#the crows tease the HELL out of wylan for it
barrel-crow-n · 4 months
Wylan subconsciously imitating Kaz's expressions is so <33333
Kaz's scheming face, Kaz's glare
One day, Jesper does something stupid and Wylan just gives him this unimpressed look, and it looks so much like the one Kaz used to give him when he worked for the Dregs that Jesper doubles over laughing
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swanimagines · 4 months
Summary: Wylan thinks Jesper doesn't care about him, and you try to comfort him. For your surprise, Wylan has something to tell to you too.
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The Crow Club’s game nights were loud and cheerful events, and Jesper was all over the tables, building the spirit in the room. Scent of alcohol and cigars floated in the air, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses filled the downstairs as a whole.
Wylan and you sat at the farthest corner from the entrance, just spending time. The wooden table was slightly sticky, apparently someone had spilled alcohol on it at some point. The candle flame flickered slightly as Wylan played with it while staring at it deep in thought, and you were just about to ask what he’s thinking when he flinched upon another round of cheers and crooned his neck to look at one of the game tables. Jesper had once again won another round, making you turn your head to your friend and raise a glass for him once he caught your eyes. Then you turned your head back to Wylan, who sighed and returned to staring at the candle. You frowned, knowing to read people enough to know something was wrong. So you touched his hand to get his attention.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” you asked, and Wylan stared at you for a moment before laying his gaze down on the table.
“It’s nothing. Nothing important,” he mumbled, and you sighed, raising your eyebrows at him. He squirmed a little and then let out a sigh of his own. “I slept with Jesper.”
Your eyebrows shot up at that; sure, Jesper was sleeping around with people he met at bars and restaurants to have fun, but for this short time you had known Wylan, he didn’t feel like such a person. But you weren’t judgemental by any means, Jesper was a charmer and you could see that he’d be dragged along by Jesper after some flirting. Hell, Jesper had gotten you to blush a few times with his flirts when you first joined Dregs.
“Really? When did that happen?” you asked, trying to keep your tone neutral.
“It’s been a while. Two months? Or three maybe? But… he managed me to grow feelings for him, and knowing who he is… I don’t think he’d like me back. He doesn’t even remember me.” His voice trailed off at the end, and he laid his gaze back to his hands. “I know it’s stupid.”
You shook your head, squeezing his hand. “It’s not stupid, Wylan. A lot of people have been in your situation at some point. But you can’t let the fear of heartbreak to get in your way, you deserve to be happy and even if Jesper doesn't return your feelings, at least you know then. You won't stay in it welling and cursing yourself over not speaking up if he ever ends up being serious with someone else."
He scoffed. “Easy for you to say when you hold the heart of the Bastard of the Barrel himself. Do you even realise how I envy the way Kaz looks at you, how I would wish somebody would look at me like that? Kaz is closed off, cold and guarded, someone you wouldn’t think would like anyone, and still you have managed to catch him without even trying to win him over. Jesper is everything but like that, and still he thinks I’m nothing but a fling, just an asset for pleasure. I’d be a fool if I went to him and tell him how do I feel.”
Your heart skipped a beat at him mentioning about Kaz’s feelings for you, making you freeze up - it was true that you had been teased about it, and Kaz did have odd reasons for why he suddenly didn’t want to assign you on scouting missions anymore if the building was heavily guarded. But it wasn’t like he had feelings for you. Even when you wished it would be the reason for that.
“Kaz? What? He isn’t… no, he doesn’t, you’ve misunderstood something. And he’s my boss, it would be weird, he sees me only professionally and… I see him only professionally too,” you denied it, trying to contain your voice squeaking. Wylan raised his eyebrows at you, and you felt your face heating up when you realised he’s not buying it.
"He basically admitted it to Inej. Inej told him to let his guard down for you if he wants you to see him as anything else as your boss, and he told her that he doesn't want to drag you into his life, that you'd only get hurt when you'd see how he really is," Wylan mumbled. "Then they sensed someone is listening in so I dashed away before they caught me."
You didn't reply, just tried to calm your racing heart. You were quiet for a few seconds before you cleared your throat, trying to quickly jump away from the subject before anyone would hear you. “Anyway, Jesper is not Kaz. He’s not gonna smack you with his gun if you go and ask him if he’d be willing to talk with you. Or go on another date. If I went to Kaz’s office and asked him to come down to have a dining date with me, even if he did have feelings for me, which he doesn’t, he’d look at me as if I was crazy and either ignore me or tell me to get out his office.” 
Wylan chuckled weakly at your words. “I guess you’re right about that.”
You smiled. “You should talk to Jesper. Maybe he feels the same way about you. And even if not, at least you won’t have any regrets. You won’t watch him get together with someone else and wonder why didn’t you ever say anything.”
Wylan nodded slowly, his eyes shifting back to Jesper, who had just finished playing and had made his way to the bar counter. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. I should try to talk to him.”
Your smile widened as you jumped a little bit in your seat, gesturing him to go on, gently nudging him forward when he passed you. Wylan walked to Jesper slowly, talking with him for a moment before sitting down beside him, and you almost felt the connection they already had. You turned your back on them, and continued sipping on your drink as you dug up your ongoing book from your bag. 
And just for a moment, you wondered if you’d ever really have chances with Kaz. If everyone pointing how Kaz looks at you and how ridiculous his reasons for taking you out from all the dangerous jobs are were actually onto something, what could it carry? Would Kaz shut it down, force himself not to feel, or would he let himself feel? Would you be there with Wylan and Jesper as a couple?
You hoped you’d get the answer for that sometime in the future, but for now, you were only happy that you had potentially helped Wylan and Jesper to get to know each other better, and maybe get together. They both deserved happiness, and you were happy if they found it within themselves.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 months
concept: slavers or enemy pirates kidsnap kaz and intend to use him as leverage against inej. of course they took precautions but even then, when kaz isn’t fighting back and just sits there with a small smirk on his face, they’re all convinced dirtyhands is plotting his escape.
in reality though, he is in fact thinking “oooh when my wife gets here you guys are so screwed”
He wakes slowly, with a skin-crawling sense of deja-vu. At first, all he recognises is the rough fibres of ropes around his wrists-ropes and not handcuffs, interesting. As he opens his eyes, orange lamplight floods his vision. He has to blink twice before his vision adjusts fully, and even then he still feels like the room is swaying, a slight bob up and down that leaves him uneasy. Saints, what the hell did they drug him with?
It’s only when his head clears more that he realises that no, it’s not the drug. The room is actually swaying. And he isn’t alone.
Three figures stand before him, each one is clad in a white shirt and roughspun trousers that indicates shipworkers. While the otthers wear shabby looking brown jakcets and waistcoats, the middle one stands proudly in a (hideous) purple frock coat and gold-rimmed hat, tilted at an angle that Kaz suspects is meant to signify a carefree spirit. Really all it shows is that one, he is in charge here and two, he can’t pull off a hat at that angle. 
“Kaz Brekker,” the captain announces. Triumph lights up his face, like a cat that caught a particularly unruly mouse. “You’re not an easy man to find.”
“Perhaps for good reason,” he replies. His throat is tight, his voice heavy from whatever they drugged him with, but he won’t clear his throat. He lifts his head, raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “What business, gentlemen?”
“Don’t talk to us like we’re merchants, Brekker,” the captain says. “This ain’t the Barrel and believe it or not, you ain’t the prize.”
“No?” he asks. “You put a lot of work into grabbing me.”
The grin doesn’t waver, but even the little light can’t hide the annoyance flashing in his eyes. With a slow, deliberate pace he steps towards him, one hand on his belt and his tongue poking out. There’s a very, very strong smell of cheap liquor on him, but Kaz fights remains still. Even when the captain comes beside him and slowly squats and his knee brushes against Kaz’s.
Breathe, he reminds himself. In for eight, out for eight. 
At least Wylan’s advice is finally being useful.
“You’re not the prize,” he says again, dark eyes flashing. He bares his teeth. “You’re the leverage. Rumour has it that one Captain Ghafa is quite enamoured with you.”
“Never heard of her.” His voice is steady, even, smooth as a sheet of steel. Inside is another story, but if the captain sees that they’re both done for. The match-strike he felt when he said Inej’s name is kept well-hidden. 
“No?” he teases. His smile sharpens, and something unsettles inside Kaz. If this fool has touched Inej, he’ll cut off his limbs one by one to use as shark bait. “Then what’s this?”
Clumsily, the man pulls an envelope out of his pocket. He holds it before his eyes and Kaz’s heart contracts. His name, the Crow Club’s address, all written in Inej’s handwriting. Puzzle pieces fall into place now, and he curses.
He’d been expecting a letter from Inej for days now. He’d thought she was busy, or forgot, then began thinking she was hurt. And all that time it was in the hands of this bastard.
Shark bait is too good for him. Kaz will drain his blood and paint his sails with it.
“No idea.”
“My men intercepted this while tracking Ghafa. A messenger left her ship with it at the beginning of this week, after she’d docked in Weddle. It’s quite a sweet letter too.” He runs his finger along the edge. “She signs it ‘your Wraith’. Who knew the Captain had such a soft side?” He raises his eyebrows. “She’s pretty. You’re a lucky man.”
 “More that can be said for you,” Kaz growls. The captain stiffens, but the bravado doesn’t fade.
“Easy lad,” he says. “It’s just business isn’t it? A trade-off. Ghafa comes here, agrees to back off my business, and she gets you back in one piece. Surely the Kerch can understand that .”
“What makes you think she’ll come?” he asks. “From what I understand, Captain Ghafa is incredibly sharp. Sharp enough to not believe the threats of a washed-up sailor long past his glory days.”
The man’s eyes narrow. His fist clenches and Kaz braces himself just before he swings. Pain explodes along his jaw, the contact makes his stomach roll. 
Breathe, he reminds himself. In for eight, out for eight. The canal comes in flashes, but the flashes fade.
“Cocky little bastard,” he mumbles. “You think we didn’t think of that? We tied the note to something a bit personal.” He straightens his back, puffs out his chest. “Your walking stick is quite distinctive.”
Kaz freezes. Around the chair, his muscles tense. Some inner part of him starts to unravel, but he clamps it down, focuses on the task at hand. 
Clearly, this man has a death wish. And Kaz is more than happy to fulfill it.
“Stop your glowering, boy,” he tells him. “You’ll get your cane, and see your girl, once Ghafa agrees to our terms.”
“And when she doesn’t?” Kaz asks. He’s not thrown by the idea of Inej not wanting to trade; her mission is sacred to her and it’s for good reason. “If she refuses to stop? What do you do then?”
The man flinches, no doubt shaken by Kaz’s counter. Men like this are no different from Barrel bosses or Ketterdam merchants; they believe they are untouchable, so they play their cards too early. And now he is scrambling, searching for his next threat.
“Then…” He grabs Kaz’s jaw. His fingers are filthy, the skin is cracked and cold. Kaz swallows the nausea rising within him, forces the black spots at bay. He looks at the ceiling, just present enough to hear his next threat.
“Then I start carving up that pretty face of yours. Then the neck. Then the chest. We’ll see how long her resolve lasts when you have a knife in her throat.”
He lets go and Kaz lets his head fall, just managing to stop himself from gasping. The captain chuckles one last time, low and throaty. Kaz thinks about how he’d like nothing more than to drive his cane right into the man’s eyesockets.
He’s not trying to escape. Which feels odd; indeed, the crew assigned to watch him are puzzled. He could get out of these ropes in seconds, easily overpower the trio of pigeons standing before him. Hell, he’d overpower the captain with absolute delight. But then he would be stuck in the middle of the ocean with next to no way of knowing where he is, how to get back to Ketterdam or how to catch up with Inej. Too many unknown variables to play. So, he will keep his cards close to his chest, stall for time, and believe that Inej is coming for him.
And in the meantime, well, screwing with the shipmates is very entertaining.
On his first full day in captivity, he unties and reties the ropes around his wrists, so many times that the crew quickly run out of knots. A boy suggests they should try chains instead and Kaz doesn’t respond, just grins, slowly, knowingly. They stick with ropes, tied with so many knots his fingers are likely purple.
They station two kids at his door and two on the outside-and they really are kids. The ‘out of our depth’ looks on their faces remind Kaz of Wylan when they raided the Ice Court, though he doubts they have the resilience Wylan does. As they bring him his food, one boy looks nervously to the door and back to Kaz, fingers fidgeting as he sets the plate down. 
“They double-locked this door, right?” he asks.
“I broke someone out of Hellgate,” Kaz says nonchalantly, picking at the food. Unsalted cod. Delicious. “You think I can’t manage one measly door?”
And oh, the look on the boy’s face. It sustains him throughout the night. He simply raises an eyebrow at him and quietly pities the poor child because if he thinks Kaz is bad, he will be royally screwed when Inej comes. 
He is two days into his captivity when boredom begins to descend. It’s sparing, but still makes itself known. He’s been tied to a chair in the exact same position for most of his time here-not counting those moments where the guards are asleep and he slips out of his bonds and takes a walk around the room to stretch himself. And while scaring the crew with just a smile is undoubtedly delightful, it is bound to go stale sooner or later.
Not to mention, boredom means there’s less to distract him from the pain in his leg.
Thankfully, the door opens in the evening and the captain enters, smirk on his face and note held in his fist. 
“You’re in luck, Brekker,” he tells him. “The Wraith has agreed to a meeting. Her ship has been spotted on the horizon.”
“Has it now?” he asks. His voice is cool, his features steady. He will laugh about this in due time.
“She’ll be here in an hour or so,” he goes on. “And once she agrees to our terms, you will be free to go and-”
He is cut off. A loud scream pierces the air, and the captain freezes in place. Kaz allows himself a laugh, leans back as much as his restraints will allow.
The captain turns to him, eyes wide, face pale beneath his beard.
“What did you do, Brekker?”
“Me?” he asks. “I did nothing. I’ve been sat here for over 48 hours.” He shrugs. “However, did you know Inej Ghafa has a number of squallers in her employ? Ex-Grisha indentures who joined her crew since they had no home to go to.”
“I thought you said you didn’t know her.”
Kaz shrugs.
“I hear rumours.” The captain gives him one last, outraged look and then he’s sprinting up to the deck, so quickly that he forgets to close the door in his haste.
And now, Kaz is treated to the soothing, lovely sounds of the absolute carnage Inej and her crew are waging. Right above his head, someone is slammed into the ground, lifted and slammed again, a wet crack denoting some broken bones. Kaz winces. Meanwhile, the silence of his little cabin lets him hear the whooshing of blades, followed by a heavy groan as they find their target. Blows are traded, arrows fly. He even hears someone begging for mercy and above all, a confident and clear voice, barking orders as if she’d been born to do it.
