#thank you for giving me your input! helps with the perspective
hyewka · 11 months
Im here to give my two cents worth opinion about shipping members and smut 😭👋. I’m ngl i do find shipping members together worse bc like idk I always see it on twitter and it’ll be like literal gay porn and they’ll be people like ‘yeonjun top beomgyu bottom’ about the porn and it makes me really uncomfortable and weirded out or members will be having a normal conversation and then people want to make it into them fucking each other or something and I just find it really odd like they’re literally family 😭 it feels like incest 😭they’ve said multiple times they’re like family and it’s clear they have a family relationship bc of how many years they’ve known each other that it feels weird when people ship them. Liking relationship dynamics with other members and pairing of relationships is fine obviously some members are really cute with the way they interact but if that was me and my close friends I see as family and people are posting porn and shipping us sexually I would feel weirded out.
Especially since it’s pretty much all straight women saying this it just feel like fetishisation of mlm relationships that’s why I don’t really like using ao3 bc it’s all mostly gay ships and smut on them written by straight females fetishising and shipping just in general I find it pretty weird when straight girls write gay smut or watch gay porn bc it’s the same as straight men watching and fetishising lesbian porn idk that’s me personally 🤷‍♀️. I feel like smut on a members isn’t that bad (personally if I was famous and found smut on me I’d want to read it and find it funny 😭) bc you’re writing about an imaginary person and even when writing smut on the members I don’t actually see them as them it really is just muses and changing their personality and setting but the people I’ve seen on twt don’t seem to ship the members as muses type they genuinely ship as I think that’s weird.
But if you’re writing a little cute fanfic or something and want to use members as a muse for characters and it’s lighthearted then I think that’s totally fine but the people I’ve seen don’t see it that way and love to fetishise sexual mlm relationships. Idk that’s just me though 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ my opinion could be very wrong 🧐
I see your point! I don’t think opinions can be wrong, so you’re good with that. I personally don’t really have much to say about this topic, but I do get where you’re coming from with the incest bit lol 😂 I also get the point that in fics they’re more like muses than writing about their actual personalities or how they are in real life while the shipping community might do the opposite (as in thinking they’re actually together).
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Hey, wanted to speak as someone who has, I guess, a 'rape kink'. (From an AFAB perspective!)
There are a lot of factors to it. Firstly, it matters that it stays fictional. Even if I had a partner who was okay with helping me that way, we'd have a safe word. It's effectively an extension of BDSM, it's allowing a scene under certain parameters. There is a lot of aftercare that requires afterwards too, not just for me, but also my partner. The emotional toll is heavy, and if my partner ever said they couldn't do it again, or at all, that's that. You respect that.
Even more personally, when I say 'it stays fiction', that's also because I prefer seeing art or comics IF they are written within certain parameters as well. Short hand, that's different person to person. I feel comfort by seeing the 'victim' gain agency and turn the situation in their favor.
As for the source? For me, again personally, it's because I was raped. I don't actually want to be raped again. It's traumatic. It fucks you up in ways you cannot comprehend.
But then there are people like Raph, who scare the FUCK out of me. His work is extremely triggering and not a turn on for a victim like me. He and his work, reminds me of my rapist. That's not actually what I want when indulging in the kink. Ironically, I want to feel like the victim gaining agency and power and reclaiming their sexuality. Even if that sexual nature feels dark to me now. I want to learn boundaries again and control of myself. I'm coping my relating to someone or something that gives me that power back from a situation that robbed me of all agency and power.
I don't want to be Angel Dust.
I want to be Vox.
Thank you for your input, Anon. I really like how you worded this.
Also, I'm sorry that happened. Fuck whoever who did that to you sideways and dry.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Can I just say how much I appreciate the fact you don't stray much from the movies?
It's just so refreshing to see a fic that is built on a clear, unbiased and simple canon base. This way, as you demonstrated, a writer not only has the ability to further explore the main themes and ideas introduced in the source material, but they can also go ahead and naturally develop their own by branching out on those fundamentals. They can offer their perspective by using the source material to their advantage, instead of working against it or even worse, trying to include all contradicting canon aspects. Part of writing a fic is kind of like offering your input in a conversation/disagreement. You have to listen carefully to what the other person is saying in order to form your answer...If you're listening to a thousand different people who are all saying a different thing (in this case, The clone wars, legends, novels, comics ect), you won't be able to give an answer that makes sense, much less give a structured and stable opinion.
I love how you were like "I know star wars is entering an era of a shit ton of spin off content with seemingly no end and most star wars fans know shit like who chewie lost his virginity to and what the kessel run is but screw this. The movies and maybe some late night wiki research is enough."
And you were right.
It's so funny, because I feel like I do ultimately stray pretty far from the movies. Not in terms of events I guess, but especially the prequels, I reject some of the underlying assumptions of what is said on screen and just treat it like fallible people strongly asserting opinions that no one calls them on. See: everything I ever assert about the Force/Anakin's "destiny."
I do think it helped me to stick with limited material. And it wasn't even because I saw all of this new SW content coming. I've mentioned this before, but when I started writing Don't Look Back (when it was just Like Fire and I naively believed I was gonna be done in 200k words, lol, rip past me) I hesitated a lot because as far as I was concerned, I wasn't a Star Wars Fan.
I'd watched the OT and PT multiple times. I knew that novels and games and cartoons existed, I knew people had consumed them all. I had been reading some SW fic because @mylongsufferingroommate had been sending me stuff they were enjoying and I was having fun with it. But like, I would never have called myself a Fan. I got goaded into writing this fic by people who knew me too well and really wanted a political thriller. I wouldn't have called them Star Wars Fans either.
Limiting myself to the six movies I had watched was a preemptive defense mechanism against a fan base I wasn't sure would want to accept me. My thin skin is my own problem, but every time I think about writing in a new fandom the same sort of nerves take me: what if my fanon is "wrong" and people are mean?
I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you so much to everyone who gave me a chance and encouraged me and were excited and shared that excitement.
