#techno and phil fluff
justcallme-ange · 1 year
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What it means to be in your twenties to a person who’s lived a few centuries.
As for the ages, if you know you know~
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nobodywritingao3 · 10 months
Cold Love
Wilbur is a dragon, his most wellkept secret. Tommy finds out so he brings him back to his hoard in the mountains.
CW: - vore
title taken from Cold Love by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
word count: 1.7k 🐉 read it on AO3
"Let me go," Tommy spits out. Despite his aggression, there's a fearful, panicky air about him that sends pangs into Wilbur's chest.
"Toms, come on. You know me - you know I'd never hurt you." He wrestles him into the ground, easily pinning him to the dirt without having to exert real effort.
Tommy's arms shake from the effort of trying to fight him off. Wilbur is almost relaxed above him, a slight frown on his face as he easily presses the boy down. The more he tries to fight and the more he sees how futile it is, the more his hostility slips into abject terror.
"Wilbur, please." His voice cracks and he starts to go limp. He blinks back tears. "I won't tell a soul. Your secret is safe, just let me go. I'll disappear, and you'll never hear from me again."
No. No, he doesn't want that at all -
And something must show on his face too, because Tommy's eyes widen at his reaction, and he starts to writhe again, sobs building in his chest.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I don't - I didn't - "
He falls dead silent, tears still streaming down the sides of his face.
"You're fine," Wilbur murmurs to him, trying to imbue his words with as much love as he can. "Everything's going to be fine, okay?"
He starts to stand, pulling Tommy up with him as he goes.
He's tense in his arms, but Wilbur remains gentle.
As soon as they're both standing up, Tommy lurches away from him, but he's not fast enough.
Wilbur pulls him close, his arms still loose around Tommy. "Were you trying to catch me off guard?"
Tommy is sobbing and yelling and hitting at his chest, but he doesn't react.
"I... what are you doing? You - you know I'm much stronger than humans, sweetheart, you've got to stop fighting me."
He breaks down in his arms and tries to fall to the ground, but Wilbur catches him and holds, staring at him in puzzlement.
"How do I make this better?" He asks, almost blankly.
Tommy is still crying. "You - you ate the mayor," he whimpers. "You burned half the village to the ground. You burned the orphanage to the ground. You killed Phil and Tech - "
Wilbur swallows a lump in his throat and shoves down rising feelings of guilt. "I did what I had to do. I ate the mayor, I destroyed your village, including the orphanage. But how else could I get you?" He brushes a strand of hair from Tommy's eyes. "All that paperwork... it's easier if they think you perished in the fire. And for the record - " he conspiratorially winks at Tommy, trying to get humor him, "Phil and Techno are just fine."
He doesn't wait for a response, closing his eyes and starting to shift. He pays extra mind to Tommy's position in his arms. The change is done in seconds, and when he opens his eyes again, Tommy's just a tiny little thing lying between his clawed paws.
"Treasure," he purrs irreverently. "My little human - let's get you taken care of, yeah?"
Tommy stares up at him with wide eyes, completely frozen on the ground.
Wilbur wastes no time in leaning down and swallowing Tommy. He screams and kicks as he goes down the throat, but Wilbur's body was designed to eat live prey. Functionally speaking at least, Tommy is no different from the deer or tigers or knights he regularly eats.
He hums contentedly as Tommy settles into his brood pouch. It's padded out so he can be rough as he wants in there and it won't hurt either of them (and let it be said that he is trying very hard to hurt Wilbur).
"You're safe now, Tommy. Let's get you back to the rest of my hoard." He purrs again, a burst of delight in his chest. "I've waited so long to get you with the rest of my collection. Bit of a shame that you found out this way, but I'm a little glad too. I was going to reveal myself in a few months, but now I don't have to wait."
He spreads his wings and takes flight towards the treacherous mountains. Only the royals' finest knights could traverse the landscape, and even then, they were so tired and cold from the trip that their hands could barely grip the hilts of their swords.
He lands in the entrance and strides in. Techno and Phil sit idly on a pile of gold coins, chatting away, but as soon as their eyes land on him, they avert their gazes and seem to wilt. He's learned not to take it to heart - they've gotten better about managing their fear of him in the past few months since he added them to his hoard, and he's sure that as the years progress, all three of his humans will come around again.
He leans over Techno and Phil and opens his mouth up, finding it just the teeniest bit funny when they flinch back and start to plead with him not eat them. He brings out Tommy, letting the boy gently fall onto the two men below.
He sits back and admires them, a happy sound growing in the back of his throat.
"Finally," he says dreamily, "I have all three of you."
He shifts back into his human form and saunters up to them, ignoring how Tommy flinches backwards into Techno and Phil.
Phil pulls Tommy into his arms and starts to soothingly rub circles into his shoulder. "Wilbur, you're scaring him."
He shrugs nonchalantly. "You were scared too, in the beginning. He'll get over it soon - you all will - and then you'll be a proper part of my hoard."
Phil and Technoblade share a glance that he doesn't bother to decipher.
"Your hoard... what does that mean?" Techno asks slowly.
Wilbur grins brightly at him. "My collection! My treasure - it means you're mine now."
Tommy stares at him slack-jawed.
"Why us?" It seems like it slips out of Phil's mouth, something he says before he has a chance to apply a filter. But Wilbur doesn't mind answering.
"Techno is my twin, Tommy is my little brother, and you're my father." Those are all the human words for the familial terms, so they should understand.
Phil bites his lip. "Wil... we love you, but you can't - "
"I can do whatever I want," he cuts in, his voice edged with aggression.
Phil falls silent.
Wilbur smiles at him again. "Do you have anymore questions?"
Techno awkwardly coughs. "I hate to be the bearer of the obvious, but humans don't live as long as dragons. We're a lot less hearty, and you've stationed us on Dead Man's Hill. Because that's the name of this mountain, Wilbur - Dead Man's Hill. Are you sure you don't want to take us somewhere else?"
He feels his expression darken. "That won't be an issue. You're my hoard now. Which means your life force is tied to mine, and all three of your aging processes have stopped. If I'm to die - if - then you'll begin to age again." He turns a steely eye to Techno's. "And we will leave this mountain. But only when I know you won't try to do something silly, like leave me."
Techno nods, avoiding his eyes. "Sounds good."
"It does, doesn't it?" He agrees happily. "Now that I've taken Tommy, my collection is complete."
"Sorry - sorry, what the fuck?" Tommy chimes in, finally having found his voice.
Techno lowers his voice and says into his ear, "Wilbur is a dragon and he's keeping us now."
Tommy stares at him. "I thought you were fucking dead."
"Mm, me too," he says dryly. "But I'm not. I'm just the adopted twin brother of a dragon."
"Did you know?!" Tommy asks, sitting up and stumbling away from them.
Wilbur watches him curiously, fondly noting as he tips backward into a stack of gold coins.
"Did they know what?"
"What do you - what do you fucking think, Wilbur?!" He screeches.
Wilbur smiles, and lets himself shift again. Tommy flinches away as he approaches but he doesn't mind, picking him up in his mouth and plopping him back down next to Phil and Techno.
"They didn't know," he says soothingly, gazing down at them. He curls his tail loosely around their little group, forming a protective barrier. Or a cage.
Techno slides an arm around Tommy's shoulders. "Trust me," he murmurs, "if we had known, we never would have let you - " he cuts himself off, seeming to stiffen as his eyes nervously dart up to Wilbur. "We didn't know," he concedes.
Wilbur laughs lightly. "Can you imagine if you had? You never would have been my friend! And Phil never would have taken both of us in. I had to lie."
There's a look on Phil's face that he can't decipher. "Wilbur... I would have. Of course I would have," he says gently. His words carry weight, but the meaning behind it is unidentifiable to Wilbur.
"No," he says simply. "So it's a good thing I lied. Because the years passed and you realized how much you loved me, and now that you know I'm a dragon, you won't leave."
A sharp wave of paranoid insecurity strikes through his chest. "I don't think you'll leave," he mutters in afterthought, his tail slightly tensing around them.
Technoblade looks conflicted. "We love you for you, your being a dragon doesn't change that."
Wilbur frowns down at him, puffing a plume of smoke out. "Why are you saying that?"
"What - what do you mean?"
"We aren't leaving this mountain, Techno. I'm not that stupid."
A look of surprise crosses his face. He's a good actor, Wilbur decides. "I wasn't saying that to trick you, we do love - "
"I know you do!" Wilbur sharply cuts in. "Because I spent years bonding with you as a human. And now that you know I'm a dragon, it doesn't matter!" He gives them a smile with his large, sharp teeth. He ignores how forced it feels. He ignores how it feels like he's trying to convince himself more than them.
Phil looks at him with a pained expression. "Mate - "
"You're a little scared right now, but that's fine," he purrs, cutting him off. "We have the rest of time for you to love me like you used to. You weren't supposed to find out, but you have, and that's fine. I'll just keep you here. I'll just keep you here, and we can be a proper family."
He nuzzles the three of them with his snout, ignoring how they flinch away from him. "I love you!" he exclaims. "And you love me. So everything is fine. It's fine."
~ ~ ~
🏷️: @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @flowers-of-plenty @gracideaviolet
hope you enjoyed :3
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icaruscreates · 1 year
Since I forgot to share here, Chapter One of Among the Snow, I'm Home is up!!
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squishycheekanon · 1 year
Human!Techno x reader
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, smut, humanTechno being a grump, grumpy guy-sunshineish girl. George complaining (no hate). Touch starvedness. I didn’t mean for there to be a size kink but there is one.
You’re confused, nothing new there, your head swirling from your long week and silly meetings at work. Nothing was more tedious than listening to George drone on about utter nonsense, mindnumbingly stupid complaints that were pointless to point out.
But even after getting up at four am every morning to work late into the night you still agreed to hang out with the gang at their shared house, at first you thought it was idiotic so did Techno maybe that’s why you two and a few of your other friends didn’t join in on the whole living together fiasco.
