#the german and his bowl of rice
korasonata · 11 months
Was bored and also procrastinating other things, so have a ranked list of Hermits based on whether I think they can cook or not for funsies. Vibes only.
Beef: The expert. Is well versed in almost all manners of cooking, and is an extremely skilled chef, particularly with regards to meat dishes, and is a particularly skilled butcher.
TFC: Also up there with Beef, but TFC is also a master of rare ingredients. He’s good at foraging, and he uses ingredients in his cooking that aren’t typically used in just every day life. His techniques may seem a bit primitive, but they are highly effective and his style of cooking might be called simple food made complicated.
Stress: Also a very good cook who puts a lot of emphasis on nutrition. She makes meal plans and prepares a lot of her food at the beginning of the week, and her cooking always makes sure to include a balanced diet. She enjoys cooking and likes to have fun with it. Makes a killer roast chicken.
Impulse: Is surprisingly good at home style cooking. He doesn’t make anything fancy or anything, and his presentation is always a little sloppy, but his food at least tastes good.
Cub: Doesn’t cook much, but when he does he is actually secretly a very good chef. He cooks for himself a lot, but it’s only once in a blue moon that someone else gets to eat his food.
Wels: Is a decent chef, but is incapable of cooking for a single person. He makes way too much food every time and is incapable of portioning, and as such he is the direct inverse of Cub, and he never cooks for himself if he’s alone. Is also very good at desserts.
Ren: Has a bottomless pit of a stomach. Has a big appetite and loves all food and really enjoys big dinner feasts. Is also good with cooking meat specifically. He has a special smoking method that is a real crowd pleaser. Is also good with basic rice bowls and his cooking tastes very homely.
Gem: Is good at treating fish specifically. Also anything involving wild game. Like TFC she is very good at foraging and using ingredients found in the forest. Her cooking is a bit unrefined, but has a very light, refreshing sort of feel to it.
Cleo: An average cook, but is very good at a few specific dishes. (As a side note I’ve actually tried one of Cleo’s recipes that she talked about on stream and it is literally the greatest thing ever, I made it once and people request it all the time)
Joe: Is good at making drinks specifically. He makes a mean margarita and is good at making mixed drinks and cocktails, but otherwise is an average chef with regards to food. Makes very good nachos though.
Doc: Like Cleo, Doc is good at making a few very specific dishes. He makes several German specialties and is also very good at treating vegetables, but outside of these specialties he is rubbish.
Bdubs: Stereotypical grill dad. At least he thinks so. His seasonings consist almost exclusively of basic spices. Meat is the only thing he cooks, but otherwise possesses no real flare for cooking. Despite this, he thinks very highly of his skills, and the food he puts out isn’t bad really, so the Hermits still let him cook every once in a while.
Scar: Scar always tries his absolute best, and his cooking swings wildly from perfection to the most disgusting thing you’ve ever eaten in your life. There is no in between. It’s 50/50 what you’re going to get, but he has fun either way.
Jevin: makes a mean Mac and cheese, but outside of this, he is a very basic cook. He makes himself sandwiches and grilled cheese and maybe some pasta, but otherwise doesn’t cook much else.
Hypno: Ok. He can kill something and cook it, but he’s not the best butcher and his food is just kind of thrown together. There’s no real theme to any plate he puts out. He’s half decent with seasonings and spices though.
XB: Can make fried rice and that’s about it.
Keralis: Can copy other people’s dishes when given instructions, but when left alone has no idea what he’s doing.
False: Doesn’t really cook much. She probably could, but most of the time she’s after something quick and easy. Whenever she gets hungry she just grabs an apple from the bowl or eats whatever leftovers are in the fridge cold.
Etho: Lives almost exclusively off of instant ramen.
Zedaph: treats the kitchen like a chemistry lab and anyone eating is a test subject. He’s not allowed in the kitchen very often.
Xisuma: This man could burn juice. I don’t know how, but he’d do it. He is a sopping wet cat in the kitchen. He’s the type that tries to cook but fails so miserably that every time he just ends up making a bowl of cereal for himself instead.
Grian and Pearl: have cooking battles competing over who can make the most disgusting dish. Grian is like the little toddler that always wants to help but is so bad that no one will let him. He’s also always the one standing over your shoulder and sneaking bites of things when you turn your back. Pearl can’t cook herself, but she has good knife skills so she is often allowed to help out with the prep work.
Mumbo: Will eat anything and everything you throw in front of him. He does not care. He also does not cook at all. When left to fend for himself he demolishes the kitchen by eating every raw ingredient in the pantry. This man would eat a sack of flour if you let him.
Tango: This man does not eat unless you make him. You have to physically drag him to the table to get any kind of nourishment, but he is always very appreciative of other peoples cooking.
Iskall: Orders takeout exclusively.
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digitalstowaway · 10 months
I think the Edgeworths ate like any other family. I think Gregory packed Miles simple lunches with off-brand food because brand name is a little too pricy. I think at dinner time, Gregory brought home bags of something that was cheap and quick and hot because his son deserves hot meals and he just does not have the energy to cook.
And then Miles start eating food he can't pronounce--all from different countries he barely knows. It's well-prepared, but he never sees anyone cook. His lunches are neatly made with proper food groups. Vegetables and cheeses that hurt his tummy and cold bread and desserts that are too sweet.
He misses hot meals and fried spam and salty noodles. The beeping rice maker. Tea before bed instead of the glass of milk von Karma's staff makes him drink even though he keeps saying it makes him feel sick.
But eventually. He forgets it. He gets older. He finds preference in French-inspired cuisine and dishes native to Germany. He gets caught sneaking into the kitchen to get to German chocolate cake. There are some happy memories of almost befriending other boys and getting kebabs after school with them.
When he settles back into America, he doesn't pick up any of the food he grew up with even though it's all around him. LA grocery stores are full of it. Street vendors. Restaurants. Many of them are Japanese-American, but he's become a stranger to his own diaspora, and it's the strangest feeling.
And then he's 22 and tired and it's going on midnight. A case has taken him out of the city for a full day. He sits in the passenger seat of Gumshoe's car, aching and silent.
Gumshoe pulls over at a late-night restaurant, a little hole in the wall run by a family. Miles drags his feet. The lights are too bright. The menu items are faded.
And, ashamed, he doesn't remember the items listed as he once did.
Gumshoe tells him to sit, find them a table. They're the only two in there. Miles sits in a booth with a table that looks less than clean. His stomach hurts he's so hungry. He feels sick. He knows that that must be why Gumshoe insisted on stopping.
Gumshoe joins him and then a young girl puts two bowls of udon in front of them.
Miles had forgotten the thick noodles. The hot broth. The fishiness. He tries eating as he's been taught is polite, but muscle memory takes over. He puts the end of the noodles in his mouth and slurps.
He feels warm at the bottom of the bowl.
They share dorayaki, and Miles feels almost too full, but he lets bean paste sit on his tongue, mushes it against the roof of his mouth like he used to.
Gumshoe pays, and Miles gets back in the car. He less tired and more drowsy. There's still 30 minutes left of the drive, and Miles doses for a few of those.
He stumbles inside his house and collapses into bed, into warm sheets. And it feels like, with sweetness still on his lips and warmth still in belly, that his father is just across the hall.
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mirageofadesert · 8 months
On a heartless path of his own: A character study of Tantai Jin from TTEOTM
aka: an excuse to talk about Tantai Jin, as well as Luo Yunxi's acting, excessively
For some reason all media in these posts were taken down due to acopy right claim. You can still see them on reddit!
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Born into tragedy, living out someone else's script, destined to suffer all the hardships of humanity, only to rise above it all and ascend to godhood - Tantai Jin's journey is one of epic proportions. It's a story of struggling to control your own destiny, learning to love and grow, but ultimately sacrificing everything for the greater good. And while the story is larger than life, Luo Yunxi's excellent acting grounds it in humanity - drawing the audience into the tragedy that is the life and death of Tantai Jin, Ye Xiwu's husband.
The empowerment of embracing powerlessness
“Dignity? It means nothing to me. For me, personally, this bowl of rice matters more. I can’t survive without food. But I had had dignity would have died long ago.” (TTJ in E02)
As a devil's fetus, Tantai Jin is born without love strings and therefore without the ability to process emotions. This is exacerbated by the loveless and harsh conditions in which he grows up. Struggling to survive from an early age, Tantai Jin lacks any form of control or agency in his own life. The audience pities him, easily excusing his psychotic tendencies on the unfortunate circumstances of his life. And while this is true to an extent, in the context of Till The End Of The Moon's literary and poetic approach to storytelling, I would argue that he is also a "Kunstfigur" - a symbol of humanity, rather than the representation of a real person.
In this sense, Tantai Jin is a stylistic device to tell a story about humanity and fate. The term "Kunstfigur" comes from German literature and theater, and describes a character who stands at a certain distance from reality, i.e. reflects it in some way. Tantai Jin did not become evil, he was born with something evil. The people around him abused him, not just because it's human nature to do so, but because they noticed that there was something wrong with him, something unsettling. We see this best in his two maids who witnessed his birth and childhood. The actions of all these characters are not meant to be realistic, they are a comment on the reality of humanity. This is what makes Till The End Of The Moon such a compelling (and controversial) drama.
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What makes Tantai Jin's suffering so special is that even when he reaches a new low, he never seems truly weak. There is so much emotion in his expression that even when he is deliberately schools his face to look indifferent, you can always see a hint of underlying emotion, often some kind of deviance, burning in his eyes.