And please, for the love of all the sky and stars DON'T GATEKEEP FANDOMS.
Don't tell people their canon is too big (@blue-sunshine-mauve-morning and @chancecraz have amazing fics that are much more compliant than mine to the broader canon, as a quick example), and definitely don't tell people their canon is too small. Walk away if you aren't enjoying something. Give compliments when you like something that is unique in a fandom you're familiar with. Be patient with people, be kind.
I could easily have given this story up if people hadn't been patient with me. I got comments as early as my first chapter from people who were angry with a single thing that I said and felt the need to tell me I was wrong. I could have left. I could have stopped.
I'm glad I didn't. But I wonder how many other people have.
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themistressdomme · 1 month
Hi mommy! I love the dynamic you and your sub have (at least I think sapphickittykenzie is your sub? Correct me if I'm wrong) I'd love to have a similar dynamic with this person that I'm talking to, that I hope will soon be my domme, and I was wondering if you had any tips on communication, or how to make a dynamic more playful but also kinky...?
I'm sorry if this is weird to ask, I just genuinely admire you both!
Also, can I claim 🐚 if it's not taken?
Hi angel!
Aw, thank you so much! Yes, @sapphickittykenz is indeed my sweet little (bratty 🙄) sub! I am so grateful for her and she's a special little darling to me.
I'm so happy to hear that you have a person who you hope will become your Domme! That is always exciting 🥰
Here's what Kenz said when I asked her about any input she'd like to give: "I would say that we're good at communicating and we voice our likes and dislikes a lot, and we maintain contact :))" ... "Oh and to add to that ask, I think we should say that we also had a genuine connection before we started to explore kink, because I think having a connection outside of the kinky stuff helps."
From my perspective, I agree with everything that Kenz said! We were very upfront and honest about what our expectations were in terms of communication, and we made it crystal clear what we expected from each other (in terms of communication). We promised each other that we'd never just take something that the other said and sit silently with it if it bothered us.
Before this, though, we spent time and learnt about each other in the absence of kink! This was just our personal preference, as we're both the type of people to want a genuine connection first before the Honorifics and titles are introduced; before establishing a D/s dynamic. There absolutely was some light flirting, and we never put down ground rules and said, "NO BEING KINKY!!!", but we were on the same page about things!
We always check in with each other, and maintain contact outside of just play/the dynamic. We get on really well, and know how to tease each other (both in kinky ways as well as in good company ways)! It can be hard sometimes, since we both genuinely enjoy spending time with each other, but we're in very different time zones 😅 But! We make it work!
As for making a dynamic more playful but also kinky, I think it honestly depends on what you are each into! I always enjoy riling her up and teasing her with my words when she's out and about, which makes her flustered (and me grin evilly ;). The goal of this isn't to get into a scene or play right then and there, but keep it playfully kinky! We do have a genuine connection outside of kink, and I care for her deeply outside of kink first and foremost.
I think I'm rambling too much now! But, long story short, it'll all depend on the type of dynamic you're wanting to establish! Will it only be play, and will you only address each other using titles/Honorifics during play, and by normal names outside of play, or will it be an ongoing thing, a slight "blur" between just play and a D/s dynamic? (This is not a bad thing in my opinion! The negative connotations around the word "blur" sucks!) How do you guys vibe/get along? Etc. etc.
When you're communicating at first, laying down ground rules, boundaries, etc., make sure it's outside of a kink-related conversation or setting (i.e., you can absolutely talk about your kink, but don't have the crucial conversations during play or scenes, but rather, before!!!)
I'm definitely rambling now! Please let me know if you have more questions at all! I'm sure my kitten won't mind answering more either! 🥰 And thank you for saying you admire us, that is so sweet of you, darling!
Thank you for your question!! xx You can absolutely be my pretty shell!
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cherryrainn · 1 year
Could you write a Onceler x male Reader (ftm) lovestory? Like, I imagine they're partners in business doing their thing and cutting down trees to produce more thneeds, but they notice their feelings to each other during that?
That would be very, very awesome :)
thanks for the request! hope you're having a great day
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— corporate chemistry
onceler (greedler) x male reader (ftm)
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being in a business partnership with onceler wasn't easy at all. he had a tendency to be selfish, overly confident, and controlling, always telling you what to do. he didn't hesitate to act like an asshole, making it challenging to work with him. however, surprisingly, you didn't find his behavior bothersome to the extent one might expect.
the path that led you to become onceler's business partner remains a mystery. despite his occasional weird looks and mean treatment towards you, somehow you managed to become his little partner in crime. perhaps it was his unique personality that intrigued you. he had a way of drawing you in with his complex character, and you couldn't help but be captivated by his enigmatic nature.
onceler sat behind his cluttered desk, poring over stacks of papers, his brow furrowed in deep concentration. you stood by the window, watching the hustle and bustle of the outside, waiting for the opportune moment to speak up.
finally, unable to contain your curiosity any longer, you cleared your throat and ventured, "onceler, i have an idea that could completely change our approach.. what if we-"
before you could finish your sentence, onceler abruptly looked up from his work, piercing you with an intense gaze. "you, with your ideas again? what makes you think you have something worthwhile to contribute?" his words dripped with skepticism, as if dismissing the mere thought of your input.
undeterred, you roll your eyes and took a step forward, meeting his challenging stare head-on. "i believe in this idea, dumbass. it's bold, innovative, and it could be the game-changer we've been searching for. we need to take a chance on it."
onceler leaned back in his creaky chair, a sly smile playing on his lips. "oh, so you think you can challenge my methods, do you? fine. convince me. lay it all out. but remember, if it fails, the consequences are on your shoulders."
a surge of determination coursed through your veins as you launched into your proposal. you spoke passionately, painting a vivid picture of the possibilities, the untapped potential waiting to be harnessed. with every word, you could see onceler's interest piqued, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the details.
