#thatkillervibe fic
hournites · 5 months
I wrote a fic about Jennie and Courtney freaking the f out over the status of Rick and Beth's relationship because I am @canary-warrior secret santa!!!!
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I really enjoyed your recent and first ever Camney fic that you wrote, it felt very in character given the current circumstances. And since you said you're open to getting fic ideas to write I wondered if you could maybe give a shot in writing how Cameron reacts to finding out that Mr. Deisinger's dead? I know I know that you did hint at it by the end of that fic in the author's note but still, it's a subject that has me going around in circles because he was sad about finding out that his friend and art teacher that supports his love for art and knows what it means to him (the others one being Courtney and I dare to say Sofus) was sent to a psychiatric ward in S2 thanks to Eclipso but now he is gone (at least it seems so, still can't shake over why his eyes went Paintball when he died) so that must have an effect on him. Remember what he said back then? "Why do bad things keep happening to good people in this town?" So like, yeah, I'd love to read Cameron realizing Paul is dead and it could've been by his grandma's hands. Whether you want to extend it and give it a mentioning of Camney is up to you but all in all I'd be down to reading it because I'm not sure these final 3 episodes will even have the time to address that with Jordan and Ulra-Humanite being now the focus. (Or even other stuff like Mike's closure with his mom that Pat was trying to reach and I could go on with other stuff) so yes, please write that one! :D
Anon I’m glad you liked that fic so much but I did not write it, @hournites did. I AM the person who is accepting fic requests for next week so sure, I can do that. But! Just to clear things up!
@hournites = ThatKillerVibe on AO3, frequent collaborator on fics, podcast cohost, close friend of mine
@bluevalleybreakingnews = HeroicWeatherConditionsOfTheUniverse on AO3, has a Camney fic (it’s technically a S3 spec fic but there is PLENTY of Camney) that’s currently up and probably my best work after Broken and Blue (co-written by TKV).
Thanks for the rec, I will add it to my list! And thanks for reading my and TKV’s fics!
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killervibe · 5 years
Bells and Veils
Chapter 1/2: And On This Day
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Notes: Happy Birthday @mosylufanfic!!!! Hope you’re having a great day! And now...Wedding fluff. You can also find this fic on ao3
Caitlin was supposed to be paying attention so that she didn’t up and fall on her big day, but it was kind of hard to listen, what with the way Cisco was looking at her.
“And then, Miss Snow, you’d take an entrance here.”
 Cisco squeezed her hand as Joe asked a follow up question to their wedding planner, wondering where exactly he should be standing to take Caitlin’s hand, if he should be waiting for her at the steps of the cathedral as the limousine pulled up, or settled nicely inside.
 Caitlin let Cisco tug her close against his chest, swaying her back and forth with his tanned arms wrapped around her waist. She tilted her head up at him with shining eyes, reaching her hand up to cup his cheek. “You ready for tomorrow?”
He squeezed her tighter, humming happily, and she gave him a slow and languid kiss.
 Their wedding planner cleared her throat, and they had to jerk apart with identical blank faces, both having heard nothing she had just said. Caitlin pushed her fingers against Cisco’s airy lightweight shirt, making space.
 “I’m sorry?” Cisco said with a charmingly guilty smile, his hands finding their way around his fiancée, yet again. He rested his chin over Caitlin’s shoulder, promising to be attentive this time.
 Caitlin bit her lip, reddening at their rudeness, but too giddy to really apologize.
 Their planner, Mrs. Fumera, hugged her clipboard to her chest, enamoured. “Oh, you two. It’s alright. The ones in love are always like this. I was just asking if you decided if your friend was going to sing or not.”
 Kara, who had been sitting in one of the back pews of the cathedral with Dr. Tannhauser, catching up with Iris, rose her hand.
 “Oh, I am!” she insisted, getting up quickly, her voice echoing in the empty space. “Hope this one goes better than the last one I sang at.”
 Cisco pointed a glare at Supergirl. “Ha ha ha,” he laughed dryly, “Very funny.”
 “What happened at the last wedding?” Mrs. Fumera asked innocently, tilting her head.
 Joe ushered the wedding planner to the front of the sanctuary, and distracted her with questions about seating arrangements.
 They had picked a destination wedding on a whim. Or rather, having it in Spain was a whim, getting married as far away from Central City as possible on the other hand, that was deliberate.
 “So,” Caitlin said, looking around the large room already decorated with flower arrangements and candles. “I say, we have a bubble bath after the rehearsal dinner, and test out those jets.”
 Cisco quirked an eyebrow. “My room doesn’t have a jacuzzi.”
 Caitlin frowned. “Yes it does, when we checked in this morning. It was all there.”
 Cisco kissed her frown off her face. “That’s your room. My room is on the third floor.”
 Caitlin blinked. “What?”
 Cisco’s hands went to her breezy yellow summer dress, playing with its belt. “I can’t see the bride on the day of the wedding, it’s bad luck.”
 Caitlin laughed in disbelief, swatting his arm. “Stop it, that’s silly.”
 “I’m serious. Think about it, don’t you agree that our wedding day—” Cisco stopped to grin, unable to help it, and Caitlin kissed him again.
 They had waited for this so long. To finally have their moment, where there were no heroics required, or drama or timelines to fix. When both of their parents were able to simply get along, and all of their friends could manage to squeeze their schedules to align for this one weekend, this one perfect weekend. The beginning of the rest of their lives.
 “Our wedding day, should begin with me waking up next to the man I’m going to marry,” Caitlin said eventually, carding her fingers through his hair. “Don’t you think so?”
 Cisco let out a little groan, “Yes, of course I’d like to do that, but—”
 Mrs. Fumera turned around, calling them to come up to the altar. Caitlin linked their arms together to walk down the long aisle,  but did not let that prevent them from finishing their discussion.
 “But what?”
 “But imagine this, okay?” Cisco pointed to the altar several feet away where Joe was pretending to be extremely interested in how Mrs. Fumera planned to have the white carnations and gardenias positioned just so. “I’m standing up there, probably half a mess because there you are right here,” he stopped to wave wildly at the pews as Caitlin raised an amused eyebrow.
 He had clearly thought this through.
 “And you’ll be looking like a goddess, okay, I know you will because you’re you, don’t deny it—And we’d have not seen each other since right after tonight’s dinner. So our emotions are all heightened and we’re feeling tingles in our toes and then…” he trailed off, glancing to the right, where Wally and Jesse were doing some sort of odd speedster thumb wrestling match.
 Caitlin leaned against his shoulder, “Then what?” she probed, half sold.
 He tore his gaze away, quickening their pace to make it to the front. “And then, we’d be right here. In front of our friends and families, and we’d know there’s nothing that would keep us apart ever again. Because from the moment we leave this spot tomorrow, we’ll be husband and wife.”
 Caitlin turned, unlinking themselves so that she could try and be discreet in blinking back tears. Cisco was always so thoughtful, and with the intensity of his gaze, she almost felt too much love, if it were possible. 
 “And,” Cisco added, hushed, only for her ears, “Then our wedding night would be the most spectacular night of all. What do you think?”
 Caitlin blushed when he drew back, and Mrs. Fumera gave them an expectant smile.
“So, this is where the matron of honour will help you up the steps, Caitlin, for the vows and, oh, Mrs. West-Allen, Dr. Tannhauser, would you come here please…?”
