#the color of affection
crearuru · 11 months
The Color of Affection, chapter 5
Pairing: Marthadelle
As Adelle and her friends made their way into the building placed upon the highest of Rimedhal's cliffs, they once again met the purple clad elder, Archbishop Domenic. Despite their rage, they bowed, to avoid a confrontation until they knew more. They were, after all, outnumbered.
"Welcome, friends, to this, the House of our Lord." The Archbishop spoke with a deceptively welcome tone to his worn voice.
"Yeah, thanks. Now, do you want to tell us about that execution back there?" Adelle hadn't seen such an angry expression from Seth since they had met Folie, the mad painter.
"This is how it appeared to you, who come to us from afar? No, friend! What you witnessed was the purest expression of belief."
Adelle's friends may have been trembling, but they could see Adelle contained a fury with no rival, a sea of rage with no banks or shores of respite in sight.
"Belief?" She could feel her mental blockades buckling, as she fought back the urge to strike this man here and now. "You guys worship the Lord of Dragons, right?"
"Ah, so you know a little of our customs?" The corners of Domenic's mouth turned upwards at Adelle, feigning patience, or perhaps ignorance, to her rage. "That we are able to dwell here, in the heart of the snows, amid the endless winter- all is thanks to His Draconic Majesty."
"Oh, and that woman jumping- that was thanks to him too?" The venom in Seth's voice could kill a Minotaur.
"No. That was an act of our sister's choosing. She wished to prove herself innocent of being that which offends our Lord more than all else- a member of the accursed race of fairies."
Yeah fucking right. Gwydion welcomed me years back despite sensing my true nature. You don't know anything about what you speak!
As Adelle stewed in her contemplative rage, Gloria continued the interrogation. "But how would throwing oneself to one's doom prove anything?"
"As those who know of fairykind will tell you, these devious creatures are wont to hide their wings. A fairy falling from a great height would have no choice but to utilise them in order to save itself... And in so doing, reveal its true nature."
Okay, maybe he knew a little bit of what he spoke. Adelle was, at that very moment, hiding her wings. But the idea she was doing it to trick people...? Even if she wasn't being entirely honest...
"And if the one jumping turns out not to be a fairy?", Seth spat, "No one could survive a fall like that!"
"Those whose faith is pure need not fear. Our Lord and Master shall see to it that they are saved."
"But that's... insane!"
Adelle was inclined to agree. Gwydion couldn't even leave his cave, when last she were here.
"I warn you young man. I will suffer you to speak ill of the Great One but once..."
The man beside Adelle growled with a force enough to rattle his armor, and it was upon hearing this sound that Adelle realized the other man she travelled with had been shaking with a force to jangle every one of the many keys adorning his outfit this entire time. As Elvis made to speak, "Look, maybe we should all calm down a little-"
Adelle would not be quieted.
"You really think that's what your Lord wants?!"
"Ach, don't you start!" Elvis knew not just how personal this was to her.
She would not. Be. Quieted.
"You think rooting out supposed fairies is what he wants you wasting your time on?!"
"...You doubt the truth of His Word, child? For that is what it is! The word of the Master. I and I alone hear Him. It is to His most trusted servant that He deigns to speak. And true faith is rewarded with miracles. Have my long years of prayer not seen the bitter cold of this land lifted at long last?"
Gloria's voice firm, she confronted the Archbishop as well. "Come, now. I think we all know that it was another power that thawed the frosts."
"And what do you mean by that?"
"Precisely what I say."
A moment of silence, from the elder. Then, a breath. "That will be enough for today, I think. You are encouraged to visit me here again whenever you so choose, of course. All are welcome in the House of the Lord."
With that, the Archbishop retreated up the stairs, into a room only the priests may enter.
As our heroes retreated to the main brudge overlooking the town, Elvis paused to question her, worry in his voice.
"What was that all about, Adelle? Talk about out of character!"