As much as you loved your friends thirty plus people in one house, no matter how big, was a recipe for disaster. Apparently not. Two years later and they had all managed to make it work setting up chore schedules, and bathroom schedules that seemed to make the house run perfectly.
Still you couldn’t be more glad to end the night in your own apartment snuggled up in your large bed, which is why you’re confused as to why you agreed to hang out tonight knowing full well that Wilbur wanted to have a piss up.
Pretty much everyone had a drink in their hands expect for you. You instead, after having half of the sangria Quackity had made for you, had claimed the little area in the back corner of the big living room. Head tipped back again the sofa, eyes closed and pressing into something warm.
Techno had arrived half an hour after you did, his week had started off great, but by the end of it he couldn’t help but feel a little agitated. He hadn’t seen you the whole week and as much as he’d never admit it out loud, and definitely not to you, he’d missed you.
You were the only person he could truly relax around and he needed that. Has done since he met you. Ten years ago it was, you had been stood up, sitting at a bar quietly crying to yourself when he bumped into you pouring his whiskey on the rocks all down your back, soaking your dress and pulling a squeal from you. A squeal he still teases you for. But he spent the rest of the night doing everything he could think of to make you smile and laugh to make up for it. It worked and you’ve been friends ever since.
Techno weaved his way through the huge hallway into the large kitchen to grab a beer from the double door fridge offering small nods to those who greeted him on his way to the massive living room area. His curious eyes scanning the space until they landed on you, the corners of his lips turning up slightly at the sight before him.
With a shake of his head he sat down next to you perhaps a little too close but when you sighed so softly pressing yourself into his warmth he relaxed against the leather sofa. “Long week?” He asked watching with a knowing gaze as you nodded. Knowing because this would be one of the nights he’d have to get a very sleepy you into his car and all the way up to your apartment and into your bed.
Techno dragged his gaze away from you to watch Wilbur try and teach Tommy and Tubbo how to play poker. At that point Phil and his wife arrived, Phil immediately coming over to Techno giving him a bro hug and saying hi to you which revived a thumbs up and a lazy smile. No matter how hard you try to open your eyes they were just so damn heavy you couldn’t do it, Phil smiled anyway glancing at Techno when he huffed at you.
“Take her home dude.” Phil patted Techno’s shoulder making the latter nod passing his unopened beer to Phil before picking you up. It was meant to be bridal style but you clung to him subconsciously wrapping your legs around his waist. He adapted a big arm around your waist and another under your tush, glaring at those who made whooping noises or whistled too loud making you whine softly onto his neck.
“Alright bun we’re going, we’re going.” He soothed, the words feeling a little foreign on his monotonous tongue.
“Tec!” Tommy was quick to stop his beefy uncle hooking your little handbag onto his shoulder, the sight was enough to make Tommy snicker to himself as he walked away. With a roll of his eyes Techno left the large house rather happy he had managed to skip the get together.
You thanked Techno ten times over in the morning when you woke in your own bed, you knew exactly who got you there. You felt ridiculously bad resulting in you spending the whole morning and most of the afternoon baking him sweet treats while you waited for his reply text to see if he was coming over or wether you’d need to drop them at his.
Music played through out the kitchen, your cherry covered apron wrapped around your oversized T-shirt clad body as you iced the cupcakes to look like little Minecraft piggys giggling as you did so.
“Well isn’t this a sight.” You jumped back at the sound of Technos voice, looking up to see him grinning at you.
“What the fuck Tec!” You huffed dropping the icing bag to place your hands on your hips, he simply held up the spare key you’d given him before slipping it back into his pocket. “Dick.” You scoffed instantly regretting it when Techno gasped loudly, overexaggeratingly.
“Excuse you missy! I carry you home-“
“You drove.”
“Risk my life getting you up those stairs-“
“You always take the elevator.”
“Almost die trippin’ over the pile of dirty laundry-“
“It was one sock.”
“And this is the thanks I get?! Unbelievable.” He huffs crossing his muscular arms over his rather burly chest. You suppose you’ve never stopped to think about how big your best friend is, how good looking-
“Those better be for me.” He grumbles coming further into the kitchen freezing when he rounds the island you’re icing the cupcakes on to see your exposed legs. Clearing his throat and shaking off whatever that was, it’s not like he’s not seen it before. Hell he’s seen you in a bikini, this is nothing but he swears that’s his shirt as he walks closer.
“Yes they are Mr.Grumpy.” You smile when he pinches your hip slightly, his hulking form compared to you standing behind you, hovering over you as you work to get the pig just right. What you don’t expect, it really does take you by surprise and a warmth spreads in your stomach when he gently undoes the apron sitting on your hips only to redo it tighter.
It’s a simple act of helping but it has your cheeks warming like this man hasn’t done it before, like it’s new but it isn’t. “Thanks.” You internally praise yourself for not stuttering. Techno doesn’t even notice the slight tremor in your voice too focused of the that fact that you smell so good. Like vanilla.
Well maybe great minds think alike because his musky scent is now all your mind can focus on, it swirls around you stinking up the area around you, bursting your precious bubble replacing is with his cologne. Cinnamon and hint of tangerines? An odd combination but it smells so fucking nice on him, you just wanna bury your face in it.
“You missed the eyes.” He chuckled, eyes scanning over your face while you blink out of your little trance.
“Oh right.” You laugh stiffly, nervously. It makes Techno frown, he’s never heard you nervous around him. Others, yes. Him, never. That’s how it should be, yet you are. It makes him lean forward placing both palms on the worktop, essentially caging you in.
“What’s the matter bun?” He asks gruffly and as if by instinct your thighs press together, a small wiggle of your hips to create some unknowingly needed friction. His voice and that nickname, both of them usually so sweet and calming suddenly have a strange effect. Maybe it’s just you simply being touched starved? The loneliness catching up with you?
“Nothing.” It’s a blunt reply but it’s all you’ve got, you don’t dare turn around. How can you? Then you’d have to stare at his gorgeous face, you already feel his careful gaze burning holes into your head.
“Now I know that’s not true.” His breathy laugh skims over your skin making you shiver, he notices his hands sliding to your hips to turn you around, thumb and index finger keeping your chin locked so you have nowhere else to look but him. “Tell me bun, what’s troubling you? The long week?”
His voice, his eyes, his whole demeanour is too sincere it has a whimper slipping from you. The noise enough to make you both freeze, Techno’s eyes darkening.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You admit honestly, fists tightening in frustration. You hadn’t felt like this in a while always too busy with work to sit and wallow in your feelings, maybe that was a good thing because right now with Techno so close; someone you trusted and knew cared for you; your body was taking control, letting you natural instincts take over.
You needed him, and Techno understood. He understood the look in your eye from what he’d seen in his own. Moving a few inches forward he wrapped his arms around your waist, one hand sliding up to tangle itself in your hair soothingly. Before you could even think about freezing up, “Relax bun, I got you.” He encouraged making you melt slipping your own arms around his muscular form.
“What do you need from me?” He asks after a few minutes feeling you grow restless in his hold. He knew you needed more but what he says next takes you back slight, “Do you need an old school finger fuck and make out session on the couch?” He asks jokingly though there is an air of seriousness to it. Especially with what he says next, his beautiful eyes sparkling with want, “Or do you need to sit on my face and let me lick you until your cum runs down my jaw?”
He squints when you whimper gripping his arm tighter, his head tilting slightly as he looks you over “Or maybe you just need a good fuck?” It takes you a second to comprehend but his hand’s already sliding up your leg, his rough palm against your soft skin.
“Mmmhmm, yeah, I think that’s it. Here, lift my t-shirt up a little so you can slide these panties off.” You blush at his words but do as he says, watching in almost shock when he drops to his knees large hands sliding up your things guiding you to open your legs slightly.
“Oh god your thighs are so soft bunny.” He murmurs against your skin, his nose dragging over the part where your thigh and your stomach meet. “And this pretty pussy, I can’t believe you’ve kept this hidden Bunny. So selfish.” He chided playfully.
The grin broad as daylight disappeared between you thighs, your head falling back, hands seeking purchase on the kitchen countertops. He placed a pressured kiss right on your clit listening to the hitch of your breath. Techno swears he’s never heard a sound so pretty than the moan he pulled from you when he wrapped his lips around little nub.
He wants to work night and day to make sure you never stop making that noise. Techno watched your wetness trickling down your thigh quick to lick it up not letting any go to waste. It’s as if his first taste transformed him from the composed grump of a man you knew to a starving man who had a three course meal laid out in front of him, your eyes rolled back, sinful moans echoing in the room.
He moved his tongue like he was possessed, licking into your clenching hole as if he was digging for something before closing his lips around your clit and sucking it so hard you swear it will be bruised tomorrow. His harsh and continuous actions on your cunt had one of your hands grasping onto Techno’s hair, your back arching as you started a slow grind on his tongue.
“That’s it Bunny make yourself cum, use my to tongue.” He hums into your weeping entrance, but you’re so focused on the feeling of euphoria coursing through your veins you don’t hear him, all your senses being taken over and before you know it you’re cumming, drenching the lower half of his chin though he doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest, slurping down all you give him, trying to pull more from you.
Though with a push of your hand against his head and whine of sensitivity he conceded rising from his knees instantly pulling you close into his hold, lips pressing against your own.
With one roll of his hips he’s inside you and not giving you a second to comprehend it. No, he’s already pulling back and slamming into you over and over again watching as you arch your body into his.
Techno is swift and slick with how he manages to pick you up, placing you on the worktop and deliver a hard thrust quickly after leaving you short of breath.
His large hand slides up over your throat applying slight pressure to push you down against the counter. Then up to your mouth, two thick fingers slipping inside letting you moan and whine around them, saliva dribbling down your cheeks. Neither of you care so engrossed in the feeling of being fucked so thoroughly.
Your moans down right pornographic, when he hit that spongy rough patch inside you. Striking it over and over again, Techno had never looked more happy than when he watched your head fall back, eyes rolling with it.
“Fuck, yes bun clench around me like that, take all that I’m giving you like a good girl.” They way he grunted the words into your ear before sucking your earlobe into his hot mouth had you whining around his fingers. White hot pleasure engulfing your messy form, nothing had ever felt better than this moment.