 Caitlin tucked a loose tendril behind her ear, sweat accumulating at the nape of her neck where her ponytail sat heavily. She pulled it up from where it fell over her shoulders, twisting it out of the way. She caught Cisco still looking at her, his eyes piercing but playful, raising an eyebrow as he rocked on the back of his feet, nodding along to something Kara was whispering conspiratorially to him behind Mrs. Fumera’s back.
 Caitlin nodded, kissing her jacuzzi romp fantasy goodbye, and her fiancé lit up, smiling wide. She supposed she could wait two days longer until the Honeymoon.  
 “...And although I doubted my little boy would ever truly grow up to be such an accomplished man, and despite the fact I still barely understand what it is he and his friends do ,  I do know that loving Caitlin had always been the best decision he’s made.”
 Cisco blushed into his dinner plate, “Oh geez, Mama.”
 Their closest friends and family all rose their glasses to cheer, repeating Cisco’s mother’s toast.
 Caitlin had changed from her flowy yellow summer dress to a satin blue one, a little more formal. Paired with strappy wedge sandals and her hair loose against her back, Cisco’s mother had called her the prettiest angel, to which Cisco quickly agreed. She pushed her fork around to chase the last of the cheesecake as Cisco’s foot played footsie with hers underneath the table.
 Iris leaned in on her side, waving a fan to dispel the heat. The restaurant they chose had air conditioning, but something about the Spanish heat simply lingered, even into the night. “This is such a nice party Caitlin, your mother put in a lot of effort.”
 “She dropped a lot of money, you mean,” she replied, but there was no bitterness in her voice.
 She knew her mother was trying to make up for all the years she had been absent in Caitlin’s life, and although they still had disagreements, never quite exactly seeing eye to eye, even after the ordeal with Caitlin’s father, she still tried. And Caitlin appreciated it, how she booked the best venues for their events, and even paid for some of Cisco’s extended family’s flights who wouldn’t have afforded it otherwise.
 A few more of their friends gave lighthearted toasts, saving their real speeches for the next day. There were a few jabs here and there, all tweaked with odd inside jokes which left a few guests from outside their crazy Metahuman world a little lost, and soon Caitlin was beginning to yawn.
 Mrs. Fumera ran up to them in her tie-dyed ensemble, her weave looking a little worse for wear in the humidity. “You two go back to the hotel, the car is waiting out front. In fact, I want the whole wedding party all rested up for tomorrow.”
 Cisco took the planner’s cue, standing up and pulling Caitlin’s chair out from the table. She grabbed her clutch and fell into a conversation with Barry as they followed Cisco and Iris poking at each other down the narrow cobblestoned streets of Seville. 
 “Cait,” Barry began, shifting the weight of sleeping Nora, her face curled up in the crook of his neck. She was two and a half, and was going to make the cutest flower girl along with Jenna and one of Cisco’s second cousins. “I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you.”
 There was a bit of wind, blowing hair around her face, and when Caitlin looked up at the sky she was able to see the moon and stars. They kept walking down the road towards where their town car was parked and her eyes naturally fell back to the one she loved, his suit jacket already slung over his shoulder, top buttons undone as he walked backwards, making some point in a debate Caitlin was too far away from to understand.
 Cisco caught her gaze and winked.
 She twisted her fingers in the strap of her purse, going back to Barry’s words. “You really believed in us?”
 “Yeah,” he admitted, and the car pulled up just at the corner, opening its doors.  “I knew it from the start.”
Caitlin hardly believed that. She sure as hell didn’t know from the start, still heartsick for Ronnie, unsure if she could ever see herself moving on from the gaping hole in her heart he left there.
 And it’s funny, how much she leaned on her best friend all the way back then, when all he wanted to do was make her smile, to lessen her pain, and she used to always think how blessed she were to have someone like Cisco in her life, without an inkling to how true that would ultimately be.
 She was blessed to have Cisco in her life. And she thanked the multiverse for giving them the chance to slowly fall in love over the years, every day.
 What Barry told her was sweet, and she told him so. 
 Iris, already settled against the leather seats, reached forward to grab her daughter from her husband, and Caitlin climbed into the car next to her fiancé.
 She buckled her seatbelt and leaned against Cisco, letting him lazily stroke her side.
 He kissed her forehead, and she, like Nora, fell deeply asleep.
 A half hour later, they had made it back to their hotel. They parted ways with Barry and Iris, all with excited smiles and promises of early morning wake-ups.
 Cisco and Caitlin lingered in the hallway, talking animatedly about something Ralph said during the dinner. It was late—but not too late. The hotel was quiet, empty because the majority of the guests staying there were still out mingling at their rehearsal dinner, so they were the only two making their way down the long carpeted corridor.
 All too soon, they were in front of Suite 506, Caitlin’s room.
 She let out a big sigh, and fumbled in her purse for the keycard. She fished it out and looked down at it, twiddling it between her manicured fingers.
 “I don’t want you to go.”
 They’ve never slept apart. Not in years, unless one or the other was abducted or on an extended mission, in which case, they never slept anyway, kept awake with worry. And she knew Cisco was a romantic at heart, he did things that were out of the ordinary, he liked to be extra, showering her with affection, but all she wanted was to spend her last night with her fiancé with him, falling asleep to his heartbeat, listening to his whispers in her ear.
 Caitlin blinked up at him, biting her lip. “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
 She waited for his reply. He was wrestling with it on the inside, the way his brows furrowed and he traced circles into her wrist, where their hands were clasped by her hip, and she thought, just maybe, he’ll change his mind.
 But she should have known what he’d say, how when he had an idea he was stubborn with it, and carried it through until the end. Cisco cupped her face in his palms, kissing her gently. “It's only a few hours.”
 “Okay,” she whispered against his lips, then pulled away. “I love you.”
 He swooped in to kiss her again. “I love you too. I can’t wait to marry you.”
 Caitlin felt fuzzy warmth spread all over, a little weak at the knees. “I can’t wait to marry you.”
 She wrapped her arms around him, and he held her tightly for a moment, then pushed her gently away.
 Her keycard swiped against the passlock, and it clicked open with a green blink. Her hand pushed on the handle, and she twisted around as she stepped forward, committing this to memory, so that she’d remember it. “Goodnight.”
 “Goodnight princess.”  
 She turned, and the lights to the suite automatically flicked on when suddenly a hand drew her stumbling back, the door closing firmly again with a mechanical click.
 Cisco swallowed her words when he put his mouth over hers, kissing her with urgency. She huffed a surprised laugh, startling as she was pushed against the white door, her head knocking against the room numbers. But she wasn't complaining. 
 She moaned, dropping her clutch on the floor to grab his hair, kissing him back. He was peppering kisses all over her face, and Caitlin’s eyes were screwed shut, heart full of joy.
 “I knew you couldn’t do it,” she teased, and he growled, kissing her silent. “I’m not backing down,” he mumbled, between firm presses to her neck, “Just need something to last me the night.”
 She slipped her tongue into his mouth, slowing their franticness, letting herself be trapped against the wall, stuck there, with her back digging against the handle as his hands pulled at the folds of her satin dress. She sighed shakily, getting lost in the feeling of Cisco's warm, soft mouth. 
