onto yours before he spoke again, “I thought so, you seem more like a fiction lover.”
“You’d be correct.” You confirmed, still barely breathing.
Your breathing wavered when he moved a little closer, if you hadn’t been paying such close attention to every minute moment he made, you might have missed it. The warmth of him was closer than it had been since the last time he had touched you, the desire for him was urging you to pull him in to touch him. Last time he had initiated every touch. his hands were closest to you, with nimble fingers that could work you over the edge skillfully and you knew that from experience. His head cocked to the side with eyebrows in question pulling you away from your daydream about pulling him in with your touch. He cleared his throat, then questioned you, his voice dropping down a bit, “So, if you weren’t looking for a specific book and you weren’t just browsing for a new one- what are you doing here in this section?”
“N-nothing…” A stutter still escaped you despite your best efforts.
It seemed like he was circling you like a hawk over head, though you wanted to be caught up in his claws. A little yelp of surprise escaped you when he suddenly grabbed your wrist rather tightly and yanked you forward towards him. You stumbled slightly into his chest, but you were quickly stabilized by him pushing you back into the shelves.
You were getting whiplashed again from his transition from delicate to sharp when he carefully put both wrists into one hand, then pinning them above your head. Your jaw was dropped down in shock and you almost stammered out another reply when he hit the nail on the head as to what your intentions were, “Were you looking for me?” At first you gave no response, but he pulled one out of you by sharply commanding you, “Answer me!”
His lips were on you in a familiar fashion, harsh, almost enough to where your lips might bruise a little. When he bit your lip rather hard, you thought that there was definitely a chance that the bruise would form or at least it would be swollen. You loved it though, letting him guide the kiss to make it as rough as he wanted. When he separated his lips from you, you went to open your mouth to protest, but was cut off by a harsh shush from him that would make the librarian proud.
Each of the shelves you were pressed into pinched painfully, not that you cared all that much. You were more focused on the man who was now unbuttoning the front of the jeans you wore. On the inside you were cursing yourself for not wearing a skirt so he could’ve had easier access, it’s not like he could have stripped you down out of them- even if you wanted him to.
You’d both have to settle with your pants being pulled down to the tops of your thighs, he did leave the panties pulled up though, for the moment at least.
His other hand still held your wrists firmly while he started to tease by rubbing slow circles to your clit through your panties. When you tried to buck your hips into his hand you were punished by putting one of his thighs between your own and pushing what felt like his full weight onto you. There was no way you could move underneath him, even if you tried squirming he had you pinned to the too firmly shelves like a piece of art hanging on the walls.
All you could do was try to beg for what you wanted, “Please, pull them down.”
“But, I like seeing you in them.” He looked down at you with his eyes that looked like black pools because of the mood lighting in the library. You whimpered again, but cut you off by saying. “If you want me to oblige you, maybe you should ask me nicely and use the name you know you’re supposed to use.”
You knew exactly what title he was referring to, it had been ingrained in your mind after the last time. Part of you wanted to use a similar comeback of last time and call him Mister instead, or maybe even dare speak his first name again. On the other hand, your legs were shaking from being just simply teased a little. You had been looking forward to having him touch you like this again, and if you did not comply there was a chance his punishment for you would be taking away all touch.
“Please- Doctor, please pull them down.” Your volume was undoubtedly much too loud for the normally dead silent library. You were confident that you would not be caught just like last time, this was a scarcely traveled area, plus the librarian was farthest away from here. There had been another motive for picking this area to try to spot the morally gray doctor.
Instead of pulling your panties down, he ripped them off of you. The tearing of the seam echoed off the shelves along with your gasp. Even if you had really liked the pair, it was too hot to really be angry for him ripping them apart. And- when he stuffed them in his pocket a sharp spike of arousal ripples through your core. You could even still see the wet spot you had created on them despite the rip before he had shoved them into his pocket.
When his hand returned to your core you mewled desperately. He returned his nimble fingers to rubbing circles into your clit, this time a little bit faster than before and with a bit more pressure. You had to bite down onto your lip when he started alternating the circles with pinching your clit, knowing that the sharp cries that wanted to escape would be too loud for the librarian to miss, despite being far away from her.
“Do you want my fingers inside you?” He asked gruffly- as if I’d refuse having his long fingers crooked inside me, dragging across my g spot.
You didn’t need him to prompt you to say “Yes, please Doctor!” You were becoming easy for him to bend to his will, just to get another taste of his touch on your body. Maybe next time, if there was one like you hoped, perhaps if you were not so desperate for him to bring you to your peak, you’d smart off to him again. After all, from what little that you had experienced as a punishment from him like last time, you knew you’d enjoy it.
The smirk on his face told you that he was pleased with your eager submission to him. He pushed your head to the side slightly with his own to suck a hickey at the underside of your ear then nibbling slightly up the shell of it, “Good girl.”
Your eyes rolled back farther than you thought possible when he spoke, plus the added sensation of him plunging his fingers into your dripping hole added to that as well. The thrusts of his fingers were slower than you expected, as if he did not care that time may be of the essence, that anybody could walk by soon. Curling them upwards on one swift motion helped him easily find that perfect spot inside you which made your body try to squirm underneath his grip again. As you squirmed you could feel his hard bulge pressing into you making your mouth water and you drip down your thighs even more. Despite wanting to grind into it more he reaffirmed his grip and started to plunge his fingers into you faster. Your eyes shut tight at the onslaught of pleasure.
“No- look at me while I’m doing this to you.” Wrenching your eyes open with effort you followed his command, locking his eyes with yours. His eyes entranced you, you could almost feel the dark hooks pulling you in impossibly closer. Those hooks were pushing you towards the edge of your orgasm as well.
“Can I cum pleassse-“ You gasped almost too late as you were having trouble staving off your release, you didn’t know if you could handle him holding it off at all, “Doctor?!”
“Come on, cum for me- only for me, you’ve been really good for me.” A man being possessive towards you would normally have your orgasm fall away quickly- but when he said it your orgasm snapped through you on command. Your hands fell limp at your sides as he released his steel grip on them to clasp his hand around your mouth to quiet the noise that you tried, and failed, to stifle.
He had you still almost fully pinned down as you rode the waves of your orgasm out. You gripped the shelves with your free hands tightly, trying to hold onto something. You’d touch him, but there was the unspoken rule to not touch him without permission hanging in the air.
He let you come up for air once you had finished by removing his hand from your mouth, along with the one from your pants. He also tried to move you off of his thigh so you could stand, but your shaky legs would not allow you to do so, still weak from the force of your orgasm.
He only pulled away from you when a small thud was heard that judging by the source of the sound, was somewhat close to where you both were. He helped you button your pants back up, it felt kind of weird to wear them without your panties. The reminder of him stuffing them into his pockets still outweighed the discomfort.
Your whole being was probably much more disheveled than he was, there was only a slight cock to the right with his tie, that he quickly fixed. He then leaned, capturing you in a kiss that was much softer than any others he had given you. It did not feel like a goodbye kiss, more like see you soon.
“Until next time, Shelley.” His words that were whispered like a ghost on your lips, it was the quietest thing he had said throughout today’s dalliance. He almost seemed afraid. Butterflies swarmed in your stomach at the nickname, knowing it came from the time that you first had encountered him. It made him seem even closer to you than you had thought, him giving you the nickname made you feel somewhat claimed by him. Hopefully this was not all in your head.
“Until next time- Spencer.” You hesitated a little before saying his given name. You already had a nickname for him, one that seemed less intimate than the one he gave to you. Calling him by his first name seemed like a way that you could express similar thoughts without spilling all your guts to him.
Once the butterflies had faded a little you realized that he had not let you reciprocate any pleasure. You wanted to chase him back down through the library, get down on your knees and take his cock into your mouth until you swallowed his cum. There must have been a reason though, why he did not let you reciprocate. You hoped he was just busy and that at the next meeting in two weeks time, he’d let you take him into your mouth.
You yearned to touch him rather than to have him touch you. The thought of running your hands through his hair slowly enough to appreciate every wave and curl sent butterflies a flight in your stomach. Would he ever let you get that close? Close enough to study every curve of him in earnest instead of being pinned against something in a way where you could only appreciate a part of him. However much you felt desire being stoked whenever he took control over you, pinned you like he did, the butterflies in your stomach at the thought of exploring him with your own hands was too much to ignore. You just wanted to explore every inch of him with no semblance of time, no rush to be somewhere else, just to examine every part good or bad.
You’d have to tiptoe close, dance around him like he did with you until he let you see truly what both sides of him were behind the mask.
You still hardly knew the man before you, the one that was retreating away from you, sadly. Today had felt like your first glimpse into something more, mostly his good side. Dr. Jekyll was the one that you had seen the most of, but you could deny your desire to see every part of him, that thought had not wavered. There was that dark part of him that remainder hidden under the mask, if he showed it to you would you know him? Or would it just deepen the mystery of which is his dominant side- Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? And even though you were undoubtedly curious to see every facet of what made the morally gray doctor you could help but fear whether or not you’d like everything that you’d see.
Part One , Part Three| Series Masterlist
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
Dr. Jekyll or Mr.Hyde: @rainsong01
All works: @shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar @s1utformgg
All MGG characters: @muffin-cup
Spencer Reid/CM: @calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom!Spencer: @rainsong01
177 notes · View notes
thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
333 notes · View notes
kylosgenesis · 3 years
Teardrops on Fire
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Steve Rogers is the last Alpha of the an almost extinct Lycan pack. With only less than 100 members left. Steve must produce an heir to ensure the species survival and reduce the chance of attacks from others. Omegas are rare, and betas have a hard time producing children. Steves reality is finally setting in as his obligation of producing an heir faces a major set back.
Reader is the last suitable omega to mate with Steve, due to the fear of her daughters fate in the pack, her mother kept her hidden from the pack after her own exile. Only her mother, and Bucky's family know of her existence. Bucky is Steve's right hand man, and the packs best warrior! He and the reader developed a friendship and bond over the years, but age forced them to become distant.
What happens when she presents and her first heat cycle comes? Her body is in excruciating pain and a strong fever quickly overcomes her body. Facing the fear of her daughters possible death, her mom calls on the only person who can save her at this point, Alpha Steve! Bucky and the alphas friendship will be tested. The reader will be faced with her love for Bucky or her duty to the pack.
Chapter warnings : descriptions of death, abuse, blood, and mentions of miscarriage.
Chapter 2: Honey I tried
“When did it start?” Bucky was holding on to the edge of his kitchen table.He felt nauseated with the thought of her, sick and yearning, He couldn't even picture what she had grown up to look like, A part of him was scared of his own emotions.
“It hasn’t yet!”
“ At least not as of this morning.” her mother was breaking apart! Bucky could tell she was very scared and exhausted! He knew that her daughter's well being must've weighed heavily on her, he could see the physical manifestation of her pain. In just a few hours her nails had been bit to the core, and her tears streaks had left vivid and raw tracks around her cheeks.
“Buck! I know this is a lot to ask, but you have to tell Steve! Were worried she wouldn't make it otherwise. This will be her first heat”
He’d almost forgotten his mothers presence in the room, cause he turned around and met her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She'd grown fond of her friend's daughter over the years. After her own kids had left to form their own lives, she could still go to her and relive some memories of her little ones' younger days.
“I know! I'm still wrapping my head around it, but I know what I have to do” agitation surrounded his voice. He didn't know when his heart started to feel like it wanted to jump out of his chest or when he gripped the glass of water that was left on the table so hard it shattered, but it was evident that he wasn't going to be getting any rest that day.
Bucky parked his pickup in front of Steve's house. It was the largest house in the village, it wasn't Steve's choice, but he'd inherited it from his father, and his father had inherited it from his father before him. Being the house farthest away from the city limits, but right in the middle of the village meant Steve was protected, but could also be easily accessed.
Looking back at his passenger seat he saw Winnifred with her mom cradled upon her shoulder, comforting her best friend through the probably the second hardest day of her life.
“You should stay here Ma, I'll go get Steve” I know he’ll be happy to see you, but I still don't know how he'll react to her'' He opened his tool box on the bed of his truck and pulled out a large fleece blanket. Neatly folded he handed it over to his mother.
“Just keep her company till I come back”
The lights in Steve's house were on, but Buck could hear the sound of wood being shopped and Steve's grunts coming from the back of the property. As he reached his best friend's view, he took a deep breath. It was all gonna be different now, for all of them.
Steve had a large pair of headphones in, and was clearly a few songs deep into his playlist because when Bucky came around the corner; Steve almost lost a hold of the axe he was holding! Lookin at Buck he lowered his bulky headphones and stabbed the axe to the soft moody ground next to the small uncut piece of wood he was about to turn into lumber.
Steve's hair was not as long as Bucky's, and he had taken a liking to a neatly kept beard.
He grew it out as a joke at first! Clint dared him to grow it for a month, and after a month he'd grown fond of the style.So for the past year now, Steve looked less like a young soldier, and more like those lumberjacks from the cheesy romance novel covers his sister Rebecca loved to read.
“Hey Buck, didn't expect you around so late” Steve combed his hair back with his fingers. A nervous habit Bucky had noticed since childhood, especially when he had a lot on his mind.
“Couldn't sleep?”
Bucky was concerned for his friend, momentarily forgetting the reason for his sudden visit.
“ Banner called! Wanda was there earlier today, she wasn't feeling well. Turns out she was pregnant, and didn't know it!
“Steves that's awesome, when is she due ? we need to celebra…” as he looked into his best friend's eyes he saw the pain behind his look.
“She was miscarrying at the same time she found out she was pregnant, Buck. That's the third pup we've lost this year.I don't know how we're gonna get through this, It's getting harder and harder to keep everyone safe, and pretend we're not gonna be extinct in 50 years”
“Steve…” Steve's gaze was filled with a mixture of tears and rage. He took everyone's pain personally. And hearing about Wanda had awoken an unease within his soul. He couldn't fight the problem! How could a man used to protecting and fighting, deal with a problem that didn't require a fight?
“There’s an omega! She presented this morning!
“Who is she?”
“Remember Katerina? She … uhh … after she was exiled from the pack, she had a daughter!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 20 years ago
“We can't just let him die! We have to take him outside the walls! Someone out there can help him”
Joseph was the second in command to Benjamin Rogers. Two of the strongest alphas the entire western district had ever known. Both feared together, but explosive apart.
Benjamin had fathered a son 7 years earlier, a frail boy. He was often sickly and his future wasn’t promised! He wasn't meant to live much longer, the boy had once again woken up sick. A high fever overcoming his small body.
Benjamin had changed after his wife's death, he blamed the boy for Sarah’s death. A man that was once kind, and dedicated to his family, now lived like a wandering dark shadow inflicting cruelty against anyone that disagreed and crossed his path. His pack was strong! But there was no harmony, only fear.
Sarah had been a beautiful alpha as well as Benjamin. She had a hard time carrying Steve to term, at 7 months she fell bedridden and two weeks later, she had a seizure that compromised her pregnancy. Benjamin himself had to cut the boy out of his dying wife. That choice, as his wife laid there lifeless , covered in blood, and cut open like an animal awoke a demon in Benjamin. He saw death in his son's eyes, that is why he could never love him. He could never care!
Katerina took care of his young baby like her own, she had struggled to have a baby of her own so when Joseph came home holding a still bloody wailing baby, she fell madly in love with the small bundle in his arms.
The boy was small, but smart! He picked up words as young as a few months, and as a toddler he was incredibly gifted. Steve excelled in art, and even knees bit of music. Katerina loved to sit down and play piano! A young Steve would lean into her side and follow suit to her fingers on the side of the pano with his small hands. Joseph and Katerina watched him grow up, and took care of him.
Steve got sick often, but nothing too serious!
One day as she prepared breakfast she had a feeling of dread on the pit of her stomach, she ran upstairs to check on Steve and found him comatose on the bed!she wailed as she held her adopted infant son to her chest. Joseph came running to her after hearing her screams. He picked up the boy from her hands and loaded him into the car, with Katerina at his side he headed to Benjamin's house.
