#supercorp fanfic prompt
fluxy001 · 2 months
All the Linda Lee | Red Daughter fics I’ve read and I’m surprised no one has done an obvious one.
What if it was Kara who died? What if Linda survived?
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tiny-pun · 5 months
Hero: Come on, villain, let`s go. villain: Wha- But They- Are you seriously- After what they´ve done to you?! Hero: They´re not worth it. Villain: Okay we really gotta up your game on the whole "teaching a lesson"-thing cause you, hero, are wayyyy to nice! Hero: I like you. How nice can I be ?
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hrwinter · 1 year
lena is really *really* into the idea of fucking an alien
sometimes when lena is bored at her desk, on a conference call with the board, listening to her mother emasculate yet another yale-bred, early 20s nepotism hire in the hallway, her mind wanders. meanders, really. it's a lesson in imagination. a practice in her academic deductive reasoning. one of those exercises designed to fight dementia, she's inclined to believe. anyways, she wanders about what it would be like to fuck an alien.
don't be like that. it's not crass. it's a scientific pursuit.
for instance, would it be sexual or asexual reproduction? sexual reproduction would make more sense, and surely the universe is sensible. it would promote genetic diversity. and then, what kind? syngamy or conjugation? fertilization was the most common in multicellular sexual populations, lena has often reasoned. (see, this isn't horny. many of these words put you right to sleep, didn't they?) then there's the types of syngamy, of course: isogamy, heterogamy, and oogamy. but she doesn't really need to get into gametes here. size, number, maintenance. the question she's pondering while jess is listing off her jampacked schedule is how different would an alien's physiology end up being, sexually speaking? would they feel pleasure? that wasn't common on earth. how would fertilization work? penetration? on all fours, perhaps?
hm. or would none of that even matter? would it be purely for the experience of interspecies connection? of finding common ground with a creature so distinct from you, it could almost be argued as a matter of say, quantum entanglement. no matter how many stars separated you, here you were. touching. looking. intertwining. two materials from totally different galaxies, the products of millions of years of formation, evolution, coming, coming together as one.
"mrs. luthor?" the tentative voice of her assistant rings out.
lena drops her pen to her desk. she'd been absentmindedly doodling. it's the super crest.
"kara danvers is here to see you."
"send her up," lena replies, careful in her tone, swiveling her chair towards the blinding windows of her office. up towards the sky, the heavens and far beyond.
if only someone, someone she knew personally, an alien, would be so inclined as to humor her questions. or even a physical demonstration, perhaps? was that really so hard?
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c-optimistic · 8 months
Hey, i saw you tagged something with "#Kara has been okay with dying for a very long time#makes me wanna write about it" and I just thought I'd pop in to say that if you write about it I would love to read it :D
The Phantoms lie.
She knows this, she knows this. But the truth is, the Phantoms do more than just lie.
They twist memories, create waking nightmares, force you to relive the most painful things your own mind can conjure up.
(And Kara’s mind is a dark place.)
She can distinguish it at first, what’s real and what’s not real. There’s a lot giving away the fake memories, the implanted thoughts. Little details that give Kara enough distance from what she’s seeing to recognize it’s not real.
Things like cruel smirks on Alex’s lips that she never wore in reality.
Things like J’onn’s distrustful eyes following her, like Nia’s disgust when she appears, like Brainy’s disappointed shake of his head when she takes another step.
But then, she loses focus. She loses her grip on reality. Because she sees Lena’s tearstained face, hears her blaming Kara for lies and betrayal and loss and...it’s all true. It’s true, and she finds she can’t tell the difference between the Phantoms’ lies and her own bitter memories.
(She takes another step, needing to keep moving, needing to find a way out, needing to get home.
The lies, the memories, and the hurt all follow.)
It’s cold in the Phantom Zone. Cold, dark, and utterly silent. There’s nothing but the sound of her boots against gravelly soil, chattering teeth, and guilt and blame ringing in her ears, the voices of her friends and family shouting at her, not wanting her, hating her.
(The Phantoms lie. She knows this.
She has to know this.)
There are no signs of passing days. There’s no rising and setting sun, no waxing or waning moons, no indication that time passes at all. At first, she tries to count, to create her own sense of time, using the numbers to block out the voices and the visions, but she loses track, loses focus, watches everyone she loves die and wishes she died with them.
(The Phantoms lie.
She thinks she knows this.)
Kara takes another step. And another.
(It’s painfully cold. Her thoughts make her feel colder.)
A step. She has to keep moving, even if she’s unsure where she’s going. Why is she still going?
(The Phantoms lie.
But lies with a foundation of truth are always easier to believe.)
Kara stops, surrounded by images of all her dead loved ones, and she drops to her knees to join them.
When she wakes, she’s in a small cave-like structure, a glow emanating from a fire that gives off no heat.
And the man who has rescued her, the man in the robes and defeated eyes, is her father.
When he notices she’s awake, he’s careful to shift, appear as non-threatening as possible, smiling benignly at her. And Kara just lays there, staring, wondering if she’s dead or if this is just yet another ghost sent to haunt her.