And he can’t help it; there’s a faint glow of pride in his chest. Inej truly has earned her reputation.
Feet pound on the staircase outside. With a start, Kaz begins working on his restraints and Inej appears in the doorway just as the ropes drop. Crimson stains mar her trousers and her tunic, and her hair is coming loose from her braid. Her eyes are bright, chest heaving as she sheaths her knife. He rises to his feet, nods, pushes his hair from his face.
“You just can’t keep out of trouble, can you Kaz?” 
Inej tosses him his cane and he catches it without breaking her stare. The relief is indescribable as he can finally take the weight off his bad leg. Inej comes closer, dark eyes flicking to his chair before moving back to him.
“Did he hurt you?”
“Well, the food was sub-par and undercooked and that chair was dreadfully uncomfortable,” he begins. “But other than that I’m fine.” Inej nods, though the words don’t seem to register. Her gaze roams over him, searching for a hidden bruise or a cut, a tell that he’s hiding something. He doesn’t blame her, of course, hiding pain is arguably what he does best.
“Inej.” Carefully, he takes her chin and tilts it so she meets his eyes. He presses his gloved thumb gently into the indent. “I’m okay.”
She breathes out, nods, smiles.
“All right,” she says. Her hand comes up over his wrist, her fingers on his pulse point and she squeezes it once. They take the small moment together, reveling in each other.
“Playing the damsel in distress suits you, Kaz.”
“Damsel?” he echoes. “I was biding my time.”
“Until I rescued you?” she teases. “You were so sure I would?”
“It was a calculated move.” Kaz offers her his arm and, blushing, she takes it, as if they’re a gentleman and a lady enjoying an afternoon stroll. “Where are we anyway?”
“Close to Shirftport,” she says. They begin ascending the stairs. “We could make a stop there if you want. There’s a really lovely little diner there I keep thinking I should take you to.”
As they appear on the deck, Inej’s hold on him tightens, her free hand solid against his back. He squints against the bright sun, blinding him for a minute after his days in darkness. But then he adjusts, and the sight that greets him is worth it. The deck is stained red, Inej’s crew stand over the crumpled and whimpering forms of the pirates that captured him. The captain is tied to the mast, stripped of his jacket and vest, a particularly formidable-looking girl holding a knife at his throat. 
Inej and Kaz cross the ship together. Inej’s crew bow to her as she does, meanwhile the captain lets out a strained, high-pitched whine around his gag. His crew moan from their places on the floor.
Up close, Kaz sees the pulsing, dark slashes over his chest and across his face. The strokes are so fierce that they remind Kaz of an animal’s claws, only much more precise. 
“Thanks Roisin, I’ll take it from here,” Inej says. She twirls the knife around her fingers, thoughtfully, her tongue poked out to the side of her mouth. “Now what do we do with you?” 
“You could rip out his eyeball,” Kaz suggests.
“Oh but that’s your move.”
“I’d give it to you.”
The Captain whimpers again, louder this time. It sounds like he’s begging. Inej glares at him, the look just  as deadly as her blades, and Kaz laughs. Whether she uses his move or not, he doesn’t mind. The Wraith is deadly enough on her own, more than a match for this sad excuse of a pirate.
“I have missed you, Inej,” he says. Inej squeezes Kaz’s arm, then drives her knife into the man’s neck. 
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The Crows: their type of literature
Inej likes fables, myths and fairy tales.
she grew up with Suli folklore stories and I think during her time at the menagerie she silently played them out in her head to escape her body.
she also told them to younger girls to confront them
before she became the Wraith she would sometimes imagine being a hero from one of these stories who is undercover
she also likes tales about the saints, they give her hope
Jesper doesn't read much but when he does it's the smuttiest, most filthy books you have ever seen or the most heart shattering sad romance stories.
no in between
he is horny or he is sad
he would be embarrassed at first to tell Wylan that but I think after some time he would read to him even the filthy ones (wink, wink)
Matthias isn't a huge reader, surprisingly he prefers music
but if he does read it's mostly either dystopian literature or puppy-love stories
romance is a must for him in any book
he really roots for each character in the books he reads
he also often re-imagines some of the more romantic scenes as him and Nina
not so often he actually tried to use some lines from his romance stories on Nina
(it never really worked)
Nina is the ultimate bookworm
she reads absolutely everything
it seems as if she has read every single book on the planet
seriously, whenever one of the Crows asks her if she knows a book the answer is yes
she is this person who will read smut with a straight face in a room full of people
she loves to quote books
she recognises the quotes Matthias uses on her from his books
she once tried to convince Matthias to read a smutty book. but after a few lines he refused claiming that it was absolutely 'disgusting' and 'indecent'
(but he still read it late at night in secret)
(of course Nina found out and teased the hell out of him for it)
Kaz loves thrillers
psychological, dystopian, you name it
he would never admit it to anybody but reading a few chapters before he goes to bed are a part of his nighttime routine
he has a small collection of his favourite books
one of them is a book of maps of the world
he likes to read about the places where Inej currently is with her crew so he feels as if he's with her
he has a drawer in his desk with a lock that only he has a key to
in this drawer he keeps a notebook where he writes down Inej's favourite stories that she tells him
whenever he feels lonely he reads one of them
they are ridiculous but they feel like Inej
Wylan can't read so he never really discovered his favourite literature
when Jesper started to read to him, Wylan quickly found out that he enjoys books about art, music and inventions
Jesper finds it boring but he does his best to read them as exciting as possible
Wylan also likes smutty romance books (just as Jesper)
Wylan has adapted the habit to 'read' notes out loud
whenever he looks at a music piece he quietly hums the notes to himself
Jesper soon found out and demanded that Wylan 'read' all of his music pieces to him
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arillusionist · 7 months
s&b s2ep2 reactionn once again it has been. too long since i watched this show
oh hell nah why is this episode so long
i might have to start now finish later
THE KNIFE BOMB AND GUN IN THE INTRO?? please tell me this is a crow centered episode of sorts 🙏🙏
everyone calling nikolai a pirate is so funny
she looks like inej from the back or maybe im just crazy
"my alina" is crazy hes so fucking weird
crow centered episode my ass its been 10 minutes and theyre still not here
maybe theyre js showing everyone else first
get your hands off her get a job 🗣️ i've said it before and i will say it again
genya looks terrified
Is that ketterdam i actually cannot tell i cant imagine it in the daytime
yay it is
young kaz looks so unkaz its hard to believe its kaz
OH kaz blew up the crow club why did i just realize that... anyways that feels so wrong to me i kinda wish they just did the book's plotline
why does kaz calling matthias nina's man sound so funny
yeahhh he knows what hes doing putting jesper and wylan together
"i like having her around" ong me too
seeing hellgate in daylight is also very wrong
"our god will forgive you" Not with that dream he wont?? ur going to hell matthias
well that was almost 15 whole minutes of crows so maybe i was right
can alina please hang out with these people more they're better than mal
this is where i take a break because the darkling's parts are so boring
its literally the next day but im back
get his ass inej
the way he still doesnt know mals name
and the way mal still calls him a pirate lmaoo
is he on the same island as alina i cant tell
no probably not
i dont get why alina doesnt want to kill it like theres no way she can tame that giant ass thing
the sea whip looks so small - like i get why they changed it but still it feels weird
nina is so cute 😍
why isnt jesper teasing wylan why do they keep removing the funny from the characters
they got inej oh kaz is going to murder him for that
Nvm they havent got her yet
THAT SMILE STOP i feel like kaz rn
oh my god this scene is breaking me amita suman is such a good actor 😭😭
if kaz dont get his ass over here RN
every time i think "damn maybe pekka is as smart as kaz" they prove me wrong
get him inej who needs kaz
please dont let the episode end yet ahh
somebody needs to smack some sense into kaz because hes literally taking advantage of them but hes acting like their lives dont matter
did they get the sea whip or not
oh they did
i like alina's storyline now but everytime the darkling comes on... 🥱🥱🥱
mal doesnt seem like hes jealous or whatever tf he was feeling in the books hopefully it stays that way
i cant take the darkling seriously who is he talking to
and done i might watch ep3 today if i have time
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goldengoddess · 3 years
I absolutely loved Sober Thoughts!! It was just so freaking good, drunk Kaz is adorable! Is there any chance we could get a part 2? Maybe the morning after and just how Kaz would react to finding out what he said? Or maybe he remembers? Either way, I think there’s definitely potential for more (only if you want to of course).
sober thoughts part two - kaz brekker
part one is here (read it first! it’ll probably help give context) 
pairing: kaz brekker x reader
a/n: hellooooo i got SO many request for a part two of sober thoughts (this request being the first!) and i am here to give the people what they want <3333 threw in some domestic crows moments in there as well bc i love them sm 
warnings: like one mention of food, alcohol, hang overs
kaz looked like he had been hit by a train.
his hair was sticking out in all different places, part of his shirt was tucked into his pants and the other wasn't, his walk was slower than usual, he was squinting his eyes at the light of the room, and holding his head gingerly. but, like always, wearing his black gloves.
he was definitely fighting off a killer hangover.
as kaz walked over to the breakfast table, filled with food thanks to wylan and matthias' cooking, you shared a look with jesper. the same way you had the night before. as your face turned flush with embarrassment at the memories, jesper's lips quirked into smirk. he was standing on the opposite side of the table, leaning on his elbows. nina, sat next to you, was also grinning in your direction. you internally cursed jesper and his friendship with the girl, if nina knew then everyone knew.
knew that kaz brekker had been hammered last night, and that he'd called you pretty with so much seriousness that just the thought sent your stomach into a frantic state.
you knew kaz probably didn't remember the night before and you wanted to save the two of you the shame and embarrassment. especially kaz. and you didn't want him to feel obligated to pretend he had meant his flirting. you knew it was a drunken moment, something fun to do or say as the alcohol flowed through his system.
even if you would give anything to hear kaz call you marvellous into your ear again, fully sober this time.
as kaz sat in the seat next to you, you sent a silent prayer to whatever saint was listening that jesper would keep his mouth shut.
but of course, the saints didn't listen to barrel rats as often as they should.
"so kaz, baby" jesper giggled, "did you have a fun night?"
you watched kaz lift his gaze to jesper's grinning face and send him the deadliest stare ever. nina started cracking up next to you.
"jesper if you don't quiet yourself right now, i'll make sure you never play another game of cards again" he growled, throwing his head into his hands to hide from the light.
"aw c'mon kaz, don't be like that. it was my party of course you had fun, maybe a little bit too much fun." nina teased him, while shoving another bit of waffle into her mouth. kaz didn't respond, only keeping his head hidden in his hands.
"yeah i'm almost positive you felt very pretty last night" jesper laughed, emphasizing the word pretty. the reference made you blush as jesper and nina shared a high five at his clever wordplay.
kaz lifted his head and positioned his chin on his hands. you couldn't help but appreciate how sweet and sleepy he looked in that moment. you felt happy that kaz felt comfortable enough with all of you to let you see him vulnerable and dare you say, soft. "jesper, what in the hell are you going on about."
he rolled his eyes and smiled mischievously, the way jesper is so known to smile. he shot you a quick glance and said, "you know, drunk words are sober thoughts, angel."
at this phrase, kaz stilled. you could see the wheels turning in his head. and you could see the moment he remembered the night before and his entire body straightened. he whipped his head in your direction, looking at you properly for the first time, his mouth open slightly in an 'o'.
nina slid out of her chair and grabbed jesper's hand, dragging him out of the room. "have fun you two" she called out behind her.
you looked down at your hands that were sat on the table. "kaz you really don't have to explain yourself or anything. it was a party for crying out loud, i won't hold silly compliments like that against you."
except they had meant the world to me, you thought to yourself.
a part of you, a very naive part, the part that ignored that this was the infamous kaz brekker sitting in front of you, wanted him to say he meant it. wanted to hear the words from his mouth right now. wanted the words to be more than just alcohol.
you looked up at him and you almost lost your unphased act at his face. he was already looking at you. looking at you with some resemblance to the way he had looked at you before. soft. like you possessed everything he'd been looking for.
"they weren't silly," he said. you could tell it cost him to say the words aloud. the extra effort in each syllable of the admission was evident.
you waited for him to go on. you gave him a suspicious look. you didn't want his words out of pity.
he took a breath and averted his eyes, preparing to try again. "i do," is all he said.
"you do what, kaz?"
"think you're pretty" he clearly said, looking directly into your eyes.
you sucked in a breath and clung to the side of the table.
"and i do think you're marvellous" he added on in a much smaller voice.
if you didn't have the table for the support you might have fallen out of your chair at those words. they struck you like a bullet. physically striking, like every punch you'd ever received on a job. but in a totally good way.
"you do?" you questioned in an even smaller voice. you waited for him to say he was kidding. to take back the words. blame them on the mean mix of drinks that wylan had created the night before.
instead, he lifted his chin and with so much sincerity said, "i think you're everything."
involuntarily, your mouth grew into a bright smile.
he thought you were pretty. marvellous. everything.
kaz brekker thought you were everything.
and he was still looking at you like that. the look that caused your skin to erupt into goosebumps and the air around you to feel electric.
you leaned closer to him, placing your elbows on the table. "oh do you now?" you giggled.
he rolled his eyes and leaned closer to you as well, "yeah, angel. "
"and you're sober now?" you teased him.
"the soberest, scouts honor" he chuckled and crossed his heart, to really drive the point home.
you blushed and shyly passed him your cup of coffee.
"well even though i know you have no honor," he smiled at that, "i think you're fucking marvellous too kaz. and so much more than that too. "
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triptuckers · 3 years
Fix her - Kaz Brekker
Request: nope Pairing:  kaz brekker x reader Summary:  kaz sent you out to gather information, and you always return on time with the intel he needs. well, maybe not always. Warnings: angst, language, mentions of BLOOD, BRUISES, INJURIES, typical soc stuff, slight six of crows and crooked kingdom spoilers Word count:  2.2K A/N: hello my darlings it is I and I have read almost every book leigh bardugo has written in the past month. I am now hopelessly in love with jesper, kaz and nikolai. I'll be updating my character list soon! I still have a few wips but I don’t have any motivation / inspiration for those. so have my first kaz brekker x reader instead! enjoy reading :)
It was a rather easy job, really. Kaz had received word that the Dime Lions had an important meeting coming up. Because he always wanted to know what exactly was going on in the Barrel and with its gangs, he wanted someone to listen in on said meeting.
Normally, he would send Inej. She was the obvious choice when it came to gathering information. But she was still recovering from a rather nasty cut in her side, and so you had offered to go.