as you finished, there was a palpable silence in the room. onceler leaned forward, his gaze piercing through you. then, unexpectedly, a slow smile crept onto his face. "you know what? there might be something to this idea of yours. it's audacious, risky, but it just might work."
your heart leaped at his unexpected approval. "really? you think so?"
onceler chuckled, the sound filling the room with a mix of mischief and excitement. "i'll admit, you have an uncanny ability to surprise me, y/n. let's give it a shot. we'll do it your way this time."
and so, the journey began.
you discovered that beneath onceler's tough exterior, there was a complex soul yearning for validation and connection. and in your own way, you provided that, offering a different perspective, a voice he had never truly listened to before.
through triumphs and setbacks, arguments and moments of shared triumph, you forged an extraordinary bond. it was a partnership that defied conventional norms, fueled by a blend of ambition, resilience, and an unwavering belief in each other.
however, one day...
you couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring the way his eyes sparkled with determination, even amidst the chaos. there was an unspoken connection between you, a bond that seemed to transcend the confines of your business partnership.
one day, as you reviewed a proposal together, your eyes met, and a warmth spread through your chest. it was as if the world around you faded into the background, leaving only the two of you. the air crackled with an unspoken tension, a longing that neither of you could deny.
unable to resist the pull any longer, you mustered up the courage to speak your heart. "onceler, there's something i need to say. these past few months working together have shown me a side of you that goes beyond business. i... i think I'm falling in love with you."
onceler's eyes widened, his usual air of confidence momentarily faltering. he stared at you, his expression a mix of surprise and vulnerability. "i never thought i'd hear those words from you," he murmured, his voice soft and uncertain.
you took a step closer, closing the distance between you. "onceler, i know we have our differences, and it hasn't always been easy. but despite all that, i see something special in you. your passion, your determination, it's captivating. and i can't ignore the way my heart races when i'm with you."
onceler's gaze softened, a flicker of emotion dancing in his eyes. he reached out, tentatively brushing his fingers against yours. "i never expected to feel this way either," he confessed, his voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and longing. "but there's something about you, something that draws me in, challenges me in ways i never imagined. i think... i think i might be falling in love with you too."
onceler gently caressed your cheek, his touch sending shivers down your spine. "i never thought i'd find someone who understands me like you do," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and gratitude. "you see past my flaws and bring out the best in me."
a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you leaned into his touch.
as your fingers intertwined, you knew that love had a way of transforming even the most unlikely partnerships. the once tempestuous nature of your relationship had softened, replaced by a deep respect and a shared vision for the future.
days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, as your love for one another continued to deepen. each day brought new adventures, shared laughter, and heartfelt conversations that solidified the bond you had forged.
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helloo :) 
i’m new to your blog and I really like it! i saw that ur open to asks? 
there’s been something on my mind recently. i appreciate any advice you have. 
for some time now, there have been a lot of derogatory autism-jokes, misinformation, stereotypes circulating around my school. as part of a “c.a.s” related venture (service-as-action towards my community), I want to do something about this, as it’s really bothering me. 
as to why it’s bothering me, im really affected by injustice and ignorance in the world, it’s something I find hard to let go of. and I think I might be audhd or in some way neurodivergent and I guess advocating/learning about neurodiversity has become one of my special interests.
all that aside, I’m unsure how to approach this. I feel like simply holding a “psa” that explains what autism is and de-bunks stereotypes isn’t realistically going to help change the minds of a bunch of teenagers and stop the hate. What can I actually do by myself to create change in some manner? 
tysmm:)    (also, if you can see my username, id appreciate it if it wasn’t shared with your audience.)
Greetings & I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your incredible ask. /g
The world needs more awareness & more non-ableist information about autism & we need to stop the hate & injustice & ignorance against us. Not all autistic people are able to raise their voices against the system because of many reasons, which is why we have to stand together as a whole - including every autistic person, taking different perspectives in (e.g. non-speaking autistics are often excluded, which is SO wrong in SO MANY ways). I could write another million words about it.
Yes, I think simply giving a lecture is not the solution to get heard & listened to. It's difficult to give a specific advice here, but if you are already part of a group that wants to change something or at least give support - that's something.
If you are autistic & safe 'to be like you are', consider the following, because that is what I do.
Unmask your traits, explore them & express them. TAKE UP SPACE. Be open with your struggles, respect your way of being & your way of experiencing the world. It's hard work, even if you are supported. //I was not supported & I was not able to disclose that I am autistic at first & I still am not able to publicly, but I still try to advocate for my needs & try to build my confidence.//
Talk about your traits. Start a blog online about it. If you can, raise awareness in some way, like I do. It can comfort others & maybe inspire (that is what I wish for with my work). If you can't do that (which is totally valid), support the people who do so, share their work. Also do tons of research, get as much knowledge as you can so you can fight stereotypes.
If you want to support us, work with us. Support us. Stop hate & bullying when you see it. Stop negative talk about autism when you hear it. Make existing ableism visible.
Also, if you want to support us & you're not autistic yourself:
Respect our need for accomodations & reasonable adjustments
Support us & RESPECT US when we are not masking, support & respect the ones who can't mask, the ones that are non-verbal, the ones with other disabilities - RESPECT THE WHOLE SPECTRUM
Support us when we can't work or be 'productive'
Listen to us & believe us when we tell about our experiences
Support us when we struggle to communicate, when we miss cues & don't assume we're rude
Do not belittle us, regardless of how high our support needs is - they can change from day to day
Do not JUDGE us for not living according to the standard allistics are used to.
Instead, try to make the world more accessible for us.
I hope I was able to give some input! (I definitely haven't covered all)
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dballzposting · 4 months
i feel inclined to add on to that ask abt movies (cuz i love watching movies).
Trunks to me speaks to me as a person who at one point expected the stuff he watches to change him a little. To help him think in a different perspective and challenge his preconceptions or. SOMETHING. hes the kind of guy to try to watch movies like 2001 space odyssey but by the end of it, just looks up the ending explained. he has to try to get anything out of it. I don't think he liked trainspotting. I don't think he knew what to make of The Shining. Trunks would almost certainly try to not get bored at the beginning of Pulp Fiction (the bulk of that movie is talking). But he'll still go see movies in theaters or watch whatever he's got laying around in the house though.