Your body felt like it was burning with each thrust of his hard cock, all you could do was lie there on the kitchen counter and dribble around his fingers while he fucked your pussy ruthlessly. If this was his version of a good fuck, you’d happily have it everyday.
The coil in your lower abdomen tightened and tightened, until you shattered on his cock, cumming harshly as the waves of pleasure rolled over you so intensely, your walls clenching around him tightly. He snapped his hips into you quicker chasing his own high, wanting to fill you up desperately.
“Please Tec, cum inside me!” That did it for him, absolutely finished him. He groaned thrusting into you so deep as he finished inside you just like you begged him to.
“Fuck bun, you did so good for me. Just relax, breathe, I’ve got you.” He soothed blinking away the last remaining blur of his orgasm, focusing on you and the aftercare you not only needed but deserved.
Cupcakes forgotten about Techno picked you up and carried you to your room laying you on your bed then helping you remove his shirt.
“So fucking pretty bun.” He shook his head staring down at your body, you were ready to disagree absolutely sure you looked like the mess he’d certainly fucked you into but the way his eyes darkened as they raked over your body had your mouth closing.
“Now, before I start running you a bath. I need another taste.” He groaned kneeling in front of the bed, grabbing your ankles to pull you closer to his face.
“But Tec you already-“
“No but’s bun, you’ve been keeping this fucking delicacy from me for far too long. I’ve got a lot of pussy worshiping to make up for and I’m sure she would agree.”
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 months
Have you considered lite Dark Syndicate? They all care so much about Techno and he keeps putting himself in danger..... so they just.... keep finding ways to keep Techno safe. Like Niki putting weakness potions in his cookies, cake, and pie so he never feels well enough to go out. Or Ranboo utilizing Michael. Techno! You promised to watch Michael today! You can't go to the Nether! Or Phil just finding things for Techno to do at the house, maybe even undoing or breaking things Techno already fixed and gaslighting him into thinking he hasn't done it yet? You can even toss in Dark Benchtrio with Tubbo and Tommy joining in.
I have, actually. Name a character and I probably thought of some way to darkify them for Techno (in the protective/possessive fluff sense, tho probably also in the classic whumper sense), it's one of my favorite subgenres of fic lol.
This is peak content and I think it would be even funnier if the syndicate members are not aware of the others doing it for a while. They think they're so slick and then at some point they realize and they just catstand at each other over Techno's knocked out body like "oh..."
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rkay07 · 8 months
The One Who Speaks
C!Technobladex Fem!Reader
(You and Techno used to be best friends until he developed a crush on you now suddenly 10 years have passed and all you want is a glimpse of him)
Warnings - A/N: Physical Touch, Make-out session but nothing too heated.
Word Count: 2.5k
Traveling to Philza’s place for your monthly visit was a nice time to reflect, maybe to do something different, maybe don’t travel through the ocean with nothing but your backpack until you come across a shipwreck to make a boat. Yeah, reflecting. Visiting Philza gave you a sense of peace, hearing his stories, seeing he’s doing alright after everything, seeing it’s possible to move on from things you thought would be forever. He gives you hope that one day you might move on from your own problems, like being alone 24/7, traveling to pass the time, and having this stupid “crush” on Technoblade. When you were pre-teens he all of a sudden stopped paying attention to you and all you could do was accept it, you left him in the dust on your horse, sent away to live with your aunt that was hundreds of miles away. You only started visiting Phil when you heard about the town being blown up, you wanted to make sure he was ok. He was like family to you, so one year ago you decided to make the trip to see him and now you go once a month to catch up. When you first went the first thing you asked him was, “Is Techno ok?” He smiled and shook his head softly, “Y/n, you know him…” he walked to the table you were sitting at with two mugs of tea in his hands, “Technoblade never dies.” You smiled with him, “I don’t know him now but yes. He never dies.” He pressed his lips together at your comment, putting one of the mugs in front of you. You thanked him, and picked it up to warm your hands, “Where is he, if you don’t mind me asking?” Phil looked at you with pity written all over his face, “I don’t mind and remember that, but darling I’m going to be honest with you.” He sighed looking down at his mug, “I haven’t seen him in weeks, he rarely speaks to me anymore…” Your eyes widened, you felt a rush of coldness washed over you. You became cold to the touch even with the hot cup in your hands, “I take that back actually,” You looked up from the mug, ready to take anything he had of Techno, “He checks on me from time to time, sometimes even spends the night but he walks around like I’m not there.” Your eyes soften at his words, sorry for what’s happened between them. You looked at his free hand, taking it into yours and squeezing it, “I’m sure he has his reasons.” He nods, flashing a quick smile. You were worried but you “knew” Techno and he would never neglect someone or something unless he had a reason to but you still questioned it when it came between you and him.
You were still miles away from Philza’s house, and wondering if you might have taken a wrong turn somewhere. You slow your horse down and take a look at your map, glancing in all directions trying to see anything familiar, then you see a landmark that’s on the map. You exhale, the anxiety dissipating as you put the map back into your bag. You snap the reins to walk again when you see a shadow on the ground, a shadow that could only be made if it was in the air. You have your horse come to a complete stop, sliding off and looking at the shadow then up into the sky. A bird was flying high in the sky, making circles around you. You whistle, bringing it down to you. The bird lands and you notice it was a crow! All you could think were negative thoughts, hoping to God that Phil was okay. You pull some seeds out of your side bag, pouring some on the ground for the crow. The crow hops over and sets a scroll down before pecking at the pile of seeds. You pick the scroll up, standing to look at it better.
My dearest Y/n, you’re probably worried that something’s happened to me but I couldn’t be better, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I’ll be having company over while you're on your way. I don’t know how far you are but I hope you aren’t too far. I would like you to see them before they have to go, Love Phil.
You smile down at the lovely note, thinking that Tommy might have been there but you have talked to him before at Phil’s house so who could it be. You ponder on it for quite a moment before your eyes widen and your jaw drops.
It could be Techno, you thought.
You roll the scroll back up and put it in your bag, seeing the wonderful crow ate all the seeds up, you chuckle and decide to give him more just out of likeness of the note. You get up on your horse, snapping the reins one last time before setting off to Phil’s house, which wasn’t more than a few miles away.
You see Phil’s house appear in the distance, grinning and kicking at your horse to go faster for this last stretch. All you could think about was possibly seeing Techno, finally locking eyes with him after all these years. You slow your horse down as you approach his house, hopping off before he even comes to a complete stop. You shake dust out of your hair and pat yourself down before knocking on the door. You knock on the door and wait for someone to open it for you. You turn around to your horse that’s neighing at you from behind, you try your best to shush him but he decides to be stubborn after a long and hard ride. You wave him off as the door clicks, you whip your head around to meet Tommy, “Tommy!” You yell, “Ay!” Tommy yells back pointing finger guns at you. You smile at him, raising your arms up to hug him. Laughing as he picks you up and spins you around in the house. Closing the door as he sets you down, “Come on, I want you to see someone.” He says, too fast for you to understand but grabs your hand just as quickly as he spoke pulling you towards the kitchen. Light-headed from the laughing and spinning you stumble behind him, trying to not fall to the ground. He slows down, walking into the kitchen. You keep your hand in his, waiting to see the one and only Techno but when you round the corner you’re met with a transparent figure, almost shiny with the sun beaming through it. You narrow your eyes as it turns around, “Guess you weren’t expecting me?” It says, you’re left speechless, mostly trying not to cry. It was Wilbur. Phil told you about the war, when Wil told him to kill him. Holding back tears, you cover your mouth, “Wil?” You knew it was him but you had to make sure. He nods, making you whimper. You walk up to him knowing you would go right through but you wanted to be close. You breathe out as you look at his face, so dark and light. You raise your hands, roaming the air where his face would be but all you could feel was freezing air. He brings his hands to your wrists, marking them with cold rings. You chuckle softly as tears fall from your face, trying to smile but wince at the every-longing want of his hands in yours. He was such a big inspiration of yours but when you heard he had turned evil it was hard to think of him highly. But then, you heard of his death and it shattered you. When you were little, he was always there for you, especially when Techno started to grow distinct, he was there. You missed him so much but now seeing him, his presence, you finally had closure.
You take a deep breath in and let it out, keeping your eyes on him as you step away. Walking backwards to Tommy, you look at Wilbur one last time as he waves at you. You give him a small wave back before he dissipates into thin air. You turn around to bury your face into Tommy's chest, he hugs you back with watery eyes. You could hear him sniffling, you chuckle, “It’s ok Tommy, he’s in a better place now.” He rubs his eyes and scoffs, “What do you mean, I know that, why wouldn’t I know that. I mean look at me.” You remove your face from his chest, as you look up at him, “I know you needed that as much as I did.” He scoffs again, “No I didn’t, I was perfectly fine without him.” You laugh, making him laugh too, as he shakily breathes in and out, “Oh, how I missed him.” You wipe tears off your face, “Me too Tommy, me too.”
You and Tommy were sitting at the kitchen table laughing when the both of you hear the side door open and loud boots fill the house as they stomp off whatever was on them. You look at Tommy with confusion but all he does is smile, making you even more confused. A loud nauseated voice booms through the hallway, “Hey Phil there’s a random horse eating snow in the front, it has a bunch of stuff on it too-” The giant stops in his tract, this time very real. When he sees you, he pulls his mask down from his face, “Y/n?” You stand up, your eyes not believing it, your mind not believing it, but your heart does. Your heart believes it’s really him, it’s really Technoblade. You clear your throat, not sure what to say, “Uh- hey-” You were always speechless around him, never knowing what to say, how to say it. He takes a step closer as he pulls his gloves off, “Uh…” He couldn’t speak either, his eyes were roaming your body, he wanted them to do all the talking. You and Techno stand there in place just looking at each other for a good moment.