“Okay,” he laughed, pulling away. He darted close once more to kiss her where her lips were still parted, shining wet. “Okay that’s enough. I’m good to go.”
 He tried to drop their hold, stepping away from Suite 506, but Caitlin worried her bottom lip between her teeth, letting frost keep their hands glued together.
 “Nooo,” she whined. “Cisco stay.”
 He was laughing, his shirt all screwy and hair wild with flyaways, following her eyes with his, unable to get over how funny she was being.
 And she knew how she sounded, she did. But that did not let Caitlin stop. Let her have him. He's hers to hold anyway. 
 “Baby, I have to go. Think about how good it’ll be, tomorrow night, bottling this all up.”
 She tried to flatten his shirt, her hands all over his chest. “Think about…” she drawled, “How good it’ll be right now.” She kissed him right where his heart was, over his shirt, and she felt the way he shivered. She could win this, she knew she could, so she tangled her fingers back in his hair, whispering into his ear. “Think about, what we could be doing if you’d just come inside.”
 “Are you trying to seduce me the night before our wedding?” he quirked an eyebrow, but his jaw dropped open when she mouthed over it, fingers light over the stubble she knew he’d be shaving off come morning.
 “Is it working?” she asked hotly, before kissing him again.
 He walked them backwards, back against the wall, and she let her eyes close again as—
 She was no longer in his arms.
 Caitlin blinked, confused, then realized she was left alone in the hallway.
 “Cisco?” she called, peering around the corner, and found him with his hands on his knees next to Barry.
 “Why’d you do that?” Cisco exclaimed, catching his breath, recovering from the whiplash.
 “You’re the one who told me to!” Barry balked, throwing his hands up in defence. “You said if you weren’t in your room in twenty minutes to come find you!”
Cisco groaned, pressing his hands to his eyes. Caitlin picked up his suit jacket and her purse, which had been unceremoniously dumped on the floor.
 If he had asked Barry to whisk him away should he fall into temptation, then it meant he really wanted to follow through. Caitlin sighed in resignation, shaking her head at their antics.
 Cisco was right, they had the rest of their lives to be together. She handed Cisco his suit jacket.
 “Goodnight Cisco,” she said with a tone of finality. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Barry.”
 “Goodnight,” they both said, and Cisco left her with one last soft kiss.
 Caitlin made it into her suite without interruption, and closed the door softly behind, smiling to herself.
 She glanced at the clock, now that her mind was clear, and realized she still did have a few things to get together before she could fall into bed. She pulled off her heels and unzipped her dress, changing into sleeveless pyjamas and shorts.
 In the cabinet was the garment bag with Caitlin’s white dress.
 She remembered when she told Cisco she was going to go shop for it with Iris, a few months ago now.
 He sat quietly at his workstation, fiddling with his tools. When she asked him what was the matter, he had kept his eyes on his desk, saying, "You don’t have to buy a wedding gown. You have one already.”
 Caitlin paused at that, setting herself down at the chair across from him, feeling his heaviness. He was genuine, he honestly wouldn’t have minded. But the wedding dress that was in a box in her attic was not going anywhere. That was for an older version of herself, another Caitlin Snow. Not the one she was now, and she told him so. That she wanted a new dress, for a new marriage, for a new (but old) love, just as good, if not better, as her last.
 She came out of her thoughts with a wistful sigh, and opened the zipper of the bag, running her fingers along the silk and lace, pressing her forehead against the wood, imagining the day ahead of her.
 Now, to prepare for her wedding.
 She settled into bed an hour later, snuggling against the thin sheet. Her mind was racing, even if she didn’t want it to, her shower doing little help as she thought up worse case scenarios.
 It wasn’t her fault, but was it really that much a stretch to be afraid that Gorilla Grodd may crash her wedding? Or that her mother and Cisco’s aunt would throw a temper tantrum? Or worse, Caitlin gulped, her father would break out of prison to fight Joe for the right to walk Caitlin down the aisle. She was starting to feel some of Cisco’s anxiety. The last time she got married her husband exploded.
 Oh god, she needed to sleep.
 She was about to get up for a drink of water in the mini fridge when her suite door clicked open.
 Her back went stiff, and she tightened her hold against her pillow, keeping her frost on standby.
 It was too dark to make out what was happening, only that light spilled out from the hallway, and a shadow of a silhouette made its way in.
 She threw an ice dagger at the door, but it was met with a vibe blast, neutralizing in the air, and she sighed a breath of relief.
 “Cisco,” she whispered, perplexed. “You said you weren’t—”
 “Shh,” he said, padding his way forward, and she still couldn’t see him, but his voice was closer, so she reached to turn on the lamp.
His hand stopped her, covering the switch.
 “Nuh uh,” he said. “Turn around. It’s midnight now. Bad luck.”
 Caitlin wanted to grumble, but she couldn’t, grinning, and obeying by turning to her other side, facing the curtains. He slipped into the bed, his socks brushing her calves as he fit himself against her back. She grabbed his arms under the covers to wrap them around her torso, and she felt the pillow dip as he rested beside her, his hair falling over hers.
 “Hi,” he said, after comfortable quiet.
 She rolled her eyes in the dark, and stopped biting her tongue. “ Cisco. It was your dumb idea.”
 “It’s not dumb, just takes a lot of restraint. Restraint, I’ll admit, that I don’t have much of right now.”
 She settled into his embrace, and her mind finally eased.
 “You sleepy?”
 She nodded, and he told her to close her eyes and relax. It was easy now that he was here. He began to whisper in the dark, sweet nothings into her ear, soothing her. It was gooey and romantic and made her want to turn around and see his face.
 “Tomorrow you’ll wake up, and it’ll only be a short few hours until we exchange wedding vows. On paper, you’ll be Mrs. Ramon, but you’ll always be Caitlin Snow to me. And then we’ll be newlyweds, so we’ll have to be obnoxiously cute. Like, I want to give Barry and Iris a run for their money, you feel me? I feel like we deserve it, after all those years we had to put up with. We’ll be on our honeymoon and we’ll get to use that jacuzzi you want so bad, but we’ll also spend time in the ocean, and on the beach with sand and umbrellas and sunglasses."
 He paused, rubbing up and down her arm as Caitlin curled her fingers into the pillow.
 “Don’t stop,” she protested weakly.
 So he continued, “And of course we’ll share a lot of kisses and spent a lot of time in bed, late mornings where we’ll have to drag ourselves out in the last twenty minutes before breakfast closes, looking exactly like we spent hours with each other, which is exactly what we would've been up to.”
 His voice dropped lower, hushed, as he grew reflective. “One day we’ll start a family, and our family of two will turn into a family of three, maybe four...Maybe more?" He trailed off, pushing his luck. 
 "It ends at four," she said strictly. He chuckled against her neck.
 "What if we get a pet? Then it's five." 
 "Four, Cisco." 
 "Fine. Potentially four, but for now...for now it’s just us. Me and you, Caitlin, and that’s more than anything I could ever ask for, everything I ever dreamed.”
 Caitlin tried to turn around, but he held his hold, kissing her neck. “Go to sleep, the sooner you do the sooner it’ll begin.”
 She drifted off as Cisco got up, and stepped into his blue swirling breach.
