#thanks again anon ill fix that
glacialltz · 2 years
In your rules it says characters will always be gn.. did u mean readers will always be gn??
hi anon! yes thats what i meant 😔ill change that in a bit to make it a bit clearer. thank you for letting me know it was a bit misleading :))
for the first time in ages i have smth written queued up and ready to post tomorrow as well... shocking...
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buwheal · 7 days
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
On Thin Ice
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
This was requested by anon, but I'm not including the request because I'm going to write at least one more part and I don't want to spoil anything. But thanks so much for requesting, anon my love! I'm really having fun with it :) Also, just a disclaimer that I know next to nothing about figure skating, so while I tried to look most things up, there may be some inaccuracies
summary: when your usual figure skating partner Regulus is injured, you're forced to prepare the most romantic routine you've ever done with Sirius Black. You've known Sirius since you were little and have always found him irritating, but as you spend more and more time together, your feelings towards him start to change
cw: mention of injury (no details), Sirius Black is a relentless flirt
Figure Skater!Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 3.3k words
You want to be kinder to your friend, but you’re a bit angry with him. You’re not great at hiding it, either.
“It’s not like I can fucking help it.” Regulus rolls his eyes, and you do your best to undo the petulant pout of your lips. 
“I know,” you sigh. “I know that. I’m sorry, it’s just, seriously? Why can’t Coach give me someone else?”
“You know why.” 
You blow out another huffy breath, because you do know, but that doesn’t make you like it any better. Sirius is our best bet, your coach had told you, firm and impassive to your protests. He’s great on the ice, he always scores well, and Reg can teach him the routine while they’re at home. If we used anyone else, we’d lose time while they learned it. You’d sulked, and he’d given you a stern look. So suck it up. 
And you’re trying. Kind of. You wouldn’t ordinarily consider yourself an ill-tempered person, but Sirius Black brings out the worst in you. Always has. He’s Regulus’ irritating older brother, always around to pull your pigtails when you were little and make fun of everything you and Reg enjoyed as you got older. And in everything you love about your best friend, Sirius is the opposite. Where Regulus is restrained, Sirius is brash; where Regulus is content with a few close friends, Sirius needs an entire posse around him at all times; where Regulus has a quick, quiet wit, Sirius seems to feel a joke isn’t worth telling if everyone can’t hear it. He’s loud and facetious and insufferable, and now he’s your partner in the most intimate routine you’ve ever done.
“I know,” you groan again, falling back onto Regulus’ bed. “I just wish I could change it. Who do I have to bribe to get you a miracle recovery?”
Regulus scoffs, but he lies down beside you sympathetically. “The doctor said it should be better by next season, but a fractured ankle doesn’t fix itself in a couple weeks.” His voice turns bitter. “Trust me, I asked.” 
You wince guiltily. You’re not the only one suffering from Regulus’ incapacity. You’d both been practicing this routine for weeks. It was one of the most challenging and showy either of you have ever done. You were both supposed to have the chance to really shine, showing off your skills with complicated jumps and throws, some of which you’d never attempted before. But now Reg wouldn’t get the change.
Ironically, it had been a fairly simple routine that had taken him down. One of your go-tos. You’d been performing it together for years, but maybe that sense of security was dangerous too. It’s too easy to land wrong, and one tiny slip had fractured Regulus’ ankle right in the middle of competition, forcing your coach to come help you get him off the ice. 
You’d cried more than he had as the on-site medics had inspected it, completely unhelpful but unable to bear seeing your best friend’s features twisted in agony. It turned out that was nothing compared to the look on his face when they’d told him he wouldn’t be able to skate on it for months. 
“How does it feel?” you ask, more gently now, and Regulus’ scowl softens in response. “Does it still hurt all of the time?”
“Not really, only when I walk on it. And they said I should be able to do that without much pain soon, just no jumping or anything.” 
Your heart aches with sympathy, and you have to resist the urge to reach over and touch his hand, his hair. Regulus has never much liked being touched, which you understand, but it makes him a difficult person to comfort. You resort to your method with the highest success rate: distraction. 
“Well, at least the cast is a fun accessory,” you say, forcing levity into your voice. “We could draw on it, it’ll be like having tattoos.” 
“Pass,” Reg replies disinterestedly. “Tattoos are more my brother’s aesthetic than mine.”  
“Ugh.” You roll your eyes, unable to stopper your irritation at the return of the conversation to Sirius. “Do you think Coach will let me have a new partner if I kneecap him?”
“If you’re going to kneecap someone,” comes a cool voice from the open doorway, “it’s probably best not to ponder your scheme so loudly in their house.” 
You raise your head to find Sirius leaning against the door frame, arms crossed insouciantly in front of his chest. He looks at you with the eyes he shares with his brother, but where Regulus’ tend towards cool grayness, Sirius’ always seem to waver between gray and blue, like the sky during a storm. They’re flashing now, amusement mingled with cunning, as you meet them with a glare. 
“Maybe I’m just giving you a red herring,” you say smoothly, “so you’ll never see my actual plan coming.” 
“I wouldn’t put it past you, shortcake,” Sirius replies, grinning when your face goes hot at the nickname, “but I think I’ll start wearing protective gear just in case. Reg, think you could revoke this one’s key until after the competition?”
Regulus pretends to contemplate this, staring up at the ceiling. “No, she’ll only start coming in through my window again.” You grin at him, and the corner of his mouth twitches in response, remembering all the cuts and bruises you used to have when you were younger from climbing the old tree outside his window, late at night when you were both supposed to be asleep. The first few times you’d tried, rotting branches had broken and fallen from beneath you, but you’d kept at it until you’d plotted a safe course. You’re sure Reg would have snuck downstairs to let you in the front door if you’d ask him, but better you get in trouble than him. “Anyway, it’ll be entertaining to watch.” 
“Whatever happened to brotherly loyalty?” Sirius feigns hurt, but gets past it quickly. “Well, I suppose you’ll just have to keep in mind that if I can’t perform, there won’t be a performance. I’ve already learnt half the routine, and I think you might struggle to find someone else skilled enough to catch up in time.” He winks at you, and you scoff, pointedly unaffected. “So I’ll see you at practice on Monday, sunshine,” he gloats, and disappears down the hallway. 
You wait until you hear the click of his door to lay back down, passing a hand over your face exhaustedly. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to deal with that all of the time,” you moan. 
Regulus chuckles wryly. “Welcome to my world.” 
☆ ☆ ☆
“Y/N,” Coach calls frustratedly. “You have to let him throw you, not jump.” 
You’ve almost just followed in Regulus’ footsteps for the upteenth time today, which isn’t exactly in line with your plan of getting Sirius injured, but you figure will do in a pinch. The truth is, your focus has been off all day. Switching to a new partner is always hard; you’re used to Regulus, you’ve spent years learning how to skate together, to anticipate the other’s movements, and finding that rhythm with another person takes work. But learning how to skate with Sirius is more challenging than even you had expected. He’s distracting, for one thing. He keeps smiling at you, making faces when you mess up, and whispering obnoxious little pointers when you’re in the middle of a complicated move. And his own movements are bigger and more elaborate than you’re used to, lacking Regulus’ control. You can see, objectively, how it works for him. It gives his performance that extra bit of artistry that Regulus has often been accused of needing, but it makes him more difficult to anticipate. He’s stronger than Reg, too, so he throws you higher, flings you farther, grips you tighter. It’s a lot to learn, but your coach doesn’t seem very sympathetic to your plight. As far as he’s concerned, you’ve wasted almost an entire day of practice and are undoing weeks of hard work learning the choreography with your repeated mistakes. 
You nod at him again, moving to reset, but Sirius slides in front of you. 
“Hey,” he says, “I can feel you tensing when I go to throw you. Is something wrong?”
You cross your arms in front of your chest, breath still puffing into the air between you from the exertion of your leap. “No,” you reply shortly. “I’ll fix it.” 
And really, you should have been able to fix it a dozen tries ago. You’ve practiced throws with Regulus for years now. You’re supposed to push down on Sirius’ shoulders, use the momentum of your spin to give you a little boost, and let him do the rest. But you can’t seem to manage the last part. Sirius’ hands on your waist had discomposed you from the first try, and you keep finding yourself trying to jump off the ground before he has a chance to lift you. It doesn’t work, you know it’s never going to work, but it’s like some fight-or-flight instinct takes over every time Sirius’ hands get close to you. You suspect it’s because you’re so used to Regulus’ touch aversion; this routine is meant to seem romantic, but between the two of you, it had always felt chaste, more about the mechanics of the movements than the meanings behind them. Sirius loves to be touched, though, probably too much. He teases you about how cold your hand is in his, the tentative way you touch his shoulder when you’re supposed to grip it, how you jolt a little when he rests his hand on the small of your back. You’re on edge every second he’s around you, which by the very nature of the routine, is often. 
And so you keep jumping, which causes Sirius’s throw to be stunted when he can’t get a good grip on you, which causes you to fumble your landing. Every. Time. 
“You can trust me, you know,” Sirius persists, looking half earnest for once in his life. “I’m not going to launch you too high or anything. Just let me do the work.” 
“I’ve got it,” you growl, and Sirius raises his hands in mocking surrender, moving out of your way. You glide back into position, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. You don’t need his advice, you’ve been doing just fine without it for years. You’ll get it on your own. 
☆ ☆ ☆
“Why is it,” Regulus drawls, coming into your room, “that when you mess up at practice, it’s still my problem to solve?” He sits on the edge of your bed, careful not to disturb the open bottle of nail polish you’re using. “I’m not even your partner right now, but both Coach and Sirius are complaining to me that you can’t sync up with him.” 
You keep your eyes on your fingertips, sweeping the brush across your nails in careful, measured strokes. “I’m working on it.” 
“What’s the problem?” He sounds more puzzled than frustrated. “Sirius is annoying, but he’s not actually an asshole. He won’t sabotage you.” 
“I’m not accusing him of anything,” you say. “I just…I can’t get it right. I don’t know. He’s so different to you, and I can’t figure out how to make it work.” 
“Well, you’d better figure it out soon,” Regulus replies, not without sympathy. “There’s only a couple of weeks until comp, and it seems like the both of you will need all the practice you can get together.”
You know he’s right, and that’s exactly what you’re dreading.
☆ ☆ ☆
The next practice goes about the same, the only difference being your coach’s mounting exasperation. Actually, no, there is one other change: Sirius’ movements become smoother, more sure, as he grows increasingly familiar with the choreography. 
So basically, he’s getting better while you’re getting worse. 
Though you all know there’s no time to waste with the competition coming up, Coach ends practice early in his irritation, letting you go with strict instructions to get your shit together before you meet again tomorrow. You promise him you’ll try, though you’re both coming to know that won’t be enough. 
You take your time unlacing your skates, shrugging on your jacket and stopping to buy a hot chocolate from the vendor up front before going out into the brisk autumn air. You’d started this new routine after your first practice with Sirius, stalling so that he’d have a head start and you wouldn’t have to walk home in the same direction, but you take two steps outside before you realize your plan has been foiled. 
“Coach will kill you if he catches you with one of those,” you say, and the cherry of Sirius’ cigarette burns orange as he takes a drag, eyes lighting with playful defiance. 
He blows the smoke away from you. “You won’t tattle on me though, will you, sunshine?”
“Reg won’t like it either.” 
“He knows,” Sirius says, as though Regulus’ opinion is of little concern to him. “You took your time in there. Ready to go?”
You don’t try to keep the suspicion from your face. “You were waiting on me?”
“I figure we could use some extra practice.” He drops his cigarette, stamping it out half smoked. “If you’re not too tired, I mean.” You give him an indignant look, and Sirius grins. “C’mon, it’s too cold out here for those leggings.” 
You follow him reluctantly, sipping at your hot chocolate because damn it, he’s right. The wind had been cool when you’d gone into practice, but nightfall has stolen the little bit of warmth the sun provided. You wouldn’t be surprised if you woke tomorrow to find the trees prematurely bare of their leaves. 
The Blacks’ house isn’t far, and your eager pace gets you there in a hurry. You’re thinking you’ll go to Regulus’ room as soon as you get inside, ditching Sirius and whatever humiliation he has planned for you, but when you approach the house, every window is dark. 
“They’re at my aunt’s for dinner,” Sirius answers your unasked question, unlocking the door. “I begged off because of practice.” He laughs as you follow him inside. “Try not to look so happy about it, shortcake.” 
