#surgery funds
unacctmango · 6 months
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It feels really weird to ask for help, especially from people on the internet , but I’m kind of at my wits end.
Tldr; I’m having a life changing stomach surgery in January that isn’t covered by my insurance, leaving me to foot the bill. Times are hard and crazy, but I appreciate any and all support that is offered.
If you want to check out my GoFundMe or read the full story/explanation for needing help, use this link: https://gofund.me/43b1c99d
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cadaverkeys · 3 days
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TOP SURGERY FUND POST UPDATEEEE!! Thank u so much for the support u guys have given over the three years the campaign has been running <3 it means sm to me I CANT EVEN VERBALISE how exciting this has been! you have all been so kind TToTT!!
You can find my GOFUNDME page here: https://gofund.me/430b4cfe
U can also donate thru PayPal and Kofi! (These funds eventually get funnelled back into the main fund at when I have a lump-sum to give, so the total I have received from the campaign remains transparent)
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gal-o-guacamole · 4 months
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●Radiant is Gabriel●
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Feb.2024 (stained and artistic glass, copper, lead, gold and silver paint)
Process pics + vid ↷
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dee-the-red-witch · 5 months
And the other thing I did yesterday.
I finally hit the launch button on GoFundMe for my surgery fund.
I... if you can donate, that's awesome, but really, the operations are in November (yeah, I have GCS and FFS just a week apart from each other and that recovery is going to suck). The biggest thing I'm asking for and need is help sharing right now. I don't do reddit, or twitch, or streams, or twitter anymore, or any of the media where a lot of folks manage to get their funds magically filled by big donors. If you do, mind putting the word out about mine over there? I just want to be able to make sure I can recover in peace without the rest of my family struggling to make up for what I can't do during that time.
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sophiaslittleblog · 1 year
Hay guys! So I’m going under the knife again! My uterus has fibroids and I’m getting them removed this fall. I’m asking for $7k to cover what my insurance wont cover. And also for funds so I can stay afloat after I take 3 weeks off from work. If you like you can also send funds to my [email protected] My Cash App-$SophiaChes My venmo is Sophia-Chester-1 Sharing this post and tagging others is just as important as making a donation. I would greatly appreciate any help.
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enenkaydoodles · 11 months
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As some of you may know, I'm undergoing top surgery this month. Thankfully, I was able to cover the surgery costs myself, but I could really use some help getting some important post-op supplies and comfort items for my recovery!
--> WISHLIST <--
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blazwura · 9 months
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Please bear with me as I've never had to make a post like this before.
My best friend is in need of serious financial aid in regards to her gorgeous kitty, Sasha. The whole story can be found on the GoFundMe, but I'll give you a short summary:
Upon a visit to the vet to get what they thought was an injury looked at, they were told it was actually bone cancer. Injuries can sometimes "aggravate" cancers like this, but at the same time, it might be the reason why they caught it when they did, as she wasn't showing any symptoms before this injury.
Due to the insane medical prices in the US, this really is a case of if they can't get the amputation paid for, then they will have to strongly consider putting Sasha down which is devastating in itself but especially when they've had her since she was a kitten & she's 14 now! Funds will either go towards getting the amputation sorted as well as all the aftercare for that, or just to keep her as comfortable as possible for her final weeks with us. It's really sad that any life on Earth can be cut short all because of lack of funds.
Of course, if you're reading this and have no means to help financially then that's okay! But please consider reblogging & sharing around so hopefully we can find some people who are willing/able to help with this.
I'm aware there are A LOT of fake posts for GoFundMe's, especially regarding cats and animals. I'm sure once my friend has printed medical bills she'll be happy to post them on the GoFundMe page as well. But again, I understand the weariness regarding these posts so I totally understand if people aren't comfortable donating, but at this point, she has no choice but to ask for help with this, so please consider reblogging at least!
Other ways to help:
Paypal: paypal.me/zinnavi
Venmo: @zinnavi
GoFundMe Link: https://gofund.me/b678259a
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jacktorrancekinny · 2 months
I'm opening large patch/crust clothing commissions to pay for top surgery because I can't use insurance for personal reasons. Ergo, I have to pay 10k out of pocket.
I'd negotiate the price with each individual person depending on the size and scale. I don't use stencils and every patch I've done is ooak. I could select clothing to patch for you if you give me sizing, or you could mail me a particular jacket.
I handsew the patches with embroidery floss, can be different colors too. The patches are usually hemmed with washable fabric glue, but I can also use a sewing machine if that's preferred . I also use heat-sealed fabric paint that can be washed gently in a washer and dryer for easy cleaning. I want these things to last.
For something with 30-40 patches I'd probably charge 400-500 USD, but depends on the complexities of each patch, etc. I accept paypal, please dm me or reblog.
Here are some examples of my personal work:
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modelsof-color · 6 months
Annual Trans Surgery Fund
Point of Pride’s Annual Transgender Surgery Fund is a scholarship-like program that provides direct financial assistance to trans folks who cannot afford their gender-affirming surgery.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
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@spacedembers @georgington
the people are hungry for penis knowledge and i must provide
so: y'all remember that post about them turning a grape into a meat grape? basically using the same process (de/recellularization), scientists are aiming to create transplantable penises w/o the concerns that come with organ transplants by removing the cells from a donor to get a scaffold, and replacing them with the receiver's cells, which would avoid concerns about rejection
here's the article I read on it; disclaimer that's it's a Very scientific read. I do not know much about science, but this process has seen success in rabbits who had their penises surgically removed; they were able to achieve full erections and impregnate female rabbits. I don't think trans humans will be able to ejaculate anytime soon, but if this becomes an accessible form of surgery it would mean we could have a form of phalloplasty that allows for natural erections!!! which is really really cool. obviously this is all far from available for us rn but it's very exciting to see this being researched, and it seems like we have good reason to be optimistic about the future!