“Kara,” he says finally, breaking the silence, his voice cracked from disuse, tongue clearly not practiced with the single word he utters.
“I’m dead,” Kara guesses, sitting up, watching the robed man who has taken the guise of her father carefully. “Right?”
“No, you are not dead.”
“But you’re not him,” she says, not really accusatory, just stating a fact. He looks at her sadly, like she’s hurting him.
“I am Zor El,” he says, almost like he believes it. “I am husband to Alura. Brother to Jor El. And most importantly, father to Kara Zor El.”
Kara gets to her feet shakily, stepping as far back from him as she can, back pressed against the cave walls. “No, stop. Zor El is dead. He died. He put me in a pod, alone, and sent me off, and he stayed to die with Krypton.”
Like I should have, she doesn’t say. I should have died too.
“You’re not real,” she tells him, meeting his gaze defiantly. The robed man, the man who calls himself Zor El, the stranger, lets out a sigh and hangs his head.
“The Phantoms lie, Kara,” he tells her quietly. “You know this.”
They begin their journey. Her hallucination tells her there’s some sort of outpost. A place she can perhaps send out a message, they merely need to get to it. He tells her he will go with her.
He tells her to be strong.
(And she wonders if this ghost knows what she’s thinking, if he can look into her mind and read those dark thoughts she can’t seem to shake.
Because even as she takes step after arduous step, she is focused on a singular notion: perhaps the universe would be better off with her dead. Perhaps fighting had no use at all.
Perhaps, in those endless days, dark and cold and alone in her pod, aimlessly floating through the vast expanse of space, she should have given up. Perhaps it would have been better.)
Ghost-Zor El doesn’t touch her, but she feels his heavy gaze on her, and she turns to him.
“The Phantoms lie, Kara,” he reminds her, giving her a smile that brings back memories of her father, of sitting in his lab and learning more about his work, of listening to his stories, of watching him when he wasn’t paying attention. “You should know this.”
Stay warm, he tells her. Find shelter, he reminds her. Conserve your energy, he advises her.
Rest, he says, rest and keep fighting to get home—back to those you love.
She doesn’t ask him how he knows she has loved ones, people she desperately wants to get back to. She merely listens without complaint, obeying thoughtlessly to his suggestions, and lets her mind go blank.
“Are you real?” she asks him after what feels like several days, but could have been weeks or months or years.
Her hallucination never comes too close to her, but he smiles her father’s smiles and that’s enough for her. “The Phantoms lie, Kara,” he says softly, his voice lulling her to sleep. “Don’t forget this.”
Everything aches. Each step takes energy she just doesn’t have. It’s as though all the weight she’s always carried, all the grief and pain and regret, has finally become too much, sapping her of everything she has left.
She buckles under the burden, but before she can fall, she feels a strong grip around her arm, dragging her up back to her feet.
“You must keep going,” her father’s ghost tells her, his eyes sad, no warmth from where his fingers are closed around her arm. “This is not where you fall.”
“But it can be,” Kara murmurs hopelessly. And it occurs to her, she’s not quite sure what she’s still fighting for.
A sister who she overshadowed and whose family she ripped apart? Friends who were terrified of her and what was capable of? And Lena—Lena, who Kara has loved from the day they met, but who she has hurt so completely that the CEO will never be the same?
(Kara has been okay with dying for a long time. Okay with dying in her pod. Okay with dying to save Earth. Okay with dying to protect those she loves.
And here now, she’s okay with dying with her father’s ghost—finally, finally joining him.)
“The Phantoms lie, Kara,” the fake Zor El says firmly, forcing her to take another step. “You must remember this. The Phantoms lie, and you must live.”
She stares up at him blankly, and obeys. She takes one step. Then another.
And on and on.
She keeps going.
Time passes. She’s not sure how much. But her apparition father no longer walks a distance away from her. Instead, he practically holds her up as they keep going, his repeated promises than she can do this all she can really hear.
“I wish…” Kara manages weakly. “I wish you were real.”
Her ghost father chuckles, clearly hearing what she can’t say. (I wish I were with you. I wish I wasn’t alone. I wish, I wish.) “Ah, but I am real. I’m the best parts of you, daughter,” he says. “Resilience, strength, commitment…hope.” He says the last word with some force, as if needing her to understand. “You are good. You are kind. And you try, more than anything you try.”
“The Phantoms lie,” she reminds him quietly. He laughs again.
“Yes, but I am no Phantom.”
And they keep walking.
“I have hurt so many,” she says, half carried by the fake Zor El. “I cause nothing but damage and pain. Why would they even want me back? Lena especially?”
“I don’t believe love is as simple as you make it seem, Kara,” the fake Zor El says. Another step. And another. And on and on.
“Love? She hates me. I ruined her life. I lied. I betrayed her.”
“Sometimes we stumble,” the fake Zor El said gently. “Sometimes we fail. But as long as we learn, as long as we get up and try to do better, there is always hope.”