Inej insisted she could go. But all it took was you raising your eyebrows when she moved to sit up, only to wince and flop back down onto the bed. Though he didn’t quite like it, Kaz had assigned you to the job. 
No one said it out loud, but everyone knew there was something between you and Kaz. Neither of you had spoken about it. There were just a lot of lingering glances, smiles from you and what you think was almost a smile from Kaz, and you even had stolen his coat once when you had lost your own. He didn’t seem to mind though.
When you had left that evening to listen to the Dime Lions meeting from the shadows, Kaz had sent you a look that you knew all too well. He reserved it only for you. It was him telling you to be safe. You’d respond with a wink that basically meant always am.
The rest of the crows started a card game to pass the time as they waited for you to come back. They didn’t worry, you were always careful and are considered one of the most dangerous criminals in Ketterdam. They knew whatever happened, you could handle yourself.
But after Jesper had lost four rounds of card games, the tension began to rise between them. Most meetings typically didn’t last this long. Still, no one said anything as they started their fifth game. You would show up eventually, probably bringing valuable insight with you.
After two more games, there was still no sign of you. Nina was the first one to speak up.
‘She should have been back by now.’ she says, absently looking out the window into the dark street. 
‘Have a little faith, Zenik.’ says Kaz, though on the inside he was filled with worry. He shook it off and focused on the game again.
More than once he’d scolded himself for allowing you to get this close to him. For putting so much trust in you, especially after what happened the last time he’d really trusted someone. But he couldn’t help it. It was like he was drawn to you like Jespers trigger finger was to his revolvers. He couldn’t help it.
Still, he knew your skills. He knew you were smart, and a fighter. Whatever was going on with you out there, he had no doubt you’d show up at the door in a few moments, cheerfully announcing what good intel you’d gathered and wondering how many card games you’d missed.
But you still didn’t show. And one by one, they all lost their interest in the card game. They fell silent and looked out the window or fiddled with their empty glasses. The tension in the room grew. Until Kaz suddenly stood.
‘Finish the game.’ he says. ‘I’ll go and look for her.’
‘I’ll come with you.’ says Jesper, getting up as well.
‘No.’ says Kaz, earning a frown from Jesper. ‘Just me.’ he says. And with that, he pulled on his coat, grabbed his cane and was out the door.
‘Right.’ says Jesper, sitting back down. ‘Anyone fancy another game? I have a feeling I’m gonna win this one.’
They played three more games. They were tired, and it was well past midnight. Still, none of them went upstairs to their rooms. Too anxious to play any more cards or to even have a normal conversation, they settled for silence and more drinks. 
Jesper was fiddling with his rings and bouncing his leg. Nina had her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. Matthias was trying to not look at Nina. And Wylan was attempting to build a house out of the cards. 
Finally, they heard the sound of the door opening. All of their heads shot up and turned to look who it was. 
Kaz stumbles awkwardly through the door, carrying you in his arms. Nina gasps softly and Jesper murmurs ‘Saints’ as their eyes land on your body. 
It’s bruised and bloody, and your eyes are shut. Was Kaz too late?
‘Clear the table!’ says Kaz loudly, limping toward it with you in his arms. 
Instantly, Matthias and Jesper seize the glasses and cards off the table as Wylan pulls some of the chairs back to make room. Kaz lays your beaten up body on the table and turns to Nina.
‘Help her.’ says Kaz.
But Nina is looking at you body, bruised and bloodied, nothing like the cheerful girl that buys her waffles and laughs as she teases Matthias. It’s almost impossible to find a spot on your body that doesn’t have a wound on it. There’s slashes from knives everywhere, bruising around your neck and the side of your face, and to top it off, blood is slowly leaking out of a bullet wound in your leg.
An expression of horror is written across Nina’s face, her hands pressed against her mouth. 
‘Nina.’ Kaz presses on. ‘I said help her.’
‘Kaz, I don’t think-’ stammers Nina. ‘Come on, fix her!’ says Kaz loudly, surprised of how much anxiety can be heard in his voice. Fix her, he thinks, because I need her to fix me.
‘I can try but-’ ‘Do it.’ says Kaz and then he turns away, he can’t bear to look at you any longer. Memories of Jordie flood over him, mingled with memories of you. Your laugh, how he fights his own smile every time you wink at him or send a flirty comment his way, the way you smell. How you look at him when he catches your eyes. 
Kaz shuts his eyes, attempting to drown the memories out. Taking deep breaths, he tries to focus on the voices behind him.
‘Jesper get the bullet out of her leg.’ says Nina. 
‘Just pull it out?’ questions Jesper.
‘Saints, you’re Grisha, Jesper, pull the fucking bullet out!’ says Nina in a loud voice laced with fear.
After a while of listening to Nina’s murmuring and instructions to others, Kaz finally turns back around to look at you. A wave of nausea hits him unexpectedly and he swallows hard. 
Nina had treated most of the wounds, with Jesper’s help. But your entire body is still covered in bruises, and now bandages as well. Nina’s cleaned the dried blood off of your face, but your arms and legs are still covered with it. 
They’re all nervously looking at Kaz.
‘I don’t know if she’s going to-’
‘Don’t.’ says Kaz, interrupting her. He needed to think straight. He needed someone to help him focus. Normally, you’d be the one to do so. But you’re in no condition to softly talk to him to reassure him everything is going to be alright. He needed to be his own soothing voice tonight.
‘Matthias.’ he says. ‘Bring her up to my room. Nina, go with him, see if there’s anything else you can do for her. Jesper, get Inej up to speed. Wylan, clean this mess up before someone notices.’
Without waiting for their reactions, Kaz walks up the stairs to his floor. Several moments later, followed by Matthias, who is carrying you, and Nina and Jesper. Jesper disappears into Inej’ room, while Matthias and Nina continue to walk the stairs to get to Kaz’ floor. 
When they arrive, Matthias carefully places you on Kaz’ bed as he was instructed. For a while, the three of them look at you. Until Matthias and Nina go to their rooms as well, leaving Kaz alone with you.
None of them had questioned why he insisted Matthias brought you to his room and not your own. Of course, they were dying to find out exactly what was going on between you and Kaz, but they all knew tonight was not the night to push him.
As he looks at you, Kaz feels the strong urge to touch you. Lay his hand on your cheek, to see if it’s still warm. But he can’t. Instead, he merely pulls out a chair and sits down next to the bed. He lets his eyes travel over your body, wondering how much pain you’re in, and who the hell was responsible for it. 
He needed you to wake up. He needed you to tell him who did this so he could send his biggest most muscular members of the Dregs to them. Kaz wanted them to hurt the way they had hurt you. 
His mind is running at an alarming speed. But eventually, even Kaz can’t fight his tired body anymore, and he falls asleep in an uncomfortable position in his chair.
From that night on, he instructed that you shouldn’t be left alone. He doesn’t want you to wake up and realise you’re on your own. The next day, it’s business as usual. The members of the Dregs are coming and going like they always do. The familiar flow of people helps to take everyone’s mind off things, but as soon as they’re by your side, they remember. 
Nina had tried her best to heal you, but it still took you almost a week to wake up.
When you wake up, your first thought is that your entire body feels way heavier than it’s supposed to. You try to open your eyes but it’s like your eyelids are made of lead. After a couple more tries, you finally open them.
You take in the room, and realise it’s not your own. Kaz. 
Why would you be in Kaz’ room? Why aren’t you in your own room? And why does your body feel so damn heavy?
And then all of the memories flood back. Like a tsunami, they catch your breath in your throat, making it hard to breathe. You try to inhale deeply, but it’s like your throat is sealed shut. You start to panic when you notice you can’t breathe. 
Then a pair of hands land on your shoulders and gently push you back onto the bed. Whoever it is, is talking softly to you. You close your eyes and try to steady your breathing. 
Then the voice yells out, but from much farther away, like they’re standing in the doorway, and not next to the bed.
‘Kaz! Nina! Get up here!’
It’s Jesper. 
You try to ask him what’s going on, but it’s still hard to breath normally. You try to focus on something else. Jesper’s voice trying to calm you down, his eyes looking into yours, but nothing’s helping. 
Then you hear a sound you know all too well. A familiar stumbling, of someone walking up the stairs with a cane. 
Seconds later, Kaz rushes into the room and roughly shoves Jesper away, taking his place next to the bed.
‘Who did this to you?’ he says. 
His voice is that familiar rasp, and normally you love it. But now it just makes your head hurt. You shut your eyes and softly shake your head, trying to drown the sound out. 
‘Y/N, who did this to you?’ says Kaz, more firmly this time.
‘Kaz.’ says Nina’s voice. ‘Let her rest. You can talk later.’ Nina’s voice is softer, more gentle than Kaz’. You try to focus on it as you open your eyes again.
Kaz is close. He looks down at you and you’re surprised by the look in his eyes. Was that a hint of worry you detected? You open your mouth to say something, but Kaz is faster.
‘Y/N, tell me who did this to you.’ says Kaz.
‘Couldn’t see their faces.’ you manage to say in a hoarse voice. Your throat feels dry and you start to cough. Immediately, Nina moves to get you a glass of water and helps you to drink it. 
‘Did you notice the way they moved? How they walked? Were they Dime Lions? Could you see any tattoos? What about scars? Clothing? Voices?’
Kaz keeps on firing questions at you, but you can’t focus on his words. Your head feels heavy and you feel your eyelids slowly closing again. 
‘Kaz.’ you say softly. ‘Tomorrow.’ 
You expect him to press on, to find out who did this to you. But instead, he looks at you and holds your gaze. He doesn’t say anything, he merely nods at you. You know what it means. Despite his harsh voice and the million questions, he’s glad you’re safe. And the ones who did this to you will pay for it. He’ll make sure of it.
You offer a weak smile before closing your eyes, already drifting off. You hear two pairs of footsteps leave the room, and assume Nina stayed behind to check on you.
The chair next to you gets moved back and you hear how someone sits down in it. When you feel something brush against your fingers, you assume it’s Nina checking your pulse.
But then you feel a gloved thumb on the back of your hand. It slowly rubs over your skin. To most people it wouldn’t mean anything. But to you, it meant the world. A tiny smile reaches the corners of your mouth, as you fall asleep. 
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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retvenkos · 3 years
hope in the jar | k.b.
Six of Crows - Kaz Brekker x Reader, slight fluff, slight angst requested
tw: gunshot wound, medical stitches, mention of gun violence,  mentions of blood, slightly ooc kaz because have you tried to write him softly?
word count: 1.4k
prompt: “I don’t trust anyone… but you’re not just anyone.”
A/N: 1) this doesn’t seem to take place at any given point in canon but i want wylan and matthias to be there, sue me, and 2) do i know that there is no greek mythology is the grishaverse? yes. does that stop me from mentioning pandora’s box? no.
summary: Kaz Brekker is far from just being anyone. And maybe, so are you.
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"You're quiet." Wylan bumped your shoulder, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
There was a particular kind of calm that descended after a shootout. When pistols stopped smoking and adrenaline had left the bloodstream, the cool weight of evening fell back on your shoulders and managed to settle differently. For Jesper, it meant more jokes than usual. For Inej, more prayer. For Nina, it meant more grumbling, and for Matthias, more smiles. You weren't always sure what it meant for you, but tonight, it meant pensivity.
The walk back to the Slat was victorious. The streets of Ketterdam were empty and unusually quiet, thanks to Wylan's affinity toward bombs and blowing half of the cobblestones right off the street. The tranquility wasn't typical, but somehow, it was comforting. Perhaps even invigorating. How often did Ketterdam fall silent? Especially for canal rats like you?
Maybe if you still had a slow trickle of adrenaline, you would have commemorated the moment - maybe by getting waffles? But it was late, and after taking a bullet to the side after getting a little too close to the enemy, the only thing you wanted was to wash all of the grime off of your face and fall asleep. Maybe you'd celebrate after a good night's rest - Saints providing that such a thing existed in the Barrel.
"Am I quiet? Or are you slowly going deaf from all of your 'science experiments?'"
Wylan flushed a little. Even after all this time, he was so easy to tease. What made it even funnier was that he always managed some witty comeback or another, all while his cheeks were a shocking 'embarrassment pink.' Wylan opened his mouth to speak—
"Definitely quiet!" Jesper called from in front of you, one of his arms slung around Inej's shoulder, the other twirling a pistol.
Wylan let out a scoff of admiration, and you mumbled under your breath - something about Jesper being an irritating, smart mouthed idiot.
"What was that, (Y/n)?"
"You're annoying, Jesper!"
"Well, I'm glad something can make you lively again." Jesper turned his head to toss you a wink, and you rolled your eyes.
Wylan bumped your shoulders together, again, careful not to jostle you too much. "You're not quiet now. Just seething."
"Just tired," you corrected, passing the redhead a lazy smile.
"Admitting that is admitting weakness."
Kaz walked behind you and the rest of the group, but his voice was loud enough for everyone to hear. You turned around and walked backward so you could face him.
To anyone else walking the street, the Bastard of the Barrel was just more brooding than usual - his tone curter, his eyes sharper, the lines on his face deeper than they had the right to be. To you, though, Kaz was tired. His leg was stiff from the fight, giving him more trouble than usual, and his jaw was set in a rigid line as to not give away his weakness.
The Slat wasn't too far, now, but even after getting inside, there would be stairs to climb, and a hell of a lot of them were so worn down, they might buckle at any given weight. 
It would be a rough night; it already had been.
You just sighed. "Admitting that is trust."
Kaz held your gaze. For a long moment, you couldn't figure what he was thinking. Kaz Brekker was always considering something, and after a while, you had gotten good at knowing just what he was thinking, when. 
But not this time. Kaz was a sphinx to you during that baited moment - inexplicable, an enigma. What made it worse was that it was deliberate.
Kaz raised his eyebrows and looked down at his cane, hitting the ground with more force than before.
"We're all tired."
The night was filled with the quiet once more, but with every step you took toward the Slat, the low din of unruly jeers and shouts filled your brain like cotton on a wound.
✧ *:・゚
You sat on the floor of your room, a bowl of water before you, a haphazard pile of medical supplies to your left. Nina had told you that she wasn't a Healer when she began to seal your wound earlier, and you had said you didn't want to waste time while still exposed on the streets - by all accounts, Nina did a decent job with the three or so minutes you allowed her. But Saints, someone should have told you to stuff your pride and let Nina work on you just a bit longer. Maybe then you wouldn't be sitting on the floor of your room, stitching up a wound with supplies you nicked from Muzzen.
You had just finished your stitches (you still needed to thank Inej for teaching you how) when you heard Kaz walking up the steps.
