#tbh i don't know what i think of colored pencils
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i colored some of them!!
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its-gettin-weird · 3 months
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"People are creatures who cant live without loving someone. But since they're creatures who can't love something that's strange or revolting, then by process of elimination, they can't live without loving something they can love."
It's her. The meat woman.
tbh, I don't really know anything about her asides from the stuff that I read on her wiki / Birth of Authority from Wish document and stuff that people in the fandom have said about her, so idk how accurate this would be to her lol but I think I have a gist for what her deal is XD
For Capella, I was going for a kind of butcher aesthetic, but with some touches of demon / dragon elements because iirc she transforms into a dragon at some point (also I think she already has a demonic vibe to her + just... how she is in general), and she 'butchers' people's bodies into grotesque shit. That's also the reason why her weapons are meat cleavers, to go with the whole 'butcher' theme. I also wanted to have a sort of clashing of cutesy / risqué elements in her outfit to go with the contrast of her appearance versus her personality, hence the ruffles + bows in her outfit paired with the latex top, gloves, and pencil skirt. I had no idea what to do with her at first, because her outfit in canon is literally just. A bikini. And some other shit. Aside from a color scheme I had no real 'theme' to go off of, just scantily clad outfit. I was at first gonna go for something like a mad nurse / surgeon vibe cause of how she alters people, but being a butcher just fits so much better for her and goes with her vibes really well. Also I think she's been called 'meat woman' in the LN or WN before so it makes sense lol XD
The authority from a wish document basically says that she wants to be loved by everyone and believes that people only love someone's appearance / looks are all that matter, so she wants to make everyone else around her look disgusting so that they only love her, and says her 'wish' is to turn others into something revolting, so that's what she probably wished for, giving her the ability to transform herself and others into whatever she wants.
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oceanofsinners · 8 months
Mind reader yan x maladaptive day dreamer darling [with a twist:3]
[mdni, or do, i don't care enough to block y'all tbh. tw/cw: thoughts/ideas/daydreams of violence, manipulation, etc. lmk if i have to add smth else too! and uhh, sometimes text with go small to big, it's on purpose!! a bit shorter mainly cause I got tired lmao]
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Ezra Martinez. He was a student council member, and a smart one at that. He never abused his abilities, nor was he cocky.
He was actually pretty, humble, quiet, and only used his abilities when absolutely needed. Ezra didn't speak unless he wanted to or needed to.
Little did anyone know, he had a secret. He could read people's minds. It wasn't 24/7 or he's sure he would've gone insane by now, but he has to be concentrated for it to work.
The first time you and Ezra met, it was due to a group project. You had lower grades while he had perfect grades, so the teacher paired you up.
You seemed distracted from the moment you two met. Or, more like the moment your eyes landed on him.
He was confused, but didn't question it.
“Hey—Hey! Are you even listening to me?” Ezra frowned at you, realizing that, no, you obviously weren't when you tilted your head in confusion.
Ezra sighs, and asks the question once again. “Can I come over to your house for the project? I'd prefer it to my house.”
You seemed to talk even less then Ezra, only responding with a nod, grabbing your backpack and walking off with the council member following you.
He didn't really use his secret ability for no reason, but he really wanted to understand and know what was going on in that pretty head of yours.
The entire way to your house, you had your headphones on and were ignoring him, although he doesn't think it was on purpose.
You even almost got ran over, had he not yanked you back as the car sped past the two of you.
“What are you thinking?! You almost just got yourself killed!” And...there you go again, nodding, before glancing up and walking across the street with that dazed look.
Once at your house, you fiddled with your keys and opened it. Ezra glanced at the driveway, noticing no cars.
Did you live with your parents? Did you live alone? If so, then why? Many questions filled his head, and he decided on one.
“Are your parents home?” Ezra questions with a tilt of his head, you actually glance over at him. You shake your head once again, before pausing, and opening your mouth.
“No. Live alone.” You don't offer any more information up, but you don't need to. Your voice alone sends pleasured chills down his spine, and he nods, glancing away with flushed cheeks.
You seem to watch him as the two of you walk inside, as if observing him closely like he's a newly found animal and your the scientist.
The two set their bags and such down in your room, and pull out what they'll need.
An hour passes, and the entire time, you're either in a daze or observing Ezra. It's slightly unsettling when he glances up and sees you staring at him, but he...doesn't mind. Not if it's you.
Another hour passes. You've written about four words, while Ezra's already finished most of the assignment. He frowns, glancing at the words you had wrote absentmindedly.
“he looks so pretty.”
His eyebrows furrow, and he sucks in a breath, shaking his head as he glances up at you.
Eventually, Ezra stands up, stating that he'll be going home and he'll be back tomorrow. You don't even so much as acknowledge him as he leaves.
The next day at school is like every other day, you're not paying attention, instead glancing outside the window in that hazy state of yours.
Ezra’s nails scratch against his table, and he concentrates on using his ability. The first things he hears makes his blood churn.
“god, I should've killed that blonde bitch who hangs around Ezra all the time. I should've stabbed my pencil into that pretty little throat of hers, forcing her to choke on her own blood. Red is her favorite color, after all.”
Despite the gruesome words, and despite his best efforts, Ezra feels himself flush at your thoughts, his breath getting heavier.
You avert your gaze from the window, eyes tracing the class, your mind muttering things like “bastard” “liar” “bully” “slut” the entire time, til your eyes land on him.
The first thing that comes to your mind is unnerving, and slightly terrifying.
“I wonder how Ezra’d react if I slammed his pretty little head into his desk. Ezra would look so pretty with blood pouring from his head. Blood is definitely something I want to see on him...”
