#sugawara is team mom
unstablehorsestance · 2 years
[at Shiratorizawa]
Semi: don't give me that attitude!
Shirabu: you can't tell me what to do, you ain't my mother!
Semi: *aggressively* YES, I AM!
[meanwhile at Karasuno]
Sugawara: Tsukishima, you should eat more.
Tsukishima: you can't tell me what to do, you ain't my mother.
Sugawara: *one hand over chest* *dramatically* yes, I am...
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I feel like if you left yaku and suga together unsupervised on a trip they'd end up arrested
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
Kagehina Fanfic: Ch 21 & 22 Sneakpeek
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We’ve been on the bus for three hours. The excited chatter of the team has started to die down, and some of them are nodding off. Hinata’s head is lolling onto my shoulder. 
I nudge him in the ribs with my elbow, trying to be firm enough to wake him up but gentle enough not to hurt him. 
“Hinata,” I whisper. “You’re falling asleep on my shoulder.” 
Hinata’s eyes open, drearily. He blinks up at me for a few seconds, then his lids flutter shut again, and he’s back on my shoulder. 
I grimace. 
“Hinata,” I hiss under my breath. “Wake up.”
He only nestles in more closely. 
“Hinata!” I deliver a sharp jab with my elbow. “People will see.”
That seems to do it. Hinata stiffly pulls himself upright. When he looks my way, I observe that, although his eyes are now open, they're narrowed into a glare... 
My stomach tightens. 
“Sorry,” I say, anxiety creeping into my lowered voice. “It's just that—”
“I know.” 
The words are spoken coldly, matching his glare. Hinata turns his back to me and curls up against the seat. He falls asleep again immediately... Or maybe he’s pretending.
I know I’m sulking and I know Kageyama notices. I can feel the anxiety coming off of him as we unpack and set up our sleeping bags. But the whole team is around and neither of us can talk about it. 
I’m glad. I don’t want to. 
Kageyama and I are both silent at dinner. He nudges his food around on his plate dejectedly, looking up once in a while to try to meet my eyes. I don’t let him. 
Around us the team is chattering with the enthusiasm and excitement appropriate to the first day of training camp. Though every so often, Suga casts Kageyama and me a concerned glance. 
Kageyama tries to catch me after dinner, but I evade him. I’m being a prick and I know it. I do feel bad… but I just need some time to cool off.
Apparently there’s an area where you can hang out on top of the roof here. I make my way up the flights of stairs and wander around til I find it. 
I’ve only been sitting there a few seconds when I hear someone approaching behind me. Sighing, I curl my knees into my chest and hunch my back. 
“I don’t want to talk right now, Kageyama.”
“I’m not Kageyama.” 
Straightening up in surprise, I look around. “Suga! Hey.”
“Hey, Hinata.” He smiles and motions with his head to the area next to me. “May I?” 
He settles into a seated position at my side.
“So you heard about this look-out too?” I ask. “Kenma told me about it. Pretty cool, hey?” 
“Pretty cool,” he agrees. “And no, I didn’t hear about it. I followed you.” 
I arch an eyebrow and Suga shrugs sheepishly. 
“I thought you might need to talk.” 
Recalling Suga’s concerned looks at dinner, I feel a mixture of both annoyance and gratitude. 
“Thanks… But I’m okay.” 
I’m not allowed to talk anyway… 
“Did you guys get in a fight?” Suga asks gently.
I sigh. “It’s Kageyama. We’re always fighting.” 
“That’s not true. Not anymore.” 
“Yeah, well, maybe it’s time to bring the good old days back.” 
My voice is bitter. 
Suga doesn’t respond immediately, and we fall into a period of silence. I rest my head in between my tucked up knees. The image of Kageyama’s distraught face as I dodged his attempts to talk hangs before my eyes. 
Finally, Suga breaks the silence. 
“You can talk to me if you want, Hinata,” he says. “You don’t have to of course. But you can. I already know about you two.” 
My head snaps towards him in alarm.
“What? What are you talking about?” 
“I saw you guys holding hands at lunch,” Suga admits, almost apologetically. 
My jaw drops slightly. “How…?”
Kageyama always chose our spot and our angle so strategically. So neurotically. It irritated me, but I let him do it. How did Suga see?  
“You know the day Takeda came to tell us about the training camp?” Suga says. “The flyer he brought fell on the floor. When I was picking it up, I saw.” 
I’m an odd flurry of contradictory emotions. 
Distress – Kageyama will be upset. 
Vindictiveness – Jeez, I’m an asshole. 
Relief and excitement – maybe I can talk to Suga after all... 
“Who else knows?” I ask. 
Suga shakes his head. “I haven’t told anyone.” “Really? Wow. Thanks.” 
Suga is so freaking nice. “Of course. I figured you guys would share with the team when you were ready.” 
My face falls. I drop my gaze back to the ground. “I... I don’t know when that will be,” I admit, my voice strained. 
I can feel Suga listening to me, patiently and attentively. He’s so nice... And he already knows. Why shouldn’t I let myself talk to him? It can’t hurt Kageyama if he already knows...
“Thing is,” I begin, falteringly. “Kageyama doesn’t want to tell the team. I don't think ever.” I bite my lip. “I get it. He’s worried you guys will view us differently. His dad isn’t, like, super supportive of the gay thing, so I get where he’s coming from. But...” I allow myself to let out a sigh. “I can’t help but feel like he’s ashamed of us. And that... kind of hurts.”
Suga’s face twists with compassion.  “I see,” he says. “That would hurt, yeah. I’m sorry, Hinata.” 
I shrug, despondently. “It’s fine... But thanks.” “Have you talked to him about it? How you feel, I mean.” I shake my head. “No... I don’t want to make him feel bad. And I don’t want to guilt him into being more open about us if he isn’t comfortable.... He’s always so considerate of me, you know? You wouldn’t believe how considerate he is, honestly.” I turn to Suga, a sudden earnestness displacing my dejected demeanour. “I know you all think he's just a grouch, but he’s so so kind. He’s a really good boyfriend.”
Suga’s eyes crinkle into a gentle smile. “I don't think he's just a grouch," he says. "And that’s wonderful. I'm happy for you.”
Suddenly, I feel the guilt hit me like a sledgehammer in the chest. I let out a strangled groan and drop my head between my knees again. 
Kageyama would never treat me the way I’m treating him right now... He would never cold shoulder me over something so trivial as what happened on the bus... 
“He’s a good boyfriend,” I repeat, knocking my head against my knees repeatedly. 
I feel Suga’s hand coming down on my shoulder, trying to calm me. Finally, I cease my repeated knocking and lift my head, locking my desperate gaze onto Suga’s. 
“I just want to return that,” I say. “I want to be a good boyfriend to him too. So that means I shouldn’t pressure him, right? I shouldn’t want him to be uncomfortable.”
“I understand.” I can see on Suga's face that he really does understand. And he really does care. “I think it’s wonderful that you’re trying so hard to be good to him.” 
I manage a weak smile. 
“I guess…” Suga continues thoughtfully. “I guess I just worry that this is eating you up, and might end up coming between you two because of that. I mean, is this related to the tension between you guys today?” I grimace. “Yeah... He wouldn’t let me fall asleep on his shoulder during the bus ride, because he was worried about the team seeing. I don’t know why it bothered me so much. So stupid. But I just felt like I kind of... snapped.” Suga nods. “That’s exactly what I mean. Sounds like it’s been slowly wearing away at you for a while, despite your efforts to take it in stride. I’m not surprised that an incident like that could push you over the edge. That’s why I’m worried about you not talking to him about it. I mean, youcould just stuff your frustration and hurt down again. But it will probably keep bubbling up when there are triggers. Like today.” 