You wrapped up your wound as best you could. You were pushing down your shirt when you heard him speak.
"I wouldn't trust just anyone in the Dregs."
You washed your hands clean as best you could and sent Kaz a wayward glance, noting how he stood in your doorway - as though he wasn't quite sure if he belonged.
"I've been in Ketterdam too long—" You grabbed a towel and wiped your face, trying to rid yourself of the dirt and grime. You turned back to Kaz "—I don't trust anyone."
He nodded as though agreeing with your judgment. But it was too quick - too relenting. He turned to go.
"But you're not just anyone, Kaz."
The Bastard of the Barrel froze. It seemed to you that his grip on his cane tightened. Perhaps it was a side effect from the blood loss or maybe even a fast-acting infection from that suture needle, but it felt like something sucked all the air out of the room.
You turned to face him properly.
"C'mon, we've both known it for longer than we care to admit. I'm doing us a mercy - putting it to rest."
Silence, still. If the Slat were up in flames, you doubted you would have noticed. There was nothing else here - it was just you, Kaz, and the space that lay between.
You eased your legs out in front of you, putting your arms out behind you and leaning on your palms. The floor was cool - like the night had been, earlier, when you were talking away from a gunfight. The world was somehow smaller,  then - like you had held it in your grasp. 
Kaz was still half turned, but you could see his profile, and once again, his thoughts were under lock and key. 
"You can either take it or leave it, Kaz. But whatever you decide to choose, know that you chose it."
He spoke sooner than you expected. "You're not just anyone, either."
Your mouth went dry. You weren't sure what you had been expecting or even hoping. Hope was still trapped inside Pandora's jar, and even the barest inkling of it could have destroyed your whole world. Hope belonged to the innocent and the pious, and you hadn't been either in a long time. You weren't sure what you had been expecting, but it certainly wasn't that.
And for some reason, you could fathom how Kaz Brekker could have ever said such a thing and meant it.
Maybe Kaz didn't think you heard him, because he affirmed it, turning to you. "You're not just anyone, (Y/n)."
"Not just another soldier in your ranks?"
"Not anymore."
You wanted to laugh, but it came out as more of a breath. You settled for a lopsided smile instead. "That's practically a proposal, coming from you."
"If I could offer you more, I would."
You looked at Kaz as he stood in the doorway. He was exhausted and beaten at his own game, but there was nothing but sincerity and truth swimming in his eyes, nothing but honestly dripping from every syllable. Had you ever seen Kaz the way he was, now? To take his own words, he was admitting a weakness. Earnestness was a defect in the Barrel. Vulnerability was a sin.
"It's not much," you conceded. You moved your outstretched leg so that you could tap his shoe - toe to toe. Kaz watched the slow movement carefully, but never pulled away. "But for now, it's good enough."
-- taglist: @musicallisto​​, @catsbooksandmusic​ // message me if you want to be added!
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Angelic- Kaz Brekker
OKAY, SO, I know that a lot of you have, in fact, sent requests, and I promise, I’ve got more than one in the works, but here’s a little filler while you wait for your request to be responded to!
It’s a bit ooc for Kaz, but that’s just cause he’s gone a little soft, in a way? 
ALSO: The crows and the reader are around 24 for this, you’ll understand why when you read it, and Jesper and the reader are adoptive siblings, sort of!
Fic type-
Warnings- none
Kaz Brekker had spent every waking moment of his life loving you.
You spent every waking moment of your life loving him, and even if touching wasn’t really apart of how Kaz showed his love, he showed it in other ways.
Giving you a sweater to sleep in, a shirt that’d always been too big or even a pair of trousers that’d he’d just not worn in a while, figuring that you’d find some way to make them look better than he ever could.
You had your ways, as well. 
Making sure to get him breakfast every morning, dinner every evening, and lunch in between. Cracking a joke when the time arose, knowing where he’d set his boundaries and not pushing them. Offering smiles, warm glances, making sure he’d get to bed at the appropriate times. 
Sitting, perched on a windowsill, knees near your chest, book clutched in your hands as you read, or no book at all. Maybe your eyes would be on the view from Kaz’s office as you quietly hummed a lullaby or a drinking tune, a sea shanty you’d probably have shouted alongside Sturmhond and the rest of his crew, forcing Kaz to bite back a smile as you’d let your guard down in those moments, eyes focused on the view and not at all paying attention to your surroundings. Kaz got to admire you in those moments, and he loved every second of it.
But, Kaz’s favorite time of the year was when business died down enough for him to be comfortable enough to leave Nina or Inej in charge of The Barrel for three days, when he’d get to usher you away from everything and out to the farmlands in Novyi Zem, where light pollution wasn’t nearly so common as it was in Ketterdam.
Colm Fahey, bless his heart, had agreed to let yourself and Kaz spend a couple of nights in his place while he visited Jesper and Wylan in the city to talk about their wedding plans. 
As you set yourself and Kaz up in the room Colm had given the two of you, Colm took Kaz aside. Made him tea, sat him down and let their silence stir. 
“You’re a lucky one, you oughtta know,” Colm murmured after a few moments. “Y/N doesn’t got much in the way of parents.”
“Are you insinuating to me that you think I’m going to propose?” Kaz asked, hand moving to the ring box tucked away in his pocket. 
“Yes,” Colms whispers were firm. “Jes let it slip, actually. All I’m saying is that--”
“If they say yes, your place in the wedding is up to them,” Kaz turns his head, glances up the stairs as his grip tightens on the ring box. “However, an invitation, at the least, is something that I can guarantee.” Colm smiled as he picked up his cup, finishing off the last of his tea and gripping his back with one of his pale hands. 
“I plan to do nothing but,” Kaz assured. “Tell Jesper I said yes to being his best man, and that he’s missed in the Barrel.” Colm just nodded, walking out the door thereafter.
“You treat them right,” Colm warns. For a moment, Kaz feels a shiver of fear go up his spine, but catches himself with a slight laugh. Torn down by my lovers surrogate father, he thought, shaking his head. I can’t believe it!
You two had agreed to meet in the farm, and as Kaz walked out, he spotted you, back pressed against a tree trunk, eyes on the vast sky. 
It was a bit of a distance, but Kaz walked it just fine, slumping down next to you and leaning his cane against the tree as the sunset slowly burned out, and the pinks, oranges, yellows, reds and purple hues were replaced by a murky, black sky.
“I love you, Kaz Brekker,” you murmured as he plopped onto the ground. “I love you so much it makes my heart ache.”
“You’ve always been my favorite investment,” Kaz joked, laughing as he felt your fist lightly hit his arm a moment later.
“Mr. Brekker!” 
“Mx. Brekker!” You froze at that, eyes wide, mouth agape, and Kaz, figuring that it was as good a time as any, pulled the ring box from his pocket.
“Y/N L/N, we’ve been together for eight years now. I’ve known you for over ten of those years, though, and each year with you has gotten better. Please marry me?” He held the ring out to you, and when you nodded, slid it onto your ring finger.
“This was my fathers,” you whispered. “Where’d you get it? I haven’t seen it since I was thirteen!” 
“Had Inej do some snooping,” he admitted. “Found it in a Fabrikators store in West Ravka. I’ve got your mothers wedding ring, too.”
“Give that one to Inej,” you quipped. “She’s my work wife!”
“Even while she’s killing slavers?”
“Hells yeah!” You shouted, arms going into the air as Kaz tucked the ring box back into his pocket. “Do you think she’ll ever come back? To Ketterdam?”
“Last Nina heard of her, she plans to return around Christmas,” Kaz took your hand, waiting for the rise of his past. When it came, he waited for the wave to fall. 
“I can’t wait!” You’d missed her like hell, which Kaz knew. “Goodness, I’ve missed her.”
“She’ll squeal with you about the engagement,” Kaz murmured. “Especially with Nina around. That’s a goddamn guarantee. You can never keep a room too quiet when you three are in one of your excited tizzies,” Kaz interlaced your fingers, and you pressed a kiss to his cheek without a second thought.
“You love me and my excited tizzies, Mr. Brekker,” you teased. Kaz almost touched his cheek as you moved away, resting your head on the tree as your eyes moved back up to the sky again.
“That I do, Mx. Brekker.” He loved every part of you, in every waking moment of every waking day. You were like a storm to him; a tsunami. You were chaotic and scary and delightful and terrifying all at once; a landslide of feelings throughout ten years and more landslides to come, he was sure. 
“The stars are always so much brighter here,” you whispered after a few hours of small talk and hand holding, with, of course, a few comfortably quiet periods in between when Kaz got distracted and his past rose up, when he ran his fingers through the grass to distract himself for as long as he’d needed. “Not all of Novyi Zem, of course, cause of the factories and apartment complexes in the city, but the farms!” 
“It’s quite wonderful, isn’t it?” Kaz pointed to a constellation when he’d noticed it, hung high in the air. “Look at that, it’s the bloody Sankta Alina constellation!” Kaz wasn’t one for saints, you knew he never would be, but he could name at least three constellations off the top of his head, thanks to Ninas astrology based ramblings.
“Woah!” You jumped, not understanding how you’d not realized it before. “It’s so big, too! What’s it, thirty stars up there?” 
“Sixty seven,” Kaz corrected. “Nina told me that before Inej came in and dropped your ring off.” 
“Saints,” you cursed. “Rather fucking angelic, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah,” Kaz murmured, but his gaze had long since moved off the constellation and back onto you. He pressed a quick, gentle kiss to your cheek and gave your hand a squeeze. “It really is.” 
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bookishdream · 3 years
Could you do a Kaz x reader where the reader have to "cheat on him" (not in relationship but like she goes to another gang) because someone's threatening her and when he discovers she was just trying to protect him and the gang she dies
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for a request, I've been wanting to write some angst for a really long time! I hope it is as hurtful as you wished, enjoy xx
TW: angst, blood, killing
kaz brekker x reader
Your hands were sweaty and shaking. You crossed your arms on your chest in order to hide that. You didn’t like being threatened, especially by some amateurs. But it wasn’t a threat against you, it was against your family in Novyi Ziem. You had to use your whole will power to not kill them right there and then.
“Why do you think I’d do anything you want me to?” you asked snapping your gaze between a woman and a man in front of you. “You don’t know anything about me and my family you assume I have.”
“Oh, y/n, but we know everything. For instance, your little brother is playing as we talking on your vast field, your parents are watching him with so much love in their eyes,” woman with blonde hair spoke first, describing the scene so vividly that you almost showed an emotion on your face. “maybe they have already forgotten about you? Maybe your mother is pregnant so they could fill a blank you left in their home.”
“Shut up, you think you’re so smart, aren’t you?” you snapped, face blank and mind filling with memories from times when you were as young as your brother was then, playing on the exact same field. “I will never betray Kaz, and you should know that.”
“Oh sweetie,” the guy beside walked closer to you, you made a step, in order to make some distance between you and them. “we’re not asking you to betray him, we’re asking you to leave this silly gang and join us, Pekka Rollins would be really happy if you did.”
“You two are much denser than I thought, if you think I want to make him happy.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Blonde said, making you shiver. “We have someone who would be pleased to kill this little family of yours. I don’t think you want them dead, even though they think you are, in fact, dead.”
You started to think about that. Crows were your friends and you love them. Inej and Nina always found various ways to make you cheerful when your day wasn’t the best, Jesper taught you how to use a pistol and flirted with you like his life depended on it. Wylan was like a sun in rainy days, even if you loved them, you also loved this boy and his stupid jokes. Matthias was funny to tease, he always was saying how awful you and the girls were, but you could also see this little twitch of his lip corner when he tried to suppress his laugh. And there was Kaz, your beginning wasn’t the pleasant one, you nearly killed him when you saw him for the first time, and in revenge he left you in the Barrel for the whole night, all alone. But after that, you started falling for him, and you fell hard. You couldn’t exactly point out when that happened, but you were sure you’d anything to save him from himself. He had tough personality, he cared only for money and how he could invest it to get the whole city only for himself. But he let you do that with him, barley sleeping and when you did it was in the same bed. Arm-length gap but you always were less exhausted than when you were sleeping in your own bed. You loved him and the rest of the Crows, but you loved your family more. And you knew what you had to do.
“Bitch.” You murmured. “Fine, whatever. Just stay the hell out of my family. And the gang.”
“We knew you’d make a right decision. Pekka will send money to Per Haskell in order to buy your contract. You won’t regret that.”
“I already do.”
After that day, you were about to start living with your new gang, family, like Pekka had said to you the previous day, he’d also told you to not worry about your parents and brother, that they were safe as long as you were working with him, willingly.
You wouldn’t call this willingly, but you guessed it was enough to prevent your family from any harm coming from Pekka and his stupid gang. You hated being here, you missed the Crow Club, late night talks with Inej and Nina, and helping Kaz with buying new ships. You wanted nothing more than to escape, but you couldn’t. Kaz and Crows could fight and kill, whereas your family was vulnerable, they couldn’t even hurt a fly. You spent the whole evening in your empty room. Window with grids making you shiver, you felt like a prisoner you were.
“We have a job for you.” The blonde girl who captured you came in, like it was her cell, not yours. “Behave and perhaps we’ll get rid of those grids.”
You wanted to punch her, you didn’t even know her name, it wasn’t even relevant, your hand was itching. You took a long, calming breath and looked at her, frowning. “I thought it was another week until you’d trust me enough to even open my window.”
“You’ve been here for two weeks. Plans have changed, we need you right now, so cut the attitude and come with me.”
You rolled your eyes and went after her, going up the stairs and leaving the place Pekka’s gang lived. You took another deep breath, smelling the awful scent of Ketterdam, smoke and money as Kaz used to say. Gods, you missed him.
“Where are we going?” you asked, falling into step with the girl, there were only the two of you, you assumed the rest will be somewhere where you were going. “What’s the job?”
“Can’t you just shut up? You’ll know when we’re there.”
You really wanted to punch her, still you said nothing, you wouldn’t get anything from her. It was dark on the city’s streets, buildings high enough to cover the moon, didn’t let its shine to light up the roads. You were annoyed and cold, your hair was swaying with the wind, goose bumps poking on your skin.
“Here.” Blonde said, handing you a pistol. “If you kill someone from ours, you’re dead before you take your last breath.”
You rolled your eyes, hiding your gun into the pocket of a coat you had. The metal was cold, making your hands even colder than they were before. Now when you had a real gun, not only your knife, perhaps you’d be able to escape. But where would you go? You were sure Kaz knew where you were, perhaps thinking you betrayed him, that thought only made you feel guilty in your guts, he trusted you and you chose people who you hadn’t seen for years over him. You had to escape, the cost didn’t matter.