Tommy stands up, making sure to make as much noise as possible, “Hey big guy, how was work-” Techno leans down to Tommy ear’s, “Get out.” Tommy mouths ok and walks off to the front door, saluting at you. You watched him as he walked and saluted back at him. You put your gaze back on Techno noticing he was a little closer than before. You don’t think you can hold it in anymore but with it being 10 years, you didn’t know if he felt the same way. You watch him as he stops just a couple feet away from you, your breathing becomes heavy, heat rushes to your cheeks. You open your mouth to speak but nothing except a chuckle comes out, he watches you look at the ground and to the side looking out the window. Every inch of you is on his mind, he takes his hand and brings it to your chin to draw your attention back to him. You look at him with doe eyes, thinking about all the times he looked at you with those same charming eyes. You pull away though not wanting to get too close, not wanting to feel the same urge you felt when you were just a kid. You look away towards the window for a second but he pulls you back, now arm around your waist and hand on your chin, keeping your eyes on him.
You find it hard to not look at him with your faces only inches apart, his long pink hair falling over his shoulder and into his face. You cave in finally, your eyes traveling his face for it has been too long since you’ve seen him, “Techno…” You breathe out, his breathing becoming just as heavy as yours. You find the back of his neck with one hand and the back of his shoulder with the other. Gripping at his shirt, he looks down at your lips, “Why did I wait so long?” Your heart flutters at his words as they roll off his lips and onto your own. You mouth I don’t know, giving him a weak smile. His lips part as he moves his hand from your chin to your cheek, running it along once before diving into a deep kiss. You took a breath before his lips crashed down on yours, interlocking your fingers in his hair. He pushes you against the table a little rough, “Sorry.” he says in between a kiss. You couldn’t care less about being rammed into a table but you loved that he cared for you, “It’s ok.” You whisper, keeping the kiss going and placing your hands on the table to brace yourself. He slowly snakes his tongue into your mouth as he finds your hands and intertwines them with his. You whimper at the feeling of his tongue roaming your mouth, you grip his hands tight, making him moan. He continues to kiss you like it was the last time you were ever going to see each other, touch each other. But he wasn’t going to let that happen, he wasn’t going to pull himself away from you ever again. He wanted you more than ever before, finally having you in his arms.
You slowly start to pull away but Techno wants one more long kiss before accepting your movement, resting his head on your shoulder. He needed that break as much as you did, his breath raspy and deep on your neck. You wrap your arms around him, as he does the same. You look up to the ceiling with tears in your eyes, happy tears. Happy that you finally get to express your loving feelings to this hunk of stoicness. He glides his touch from your waist to the back of your legs, picking you up and putting you on the table with no effort. You gasp when he picks you up, looking deep into his eyes to find love and affection. He pulls you as close as possible, making you wrap your arms and legs around him. You rest your forehead on his, smiling and giggling. He couldn’t help but do the same. Your smiles always gave him warmth, from his ear tips to his toes. He always liked that about you and it has never changed, even after all these years his memory of you has never faded. He leans back so he can see you better, scanning for any new details.
He cups your cheeks and rubs his thumbs on your skin. He’s hot to the touch, making you want to melt in his arms. A single tear falls from your eye, he’s quick to gently wipe it away, kissing where the droplet was then kissing your forehead. He looks down at you, taking an impossible step towards you, “I’ve loved you for too long, to give up,” He pauses and glances at your lips, “I’ll make it my life’s mission to never let you go…again.” Your breath hitches, you couldn’t believe he was saying this to you, finally. You let out a breath with a big smile and your head vigorously nodding at his remark. He smiles back with a sigh of relief escaping from his lips. He picks you up and spins you around for a moment then plants you on your feet. Your arms still wrapped around his neck, you give him a couple of nice soft pecks on his chapped lips. You were forever happy to have him by your side now, even if he had to work. The both of you hear the side door open, “Techno! I need your help with the hay bales!” Philza’s voice rang through the house before you both heard the door close and footsteps went down the outside stairs. You look up at him and pout. His eyes narrow down the hall towards the side door, “He can wait.” Before you know it you're off up the stairs to the spare bedroom Techno sleeps in, making sure to lock the door behind him.
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
that kind of day
a short fluff fic about blob dream and techno, post prison based on @rainystressed247's art which you can see here! this is a super cute idea i'm probably going to use more going forward.
The first time Techno had ever seen Dream shape-shift was in the prison.
He didn’t remember the exact cause. It could have been a nightmare or a noise somewhere in the prison that sounded a little too like pistons or Techno touching him when he wasn’t expecting it. Techno did, however, remember how quickly his shock had faded into laughter and how the noise Dream made reminded him of a deflating balloon and how afterwards, Dream had made him swear never to tell anyone, ever.
"Aw, c’mon, Dream, but you’re so cute and tiny like that,” Techno had said, still laughing.
The corners of Dream’s mouth had been twitching as he rolled his eyes and Techno knew what that meant.
“You’re so annoying.”
“I know, Dream, I know.” Then Techno had asked the first question that had come into his mind: “Do they know?”
Dream had swallowed.
“No. If—If they did, it would be worse.”
“Yeah,” Techno agreed.
He didn’t tell anyone.
About two weeks after they had rescued Dream from prison, it happened again.
He was still in rough shape, still barely able to move without help, still not eating, and Phil had come over unannounced. Techno didn’t blame Dream, even if it made things a little awkward, and he had covered for him.
“He’s around here, somewhere, Phil, don’t worry. No, I did not lose the escaped criminal, alright, Phil, it’s complicated.”
Later, Techno had taken a scrap of fabric and sewed a new pocket onto his shirt, one that was bigger than normal and when Dream had asked what he was doing, he had told him not to worry, it was a surprise for later, just in case.
When Techno poked his head into the spare bedroom – really more of a quick addition to the back of the cabin, big enough to fit a bed – he felt a sudden flare of panic in his chest. The room looked empty. Dream was no where to be seen. It could mean half a dozen things, that Dream went outside to take a walk, that he had to take a piss, or it could mean had run off again or had tried to hurt himself or—
There was movement on the bed, beneath the old quilt.
Crossing the small room, Techno pulled the quilt back. Dream gave a startled squeak.
“Hey, man.”
In this form, Dream was small enough to fit in the palm of Techno’s hand. He was all white, feeling more like rubber than skin to the touch. His eyes were black, further apart than seemed natural, and mouth a little too wide. There were no other features visible. Techno gently touched the top of Dream’s head with a finger.
“You doin’ alright there?” he asked.
Dream pulled in on himself, trying to disappear into the mattress. It was like watching a sentient snowball melt and Techno gave a snort of laughter.
“I’m guessin’ that’s a no.”
Techno didn’t have a lot of experience interrupting blob-speak but he knew annoyed sarcasm and that trill was a ‘gee how’d you guess’ if he ever heard one.
“Look, I had to ask, okay. Y’know what they say about assumin’.”
Slowly, Techno scooped Dream up. He could feel him trembling in his palm and, again, Techno couldn’t blame him. If he had wanted to, he could have crushed him. It would’ve taken barely any effort and the fact Dream trusted him enough for this didn’t escape Techno. He rubbed his thumb against Dream’s tiny blob cheek and after a moment the trembling stopped.
“Yeah, I know, Dream, I know. Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” said Techno, carefully slipping Dream into the pocket on his shirt. His guess had been right: it was the perfect size for a strange, homeless blob creature. He patted the pocket, Dream giving an annoyed squeak at each pat. Techno chuckled.
“Take all the time you need, man.”
After a moment, Dream settled down, vibrating, the blob version of purring, and Techno smiled.
“Take all the time you need.”
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tobi-smp · 7 months
it is kinda funny how with darksbi, the subsection of the fandom that is into/produces some of the darkest work. Has actually been the most (relatively) chill. Irony or something!
@angelartist asked: tobi-smp number one dark sbi shooter fr!!!
[End Transcription]
no because that's So So True ! I really do think a big part of it is that intentionally making dark content requires a level of self awareness about it.
that doesn't inherently mean the Execution of any individual work will stick the landing, but it's like !
I love Regular sbi content, but if you search for it outside of the context of dark sbi you Will run into depictions of the rankest most unhealthy dynamics out there, depicted with seemingly No awareness that it's not, in fact, Fluffy And Cute.
people who are Aware that they're making dark content A: are actively thinking about how they could impact other people, and tend to have more robust tagging For those darker elements (which often Are still present in other parts of the fandom). and B: are Aware that they're twisting the characters and depicting them in unhealthy ways
people tend to want to Win fandom in mcyt spaces, tearing each other to pieces to Prove that their little dolly is Objectively Morally Correct. twisting other characters into Caricatures to get there, sometimes when it's not even Necessary to make the points they want to.
and with sbi in Particular it's Especially dicey because of how much drama the characters get up to in the series proper.
if you want, for example, techno and tommy to be besties despite the Everything that happened a lot of classic flavor fic will fall into two tropes
1: picking a sacrificial lamb to be the Real Reason their relationship exploded, usually wilbur or tubbo (though I've seen phil sprinkled in there too). you just make it Somebody Else's fault and turn them into the devil to be Defeated
2: you just have the one or more of the characters lose their fundamental beliefs and become an empty vessel in exchange for love and protection. but like, This Is Fluff, And It's Good Because The Person Thinking For Them Is Morally Correct And Right.
and the thing About dark sbi as a Baseline is that there's always an Awareness that they're making the characters Dark On Purpose. that's the very Premise. the twisting of the characters or the setting is never done Unintentionally, it never Expects you to shove the implications underneath the rug and not think about them.
mind, there's plenty of Extraordinarily Excellent sbi fic that Isn't dark sbi, and I've seen more than my fair share of dark sbi that fumbles the bag spectacularly. but the fact is, the source material Does contain Many dark elements, elements that can be difficult to fully grasp at All let alone depict with grace or elegance.
so it's just ! much easier to navigate a space where everyone is already Aware of what they're depicting and what to expect From it. it's being in on the joke going in, knowing that if characters feel off It's On Purpose. nobody's being twisted to demonize their characters or to victim blame or to Do An Ableism, it's just for fun.
and I think that Also significantly cuts down on that feeling of competitiveness within the space. everyone's borrowing from and inspiring each other no matter which of the sbi they lean more towards.
it's in a word, Nice
(obligatory link to my breakdown on dark sbi and dark fiction in general and why it appeals to people here [Link])
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vivianquill · 9 days
(feel so small) two pixels tall (6429 words) by ViviansQuill Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Dream SMP, 3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza, Technoblade & Jimmy | Solidarity & TangoTek & Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar & Charles | Grian Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Charles | Grian, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF), Jimmy | Solidarity, Phil Watson | Philza Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Borrowers Fusion, Alternate Universe - College/University, Human Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Borrower Charles | Grian, Borrower Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, Borrower Jimmy | Solidarity, Borrower TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade-centric (Video Blogging RPF), Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Soft Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Mentioned Kristin Rosales Watson, Elytra (Minecraft), the borrowers have animal traits, Derealization, injury and sickness, Happy Ending Summary: Techno was your average college student. He goes to class, does his homework, and-- why do tiny people keep coming out of the woodwork? or, five times Techno helps out the borrowers living in his walls, and one time they help him back.