A step. And another. And on and on.
“I do, you know. Love her,” she adds when her fake father seems confused.
He smiles brightly at her, and it’s nice. Even though he’s not real. Even though she’s only partially sure she’s not dead and this isn’t all in her head, even though he’s at best a hallucination and at worst a trick of the Phantoms, it’s nice. Because she’d never thought she’d have the opportunity to tell her father about the woman she has fallen for—the scientist like him, the innovator like him. The woman who made her feel more at home, more like herself, than anyone else.
“Hold onto that love, Kara,” he says, helping her take another step. “If there’s one thing the Phantoms cannot destroy, it is your love.”
She nods, though she doesn’t quite understand. And they keep going.
She knows she’s reaching her limit physically. There’s only so much even she can endure. Between the cold, the bone deep weariness, the ache settling in her chest, and the energy sapped from her very being, she’s running on no more than fumes.
She tells herself it’s just one more step. Just one more.
“Father, are you—” She stops.
She’s completely alone. The ghost is gone.
Kara trembles, choking not only on the dusty, frozen air, but on her despair. All she wants, all she wants is to stop.
To fall to the gravelly dirt.
To curl up.
To give up…
(She falls to her knees. The Phantoms lie, she thinks. But what a mercy, what a kindness, she’s going to die with her name on Lena’s lips.)
“Kara! Brainy, we found her. Alex, you’d best come quick.”
(The words make no sense. The Phantoms lie. They lie. They lie, lie, lie.
She looks up, and an angel stands before her. Lena, with wide, desperate eyes. Lena, with hair in a messy ponytail. Lena, in dusty, dirty clothes.
Oh, she’s a sight. She’s an angel. She’s everything.)
“Kara? Kara, we’re here. We’re going to take you home.”
(The Phantoms…have never lied like this.)
“Lena?” Kara manages shakily, unsure if she’s dreaming, hallucinating, dead even. “Are you real?”
Lena doesn’t answer, instead she rushes forward, falls to her knees too, and pulls Kara into a hug. She envelopes Kara in her scent—sweet and flowery—envelopes Kara in her warmth. Her heartbeat is strong against Kara’s chest.
She’s so alive. So present. So very real.
“Lena, my father, he…” But she doesn’t finish what she wants to say. After days, months, weeks, years (she doesn’t know, she can’t tell) of being lost in the Phantom Zone, her body finally caves under the weight of everything she’s gone through.
And she lets go. Falls into Lena. Lets herself be supported. Her eyes close, she breathes in Lena’s scent, and she thinks, even if this is just a lie, just a dream, it’s a good one.
And she knows no more.
When she wakes, her first thought is that she’s still dreaming. That the Phantoms lie, and that their lies are growing more and more impressive.
She’s laying underneath a sun lamp, nestled comfortably in her own bedroom, wearing soft pajamas and enveloped in her favorite blankets. There’s gentle music playing from somewhere in the living room, but otherwise that’s all she hears.
(The silence is eerie, disconcerting. She’s unused to such quiet, always assaulted by thousands upon thousands of sounds each and every moment. What a blessing, she thinks wryly, that the Phantoms would lie to her this way—would give her this much peace after so much pain.
And she wonders if this is what dying feels like.)
“Kara,” says her angel suddenly, and Kara turns her head, noticing for the first time that there’s a chair set up next to her bed, that Lena is there, watching her. “I’m so glad you’re awake.”
“Am I dead?” Kara asks. Lena’s eyes widen but she shakes her head. “Are you…are you real? Is any of this real?”
Lena slowly reaches out, giving Kara every chance to say no, to pull away, and she takes Kara’s hand into her own, threading their fingers together.
(She’s warm. Soft. And her touch stirs something inside Kara.
It’s familiar. Hers. Something lost in the Phantom Zone.
Or at least, something she thought she had lost.)
“I’m real, Kara,” Lena says. “We all are. And we’re here for you okay?”
“You found me?” Kara asks, a single tear rolling down her cheek. “You came for me?”
“Always,” Lena swears.
(The Phantoms lied.
But love, love she thinks always tells the truth.)
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
Nothing has ever hit Lena like this.
She’s been abducted by aliens. She was almost shotgun married to an alien. Her ex was eaten by nanobots in front of her. She’s been tried to a chair while her brother tried to murder the world’s most beloved hero, and nearly vaporized by a man with a radioactive chunk of another planet for a heart.
Not to mention the mundane stuff. The L-Corp logo in the lobby almost crushing her. Bombs, bullets, blades, being thrown off a balcony, thrown off a roof, left to die in a plane crash.
Almost killed when her brother sent drones to shoot down her helicopter and a golden vision of inhuman beauty came from the sky to save her life.
Of course, that golden vision had tarnished, turned brass. She could be bossy, sanctimonious, paranoid, prone to snapping at Lena one moment… then making her knees weak the next.