That was the first time Benjamin had seen his son since his wife died, his son himself nearly dead!
"Please Ben! He needs help! There's another pack two hours away, they have a doctor that can help him. She can heal him for good, please open up the walls so we can go to her! They both pleaded with Ben for hours, but to no avail!
The man was already covered in anger and reeking of alcohol, “Don't you dare challenge your alpha Joe! If I find out you defied me and left this territory you will never be allowed back”
Katerina couldn't let her boy die! With that warning in heart, she and her husband plotted to get little Stevie outside the pack territory, and to that doctor.
Behind Ben’s back, and knowing the consequences in his heart Joe called the Alpha from the neighboring pack, the other alpha had the resources ready for them to arrive in the morning. His doctor, a witch, was ready to give little Steve the life he deserved.
In the early morning of the night they sped their way through the woods. Once they reached the border a car awaited Rina, a beta from the fury pack was ready to take them to their pack.
Ben had closed the pack off to treaties when his wife died, he believed the world was dangerous and the pack was better off without interruptions, he couldn't even save his wife! His pack did not deserve to be mercied, they didn't deserve to live if she couldn't. So Ben slowly watched his pack become secluded and lost.
In the morning Ben, even drunker than the night before, had shown up at Joe's doorstep demanding to see the boy. Fully convinced he'd be dead by now, when Joe failed to produce an explanation as to why his wife was gone and so was Steve.
Ben lost it!
He called a pack meeting on which he publicly executed Joe, whether it was a display of power or just pure psychopathic joy. Joe’s death left the town broken, when Katerina came back with a healed Steve, she found herself widowed and exiled.
As a last sick jab into Joe’s heart even after his death, Ben took Steve!
As the years went by Steve forgot his early years, he forgot Joe and Katerina!
Steve remembered stories of his betrayal, her exile! How their actions forever changed a pack. He grew up kind, giving, and strong! Even if Steve didn't experience or know much love from his father, he was full of it!
And thanks to that witch both Katerina’s little growing heartbeat and Steve were stronger than ever!
@austynparksandpizza @exposition-belongs-somewhere
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grungepoetica · 2 years
grungepo plays minecraft at 1am for tumblr clout
i promised that i would do this MONTHS ago. surprise! i didn't forget; i just suck at multi-tasking. so here it is now! my helter-skelter mess of a recap!
(shoutout to @allthesarcasm who has been waiting patiently for me to do this lol)
the first few days:
so i spawned on the edge of a plains biome, with some flowers scattered nearby, animals wandering around me, and acacia trees in the distance (you can't see them here because i had a really low render distance at first). acacia is my favorite minecraft wood, so the distant savanna was a nice surprise ^_^
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and then, as i continued to wander around my little spawn hill, i saw some rocky cliffs, a nearby jungle island, and... A RUINED NETHER PORTAL!
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after i looted the chest (and used the objects inside it to make a flint & steel - which i SHOULD NOT HAVE MADE SO QUICKLY) i spent some time making a hidey-hole in the cliffside, and preparing to hunker down for the night. but i took some time to enjoy the sunset & sunrise too.
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my plans for the next morning were:
find iron, make shears, & get wool - i didn't want to kill any sheep right away
find a suitable house location - i knew that i wanted to recreate this underground base design by Zaypixel, but i also wanted enough flat open space to create gardens & stables around it, and spawn did not have that kind of space
make a boat & explore the jungle island, get some jungle wood in the process
i didn't find enough iron to make shears, but as soon as i passed by the jungle island...
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A MESA!!!! BADLANDS CLIFFS!!!!! (and no i had not fixed my render distance yet, shut up lol)
the place i ended up choosing for my house was on the other side of the river, just beyond a beach. it's a MASSIVE open field, with plenty of room for farms, and lots of animals hanging around already. i would've taken pictures of everything, but... let's just say there's a reason i titled this post "playing minecraft at 1am."
i was legitimately playing this game until 1am. i'm writing this at 2am. also, the house build is not finished.
welcome to Grungepo Being Hyperfocused; you're stuck with me :P
pictures from the house build:
(and remember, this is what i'm trying to create)
the hardest part of making the base so far has been clearing everything out. like fuck, that was the true meaning of grunt work. but then i finished digging it out...
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...and then i realized that my dimensions were off and i had to re-do the pattern. and then i realized that i had accidentally made the whole pit one block too small on every side, and i went fuck it, it's fine as it is. also, i decided to dye my bed blue.
have some blue lol
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i had to make a few pit stops at the mesa, the jungle, and the savanna biome near spawn to gather up all the blocks i needed for the base structure, as well as gathering extra wood & charcoal to fuel my furnaces. after that, it was a long and arduous game of placing blocks and waiting for other blocks to finish cooking.
(also, i didn't light up one section of the field well enough, so i ended up getting ambushed by a spider and a baby zombie as i was trying to go to sleep. they killed me, repeatedly, because i kept respawning with both of them next to me. i screamed multiple versions of FUCK YOU BABY, GODDAMN, DO I LOOK LIKE PHILZA TO YOU? before i managed to kill all the monsters and sleep successfully. this is not important to the story of me building my house. it's just an important look into my mental state while doing it.)
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by the time i finished (meaning i got tired irl) there was a wandering trader sitting on my roof because why not
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so i moved my bed into the bunker and called it a day! hopefully the next time i boot this world up, i'll be able to actually finish the interior and make it look nice!
ok that's all for now - play your games more responsibly than i do lol
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taetaesource · 3 years
Acting with Kim Seon Ho
I might come up with a full fic of the drama. 
You started out as a idol trainee but never debuted but became an actress instead. Although you are not very young, korean age 29 and Seon Ho is 35. You didn’t star in many dramas and was not as popular as names like suzy and park shin hye. In this sense, you are alot like Kim Seon Ho before he hit it big with Start Up. 
You did not grow up in korea and speak better in english than korean. You’re friends with the korean-american celeb community like BM, Jessi, Eric. Your best friend is Blackpink’s Rose because you guys met during trainee days as a music school and later reconnected at a private Tiffany&Co event. 
You are under Starship ent which is a fairly big company with actors like Lee dongwook so your skills isn’t too far off and in general you land in scripts and channels that are not too bad. 
You got an offer from the writer who wrote Crash Landing On You and upon reading script and much discussion with the company, you decided to take this up. 
You learn that the production team is trying their best to get Kim Seon Ho to be the male lead and you felt honoured and at the same time pressured. You really wished to have him as your partner in this drama because you knew that he was talented, but you also wanted to keep your hopes low because you knew that he was booked left right centre and he has many scripts and projects flooding in. 
The storyline of the drama was also one reason why you kept your hopes low. 
The drama centers around the female (which is your role) whose husband requested for a divorce as he fell in love with a co-worker who is a headstrong career woman. The female lead tries to salvage her marriage by entering into the company that her husband and his mistress works in and struggles her way into the workforce after being a housewife for 10 years. 
The truth is, you were deliberating very hard as to whether this role was suitable for you as it is quite a leap from the usual roles and it might change the image that you have in the public eyes. For the male lead, this change is an even bigger risk and now that Seon ho is getting more popular, you were pretty sure there’s 60% chance he would reject the offer so as to keep his image. 
But the script was interesting as it portrayed third party and affairs in a different light and the characters were complex so this would take your acting skills to a new level. With that, you decided to take on the challenge despite the risk that you might not be offered dramas in future that were of younger romantic comedy genre since you will be remembered as an actress that played mum and divorcee. 
To your surprise, Seon ho took on the role as well. And the reason you heard of is that he felt that the script is compelling and he wanted to challenge himself in a new role. 
The other female actress who will play the role of the third party is Son Na eun of Apink and you thought that she was a good fit for the role too. 
The day of drama reading, Seon ho was the last to arrive and he was so apologetic about it. He was polite and greeted everybody with his big dimple smile. It was his first time meeting you and Naeun so the 3 of you were quite awkward and unfamiliar. 
When filming officially started, you were so busy preparing and translating your lines and practicing them that you felt very pressured. As the drama was produced by the team behind the hit success Crash Landing and also featuring the current hot actor Kim seon ho, it was also highly anticipated and everyone was looking forward to the drama to air. 
The filming process was also tiring as the tone of the drama is quite serious and sad compared to a light-hearted love drama or comedy. But to your surprise the filming was quite enjoyable mainly because seon ho is very easy to work with and also very professional. 
Even though he must have been very tired as the shoot is often in between his other projects like 2 Days 1 Night and his other pictorials and advertisement shoots, he rarely screws up his part and came prepared with his lines so there won’t many retakes. He is also very bubbly and cheerful, making the filming atmosphere livelier and friendlier. 
The chemistry between you and him hit off better than expected as well. You enjoyed his sometimes awkward jokes, you could follow up with this ad-libs and both of you saw eye-to-eye when it comes to how the both of you should act certain scenes to bring out certain message or emotions. 
You usually speak to your staff and manager in english which would leave the total korean boy seon ho in awe. And you always joke that the hardest part about this drama is that you have to pretend that you dont understand english as you are supposed to play the role of a clueless housewife who became an intern in a top company. And Naeun who doesn’t understand english has to play the role of your manager who is capable and good at presentations and reports in english. 
When the drama air, the public had good response and the chemistry between you and seon ho became recognised just as how people were speculating that Hyun Bin and Son Ye jin are definitely dating. 
The both of you were not at the dating stage yet because seon ho is so busy. And his personality is so friendly that he usually maintain a very amicable relationship with everybody so you established that the both of you are just very good colleagues that managed to become friends outside of work.   
To your surprise, seon ho called you one day - “chae young ahhh” he repeated and emphasized “chae young” a few times which was not your real name but the name of your character in the drama so you kind of had the sense to reply “oh yeobo”, which absolutely pleased him. Turns out it was a call from seon ho while filming 2 days 1 night. He was on a mission and he had to prove that he wasn’t lying when he said on the show that the both of you had good chemistry so choosing you to call to help him in the mission is the best person. You had to make a guess of the option his group chose in order for them to pass and be given lunch. The way you answered the call has already made a great impression to the team and the 2d1n members were all impressed by the chemistry you had with seon ho. You also passed the game round and they were saying that you should drop by the show as a guest as the next week, they will have to bring a female guest who are also their good friend to help them in the episode. 
Your company is rather particular about their artistes appearing on variety shows and it’s only after they screened the other female guests and realised that the rest are mostly comedians, that they allowed you to be on the show and the instruction was that you have to maintain your image. 
It was easy as the members and everyone in the team treated you like a princess in comparison to the 2 female comedians so as to make the show funnier. And seon ho especially took care of you as well even outside of the filming. 
He introduced you to the actor yeon jung hoon who was on the show and in between breaks you were able to consult him about some concerns that you have, especially since you are juggling 2 dramas. 
Towards the halfway mark of the drama filming with seon ho, you were offered another drama, a love story drama with a younger actor this time Seo Kang Joon. As the new drama is a typical courtship and love story drama, you were afraid that the way you act might not be able to draw a difference that well that the audience will be able to see the shadow of the divorced wife character that you are playing in the other drama. 
Jung hoon adviced that every role will have some kind of resemblance because it all came from you. It’s impossible to always present a totally original and fresh character without some resemblance here and there. But maybe if we see the resemblance as the actor’s style and essence, then you wouldnt feel so pressured to draw the distinction between all the roles that you act in. 
This scene was aired on 2d1n and it helped the public to see your professionalism and seriousness that you have towards acting. 
You also helped the team by giving a call to Blackpink’s Rose. Rose answered the call with “heyyy what’s up” which excited the members even more as they didn’t expect the both of you to use english as main form of communication. 
You were also good friends with Park Yuna who got famous from her role in Sky Castle and she also played the role of Bo young who is your sister in the drama with seon ho. Yuna was also an idol trainee previously which is why the both of you clicked so fast. 
The drama with Seo Kang Joon was a success too but of course both dramas did not do as well as Start-Up and Crash Landing but in your terms it was successful as people were talking about it and it was the more popular dramas among the rest that were airing as well. 
The chemistry between you and seon ho stood out even more as nobody really talked about seo kang joon and you having chemistry in that way. 
Very quickly, you were offered a movie role and the male lead they were offering it to kim seon ho again. This time, the storyline was less sad as it was about a man and woman who took a break from their current life and went to Jeju island as an escape, met and fell in love there. Seon ho’s character broke up with his long-term girlfriend while your character left her job after being there for 8 years. And the both of you met in Jeju. 
Many people were speculating if the both of you were dating, especially since dispatch released pictures of the both of you coming out of a convenience store together on your off days. And when your agency checked with you, you said no because technically seon ho has never officially asked you out. But somehow you felt a little bitter when you heard from your management that seon ho’s side has also denied the dating rumours. 
But netizens were quite supportive especially because the pictures taken were candid shots of how the both of you played with each other. Seon ho offered to hold your plastic bag but you lifted it like how you would lift dumbbells to joke with him that you didnt need his help and he was laughing so hard. Most comments that people have after seeing the pictures is that the both of you are so cute and pure. 
But because the pictures were exposed by dispatch, it made you and seon ho a little uncomfortable in front of public setting. Like the both of you had to attend the movie premiere and it was awkward to be standing together in front of the reporters and cameras as the both of you know that everyone in the room has seen the pictures and may or may not ask about your relationship status. You are not sure if it’s even more uncomfortable if they dont talk about the white elephant in the room. But the both of you were obviously less chummy that day, keeping a distance and avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Which led to people speculating that the rumours has caused you guys to break up. 
But you were still in contact with each other in private, just that you two did not meet in person since then. It was after few months that the both of you met again and it was at drama awards. It felt less uncomfortable and awkward maybe because the both of you were more overwhelmed by the excitement of seeing each other again after so long that you two didn’t really care whether people will ask if you guys are dating again. 
Another heart fluttering moment was when the mc asked if any of you felt something for the other person that you were acting alongside with, and the both of you raised your hands shyly and blushed when you both realised that both of you raised your hands. 
When seon ho went on stage to claim the best actor award, you stood up and clap proudly. And the mc jokingly asked since the both of you raised your hands just now, are you guys dating for real already? Seon ho laughed this time and said “don’t worry i will let you guys know if there’s good news” making everyone excited with his ambiguous answer and you could only laugh and facepalm in embarassment. 
Eventually, dispatch released articles of insider saying that 2 actors who have acted together recently in drama and movie are dating and it pointed to you and seon ho again. 
You talked to your agency, wondering if the best way is to deny it again because you know that couples that admit their relationship usually end up breaking up. And couples who stay together usually become less active or don’t have many projects up ahead. Plus seon ho’s career is at his peak now, he wouldn’t want to risk anything and he might not even have the time to keep this relationship going. 
But your management got the news that seon ho’s side is okay to admit to it if you are okay with it and that shocked you. You didn’t expect him to want to keep this relationship more than his career. But to seon ho, he doesn’t see how his career will go down just because of this. And his fame was a sudden one, he was never famous before that and he was okay with it. 
Your management was also quite relaxed about this. It seems that you are the only one thinking too much into this. Eventually you realised that it was all in your head. 
The next day all the news outlet were reporting - “BREAKING: Actor Kim Seon Ho and Y/N is in a relationship”. 
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tcthinecwnself-a · 2 years
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@thcsevoices​​ said: The hardest part of the whole long-distance thing was not actually getting to spend Valentine’s Day with his girlfriend - or, to be more accurate, his girlfriend, her pig, her brother, and her two great-uncles. Varian had sent Mabel a package for the holiday; inside, among the traditional chocolate and Smile Dip, was a scrapbook that he’d put together, full of pictures of the two of them together, their friends, their pets, there were even a few pictures of Dipper in there. It wasn’t anything particularly fancy, and admittedly Wirt had helped with the more crafty part, but Varian still hoped it made for a suitable gift. (Varian @ Mabel)
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GAAAAASPP!!!!!! A PRESENT FROM HER BOYFRIEND!!! ON VALENTINE’S DAY!!! Mabel threw open the package like it was Christmas, looking over each of the sweets with a giddy smile before turning to the big gift. She went through each page with a smile and a gentle hand, careful not to crease any of the pages. Once Mabel was done thoroughly every single one of the pages and the pictures within, she got her phone and took a selfie. 
