#thank you for the ask! and for patience
icy-warden · 1 year
Helloooooo ^^ For the OC Codex prompts, may I please request:
14. your OC talking about your favorite quest and
3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor for Vergil
2. a letter written by your OC’s family member and
16. a conversation between your OC and their best friend for Saskia?
Pick and choose the ones you like best if you want. Have a lovely day ^^
Hello!! I'm answering a month later and with only one ask for Vergil (I promise to do the ones for Saskia as well later) 🍹😘
3. a report written by your OC’s teacher or mentor for Vergil
Answered here 💎💙
14. your OC talking about your favorite quest
After his prolonged stay in Orzammar, Zevran finds being underground highly unpleasant. At first the warmth was a nice change, compared to Ferelden’s weather. He’s used to high temperatures but this dry, scorching heat is too much even for him. Hopefully, soon he won’t have to think about what it does to his skin and the size difference in furniture he’s got to battle every day he’s stayed behind. 
Though seeing Sten standing among dwarves is a very amusing sight.
If Zevran had to choose one thing that he likes about Orzammar, beside those fascinating and public lava pits, it’s the baths. Dwarves know how to build their bath houses and Zevran is a fan.
He had a lot of time to make himself familiar with the palace’s floor plan, noble and not-so-noble districts, subtly gathering information and gossip just in case. It was one of many activities to pass the time and keep himself sane when staying within the confines of the rock walls. 
In the end he’s glad he stayed where he was, as one particular grim night (day?) hit him so hard, he was sneaking his way through many shadows towards the main entrance. 
So close to the open world. To freedom. 
He didn’t plan how he’d pass the heavily guarded door but the urge to just go was stronger. Then that little insistent thought about the Warden appeared. About the protection he’s under. About access to supplies. About opportunities being close to the Warden gives him. 
It sobered him up and he faltered again. 
Next day Morrigan’s knowing gaze and lips twisted in a smirk haunted him. He grinned and tried to provoke her into an argument of wits many times but she deflected every time. Still, that little glint in her eye persisted and he knows she’ll hold that over him, keeping it for herself until Vergil’s back. Or maybe a bit longer, just to see him squirm. No amount of cursing at his sloppiness and restlessness would turn back the time and if he’s in her shoes, he’d keep on the blackmail material too.
But, Vergil’s back from his month-long trip into the Deep Roads and Zevran made sure to be of use as soon as Vergil has a need for him. 
Right now he’s busy brushing the wet cloth over the skin of Vergil’s back, helping him relax after weeks in dusty tunnels. He avoids putting too much pressure on the bruises littering his body. The sight makes his brows furrow but it makes him curious as well.
Vergil doesn’t speak much and Zevran tries not to ask as much as well. But he’s nosy, so he talks about unimportant things he saw and heard, gently prodding about Warden’s venture. He saves any sensitive information for later, as Orzammar’s walls have eyes and ears everywhere. 
“It’s better that you stayed here.”
Zevran hums, trading the cloth for a small bucket that he tilts over Vergil’s back, pouring the water to rinse the soap suds. They both are sitting on small stools in one of the palace's private baths, cleaning their bodies before they soak in the pool.
And this is where he admits that dwarven baths are a marvel, maybe even better than those in Antiva. After all they’re sitting on a literal lava.
“No need for an assassin in the deep?” He stresses the word and Vergil’s shoulders shake a little, “Shame.”
“Darkspawn, golems, spiders and those damned, creepy tunnels. You really didn't miss much.”
“Well if you put it that way… It’s a regular Tuesday here in Ferelden, no?” Zevran smiles and lightly touches the side of Vergil’s head, signaling he needs him to lean back. He wets his hair when he does so, meticulously going over the long strands. “Nothing new.”
He almost misses the light flinch and for a moment he’s worried it’s him. He stills but Vergil doesn’t move away, so wordlessly he resumes what he’s doing with the hair when Vergil casually pushes back into his hands. 
“There was something.” Vergil says quietly. “Something so vile I don’t wish that fate on my worst enemy.”
Zevran waits for him to elaborate, fingers massaging Vergil’s scalp but he doesn't speak about it until much later, when Orzammar is but a memory for Zevran.