You roll your eyes, starting up the stairs that go to the bedrooms. “When will Reg be home?”
“Late.” Sirius’ voice is close behind you. “You’re welcome to wait for him, of course, but we may as well make use of the time.” On the top step, you whirl, relishing the opportunity to look down on him for once. 
“Fine. What are we doing here?”
You don’t know if you’d hoped he’d be intimidated, but Sirius appears as unbothered as always. “Like I said. Practice.” He brushes past you, leading the way into his bedroom. After a moment, you follow grudgingly.
Like everything about Sirius, his room is loud. Almost every inch of wall space is covered in band posters, medals from competitions, pictures of his friends. There are clothes strewn across the bed and shoes scattered about the floor, but if Sirius is even conscious of the mess, he doesn’t mention it. 
“What did you have in mind?” you ask.
Sirius turns, and when his eyes meet yours, they’re surprisingly determined. “We need to figure out whatever it is that’s been holding you up,” he says. “We’ve gotta get past it.”  
You feel like stomping your foot, but very maturely refrain. You’re about done with the subject of your failures for the day. “I don’t know what it is.” 
“I think you do,” Sirius says cooly. “Wanna know how I know?”
He grins. “Because you just admitted it.” 
“You—I just asked how,” you splutter angrily. 
Sirius gives you a knowing look. “Right, so it has nothing to do with you being afraid of me touching you?”
Your face heats. How could he know that? You look at him for a moment, and he looks back at you with that cool, even gaze, like he thinks he’s got you all figured out. As much as you resent him for it, he’s right. You’ve got no shot at a decent score in this competition if you can’t get past your mental block around Sirius. “I’m not afraid.” You roll your eyes, downplaying the admission. “I’m just not used to it, okay? I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but you’re not exactly a carbon copy of my usual partner.” 
Sirius grins again, and for the first time you get the sense that he’s laughing with you instead of at you. “I have been made aware of that a few times over our lives, yes. But okay, you’re not used to it. Let’s get you used to it.” 
You cross your arms over your chest, not sure where he’s going with this but fairly sure you won’t like it. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m going to throw you until you can handle it without flinching. Sound good?”
You look at him like he’s stupid. “The rink is closed, and there’s nowhere for me to land here.” 
“Sure there is.” Sirius pats his bed cheerfully. You stay right where you are. Something changes in his expression, and you think you might detect a bit of kindness behind his teasing tone. “C’mon, sweetheart. I don’t know what Reggie’s told you, but I don’t actually bite.” 
You huff, but go to stand in front of him. He’s shed his coat, revealing the plain black shirt underneath, and the sleeves grip his biceps. Even in the poor lamplight, you can see his eyes changing colors like schools of fish as they swim. Now blue, now gray. 
“Alright.” Sirius sets his hands on your waist, and you tense automatically. “See, that’s the habit we have to break. Relax for me, shortcake.” 
His words certainly don’t help, but you do your best, unclenching the muscles in your stomach and legs. 
“Perfect,” he says, then launches you into the air. You barely have time to gasp before you’re landing on his bed, springs squealing in protest. “Okay, next time, try to spin or something.” 
“I wasn’t ready,” you protest. 
Sirius laughs. “I know. Sorry, couldn’t resist. Let’s try to do it like practice this time, yeah? So you go over there,” he motions to the door, “and run towards me. When I throw you, try to spin if you can, but don’t try to stick the landing or anything. Just land on your butt.” 
You roll your eyes, moving to the door. “Yeah, I’m in no hurry to break my ankle like Reg, thanks.” 
He winks. “Just making sure.” He spreads his feet a bit, bracing himself. “Alright, let’s give it a try.” 
It’s easy to remember Sirius is an older brother when he gets all bossy like this, but you comply, gaining as much speed as you can on the way to him before he’s gripping you around the waist, tossing you into the air. You manage a half-turn before your back end hits the bed. 
“Better!” Sirius exclaims, beaming at you. “You still seemed a bit tense, but at least you didn’t try to jump by yourself. Again?”
You can’t help a little smile of your own as you nod, pushing up off the bed and repositioning yourself at the door. 
☆ ☆ ☆
When Regulus gets home, he finds you sprawled on Sirius’ bed with his brother sitting beside you, both thoroughly worn out. 
“Did you fix it?” he asks.
You grin at the ceiling, wondering if it’s your pride or Sirius’ you’re feeling in the air, or both. “I think so.” 
“Coach might get the chance to be mad at me instead, tomorrow,” Sirius laments. “My arms are fucking dead. Too many throws and I might drop you on the ice.” 
“Don’t break my partner,” Regulus says warningly. 
“Yeah,” you second, hauling yourself into a sitting position and going to meet Regulus at the door, “please don’t.” 
You can hear Sirius’ eyes rolling as he says, “I won’t. See you at practice tomorrow, shortcake?”
It’s harder than usual to muster up annoyance for the teasing nickname. “See you tomorrow.” 
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soggyriceee · 9 months
helloooo, how are you doing?? i was wondering if you could write a sort of sequel for the fic where price makes reader use the safe word where he is worried he's gonna hurt her again. If you can't its okay though <3 have a nice day/evening wtv byyye <3333
im fine | Captain Price
summary: your feeling needy and begin to try and get Price to touch you, but he cant bring himself to it
warning: female!reader, office sex, praise, oral(f!recieving), needy Price, sir kink
thank you anon for your request, I hope you enjoy <33
it had been about a month since you and Price last had sex. and it was draining you. everything he did felt like a tease to you. he got something on the top of the fridge for you? instantly wet. or he leaned down to hear you speak better? you could drop to your knees and suck him dry then and there. but as much as you yearned for him and his touch, he never initiated anything.
and you knew it was because of the last time you both had sex. he could shake the image of your limp body, your tears. the blood on your body from his own doing. he felt like he had failed you and swore to never let his own needs and lust control him like that again.
but you also never really initiated anything. you would give him small hints, like rubbing your arse onto him when you guys would cuddle. or wearing purposefully tight clothing, or his clothing. all of those things would usually turn him on and make him fuck you then and there. but he did nothing. nothing broke him. he was genuinely scared and worried to touch you. but you had enough. you needed to feel him inside you again.
so, when Price came home from shopping, you had an idea. he almost always goes into his office around the time you began to make dinner, working on paperwork and preparing for whatever mission was coming up, if any. so instead of cooking, you decided you'd seduce him into fucking you. or at least eating your pussy. anything.
" hi my love. I got mostly everything on the list. they were out of the jasmine rice so I got regular old rice. is that okay?" he asked, his accent booming into the kitchen. you turned to him and nodded, taking a second to bask in his handsomeness. he wore a black leather jacket, black pants and his black military boots. on top of his head was a black beanie, adding onto the whole black look. it made your pussy clench immediately, seeing the way he dressed do well in casual clothes.
"love?" he called out, realizing you were starring at him like some sort of meal. you shook your head, smiling up at him. " yes thats fine." you said softly before turning back to place the last dish in the dishwasher. he chuckled softly before walking over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "ill be in my office." he said before making his way out the kitchen.
when you confirmed he had entered his office, you moved quickly into your shared room, applying a bit of lotion and some perfume to your skin. you wanted to smell perfect for him, seeing as it was one of his turn ons. he loved the perfume you had, especially if it was one he bought for you. so you pulled out your sexiest scent, his favorite scent, Christian Dior. he got it for you on Christmas and you definetly scolded him for spending so much on a small perfume bottle. but you loved it just as much and wore it every night you both had something planned.
you walked over to your mirror, pulling off the large hoodie you had on. underneath was your new pair of black stockings, a pink ribbon on each side of your hip. your underwear matched, black lace as was your bra. you ordered it a week or two back and now that it was finally in, you could go through with your plan.
you cleaned your throat, turning your body a bit to the side to see how your body looked before giving yourself a small smile before grabbing a plain white shirt to cover your upper half. fixing yourself for the umpteenth time, you made your way out into the hallway, and towards his office.
it was a bit nerve wrecking, you had to admit. you were never one to take charge and initiate anything. not this direct at least. it was almost always Price. you had no clue what to do if he did accept and wanted you to top him, or if this doesn’t go as planned and you just embarrass yourself. would this ruin your relationship? or help it? you were sure he was just as needy for you as you were for him. especially with all the subtle teasing you’ve been doing. so why wouldn’t he be?
you were so caught up in the what ifs, you hadn’t realized you were standing directly in front of his office door. you looked at the door, your hand on the knob as you began to re think to yourself if this was a good idea or not. but then, your ears picked up on some noise from inside. like, squelching?
you slowly opened the door, peeking only your head in. your jaw opened in awe when your eyes landed on Price. his bent over figure, head tossed to the side with his eyes closed, mouth slightly agape. he let out the software moans, a few whimpers as his hips moved into what looked like the desk. but that’s when your eyes made out the small curve of an arse, a surprisingly small one at that. “f-fuck love.. g’nna cum soon.. so close” he groaned, moving his hips faster
you quickly realized in his hand was a sex toy. a fleshlight. your hand came over your mouth, the impact of skin to skin loud enough to catch Price’s attention. his eyes shot open, meeting yours immediately. you wanted to cry, confused as to why he was using a toy instead of the real thing. for a moment you thought it was because he simply wasn’t sexually attracted to you anymore.
“l-lovie i-“ he stopped, throwing the toy on the floor and pulling his pants up. but you were already heading out the door, clenching your jaw to hold back the tears. “wait, wait.” his arm reached out from his office in perfect timing to grip onto your wrist, pulling you back inside. but the tears were already dropping one by one from your eyes.
“please listen to me i-“ “are you no longer attracted to me.” you blurted out, your voice trembling from the tears. he remained silent before sighing, rubbing his hands down his face. “i knew that was a bad idea” he mumbled to himself before looking down at you. you couldn’t meet his gaze, you were to hurt and set on you not being up to his standards anymore.
“ i do. i find you so fucking beautiful my love. but i.. i’m scared.” he admitted, taking your hands in his. you looked up at him, confusion more than anger on your face. “ i’m scared of hurting you again. of making you get to the point where you can’t even take care of yourself. it hurt me to see you like that.. i remind myself every time of what i did to you that night whenever i feel like pulling you to the side and fucking you. i bought the doll as a distraction. i’m sorry my love.. i should’ve gone to you.” he said, looking down at you with pleading eyes.
for a moment you remained silent. you had no clue what you were supposed to say to that. you were happy it wasn’t because he didn’t see you as attractive. but also sad that he’s to scared of himself, if hurting you to satisfy his own needs. Price had always put you first no matter what. for once you just wished he’d put himself first too.
“John I.. I’m fine. it was a one time thing. that will never happen again, okay? you got carried away one night it doesn’t dictate our sex life for the rest of our relationship.” you finally said, walking closer into him. he reached out and pulled you into his chest, kissing the top of your head. “ i just can’t see you like that again my love.” he whispered, gripping onto you tighter.
you both stayed like this for a moment until you pulled away, looking up at him. “i got all.. dressed up for you.” you did a small spin, looking back at him to see a smile on his face, his wrinkles at the corner of his eyes making you smile. “i see.. you smell so good too.” he said softly, eyeing you up and down. you giggled and nodded, looking down. “yea i put on the perfume you like. i was hoping it would get you in the mood.” you said softly, your eyes staring at his abdomen.
he was silent for a moment before taking a step closer to you. he grabbed your hand, placing a soft kiss at the top. “what if it’s working?” he asked, looking down at you. a blush was quick to appear across your face, a small giggle leaving you. he smiled down before pulling you over to his desk. he sat in his chair, pulling you down onto his lap. your thighs sat at either side of his lap, your hands on his shoulders.
his hand slid to the side of your face, pulling you into him for a kiss. it was passionate from the start, his tongue sliding in your mouth, sucking your tongue gently before pulling away, making moves to your neck. you gasped softly, tilting your head to the side more as his teeth nibbled at your skin, kissing or licking the same spot. “j-john” you whispered, pulling away from him.
his eyes moved up to yours, worry on his face. “are you okay? did i do anything?” he asked quickly, eyes darting across your face. you smiled and shook your head. “i just.. want to know if this is really what you want..” you said, “if this is what your comfortable doing.” his face and body relaxed, a soft breath coming from his lips. “ yes, my love. this is what i want.. i’ve been craving you for so long.” he said, eyes drifting down your body.
you blushed, looking away from him. “missed touching you like this, feeling your body pressed against mine.” his hips grabbed the curve of your hips, pulling you closer into his chest. your cunt rested perfectly above his bulge, his hips pressing up just a bit. “missed touching you, making you feel good.” his lips found their way back to your neck, his nose breathing in your scent. “fuck.. missed smelling you.” his hips again pressed up into your pussy, a small moan leaving his lips.
your pussy gripped around nothing, yearning for his dick to fill it up. you felt your own wetness every time you shifted in his lap, only making you want him more. his hands worked up the shirt you had on, stopping at the bra. his lips detached from your neck, looking at his hands under your shirt. “is this a new set?” he asked, looking you up and down again. he was so focused on making sure you knew he still was attracted to you, he hadn’t realized the new set you had on.
you smiled and nodded, lifting the shirt for him. he licked his lips quickly before his hands gripped your bra, pulling the cups down. your boobs jumped out, your nipples already hard for him. “so fucking perfect.” he whispered, cupping one in his hand. he leaned forward, taking the other one in his mouth. his tongue traced a circle over your nipple, a soft breathy moan leaving your lips. you hands found the back of his head, your fingers rubbing through his brown hair.
he gently pulled your nipple with his teeth, his hips bucking forward. your head fell back, back arching in his lap as his mouth and fingers worked wonders on your nipples. but he was eager for something other than just your boobs.