All Adelle could muster was a delayed "Sorry," as she crossed her right arm to her left, casting her gaze downward.
"But it helped us learn something useful, at least."
Adelle turned to the White Mage, surprised. "It did?"
Gloria elaborated, "He said that Rimedhal's warning was the result of his prayers. But he didn't say it was the Lord of Dragons who actually made it happen. Doesn't that seem a little strange?"
Raising her hand to her face in thought, she continued. "Given that, and the fact that he refused to give a straight answer to my other question... I'd say we may have found the Fire Crystal."
"Are you the travelers who dare call the Archbishop's words into question?" A voice, approaching from the direction of the Hall. Turning to face it, our heroes came to see a muscular woman, flowing red and brown cape flowing from her pauldron. Her hair was beeline honey in color, swirling up in a manner resembling an inverted whirlpool. Beside the butch woman stood a figure Adelle recognized. It was the man from the execution, the man who harassed Martha... Bishop Helio.
"Well, he might have let you get away with it, but Gladys of the Dragon Guard certainly isn't about to!" She shook her head, looking down at the party. "You're fairies, aren't you?"
First time I've been outright asked...
Luckily for Adelle, it was Seth who answered Gladys' question. "Huh? Why would you think that?"
Intimidatingly stepping closer, the woman's height advantage was all the more clear. "Well, the fact that you doubt the value orbthe Lord's judgement, for starters. I've got a good mind to make you take a little leap of faith yourselves."
"Enough, Gladys." The man beside her spoke up. "Allow me to introduce myself. Helio, chief inquisitor to the Archbishop, at your service."
Chief Inquisitor? Not just content with "Bishop" anymore, are you? You've certainly climbed the ladder well for it having been only 3 years...
"Please, you must forgive dear Gladys. She can be a little... overzealous, in the execution of her duties."
Wait... Didn't Martha mention her friend Gladys from her childhood? Was this the same one?
Gladys made to speak, but Gloria cut her off. "There is nothing to apologize for. But if you don't mind me asking- what are these duties?"
Helio's smile was... unsettling. "We are charged with seeking out the detestable agents of fairykind wheresoever they might lurk, and submitting them to holy judgement. In pursuit of which purpose, we make it our business to establish dialogue with the people of the town, and with visitors such as yourselves. We shall pray for your safety on your onward journey. Lord of Dragons, watch over us all."
Helio turned away. Before Gladys followed, she issued a grim warning: " I've got my eye on you lot. Put one foot out of line, and I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks."
Once the two had gone, Elvis let out a sigh. "Crikey. Between those two and the Archbishop, this place has got its fair share of unsavoury characters, eh?"
"Right, that's it. You're listening to me this time."
Adelle had almost forgotten she was carrying Gwylim in her sack. "Huh? What is it?"
"Dad asked me to come and find you. That's the reason I left home in the first place! Before I... smelt the smell."
Adelle's eyes widened. "Gwydion sent you? How come?"
"Who's Gwydion?" Seth inquired.
"He's Gwylim's father. You know the Lord of Dragons everyone keeps talking about? That's him."
"What!? He's real!? And your pals with him!?"
"I, I wouldn't say 'pals' exactly. But I know him, yeah." She couldn't blame Elvis for being surprised. Guess keeping an air of mystery about her worked, though. "So, what else did he say?"
"He wants you to come to the Serpent's Grotto."
Adelle's joy at the upcoming chance to see Martha was only slightly overshadowed by her irritation at Gwylim's not mentioning it sooner! "Why didn't you say so earlier!?"
"Becauseyouweretoobusy shovinme in your bag!"
"...Oh." Adelle sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, closing her eyes. Had she really cut him off every time? No wonder he felt the need to say that last sentence so fast.
"And... it's quite comfy in there, so I might have been... resting a bit in between trying to tell you."
The irritation Adelle had felt was short-lived. Grinning ear to ear, she bounced on the balls of her feet, standing straight up once more. I finally get to see Martha again! No one else had clicked with her in quite the same way, even after 3 years of wandering. Elvis was close, but it... it just... felt different?