He thinks he's watching movies to gain something but tbh ? Trunks has been watching movies all his life, and it might just feel rly weird to suddenly. not to. If that makes grammatical sense. I think it just gets too quiet in his house. His mom's always working on something in her lab, vegeta's always in his training room, etc etc. so he puts em on to chill. Even if he doesn't really get them sometimes. Bulma seems like the type to do the same thing while she works, maybe he gets it from her.
That's probably why watching movies with goten is so interesting though. He can really get to the core of what it's trying to say, engage with the story and themes on a meaningful level and come up with his OWN well constructed analysis with an infectious enthusiasm reminiscent of the way Gohan talks about entomology.
And Goten, country bumpkin that he is, probably hasn't even seen more than MAX 30 movies in his life (ever) besides whatever soaps his mom leaves on. he's glad trunks invites him over to watch this stuff. At the end of analyzing whatever film they saw I think he'd be like Waow. That was so cool Trunks thank you for showing me this :-) can I borrow this dvd and never give it back and Trunks will be like yeah man thats cool I'm glad you liked it so much. I have a bunch more laying around it's whatever. (He found a lot of these movies in this "guest" room he's never really been inside of. It still has a lot of stuff from before he was born.)
I think that's so interesting.. that Trunks is familiar with the elements present in film but because it's familiar, it's harder to parse how or why these elements are meshed together to make the whole. he's just "watching" them without really thinking about anything and as such, doesn't gain anything.
But because Goten isn't accustomed to watching movies all the time, he can look with unclouded eyes. Not just watching, but observing and taking all of it in.
Its the difference between hearing and listening if that makes sense.
(One last tidbit which isn't super important. I mentioned earlier a guest room. It was yamcha's. When he moved out, he didn't really take a lot of things with him, choosing to leave some of his clothes and most of his movies behind. Bulma probably told him that he could just leave his stuff there in case he ever wanted to visit. The only movie he bothered to take with him was Caddyshack. For some reason. Why)
peace 🌷
I mean this as a kindly reminder and I'm saying this to everyone: you can always make your own post / reblog the post in question in order to add on to it. You can get your name out there. Look alive... It's showtime. I mean I will always faithfully post asks (I cannot guarantee in a timely manner) but never forget your options there.
(For instance perhaps posting your own words on your own post stands to grant them more respect, rather than forcing them through the filter of somebody else's input in order to be posted - as is the reality of sending asks. I can tell when someone really cares, and I appreciate that, and I try to be faithful to that, but I also like to babble. Maybe some posts ought to be stand-alone?)
(Gotta raise my glass to this though becasue i found out today [I would have found out a week ago if I had bothered to check my email] that I may or may not be helping my school start a film club so TBH i gotta appreciate this ..... and I gotta respect the grinde.... It's funny thouhg because you know I actually hate watching movies. When the time comes I ought to come back to you and the other user for recommendations. Well anyway back to the ask)
OK Well this is some real shit you just said. I fully agree. It coheres with what was already said although with some extra sensitivity ...
Reposting this segment for a TL;DR becasue I thought it was an elegant conclusion:
Trunks is familiar with the elements present in film but because it's familiar, it's harder to parse how or why these elements are meshed together to make the whole. he's just "watching" them without really thinking about anything and as such, doesn't gain anything. But because Goten isn't accustomed to watching movies all the time, he can look with unclouded eyes.
I mean really it all comes down to Trunks being a Modern CityBoy; he's used to background noise, he's used to mindless entertainment. Goten doesn't have things in his life that are meant to be taken for granted, though, so that just makes him overall more attentive and appreciative.
That's the greater discussion here ... A veiled call for action for us all to try to look with fresh eyes upon our own lives ....
Really, If Trunks isn't taking to the creative storytelling aspect of it, he should at least take a shining to the technological artistry. Maybe he doesn't care why or when, but he does know HOW they do what they do. That'd be swagg. But then he'd have to do research on something that isn't Minecraft related. Sighhhh
BTW Thanjk you for addsing that Caddyshack bit in there for me. Mondo appreciated <3
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from what I've seen polygymy tends to be viewed pretty negatively in radfem circles as it devalues women and puts them at even more risk of being taken advantage of by men. plus there's a lot of overlap in societies that practice multiple wives with child brides and domestic violence. there's recently been a big thing about this issue in the mormon church before anyone comes for me for saying I'm targeting the global south on this. men are more likely to spread STIs and more likely to commit violence against women so giving them intimate access to many women just seems like a recipe for disaster.
it seems to be a pretty mixed bag as to the radfem opinions on open female relationships. People generally seem to find them less damaging than men with multiple wives (for obvious reasons) and most of the criticism seems due to personal opinion rather than a structural issue with it fundamentally.
hope that helps!
wow thanks for your input!
while theyre not completely different i would differentiate between polygamy (which is usually the man marrying several wives, often practiced in cultures where the age of consent is low) and open relationships/polyamory (usually practiced by both partners).
but i think you bring up really important points that apply to both: the spread of stds (even though that would also be the issue with people sleeping a lot around outside relationships/marriage) and intimate access to more women, which men often abuse.
and yeah i think radical feminists mostly look at heterosexual constellations because of the inherent power imbalance etc. gay and lesbian relationships have different dynamics especially from the sociocultural perspective radical feminism takes.
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
Hi 👋🏽 lurker here. I love your page but honestly feel too grown to comment on tumblr most of the time 😂
just wanted to chime in to say the biracial/black women convo is important and I really appreciate your perspective. I’m around Zendaya’s age, (slightly) older and I’m also a (biracial) light skinned black woman. Same foundation shade as Zendaya actually 😂. I can tell you this discourse was not a thing growing up. We were black, considered black by society, etc. it wasn’t until the past 5 years that I’ve seen people feel the need to distinguish us as “biracials” and honestly it has been a little hurtful and neglects our experiences as biracial black people. Yes we have privilege, absolutely. Now that I live in a city, I feel that more readily. I was also raised around a lot of white people so I can adapt fluidly in white spaces, which has been immensely helpful in my career. But all grass isn’t always greener on the other side, if that makes sense.