“princess..” he mumbled into your chest before pulling away, a string of saliva connecting his lips back to your nipple. “need you to sit on my desk for me. can you do that?” he whispered, his eyes meeting yours. you didn’t hesitate to nod, practically jumping onto the wooden desk. he chuckled as he watched your eager self rest onto his desk, your legs spreading apart.
“missed getting your pussy eaten that much huh?” he joked, dropping to his knees. his hands found the backs of your knees, holding them firmly. “my fingers don’t do enough for me anymore.” you responded, your hands cupping your exposed boob. “i know baby.. but i’m gonna take care of you now, okay?” he said, kissing your inner thigh
you watched as his face disappeared between your legs, his lips pressing a kiss each time he moved closer up to your pussy. his hands remained right behind your knees, pulling you closer into his face. when he got to your cunt, he took one hand and pulled your panties to the side, allowing his nose to press into your clit, a gasp leaving your lips. he chuckled before pressing his lips to your pussy, his tongue moving slowly up between your folds, then back down.
your head fell back as you listened to him suck and lick your cunt. collecting every drop of wetness that came from you. his tongue pressed into your hole slowly, only to drag it back out just as slow. you could tell immediately he was being more gentle with you, more cautious. usually he’d have his fingers in you while his tongue sucked into your clit, fucking his fingers into your hole fast and desperately.
but now, his tongue was doing all the work, giving you soft licks up and down your slit or slow thrusts in and out your hole. you needed more. you needed him to fuck you like he never will be able to again.
you pulled the back of his head gently, whining for his attention. he looked up at you, his nose already shiny with your slick and his own saliva. “are you okay, am i being to rough?” he asked, the grip on your back knees loosening. “no.. if anything your not being rough enough. are you sure you want to do this?” you asked, looking down at him with a serious, stern look.
he sighed before leaning back on the heels of his feet. “i do my love but i can’t put you back in that position. it hurt me and scared me to see you like that. and i know it hurt and scared you even more.” his eyes drifted from your eyes to your knees. you smiled and took his hand, gripping it gently. “it won’t get to that point, i promise. i want to have our regular old sex back.” you said, looking down at him.
his eyes drifted back up to yours, reading your face. “i will be okay. i promise.” his eyes drifted down to your pussy before looking back up at you. “okay.” he nodded before scooting back closer to you. his lips immediately went for your clit, sucking it into his mouth. his ring and middle finger found your home, slowly sliding inside. you gasped above him, your eyes crossing from the double pleasure you just felt.
one hand went back to the back of his head, the other pressing flat in his desk to hold you up. “f-fuck John.. just like that~” you whined, moving your hips against his face. he groaned between your thighs before his fingers moved faster, his tongue circling your clit to match the pace of his fingers. “fuck your so wet” he mumbled against your pussy, scissoring his fingers inside you.
of course, with this amount of pleasure he was giving your pussy, your stomach began to knot and you knew you were close. “j-john i’m c..close” you whined, your thighs pressing harder on either side of his face. “cum on my face baby i know you can do it.. come on” he encouraged, looking up at you as he continued to abuse your pussy.
the sounds were sinful. he was licking and slurping your cunt so well, small groans leaving his own lips every so often. your hand remained on the back of his head, your hips moving in desperation on his face. “that’s it baby.. fuck yourself on my face.” he said, sticking his tongue out into your cunt.
you whined, gripping his hair more. your legs twitched beside him and soon after, the knot in your stomach came undone. your cum completely covered his tongue, some of his dripping down his chin. “fuck yes baby just like that.. fuck” he groaned, pulling you closer into his face.
his tongue lapped up all your cum, the slurping sound filling the room once again. your body gently shook above him, your chest rising and falling quickly. “j-john~” you moaned softly, slowly resting on his desk. his tongue made slow movements up and down your cunt, his head moving in small circles around your clit, following his tongue.
your eyes fluttered close as your came over your high, chest rising and falling slowly. he slowly got to his feet, looking down at you. “tired already?” he asked, patting your hip. you shook your head, peeking your eyes open. “not even a tiny bit.”
he chuckled before leaning down, pressing a kiss to your lips. your arms wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him closer into you. “need you to fuck me.” you breathed against his lips, looking into his eyes through your lashes. he smiled down at you before he pushed himself up and off you. his hands made quick movements to undo his belt, dropping his pants to his ankles. his hands spread your legs open, your shiny cunt the first thing he sees.
he licked his lips, a small smile spreading on his lips. he grabbed the base of his dick, slapping it on your covered cunt. your fingers dipped down, pulling your drenched panties to the side. again, his tip slapped against your cunt. he watched as your lips ever so slightly shook with each slap he gave them before pressing his tip between your folds. you looked down, watching him play with your pussy. “john..” you whined impatiently, swinging your legs. he chuckled, shaking his head softly.
“so impatient aren’t we?” he said, replacing your hand with his. you smiled with anticipation, watching as his hips slowly moved forward, feeling his tip push into you. a gasp left the both of you simultaneously, a quick glance shared between you both. it was the first time in a month you’d felt something full you up, and he’d felt something real and authentic.
he pushed deeper inside you, stretching your kissy out perfectly around his dick. he groaned, one hand slamming beside your head, the other on your hip. “raise those legs baby come on. wanna fuck into you deep.” he breathed out, nodding towards your legs. instantly you raised them, pressing them to your chest as best you could.
his head fell back, his adams apple bouncing up for a moment. “you .. are you tight.” he groaned, pulling his hips back slowly. he wanted you to feel every inch of him, and he wanted to feel every inch of your warmth. your head fell back, your hands gripping onto his biceps. when he bottomed out inside you, he remained still for a moment.
“feel okay?” he asked, looking down at you. you nodded your head lazily, looking up at him through your lashes. “please.. fuck me.” you whispered, clenching around him. he groaned at the sudden tightness around his length, his head falling to the side. he slid out of you and pushed back inside, finding a pace and rhythm for your you both.
your back laid flat on his desk, your head slightly hanging off the edge. he took your legs and rested them on his shoulders, quickly placing his hands back on your hips. he picked up the speed of his thrusts slowly, hitting deeper inside you with each one. “fuck y-your so deep sir.. feels so good” you cried out, your hands finding the edge of his desk to hold onto.
one thing about John was he loved it when you called him sir. he loved when he had some sort of power over you. not to the point he was controlling of course, but when you’d give up into him, give him complete control and power. man he loved it. “i bet you do love. this pussy so wet for me.” he moaned, gripping your hips harder.
your body jerked up with each thrust he gave, his tip hitting your cervix each time. your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth falling open. “ look at you, so fucking pretty. feel like cumming already.” he groaned, watching as your face twisted in pleasure. your eyes landed onto his above you, giving him the most innocent look you could manage to make. “feel too good sir.. so sensitive.” you whined, clenching around him again.
another thing John loved. when you made that cute little face. nothing made him cum faster than that. “fuck love.. don’t l-look at me like that.” he groaned, looking away from you quickly. but your whimpers and moans were everything but helpful in helping him hold back his orgasm. your pussy was still sensitive to touch from your previous orgasm, his pounding only made it more sensitive.
his fingers bruised your sides for sure, but you didn’t care. in fact you loved it. you wanted him to mark you up like he always does. and you were more than happy he was finally becoming okay with having you guys’ normal, rough sex.
“sir your s-so big.. fuck i cant take it.” you whined, arching your back off his desk. you were teasing him at this point, hoping to get him to cum first. he never came before you did, never. “i’m a gentleman, my love.” you remember him saying the first night you both hooked up. and he kept to his word. he never finished before you. not until tonight.
“c-come on love don’t s-say that.” he groaned, his head dropping. you smirked, up at him, giving him your doe eyes. “but you s-so big. feel so full.” his hips moved quicker, his nails digging into your hips. “baby please..” he whimpered out, trying to stop himself from cumming. “ need you to fill me up sir.. please.” you begged, clenching around him again.
his breath picked up, his hips slowing. “not gonna cum before you do.” he growled, looking down at you.
but you had different plans.
you looked up at him, your hands wrapping around his shoulders to pull him down. your lips latched onto his neck, biting and sucking his skin. another one of his weaknesses. “my god baby.. stop-fuck-stop doing this to me.” he whined, fucking into your faster. he couldn’t maintain the slow pace, he needed to cum.
your arms wrapped around him, your legs wrapping around his hips. “cum in me sir.. need you to cum in me.” you whispered in his ear, clenching around him again. his breathing picked up again, arms wrapping around your waist. “my god love.. gonna make me cum.” he groaned, slamming into you.
his desk began to scrape against the floor, your body jerking up with each thrust he gave you. just as he was about to cum, your second orgasm began to build up. “fuck keep going sir, please. so close.” you cried out, removing your lips from his neck.
“fuck baby- can’t hold it.” he moaned, his head digging into your neck. his legs gave out slightly, his orgasm rushing over him. he chanted your name into your neck quietly, pulling you into his chest. “f-fuck” he growled, slamming into you deeper.
his body laid on top of yours, his hips still moving to get you to your end. “come on baby cum for me.. wanna feel you cum on my dick.” he whispered, hands still on your hips.
your hands found their way back to the edge of the desk, lifting your hips up to feel him deeper. “right there sir - please” you cried out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. he raised his body, watching you squirm beneath him. his hand found it’s way to your lower stomach, pressing down on it. “ so deep inside you, so deep in this pussy.” he moaned, watching you with hooded eyes.
with the pressure of his hand and the force of each thrust, your high cane and went very quickly. he moaned as your cum completely coated his dick, watching your body shake. “f-fuck John” you cried out, legs gripping his neck. “that’s it baby just like that.. just like fucking that.” he moaned, thrusting gently into you.
as he rode out your high, your eyes looked up at him. his eyes were already on yours, a soft smile on his lips. “how are you feeling?” he asked, taking your hand to press a kiss on your palm. “good. really really good.” you smiled.
he nodded before looking down, watching himself pull out. you both moaned quietly at the feeling, a small pop sound coming from your cunt as he pulled out fully. “i’ll clean you up and we can cook together.” he said, pulling his pants up from his ankles. nodding, you watched him walk away, preparing to clean you up. you were happy that you were finally able to get Price back to his old self. so much so, you could stop from pulling him back between your legs again when he came back, begging him for a round two.
you both ended up eating dinner very, very late that night.
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gloomiebearwritings · 2 years
Hey Charlie, I just saw your headcanons and I love them. May I ask for some Vergil, Dante, and Nero headcanons for being with an S/O who just lost a parent or how they protect their S/O
Aw, thank you, Anon! I had to leave the lost parent out because I wasn't sure how to work it in at this time, but I hope you like it!! ❤❤❤
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He created a system of key words to use in case you felt unsafe when he wasn’t with you, dropping everything and coming to your aid if you gave him that single word
Training wasn’t exactly something he was sure he could do with you, not wanting to make it feel like you had to fend for yourself with no help- but also not wanting to leave you defenseless
With your safety meaning so much to him, he went out of his way to save up money to get a weapon made specially for you, having it lovingly gilded with your name on it 
Though still, you could find discarded pages of a journal he haphazardly discarded where he’d scribbled out his worries for your safety: 
“My baby will be safe, right? I had the weapon made but still…”
“I know y/n is strong, but what if a demon is too strong?”