I grimace again, but don’t object. After a while of silence on my end, Suga allows himself to continue. 
“Also,” he says. “Something else that’s probably relevant to consider is whether his anxiety about telling the team is ultimately based on something true or not… And I personally don’t think it is. I don’t think the team would treat you guys differently. I mean, it would be a surprise and maybe a little awkward at first. But we’re a team… Our bonds are strong enough to get through a little initial awkwardness.” 
I feel my face soften a bit. I offer Suga a grateful, if still somewhat shaky, smile. 
“Thank you,” I say warmly. “Thank you for talking to me. And thank you for not treating us differently.” 
He lets out a surprised laugh. “Oh my gosh, of course! I hope Kageyama was never worried about me. A couple of the others, I can understand. But even so, I stick by what I said. I don’t think Kageyama has to worry.” 
I shrug, a little less despondently than before. “I don’t know if telling him that will help, to be honest. He probably won’t believe it.” 
“Are you going to try?” Suga asks. “Do you think you’ll talk to him about this?”
I chew my lip, considering. “I don’t know,” I say. “I’ll think about it. First though – I’m going to apologize.” 
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
What are your thoughts on the yandere haikyuu teams x their manager?
Boring. I need some spice in it. How about-
Yandere Daichi as a cop and his darling is a civilian and now he's so obsessed with her that he murders her husband, frames him as a criminal and will literally stop at nothing to get darling in his arms because again... who will suspect good old, everybody's best bud COP Daichi to be able to do heinous crimes???
Yandere Sugawara as a psychiatrist because come on- he gives major "master manipulator" vibes and now he's obsessed with his darling patient and will continue to do malpractice and gaslight her and prescribe her all the wrong meds until she loses it and he gets to admit it her under his "special care" and now he can play with her mind all day long🤍
Yandere Oikawa is now a pro volleyball athlete and he just saw Ushijima's little sis, the same one he used to bully and even rejected (and ofc, HUMILIATED) when she confessed to him back in highschool. But now Oikawa's obsessed with her and also still hates his nemesis Ushijima, so what's better than killing two birds with one stone??? And Oikawa still has a very devoted fanclub, only now it's larger and more powerful than ever so now he uses them and his socials to peer pressure you into dating him and eventually, marrying him because he ain't getting any younger honey and he needs some cute babies out of you ASAP.
Yandere Kuroo who is the smart IT tech guy at your office but in reality, he has his own cyber security company that he uses to spy on you, controls your entire life through your socials and don't even get me started on your online banking shit. If its any consolation, he's very rich so... yeah. He may not look like a million bucks, but he does have them. In several offshore accounts.
Yandere Kita who somehow ended up as a mafia leader, probably inherited it as family business and he has like severe OCD so he wants everything done to perfection or so help you, you will 1000% end up 6 feet under. Mafia Kita who has this vision of you being the perfect wife, solely based om the one time you offered him your handkerchiefs because he had a nosebleed from stressing too much and now Kita thinks you're an absolute angel and he wont let you destroy that fantasy of his. Seriously. He will pick out your outfits, tell you how to act and all, punish you if he must, but he does love you.
Yandere Ushijima who is a farmer and has decided that the reader whose car broke down and came to his door asking for help, will now be his wife and be a countryside mom to many kids (u can't say no, okay? He wants a big family) and animals! But hey, he's a very caring husband and will massage your feet, give you baths and feed you his homegrown veggies and meals daily once you are round with his babies🥺
Yandere Bokuto who is now a popular politician and he needs an obedient wife to keep up appearances and play the "family man" image up. So he decides to threaten reader who had a one night stand with him, and Bokuto somehow has very intimate images and videos of you and he uses them to get you to marry him. And now he controls every aspect of your life and tells you to do exactly as he says, and he abuses this privilege more as he gets more powerful and you could only imagine the horrors he would inflict on you if he does actually win elections, but you can't run away because again- he has eyes and contacts everywhere.
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 2 months
Includes: Dachi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Tuskishima, Kageyama, Tadashi and Hinata
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~ Dachi sawamura ~
• Dachi is all around a confident, sweet and tallented guy when it come to understanding his team mates and what they need. Thats the same for you in your times of need.
• He would happily carry extra sanitary items in case you need them and a couple bars of your favourite chocolate.
• Dachi sadly knows he can't do heaps about the pain, tiredness or you mood swings. But he knows how to make things better and to help you preserver.
• Dachi is very gentle and highly aware about how you might react to certain things. He understand women are emotional creatures and small things can really upset you.
• He's more touchy especially when he can see how much it affects you're well being, he give you great big bear hugs and regularly checks in on you.
• After school he'd invite you out do a in-home movie and eat take away for your choice. He loves cuddling you up and keeping you safe. He truly just wants you to be happy.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Suga reminds you of sugar very very sweet and he knows the things you really need to hear during that time. He's always happy to reassurance you over any little thing.
• His voice is so soft takes a lot of pain away. While holding you he will whisper sweet nothings in you ear. Reminding you of how beautiful you are, that your amazing and how lucky he is to have you.
• Suga loves giving you lots of sweet kisses, on you cheeks, your forehead and you lil nose too
• He can also be surprisingly protect when it come to situations that make you uncomfortable, crowds of people, foods you crave ect
• He'll rub your back and pull you in close, resting is chin on your head. He knows its hard and upsetting the things you think about an go through
• Suga complements you more and understand the importance of you feeling treasured, beautiful and desired by him. He sees you looking in the mirror a lot more studying yourself. He'll approach you from behind wraps his arms around your waist and give you back kisses. He's eyes are soft yet still filled with desire that never fails to make you smile.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would over think like crazy he easily starts stressing out when it comes to you. Still he's very sweet you give him little hints to help him along. It makes him feel really good to know he can help you.
• He'd cray your bags knowing that your back hurts. He'd be worried so much he would walk you home to make sure you don't faint or fall or have anything happen to you.
• Being the ace he can get quite a few injuries so he regularly caries pain meds, tape, soothing gels and other items. He always encourages you to use them knowing they help.
• Asahi always give you his jacket he remembers the thing you said about being cold and how it can make things worse. The school uniform being a skirt doesn't help.
• Asahi thinks about you a lot in class, about how your going, what your feeling, in your in pain or maybe if you've gone to the med bay. Constantly stressing himself out (poor guy). He's always waiting near you locker and his eyes light up whenever he sees you.
• You often reassure him that your fine. Asahi's mom is also very sweet yes he's a mamas boy. But she'll happily cook extra food for you two to share and here food makes everything a lot better.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• If menstral cycles were a person you best bet Tanaka is pulling up and he's bring Nishinoya
• Tanka is a very unique, cool, rambunctious person so he would handle the situation a lot differently. He would want to make you feel better by going out and having fun, movies, the park, the beach anything to get you out an about. This can cause arguments sometimes as you'er often tired, moody and don't feel the best.
• Tanka would feel bad but you always lay him down in your lap, he cuddles up to you around waist. Which is good as he keeps you warm.
• He'd get curious as ask you questions about your cycle, which was cute, he's trying to better understand your problems and think about a better solution.
• Tanka would even go as far to ask Kyoko or Kanoka about what helps and what things he could get for you.
• He's not a cook but he'd always make sure your warm, have enough blankets, a hot water bottle and some warm ramen noodles.
• The thing Tanka always did be is make you feel real special and try his best to make you smile and laugh. He'd complement you, your a greek goddess, the women who owns the planet venus and unofficial victorian secret super model.
• Tanka makes sure that you enjoy life whilst your with him and to be the best boyfriend he can possible be.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya is vastly misunderstood, you'd think he's immature and a big ball of energy that seems clueless and not that smart but he's far from that.