She sent it to Varian alongside a heartfelt note and a dozen heart emojis.
Hopefully, he’d send her his reaction when his rock tumbler would arrive.
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Oneshot: Substance - Bucky x Reader
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Summary: After stumbling upon certain things on your boyfriends phone, your self-esteem drops below zero.
Warnings: Self-hatred, Angst, Fatshaming, kinda Self-Harm (like withdrawal, not eating enough and overly excessive sport), one or two Swear Words.
Words: ~2900
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A/N: Didn’t want to keep you guys waiting any longer, so this has been written in an hour without proof-reading. please have mercy with my soul
“Heya, sweetie-pie. Mind giving me the usual?”
There he was, 12 o’clock as usual. Bucky was leaning over the counter and staring at you with his piercing blue eyes.
He gave you a wink as he shoved the money over the counter, looking around the small but full diner. It was always that crowded at this time of the day.
“Come on, you doofus. You know it’s on me” you chuckled as you pressed the coins back in his hand, relishing at his warmth for a brief second before stepping back.
It has become a ritual to prepare his favourite on almost every single day, even though he claimed to love everything on your menu. His therapist once told him that a certain routine would help him adapt to society again, and he stuck to it pretty closely.
And visiting your restaurant was an important part of his day.
“Do you think we can spend the evening?” Your boyfriend was sipping on his coffee, eyes lighting up when you finally got him his piece of plum pie with whipped cream.
When you watched him eating it in almost one bite, you kind of admired him for being able to eat basically anything without gaining weight. But well, on the other hand, training and fighting were his daily bread, so it was no wonder those calories would be burned like it was nothing.
“Gosh, delicious as always” Bucky mumbled and you couldn’t surpress a quiet laugh at your dork while you were serving another customer. “And I mean you in that dress, not the food. Love your style.”
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You usually avoided to fuel his stupid way of flirting, no matter how flattered you felt anyway. So you simply changed the topic. “Dunno. Might get late. Today seems to be very profitable.”
It was just wonderful how understanding Bucky was. Well, he knew he was a piece of work as well. Why should he be mad if you were sucessfull anyway?
So he just shrugged with a wide grin as he handed you over the empty plate, saying “Well, then I’ll tidy up the flat until you’re done. Guess who’s gonna get a back rub when they’re back home?”
“Sounds like a Netflix and Cuddle evening?”
“Everything you want, doll.” He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, knowing you weren’t all that comfortable with PDA - at least at work. “I won’t bother you any longer.”
“You’re never bothering me.” Smirking, you admired the way his muscles bulged through his sleeveless top. “Distracting is a far better word.”
He won’t comment on your statement, rather winking at you and mumbling something like “You just wait until later...” as he already rushed out of the entrance.
Six hours later you were finally able to end your twelve hour shift and close the restaurant almost on time - well...plus the few customers who came about five minutes before closure, and having to clean up the mess you’d always leave behind when cooking as quick as possible.
“I’m home, darlin’!” you cheered as you threw your bag into a corner and got rid of your shoes.
Seems like he was in the shower, at least he yelled something like ‘having something for you when he’s done’.
Well, if the surprise was something cute or nasty - you’d have no problem with either one.
“Hey, babe!” his voice called you out of the bathroom. “Can you look up when we made the reservation for cinema? I made a screenshot from the booking confirmation.”
He’d always ask for that kind of stuff in the weirdest situations. Probably because he knew he���d forget it otherwise.
“Alright.” His smartphone was placed on the nightstand, as usually. It was a miracle that he learned to use it that quickly, but on the other hand he’d always been very invested with new technology.
The two of you had no secrets. And even if: Taking each others cellphones wouldn’t really tell you something you didn’t already know about each other, so it had never been a no-go to use the others phone.
You sat down on the edge of the bed after throwing your sweat-soaked and stained clothes into the basket, wishing Bucky would hurry up so you could clean up and enjoy some hot water.
Scrolling through his picture folder, you hummed a happy little song, already wondring what you’d do on your day off tomorrow.
James is still pretty awkward in todays society, but hell he knew how to treat a woman. And dates were his speciality.
“I can’t fi-” Your words turned into a loud gasp as you saw the preview image of a seemingly naked woman. Shocked, even though you felt bad for prying instead of trusting your partner, you klicked on it to see the whole picture.
It was exactly what you thought it was. That sort of picture drunk elderly men would send each other in Whatsapp Groups.
A beautiful woman, only wearing a thong and presenting it in a - let’s call it ‘seductive’ pose.
And the worst of all was the headline, floating above the models face:
“The Perfect Woman”
This was not the only pic of some sort - you found a dozen of it, videos as well.
Disgusting was the only thing that came to your mind.
Not the woman, though. You were not one to slut-shame anyway.
But a feeling of disgust came up when you layed down the phone and went to the mirror, watching yourself closely. And for the first time, you were not satisfied with what you were seeing.
Sure, you’ve always been kind of chubby. But up until now you’ve never doubtet your beauty.
Curves were always something beautiful to you, even though you had to admit that some days, you were asking yourself why you had to be the only one of your friends who had that hard cellulite and stretch marks.
Maybe if you’d already have kids or were older, you’d be fine with it, but...
On the other hand, your friends would admire the fact that you had bigger breasts and a ‘peach ass’, as they’d call it.
Your mother used to call it ‘atomar boobs’ and ‘birth-enthusiastic hips’, always making you laugh about how self-ironic she was. But on the inside you knew how much she was struggling as well.
There were so many forms of beauty, and you loved every single one of it - including your own. But now..
“Ugly” you told yourself again and again, while trying to find a suitable pose that didn’t make you look like a small, wobbly piece of fat.
Did the opinion of a man really matter more to you than your own? Now you also felt kind of pathetic.
Actually, you were just hurt. Of him not being honest, and obviously searching for something...you didn’t want to say ‘better’, but rather ‘different’ than you.
As former Winter Soldier, he might not be that popular, but his looks sure did the trick anyway. So why not searching for a thin woman if he loves them so much?
Or does he already know them? What if those were not mere pictures, but woman he actually contacted?
The thought alone made you tear up.
You’ve tried. Your whole life you did and he knew that.
It’s a problem you’ve been struggling for your whole youth, after all.
No matter how much sport or diets you tried out, your body just wouldn’t change. Even after you’ve got diagnosed with hypothyreosis, the medication would only do so much as prevent further weight gain.
Things got a lot easier when you were grown up, and the bullies would decrease.
You learned to love yourself, and realized that many people were into exactly your kind of body-type. After finding your own style and way of living, things became so much easier and you could finally be yourself.
“Heya, there” a familiar voice snickered behind your back, “What’s cookin’, good lookin’?”
The only reaction Bucky would gain was a pained groan, yet you didn’t dare to make a scene just yet. You wanted him to take the hints and be honest with you, that was what you had decided.
“Didn’t find the picture. Go look yourself.”
With that said, you’d walk straight past him and towards the bathroom. It took you quite a while to cry to your hearts extend, sobs being deafened by the pattering sounds of the shower.
You wrapped a towel around yourself, but when you saw your reflection again as you put on some lotion, you decided to wear the bathrobe.
No matter how you moved, you felt like some fat would always wiggle or roll up somehow - and Bucky felt your discomfort as soon as you greeted him with a twisted face.
“C’mon here, babydoll. We can talk.” He patted the spot right next to him on the bed, and goddamn it was just too unfair how he was posing there on the mattress, looking like a fucking adonis compared to you.
The very second you stiffly layed down next to him, you felt his hand slip under your bathrobe and squeeze your thigh, making you gasp.
“Maybe I can cheer you up otherwise before we talk...” he breathed into your ear, adding a bittersweet “I missed you.”
“Bucky, please. I’m tired.” Perfect. You managed to get that sentence out without your voice cracking once. Now you just needd to turn around and wrap yourself in your comforter before he’d see the tears in your eyes.
You didn’t want him - or anyone else - to touch you ever again.
“O-okay...” James stuttered, already reaching out his hand to touch your shoulder. But in the end, he retreated it, realizing you needed some time for yourself. “Imma be at the sofa if you need me.”
“Or tell me what the fuck is wrong all of a sudden...” He kept himself from saying that.
The following days were the hardest ones yet to come - for both of you.
It all started with you declining all offers from friends to go swimming or visiting some food-places, slowly but steadily withdrawing you from the happy, active life you’ve built up out of anger and shame.
You had grown quite distant as time passed, at first finding any kind of excuse for intimacy, and afterwards not even bearing any kind of physical contact. Not to speak of simple and carefree talking...
The air had become strained around the two of you, but Bucky was too afraid to ask you what was wrong.
Instead of letting off some steam through work as always, you took a few weeks off. It wasn’t like you needed the money anyway, looking at how successfull your work was.
Your restaurant, even though being more of a small diner, had been on the top of New Yorks most popular ones for years. And you were damn proud of it.
Bucky would always say you’re the only one who cooks just like home, and meanwhile you knew all of his favourite dishes.
An unconscious smile ghosted your lips when you thought back to the day where Bucky would go all Winter Soldier on a dude that made fun of you for being “a wandering cliché: a fat woman running a kitchen”. Ouch.
You didn’t go on vacation those days - there was different work to do.
Actually, you liked sports. For fun, that is. Like going to swim with your friends, or going for a walk. Sometimes visiting the gym, even. To you, it was more part of a healthy lifestyle instead of a competition for appreciation.
But now, things were different. You tried to built up your confidence again through secretly visiting the Avengers training rooms - yet to no avail.
Steve kindly offered you help with any certain training, but you declined. This was something you wanted to achieve yourself.
As if that would change anything about your feeling of betrayal...
“Fuck!” you exclaimed after almost falling off the treadmill, having to use the emergency turn-off. Even though many people assumed it, you weren’t really unfit. But those past days, you’ve just overloaded yourself through excessive training and eating almost nothing.
You kneeled down, desperately trying to catch your breath. Looking down, you saw your bruised knuckles from punching the bag earlier and thinking of that damn beautiful woman on Buckys cellphone.
If only you would have the courage to talk this through with him...but you were afraid of the outcome. Of the truth.
Knowing you were all alone on the floor, you finally gave in to your emotions, huddling to a fetal curl and starting to sob over your deadlocked situation.
Dear god no - it was Bucky. What was he doing here? It was not his usual training time!
On the other hand: What else did he have to do in his free-time, now that the other Avengers are on a mission and his girlfriend is avoiding him at all costs?
Actually, he wanted to let off some steam as well. But seeing you like this swung his mood in an instant, and he aided you immediately.
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?!” There was genuine compassion in his voice, sorrow even. As if it was his fault.
He was kneeling right next to you, and for the first time in two weeks, you wouldn’t flinch at his touch. “Let me help you...”
“You don’t need to play anymore, James” you whimpered, slapping his hand away. “Just get this over with.”
Now you’ve got him mad. “What the fuck did I do wrong to deserve this, Y/N?!” he screamed and his metal fist would meet the floor, cracking it broken.
“I know damn well I’m far from the perfect boyfriend...” Bucky began to sniffle, still clenching and unclenching his fists. “But I thought you’d love me as I am.”
“You’re one to talk.” Fuck it, now that you seemingly screwed up anyway you could talk freely. “I’ve seen the photos, Bucky. Of the perfect woman. Many of them. Seems like you prefer something not remotely close to me.”
For a while, there was only silence.
Bucky dug his face deep into his palms, as if he wanted to disappear in them - or simply to facepalm in a pretty weird way.
“Doll, is that what all this is about?”
His reaction made you feel kinda strange. “Y-yeah.” Did you overreact?
“You know I don’t possibly know her. Don’t care about her or her body either.” He sat there, cross-legged and with a face as dark as your heart had been those past weeks.
“Then why do you keep a ton of photos of naked models on your phone?!” You jumped onto him, effectively knocking him over and pinning him on the floor. Out of a whim, you wanted to run away, but he trapped you in his hold.
“Gosh, why can’t you talk to me for once?” It almost sounded like he found it funny. “You’re usually one to be upfront about everything.”
A sole tear escaped every eye, but Bucky would catch them with his thumb.
“Sam sent them to me. We have that Whatsapp-Group, and he’s simply that single, horny dude that finds that kind of stuff funny. You know I never delete anything. I have over 5000+ photos on that shit phone.”
You were stunned, looking at him in disbelief. “I’m sorry, doll. I should’ve know you’d stumble across them eventually. But you were always so confident and strong, the thought of it bothering you never crossed my mind.”
“Y-you-” Gosh, what a fucking idiot you were. “You’re not at fault, Buck! I’m so sorry! I feel so stupid right now.”
“And I thought you wanted to leave me...” he murmured, mainly to himself.
“Wha- how could I ever?! You’re the love of my life! Why else do you think your opinion matters this much to me? Look where we are right now!”
“And you know that the beauty-standarts of the 40s are exactly what you look like, right?”
The situation changed so drastically, it left both of you in boisterous laughter.
When you finally catched your breath, holding your thummy at how much you laughed, Bucky would not give you a break - rather cupping your cheeks and pulling your lips onto his.
“Look” he breathed out calmly, his cheek barely brushing yours. “I feel stupid for even saying this, but: My girl doesn’t have to be a model. Beauty is a concept, dear. Everyone pictures something else when they think of it. And I think of you.”
You had already snuggled up onto his chest as he swiftly picked you up, your ear able to sense his heartbeat. Absentmindedly running your hand over his prosthetic one, you realized that you were not the only one who was self-conscious about their appearance.
But just like you never doubted the true beauty of your lover, neither did he.
“Y/N...You’re strong and smart and kind. No one had ever touched my heart the way you did. That’s all that counts.”
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 4 years
Garden of Eden
With lush vegetation on one side of the Garden of Eden’s wall and a barren desert on the other, location scouts needed a place of extremes for the first location in human history. Shooting took place around Cape Town, South Africa, with the desert scenes filmed in the sun-bleached Atlantis Dunes just outside the city.
In an interview for the show’s accompanying book, The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion, first assistant director Francesco Reidy explained the difficulties attached to filming in a miniature Sahara.
“Filming in those kind of areas is difficult,” said Reidy. “It��s exposed. It’s very hot, there’s no shade and you can burn easily. Bringing equipment is also a challenge. Everything had to come in on a fleet of four-wheel-drive jeeps or tractor-type vehicle, and there was a huge amount to get in.”
Some Garden of Eden scenes were also filmed at Cascade Country Manor, Paarl, built by the Duke of Bedford following World War Two. The location was chosen due to its stunning waterfall, but there was a problem: at the time of shooting, production took place during a severe drought in the Western Cape province.
“We had to ask the special effects department to find a way to pick up water from the bottom and redistribute it to the top,” Reidy said. “It was a complicated business, but much to our surprise we found there was still some water coming down, which really helped. Despite the problems in the city, this water was sourced from the mountains, so we were able to make it work.”
South Africa also provided the backdrop for various scenes, including sites for the recreation of several flashback scenes.
Escalator to Heaven and Hell
It might surprise Good Omens viewers when they realise that both Heaven and Hell are accessed by the same office lobby: one escalator leads straight to a heavenly corporate boardroom, while the other leads down to a (literally) hellish basement.
Locations scouts searched heaven and earth for the lobby in question: Broadgate Tower on Bishopgate, London, which has a polished floor that reflects the escalators moving upwards, creating a mirror effect.