When you came to the place, you saw a guy from Pekka’s gang and Kaz. Both of them were talking, but members of both groups had their guns or blades taken out. The Dirtyhands had his black coat, and his walking stick, as always. Jesper also was beside him, hands on his gun belt, ready to take them out and fire. You were more than sure that Inej was also there, somewhere on the roof or in the shadows, waiting and prepared to fight.
“We have men everywhere, two on roofs, one behind the bridge. All of them have guns pointed on you and your previous friends. I hope you know what that means.” The girl said, eyeing you. You only nodded, worrying too much about the Crows to even snap at her. “Good, now go and wait for a signal.”
You did as you were told, you hid somewhere behind a building, trying to recall every piece of information you gathered while snooping on guards or using the fact that they didn’t always close your doors. You had to find someone and tell them, you couldn’t waste any more time.
You poked your head out, searching for Matthias or Wylan. You doubted Nina would be here, since she was still working in the pleasure house. You were sure Wylan was there with his explosion ready to, well, explode. You cursed under your breath, when you couldn’t spot any of them, panic getting out of you with frustration. Someone from the Dime Lions would notice you’re not somewhere where they could spot you.
You crossed the narrow lane, as you noticed Matthias, you whistled hoping he would look into your direction. He turned his head and spotted you, anger on his face visible even in the dark. You cringed, knowing you’d get beaten up.
“You’ve got some nerve,” He said, his voice low. “after you started working with them, you have the audacity to come here.”
“Listen, I didn’t have a choice,” your voice so close to start begging him for forgiveness. “It was about my family.”
He looked at you wordlessly, confusion painting his face. Of course, he didn’t know you had a family, why would he. After a second, the ire came again. “You’re lying.”
“I'm not, I want to help you.”
“Oh, so now you did that to help us?”
“Matthias, I’m begging you, just let me tell you what I learnt.” You pleaded, your voice small. “Pekka wants to kill you as you’re standing, he has those new guns that can shoot you from really long distance.”
“What?” he looked alarmed, “We have to tell Kaz. Come.”
You let out a breath, it wasn’t the best look he sent you, but at least he didn’t leave you here. You told him everything you knew, he listened but his face still didn’t have pleasant expression.
You took out your gun, making your way behind the dumpster, hiding in shadows. You tried to calm your nerves, but the adrenaline had already kicked in. Matthias and you startled when you heard a shot, then another. You sent yourselves a knowing look, taking a step closer to the place where Kaz and the other guy were talking. Jesper had his guns out and Kaz was looking at the boy in front of him with disgust. You saw one of the Dregs were bleeding, you lifted your gun, targeting the closest one from the Dime Lions and fired. The bullet hit the girl in her stomach, making her stumble and fall to the ground. You hid yourself behind the wall and waited. Matthias sent you a look and you only lifted your arms, not knowing what to said.
After that, guns started firing, screams were everywhere. You saw the blonde girl that came here with you, standing with her pistol, aiming Kaz. You shot without looking, trying to hit her in an arm, you heard her scream and saw how the gun was laying on a ground. You looked up and saw that Kaz was looking at you, his face blank and unreadable. Jesper beside him, shooting people and screaming at Wylan to explode. The sound of explosion came from the roof, exactly where members of Lions were, you let out a shaky breath and made a step into the fight. Matthias fighting with his fists, slowly making his way toward Kaz, you tried to help him clear the path by shooting few people either in their heads or legs.
Your hands were tired, your head pounding but you were fighting hard, you had to make this in order to confess Kaz the whole truth. When you were close to him, he locked his eyes into yours.
“We have to talk.” You told him, lowering your tone. “Please.”
“This is not the best time to talk, y/n” the way he said your name made you shivered. It wasn’t an intimate way, it was with so much poison in only one word. “Why aren’t you fighting with your new gang?”
“Kaz, please, I’m trying to help.” You voiced, your eyes burning with sweat that slowly dripped from your forehead.
“Whatever.” He smacked an opponent with his cane, you only heard the sound of cracked bone and a loud thud when the enemy fell to the ground.
You two were fighting as you had before Pekka came into your life. Kaz understood you without any words, knew exactly where he should cover you because you couldn’t. Your movements were precise, keeping people away from Kaz’s vulnerable leg. You were fighting in a harmony, you kept your focus on people you had to kill, you shot them without any hesitation. When your bullets ended, you took out your knife and started stabbing everyone who wanted to stab you.
“I– “you paused, feeling a pain in your abdomen. You looked at Kaz, but he was looking at your lower stomach, you placed your gaze there and you saw blood. A lot of blood, then you felt pain, you stumbled, but Kaz placed his hand on your waist, slowly letting you fall on the ground. Your whole stomach was on fire, slowly burning you with its flame.
“Don’t you even dare dying here, messing my coat with your blood” he said, caressing your cheek. You chuckled, tasting blood on your tongue. “Don’t even think about it, y/n.”
“I’m–, please forgive me, Kaz” you murmured, hoped your words were understandable. “I was trying to save my family, but you’re my family too.”
“Y/n, I forgive you, but I’m begging you, don’t close your eyes” his voice filled with regret, eyes burning with anger, but you knew it wasn’t toward you. “Keep your eyes open.” He yelled at someone, but you couldn’t understand either it was Jesper or Matthias.
“Tell them I love them” you started to give up, your eyelids slowly closing. “I love you, Kaz Brekker.”
“Y/n, please don’t leave me” he tried to keep his voice from cracking, but he failed.
But you didn’t hear that, you had your eyes closed, hand that was laying on your stomach, now laying on the ground. He carefully removed his arm and got up. He spotted a blonde girl, smirking and looking at him, she slowly lifted her pistol, mockingly swaying it. She winked at him and still with a smirk, she left. Kaz made a promise he would kill her, he would do it for him. And for you.
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Kaz Brekker x Reader - Bisexual
A/n: This was taken from my personal experiences that I have had very recently from coming out to four people in like two days. Also because pride month is tomorrow I give you this! Spoiler! It's not very good but still... Also if you guys want some pride stuff for the grishaverse you can just ask in my inbox! Hope you enjoy it! *Kaz and Reader are already dating.*
Warnings: The reader is bisexual, biphobia, homophobia, people being assholes I think that's it? You have been warned!
Summary: You've been hiding something from Kaz for a while and it all comes out in a blurt
(Kaz is wayyyy too ooc in this I'm so sorry!)
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Secrets are not something you have with Kaz.
Your not supposed to have them anyways. But I guess that just didn't work it out, did it? You just had to fucking mess it up.
You are bi, something your actually very proud of, but when you started a relationship with the bastard of the barrel you didn't tell him. You did not mean to not tell him, you just... Kinda forgot? It was like he always got you so why did he need to see this side of you? Maybe it would be better kept a secret because if he didn't accept you...
No, this was not how this was going to go. You are proud of who you are and if anyone were to ask you would gladly tell them your bisexual. Besides, to keep a healthy relationship you need to be honest! But all these optimistic thoughts did nothing to ease your fear.
"Hurry up slowpokes!" Jesper yells at you and Kaz as he bounces down the street.
"Keep up!"
You and Kaz just roll your eyes at Jesper as he is in the very front with the rest of the Crows while you and Kaz are in the back. But you don't really care for the teasing, not while you were focused on something else entirely essentially.
You keep up with Kaz, the both of you walking in turn, step and step with each other. Then that's when you stumble upon them.
It's a group of people and as soon as they see Jesper kiss Wylan's cheek they're yelling at them. The two quickly pull away and you can feel anger boiling in your chest and for the first time in what feels like forever you act on it.
You stomp over to the group of apparent homophobes and you almost slap one in the face but you manage to contain your anger.
This time.
"What the fuck is wrong with these two." You gesture towards Wylan and Jesper who look a tad bit uncomfortable.
"And their relationship?"
A woman steps up looking a bit disgusted at your question as she wrinkles her nose. "The Saints didn't allow this heresy! So why should we?" She yells and looks very proud of herself.
Hot, terrible, blazing anger fills your eyes and you ball your hands into fits.
"And your priests are people who say that right? Well, I hate to break it to you hun, but I'm pretty sure your book said love is love. Maybe not in those words but pretty close mind you."
"I'm just trying to cleanse their souls of this sickness. The same-sex cannot love each, just facts." She shurges her shoulders. You nearly punch her at the line 'just facts.'
"Well, I guess you're going to have trouble with my soul because I love both, bitch!" Their little group's eyes widen and their mouths fall wide open.
"It's called being bisexual jackass's! Now stop your little campaign." You pull out your knives and point them at the group. "And get out of my sight." You narrow your eyes at them.
They quickly scurry away and some looked like they were sobbing in fear.
"And I will find you if you don't!" You yell after them as they start to run away now.
Although this is not the way you wanted this to go, they did threaten your friends and you would do anything for them.
Oh fuck.
Turning around and you see the wide-open mouths of your friends and your eyes slowly find your boyfriend, who looks just as surprised as the rest but you could see some pride in his eyes.
But you are still scared as hell.
"Holy shit! Ghezen, that was badass!" Nina yells and the rest of the Crows nod their heads still amazed at what you did.
Everyone resumes walking and the topic of conversation of how your bi comes up and you have to explain a bit about it to Matthias but he smiles at you when he gets it and even says Dejel still loves you. (Same thing with Inej and her saints.) Nina pulls you into a hug and Jesper and Wylan have made you an official part of the 'gay group' of the Crows. All is good.
Except for Kaz. You still haven't talked to him yet. Damn it.
Tears start to well in your eyes and you stay to the back so hopefully, no one will notice. Finally, Kaz comes to stand beside you looking at you with concern.
"Y/n?" He questions. "You good?"
You take a deep breath and try to steady yourself and your emotions.
"I did mean to not tell you." You blurt.
"I just did... I didn't know what you would do about it? It's just, that we had something so good and I didn't want to wreck that all with... Me, I guess." You trail off feeling the tears start to work up to the front of your eyes.
"Have. Not had."
You whip your head around to face him. "What!"
Confusion is painted on his face but then understanding comes and wipes that all away.
"Angel, did you really think I wouldn't accept you?"
The tears, at last, find their way out of your eyes (somehow) and you barely nod before Kaz cuts you off.
"I don't care who you're attracted to... really. You are so brave, and I just get to know more about the real you."
You fling yourself into Kaz's arms and you sob in happiness there for a second before you step back. He smiles gratefully at you and takes your hand as you both start to catch up with the rest of the Crows.
"You know if anyone says anything, I'll kill them."
Words 963
Shadow and bone taglist: @kaqua @rika90 @thefandomplace @musical-theatre-obsessed-dumbass @gallysonegoodlung @navs-bhat
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
Hi! I read your Jesper fic and it’s like my favorite that I’ve ever read honestly it was amazing! I was wondering if I could request a Jesper x reader where the reader is small and really sweet and he has a crush on her? And she like steals his clothes and he just gets rlly soft? Once again I love your writing have a great day/night and no rush!
hi there! we’ve talked over pm, but thank you again, those kind words mean the WORLD to me! i haven’t put my writing out there in a while, so this means a lot, thank you again :)
so i had a weird idea when i saw this when i woke up this morning. mind you, it’s been sitting in my requests for a few days, but i saw it and didn’t have a lot of ideas, but then inspiration struck me and brb i gotta cry over this. AHHHHHH
pairings! jesper x reader / kaz x inej ( being soulmates ) + nina x matthias ( also being soulmates ) + wylan van eck enjoying his pie
reader is again, gender neutral, but leans more female presented, BUT the pronouns they/their are used throughout
warnings! jesper and reader being the fluffest couple to walk the grishaverse, kaz endlessly shipping, kaz also pinning for inej, nina + kaz shipping reader and jesper, the crows in general shipping reader x jesper
word count; 3036 words
one-shot under cut!
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this mood board was made by a friend and UGH IT TAKES IN THE FIC S O WELL!!! @r3tr0sp3ct !! thank you so much, SHFJD
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Courtesy Of Jesper Fahey, to my Dearest Y/N
5: Tease Them About How Short They Are
It was no secret that Y/N was the shortest of the crows. A mere five foot three, compared to the other Crows? They were short. Shorter than Inej by an inch or two, and by a foot compared to Matthias. Yet, it made them dangerous: able to move from place to place almost as swiftly as Inej. They were able to look unintimidating, when in reality, they could kill you, your family, and your relatives. They were able to lie their way through almost anything: another factor of people underestimating them. They were dangerous, which is why they were a part of the Crows after all. An asset, a leader even. Kaz saw them as valuable.
That didn’t stop the endless amount of teasing from the Crows though. And who had started it? Jesper Fahey.
First joining the Crows had been an impulsive decision, but one that Y/N didn’t regret. A family came with joining, and they’d lost theirs a pretty good time ago. What also came with joining was the teasing. Another day at the Crow Club, and Y/N, still relatively new to the Barrel life, was watching as Jesper gambled. They’d never understand the payoff of such quizzical acts of dumbness, but they stood there behind Jesper, confused.
Finishing the hand, Jesper glanced back at Y/N, chuckling slightly. Y/N’s eyes shifted, their glare at Jesper meeting him right in the eyes. It almost caused him to back down from what he was about to say, but he simply smirked the usual Jesper smirk. Flirtatious and bubbly. His hand swiftly moved, pulling Y/N to stand directly in front of him, the hand on their waist causing them to become flustered.
“You’re shorter than Inej,” Jesper inquired.
“I am not-” but Y/N didn’t finish their sentence. They’d already known such, but now Jesper was pointing it out. “So what?”
“It means I get to deem a new nickname for you! Inej would never let me call her anything related to her height, she threatened me with her knives. Or Kaz would glare at me, which scares me to say the least,” Jesper smiled now. He was going to have to find his way into Y/N’s good graces to fully engage in said nickname. They seemed conflicted for a moment, a pout making its way to their face.
“Does that mean I get to deem a nickname for you based on how tall you are?” Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow. They already had one in mind, considering Jesper was only a mere inch shorter than Matthias, the nickname still fit him.
“Well, that depends, Shortcake, what is your nickname for me?”
“Big Bear,” Y/N responded, smiling.
“Hmm, I like it. Shortcake and Big Bear. A powerful duo,” Jesper said, chuckling.
And thus, the teasing of how short Y/N was began.
4; Tell Them How Sweet They Are
The teasing didn’t stop there. Of course it didn’t. Because while the nickname ‘Shortcake’ was coined by Jesper, everyone had chosen new nicknames for how short Y/N was. Matthias called them Bubbles. Nina called them Babycakes. Wylan called them Munchkin. Inej called them Mini-me. And even Kaz had found a nickname for them; Firecracker.