• With all that energy and viciousness he can feel a lot of emotions he's just more reserved as most guys are. But he can understand when you have really bad down days.
• You'd see a completely different side of him that very few people see. He calm, soft, gentle and soothing.
• He gives you long warm hugs as he will rock you in his embrace. In that way he was very much your safe place. You could tell him anything and he would understand. Having his issue with height and the fall out the volley ball team had he went through is own pains. Giving up the sport he loved took a toll on him and the fight with Asahi.
• In a way it was always a good way for you two to bond and reinforce trust, that you were there for each other on a much deeper level.
• Nishinoya would happily share all his food with you, make sure your well feed and that he doesn't keep you up late over night texting. He just wants you to get better as quickly as possible.
• The talk of blood and cycle is still a bit odd and foreign to him but he doesn't like the thought that you could literally bleed to death so he does what he can.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Tuskishima is generally pretty mono toned he doesn't over display any kind of care and the sarcasm doesn't help. This is just a part of his personality. Sometimes it can cause arguments as you feel like he isn't taking you seriously and it really hurts sometimes.
• He'd realise how much your hurting and that he really messed up. You'd open up your locker and find little notes sometimes hand written letters.
• He hold your hand talking the long walk home after school, he was never good at apologising but you understood he was sorry.
• It taught him how to be a little more gentle with you, to understand you a bit better and to think before saying things to you.
• He'd slowly become a lot more affectionate, pulling you into his arms and cuddling you up in his arms. He shudder trying open up and tell you about things. What he thinks about you and the things he hopes to do with you one day.
• Tuskishima after realising how horrible both mentally and physically you feel. He always make sure there was time for you, time for him to listen.
• When your really sad he ask you over to his house introduce you to his mom one of the most kindest and beautiful being in his life other then you of course.
• You both playing a couple games together and you'd learn it actually likes reading. He loved how smart you are and how you could hold a conversation about topics that interest him.
• It helped you take time of things, you learned more about each others passions and found out you have a lot more income than you think.
~ Tobio kageyama ~
• Honestly Kageyama can be a bit naive and hot headed, he struggles a lot when it comes to understanding your predicament. He can get a bit annoyed with you moods and complaining. This can cause some pretty heated fights.
• But Kageyama can be a big fat meanie, all that frustration and anger also leads to a lot of thought, overthinking, over apologising and regret. Kageyama never wants to be a bad person especially to you.
• Kageyama would take on multiple strategies on how to keep you happy always. If you mad or angry Kageyama would mind some rough play cuddles, you never manage to hurt him. If your sad he's bringing chocolate or your favourite ice cream. If you don't feel your best he'll make an effort to be more soft with you in ever way.
• He always brings you a Milk box encourages you to drink it all. Saying it's packed in everything that you need to feel better, stronger and heal faster.
• He's the type of guy to cuddle you up, zip his jumper up real tight on a cold rain walk home. Wrap you up in a scarf, he's scared of you catching a cold obviously cause he cares about you but also cause he doesn't want to be sick either.
• Kageyama needs you a lot he wont admit it, you always manage to make him feel better and he's an over-thinker. He stresses out way to much, your his peace and he loves you for all the endless lap cuddles and hair play. He just hopes he can do the same for you.
~ Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi gets so incredibly worried and stress about you! He would refuse to leave you empathising with how hard the week can be for you.
• He'd make sure that there is plenty of time to spend with you. Going out to cafe's in the mornings before school or bringing you some delicious food to share from bread top!
• Tadashi is a bundle of fluff, he's the guy to keep your hands warm offer his jacket and open doors for you. A very sweet gentlemen.
• He loves to play games and cuddle up on the couch with tones of blankets or watch a movie marathon. Some hot chocolate or some salty popcorn solves everything.
• You favourite thing about Tadashi was the beauty in his eyes. He wears his heart on his sleeve. You love the warmth he just radiates, he looks at you with nothing but love and softness. You can open up to him about anything and he always tries to understand.
~ Shoyo Hinata ~
• Hinata is defiantly clueless upon telling him more details. He stress like really bad, faint, dye or blow his head off. He would literally think your DIEING!! or that you were gonna DIE!!
• Hinata just over thinks being the sweet guy he is all he needs to do is say hello! He's your lil sunshine always makes you feel better with just a smiles.
• When he see's your having a really bad day he invites you over. Yourself and his little sister Natsu have grown really close. Natsu is always excited to see you! She'd play with your hair, paint your nails ect.
• Hinata's mom is super sweet she always make sure to cook up one of your many favourite meals. She gets warm and fuzzy seeing you an Hinata together.
• You often get invited out to family events, shopping, dinner, camping ect. Your all very close and Hinata is always there hyping you up the whole way.
• He pushes your bounders in a good way, making you do things you never think you could! So when that time comes around you always feel extra special not just to yourself but to Hinata too.
Thanks so much for reading,!!! Let me know if you have any requests!!
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zara972935 · 6 months
Some people see Tsukishima with a cute girl after practice!
Kei had asked (y/n) to practice with him after the rest of the team had left. (he was so sure they all left, but nothing just goes his way😔)
mention of one little kissy kissy (reader and kei are in a relationship)
she/her prns used
hey (y/n), can you practice with me
the idiots finally left
haha sure! and i don’t think it’s very nice to call them idiots when they’re your teammates!
yeah yeah, lecture me after you help me
you lived close to the school, so you just packed a few things in your bag, telling your mom you’d be going out. you walked for about 6 minutes, slowly approaching the gymnasium. you saw the lights in through the windows, and pushed the door. you stepped in, seeing Tsukishima bumping a volleyball against a wall.
he turned around, noticing you entered. he hummed in acknowledgment, catching the ball and walking over to you.
“what do you even have in there? your house is right here anyways.” he glanced down at your bag that you set by the door, with slight sarcasm.
“i didn’t come here for you to be asking me what i have.” you playfully replied. “so you need help with your spikes or something?”
“spikes.” Tsukishima and you walked over to the cart full of volleyballs, rolling it over to where you’d being throwing the ball up so he could spike it.
“can i change up the distances?” you ask, trying to bump one of the volleyballs, almost immediately losing control, while Tsukishima walked over to where he’d start running from.
“yeah i guess.” he muttered, stretching his arms.
“yo-kay, tell me when you’re ready.” you had a ball in your hands.
although, not too far away, hinata and tanaka were in the club room (the two people who should NEVER be left alone), chatting with each other. “wait wait… shh..” tanaka looked out one of the small windows in the club room.
hinata’s eyes widened, suddenly thinking he was in a horror movie.
tanaka then scared him by fake jumping at him and yelling “BOO!” hinata jumped up, running out the club room and nearing the gymnasium. he slightly tilted his head when he saw light pouring out the windows of the gymnasium. did someone say they’d stay after practice?
tanaka had followed hinata, but was confused why he had stopped and was looking at spot he couldn’t see from his position. “uh hinata? what’s wrong?” he walked up to hinata, then noticing the light.
“hmm? i don’t remember someone saying they’d stay after practice.” the duo then suddenly heard loud laughing from inside the gym. they jogged to the windows, hoping to find the source.
you had thrown the ball too far along the net, and Tsukishima missed terribly because of you. but you couldn’t help but cackle as he scowled at you. you apologized, but it didn’t seem very sincere as you kept giggling.
“just keep going.” tsukishima walked back to his starting spot.