“Gotta save up enough to refurbish this old place- need to make it safer for y/n…”
He didn’t care if he wrecked a part of his shop, he could fix it later- but he wouldn’t be able to fix you getting hurt or losing you. It didn’t matter to him if he had to save up money for repairs, that could be done without guilt, but an injury to you would haunt him even after you told him you knew what could happen before.
Only after he could be sure the bastard who came for you was no longer, and a wall being completely busted along with the table did he finally stop. His stomach felt ill as he turned back to find you hiding in a broken part of the wall, beckoning you to come out so he could check on you, promising you it was safe again. In his arms he checked you for any serious injuries, muttering “I’m sorry” over and over before you finally snapped him out of it by promising him you were okay.
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It doesn’t show on the outside very much, but he deeply cares for your safety- even if on the outside he acts like he could take on anything for you
He never lets his anxiety show unless it’s eating him alive at that moment, even then however, he only really buries his face in whatever part of you he’s closest to
When he does train you it’s a bit intense, and he may seem a bit too harsh in how he talks to you- but it’s never meant to hurt you, and if you express you felt a bit hurt, he’ll always apologize 
Sometimes late at night you can hear him talking to himself as he sits awake while he thinks you’re asleep:
“I can’t keep being so harsh on y/n, it won’t help the training sink in…”
“I love ((him/them)) too much to let anything happen…”
“The weapon ((he/they)) wants the most must be made to be the highest quality possible; I will not allow anything less…”
When you’re actually in danger however, he cared not for the property damage he caused others- feeling whoever’s property suffered damage during the confrontation should be happy he even spared a bit of it. You staying safe and alive is all that mattered to him, not someone else’s property. 
Whatever demons attempted to stand between you two were left in pieces, scattered about haphazardly around you. Remaining in his demonic form he picked you up, holding you tight against him, his hardened protrusions digging into your skin enough to bruise. He pressed his forehead to yours, his voice almost shaking as he swore from that point on, he’d never leave your side again.
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He was fairly open about his worries for your safety, making sure you knew how much he’d do to keep you safe
There were times where he seemed a little overbearing with how protective he was once he realized just how vulnerable you were
He was never really comfortable with leaving your side for long, so you had to get used to being with him in the garage when he’d work on the van
He checked in on you frequently when he had to be away, sometimes coming off as a little annoying when he’d interrupt something:
“Hey, babe! How’s it going over there? Everything still good?”
“Everything still good? Keeping out of trouble, right?”
“You better be keeping out of trouble; else I’ll have to… actually I don’t know where I was going with that…”
You were never supposed to get hurt, you were supposed to be safe just this once when he left for a bit. The demons weren’t able to get close enough to even harm you however, as his sudden presence surprised them and you. None were able to get any closer with how he broke them, battering them with each other until the only ones moving were the two of you. 
It was only after he calmed his breathing, and the dust settled that you were able to see that he was just then letting his spectral arms rest. He rushed to your side and scooped you up off the ground and not wasting a second getting you somewhere safe, only resting when he knew for sure you two were far enough away. Even still he kept you pressed against his leathery chest, his heart still pounding as he apologized; checking you for wounds that’d need serious medical treatment. 
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sebsxphia · 1 year
preacher!rhett would fuck you with a cross and call it the hand of god
ptolemaea. | these crosses all over my body.
preacher!rhett abbott x reader.
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→ description: preacher rhett offers you the hand of god to calm your woes.
→ word count: 611.
→ c/w: very dark religious themes, dark themes, daddy kink, fingering (f!receiving), inappropriate use of the cross, what you read in the ask is what it’s going to be.
→ a/n: i cannot stress this enough, what you read in the ask is what it’s going to be. this has some seriously dark religious themes. thank you so much for this incredible idea my dear anon! this is part of ‘ptolemaea. | the verses.’ my main masterlist can be read here! 💌
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previous chapter | next chapter
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Rhett knew you were still deliberating with the consequences of your recent actions. You were still a devoted child of God after all, and as you lay in the throws of Motel bed sheets and gave yourself to Rhett, you were serving the Lord through him as Rhett was a man of God.
Therefore, he was able to assist you in your ill woes that had you tossing and turning in the night. The Motel bed sheets were scratchy, but nothing like the scratch of guilt that ran down your spine and boiled in your stomach. It was a vile bile that could only be fixed by the hand of God himself.
“Lay down, pull your dress up and relax for me, my sweet lamb.”
You swallowed thickly and gave him a curt nod. The mattress dipped down as you lay back. Your fingertips ran up and over your thighs to fiddle with the hem of your fraying dress and hike it over your spread thighs.
“No underwear? Good girl. You’re learnin’.”
His words made your cheeks flare up out of sheer embarrassment that he was looking at your bare cunt. Rhett had told you not to wear underwear as you may need to serve the lord at anytime.
You felt the mattress dip again and watched as he came to kneel with one leg on the bed and his other foot planted firmly on the sticky floor. Your body jolted alive when you felt Rhett’s nimble fingers brush over your clit and sweep through your folds.
Your cheeks still burned a rosy red, still out of shame for how aroused he could make you as he was towering over you and touching your cunt with the lightest of touches. You scrunched your eyes shut to avoid the heavy and hungry gaze of Rhett, but it was futile.
“Eyes open, my little lamb. Don’t shut me, or the Lord out.”
You let out a small whine when Rhett’s fingers left your pussy but you quickly followed with a harsh gasp as you felt something hard, yet softly curved around the edges, dip in between your folds.
You watched his face with wide eyes as your mind raced to map the shape of the object. His gaze was focused entirely on your cunt and a flash of a Devil’s grin was twitching at the corner of his lips.
“And besides, I want to watch you, as y’ accept the hand of God.”
“Is— Rhett, is it—”
Your hands went flat against the Motel bed sheets before you scrunched them up and into your palms as tightly as you could grasp. Only now could you feel the shape of the object as he worked it deeper into your wet cunt.
When you both escaped to see the West, there wasn’t much time to pack and Rhett only brought the essentials along with him. A few changes of clothes, a Bible and a small cross.
“Yes, my sweet lamb. The hand of God.”
His voice was smooth and like you always had, you trusted in his words and actions. You believed what he was doing was best for you, and so you lay there as a blessed daughter of Abbott, and took the cross.
“Oh, sweet, Preacher Abbott. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Your string of praises came out babbled as every so often, Rhett would move the cross to hit the sweet spot deep inside of you. In turn, you would buck your hips ever so slightly and let out debauched moans.
“It may feel good, my little lamb, ‘nd that’s okay. If y’ want t’ come, you ask me, as always.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
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taglist: @tallrock35 @currentlybradshaw
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crushedsweets · 1 month
(30 asks..)
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the reason i added it to my AU was a nod towards Ann being popularly (?) shipped with Tim way back in the day! her reasoning is prob just some 'i like my men with muscles and beards' or something LMFAOOOOOOO
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I APPRECIATE YOU!! youre so sweet and im glad it helps !
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only english!
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in my au, i could possibly see her in a long denim skirt... and there was that one alpite drawing of her in the miniskirt... looked really cute LOL
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please release me from my prison.
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let the man dance. . . must he stand perfectly still. . . ?
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i think her smile is sooo perfect. shes perfect.
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LOL AS USUAL, toby clocky nina EJ and kate. my fave is between toby and nina
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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LEAVING SUCH A SWEET MESSAGE!!! it makes me so happy when you guys enjoy the stuff im putting out, especially since im enjoying creating it! i have a lot more free time now since two of my accelerated classes ended, so im just always thinking about.. them... LOL ty again also ur english is perfect!
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i didnt care for it just cuz i loved the OG so much, but i totally understand why the creator did it - being berated and bullied and harassed for years at such a young age over a fun little character you made . . . i would want to "fix it" as well. but i think ninas original concept was scary in its own right! i think copy cat killers and true crime fanatics are haunting and OG nina reflected that!!!
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HE'S GOT LAZARI thats his ..half daughter half sister figure. LOL. maybe dina too ive been thinking abt that a lot... omfg and lulu...
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?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? CHAT.
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i have! i read a bit about it and whatnot in 2023, but i didnt get fully into it! im too stuck in my own world ... RIP
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ive drawn him once before! i really didnt like it . LOLLLLLLL i deleted it like a couple days after posting ... ill think about doing it again!
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ive been meaning to draw her with them all up her right arm+both hands+back and peaking up her neck, but i keep forgetting!!!! i only seem to remember with jane , but thats cuz its like ... very fundamental to her design LOL
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yea but it wasnt my thing... very cool concept, but the humor and pacing wasnt my taste!
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i have actually!! way back in like 2020, one of my friends made me HAHA but i kept falling asleep during it . . .
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CRISPY IS CRAZY LOL but yeah. i love her too. LOL
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release him...
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HAHA YEAH I CHANGED IT A WHILE BACK..and now im debating changing it again... omg
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thank you anon!! youre a sweetheart
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vrisrezis · 11 months
I am terribly sick right and was wondering if you could write a rocket raccoon with/or taking care of a sick s/o ? :’3 thank you ! I’ve been LOVING UR STUFF !!!
Hope ya feel better soon anon ^_^ and tyysmm
Rocket would never admit it to anyone but groot, but he was worried about you. For starters, he’s never had to deal with anyone that was sick before. If he were to think about it, not even quill who was apparently more susceptible to sickness as a Terran. Because he himself has never gotten sick before, he assumes he just can’t. He’d assume the same for you, since you’re also like him, a biologically enhanced animal. However, he was proven very wrong. You were coughing quite a lot, to the point it hurt your throat. You were so sick you barely got up to use the bathroom and you couldn’t even get stuff to eat for yourself so you stopped bothering. Of course, rocket took it upon himself to get some food for you so you’re not starving yourself. Even then, took awhile for you to start eating again, as it seemed as though anything you ate came back out of your mouth, in the toilet, at 3 am. How you managed to get it in the toilet everytime but refuse to get up to pee and end up holding it in for literal hours is beyond him.
He slowly opens the door leading to your quarters, he can’t help but frown. Normally your quarters were … clean? You made an effort to keep things overly tidy, he never met anyone who was so obsessed with keeping shit neat. When you first entered quills disgusting ship, at the time, you did not shut up about how disgusting it was and how you needed to fix it up for him one day. So maybe you were a bit of a perfectionist at times. At first, it really bothered him. But he understands why you’re that way. While he himself acknowledges nothing is perfect, given both of your pasts he understands why you’d be obsessed with some sort of perfection, neatness, order. It’s how you were raised.
So to see your quarters an absolute mess? It was such a weird sight to see. You, who often made an effort to train and work hard, you were simply laying on your bed, exhausted. He saw a side of you he never, ever saw. He may not know it as well as quill does, but when people are extremely sick and dying of that illness, they start acting very strangely than how they’d normally act. Safe to say, rocket was quickly jumping to conclusions and freaking himself out.
“Hey.” he simply says, and you turn around to look at him so that your back is no longer turned to him. “Brought you some food, quill says this’ll make your throat feel better.” he says, gesturing to the soup. You sit up, grabbing the food from him and quietly thanking him. Again, concerning him more as you normally were not so quiet when speaking to him. While you weren’t exactly loud by any means, you were stern and straightforward, not meek and quiet. He doesn’t say anything, watching you eat. You don’t say anything. He opens his mouth to speak, but he shuts it, turning to look at the direction of your door as you both hear it open, only to reveal groot. You give a curt nod towards the little guy, and he smiles, a coloring book in hand. “I am groot!”
Rocket sighs, shaking his head. “Groot, no. You have to wait till they get better first.” “I am groot!” “Don’t start with me.” Groot pouts, and turns to you. “I am groot.” he says, making you raise a brow and smile at rocket. “Oh really?” “Do not give me that look!” rocket rays, raising a finger at you. “He’s lying! I was not worried!” “I am groot!” “Okay! Enough!” he says, frustrated. His anger soon dissipates has he heard you laugh. Something he hasn’t heard you do in quite awhile. He can’t help the smile etching his face. “I am groot!” the little tree smiles, and the raccoon picks him up. “Let me know if you need anything, hun.” “Will do.” you smile, and he counts his lucky stars. You’ll be just fine.