“It’s one of those modern, huge, very expensive steel and wire buildings, inside of which companies valued at millions of pounds conduct their business,” Reidy said. “Standing inside this magnificent lobby, Douglas [Mackinnon] and Michael [Ralph] realised the shiny marble floor reflected the escalators moving up into the body of the building.
“It had the effect of creating a mirror image, and this led to an idea that when one person goes up the escalator to Heaven, and the other person steps onto one that seemingly drop down into Hell.”
The final shot used a mix of real world and visual effects, with a green screen in the background to recreate the mirrored effect.
Tadfield, the home of the young Antchrist Adam Young, is a quintessentially English village. It’s perfect — Adam’s unwitting influence over the weather means that every season has its ideal weather: scorching Augusts, picture-perfect white Christmases, and crisp autumns.
The “chocolate-box” village of Hambledon near Henley-on-Thames provided the perct setting.
In Good Omens, Heaven is a big organisation run with zealous efficiency by the business-minded Angel Gabriel (Jon Hamm) — all of which required a heavenly corporate headquarters…
“We found a vacant office building in a smart business park in Weybridge, Surrey,” said location manager Nick Marshall. “It had a tiled floor, white pillars and 13 floor-to-ceiling windows. We had to frost every single one of them to get the light looking celestial. It really did have a heavenly vibe.”
If Heaven is prime real estate, then Hell is the lowly basement office of a struggling business — cramped, dingy, and in need of a good lick of paint. Hell scenes were filmed in Cape Town, where the location crew found a former abattoir and filled it with mismatched plastic chairs, strewn litter and lights dangling form the ceiling.
Neil Gaiman also created tortuous motivational posters for the walls of Hell, with captions such as, “You Don’t Matter”, and, “For More Efficient Service Just Rip Out Your Own Throat With A Stapler”.
“I had too much fun with these,” Gaiman said. “The hardest part was just persuading he art department that I was serious about getting them to forget everything they had ever learned about design.”
Hogback Wood
A woodland utopia and the spiritual home of the Them, Adam Young’s gang of four youngsters (himself, Pepper, Wensleydale and Brian), Hogback Wood had to resemble a scene from Just William.
A suitably idyllic spot was found in Painshill Park, Surrey, where location scouts noticed a huge crater, formed after a bomb dropped there during the Second World War.
“I knew the crater would be significant,” production designer Michael Ralph said. “This is where Adam has found his world, his Eden, unaware that he’s the Antichrist, and a bomb has gone off here. It was a happy accident!”
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iamtaekooked · 4 years
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↳PART 2 | PART 1
➾ AU: Enemies to Lovers! + football player!Jeongguk and Journalist!Reader
➾Pairing: Jeongguk x female reader
➾Genre: Fluff, some angst, some soft smut 
➾Rating: 18+
➾Word count Part 2: 17.0k (bringing out combined total to a whopping 34.3k)
➾Warnings {part 2}: drinking, soft smut (making out, nothing detailed or explicit), swearing.
Jeon Jeongguk is your nemesis whom you carry a strong dislike for. A dislike that borders on hate. He’s cocky, arrogant, narcissistic and loves to think everything revolves around him. When he gets elected as the captain of the football team, you are forced to write a profile on him for the college magazine as is the tradition every time a new captain is selected. But as you follow him around, you come to realize he might not be as bad as you think. Maybe he’s even a little tolerable– and cute. How will you deal with several realizations that dawn on you during the course of your interviews?
A special thank you to @kuzimuzibts @meandyou0901 @ughkive for supporting me through this fic. Without your support and words of encouragement, I couldn’t have done this ❤️ So thank you from the bottom of my heart and I love you guys!
Jimin being the good friend he is, decided to host a small get together at his house. Of course, you are invited and so are 15 other people. Jimin has always been a caring soul, someone who can’t see the people he loves in distress. So when he gets wind that Jeongguk is stressed out he decides to invite everyone Jeongguk is friends with to throw a surprise “party”.
The responsibility of bringing Jeongguk over to his house falls to you because you are apparently his “girlfriend”. Or at least that is how everyone starts referring to you once the picture of you and Jeongguk outside the bus stop with his arms wrapped around your waist circulates on social media. You are sure it was one of the girls who squealed when they saw him walking by.
At first you try your hardest to diffuse the rumors because you are not his girlfriend, but when the whole world around you seems to be pressing it on you, insisting that you are-- you give up and let them have it. It’s not hurting you in any way so who cares?
But Jeongguk on the other hand loves it. He loves it more than football itself, which is a miracle. Everytime someone calls you his girlfriend in front of him, a wide grin appears on his face— the one where his eyes disappear into moon shaped crescents and his pearly whites are on full display— it also happens to be the one that always brings a smile to your face too. If it were up to him he would change your name to ‘girlfriend’, that way he would get to call you that all the time.
So naturally when you go to find him in the gym, all his teammates offer you polite smiles, and nods. Even Jaehyun offers a soft ‘hi’ in greeting.
“Captain!” one of them yells. “Your girlfriend is here” his voice echoes through the almost empty place.
You open your mouth to tell him to stop calling you that but it wouldn’t accomplish anything. They won’t stop.Up until now, no matter how many times you have corrected people, they have just ignored you and continued to refer to you as “Jeongguk’s girlfriend”.
“Cap!” Jaehyun yells this time craning his neck to where Jeongguk is in a corner of the gym lifting weights. “Your girl is here!”
Jeongguk upon hearing that stops bench pressing and jogs over to you with a sweaty figure and heavy breaths.As soon as his eyes find you his lips curve into a smile. “Hey girlfriend” he greets you and lays a soft kiss on your cheeks before wrapping his arms around you.
“I told you not to call me that” you mumble against his shoulder softly— very gently pulling yourself away from his embrace. Somehow you’ve gotten close enough to allow him to hug you and to allow yourself to not go into a state of utter panic. Ever since he told you he likes you there has been a slight shift in your dynamic-- he’s more touchy and you don’t mind it. Sometimes you even let yourself enjoy it because the feeling of his arms around you makes you feel secure-- like there is nothing in the world that could touch you when he’s with you.
Jeon Jeongguk is the kind of man who just by his mere presence has the ability to make someone next to him look-- but most importantly feel like a billion bucks. That is exactly how you feel when he’s with you because like a magnet he ends up drawing all attention on himself and by default on you.
Sometimes you catch yourself smiling when you’re with him and people are pointing at you both and whispering their envy to each other. It makes you feel a surge of emotions which you can’t define but at the bottom of it all it just feels good.
“What else would I call you?” he pouts.
“Oh, I don’t know? My name maybe? The one I’ve had since birth?” you shake your head. “Anyway, I just came because we need some stuff for the interview. I have a few questions”
He quirks an eyebrow and rubs his hands together. “Oooh. But ‘girlfriend’ sounds a million times better. I am just going to call you that”
You rub your forehead in exasperation. “Should we go somewhere more… suitable. I need to ask you a few questions” you ask straight-faced.
He nods. You notice all his teammates sharing a look and roll your eyes because you know what they are thinking-- sex. That’s all they can ever think of. You ignore them as they pat Jeongguk on the shoulder, or give him words of encouragement like “get it” or high five him. You exit the gym first, not in the mood for their stupidity.
Jeongguk catches up to you and falls into step next to you. “Why do you always leave me behind?”
“Because I don’t like your teammates” you deadpan.
“But you like me?” he asks with a hopeful tone before busting out that stupid smile of his.
“Jeongguk” you say warningly.
“Ok sorry. I’ll wait until you’re ready to tell me how much you love me” he winks with a cheeky grin.
“Oh my god” you facepalm.
You hear him snicker and shoot him a dirty look. “Anyway” you try to direct the conversation to serious matters as you take out your recorder one more time as per usual.
“So, you’re back to working on my profile?”
“Unfortunately for me, yes” you say with a small chuckle. “I am not going to let my best friend get dragged into shit by the sports department because of you Jeon”
“Ouch!” he feigns hurt by placing a hand on his chest. “I thought you cared for me” he matches your pace despite being several inches taller than you— which is kind of sweet. But that’s not the point.
“Oh I am sorry” you draw out each word to make sure he didn’t miss the sarcasm in your voice. “Did I make it seem like I did?”
“You’re definitely going to die sad and alone” he muses with a teasing smile.
“I don’t mind that. Now if you’re done, can I continue?”
Go ahead” he offers a soft, gentle smile which makes a pang nervousness rise in your chest.
“So, what does football mean to you?”
“Everything” he doesn’t even hesitate for a single second before answering.
“Care to elaborate?”
“I told you how football is literally the only thing that provides my life with meaning-- exception being you” he glances at you with a small teasing smirk before throwing his hands in the air when he notices you opening your mouth. “I digress. But yes. Playing football is the one thing that gives direction and focus to my life. Without it I would be lost”
You nod deep in thought. “So then, what would you do if you didn’t make it into the football team?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugs. “I’d probably still be in the Eastside struggling with trying to find something that allowed me to focus my energy in productive ways”
“So would you say that football is the reason you wake up every morning?” you look up at him, noticing the glint in his eye and the tiny smile spread across his lips.
He nods. “And you” he adds quickly before looking away with a playful grin he thinks you can’t see.
You slap him gently on the arm. “Jeongguk!”
“I’ll stop” he holds hands up in surrender as he turns to look at you.
You both continue walking, turning left here, turning right there.
“Describe in word one word then how you feel when you play football”
“Euphoria” again it doesn’t take him even a second to answer. It’s like he’s been waiting for someone to ask him-- that’s how quickly he answered.
You look at him in question at which point he begins to elaborate without you having to prompt him.
“It’s like a rush. Whenever I am out in the field I am zoomed in, super focused. It’s like tunnel vision. All I see is the ball, and that touchdown line at the end of the field. That’s all I think about when I play. All the hits, all the pushing and shoving kind of pumps me up because it feels like these are the obstacles I have to overcome to get that ball to the endline and score the point. It’s like a metaphor for life, if you know what I mean”
You nod slowly as you comprehend his words. “Wow”
He shakes his head with a soft chuckle. “Always with the look of surprise”
“I am trying to adjust” you snap.
“Anything else you want to know?”
“I think this is good for now” you stop the recording and pocket the tiny thing. “Also, be ready by 5 tonight. We’re going somewhere”
“Wow, so specific” the sarcasm in his voice doesn’t go amiss.
“Yeah Yeah” you wave him off. “Just be ready by 5pm” you turn but he clasps a hand around your wrist and spins you around to make you face him.
“No. You be ready by 5. You’re crazy if you think I won’t come to pick you up”
“You don’t have to” you feel slightly guilty because one you know he has to drive a long way out to come to your place and second it’s a surprise for him so you should be the one picking him up.
“I want to” he slightly squeezes your wrist.
You regard him noticing how he looks so determined. “Fine”
“Where are we going? Is it a date?!” his eyes widen with a grin.
“No!” your nose scrunches. “It’s not a date Jeon”
“Oh” his lower lip juts out slightly, voice completely deflated.
You are so not whipped for him— that you can’t even see him pouting without feeling bad for him. For a moment you can’t react because his face loses its brightness. But then a sense of urgency builds. You bite your lip in an effort to stop yourself from speaking. But then the more he sulks, the worse it gets.
“Fine! It’s a date” you sigh and lower your gaze to avoid looking at him. But you are sure he’s beaming.
“Yes!” you hear him.
Then you turn around and run from there because you aren’t sure your heart can take it.
> > > > > >
The evening arrives with a flurry of text messages from Jeongguk.
Jeon Jerkguk- I just left the house. I’ll be there in 40-ish minutes depending on traffic. - 4:30 pm Jeon Jerkguk- You know how to get there right? - 4:31 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Of course you do. You’re the smartest person I know 😊- 4:32 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Dress warmly, it's kind of cold out- 4:34 pm Jeon Jerkguk- Don't forget your jacket please Jeon Jerkguk- See you soon girlfriend 😍
You bang your head against the vanity. “No” you groan.
When he acts like this, it makes you speechless. Your chest feels fluttery, waves of chills pass through your skin, your stomach twists in knots, your breath hitches in your throat and warmth envelopes you. Like a normal person, instead of feeling happy you end up feeling stressed because you don’t know how to deal with it. He makes you nervous in a way no one does. There are times when you can’t even look at him because your nerves get the best of you.
It’s mostly because of the way he looks at you with a soft, loving look in his eyes. He doesn’t look at anyone else like that, but when he’s with you-- when he thinks you’re not looking-- you see it in the way the corners of his eyes crinkle very subtly as his lips curve up into a tiny little smile that vanishes when you do look at him. You’ve never seen him act like that before and the fact that it’s because of you makes it hard to deal with.
It’s because he does things for you that he doesn’t do for anyone else--
Like the one time he saw you sitting with a frown on your face in the middle of the lecture and he leaned in towards you.
“What’s wrong?” he had asked
“Nothing” you shook your head at him
“Liar” he whispered as he reached across and placed an index finger on the middle of your forehead. “Then what’s this?” he referred to the frown you were wearing.
You sighed and he pulled his hand away.. “Hoseok has been pestering me to give him the first draft for the profile but I haven’t written anything yet” you mumbled dropping your head between your arms on the table.
“Do you want me to kick his ass?” he had whispered with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“What?” your head shot up as you looked at him. “No”
“Fine. But you’ll tell me if someone really bothers you?” sincerity reflected in his eyes.
“Jeon. Shut up” you had shaken your head at him and he had snickered in response.
Or when he had saved you from getting hurt  
You had been so immersed in giving him a mini lecture about what normal people do when they bump into someone when a cart full of boxes had rolled into your path.
“Y/n!” he yelled and pulled you to the side towards him. “Are you okay?” he had asked in a soft voice which made you lose your train of thoughts.
You simply nodded at him and continued walking.
Or the one time he lent you his umbrella
You were leaving the campus because your classes were over for the day. You cut through the football field because it was the shortest way. But what you didn’t know was that the football team was practicing at the time.
Your mind was so preoccupied with the stress of all the assignments that you didn’t realize Jeongguk was calling out your name. So you continued walking. When you were almost out of the bounds of college, rain started to fall. It pulled you out of your trance and you groaned upon realizing you did not have your umbrella.
You pulled up the hoodie over your head which was starting to get soaked as you felt rain droplets falling on your head. Then suddenly you felt a shadow loom over you and looking back you had found Jeongguk was holding an umbrella over your head.
“You’ll get sick” he said.
“Where did you come from?” you gaped at him.
“Practice” he motioned towards the field and then you saw all the players you had previously missed.
“Why are you here? Go practice. You’ll get in shit” you started walking again when he tugged your wrist to make you stop.
“One, I am the captain so I won’t get in shit. Two, take this or you’ll get wet and then you’ll get sick”
“You care why?” you narrowed your eyes in question.
“Because I just do. Now stop being a stubborn little idiot and take it” he thrusted the umbrella into your hand and jogged away towards the field covering his head with his hands.
A knock sounds on your bedroom door which goes by unnoticed because you are still thinking about Jeongguk.
“Thinking about me?”
Your heart leaps, as you hear a voice behind you but upon turning back you are met with Jeongguk who is offering you his usual grin.
“Holy shit Jeon, you scared me” you exhale loudly as finally the breath that had gotten stuck in your throat passes through.
“I see you’re not ready” he’s leaning against the doorframe, wearing a black denim jacket, his timberlands and a white shirt with black jeans with his hair— that damn long hair or his tied back in a bun at the top of his head. He looks—- nope. You shake your head and turn towards the vanity. He looks whatever— not even a little bit good.
“Wait” your brows furrow in realization as you turn to face him. “How did you get in?”
“Next time don’t leave the front door open” he steps inside the room and flops onto your bed. He lies on his side, propping an elbow up and resting his cheek in the palm of his hand “It could have been a thief, or a serial killer in my stead”
You roll your eyes. “Somehow you’re worse than both of those”
You hear him chuckle and shoot him an unimpressed look. “Why are you in my room?”
“Geez, way to thank me”
“Thank you for what?”