"Well, I guess I'd better go pay him a visit. You guys are coming too, right?" Her friends nodded in affirmation.
"It's north of town. Can't miss it. Come on!"
The group made their way north, fighting a few monsters along the way. It was much less bothersome, now that Adelle had access to Asterisks. She could afford to take hits, and as long as they did not prove irrevocably fatal, Gloria could repair even the most wicked of blows. Contagion was also no longer an issue, as she discovered upon fighting another Goliath at the entrance to the Grotto. As they made their way inside, Adelle noticed the place was alive with monsters who could not handle the cold outside. A Lux Element she fought dropped a Speed Bun, and although normally such were reserved for Elvis, to power his strikes... She felt a compulsion to eat this one. She pocketed it until the others were next distracted by an approaching monster, then took a bite.
It was... buttery. It tasted of freshly baked bread, and despite giving off no warmth still provided the sensation of bread still hot from the oven. Its innards tasted of both gourmet meat and incredibly potent nectar, the meat within almost melting in her mouth. It tasted like prime rib, drowning in its own tender fat. By the time she realised she had finished the bun, she found herself to have instinctively dodged out of the way of a Turan's assault. Licking her lips as she made to counterstrike, she mused over feeling almost a kind of... kinship, with monsters of its type. They and fairies were both born of flowers. It was a shame they couldn't get along... Although she couldn't deny having felt a certain affection for a particularly powerful Leannan Sith she had fought back in Halcyonia. Charm magic users were dangerous. They draw on feelings you have for others, and project about them an air evoking the recipients of those feelings. Adelle had thought herself immune, having none that she knew of for whom she felt feelings of... that nature, for... but subconciously, even then, there was one for whom her heart burned.
The Oberon Gem dropped by that Leannan Sith was quite pretty, though. It sparkled with magical essence. Perhaps she could find a use for it later.
"Och, you know the Speed ones are my favorite, Adelle! Can't believe you'd just go and nick it without sharing like that!" Elvis took care of his own Turan, finishing their current fight. Seth and Gloria had taken care of theirs while Adelle was eating.
"Hey, I don't make a habit of it! I just felt a... a compulsion. Like I needed to be faster. I'm sorry."
Elvis shook his head, shrugging his shoulders and turning his hands upwards. "Ah, it's too late to go sweating the details now, I suppose. Anyway, are we almost to where we need to be? These blue glowing mushrooms are pretty an' all, but I'm starvin over here!"
"Yes... we're almost there. Just a bit longer to go." Gwilym sounded as though he had just risen from a nice nap. It was a little warm in here. Warmer than she remembered, at least.
The party took out a couple of Ice Golems, though why they had chosen to take up residence in a warm-ish cave as opposed to outside in the snow and ice, Adelle knew not. As our heroes came to the glowing red circles indicating safe respite from monsters, Adelle noticed her old friend. She barely restrained herself from running up and giving her a big- Hug. She must show restraint as to how she thought around her everyday companions. She had offered but a parting peck on the cheek as she left, which Martha may not have been awake enough to process. She can't go all mushy the second she sees an old friend, could she?
Gwilym, meanwhile, had ducked out of Adelle's bag. As he scurried towards Martha, the Dragoon crouched just for a moment, to scratch his head.
"Oh, well done Gwilym. You found her!
Martha looked to Adelle fondly, taking in her new outfit. It was certainly more... Blue, than last she had seen her. Was that a martial arts gi? Her new companions seemed to be unusually dressed, as well. A pleasant sigh escaping her lips, she felt her mood improve upon seeing that familiar face. She never forgot a visitor; they were too rare.
"Thank you so much for coming, Adelle."
Adelle, nodding with a grin, responded just as kindly. "It's been a while, huh, Martha? Glad to see you looking well." The hidden color in Martha's eyes was slowly coming into focus again. What a blessing, to meet once more with her first human friend, the one which had convinced her of the good of humanity in the first place.