There's a certain emotion in your eyes that Ezra can't quite place. But he thinks he understands when he hears your next thoughts.
He understands far better then any therapist ever would, he understands the word far better then any assignment. Because he feels the same way.
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hikennosabo · 5 months
#tristampparty day 2, episode 2: the running man
day 2 of @tristampparty!! i have less to say about this episode than the first one so hopefully this will be a shorter post than yesterday LOL
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iirc this is 98 knives's seiyuu on the radio, right?!!! i am only about halfway through my jp 98 watch and can't recognize him by ear (yet) but i think it's very neat that the original seiyuus have cameos :')
also vash keeping the photo with him What If I Ate Rocks
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he is such a kicked puppy of a man
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why does roberto say revenge. what does he mean. what does he know. what has he figured out from knowing vash for maybe like a few hours. or is he just throwing that out there without realizing how close he is to the truth. partially, anyway. he didn't guess the savior complex part.
i'm not entirely sure what meryl means by honor...? but money is a pretty normal reason to want a plant, as we've seen and as we'll continue to see.
i like how meryl has a fear of bugs... i can relate lol. i think this character trait comes from the manga when she was kidnapped by zazie and was grossed out? i think here it also serves to reinforce her being sheltered, still unfamiliar with the world at large since worms are everywhere--WAIT HOLD ON.
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RAI-DEI SPOTTED?!?!??!?! this rewatch is becoming an I Spy game with the wanted posters, jfc.
man i'm so glad i finally downloaded tristamp so i can appreciate the visuals without the crunchiness of streaming video... i can't do the animation justice with just screenshots but i love watching vash scamper around like a... i don't know. he scampers like a cockroach in 98, but this is giving a different vibe. like a... something. like a creature.
i also want to take a second to appreciate how gorgeous the backgrounds are, like,
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i loooove the backgrounds, it looks like... maybe a mix of markers and colored pencil... i love the detail and the colors are so pleasing. this is such a gorgeous anime to look at, i don't know how anyone could possibly say it looks bad without them just blindly hating it because it's 3dcg. god i'm getting so distracted looking at the backgrounds that i'm missing the action AND the subtitles LOL
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wasn't there a post somewhere that actually calculated how much a bullet is worth based on this information. i don't remember what conclusion it came to. but i'm thinking either food is expensive (tbh, likely) or bullets are inexpensive and vash is just poor (also likely). also it's funny that the dub changed this to donuts. ...where are the donuts at in tristamp anyway...
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roberto lmao 😭😭😭😭😭 i guess that's one way to guarantee it doesn't spill
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roberto up until this point has acted like meryl is dragging him along unwillingly, but here he's the one telling meryl to get in the car so they can get a move on, lol. yeah yeah we all already know he's actually a softie and that he really cares underneath his aloof demeanor.
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which brings us to this scene... i don't want to say that he has vash "all figured out" because obviously he doesn't, but he's got SOME of vash figured out at least. definitely more than meryl atp. he knows vash is running from knives... i wonder how this conversation would have gone if they weren't interrupted.
yeah i don't really have that much to say about this ep, relatively speaking... i don't have any deep thoughts about the nebraskas, they're just comic relief villains anyway, i don't care about them that much, even though tristamp kind of tries to make us care a little bit by the end of this episode...
next episode is gonna be a doozy though. ohohohohohoho.
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nikoisme · 6 months
Heyo!!! :D Some questions for you!
What are some of your fave parts of the Iliad and Odyssey? And then do you have a favorite by Euripides?
How long have you been drawing?
Since your "lovable little bastard" is a lil calico, does she have any neat patches/spots that are cute? Example, Teddy has a big stripe that curves across her neck, so I like imagining her having "necklace" haha. Does your lil lady have any spots that are cutely shaped? 🥺
(Good luck in school! :D Know I'm rooting for you!)
hello hello :DD this is a much needed break from studying oh god thank you.
For The Iliad,, BOOK 6, THE HECTOR, ANDROMACHE AND ASTYANAX SCENE. Book 10 also slaps obviously, night raid my beloved. The laments over Hector in book 24 too :')) It never fails to make me cry. But there's a tiny little specific part of The Iliad that is my absolute favorite - when Menelaus tells Antilochus that Patroclus was killed:
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Idk man it feels so real and raw and hngngng. And Antilochus my man.
Now for The Odyssey i'm basic af but it's the reunion wih Telemachus, Penelope and Laertes :') hits right in the feels. The marriage bed story. The orchard. God fuck. Also the several little moments when Telemachus and Odysseus just,, exchange knowing smiles or glances with each other (when Odysseus is disguised as a beggar). It's just so neat i don't know why. Telemachus doesn't even know Odysseus and Odysseus doesn't know who his son is (yet!!), but they just kind of clicked together (when it came to scheming and plotting ofc. It's in their genes).
Tbh I haven't read too much of Euripides, I have quite a few plays sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. So i should probably, yknow, do that hahaa. But my favorite so far is Iphigenia at Aulis! It's just so heartbreaking and tragic and painful and ahdbagshjj. mannn.