 Caitlin didn’t keep track of the passage of time, only that she had felt like she'd been sleeping for years when the hotel phone rang.
 She pawed at it, half asleep as she answered. “‘Lo?”
 “Caitlin,” breathed the other line.
 “I can’t sleep—”
 She rubbed her eye with her fist.  “Come over then.”
 “I can’t.”
 “I just want to hear your voice.”
  Well, she thought. Her voice was slurred, thick with sleep, but that seemed to be what he wanted. “I’m too tired to talk much.”
 “That’s fine,” he soothed, quiet. “—Um, don’t hang up. This is enough.”
 A few minutes of silence, nothing but their breathing, and eventually, the phone slid out of her hand, falling against the pillow. She slipped into a dream, knowing he was still with her, with his phone cord tangled in his hands, two floors below.
 The flashes were bright in her eyes, and she blinked rapidly as she felt blinded.
“Look to the ground, Caitlin.”
 She listened to the photographer, casting down her gaze. She was sitting on a bench in front of the wide balcony of her suite.
 It was early, and they’d been taking pictures of her since the bridesmaids got dressed, minutes after Caitlin had scarfed down the last of her breakfast, the rose Cisco had left with her room service meal now in a vase. She had woken up with the hotel phone lost under the sheets, and when she fished it out, his even breathing greeted her ear.
 She looked at her shoes. They were white pumps with traces of blue and silver pearls and snowflakes along the heel. Something blue. And not to follow any tradition, but because she felt, even if she had to conceal her Frost this weekend, she should still honour her in a discreet way. She had spent close to six weeks walking around in them, trying to break them in. She bit her lip, remembering Cisco laughing when he noticed her wearing the heels around Star Labs with her lab coat, the only part of her outfit she had let Cisco see before today.
 “Your lipstick!” the photographer complained, and she had to refrain from rolling her eyes as Felicity wiped the lipstick stain off her top teeth, Iris on the other side, with more of the shade.
 Mrs. Fumera was checking things off her clipboard, talking a mile a minute, rushing back and forth between her room and Cisco’s, until finally she announced she was going to inspect the venue before the first guests arrived, hurrying off as the photographer bent down with their giant camera, taking more pictures of her face.
 Her dress was long. Like, really long. She knew it was when she picked it out and her mother pursed her lips. It was a cathedral wedding, Cisco’s mother had insisted one, and it would’ve looked silly to have a short dress, or one without a train. The veil too, Mrs. Ramon insisted.
 Caitlin went a little pink. She was going to be a Mrs. Ramon today, too.
 She ran her fingers along the lace as more flashes went off. Yes, it was long but it was beautiful. Caitlin fell in love with the lace sleeves and romantic swirls. And Iris spent almost two hours on her hair, kneeling on the hotel bed with bobby pins in her mouth, pulling every loose strand from every part of her head, styling it up.
 Someone knocked on the door, and Jesse let them in. It was Barry. He was dressed in a tuxedo, carrying in Nora in her adorable flower girl dress with one arm, his other hand pressing his phone to his ear, nodding something over and over. He put Nora down when she saw her mother and she sprinted to Iris.
 “Well if it isn’t my baby girl looking so sweet!” Iris cooed.
Nora, whose hair was up in a little curly poof, stuck her fingers in her mouth, staring at Caitlin.
 “Pretty,” she mumbled around her thumb.
 Caitlin smiled, and patted the little room left on the bench, and Nora climbed up to sit next to her.
 Barry approached after hanging up from his call, his jaw dropped slightly.
 “...Cait,” he said, and she found it comical, the way she saw tears in his eyes. “Oh, Cait. Oh Wow. Cisco’s gonna—Man, he might faint, I don’t know.”
 Caitlin’s heart skipped a beat at hearing his name
 He wrapped his arm around Iris, who looked at him with a judgy face. “He won’t faint.”
 “He might,” Barry argued, unsure. “I just got off the phone with him. He’s dressed too.”
 Caitlin’s mother rearranged the way Nora was sitting on the bench, crossing her legs at the ankles, and pulling her thumb out of her mouth before telling the photographer to take more shots.
 Caitlin squinted at the bright light again.
 Kara snickered. “It’s like you’re allergic to the flash.”
 Everyone in suite 506 turned to Kara, unimpressed, especially the photographer, and even her mother rolled her eyes.
 “What? It’s a funny joke!”
 Wally came bounding into the room, hitting Barry on the lapels of his suit. “Dude, the limo’s here, we were looking for you.”
 “I was dropping Nora off with the girls!”
 “Yeah,” Wally said, throwing Jesse a wink. “For ten minutes. And you could’ve done that in less than ten seconds,” he faltered, realizing the photographer was in the room, “Metaphorically speaking.”
“Wally,” Iris said, pinching the bridge of her nose.
 “My point is, Cisco is like, losing his shit over you—”
 Caitlin covered Nora’s ears from his swear, a second too late, heart leaping in her chest once again.
 “— Wally! ”
 “Uh—Sorry Nora! Let’s gooooo!”
 Wally shoved Barry out the room, and it wasn’t lost on Caitlin, when she saw a blur of red and yellow lightning, that they were, quite literally, making a mad dash out the door.
 She was waiting for it. That buzzing feeling people described when they were so happy it was like they were drunk. She hadn’t before, not as they ushered her down the steps of the hotel, carrying her train so she wouldn’t trip, or when guests from the hotel stopped and stared. Not when she climbed into the limousine with Joe, who was waiting for her in the lobby with a handkerchief pressed to his sweaty forehead. She didn’t feel that then.  She was clutching her bouquet, silent during her ride.
 She wondered what Cisco was thinking right now. Knowing him, he was probably talking his friends’ ears off, getting ready to stand up at the altar. He did that. When he was nervous or excited and everything in between. He’d talk and talk and talk and—Her thoughts cut short.
The next time she’d hear his voice will be when he’s marrying her.
 The limo turned a corner, and she saw the cathedral through the window, catching through the sunlight streaming in her veil, just how big it was, and bells were ringing and—Oh.
 Yes. Elation unfurled like a sail in the wind in a tight corner of her heart. She felt it now.
 Caitlin began to smile.
 Joe nudged her shoulder, sensing her realization that they were moments away.
 It was like the time was rushed, like Barry’s speed. One minute the car was parking, the next, Joe was taking her hand. She tried to remember the things their wedding planner had instructed yesterday while she and Cisco were fooling around.
 She took in a deep breath.
 “You ready?” Joe asked her, and the double doors were opening and there was organ music and there was rustling as guests stood up and all her friends were already at the front where, she couldn’t see them exactly, it was too big, too far away, she remembered all the steps she and Cisco took, arguing about his silly superstition as they made their way up there, but she knew who it would be, in what order, even. Ralph, then Harry then Wally, a gap for Dante, Barry, then—
  “Yes,” she breathed, choked up.
 Then Cisco.
 It only took another ten steps for everything to fall away around her, her vision zeroing in to the front, when she saw him in the distance. 
 And it was peaceful, and easy. All she was doing was walking towards him and, maybe Cisco’s stupid superstition, wasn’t quite so stupid anymore.
 She saw the exact moment he saw her, truly saw her, his mouth opening with a silent gasp, eyes first wide, then softening, teary and shining like starlight.