“You know that one time I saved you from that drunk asshole at the restaurant, and now for picking you up” his lips purse into a thin line.
Oh yes. You still haven’t thanked him for it.
“Thanks” you mumble.
“Not good enough” he shakes his head as he straightens up.
“What do you want?” you sigh.
“I want to make up for that one time when you kissed me and I ran out like an asshole” he scoots to the edge of the bed and pulls the chair you are sitting on closer to himself.
“What?” you gawk as you are being dragged towards him.
“Well, you see, I got scared. I didn’t know how to react so I ran off. Not my best moment, but can you blame me?” he leans towards you as he places his hands on the armrests of the chair on either side of you.
You cannot believe he’s bringing it up. That moment is easily one of the worst moments of your life. Maybe it’s even at the top of your list because of how embarrassing it was. Before that moment, you cannot recall another one as mortifying. It’s a memory you want to forget because it still brings about deep feelings of humiliation.
You gulp and look away as your eyes dart across the floor, matching the state of your mind which runs rampant with hundreds of thoughts. You play with your fingers, avoiding his gaze as it rests on you.
Then he leans in, until his lips are close to yours. Your eyes flutter close of their own accord and your breathing picks up pace. “Jeon-”
“Shh” he says, placing a finger on your lips.
You wait for it-- that familiar feeling of euphoria which results from his lips pressing onto yours. You wait for your heartbeat to quicken more than it already is because of his touch.  You wait for your skin to feel like it’s on fire and for your cheeks to feel like they’ll melt from the heat.
But it doesn’t come. Instead what you do feel is his lips pressing softly against your nose. “I won’t kiss you without your permission. Ever”
Your eyes open and you see Jeongguk has resumed his relaxed position as he’s leaning on his elbows once again and offering you a gentle smile. You blink profusely trying to comprehend what happened because this is highly uncharacteristic of Jeongguk. You dwell on it for a few seconds as you keep your focus on him.
On second thought, it’s not uncharacteristic of him. It’s just that you always assumed he wouldn’t ever say something like that.
Maybe you don’t need to teach him how to love you, maybe you need to teach yourself how to love him.
Arriving at Jimin’s house, you find yourself on the receiving end of a puzzled look from Jeongguk. “Isn’t this Jimin’s house?”
You nod. “Put this on” you hand him a blindfold.
“I didn’t know you were kinky like that” he takes the black silk cloth from your hand.
“Remember how I told you, you only have one redeeming quality? You’re losing points here buddy” you remind him.
“Never thought I was gaining any in the first place” he shrugs.
“That’s what you think” you say his own line to him which makes him chuckle.
“So, I did gain points? When? For what?” he eyes you with anticipation.
“You think I’ll tell you? I don’t want to make things worse for myself” you offer a small smile, which you try to suppress.
“Oh come on!” he pouts.
“Again with the pouting” you shake your head at him, biting down on your lip to stop yourself from smiling too much.
“Because I know it works on you” he sticks his tongue out cheekily with a grin.
“I’ve seen it in your eyes. Everytime I pout. You always give in”
“You suck” your lower lip juts out in a pout this time.
“That’s why you like me don’t you?” the already present grin on his face spreads even wider.
You quirk your head to the side to look out of the window. “I don’t like you”
“Then why can't you look at me and say it?” his voice drops a touch, making your cheeks warm up.
“Shut up” you bite back as you glare at him-- although not with the usual contempt.
He starts chuckling and shaking his head. “Oh y/n” he breathes.
“You’re cute” he turns to you with a smile.
“You’re crazy” you open the door from your side and get out of the car.
> > > > > > >
For a football player Jeongguk sure does have shitty balance. But then again you have to give him benefit of the doubt because he is blindfolded. As you help him up the steps you can’t help but admire how he looks-- hair up in a bun once again, as tiny strands fall on either side of his face. Everything about him is unlike a football player except for the bomber jacket he is wearing. It’s like the trademark of college football and it screams “captain”.
“Y/n, will you catch me if I fall?” he muses, following you quietly as you hold his hand and lead him. You hadn’t wanted to, but then he took it upon himself to hold your hand because-
“It’s good practice. I am going to be doing this a lot. So why not get some practice in?” he jokes earning himself a hard slap on the arm. “Ow!” he whines. “What the fuck girlfriend?”
“I swear Jeon, you call me that one more time I will kill you” you say in a firm even voice.
“Anyway” he waves you off quickly. “Will you catch me if I fall?” he muses
“Do I look like I can catch you? You are two times taller than I am” you shake your head at his idiocy.
“Shh” he places a finger on his lips. “Don’t let the feminists hear you” he chuckles, making you snort.
“Did you just laugh at my joke?’ he asks, stepping over the final step of the stairs with your help.
“You’re hallucinating” you deadpan.
You walk towards the front door hand in hand, Jeongguk’s eyes still blindfolded. knock on the door and don’t even have to wait before Jimin is opening the door while flashing his positively bright smile at you. “You came!” he wraps you in a hug and notices yours and Jeongguk’s hands laced together tightly. “Did you finally agree to be his girlfriend?” he whispers
“No you dumbass. He’s blindfolded so I was helping him. Do you want the captain of the football team to break his leg or something?” you frown at him in disbelief. He could be super naive sometimes— or maybe you can be super blind.
“Too bad” he shrugs. “You guys are cute together” he whispers before ushering you and Jeongguk in.
The moment you enter inside, you separate yourself from Jeongguk for much needed space. You find yourself heading towards the tiny bar counter near the kitchen, upon which are laid various types of alcohol-- just what you need, because if you are to survive this party with Jeongguk you need to be slightly buzzed.
Behind you, commotion begins which draws your attention as you turn around.Jeongguk greets his teammates with a wide grin on his face, and then his eyes catch yours and you almost gasp because of the surprise and quickly avert your gaze.
For some reason which you cannot fathom, you look up again to find him hugging one of his teammates but his gaze is directed at you, as he smiles. He lets go of his teammate and for a brief second interacts with him before his eyes flicker back to you.
You need to look away, you should look away but you don’t. Instead, you make eye contact and it lasts for a good four seconds before you realize you really should not be doing that.
Once it gets too overwhelming— the feelings and sensations— you turn towards the alcohol and pour yourself a glass. You chug it before pouring another and then turning around to face the living room where Jeongguk is. He is high fiving and hugging and greeting people and you wonder if it gets exhausting as you sip your drink. You notice the smile on his face for one brief moment, which makes your mouth split into a grin. But then you realize what you’re doing and zip your mouth into a line, schooling your expression into one of boredom.
You look to the other side of the living room and find a young couple busy amongst themselves, detached from the rest of their surroundings. They’re playing with each other’s fingers and they’re talking and laughing, oblivious to everything. You observe them and somehow the image of them translates into one of you and Jeongguk for a brief second. You almost drop the glass in your hand, eyes widening in horror.
Jeongguk quietly slides next to you. “What’s got you that way?”
“Jesus!” you jump. “Can you stop creeping up on me like that?”
“Sorry, love”. The nickname he has for you flows past his lips so naturally and effortlessly. Surprisingly enough you never cared much for it but somehow at this moment, you realize how easily he addresses you like that. It’s a term of endearment not everyone uses. Yet he does, and when it happens you manage to block it out. But right now you hear it loud and clear. You glance at the cup in your hand and attribute your sudden attention to detail to the alcohol. “What were you thinking?” he gazes at you.
“Nothing” you shake your head, eyes flickering to the couple.
Jeongguk glances between you and them breaking out into a grin. “Do you want that?” he questions with a quiet gentleness to his voice which once again manages to catch you off guard.
On the one hand, his softer side makes you want to hug him, while on the other his usual self makes you want to hit him for acting like an idiot. There is no middle ground between the two.
“I am drinking and you’re the one acting drunk” you state with a scoff
“Oh, love” he sighs, and there it is again— that awareness of how easily he calls you ‘love’.
“Why do you call me that?” you question, supplying a sincere look that you hope conveys your curiosity.
“Because you remind me of love and how it’s supposed to be warm, selfless, giving, radiant and innocent” his lips form into that soft, fond smile that always succeeds in making your heart race, just like it is now.
“I remind you of love?” your curiosity piques the more you look at him.
He nods.
“Are you high?” you face scrunches in confusion as you stare at him.
He snickers but somehow his voice comes out laced with disappointment. “Too stubborn to see as always” he turns his head to observe at the couple
You blink, trying your best to understand what he means but all he offers you is a smile, the meaning of which you can’t decipher. Because although he’s smiling, there is something in his eyes-- in the way they are too solemn, the way his smile isn’t reaching his eyes which makes your chest fill with a heavy feeling.
You elect to ignore his comment because you don’t want to engage in whatever this is between you. It’s too overwhelming, this fine line you walk between being frenemies one moment and something more the next. It never helps that Jeongguk always says something that is neither here nor there and is something smack dab in the middle of the spectrum which leaves you feeling even more confused.
“How did you like the surprise?” you put the cup of beer down behind you on the counter and jump up to sit on in.
“It’s nice” he muses as his eyes still rest on the couple. He’s got a faint smile on his face as he leans against the counter, elbows resting on the top.
For a moment it confuses you because you don’t know whether he means the get-together or the two lovebirds immersed in their own world. His eyes are filled with a kind of longing you have never seen in them before. They are solemn yet they twinkle with a hope-- for what you don’t know. But when he’s like this, lost in his own thoughts, disengaged from the world-- that's when you truly see him.
“Just nice?” you question, which catches his attention for a brief second as he glances at you and then goes back to observing the couple.  
“Yeah. Nice” he supplies, still looking like he’s too lost in his thoughts. You follow his gaze and find yourself also looking at the unknown couple.
“Don’t tell me this surprise has got you all sappy”
“Why?” he turns his head towards you. “You don’t like me when I am like this?”
“I don’t like you anyway” you roll your eyes-- but it’s playful.
“Liar” he whispers pulling his lower lip between his teeth, lips curving into a tiny flirty smile.
You clear your throat as it suddenly feels dry. “You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind”
“Perceptive as always” he chuckles.
“Well, it’s not hard when you’re only like this five percent of the time and the other ninety-five-you fuck around” a corner of your lip tugs into a teasing smile, which he catches.
“I take it back. You wouldn’t be able to see it if it was staring you right in the face” he says with a shake of his head as his head hangs low.
“See what?” a frown decorates your forehead as confusion registers in your mind at his words.
“Everything” he glances at you. “All of it. How do you not see it?”
“See what?” you gesture wildly with your hands because you hate how he’s being so not specific about whatever it is he’s going on about. “Can you be any more vague” you sigh.
He mutters something under his breath, his fist clenched by his side.
“What is going on with you?” you actually feel confused and slightly frustrated. “Can’t you be direct?”
“Can you be more of a fool y/n. How is it that you have a high IQ but a low EQ?” he imitates your sigh-- looking utterly defeated. The fact that he’s talking in circles is beginning to make your head spin.
“Excuse me?” you nudge him hard feeling defensive, letting your feelings escape through your tone.
“Are you really going to make me say it again? Right now?” he dismisses in a soft tone with a shake of his head.
“Yes!” you look at him with wide eyes. “Please say it and spare me this pain of trying to figure out what’s gotten into you”
“Why do you care?” he folds his arms across his chest, giving you that slightly narrow-eyed curious look.
“Because--” you stare at him open-mouthed. “I can’t believe I am saying this but you are much more bearable when you are your usual annoying talkative self. Whatever this is” you wag your finger up and down at him. “I don’t like it”  For whatever reason, it’s true. You don’t like it when he acts all stressed out and withdraws into himself. It irks you because you like him when he’s smiling, and laughing-- way more than you would care to admit.
Then you pick up your beer cup and resume mindless drinking as Jeongguk watches you quietly with a tiny hint of a smile on his mouth. He doesn’t stop you, he doesn’t even blink. All he does is observe you quietly which is worse because it unsettles you. You notice him and suddenly the small sips turn into hugs gulps as you chug the drink and slam the glass on the counter.
He folds his arms across his chest with a faint smile on his lips which doesn’t quite reach his eyes, yet the corners crinkle-- it’s when someone in love silently admires the subject of their affections.
“Stop looking at me like that”
“How much do you hate me?” his voice is quiet, yet that muted smile remains on his lips
“Hate. Pffft” you press your lips in a thin line. “That’s a strong word” a hiccup escapes your chest.
The tiny sound draws Jeongguk’s attention and quickly he turns and pours you a glass of water. It hovers in front of you as you look between him and his outstretched hand. He motions with his head to glass as he looks at you. You drink it and find the cool water soothing the burning sensation in your throat.
“My, my Jeon” you put the glass down. “Aren’t you thoughtful?” an imperceptible smile crosses your lips.
“It’s part of my charm” he shrugs with that snarky quality making its way back into his voice.
You snap and point a finger at him. “That’s what I am talking about. This is much better. Please don’t become all sappy on me. It’s not a good look on you”
He chuckles. “And worrying for me is not a good look on you” he gently taps the tip of your nose with a playful wink.
You snort. “Who said I was worried for you?”
“If this wasn’t your failed attempt at getting me to cheer up then what was it?” he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Delusional as always” you pass a shy, flirty smile which he reciprocates as you both quietly look at each other-- and to a third party you would look like two people too blind to see how deep they are in their feelings for one another.
“Right. I am totally delusional are you’re totally not worried about me “he mumbles under his breath.
“Stop saying I am worried about you. Why would I be worried about you?” you fold your arms defensively over your chest shooting him an unimpressed look.
> > > > > >
If there is one thing in the world that can unite you and Jeongguk, it’s UNO. As you sit in a circle— swearing under your breath because you and Jeongguk are losing against Hoseok and Jimin— you can’t help but want to kick whosoever idea this was. That is because you hate losing, and Jeongguk definitely hates losing. But then you got placed into one team because apparently a boyfriend and girlfriend should be together in one team.
And now you’re in a losing situation and both of you are feeling too competitive. From the periphery of your vision you glance at Jeongguk to find his brows knitted in concentration, lower lip pulled between his teeth.
“What do you think?” Jeongguk leans in to whisper against your ear as he turns the cards slightly towards you so you can see them.
“Play the blue one” you eye the discard pile and notice a blue card which serves your turn well.
Jeongguk plays the blue one and you end up with two cards. The game continues on and Jimin and Hoseok also have two cards left. The atmosphere around you is silent as the other teams who had already had their turn watch in anticipation.
“UNO” you yell startling Jeongguk who is right next to you. His eyes widen and a grin teeters to the edges of his lips.
“UNO!” he yells as he realizes he’s only holding one card.
Jimin and Hoseok have vexed looks on their faces as they eye you and Jeongguk. “Damn” Jimin mumbles under his breath as he slams the last two cards on the floor while you and Jeongguk celebrate.
“We won!” he shoots up and you follow as both of you jump up and down holding hands and then he pulls you in for a bear hug.
“Good job y/n” he sways you side to side.
“You too Jeon!” you give a gentle squeeze.
You embrace each other in the middle of the living room— Meanwhile everyone else watches you with wide eyes and raised brows.
“I told you she likes him” Jimin whispers to Hoseok.
“Does she know she likes him?” Hoseok asks a legit question because god knows you can be blind and knowingly stubborn when it comes to admitting your feelings for a certain Jeon Jeongguk.
After that very intense game of UNO ends, Jimin and Hoseok decide it’s a great idea to go out for drinks. It’s actually a very bad idea because you’re already sort of buzzed and so is everyone else because there was more than enough booze at Jimin’s place. But somehow it’s not as fun drinking in the house as it is outside the house-- a logic you cannot understand.
You tried to get out of it-- really tried but then Hoseok threatened to tell Jeongguk about that one time you got drunk in high school and serenaded him thinking he was Zac Efron. It’s the one truly terrifying experience of your life that you like to keep under wraps. Of course it sucks that Hoseok knows all this about you and can use it against you. So when you hear that Jeongguk might become privy to this deepest darkest secret of yours-- of course you don’t want him to know.