Because sometimes, Supergirl wasn’t bossy, sanctimonious, or paranoid. Sometimes she was all dashing grace, with a profoundly frustrating tendency to scoop Lena into her arms and carry her there with surpassing tenderness, as though she were the most precious treasure the alien had ever seen.
Poor Lena’s heart had suffered terribly through all that, yet never skipped a beat.
It skipped now.
Kara looked up from her burger, apropos of nothing. Or, that’s what Lena would have thought a moment ago, before she recognized that scar.
The world spun crazily. Lena grasped the sides of her seat for dear life while alarms and sirens blared in every direction. Smoke coughed noisily from the remains of the turbines that had powered her chopper’s rotor blades. As the world seemed to grow weightless, Lena finally accepted what was happening- the chopper was going to crash. She was going to die.
And then there was a wind.
No, not a wind. A blur of motion, a red and blue streak cutting through the brilliant afternoon light and then a stomach-churning lurch as the falling aircraft just stopped, gently floating to a safe landing on the roof.
With a squeak of tearing metal, she was there. A goddess in primary colors, soft waves of golden hair framing her devastatingly lovely face as she checked the pilot and then turned those arresting blue eyes to Lena and then asked-
“Are you okay? Lena?”
With trembling hands, Lena reached up. Kara froze, a thousand emotions flashing on her face, fear flickering in the oceans of her eyes. They both paused, testing the moment. This was it. They had their choices: Lena could stop, make some excuse. Kara could flinch and offer some gee golly shucks reason to move out of reach and dissemble her way out of it. They could decide not to do this.
Lena did not stop, and Kara did not move. The frames of Kara’s glasses were surprisingly heavy in her grasp as she softly tugged them free and set them aside. Lena raises a hand to Kara’s cheek, ever hesitant quiver of her palm a question. She closed the gap between them on the couch and brought her other arm back up, circling Kara in something that was somehow more intimate than a hug. He best friend sat stone still as Lena worked loose the band that held her hair.
Golden locks spilled about her shoulders, and Lena gasped. She caressed her hand up Kara’s shockingly soft cheek and touched the scar lightly with her thumb.
Lena felt the tears trembling in her own eyes as Kara’s welled with her own. The moment had come; the river was crossed, the decision made.
And yet in this moment there was another one, at once simpler and more profound. Lena’s lip trembled. Anger welled in her chest, burning hot and bright.
It’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family.
It twisted in her like venom, burning at her insides, trying to eat through her from the inside out. The fury rose until she thought she’d be sick, and then…
Kara Danvers believes in you.
Take me instead!
I can’t hold both! You have to jump!
I will always protect you.
“It’s you,” Lena whispered. “It’s always been you.”
Before she knew what was happening, Kara drew her forward with surpassing tenderness. Hands that could crack marble gently guided Lena’s weight into Kara’s lap. What had not been meant as an embrace became one, and Lena made her choice.
It was her.
It had always been her.
Noticing small details about them (physically)
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onceandfuturelesbian · 8 months
person A: blind and has a service dog
person B: allergic to dogs
and they fall in love
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superxkorra · 2 months
OTP Questions: Supercorp Series
Hello folks and fans of my Supercorp series. I'm working on the sixth installment to "Your Love Was Home", but I've been keeping you all waiting for another work since last August. To make up for that, feel free to pick any of the prompts below (ask for the number specifically) and I will answer in regards to my Supercorp series. I combined a lot of prompts from other sources and made my own.
That being said, anyone who wants more Ranya content while I'm working on more for that series, do the same.
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aqueerchronicle · 5 months
Turns out if you squint hard enough nearly every song on 1989 TV is actually inspired by Supercorp!
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marcescet · 11 months
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“Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon that occurs when a group of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, including when the particles are separated by a large distance.”
Or, Lena Luthor is one of the youngest most successful singers of her time, too many relationships to her name, and too many rumours. Kara Danvers is a successful soccer player who just moved to London and is about to start playing with her new team, their roads cross sooner than what’s planned.
Read Here.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 2 years
Supercorptober 2022 Day 26: Acorn
ao3 fic link. series link.
There’s too much healthy stuff. Kara’s not sure what she should’ve expected but she’s not going to lie, she’s definitely disappointed at her options. Kara has never been to the weekly markets that pop up near the water every Sunday, but she agreed to go because Lena asked and she’d say yes to almost anything Lena asked.
She’s not regretting her decision to come, far from it, because she gets to spend a couple of hours with Lena and her best friend is in jeans and plaid shirt combo that’s really doing things to Kara’s heart.
But really, she saw a store that only sold kale. Kale! She’s still not sure how that’s classed as a food. There’s a stall with some fancy cheeses which could be alright. There’s too many fruit and vegetable stalls though. And one stall she’s sure that she saw a sign that said “acorn flour.” She didn’t even know that was a thing.
“We can go,” Lena says, knocking Kara’s shoulder with her own.
“What? No, I’m having fun,” Kara says, but the look of disgust on her face gives her away when they near another kale store. Come on, she’s sure people are lying when they say they like it.