 Caitlin was starting to shake, and Joe took his time as they walked down the aisle, but Caitlin wanted to be with Cisco already, wanted to be close and lock eyes with him as they held hands.
 Cisco looked so good, more than good, absolutely dark and handsome and amazing, with every extra step she took.
 Caitlin wasn’t sure what she’d say, when she’ll finally stand in front of him. Squeak, maybe, and stammer over him with a giant blush. She couldn’t tear her eyes away. His long hair in messy perfect waves over his shoulders and wearing a crisp three piece black tuxedo. And his beautiful smile. The one she fell for, simply beaming for her.
 Distantly, she felt Clarissa Stein touch her arm as she walked past her pew, and she forced herself to look at her, only for a second, before they made their way back up to him.
 When she got to the three steps, Joe kissed her cheek over the veil, and let her go. Nora, Jenna and Cisco’s little cousin Elena tossed flower petals for extra emphasis, getting a little carried away until Barry reached forward to whisk them out of the way. Iris took Caitlin’s bouquet, and Kara kept her steady, climbing over mic wires fastened to the ground.
 The music stopped abruptly, and the guests sat down as Kara stepped towards the mic to sing, but Caitlin didn’t notice, because suddenly Cisco was right there, drinking her in, a tear streaming down his face. She reached forward, wiping it away.
 “Cisco," she murmured.
 He stepped closer, trembling fingers reaching up to remove her veil delicately, letting it fall over the back of her head so he could see her face.
 He leaned in close, whispering into her ear, “You take my breath away.”
 She closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering as he stroked her cheek. A strong wave of emotion flooded her, and she tried her best to hold herself together.
 “I love you,” she said back, looking up with tears. He took both her hands, brushing her knuckles, and mouthed the words back.
 The melody of Kara’s song ended, and the minister began the ceremony.
 The entire wedding party held their breath.
 But the minister didn’t vaporize in midair.
 Nobody screamed, no evil Metahuman turned up. The world didn’t implode.
 The officiant just kept talking, and Caitlin realized at the same time Cisco did, that this was actually going to happen.
 Everything went smoothly, Caitlin and her personalized vows, which she had memorized, and had rehearsed, folding and refolding the slip of paper she had written them on until she didn’t need the creased disaster it was anymore. She was surprised that her voice never wavered, but silently pleased.
 And then Cisco’s, which were honest, and witty but thoughtful, and surprisingly eloquent. She laughed a few times, and when he stopped to swallow, heart caught in his throat when he mentioned the day they first kissed, Caitlin brought his hand up to her lips and kissed his fingers.
 Baby John, who was no longer a baby, held out the rings.
 Cisco took the wedding band off the cushion, and Caitlin outstretched her hand.
 The officiant fed Cisco the words slowly, and he repeated them. 
 “With this ring, I thee wed." 
 Cisco slid the ring onto her finger.
 Caitlin took the second band on John’s pillow, smiling gratefully at the boy, and did the same.
 “With this ring, I thee wed.”
 The officiant held out his hands. “The bride and groom will now perform the candle ceremony.”
 It was something Cisco had sat Caitlin down about, and wanted. This wedding meant a lot to his family, his parents especially, knowing this would be the only marriage they’d get to throw for their child, after Dante’s passing. And so they wanted to invite their whole family, and include their traditions, hence the cathedral wedding and the veil and the candle ceremony.
 The candle ceremony was a beautiful concept, one Caitlin readily agreed to partake in.
 Iris and Barry handed each of them a lit candle, and the officiant held the larger third. They tilted the candles together, sparking the third one aflame, and it burned bright between them.
 “Cisco and Caitlin will now extinguish their own lights, for the two have now become one.”
 Caitlin was discreet with hers, eyes going blue, and a single strand of hair streaming silver under her veil, blowing her candle with a cold front and a quiet hiss.
 Cisco smirked, knowing it was what she’d do, and blew his to smoke as well.
 Her frost went back to hide. It was a blink and miss it, only should they know what they were looking at would a guest realize what had happened, and the officiant didn’t seem to notice, either.
 Ralph took the candle from the officiant, setting it off to the side.
 It was the moment they were waiting for, and Caitlin could hardly wait, grinning at Cisco as they were announced to the cathedral.
 “I now pronounce you husband and wife!” He nodded to Cisco, who was almost bouncing on his toes with excitement, “You may now kiss the—“
 Cisco swooped in, kissing her senseless. She gripped the shoulder of his tuxedo as he dipped her in front of the crowd, kissing him the best she could through the giant smile on her face.
 It got really loud, their friends were cheering around them, but Caitlin just wanted more. She gasped into his mouth and Cisco helped her back upright, only so she could throw her arms around his neck and kissed him harder.
 They had to stop, so they did eventually, and the organ music was playing again as Cisco tugged her down the steps, into the back room where they signed their marriage certificate, Barry and Iris following along as their witnesses.
 She signed with a flourish, more extravagant with her handwriting than usual, adding her happiness into the penmanship, figuring it was fit for the occasion.
 Soon they made their way back down the long aisle, waving to the guests leaving together.
 It was very hot outside, Caitlin felt it the moment she stepped out, and they waited for the procession of the rest of the wedding party.
 “Caitlin,” Cisco finally said with awe and a special tenderness, now that they finally had a moment alone. He looked like he was in a dream, eyes glossed over with a gobsmacked expression.
She put her hand on his face, and tucked a loose strand of his hair behind his ear, admiring her new ring where it sat snug.
 “We did it,” she said, and he only laughed, pulling her to him by the waist, and kissed her again.
 Barry went speeding out, jumping at them, and gave Cisco a big hug.
 “That was amazing! My best friends just got married!” he cried, yelling out to the street. A passerby raised an eyebrow at his volume, but it was hard to miss what was going on, what with the bells clanging and the church spilling out with guests in formal wear.
 Iris lifted the material of her dark blue matron of honour gown as she crossed the large doors, smiling fondly at her dorky husband.
 “Calm down a little?” she teased, but she too looked very excited, fussing over Caitlin’s hair and smoothing out any ripples in her bodice before the photographer tried to take more pictures.
 The limousine honked, and Mrs. Fumera stomped in her five inch heels, shooing them onto the road. It took all of her bridesmaids to push her train into the car. They buckled their seat belts and drove off for more pictures in the Spanish sun.
 She rested her head against her husband’s shoulder and closed her eyes as the engine revved up, hearing the cathedral’s bells in the distance even for miles after they drove away.
 She just married her love.
 Caitlin didn’t care anymore. They could take as many pictures as they’d like.
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ciscoatthedisco · 5 years
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World’s most angsty killervibe twins
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bethchapelsbonnet · 3 years
Hournite + 35
35 “would you be upset if i kissed you?”
Beth was a force to be reckoned with. She knew that a lot sooner than anybody else around her did, and didn't even realize that she was as strong as she ultimately turned out to be. She was doing things that she never imagined and always came out on top.
Her daily words of affirmation, an extensive system of self care, and a small but very close network of friends that she loved like family made her unstoppable. Fearless. The GOAT in recent history...
Then, she would see Rick Tyler. Her main weakness.
They were friends, so she didn't think too deeply into the way he made her feel at first. She was happy to have friends! They were teammates, so it didn't Dawn on her how much he had her back when stakes were high and her fighting skills were low. She was relieved to have survived the battles! They were close, so she overlooked the gazing, the gleam in his eyes when he smiled, and convinced herself that she was overanalyzing the soft touches and tender whispers of support.