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
loved the sniper x y/n smut you wrote!! please write more smut with him, he’s adorable🥺❤️
perhaps a part two?? :D
HAI ANON!! TYSM I'M SO HAPPY YOU LOVE IT!!! I will be writing more smut with him but the part two I created doesn't have any ;w; I apologize about that! I totes will make more smut with him in the future tho!!
Feverish Lust (PART 2)
*listening to Pinkies Brew as I write this lol* Part 2 to the first Smut fic I wrote My heart is warmed to the core knowing people enjoyed this <3 thank you so much for the feedback!!
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It's been 4 days since the "incident". The heat had lifted and everything was at a reasonable temperature. The routine of a cool, sunny day had returned but the heat between Y/N and Sniper lingered. Sniper had been high-strung ever since and tried to avoid Y/N in any way he could. Dodging her during fights, changing his positions, and even telling the mercs to keep her away from him. Every night since then he'd lay on the floor with his legs spread spacing out to the idea of experiencing what Y/N did for him again albeit changing parts of it to fit his fantasies. Thoughts of Y/N crawling to him and slowly unbuttoning his shirt, teasing him by pulling his zipper down with her teeth, seeing her chest exposed in that dirty position...it drove him mad. Sniper never masturbated to it though. He found it to be ill-mannered and disrespectful to pleasure himself to the thought of another person without their consent. Instead, he let himself get hot and bothered by it before snapping himself to reality and going to bed.
Y/N hadn't seen him since that day and she worried. There was no sign of him and she feared he hated her. She rested her body on the wall of the Medbay, waiting for her annual checkup with Medic "Did I go overboard...?" Her heart sank. She liked him for a long, long time and a pang of guilt stung her, realizing she never confessed her feeling and that was both their first intimate moment with each other. Y/N's face was warm, embarrassment crept its way in and she put a hand over her mouth trying to hold back anything she could say.
Mornings rose and nights fell as been 2 weeks since Sniper and Y/N had talked nor interacted. The guilt had eaten at her. Her performance levels had decreased during matches and she'd become more fatigued. It felt strange seeing this from her, considering she was one of the mercenaries that had been incredibly ambitious and competitive. Soon enough, everyone else started to notice. On the first night of the 3rd week, Y/N stayed in her room staring at the wall and imagining the possibility of an alternate path. "We could've talked...I could've just talked. I could've, I should've-ugh." Even trying to find a solution to fixing the past never seemed right. Y/N was jolted out of her thoughts by three forceful knocks. She hastily got out of bed and asked in a panicked tone, "Who's there?"
"Y/N. It is Heavy." She took a deep breath and exhaled a sigh of relief "Doors open."
Heavy grabbed the chair from Y/N's desk and quietly positioned himself while she observed him. "Do you need something, Heavy?" Y/N leaned against the wall, folding her arms. Heavy let out a quiet grunt as he gazed around her room. "We are worried for Y/N. You stay in room for very long now." Y/N appeared puzzled. She felt flattered by the concern "we" had shown toward her. She had never imagined that the mercenaries paid any attention to her actions. "Really?" "Yes. They think you did something to Bushman. He is also very quiet. Gone more than usual... " "You did something to Bushman" Y/N was angered by Heavy's statement. "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!" she exclaimed defensively, feeling her joints stiffen and her eyes scrunch up. As a result, Y/N's mind was polluted with negative thoughts. "They were talking about you?!" "I bet they were judging, they probably all think you're a whore, that you're dirty. DIRTY!" Her heart felt like it was about to burst. Heavy's eyes widen and his eyebrows compressed to a worried-like arch "There is no reason to be angry. Heavy was saying what the team was saying! Please do not be angry at Heavy." The atmosphere was thick with a palpable silence, leaving him in a state of uncertainty regarding the direction of the conversation or the appropriate course of action to take.
A hiccup escaped Y/N's mouth as tears formed on the surface of her tear ducts. An intense wave of emotions struck, her head pounding forming an instant headache, making it hard to suppress her feelings. "No, Heavy-! I..I did do something! But I-" As much as she wanted to pour everything out she still tried to contain a torrent of emotions within herself. "I-f-feel-" She clenched her teeth and she breathed through her mouth. Heavy got up and walked slowly to Y/N trying not to scare her and gave her a huge, warm, and loving bear hug. He placed a finger on his lips and hushed, signaling for her to be quiet. As she cried, she felt the vibrations of his stomach beneath her, seeking comfort in his embrace. She held on tightly as she hiccuped the last she could at the moment "I-I should've...I'm sorr-y..never done that, Heavy, I wish I-" Y/N was shortly cut off: "Shhh...It's okay, Heavy is here. It is okay, do not worry."
The hours passed as Heavy kept a close watch on Y/N, relieving her of her pain and sorrows. Heavy learning her deepest secret was shocking but he didn't let what he learned changed his perception of Y/N's character and her as a woman. The two sat down on Y/N's bed after standing for so long and slouched over her bed frame. He gently patted her back as she rested her head on his forearm, with her hair tousled and her face still flushed. Her lips and eyelids were puffy and her eyes were visibly low on energy. "You should talk to bushman." Her eyes traced Heavy up to his eyes that have been staring at the wall. "He will do you no harm."
"It's not as easy as you think it would be. I don't even know where he is." "He is not in tower?" "no." "Then I will bring him to you." Heavy got up and stretched his back and shoulders. Y/N watched as he placed his hand on the doorknob, about to open it. She raised her voice. "Heavy, please don't get involved. I don't really want-" But before she could finish her sentence, the door closed, leaving Y/N alone.
"Where are you taking me, mate." Sniper's boots kicked the dirt as he followed Heavy. His eyes were glued to the floor and he kept his hands in his pockets. "You will find out when we get there," Heavy said assertively. Y/N nervously tapped her knee, feeling a sense of panic wash over her. Despite having a fully written script, she was unsure of what to say or do next. "Please don't come please don't come please don't come" The door creaked open from the outside as Heavy's figure appeared. "Y/N." Sniper was caught off guard. He stood silent behind Heavy as he pressed his thumb and index finger against the fabric inside his jeans. He needed to find something to ground him, to make him feel less nervous but with each pinch, he realized that he was really within inches of the girl he tried to hide from.
"You two talk now." Heavy walked to the side to reveal the quivering Sniper and he walked behind, closing the door. They both stared in opposite directions of the room, trying to avoid any possible eye contact. Sniper and Y/N let themselves soak in the silence and didn't make any obvious want to talk. She picked away at the skin on her thumbs, he ripped the pocket in his jean from all the friction between his fingers and left a hole where he dug his finger in to expand it. Y/N took out her paper from her pocket. It was folded into a small square, and the sides of it were chaffed from her playing with it. The paper wasn't moist or wet but because of her intense anxiety, her entire body was hot which made the paper limp with drops of sweat. She opened it and her thumbs dented it, her expression changed to regret. When she wrote it at the time it seemed like everything was perfect, that everything she had to say to the man was written confidently but now that she sees him standing in front of her, Y/N had no idea how to get her words out. It was so easy in her head.
Sniper's head was throbbing, too many thoughts had cluttered his voice of reason. At any point, he could blurt out something but he didn't know the effect of what it would do. He couldn't grasp a single thought for long enough to make out something that would be beneficial to Y/N. He couldn't think of anything. "Start with something simple. Something that will start something."
"Hiya, Sheila." Y/N looked up to see a guilty-looking Sniper, he bit his lip ever so slightly, and his eyebrows furrowed. Y/N just gazed at him. Nothing escaped her lips and she didn't reply, she just stared. She let the atmosphere stay silent. She felt hurt by his response because it took her back to that day. The sounds around them control the conversation, the tapping of the water falling down a pipe, Scout's voice bouncing outside with energy, and the wind flowing in through the window. How was she going to respond to that? What was she going to say?? How would she even say it? "I'm sorry." She said after what felt like ages. "I'm sorry, Mundy." She stared deeply at the paragraphs she wrote in her letter, all the question marks surrounding sentences, and the last thing she wrote. I'm sorry
"Don't be... Uhm-." The clicking of his shoes grew closer to Y/N and she looked up. He stared back at her, his eyes softer. "I should be sorry. I'm sorry I ..tried to ignore you." He averted his eyes to the wall. "I'm sorry I was, I didn't, I didn't know how I was going to approach you after that. It changed my feelings for you a lot." A light pink flushed his cheeks. Only he really knew what changed during that time, his fantasies. Y/N got up and straightened her back, she let go of the paper and she looked him in the eyes. Y/N confidently raised her voice
"Mundy, I'm in love with you. I've been for a long time," she continued but her confidence lessened when her head computed her next sentence, "and. and well-..well, I wish. I wish-..I wish I didn't do that. It was nice, but I wish I told you how I felt beforehand." After expressing what she finally meant to say all along her words stringed on perfectly, "I want to get to know you, I want to love you. I want to experience things how they're supposed to be before I do anything like that with you. I love you, Mundy." Y/N grabbed both of his hands and squeezed them with hers "Let me experience love with you before any kind of lust."
Sniper's eyes fell into Y/N's. He stared at her. Her eyes were wistful and bright. He had no words. He took his hand and rested it on her cheek, resting his lips onto hers and pushing his upper lip. They closed his eyes and let the sensations bury any doubt they had, their mouths dancing with one another and taking in each other with each readjustment. They opened their eyes, both of them having their chest beat with affection. Passion dripped from one another's mouths and they took pleasure in looking at each other afterwards. Y/N could feel him stare into her soul.
"I love you too, Y/N"
this took me a week to write ;-; hope it was too yall's liking!! I'm sorry this wasn't smut, I know it was wanted (I'll write another story with it dw ;) but I really think it was important for this to be addressed IMO ) Again I love you all, and thank you so much for the support. This blog means the absolute world to me!!! Mwah! GG
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basketprutas · 10 months
Skitters in here because I love your writing aah! Can I request something fluffy with Diluc and/or Zhongli? ;u; What I'm asking is what if Diluc / Zhongli was helping his quiet s/o tie their corset for an occasion later on yes okay bye ////
When it’s time for a party...
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Notes: Second request, thank you so much anon! It's been really fulfilling to know people like my works so much they want to request stuff from me ♡ I don't write fluff very often but I hope I got your request right. ps, read until the end for a surprise!
Want to request something too? Here's my inbox!
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Diluc would see you struggle getting in your corset, though he didn’t want to pry. When he heard your grunt of frustration, he knocked on your slightly open door and asked, “Need some help, my dear?” 
He would carefully help you out with your corset, slowly adjusting the ribbon and making sure the corset hugged your figure well. He would tie it in a small ribbon, the ends being long. 
When he finishes, he’d take a good look at you in the mirror and grab the nearest hair comb he sees. He would brush your hair, slowly, calmly, and you felt relaxed and relieved as he did so. “Lovely. Are you ready for tonight, now?” You nod, standing up to hug and kiss him on the cheek. “Thank you, Diluc.” As you hug each other, he sighs in content. 
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Zhongli would assist you in dressing up before he dresses up himself. You didn't ask him to help, he just naturally did. He would help you pick out the dress and corset you wanted to wear, and he’d be truthful to what he thinks looks bad on you, and what looks good on you. When it was time to wear the final outfit, he would help you out in wearing the corset, asking “is it comfortable? Too tight? Too loose?” and once he was done, the corset ribbon was carefully tied with the perfect ratio of the bow and the ends. 
He left you after that to prepare himself, and you took that time to fix up your makeup. When he’s done wearing his suit, you walk up to him, fixing his bow tie. “You look splendid. Thank you for helping me out a while ago, Zhongli.” 
He would give you a small kiss on the cheek as a reply and he’d hold your hand as you exited the place to go to the party. 
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addtl. Since anons request short-circuited my brain when I got the notification, here’s an added bonus! I hope you like this kind of content, and maaaayyybee ill write more things like this.
warning now: suggestive content. look away if you don’t wanna see this!
When it’s time for the party… Both of them edition ୨୧
Diluc would help you with your corset as Zhongli slowly put on your stockings for you. Both of them were delicate, giving small kisses around your shoulders and thighs as they both of them did so. 
Zhongli would be kneeling in front of you as he fluffed up your skirt before you stood up, and he’d hand you your shoes like you were Cinderella, slowly helping you wear each heel. 