At first your immediate response is a very hyperenthusaistic ‘no’ when Hoseok says he’ll tell Jeongguk. You don’t even hesitate for a second before the word slips out of your mouth--albeit very loudly. Then once you have had time to digest your reaction, you can’t help but wonder why you were desperate enough to say no without even a slight hesitation. You dwell on it, and then some more and as you’re all walking towards the nearest pub, you reach this conclusion: it’s because if Jeongguk knows he’ll use it against you, which you simply won't stand for.
You say it like it's a mantra in your head-- quietly walking next to Jeongguk who is too busy talking about football with Hoseok and Jimin to pay attention to how silent you’ve fallen. You repeat it again and again because a small part of you tries to refute that weak reasoning-- almost as if you’re trying to make yourself believe that you don’t want any embarrassing detail of your life made known to Jeongguk because he’ll use it against and not because you’ll simply be too embarrassed if he of all people finds out.
It’s the exact same thing Jimin had said when that desperate no had crossed your lips.
“See? You like him so much you don’t even want him to know about this because you’ll be embarrassed and you don’t want him to think you’re weird. Why can’t you just accept it?” he had said, at which point you had opted to slap him upside the head and settle for a small shut up. After all, there are only finite ways in which one can say ‘no’.
You shake your head as if that will make all these thoughts go away. Then the unthinkable happens as you’re walking to your destination. Jeongguk while still conversing with Hoseok and Jimin, slowly slides his hand into yours, interlocking your fingers and pulls you close to his side. He’s so subtle about it he doesn’t even stop to look at you. He just does it naturally without drawing attention, without uttering a single word and without interrupting his conversation with your best friends.
Your breath gets caught in your throat, and you feel your heart skipping a beat and then a second later it starts hammering-- reminding you that you can’t run away. Sure you can alter your thoughts and your words, but physically you can’t control these reactions Jeongguk incites in you.
You glance up at the man walking next to you. All you can focus on is the warm feeling of his hand against yours and how he’s acting so naturally as if he’s done this--holding your hand thing-- every single day of his life. Small tingles escape from the palm of your hands and travel up your arm and then it spreads to the rest of your body as a chill runs down your spine. As if that’s not enough your lips begin to curve up in a smile, and as you try to bite down on your lip to stop yourself, you feel the tightness stretching your cheeks and you end up giving in despite yourself-- smiling like a fool living in the sweet denial of love.
You gulp hard and then out of nowhere the realization hits you that you haven’t even once tried to wrest your hand from his. You’ve just let it be and walked hand in hand with him like it’s natural for you too. He keeps you close to his side, his grip snug against your hand so that if you wanted to you could slip your hand out easily. You should, you definitely should but you don’t which itself brings about an onslaught of a hundred different thoughts.  
While you are busy having a mental breakdown, you arrive at the pub, to find a long line outside stretching for about half a block.
“I told you we should have made reservations” Hoseok whines.
“Reservations for drinks? Are you crazy bro?” Jimin replies with a shake of his head.
Jeongguk chuckles watching the exchange between your friends all the while holding onto your hand, and you stand quietly next to him hoping they don’t see it.
“It’s chilly” Hoseok suddenly mumbles and then you feel it.
Now that he’s said it, of course you’re feeling it.
Then another unthinkable thing happens. Jeongguk very subtly places your already interlocked hands in his jacket pocket. Once again he doesn’t say a word, doesn’t look at you, or interrupt the conversation. He just does it like he’s done this a million times too. You glance up at him and he’s just looking at Hoseok and Jimin as they bicker with a smile. It’s not the fact that your hand is currently locked in his. It’s not the awareness of the emotions and sensations you’re feeling. What makes your knees go weak and your chest swell with emotion is how quietly he’s doing it. There is something about the way that he’s so natural about it that makes your heart race faster. It doesn’t feel forced. It feels just right-- and that’s what makes you so nervous.
You feel the warmth rise to your cheeks, softly melting into your skin and morphing into heat as it emanates. Even the slight chill in the night air isn’t enough to dull it down. Your breathing becomes faster, your lungs feel like they are being stretched as you try your best to take in air, but none it ever gets down there because you just can't remember how to breathe. You can feel the adrenaline in your veins, your mouth slowly but surely drying as each second passes with your hand shoved enveloped by the warmth of Jeongguk’s hand wrapped around yours.
Jimin’s eyes accidentally fall onto your disappeared hands. He nudges Hoseok who follows his line of sight to find your and Jeongguks’ hands safely tucked in his pocket. Wide smiles plaster themselves onto their lips as they look on, while both of you remain unaware of the two pairs of eyes closely observing you.
“We’ll be here all night long” Jeongguk speaks at which point both Jimin and Hoseok wipe the smiles on their faces and pretend not to have seen anything while nodding along.
“Should we just leave?” Jimin questions.
You’re the first one to nod in agreement-- too enthusiastically in fact which makes Jeongguk utter a soft chuckle as he looks down at you.
“Yeah” he mumbles quietly, as his gaze rests on you taking in how small you look next to him and how much he’ll give anything to keep you by his side-- safe and sound.
It’s been two weeks since you were given the task of writing Jeongguk’s profile and for the thousandth time as you sit to write, your mind draws a blank. How do you begin and where do you begin? The biggest issue for you though is maintaining objectivity because somehow the time you have spent with Jeongguk has made you realize several different things.
1. He’s not as bad as you thought he was, and therefore you can’t really hate him anymore 2. Since you can't hate him anymore, you don’t know what you are supposed to do 3. You feel things around him that you haven’t felt around other people and you are terrified as to what it means.
The library thankfully is empty save for you so you can whine and complain aloud without attracting attention which is what you are busy doing when Jimin walks in. He looks like death-- hair dishevelled and sticking out in different directions, face smeared slightly with dirt along with his shirt, and a shuffling gait as he approaches you.
He falls down limply onto the chair, leaning against the back and his arms fall loosely to the sides. You arch a brow in curiosity as you observe the young boy in front of you who suddenly looks like he’s gained years.
“Wow” you comment, shutting down your laptop, lowkey thankful for the distraction. “You look like shit”
“Blame your damn boyfriend” he mumbles, eyelids half droopy.
“For the last time, he’s not my boyfriend” a muscle in your jaw twitches as you glare at Jimin.
“Whatever it is” he waves you off. “Can’t you just accept it? He’s taking it out on us” Jimin lifts himself off the chair and offers you an impassive, blank look.
“What do you mean?” your face contorts in confusion.
“He’s frustrated. All of us can see it. Hell, the whole fucking college knows except you” he looks at you with the same lifeless gaze.
“Knows what?”
“Jeongguk likes you!” Jimin throws his hands in the air, finally the listless look replaced by some kind of emotion-- mostly frustration.
“No” you shake your head vigorously. “He doesn’t”. Despite him basically having confessed to you that day by the bus stop, you still refuse to believe it.
“Oh for fuck's sake” he groans, hiding his face in his palms.
“We’ve been practicing for four hours straight. All because he’s annoyed you can’t see his feelings and he’s trying to make that frustration go away by distracting himself with football. Or way worse because you refuse to acknowledge his feelings and your own”
“I am dead inside Jimin” you try to lighten the mood but Jimin only supplies a blank look, definitely not impressed. “Sorry” you look away sheepishly.
“Please y/n” please Jimin falls off his chair and onto his knees as he looks at you--pleading with despair.
“Jimin what the hell?” you jump from your seat in surprise as you force him to get up. “Stop”
“You stop. You like him right?” Jimin falls back on his seat with a long sigh.
“I don’t” you avoid his eyes, as yours dart around.
“Fine then. I guess we'll just set him up with Jaehyun’s sister” Jimin pouts with a shrug.
At this your head whips in his direction so fast you end up feeling dizzy. “What?”
“Yeah. Jaehyun has been pestering Jeongguk for months to date his sister because he thinks they’ll make a good couple. Honestly, I think so too because I have met his sister and she is very sweet and has a warm personality. Jeongguk will like her too once he meets her.”
You blink, feeling your energy being drained away and a sense of dread settling into your stomach. The thought of Jeongguk with someone else obviously doesn’t sit well with you because of the sense of urgency that starts to build. You don’t know what for, but it rises out of your stomach and slowly spreads to the rest of your body turning you restless. You look at Jimin, hoping he can see what you’re feeling in your eyes, the way Jeongguk sees it. But all Jimin does is stare at you in a blank fashion, as if he is incapable of expressing himself in any other way.
An image of Jeongguk with another girl passes through your mind and you shut your eyes tight to make it go away because it leaves its mark in your chest in the form of panic. All you feel is panic. Panic because Jeongguk might end up liking Jaehyun’s sister. Because if he likes her then somehow you’ll feel bad and if you feel bad then that means…
“What are you two doing here?”
Jimin turns his head towards the owner of the voice and you look past his shoulder to see the devil walking towards you, with his bag slung over one shoulder, black shirt hanging loosely off his frame, black sweatpants fitting perfectly along the curves of his thighs and to complete the look black boots along with a black baseball cap on his head, with his long hair sticking out of the bottom around his neck.
Damn him and his stupid fucking outfits. He never even tries and yet he has the ability to make your heart flutter.
“Must you always greet me like this y/n?” his lips stretch into a playful smile as he takes off his backpack and sits on the empty chair next to you.
“Must you sit next to me?” you glance at him and quickly open your laptop again to distract yourself.
“ I want to” his smile only widens.
You groan internally because you’re feeling it all over again— the butterflies, the heat seeping into your cheeks, the way your heart starts to beat faster and your breaths hitch in your throat.
“What are you writing?” he leans in towards you his shoulder touching yours. Your eyes widen momentarily at the contact.
“Umm” you clear your throat. “About you”
“I knew you liked me!” He whispers excitedly in your ear
“What!?” you shriek, unable to control the thrumming of your chest.
“Why can’t you just accept it?” he leans in further, nose gently touches the side of your face and your eyes automatically close as he makes you feel so many emotions. Overwhelmed, you push your chair away and run out.
“Y/n!” Jeongguk calls out after you with a grin stuck to his face.
“Why do you always do this?” Jimin shakes his head at him once you are gone.
“It’s fun. Plus it's cute how y/n blushes every time” he says with a playful grin.
“Fucking whipped man” Jimin sighs
Jeongguk leans into the palm of his hand squishing his cheek as he sulks. “I’ve always been whipped. Your best friend just refuses to see it”
“Whatever will happen to you two” Jimin purses his lips and shakes his head like he’s disappointed.
After running out like a damn coward from the library, and leaving all your stuff there like the intelligent person you are-- you end up bumping into Kinsey who is one of your group mates for a project you’re doing in your horrendous Microbiology class. You thought it would be a fun class with getting to wear that white lab coat and conducting experiments but you instead find the class to be so boring it makes you fall asleep.
“Hey Kinsey” you greet with a smile.
“Hey y/n. You remember we’re meeting today for the end of term project right?”
Do you remember that? No. Will you tell her? No.
“Yes I do” you lie with ease.
“We’ll see you in the library then at 6 as decided?”
Holy shit at 6 pm? How the hell are you supposed to get home?. You have half a mind to say no but you realize that your whole grade rides on this project and you end up getting a bad grade, you won’t just screw yourself, you’ll screw everyone else too which isn’t fair. So you agree to meet in the library at six and you are sure that you’ll be late getting home because when in this world ever have group meetings finished on time?
Kinsey leaves you with a lot to think about. However most important at this time though is getting your stuff from the library but you’re too scared to go back. But you have no choice because one you can’t just leave your stuff at the mercy of Park Jimin and Jeon Jeongguk, and two you still have a couple of hours to spare until you meet your group. So you need your stuff. Otherwise without your laptop, and your cell phone which you also left on the table-- you have nothing to do. At the very least you need these two things.
So begrudgingly, hating how the logic makes sense, you trudge back the way you came, and quietly sneak to the second floor, keeping your eyes and ears open in case Jeon Jeongguk appears. He has this bad habit of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.
When you reach the second floor, to your right are the bookshelves and you quickly hide behind one and peek from behind at the tables on the opposite side to you. You catch the sight of the table you were sitting on but it’s empty and none of your stuff is there. One of them took it and you desperately hope it was Jimin and not--
“Looking for this?” you turn around to find Jeongguk holding your bag by the grab handle mid-air, raising a brow at you.
Holy shit.
You reach for your bag but he retreats his arm. “Are you trying to avoid me?”
“No” you shake your head, reaching for the bag again but he steps back.
“Stop doing that and give me my backpack. I have a lot of work to do, unlike you”
“You are avoiding me” he says with a straight face.
“I really need my things Jeon. I am supposed to meet my group at 6 for a project so I need my stuff. Please”
“You’re staying here until after 6?” he stretches his arm and holds your bag out to you.
“Yeah” you nod, taking the bag and putting the straps over your shoulder.
“How will you get home?The bus stops running early today because of the parade”
“I’ll figure something out” you shrug and pivot on your heels, beginning your walk to somewhere you can be alone because lord knows being around Jeongguk is overwhelming and leaves you feeling like you don’t know what to do with yourself.
You had gotten so busy with working on his profile that you kind of put everything else on the back burner— including the one group assignment you had to do as an end of term project.
You and your group mates head out towards the parking lot after finishing because for one all of them drove and second you could take a shortcut through the parking lot to get to the bus stop two blocks down. Had it not been for the stupid spring parade the road wouldn’t be blocked and you wouldn’t have to walk two damn blocks just to catch the other bus.
Your group members even offer to give you a ride home but you refuse because you don’t want to be a burden.
“Bye” you said to Kinsey, and just as you turn around to leave your eyes fall upon none other than Jeongguk who is leaning against the hood of his car— eyes glued to his phone.
“Oh. I get it. Your boyfriend was coming to pick you up” Kinsey says with a suggestive smile on her face.
“No” you shake your head vigorously. “I didn’t even know he was here”
“It’s alright. I get it” she winks as she opens the door. “Have fun”
You open your mouth to protest but she is already settled in the car and starting the engine. Then she drives off into the night leaving you a little shocked.
Once she disappears from your sight you walk over to Jeongguk who doesn’t see you coming.
“What are you doing here at this time of the night?” you stop in front of him catching his attention.
“Oh hey!” he puts his phone away and greets you with that cheeky smile. “I am here to pick you up”
“What? Why?”
“Because it’s..” he glanced at the watch on his wrist. “It’s 10:05 at night and you should not be taking transit. It’s not safe”
“What kind of a guy would I be if I let a girl— a catch like you— take the transit in the middle of the night. My mom didn’t raise me that way” he shakes his head. “Besides, I can’t have some random handsome stranger on the bus steal you away from me” he breaks out into his signature tooth grin, eyes disappearing into moon shaped crescents.
“I don’t know what kinds of movies you have been watching all your life to get that stupid idea in your head. But It’s okay. I am a big girl. I can handle myself” you offer a smile before pivoting with the intention of walking away. However, you forget you are talking to Jeongguk— he doesn’t give up easily.
He tugs you back by the grab handle on top of your backpack.“Y/n wait” You turn around to look at him.
“Please just come. I’ll feel better about it. I really don’t want you taking transit at this time. It’s not safe. I don’t want anything happening to you”
You regard him— how he’s silently pleading with those sparkly eyes of his, how he sounds so concerned and genuine.
“I live forty minutes away. What if you get hungry?”
“I ate. Plus I came prepared with snacks” he looks proud of himself as he cheekily grins at you.
“What if your parents get mad at you?” you fold your arms
“I am a big boy y/n. Besides, I live alone”
“What if the car runs out of gas?” you quirk a brow at him
“The tank is full. I made sure of that when I came here”
“Umm then, what if….” you stumble for another excuse.
“Nope. No more excuses” he wags his finger side to side.