“here we go Kei!” you said as you crouched a bit to be able to throw the ball high enough.
tanaka and hinata were peeking through the windows, shocked to see Tsukishima Kei practicing with such a pretty girl! they pulled out their phones, snapping a few pictures.
soon enough, everybody went to their own houses, one duo giving a goodbye kiss before leaving. (i hope you know which duo…………………………………………….. oh and the boys someone got a picture of them doing the goodbye smoochie)
next practice had finally rolled around, and during a water break, hinata brought kageyama and tanaka brought asahi, dachi, sugawara as they approached Tsukishima with their phones ready. “Tsukki, Tsukki, lookie, lookie!” Hinata repeated what he once heard Bokuto say, waving the phone then showing Kageyama.
Tsukishima had ignored Hinata’s voice, not knowing that most of the team was behind him. he only then turned around when he heard Kageyama yell, “why is Tsukishima with such a pretty girl and i’m not?! i’m so much better than that loser!”
Tsukishima spun around, snatching the phone from Hinata, swiping through the photos of him and (y/n). “how the hell did you get these?” he then notice the third years slightly giggling, but then clearing their throats.
“tanaka? how do you have pictures too?”
“let’s just say, you need to introduce us to your girlfriend!”
“oh shut up. never in a million years.” he said, his voice and face telling no story. his ears though? you could’ve thought he had just be burned with how bright red they were!
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what Haikyuu characters smell like
…. because i’m sick of the sandalwood - vanilla bullshit, they're all in high school, they all smell like Axe or sweat
Hinata Shouyou
doesn't shower, but probably still has baby sweat so he doesn't stink
Kageyama Tobio
smells like Nivea cream. Very clean, very nice but also big baby vibes
Tsukishima Kei
showers with what his mom packed him so probably some organic oat-scented shit
Yamaguchi Tadashi
actually cares about his products and smells nice for a teenager but nobody notices
Ennoshita Chikara
Axe. Because everyone is using it, not because he thinks it's cool.
Nishinoya Yuu
doesn't shower. Also Axe.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
showers sometimes, but only when his sister says that he stinks. Axe.
Azumane Asahi
one of the only people that actually smell attractive. definitely had an Axe phase in middle school tho. 
Sugawara Koushi
the only one on the team with a fresh shirt every practice, smells like fresh laundry
Sawamura Daichi
dad smell, like 3 in 1 hair, body, face and working in the garage
Iwaizumi Hajime
responsible adult, has a nice cologne and doesn't use too much of it, just enough. buys body wash in bulk because it’s cheaper and more convenient.
Oikawa Tooru
smells like everything. has a nice (in his opinion) perfume, strongly scented floral body wash, citrusy shampoo and coconut body butter. he is living his best life but everyone has to deal with his smell that enters the room before he does.
Matsukawa Issei & Hanamaki Takahiro
bought Axe and “manly man” body wash for shits and giggles and “ironically” use them. but in the end they still smell like Axe. also yes they bought one of each and share everything.
Yahaba Shigeru
easily impressed by Oikawa, also experiments with different smells but thankfully he’s more subtle with it
Kyoutani Kentarou
Terushima Yuuji
Aone Takanobu
nice, subtle scent, smells cozy.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
soap is soap, so also Axe.
Tendou Satori
either washes with just water or has a very specific and complicated hair care routine. there is no inbetween. smells like sandalwood and no one knows why.
Shirabu Kenjirou
Daishou Suguru
you would think he’s edgy and different, but deep down we all know he uses Axe.
Miya Atsumu
Axe. He is THE prime Axe user. if someone thinks it's cool and manly it's Miya Atsumu.
Miya Osamu
Axe. but one of the milder ones
Suna Rintarou
doesn’t care. Axe.
Haiba Lev
stole his dads fancy cologne, which would be nice and all if he didn’t shower with a chocolate-scented body wash.
Kozume Kenma
long haired gamer. doesn’t shower. probably borrows deodorant from someone on the team because he didn’t pack any and doesn’t care how he smells. so Axe.
Yamamoto Taketora
doesn’t shower. Axe.
Kuroo Tetsurou
token “manly highschooler smell”. overuses Calvin Klein cologne. but shower gel? Axe. ironically watches the alpha male self care routines but secretly notes the shit down.
Yaku Morisuke
buys his products in those mom shops, all his products smell nice like lavender, jasmine or cotton and are vegan, clean and non-gmo.
Akaashi Keiji
takes care of himself. uses basic products, but has a separate product for everything, doesn’t believe in the 3 in 1 (actually uses a conditioner and face wash). smells like he showers regularly so the rest of the team is greatly impressed.
Bokuto Koutarou
Axe. douses himself with the deodorant. definitely had a tutti frutti phase in the past 2 years.
Sakusa Kiyoomi
rubbing alcohol, uses only hypoallergenic, non-scented products.
Yachi Hitoka
bought a strawberry-scented soap because it looked really cute. doesn’t like the scent at all but still uses it because she is anxious to tell her mom to get her a new one.
Shimizu Kiyoko
smells very feminine, uses fancier brands with floral smells.
Ukai Keishin
cigarettes. bought cologne to impress women but rarely uses it.
Takeda Ittetsu
laundry detergent. always has clean clothes and changes often.
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rjhpandapaws · 6 months
Relief Setter and Team Mom
Sugawara Koushi
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spacedys · 1 year
starboy & stargirl.
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tsukishima didn't fall in love often— hell, he rarely experienced any sort of attraction towards anyone. of course, he's had celebrity and fictional crushes before, and of course he had personal (intimacy) issues, but it wasn't a big deal, right? it wasn't required to have a girlfriend in your second year of middle school!
yet once he reached high school, he found himself single while most of the people he knew had already found themselves crushes and partners. he was an attractive, tall, smart guy — not to mention, he started playing volleyball, so obviously he got confessions and both girls and guys pining after him all the time.
but he just never felt any kind attraction towards the people that confessed to him. he would always semi-politely decline their confessions or laugh in their face due to his big ego.
the only person he's ever crushed on for so long is you; you were his best friend since the 1st grade, not bothered by his mean and snarky tendencies. you were the very rare person that stuck around, and when yamaguchi shimmied his way into your duo, you were suddenly deemed the most annoying people in your middle school; tsukishima was obviously annoying due to his sarcasm and height, you weren't as much of a problen, but you enabled him— and yamaguchi, the less annoying peacemaker that was slowly losing his sanity.
tsukishima kei, who liked you when you made fun of yamaguchi's bullies after school.
tsukishima kei, who crushed on you when you would invite him over for dinner without telling your mom.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you the moment you had your first witty banter 20 minutes after meeting eachother.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you when he caught you making food with his mother and talking to her about his childhood stories.
tsukishima kei, who no matter how much he hides it, has feelings — for you, and for others.
"tsukiiii!" you yelled, waving at him with a smile as you approach him, bottle of water in your hand. "i just wanted to wish you good luck before your big game!" you offered the lunch to him, pushing it towards him forcefully. he stared at you blankly, then back down at the food— to be fair, your cooking wasn't good but it wasn't bad either. it was in the middle and above average.
the team was just about to walk into the gym for their first game, when you had started yelling— which startled literally everyone. you swore kageyama whispered to hinata: "for a short person, they're *really* loud.."
tsukishima glared at the two, which made everyone stop in their tracks and now watch your entire interaction. a slight blush crept onto his cheeks, pushing his glasses up and glancing between the box in your hands and your face, which was giddy with excitement. he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned in faux disappointment, "why are you so excited? it's not like its your game.." he muttered, taking the lunch from you and shoving it into his bag. "you didn't have to cook anything for me."
you scoffed, a smile still playing on your lips despite his words. "i cooked it because i'm a great friend and i'm excited because you're my bestest friend and i know you'll do great! it's my signature recipe!"
