#tdov 2020
sminkus · 2 months
happy TDoV!!!! i'm sminkus/zachariah (ze/hir) :3
follow me for:
random media thoughts
my #penis quest (my current route to phalloplasty)
i'm hot
if enough people follow me i'll pierce my tongue
maybe i'll make a cool video
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alligaytorrr-official · 2 months
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Happy TDOV! This year makes ten years since I realized I'm nonbinary and five since I started estrogen. I tried to write more but it was all talking in circles around these fundamental points: these were, respectively, the most important realization I ever had and the best decision I ever made. I've adored every part of the journey because I adore where it's brought me more than I could say.
2024 - 2014
2019, 1 week on e - 2020, half a year on e - 2020, the first time I felt comfortable swimming in over a decade
2021, the first time I presented fem at a family gathering - 2022 - 2023
2024 - 2024
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jeffbytes · 2 months
happy TDOV 🏳️‍⚧️ (yesterday, i forgot to post here lol) delighted to share my submission for Stealth Zine today! (yesterday lolll)
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i'm adopted Scouse, moving from Bournemouth to the north in 2015, landing permanently now in Liverpool in 2020. only a couple of months later during the first lockdown, i was forced to slow down, sit with myself and start thinking about myself. my egg soon cracked in being transgender, at the later age of 23! my piece aims to show just how much being in Liverpool has aided my transition, how i found myself not only living in Liverpool but how i found my actual SELF in Liverpool too, my entire identity and the feeling of knowing who i am :) the safe and welcoming Scouse community spirit, the introduction of local GIC pilot CMAGIC aiding my medical transition, and the resulting opportunities that i found myself in. i volunteered working for Eurovision last year when we hosted, and was featured in several press interviews talking about my trans experience and why Liverpool is such a welcoming and diverse city. this led on to me volunteering with the LCR pride foundation, which i still do to this day! i don't think my transition would have gone as smoothly or opened so many gateways to finding myself and finding a direction in life if my egg had cracked anywhere else <3
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dndoggos · 1 year
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DnDoggos Pawsed - #38 “TDOV”
Today is Trans Day of Visibility. I’ve thought a lot about what I would say today, and I still don’t really know. I could talk about how getting a gender affirming haircut in March 2020 slingshotted me into a whole new life. Or how having top surgery in July 2021 taught me to love myself for the first time. Or that since transitioning I have found a deep and meaningful love for all the people in my life, and I see them for who they are, and cherish that so dearly.
I could also talk about how anti-trans laws in America are targeting such a small and vulnerable population of people. And that my very existence is being threatened every single day.
But all I really want to say right now, in this moment, is choose love.
When faced with choices, please, please choose love. Choose kindness.
And if you have trans people in your life, please tell them you love them.
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thefestival · 2 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility, gamers!
This is a render I made almost exactly four years ago (April 1st, 2020), while working on low-poly models and characters for the project that ultimately gave way to The Festival.
That's a long story that I will have to expand on another time, but I thought this would be a cute blast from the past to share for today.
Hope you all have a happy Easter and TDoV!
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spaceysoupy · 1 year
Happy Trans Day of Visibility! Today is a great day to donate to your local two-spirit or two-spirit organizations as well as QTPOC organizations. These organizations rarely get funding in favor of donations to major organizations like The Trevor Project, GLAAD, or the HRC—or to major companies “on behalf of trans charity.”
While these organizations still have meaningful impact, directly supporting trans people by giving mutual aid and funding trans led organizations is more important than ever before as we face increasing violence and transphobic legislation all across the world.
To all trans people reading this: even if you cannot be out right now for whatever reason, whether it be for safety or other reasons, you are still here, you exist, and you are loved 💜
QTPOC and Two-Spirit organizations
These organizations are led by queer and trans poc and provide direct aid to queer and trans poc, as well as two-spirits from across North America.
Other organizations of mention
These organizations do not necessarily have a focus on queer and trans poc or are not led by qtpoc, but are good organizations for resources or to donate to
Information on TDOV
Our information
if you wish to donate
We are a queer and trans system, meaning many or most of our members identify as queer and/or trans. We use “trans” as an umbrella term referring to anyone who identifies as trans, regardless of microlabel or lack thereof.