Saving face, avoiding humiliation and embarrassment are powerful incentives for behavior. Pride or ego make us try to avoid these negative experiences. But what if these negative experiences determined our entire lives? Tantai Jin fears neither humiliation nor belittlement, only hunger and betrayal. He has not only become accustomed to them, he is unable to process them properly. More than that, he has understood how accepting humiliation can be empowering in itself. There is power in being seen as weak. There is power in making others think they have power over you. There is power in letting go of pride. There is power in not fighting back, in not giving others the satisfaction of seeing you struggle and suffer. And it's not just that he lacks the threads of love and doesn't understand human emotion. It's the way he accepts his fate that makes him feel powerful.
This is unique for a character in fiction. Such a role is usually reserved for the court jester or a concubine. Tantai Jin is neither. I think what makes these characters so different is also Luo Yunxi's subtle but excellent acting skills. He is able to portray weakness without ever feeling weak. His approach to acting allows him to express many complex emotions in every single scene. It's not just in his facial expressions, but also in the way he immerses himself in a character, studying it beforehand and pushing himself to his physical limits when necessary. I don't think many actors would be able to create such a convincing character as Tantai Jin.
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This last scene is fascinating not only because of the excellent acting, which makes the special effects seem almost real because of the convincing way Luo Yunxi interacts with them. It's also interesting for other reasons: After Tantai Jin feels real (magical) power the first few times, it's implied that he will succumb to it, become hungry and greedy for more - but he never does. These episodes (e.g. the nightmare demon and the crow attack during the wedding) are meant to give the audience a glimpse of a possible future in which Tantai Jin becomes fully evil, which never materialises. When Tantai Jin comes to power, he's nothing like the Devil God.
He does feed excessively on demons, but this is either never shown on screen or presented as a necessity of war. He gains his throne not in a great battle, but through small acts of power rather than great ones - fending off rodents, sharing soup with the court officials, showing humility and wit with the scholars, and making positive changes to social policy so that his people don't have to suffer hunger and hardship as they once did. On the battlefield, Tantai Jin's power is great, and no opponent stands a chance against him. But being a king is not just about the power of one man - it's about the lives of the soldiers he leads, the lives of his people, the safety of his tribe and the happiness of the woman he loves.
Setting on a path of love
“The immortals say, body, heart, and mind are three different parts. When the three parts are unified, the internal elixir is formed. Empty thy heart to unite soul and character. Calm thy body to silent energy and mood. Steady thy mind then all three merge into one. Destroy your desire for romantic love, and then you can understand the universe and all lives. This is the one and only way of the Hearless Way. (LSS in E06)
At the beginning of the story, Tantai Jin is on the opposite path to the Heartless Way. He has no real desire for romantic love, until Li Susu as Ye Xiwu awakens those feelings. Moreover, her kindness takes root in his heart and begins to blossom. Quite literally, as you can see in the scene below:
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Through Li Susu's acts of care and love, as well as her determination to protect his life, Tantai Jin slowly falls in love with her. Even without her, he was never cold-hearted. He was compassionate towards animals, never unnecessarily cruel - at least not on purpose or before he was pushed too far. So his newfound ability to process emotions and experience love is not limited to Li Susu/Ye Xiwu.
He shows it to his mother's tribe, in his negotiating skills with Ye Quingyu, in his relationships with Pianran and Nian Baiyu, and in his ability to lead a country. He is a natural leader and a good ruler. Tantai Jin proves to be tenacious and hardworking, loyal, intelligent and even dignified.
in certain mannerisms, or in the elaborate way Tantai Jin dresses now that he has access to proper clothing. Or in the way he personally leads his army, just as Mingye did. (Mingye's influence may be most visible when Tantai Jin becomes Cang Jiumin). It may even have influenced his views on Ye Bingchang. Most importantly, however, is his shared experience of the tragic but deep love between Mingye and Sangjiu. He slowly begins to face and accept his feelings for Ye Xiwu and tries to win her over - while still learning to process feelings of love, jealousy and rejection. His love for Ye Xiwu becomes obsessive and suffocating. His insecurity and jealousy become blinding to a degree that costs Xian Lin his life and Ye Xiwu her freedom.
The battle for Tantai Jin's heart has always been both emotional and magical, as the evil bone resides within it, leaving Li Susu no choice but to pierce it with nails manifested from the love the same heart felt for her.
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After Ye Xiwu's death and sacrifice, Tantai Jin loses his mind in grief. His morbid obsession with Ye Xiwu leads him to hold onto her corpse, and later drives him to take his own life in an attempt to be reunited. After failing, Tantai Jin spends the next 500 years single-mindedly searching for his beloved's soul, experiencing excruciating pain on a daily basis. The tragedy of this event is that he is searching for the wrong soul. He still doesn't know when someone else took over Ye Xiwu's body, or what the flashback Ye Xiwu showed him in her last moment really means.
His love for Ye Xiwu has blinded him to everyone around him: His friends, his subordinates, and his people. He no longer cares about anything but his dead wife, not even his own life.
The Heartless Way
There is a misconception about the Heartless Way, especially among international audiences who lack cultural context. It's rooted in Buddhist and Daoist ideas that "heaven and earth are heartless" or "heaven and earth are not partial". What this means is that the Heartless Way is not devoid of emotion, it's quite the opposite: It is about overcoming personal attachments so that one can love and have deep compassion for every living being. It's about equality, not putting one life above another. The idea of the Way itself is probably linked to the concept of wuxin, which is achieved when a person's mind is free from thoughts of anger, fear or ego during combat or everyday life.
While it is Li Susu, who has decided to peruse this way in order to seal the evil bone within her body, I think Tantai Jin has, unbeknownst to him, set on the same path – and even if it’s just within the meta story-telling of the drama.
As Cang Jiumin, Tantai Jin’s love grows. At first, he is still focused on reviving his long death wife and therefore tries to stay in the Xiaoyao sect. However, his time there has subtle but far-reaching consequences. The first task, Cang Jiumin is entrusted with, is to help an old, blind woman trapped by her inability to accept the death of her only son. For this mission, he is given a sword by his master:
This sword is called South Branch. Forged by my Master when he was still alive. It was transformed from plum blossoms. It has the heart of spring and the soul of the frost. It carries no killing intent. If you see the world with kindness, you’ll have no obsession and see true freedom. I’ll give it to you as a witness. When you can awaken it, you can understand it. (E30, Master Zhao You to TTJ)
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Tantai Jin witnesses how obsession, even when it's the all-consuming love of a mother, can destroy a person. The old women's story mirrors Tantai Jin's own inability to come to terms with Ye Xiu's death. He tells the women about his beloved wife and how she taught him to be a good person, something he is no longer sure he is. His need for Ye Xiwu was inherently selfish, and he never really thought about what she would have wanted. When the old women ask him if he would turn into an evil person to get his wife back, he briefly considers the possibility of using the power of the Devil God, but decides against it because it's not what Ye Xiwu would have wanted. In the end, Tantai Jin uses a lie to redeem the old woman. He, who never had a mother, embraces her as she dies in his arms. When he returns to his master, something has been set in motion: Tantai Jin lets go of his obsessive love for Ye Xiwu.
Most of the following scenes in the third arc, which are not directly related to the rebirth of the Devil God or Li Susu, are related to this theme. For example, the secret technique of the Xiaoyao sect, the Xiaoyao Swordplay, requires him to "follow and practise his heart". From this point on, Cang Jiumin gains power through diligent practice and kindness. Tantai Jin's ability to love begins to grow, soon encompassing his master and sect brothers. Another example is that the symbolism of food, which had always been a symbol of his relationship with Li Susu, is now used in relation to his sect brothers and master. Tantai Ji begins to care more and more about other people's lives, as shown when he tries to protect everyone in Jiang from Si Ying and Jing Mie (even a tyrant like Cen Mi).
When he transforms the Heart Guard Scale, he has a vision, an epiphany. He sees all the important people from his past living happily in another reality. I'm still not quite sure what it means. But in that moment he understands that he doesn't have to fear the power of the Devil God, that he is in control of his fate.
Having all the power, while having none
Tantai Jin started out with no power, control or agency over his life. He has gained all of this only to reach a point where none of it matters, none of it is enough. He is powerless against his destiny to become the Devil God, but that doesn't stop him. He goes from accepting his fate as a hostage prince to fighting fate itself.
He attempts to trick the Devil God and his minions before using the Xiaoyao Sect's Incarnation-Abandoning Array to trap and kill their army. This technique requires him to sacrifice his own life - and he is willing to do so:
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So he gives in and surrenders to fate and the unimaginable powers of the Devil God he once feared. This leads him to face the echo/essence of the Ancient Devil God in a battle for dominance. It's here that he finally realises that he has always been surrounded by love and kindness. He acknowledges the love of his parents, his maids, his subordinates, his sect and his friends, and most of all, Li Susu. She taught him to love and to feel emotions, breaking through the darkness that was his life under the thumb of the Devil God. It is this realisation that leads him not only to fully embrace his fate, but also to ascend to godhood.
However, even with the power of the Devil God and his own godly powers, he is still powerless when it comes to the most important thing: stopping the activated All-in-Distress Way from destroying the three realms and the living beings within them. All his powers are pretty much useless. Tantai Jin has gone from being powerless to having all the power imaginable, and it's still not enough. There is only one way to save the world, and that is for Li Susu herself to ascend to godhood, kill him and thus destroy the All-in-Distress Way.
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Therefore, Tantai Jin sees no choice but to free Li Susu from her romantic love for him, so that she can attain the Heartless Way. In doing so, he reinforces his own by embarking on a Heartless Way of his own. As previously quoted, "Heaven and Earth are heartless", and in this sense Tantai Jin is trying to be partial to her pain. And even though we know he's not, he's still trying to sacrifice his love and his remaining obsession for the sake of everyone, for the greater good. Not only does he have to destroy Li Susu's love for him, he has to kill his own by acting against his own desires. This is the heartless way.
In these scenes, the two newly ascended gods are in Tantai Jin's mind and heart. We have already seen these inner places symbolised by space and sky. It visualises how Tantai Jin has achieved inner peace, embraced by light and tranquillity.