For example, I grew up in a rural sundown town. Guess what? I was the only black person many of them had ever seen, and on top of that being biracial made me, and I quote, an “abomination”. Can’t tell you how many times I heard that growing up. And I imagine even in hollywood there are remnants of some of that (less harsh) sentiment there. Is Zendaya privileged and does she have access to more roles because she’s lighter? Yes. Is she still probably fighting off “stereotypical” castings, being met with executives who say “a black star won’t make us money in China/Korea/europe/whatever”, is she offered less than her white counterparts, probably also yes. I think it’s important that we can acknowledge that Zendaya (and light skinned black people) is more privileged but I get so salty when I see people try to strip her of her identity or overly criticize her because she’s “not black enough”. I feel like the discourse around biracial people in particular has been on fire in recent years. I can understand the frustration people feel with society around light skinned folks and I absolutely admit that some light skinned folks abuse their privilege or don’t give back, but the discourse is really stripping us of our identity as BLACK people. I’m a black woman, society sees me as such and I am PROUD to be a black woman. Having one white parent doesn’t erase that from my identity.
hopefully people don’t take this the wrong way, but thanks again for your take. Love your blog!
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First off, thank you so much for your sweet and kind words about my blog Anon. 🥰 I appreciate it!
I also wanted to say thank you so much for providing your views and your input as a biracial black woman. As a monoracial black woman myself, I can't personally know first-hand how it feels or what biracial black women experience in this country. It's nice to hear the "other side of the coin" for a change.
You and I are probably around the same age, and you're right, growing up there wasn't such a huge demarcation line btwn who is "black" and who is "biracial". Back then, everyone was just considered "black" if you have "one drop" of black blood lol. 😂 But over the past few years or so, there's really been a strong desire for some to classify. I get it... I think biracial black women (especially) do get a bit more favorable treatment in society and people tend to treat them differently, and they're deemed more "beautiful", etc. Not always, but a lot of times the underlying current is there, and it can be frustrating for those of us who are monoracial black to constantly see society uplifting ONE type of beauty over the other. I can see why some want to "clarify" or put certain people in a box.
I think everyone's experiences might be unique just simply due to their skin tone, or even how someone looks, attractiveness levels, size, region of the country they're living in, etc. So, there are a LOT of factors, so I totally get it.
With that said, I totally agree that while it is definitely frustrating to see certain ones in the "Black Community" being given opportunities more than others, at the same time, we really don't know what some of these "lighter-skinned" actresses have had to endure, what they're being told, or how they can be made to feel like an "other" or a "token" for some of them. 🤷🏾‍♀️
My main gripe with Hollywood is that it seems as though monoracial YOUNG black women are constantly being ignored in the industry. 😔 Growing up, I used to at least be able to name some popular monoracial black women who were famous/popular. We at least had Keke, isn't Raven black? lol..... But now days?? It's very hard to even see monoracial black women (young) who are given lead roles in mainstream films.... We're RARELY playing the lead, or even the love interest. 🥴
A lot of roles meant for "black women" are going to biracials lol. Again, I'm not mad (I love to see a fellow woc getting some shine), but it would just be nice to see some black women onscreen who look more like ME, and who are around my age. Yea, it's nice seeing Lupita Nyong'o (for example), or Angela Bassett (who I LOVE!), Kiki Layne, Janelle Monet, etc.... but every now and then, it would just be nice to see some younger monoracial black women who look like myself on the major screen again. 😔 Anyway, let me stop rambling....
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witchcraftingboop · 1 year
Hi! May I ask which are some good super starter or basic grimoires? I tried Agrippa and just...it didn't go in...i have the Picatrix but I honestly think I'll just get the same result, it's way above my head. Is there anything simple i might "get" or should I honestly just accept it's not for me and move on? Thank you!
Hey, so I have this post right here that goes over why no grimoire that's worth learning from with the intent to practice it through is going to be classified as beginner/starter/etc. So I'm not going to rehash that part.
As for "getting" Agrippa, I think it's important to remember that it's an encyclopedia. As such, when you're beginning to explore grimoires, it's best to use it as a reference book. Can you use Agrippa as the foundation of your own practice? Yes, but unless you're already familiar with occult concepts and topics, it might require far more than one or two surface readings to fully digest what it's talking about.
So since it sounds like you're newer to grimtrad circles, I have a few books that I think might help build that foundation without all the dense walls of text and jargon to read through (though please bear in mind that I struggle to remember what is/not common knowledge even in mundane matters, so if some of these are a bit trickier to navigate, feel free to blame it on my incompetence):
A Deed Without A Name by Lee Morgan (staple)
Conjuring Spirits by Miller (Miller's work is v good)
The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish (read critically, don't accept everything blindly)
The Hermetic & Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus - Waite & Paracelsus (denser)
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in Greek and Roman Worlds
Elucidation of Necromancy
Celestial Intelligences by Kaminsky (denser)
Some books that I worked with or through that seem easy enough to bring to real life application, with the right dedication and mindset:
The 6th & 7th Books of Moses
The Sworn Book of Honorius
The Book of Oberon
Seven Spheres & Gateways: Through Stone and Circle (1 book) & Through Light and Shadow (different book) - best combo, anyone can practice these really
Keys of Solomon & Grimorium Verum & Secrets of Solomon - solid combo
The Goetia of Dr. Rudd (a particular fave)
The Complete Mystical Records of Dr. John Dee (learn a bit of Latin first or have a solid translator on deck)
Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) & Greek and Egyptian Magical Formularies & Techniques of Greco-Egyptian Magic - best combo, imo
Orphic Hymns Grimoire & The Hekatæon & Tartaros - another good combo
The 32 Keys
Azoëtia & The Black Dragon series
Book of St. Cyprian
I think it's worth mentioning that reading more is a great way to broaden your awareness of occult concepts and topics. If you look at how things are considered across different dedicated areas of study, then you're more likely to understand the foundations of said thing. One perspective is very limiting. It's better to seek out multiple. By reading from the first list, which should give a pretty solid introductory to broad concepts, and then sifting through the grimoires mentioned, you should be able - through applying yourself properly to the task - gain an understanding of how these things may function/interact in a living tradition, and then through applying them yourself gain the practical knowledge of how they actually are.