“Okay, I’ll admit I’m not going to buy anything, but you wanted to come and I know for some ungodly reason you’re going to stop by one of the kale stores, so I’m happy to stay.”
Lena bites her lip. “Are you sure?”
Kara nods. “If you’re happy, then so am I.”
Lena ducks her head with a smile, and Rao help her, she’s adorable. “Thank you.”
Lena buys some kale, and Kara manages to control her disgust until they’re away from the stall, wrinkling her nose at the bag now swinging from Lena’s hand.
“It’s really good in smoothies,” Lena starts, but Kara holds up her hand.
“You’re never going to get me to eat it again, so there’s not point in even trying.” Kara had tried it once, because Lena had insisted and was smiling and Kara really has trouble saying no to Lena, but once was enough. Even Lena’s smile couldn’t convince her to try it again.
Lena laughs. “Fair point. But look, that place sells hot chocolates. I’ll buy you one, as a thank you for letting me drag you around this morning.”
“You don’t need to thank me, I wanted to spend the morning with you.”
“So, you don’t want one?”
Kara smiles. “I didn’t say that.”
Lena laughs. “Okay, let’s go get hot chocolates then.”
Lena slips her hand into Kara’s, threading their fingers together, and Kara freezes for a moment. Lena’s hand is warm, the contact grounding. Kara knows it’s cliché but it feels like Lena’s hand fits perfectly in hers.
It only takes a moment for Kara to unfreeze and she glances down to make sure she’s not just imagining it. But there it is, Lena is holding her hand. She’d endure any amount of healthy food for this.
Lena doesn’t seem to notice Kara’s distraction as she tugs Kara towards the place selling hot drinks.
Kara doesn’t realise she’s smiling until Lena points it out.
“If I’d known all I had to do to get you smiling this morning was get you some sugar, I would’ve done it sooner,” Lena teases, nudging Kara’s shoulder with her own again.
“You know me,” Kara laughs nervously. “Just can’t get enough junk food.”
Lena shoots her a look, clearly picking up Kara’s sudden awkwardness, but thankfully, she doesn’t question it. She does squeeze Kara’s hand though, which makes Kara’s heart stutter in her chest and makes her fumble when she tries to order a drink.
“Are you okay?” Lena asks, once they’ve placed their orders. Green eyes are on her, searching Kara’s own expression and Kara tries to appear normal, as if the fact that just holding Lena’s hand isn’t everything Kara’s every wanted.
“I’m good,” Kara smiles, and it’s true, despite their early morning out in what would normally be a nightmare place, Kara’s great, because she’s with Lena.
“Good,” Lena smiles, clearly believing her this time.
Lena lets go of Kara’s hand when they get their drinks, but once they’ve finished, Kara is the one who takes Lena’s hand, and Lena flashes her a small smile when she does and Kara didn’t think it was possible, but she falls even more in love.
(Lena is skeptical when Kara invites her to the market the next weekend, but she says yes when Kara insists. It takes three weeks of Lena buying healthy food but always insisting they get hot chocolate first, of walking around the market holding hands the whole time, for Lena to ask Kara out).
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kuekyuuq · 1 year
Spot the difference
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The one on the left is charged by solar energy, very creative, a bit dorky/awkward, can dial the puppy-eyes up to 11, sole survivor of their kind, has hope despite all odds, selfless, very devoted, is super-strong and has a heart of gold, the one on the right is scientifically adapt, sometimes a bit one-track minded, has a bit of a tough shell but is a mushy mush inside, no bs kinda girl / rational, very quickly very smitten by the one on the left despite wanting to stay on mission... 
🔍  ...I see no difference >.>
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...now, who’s gonna write that AU? 
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fluxy001 · 1 year
So after the Flash trailer, I need someone to do a crossover fic where DCEU Kara gets pulled into the Arrowverse.
I wanna see CW Supergirl react to meeting this version of Kara, I wanna see Alex, Lena, etc. react to meeting this broken version of Kara.
Please 😩
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tiny-pun · 9 months
"Working" together
Hero: Look, our plans keep getting more and more reckless and also not at all glamorous enough for your usual kind of gig. We´re both clearly not in the right mindset to do this, so can we just move it to tomorrow and go home now? Villain: Oh? Have I been keeping you up all night, Hero? Hero: Yes! And not the fun kind! Villain: …Oh? Hero: Not that! - Oh my god! I meant- fuck. Villian: Well, that... can certainly be arranged.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 8 months
And Then There Was Her
This is for Writing Workshop Week 2: Paying Attention that is being hosted by @bettsfic on @books
Summary: Lena makes her usual morning walk until she runs into an unfamiliar face
As Lena looks out her window, she sees that it is raining and sighs.
“It has been raining the last month since I have gotten to National City. Whoever said that it never rains in southern California must not have lived here full time.”
She came to National City to escape Lex with his constant manipulation and torture. She just wanted a fresh start outside his overbearing shadow. However, Lena had fallen into the same routine.