This fic was written for @/crissycrossgmin on twitter, for the @voicesfortheblade charity event!!
Thanks so much for the awesome prompt and the awesome opportunity to participate!
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beeindaclouds · 1 year
Ok may i request something for C!Techno and C! Phil.
The reader is C!Phil's adopted child and techno's favorite sibling (because we all know he'd have a favorite) and they end up in the wrong place at the wrong time during Doomsday and neither Phil or Techno knew they were there when L'Manburg was destroyed. The reader ends up loosing their second life and they end up being afraid of Dream because he was the reason they were there in the first place.
Techno and Phil only realize what happened after they see their body along the rubble of what was L-Manburg.
Just something angsty with fluff at the end.
Aah thank you for requesting this, I love this idea so much ;-;
Hope you enjoy <3
Fallen victim to the smile
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Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
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You had overhead your dad and your older brother talk about the oh so called "Doomsday"
They had been talking about it for quiet some time now and, you being the curious little siblings that you were, couldn't help but eavesdrop evey once in a while
Especially whenever you'd bring some sustenance for the trio
It was during those times that you would analyze the masked man, Dream
He always had this daunting aura that surrounded him and the mask definetly didn't make him any less scary
The man would sometimes steal glances at you, making you freeze in your place or sometimes use Techno as a shield
You just didn't trust him.
And you definitely didn't trust him when one day he pulled you the side, only to whisper something into your ear
You tried your best warning your dad and brother but, as they were too busy getting ready for their attack, they didn't even spare you a glance
"This is only the begging."
The words had scared you into doing something, anything, to stop whatever he had in mind
Just a 'stay put and safe' was left to you as they exited the house
Now obviously you wouldn't stay put. You couldn't.
You were convinced Dream definetly had something more sinister in mind, and you had to stop and warn everybody else
Borrowing one of the many horses of Techno, you quickly headed your way to L'mamburg
When you stepped foot into the nation everything seemed to be just fine. There were no explosion, no commotion, nothing at all
Letting out a sigh of relief, happy to have come earlier then the chaos, you started looking around for your family
Your search was unfortunately interrupted by a slight chuckle from above you, followed by a sizzling noise
"I'm happy you came for the show... to bad you'll have to take part in it too"
Screams surrounded you as the tnt was thrown above you, destroying every piece of land it landed on
The explosion slowly got closer to you, and your last sight before losing your second life was him
You had fallen victim to the smile
Phil and Techno had been enjoying the destruction of the land that had put their life through hell
But that celebration was soon cut short as they saw a familiar body in the midst of the demolished land
The blood God didn't think twice before jumping down to your unconscious body, holding you close to his chest as he wondered out loud why you had been there
Your dad soon followed, catching your hand just in time before watching your body dissapear and reset
Quickly getting their thoughts togheter, the duo headed their way to their house in hopes of finding you there
And, just as they deducted, you were back into your room
Lights off, hugging your knees to your chest as light sobs came from your mouth
The two slowly approached you, questioning why you were there
You couldn't find yourself to say anything other then
"The smile...I see the smile everywhere. It's watcing me I can feel it. Please, get it away from me!"
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awooga-llama · 1 year
The Beach
Technoblade x NB! child reader
Hello guys, I'm back. I was going to do this one as a bonding with Techno but then I imagined Wilbur being the cool uncle and that led us here, enjoy!
Not proof read/edited
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The young (Y/N) had quickly gotten over the cold and returned to their usual routine of wreaking havoc on the family. Tommy couldn’t even keep up with the toddler and he was the youngest besides Techno’s child.
“(Y/N), Uncle is tired. Can we stop playing chase and sit down instead?” Tommy had his hands on his knees, panting heavily. The toddler ran at him and wrapped their arms around his neck, leaning against him giggling.
"Okay Uncle. We can rest for a bit." (Y/N) smiled at Tommy letting him go so he could sit on his knees. The blonde's arms wrapped around the child as he pulled them close for a hug. He gently swung (Y/N) back and forth telling the kid how much he loves them. He tickled them and they squirmed and laughed until the door swung open revealing Techno, Wilbur, and Philza. They all had shopping bags in their arms since they had just gotten back from the town market.
"DADA!" (Y/N) yelled in a high pitch, they escaped from Tommy's arms and ran at their Father. Techno put the bags down and caught the wild toddler picking them up and giving them a kiss on the forehead, smiling widely. Nobody would ever get to see this side of him except his family and that's what made the moment so special.
"How has my little orphan been?" He asked while the child snuggled closer to him, laying their head on the white fluff of his cape.
"They've been good overall. Attempted to get into cookie dough in the fridge, tried to run outside a gazillion times, and wouldn't take their nap, other than all that though (Y/N) was an angel." Tommy replied standing up, his knees popping leaving him a satisfying tingle afterwards. Wilbur and Philza put down their bags near the couch and took off their shoes. (Y/N) wiggled a bit in Techno's arms trying to peek in the bags that they had. The child patted their father on the back and he set them down onto the floor. (Y/N) crawled quietly towards the bags and peered inside. There were colourful towels, plastic sea shaped things, bottles of sunscreen, and all kinds of other beach themed objects. Wilbur watched the child dig through the bags while the other three boys talked. Everyone was in the living room minus them two. Everything was good.
Wilbur and (Y/N) tested out a few of the beach toys seeing they didn't work as well without sand, so the man decided to leave for the beach early with (Y/N) without telling anyone. He helped the toddler into their newly bought bathing suit that had little tnt designs and changed into his brown shorts shortly after that the two made their escape out the back door. Wilbur and the child hand in hand walked to the beach.
(Y/N) looked everywhere, enjoying everything around them. It was a nice day too, not too hot or too cold. The sun was shining on everyone, and their skin glistened like diamonds in the sunlight. Wilbur stopped for a second to admire the view in a new pair of sunglasses and (Y/N) tugged at his hand.
"Uncle can you let me have a turn?" They questioned innocently. Wilbur chuckled and nodded allowing the child to put on the shades to look into the sky, advising that they don't look directly at the Sun. They stood on the edge watching as other children played with each other. (Y/N)'s voice snapped Wilbur out of his trance.
"Are we gonna have to play with those people, Wilby? (Y/N) asked, sounding hesitant, almost as if he were going to be mad at them for asking something like that. Wilbur shook his and began walking in the opposite direction of the people.
"Jelly, we don't have to associate with anybody because let's face it, not liking to socialize runs in the family, I'm not sure how it skipped both Grandad Phil and Uncle Tommy." (Y/N) nodded and smiled, grabbing Wilbur's left hand and pulling at it, running towards the empty plot of sand and ocean.
As soon as the two had reached the beach, (Y/N) ran straight to the water. Wilbur chased them and scooped them up into his arms the both of them spinning in a circle.
"You need sunscreen silly, 'sides you can't go into the water before we put your floaties on you." The brunette booped the young ones nose and began the fight of plastering the kid with sunscreen and inflatable arm floaties. (Y/N) sat by an abandoned sandcastle and watched Wilbur put his own sunscreen on his body.
"Ready to get in the water?" The lanky man excitedly exclaimed sitting beside them on the sand.
"Mhmm." (Y/N) nodded climbing off of the sandcastle with Wilbur supporting them.
After some time playing in the shallow end, other beach visitors came over to their area. (Y/N) was being dragged around by the other kids splashing them in the water. After an hour of forced socializing the child managed to escape. They really did take after their father.
"Can you teach me how to swim Wilby?" (Y/N) asked out of the blue, bouncing up and down in excitement.
"Of course! Come here kiddo." He picked up the toddler and walked towards the water where a group of adult fish surrounded them. (Y/N) grabbed hold of Wilbur's pinky with their chubby fingers as he went to stand by them, the three year old still held in his arms.
"Hello fishy, this is uncle Wilby and I'm (Y/N)." The fish stayed nearby swimming in circles and Wilbur bowed to the fish.
"Let's make you the most famous mermaid ever!" He held the child above the water to where their belly would touch first. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock but they didn't struggle out of his grasp. Wilbur started singing making up different songs for the fish.
"You'll be the most beautiful mermaid ever. Mermaids sing the best song there is." He continued singing and when the song ended, (Y/N) clapped happily. Before no time the man had taught the child to swim, and all his instructions were done in song. When Wilbur lifted (Y/N) higher away from the fish, the fish swam closer, bumping their heads into the little one's chin, causing them to giggle uncontrollably. One particular fish bumped into Wilbur's stomach, causing him to stumble backward, falling on his butt. Wilbur got back up looking at (Y/N) in surprise then at the child who wasn't laughing anymore. Before he knew it, (Y/N) was gone, and he began to panic. Wilbur screamed the child's name over and over, diving into the water and looking for the kid. He felt a grab at his ankle and freaked. When it finally came up, the thing that touched him, it was his littlest child (Y/N), who wanted to play a prank on him. He scolded them for that trick but took it easy on them after tears began to form in their (Y/E/C) eyes.
The sun was setting and the two headed off towards home.