But for Jesper, he wanted to find other ways to tease, or to tell Y/N what they meant to him, and low and behold, chance struck him. Eating with the Crows at one of the bakeries in Ketterdam, Y/N sitting next to Nina, with Jesper on their other side. Matthias sat next to Nina, squished between her and Inej. Wylan sat on the edge of the booth, opposite of Jesper, with Kaz sitting in a chair at the head of the booth.
Jesper glanced over at Y/N every once in a while, who was enjoying their creampuffs, he watched a bit of the filling be left on their lips. letting out a small chuckle, he watched Y/N turn toward him. “Hm?” They murmured, tilting their head. Sometimes Jesper wondered what someone like Y/N was doing in the Barrel. How Kaz had even found someone so sweet and kind roaming the streets.
“You got something a little-” Jesper raised his hand, his thumb brushing the pastry filling from Y/N’s lips. “There,” and with that, he chuckled before eating the filling. Y/N’s eyes had followed his hand the entire way, becoming flustered just as they had in the Crow Club just a few nights ago.
“That was my leftovers for later, Big Bear,” Y/N glared, their tone though was playful. The entire table now stared at them. Nina had a knowing look on their face, Matthias just seemed confused. Inej had let out a small laugh, Kaz’s eyes shifting to Inej upon hearing the sound. And Wylan? He just took another bite of his pie, his attention unwavered.
“Shortcake, you’re really telling me you would’ve saved any amount of those creampuffs as leftovers? I doubt it, they’re your favorite,” Jesper observed, making Y/N huff and taking another bite of a creampuff.
“They’re sweet and warm, of course I wouldn’t leave a single one for leftovers,” Y/N deemed, crossing their arms as they went to grab their last creampuff, but Jesper beat them to it, biting into it.
“Hmm, they’re not as sweet as you,” Jesper said, kissing Y/N’s nose, making them go cross-eyed with a smile.
“Hey! That was MY last creampuff!” Y/N said, coming to their senses after they realized Jesper had taken their last one. Before they could go to grab it though, Jesper raised it above his head. Oh, it was on. Before too long, Y/N was chasing Jesper out of the bakery, leaving the other Crows a laughing mess as they watched Jesper run, yelling for Y/N to catch him.
“Those two are soulmates,” Nina said, a wide smile on her lips as she watched Y/N practically topple Jesper onto the concrete, grabbing what was left of their creampuff and biting into it. Her eyes then shifted to Matthias.
“Soulmates.” Matthias agreed, smiling.
3; Save Them From The Bad Guy
Y/N was smart, Jesper knew that. They could probably give Jesper and Kaz a run for their money if they would like to. They were small, agile, talented. They were everything in Jesper’s eyes and more. But that didn’t make them any less susceptible to being overwhelmed during a job. They weren’t Nina Zenik. They weren’t Grisha, meaning if the right spots were hit they could indeed be overtaken.
But with Jesper by their side, that potential went down exponentially. Because whether Y/N believed it or not, and they did, Jesper would protect them with his life. They would do so for one another without hesitation. Which as Kaz put it: ‘is a dangerous prospect.’ The two didn’t care though. Well, in certain ways they did, but where was the fun in giving Kaz the satisfaction of thinking he was somewhat right? Answer: There was none.
Having just grabbed the package they needed during the job, Y/N and Jesper were about to be home free when they were spotted by the cashier, who undoubtedly worked for Pekka Rollins. Going eye wide, the two stared at the cashier for some time, and before they could come up with a Kaz level idea, the two bolted from the shop, Y/N’s hand in Jesper’s.
“We’re not dying today, Shortcake!” Jesper laughed over the commotion, the adrenaline of the job running through him as they ran.
“Hopefully not, Big Bear!” Y/N yelled, letting go of Jesper’s hand and breaking off from him. They were bigger targets together. Slipping through the crowds, Y/N ran as quickly as their legs could carry them. But speed could only make up so much when men who seemed twice your size were chasing after you.
Y/N knew Ketterdam well, but not Inej well. Not Kaz well. So when they came face to face with a wall that was too big for them to climb before the men managed to catch up, they scowled. Where the hell is Inej when you need her?
Turning to face the men who showed up, Y/N showed their hands. “Went after the wrong one,” They remarked, smirking. The men didn’t seem to be having it though, and as they stalked towards Y/N, a voice was heard behind them.
“And to think you’re usually the one saving my ass!” And then the three men fell, one bullet lodged in each of the men’s heads. Y/N looked up, smiling as they saw Jesper.
“Got the package?” Y/N asked, Jesper showcasing the bag of whatever it was Kaz had deemed they needed.
“I do, but I also have the most important package.” Jesper stepped over the bodies and took Y/N’s hand again, a wide smile on his lips.
“And what package would that be?” Y/N knew what he was going to say, but they wanted to hear it outloud
“Why you, of course!” Jesper winked, kissing Y/N’s forehead before they were off to bring the package to Kaz.
2; Let Them Borrow Your Clothes
Another night at the Crow Club, but something was unusual. Jesper was used to having a stalking Y/N behind him wondering how poker worked. This time though, they didn’t seem to be found anywhere in the Crow Club. It almost made Jesper not want to play. What was the point of playing if you didn’t have your lucky charm? There was no reason in his mind, especially as he began to have a bad streak of luck. So, standing from the table, he went to the booth Inej sat at, Kaz across from her.
“Have you guys seen Y/N?” Jesper asked, earning him a small smirk from Kaz, who simply glanced at Inej. He’d seen the newest Crow go to Jesper’s room while he’d gone down the steps. Kaz had been tempted to ask what they were doing, but he already had a feeling about what they were doing.
“They’re at the Slat,” Kaz said, deciding to rat out Y/N.
Jesper raised a brow. Weird. “Have fun you two! Inej, make sure he doesn’t come up with some more heist plans while I’m gone,” he joked, earning an eye roll from Inej. Turning from the table, he made his way out of the Crow Club, walking to the Slat and up to Y/N’s room, which was right next to his. Granted, they were really just tiny spaces meant to serve for the necessities. So, when Jesper arrived at their floor, he stopped in his tracks.
Y/N turned, cursing as they realized they’d been caught. Instead of being adorned in their usual black attire, Y/N wore one of Jesper’s jackets.
“Listen, it was right there, it looked warm, I just really really . . . why are you walking towards me like that?” Y/N asked, watching as Jesper stepped towards them. If only they could see into Jesper’s mind, but the look in his eyes said it all. He was completely, utterly in love with the person before him. Letting out a gentle laugh, he kissed the corner of Y/N’s lips, earning him wide eyes.
“It looks better on you, although a little big, it’s perfect, Shortcake” Jesper said, in turn, he received a giddy laugh.
“Why thank you Big Bear. It is really warm, I may have to steal it,” Y/N remarked, crossing their arms and posing in the jacket for Jesper.
“You can’t steal it if I give it to you.”
“Hey! No fair. We’re criminals. I shall steal Jesper Fahey’s coat!”
“Mhm, now come on. I think you should show off your new attire at the Crow Club,” Jesper said, taking Y/N’s hand, but instead, they moved to stand beside Jesper, moving his arm so it wrapped around their waist.
When they arrived at the Crow Club once more, Inej glanced at Kaz, who now looked over his plans he’d been drawing out, his eyes on Y/N and Jesper.
“You’re so in on them being soulmates aren’t you?” Inej asked.
“Hmm, I don’t know what you’re talking about, my dearest Inej,” Kaz spoke quietly, making sure only she could hear.
1; Telling Them You Love Them
Whatever Jesper was planning, Y/N had a feeling it involved something big. They’d never seen him as frantic as he currently was. Then again, Jesper was a pretty frantic person at times, but still this probably took the cake for the most frantic. He had flowers, candies, creampuffs, not that Y/N knew all of that.
He was receiving different ways to tell people that you love them, and now he had no idea which one to go with. Nina told him pastries. Inej told him to simply be outright with it. Matthias told him some weird Fjerdan way they would do it. Wylan had shrugged, he’d never really been in love before. He hadn’t even DARED to ask Kaz for obvious reasons.
That left him with his own way of doing it. He wasn’t sure if Y/N would like it. He knew she’d like the cream puffs. But the candies? The flowers? Were they that kind of romantic?
It also didn’t help that when he’d asked everyone, he’d at first told them that he had feelings for Y/N, and they’d all replied that they knew. That didn’t help his nerves, because did that mean Y/N knew? Or were they just as oblivious as he was?
The night seemed simple enough - until it wasn’t.
The flowers didn’t smell right to Jesper, so he threw them out. The candies, as Nina revealed, were Y/N’s least favorite. The only thing he still had by the beginning of the night were the creampuffs. But he wanted to do this right. He had to do this right.
Entering the bakery, Jesper spotted Y/N at one of the booths, eating creampuffs. Well, there goes the last thing he had to give them. Making his way to the table, Jesper watched as Y/N raised their head to look at him.
“Don’t tell me Kaz sent you to come and ruin my night with some heist plans, Big Bear,” Y/N said, biting into their cream puff, humming in delight.
“Nope, just me. . . . just me,” Jesper murmured the last bit.
“Just you huh?” Y/N asked, finishing their plate and throwing it out. They stood, thanking the baker before leaving the bakery. Jesper followed behind. His mind raced with ideas on how to do this right. Maybe this was the right way? Stopping in one of the alleys, Jesper sucked in a deep breath.
“I love you!” He called to Y/N, who stalled for a moment, eyes going wide just as they did when Jesper had kissed the corner of their mouth.
“You make me rethink everything I know. You waltzed into the Crows lives, but most importantly, you waltzed into mine. I love you,” Jesper watched Y/N, seeing them laugh a bit.
“Go on, Big Bear,” Y/N spoke, walking slowly towards the gushing Jesper.
“I love the way you let me joke about your height. I love the way you get creampuff filling all over your face, you actually still have some on your lips. I love the way you joke with me during jobs, even when they go terribly wrong,” Jesper chuckled now, his smile wide.
“I love when you wear my clothes. They’re big on you. My jackets almost reach the floor. My sweaters reach your thighs. I love when you stand behind me while I’m playing cards, wondering how the game works. Or why it’s helpful. I love when you sneak into my bed late at night and lie across from me even with the small space we have, acting as if I don’t know you’re there. I love the way you chase me for your last cream puff and tackle me into the ground. But most of all, I love you . . . you, gosh do i love you,” Jesper felt out of breath. He wanted to yell from the top of rooftops that he loved Y/N. The things he’d do for them were endless.
“You know what I love about you, Jesper Fahey?” Y/N asked, tilting their head as they stopped in front of the breathless boy.
“Everything,” and then they were on their tippy toes, their lips barely meeting Jesper’s.
The taste of cream puff filling hit Jesper first, a familiarity he knew with Y/N. Home. His fingers delicately moved to hold the back of their neck, his eyes shutting as he fully leaned down to kiss them. The pounding in his chest could likely be heard throughout the entirety of Ketterdam. He could feel the concrete underneath him, and it felt like the only stabilizer he had to keep him grounded. For if not for the concrete beneath him, he would’ve thought he was dreaming. Floating, even. But the feeling of their skin under his fingers, their lips. Everything invaded his senses and he didn’t want it to stop. He didn’t want them to stop.
Y/N had dreamed of this moment. The way Jesper’s slightly chapped lips would feel against their own, how soft his skin would feel, how his hair would feel. How he’d feel. Time felt lost, the world around them dimming as they let themself be consumed by this feeling. Nothing had felt so right. No one else existed except them.
Becoming breathless, Jesper pulled from Y/N, his eyes fluttering open as he placed his forehead against theirs. Then he felt the soft feeling of rain beginning to fall. “Isn’t that cheesy,” he chuckled, making Y/N laugh and take his hand.
“Ready to run through the rain, Big Bear?” They whispered.
Jesper didn’t answer, and instead he turned, pulling Y/N with him towards the Slat, their laughs being heard for miles.
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Kaz Brekker x Injured Reader Headcannons
Warnings: Swear words; Spoilers for Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom
A/N: I’m posting a little bit early today :) I absolutely adored this request!! This trope is one of my favorites so I was hella excited to write this :) Thank you so much for requesting, anon, and thank you for the kind words!! Hope you guys enjoy reading!
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Obviously being in the Crows was risky
It meant that you and the rest of the Crows were constantly doing jobs that could end in one of you not coming back alive
It happened with Matthias
And none of you doubted it would happen again
But the worst injury you ever had didn’t happen on a mission
But rather a night out in a bar
You and the rest of the crows (save for Kaz because he isn’t a party type of guy) went across Ketterdam and decided to have some fun
However, the bar housed a drunk man who had a vendetta to settle with you
He had stumbled up to you with a knife and demanded vengeance
“You killed my family… you took everything from me!” he had screamed at you
You had said nothing, the couple of drinks you had delaying your response
The drunk man slammed you against the wall and wiggled the knife at you threateningly
“I’m going to take everything from you!”
If you hadn’t had as much alcohol as you did, you would have noticed that he was the brother of the head of a human trafficking ring, and you could have reasoned with him
But instead you tried disarming him
And failed because he was much bigger than you
Your escape attempt seemed to fuel his anger even more
And he stabbed you repeatedly in the stomach and your side
You barely registered people in the bar screaming and Wylan (who hadn’t had a drink yet) running towards you to get you back to the Slat
Everything turned black and the noises started to fade
When you woke up, you were laying in a bed
As your vision started to sharpen, you noticed a wooden desk across from the bed and realized that this was Kaz’s bedroom
You snuggled deeper into Kaz’s sheets, smelling the scent of his grey duvet
You heard the door open and looked to see Kaz walking in
He was surprised to see you awake and walked over to sit on the edge of the mattress
“How are you doing?” he asked you
You winced when you tried to move and he put his gloved hand on your shoulder.
“Might not want to move too much yet,” he suggested
You nodded. “I gathered that much, Kaz.”
Kaz smirked and removed his hand from your shoulder
You tilted your head towards him and Kaz gasped lightly
His leather-clad hands hovered over your face and lightly touched the bruises that littered your face and neck
“Who did this to you?” he whispered
You cast your memory back to that night
“I think it was the brother of that guy who ran the human trafficking ring” you answered
Kaz nodded. “I’m going to fuckin’ kill him”
You smiled slightly
Kaz noticed and quirked a brow. “What’s got you so happy,” he teased
You shook your head. “Nothing,” you said wistfully
In your head, all you could think about was that Kaz’s words proved he cared about you
He never told you through words, which sometimes made you feel insecure about if he even wanted to be with you
And he didn’t touch you very often without his gloves (something you don’t mind, but it just adds to the fact that he doesn’t show affection that much)
But this was the way he showed his love
He would make sure you were clothed, fed, warm, and cared for
While he went through hardships to punish the people that made your life hell
Kaz chuckled at your wistful look. “Only you would smile when I mention killing someone,” he jested
You laughed and hooked your pinky with his- which was now resting next to you on the mattress
“You would smile too,” you pointed out
Kaz rolled his eyes but hooked your pinky to his tighter
“I love you,” he said. “I wouldn’t hunt some random idiot for anyone, you know?” He chuckled again. “On that note, please don’t tell Jesper. He’ll never let me live this down.”