“Okay. But it’ll take you like two hours to get back home because you live on the opposite side of the city and you have practice tomorrow morning. So you’ll need to wake up early which means if you drop me off you will get home late and won’t have enough time to sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep then how will you go into practice tomorrow morning” you ramble out of concern for him.
He waves you off. “My love, I’ll be fine”
“What if you are so tired, you can’t concentrate and then you injure yourself?”
“I won’t injure myself. I’ll get enough sleep. Stop worrying about me”
“I am not worried about you” you scoff, looking away as your pupils shake.
“Okay fine. You’re totally not worried about me. I concede. Will you please just get in so I can drive you home, then get back to my precious bed and get that proper sleep you’re so not worried about?”
You bite your lip in indecision. Then you figured the more you stand here wasting time the later he would get home— not that you care. But you also know refusing wouldn’t be an option for two reasons: one Jeongguk would rather die than let you take the bus and two it might sort of, kind of break his heart if you refused. But you settle on the former being the reason for saying yes, and definitely not the latter.
“Fine. Thank you” your lips stretch into a grateful making him smile as well.
“Anytime my love” and like the gentleman, he is he opens the door for you and you sit in and he drives you home.
Once you’ve reached home, he leans in and pecks you on the cheek. “Good night y/n” his eyes sparkle as the moonlight through the window hits his irises.
“Drive safe Jeon. Good night” you whisper
The next day, you’re in the elevator heading to your class when it stops at one the floors and a bunch of girls get in squishing you. You shuffle as far back as you can and find yourself pinned to a corner.
“Did you hear Jeongguk asked Jihyun out?” one of them says with a dirty scowl on her face.
Your eyes widen as the words register in your head and your heart starts pounding against your chest.
“Jihyun?” one of the girls in the group asks
“Yeah. Jaehyun’s sister” the first girl replies with yet another scowl.
“Wow. I thought he would never date anyone” the second girl.
“A guy like him can’t be single for too long” the other shrugs.
So when Jimin told you that they would set Jeongguk up with Jaehyun’s sister he wasn’t joking. You had taken it too lightly and now Jeongguk is with another girl.
A lump forms in your throat and you try your best to choke it back. But then the tightness builds and you feel the back of your throat constricting and a tiny sob escapes. You slap a hand to your mouth as the two girls look at you. You duck your head low so they can’t see the tears pricking the edge of your eyes.
You press the button for the next floor since the board is right next to you. The elevator bell dings and you push past them, earning glares in response.
The tears you had been trying to hold back fall onto your cheeks one after another and your nose starts to feel stuffy. You keep your head low and avoid eye contact with people around you.
As if your luck couldn’t get any worse you end up bumping your head into someone’s chest—
“Sorry” a familiar voice cuts through the air and you wish that a hole open up in the ground to swallow you whole. “Y/n?”
Jeon frickin Jeongguk makes an appearance at the worst moment.
You try to sidestep him but he tugs your arm to make you stop. “Are you crying?”
“Let me go” you croak, trying to wrest your wrist from his grasp. But he only pulls you towards him. You keep your head low to avoid looking at him.
“Why are you crying?” his soft voice only makes the urge to sob worse.
“It’s none of your business” a muscle in your jaw twitches as you bite through clenched teeth. “Let me go!” you yank your wrist out of his grasp and walk past him to continue on your unknown destination.
“Wait” he pulls at your wrist again. “Did someone say something to you? Do I need to kick someone’s ass because I’ll gladly do it” he’s looking into your eyes with that stupid fucking look-- slight crinkle on his forehead, eyes full of concern that makes you want to melt into a puddle of goo. You look at him, tears falling down your cheeks as you try to decipher exactly what is going through his head. He’s no one. He’s not your boyfriend, he’s not even a friend. To top it all off he’s asked someone else out. So why does he care so much?
You roll your eyes. “Can't you mind your own business?. Besides your girlfriend won’t appreciate seeing you holding onto me like this” you lift the wrist he’s holding and glance at it and then back at him.
“Oh” a look of realization crosses his face, and very subtly a corner of his lips tugs up, but then he’s quick to revert to his usual neutral expression. He lets go of your wrist, and without a word, you pivot on your heels and leave him standing there.
Had you looked back you would have noticed him shaking his head with an affectionate smile that reached his eyes, as he watched your retreating figure.
The last thing-- the very last thing you want is to leave the house. You just want to wallow in your misery which you don’t fully comprehend, or rather refuse to acknowledge the reason for. That’s all you want. But having Jimin and Hoseok and best friend’s makes things difficult. You wish that there was a refund policy for friendships because you would definitely cash in on it when both of them barge into your room and rip the covers off you.
You shoot both of them a glare and lift yourself to pull the covers back and fall back onto the bed again. You clutch onto the covers tightly so they can't take them off you. But two of them are stronger than one of you and you feel the cold draft hitting you when they manage to get the duvet off you again.
“What!” you yell at them.
“Get up!” they say in unison.
“Fuck off!” you yell back
“Stop being a child and get up. The world hasn’t ended. You say you don’t even like him! So why are you acting all butt hurt about it” Hoseok’s firm voice cuts through the silence.
“I am not butthurt” you fold your arms defensively as you frown at him.
“Seriously y/n, if you don’t get up I am going to the very last thing you want” Jimin threatens as he folds his arms across his chest too and pouts at you-- daring you to disobey.
“You are all words” you scowl at him.
“Fine” he pulls his phone out of his pocket. You watch as he dials and then puts the phone next to his ear. “Jeongguk, come over right now”
“Jimin!” you yell and shoot up from the bed and jump on Jimin as he catches you by wrapping one arm around your waist. He extends his arm away from your reach and puts the phone on speaker. “Hang up!” you slap him repeatedly on his back. “Hang the fuck up!”
“What’s going on?” you hear Jeongguk’s voice.
“Hang up Jimin!!” you yell at the top of your lungs.
“Alright. I am coming over” you hear Jeongguk’s voice before the dial tone rings.
You look from the phone to Jimin, who is smiling at you. “Don’t challenge me next time y/n”
Jimin lets go of you and you flop on the bed with a thud. “I hate you” you glance at them both before hiding your face behind your hands.
“We love you too. So, now he’s coming over. Here’s what is going to happen” Hoseok crouches down in front of you and pulls your hands away from your face, holding them tight to your sides as he looks at you. “You’re going to tell him how you feel about him. Don’t dare deny it y/n” he warns.
“But he asked Jihyun-”
“No” Jimin says sternly and shakes his head. “No more excuses”
You look at Jimin and then down at Hoseok. “You guys suck”
“You know you like him. You do” he pauses as he studies you carefully. “Just tell him because he likes you too. A lot. He’s even told you like a million times. Stop breaking his heart”
“What?” your eyes widen as you feel betrayed. “Breaking his heart? When did I-” and then you realize how many times he said he liked you-- directly and indirectly-- and how everytime you brushed him off.
“You know y/n, there is only so much time he will wait for you. If you don’t, he’ll move on and then you’ll regret not saying anything” Jimin speaks as he peers into your eyes.
“Exactly” Hoseok nods.
You groan and fall back onto the bed. “I hate all of this”
Jimin grabs one of your arms and Hoseok grabs the other as they pull you up. “Stop” both of them say in unison again.
“Tell him” Hoseok says a final time before both of them retreat out of your room, giving you plenty to think about.
> > > > > > >
As not promised, Jeongguk shows up. He actually shows up at your place. He always does things he’s not supposed to do like showing up at your place and never does things he’s supposed to do like answer your interview questions. When you hear the front the door open, you quickly run to the door of your room and stand with your back against it, pushing as much as you can because you know Hoseok and Jimin are going to come at any moment to get you.
As expected you hear the sounds of footsteps and whispers outside your door. “She better not have locked it” you hear Hoseok mumble.
You feel the handle digging into the small of your back as Hoseok tries to open the door from the other side. You press your lips together, as the pain gets to you slowly. You try to hold it in but then the door bursts open. You lose your balance since you are pushed away due to the sheer force that is Jimin and fall to the floor on your knees.
“I knew it” Hoseok looks at you accusingly from behind Jimin as he holds open the door. “He’s here”
“Go downstairs and talk to him” Jimin helps you up.
“Do I have to?” you look at him pleadingly.
“Yes. What do you think is going to happen if you tell him?” he says in a firm voice
“I don’t know” you reply. But you imagine Jeongguk could just change his mind and tell you he never liked you, in which case you would be hurt. He could tell you he likes Jihyun now and that he’s forgotten all about you. He could tell you he’s already moved on and then things are awkward between you for the rest of your college life. But more than all of this is just the fact that he’s Jeongguk and you are y/n and your relationship was never supposed to come to this.
You were always supposed to walk that thin line between friends and enemies and nothing more. But then you got to know Jeongguk and how kind he is. You got to know his ambitions and how hard he will work for them. You understood that he’s a human too and he breaks down like everyone else. That understanding changed something — in fact it changed everything.
So is it not natural for you to hesitate? Why can’t everyone understand that?
At being met nothing but silence Jimin shoves you out of your room, his hand resting on the small of your back, until you are downstairs in the living room just to make sure you don’t run away.
They know you too well.
“Go!” Jimin pushes you and you end up stumbling towards Jeongguk who is standing with his back to you, his eyes glued to the football game. When you hit him because you lose your balance he is quick to turn around and steady you.
“Clearly God never blessed you with balance” he chuckles.”How are you always stumbling and falling over?” he steadies you by placing his hands on your arms and holding you in place.
“T-t-th-thanks” you mutter under your breath as he lets go of your arms. You allow your gaze to settle on the floor as you fidget with your hands. You look over your shoulder at Jimin and Hoseok both of whom give an imperceptible shake of their heads as you silently plead. You guess there is no choice.
“Why did you call me over?” Jeongguk turns to Jimin who abandons his defensive stance.
“Y/n has something to tell you” the corners of his mouth upturn in an encouraging smile as he looks from Jeongguk to you.
“You do?” Jeongguk looks at you with crinkled brows.
You stand silent, unable to look at him, unable to think-- powerless to even move a muscle much less your mouth. You can feel all three men looking at you. Jimin gently squeezes your shoulder.
“Well-” you clear your throat as you look at Hoseok who gives you a thumbs up. “Well the thing is” you clear your throat again, swallowing hard because your mouth is dry. “The- the- the thing is that… I--ummm.. I--uhhh. I-- well I ” you glance at Jeongguk who is watching you with nothing but patience.
“She likes you” Hoseok speaks out nowhere. No one asked him--literally no one. This isn’t how you were going to say it.
Your head whips in his direction as you look at him wide-eyed, and a panicked frown decorating your forehead.
“She does huh” Jeongguk muses with a slow understanding nod. You turn to face him. He’s grinning from ear to ear like a child. He steps towards you, to erase the already minimal distance. “I know you do” he says with a low voice, and a tiny smile that reaches his eyes.
“How?” you blink at him in confusion.
“I told you, your eyes always give you away y/n” he speaks in a gentle, calming tone which helps calm your nerves down. “In the hallway that day when you bumped into me, you were crying and when I asked why you told me to mind my own business. But then when I held your wrist you told me my girlfriend wouldn’t like it. The way you looked at me-- heartbroken, hurt, with so much anger and pain in your eyes -- I knew right then and there, my love” he reaches for both of your hands and holds them in his.
“Didn’t you ask Jihyun out?”
“That…” he tilts his head as he turns to look at Hoseok and Jimin pointing at them with his thumb. “It’s not true. It was their plan to get some kind of reaction out of you”
You turn to your best friends with a look of betrayal on your face. “What?”
“Would you have admitted your feelings otherwise?” Hoseok says defensively.
“Our work is done so we will leave,” Jimin says hurriedly already on the move and you open your mouth to chastise them but before you can they run-- as in sprint the fastest you have ever seen them before. Jeongguk chuckles watching them and you just stare at their retreating figures in disbelief.
“Well,” Jeongguk turns to you. “They aren’t wrong”
You bite your lip as you look at him. “I guess I like you”
He chuckles softly. “A guess is better than you denying it”
Silence befalls as both of you avoid each other’s gazes. Jeongguk awkwardly scratches the nape of his neck while you keep your gaze cast on the floor.
“You still like me? Despite me always brushing off your feelings?”
“Love” he nods, his voice an octave lower. “I’ll always love you. I’ll love you even when I hate you. You can break my heart, do whatever you want with it and I’ll still love you” he looks in your eyes, never once blinking.
“You’re absolutely sure?”
He blinks and his lips curve in a faint smile. “ It’s hard not to y/n. You’re amazing. My favourite thing about you is that you don’t even know how perfectly beautiful you are. You don’t see what I see and that’s your charm” he says in a low gentle voice.
“What don’t I see?”
“How loving you has made me calmer, wiser, kinder, easier, and... better” he steps towards you erasing the small amount of distance between you
“What else?” you whisper, feeling your stomach tightening in knots, and a soft quiver settling in between your thighs.
“You don’t see that you have the ability to make a man crazy with desire yet still be naive enough to not know that. It’s absolutely maddening”
“You always make it so--so hard for me, Jeon” you breathe heavily, feeling that quiet resolve to not acknowledge him deep within you break as each second passes. Because the truth is he does make it hard for you to hate him— and maybe the sun is finally coming up and reality is settling in.
“I think I am going to kiss you” his voice cuts through the silence.
You make a non-committal sound catching yourself off guard and to cover it up you clear your throat. You just look at him and hope he can understand that you are okay with it.
He leans in slowly, and wraps your hands around his waist as he pulls you in. “Stop me at anytime” he tilts his head to the side as his nose brushes past yours and then he presses his lips against yours very gently. Your lips tingle at the contact and intuitively your arms tighten around his waist as you pull him in. The gentle movements of his mouth grow stronger once your lips part and you start kissing him back.
He pulls you in further as his hand rests on the back of your head. Your toes curl from the adrenaline and you moan against his mouth. He pulls back as you take a quick breather in which he also manages to chuckle at your reaction.
“Shut up” you mumble against his mouth as you press your lips against his. You feel the heat building in every part of your body. Your face in particular feels very warm and so do your hands. Jeongguk’s lips move against yours and his hands slowly slide down to rest against the small of your back. He slightly pushes you and in you lose all your breath.
Then you’re tugging him by his shirt and jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. He supports your weight as he starts walking up the stairs like you weigh nothing for him. Somehow this simple action makes you more impatient, makes you want more because it’s just hot?
Jeongguk kicks open your ajar door with his foot and lays you down on the bed without breaking the kiss. He pulls away first as both of you pant against each other’s mouths. “I told you I am a great kisser” he heaves with a soft chuckle.
You bite his lower lip gently. “Is that all you can do?” you tease.
“Are you sure?” he smooths your hair away from your face and then cups your cheeks as he lays a soft peck on your lips.
You nod your affirmation and pull him down again in a kiss. His hands grip your sides, gently stroking up and down which makes heat pool within your stomach. His touch sends shivers down your spine. You feel his fingers under your skin as your shirt rides up.
“Stop teasing” you breathe out.
“Patience babygirl” he grins wolfishly, a tiny mischievous glint in his eyes.
He captures your lips in his once again and then moves down to the crook of your neck as he pulls the sensitive skin between his teeth softly. A laugh escapes your lips as his breath tickles. “That’s going to leave a mark” you giggle.
“That’s the point” he kisses the same spot softly. “I fucking love you”
“Show me then” you whisper.
Jeongguk doesn’t hesitate after you give him consent. His hands never rest in one place as they explore every part of your body. He whispers sweet nothings in your ear as he slides in and out of you, tells how beautiful he thinks you are. He doesn’t for one second let you feel uncomfortable and goes at your pace. He listens to you when you tell him what feels good and does exactly that.
“Jeon” you pant heavily as you pull him down towards you.
“You feel so damn good y/n” he pecks you on the lips as he bucks his hips in and out of you. You claw your fingers against his back giving into the rush he makes you feel. He utters a guttural sound at the contact. He continues his movements as he pushes your hair out of your face, cupping your cheek staring you directly in your eyes. “God you have no idea how beautiful you look right now” he whispers between breaths.