[OC Codex Prompts]
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north-noire · 5 months
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perhaps catching up a bit wouldn't hurt?
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choccy-milky · 10 days
Pls I beg Clora wearing only Seb’s shirt
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she just can't wear it if she plans on getting anything done😇
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ask-thesparedau · 2 months
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If you didn’t know, I have been on an impromptu hiatus for a little less than a year now. It started out as me extending my comic dates and ended up being a massive break.
Despite this, many of you still waited for me! Giving me frequent asks and commenting on my posts, which I am endlessly thankful for.
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I would be lying if I said there was a specific reason behind my disappearance, but it wasn’t for nothing!
I was getting more and more discouraged with my own work. Although pretty easy to do, I didn’t feel confident in my ability to stay true to the book and its characters. A lot of JTTW is interpretational, so I failed to understand certain nuisances present without cultural context.
So in my break I took the time to actually work on getting more involved with the culture!
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I decided to take a Chinese Language course! Then with the encouragement of my professor, joined their Chinese club. Many of my assignments involved cultural engagement, which I also attended to make some new friends.
Eventually my professor recommended me for a scholarship opportunity, which takes place in Shanghai! (上海)
I will be going in June
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Thank you all for your patience <3
Now that I am a bit more confident, i will be returning to this blog. There may be some upcoming changes though, so watch out for those!
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zu-is-here · 4 months
May we see some more dustberry ideas? Only if you want to, of course!
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[2/10] Happy birthday, Murder <3
Dusttale by ask-dusttale
Underswap by popcornpr1nce
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mcflymemes · 6 months
RANDOM LINES OF DIALOGUE PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
oh, great. more of your very eloquent bullshit.
i don't fear death. in fact, i yearn for it.
if it holds wine, it's a wine glass.
so... no guns. do you have an axe?
i'm not usually this direct, but... what is wrong with you?
this would have been much better with a gun.
i might be a bit too ambitious.
i think you'll see that the time was not wasted.
i can do it as well. i can do it for ages.
it doesn't hurt... well. it hurts a little bit now.
i'm fascinated by what happened in your fourteen minutes of absence.
no hard feelings. please look after yourself.
i am fundamentally incapable of showing off.
i'm just having a bit of a laugh with everyone.
that was so cringey and so uncomfortable.
i have no stitches. none!
momma didn't raise no fool.
i can borrow a dog whenever i want.
honestly? i don't know where to start.
i gave you culture... literature... water.
sometimes absence is more powerful than presence.
by the end of it, we were singing swedish drinking songs.
i think you were really reluctant to take accountability for that.
i just think you formed a bad relationship.
do you think it's fair?
what do you have for me now?
yours is... impressive.
we're all different.
don't you dare look away.
i didn't mind it, actually.
i'm just proud of myself.
i think it went in. it did go in.
i feel ashamed, mainly.
that's what i was going for.
i just want to acknowledge your technique.
it did escalate severely after five minutes.
none of us ever want to see this again.
we've reached the ten minute mark.
i don't think i know who i am.
there's a degree of style in the cowboy hat.
there are no fucking shoes!
you look like you've been kicked through a charity shop.
your phone's ringing.
haven't you ever seen one of those before?
they were sick and dangerous.
what does that say about whoever killed them?
this isn't half bad for college kids.
what the hell is this?
you might want to wear these.
have a safe night.
would you believe i'm single?
why do you always trail off like that?
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come get yer Laughin'stock! get it hot off the press! free Laughin'stock right here!
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chalamet-chalamet · 1 month
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Silly Willy
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Can you draw the scene where wheatie gets picked up by glados?
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[Part 1 can be found here]
There she is. What a nasty piece of work she was, honestly.
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askteamsupernova · 3 months
How did the first outlaw mission go?
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Surya: It turns out, vulpix magic is pretty potent stuff.
Ammy: Requiem taught me that move. It's really useful!