I started drawing since I could hold a colored pencil lmaoo. i just did it sometimes as a kid, i liked it and was seen as the "art kid" in school (now that I think of it, I was actually more the "a pleasure to have in class" kid,, but hey i was the one people ran to during art projects lmaoo). It was 2020 when I really wanted to get into it - especially digital art, since I've been drawing on my phone and the family computer with a mouse in godforsaken Gimp up to that point - and I got my first drawing tablet the same year! Funnily enough I started drawing humans about... 1,5 years ago?? I was actually, lo and behold, a warrior cats artist for a few years :'DD
NOW. SHE HAS SO MANY SPOTS THAT I ABSOLUTELY ADORE. For example, all her paws are white - but only one is black with a single white toe:
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And she has some incredible markings on her face if i can say so myself:
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Especially since the orange marking goes in a straight line across her face, it's so neat. And her fluffy white neck/throat marking :D
And thank you for school AGJSJSDHHH. I have my last test on Monday so I should be finally free next week! The worst tests are over now, thankfully. This is hell :')
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obsidiancreates · 4 months
Okay so Psych Makeup Collection
Under a Read More because this got long and rambling
On one hand I think having a singular Shawn and Gus palette would be very fitting, but on the other a Gus-focused standalone palette based around his best shirts called The Lavender Gooms palette is just *chef's kiss* so we'll go with that idea. I feel like some sort of face gloss works too, like the head oil- maybe it should just be an actual lavender-scented hair oil, a little outside of the "makeup" definition but not an ungeard of inclusion (see: Glamlite having a shimmer body oil in their first Barbie collection).
I feel like some colorful eyeliners fit well with Shawn tbh, as his part of the college. We've seen him canonically wear eyeliner more than once in his edgier phase, so colorful ones feel fitting for his brighter personality when he's older while still holding onto that same essence. Psychic Green, Pineapple Yellow, Santa Barbara Skies Blue, Hair Thicker In HD Brown. No, wait, that last one should be a brow gel, maybe a mascara.
Blushes based on Jules, yes obvious, a blush palette inspired by her extremely bright early seasons shirts. But also I want something for her iconic gray pantsuits, so perhaps an Eyeshadow stick/crayon- a little more one-and-done, practical, can be easily traveled with. I think that fits. Or maybe one of those blushes that looks dark gray in the pan but turns pink when you put it on?
Struggling with Lassie a bit because my brain is screaming Eyeshadow Palette but I want everyone to have a Unique Thing in this collection and Gus already has the Eyeshadow Palette... I can't imagine what else fits for a Lassie piece though. Gus’s would be largely purples and pinks, and while Lassie would also be largely cool-toned it'd be more blues and grays inspired by not only his sweet salt-and-pepper hair and cannonball blue eyes, but the blue shirts and such he'd wear in earlier seasons and the grays of his beloved gun.
I want to give Chief Vick something too, I feel like a line of contours fits her character but that feels not quite Enough for how important she is. We don't have lipsticks yet, but I don't know if I see her for lipsticks- if anything it'd be a line of glosses themed around Jules, or maybe glosses themed around some of the various Love Interests of both Shawn and Gus through the show like Mira and Abigail and that hippie girl and so on.
Bronzers themed less around A Character, more just a reference to the Abduction/Speed Dating episodes with the fake tanning ties.
Henry doesn't get a product. ... Alright, maybe an ocean spray scented makeup remover of some kind. But that's it!
Wanna give Buzz something, because I just like him. Maybe he can have the highlighter. Call it the McNabbin' That Glow or something, because he's a little ray of sunshine and while his wit is dim his smile sure ain't.
And a makeup bag shaped like a Pineapple, of course.
OH maybe The Chief gets a brush set? But I also see that working for Lassie... I can see a Henry set to tbh but I don't like him so I want either Lassie or The Chief to have the brush set.
Oh and Buzz still gets a highlighter but there's also another highlighter just called Mary Lightly.
I wanna give Yang something, she deserves it- maybe she gets the lipstick (not gloss, those go to the Various Love Interests). Oh but also an eyeliner pencil/liquid liner duo kit with the pencil in black and liquid liner in white... oooh...
Guh I have too many ideas. I'd need to do like 10 different collections like fucking Makeup Revolution and their billion never-ending Simpson releases
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arllanaeats · 3 months
Aaaaaaa god I love your art sooo much it’s so colorful and cozyyy,,,,,
I’m currently learning art right now - so far just the fundamentals since I gotta know ‘em in order to break ‘em after all, lol - and I was hoping (if you don’t mind of course) if you had any advice you’d like to give?
(Specifically in regards to fat art, but if you also had some input on dealing with the process of learning art then by all means do share!)
Aaaaa thank you!!! I really try to make it be such!
I bet you'll do great and I wish you best in your journey, learning and studying is wonderful but don't forget to have fun and go wild a bit too!
I don't have a ton of, like, proper wisdom, and my brain has been kinda fried lately but...
I know the obvious one is to observe how fat behaves on bodies; even when I'm drawing very exaggerated shapes, it's very informed by what I understand of actual fat bodies, I owe so much to feedist models tbh!
If that's too obvious, I also like to play around with proportions by drawing a base simple body shape and maybe pose of any kind and over it on another layer or with a bolder pencil messing with the growth of different parts. I try to think of all the possible and impossible options! Tweak the different body part bit by bit to see how you understand the way fat wraps the body.