"Oh, sorry, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself." As she took a step forward, she brought her hand to her chest, bowing slightly. "I am Martha, guardian of the Serpent's Grotto. It is an honour to make your acquaintance, Princess Gloria."
"How," the Princess hesitantly inquired, "do you know my name?"
"Master Gwydion told me all about you. And about your quests for the crystals!"
"Would it be possible to speak with him myself?" Striding ever on and on, as always, Gloria...
"Of course. I'll show you in. If you'll follow me...
And so they entered the Master's Chamber.
"Master Gwydion, Adelle's here to see you. And Princess Gloria is with her."
"Thank you, child." The Lord of Dragons' deep voice echoed throughout the cavern, both aloud and within the minds of the party.
"Long time no see, Gwydion." Adelle stepped to the front of the group. Oh how she longed for proximity to Martha.
"Not so long that my debt to you has been forgotten. Thanks, once again, for your aid." Wisps of smoke rose up from the mighty dragon's nostrils, towards the top of the Chamber, as he stretched his neck and continued. "I bid you welcome, children of men."
"We are humbled, Master Gwydion," Gloria issued from a respectful bow. "You do us a great honour in granting us an audience."
"So, I hear you were asking for me. Is this about what I think it is?"
Casting his gaze upon the Monk, Gwydion spoke. "If you speak of the so-called judgements being passed upon the people of Rimedhal in my name, then it is indeed. My words no longer reach the Archbishop. What drives him to such acts of folly, I know not." Another wisp of smoke, sputtering in the air. "I swore when first Rimedhal was founded never to interfere directly in affairs of state. Yet I cannot stand idly by while those who honour me with their worship suffer. I would ask therefore that you act in my place. Please, Adelle- put a stop to this ere the madness deepens."
Adelle turned to her companions, seeking their cooperation. She sat on a small pile of rocks, the atmosphere of the cavern bringing a sense of... groundedness. "Well, I don't mind offering a helping hand. What do you guys think?"
"I can hardly say no after you dropped everything to help me and mine out back in Wiswald, can I?" Elvis turned his palms skywards, with a jovial shrug. "I'm in!"
"The Fire Crystal is involved. I have an obligation to act." In Gloria's mind, the question was answered before it was even asked.
"You can count on me too!" Seth chimed in. Oh, how he enjoyed having a "crew" of such caring friends. He missed his cat. He missed his crewmates. He really needed to ask that old lady for another boat ride soon.
"We are in your debt, children of men. In return, I will do all I can to aid in the recovery of the crystal. Gwilym will go with you. I pray that he might be of use."
Adelle decided the proper direction to look at the moment was anywhere but at the dragon speaking to her right now.
"What!? What are you makin that face for?" Gwilym barked from the altar atop which he and his father resided.
"No offence, but you can't even fly yet."
"Grr... I may be small, but I'm a dragon! A DRAGON! I'll make myself useful, you'll see!"
"Ahh, yeah... We'll see..."
"Less o' the bickering, you two. The more the marrier, I say." Elvis didn't much care for bickering. He wondered when he'd next get the treat of a nice drink.
"Would that I might offer more direct aid, but alas, my life nears its end. The next time I venture forth might be my last. My body... grows weak, with age. Even leaving this cave wherein I dwell might prove too much. And though the healing herbs Adelle did so kindly offer unto me when last she was here have helped delay the inevitable, I fear it can be held at bay only a little longer."
"Please Master Gwydion," Martha's voice hitched, "you mustn't..."
"Grieve not, child. None may escape the hand of fate. Not even I."
"Y-yes, Master Gwydion..." Oh how Adelle yearned to hold Martha tight. To ease her worries...