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superintendent-b · 3 months
Excuse me sir I would like to request some more Sleeveless ODSTs please
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I love your responses and artworks, they bring me so much joy when I see them
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One order of sleeveless ODSTs coming up o7
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And thank YOU ×1000!! I like making silly art pieces about the characters I love and when other people get to enjoy them with me, it makes it worth the effort
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
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Story 1 - Enemies
*if it wasn't clear, the scene maskless Leo (in this part) are flashbacks from several years in the past
Part 1 || Part 2 (Here!) || Next (Coming Soon)
I'll answer asks from before and after this comic part after my work tomorrow (aka today because it's 1 AM help) ♥︎edit: nvm, I'm about to knock out. I'll get t y'all soon this week!
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coryothesub · 2 months
I need a Coryo smut where the reader finds him smelling her panties while masturbating.
Take example from this lovely anon and send more asks because interaction gives me dopamine
I took the liberty of making this a peacekeeper Coryo thing, because that sounds just like something a peacekeeper Coryo would do.
nsfw / mdni / pk!sub!coryo / district!dom!reader
You returned home after a long day of hard work and to your great dismay your front door was open.
Had you forgotten to lock it or someone had broken into your house to look for food or your non-existent valuables? Or maybe those were the goddamn peacekeepers again? In District 12 you just never knew.
You grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started inspecting your shack not sure whether the possible intruder was still there. 
Then you were caught off guard by soft moans and whimpers coming from the bedroom. You actually thought you recognized this voice from before.
You put the knife down and peeked through the crack in the door just to discover that your suspicions were right. It was Private Coriolanus Snow laying in your small bed, resting his back against the pillows. 
He was fully dressed except for his cock outside his uniform pants, his hand wrapped around it as he was pumping it at a rapid pace. You bit your lip realizing he was a well-endowed young man, well above the average. 
He didn't notice you as his eyes were closed and his face was buried in your panties that you had forgotten to throw in the laundry basket after changing before work.
He let out a series of sweet moans as he breathed in your scent coming from the tiny piece of fabric and his cock jerked in his hand. Such a naughty little pervert.
The sight of the handsome uniformed man pleasuring himself was undeniably arousing. You didn’t even notice at which moment you brought your hand down to your most heated area and let it dive under the waistband of your panties. You felt a pool of treacherous wetness on the tips of your fingers as soon as you reached your clit. Your mind wasn't sure how you felt about this but your body was ready to go with it.
You bit your lip to avoid moaning in unison with the indecent young man occupying your bed.
He groaned deeply, sinking his nose deeper into the white fabric of your panties. It felt like he was about to cum soon and that certainly wasn’t something to be allowed. You walked into the room and cleared your throat loudly.
Coryo sat up quickly tossing away your underwear and trying to cover his exposed manhood with your pillow. His eyes widened in terror and his already flushed cheeks tinted red as you walked over to the bed and your eyes met his with a furious look.
“Private Snow, what the hell are you doing here?” you spoke to him in a stern voice before ripping the pillow away from him and uncovering his painfully hard cock.
“I-I was just sent out on patrol a-and…” he tried to think of an excuse but no sensible words were coming out of his mouth.
“Maybe I should take you to your commander and inquire about the details of this weird little mission if yours. Pretty sure it didn't include patrolling in my bed with your dick out and your face buried in my panties, huh?”
Coryo looked at you in horror, wide-eyed and gaping. He felt his eyes welling up with tears of shame just at the thought of his higher ups finding out. There was no other option but to beg pathetically.
“Please,” he spoke with clenched teeth trying to prevent those pathetic tears from running down his face.
“Please what?” your tone grew even harsher as you felt your cunt getting impossibly wet from him being absolutely helpless at your mercy.
“Please don't go to my commander!” Coryo pleaded, his voice teary and frightened.
“You will have to behave then.” 
“Yes, I will do anything, I swear!” he quickly stood on his knees, grabbing at the hem of your dress.
“Okay then,” you sounded just a bit more admissive. “You’ll have to obey everything I say. One wrong move and all your peacekeeper friends will find out what a filthy little pervert you are.”
Coryo nodded quickly.
“Lay back!”
The blonde boy assumed his previous position, resting his upper body against the pillows.
You pulled down your panties and waved them in front of his face mockingly before tossing them aside and crawling into the bed across from him. After finding a more comfortable position you parted your legs causing Coryo to let out a soft gasp at the sight of your pretty pussy.