Sometimes the base body I draw is fairly thin and in various layers on top I draw over the structure and pose as if it was a WG sequence and for studying it helps because I see how I'm "adding" the fat
IDK FJFBFJ I hope that made sense, I don't feel I'm a shape expert, but I try!!! I hope this helps somehow
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toxooz · 1 year
Hi Toxooz, how do you get yourself to draw so frequently? 👀👀👀
bc i have literally 84 things going on at once in my brain at all times that my highly visually obsessed brain Has To physically get in front of my eyes so that i can see or else will i think abt it over and over again and Brother I'm always envisioning things characters scenes scenarios outfits designs colors all of it in my cranium like angry itchy itchy ITCHY bees until i draw them out lmfao even if i don't know what to specifically draw at the current moment imma still end up drawing somehow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think at this point it's literally hardwired into my brain that I Gotta draw its what I've been doing since I could hold a pencil tbh it's how i cope with being -gestures vaguely- Here and alive, i actually gotta force myself to take a day off and schedule days where I DONT draw bc I know it's wearing on my hands and wrists 😬 I guess physically drawing grounds me in a way and keeps me (mostly) sane like if I don't draw for a few days i start getting Vaguely Antsy it's fukkin weird and i think at this point my love for my characters has surpassed like any form of art block if that makes sense??? like they literally take up 92% of my brain if not more, and the only way to see them is to draw them but yeah it's just what i do it's my jelly n my jam which is why I'm literally so glad i realized that i don't want to make drawing a job/career bc God help me if i start dreading drawing bc of the stress of money I've been drawing like crazy for like 2 decades straight and I only wanna draw more man idk!!!!! It's just one of them 'how the brain formed around what you do an assload of times' thangs
Answer translation: idk I just like to draw a lot lmfao
#its like the kids say ✨💅its how i express myself✨💅#and dont get it twisted im aware this is not healthy lmfao#dont aspire to b like me just draw or dont draw man its abt the want#like i said drawing is just What I Do at this point i didnt train theres not some ''oh draw for at least 30 minutes a day' shit#i draw fast as shit (probably obviously ) and so much its probably unnatural AHA#the secret is make drawing the only outlet for your brain to not completely self implode at the mere idea of existing#for 24 years!!!!! :)#honestly thats why im getting progressively more Tired when every mf and their grandma tries to convince me to sell my shits#like brother this is a part of me how can i give away something i created and inevitably formed a bond with for like 100 bucks#i caint do it and so if i go in with the expectation to imediately give it away then man i dont even want to be making art in the first pl#like for me Personally if im not going to make something that i fall in love with and want to look at occasionally then#Literally what is the point of me making anything#what is the point of me making my body and mind create a piece if not for my own personal joy???#but thats just physical art ig#like digital stuff and selling it for money if some1 wants it im aight but physical paintings??? that shit is Me and Mine#like just bc i Can make art doesnt immediately mean i need to make money from it yknow#my brother in christ when it comes to the the only true outlet for me to find joy and inspiration in living i Do Not care about money#i will take any amount of shitty job abuse if it means i conserve my passion#ill get a scarring accident from welding before i will stress cry over a deadline for a project that i dont even want to do#absolutely terrified of that path and feeling it is The Worst for me#like literally thank FUCK i realized this when i was just in a community college and not balls deep in debt at some fancy university#granted late as all hell and all my opportunities of taking free welding classes in my early years have long passed but still glad#just stick me on an abandoned island with canvases n paint n shit and ill b fine#god knew if i managed my time better and wasnt Really Fucking Exhausted all the time i would be unstoppable#like ofc making money while drawing what i want is the dream no doubt but the chances of that are slim and the road to get there is even#slimmer#ANYWAY holy shit not to get hella preachy but i have Thots
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soleminisanction · 3 months
U know i do kinda find it weird how some make steph have camaraderie w the ppl that tim knows
Like outside of the generaal batfam sphere(excluding helena bc she is a outlier and maybe jason but even then they get paired up in fandom spaces)
She just not?? Amicable or a team player tbh
Like in yj19 all the sudden the c4(excluding tim) are cool w steph??? Like what? When did that happen???
(or even that arc that they went to evil alt earth where they are all evil but steph isnt??? Writer did u not even realize what you have said about the other steph???)
Idk i just think of all bat character, she is to be stricly gotham base
I give Brian Michael Bendis (the writer on YJ19) a pass because I was following him on Twitter from the point YJ19 and the Wonder Comics imprint was announced, all the way through the end of that series.
From the second the announcement was made, his social media was completely inundated with people demanding that Stephanie be included in YJ19, entirely because she'd last been seen leaving Gotham with Tim. He also got flooded with asks about whether Cissie would make an appearance, or Aqualad (because YJ animated was still at the peak of its popularity and there was a whole contingent of fans who had zero clue that Kaldur was created for that show and that Jackson Hyde looks like but isn't exactly him), but with Steph? He and his co-creators got full on harassed, and it only got worse because she happened to turn up in a flashback in Issue 4. There were Internet journalists who derailed interviews he was giving to hype up his new Black and gay heroines just to demand more Stephanie, it was bad.
And then there was this whole mess that's going to be hard to explain succinctly. But it boils down to: given the timing of when the series was announced, they almost certainly had issues #1-#3 fully drawn and either at or on its way to the printer, issues #4-6 at least partially drawn and colored, issues #7-9 completely scripted and possibly with pencil drafts under way, and issues #10-12 drafted, with an outline already prepared for the second year if they thought they were going to go beyond 12.
But then something happened after the announcement -- and it had to have been after the announcement, otherwise they could've pushed back their release dates -- that led them to rewrite the entire second half of the year, everything from the end of #5 on. You can tell because the covers, which get made ahead of the rest of the issue, start going really wonky from #6 on and don't match up with the contents of the story, plus there's disconnect in the early solicitations. Also they skipped a month between #6 and #7 while making #7 basically a filler issue with guest artists who happen to have very simple, quick-draw cartoony styles that are easier to produce in a hurry.
That kind of turn-around on a publishing project is nuts, it's not fun to deal with. I would be surprised if Bendis had time to give his artists more than a "shitty rough draft" to work off of. But like I said he was still getting this constant barrage of demands for Steph so, as long as he was doing rewrites anyway, he took the chance to drop her in, or maybe the editor insisted he do so to try to bring in more readers. Either way, he just didn't have the time to make it good or put any thought into it.