I think that even as gods, Tantai Jin and Li Susu were still deeply in love, but they don't put each other above anyone else. In a final sacrifice, Tantai Jin rejects Li Susu's wish to be reincarnated together, destroying his immortal essence and thus himself for eternity (or so it seems).
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In this post, I tried to approach Tantai Jin as a character in TTEOTM through two theme present in the story: The metaphor of the Heartless Way and motive of embracing power and powerlessness. Tantai Jin’s hero's story has led him from being without power and agency, a mere pawn of more powerful men and gods, to gain power and love before losing it. He was born without love, appearing heartless, only to gain the ability to feel emotion before having his heart broken (literally). Eventually, he gives up his worldly obsessions, emotions and ego, while developing a deep compassion for every living creature. In the end, his ultimate power lies in his sacrifice and his ability to love.
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We have reached the end of this post. I warned you that it was going to be excessive… if you've made it this far, thank you for your time and patience! I hope I haven't made too many spelling mistakes! I originally wanted to highlight more of Luo Yunxi's acting, but I ran out of space. I think I will make a separate post about that.
I would like to thank my Twitter friend ~NPY~, with whom I have been discussing this show for weeks now, and who has helped me with many of these thoughts and ideas. Also a shout out to the reddit user who explained the misunderstanding of the "heartless" path!
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lace-coffin · 6 months
May I request some domestic Asa headcannons? Like, what are his cooking habits? The types of food he prefers to actually eat and not hasty ones he grabbed in a hurry? Thank youuu <3
What kind of meals does Asa Emory like to cook and eat?
Requests are open!
Asa Emory / gn!Reader
Trigger warning for power exchange/power dynamics/petplay
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This is a super fun idea omg thank you! I’m still going to go with the whole owner/pet angle since this is Asa, I hope that’s ok! It will still be domestic but with the dynamic too💗
Asa doesn’t have much time to cook regularly, constantly caught between lecturing at the local uni about a twenty minute drive away and keeping up with his collection at the hotel.
On days when Asa has free time or is just determined to get something nutritious in his stomach he dusts off his recipe book he bought on a whim on discount and gets to work.
Asa likes to think he has a pretty good repertoire of kitchen skills, not exactly a five star chef but better than most men his age.
He prefers to centre either meat or fish in his meals, usually covered in a flavourful marinade or rubbed down in herbs and spices. Asa enjoys vegetables to be steamed as opposed to boiled, he thinks it makes them taste sweeter and softer, texture is important to him. Flavoured rice is always a good side.
He’s more fond of sweets than you think he would be judging from his standoffish appearance. Dessert is a must, Asa tells himself it’s all part of a balanced diet and he can’t skip it because it wouldn’t be right. In reality he just really wants the apple pie, enjoying the tartness of it and unable to deny himself this simple pleasure.
And then there’s you. Asa has always been one to care for his pets to the best of his ability, keeping their meals on a schedule. Even if he’s short on time meals will be prepared a day or two prior and put in the freezer. He’s stubborn when it comes to making the meals balanced, often erring on the side of health obsessed when it comes to his pets, like a dad telling you to finish your vegetables before you can have dessert. He’s not too bothered if he has to throw a microwave meal on and eat that when he comes home late but he always likes to make sure you have something good for you available. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t bring home takeout sometimes, he loves how excited you get at the junk food and the way you flop down on his lap afterwards, letting him rub your tummy as you try to stop feeling bloated.
Dinner is made as you watch from the floor on your dog bed, head resting on your folded arms, watching your master fondly but also a little impatient and hungry. Occasionally Asa humours you and wears the frilly apron you begged him to order under the guise of you wearing it, only to present it to him with puppy eyes at dinner that night. He’s a strict and sadistic owner but he can be a total dork.
“Dinners ready. Come”. Asa snaps his fingers and points to the three metal bowls on the floor near to the dining table, one bowl next to his seat. The two large German Shepard’s ears perk at this and they scamper over, sitting at Asa’s heals, tails wagging. He looks at you expectantly as you crawl over and join the dogs at his feet.
The two metal bowls are filled with a measured amount of dog kibble and wet food, water on the side. The two dogs eye the bowls twitchily. He raises his hand, all fingers laid flat for the dogs to see. “Wait” the dogs sit sternly in front of their master using all their restraint to not dig in until given permission. “Go ahead” he chuckles and the dogs immediately dig in, he pats over their heads with an affectionate smile and moves back to the granite counter, filling the final metal bowl with a healthy mix of seasoned vegetables, rice and finally chopped bites of beef, all in a Korean sauce. He plates the same onto his dish and takes it to the table, sliding onto the wooden chair and groaning at the relief it takes off his weary joints.
Asa places the final bowl on the floor next to his chair and click his fingers again, pointing to the bowl. “Come” without question you crawl over to the bowl, eyes switching between the delicious food in front of you and your master, waiting for permission. Wearing a smug and smitten look back at you he finally clicks again. “Go ahead, pet” he chuckles lowly as you start to eat from the bowl, used to using only your mouth as your utensil at this point. He leans forward and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear that was falling into the sauce. “Messy pup”
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vampirella-1990 · 28 days
Slowly budding love
Here my new Jinko/Zujin/Jiko One-shot. Original is german so i put this text in a translater.
have fun :D
A date should probably be the most normal thing for a young teenager. You would arrange to meet the opposite sex, find out if there were similarities and whether those similarities could lead to getting together.
Well, that's pretty much how a date should be. But that wasn't the case with the banished prince. He had been more than taciturn. He tried to pay as little attention to Jin as possible, but she seemed to have a never-ending optimism and wouldn't be put off. In some way he found it interesting how persistent the girl was. But it wasn't surprising either; It is also said of the people of the Earth Kingdom that they
were quite persistent.
And she hadn't wanted to break off this appointment. She even wanted to show him her favorite place: the firelight fountain. Something that must have been very close to her heart, because Zuko remembered how her eyes had sparkled when describing what she said was her favorite place. And how she had pulled on him. He hadn't thought she had that much strength to pull him through the alley. He almost stumbled a few times.
Zuko shook his head. He had told her after their kiss that it was complicated and left. And that was right! He was not an Earth Kingdom resident. He wasn't a juggler from some traveling circus. But
While he was getting dressed to go back to work with his uncle at Pao's tea shop today, he licked his lips. Whenever this energetic girl came to mind, he thought of the kiss and he felt like he could still feel her lips on his. A gentle tingling sensation. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard his uncle's voice. 
Zuko left the room to eat breakfast in the living area.
Uncle Iroh had just filled the second bowl with rice when his nephew came in.
“You’re just in time for breakfast. Here.” His uncle handed him the bowl. He was just filling the bowl and waited for Zuko to sit down next to him.
 While Zuko typically ate his rice without any comment, he noticed Iroh looking at him the whole time. Okay, maybe he shouldn't have said anything when he got back from the date last night! He should have just bottled up his frustration and kept his mouth shut. No, instead he let out “It was nice.” And nice was something that was never really in Zuko's vocabulary. The Dragon of the West actually knew his nephew differently: quick-tempered, grumpy and very limited in his social ability to interact with normal people.
 So he approached it very slowly and remembered that he had told him that the evening had been nice, but what exactly was the nice thing about this nice evening?
Zuko sighed. Why had he said anything at all? The evening wasn't completely chaos. How happy Jin had been when he lit the lights for her. She was really glowing and seemed so happy. He was also happy to see her like that. A sad face didn't suit her. It was the first time he had done something good with his fire. He hadn't destroyed anything that hurt other people around him. That fire that evening had not caused any harm, but rather had the purpose of creating something that had a positive effect. And this had been something Zuko had been very proud of.
But now there was no turning back. Uncle Iroh would continue to bother until Zuko didn't tell everything.
While the old man listened to his nephew, he poured himself a cup of tea and found out how his nephew's yesterday evening went. Every now and then the old man smiled, but he hid it behind his cup when he sipped it. 
At the end of Zuko's story, Iroh laughed quietly.
“What’s so funny, uncle? I would like some advice. What if she comes to the store today? I went away and left her standing at the well..."
 "Zuko, don't worry about it...it was your first time dating a girl."
Iroh put his cup down and sighed heavily. “You know, my dear nephew, my first dates didn't always go in my favor... I made mistakes too. And leading up to a perfect date, I had experienced many ups and downs. But it was worth it…” yes, the old man had had the perfect date with the woman who was also the mother of his son, Lu Ten, who unfortunately died much too early.
Zuko still didn't seem entirely convinced, but he couldn't think about it any further because they had to make their way to Pao's shop.
The banished prince tried to distract himself by arranging all the chairs correctly when they arrived at the shop. His uncle was at the back putting the tea water on and thinking about which teas he would make first for the first guests.
Every time the front door rang, Zuko's eyes peered there, but the girl he had met yesterday was not among them. Okay, then she wouldn't come today and that was good for him. He didn't have to justify himself when she wasn't in the store. So he could also banish Jin from his thoughts, at least for today.
The next day he still looked at the door again, but not every time the doorbell rang; he concentrated on doing his job as best he could. Because that was how he would get through another annoying day in the tea shop.
"Disappointed?" Zuko jumped when he heard Iroh's voice. He looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “What are you talking about, uncle?” he began innocently.
“Are you disappointed that your girlfriend didn’t come?”
“Jin is not my girlfriend...she asked me out and we dated. There’s nothing more!” he growled and continued sweeping the floor. “And that’s why you’ve been cleaning the same thing for five minutes
Tile, unless there's something in particular that's bothering you." Iroh was putting the last chair down on the table. Zuko pushed the broom aside and looked at the tile. Yes, he really had stayed there for five minutes.