This document was compiled by Alitsanosga (pronouns: hi’a/vsgina/utseli/uwasa) who is a two-spirit trans lesbian. Pronouns page here
Cashapp: $MirachB
Venmo: @MirachB
Ko-fi: nebugays
(Cashapp preferred)
Our Wordpress
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4cyberdreamz · 1 year
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I DON'T USUALLY POST DOODLES LIKE THIS BUT just this once. because it's TDOV :]
The 2nd image is from 2020. I kept thinking i should redraw it every year and then kept forgetting about it every year
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kuradoberijam · 1 year
Since someone asked about Yata, what about Fushimi? 👀
Sexuality Headcanon:
I am looking at him like that Whitney Chewston image that’s like “I know what you are” (gay).
Gender Headcanon:
Him and Yata share he/they pronouns in my brain but Yata gets them most of the time because Fushimi doesn��t want to be percieved. Munakata probably asked him once what his pronouns were in preparation of TDOV and he said “None. Don’t refer to me.” I don’t really feel like he cares about the particulars of gender but is male adjacent. 
A ship I have with said character:
This one’s obvious. I’m a Sarumi/Misaru enjoyer. They’re my favorite divorcées.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Him and Seri.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Not really a big fan of mikosaru for personal reasons.
A random headcanon:
He’s Scepter 4’s worst driver which is saying a lot. I feel like he has the general attitude of not caring whether he dies or not on the road. He’s also probably not allowed to drive the Scepter 4 official vans anymore. I actually have driving hcs of both him and Yata posted here. Other than that I heavily hc he listens to Radiohead and The Smiths while outwardly saying he doesn’t care about music.
General Opinion over said character:
I discovered him in 2020 when my friend Leo was like “Hey, this character reminds me of you” and knowing peoples’ typical impression of me I assumed the worst.
As it turns out, I’d grow to really like him because I generally like to psychoanalyze those sorts of characters/similar personalities in fiction (cough cough, Jin Kisaragi. They aren’t the same person but they share an apartment complex in my brain).
I was absolutely relieved to see that he wasn’t just a one hit yandere type and had a character arc with actual payoff because you don’t see that a lot with characters like him. I could go on to analyze him but I’d feel like I was beating a dead horse because there’s a lot of people who already have metas out that are way better than anything I could create and post. Maybe one day I’ll make one but it’d just be one I’d send to friends that focuses on some lesser mentioned parts of his character rather than going through comprehensive overview of him. I’m very glad I didn’t overlook him or the series in general.
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god this is from march 31, 2020
I had no idea I had asks in my inbox and just found them 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 but fuck yeah TDOV
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domino is back for trans day of visibility! she says trans rights!!
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Happy Transgender Day of Visibility!!!
Whether you're...
A trans man or trans woman
Nonbinary or genderqueer
Agender, bigender, trigender, polygender, or pangender
Genderfluid or genderflux
Transfeminine or transmasculine
A demigirl, demiboy, or deminonbinary
Androgyne or intergender
Maverique, cassgender, or neutrois
Genderfae or genderfaun
A xenogender, neurogender, or MOGAI gender
Or any other genders
...You and your gender are valid and amazing, and no one can change that or take that away from you! You know who you are better than anyone else does!! Don't let others who try to invalidate you bring you down; you are everything, and their words mean nothing! Celebrate yourselves and your trans and nonbinary siblings today because you deserve it! I hope you all have a safe and wonderful TDOV!!💙💗💛💜🖤
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william-snekspeare · 4 years
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I really wish I had gotten a haircut before all this quarantine business started 😅
Happy TDOV! ✨He/Him✨
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puppydolled · 4 years
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happy slightly early tdov!! also near 2 months of hrt! :·)
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hauntedzone · 4 years
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hey its tdov. im visible and i hope you are all grateful for it
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birdofprey1234 · 4 years
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility!
*Do not repost/reupload my art to other blogs or websites. Reblogs are encouraged, though!*
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gaysessuale · 4 years
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ah yes since it's tdov i'll also post this
we are a cute, dumb trans couple ( @salty-nonbinary is partner, they/them)
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