You grinned. “I love you too,” you said, basking in the extra affection he was giving you in your condition
“Don’t tell me what?” you both heard Jesper say from behind the door.
“Well fuck,” Kaz grumbled under his breath, letting go of your pinky and grabbing his cane.
“Jesper, I swear to god-” Kaz said threateningly towards the door
You heard the sharpshooter’s footsteps run away from the door
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daggxrsanddrxamers · 3 years
lighters and candy, i’ve been a fool
Wesper fanfic, cuz i'm currently in love with them<3
Fluff, 1123 words
Wesper goes apple picking, that's the plot, warning for intense fluff
Wylan had noticed jesper working himself to the bone, what with trying to explain everything in the books related to the business to him, still working at the crow club sometimes, and just the stress of living in a city like Ketterdam, Jesper didn’t look too well rested.
And that would never do, would it? Wylan wanted to do something special for him, a perfect date, free of stress, away from the continuous noise of the city perhaps. He had contacted Colm Fahey, asking him if Jesper had any childhood memories he had favoured a lot, or a moment which he cherished.
Colm had chuckled and told him about a young jesper going out to pick apples every year, riding on the shoulders of his father, with his mother’s angelic voice singing everything from ballads to popular folk songs. The story had brought an inexplicable warmth to Wylan’s heart.
So he’d gone out one day, and found this beautiful apple orchard just outside the city, the branches were laden with apples now and open to the public.
So today, Wylan was gonna drag Jesper out with him, no matter what happens. It didn’t take much to convince Jesper to go out with him and soon they were strolling down the streets hand in hand, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
“So, where are we going?” Jesper asks, swinging their joined hands between them, a sunny smile on his face.
Wylan, caught up in staring at him, forgets to answer for a second. “It's a surprise, why would I tell you now?” he says with a cheeky grin.
Jesper laughs and pulls him closer, walking along with him towards wherever Wylan’s gonna lead him. The amount of trust Jesper puts in him, makes his world light up in all the prettiest colours there ever can be.
The walk is short, and they eventually reach the gates, but Wylan’s face falls seeing the gates closed, the orchard having been closed off to the public for the day, he turns to Jesper with a sad smile on his face.
“I...I wanted to bring you apple picking” he blushes “Your father said that that’s something you always loved to do” he shrugs, “Guess we can’t go, today then.”
Jesper laughs and brushes some hair away from his face, “Who said we can’t go in anyways?” and right then if Wylan could freeze the twinkle in his eyes, and take t out everyday to see, he would.
“What do you mean? The gates are closed, though.”
A bright grin spreads across Jesper’s freckled face, “We broke into the ice court, darling, don’t tell me you’re afraid to break into an apple orchard of all places?”
Realization dawns in Wylan’s eyes and he falls in love with this brave, golden boy all over again. “Let’s go, then, scale a few walls?”
And then they're running towards the wall, bright laughter ringing out behind them, like a trail of love and happiness, Jesper vaults up onto the wall and then pulls Wyan up, they jump down on the other side, but Wylan trips, and they land in a tangle of messy limbs and sharp elbows. Jesper looks like he’s about to say something sarcastic, but Wylan kisses him, effectively stopping all effective communication on his part.
They break apart and sit up, still laughing, and reluctant to move away from each other. Wylan wishes that he could stop time forever right here in this perfect moment, Jesper’s brighter than sunlight smile, his for all of time.
They slowly get up off the ground, and Jesper takes off running towards the nearest tree, calling for Wylan to follow him.
Wylan laughs and runs after him, keeping up with his long legs, proving to be a challenge, but Wylan’s up for it, and he catches up soon enough.
Jesper swings himself up using one of the low hanging branches, and Wylan can’t get enough of how he looks, silhouetted by the bright sunlight, the picture of confidence, as he walks across the branch with a wicked confident smile on his face, that makes Wylan’s heart skip a few beats. It can’t possibly be good for his heart to try and beat itself out of his chest, could it? He wonders absentmindedly to himself.
“Will you just stand there gawking or will you help me with apples, love” jesper teases, from the branch, while expertly plucking a ruby red apple and throwing it down towards Wylan.
He catches it with just a small fumble and grins up at Jesper, “I sure as hell can catch your wonky throws while gawking.”
“Game on, then you pyromaniac”
“I might be a pyromaniac, but you can’t deny that I'm your pyromaniac,” Wylan says while trying to catch the dozen apples Jesper throws at him in quick succession.
Jesper jumps down from the tree with a soft adoring smile on his face, he cups his face in his hands and kisses him lightly, it reminds him of buttery sunshine and beautiful days, when the skies are blue and he can get lost in the symphonies of his flute.
They break away, giggling and laughing, and go back to apple picking, always near each other but not quite sticking to each other, like two suns, forever pulled to each other, a system in perfect harmony.
They finish picking apples, and meander back towards the gates, rather than climb a wall this time, they sneak out from the front gates, guilty smiles on their face, Jesper seems to walk more freely, Wylan notices absentmindedly, as if some invisible weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
As they walk side by side, Jesper brushes a shoulder against him and asks, “So you asked my father where we could go on a date, huh?”
Wylan’s face flushes red, “I..I did, he said it used to be a childhood memory,” He looks up at him inquisitively.”
A soft smile replaces the mischievous smile on Jesper’s face as he says in a soft voice, meant for recollecting rose tinted memories and whispering secret daydreams, “My mom, she made it a tradition, every year we’d go to the same orchard, it was the one day i had my parents all to myself, you know.”
Wylan nods along, watching Jesper sink deep into his memories, he knows they’ll have a thousand traditions like that, that they’ll make their own memories, already are making them. If you’d told a younger Wylan that he would get to have this life, he'd have told you that fairytales don’t come true, but right then Wylan felt his life come pretty close to that perfect fairytale he had always dreamt of.
Tagging some of you, who i think would like this...tell me if you wanna be removed or added
@wilhxlminxx @im-someone-i-guess @herondalesunsetcurve @jesper-fahey-supremacy @theshadowhunter (idk if you read soc yet)
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trulivin · 4 years
Hands Off, Please
A/N: Hey everyone! This is my first fic that I wanted to share with you just so you could get a sense of my writing style and whatnot. Please let me know what you think and requests are open
Kaz Brekker X Reader, Six Of Crows
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse in the past but nothing too graphic!
*I also made this aesthetic so if you would like to use it please just tag me or give me credit for it! And yes I know my gif is janky, but it’s fine!*
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Y/N sat at a table on the main floor of the Slat with Rotty and Specht, waiting for Kaz to get out of his meeting with whoever he had a deal with this time. As a long-time member of the Dregs and someone who was practically brought up by the notorious Dirtyhands, Y/N was held in high respect, partially out of fear, among her fellow Crows. Most of the time at least. Of course everyone teased her and called her ‘the bastard’s queen’ or ‘Brekker’s shadow’ because he had always left her in charge whenever he was busy, or she somehow was allowed to beat up anyone who was out of hand. People just listened to her since Kaz gave her so much power. Her reputation as the assassin of the Barrel helped as well.
It was surprising to people like Inej, Jesper, Wylan, and Nina to see Kaz get extremely close to someone, but he had let his guard down with Y/N. He could let his guard down with her. Though he would never admit it, Inej could easily notice the slight change in his demeanor when Y/N was around. Even Y/N showed a subtle difference in her eye when she was around Kaz. It was like they were the same person, always watching their own backs behind a mask, but when they were together all the disguises were disregarded. Jesper was also quite convinced the two were in a secret relationship because of how Kaz somehow always picked Y/N out in a room. On a job, Jesper noticed how he would somehow keep an eye on the dark-haired girl and make sure she was out of harm's way, especially during the raid of the Ice Court and the events following that nearly killed them all. But, sadly the two never showed any signs of physical or emotional connection. They were always together but out of each other’s reach in the slightest. However, there had always been an unsaid establishment that Y/N was Kaz’s and no one could have her.
Of course, that wasn’t known to all of the members of the Dregs. Mainly the younger boys and the newest members.
Rotty and Specht saw a couple of the new boys head over to their table and moved over a bit letting the newbies come and join them. Y/N smiled kindly and also scooted over allowing more room at the little table. “Well we did it!” a boy named Flynn said on Y/N’s right. “Oh did you now,” Specht smirked at Rotty and Y/N. Flynn and Riker were sent to shake up some filthy wannabe boss for the money he owed Kaz for getting him out of trouble.
“So you got the money then?” Y/N asked, bored already with this lot. The newbies smirked and plopped a leather bag on the table in front of her. She leaned back, slightly impressed these idiots actually did it. Of course she trailed after them, making sure they could actually get the job done. The guy may not have had a lot of people backing him, but he had two other guys that could easily take out two, arrogant teenagers.
“We sure did, sweetheart,” Riker smirked at her. Y/N raised an eyebrow at the boy. Rotty and Specht dropped their grins and their eyes went cold. “Watch your mouth,” Rotty snarled. Y/N was actually somewhat excited to see how this would unfold. No, she did not appreciate the little rat calling her that, but if a fight was about to break out she wouldn’t be opposed to that. “I didn’t do anything,” Riker said putting his hands up as if he were surrendering but Y/N could see a glint in his eye. She rolled her eyes. Boys she thought.
Y/N was undeniably a sight for sore eyes in the Barrel so she was bound to draw attention from people, but no one in the Dregs dared to make a move out of fear of what Kaz Brekker would do to them.
“So we got the money. What do we get in return?” Flynn asked. Y/N, Specht, and Rotty sent him a nasty look. “A place to crash and more jobs,” Specht snapped. “Surely we get something better,” Flynn pressed, winking at Y/N. Who the hell was this kid? It was cute at first, but the jokes were already getting old. Riker seemed content with sitting in silence and not pressing on with the jokes and almost looked as shocked as Specht, Rotty, and Y/N at his friend’s response. She glanced up at Per Haskell’s old office hoping Kaz would be finished soon, but the door remained closed. “Why don’t you keep your dicks in your pants boys,” Y/N snapped. If Rotty and Specht were dogs, the hairs on the back of their necks would be bristling. The two had been good friends of Y/N since they met, and if it weren’t for Kaz, they’d probably be the most protective of her.
“Oh come on, you’re the hottest one here,” Flynn said, “Surely you’ve shacked up with the other boys before, yeah?”. Y/N pursed her lips, “I think you hurt Anika’s feelings.” She ignored his other comment. Then Flynn did something no one was expecting: he rested a hand dangerously high on Y/N’s leg. Her cold eyes snapped to his smirking face. That did it. Rotty shoved Flynn off of her and swung. There was a definite crunch.
Riker being an idiot lunged at Rotty landing a solid hit before Specht launched himself into the fight. Everyone’s attention turned on the fight and a few of the younger members joined in trying to back up Riker and Flynn. Y/N somehow got shoved over as more people started taking sides. What the hell was happening in here? She huffed to herself before trying to tear Flynn off of Rotty. He turned and swung not realizing who was. Y/N took a hit to her eye and felt a little blood run down the side of her face.
His face drained and said, “Oh. Darling I am so sorry.” Darling? All the voices of the horrible men rang out in her head for a moment. Y/N glared at him before pulling her arm back and breaking his nose. She then kneed him in the crotch and managed to wrestle him to the ground. Everyone was practically fighting on top of each other. Y/N’s anger flared as she shoved him harder into the wooden floor and scraped his face to make sure some splinters would come up. “You ever lay your hands on me again and I will break both of your arms,” Y/N hissed in his ear digging her need further into his neck. “You crazy bitch!” He screamed in pain.
“You have no idea--” Y/N started, but a loud shot went off and everyone fell silent. “What the hell is going on here?” Kaz growled on the balcony holding a pistol in one hand and his cane in the other. I close my door for one second and this whole damn place falls apart. His eyes were darker than night, and when his eyes landed on Y/N’s partially swollen face his eyes somehow went darker. He was beyond furious. “Well?” He snapped as everyone stayed frozen where they were still holding on to their opponents. Unfortunately, Flynn had been the one to decide to open his mouth, “This psycho,” he gestured under Y/N to Rotty, “Attacked me!” “Yeah well why don’t you keep your hands to yourself then you filthy little perv,” Rotty bit back.
“All I did was flirt a bit with her! Like everyone else does!” Y/N dug Flynn’s face harder into the floor and jabbed him with her knee again. “There’s a difference between having a conversation with someone, flirting, and then trying to feel them up,” She hissed at the boy. She could feel Kaz’s hard stare on her as she seemed to be in the center of a circle now.
Y/N twisted his arm tighter and dug her nails into his skin. Flynn cried out in pain and his eyes went to Kaz. He stood there with narrowed eyes. After a bad childhood, Y/N had always been wary of a man’s touch. Much like Inej, she was picked up and taken to the Menagerie for a majority of her childhood on top of being raised by an abusive father with brothers who seemed to follow in their father’s footsteps. Kaz of course was the only one who knew about this, but Specht and Rotty had a faint idea of what happened after they found her in a closet puking her guts out, pale as a ghost after a job went awry with a nasty man who had a taste for young pretty girls.
“Well? Aren’t you going to help me?” Flynn begged Kaz. Kaz looked at the picture in front of him. Y/N was dangerous right now. He knew the boy laid a hand on her as soon as he came out of the office to see her practically smothering him. She always had that look in her eye that told Kaz when someone stepped out of line. He was screaming inside to just go and strangle the kid for laying a single finger on his girl, but he didn’t need to lose anymore newbies. They were useful for mediocre jobs that Kaz didn’t need to do himself.
Kaz pushed off of the railing and began making his way down to the main floor. “Y/N,” he said calmly, “Up you go.” She glared at Kaz but said nothing, releasing her grip on Flynn. The boy stood up and rolled his shoulders as everyone began picking things back up. Kaz didn’t even have to say anything and they all started cleaning up the mess they made. Rotty and Specht flanked Y/N’s sides as soon as she stood up. Flynn and Riker were still in between them and an approaching Kaz.