"The tile was very dirty. The last customers had forgotten to wipe their shoes properly. I'm done now too," and with these words Zuko placed the broom next to the wall and left the shop. He had to get this girl out of his head. Getting involved with her was wrong. She would just make sure he stayed here. That he would see Ba ​​Sing Se as a home and forget his real home, the Fire Nation.
"My honor... is not here..."
The third day wasn't really any better than the other two. There were many guests coming and going, but it wasn't Jin who was among them.
Zuko had just taken an order when he noticed two boys. Her clothes were neat and her hair was neat too. The people from the lower ring wore clothes that were coarser and less thick. And the people's clothing here was always somewhat stained with dirt. The ground was soggy in some places that it was impossible to avoid getting dirty. But these clothes were on one or the other
Place decorations that even had a small stone on them, such as a yellow stone on the sleeve. Nobody from the lower ring could afford something like that. People from the middle class were more likely to be eligible; they had the necessary change to go to a tailor. There they could add one or two unusual accessories to their clothing and thus stand out from the lower class. Small, common symbols common to the Earth Kingdom were immortalized on the fabric. Badger moles and the symbol of the Earth Kingdom adorned the partly fine and light fabric.
The two looked at the tea shop with a more or less very appraising look. The only grumpy one
Waiters in this establishment assumed that the two probably belonged to the middle ring and were rarely in the lower ring. The two sat down at the left corner table.
It was Jin's table.
In fact, he couldn't care less where they sat. He would serve them, and he and his uncle would have new customers. But what if Jin came now? She would see that her seat was taken and would be sad. Sad... just like their night... Zuko shook his head. He had to get her out of his head and remember to serve the customers before Pao complained that he was too slow.
Nevertheless, he wanted to do something about Jin's table problem. And so the young firebender made his way to the two boys who were looking at the menu.  
"Sorry... But you can't sit here," Zuko said immediately.  
The two people addressed looked at him questioningly. “But as you can see, we are already seated. “Why shouldn’t we sit here?” asked one of the boys.  
He had short brown hair and blue eyes with which he studied Zuko. “Well... it doesn't work because... the table has a termite problem, a really bad one. We just discovered that this morning... and that's why you can't sit there... it's... in danger of collapsing... well, now imagine you're having your tea and the table collapses." Zuko tried to save the day and hoped that he managed to convince them both.  
The guests looked from the waiter to the table, and then they looked at each other. You were probably just weighing up how trustworthy this news was. After all, nothing had been set up that this table could not be occupied.  
“Hmm… I think he’s right. “I have to go to a party today… I can’t use any stains,” said the other and got up.  
The blue-eyed man sighed and let his friend lead him to a new table. Inwardly, Zuko was happy that he had done it. If Jin came today, she would have her table to herself.
“The tea selection really isn’t bad, but tell me, Dai, do you think it’ll still be here today?”
The blue-eyed man frowned. “I hope I wanted to invite you to the shooting star night after all. That's in a few days. And I wanted to convince myself of this oh-so-great tea that she raved about so much here,” said Dai and shortly afterwards ordered two jasmine teas.  
When Zuko tried to give his uncle the order, his uncle stopped him. “Here for our new customers. In the last few days we have fallen slightly short of our quota due to the lack of guests. "That's supposed to encourage them to come here and promote us." Iroh held out a few papers to Zuko.  
Upon closer inspection, he realized they were coupons for a free cup of tea. Just like the coupon Jin got on their date. She had gotten this because she was her best customer... and if Jin saw more people with this paper... she would feel like she was being lied to. That she was just some customer who they just wanted to win over to the tea shop. Why was he so worried about this girl? Maybe he liked her after all? Yes, Jin had been nice and very patient with him.
Zuko shook his head and turned away from the counter. However, he knocked over the pot that his uncle had just put in front of him. And it also fell to the ground. “I’ll deduct that from your salary,” he heard Pao shout. This man, who unfortunately was also the boss of Zuko and his uncle, had probably made it his mission to wear Zuko down until he retired. No matter what mishap caught him. Was it that he hadn't cleaned a table properly or that one of the guests asked where the tea was? Pao's voice sometimes shrilled so much in Zuko's head that he wanted to cover his ears.
“I’ll go get the broom.”
“It should have been left outside while I was sweeping,” said his uncle, who was now looking for a new pot. The firebender emerged from the teahouse and searched the facade of the building for the broom. Iroh had left the broom at the side of the shop. Zuko held out his hand, but paused for a moment. He took a few steps into the small alley and hid in the shade there. He looked behind him and noticed that there weren't really many people walking towards the tea shop. Zuko reached out and created a flame. Then he held the coupons inside. With a slight smile, he watched as the papers burst into flames and the pieces of ash flew through the air. His uncle didn't need coupons. He was able to win people over with his nice and calm manner. People would really appreciate his. His understanding and good-natured nature was better than these scraps of papers. People would feel more than comfortable and would visit the place because they could relax there. And to achieve that, he didn't need these papers. Or maybe the disguised firebender was just telling himself that so he wouldn't remember that he actually did it for the girl he left standing at the well. "LEE, how hard can it be to find a broom!" Zuko gritted his teeth. Oh how he would love to set Pao's clothes on fire. Well, maybe not set it on fire, then the Dai Li would be there faster than he could see.
 But maybe a little bit of center punch, that would be nice. Just the apron a little.
Zuko strolled through the market the next morning. Iroh said yesterday after the store closed that they needed new leaves for jasmine tea. The tea that Jin liked too. He remembered that the restaurant they had eaten at also offered jasmine tea. She ordered it full of anticipation and told him that it was her favorite tea. And when she tasted the tea, she grimaced a little and explained that the tea here couldn't compete with the tea from Pao's shop. In general, he and his uncle had ensured that the quality of the tea had improved a lot. Zuko couldn't judge, everything tasted the same to him.
"That's very nice, Dai, but I can't accept your invitation." Zuko stopped.
Was that Jin's voice just now? He followed the voice and saw Jin behind a few people who had blocked his way, followed by that Dai who was in the teahouse yesterday! “What’s wrong, Jin? We've known each other for so long. What is so bad about it? "We're just going to look at some stars?" Dai had taken a step towards Jin.
The girl, however, narrowed her eyes slightly and gave him a slightly angry look. "Dai... I don't want to look at the stars with YOU... why is this so hard for you to understand..."
“Why don’t you give us a chance? We haven't even tried it together yet. Let’s see what happens with it.” Dai tried to put his hand on her cheek, but the brown-haired woman slapped it away.
“I said NO,” Jin emphasized the last word clearly and just glared at him. If there was one thing Zuko couldn't stand to death, it was when people didn't even begin to understand no. And this Dai was probably not used to being rejected. His lips pulled into a thin line and he took a step towards her.
Zuko walked towards the two with quick steps. He grabbed Dai by the shoulder and pushed him away from Jin. The girl looked at the tamer in surprise. "Lee? … “What… are you doing here?” her eyes were wide open and her mouth remained open for a moment.
“Running errands for Uncle. But tell me, can you tell me why you can’t come to the tea shop?”
��You know each other?” Dai said, confused. “Shut up!” Zuko growled and
turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. itself. “And do you know how difficult it is to keep your table free, the left corner table? I have to bend over backwards to stop people from sitting there all the time.” Jin listened carefully to Lee and bit his lip slightly. “Or is it because you lost the coupon I gave you on our date at the well?”
"Wait a minute... you two were dating?" Dai still looked at the two confused, trying to understand the connection they both had to each other.  
"You're on break, so shut up," Zuko glared at the man from the middle ring.  
“And if you haven’t lost your coupon after all, then tell me why you don’t redeem it? During our meal you told me that our tea was much better than the one you had in the restaurant in the middle ring." Jin looked away briefly, then looked back at him.  
“And Uncle wants to give coupons to all the people, but they're not our best customers... they only come in once or twice a month at most. But you? You’ve been there almost every day, so damn why you don’t finally redeem that coupon!”  
Zuko had worked himself into a rage. He waited for Jin to answer him. That she told him why she suddenly stopped coming. Jin looked away again and then back at him. She opened her mouth to say something, but what she said confused him...  
"Lee, be careful!" Zuko turned his head to the side as Jin pointed next to him. Dai probably didn't want to give up and tried to close him
hit. Zuko took a step forward, reached out and grabbed him by the arm and side, spinning him a few times before throwing him away. Dai landed on the ground and glared at him.
"Before you attack... aren't you missing something?" Zuko asked, waving something in his hand.  
It was a belt and it looked suspiciously like his... when Dai looked underneath him, he realized that the tea waiter had managed to steal his belt. Jin burst out laughing. She took the belt from his hand and threw it to Dai. Then she grabbed Zuko's arm and ran.
They ran for a while until Zuko finally pulled him away from her. "So, I'm waiting for an answer?" Zuko crossed his arms over his chest.  
“The reason why I don’t come to your teahouse? Well, I... I had the feeling that you didn't like the date at all, that you found my presence more of a nuisance... and about the kiss... I'm sorry... I didn't want to take you by surprise." Jin bowed apologetically him.  
Zuko didn't even know what to say. She hadn't done anything wrong! He had been acting like a damn saber-toothed moose in a ceramics shop! He hadn't been able to really have a normal conversation with her. How? He had spent the entire three years since his banishment on a ship with adult humans. He hadn't even come close to having contact with his peers to have any idea what "normal" was. How to make friends. Or rather, how to make friends.
"Jin... you... didn't do anything wrong..." Zuko began, shuffling his feet on the ground a little.  
“I am... but the one who left you standing at the well. I have to apologize to you, Jin. You know... I've never really been into anything like dating... My life is very complicated... and I don't know... how to behave on dates... But... the evening... was really nice." Zuko stroked the back of his neck and looked at Jin awkwardly.  
"Please accept my apology."
Jin crossed her fingers and tapped her cheek. "Let me think...the apology is accepted...under two conditions." Zuko nodded and waited eagerly for his answer.