also, the article specifically mentions trans surgery, which is really nice. a lot of articles about penis reconstruction/transplants I've seen only focus on the potential benefits for cis men, so i really appreciate that they bring up how this has the potential to revolutionize bottom surgery
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jeffbytes · 9 days
edit: i am ok now!! omg thank u so much everyone ;; ♥️
everyone pulled out the stops for me while i slept and im going to be set rigjt through my recovery now, there arent words in the dictionary to describe my overwhelming gratitude 😭♥️ yall have been here from start to end and i'm finally going to be able to start living life authentically. i'm nearly 28 so i've already lost so much time to be authentic and every little helps in getting me on my feet quicker and comfier so i can expedite that process even further. so so much love, faith in humanity and every friend and individual who helped and is continuing to help me pull this off, im lost for words 😭♥️
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please reblog ;;
beyond words anxious and upset to post this, there was so much not provided and i just cant do this alone. this is the one last final push, so i can focus on the medical anxiety over the financial anxiety. thank u so much
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immunetoneurotoxin · 1 month
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I never thought it would be my turn to make one of these posts.
Sunday night, my 6 month old kitten, pickle, had a really bad fall down a hardwood staircase after getting startled, and upon impact with the first floor, his little femur took the entire force of the impact and it snapped clean in half. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard him thump hard against the ground and he began to cry, we immediately dropped everything and rushed him to the emergency vet nearby.
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Turns out, the injury was worst than we thought. He needs orthopedic surgery to fit his femur with a metal plate. This will help him recover faster with the best successful outcome for his quality of life, but this is going to cost a staggering $4,000 dollars. He hasn't even celebrated his 1st birthday yet, he's still just a baby and this terrible accident happened. Pickle is truly my best friend, he has been my little beacon of light through it all, he is the one who sits with me while I write long chapters for my novels, and I will do absolutely anything for him.
My heart is fucking shattered seeing my normally happy and high-energy baby have such a traumatic injury like this. I know this is hard on his mental health, too. Please, if you can, help us help pickle. If anyone is willing to donate to our GoFundMe to help us alleviate the burden of surgery costs while I'm literally still desperately job hunting, it would help me and my partner more than you can imagine. If you can't financially support it at the moment, don't worry, I completely understand. But please, share this post as far out into your friends list as you can. Sharing will still help us out so so much.
Whether you donate or share, Pickle thanks you for helping his little leg get better. ❤️‍🩹
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CA$HAPP: $EricEdrington
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calciferous-kelpie · 8 months
My friend @chronicarus, aka Devi, is in desperate need of our help! For unfair reasons explained on gofundme, Devi's insurance is no longer covering the expenses of his top surgery, and his surgery date is fast approaching!
A different insurance plan has come up as an option, but this will still cost Devi $5,500 out of pocket!
Devi only has until Oct 13th to purchase this insurance plan in order to keep his surgery date on Nov 17th. PLEASE help him by either donating or reblogging this post! He might not get another chance for quite some time, and he's already suffered so much! 💔
$335 / $5,500
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boytransmission · 4 days
holding my breath and counting to ten i am dead, dead, dead fucking serious about blocking everybody who talks about my chest. reblogged that stench-core post about transmascs & how we get treated based on our chests and guess what notes i got. guess
transmascs who want to keep their breasts exist. several hundred of them post free on this very website. the ONLY reason i post lewds pre-op is to fundraise (most of my posts yield nothing) to be post-op. i am not responsible for your fantasies, i am not a trans body living for you, i am not going to “””hear you out””” because you want a titful fucktoy you’ll never even get to touch, let alone see beyond a screen.
thank you dearly to everyone who has respected this and supported me directly through gfm. you’re seriously the only reason i haven’t exploded
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whumpcloud · 2 months
me irl jumpscare
so! all the detail is in the gofundme description but to summarise: hi, i'm a transmasc living in the uk and it sucks here! i've already had to go private with my hormones because of the waiting times and the struggle to even get on the waiting list at all and by god it costs money. so if you can throw even some spare change my way for my top surgery fund, i would really appreciate it <3
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randomcartoonbro · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️ Top Surgery Funding 🏳️‍⚧️
As most of you know at this point, things are getting scary for trans people in America recently. With that being said, I don't know how much longer I'll legally be allowed to get this surgery seeing as I live in a red state. It's not the reddest state ever, but it's still getting pretty bad. I would love to be able to get top surgery by this time next year. I do believe that to be possible with enough help.
I don't know the exact amount the surgery will cost as I have not yet had my consultation. Seeing as I don't have insurance and based on how much I've seen others spend, I think $10k is pretty close to what I'll likely be spending. I'll be sure to update when I do have an exact number.
Update: I don't qualify for my state government insurance and the job I'm in the process of starting doesn't have insurance, so this will be completely out of pocket, so this number is staying as is unless my eventual consultation tells me otherwise.
Find All The Ways You Can D0nate Via My LinkTree Here
This includes the following:
A P@treon for my YouTube/Twitch that has a minimum of $1/mon and a maximum of $20/mon
A k0-f! where you can buy me a coffee or commission some art (art in gallery is old, but I should still be able to do it. I'll communicate if anything needs to be adjusted)
A direct link to my P@yP@l
A link to my G0F√ndMe
As well as links to my R3dBubble and S0ciety6
Any small amount helps
(censored so the Tumblr gods don't smite me again like they have before)
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