As she heads out, she notices the same old things. The gray sky emptying tons of rain on her shoulders prompting her to hurriedly open her red umbrella. As she walks, she sees the mail man trying to hurry from house to house with his parka not doing a good job of protecting him from the elements.
“I am surprised she hasn’t gotten a cold by now,” Lena muttered as she kept on walking.
After she passed the houses, she starts seeing the different businesses around town and her usual fellow commuters. There was the lady in the yellow raincoat and same colored boots walking while looking at her cell phone. She bobs and weaves around the other commuters.
“I still don’t get how she is able to read that thing without bumping into anyone,” said Lena shaking her head.
She hears screaming in the distance. It was the local butcher arguing with his wife again. The screaming always have to do with what the specials of the day are. Today, they were arguing about whether they should have a discount on spare ribs or cow tongue.
Lena shuddered and said, “Whoever thought cow tongue was a good idea?”
She breathes a sigh of relief when she reaches her destination: Noonan's. It was the best breakfast location in the area.
Once she got inside, she quickly got in line. She sees that the same three people are ahead of her today. A man in a blue suite talking on his phone about an upcoming court case, a man listening to his headphones, not really aware of his surroundings, and a young mother trying to wrangle in her toddler while she tries to place her order.
Lena decided to do what she always did when she realized she would have a long wait, read work emails. She was able to complete two by the time she gets to the register.
“Do you want your usual, Lena?”
Lena winced when she heard her name. She didn’t like that the staff had become overly familiar with her to call her by her first name. However, she knew she shouldn’t be surprised since she was in this place every day. Sometimes, she visited twice a day.
Lena sighs and said, “I do want the usual, but I also want to get the cake special that you were offering.”
“Oh, you mean the free birthday cake if you can prove that it is your birthday?
“Yup, that is the one.”
Lena didn’t usually celebrate her birthday. Her family found that sort of thing very trivial. However, this was her first birthday on her own and didn’t have anyone controlling her. She wanted to celebrate her independence and dammit she wanted to do it with cake.
“So, that special was very popular especially since we gave the option to order and verify your birthday online. All of our cakes are sold out for the day.”
“I know. We didn’t think the promotion would do this well. We are extending the promotion to tomorrow if you wouldn’t mind waiting until then.”
“It would be too late then,” said Lena softly trying to hold back tears.
“It is always the same. Nothing every goes my way.”
“Actually, she can have my cake.”
Lena turned around and was stunned by who she saw. It was a woman with long wavy blonde hair and bright blue eyes that were unfortunately partly hidden by her glasses. She was wearing a pink wavy dress. The thing that stuck out to Lena was her smile. It could light up the room.
“Oh, I couldn’t take your cake,” stammered Lena.
“What is wrong with me. I never get this tongue tied.”
“It is no trouble at all. I had originally got this for my sister. Her birthday is today. I was supposed to meet her, but her fiancé surprised her with first class tickets to Paris last night, and they will be gone the next two weeks.”
“At least let me compensate you for the cake.”
The woman chuckled. It sounded like music to Lena’s ears.
“Honestly, you would be doing me a favor. Noonan’s cakes are good, but I doubt it will last until my sister gets back.”
The woman handed her over the cake.
“Thank you so much…. What is your name?” stumbled Lena over her words.
“My name is Kara.”
She held out her hand. Lena felt herself blushing.
“Idiot! It is just a simple handshake. Get yourself together!”
“My name is Lena.”
Lena felt her pants vibrating which jolted her out of the conversation.
She answered her phone and snapped, “What!”
“I am sorry Miss Luthor. There was an incident in the lab…”
“Say no more. I will be right there.”
“Of course, the one day I meet someone interesting I can’t stick around.”
Lena looked up sheepishly at Kara and said, “I ummm… have to run….work stuff. I umm… hope I see you around.”
She started blushing hard as she quickly exited the restaurant. She had never met anyone that has made her feel this way before.
“Is this what it feels like to have a crush?”
Lena mulled over that single thought as she walked to her job not realizing until she got there that she walked through the cold rain without an umbrella.
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c-optimistic · 9 months
Prompt for your consideration? Lena and Kara fighting post-reveal. Lena yelling "I lost everything," referring to Kara, her brother and all her friends, Kara saying "I lost everything too," referring to Lena.
In her heart of hearts, Kara thinks perhaps she’s broken.
(This is not an uncommon thought with her. She’s had it since the day Krypton died, the day her parents sent her away, the day she awoke as a stranger on a strange planet only to discover she wasn’t even needed.
She’s had this thought nearly every day. Wondering why it’s so hard for her to be like everyone else, to be normal.)
These days, the thought feels more aggressive. More accusatory even. It isn’t just that she’s broken, it’s that she breaks all of those around her as well.
Alex gave up her whole life to watch over her. All of the Danvers did. Everyone close to her got hurt. Everyone who had the misfortune of loving her was doomed to suffer.
And now, it’s Lena’s turn.
