My favorite part of nona is when she has her third tantrum because frankly she deserved it and so do i
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Children throwing tantrums when adults read material made by/for adults in a fandom space made by/for adults about objects that don't exist. You are a guest here, mind your own business. Your tantrums aren't going to change a thing in regards to fandom, bkdk or mha.
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discord-emote-customs · 2 months
Is there a possibility you could make an emoji of a little one throwing a tantrum?
Maybe with variations of sad, angry, silly ( I have a tot who throws tantrums playfully when "she doesn't get her way"/exp )
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tantums with big foot stomps >:0 angry , sad , and silly all with pacifier alts :P
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asthenniaa · 5 months
if i wasn’t thin and white with blue hair, would i be here?
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two posts in one day guys im on a roll..... also fav parx song shoutout
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gyusimp · 21 days
It is a serious lack of respect to me that they have released a funko for absolutely every character in the RLD arc except Gyutaro 🤌🏻
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My heart is broken and disappointed, I really hope they release one for him in the future 💔
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blasteffect · 7 months
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 Herbig-Haro 211
This image from the James Webb Space Telescope shows jets of gas flowing from an infant star that will grow up to be like our sun. For now, its jets strike surrounding gas and dust, creating shockwaves.
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hanamaulida · 4 months
Point of View
Akhir2 ini sempet beberapa kali liat video dengan nuansa sama. Judulnya "PoV anak rewel suami marah2 tapi saldo ATM 5M". Ada beberapa versi yang dibuat sama orang2. Pesannya sama, bedanya paling ada di angka M nya ; ada yang 5M, 2M, 3M, dll.
Singkat cerita video itu memperlihatkan ibu2 lagi gendong/nemenin anak yang lagi tantrum. Sambil full senyum tanpa jeda. Nah yang menarik, di kolom komentar hampir semua sepakat sama PoV tersebut.
Di awal mungkin kita juga secara refleks membenarkan hal tersebut ya. Termasuk saya. Sempet ketawa juga. Apalagi di kondisi yang lagi benar2 sulit dalam hal finansial. Merasa relate dan ada temennya.
Sampai saya tertegun oleh salah satu komentar "Akhirnya terkuak ya rahasia gentle parentingnya Nikita Willy"
Saya nggak tau... Apa sayanya aja terlalu nganggep serius konten yang niatnya mungkin hanya guyon ini?
Tapi di lubuk hati terdalam.... kok saya merasa direndahkan ya sebagai perempuan.
Mengasuh dan mendidik anak dengan penuh kesabaran itu kan sebuah keharusan. Karena anak adalah amanah dari Allah yang harus dijaga sebaik mungkin. Lagipula, Allah juga telah menciptakan fitrah seorang perempuan itu penuh kasih sayang. Ssetidaknya kadar/potensi kelembutan perempuan terbukti lebih besar daripada laki2.
Tapi dengan adanya konten seperti itu --dan banyak yang setuju, maka sama saja dengan perempuan mengkerdilkan dirinya sendiri.
Padahal seorang ibu, terlepas dari kondisinya (ekonomi) seperti apa selalu bisa menjadi mulia karena tugas yang diembannya.
Padahal seorang ibu, atas segala pengorbanan dan jasanya, tak kan bisa terbayar oleh saldo rekening berapa-M pun!
Baru sanggup lemah lembut ketika segalanya melimpah.
Baru bisa bersabar ketika rekening unlimited.
Baru mau senyum ketika punya semuanya.
Seriously, ini sama sekali tidak lucu :( emang boleh hubungan ibu-anak setransaksional itu?
Jujur yang saya khawatirkan, banyak ibu2 yang seolah mendapatkan validasi atas sikapnya yang kurang patut pada anak dengan dalih "Ya iyalah, gw kan bukan Nikita Willy yang gak mikir besok mau makan apa"
Semoga memang hanya saya yang terlalu serius terhadap konten bercandaan ini.
Semoga ibu2 yang menonton konten tersebut paham bahwa kaya raya bukanlah syarat untuk menjalankan peran terbaik sebagai ibu.
Karena apapun dan bagaimanapun kondisinya, naluri seorang ibu, selalu ingin melakukan dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk anak2nya.
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alteregozowie · 22 days
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I think I'm getting sick and I'm
BIG U P S E T *radio frequency noises*
about it.
I have this horrible cough in my chest, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong otherwise....
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But it's annoying and I'm frustrated.
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months
You just have no idea how rich and wonderful parenthood can be. In fact, you haven't really lived until you've wrestled a shrieking four-year-old to the ground at Target.