Diluc would be behind you, putting his hands on your waist tightly as he fixed the corset to fit your frame. He would style your hair into a stylish bun, with a matching ribbon to match your outfit. 
“Perfect.” The both of them said at the same time as they walked beside you to the party. Both men never removed their hands from your waist for the duration of the party.
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Notes: I know anon asked for a soft fluffy prompt but I couldn't help but write a small suggestive section LOL I specifically wrote a ribbon part because I feel like the both of them would take note of those little details. Hope you guys liked this one (I wrote this while I was in a car LMFAOOO)
I recently started writing again; click here to learn more about me ^-^
Inbox is always open for requests and comments.
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
Hello! If you could, could you write up some Sebastian Michaelis x Fem! Darling angst? Perhaps he was away from her for a mission and missed when she had passed away due to a long term illness and is in denial when the servants tell him that it's been a few days since her passing. Thank you in advance !! ♡
➳ character/s: sebastian michaelis
➳ warnings: swearing, death, violence, angst
➳ word count: 1.1k
➳ notes: thanks for requesting anon! there’s kind of a long backstory, sorry for that??
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sebastian hated the idea of leaving you for any longer than he had to be. your sickness fluctuated constantly and he had no idea when you’d die. the only comfort he had in your situation was that you wanted to die in his arms, and he promised to make that happen for you, but he knew his priority was ciel and he knew that he had to assist the brat in investigating this travelling circus.
even if that meant being absent in your final moment.
he left your care to the other servants, and though he didn’t trust them to take care of your health, he trusted them to keep you from harm should this mission go to shit. the usually free-spirited servants kept their guard up while sebastian and ciel were gone, both because they were scared of disappointing him and they valued your life greatly.
the morning sebastian left, he stayed by your bedside, conversing casually to bring you ease. he memorised the small smile that graced your lips and the warm gaze you held when you were together. tracing the curve of your jaw and caressing your cheek with his thumb, he leaned down to give you a final kiss before he left, melting into the feeling of your lips on his. pulling away, he pulled the sheets up to your shoulders, fixing the blankets and smoothing them out. pristine and neat, just like you deserved. what he didn’t know was that he wouldn’t get the opportunity to do that again.
the servants surrounded your bed in silence, lizzy’s heartbroken sobs filling the silence and causing everyone’s throats to tighten, tears welling in their eyes as they tried to hold back their own cries. hours passed of them sitting in your room, glancing at your dead body that looked so much like you were just sleeping. they waited, just in case you might wake up, but it was bard who had to break it to them.
‘she’s dead, guys. we need to move her to the cellar,’ he said, sadness laced through his tone.
‘what do we tell sebastian?’ finny asked meekly.
‘we’ll figure it out... eventually,’ mey-rin responded. silently, bard went to get a stretcher, and soon after, tanaka ushered lizzy to her room, it was getting late and even with your death weighing heavily on their hearts, they knew they needed to move on as best they could.
though the peace you’d passed in was soon disturbed by a group of circus members trying to infiltrate the phantomhive manor. lizzy was asleep and you were resting in the cellar, a sheet covering your body to protect it from other conditions as best it could.
the servants gathered together, discussing a game plan they’d had planned and prepared ever since sebastian and ciel left for their investigation. mey-rin’s keen eye allowed time for this discussion and nothing was necessary to be said aloud. they all knew what to do.
and they weren’t going to back down until each circus member’s blood was spilled and their lives were lost. perhaps they would’ve had a shred of mercy if they hadn’t intruded on the day of your death. perhaps they wouldn’t have gone for the kill every time, firing bullets through the skulls of those with stunted growth, sending grown men triple their size through a brick wall and staining it red or burning the flesh of murderers alive.
but they had the audacity to disturb your soul. and it would be a disservice to both you and sebastian if they left any survivors.
after the mission was over and sebastian and ciel returned to the manor, the damage was suspected, but the sombre looks across all of their faces told another story. mey-rin’s glasses sat on top of her head, finny’s eyes were downturned and filled with tears, and bard was the most representative of a war soldier than they had seen him in a long time.
‘what happened?’ ciel demanded, the usual stern expression on his face did nothing to scare them for once.
‘young master...’ finny began, voice shaking and fists clenched. bard put a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder and squeezing it to let him know it’s ok.
‘we killed the circus troupe, young master,’ bard began, staring into the captivating blue eye of his lord. ‘but [name] died the morning they arrived.’
the moment your name escaped his lips, they broke down. mey-rin’s knees buckled and finny joined her to pull her into a hug, sitting in their sorrow together, while bard clenched his teeth as tears streamed down his face. 
ciel’s eyes widened, looking towards sebastian. he never really cared about his butler’s feelings, but this was the one thing that made him apprehensive for the demon’s reaction.
‘this isn’t a funny joke,’ sebastian said passive aggressively. he knew it was entirely possible you had died, but he refused to believe it. the servants continued to cry, some hysterical, some not, but it was tanaka who made eye contact with the red-eyed butler and sadly shook his head, a single tear rolling down his face. ‘take me to her.’
bard nodded silently, turning to lead the young master and his butler through the manor and into the cellar. sebastian’s face was stone cold, ready to unleash hell if this was an elaborate prank, but remained quiet as they descended the stairwell.
‘we kept her here to make sure she was safe,’ bard said, taking the sheet off and folding it neatly, leaving it beside your cold body. ‘take your time.’ as sebastian and ciel stood, frozen to the spot at the sight of your corpse, the chef pat sebastian’s shoulder twice as he walked away, implying that he understood what he was going through and that he would be there for support.
the tall butler remained glued to the floor as ciel said his goodbye. he stared blankly until the young boy left, respecting his time alone with his long-time partner. numbly walking forward, he knelt beside you, taking your limp hand in his and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
leaning forward, he rested his head on your chest, still holding your hand between his. the only thing on his mind was spoken quietly with a noticeable strain on his voice. and then he lost it.
visceral sobs escaped his throat and his chest heaved as he repeated the same words over and over again as if it would change anything, but it was always met with the echo of his own cries.
‘i’m so sorry i failed to be there. please come back.’
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cybertron-after-dark · 8 months
ok ok shockwave anon again here to be cringe... could I please request a tfp shockwave × reader oneshot or drabble, where reader is indulging a touched starved shockwave and petting his helm and he leans into it and just gets all the lovings. i need to nurture this man so bad it makes me ill that I can't 😭 YOUR WRITING IS SO SOLID ILY TYSM
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Bestie we're all cringe here, we on the robot kisser blog. Also thank you for the lovely words, barking at you in tism solidarity 💖
You really couldn't have predicted the chain reaction you set off on accident, honest. Not the scale of it, at least.
All you really did was try to hold his hand. Not something you were entirely sure would be possible, strictly speaking. The size difference was vast, but you were determined to do something sweet and romantic. You wanted to be a good partner. So, while he was at the lab table, fiddling with the components to a new cloning pod, you reached over to his free servo from your seat next to his workspace, brushing your hand against his much bigger digits. You weren't even fully sure if he'd notice, but the reaction was immediate.
He completely froze, his one optic fixed on you. After a pause, he spoke.
"Do you require anything?"
For a second you were scared he was annoyed, but he just sounded... Unsure? Always a bit hard to tell with Shockwave.
"Not trying to get your attention or anything, just holding your hand. Or, you know, holding a little of it," you answered, sheepish.
"For what purpose?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Oh! I didn't really stop to think if Cybertronians, like... Do that normally," you explained. "For humans it's like an affectionate gesture. Like, a convenient point of contact you can maintain while you maneuver around."
"Simply illogical..." he huffed.
"Sorry!" You squeaked, retracting your hand. Shockwave's antennae quickly flicked down a notch at the loss of contact. "Probably should've asked first..."
"I... You do not have to... I didn't..." He fumbled, his antennae whirring and flicking every which way as he tried to piece the sentence together.
You tried to help him out.
"...Did you want me to stop?"
You brought your hand to his again, and you saw his optics dim as you ran your hand over his digits, tracing all the lines and seams you could reach.
"I do not understand why, but... This is enjoyable. I still assert that is fully illogical, though," he said. You could hear a slight rumbling coming from his chest. Revving his engine? Was he... Purring?
"Contact is just a staple of social creatures, man. Feels nice because you need it, or you start to go kinda feral," you explained.
"Dubious. I have lived a long life without any such contact, and I have never exhibited any signs of such regression," he refuted. The weight of his words took a moment to sink in.
"...wait you've never been touched like this? Just... For affection's sake?" You asked, bewildered.
"Of course not."
He really just didn't see anything wrong with that statement...
"Dude... That's..." You stuffed down the urge to call it sad. No pity. You know he can't stand pity. "Well, that's a lot of lost time we'll have to make up for." You tightened your hold on his digits in a squeeze, and the purr grew louder. It seemed he was agreeable to that.
"...May I request a specific point of contact?" He queried. You nodded your head, and he leaned down over the table, resting his helm (sort of) on your lap, though shifting his weight awkwardly so you didn't get crushed. You couldn't look him in the optic, his gaze was pointed far to the side, but you could see the tentative shift of his audial fins well enough to know he wasn't sure how this would go. "I have seen this behavior exhibited in humans regardless of the species of the recipient. I believe the colloquial term is 'head pats.' I hypothesize it will be more... Normal, given the difference in our scale and physiology," he reasoned.
"Oh yeah, nothing weird about petting a giant robot like a puppy," you snarked. His audial fins flicked back, but quickly returned upwards when you started petting his helm. The purring deepened, a low, bassy sound that you felt more than you heard, especially with him so up close and personal. Odd as the setup was, it was nice, and you felt good knowing he was finally getting some much-deserved affection. You felt a little bad that he might get in trouble for slacking on his work, that cloning pod is long forgotten, but for the moment, it could wait. For the moment, you just wanted to love on your boyfriend as he melted into your touch, letting yourself melt into the soft sounds of his rumbling engine and the contented sighs he let out in your hold.
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minhavn · 2 years
Hii!!, Can I suggest a hyperfem - innocent sub-reader with dom soobin🤭🤭, this is my first time requesting anything like this so sorry if it's Lowkey an ass request 😭💗, also which emoji do you think is the best? ( For my emoji thing finish idk.. this "-🌟") so our options r... 🌟,🌺,🥯, !!:) -🌟/🌺/🥯!<3
warning : smut, thigh riding, hard dom!soobin, spanking, marking, squirting, fingering, overstimulation, dacryphilia, size kink
a/n : hi, bubsie !! it's alright, there's nothing wrong with your request ^^ sending an ask for first time can be quite nerve wrecking and it's understandable !! p.s. the 🌟 already taken so ill take you as my 🌺 anon ^^
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Soobin is a man of patient—but, once again, he's a man. The possibility of him falling into the temptation is never zero. So, when he saw you walking in front of him, trying your new outfit before showing it off to him; the last string of his sanity had snapped off and made him to sit you down on his lap.
"So pretty," he whispered, hand on your nape and kept getting lower from to the small of your back; giving you a slight chill along your spine before he stopped to give you ass a hard slap, making sure it left a mark. "All for me?" You nodded, placing your hands on his chest for some leverage before his hand slipped under your miniskirt, playing with the lacy garter you had while looking down to your thighs, staring at the sliver of your bare thighs between the skirt and the thigh highs you were wearing.
Letting out a low chuckle, Soobin spread your legs over his lap and ran his fingers along your clad slit; watching a wet spot began to form as he teased you over the thin material. "I haven't done anything yet and you're already this wet?" He grinned, pressing his thumb over your sensitive nub and circling it gently; keeping your legs spread out before he gave it a slight pinch, making you jumping on his thighs.
"Don't be like that," he pushed your panties to the side, watching your slick dripping down to his pants, "you know you love it." He hummed, fingers slipping into your entrance with ease; making a loud, filthy squelching sound when he began to thrust his fingers inside you.
Pushing his fingers to reach the deepest spot inside you, Soobin curled his fingers up once he felt the spongy area around his pads, lowering his head to the eye level to see your expression. "That easy, huh?" He scoffed, ignoring your shaking legs and high pitched moans; increasing his speed as you held onto his shirt tightly before cumming all over his shirt and pants.