Martha set about preparing a meal, as she realized the time. "Oh, it's late. Why don't you all stay the night? As you can see," she gestured to the worn surface of some of the mossy rocks, "the place is quite comfortable." They did look rather comfortable, the way moss was layered atop them. She could sit, for a while. It had been an infuriating day. She had wine tucked away, although she had but a small flask of nectar remaining; maybe about 8 ounces? She'd meant to gather more on her way through the Wayward Woods, but all the best spots for the flowers she liked were either hidden behind Mag Mell's obfuscating wards or too high up to grab without alerting her friends.
"Come on, you have to stay! A sleepover! It'll be fun!"
Seth backed away, just a bit. "Uhh, something tells me 'no' might not be the right answer..."
Elvis brought a hand to his face, stifling a yawn. "Why would we refuse, anyway? The place looks alright. And besides, we're all shattered!"
"Oh please, there's no need to be polite. It's just..." Martha twirled a finger through her luxurious hair. "Well, I could do with the company, to be honest. We barely ever get any visitors-" she brought her fist to her face as one would while contemplating at a desk, supporting her elbow with her other crossed arm, "Especially not big, strong boys like you!" A wink. "Come on, stay and play!"
"Uhh... Come again?" Adelle was glad Seth spoke up; she had felt an itching in her arms at the thought of the coming fight.
"You just can't help yourself, can you, Martha?" Adelle firmly rested her hand upon her cocked left hip. She was itchin' to spar just as much as Martha was, if she was being honest. Something within her was straining to free itself... Come to think of it, her wings itched. How long had it been since she'd had the chance to spread them, and soar through the night? How long would it be until she could soar once more?
"What exactly is happening here...?" Seth's voice hitched. Martha clasped her hands together; Adelle had brought back some strong looking friends, for certain. It was time to put them all to-
Martha noticed a look in Adelle's eyes that she couldn't quite place. She didn't have as much social contact as most would over the years, but... Her friend seemed... preoccupied.
Her expression wavering only for a moment, Martha once more brought her focus to the group as a whole.
"THIS is happening!" Martha twirled around, drawing her spear with a flourish. "Come on! Fight me! Pleeease!"
"Crikey. I did not see that coming." Elvis was taken aback, and Seth seemed hesitant as well.
"You clearly all know one end of a weapon from the other!~" Martha winked once more, sowing the seeds of distraction in her soon-to-be-opponents. "And I don't often get the chance to keep my hand in. Don't want to get rusty, do I?"
Gloria seemed unfazed, and Adelle seemed transfixed, but the two gentlemen who accompanied them were pointedly looking anywhere but at Martha's... choice of attire. Martha was touched that Adelle at least had caught on to her f- er, that is, fallen for the ruse. Martha couldn't very well get... She couldn't let herself get too comfortable with the presence of one person specifically. Constrained to the Serpent's Grotto and the surrounding region every waking hour, Martha relished in company of (almost) all sorts. But Adelle had only just come back after years, and would likely set out again once her business in Rimedhal was finished. She could feel her ears burning,flushed with feelings of affection, but knew her hair would hide it. Martha just hoped Adelle remembered what it was like to leap through the mountains, together. Master Gwydion knows Martha remembered.
"Seriously- just go along with it. It'll be much quicker that way." Adelle reassured her friends that the sparring wouldn't be a hassle. Adelle longed to feel the heat radiating off of Martha once more, and in battle that heat only intensified, despite the cold winter air.
"Ooh! I'll give you a minute to get ready, shall I!" Martha slunk across the room, fetching her training spears. There was a White Mage present, so using real weapons was allowed, but Martha didn't want to pincushion anyone. Stab wounds could get messy, especially if the head of the spear got all the way in. Barbed shafts were for enemies... not opponents.
Adelle caught herself wandering over to Martha, then back. It had been so long! They had so much catching up to do! But they would have time for that in the evening. For now, Adelle watched her companions place wooden edges along their blades, Seth's axe getting a little unwieldy. He would have to downsize to the Francesca. It was a small axe, but it could still catch a spear.