"We're going to the Shooting Star Night and...at some point when we're back at the fountain, you'll light the lights for me if they don't light up anymore."
Zuko looked at Jin and nodded.  
"Yes, we'll do that." Zuko was happy that he got a second chance.  
She had been nice to him. And he wanted to be more open. He wanted to have a new person in his environment, even if he still had his secrets. Maybe he would tell one thing or another, with a little lie in between. After all, he still had to be careful about Dai Li.
“With pleasure… I have to go back to Mushi now, he’s waiting for his tea leaves.”
“I’m coming with you, after all I have a voucher here that’s waiting to be redeemed.”
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cleoselene · 3 months
oh my god
I'm sitting here getting my Cold War documentary on, watching Germans celebrate as they tear down the Berlin Wall, puffing on my weed vape
and then i go to set it down and it happens like, in slow motion: I plunk the whole thing in my glass of water. I can see myself doing and I'm thinking "hey that's stupid don't do that OH WAHT THE FUCK YOU JUST DID IT LSKDFJKS"
I fished it out immediately and it's soaking in a bowl of rice now and I think it should be fine but oh my god
God give his biggest struggles to the dumbest stoners -_-
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lgcxmax · 5 months
Tumblr media
Open Event 007 • Filming & Creation Solo
Max places his hands down onto the counter in determination, looking rather silly in his apron and neatly styled hair. He knows this is being filmed for content but he can't help but feel a little giddy and excited as his eyes dart from the kitchen staff to the staff filming him.
"So.. today is the day... we've gathered here to create a special meal for Eterval," he narrates in a calm voice while fighting the smile off his lips. Seeing the staff's reaction however he can't remain serious for long, letting up on his determined pose before turning back to the surrounding people in search for help.
"Honestly though- I was pretty lost on what to do. I'm still a little lost, I'll admit as much." His eyes drift back across the blank counter as he stares at various ingredients laid out before him and purses his lips into a thoughtful pout. "I want to do something with watermelons- that's what I know. Since it's the middle of summer and I want people to feel refreshed by what they order. I was thinking for drink a soda? Or an energy drink," his eyes sparkle as he proposes it, wondering if that would be a possibility. "I think I'd like to create my very own Watermelon Energy Drink. Do you think Mango and Watermelon would go well together as flavors?"
After some back and forth as he blends his ingredients together and got the fizzy drink before him, max can't help but feel content. "Okay! Now to find something matching to eat." Fingers under his chin he debates for a moment. "Do you reckon an ice cream bowl with fruit would be an overkill? If my birthday was in winter I'd probably attempt to introduce a german dessert called milk rice but I personally think it tastes better when it's hot. I think... frozen yoghurt is quite popular in summer where I come from. So what if we make bingsu out of frozen yoghurt with watermelon cubes and choco chips as toppings?! Would that work?"
His eyes are hopeful as he proposes his idea and his hands eager once he gets the go to try and create his own ideas. With some help and a lot of patience (that surely would be either speeded up or cut out completely), they manage to create the dish and have the idol taste test both. "Yes! This is it!"
Now with both drink and dessert sitting before him, he is back to square one with his hands on the counter, eyes darting from one thing to the other. He straightens again and points to the drink first. "This is... the M-ergizer. It's essentially a caffeinated Watermelon Soda, not too sweet and sure to refresh and energize you!"
Next he turns to the bingsu. "And this is the Fresh BoMb, with a capital M of course! It's a bingsu made out of frozen yoghurt topped with watermelon cubes and chocolate chips! I hope you enjoy both of these dishes as a present from me to Eterval when my birthday comes around. Thank you and I'll see you at the LGC Cafe on August 3rd! Good bye~" Hands clapped together as he gestures through his ending mend, he ends with an enthusiastic wave of both palms to the camera, sheepish smile on his lips.
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cinnamokittykat · 7 months
Puppy Love Chapter 5: Baking Together
Warnings: Awful Google Translate German, Abusive ex
Tags: Fluff, Hybrid! AU, The characters bake together, Lilith has a daughter
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
The day began bright and early for the duo as they walked to the bakery. They had a long day of ingredient prep ahead of them. The pantry was to be stocked, butter to be browned, and frosting to be made, along with a multitude of other food-related tasks.
Lilith unlocked the bakery's front door before running by the road to wave down the delivery driver. The big truck stopped and backed into the pebbly driveway with many loud beeps. A man with a clipboard hopped out and walked up to Lilith.
"Guten Morgen, ist diese Reihenfolge korrekt?"
He points to the clipboard, then opens the back of the truck for her to look. She squints, then nods.
"Danke, sir."
"Wunderbar. Benötigen sie hilfe beim entladen?"
"Nein, ich habe ihn."
At this point, König appeared behind the man, who, upon feeling his looming presence behind himself, nearly jumped out of his skin.
"J-ja, ich muss einige dinge an meinem truck erledigen!"
He scurried off into the driver's seat of the truck, leaving König and Lilith alone again.
"Let's get these inside, then we can start cooking, alright?"
"Sounds gut."
He then proceeded to pick up 2 very large sacks of flour and throw them over his shoulder like they were nothing. The woman parted her lips in amazement. She wondered if he could pick her up just as easily. With someone his size, he could most definitely just treat her as he pleased...
Lilith grabbed a dolly and started wheeling pallets of berries toward the bakery. With König's help, the ingredients were put away in less than 30 minutes, and she was thankful. It meant more time to cook. She thanked the delivery driver once again and signed off on the order.
"Let's get cooking, big guy."
Lilith managed to find a spare apron in the storage closet, and it fit König surprisingly well. It was a standard issue kitchen uniform, as König had declined the black one with "two seater" and arrows printed on.
"Here, uh, use this hairnet on your tail... there. Perfect! We are ready!"
"What do we do first?"
"Well, I have to brown butter for cookies so I can get them started."
"... browning butter?" He asked, clearly confused.
"Yeah, it adds depth of flavor," Lilith explained. "König, have you ever baked before?" She continued.
"Nein, my mother did a lot, I just never got a chance to learn... It seems so complicated, what if I mess it up?"
"Well, I can teach you, I won't make you do anything complicated today."
"You can start helping me by unpackaging all of that butter and putting it in this pot."
She gestured to a large yet shallow metal pot, then began to process a pallet of strawberries. König watched her work swiftly but delicately with each strawberry, removing the leaves and hull in one fell swoop of the paring knife before tossing them into a bowl.
He got to work, pulling the foil off the butter blocks and listening to the plunk! of them falling against the metal. Lilith turned the stove on and began to stir the butter around until it was melted and bubbling.
"Now, this is where it needs to be watched closely. It can turn from browned to burnt in seconds."
The man nodded, just happy to listen to her explain things. He could tell she was not only skilled but invested in the culinary arts.
"What will this be used in?" He inquired.
"Around 3/4 for chocolate chip cookies, and the remaining butter will be used in my rice krispie treats."
König's head tipped to the side, his ears perked up.
"What are those?"
"Rice Krispies?"
"Oh, so there's this cereal made with puffed rice, a lot of people will melt marshmallows and mix it with them to make these treats that are both crispy and chewy. But don't get that cheap stuff from the American stores here, mine are better." She explained with a smile on her face.
"I am sure they are then."
By then, the butter was browned, and Lilith scraped the pot with a rubber spatula while König tipped it over a huge container.
"This has to cool, so in the meantime, I'm gonna start frosting."
For the next hour, they worked side by side, König doing the simpler things like cutting fruit for jams while Lilith completed more technical tasks such as making frosting and toasting ingredients. When she pulled a tray of pleasantly burnished marshmallows out of the oven, she had to smack König's hand away so he wouldn't burn himself trying to swipe a taste.
"Bitteee..." He looked at her with his best puppy-dog eyes.
She reached up to pet him quickly before reminding him that he needed to wait for the final product.
"Whiny puppy..." Lilith whispered to herself, unaware that König could pick up those words, and they shot straight downward within him.
"You do understand I am 10 years older, Lilith?"
She ignored him and began mixing the ingredients for the Rice Krispie treats. Toasted marshmallows, browned butter, and even the cereal was toasted. The aroma wafted through the metallic industrial kitchen. Working quickly, she pressed the mixture into a greased sheet pan and sprinkled salt over it.
"While that cools, wanna see the special fall menu?"
"Ja, bitte."
She pulled out a binder full of laminated pages and loose notes, flipping through it until she landed on a stained page labeled "Fall/Halloween."
"I'm proud to say that a lot of these were my ideas! The apple cake was still my grandmother's, but the pumpkin cupcakes, red velvet 'vampire' cupcakes, ghost cake pops, and apple cider donuts were all recipes I developed or designed!"
"Are these all your pictures?" König wondered out loud.
She went on to explain all of the little details in her recipes, like how the "blood" on the red velvet cupcakes was actually a berry coulis and not red icing or how she kept having the frosting stick to the paper when she tried to flatten it to make jack-o-lantern faces for the first time.
To tell the truth, she loved having the undivided attention of someone to explain her passion. Instead of just looking off to the side or straight up telling her they didn't care, König looked at her with his beautiful eyes and absorbed every word. She wondered if he had anything he was passionate about like this.
He was so wonderful to look at, too; the way his shirt outlined his arm muscles was captivating, and she got just a hint last night about what he looked like under the hood. He had the softest hair I've ever felt. Long, too, perfect for grabbing while he-
"Lilith, is everything alright?"
"Huh... yeah!" Her face reddened; she didn't realize she had zoned out.
He's not interested, you fucking cow. She thought to herself.
"Anyways, let's make cookies, hm?"
The cookie-making process went by quickly, although König was splashed in the face with flour from the mixer once and had to shake his hood off outside.
"Now the dough is going to sit in the fridge to develop flavor overnight! The frosting is made, the cakes are cooling, so I think we can rest. Let's go back home, okay?"