"Soobin," you raised your head, looking at him with glassy eyes and warm cheeks; looking so pure and angelic that he couldn't help but coo at your sight, pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. "You've been so good. So, let me reward you, okay?" He cupped your cheek, nudging his nose against yours before pushing your top to your chest, looking at your bare chest and then attached his lips to the skin, leaving dark red and burgundy marks all over them before fixing your top; fingers grazing the ones that still visible in his eyes.
"Now, what do we have to say?"
"Thank you," you replied, looking down to see how he been so hard once you sat down on his lap. Taking your hand in his, Soobin placed your dainty one over his bulge, giving it a slight pressure as your hand clumsily trying to palm him over his pants before pulling your hand away from his throbbing length.
"What a good girl," he panted out, pressing kisses all over your throat and hooking his finger around your waistband, muttering a small apology before ripping your panties off and throwing it to the floor, pressing your sensitive bare folds against his clad length and starting to grind against it.
Throwing his head to the back, he felt a slight guilt for using you in this way; holding on your hips tightly as your clit kept making contact with his jeans, getting red at each thrust. With tears streaming down your cheeks, he gave you a harsher thrust in the end and groaned as he cummed all over his pants, keeping your now shaking form on top of him after you squirted all over his lower shirt.
"Once again, you can do it, right?" He muttered, ignoring the pain from your nails as you clawed his back. "I'll make sure you can cum again before I fuck you properly," he added, helping you riding his thigh as another familiar tight knot began to build up inside your stomach, snapping so easily when Soobin clenched his thigh muscle; watching you getting ruined by his thigh.
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tolerateit · 4 days
Hi. Not the same anon but the mental health talk with this album has been bothering me or annoying honestly. Like I have some problems with the whole being trapped in a mental asylum imagery too but idk. I don't mind her singing about it cuz we know she struggled in the past. I think my problem with it is everyone's saying how sad this album is yet I'm not feeling any actual emotion about it or what she went through except in some songs..So Long London, The Black Dog I guess. But like it's more in the manic non serious way than I'm actually depressed and wanna die..that I guess I can't really relate to..idk. something like ill crash on the rocks which is kinda dark but it's more in a desperate way I just don't believe really..instead of like This is Me Trying, Hoax or Evermore. I know I can Do it with a Broken Heart is supposed to be more upbeat and jokey I guess and we've all been there so it's fine. But I just wish she had one song that actually explained how bad it was for her and her feelings, similar to Evermore. I'm biased cuz that's one of my favorite songs but still. Also the way she talks about Joes issues..like sometimes it is hard being with someone like that, and I guess she couldn't handle it anymore but she excuses it away by saying she was bored. It makes me feel kinda bad about myself sometimes cuz she would find me so boring and my entire life a waste lol. Also like even if you do work on it, it's mostly still there and even if she did leave, it wouldn't fix all of the issues either..so she didn't love him enough to stay or he didn't love her enough. Like my mom makes my mental health worse at times and maybe it would be a little better if I left, but it wouldn't get rid of it completely either. But literally in the album in the Alchemy, she has the lyric the hospital was a drag and she's out of it now.. because she met Travis and now she's completely fine. She doesn't owe us anything or to talk about it of course but idk why she erased it from her life like in the Time article or blamed some of it on Joe. But I'm glad at least that she didn't pretend that they weren't in love for all that time either. I'm glad she's happy now but I have to remind myself it's okay I'm not as healed as Taylor. Even in the worst time of her life, she had someone falling in love with her lol and now it happened for her again and that was never my experience at all so I need to stop trying to relate to her anymore or compare myself to her I guess. I still mostly like the album though. Sorry idk why I typed all this and I'm really nervous sending this ask. I hope it's okay.
First of all, it's a brave thing to share your experience so please don't feel nervous about it, this was a very insightful read (and it's absolutely okay btw!! Thank you for trusting me) and I completely agree with you, at first I thought it's because I haven't played the album in full or just sat with it enough to fully absorb it but it's been a week and I definitely don't think it's her saddest or most harrowing work so far. A lot of times it seems as if she's dangling a dark lyric for shock value and then immediately switching it up with a follow up that's not entirely relevant to the line. Even though a lot of people insist that context is important, some lines still rub me off as insensitive, and despite it (probably) not being her intention the locked up in an asylum imagery comes off as not much more than an aesthetic to me, at the very least. She was much more vulnerable and meaningful in evermore, and I can't help but feel a little cautious of the work she puts out post renegade because it has disillusioned me from my previous perception of her work.
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vanillaxoshi · 2 months
Cahaya's mental health gotten worse ,everyone starting getting worry and Fang might have helped.
Idea from the anon who share this scenarios .
Cahaya have been acting off lately .
Tanah and the brothers found out that by Cahaya keeps dozing off and sudden mood changes.
Sometimes, Cahaya accidentally fell asleep on the mission or somewhere in the station . That's a bit tolerable because it's not rare that Cahaya skip his sleeping routine end up being sleepy .
Acting berserk ?
Acting violent ?
Acting angry ?
That's not normaly Cahaya would do.
Cahaya can be mean but not distraught .
Cahaya can be sleepy but not randomly happened so often .
Cahaya can be in bad mood but not suddenly changed his emotions while he is just fine earlier.
..... This is not OK. . . . . . . .
"Hey, Haya. Good morning. "
"Morning, Tanah. "
In the TAPOPS library, Tanah meet Cahaya who is reading some books .
"......Can we have a talk? "
"OK? What's wrong? "
" It just......Your lately behavior . It's making us worried. "
" So, that's what you want to talk about ?"
"Thanks for your concern but I'm fine. "
Cahaya's tone have mixed some emotional that just make Tanah more worried.
" Haya, we're worried about you. "
" You're not that kind of person just starts acting like that-"
"Like what? "
Cahaya cut off Tanah before he can finish his sentence.
" Like when I get sleepy in the scene that I shouldn't have ?"
"Like I just starts to act more mean and might hurt someone physically ? "
"Like how I'm talking to myself when no one else is there . Suddenly leaving everyone alone ? "
" Or I'm just fine the last minute and then I just mood changes that making everyone uncomfortable ? "
" Tanah I know ! And I can fix that !"
" All I need is control myself to not causing trouble to everyone and everything is back to normal again ! "
"- so we will be fine like before! "
Tanah watch Cahaya crunches his papers that is on his hand with a force smile on him. His eyes are empty , no emotions can be tell . 
It hurt Tanah to see this.
"......Cahaya you need get Doctor ,therapy or whatever because -. "
" This is not fine ! You have to stop forcing yourself like that ! "
" I'm fine-"
" No you're not !"
" How long you been doing this ?"
" How come I didn't notice that ?"
" How come you want to hide that from us ? "
" I- I-  I'm sorry for not notice that sooner. "
Tanah voice getting more trembling as he keep saying.
" ...... I'm leaving , I just finished reading. "
Cahaya stands up as he leave the scene.
" Wait Haya-"
Tanah want to catch up with Cahaya but he can't help but notice the books that Cahaya just left on the table .
It's all about how to deal with mental illness . . . . . . . .
Days later
" Girls? Have you guys seen Cahaya today ? "
" No ,Petir . What's wrong ?"
In the training room. Yaya and Ying having a spar before Petir come in.
" Speaking of Cahaya , I haven't talk to him for a while now . "
"Yalor lately I don't know what is he thinking , when want I greet him he just ignore me. "
"Is Cahaya alright ? He's been acting weird lately. He even wouldn't pick up my calls "
" I'm also worried about him Petir. What's wrong? "
" ...... Ying , Yaya. I'm sorry , I can't tell you guys the full story yet ."
"Just text us when you see him, we been looking for him for a while now. "
"O-Ok !"
Petir leave the training room and bump into Angin with Tanah and Daun .
" He's not in the training room. What about you guys? "
" Api and I checked the library and the canteen. No sight of him. "
" No sight of him in the control room too. "
" The others also didn't find him , no trace of him. "
" I shouldn't force Haya to the doctors. I'm so sorry-"
" Tanah ."
" Don't say that , we all tried to help him but right now-"
"We have to find him first. "
While the siblings are discussing where to find Cahaya.
Fang who just heard the conversation from the hallway just have an idea where Cahaya might be.
(Look at you , being a coward and disobedience to your brothers .)
"stop it ."
( No wonder your brothers Hates you .)
"Shut up , that's not true."
( Who would love such a Monster like him ?)
(Really? Are you sure ? You're not like Retak'ka ? )
" I'M NOT-"
( Retak'ka is once Tok Kasa's brother , once had family , once was kind .)
(But look at him , what have he become ?) ( Nothing but a nightmare to the galaxy , a disappointment to his brother !) ( You hold the power that was once belong to him !  From the monster itself !) ( And your telling yourself that's nothing alike ?)
" I-"
( One day you will bring misery to the galaxy ,to your brothers , to your friends .)
" i'm not ."
( Fang will be disgust being your friend .)
( Face it you will-)
" Squeak !"  " Squeak !" 
" What ?"
Cahaya get draw back to the reality by squeaks sounds  .
Some shadow mouse are gathering around Cahaya , some look concern, some for them is rubbing their head to Cahaya as showing comfort .   
"Haya ?"
" Are you here ?"
Fang craws out the vent that is connect to Cahaya's secret room .     
" You mentioned that you find a personal space somewhere in the station that no one could find so I guess is not somewhere that I can found on the map."
" So I sent my shadow mouses to find you ."
" But I'm not expecting there's a huge space in this place ."
" It's cool- Oh! sorry for disturbing your personal hiding spot but your brothers are all looking for you ."
"...... Get out ."
" I'm Sorry ?"
" I say Get out !"
Cahaya shout at Fang which make the shadow mouse startled by the voice and run towards Fang to seek protection .
" Don't come back ! Or tell my brother about this place or I'll-"
( Look at you , acting so aggressive toward him . The poor little mouses are all scared because of you .)  
The voice appear again. 
Cahaya stops his track and look at the mouses that is hiding behind Fang now .
They look terrified .
( Fang is going to hate-)
" Ok, I'll leave . I wouldn't tell everyone about this place . "
"I just want to make sure you are safe ."
Fang scoop all his shadow mouse in his arm to comfort them .
" I don't know what happened but you seem needs some personal space . So I'll leave ,but if you need anything please call me . "
" I'll help ."
"...... Why are you being so nice to me ?"
Cahaya look at Fang with a disbelieve look and tears uncontrollable coming out his eyes .
" Aren't you supposed to hate me ?"       
" Haya ?"
Fang is shock by Cahaya's sudden change of behavior, starts to panicking when Cahaya starts to laughing uncontrollably and looks like could pass out any second .
" Look at me now ,who am I kidding of course you-"
" I don't , I don't hate you Haya ."
" And I'll never will . "  
Fang walk closer approach Cahaya who now have heavy breathing as he tried to comfort him .
"I don't know what makes you think that but I can promises you I wouldn't hate or abandon you . "
"If your angry you can lash out on me, if you can't take it ."
"If you tired you could come to me , I'll give you a shoulder to rest ."
" If you need a space , I will not disturb you ."
" So please , clam down . Let's take deep breaths with me . Ok ?"
" ......Ok."
" Breath In and breath out-"
10 minuets later , Fang is siting beside Cahaya while his Shadow animals cuddling with Cahaya .
Cahaya is enjoying the shadow animals embrace as Fang let out a sigh of relive .
" So do you want me to leave now ? The shadows can stay of course-"
" No , I want you stay now ."
" Ok."
"......So you're not going to ask me anything ?"
" Do you want me to ask ? "
" Then there's no reason to ."
Cahaya stiff beside Fang as he trying to say something .
"......Fang can you- there's something that I want to talk about ."
" Alright , I'm all ears ."
" So lately ,after all the Retak'ka incident I might have some problem with my behavior that might......"
" Making Tanah and the others worry , which leads them thinking that is a good idea that I might need some therapy and medical attention ."
" And today I was 'scheduled' to attend a section of therapy ."
" That's the reason that I hide ."
" And I admitted that I'm not well-behave lately but I can fix that ! "
" All I need to just make sure that I'm not making mistake like before ! And then everything will be fine again ! "
" ...... That's sound not really convincing aren't it ?"
Fang look at Cahaya with a deadpan face. 
"...... Normally I would tie you up and force you to take a doctor but it seems like it wasn't the case now ."
" What exactly problem that is most distributing you now ?"
" ......Really ? You being the therapist now ?"
" I'm trying to help here ."
" Huff- yeah . 'Helping ' "
"......I hate it when you actually just make me want to said it ."