"wow, i didn't know this was expired instant spicy ramen." tsukishima retorted with a snarky smirk. you rolled your eyes, standing on your toes to squish his cheeks, giggling when he pushed your wrist away. "i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, tsuki-tsuki!"
he blushes at the nickname. "you sound so lame right now." he chokes when tanaka throws a slipper at him. "hey, stingyshima! be nicer to girls that give you lunch and cheer you on during your games! you idiot!" the older boy yells.
"sounds a lot like your sister you're talking about, ryu." sugawara whispers.
you let out a small laugh at tsukishima's annoyed expression because their loud yelling for him to be more polite, watching him sigh and push up his glasses once more. "thank.... you for the food, yn. it was very nice of you." he says blankly, his expression ever so stoic, yet the tip of his ears flushed a deep red. "you're welcome, tsuki-tsuki!" you tease, "i've gotta go now, but i have to say something first.."
you pause for dramatic effect, the widest grin on your face. tsukishima hates it when you do this. "even if you lose or win— which you will —i'll buy you dinner!" the team whistles and teases tsukishima as you say this, hinata jumping as high as he can and hitting his head on the ceiling. at this point, people were starting to stare.
a small, tiny blush rises to his pale cheeks as he watched them get excited over the mere promise of a 'date', "it's impossible to give them more of a reason to get hyped up, but i think you just did." tsukishima jokes, a proud feeling settling deep in his chest when he sees you laugh.
"what can i say? i bring the happiness out in people." you poke his cheeks, and yet again, tsukishima gently pushes your hand away. "alright, i'll go now! bye, kei!" you wave at him as you leave, off to go find a place to sit.
nishinoya and tanaka come up from behind him, tanaka throwing his arm over tsukishima's shoulder and ruffling his hair. "looks like tsuki-tsuki's got a date!" he teased, laughing when nishinoya tries to bite the poor blonde boy. "yeah, i didn't think you had any sort of rizz to pull any woman!"
tsukishima scoffs. "shut up. it's not like you guys could get anyone to crush on you with how dumb you guys look." kei mutters, pushing himself away from the chaos of the two 2nd years teasing him.
"you guys, stop, people are staring!" daichi yells.
to say that kei was surprised you watched the *entire* game was an understatement. he was even more surprised when he heard you yelling his name and wearing one of his t-shirts in the crowd mid-set, making him blush the entire time.
when karasuno had won, you were the first person to cheer for tsukishima— not them as a team, but for tsukishima.
once they packed up, you immediately raced down to talk to the blonde boy, giving hinata a high-five as you passed him. "tsukishima, you did great! i'm so proud of you!" you ran towards him, tackling him with a hug— he didn't exactly fall over, but he did stumble. "i barely did anything.." kei mumbled, the tips of his ears flushing a dark red. "you did a lot, and i'm so proud of you!"
tsukishima could feel his teammates' eyes boring at the back of his head, if he wasn't talking to you right now, he would've rolled his eyes and made a snarky remark. "thanks. you still owe me that dinner, by the way." he led you away from the team, hand intertwined with yours and bag slung over his shoulder, before you two knew it, you were walking out the door. "where are we going anyways?"
you hummed, "well, i don't really know. i'm thinking of just eating anywhere we come across." kei rolls his eyes playfully at your answer, a teasing smirk on his lips. "isn't that just your answer to everything?" he tilts his head to the side. "we could eat at your place.. or maybe, like, a burger king? oh, i know this really good place that serves amazing coffee jelly.."
kei didn't realize you had stopped walking until he looked down and saw your hands weren't intertwined with eachother, he looked back and saw you staring and pointing in the direction of a— "no." was the immediate response that left his lips when he approached you, trying his best efforts to drag you away from the cheap awful sushi restaurant.
"there!" you point, refusing to move from where you stood - as if your shoes were glued to the sidewalk.
"oh my god, no."
"keeiii, please?"
"no, yn. i know so many better places that don't serve food that taste like feet."
"but it moves around me!"
"so does normal food if you put it on wheels."
you pout up at him, "please, kei?"
and what kind of man is he to say no to something like that?
so that's how he ended up here; sat across from you in a booth, a train of sushi to his left, and the plates of food in front of the both of you. his nose scrunches up in disgust at the different desserts and platters - all sharing one quality; being weird. his expression contrasted yours which looks vaguely curious.. and also disgusted. "yn, can we please leave? we could cook these ourselves at home and they would still taste like feet."
you roll your eyes at his reaction, already digging into your food. "i dunno what you're talking about, tsuki, this is really good." you nod, taking a sip of your water. kei seems to disagree, being the drama king he is, his face scrunched in disgust the moment he swallows the food. "again, it tastes.." he coughs, "..like feet."
"i disagree!" you say in a singsong manner, your eyes scanning the room for a second before landing on a couple that looked almost like you and kei; not exactly the same appearance-wise, but the two seemed to be have the dynamic you two did. you curiously stare at them, which prompts kei to stare at them as well. "why are you looking at those strangers? if you're thinking about poisoning them, i'm sure you just have to give them this sweet, sour, bullshit." he takes another bite, despite what he says.
"do you think they're on a date?" you pause, staring back at kei. "or are they just really good friends that look like they're dating eachother? y'know, like us."
for the first time in a while, kei was rendered speechless— he stared blankly at the food, unmoving and unblinking. he didn't.. know what to say or even what to think, were you flirting? was that a serious question? what did you mean?
"what do you mean?" he asked, glancing up at you before taking another bite of the food.
"i just mean, like, do you think the girl really likes the guy but doesn't know how to tell him or ask him out? or do you think the guy doesn't like her back and is too afraid to tell her. i think if that's true, then the guy should really tell the girl right now." you shrug. your heart was beating so fast, you could barely keep up with it— you felt so nervous, like you were gonna puke and all your organs were all gonna come out of your ass and mouth.
kei's heart shattered at the latter, he hated how you could actually think something like that. "well— i think the guy thinks this entire thing is stupid and adorable. i think he also thinks it about the girl." you blush at his words, even if he was using someone else as an example, you knew he was talking about you. "i think the guy really wants to ask out the girl, but feels like the girl would hate him if he did. if the guy asked the girl out right now, do you think she would reject him?"
"i would never!" you gasp.
kei laughs a little at that, cracking that precious smile of his. "wow, i didn't know we were talking about us!" he sarcastically replies.
"i'm asking you out, kei. not the other way around, let me win this one!" you whine.
he smiles, "okay, okay.. i'll go out with you. it's pretty desperate of you though—"
"shut up!"
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© spacedys ‘23 — all work belongs to me!! do not plagiarize, copy, repost, or modify my work or content on this platform or any other form of media. reblogs & likes are highly appreciated.
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joseimukeaddict · 16 days
Haikyuu and Public Transportation Headcanons: Karasuno 2012-2013 Team
I’m going to get these so wrong bc I only just got into Haikyuu and have just started watching season 3. I tried avoiding spoilers but Haikyuu-Bu was too funny… (got scared and ran away when the post-timeskip happened)
I’m also doing this on no research and just vibes 👍 (don’t kill me pls) (I know like nothing about non-regular 2nd years 😭 except Ennoshita is voiced by Toshiki Masuda who also voices Rei from EnStars!?)
Testing if I wanna make this a series:
Okay so these kids live basically on the outskirts so most of them don’t got any public transportation experience before high school. School-paid buses do NOT count.