(Lena, strong and capable and oh so brilliant. Lena, with her quick wit and surprised smiles. Lena, who quickly made a home in Kara’s heart.
Lena, who has spent every night attempting unsuccessfully to quell her sobs.)
Kara touches down on the balcony, but doesn’t enter Lena’s office, content for a moment to just watch through the glass as the exhausted CEO crumples into her chair, head in her hands, elbows propped on her desk. For once, she’s not dressed to the nines—she’s in a simple pair of pants, comfortable looking shoes, a loose fitting top.
Kara wishes she could see Lena’s face. Wishes she could take Lena by the hand and—
“Go away, Kara,” the other woman says suddenly, in nothing more than a whisper than only someone with superhearing can understand, pulling Kara out of her thoughts. She doesn’t move from where she’s sitting, and Kara wonders, stupidly, how Lena could possibly have known she was there.
Kara pushes the balcony door open, taking a step closer.
“I just want to explain—”
“There’s nothing to explain,” Lena interrupts, though she makes no move to force Kara to leave as she had the last “I just want to explain—” times Kara had shown up. “Just…go.”
“Lena, please,” Kara starts, steeling herself and stepping fully into the office. Lena turns finally, and—
Her eyes are red rimmed from crying, puffy, make up not immaculate. She seems…devastated. As though her whole world has been torn asunder, as though…as though she has broken.
(Kara wishes she could make Lena see. She wishes she could take Lena’s hands and let her touch the damaged and broken parts of her heart, beg her to smooth it back out again, ask her to risk the pain, risk the hurt, but to stay.
Love me, Kara wants to scream. Love me, she wants to plead selfishly. Because Kara is broken, destined to go on and on breaking others, but it would be okay if only Lena would hold her again.)
“Don’t you get it?” Lena shouts as she stands, eyes taking on a fierce gleam. “I lost everything! My friends! My brother!” She chokes on the last word, tears escaping despite her best efforts to hold them back. “What could you possibly say that would change any of that?”
Nothing. She could say nothing.
(Kara is fairly sure she’s broken. Everything she touches seems to crumble away to dust. CatCo, her family, Mon-El, and on and on and on…
This has always been yet another thing she was destined to lose, destined to break because of her own cowardice.)
She has nothing to say in response that can change anything. And so, she settles for the truth. “I lost everything too. I lost you.”
Lena just stares for a moment, then she shakes her head. It’s clear she understands what Kara hasn’t said. It’s clear she can tell it’s the first purely honest thing Kara has ever uttered.
And it’s clear, utterly clear, it’s not enough.
“You can’t possibly think that changes anything,” she says, but she’s not yelling anymore. She sounds practically breathless.
(And Kara wonders, just for an idle moment, what things would be like had she confessed to Lena when there had been no lies between them, no loss, no betrayal.
She wonders, for a brief but tantalizing moment, if Lena would have accepted her jagged and cracked heart, those deft fingers quickly piecing it back together.)
“No, but I…I wanted you to know,” Kara says, swallowing hard and looking down.
Lena doesn’t speak again, but when Kara chances a look at her before she leaves the office (the same way she came in, ashamed and uninvited), her fingers twitch as though she wants to reach out.
And for now, Kara finds that that is enough.
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natalievoncatte · 1 year
Lena was in the dark in more ways than one.
The lights in her penthouse were all dark save one, a night light in her en suite to ensure that she didn’t take a fall if she got up. Swirling the edge of a migraine, she’s grown tired of an again-delayed product launch and the hoary halls of power and their patriarchs. Few things frustrated her more than the spiteful condescension of old men clinging to a world with all the success of a man trying to gather all the sand in a desert through chapped fingers.
Few things annoyed her more.
One of those things, she could give no name. Since Lena had realized Kara’s identity, things had been tense between them. Mostly in a pleasant way; they had been feeling out this new normal, Kara tentatively broaching this or that topic to add to brunch chats and lunchtime gossip.
“Oh,” she’d say, “that last alien hit pretty hard,” as if being knocked clean through a fertilizer plant by a blow to the head were part of her commute.
To Lena it was all new, but there was something else with it. Something neither of them dared to name, some friable, delicate new shape that they could only feel by its edges. It began with Kara bombarding Lena with friendship. Fresh breakfasts hand-delivered at hypersonic speeds. Daily lunches. For the last month, Kara had spent every weekend at Lena’s, or vice versa.
Lena’s penthouse had a guest bedroom. Kara’s place had a bed and a sofa. Comfy, but it was no bed. That was how the dance began. The first steps were hesitant, the dancers circling each other without breaking the barrier. A token argument about who gets the bed, only for them both to share it. And once they’d shared it at Kara’s place, it made no sense for Lena to confine a living space heater to the guest room.
They didn’t discuss, or analyze, or talk it out. No boundaries were ever set, and so the dance continued. What started as two people curled up in a big king bed on opposite sides became the pair of them entangling during the night, then skipping the pretext and curling up with each other before the lights went out.