I honestly feel so bad for their whole creative team. That's such a terrible situation to be in, and the first five issues make me feel like they were really putting their hearts into it. It's so sad it got derailed so badly.
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hello again <3
1, 5, 8, 10 + 11 if you do, 14 y 27!
<3 <3 <3 thank you for asking again!!! ily
1) what’s your favorite book you’ve read so far this year? does the answer differ whether it’s your favorite in terms of enjoyment, quality, or message? Vicious by V.E. Schwab! its so fucking good dude it had me HOOKED and im rereading it already. no changes in the answer, it is all around my favorite from this year
5) have you dnf’d any books this year? yes 😭 it was a sports romance that gave me psychic damage and i dnf'd at 51%
8) what’s a book you want to read by the end of the year? a few!!! Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan (tbh i just need to get it out of my backpack and sit down with it for two hours so that should be easy), Just Like Home by Sarah Gailey (i keep renewing my loan on this in Libby and its driving me nuts that i haven't finished it yet), A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers (bc i need a cathartic read to round off the year)
10) do you annotate your books, and if so, do you annotate only specific books or all of them? i'm only just starting to annotate, and only some books!! i've got this thing where i don't want to "ruin" a book but @bi-bats was telling me about how they see annotations and it kinda changed my mind. so far i've only annotated the copy of The Lightning Thief that i used for book club and i'm working on annotating Vicious for @bi-bats (the fact that it's not done yet is stressing me out but it WILL get done)
11) how do you annotate your book? (pencil, pen, tabs, highlighters, etc.; what do you write?) highlighter preferably, with pen underlines! i didn't have highlighters with me when i started annotating Vicious so its got different colored fine tip marker underlines, color coded per person. i mostly just underline things that stand out, and add exclamation marks and things like "he's so unwell" (that one's Vicious specific haha)
14) what’s your favorite adaptation of a book? The Martian (2015) is both one of my favorite movies AND a great adaptation of the book imo!
27) any “unpopular” book opinions? uhhhh suddenly i've forgotten all popular and unpopular book opinions. um, i don't really like a majority of booktok recs?? OH here's one: i think that booktok has done a great deal of damage to book reviews and book review videos specifically. book review videos used to be thought out and give reasons why the reviewer liked or didn't like something, and now the majority of "book review" videos i see are just a list of books with a rating and no explanations and that drives me nuts. i wanna know WHY you liked or didn't like the book, not just a number of stars. especially since everybody's star review criteria is different 😩
ask me different book-related questions!
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madfantasy · 2 years
Dear Blogging
Hope ur doing well🍀
When I realise my updates are futher apart in time, it makes me sad. I don't have much new to say, I am in the same trance following no time yet feeling every passing second. In progress that I can't feel because of how much I'm used to pain and nothingness. I am okay, finally had the brain power to make words today, the last months were exceptionally difficult as I mentioned the unrelenting near 50° heat. And for the majority of that time I spent it without any means to cool off, which periodically made me sick and kept me in bed too long. Even more bits of my teeth broke off, rendering me unable to smile or eat without jolts of pain. My unstable network provider topping off the misery.
Since I moved to my "sunny room" I couldn't use the net I waste money on for because of the weak signal, so I had not much sources of distractions or solace. Nothing separating me from the continuous good old times; living in absolute isolation. I don't think I have online connections anymore and wouldn't blame anyone for forgetting me. I'm sorry, I feel absolutely disconnected, I don't know what I want or what to do or how to dare be involved. And in all honesty, I am functioning on 1% energy spent on drawing..
I was trying to have a goal to compete that, to keep my faith up and have hope and project it. Wanting a red and black room was one, but I gave up on it because I didn't have enough work to afford it, and really the experience of buying stuff online only to find the advertised color was a lie, specially if its red was a huge waste of time and money. And my guardians fed up with me asking them to return things, ungraciously. I liked my room eventually
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After prolonged periods of depression, I found myself longing for my traditional art, flicking through my old diary. I craved to return able to draw on paper again, and the few times I tried, memories, good and bad gushed through. Relived again how it was to draw in secret and to love things you are constantly told are not for you or called it not natural and be punished severely for.. just made me cry over how culture always just hurt for the sake of hurting and uses religion as a loose cape, mourning them using it to exclude while it was something aimed to be harmonious with all and they never focus on being actual good people over keeping appearances.. for the longest time making me wonder if something was actually wrong with me beyond just being different than them.. now there's plethora of mental things thanks to their abuse. Starting with my inability to look at people without feeling quick to panic discomfort. Making me see this isolation as they say, a "blessing in disguise ". I don't know how to take that as, tbh, I still to this day get nightmares of when I used to live in big houses with multiple families, or the endless schools I went to.
I started drawing on paper bit by bit. The minute I find myself overwhelmed I stop. With time I felt I can enjoy it again, and recalled all what passer through my mind as kid, how I fantasised of owning the chunkiest coloring tin or the thickest drawing paper. So decided to get sketchbooks and notebooks and try everything new, I didn't care
I didn't know where to start, so I got randomly selected sketchbook and one lockable journal, so I can hopefully write diary again like i used to. I show everything i get to them but already Guardians couldn't help themselves and flick though it, I didn't say anything but my inside automatically clinched and turned into an angry imp snatching to have it back, like i used to actually react when they searched my school things for doodles.