She would call him up, "Where are you?" And merely expect an answer. She would compliment him as naturally as she breathed, "Rick has AMAZING super strength." In all those times, she missed something. Granted, she had things going on that kept her attention scattered, but if Rick showed up, her attention found it's resting place.
He had gotten a broken rib in his defense of her.. or maybe he got it afterwards, but in her mind, he went through a lot specifically because of his protective nature. That was when it happened. When she could no longer explain away the feelings. When she thought back on all of the looks, the tone of voice and gentleness he now had with her. The way that they gravitated to one another mentally and physically.
That was when she realized that she liked him, maybe more, and she figured that she probably wanted him too. But, there had been so much going on.
Facing off with Eclipso, Rick's jail stint, her parents' relationship... She had a lot keeping her from going after her heart's desire. She promised herself that when it was over and they were all safe and victorious, she would make a move. They. Were. Now. IN. That. Era.
Rick was at his locker, trading out books. She watched him adjust his hair, apply lip balm, reapply cologne, and then linger on a photo of her in his locker. She smiled, took a deep breath and marched over, telling herself that this was the time. She could do it. Just walk up to him and make her declaration!
"Rick!" She said louder than she planned. He looked up from her photo and smiled. Weakness. Once again. She stared at him, frozen in her place with her smile frozen on her face. He squinted and she stepped even closer, clearly with something important to say.
"Beth, are you okay?" He wondered. He reached out and took one of her hands, which normally would steel her nerves, but today made her feel even more anxious.
"I just.. wanted... To say.. to ask.." she laughed at herself. She's faced the devil and won, but when it came to Rick Tyler, her defense system was non-existent, because usually HE was a defender. But, his face was so concerned, she bit her lip, twisted her face in a most uncomfortable smile and for one of the very few times in her entire existence, timidly asked, "Would you be upset if I kissed you?"
That was NOT what she had planned to say at all. It was on none of the note cards. It wasn't in any of the saved docs. It hadn't been practiced in her mirror or with a hologram of Rick from her goggles. But, when he smiled like Christmas morning, pulled her tense body into his arms and responded with a kiss - all was lost.
She had no clue of where she was or who, for a moment. Only enraptured with his hands gently rested on her waist, his lips, so soft and recently moisturized, and his intoxicating cologne wrapping her in a cloud of sensation.
Her elbows were bent and unmoving, her hands clenched into fists, and she was making sounds that drove Rick wild and only made him kiss her more and harder. Several students had stared, a few began whispering and Rick suddenly became conscious of the fact that they weren't alone. He withdrew his mouth, but kept her in his arms and she made a whining whimper when his mouth left hers.
Immediately, she covered her mouth and giggled uncontrollably. Then she began tracing her lips with her fingertips as Rick collected her with one arm and helped her move forward. She seemed to still be in her.. weakened state. "No," he said. "I wouldn't be upset at all."
Beth smiled brightly at him and snuggled into his side. "Good to know!" She cheered, slowly redeeming her will from his hold. "I've gotta say though... I think when we kiss from now on, it should probably be in private."
He laughed, "I agree. You did not have control of your functions back there." Rick teased, but his eyes were full of the warmth of love that his kiss sent radiating through her body.
"I had not properly prepared myself for that.. I don't know if I COULD prepare for that.. but, privacy will give me more practice!" She smiled and raised her thumbs, unable to shake all of the electric impulses Rick made her feel.
"Mmm. I'm going to be eager to assist you with this."
With her confidence falling comfortably back into place, now that she had addressed her weakness, Beth flirtatiously said, "You never know. I might show you a few things." With that, from the color of his face and his expression, she knew that she had conquered yet another fear and become victorious. She bit her lip for emphasis, and then giggled and shrugged her shoulders.
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incendiaglacies · 4 years
4 for the meta asks for writers!
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
Hmmm....a different story for once, from Having Someone
Gideon scanned him as he asked. His heart rate was slightly fast, it could be related to the stress of the mission from today. His pupils were dilated, but it was also extremely dark in the room. Endorphin levels were at a pleasant level. And all this meant…what? Gideon could not give her Captain an answer he wanted. She didn’t understand. It was not something she enjoyed.
I’m rather proud of this one because it’s from AI Gideon’s pov which is not something I normally write. It was interesting trying to write Gideon’s emotions and reactions in a way that would make sense for an AI. And I like this one, because she has all this information in front of her and just doesn’t know what to do with it.
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
Whatever Happened to Tuesday
One last reaction fic! Please excuse any inaccuracies, since I’ve only watched clips and gifsets. I’m not strong enough to watch the whole episode.
Edited to correct a detail about Frost, thanks @thatkillervibe!
Whatever Happened to Tuesday
Cisco slouched into the couch, grinning as he watched Barry shred on air guitar, hair flying as he sang his latest karaoke song without having to look at the screen. 
This was nice. This whole evening had been nice. The four of them, like they had been in the beginning. 
No Wells, though.
Still, that was right, too. He'd idolized the original Wells, the one who hadn't been Wells at all.  There had always been a quiet thrum of anxiety down his spine when he was around Wells, as if this time was the time he would disappoint the older man, and see the pride in his eyes dissolve. 
Thawne had probably known that. Probably encouraged it in a dozen subtle ways.
Joe had never made him feel that way, even though he was of an age with Wells/Thawne, and Cisco's own pop, who had always looked at him with disappointment. No, with Joe it had always been steady belief and quiet support, right up to the moment earlier in the evening when he'd extended an open invitation to stay .
Not that Cisco would take him up on it. Or at least, not too much. Joe totally meant it, but he also had Cecile and Jenna in the house, his own little family.
It was good to have some time with Barry, too. Not that Iris wasn't awesome, but sometimes when she was around, it felt like Barry was only with her and the rest of them were sort of set dressing.
Which was fine, she was his wife and the love of his life. That was how these things went. But it was hard not to miss Barry sometimes.
And Caitlin was smiling and laughing too, the quiet worry that tightened her mouth and the corners of her eyes softened for a few hours. He was going to need to keep up on that sitch from Star City. Frost could take care of herself, obviously, but that wouldn’t stop Caitlin from obsessing about her sister’s safety while she was on the lam.
Did it make him a bad friend if he was kind of relieved not to have Frost's chilly presence in the room? He was beginning to warm up - ha, ha - to her. But she wasn't Caitlin. That had been the whole problem.
Don't think about it, he told himself, crunching a carrot stick from the tray on the coffee table. Just enjoy having Caitlin here with you.
Enjoy having all of them here with you.
One last time.
He glanced at her, and she gave him a big grin, her eyes scrunching up into her cheeks so he knew it was real. He grinned back. 
With one last furious air guitar chord, Barry finished his song, and they all clapped and cheered and laughed. He laughed too, zipping over to the kitchen and zipping back with a big glass of water. "Cisco," he said, glugging it, "your turn."
"Dude, I did all my songs!"
"Then pick another one!" Barry threw himself into the couch again and started eating celery sticks.
"I could sing," Caitlin said, and laughed when they all yelled "No!" She'd butchered a Taylor Swift song early in the night and had her microphone taken away, as usual.