After a short rest, Lilith started boiling a pot of water on the stove and taking sausage out of its casings to saute.
"What are you making?"
König tipped his head to the side and sniffed the air.
"Sausage and broccoli pasta. Is that okay?"
"Ja, anything you make ist good, Lilith."
She beamed internally at his words.
After Lilith finished the kitchen, she flopped down on the couch, finally off her feet for the rest of the day. She took out her phone and panicked when she saw 9 missed calls.
"I'm so sorry, I was prepping the bakery all day, Mark."
"Pick up."
"Lilith, pick up."
"We need to talk."
Mark is calling...
She picked up the phone and held it to her ear.
"Lilith, fucking pick up when I call you next time."
"Mark, I told you this morning, I was prepping the bakery."
"Whatever. I need you to take Holly."
"What? We agreed she was going to stay in school in the US for now."
"I need you to take her."
"Um, well, I just uhhh, got a new job, and I won't be around as often."
"So you're going to ship our kid across the world?"
"Will you just help me the fuck out? You're the parent too, Lilith."
She sighed. How was she going to manage the bakery with a 5-year-old?
"Mark, I'm running a business, I'm scared I won't be able to take care of her."
"Well, that's too fucking bad, maybe if you took some time off from whoring around after work, you'd be able to. Besides, the tickets are already booked. $1000, Lilith."
A chill ran up her spine. Memories of how he would accuse her of 'whoring around' came flooding back. Right before he would confess to cheating. And now, she had to figure out how to handle her beloved daughter while running the bakery.
"... Alright, Mark. Sure. When does she arrive?"
"3 weeks."
"And you'll be coming with her, right?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Can I please talk to Holly?"
"Yeah, sure, HOLLY!" He hollered.
The camera turned on, and she watched as her little cream-colored Siamese kitten ran into the room.
Lilith smiled. Her daughter stared into the camera with joy in her heterochromatic eyes. One was light blue, like any other kitten, and the other was green and shaped like a cat's eye.
"Yes you do, sweetheart, I am so happy to see you!"
"Yayyyyyy, I'm so excited, mommy!"
"What do you want to do when you get here, Holly?"
She tapped her finger to her mouth, her lips curling into that unmistakable 5-year-old smile.
"I wanna... I dunno!"
"Alright, sweetheart, we'll just figure it out when you get here."
"Okay, mommy!"
Just then, König called out to Lilith, asking her some question about cups.
"Mommy, who is that?" Holly demanded.
Right, she would have to explain that to Holly.
"Ah, sweetie, he's a new friend of Mommy's, you may meet him eventually!"
"Okay Mommy!"
Mark spoke up once again.
"Alright Holly, I need the phone back now, go play with your dolls!"
The door slammed, and Mark made his opinions heard.
"So, you are whoring yourself out to any man who's drunk enough to sleep with you?"
"It's not like that, and you know it! He's helping at my bakery!"
"Uh-huh, whatever, goodbye."
He hung up the phone as soon as he was finished speaking. Lilith sighed and rubbed her temples. Mark was the biggest mistake she had ever made; the only good thing that came out of it was Holly. The 5 years of marriage with him were soul-crushing.
Just then, she felt a weight in her lap. Upon looking down, what stared up at her were the familiar begging eyes of König.
"You are sad, what is wrong?"
"... Nothing."
"Are you sure?"
Lilith brought her hand to her lap, and König bonked his head into it.
"Are you asking to be pet?"
He pushed his head into her hand again, and Lilith began petting him softly.
"Did I help you enough today?"
"Yes, you were a very big help, König."
The man smiled under his hood, and his tail wagged furiously behind him.
"A good boy, even." Lilith laughed to herself, the whole situation being humorous to her still. She had a 6'10" veteran German Shepherd laying on her, begging for affection like a cat.
König heard those words and almost ascended to heaven.
"You mean it?"
Lilith chuckled, mildly surprised at his response.
"I suppose so."
"I guess I have always needed purpose in life, sorry."
"What are you sorry about, König? I'm happy to validate you!"
"Danke, Lilith..."
His eyes went from half-lidded to closed, and Lilith turned on a show while the man dozed off for the night.
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
"Guten Morgen, ist diese Reihenfolge korrekt?" - Good morning, is this order correct?
"Wunderbar. Benötigen sie hilfe beim entladen?" - Wonderful, do you need help unloading?
"Nein, ich habe ihn." - No, I have him.
"J-ja, ich muss einige dinge an meinem truck erledigen!" - Y-yes, I have some things to do in my truck!
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takoyakitenchou · 2 years
sorina @ legislation help i dont remember any of my settings/context headcanons
long time no see!
It was three in the morning and the first and second seats of fine dining’s most prestigious education establishment had essentially achieved the impossible — they had burnt microwaveable rice on a portable stove. Either of them would have vehemently blamed the ensuing shitshow on excess coffee but they were both on withdrawal at that point. Nakiri Erina and Yukihira Souma were heading back up to the first seat’s office cradling their plastic bowls of burned instant rice and avoiding eye contact out of mutual embarrassment when they came across Kurokiba Ryo smashing the living daylights out of a cockroach with his size 11 oxfords in the conference room and Alice damn near dangling from the chandelier.
“Now where in the loving hell did that come from?” Erina paused in the doorway.
“No clue,” Ryo grunted as he examined his sole. “Dead now.”
Once Alice had both feet on the ground again, she asked, “What are you two up to?”
“Paperwork and event management,” Souma said through a yawn. “We’re out of coffee. This shit’s taking forever.”
“Time flies when you drink good coffee,” Ryo told him sagely.
Alice added, “You’ll be sipping an Illy Arabica straight from the French press in a train watching the German countryside flit by, and before you know it it’ll be time to get your shit together and not forget your phone and passport when you leave like I did in Berlin.”
“Is that why you were like five hours late to that convention? You held up the proceedings for literally three hours until they decided to just move on.”
Ryo put in unhelpfully, “We also had to stop by at Kadewe for an Hermes appointment.”
Waving him off, Alice insisted, “That is really not the point. More importantly, Erina, is that fucking burned instant rice!? God tongue where!?”
Erina rolled her eyes as Souma burst out laughing. “The portable stove was the only option,” he complained defensively. 
After exchanging more banter, the first two seats left the Danes to their extermination business and sat on the floor in Erina’s office. It was always hers, maybe because it was bigger, maybe because there weren’t any of Souma’s atrocious concoctions waiting to be tested in the cabinets, mostly out of habit. She sat with her back to one of the legs of the desk and he sat against the wall, their knees touching in two places. They ate the burned instant rice with some stir fried kimchi and a playlist of songs neither of them really liked, grieving for the dying summer and the tofu salad Souma had made for them yesterday instead of attending one of the meetings with the board.
“This is better than Michelin,” Erina said agreeably through clenched teeth. They’d been eating in silence for a few minutes by then.
“Oh, is it really?”
“No, this is fucking disgusting. We should’ve stuck with the tofu salad.”
That night both of them slept exactly where they were sitting; his back against the wall, hers against the desk, her knees to his. Somewhere along the way, somewhere between aglio e olio and their dreams about the future, Erina drifted asleep and Souma watched her breathing slow, wishing they could stay here like this in the tail end of the dying summer forever, sitting on her floor listening to music they didn’t want to hear and imagining they were drinking coffee on a train in a world neither of them belonged to. 
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epicwalrus · 3 months
We're barrelling towards the finale!
Wu Xie, Xiao-Ge and Wang Pangzi have fled Changsha, hiding out deep in the mountains in the original Wushanju. When Xiao-Ge awakens from his coma with no memories, Wu Xie promises to help him recover them. As they pass the winter in hiding, both Wu Xie and the now-amnesiac Xiao-Ge grow closer, Wu Xie resumes his hunt for the Wangs despite the distance between himself and his allies back home, and strangers flit between the trees.
Part 2 of the Blood and Gold series.
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Meal times in the kitchen of the old Wushanju were becoming a cramped affair. Between four fully grown men and a large German Shepherd, very little room was left to move freely. Wu Xie wound between Pangzi and Hei Yanjing and stepped carefully over a begging Xiaoman-Ge, balancing a tray piled high with chopsticks, glasses and bowls. The bowls teetered threateningly, but a hand swooped around from behind Wu Xie to steady them. “Close. Thanks, Xiao-Ge,” Wu Xie said, smiling as Xiao-Ge nodded and wandered away to help Pangzi carry a tottering bowl of rice.  Wu Xie watched closely. Xiao-Ge had become even more quiet and sullen over the past few days, but he moved as easily as he always had, as if riding the wind. He either had something on his mind or had become even better at hiding pain. Wu Xie hoped it was the former; the latter already opened up far too many horrible possibilities about his missing past. Perhaps he and Xiao-Ge could go for a walk when the lockdown lifted, a few quiet hours away from the increasingly cramped and busy safe house.
Read More on Ao3
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Description of Angkor Thom[edit]
Zhou wrote that the city had five gates with multiple doorways, one in each compass direction, but in the east two. The city was surrounded by a wide moat crossed by bridges with sculptures of 54 figures pulling a nine-head nāga. On top of the city gate there were five Buddha heads, four of them facing four directions, the one at the centre was covered with gold. "The city is square in shape at each corner; the city gates are guarded, open during the day but closed at night. Dogs and convicts are barred from entering the city".
Description of the palace[edit]
Zhou wrote that the Palace was at the north of the golden bridge and the golden tower, and the Palace faced east. The main hall of the Palace was covered with lead tiles, while the rest had clay tiles.