I changed the lock c:
I learned of the existence of more mechanical pencil sizes so I got every possible one, carefully not breaking my law of owning only red and black things, hehe. Also some essentials so my guardians won't comment on my spending ways. Like a tooth brush, and the best bonnet ever. I also got myself a backpack for my pen people to live in, for the longest time I wanted a shark backpack but this one just screamed Mani (it was cheaper 😝). As kid I had a red bag with snoopy's face on it, it was my literal safe zone that I carried it everywhere, pretended to travel in cardboard boxes with and had many garbage things stored in it that ment something dear to me, already that blissful feeling is regenerated when i wore it. And hopefully next month I get work to buy colors..
I got my eyes on those atm
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(Also something funny, I can promise you I got the talk about devil worship from them for getting horns, and here's the thing; they know about the actual sketchy devil worship practices, its a common knowledge in our surroundings. To me, having red horns it felt Mani like, style euphoria, I love being a polite naughty gentlethem and that spoke of it clearly to me so I didn't care too much)
I also in my careless defiance rush, bought a shoulder- abaya that resembles more of a cloak, to me at least. To help dim my dysphoria even for the tiniest bit and maybe give me one point of courage to want to go out when possible. 'Cause the only thought i have when I'm out is absolute fear, or brain blanking out on me and i freeze in my place
I was stressed for so long that they might fight me on it because they never allowed me to wear but the cover ups of their choice from the dark ages, one I could not walk in or see where I was headed in (i actually wear glasses to see), but I presented it to them and I don't think they noticed.
Maybe now i can feel comfortable in it, throughout the years I never really adjusted to wearing it— having almost no occasion to leave the house 3/4 of my life. It was never something i felt connected to, been only a reminder of pure shame and embarrassment. From the very first day I started to cover my face at middle school, was forced to do that the day before, non of my guardians taught me how to wear it. And the minute it fell from my face thanks to my clumsy attempts at tying it, my face was welcomed with— not the fresh air and 4k sight clarity, but a slap that knocked me back into the car. Followed by an entire hysterical berating, calling me a sl*t and what have you, for everyone who was dropping their kids to see and hear.
I didnt know it at the time, but i was also mocked of how I wore it many times by my peers, while some took petty on me and dressed me themselves. I merely envied those foreign students who wore it just to follow the school rules and offed it the minute they got into their cars to leave. I still have no answer to what I truly want, and thats okay..
I forgot to mention how they can be super pricy, so I got the cheapest I could, resulting it being thick, strings jutting everywhere, way too big on me and all of its buttons fell. So I had to do some long hem shortenings and buttons sewing, I think I started to like it
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I now just need someone to hold my hand and never let go, to take me to the hospital and hypothetically be my voice till mine return... manifesting
Oh and i did drew alot of snarry cuz it was my only cure during this time of dissociative routine, ofc endless of sketches that did not make it and 2 did, and still more to come hopefully when I continue to feel better
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I wish you all the best in this world my dears, your burdens ease and your heart beats with your desires met , mani loves you ❤️‍🔥🍀🕊🙏
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leatherbookmark · 5 months
i have been tagged! by @lansplaining, @thatswhatsushesaid and @aeide-thea, thank you! the templates are a tiny bit different but i'm just gonna smush them together ( ‵▽′)👍
last song: this post took me a LONG time lol, so shatter by dreamcatcher when i started, to be by your side by nick cave (i know it from the bird movie) approximately in the middle and suga's interlude by halsey and, well, suga right now as i'm finishing it.
favourite color: yellow! warm tones in particular. i was very into red (not pink!!! not pink!!!) as a kid, then blue and purple and, gasp, pink, but at some point i realized i'm drawn to warm yellow objects because they just feel so happy. so. 💛
currently watching: this one youtuber does yearly videos on their favourite and least favourite kpop album packaging, and the one for 2023 came our like, yesterday. it's a surprisingly fascinating topic! (darts a look at my most recent book on polish typographic book covers. darts a look at another book i have on polish Boxes and Packagings. or maybe i'm just interested in that stuff. hm) i also kept on nodding along almost every sentence, because I Too am ridiculously opinionated about album packaging, lol.
last movie/show: the new percy jackson show!
sweet/savoury/spicy: complicated question, need at least two business weeks to ponder. but if i had to rank them, it'd be sweet > savoury > spicy? i don't care about spice, tbh! but that might be because i'm pretty bad at handling it, lol. when i cook ramyeon, i have to add half of the soup powder packet and additionally soften the spice with coconut/rice milk :')
relationship status: single, and unsure if i'm sad about it or glad i don't have more stuff to be anxious about lol.
last thing you googled: "tag piping", after some posts about how ao3 doesn't do it for the silmarillion characters anymore, apparently. i think it's supposed to be like, appending aliases/other names to the tag, like my | jgy, but i'm not sure why it's called that exactly. i also went to check what the tags look like now and hm. i'm not sure if adding (tolkien) to the names of very obviously tolkien characters is much better, but i don't really go there, so
current obsession/s: my lads my dudes my little guys ateez, i guess! but that aside, hmm. i don't currently have any microobsessions, but before, it was mechanical pencils and their leads. oh! analog cameras and identifying them on photos of kpop lads is also somewhere out there. whatever this is. my last.fm account. gifmaking and how the hell do people make their gifs so sharp and crisp? actually, um, let's define an obsession, shall we...?
tagging: feel free to do it, feel free not to, etc, @natandacat @madtomedgar @labyrynth @crashorpie @gloriousmonsters @raise-me-up-take-me-up @woobifiedvillain @paperchamomiles @mariposakitten
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roseartsandfics · 11 months
ShadowSilver -- The Drama Theater Princess
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Here is another artwork of my OC holding two drama theater masks. 🎭
I love theater plays! I acted in one of them back in my freshman year of high school in November ^^. Then I was going to the big one somewhere in April or May, until online class was held during quarantine, which was a bummer. However, I absolutely love the drama theater ^^. Anything having to do with performing arts that brought me the passion of films, acting, animations, music, arts and all that! I don't know if gaming is considered performing arts, that part I wasn't sure, tbh ^^;
I like acting, but the problem is, my voice in RL, I don't like it at all, I might have to do something about that.