Cisco strongly suspected that her terrible singing voice was at least fifty percent deliberate, when she was sober, at least. Frost had sing-yelled an Aerosmith song at her birthday party last year and she hadn't been half bad.
Still, faced with the threat of what Caitlin might do to another innocent song, he flipped through the options on his karaoke app. They were all familiar, well-worn like good jeans. Somehow he didn't want to sing any of them, though. He jumped back to the home menu and hit "random." 
Weird Al Yankovic? No.
Something in Korean? Um, no.
Van Morrison?
He paused, studying the seventies-tastic album cover with its bubble lettering and folky white guy. The first guitar solo spooled out in his mind, and he moved his fingers on invisible strings.
"Are you going to sing that one?" Caitlin asked, sitting down next to him.
"Maybe," he said. 
"It's really pretty."
"Yeah, and it's fun. Sha-la-la, la-la, la-la, la-la," he sang. "La-la tee-da, la-tee-da."
"Brown-Eyed Girl," Joe said from the kitchen. "Van Morrison."
Barry chomped a carrot stick. "Oh yeah, this came out when you were in high school, right?" He grinned a shit-eating grin around the vegetable, well aware that he was off by about twenty years.
"Just for that," Joe said, coming back with a cup of coffee, "I'll tell you that my pop used to sing it to my mama all the time."
"That's not so bad," Barry said, falling into his foster father's trap. 
"Mmhm," Joe said, sipping coffee. "Pretty sure that song is why I got conceived."
Barry gagged. "Oh my god. Not Grandma Esther. Please, Joe."
Joe laughed his big, rich laugh. "Son, you remember this when you want to embarrass your own kids in about ten, fifteen years.." He nodded at Cisco. "You too."
Cisco smiled weakly and tried to catch Caitlin's eye to exchange silent glances. But she was fussing with the hem of her - his - Han Shot First t-shirt, trying to fold in a little spot where the thread was coming loose. 
He looked back at the screen. Yeah, he should sing this song. His guitar was back home, leaning up against his suitcases to take to Star City with him, but he could probably talk Barry into whisking it over here . . .
Barry grabbed his phone when it lit up. "Heyyyy, Iris and the girls are on their way back," he said.
Caitlin cleared her throat. 
"I mean the other girls," Barry said. "You know what I mean."
She shook her head, smiling a little. "You should sing this for Kamilla," she said to Cisco.
For a moment he was confused. Kamilla? She didn't even like oldies . . . 
Oh right. Kamilla. His girlfriend. Who had brown eyes.
"You know what, maybe not," he said, flipping back to the home screen of the app.
"Why not? It would be cute," Barry said.
"Yeah, but if you really listen to the lyrics, they're actually kinda sad. Like, he's thinking about this girl that he used to be with and they used to have all this fun and now he's like, where did all that go? He sees her in passing and she's changed so much and all he can think about is the way things used to be . . . " He tapped the "random" button again. "Everything's different now. It's just sad."
Caitlin looked at him for a moment, with her eyes the color of honey and root beer and amber. "Good point," she said. "Maybe something else, then."
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childofsquidward · 3 years
Last line tag game
Tagged By: @pietrothepoltergeist thank you for the tag!!! (once again, I would like to apologize for forgetting that this was just chillin in my drafts because I was definitely tagged in this months ago)
Rules: Post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words(ish).
Worth The Risk Ch. 3 - Untitled (Dil Dosti Dance Fic)
"You will hate my sister until your last dying breath.”
So I went with the last WIP that I had actually opened/been working on and of course the last line that I wrote had to be ten words (I swear this line is not as dramatic as it sounds, cartoons are definitely involved). Anyways, I would like to tag @shaonharryandpannisim @thatkillervibe @lightninginmyeyes @temmie-loony @maniq1 @writeturnlove @headoverhiddles @darwinquark (and also please feel free to do this if you come across it)
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isaacmcadoo · 4 years
This is my first real Flash fic, so I hope everyone enjoys it. I wrote this for @thatkillervibe, I hope you like it!
Barry groaned as he closed his eyes. He felt like his head was going to explode. He hadn’t even thought he could get sick. But here he was, lying on the couch in the loft with the curtains drawn, all the lights off, and a cool, wet cloth draped across his forehead.
Suddenly, he heard the door open.
“Iris?” Barry brought his head up to try and catch a glimpse of who it was. He winced and let himself fall back to stare at the ceiling.
“Nope, just me.” Cecile’s voice rang through the apartment in response. Barry lifted his head slightly once more, smiling once he caught sight of the woman.
“Cecile? What are you doing here?” Barry shifted to get a better look at her. He let out a hiss of pain before he settled onto his side.
“I came to check up on you. Joe told me you were pretty sick, and since Iris is out of town, I thought I’d check in.” Cecile spoke as she dropped her bag next to the door and pulled off her jacket. “To make sure you were okay.”
“I mean…” Barry used his right arm to limply gesture to the rest of his body before he began coughing loudly. The pain in the back of his head grew intense as his chest heaved. Cecile rushed forward, rubbing gentle circles on his back as the coughing subsided.
He let his eye flicker open to glance up at the woman.
“Thank you.” Cecile smiled.
“Of course.” She spoke, still rubbing circles. “What happened, I didn’t think you got sick?” Barry shrugged.
“We’re not really sure. We think it might be a meta, but who knows.” Cecile nodded in understanding, before backing away from the couch. 
“Well, I’m here to take care of you for a few hours.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Cecile fixed him with a look.
“Of course I have to, your family.” Barry gave a small smile as he turned to look up at the ceiling again.
“I brought some soup.” Cecile walked back to her bag, pulling out a small thermos before returning to the couch. 
“Soup sounds amazing.” Cecile grinned widely as she headed for the kitchen, pulling a bowl out and gently pouring the contents of the thermos into it. She grabbed a spoon from a drawer before carefully making her way back to the couch, placing the bowl on the coffee table.
“Could you, uh…” Barry spoke, looking slightly embarrassed before he cleared his throat and continued. “Could you help me up?” Cecile nodded, gently grabbing one of his arms and pulling his body into an upright position. The damp rag fell off the couch and Cecile snatched it up off the ground, making her way back into the kitchen. She tossed it into the sink, taking a few minutes to clean the kitchen for a moment while Barry sipped his soup. Finally, she pulled out a new, clean rag, running it under water before ringing it out and folding it into a neat line. She returned to the living room, where Barry had fallen back onto the couch.
“Here you go.” She spoke softly, draping it over his forehead.
“Thanks.” Barry mumbled as he pulled the blanket up around his neck. 
“You should get some sleep.” Cecile gave his shoulder a loving pat. Barry nodded his head. 
“Okay.” Barry let his eyes drift close as Cecile stood a few feet away, a soft smile on his face. Once his breathing evened out, she turned, taking in the mess of the living room. She sighed as she reached down and began collecting all the tissues that had missed the trash can.
She continued to clean up around the living room, throwing out the remainder of the soup, sweeping up, tossing a few of the blankets in the laundry basket. 
After about an hour of cleaning, she pulled out the paperback she had brought with her and finally sank into the armchair next to Barry’s head, letting out a content sigh. 