Description of the Khmer people[edit]
Zhou observed that the upper, middle, and lower class Khmer dressed differently depending on their social class. The peasants, both men and women kept their chests exposed, walked barefoot, and wore only a piece of cloth wrapped around their waists. The common women wore hair ornaments, golden rings or bracelets. Beautiful women were sent to court to serve the king or his royal family at his whim. All trades were carried out by women. The upper class Khmer were dressed elaborately with gold headpiece, jewelries, and long intricate styled dressed. In the market place, there were no buildings, but rather the female vendors sold their wares on large mats spread about ground. The space in the market also required a rent to be paid to the officials. He saw the Khmer people needed no tables or chairs in their homes, no recognisable bowls or buckets. They cooked their food in earthen pots used for boiling rice and for preparing soup. Their ladles were made from coconut shells and soup was then served into a tiny bowl made from woven leaves, which were made waterproof. Zhou mentioned seeing people in Angkor who appeared feminine or didn't conform to traditional gender roles. He referred to them as catamites and observed that they gathered in groups in the market. Zhou noticed that they tried to attract the attention of Chinese men.
He recounted a royal procession of Indravarman III who wielded a sacred sword in his hand:
When the king goes out, troops lead the escort; then come flags, banners and music. Palace women, numbering from three to five hundred, wearing clothes decorated with flowers, with flowers in their hair, hold candles in their hands, and form a troupe. Even in broad daylight, the candles are lit. Then come other palace women, carrying lances and shields; then the king's private guards; then carts drawn by goats and horses, all in gold. Afterwards ministers and princes mounted on elephants, and in front of them one can see, even from afar, their numerous red umbrellas. Next the wives and concubines of the king appear in palanquins, carriages, on horseback and on elephants. They have more than one hundred parasols, speckled with gold. Finally the sovereign arrives, standing on an elephant, brandishing his sacred sword in his hand. His elephant's tusks are encased in gold.
Zhou's book was first translated into French by the sinologist Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat in 1819,[12] and again by Paul Pelliot in 1902.[13] The Pelliot translation, which was later revised, has been translated into English and German.[14][15][16][17] In 2007, the linguist Peter Harris completed the first direct translation from Chinese to modern English. Harris also draws a series of parallels between the voyage of Zhou and the travels of Marco Polo. Marco Polo was Zhou's contemporary, however, according to Harris, Polo's travels contain a number of unusual omissions that have yet to be fully explained.[8] There is also a Thai translation of The Customs of Cambodia by Chaloem Yongbunkiat in 1967 which has been reprinted by Matichon Press in 2014[18]
Other translation of Zhou's record on Cambodia are also available. A direct translation from an ancient Chinese text into English by a native Chinese (Mrs. Beling Uk) and a native Cambodian (Solang Uk) in 2010. A Cambodian version of the translation by the same authors was published in Phnom-Penh in 2011
20GEN FROM TO FILL THE GAPS WITH minE AND # and 4to% and get to snowmen
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midnightartworks56 · 1 year
List of Main foods in Tomodachi Bliss (Part 13):
American, European and Australian versions
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Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese versions
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Peking duck 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇯🇵 (Western dish)/🇰🇷/🇹🇼/🇦🇺
Description: "Crispy roasted duck served with garnish." (US)/"Crispy but tender duck duck served with garnish." (EU/UK/AU)
US: $30.00
EU: €13.90
UK: £12.00
JP: ¥5,000
KO: ₩30,000
TW: $914.14
AU: $44.86
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Pickled Perilla leaves 🇰🇷 (깻잎장아찌)
Description: "It is a rice thief that has good preservation and allows you to feel the fragrance of sesame leaves." ("보존력이 좋고 깻잎 향을 느낄 수 있는 밥도둑입니다.")
KO: ₩3,000
American Version
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European and Australian versions
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Pork Cutlet 🇺🇸/🇪🇺/🇦🇺
Description: "Food Mart's got a master chef. His biggest talent, making this pork cutlet savory!" (US)/"A German chop, grilled or fried and served with sauce and chips." (EU/UK/AU)
US: $8.00
EU: €9.90
UK: £7.90
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Prison food 🇺🇸/🇪🇺
Description: "The only meal to keep you alive while sentenced. Bleghh… it tastes really funny…" (US)/"The meal served to you when you're in prison. Ughh...it tastes very weird..." (EU/UK)
US: $0.20
EU: £0.20
UK: £0.10
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Quick Liver Pate 🇯🇵/🇰🇷/🇹🇼 (クイックレバーパテ) (퀵 리버 페이트) (快速肝酱)
Description: "A bowl of meaty paste along with pickles and a long baguette." (「ピクルスと長いバゲットを添えた肉のペーストのボウル。」) ("피클과 긴 바게트를 곁들인 고기 페이스트 한 그릇.") (“一碗肉酱、泡菜和一个长长的法式面包。”)
JP: ¥3,542
KO: ₩34,995
TW: $815.86
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Quail 🇯🇵 (ウズラ)
Description: "True cuisine from an avian: Quail. Like with or without sauce." (「鳥の真の料理:ウズラ。ソースの有無にかかわらず。」)
JP: ¥2,622
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Ramen Carbonera 🇪🇺
Description: "Whoever did this should be proud… An egg on noodles, genius!"
EU: €7.09
UK: £6.27
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renatedagmarmilada · 1 year
Forget me not Beijing
 The black crepe sky was lit with a myriad of stars on high and fireflies at ground level, hence electric lighting was at a minimum in the whole area. The grass, trimmed down to its roots, rolled up to a  very deep pond filled with trout. An Indian owned this stretch of land on the highway as it sped from Beijing. They had wisely bought a  massive plot, having smelt the coming wealth- and had turned it into a beautiful forget me not place, of the natural variety, none of your Disney plastic figures, a place where Beijing-ers could to relax under the blue skies on a weekend – The huge  trout splashed about in gay abandon around the large artificially brick lined pond. No Chinese place is complete without some form of water in the gardens and the trout were safe enough from marauding cats circling the pond stealthily, as size-wise they were similar.
One of the Indians would fish out the actual fish one desired- or better still, gave you the net to fish with, and then a very beautiful, Chinese girl, and aren’t they all beautiful, would come and barbecue it in front of your eyes. Indian women were not employed to serve. Situated next door to the college, they knew there would be a steady stream of customers till the Beijingers began to move outwards again, to avoid the heavy building pollution infact as they already were in some parts of the city, also the students would be able to return to their homes to tell their families about the place and believe me, the Chinese love holidays and will travel amazing distances in rickety old buses for a glimpse of sea and sand– Some of their ways are a source of constant delight to me still, like the family in Qingdao, who got off the bus and starving, decided to put out a table cloth there and then on the pavement and had their dinner en situ- and gave me a baleful stare when I looked over amazed—but then I have amongst my photographs a photo of a cleaner sleeping, peacefully on the pavement, under a tree during his lunch hour- so forget all your preconceived ideas about the Chinese!
The aforesaid pollution was always seemed at its worst on Fridays, I have no idea why, but that was the day when my lessons finished at lunch and I would travel into the centre to do my ‘foreign shopping’ at the huge German down-town centre, and have a quiet lunch there at the same time.
During daytime, the Indians owners provided endless cricket matches, complete with chairs on the edge of the grounds for watchers, a huge electronic score board and  big, frothing tankards of beer. Tea is free in China with all food, as much as you can drink and eat, all night if you pleased, so it was a good idea to purchase some rice in the nearby alleys,  where  they would serve you a huge bowl of rice at the centre of the table and sticks of meat or veggys with your endless green tea poured all night,  at what can only be described as pence.
The Indians however, fed us Pizzas and such other dishes, rather than get into competition with the Chinese, and were much more price conscious, meaning more expensive, than the poor Chinese. These were not exactly poor Indians and they did not really want a poor clientele . Asians tend to borrow European foods and change them slightly, as I remembered too well from sitting  in the shade under a massive tree on Saturday afternoons, at the British Council in Lahore, Pakistan, where I would order chips and tea, chips brought on a saucer lined with a paper-doily, sprinkled  with chilli, tea in a large silver pot all carefully arranged on a silver tray, brought by white gloved staff to my table dressed with a spotless white damask cloth with not one attendant but two. For myself, I adore Asia.
Ah well,be off to Macdonalds after I finish writing-
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peachysamu · 3 years
A/n: reposted bc it didn’t show up in the tags so pls enjoy again.
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“Alright, I gotta go.” Osamu hears Atsumu speak into the phone. There is a crackling sound of the airport attendant through the speaker. “My flight is boarding now.”
Osamu wipes his hands on his apron, stained and diluted through many days of work and even more rinses through the wash before switching the phone pinched between his shoulder and cheek into his hand. “Don’t forget to buy me chocolate. And don’t go cheap either from the airport. I want true, authentic German chocolate.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Atsumu waves off at which his twin rolls his eyes. He’s already betting with himself that the souvenir he’s asking for will be an afterthought. “Okay, really, I’m going now. I’ll see you next week.”
The call ends with a finite flash of his screen. Osamu spends a couple of seconds staring at the device, pondering how exactly life has turned out.
Where Atsumu is boarding a first class flight to Germany, Osamu stands in front of a load of dishes waiting to be washed after a long, fourteen hour day. It’s then that the reality of life hits him. Osamu has always thought of himself larger than life and it was that sense of self, albeit a naïve one, that had him believing he could start a successful business. There had been no doubt in Osamu’s mind that this business, built through passion, sweat, and love, would not be successful. Even if only a few tens of customers pass through his doors versus the hundreds that do now, he would still consider himself accomplished. Doing what he loves has always been at the forefront of his mind and indubitably, this is it.
But as he stares at the grimy dishes he’s washed so many times throughout the day, Osamu can’t help but feel so ordinary. The grandiose life of press conferences and flashy lifestyle never once attracted him before, but at least he could feel different. Like he has more to offer than just this.