And as a closing note: I would personally recommend leaving behind the idea that you're supposed to "get" occult books. You study from them, you learn what you can from them, and through implementing what they speak of and experimenting with what interests you, you acquire that knowledge plus your own discovered knowledge and heightened awareness. In this way, you'll come to realize why I refer to my engagement with the occult as a study and practice.
Of course, if none of this was helpful, you can feel free to disregard my input here as the ramblings of a twenty-something nobody. Have a good one!
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deancaslover · 7 months
As a poc who grew up in the middle east and have family in the middle east and have experienced know the impact of islamaphobia my take on m.c is definelity complicated. He should not have made the comments on the denial of genocide 100% and I'm glad he deleted those tweets hopefully because he understood it was wrong and not simply due to backlash. And I do believe that's the main part that he should be held accountable with
I do think misha has a emotional stake with family/ friends that are Jewish that probably has strong opinions and is also giving out information, working and helping with Ukraine, having the chance to talk to President of Ukraine abt the war, etc whilst Ukraine is still allies with Israel. I do see how that would have influenced his opinion on isreal and Palestine.
I think what's not stopping me from my support or whatever is in general I believe in the intentions and I just don't see the malicious intent. When reading his article it was very pro anti war and very attempted neutral on both parts, made sure to condemn only hammas and not the Palestinian ppl, humanising the Palestinian ppl. (Which is not special take but I do think when america talk abt middle east and war they usually talk about the humans (women are forced to wear hijab and have no rights! Which yea bs) and not talk specifically about the terrorist groups) so I do think that part was crucial and important. I also can appreciate that he replied to a person against islamaphobia in one of his replies. And in his substack which now has 106 comments the majority is in support of Palestine and there's links being shared about either genocide or more information that's currently happening in Palestine so for ppl looking to get informed there's links. So I do appreciate that the comments are not being filtered. And perhaps I am being too generous or looking at cup half full perspective but the positive part that I do see in this is that m.c main fanbase will also be other white fans who when going to look for his article they are being exposed to information.and is also learning if they haven't.
Idk like should he have written an article? No. But he has, and I'm glad he said this part
" Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism, but when Israel does so by committing atrocities and war crimes of its own, then it defends itself without moral authority and only further entrenches both sides in an interminable conflict where there are no “good guys” and there will be no “winner.”  
Like again I'm glad when he's talking negatively about Palestine he specifically talks about hammas and in then in general terms isreal commiting war crimes. I just think it's important that for his fanbase that probably consists of white fanbase that is already been fed from the western media that it is important that it was neutral and humanisation of the Palestinian ppl
And again maybe because I have been in the spn fandom and have been exposed to gishwishes. Allowing them to pay medical bills, and other good things, his open support if the lgbt community I do have a soft spot and perhaps I'm looking at this in rose tinted glasses but i genuinely am not seeing the malicious or hateful intent when talking about the isreal/ Palestine that I see when others talk I.e piers Morgan etc . what I do condem is his comments on genocide and the denial of it so I'm glad those got deleted quick, hopefully because he understood that was just wrong. And he needs to address that. But yea in general I suppose the support is still there,
I read this as soon as I got it and thought, "I'll definitely answer it," so thank you, anon. I value your input on this.
First, you're totally entitled to your feelings and thoughts about him and his words. My intention is never to tell others how to react; I'm just very vocal about what I think.
I can understand your position. I'm not Muslim, and I'm not from the Middle East, but I'm a POC (basically half indigenous and half colonizer) in Latin America, and we, too, share a very dark history with imperialism from the USA and his son Israel but maybe it's a bit more invisible here.
That's why I'm so radical and unforgiving about privileged people's stances regarding colonization and genocide. To me it's not enough that he says he wants peace, that the bare minimum and the least we can expect from someone like him. I don't see how having family and friends who are Jewish is an impediment to understanding what is going on in Palestine when many Jewish people go out to the streets to claim they're 100% against occupation and don't support a Jewish Estate. Zionists want to make us believe they are the eternal victims, and Misha decided to go with that. In his statement he mentioned the Holocaust several times but he fails to see that Israel is doing the same to Palestinians right now. "Well, they have committed some war crimes, but it's not a real genocide like the Jewish one." Ugh, disgusting. There's no coming back from that in my opinion.
Like I've said, we as fans have given him the benefit of the doubt more than once, for both little and bigger things. Knowing his intentions are "good" isn't enough for me anymore. He's been in politics for decades; he's always doing political activism, so he's not particularly ignorant. He's not your average dumb American, and he has followers from all over the world. I expect(ed) a lot of him, because he put himself in that position from the start. I've been a fan for over a decade, and I even did gishwhes three years in a row, so yes, it's not easy to just say goodbye to all that overnight. But I'm being true to myself, and so I have to walk away.
Whatever path you follow on all this, whether it's the same as now or it changes, I send you my support, stay strong and you can write to me whenever you want <3
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tealakko · 6 months
Hey, I've never done this before but I just want to ask how you got so good at drawing! It's something I've wanted to get better at for awhile but I can't draw well unless I copy (Not tracing) and it bums me out. I'm sure that it was through lots and lots of practice, but is there any like stand-out advice you might have? Sorry to bother and thank you!!