Third Years:
Daichi Sawamura - Probably has ridden a bus or train to the city maybe once or twice; I heard he’s directionally challenged but he can probably get to places if he memorizes the path and sticks to it; his experiences on public transportation are fine, nothing that interesting happens but he likes the sights; people have gone up to him to ask for directions when it’s his first time ever at a stop
Kōshi Sugawara - Has never ridden public transportation before high school, doesn’t like the bus air smell but can tolerate it, reads or plays on his phone for long rides
Asahi Azumane - Probably has ridden once when he was younger for sth like a specialist doctor visit (so he can’t get out of it), came up with the worst possible scenarios the night before, if he were any younger than he was then his mom would escort him there (sadly she has work today), his fears were completely unfounded but he basically collapsed at his door from mental exhaustion when he got home; he’s probably the type to suffer from motion sickness too and needs to remember to take his meds; 80% will fumble when he taps or swipes his card
Kiyoko Shimizu - Absolute mystery if she’s ever taken it but she’s Shimizu so every experience is perfect for her; the type to like to ride with a buddy to chat with but will pull out a book otherwise (mostly to deter any men trying to hit on her, so she can just ignore)
Second years:
Yū Nishinoya - Never so he’s so pumped to try it out; bus is okay but the train? IT’S SO COOL this idiot will be standing up while the train is moving when there are available seats, will want to swing from pole to pole like Dancing in the Rain (has not seen the original); he gets stopped by a train worker one day when he’s bouncing from pole to pole to ask where his parents are; one of those people who want to ride to the end of a train or bus line only for this dumbass to realize his stop is the last stop
Ryūnosuke Tanaka - Has never had the need to ride on public transportation and is proud of it; 1000% willing to act as some sort of protector on the train for Kiyoko (Kiyoko has to keep track of the stations bc he’s going to forget); thinks the trains are cool too (and honestly much prefers it over Saeko’s driving but he would like to live thank you much); also one of those last stop dumbasses
Chikara Ennoshita - idk but I feel like this guy has rode buses more often and he honestly prefers it to trains; old ladies at the bus stops chat with him about stuff and he eventually becomes a regular with them; tries to read on the bus but he gets motion sickness and instead watches the window or the old ladies chat him up some more
Hisashi Kinoshita - probably never had an experience before high school; also the type to like to ride with a buddy; he honestly gives me mobile gamer vibes idk, it’s either really short bus rides or really long train rides; his mom probably worries about if he has enough money every time (he probably does)
Kazuhito Narita - Doesn’t like public transport and he doesn’t know exactly why but there’s always something off whenever he rides whether the seats are too dirty or the air is too smelly; he probably has the most experience riding public transport (relatives in the city or sth); sights watcher
First years:
Tobio Kageyama - once or twice for family; he likes the train more (bro gives off such his family gifted him model trains instead of Hot Wheels); yea he will sleep on the train even in that super uncomfortable position with his head back; HE WILL MISS HIS STOP WHEN HE SLEEPS and once he misses his stop he is now lost and requires someone to give him directions via call
Shōyō Hinata - no experience either and honestly it’s okay, he prefers his bike; the sights are cool tho, one of those who will put his face against that dirty glass to “get a closer look”; has been scolded before to seat properly on the seat instead of on his knees facing the window; holds his little sister’s hand when with her; always running to catch his ride
Kei Tsukishima - has past experience; prefers going alone or with Yamaguchi; listens to music via his headphones regardless; doesn’t like it when the trains get crowded and he’s squished between two people; does not give up his train seat to the elderly; never runs to catch a bus or train, if he misses it he misses it
Tadashi Yamaguchi - has past experience too; likes going with Tsukki although Tsukishima makes like no conversation and Yamaguchi talks for a bit and then it’s just silence (the comfortable kind dw); he’s the GPS and maps person when he’s with Tsukki; sights watcher too
Hitoka Yachi - def rides public transport to school and back; her mom has her card always filled to max; if my girl didn’t ride so often she would have debilitating thoughts about worst case scenarios like Asahi; she’s probably the person Kageyama calls when he gets lost and she will try to explain the best she can but the poor boy may still get lost and they will panic together; she’s rode public transport so many times it’s just a thing to her now but she enjoys when the rest of the team rides with her since they usually aren’t used to it and have the most excited outlooks on it
Keishin Ukai is always missing his rides and Ittetsu Takeda finds the vibrations of train rides relaxing
Was gonna do stuff if about the trains and buses being late but then I remembered this is Japan… yeah I originally made it bc I’m always pissed about when my rides are late and we need more silly shitpost headcanons for Haikyuu
If any of my headcanons just straight up contradict canon, just pretend they don’t exist 👍 thanks
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newtthetranswriter · 8 months
Kuroo's right for once
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Word count: 2841
Summary: When an appointment comes up and you miss the chance to potentially meet your soulmate, your best friend makes it his mission to try and find them for you. He is successful but you refuse to believe him, but boy are you shocked when said potential soulmate comes to your school for a training camp and your friend was right.
Paring: Koshi Sugawara x Nonbinary reader
Warnings: Talk of doctors and hrt, Kuroo being cocky
A/n: Hey everyone, I decided to write a lovely little piece about everyone's favorite Volleyball mom. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, I really am a sucker for a good soulmate au. Once again, the reader is nonbinary, but I tried to make it so you could imagine either a transmasculine individual or transfeminine individual, but it kinda leans more masculine. Any ways enjoy and special shout out to @keigotakamiz who asked to be tagged. I hope you enjoy, remember to hydrate or diedrate, and have a good day. REQUEST ARE OPEN
    Being the manager of the Nekoma High Boy’s Volleyball team was great. I was surrounded by fun rambunctious guys who treated me like one of the guys. It’s rare for there to be any problems with the guys, because they all know that if they fuck with me Kuroo will likely beat their asses and Kenma will definitely hack their phones and/or computers to teach them a lesson. You see, I grew up with Kuroo and Kenma, we treated each other like siblings and they have been my number one supporters since I came out a few years ago. They always defended me when bigots tried to make fun of me or threaten me, though no one really took Kenma seriously till he gave some bully’s entire family a virus with just a simple text message. 
    They got even more protective when Kuroo and I turned 15 and our soulmarks started showing up. Soulmarks are strange, they reflect the passion and interest of your soulmate, and once you meet for the first time, or you both have your marks, your soulmate’s name appears somewhere in the mark. My mark contained a volleyball and some books, there were also a couple of food items that I assume are my soulmates favorite foods. Kuroo’s mark for the first few months was just some game consoles and not much else, until a volleyball also appeared on his mark. We had no clue who our soulmates were, but I had an assumption on who Kuroo’s was.
    A year later when Kenam got his mark, my assumption was proven correct. When Kenma got his mark his name appeared on Kuroo’s arm with his mark, while wrapped around Kenmas wrist was Kuroo’s name. I was glad my best friends realized they were made for eachother, but it just made me more desperate to find my nerdy volleyball playing other half. To be honest I mainly became the volleyball team’s manager to find my soulmate. I figured if this was one of their interests I could find them easier if I work with a team.
   Unfortunately after nearly three years of being the team's manager I have yet to meet my soulmate. I’ve met every player in the Fukurodani Academy Group, and while everyone is nice and fun to talk with, none of them are my soulmate. It felt like I was fighting a losing battle. That was until I found out that coach Nekomata agreed to hold a practice match with a school from Miyagi Prefecture. This would be my chance to meet other teams and potentially run into my soulmate.
    Two days before we were set to leave for Miyagi, I was hanging out with Kuroo and Kenma. We were just relaxing as over the next week the boys would be playing an endless number of practice matches, and I was daydreaming about finally meeting my other half. I was lost in thought while Kenma was going on about a character in his new video game, my phone started buzzing. Looking down at it, I saw that it was my doctor's office. I quickly shushed the boy’s before picking up the phone.
    “Hello” I was greeted by the person on the other end. “This is Kyoka from Dr. Ieiri’s office, I’m calling to speak to Y/n Y/l/n.” They asked.