Curtis Sittenfeld, from Eligible
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thewhimsyturtle · 2 months
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Today was RAMPAGE day! I rampaged for more than 9 hours straight, starting before 8am this morning! I even flipped over my hidey hut mansion from Waffles @wafflesworld! I also cleaned off my plate like a bottomless pit!
I ran over to Mom as soon as she came in the door to GRUMP at her for being gone all day. Mom called my enclosure a "disaster", cleaned and tidied everything for me, and gave me three snacks because I kept begging for more! Mom said no more, so I rampaged even more while Mom ate her dinner!
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ageremoji · 2 years
|| Agere Emoji || Tantrum/Fussy
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victoriadallonfan · 2 months
PHO Sunday Retrospective #3!
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So before I get into the article itself, I just want to note that we have been given the name of the magazine that published it: Masque
Secondly, L.J.M 2007 disaster might perk some interest, as LJM is the same alias used by the hero Big Picture in Ward. He was a photographer who specialized in photographic nude/extreme pieces of C53’s, often described as being predatory for his behavior. The disaster is likely when he unveiled a blown up exhibit of a C53’s photo, despite making a deal with them that this would not happen.
As a reminder, Bambina is a grown adult woman, trapped in a child body, with a… very perverted sense of morality. She was going to help Pretender escape because he promised to use a celebrity body to do… things. Things that traumatized even Taylor to hear.
So yeah, this tracks with her behavior and use of sexuality to get a reaction out of people. She was also the one who first mentioned villain rankings too. Very apt.
Finally, the idea of the first Argo v Argo case being not only about the conservatorship of supervillain funds, but ongoing while Bambina is still committing public crimes is… astounding. I can only imagine the Movie tier courtroom drama
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The idea that a bunch of villains were appalled that a villain or villain group would dare hijack an illegal ranking system is hilarious. They must be members of the leopards eating faces party.
Less funny is her relationship with her villain teammates. It should be reminded, that all of her teammates at the time, were actual children. She was an adult woman carrying young children into these fights and didn’t seem to have any issue talking about her (non-con?) sexual desires in front of them. Her being controlling is not surprising, though it’s interesting no moments have been explicitly stated.
Youth Guard being involved is interesting. Is it because of her teammates or because they handle all parahuman conservatory claims?
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I’m sorry hold on
Blacklist publicity events?? What on earth is going on with this site!? Are there a bunch of well-intended vigilantes/rebel without a cause/jackass villains who just love doing cape shit running the site? Like, they care more about the celebrity culture than actually being evil villains? It makes sense, but man, Bambina was already nearly blowing people up when we meet her! That’s a messy business to run.
Also, apparently there are implied official “unofficial” villain management business with publicists and agents… again, this is some wile revelations coming out here. The villain kids being placed next to killers and worse is the least surprising part if I’m being honest.
Bambina being groomed by her mother and the agency isn’t surprising, though I wonder what the evidence is. Certainly, the fact that Mrs. Argo wants her villain daughters ill gotten gains is not a great sign, but I imagine this needs a lot of proof.
I actually do support the Youth Guard here. Wildbow has mentioned in WoG and in the Youth Guard document that they are pretty on the level and well meaning. And villain kids certainly need advocates in a setting where Parahumans are treated as accessories (or worse).
But man, Bambina? Good luck to handling that…
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belierdigitalis · 13 days
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Baby Doll me up 'cause I'm a brat I'm a handful, demi-devil Pyromaniac Bitch, I am one, throw a tantrum
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Draw your characters like this
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lostreddlittlegirl · 1 year
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Woops I don’t care enough about myself to even try to be a good girl
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cmweller · 5 months
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Challenge #03987-J335: Give the Kid the Toy!
The human is only 4 years old. They tried to scare the child of the ship's human by taking away their stuffie. They learned why ships with human children aboard are almost more dangerous than ships with only the adults. There was a lot of time needed in the ICU. This was like human Pib all over again! -- Anon Guest
Some warnings are universal, or quickly become so. Never try to eat anything bigger than your own head. Never gamble against someone who smiles all the time. And never, EVER... purposefully do anything that will piss off a Human. No matter the relative size of the Human involved.
The Space Pirates of Pinzaans were just about to learn that last one, taking a virulently colourful blob with eyes off of a very small Human who would otherwise not co-operate. Their reason? "Fluffy says that's a no-no." So they took 'Fluffy', expecting instant subservience.
What they got was a pint-sized ball of screaming rage and dirty fighting. Kicking, screaming, biting, grabbing any loose object and hauling it around towards anyone in their way.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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