It was driving Lena insane. Kara never pushed, not really, and yet it just seemed to happen. It was as if her best friend was daring her to take the initiative. The morning when Lena awoke to find Kara’s arm protectively curled about her waist, her thumb hooked on the waistband of Lena’s lounge pants, she’d almost turned over and said something.
The excuse she made was that Kara needed her sleep after the pummeling she’d taken that afternoon. That Lena enjoyed how Kara grazed the pad of her thumb over Lena’s hip bone was incidental.
Lying in the dark, Lena knew that Kara had arrived by the sound of the balcony door opening and didn’t bother to call out to her. Still dressed in her suit, Kara peeked into the bedroom, her movements tentative, somehow almost birdlike.
She came back a moment later with a cool, damp cloth for Lena’s forehead and a few murmured questions, before excusing herself.
“Darling, you can stay,” Lena sighed. “I want you to.”
“Okay,” Kara whispered back, lightly seeping stray curls from Lena’s eyes. “I need to change. No peeking.”
And why would you be worried I’ll peek? Lena thought. A platonic Best Friend isn’t going to peek. Best friends don’t do that, just like they don’t nuzzle into each other on the couch. If Lena were Kara’s best friend, then Lena wouldn’t be looking so much, so openly. Admiring Kara’s smile and her biceps and the way her abdominal muscles strained those button-downs.
She wouldn’t be thinking so much about the touches, the way she’d sat in Kara’s lap for hours at a time or how Kara had carried her to bed or how Supergirl had lingered to cradle her post-rescue, well past the point of safety.
Lena wasn’t aware she was peeking until she’s already started. Kara’s suit had taken care of itself; it was her work clothes she needed to discard. When Lena turned over, there was the broad expanse of Kara’s beautifully muscled back, flexing deliciously as she pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms.
Because Kara kept multiple sets of PJs at Lena’s place.
In Lena’s bedroom.
Because this wasn’t the first time this had happened.
Lena turned back, knowing with certainty that Kara knew. She must have heard the creaking of the mattress and the soft whisper of skin on silk sheets and the rapidity if Lena’s traitorous heart.
When Kara climbed in with Lena, the world shrank around the pair of them. Kara swept immediately to the boundary tonight, gathering Lena in her arms, hands finding spots just on this side of chaste, and their bodies molded together.
Lena was finally able to get some sleep.
When she awoke, later, Kara stirred with her.
“Zhao,” Kara muttered.
Lena froze, blinking in the dark. That wasn’t a nonsense word; it was Kryptonian.
“Come back. Zhao,” Kara muttered, as Lena stirred. She didn’t seem to be properly waking.
A nickname?
Lena couldn’t remember when she’d started calling Kara Darling, though she increasingly wished she had.
Dear diary, it was on this day at this date that I admitted my feelings to myself before wrapping them in cardboard and then in concrete and then in steel before shoving them somewhere deep down.
Kara, for her part, had tried a few pet names but most were one offs, never quite fitting. She’d even called Lena “buddy” once before Lena had cut that shit off with an arched brow.
Lena stilled. She could deny Kara nothing, and so drifted off to sleep.
By some quirk of fate, they woke almost at the same time. Lena was still groggy and bleary-eyed when Kara’s sky-blues flitted open, bringing more light than the sun itself. She shifted in the bed without letting Lena go and began to murmur something in Kryptonian, cutting herself off as that last sharp, buzzing word tumbled from her lips.
The only world froze. Kara stared at Lena with wide eyes, and the sudden tension between them made both women go rigid, neither willing to move, to break it.
“You called me that in your sleep,” Lena finally whispered. “Zhao. What does it mean?”
Kara was unusually pale.
“Oh, it’s sort of a term of endearment in Kryptonian. It means, um, ah…”
Lena sighed, cracking a soft smile. “Kara, I’m not fluent by any measure, but I know enough Kryptonian to know what Zhao means.”
“Oh,” Kara whispered, barely more than a short and sharp exhale.
“Even if I didn’t,” Lena whispered, locking eyes with her. “Your hand is literally on my ass right now.”
“Oh. Um. Golly. I’m sorry, I…”
Kara started to pull back. Lena gently took hold of Kara’s wrist and held her hand there. Her heart fluttered not only at the strength in Kara’s forearm but how those steel cable muscles went slack beneath her touch.
Lena swiveled her hips.
“I don’t know how to do this,” Kara whispered.
“Oh, trust me, I’ve got that covered,” said Lena.
Kara shivered. “No, I mean… I don’t know what to…” She swallowed hard, her throat bobbing.
Lena pressed in closer, until the space between them was more a theoretical concept than an actuality.
“Just say what you want to say.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Lena snorted a laugh, briefly ashamed at her inner dork, and afraid that Kara would take offense.
“Kara, you’ve been sleeping over every weekend with your hand in my pants for months. Yes, I will be your girlfriend.”
Kara grinned, starting to sit up.
“Come on, zhao,” said Kara.
Giving their partner a nickname/having their partner give them a nickname.
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