    “This is Y/n, how can I help you?” I was confused as to why my doctor’s office would call me, my next appointment isn’t for another month.
    There was a small pause and the sound of typing before they responded. “I’m glad to have reached you. I’m calling because you were on a cancellation list for your next appointment, and it seems that someone has canceled and we are able to get you in sooner.” They typed some more presumably looking for the date and time. “Would you be able to come in this wednesday at 12pm?” 
   I paused for a second, I really had to think about it. Kuroo gave me a look that said what’s up. I quickly muted my end of the call after asking the person on the other end to give me a moment. “There’s an opening on Wednesday to see my doctor. I could go and get my questions answered about going on Hrt, but then I couldn’t go to Miyagi with the team.” I explained. There was a look of understanding that crossed both Kenma and Kuroo’s face. They both knew the internal debate I was having. “I know this is a great opportunity because I’ve been thinking about going on hrt for years. But this could be my only chance to meet my soulmate. I could always say I can't make it and wait for my appointment next month.” I said about to unmute the phone.
   “Wait Y/n/n, you should really take this earlier appointment. You are right, this might be your only chance to go to Miyagi for a while, but you will meet your soulmate one day. If it makes you feel better Kenma and I can keep an eye out for someone who fits your mark and has a mark that fits you, while we’re there. It may feel like you have to pick between the two, but think of it as if the appointment goes well you can be one step closer to your best self when you do meet them.” Kuroo said, making valid points. While I would love to finally meet my soulmate, it will happen when the time is right. In the meantime I can keep working to become the me I want to be. 
    I gave a quick thank you before unmuting the phone. “Sorry I had to check my schedule, I can make that appointment time.” I finally answered. I received a ‘great see you on Wednesday at noon’ and then hung up the phone. I smiled at Kuroo, “again thank you for the encouragement. I’m sure I will have another chance to meet my soulmate soon. And you guys really don’t have to spend your time looking for my soulmate, you should enjoy your time making new friends, and playing volleyball.” I told the two.
    “Whatever you say, but if I happen to find them I’m telling you right away.” Kuroo said. He then turned to the boy who had zoned out of the conversation. “Hey Kenma, you’ll help me look for Y/n’s soulmate right?” He asked his boyfriend. He just received an eye roll before the dual haired boy went back to his game. “He’ll totally help.” He said with a laugh. We then spent the next few hours chatting and then it was time for me to head home. I wished the boys goodnight before going home feeling excited that I could be one step closer to my dreamself by the end of the week.
    By the time Wednesday rolled around I was beyond anxious, I had gotten up early to bid the volleyball team goodbye before they left for Miyagi. Getting another round of Kuroo saying he was going to ‘subtly’ look for my soulmate, before they finally boarded the bus and left for the week. Once they were gone, I went back home to have breakfast and get ready for the day.
    After my appointment I couldn’t be happier, my doctor approved me going on hrt and sent out the prescription. It would take a few days before it was filled but I was so happy, I’m one step closer the best me I can be. I had messaged the team group chat telling everyone the good news, receiving a bunch of congratulations and memes of support from the team. I also noticed Kuroo saying he was happy for me but he hadn’t found my soulmate for me yet. That got the rest of the team going, most of them joining in saying they’d help. The others mostly Kenma and Yaku telling them that they’re dumb and not to try and mess with fate.
    I texted with the boys in between their practice matches, getting multiple updates on the mission to find my other half, as well as multiple requests for me to just get a train ticket and come to Miyagi to save Yaku from the tribe of idiots, his words not mine. I sadly had to decline as I didn’t have the money for the ticket and had to be here in Tokyo when my prescription was ready. Eventually I bid the team good night and went to bed. 
    It had been four days since the boys left, today was the day that they were going against Nekoma’s old rival school Karasuno High. I sent the chat a good luck message before going about my day. It was Sunday so I finished up some homework, and then did a few chores around the house. Around 1 o’clock I got a message from Kuroo. I checked my phone and couldn’t help but roll my eyes.
    From RoosterHead: I found him.
    To RoosterHead: Sure you did. What makes you so sure that this poor guy you’re probably harassing is my soulmate.
    From RoosterHead: First, what's with the sass. Second, I'm not harassing him. Third, his mark is the epitome of you.
    To RoosterHead: What if my mark isn’t the epitome of him, have you even asked if he’s met his soulmate yet. 
    From RoosterHead: Yes I have, He has yet to meet his soulmate, who loves drawing, video games and is very passionate about their gender identity.
    From RoosterHead: And before you say ‘that could be anyone in the LGBTQ’ one of the drawings on his arm is of Victor from Yuri on Ice.
    To RoosterHead: That proves nothing, lots of trans and queer people love Yuri on Ice.
    From RoosterHead: Fine don’t believe me. But I’m getting his number cause he’s actually a pretty chill dude, understands that school is important and does not slack off like someone I know.
    I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me, leaving him on read. I went back to working on cleaning up my art desk. Throughout the day I received texts from nearly the whole team telling me that this third year from Karasuno was definitely my soulmate. It got to the point that I just muted my notifications so I didn’t have to deal with their pestering. Eventually it got late enough that I finally went to bed, not completely ready to deal with Kuroo and his bullshit when the team gets back to Tokyo.
    It’s been two months since the trip to Miyagi that Kuroo swears he found my soulmate on and it’s the only thing he wants to talk about half the time. Even Kenma has started telling him to shut up about it. Kenma has even threatened to stop talking to him at all if he didn’t stop trying to convince me that some setter in a different prefecture was my soulmate. The only way to know for sure is for me to actually meet him face to face and the chances of that happening were slim to none. Or at least that’s what I thought until the other day at practice.
    “Hey Y/nnnn, I got great news.” I heard the sing-song voice of my best friend.
    I rolled my eyes, he was probably gonna either tell me he gives up trying to convince me or by some miracle I’ll be meeting this guy who is supposedly my soulmate. “I swear to Victor Nikiforov, if you pester me about this soulmate thing I will shove a volleyball so far up your ass it’ll look like you’re pregnant.” I said with a completely straight face, earning a chuckle from Yaku as he walked by.
    Kuroo gave a gasp of shock. “First it’s rude to assume things because it makes an ass out of you and me. Secondly I was just going to tell you that Karasuno is going to be coming to the training camp this weekend. I wasn’t going to bring up the soulmate thing, but now that you mention it. This will be a great opportunity for me to prove that I did in fact find your soulmate, and I will be expecting a full thank you and apology for doubting me, including chocolate.” He responded with a cocky smile.
     “For the last time Kuroo, I doubt this guy is my soulmate. But if it will shut you up I’ll keep an open mind, if you happen to be right you get a thank you that’s it.” I said getting up to help clean the gym as the team captain was now too busy praising himself for his so called ‘successful job of convincing me’.
     It was finally Saturday and the Karasuno team would be arriving shortly, and as much as I didn’t want Kuroo to be right, I couldn’t help but be nervous. There was a strong possibility that someone on the team was my soulmate. I waited with the rest of the team outside of the school as the bus pulled up in front of us. The first pair to climb off the bus was a bald kid and a shorter guy with two toned hair, their first response was to yell about the sky tree while looking at a completely normal steel tower. This had Kuroo doubled over cackling at their stupidity.
     Shortly after them more boys started to file off the bus. The one that caught my eye was a boy with gray hair wearing a white t-shirt with a bag over his shoulder. He was talking with a taller guy with a beard and long hair who I assumed was the ace I had briefly heard about after their trip to Miyagi. I noticed his soulmark as he got closer to us, it had the image of an open sketchbook showing a detailed drawing of Victor from Yuri on Ice, just like Kuroo had said. It also had color pencils laid out in a pattern that resembled the Transgender and Non-binary pride flags. I was starting to see why Kuroo thought this guy may be my soulmate. There was only one thing left to do.