Another hour later, Barry stretched his arms up over his head, pulling the rag off his forehead. He turned on his side to look up at Cecile through his eyelashes. He smiled softly, touched that she had stayed.
“You’re still here.” Cecile glanced up at him, a smile stretching across her face before she slid her bookmark between the pages.
“Of course. I had to make sure you were okay.” Cecile stood, making her way back to the kitchen. She returned a few moments later, a glass of water in one hand, and a couple of Advils in the other.
“Here you go.” Barry sat up, graciously accepting the water and popping the Advils into his mouth. As he did so, Cecile slowly sat down near his feet.
“Thank you.” She patted his feet before glancing up at the clock on the wall she frowned realizing how late it was. She turned back to face Barry, a sad smile on her face.
“I have to get going.” She stood slowly. “But you should get back to sleep. Joe’ll be here to check on you in a few hours.”
“Okay.” Barry’s voice was quiet as he turned on his side, settling in for another long nap. 
“Thanks, Mom.” He muttered as she pulled the blanket up over his shoulders. Cecile froze, gazing down at the young man. 
After a few moments, she gently brought her hand up to cup his cheek. Finally she slowly bent down, placing a soft kiss to his forehead.
“You’re welcome.” Quickly, she stood, making her way to the door, throwing on her jacket and pulling her bag up on her shoulder. She let herself glance back over at the couch before she walked out the door. She let a small smile tug at her mouth before she quietly closed the door.
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greenfleeze · 4 years
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Looking at these screencaps and reading a few Flashpoint Killervibe fanfics gave me this idea, so I decided to make an edit! I'm writing a corresponding story to go with it too. I'd like to dedicate this to @mosylufanfic, @thatkillervibe and @sssssssim because if I hadn’t read their fics, I wouldn’t have gotten the extra inspiration to write for this amazing fandom! Thanks a lot, darlings!💞
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hournites · 3 years
Here’s the fic where Rick actually drowns in the swirlie asdfghjkl 
@granolabird @blackfemmecharacterdependency @lostinthespeedforce
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staroflightning · 4 years
I haves,,,,,,, a few😅 3,4,5,6,11, and 20?💖
Thank you so much for the ask!!! 🥰 sorry it took me a bit to answer it!!
3. 3 songs that mean something to you
Oh god, only three? Uh. “Talk To Me” by Cavetown, “Secret For The Mad” by Dodie, and “Here Comes A Thought” from Steven Universe.
4. 3 topics you’d like to learn more about
Psychology is the first that comes to mind. I’m pretty interested in psychology and I’d love to learn more about it. And I love analyzing the psychology behind fictional characters. Other than that, uh... I know there’s more topics that I’m interested in learning about, but my mind is blanking right now.
5. 3 colors to paint your room
Right now my room is like a dark beige / light brown color, but tbh I’d love to paint my room a deep blue or purple color.
6. 3 characters that inspire you
First one that comes to mind is Beth Chapel from Stargirl. I see her as neurodivergent-coded, whether or not that was intentional, and I think a lot of neurodivergent people can relate to her. She has a hard time making friends because her peers think she’s annoying because of her tendency to ramble / talk a lot, and ppl will sometimes be rlly rude to her but she never lets it bring her down. She’s so sunshiney and positive and happy, because she chooses not to let the rude comments get to her and just??? truly inspiring, I love her so much. There are other characters I could name and ik the ask called for three characters but this is already long enough so I’m just gonna move on
11. 3 books you would recommend everyone to read
Uh I’m blanking on books, so I’m going to recommend fanfic authors instead. @shakesqueer-writes (yes ik you sent me this ask but I’m tagging you for the shout-out), @thatkillervibe and @mosylufanfic are all great fic writers. also @psycho-crazy-pineapples, I haven’t gotten a chance to fully read her fics yet but I skimmed over her platonic Rick and Yolanda one shot and it was tooth-rottingly sweet (I’ll reblog it once I get a chance to fully read over it, I promise! and I can’t wait to read your other fics!)
20. 3 adjectives that you’d use to describe yourself
Gay, gay, and gay-
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killervibe · 5 years
“Was that you singing? Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?
Caitlin tapped his shoulder, walking in from the hallway. “Was that you singing? Why didn’t you tell me you could sing?”
Cisco spun around, startled, and yanked out his headphones. He put his hand over his heart. “Caitlin, geez. I sing. I sing all the time.”
“No, you sing under your breath. That’s different. You never told me you can actually sing.
Caitlin kept hitting his shoulder, “Why am I finding out only now that I’m the only one of us who sounds like a dying whale?”
Cisco laughed, but stopped when Caitlin looked embarrassed. 
“Oh, honey, no. You don’t sound like a–”
“–Yes she does,” Barry interrupted from across the Cortex. 
Cisco glared at Barry. 
“Okay, so singing’s not your talent. You have others.” 
Cisco scoffed, bumping shoulders with her affectionately just thinking about what Caitlin could do, “God, so many others. Besides. I can’t dance.” 
Caitlin raised an eyebrow. “And I can?” 
“Better than me!” Cisco insisted. He pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him. 
“You sound so good,” she murmured. “You should sing to me sometime.” 
Cisco grinned at her,  “Thank you.  Maybe I will.  And just so you know, you may be no Celine Dion, but your regular voice is beautiful, and always has been.” 
Caitlin bit her lip at the praise. “Cisco…” 
He closed his eyes and hummed happily. “See? Music to my ears. That’s exactly what I mean.” 
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carpisuns · 4 years
Some fluffy fic recs for your Valentine’s Day! 💕
these are just ones I read recently and liked or ones I just like in general
With Love
By @thatkillervibe
(Actual Valentine’s Day fluff! Haha)
if you fall (know i've got you) (ladynoir)
Two Hundred and Fifty-Four (ladynoir)
By @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights
(Or literally anything by tali dhsjsjsj)
~my love, falling for you was like breathing, but loving you is like living~ (ladynoir) ❤️
By @mlady-noir
@kittyynoirr’s fluff week set! ❤️❤️ (all sides)
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man (marichat—so cute and funny!!)
The Course of Love (oneshot/drabble series, all sides)
By @botherkupo
Shipping Wars (short multichap, all sides)
By @thewritewolf
(I laughed so freaking hard at this dhsjsjsjsj)
kiss me like the world is gonna disappear series (all sides) 💜💜💜
By @bugabisous
this turned out to be pretty ladynoir heavy oops so feel free to add!
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singinprincess · 4 years
FIC REC: “She's Clueless, Cupid” by MoonlightShines
Read “She’s Clueless, Cupid” on AO3!!
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It’s FLUFF WEEK over at @killervibecandy​!!! And how can we have a week dedicated to fluff and not include this absolute sugar-filled, tooth-rotting, heart-melting, beautifully written marshmallow by @thatkillervibe​!?!?! It’s such a wonderful, romantic fic that I can barely put it into words, but definitely one you need to read! You might cry a little, but purely because it’s so BEAUTIFUL!! Co-mod extraordinaire, talented author, and an awesome friend?!?! Astounding. Gonna throw a whole pinata full of candy at you!!!
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killervibecandy · 4 years
Candygram for @ thatkillervibe for On the same page! I loved how it was the aftermath of Wally's wedding! And how Cisco kept playfully flirting slightly! All in all great fic, highly recommend!
Read it here!
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