Dreams don’t stop the moment they’re fulfilled, Osamu realized very quickly upon opening Onigiri Miya. It takes a great amount of fortitude to maintain the dream. Emblazoned by the same amount of blood, sweat, and dedication that began this process, his muscles burn and the soles of his feet ache from the constant exertion. The days bleed one after the other in an unsatisfactory procession. Maybe the life of a professional volleyball player wouldn’t have been so bad. His hands wouldn’t crack from the abuse of sanitizing chemicals he uses and maybe, just maybe, the kink in his back would have never existed if he didn’t spend his whole day bent over a kitchen counter. Maybe he had romanticized this whole small business bit, made it grander than it truly was.
“Samu?” Exhaustion seeps away at the sound of your voice. Said man turns around and he feels his shoulders roll, straightening them up to hide the weariness in his bones.
He is greeted by you waltzing your way to him with a steaming bowl scented with soy, sesame, and fresh rice.
The bowl is displayed before him like an offering to the gods, a coy smile upon your lips. “Made you something. Since you worked really hard today.”
“Oyakodon?” Osamu grabs the bowl. Fingertips warm from the residual heat that flows into his heart and flushes his cheeks.
“Sort of.” You smile proudly before revealing a second pair of chopsticks and Osamu places the bowl between you two to share. “Grandpa next door had a pickup that never showed up so he gave me some. There’s some chicken, beef, and liver.”
The restaurant next door is a yakitori place that had been there before Osamu was even born. Supportive of the entrepreneur dreams of a young man, he has been a reassuring and renowned presence in Onigiri Miya. On the days Osamu would botch an order, Grandpa would come in with an extra bottle of soy which would be repaid in weeks of onigiri.
When the two of you reach for the same piece of chicken, Osamu immediately relents. He has never been one to share his food, even going so much to hoard it all for himself thanks to growing up with Atsumu. But for you, he’d give anything.
“Ah,” You say, opening your mouth wide in exaggeration as you bring the piece of chicken he offered to Osamu’s lips. The simple act makes him want to cry.
He takes a bite that you frown at, expecting him to eat the piece whole. “We’re sharing. Have the rest.”
The reason has you giggle and you eat it without a fight. Looking at you, with grains adorning the corner of your lips, he realizes he’s wrong. In rice there is romance. Plain white rice is ordinary; that is true, but steaming hot grains serve as a canvas. You are the soy, the sesame, the meat that makes his life grand.
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amillionlanguages · 4 years
2+ Months of Language Learning Prompts!
Sometimes it can be tricky to know what to learn if you are teaching yourself a language. Here are some ideas for what you can focus on learning each day for the first two months of learning a new language! I formatted it so there is the general topic for the day and then in parentheses are some ideas to get you started but you can definitely learn a lot more than what I’ve written down! These are just to help generate some ideas!
This definitely would move pretty quickly if you covered all this material in 2 months so you could definitely spend more time on each topic if you need! This would require quite a bit of time each day in order to learn it all. This could totally work for a 4 or 6-month challenge where you spend 2 or 3 days on each of the topics I listed if you don’t have enough time to cover each topic in just one day!
Polite phrases (thank you, please, yes/no, you’re welcome, I’m sorry)
Introductory phrases (hi, my name is, I’m from, I speak, how are you?)
Pronouns (I, you, he, she, they, we)
Basic people vocab (girl, boy, man, woman, person, child)
Basic verbs in present tense (to eat, to drink, to walk, to read, to write, to say)
Sentence structure (how to form some basic sentences)
Negative sentences (I do not __)
Question words (who, what, where, when, why, how, how to form questions)
Numbers (0-20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 1,000, 1,000,000)
Time (hour, minute, half hour, reading the time)
Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, dessert, appetizer)
Basic foods (apple, banana, rice, bread, pasta, carrot, soup, water)
More foods (beef, pork, fruit, vegetable, juice, coffee, tea, chocolate, cake)
Kitchen (stove, oven, kitchen, fridge, table, chair, bake, boil)
Eating supplies (knife, spoon, fork, plate, bowl, cup, glass)
More verbs (to make, to have, to see, to like, to go, to be able to, to want, to need)
Family (father, mother, son, daughter, aunt, uncle, cousin, grandmother, grandfather, parents, grandparents)
Transportation (car, train, plane, bus, bicycle, airport, train station)
City locations (apartment, building, restaurant, movie theater, market, hotel, bank)
Directions (north, south, east, west, right, left)
Adjectives (good, bad, smart, delicious, nice, fun)
More verbs (to give, to send, to wake up, to cry, to love, to hate, to laugh)
Colors (red, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, white, brown)
Emotions (happy, sad, calm, angry)
Physical descriptions (tall, short, blonde, brunette, redhead, eye color)
Body parts (arm, leg, hand, finger, foot, toe, face, eye, mouth, nose, ears)
Descriptors (rich, poor, beautiful, ugly, expensive, inexpensive)
Basic clothing (shirt, pants, dress, skirt, jacket, sweater, skirt, shorts)
Accessories (belt, hat, wallet, gloves, sunglasses, purse, watch)
More verbs (to keep, to smile, to run, to drive, to wear, to remember)
Animals (cat, dog, horse, cow, bear, pig, chicken, duck, fish)
More animals (turtle, sheep, fox, mouse, lion, deer)
Months (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
Seasons (fall, winter, spring, summer)
Weather (sunny, cloudy, hot, cold, snowing, raining)
States of being (I’m hungry, I’m tired, I’m thirsty)
House (bedroom, living room, bathroom, stairs)
Furniture (bed, lamp, couch, door, window)
Electronics (phone, TV, computer, camera, radio, headphones)
Nature (tree, flower, plant, animal, grass, animal, outside, sky, sun, moon, clouds)
More verbs (to teach, to learn, to understand, to know, to listen, to hear)
School (classroom, elementary school, high school, college, student, class, grade, homework, test)
School subjects (math, science, English, art, music, chemistry, biology, physics)
School supplies (book, pencil, pen, paper, notebook, folder, backpack, calculator)
Classroom features (student desk, teacher desk, whiteboard, chalk, clock, bell)
Jobs (teacher, scientist, doctor, artist, dancer, musician)
More jobs (surgeon, manager, engineer, architect, lawyer, dentist, writer)
More verbs (to buy, to sell, to work, to ask, to answer, to dance, to leave, to come)
Comparisons (less than, more than, same, __er than)
Languages (French, German, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, English, Japanese)
Countries (France, Germany, China, Russia, Spain, Mexico, United States, Japan)
Religion (church, temple, mosque, to pray, Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
Past tense (I was, he ran, she wrote)
Hobbies (shopping, sports, soccer, chess, fishing, gardening, photography)
More verbs (to describe, to sleep, to find, to wish, to enter, to feel, to think)
Art (paint, draw, painting, gallery, frame, brush)
Morning routine (to wake up, to brush teeth, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, soap)
Future tense (I will run, he will write)
TV + internet (online, internet, to watch TV, TV show, movie, documentary, cartoon)
More verbs (to look for, to stay, to touch, to meet, to show, to rent, to wash, to play)
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Mercs and dinner duty
Most likely to cook. Mostly stews, chilis, meatloaf, roast chicken; heavy, hearty meals. Has a meal equation; meat, starch (noodles, rice, potatoes, corn), root vegetables (carrots, radishes, turnips) and non-root veggie (broccoli, beans, peas). Good home cooked meal. Once refused to cook for a month because he felt underappreciated, and everyone came crawling back and begging because he’s the only one to remember the vegtables
Good food, a little over dramatic tho. Steaks and lamb, honey glazed carrots or roasted small potatoes; pretentious foods. It tastes good! But it takes all day to make, and like every French cook, he uses a shit ton of wine, and drinks most of it. By the time dinner rolls around he’s buzzed and acts insulted if someone doesn’t like 100% of the meal
Lots of potatoes. He doesn’t mean too, it’s just that he cooks what his mother cooked for him, and, well, he’s German. It’s potatoes and sausage, cuz it’s easy and quick to make and he’s a busy guy. Sometimes he’ll get inspired and try to make something “outstanding” and he either nails it and everyone rejoices, or he fails and everyone has food poisoning for a week.
Not as bad as everyone would assume. Mick is a mama’s boy and was at her hip in the kitchen when she cooked. They’re simple meals; grilled cheese and tomato soup, meat pies, homestyle macaroni and cheese, shepherd's pie, etc. All really nostalgic, really, and he knows all the recipes by heart. Mick loves cooking on the base kitchen because the one in his trailer is way too small.
Cooks the same meal every time it’s his turn to cook dinner. His mother’s borscht and rye bread. He wakes up early to make the bread and is very careful preparing the borscht. It’s his favorite food and it reminds him of home and his family, and he is honored to make it every time. When he sees the cleaned out bowls, he smiles and can’t wait to tell his mother when he sees her next that all of his teammates love her food.
Can’t cook alone. Not because he can’t be left unsupervised, but if you had seen my Scout HC post, I believe that Jeremy can only cook with others around because, to him, it’s supposed to be a family ordeal. So usually Spy, Pyro, or Demo help him. He makes big family dinners, like spaghetti and meatballs, ham and cabbage, and lasagna. It taste good, if not simple, but you’d be surprised who fights to help Jeremy cook because he just act so happy and grounded when he does
To be a bit of a bastard, because frankly he loves cooking but loves pranking his team more, he makes traditional Scottish food. And if you don’t know, some traditional Scottish food is terrible. He made haggis before and all but Medic was disturbed for days. And right as he’s about to be removed from the dinner duty rotation, he makes something stellar like a fish dish and he stays on for another month before the discussion of kicking him out comes back
Good, old fashioned american food! Baked ham, cornbread, he grills so much food, it’s like a cookout. He’ll try and grill anything at least once. In all honesty, Jane is actually better at baking, but it’s his secret skill that no one has figured out yet
Banned from the kitchen. They can help, but they aren’t allowed to be unsupervised, for obvious reasons
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