They were quiet for most of the trip, but when they got home, (Y/N) was still sad because they had left their favourite spot. They followed Wilbur up to his room, which had lots of toys in it, along with his bed. Tommy and Philza were out dealing with sonething and Techno working in his office. The three of them did get angry with Wilbur for disappearing out of nowhere with the child but got over it soon.
"Come on little duckie. Let's play a bit more." He picked up the child again and they ran into Wilbur's bedroom, jumping up on his big bed.
"Now, lets see where we can play." The brunette said putting the little one on his lap. He sat with his legs crossed and leaned on the arm of the chair so he could watch (Y/N) as they threw blocks at eachother. They were silent the entire time minus the occasional chorus of laughter. (Y/N) was concentrating on throwing the blocks and hitting the target with great force. The last block they hit landed in between the wall and the bed and bounced off landing right under the wardrobe.
"(Y/N), we're going to have to change the wallpaper for that." He spoke as the little one climbed off of him and opened the wardrobe, they took a deep breath and opened it slowly. They froze seeing the many stuffed animals that were hanging from the hangers. (Y/N) was about to start crying again.
"Don't cry sweetheart." Wilbur cooed placing his finger on (Y/N)." Tommy had to do something like that in Wilbur's room, it was some sort of prank war going on. It was nearing 23:00 hours when Techno opened the door to Wilbur's room to fetch his child but he seen the two passed out wearing tiaras and smeared makeup on their faces he decided to let them be for the night.
"Goodnight my Orphan. Goodnight Wilbur." He whispered and then shut the door.
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justcallme-ange · 9 months
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Hello it is I, back at it again with another comic! Thank you all for the support on Pinning Butterflies ^^ @lookinghalfacorpse's Doomsday Trio Ages continues to give me emotions. Specially this last line. So I have some more angst (and fluff)- also known as reasons Techno has illegally adopted another wanted criminal. Phil has adoption papers in his bag for such occasions you can’t tell me otherwise.
Shoutout to my brother who did the editing for this comic. He suffered me talking about my faves, and learned lore just to tell me when/if they were OOC. XD
Oh, to those of you who recommended I read “In the Wild All Lessons Last” congrats you are now the reason why I am dehydrated. 
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nobodywritingao3 · 11 months
Shameful Company [ch 3] Lady Lie [3/4]
masterpost | previous
The village Tommy grew up in was located in a beast's territory, a man eating serpent's. Isolated from the world, all he's ever known is loneliness. When he's forced outside the safety of the town walls he meets a stranger who claims to live beyond the village. They become fast friends despite the fact that the man is clearly hiding something - but can you really blame Tommy? He's never had a friend before.
CW for entire fic: - Wilbur eats people lol - swearing
title taken from 'Shameful Company' by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
chapter title taken from 'Lady Lie' by Rainbow Kitten Surprise inspired by the talented @beckyu and her story 'My Monster to Slay' (tumblr) (AO3)
word count: 4.3k 🐍 read it on AO3
CW for section: depiction of depressive episode including suicide attempt, self harm, disordered eating, and anger issues
Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum; the method is similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Kintsugi
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How have things been since last you messaged me? I'm reminding you to keep the antidote close, perhaps on your body. I can't imagine he'll be happy trapped in human form and I recommend you keep your guard up.
"FUCK. YOU!" Wilbur screamed, smashing Phil's equipment on the ground. There was a noise like shattering glass as it landed,.
Phil winced, wondering what exactly got ruined. He toyed anxiously with his necklace. "I'm sorry," he said soothingly. "But you need to - "
"What I need is to not be stuck in this - this body!" He crumpled into a ball on the floor, breathing heavily and shaking like a leaf.
"I'm sorry," Phil repeated. "I'm so, so sorry." He made to approach him but Wilbur fell back with a growl at his first movements, and he stopped dead in his tracks.
He's had a hard time adjusting. I'm worried he won't move past this. I'm trying to be patient and I'm doing everything I can in the meantime, but sometimes he just -
"Wil, sweetheart, you need to eat something."
"No." His voice was bitter and hot.
"You haven't eaten anything in days - would you please try the stew? It would put something into your belly without you having to - "
"No." He was more insistent that time, but as well, his voice cracked and wavered. He looked away from Phil and harshly blinked tears from his eyes.
Phil nudged a half bowl of mushroom soup towards him. "There are some potatoes and the like in there, but they're softened from being cooked. I know chewing is new to you, but it's a skill you can practice and - "
"I don't want to learn how to chew," he gritted out. "I'd rather starve."
"Wilbur - you will if you don't eat, please, just try - "
I'm sorry, Phil, that's terrible.
"Oh fuck - honey, what did you do?" Phil dropped his bag and hurried to Wilbur. Kneeling down, he gently took the boy's hands in his own and delicately held them palm up to expose the wrists.
Wilbur stared blankly at the wall. He was completely unresponsive and looked terribly pale.
Phil tried to focus on his labored breathing. Dead children don't breathe. And Wilbur was breathing very hard indeed.
"We're gonna get you cleaned up, okay? It could be a lot worse than it is, but you're still - you're losing a lot of blood."
He pulled him up and Wilbur went without resistance.
The motion seemed to pull him from the fog, from the dark place he was trapped in, but only by a little. He focused hazily on Phil's face before his eyes slid away. He leaned into Phil's touch.
Phil complied, curling protective arms around him and entirely supporting his weight. His heart pounded painfully in his chest as he felt warm, sticky blood beginning to soak into his clothes. "You're okay, you're okay... you're gonna be okay," he mumbled to him. "Everything's gonna be okay."
I'm worried about him. I don't think he's gonna get better.
It took Wilbur three days to wake up.
Every few hours, Phil would press his fingers against the boy's neck just to make sure his pulse was still going.
He lost sleep.
Whenever his body did finally succumb to the exhaustion, he was plagued by the same nightmare. In it, there was a cold body that wouldn't breathe but wouldn't stop bleeding, no matter what he did. He could apply any amount of bandages or tourniquets or even stitches, but the blood would soak through and the wounds would split open. He didn't know why he was even trying to stem the blood flow as the child was long dead, but he couldn't stop himself. Phil just wanted him to be okay.
The cave overflowed, a testament to his failure. The blood was viscous, solid, and completely nontransparent. As it engulfed the floor and the beds and the furniture, he became overcome with the paralyzing fear that everything it swallowed was gone forever, and he could dive deep and swim hard without ever reaching the bottom. The only thing left unblemished by the void was the body itself, frail and small and helpless and dead. Phil couldn't stop trying to save him, futile as it was. The red seeped into his eyes. He was rendered blind, and the last thing he took in before it filled his delicate lungs and killed him dead was the overpowering smell of iron and the distinct, hollow feeling of shame.
He would wake up crying and soaked in cooling sweat, and he'd fall over himself to reach Wilbur's bed. The only thing that could calm him down after those dreams was placing his ear over the boy's heart and listening to the steady beat.
Phil didn't leave the cave. He spent his days watching Wilbur. In preparation for his waking, he'd cook, boiling potatoes and grain and meat until they lost form from the gentlest touch, and impatiently, he waited. He cleaned the wounds and fought the infection with a combination of antiseptic and magic. He redressed the bandages constantly (thanking his stars that the blood never seeped through), and reapplied balm twice a day.
Under his gentle care and watchful eye, Wilbur's body healed. His body healed, but Phil never stopped worrying for his mind.
Shouldn't think like that. He had a bad moment, but he's already proven he's a strong kid. He must have been, to survive what he has. Have faith in him. He needs to be loved before he can be lovable.
"Why did you save me?"
Phil looked up sharply. It was the first thing he'd said in a week. The boy's voice was rough from disuse, and he visibly swallowed. Phil cautiously approached him, handing him his second serving of soup.
"I'm not sure how you mean that question."
He wouldn't look him in the eyes. "Just - why?"
Phil was quiet for a few seconds. "Do you think I shouldn't have?"
The boy looked uncomfortable and didn't say anything.
"I won't be angry if you say yes," Phil said gently. "I'm asking because you did that to yourself. And I have to wonder if you did it because you feel like you deserve to - "
"Does it matter why I did it?" He snapped, his fingers curling into a fist.
Yes. More than anything. "We don't have to think about that right now."
Wilbur softened. He was quiet several seconds. "So why did you save me?"
Because you were hurt. Because you're a kid. Because I don't believe anyone deserves to die. Because I believe you deserve to live. Because I love -
"Do I need a reason?" He sat on the edge of Wilbur's bed. Absentmindedly, his hand reached for the boy's hair and started to ruffle. He froze, realizing what he was doing, and made uncomfortable eye contact with Wilbur.
His cheeks were a bright red... but he wasn't withdrawing from the touch.
Phil slowly restarted his movements, scratching the boy's scalp. "You're adorable," he chanced.
Wilbur sputtered and slapped his hand away, earning a laugh from Phil. He tried to frown at him, but it didn't take long before he was laughing just as hard.
I hope you're right Tech, I really want this to work out for him. I admit, sometimes it feels like he's getting better, but other times -
Wilbur hadn't left his bed in two days.
"Take my hand, okay? I'll bring you up, and then you and I are gonna take a short walk outside. Get you some sunshine? Sounds nice, right mate?"
He stared at Phil's hand with weak contempt. "Can't you just leave me alone?" There was no real bite behind his words. "If you want to take a walk, just go by yourself."
Phil shook his head firmly. "Come with me." He kept his hand extended. "Fifteen minutes. I want to talk to you."
"About what?" Wilbur asked mistrustfully.
"About nothing. I don't have anything I want to talk to you about, I just want to talk to you."
"Well, we're talking right now."
Phil sighed and dropped his hand, his heart sinking to his feet. "Please come with me."
Wilbur glared at him.
"I made your favorite," Phil said hopefully, motioning towards the set dining table.
His face crumpled. "No thanks."
"When was the last time you ate?"
He didn't answer.
"Put it down!" Phil yelled.
Wilbur scrambled backwards, a bloody bread knife still clutched desperately in his right fist. For someone who had only started walking regularly a year ago, he was surprisingly agile when pumped full of panic and adrenaline.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" He screamed back. Tears were streaming down his face and his left arm was bleeding freely.