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Hello anon! So I see that you're struggling with getting better at art/making original pieces. I'm honored that you would come to me for help <3 so here's what I suggest you do! :
I advise you to take the skills you currently have and use it to learn the basics! As in; learn anatomy, color theory, expressions, and so on. There are a lot of videos online explaining them all in depth, so if you REALLY want to get good at art I suggest you watch them on YouTube 👍 (choose wisely on who to watch because some might give really bad art tips)
And please avoid copying artworks like copying other people's art/manga panels/anime screenshots because it can only get you somewhere.. You will never actually get good at art because you will have no sense of what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'.
BUT, this doesn't mean copying art is not a good way to improve. It's good when you're already experienced at art. It's not good for those who are still inexperienced/beginners however.
This is because when you're experienced, you KNOW what you're doing when you copy and break down historical artworks, professional artworks, etc. Inexperienced artists will only copy the art without knowing anything, and it'll be hard to come up with something original when you're used to copying other people's artworks.
Honestly, the biggest advice I could say is: just draw whatever you want and what you like. No matter if you think it's 'bad' because to get good at art you will have to make 'bad' art. Draw your favorite characters, make your own characters, anything! Just draw!
When it comes to finding your own art style, I suggest you search what kind of art style you'd like first. (doesn't have to be only one!) Gather various artists you like and observe how they draw. (not necessarily copy them, just observe the things you like from their art; how they color things, how they line, etc, and input it in your style.)
And, reference! Not copying by the way.. Reference real life pictures for poses, perspective, objects, etc. When I was little, I didn't want to use references because I thought it was cooler if I drew without references.. (My art was wonky as hell LOL) but then I grew up and started using references. It helped me a lot!
Hope this helps 🙏
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a-captions-blog · 7 months
sending this in response to the ask about shorter descriptions—take this with a grain of salt as i am sighted, this is just what i've picked up from spending some time writing descriptions myself following guidelines from other web accessibility sources outside tumblr.
while i can't find any sources on "industry standard" descriptions being ten words or fewer specifically (i did see fifteen from one source, though,) i do see that alt text should generally be around 200 characters at the most, as alt text should be concise and give just enough detail to understand the image clearly while not including anything that isn't vital to that understanding. some screenreaders aren't compatible with alt text that goes over that limit.
however, a lot of what you do on this blog is outright transcriptions, which isn't quite the same. aside from that, what most people (including you) who write descriptions on here are writing are long descriptions, which are intended for describing images in more depth than alt text and aren't meant to be concise in the same way. i think part of the problem is that people on this website tend to use "image description" synonymously with "alt text," implying that alt text and long descriptions should work the same way and aren't made with distinct (though related) goals in mind.
on websites outside of tumblr, long descriptions are usually used for images containing lots of vital information like charts and graphs, in conjunction with a short description in alt text—the alt says something like "a chart showing (general data)," and the long description provides the specific information, sometimes linked on another page or put in a collapsible menu so that the user can choose to access it. on tumblr however, especially when you're not the original poster of something, i don't know what a good equivalent to this practice would be. you could always warn at the beginning of a description that it is meant to be a detailed/long description or a transcription of lots of text.
image description guidelines are also not the same as guidelines for describing audio or video. this isn't something i do as much as image description, so i don't have any specific knowledge about it, but i'd keep that in mind too.
i don't mean to come off as contrarian to that anon (because i think their criticism is justified and i'm open to correction if there's something about their perspective i'm missing,) or condescending towards you (as i'm sure you probably know some of this already, being a caption blog,) i just thought i'd provide some context i don't see often that might help you figure out what you want to do with your captions ^_^b (happy thumbs-up emoticon).
[Previous ask for context.] Hello! Thank you for your input. The difference in purpose between alt text and long descriptions makes sense to me, and I have some non-Tumblr experience with video transcriptions that I try to apply here as well. I do agree with the previous anon that my descriptions for art and such tend to be a bit verbose, so I can definitely work on trying to capture the general essence of the piece rather than every minute detail. I think I will go with the idea of putting a pre-description for longer captions that are as concise as possible and mention that the following description is lengthy. I will also add the ‘long description’ tag moving forward in case people want to block that pre-emptively. I am also open to further discussion on this if anyone (especially screen reader users) wants to comment :] (rectangular smiley)
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doffy2 · 8 months
do you have any rules/guidelines you go by when designing and creating a site? i love your web design, the way you combine style with accessibility is very inspiring; i really struggle with that balance
First off: thanks very much for your compliments about my site building. I put a lot of effort into what I create, so it's always nice to hear others enjoy my style or formatting of pages, thanks again.
TL:DR; Start simple and expand when the simple stage is done, don't delete that old half-finished page keep it up somewhere (gives you progressive reference AND a paper trail for growing accessibility wise), and don't be afraid to take inspiration from other sites.
Rambled response under the cut.
I took some time to ruminate on a response here lol. Bounced around some advice or input but ultimately I think starting simple is your best friend in coding.
Starting simply can be useful not even strictly from a site-building perspective, anything from inspiration, to pictures you'll use, to a color palette really. If you start with a bunch of concepts you want to utilize or bring to life your code can wind up very messy very fast, and sometimes you'll start disliking what you're making even if you're nowhere near the end goal you originally had in mind.
I see it a lot from the Neocities sites I follow actually. People start on HUGE webpage ideas, total site overhauls, and burn themselves out when the piece isn't coming to life exactly how they panned it out. I'd recommend even scribbling pencil-sketches for base site layouts, leave the flashy graphics people normally plan around out of it until a later stage in coding, and see how that feels. So many of my pages started as "ghdksdfg.png" from ms paint, seriously. Visualizing your layouts is a lifesaver.
The second point, which I emphasize a lot to people looking to really start up a Neocities or even just get into misc. coding is: keep your old code. Do it. I don't care how messy and shitty and unstable it is- same with keeping old art, you'll notice your progression AND it will be ten thousand times easier to reflect on things like accessibility if you have an old reference point. I've looked back on old code and gone "shit, I forgot (feature)" which more times than not is a QOL (quality of life) implement for the whole page. You're giving yourself a paper trail for improvement AND mistake catching. Big bonus.