I've probably seen Shrek the Musical on Netflix, and read William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet book I had ^^. I recently discovered Les Misérables and planned on watching it on Netflix soon! And seen musical comic and playwright comic artworks by my favorite artists! I like doing something like that at that point! 🎭
What y'all think?
ShadowSilver and artwork ©SuperShadowSilver
Used: regular basic pencils, Crayola colored and silly scented colored pencils, Cra-Z-Art colored pencils and 48 pack colored pencils
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hecateisalesbian · 8 months
Fine I’ll bite
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
12. Easiest part of body to draw
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways (I have a feeling I know the answer, but say it anyways, I wanna see if I get this right)
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
4 *with 1 luz cosplay, 3 in plan, millions of drawings and sketches of her, her same haircut* I don’t really have a favorite characterrr
subject that’s a pain to draw is probably perspective. I HATE perspective.
7 sooo many mediums man. My main go to is pencil or digital so I have mad respect for anyone who is able to do anything besides that. I’ve touch like markers and colored pencils and the occasional paints but I’m no where close to the genius of people like @threegoblinart (<3)
10 oooo I LOVE clothing! All of it lol. It’s all fun. Though I hate when I’m doing sketches on paper and then I gotta erases the body lines for like folds and baggy clothing 😔
12 it’s all about how you draw it and what ur drawing. But id probably say (lower) torso/midsection. Its pretty simple and blocky from almost every angle without and super complicated anatomy things like eyes, hands, etc do
20 hmmmmm. I have to think for this one. I’d say maybe..hands? [gunshots and jeering] I KNOW I KNOW! I’ve spent probably hours on end drawing hands to the point where I’m pretty good at visualizing how they go. I only hate them when they’re in a weird position/perspective like finger guns towards the viewer or stuff like that
21 I don’t even have any idea what I’m gonna say how do you know-
honestly most art styles besides my own. Art is all about copying tbh. 99% of art styles are all built from other parts of other peoples art. Animated movies and shows, comics, and stuff like that really gave me my style. It’s like frankenstein lol
26 uhhhhhh I don’t know? I feel like most of my art has very direct interpretation. I think there’s one I had that had a really interesting opinion but I can’t seem to remember what it is 🤷
29 idk if you mean media as in form of art or as in form of entertainment but I’ll answer both: For forms of art I think painting is really cool. It’s gorgeous and physical and the stroke and beauty of it just makes me want to nom nom; for forms of entertainment I’d say I’m pretty much inspired by most of the things I watch/read. Inspiration comes from everywhere.
now I’m curious to what you think I was gonna say on 21 lol
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What is DT favorite types of outfits
I'm a fashion nerd, so this answer got kinda long, so I'll put it under a cut to spare the mobile viewers.
Well, we only see DT in two different outfits: their main outfit and their Princess Prom outfit. Both tell us something about what kinds of styles DT prefers, though likely don't encompass all the styles they like.
Notice that the Princess Prom outfit is in pastels, yet their main outfit is all black (or black and dark green, if you don't see those dark green bits as black mesh). This tells me that they do like color, especially colors that compliment their skin tone. Obviously the all-black is very sleek, but they have no problem donning pastels.
One thing these two outfits have in common is that they're both tight and streamline (minus the coat in the prom outfit). Sure, their main outfit is more skintight than the prom outfit, but still, they opted for a pencil skirt rather than something full and flowy, which tells me they prefer a streamline silhouette. They also seem like the type to be confident enough to want to show off their figure, an idea further exemplified by the cutouts in their main outfit. Yes, the cutouts serve a function (letting their tail out), but they don't technically have to be that revealing to do their job, so I think DT enjoys showing a little skin and has the confidence to do so. Even more so if you interpret the dark green parts of their outfit as mesh. They know they're hot, and they're not afraid to show off, so I definitely think DT prefers something tight and revealing.
Both outfits also feature a high neckline and heels, so that's probably a recurring theme in their wardrobe.
As for accessories, they don't accessorize at all in their main outfit, which makes sense, as I don't know what limits they have as to shapeshifting clothing--it may be that they simply can't shapeshift earrings, so they don't wear them (despite all the free real estate for jewelry they're packing on those massive friggin' ears). This might not be the case, and maybe they avoid jewelry to look more gender-neutral, or maybe they just don't want it getting caught on something. Of course, they do wear earrings, a choker, and a belt at Princess Prom, though this is a formal event, so obviously they'd dress up more for it, so clearly they don't mind wearing jewelry, but they likely prefer it for more fancy occasions.
I should also mention that DT's main outfit fits very well with them being a spy. All black, sleek, nothing to get snagged or caught on anything, nothing too attention-grabbing so they can blend in with the shadows and slip by unnoticed, while also being stylish enough to show a bit of their own personal touch.
They're never seen in makeup as themselves (of course, Prince Peekablue wears some, but they were in character, so it doesn't count), which I imagine is either because they can't shapeshift makeup or they feel they don't appear as androgynous with makeup and avoid it for that reason. This is also presuming their winged lash is real (or shapeshifted) and not eyeliner, which it technically could be, I don't know. This bit is all speculation.