" You're welcome ."
" That's not a compliment ."
" I know ."
" .......I been having nightmares and hearing voices lately ."
" They told me that I'm ......Useless , and something about how I becoming someone like Retak'ka ."
Cahaya shivers as he mention that name .
" And a part of me start to believe that ."
" I understand Tanah's and the others concern but-"
Tanah's and his others brother's worry face and words come flash to his mind .
" I wish that they can put some faith on me ! Not just straight up send me to the doctors !"
" It's so frustrating to watch them tried to help me !"
" I can fix myself ! I just need more research to-"
" Haya ."
Fang stop Cahaya for keep saying .
" You're nothing like him. "
".......I know it just-"
" It does not change the fact the power I hold once bring misery to the galaxy. "
"It does not change the fact that I'm also wanted to to more stronger, more powerful. "
" I'm afraid that one day I become like him and Tanah and the others have to stop me. "
" I just don't want to be a burden to my family and-"
" You're not a burden , You're not a person that would bring misery to the galaxy ."
" You may have the power that he once hold , you may be want to be stronger .But that does not mean you will have to do what he have done before ."
" It is your power now , you're the one who in charge ."
" It is your way to be more stronger , it does not have to take the same method as him ."
" Taking problems alone is not the best method and it cause more problem to the others can't understand what are you dealing with ."
" Yes it's frustrating when you brothers are 'over worry ' believe me , I know how it's feel. "
" Well, I can't force you to do something that you don't want to do but I hope that this conversation can help you to clear something up ."
" Thanks Fang ."
Cahaya scoot closer to Fang and rest on his shoulder.
" I'm tried and I'm borrowing your animals for a while now , shadow tiger and shadow kola are so fluffy ,can they understand what am I'm talking ?"
" Yeah , they are happy that you like them . "
" Really ? Glad to hear that."
" Rest now , You'll need energy to deal with you sibling later ." 
" Yeah......Thanks again Fang ."
Cahaya's tiredness starts to come but he does not feel afraid to fell asleep now .
Fang watch Cahaya drift to the dreamland as he let out a relived look .
Fang whisper something that Cahaya didn't hear. 
" .......I'll always afraid to get hated by everyone with my choice but if that was the only solution ......."
" I will not hesitate to do that and you have the right to hate me ."
" So please don't think of yourself that harsh ."
After that day , Cahaya might still refuse go to the doctors but he's been more open with his problems with everyone . Sometime he will go to have a few section to the therapy , his condition have improve but still not fully recover .
Sometime the sibling can't find Cahaya and Fang . It alert them first but slowly they accept it after seeing Cahaya getting better . 
They still don't know the secret room that Fang will go, while Fang let his shadow animals to cuddling with Cahaya . Cahaya is having a peaceful nap with them away from those voice and nightmares .
Whenever you write Cahaya he just seems like a very wet cat, so vulnerable, so pathetic
but anyways, thats how it is whenever its a mental illness, him unable to control his emotions and bursting out, his awareness and his difficulty to change that because its not easy.
conflicting thoughts and well yeah just plain difficulty collecting himself. Forcing him to a doctor is the worst decision for someone mentally ill, and that calm conversation with fang is a pleasant choice. sweet ending
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wetcatspellcaster · 28 days
Hello again, Ms. gender nerd anon here, re-sending my ask! Thanks for confirming it got lost!
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your stance on misogyny in BG3 fandom (those “shipping Astarion with women is conversion therapy” takes are wild).
Gender dynamics in your fics are also a breath of fresh air because of how full of default heterosexual sado-masochism* and female submission in general f/m Astarion fics are (nothing wrong with being submissive, but the tendency itself is not above criticism imo). I absolutely love Rosalie’s wit, intelligence, agency, initiative, insecurities and vulnerability, she’s such a deep and well-rounded character. She’s a badass but not in a stereotypical “strong woman” type way which just acts “masculine”, e.g. fights, is assertive and sure of herself, etc. I think you’re doing a great job at portraying more egalitarian f/m relationship and sexuality.
I also remember you saying something like (I’m paraphrasing here) the problem you see with “I can fix him” trope is heterosexism that often accompanies it.
Considering all this I wonder if gender dynamics and using a feminist lens is something you consciously think about when writing Rosalie/Astarion and if yes, how do you approach that?
Thank you!
* https://preview.redd.it/6ak4wpp4zimc1.jpeg?width=577&auto=webp&s=933cf03cb5cc08346d3dff9bfc4a3266a0b68651&app_web_view=ios
PS I also read Howl’s Moving Castle recently and really felt something of Howl and Sophie in your fics, it’s lovely!
PPS English in not my first language so sorry for any awkward phrases/mistakes
hi anon, thank you for coming back with the long-awaited question (also there is no need to stress about the English used here, it's all very high level lmao so please don't apologise!)
I'm not interested in commenting/speaking ill on other fics or trends within Astarion fic so I'm only going to discuss this question in relation to my own writing. [Beyond once more reiterating that the popularity of m/m ships in fandom has its roots in racism and misogyny (a preference for white male characters above any female characters, especially those of colour when they are the canon interest), and the belief that 'gay' ships are inherently more virtuous has its roots in um. radfem ideology. and again, misogyny. Fair enough if you like what you like but please examine your biases and plz stop hating women and dressing it up as queer positivity.]
This ended up being very, very long, so it's under the cut lads! I did promise I could talk about gender in fiction all day long.
So first off, anon - people like what they like. There's nothing wrong with that - most of what I write, it's not done with any virtue signalling in mind, it's just that I'm writing what I like, as well. That is, I'm going to be honest, in large part my answer to your question.
In all honesty, I do not write my bg3 with an inherently feminist lens or mindset held in my brain at the time of drafting, beyond the fact that I'm a feminist in my own day-to-day life. If I was to attribute it to anything... I would actually be really basic, and just be frank: I really like women. I find women hot. I like a lot of female characters, more than I like male ones.
I'm really touched you think Rosalie is a well-rounded character, as she is intended to be written that way, but honestly? I just find her hot. I give her good lines and fun moments equal to Astarion's, bc she's v sexy to me. I like giving her hot things to do, and at a very basic level, it's for me, lmao. I made her well-rounded, bc I like her and I find her entire character aspirational and attractive. Fic is, often, just for pleasure. In the same way other people write what they find hot, I write what I find hot, and if you were to examine my fics and my bookmark history (Sophie/Howl is up there honestly, but Jareth/Sarah from Labyrinth is the biggest giveaway lmao) you would know that I just find this kind of dynamic.... where there's a villain and a heroine who breaks him.... or a woman who reads a man for filth... hot.
But if you want an answer that goes deeper and more theoretical, there are two things that I can give you!
I find it both reassuring and funny that you bring up both heterosexism and not making Rose 'masculine', bc Rosalie is consciously one of my most femme OCs. The pink/purple colour scheme is a dead giveaway. I think this was because, in Early Access, all of the femme companions are gnc in some way, which was fucking awesome, but that meant there was a gap in the market for my funky pink tiefling!
Most of the characters were also quite edgy - I've talked about the Early Access disapproval, and the way it felt like you were being bullied by the pixels inside your gaming PC, and how this informed my choice of OC. At the time, I was also playing in a D&D game full of edgelords, and was getting quite bored (mid-pandemic) with this entire belief that playing 'good', or being idealistic, is naive/dumb, or boring, or trite, or overdone. A lot of my writing is triggered by a spite reflex, so in Rose, I doubled down. I put a lot of tropes about femininity that get a lot of hate in fandom into Rosalie, bc these often overlap with the idea that being emotional or naïve is undesirable bc (you guessed it!) misogyny. It's better to be jaded and cynical, bc that's a traditionally masculine view of the world. This idea that being 'good' is stupid is fed by many things, but it is gendered, and making Rosalie a high femme woman was a conscious decision.
BUT in her character, I also had this secondary question - in a group where everyone is berating you for being kind, if you're a rabid people pleaser and traditionally feminine caregiver, why are you refusing to back down? How are we getting to the 'lawful' part of lawful good - which I interpret as having an inflexible moral code? And this was where I bought in the idea that someone is trying to make up for lost time, and created the device of her agoraphobia, and the tadpole as anxiety medication.
I think this is perhaps what makes her feel well-rounded, but also takes her from 'passively' feminine to 'actively' feminine - she's had all the traditional femme upbringing BUT she then has a tadpole hijacking all her AFAB socialisation, everything that's told her to not to take up space or back down or defer to other people.
I'm not going to lie, this is something I am struggling with at the moment: an awareness of being raised and socialised as a woman, and as an autistic woman who's masking practices are inherently tied up into the codes of femininity and the behaviour expected of her. I didn't realise this at the time of writing. But I guess Rosalie gets access to a confidence she didn't before, through a magic cure, and this is something that alters the dynamics of her character in a way that allows her to have a more active role. She doesn't feel the need to mask much anymore (see! this is why I find her HOT!!!)
The other gendered lens I will admit to bringing to the table with Rosalie, and consciously employing, is the traditional gendered dichotomy between emotion (femininity)/intellect (masculinity) that was held in the 1800s-1900s. This is because this theory used to fascinate me, I've read/studied a lot about the idea of gendered modes of reading books and understanding the world - for instance, there was a moral panic that's reflected in books like Northanger Abbey and Madame Bovary where it was feared women couldn't read literature properly, and that the lines between fiction and reality became blurred for them, because literature incites emotions and women are inherently more emotional beings. It was believed that they couldn't differentiate between the emotions fiction made them feel, and their real life. This persists till today, in a derogatory approach to female fandom, to immersed readers, and the media products that girls like (e.g. the Twilight books, and associated derision of its readership). In this dichotomy and belief system, women are overly emotional and thus stupid/idealistic, and the admirable way to be is critical, detached, intellectual - ie. everything the man making these rules thinks he is.
This DOES come into play with Rosalie, in a big way, but that's kind of BG3's fault. The whole idea of a mindflayer, is someone who is intellect without any emotion, and this makes them threatening, and powerful. I coupled that with a woman who sees her depression (and thus her emotion) as a weakness, and who is using illithid tadpoles as medication. I've talked a few time in asks, about how the bad ending for Rosalie would be her turning into the mindflayer for the good of the group, becoming that ideal of intellectual detachment that she thinks will be all everyone wants from her. It would be: The Bleeding Heart, versus The Exalted Mind. I sat on that decision screen, CRYING, for a really long time, bc I knew she would turn illithid in a heartbeat, for all the wrong reasons. To me, it felt like a new version of suicidal ideation had been given to my mess of a character. (Thank god for Astarion in this instance, honestly).
As a wizard, Rosalie is operating in that intellectual paradigm that critical thinking = good. Being cold and analytic = good. She is not that, until she has the tadpole: she never aspired to power, she feels in thrall to her own emotional state, she feels like her emotions make her weak and have actively disadvantaged her progress. So she is facing this battle between what she thinks she should be - intellectually confident, certain, calculated and cool - and what she thinks she is - emotionally messy, easily manipulated, sad and weak - without realising it's a fake mutually exclusive binary, and she can in fact be both. This is a journey I hope to take her on in An Honest Lie, and she's already undergone in Pieces (although, there's a bit more emotional repression in this timeline, if she was actually well-adjusted i think she would've fucked the Ascendent at least once lol).
What I did bring to the table was a extreme frustration at traditionally feminine-coded traits (moral idealism, goodness, empathy, over-emotional modes of being in the world) being constantly derided or treated as stupid. I also wanted to write a wizard who wasn't a pinnacle of intellect, but was struggling with that fact, and I made her high femme for a reason!
So... yeah! TLDR, I write women with personalities bc I like and am attracted to women - the same way a lot of male characters get attention or become the most fully fleshed, complex beings in existence, bc their writers like and are attracted to them. I do not write consciously feminist attacks on other people's dynamics, what I write is the dynamics I find incredibly sexy instead.
So I guess... my advice on how to approach things???
write what you find hot
give attention to the characters you find hot
if there are any dynamics you find interesting in theory, you can explore them!
I did make a conscious choice to subvert some tropes in Pieces, but this was mostly to avoid writing noncon bc it's not my thing, I didn't have any interesting in doing that to my OC, and also, i don't think I could write it well. So I guess the other thing you can do is, if there's a trope that frustrates you or you don't like the gendered politics of something, think of a new interesting way to write it or flip that dynamic (....like a Power Word Kill!)
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