You started rubbing yourself lazily and noticed his hand reaching for his stiffened member.
“Nuh-uh!” you shook your head in disapproval. “Naughty little perverts like you don't get to touch themselves.”
Coryo put his hand away quickly. It took a whole lot of focusing to control himself while you were playing with your cunt so deliciously. 
“Feels so good,” you moaned softly and threw your head back as you felt the warm feeling of pleasure washing over your body.
Coryo flared his nostrils watching you with the most pleading look you had ever seen. His cock was literally aching for touch and he needed you so badly.
You watched his despair with a shit eating grin and released yourself from the rest of your clothes making his situation even more unbearable.
You crawled over to him and straddled his hips, your pussy lingering just above his aching member.
“Here, have a taste!” you pushed your fingers between his lips and he started sucking around them hungrily trying to savor every last drop of your juices.
“So hungry…” you teased before pulling your fingers out of his mouth and grabbing his throbbing cock causing him to let out a soft whimper.
He quickly realized the torture wasn't nearly over when you pressed the tip of his dick to your puffy folds and started rubbing against it feeling his velvety skin brushing against your sensitive spot.
Coryo's breath hitched, feeling the long awaited friction. He needed to be inside you so badly.
“Please,” he begged, voice whiny and broken. He looked so adorably pathetic. “Please, I need you, just let me…” 
“Oh look at you, peacekeeper boy,” you kept teasing, rubbing his tip against your clit. “Such a slut for me. So damn pathetic.”
You felt Coryo's dick twitch in your hand just as you said those words.
“Please,” he mouthed, completely dazed from your relentless teasing. “Can you say that again? That word…”
“Oh,” you felt slightly surprised. “You love it don't you, slut boy!”
Coryo's eyes fluttered as he let out a sigh of contentment. As pathetic as it sounded, being called a slut by a district girl while he was still dressed in his full peacekeeper uniform felt strangely arousing.
“Slut!” you repeated, slapping his cheek just as you dove down on his cock, burying it in your dripping wet count.
Coryo's brain shut down completely and he let out a desperate groan. He’d almost thought this would never happen.
You wrapped your hand around his neck feeling his pulse wild and restless under your touch  as you started riding his cock.
“Oh, fuck, Coriolanus!” you moaned out his name feeling his massive dick stretching out your tight walls. Edging him had made you quite desperate for your own release and you knew for sure that none of you would last much longer.
“P-please! Keep going…” Coryo begged unthinkingly although you had no intention of stopping.
You leaned closer to him as your pussy was still bouncing up and down his shaft and locked your lips with his. The boy tried to meet your kiss hungrily but the pressure of your hand against his throat made him gasp for air. 
You kept lingering above his lovely pink lips enjoying his absolute helplessness under your firm grip. His adorable gasps and whimpers combined with his wonderful cock hitting against your sweet spot brought you over the edge and you climaxed, cumming all over his rock hard member.
You kept riding Coryo through your orgasm feeling his breath speeding up under your fingers. His pale blue eyes widened and his cock twitched against your walls just before bucking his hips up and releasing his load deep inside your tight pussy.
You climbed off him and sank in the sheets powerlessly.
“S-so… Is this gonna stay a secret? You know, between me and you?” Coryo asked anxiously post orgasm shakiness still present in his voice as he was zipping up his uniform pants.
“I'm gonna let you off with a warning this time. You're truly lucky that your dick is so good.”
“Thank you!” the boy blushed, secretly basking in your little praise.
You picked up your panties from the floor and put them in his hand.
“Here have these! Maybe having a pair with you will finally make you stop breaking into my house.”
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lizaisdrawing · 3 months
HI OH MY GOODNESS I can’t recall if I’ve sent an ask before or not but I love love LOVEE how you draw human Wally and Julie! Your style makes them look so natural but fun!
Thank you! I’m very happy to hear that! I hope to do that for everybody! [edit: OMG i JUST saw your human Wally and HE LOOKS AMAZING. Love your style]
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Here’s another pic!
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bleaksqueak · 2 months
has Audric ever found Willow on Elias's person when they were at school and had to send her to the principal's office for law breaking ?
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originalartblog · 1 year
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it's a goose picture takeover!!
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