“Thank you,” Flynn scowled at Y/N. “What the hell is wrong with you?” He went on, “You’re crazy, bitch. Now I get why you didn’t acknowledge my other comment earlier,” Flynn spat, “No one would ever want to sleep with you, I mean they’d have to--” Kaz’s cane collided with the back of Flynn’s leg causing him to collapse. “Finish that sentence and I’ll let Y/N break more than just your arms,” Kaz growled quietly. He never shouted which made him more dangerous.
But Flynn ignored the pain and smirked again at Y/N. That did it. Y/N grabbed the two daggers in her belt and flipped them up before lunging at the boy. She didn’t care if she was going to kill him. Kaz wouldn’t kick her out of the gang and if he did then screw him too. Y/N knew boys like this. They’d only grow up to be monsters.
Rotty and Specht tried getting in her way because even if they didn’t like this kid, they weren’t going to let Y/N kill anyone in the gang. She easily slipped out of their arms hitting them hard in the face causing them to double over in pain. Just as she was about to slit the kid’s throat, strong arms grabbed her. She felt cool leather hands on her bare arms and a body blocking hers from the cowering boy on the floor. Just how it should be, she thought maliciously. “Let me go!” Y/N snapped, struggling to get to Flynn.
“No,” Kaz said calmly. “Get him out of here,” Kaz ordered Specht and Rotty. Y/N struggled harder against Kaz.
“You can’t just let him go! I will hunt you down and kill you!”
“No you won’t,” Kaz said coolly in her ear, but she ignored his comment.
“I will kill you if I ever see your face here again!” Y/N screamed after the boy that was being dragged out. “C’mon,” he muttered half dragging Y/N up to his room. He was considerably out of breath by the time they reached the top.
Kaz threw her in the room and stood in between her and the door. He knew she was heavily triggered by her past so he let her scream, shout, chew him out. Whatever she needed. “You’re letting him walk? You? Of all people?” She yelled, “You shouldn’t have done that! I know boys like that! They all turn out the same. Disgusting rats who find it fun to take advantage of young, helpless girls!” She hissed. Kaz watched silently observing all of her features. Even as angry as she was with him and beaten up, Kaz seemed to find Y/N even more beautiful. Practically glowing he thought to himself.
“Are you done?” he asked. Y/N stopped pacing and glared daggers at him. Yet, she let out a breath and nodded. The tunnel of red she saw was slowly fading and she came to her senses. It was simply just her and Kaz in the peace and quiet of his room. He looked at her before his gaze softened a bit. He wanted so badly to brush his bare hands across her face, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to. She was intoxicating to him, and he had been slowly working on skin to skin contact with her whenever it was just them. She knew about his brother and she knew how it felt to drown.
It was so easy for her to slip back into her rage and terror over a simple gesture of affection, and Kaz didn’t want to be the one that caused her to act like this. “What happened?” He asked calmly, peeling his gloves off. Y/N caught the movement and stared at his slender hands refusing to let her fascination with them get in the way of her still bubbling rage.
“That little boy thought it would be fun to get a reward for shaking up that guy who owed you money,” Y/N scowled. “And that reward being you?” Kaz quirked a brow. “Yeah,” she spit. “How are you so calm over this?” she growled a moment later. Usually he was more worked up about this and deep down it stung that he didn’t seem to care about her well-being right now. Of course she had no right to care about what he thinks of her. He’s not your boyfriend she scolded herself waiting for his response.
Kaz eyed her for a moment and sighed, “You can take care of yourself.” That wasn’t the answer she was really expecting, but what was it she wanted him to say? He approached her slowly, never taking his eyes off of hers. Y/N stood still, her heart skipping a beat as he stopped in front of her. She saw him take a breath before allowing his hand to brush up against hers. The pain in his eyes over the smallest touch made Y/N pull away. She didn’t want to put him through this. He didn’t owe her anything. “Wait,” He said when she moved her hand.
Kaz’s warm fingers grazed hers before he ran them up her wrist. Any left over anger had subsided as a chill ran down her spine. His dark eyes studied her face and he noticed how her eye now had a purplish tint starting to form, and then he saw where her perfect skin had split and a little blood ran down the side of her face. Kaz gritted his teeth, allowing his temper to begin to rise. In all honesty, he didn’t really know what to think when he saw Y/N on top of the boy digging his skull into the floor. And even worse, for a fleeting moment Kaz had wished it was he who was under her under different circumstances. But he quickly pushed aside any thoughts that weren’t relevant to the event of her killing one of the Dregs in front of everyone.
After a moment, Kaz slowly moved his hand to her face running his fingers lightly across the cut. He allowed his hand to trail down her face as she watched him trace her features. Eventually, his hand fell back next to hers as he allowed himself to intertwine it with her own small hand. Y/N watched as he took a moment to collect himself. She waited for his outburst, but it never came. It was always like this with them. The seclusion of his room, unspoken words that needed to be said, and the smallest touches that left both of them with a burning sensation.
Kaz was getting better at this. After the whole heist and everything, he was getting better with physical contact, but it was still a struggle for him. Even if it was Y/N. He longed to be able to run his hands through her hair, kiss her skin, and just be able to touch her. But somehow, Jordie seemed to slip in his mind as soon as he’d lay a finger on her.
“No one is allowed to lay a hand on you” Kaz murmured partially to himself. She was his and he preferably didn’t want to share. Those nasty little rats, he scowled.
“What is this?” Y/N blurted out softly. Kaz gave her a confused look as the sound of her voice caught him off guard. She even surprised herself. “I mean,” she started with a shaky breath, “What are we?” she finally asked. Kaz looked at her and saw the frightened girl he picked up off the streets as she had escaped the Menagerie. He thought for a moment. What were they? Kaz wondered the same thing. “I-I don’t know,” he said watching her face slightly fall. “But,” he started again, “It doesn’t mean we can’t be something,” he concluded. It was true, he had always wanted to be with her, but he knew she’d have to be patient with him, and he’d have to be patient with her. Kaz couldn’t tell her he would spoil her and shower her with hugs and kisses and gifts because he physically couldn’t. He didn’t want to do that to her and even if he could get over his fear, he didn’t want to push her either.
“It’s hard for me too you know,” she spoke again pulling him from his thoughts. He knew, but he let her talk anyways. “They beat me,” her voice wavered, “and left me in the freezing rain. They laughed at me--” “Don’t, Y/N just don’t,” Kaz stopped her. She didn’t need to explain herself and why she wanted to kill that boy. “You’re safe with me,” Kaz said more firmly now. And hesitantly he did something he didn’t expect himself to do. He pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her. Y/N froze not knowing if she should hug him back. Timidly, she wrapped her arms around him and the two stood there in silence. Everything inside Kaz screamed at him and the bile rose in his throat, but he forced it away the best he could. She needed him right now even if he felt like he was drowning.
“Kaz,” Y/N mumbled, pulling him up from the cool water that he was slipping under. She could sense his uncomfort and knew it was time to let go. She unwrapped her arms from around him and slowly untangled herself from his body. Surprisingly, he missed the warmth her body brought, but he was also grateful she stepped back and gave him some space. A small smile played at her lips as he stepped back and put his gloves back on. “C’mon,” he spoke softly offering his now covered hand to her. Y/N took it with ease. It doesn’t mean we can’t be something played over in her mind. She was as happy as she could possibly be even if it would take time. She would wait and she knew it would take time not only for him but for her as well. Y/N was just happy Kaz was officially hers in some way, and she got the feeling he was content with that too. Although, she didn’t know she had always been his in his own mind.
They made their way back down to the landing above the Crows. For the most part, the room had been picked up but everyone was still cleaning the mess up. Specht and Rotty had returned with a very bruised Flynn helping pick up broken tables and chairs. As soon as Kaz and Y/N made it on the landing, everyone could sense their presence. All heads turned to them.
“The tables and chairs all better be replaced by tomorrow morning,” Kaz’s hard stare was back. “I didn’t fix this place up with my own money for a bunch of idiots to go and destroy it all.” Y/N stood closely next to Kaz, her eyes narrowed as she was watching the crowd. “And no one lays a hand on Y/N anymore,” he hissed. “If I ever catch any of you with your filthy hands on her, insulting her, or even looking at her without a single ounce of respect, I will break more than just your face.” That was a bit much, Kaz she thought to herself but smirked a little at how much he was actually riled about this.
“Got it?” he snapped. The crowd nodded and gave a terrified “yes” as he glared down on them with his usual Kaz face. Y/N scanned the gang below and found most of the young ones refusing to look at her and Kaz. Flynn was looking anywhere but her. “Did you get that?” she snarled at the newbies. “Flynn?” she spat. All eyes snapped to hers as her anger seemed to be returning. “Yes,” he mumbled along with the others before diverting his eyes. “Back to work,” Kaz snapped, and just like he pushed an unfreeze button, everyone jumped back to picking up damaged pieces.
Flynn, Riker, and a few others decided to head out and find more chairs and tables. When their backs were turned and they were walking out, a very sharp dagger whizzed by Flynn’s ear and hit the wall an inch away from where he put his hand. Everyone jumped at the thump and he turned, wide-eyed back to the landing. Y/N stood there with Kaz behind her. “Next time he won’t stop me from killing you,” she threatened. Flynn and the others recoiled in fear and simply nodded. “Off you go then,” she dismissed them.
Specht and Rotty watched as Kaz stepped aside and let Y/N go up the steps first and saw his hand hover the small of her back as they disappeared back upstairs. “All hail the king and queen,” they joked and went on with their cleaning.
I hope you enjoyed this and again please send feed back! Request away my darlings! xoxo
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goldengoddess · 3 years
wearing jesper fahey’s clothes
pairing: jesper fahey x reader 
request: hi, i absolutely adore your account and wanted to request something. could you possibly write something about secretly stealing jespers clothes and wearing them around the other crows? <3
a/n: hello darling! i am SO sorry i’m answering ur request so late my mind has very much been elsewhere <3 i hope u like this and i hope u don’t mind i did it in hc form (also jesper in a trench coat,,, yes) (this might be one of my fav things ever)
warnings: suggestive comments but mostly cute fluff
it started off very gradually
you'd always loved jesper's clothes
even before the two of you started dating
you'd lean your head on his shoulder
and absolutely relish the softness of the fabric of his coat
you loved when he leaned closer to your and you could smell the distinct scent of gun powder that clung to his shirts
jesper’s clothes had always been a distant obsession of yours
so when he became your boyfriend there was no doubt that you would try and steal his clothes
you really tried to be subtle about it
like really tried
you even waited a couple of months before even attempting a causal grab at an old hoodie or some sweatpants
just so it wouldn’t freak him out
but after a couple of months of dating jesper you realized he probably wouldn’t even notice your new stolen attire
so when you showed up one night wearing an old shirt of his you were not expecting his reaction
his jaw went slack
his pupils were blown
and his fingers twitched at his side
saints it made you blush
when you were close enough he’d grabbed the fabric of your his tshirt and pulled you closer to him
you stood between his legs, looking down on him as he sat on the bed
“i don’t remember letting your borrow this” he had teased you
his fingers played with the ends of your shirt, brushing up against your stomach
“i didn’t realize i had to ask” you had responded
he liked the little smirk that played on your lips
“oh no honey, everything of mine is yours. i just wish you’d let me know so i could have prepared for the sight that is you in my clothes”
your smirk had slipped off and been replaced with a silly stupid in love smile
he had grabbed the top of your shirt and pulled your face closer to his
“but honestly, i’d prefer the shirt on the floor sweetheart”
needless to say that after that
jesper’s closet became just as much yours as it was his
you were obsessed and over the moon that he let your borrow his clothes
his beanies, his button up shirts, his pajama pants, all of it
you’d steal the item for a couple of weeks and than give it back so he it could go back to smelling like him
and then repeat
you couldn’t get over the look he gave you every time you went into public wearing his clothes
it was like sunshine exploding in your chest
eventually, the two of you couldn’t be discreet with hiding your new wardrobe
it’s not that you were trying to
it was just that no one had noticed
until you wore jesper’s trench coat
you knew when you took it that everyone would realize
and you knew that it would drive jesper crazy
like outta this world crazy
and for that reason you hadn’t attempted to use it yet
see, jesper’s long coat was very unique
dark brown, buttons with engraved miniature roses, a gazillion pockets, and a special place for him to hook his guns
but hell, it was cold
so you took the coat
and you casually strutted into the common area of the slat wearing it
where your boyfriend and all of your friends sat around a table talking
wylan was the first too notice
his eyes went so so wide
all he could do was tug on nina’s sleeve to get her attention
“what wylan! im trying to-”
but then her gaze followed his and she saw you
and her jaw went slack
“holy saints”
matthias was next to look up, seeing his lovers reaction
“djel i cant believe what i’m seeing”
inej and kaz followed
kaz, like always, kept his expression neutral
but you saw the way his eyes widened slightly
jesper was the last to turn his head
and when he met your figure he almost fell out of his chair
like actually
stumbled out and had to catch himself on the edge of a table
“wow” was all he said at first
you laughed and walked closer to him, taking the seat beside him
his mouth was wide, the tips of his ears red, and he could not take his eyes off of you
constantly moving up and down your body
“jes! i’ve been begging for you to let me use that coat for ages, you know i love it” nina let out a teasing whine
matthias only tugged her closer and kissed her head, “i’ll buy you one just like it.”
inej gave you a small smile
“it suits you” she complimented
your cheeks heated and you stuffed your hands into the pockets
“it’s really not that big a deal, i steal jes’ clothes all the time.”
“not the same thing” jesper mumbled
and then he grabbed you by his waist
over the fabric of the coat
and pulled you onto his lap
you let out a shocked gasp before leaning into him
the rest of the crows laughed and gone back to their previous conversation, your coat being old news
jesper pushed the collar of the jacket to the side and placed a gentle kiss on your neck
he rubbed the material of the sleeve between his fingers
and then slipped his hand into yours
“why haven’t you worn this one before” he mumbled into your neck
“didn’t think you wanted me too”
he scoffed
“sweetheart, if i’d known you’d look this breathtaking i would have pushed you into the coat myself.”
you giggled and leaned even closer to him
“oh yeah?”
“oh yeah love, i’m going to make sure it always freezing in here just so you can always wear it. i’ll break the heater if i have to, steal all the fire wood, put a bullet through the thermostat. all of that just to see you in my coat.”
and you thought you were blushing before.
“you are so beautiful,” he continued, “in or out of my clothes. and saints know i don’t deserve you. but i’m so grateful you choose me anyways.”
you pulled back and kissed his nose
he grinned and kissed your cheek
he lingered next to your ear for a moment
so only you could hear
“and i’m grateful i get to take it off when we’re alone.”
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