Last: everybody has done everything before. Everybody. No matter what your site looks like someone can done that combination of div placements or used that graphic or ETC ETC ETC. Comparison kills. Grab a layout idea you like from some old 2000s cartoon site. See someone use a custom border? Take a look at it and figure out how to do it yourself. Want someone's code for a music player or calendar or gallery? Ask them for it or replicate it. Using inspiration isn't something you should be wary of and sometimes it leads to overthinking in web design.
I could ramble a lot more about design especially in the current Neocities sphere, but I'll try to stick to these 3 points which I think could be helpful.
If you want me to expand on any points or specify anything else let me know. If you also had any further questions I'll try my best to answer them in a more coherent way LOL. I've been on a schoolwork grind, so I hope I'm cohesive enough here.
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1010 (or maybe rin) with a reader who helps them with their choreography / moves ?
- He’s thanking you constantly. “Thank you for the help, baby” “That’s a great idea, thanks sweetie”
-No matter what skeptical comments may get thrown your way, he believes that every one of your ideas is worth trying. He believes you have a good perspective as someone close to 1010 and who knows the audience somewhat.
-Eventually, he gets so expectant of your input that if you don’t have commentary on the latest choreography, he seeks you out and asks for your opinion.
-He’s used to being the one front and center, so any arrangement that requires he be further back or doing something less eye-catching, he likes a second opinion that he’s laying low enough to let one of the other members be the focus.
-He finds it sweet that you care so much to help him, or the others. He makes sure to tell you how much he adores you consideration often.
-Occasionally teases you by asking if you’ll give him a kiss if he does well.
-Frequently makes eye contact with you and gives you flirty looks during practice.
-Also likes to pull you into a dance, claiming he needs extra practice with partnered moves, as an excuse to be close to you.
-”I didn’t quite understand that...Will you show me?” (whether or not he understood he just wants to see you try to pull off whatever move you described)
-Yes, the many ways he uses this situation as a means to flirt is cheesy, but he can’t get enough of you. He loves if he can fluster you with it too.
-He really does think that you have great ideas and are very creative. He makes sure to let you know often.
1010 as a group:
-They’re great at memorizing and synchronizing their routines once one is established. So you really don’t have to do much to help them in practicing.
-Still, they love praise and affirmation. So every comment you can give about their progress, they eagerly take.
-You get a lot of thanks and praise from them for your help.
-When they have free time while you’re around, they ask you about your inspiration for moves you think of, your process for judging choreography.
-And they want to know if you dance. No matter what the answer is, they plan on pulling you into spontaneous dances.
-Neon J is primarily the one who writes the choreography. But as he realizes he hits creative blocks at times and 1010 likes your input, he lets you work on writing as well.
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simshousewindsor · 11 months
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 8:23 AM WST]
Prince Rainier: What time do we need to leave? We don't want to be late.
Queen Katherine: We have time. There’s something I want you to help me with. 
Prince Rainier: Oh?
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Queen Katherine: Since the coronation isn't until after I have the twins, planning will be taking place here while I’m on maternity leave at Beaverdam. I need someone involved I can trust. I’d like you to come aboard my Coronation Committee. 
Prince Rainier: “In what capacity?”
Queen Katherine: As Chairman.
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Prince Rainier: You already have one. Timothy.
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Queen Katherine: I’d ask the Duke of Norfolk to make room for you.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[St Aaron’s Church, Greater Easton 10:41 AM WST]
Prince Rainier: What would it entail?
Queen Katherine: Well, the Duke of Norfolk will run the show from an organizational perspective, look after the seating, the route of the procession, but as Chairman of the Committee, you would have an input on ideas!
Prince Rainier: Those old men won't listen to me. They hate me!
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(crowd cheering)
Queen Katherine: They do not hate you.
Prince Rainier: They do! They treat me as an outsider. Irrelevant.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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[St Aaron’s Church, Greater Easton 11:17 AM WST]
Prince Rainier: (whispers) I’ll do it, under one condition.
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Prince Rainier: Total control or nothing at all.
Queen Katherine: Alright but don't go crazy! It’s a Coronation. A service that goes back hundreds of years. There will be things that can't be changed.
Prince Rainier: Yes, I know. Alright.
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- - - - - THE NEXT DAY - - - - -
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire 9:04 AM WST]
[Equerry]: “The Lord Great Chamberlain, the Lord Chamberlain, the Marshall of the Diplomatic Corp and the Comptroller, Your Majesty.”
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Queen Katherine: I’ve asked you to join me because I've made a decision about the Coronation Committee, in that I would like my husband to be the Chairman of that Committee.
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Martin Lavelle [Private Secretary]: That’s impossible, ma’am. There can only be one Chairman and that is the Duke of Norfolk. He is the Earl Marshall and Chief Butler of Windenburg. He would also be the 4th Duke of Norfolk to do it. He ran your father’s coronation and his father ran your grandfather’s. It’s what the Norfolks do.
Rowena, Queen Mother: Couldn't you give Rainier some other job?
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Queen Katherine: Like what?
Rowena, Queen Mother: (silence)
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Queen Katherine: The chairmanship is what he wants, with full autonomy, and therefore it’s what I want. Norfolk can be vice-chair.
Rowena, Queen Mother: “Why don't you think on it?”
Queen Katherine: I did, and my decision stands. Thank you.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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Martin [P.S.]: The Duke of Norfolk will be furious!
Rowena, Queen Mother: Yes, and Grantham does fury quite well.
Martin [P.S.]: What would Your Majesty suggest?
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Rowena, Queen Mother: I’ll side with the Duke of Norfolk and hope that sanity prevails. The Queen is young and has to learn what any young general has to learn; which battles to fight and which to leave.
Martin [P.S.]: Let me know what you want me to do, ma’am.
Rowena, Queen Mother: The same as always, Martin, exactly what I tell you. (chuckles)
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