“Fuck” you moan as he bends down to capture your lips in his once more-- drinking in all the ecstasy running through your veins.
He’s gentle, even still as he holds you. His caresses, and touches are so soft they leave goosebumps in their wake. The moans and groans that escape past his lips only help you climax harder because you know he’s feeling good. That in itself is enough to make you come undone. When you do, Jeongguk is right there hovering above you, praising you, gently and softly kissing you as you convulse around him. Then he’s chasing his own high and your name softly passes through his lips and he falls limply on top you, kissing the crook of your neck.
He gathers you up in his arms as he rolls on his back. You cuddle against him, wrapping your arm around his torso, resting your face in the crook of his neck, leaving small feather light pecks. He’s so warm against your skin that it starts to make you feel sleepy.
“Goodnight, baby” he whispers against your forehead as he lays a gentle kiss.
Then you drift off to sleep in his arms-- safe, sound, protected, and loved.
> > > > > > >
The next morning the stupid chiming sound of your phone wakes you up. You crack an eye open and reach for it. Jeongguk’s name appears on the screen and your heart immediately starts beating faster. Last night comes to mind and you remember how he touched you, how your name had passed his lips as he had reached his high. You remember how he showed you he loved you. You remember the sweet smell of cinnamon from his skin, and the soft gentle caresses of his fingers against your skin.
You open the text with a smile.
Jeon Jerguk: breakfast is ready 💕
Curious, you slide to the edge of the bed legs dangling to the floor with the intention of getting up but then you pick your phone and change Jeongguk’s name in your phone to Kookie with a heart beside it. He’s not so much of a jerk anymore.
Then you get up and upon feeling something under your feet, you look to find Jeongguk’s shirt. Your brows furrow. If his shirt is here then what is he wearing?
It turns out he isn't wearing a shirt at all. You gawk stupidly at his back which faces you while he’s making breakfast. You can see the curves of his biceps, the muscles straining in his back as he holds the pan in his hand. The deep line in the middle of his back which stops just above the hem of his jeans. You gulp hard, your fist clenching tighter on the shirt in your hand.
You clear your throat and he turns around. It was a bad idea- a really bad idea because now you can’t stop staring at him even more. It’s funny how abs have been glorified and sexualized so much that they are actually a part of a man’s sexual appeal. Unfortunately you have also fallen into that trap because you just can’t stop staring at that six pack he is sporting
“Y/n” Jeongguk grins noticing where your eyes are lurking.
“Huh?” you blink at him and then throw his shirt at him which hits his face. “Your shirt” you mumble quickly looking away.
“I was kind of hoping you would wear it” a wolffish, playful grin spreads on his mouth. But he takes the shirt and pulls it over his head and then down his torso.
“Uhh… well” you stumble for words avoiding his eyes.
“I am kidding” he starts walking towards you. He cups your cheeks before he’s placing a kiss on your forehead. “Breakfast?” he pulls away with a soft smile.
“You made breakfast?” you stare at him wide eyed, unable to hide your surprise.
“Always with the look of surprise” he says for the thousandth time.
“I just didn’t think…”
“I was hungry” he shrugs, and walks back to the stove.
You’re not surprised. He’s always hungry. There is never a moment when Jeongguk wouldn’t say he’s not hungry.
You take a seat at the island and he comes back with a plate in his hand and he places it in front of you. He leans on the counter on his elbows as he looks at you, making your stomach tighten.
You swallow hard. “French toast?” you again look at him in surprise and yet again he shakes his head.
“You really have to stop being so surprised at everything I do. It’s kind of offensive” he pouts.
“I’ll try my best not to” you take a bite. It’s actually good.
“How is it?” he looks upon you in anticipation.
“Really good” you mumble through a mouthful.
“Yes!” he punches the air
“How many girls have you done this for?” you chuckle.
“I’ll give you an actual reason to be surprised” he purses his lips. “You’re the first”
“You’re telling me-- you-- the captain of the football team, Jeon Jeongguk, have never done this before?” you point to your plate.
“Not just breakfast. Even last night. You’re the first”
“I am what!?” you gawk at him.
“You are the first girl I’ve slept with. Happy?”
He then turns around and gets his own plate, sitting down next to you. You don’t prompt him again regarding the same topic but you do feel special. Then this urge overcomes you and lean towards him and kiss him on the cheek. “You can be cute sometimes Jeon Jeongguk”
His lips spread in a wide grin and he leans in and pecks you on the corner of your mouth. “Happy to return the favor” he turns towards his plate, grabbing his fork and knife.
“So, serious question” you say just as he’s about to take a bite but stops mid-air.
“Anything” his lips tug upwards in a smile.
“What do we do now?”
“We do whatever you want, how ever you want”  he says in a gentle voice
“Okay. I would love to beat around the bush but I think you should know what happened last night, although I don’t regret it-- I just want you to know that I don’t do that. I mean at least not how quickly it happened. I am not like-“
“We’ll jump the base whenever you want to, my love. We’ll do it at your pace. You just tell me what you’re comfortable with and what is a ‘no’ for you. If you ever think I am rushing you just tell me. I don’t want to do this wrong. Especially not with you” the sincerity in his eyes is as clear as day. He’s not looking away, he’s not even blinking. He’s looking straight in your eyes and saying that which forces you to think he’s being honest. If he weren’t his body would have given him away. But he’s firm with his voice and his words.
“Thank you… Kookie” you quickly look away, slightly angling your body away from him out of sheer embarrassment. After all those sweet words, he deserves a sweet name like that doesn’t he?
He’s about to begin eating when a look of realization crosses his face and his hand stops midway to his mouth, toast dropping on the plate. “Wait what did you just call me?” he grabs your arm and spins you so you face him.
“I am just trying it out” you quickly glance at him and then rest your gaze on your lap.
“Wait, say it again” you can hear the smile in his voice. You don’t have to look up to know that he is in fact grinning.
“Kookie” you mumble.
“If I was a girl I would say my heart is going to burst and shit sprinkles all over”
“What?” you chuckle, the laughter bellowing from deep within your chest as it develops into a full bellyache.
“In other words, I love it! Please never call me anything else”
“You’re crazy” you shake your head
“Yeah. But only for you” his smile is so wide his eyes crinkle at the corners.
You haven’t seen Jeongguk all day long because he’s been busy practicing for the friendly game against the rival college team. Even though it’s supposed to be a pre-season game things tend to get intense when the Douglas Royals visit your college.
One would think it was the final game of the season with all the banners decorating the hall, people dressed in the white and red colours of the football team with face paint on. There was barely anything happening in classes because even the professors understood that people wouldn’t be paying attention.
Your phone buzzes and you open it.
Kookie💙: if you go to my locker you’ll find a present there. I’ll see you this evening. ILY❤️
You make a U-turn from the front of the library and head to the locker room because can you say no to Jeongguk- never. Ever since you’ve been with Jeongguk the sports department has been extra nice about you going to the locker room even if it’s empty.
You skip happily to Jeongguk’s spot and find a black box waiting for you. Your heart starts beating fast in anticipation. As you close in, you realize it’s actually bigger than you thought it would be which makes you even more eager.
Unable to contain your curiosity you open the box and find something you had not been expecting with a small note attached to it.
You know you’re my lucky charm right? Wear this to the game this evening and I promise I’ll win it for you.
Yours, Kookie
The whole football field and the bleachers surrounding the field fill up thirty minutes before the kickoff. The team hasn’t arrived on the field and it’s only the cheerleaders doing their thing.
The moment you enter the field all eyes fall on you and whispers reach your ear.
“Isn’t that JK’s girlfriend?”
“Never thought they would get together”
“I am so jealous of her” someone whines and it automatically makes your heart swell with pride— everyone wants him but you got him.
There’s more but you tune it out because you find Hoseok waving at you. You skip down the steps and sit down next to him.
“Did the school spirit vomit all over you?” his nose scrunches when he takes in your appearance— wearing the football jersey with Jeongguk’s name and his number ‘9’ decorating your back and the number ‘9’ painted in white on your cheeks.
You clear your throat. “He left it as a present for me”
“He’s fucking whipped” Hoseok shakes his head as takes a sip of his beer.
“You made it happen so blame yourself” you nudge him teasingly.
The game begins and the whole time your eyes only follow Jeongguk. He almost gets knocked over by one of the players on the other team. But thank the heavens that Jimin is on the team because he manages to tackle the guy before Jeongguk gets thrown down. Your heart after that moment doesn’t stop thumping like it’s lost its ability to calm down.
Jeongguk is a great quarterback. He’s so good at it that you feel your chest swelling with pride on the inside every time he’s shown on the jumbotron on the opposite side of the field from you. So this is what it’s like to be his girlfriend.
The game comes to an end without anyone getting injured and your boyfriend makes it back to you in one piece.
“Yay!” he runs towards you after the game ends and you’re waiting for him outside the locker room. “You wore it”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I wore it”
“It looks good on you. Actually on second thought-- you look hot. Can we go home?”
You slap him on the shoulder. “Shut up. Let’s go eat. I’ll buy since you won and since you played so so so well. I am so proud of you”
“I don’t want food. I want you-- the best dessert ever” he winks.
“You’re disgusting Jeon Jeongguk” you shake your head and slap him on the shoulder.
“Fine” he grins as he drapes an arm over your shoulder. “Only because you’re buying, girlfriend” he kisses the side of your head as you both begin walking.
{2 weeks later}
Jeon Jeongguk is a lot of things, but a patient man is not of those things. Eager to announce your exclusive relationship he ended up instead setting more obstacles in your way because now people were doubting your ability to write his profile. You are supposed to release it in 24 hours and still, you have nothing but a blank page staring back at you.
Of course, it doesn’t help that the updated relationship status Jeongguk tagged you in keeps getting more comments. Your phone keeps buzzing again and again and again which only strengthens your resolve to throw it against a wall. You sigh for the millionth time as you bang your head gently against your closed laptop which is sitting in your lap.
Jeongguk turns to look at you, a look of worry crossing his face. The next time you lower your head you end up hitting his hand as it floats mid air between your face and your poor laptop.
You look at him and groan. “Kookie, I am so stressed out”
He abandons his lax posture against the couch and turns to you, folding one leg under the other and then holding both your hands in his. “Remember that time when I was whining about not wanting to be the captain”
You nod.
“What did you tell me?” he asks with a soft smile
“I told you that things that are worth it take effort and time”
“Exactly. You’ve worked so hard on this. I’ve seen you. I was there every time” he opens his arms and you quickly snuggle against him wrapping your arms around his back. He rests his cheek against the top of your head as he tightens his arms around you. “You can do it”
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” you mumble as you play with the fabric of his shirt.
“Because I love you dumdum” he kisses the top of your head.
“Fine” you pull away and reach for your laptop, dragging it towards yourself while Jeongguk’s arm rests behind you on the sofa and he goes back to watching the game.
You take one look at him-- the way the lights cast shadows on his face, the way his brows are knitted together in concentration as he chews his nails. That is when you know exactly what to say.
> > > > > > >
“Y/N!” you hear Hoseok yelling as he runs into the office. “Holy shit, did you see it?” he looks at you with wide eyes-- enough to make it seem like they’ll pop out any second.
“See what?” your brows crinkle in confusion.
“Oh my god, you have to” he quickly opens up your laptop, turns it towards himself and enters the college website. He navigates to the media page where your profile about Jeongguk is posted titled: Jeon Jeongguk: The Story Untold.
“What is it?” you are very concerned because it is either very good or very bad. You hope its the former not because you care about yourself but because it's Jeongguk. You don’t want his story to receive negative comments and that too because of you-- because of someone he loves.
“It’s doing better than Josh’s profile” Hoseok turns the laptop towards you.
Your mouth opens in surprise and Hoseok watches your reaction with anticipation.There are more than thirty-thousand comments which is crazy because there aren’t even that many students in the college.
“It’s spread beyond the college”
“It's what?” you ogle at him stupidly, unable to control your surprise.
“Yeah! People have shared it on social media. The college is making rounds everywhere. Jeon Jeongguk is the talk of the town right now. Because of you!” he laughs excitedly
You blink profusely unable to comprehend what he’s saying because how can that be when twenty four hours ago you were whining to your boyfriend about it? “I- I- I don’t know what to say”
“Honey!” Hoseok yells out of excitement. “You just wrote the best profile the college has seen in a long while. You have outdone yourself. This isn’t the time for talking, this is a time for celebrating!” Hoseok is smiling so bright and wide that you can’t help but smile as well.
“Holy shit” you giggle as you get up from your chair and hug Hoseok.
He spins you around in his arms further making you giggle.
The door flings open with a thud making you and Hoseok break the hug and turn towards the sound.
“Y/n” Jeongguk stands by the door with the widest grin on his face.
With quick long strides, he walks towards you and captures your lips in a kiss, without saying a single word. All he does is kiss you, and kiss you more, and then some more. You both pull away and you find Jeongguk is positively beaming. Your heart swells with happiness upon seeing him happy.
He cups your cheeks, grin still plastered to his face. “Thank you, my baby doll” he pecks you again.
“What’s going on?”
“Look” he takes out his phone and shows it to you.
It’s an email from a scouting agent which states that one of the teams at the state level is interested in meeting with Jeongguk.
“Oh my god Kookie” your mouth remains agape in surprise. “Holy shit”
“It’s all because of your profile. They saw it, called me and said they are interested”
“That’s amazing!”
You laugh as he wraps his arms around you, lifts you and spins you around in his arms. “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you so freaking much y/n” he mumbles against your shoulder as he spins you round and round until you both start to feel a little dizzy. He gently sets you down and without unlocking his arms around you.
“I am happy for you” you smile.
“I could kiss you all day long. That’s how happy I am and it’s ten times better because you made it happen” his bright expression softens as he looks into your eyes. “Thank you again”
“It’s all you Kookie. You worked hard. I just told people your story” you stand on your toes and lay a gentle kiss on his nose which makes him scrunch it as he softly chuckles.
“You’re the best thing that has happened to me in a very very very long time” he kisses your forehead in return and wraps you in a bear hug.
“And you are the best decision I have ever made” you wrap your arms around him, feeling everything all at once-- just like every time he is around you. You don’t think these fuzzy feelings will ever fade in Jeongguk’s presence even fifty years down the road when you’re both too old to jump in each others arms. You don’t think you’ll love anyone else like you love him.
And he wouldn’t give his heart away the same way to anyone the way he’s given it to you-- absolutely, completely, utterly and hopelessly.
Just as you are busy hugging the life out of each other, Hoseok clears his throat to draw your attention to him.
“Forgetting about me already?” he pouts.
You and Jeongguk pull away and chuckle. You run up to Hoseok and tackle him in a hug because if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t be with Jeongguk. If he hadn’t pushed you to do the profile you would have missed out on the best thing in your life.
“Alright” Jeongguk interjects and he pulls you and Hoseok away. “That’s enough”
You shake your head at your crazy boyfriend.
As soon as you are out of Hoseok’s embrace, Jeongguk pulls you in a hug by tugging at your arm and wrapping it around his back. You rest your head against the crook of his neck and he rests his cheek against the top of your head and gently sways back and forth.
“Thanks for loving me” he mumbles in that soft gentle voice that always gets to you. Your heart sinks to your stomach.
“Thanks for teaching me how to love you” you tighten your hold around his waist and give a squeeze. Because had it not been for his kindness, his will to work hard, his gentle presence you would never have known the real Jeon Jeongguk. You would have missed out on the best thing in your life. “I love you”
“I love you more” he lays a gentle kiss on the top of your head as he sways you back and forth in his arms.
A/N: Many thank you’s to you if you go to the end. It’s the longest thing I have ever written in my life and it took a lot of hardwork. So please show this fic love by either clicking that heart or reblogging. Thank you so much for reading it! I would love to know your thoughts as always so please do not hesitate to reach out ❤️
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