As the time grew near, combatants came to the middle of the chamber (or at least, the middle of the open space in front of Gwydion's altar) to signal readiness to fight. As soon as everyone in Adelle's party had gathered, Martha made her way to the center of the room.
"Is everyone ready?" Martha had an eager look on her face; she was excited, flushed with the anticipatory heat of combat, ready to pounce at any moment.
"Aye, we're ready as we'll ever be. Why, I don't think I've been so prepared for a fight in-"
Before Elvis could finish patting himself on the back for his preparedness, Adelle leapt for Martha. Oh, the joy she would feel at testing her mettle, and with one she meant to catch up with in oh-so-many ways! But though Adelle was fast, and even faster for her recent Booster Bun, Martha had beaten her to the punch. Adelle's fist met the space where Martha had been just moments prior with no impact; Martha had made for the braggart. Before Elvis knew what hit him, he was on the floor, reeling.
"Can't I have a moment t-" Elvis' pleas for a moment to showboat fell upon deaf ears as Martha spun to face the disguised fairy who had made another lunge for her, raising her spear horizontally in defense. Adelle grabbed Martha's spear to redirect her own momentum, doing a frontward handspring off the spear and launching herself further past Martha; as she twisted in the air to turn and face Martha, Adelle overshot, and needed a moment to regain her footing. It'd be easier to control herself in the air if she were allowed to use her wings, Adelle lamented. But she'd created an opening.
Seth, taking advantage of Martha's preoccupation with Adelle, raised his axe skywards.
"Elemental Wheel!"
The sailor's Gambling wheel spun, and in an instant gave results. 3-Null. Three nonelemental blows connected with Martha, one after the other, from different directions.
Grunting in pain, Martha swung the end of her spear into Seth's side, and as she knocked the wind out of Seth, she grabbed him by the collar and jumped; up, up into the air she went, until she neared the very top of the cavern, and she broke her impact by smashing Seth into the ceiling. The CRUNCH that echoed throughout the cavern made Adelle's companions wince, but Martha wasn't done. She pulled Seth free from the segments of the wall within which he had been partially embedded... and shot like a rocket towards Elvis, adjusting course at the last moment by pushing off of Seth, throwing him into Elvis.
Elvis, for his part, had expected this fight to be easier for him than it had been. How would he have known Martha could lift a man in heavy armor and lift him to the heavens above? Who in blazes could've expected Seth to be used as a projectile?
Those have to be some damned powerful legs, were the last of Elvis' thoughts in the split-second before Seth collided with him.
As Martha heard the clatter of a kicked stone behind her and to her right, she thought she had the advantage at this point in the fight. Two of her three opponents were down and out, so Adelle must be-
Martha had fallen for Adelle's trick. Adelle, from Martha's 8-o'clock, had sent a rock skipping across the floor, the spin placed upon the stone taking it towards Martha from her 5-o'clock, misleading her sense of direction. Too late, Martha realized she had been tricked; Adelle launched herself towards Martha in the blink of an eye. Her fist connected with the sidepiece of Martha's armor just as Martha had tried to jump upwards to escape and re-evaluate the situation, the force of Adelle's punch launching Martha's ungrounded form into the stone wall clear across the cave. Martha noticed Adelle's force was directed in such a manner as to distribute the force of impact evenly across as wide an area as possible, and only directly upon her armor; the punch itself didn't hurt nearly as much as the back of her head hitting the wall.
I hope I didn't hurt Martha too bad, was all Adelle could think as Gloria started healing everyone up.
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bought the dungeon meshi world guide, and oh my GOD
Walking mushrooms "cute appearance and unexpected complexity have earned them many fans, and there are associations of walking mushroom fanciers all over the world"
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cupcakeslushie · 4 months
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Febuwhump Day 8: Why Won’t It Stop?
How many days has it been? Kendra only pauses the constant feed when she comes in the room to gloat.