"Please," Phil said, with as much patience and love as he could muster - which at the moment wasn't a lot - "just hand me the knife, okay?"
"Fuck no! And fuck you!"
"You can swear at me later," he begged, frustration seeping into his voice, "please just give me the fucking knife!"
Wilbur dodged his hands and sprinted towards the entrance of the cave. "Eat my fucking ass, Phil!"
Sometimes getting better looks like getting worse.
"I'm not - I can't do this!" Wilbur wailed, hugging his knees. "It's too hard, Phil, I'm never gonna get it."
Phil sat down next to him and pulled him into a tight hug, letting Wilbur empty himself of his emotions. It must have been an hour of heartbroken crying before Wilbur quieted down into sniffles and sharp breathing.
Phil sighed and traced patterns into his back. "I'm sorry. I know I say it all the time, but I'm so, so sorry."
He waited for Wilbur to snap at him, start yelling about how he should be sorry, how 'sorry' doesn't fix anything, how he hates him and no amount of 'sorry' can fix it, but he stays quiet.
Tentatively, Phil continues, "You've been working so hard. Learning to walk on two feet, and chew, and adjust to being small - it's a lot. You should have had someone to teach you these things when you were younger. I'm so sorry, Wilbur. It's so much, isn't it? It's not easy for you."
Wilbur's breathing hitched and Phil felt guilt well up inside of him.
"I - shit, sorry mate, I didn't mean to make you cry - "
Wilbur pressed himself into Phil's chest, leaning in hard and practically forcing Phil to keep his arms around him.
"Oh..." he said softly, blinking down at him.
"Are you gonna leave me?" He blurted out, voice muffled in Phil's chest.
Phil's heart ached. "No. Never. Never ever."
Wilbur clung on tight and didn't say anything else.
Wilbur was screaming again. Phil watched helplessly from his bed, where he'd woken up twenty minutes earlier to smashing and yelling. He fiddled with his necklace, worriedly taking in the scene before him.
Every book on nagas had its pages ripped out and crumpled, strewn across the ground like confetti, and a large portion of Phil's clothing had been torn into and cut up. Food was spilled across the floor. Everything was in disarray.
Wilbur was currently tossing things into the fireplace. The fire inside was steadily dying. He didn't seem to give much regard as to if what he was burning was flammable or not, but he still tossed anything he could reach into the pile.
Phil stood up, his heart aching, and made his way to the kitchen area. He gingerly stepped over broken shards of glass and spilled rations while Wilbur stared at him, breathing hard and looking ready to brawl.
Phil just gave him a sad look.
"Will you fucking quit that?!" Wilbur snapped, sending a pile of papers onto the ground.
He winced as they went down, and Wilbur bared his teeth in a mock smile.
Phil just sighed and pulled open one of the cabinets, happy to find that the tea, kettle, and cups were still perfectly preserved. He started to set some water boiling on the stove.
Apparently dissatisfied with his reaction, Wilbur screamed again before picking up a lantern and smashing it down as hard as he could. Shards flew and spread across the ground.
Phil ignored it.
Wilbur started to march towards him, but stumbled and gasped in pain as a long shard of glass lodged itself into his foot. He made a throaty, angry noise and stomped his foot down hard, pushing the debris deeper into his skin before continuing to limp towards Phil. He readied a hand to smack the boiling kettle off the stove, and it was here that Phil finally stepped in.
He grabbed Wilbur around the wrists and tugged him away, firm but gentle. Wilbur writhed in his grip but he paid no mind, sweeping him into bridal style and carrying him to his bed as he clawed and thrashed. Phil deposited him onto the mattress and turned away, back to the tea. He continued preparing it in silence.
Wilbur stood up and hobbled to the kitchen. Phil made to stop him again, thinking he was still trying to knock the tea over, but instead he reached for the cabinet containing their silverware and dishes. He snapped open the little door and started grabbing for the contents.
Staring him in the eyes, Wilbur took a dish at a time and smashed them against the wall. He got through five while coldly glaring at Phil before he started to pick up the pace, gradually paying less and less attention to his reactions - or more accurately, his lack thereof - as he threw everything he could at the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Hot tears streamed down his face. Then he ran out of dishes. He kicked a half broken bowl into the wall and stepped into the shards. By now, there were bloody footsteps all over the floor, tracing out his meltdown, and he seemed all too happy to add more paint to the canvas. He fell to his knees and the glass sank into his flesh there as well. He pressed his palms into the floor and he raised his hands, Phil caught sight of the torn up, encrusted skin.
Wilbur started to whimper, and then he started to sob.
Phil poured two cups of hot tea and left them on the table to cool. He made his way to Wilbur, assuming he'd gotten it out of his system.
He looked up at Phil, his cheeks splotchy and red and his eyes completely bloodshot, and then he reached for the nearest sizable glass shard. Seeing Phil quicken his pace, he quickened too, raising it rapidly towards his face - towards his eye. Just as he made to plunge it into his skull, Phil grabbed him around the arm and held him back. He pulled the glass from his grip, ignoring the cutting sting on its edge and let it shatter on the floor before Wilbur could further self mutilate. He tried to grab him around the armpits, get him to his feet, but Wilbur kicked him hard and shoved him away.
"GO AWAY!" Wilbur screamed. "JUST FUCKING GO!"
Phil tripped as he backed away, his breath catching in his lungs.
Wilbur inhaled sharply. "Fuck - just fuck off..." His voice came out considerably weaker.
It was silent, save for his soft crying.
After a painfully long half minute, he managed to choke out a single, heartbroken, "Why?"
"Why... why what?"
A sob fought its way from his mouth in spite of his best attempts to choke it down, and a fresh cascade of tears went down his face. "Just - why?" A dam broke. "I don't -  I don't get it," he cried, barely able to speak for the sobs wracking his body. "I don't understand. Why? Why? I don't - I just... I just don't fucking get it."
He raised his a hand to wipe away his tears, and the invisible barrier keeping Phil anchored to the spot dissolved. He shot forward and stopped Wilbur's hands, insistent on wiping away his tears himself.
"Glass hands," he murmured. "Let me, okay? Just let me..."
Wilbur hung his head and continued his broken wailing, but he didn't fight as Phil carefully wiped the tears and snot from his face.
Phil sifted through the debris on the ground until he unearthed one of his day packs. He opened it and reached into a padded inner pocket, pulling out a small vial. He returned to the table and pulled one of the teacups forward, emptying the potion into the warm drink.
"Healing pot," he gentle explained. "Let's get you fixed up."
He returned to Wilbur's side and helped him to his feet. Slowly guiding him to the table. An absurd thought hit him then, how similar this action was to when he'd first guided Wilbur to the cave after trapping him in human form. He winced with each limped step Wilbur took, knowing the shards in his feet would only wedge itself deeper into his body. He sat him down at the table.
Wilbur reached out a bloody, glass encrusted hand for his drink and Phil shooed him off, raising the cup to the boy's lips instead. "There's enough in this cup to heal all the damage you took, so you need to drink all of it. But you can pace yourself."
He took a few sips before miserably pulling away. Phil obliged, setting the cup down and pulling his own towards himself. He watched idly as the glass in Wilbur's hands slowly started to push itself out.
"There you go," he murmured warmly. "Potion's doing its job just fine."
By now, Wilbur's crying had begun to taper off.
Phil raised the cup to the boy's mouth again, and he accepted the drink. The last of the glass pushed itself free from his hands, and Phil gently set it into his grip.
They sat in silence. The sun was starting to rise. Their home was a broken mess.
Wilbur stared shamefully into his cup. "I just don't get it," he repeated, voice broken and raspy.
Phil nodded. "Which part?"
"The whole thing."
They continued sipping their tea.
Phil returned to the cabinet, grabbing a jar of honey. He stirred a few dollops into Wilbur's cup and refilled it with another portion of tea. "It'll soothe your throat."
They drank until the sun sat low in the sky.
"I made a mess," he said, breaking the silence.
Phil hummed. "It's okay."
Wilbur clenched his jaw. "How can you say that?"
They lapsed back into silence.
Wilbur chugged the rest of his tea, and then threw the cup against the wall. He turned to Phil with a curious, guarded expression.
Phil regarded him inquisitively. Wilbur's action had lacked anger or passion. If anything, it seemed half-hearted.
He continued sipping his tea. "Do you want another cup?" He clarified in afterthought, "Specifically to drink from."
Wilbur stared at him expressionlessly. "What. The fuck?"
"I'm not going to punish you, Wil," Phil stated with a slight note of exasperation.
He frowned at him. "I don't want you to," he said coldly, clearly offended by the implication.
Phil finished his own cup. "Okay."
"I don't!" he insisted.
"I said okay."
Wilbur was quiet. Then he inhaled sharply and spat out, "Aren't you mad at me?!"
"... I feel like that's irrelevant."
Wilbur glared at him, his hands starting to ball into fists.
Phil sighed, relenting. "Sometimes I am. Sometimes I can be very frustrated with your behavior."
Something in his face dropped and his body went limp, a devastated look like disappointment flashing across his face before he could properly cover it up with a snarl. "Good," he hissed.
"I get angry at you because I care about you, mate. If your goal is self destruction, I wouldn't count this as a victory."
"That doesn't make any sense - none of this makes any sense!" Wilbur exploded.
"I know it doesn't."
"Well, do you care to explain?"
Phil scrubbed at his face. "I would if I thought it would make you feel better." Before Wilbur could say something to add to his spiral, he continued plainly, "I'm going to throw this cup at the wall."
This caught him off guard. "Excuse me?"
Phil threw his teacup at the wall. It exploded. Wilbur stared at him with a slack jawed expression.
"I want to show you something."