If Princess Prom is anything to go off of, DT likes feminine-leaning styles, though this isn't to say they never wear anything masc (as I said, we only see them in 2 outfits, so it's not much to go off of). Their main outfit feels pretty androgynous to me, and I wouldn't say it leans too heavily one way or they other. You could argue that the heels are traditionally feminine, or that the green triangles on the top make it look like they have a bit of a sweetheart neckline shape, but tbh, I still think this outfit is predominantly gender-neutral. Although we don't see them in something more masc leaning, I wouldn't rule it out (plus, they look very dashing in a button-up shirt or a suit).
So to sum it all up, I think DT's preference is for something tight, sleek, and tastefully revealing, paired with heels. Probably mostly in the androgynous range with light accessorizing, no makeup, and probably a high neckline. I can't say for certain what colors they gravitate towards, as black and lavender are on very different sides of the color wheel, so I'd just say they wear what looks good with their green skin.
They clearly have a sense of fashion and drama, so I doubt they ever wear anything too casual or too simple. They definitely seem very high-fashion, runway model--whether or not their clothing actually IS expensive, I have no idea, since they're a fictional character, but judging by the fur coat they wore to prom, I'd say they want to look expensive. They want to look like they sleep on silk sheets and roll naked in money, regardless of whether that's actually true or not.
Big THANK YOU to everyone who got to the end of all that! I know it was a lot.
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spookyactionanyway · 1 year
So I took all of Billie's songs and put them to the plot of Twilight. I'll explain under the reading break ↓
Not My Responsibility - The Cullens just existing in forks like
Come Out and Play - The cafeteria stare downs in the first movie, also in reference to Edward not being able to read Bella’s mind during the first movie (also not acknowledging that he literally wanted her dead in the first movie based on Midnight Sun)
When I Was Older - Edward’s transformation to a vampire with a nod to his human life
My Strange Addiction - Charlie describing his entanglement with Carlisle to Billy Black 😂😂😂 (the power of this one??? Woah)
Bury a Friend - when Edward is like “say it, out loud. Say it!” Cause he’s like “what the fuck how do you know so much.” Another re-up on the “I’m a killer” speech.
When the Party’s Over - Edward and his “I’m a killer”™️. Edward saying he’s a killer is the exact same as Jughead’s “I’m a weirdo” speech tbh
OverHeated - Bella not giving a fuck about Edwards "I'm a killer"™️ bullshit
Lost Cause - when Bella had to be mean to Charlie to leave
Everybody Dies - Bella while James' venom is changing her
Oxytocin - Victoria snapping after the Cullens kill James and she makes it her goal to hunt Bella and kill her
Lovely - Their tension throughout the whole first movie, as well as any and all scenes where they stare at each other in The Field™️
Bored - Bella during ✨October✨, ✨November✨, ✨December✨
Male Fantasy - Also Bella during ✨October✨, ✨November✨, ✨December✨
My Boy - Bella during Edwards absence in New Moon
Your Power - Jacob's thoughts about Edward in regards to Bella while he's disappeared in New Moon ("You ruined her in a year, don't act like it was hard" like HELLO???)
Six Feet Under - Edward’s perspective of him leaving her. ESPECIALLY the line “how can you die carelessly” in reference to her wanting to be a vampire and him being MUY not chill with it
I Didn’t Change My Number - Jacob when he first joins the pack and is mad at Bella for not fucking him and choosing a bloodsucker™️
ilomilo - the brief window where Edward thinks Bella’s dead
Listen Before I Go - Edward when he thinks Bella’s dead cause he tried to kill himself by flashing humans
All the Good Girls Go to Hell - Edwards perspective on Vampirism™️ because he’s “eternally damned” or something
You Should See Me in a Crown - Rosalie just after turning and getting that good good revenge
My Future - Bella realizing she’s decided to turn and would have to move away from forks (cause y’know, the whole not aging sitch)
Party Favor - Jacob during his wolfy brood in Eclipse cause Bella wouldn’t fuck him. With some parts from Bella’s perspective because he was just whole ass ignoring her signals of wanting to only be friends
Happier Than Ever - The weird back and forth when Jacob and Bella kiss in Eclipse 🫤
8 - Jacob because Bella won’t fuck him™️™️™️ (when he dips in Eclipse, cause he’s an asshole in Eclipse)
Bitches Broken Hearts - Jacob during Eclipse
Everything I Wanted - Edward is the one “dreaming of everything he wanted”, that being that Bella won’t turn and will live a long, happy human life. BUT the lines outside of that are Bella being like “okay, but I wanna be with you forever” and the chorus is Edward @ Bella until the “if I could change the way that you see yourself” bit, that’s Bella’s response (I may as well just fucking color code cause omg)
I Love You - all the back and forth between Edward and Bella for the first like 2-3 movies cause god forbid anyone be direct in their feelings
No Time To Die - Victoria’s perspective of James’ murder and the growing anger (BITCH THE POWER OF THIS ONE WOW)
Watch - how Jacob wished Bella would feel about Edward
Wish You Were Gay - Jacob because he can’t understand why Bella won’t fuck him and he’s a Pencil Dick Piss Baby™️ about it
Xanny - Jacob @ the Cullens because he just can’t fathom why Bella would choose them over him (comparing the Cullens to drugs lmao)
Getting Older - Bella reflecting on her high school friends now that she’s a vampire and can’t talk to them anymore
Halley’s Comet - Bella now that she’s a vampire and has to not speak to her family ever again (specifically her mom)
Billie Bossa Nova - Edward's inner turmoil with wanting Bella but not wanting to taint her with his sinner lifestyle™️
Therefore I Am - Jacob when he has to help the Cullens against Aro and his "witnesses" but he's actively mad at them and only doing it for Bella and Renesmee lmao
Goldwing - Bella hiding/protecting Renesmee from the Volturri
NDA - Renesmee type beat lmao
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