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itseghost · 2 months
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i almost want to do an expression sheet for him so i force myself to expand past his rbf. but its so easy and fun to draw him with one
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keiko-chan · 5 months
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Nagi & Yuki || Yubisaki to Renren Ep.2
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ryllen · 4 months
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color coded affection
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aaronwarner · 18 days
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Maxton Hall: The World Between Us
S01E03: Exposed
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nabulsi · 5 months
i keep seeing ppl talking about how theyre ugly sobbing over that shitty pirate show. do you not have shame to care more about a racist antiblack TV show glorifying slave owners, written by a zionist racist supporter of genocide. that you have more tears to shed for that blight on the human race than you do for the millions of palestinians going through horrors unimaginable. where's your ugly sobbing for them?
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clownsuu · 1 year
The fact that you depict characters as both aroace and in relationships makes me actually so happy because everyone always thinks that shipping is off the table for those characters and forgets sex/romance stances exist, you filled me with so much joy ;w;
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It’s a weird stereotype indeed smhh (harmful even) making it sound like individuals who are aro/ace are incapable of being/falling in love- or just being able to feel love in general
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bricreative · 1 month
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You know Steph would just adore Alex
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hello-eeveev · 23 days
you wanna know what’s so funny is that we’re all like “omg Essek could NOT shut up about Caleb 🥺💕” but like. he absolutely can.
the only times Essek brought up Caleb unprompted/without relevance to the discussion at hand were gesundheit and nighttime sendings lol. of the four uses of the phrase “my partner,” one is an off-handed mention as part of a clarification (“I have not been following the Assembly’s threads; that was more my partner’s purview.”) and the last three all happen in the span of four minutes before Essek exits the episode.
the problem is that within those last four minutes, Essek hit us with
1) showing off a zemnian phrase he learned from Caleb,
2) “he is kind. and he is smart. and he is so strong,” said with such conviction and pride and love that I don’t think I’ll ever recover, and
3) leaving the crafting party to chat with Caleb before bed
which was just. a lot. it was so much and it was so good. so much concentrated shadowgast in those four minutes
this whole ship is built on layered conversations and implications and skirting the obvious (with the exception of the last two minutes of m9 reunited) so to give us four whole minutes of Essek boasting about Caleb, praising Caleb, wanting to go talk to Caleb was particularly potent
thank you Matt Mercer for my life 💕
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aimee19 · 5 months
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 11 months
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Raggedy Hugs!
felt the urge to draw them again ;w;
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ellstersmash · 5 days
seeing a lot of posts about being prepared to avoid fandom discourse this time around and while I will also be bobbing and weaving that bullshit, let's also make it a point to gear up and watch out for the bigotry and abuse that will inevitably come to light--and not to avoid it, but to actively participate in making fandom a hostile place for it to thrive.
challenge your friends when they say something transphobic on the discord server. ask your fave if they meant to whitewash that character in their art. watch for harmful tropes and stereotypes in the fic (and source material!) that you read. when other people bring it up, don't dismiss it as discourse. most importantly, when trans people, disabled people, LGBTQ+ people, people of color, and victims of abuse share their experiences, listen.
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seri-tonin · 1 year
I keep seeing people say that Kaveh and Alhaitham are incompatible and I'm just like... no u don't get it. They are so compatible that I'm convinced they're literally made for each other. They're both so incredibly stubborn but underneath all the bickering, they clearly have a ton of respect for each other and recognize each other's intelligence. It's because of both that mutual respect and their directly opposing worldviews and ideals that make them both pretty much the only people that are capable of influencing good and meaningful change in the other. Kaveh brings the empathy and artistry that Alhaitham needs while Alhaitham keeps Kaveh grounded. Alhaitham always seems so much more relaxed in every scene where he interacts with Kaveh. Alhaitham is pretty much the only person that Kaveh doesn't feel the need to go full people-pleaser with (excluding the occasional client that really manages to piss him off). They're actually perfect for each other.
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keiko-chan · 4 months
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Nagi Itsuomi || Yubisaki to Renren
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