He began to murmur under his breath while making quick motions with his hands. Light and sparks began to dance and fill the air behind his fingers' movements. Wilbur's eyes widened. The cup fragments lifted and floated airily towards the table from where they'd collected on the ground. They arranged themselves neatly in a circle. With a deliberate flick of his fingers, the shards fit themselves together like a jigsaw puzzles, and with a softly hummed three note tune, clean gold liquid started to materialize in the air and apply itself to the cracks. Wilbur watched in awe as the delicate shards slowly came together, even the smallest pieces finding their way to where they used to be. The cup, repaired with beautiful gold binding over its cracks, gently set itself onto the table before the pair.
"It's a kintsugi spell. And I want to teach you how to perform it. I also want to teach you how to brew healing potions."
Wilbur swallowed, a conflicted look crossing his face. "Is this why you aren't punishing me?" Because the damage I did wasn't permanent, wasn't big enough. Because I haven't truly pushed you to the edge?
Phil gave him a look. "I'm not punishing you because there's nothing in this world that you could do to me - or to anyone else - that would make me think you deserve to be punished."
A defiant look crossed his face and he spat out harshly, "That is bullshit. You're a fucking liar - or you're delusional. I don't know what's wrong with you, but that isn't how this works. I just want to know - " he cut himself off, glowering at the table.
"It is how this works," Phil gently countered. "It is how this is working."
Wilbur glared at him. "I've killed a lot of people, Phil."
"I know you have."
"And the majority of them didn't deserve it. At all. They were innocents." His voice broke at the end and he furiously blinked back tears. That indignant, heated look never left his face.
"I know that too."
"I ate most of them alive."
Phil didn't respond, only looking at him sympathetically.
"I heard them screaming and dying inside of me, and I never once felt bad about it." Liar.
"I know, Wil - "
"No. No, I don't think you do."
Phil sighed. "Sweetheart, I saw you eat Jared."
Wilbur's mouth fell open in shock, and a mortified look crossed his face.
"Don't be embarrassed that I know. The first time we met, you kept trying to kill me too. You kept trying to eat me."
He averted his gaze, his cheeks heating up and fresh tears collecting in his eyes.
Phil started to perform the kintsugi spell again. "The point is that I know. I know very well. And I still don't think you deserve to be punished."
He worked silently for another minute, pretending for Wilbur's sake that he didn't notice the streams of tears dripping down his face. He finished repairing the teacup Wilbur had thrown, and when he was done, he poured another portion of tea - the last portion left in the kettle - and gently dropped a spoonful of honey in. He stirred it, the sweet noise of the spoon moving in circles absolutely musical.
"I know it seems bad. I know it feels like this is a lost cause, that the damage is too much." He pushed the cup into Wilbur's hands. "But you would be surprised at the things you can fix."
Wilbur accepted the cup. His fingers traced over the gold sealed the cracks. Something in him seemed to die. "You can feel where it broke," he said desperately. His voice cracked into a whimper. "You can feel - they're still there."
"Of course they are," Phil said soothingly, running a finger across one of the gold veins on his own cup. "But the cups still hold tea just fine, don't they? You can tell our cups were broken, but they're still fully functional. And just as beautiful as they were before, even if they look different."
He touched the cup irreverently. "This tea set was a gift from my son, actually. Lots of love in these cups. Lots of history in them too."
Wilbur shrank back, fresh shame taking over his features. "I'm sorry," slipped past his lips. Phil looked at him curiously. It was the first time he'd ever heard him say that.
"You're misunderstanding me. I love these cups, mate. I'm still going to love them even if they get a little broken or chipped. I'm not going to throw them away just because of a little damage. Especially if the damage can be fixed."
He reached forward and gently pushed a few strands of hair from Wilbur's eyes. He adoringly thumbed the boy's temple. "I have every reason to keep these cups. I love these cups. Very, very much." He stared at him for a few seconds, a tender, sweet quality in his eyes. He let go of Wilbur's face and motioned for him to give him his hand.
"Will you learn the spell? I can't always be around to put things back together, and it would make me feel better if I knew someone taught you how to take care of the things you care about."
Still sniffling, Wilbur nodded. "Okay." And then he blurted out, "Thank you."
Phil smiled. "Of course. Anytime. I'm always happy to help you navigate these things, okay?"
Wilbur gave him a small smile in return, and for the first time since he'd brought him home, Phil felt like their story might have a happy ending.
~ ~ ~
🏷️: @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @flowers-of-plenty @gracideaviolet
ah haheuaheuhaeuahe. well i hope you enjoyed this
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
This is just me rambling about fandom trends cause I wanted to inflict it on my timeline instead of people's DMS.
Okay so I kinda stopped reading SBI for a while, except for my especial subscriptions (got burned out on tommy-centric), and then I got invited into a friend server with a bunch of new young writers and dipped my toe back into what's going on in the genre. Staring around the room like "what's happened while I was buried in a spreadsheet? Oh my."
And it has been FASCINATING.
First of all like, there's just like, a lot of Dark SBI, to the point that it seems like more than when I last checked? Which I don't have a problem with, but it's always very interesting to me because that seems very much like a reaction to fandom trends, more than canon? Like people get tired of a certain dynamic (foster aus! good dad phil! exploration of canon!) and decide they want something else. And what they want is kidnapping, which like. That's an honourable tradition in fiction, o7. Seems like a lot of kidnapping to me, but you do you.
Also, on the other side of the coin, there's also a lot of tooth-rotting-fluff, similarly focused in on like— okay like a lot of that was crimeboys, which is a canon dynamic, but once you add in the pet names and like, platonic kissing, that's not streamer dynamic either, that's a new third thing which is made up by the fandom. Neither of those boys are that open about their emotions, you made that one up. This isn't canon-compliant OR RPF, it's a secret third thing.
Like I can't stress enough that this characterization, in the trends taken as a whole, is neither drawn from canon nor from non-lore streamer, this is something else entirely. Tommy is very sad and baby and cries a lot, and Techno looms and doesn't make jokes and calls people "runt" a lot, and Wilbur is very clingy (and emotionally intelligent in the fluff and sometimes for evil reasons in the dark)— phil doesn't tend to get much characterization except sometimes murder, which honestly I cheer on whole-heartedly.
It just seems to me that this is very much fandom reaction to fandom? Like it's fic in conversation with other fic and other characterizations and filling in the gaps with other fic. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of these writers don't follow the streamers and don't watch their ongoing content, and don't go back to the lore streams either. It's just all recursive fic. And I'm not saying that as a bad thing, just as a thing that makes me go Oooo, huh. Look at that.
Which is interesting to me as we look at not getting more DSMP content in the future, to see if we end up with a self-sustaining little fandom engine cause for me (techno-centric), I'm not getting any more lore content, but for some of this fandom (subscribed to a bunch of writers who post once a week) they're getting new content about their blorbos all the time. Their blorbos that again, I have to stress, were made up by the fandom and have minimal relationship to the streamers or the lore.
Okay and that is all stuff that makes sense to me— it's fic of fic, it's responding to fic trends, characterization has drifed from the source text and settled into a fanon canon. Now we get into the thing that makes me go ???????
Which is that everyone seems to be doing father-son relationships now? And not really Dadza, which at least I'm like, okay, sometimes phil is dad-like specifically to tommy, but Dadbur and Dadnoblade? Which makes me go?????? Tommy gets aged down to like 9-14 or something, so he's sad baby, and then techno or wilbur is a nebulous Adult, and then they have either a dark or a joyous found family moment with cuddles in.
And okay I've been hanging out over in emduo-centric and broad-dsmp-cast with dips into hermitcraft, I full on record-scratched when I hit technodad for the first time.
APPERANTLY, I hear from other people, dadbur stories just spiked through the roof after the utah ending, which made me go???? I guess the idea is that you could walk away from a brotherly relationship but not from a parental relationship? Which uh, as someone who's seen what happens in the bad dad phil tag I hate to break it to you, but, anyways, you do you.
And if there's dadbur, they have to get techno in with that. Guys there is so much technodad now. It's bedrock bros but they're not bros any more. Tommy is baby and Techno takes care of him. Serious dad technoblade.
And the best theory I have for what's happening is that this is twitter-driven, because you want that close relationship with affection, but you're realllllllly scared of anyone saying Shippping, so by making it a parental relationship you're even more platonic? It's either platonic-driven or just a need to make tommy soooooo baby and a dad will take care of him more than a brother will? But again, a dad can do that and still be platonic, where if it's just a brother that will be too much?
I can cling frantically to logic and follow a thread through to where I'm like okay, I guess that makes sense, but oh man as someone who barely even thought it made sense when people dad-coded Phil, I see Technodad and I go HEH???
Anyways, that has been my last few weeks of avoiding my deadlines by reading what the fandom babies in discord recommend. Discovering new levels of fanon characterizations and so much dad-coding. My WIPs are going well.
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anarchy-and-piglins · 7 months
About the c/Techno tail wag. He ALWAYS (unless otherwise stated due to being in a human AU) has a tail when I write him. He wags it when he's happy and it's a dead give away that he's happy despite his stoic expression. He curls it around his leg when he's nervous. He thrashes it like an irritated cat when upset. He hold the end of it and combs out the tuft of fluff on the end as a stim. He ties little ribbons and bells on it because he likes the weight and swishy-ness feeling and the little jingling. Even if he's fully pig/piglin/piglin adjacent featured, man's still got himself a tail.
On DSMP Techno wears his giant cape so the only people who have seen the tail are those who have seen him without his cape like when he's at home, relaxed (Phil, Ranboo, Niki, etc). In public people can't see his tail starts to wag like crazy every time he sees Phil.
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
happy birthday techno!!!
my work for @voicesfortheblade, prompt by Faust!
Words: 2002 Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Technoblade & Philza Characters: Technoblade, Philza Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Wing Grooming, Winged Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Hair Braiding, Forcing one another to rest damn it, Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary:
In the morning, he wakes up before Phil and cooks them some simple porridge with honey and cinnamon. Phil squints at him, sensing an agenda, but he takes the bowl gratefully.
“I’ve got a plan for us, today, Phil.” Techno drawls.
“Oh boy, can’t wait to hear what you’ve cooked up this time.”
“Picture this: We sit in a field and look at daisies, count the clouds, and do absolutely nothing all day. How does that sound?”
Emeraldsduo take a rest day!
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