     As the pair approached us Kuroo recovered from his laughing fit. He stood up straight and started to introduce me to boys. “Y/n this is Asahi Azumane, the ace of Karasuno. And this is Koshi Sugawara, Third year setter, and your soulmate.” He said so nonchalantly that I nearly punched him in his smug face. I watched as Sugawara blushed slightly. I assume Kuroo has been texting him with the same notion that he knew who his soulmate was. “Asahi why don’t we leave these two, and get you guys settled in.” He said, sending a sly smile my way before dragging the stuttering ace away from me and his friend.
     “I’m sorry about him, ever since he met you guys he’s been insistent that he met my soulmate. Anyway it’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” I said introducing myself.
     He smiled at me before raising his hand to shake mine. “It’s lovely to meet you, Y/l/n. As Kuroo said, I'm Koshi Sugawara, but you can call me Suga.” I returned the hand shake. 
     Everything seemed normal until I felt a small tingling sensation in my wrist. I looked at it and watched as his name appeared across one of the books on my arm. It seemed Sugawara was experiencing the same thing, as he watched his arm in amazement. After the shock wore off, we made eye contact. “Well shit, I guess I have to apologize to Kuroo for once in my life.” I said in a sarcastic tone. Suga responded with a laugh before we started talking about our respective marks. 
     We had been chatting about the meaning of the pride flags that were subtly placed throughout Suga’s mark when the door to the school opened again. “Hey Love birds, as happy as I am to have been right, we kinda have practice matches to get to and Karasuno need’s their setter.” Kuroo said, poking his head through the door. I quickly flipped him off, earning a chuckle and Kuroo slipping back into the building.
     “Sorry about him Suga, but he’s right we should get back inside, we can talk more at lunch.” I said as we made our way back inside.
     He just nodded, before speaking. “It’s fine. And we can definitely talk at lunch as long as the guys actually leave me alone, they’re all going to be so excited that I finally found you. Only a couple of the guys have found their soulmates, so they get really excited when one of us does.” He explained. As we were about to split up so he could get changed into something more suited for playing sports he said something that caught me off guard. “Oh and call me Koshi.” And with that he disappeared into the locker room.
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Haikyuu Fic Rec. List
I love all of these! But the ones with one star are my more favorites, and the ones with two stars, I will die for.
You get in an argument -He says he can date anyone after you argue @luvbub
Akiteru x Reader -Akiteru Retainer  Kinda NSFW, but also crack  🌟@heich0e
Awkward Sex moments -Awkward bf’s and what happens. @nicka-nell NSFW
More awkward sex moments NSFW @bbytetsu
Defending you from jealous girls. Series.  🌟 @volleychumps
Kageyama x Reader -Kageyama defending you after Atsumu cheats @millenialfanfictionaddiction
Sugawara x Reader -Little Ones Sugawara dating Children’s teacher. Series.  🌟 🌟 @sugawalmartwobble
Makki x Reader x Kyioko -Reader starts dating Kiyoko and Makki cute NSFW 🌟 @multifandhoem
Oni Ushijima  Reader is offered up as sacrifice to Oni Uhisjima while her mom is terribly ill.  NSFW.  🌟 @lovelorn-thots
Team Mom -Reader is mom of one of the players from the teams and dates the assistant coach. Series. Some of them are NSFW. @millenialfanfictionaddiction
Soldier Sakusa He returns from war, and stays with reader and her mom. Slow burn, slight angst. NSFW.  🌟 🌟 @inherdaze
Tendou x Reader -You manage Seijoh, and have a thing for Tendou. NSFW @nonstop-haikyuu
Tendou x Reader -You enjoy horror movies. Tendou enjoys horror movies. So you have a horror movie marathon. NSFW.  🌟 🌟 This is like my top comfort fic!!! @satendou
Daichi x Reader -Diachi’s thick thighs help your aching legs during a sleepover. What will happen next? Series.  @lostinthewiind
Multiple boys x Reader -You run into your toxic ex while with your new boyfriend. Series.  @tetsvhoe
Tsuki x Reader -What happens when Tsukishima gets comfortable in your relationship. @kentolove
Multiple Boys x Reader-The boys explain to a curious mind how morning wood works. Series.  🌟 @peachycoreroo
Multiple Boys x Reader-You used to have a crush on them, and they find out later. Series.  @nishiannoya
Kita x Reader-Reader is going through a tough time mentally, and goes to stay with Kita. NSFW.  🌟 🌟 This one made me late for work, but it is so so good! @shibaraki
Multiple Boys x Reader -CUTE moments with your pregnant belly. Multiple characters. @miyazas
Multiple boys x reader- really cute. You are Karasuno's manager at a training camp, and each chapter is a different boy liking you. Ao3
Haikyuu Au -over 100 chapters of different AU's. This is the A03 link, in the first chapter they have a link to their tumblr and wattpad. 
Suna x Reader - Suna planning for your wedding. @izurou
Matsukawa x Reader- More Matsukawa centered. He gets spooked at work. It's a horror piece. It's really good had my heart beating fast, and I like horror. 🌟 🌟 @iwaizoomiess
Suna x Reader -Suna is gone for an away game. Maybe there's a surprise coming? @emmyrosee
Kita x Reader -Kita is so cute. I don't really have a description, he's just cute. @shoulmate
Sakusa x Reader -The beginning of this caught me off guard, but it's just a cute moment in your relationship. @emmyrosee
Sugawara x reader - this is a haikyuu x the office au. It's fantastic, and suga is jim. It's beautifully written, and cringe when needed, and its a whole meal, and more is coming. 🌟🌟 @310802
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leafeon-oreo · 4 months
Caregiver Haikyuu HC
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•When kenma found out you were a little, he was nervous but calm. He wanted to make sure your headspace was never sexual and never triggering for you.
•he would let you play with his psp and show you how to play some games.
•kenma would make sure to have his room small for you when you came over. He'd know what made you small and what kind of snacks and toys and stuffies you'd like to use/snuggle with.
•he would help you with big homework and show you what you did wrong.
•when it was time for nap time kenma would lay next to you with a game character lullaby playlist playing in the background while you nap.
•when you woke up, he'd greet you with "HI kitten, was your nap good?"
•kozume would call you, kitten, little one, baby, small baby.
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•Sugawara was natural with children, so when he found out you were a little his eyes lit up.
•he would smoother you with kisses and tell you he loves you and he'd be super proud of you.
•when you got hurt he'd have bandages and be like
"Did my baby get a boo boo" as you would sniffle and nod.
•Suga would kiss it to magically pretend the pain went away.
•If you happened to be small while he was working, he'd pat your head and place you in his lap as he told his students a story.
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Yaku was on of those players who had mom energy. So when you told him you were a little he'd was surprised but didn't yell as he hug you.
He was definitely strict at times and when you joked about his height he'd would glare at you if you were small, but if you were big he'd kick you like he does lev sometimes.
Yaku definitely always had a emergency care bag ready for anything filled with stuffies, pacis, sippys, snacks and sensory items.
Yaku would every once and a while ask kai or kuroo to watch you while he went to do something.
Kai was calm and gentle with you while kuroo was loud and sometimes made you annoyed.
Sometimes during practice, if kuroo had made you cry, you would run up to yaku and whine for him.
"What happend kitty, did kuroo make you annoy again?" He would ask as you would nod as yaku would whip your tears and then go to get onto kuroo for being a meanie.
Coach ukai
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This man would definitely keep you from getting into fights with his players or with anyone.
If your a brat that day he'd would talk sternly to you but in a way we're you understand your consequences.
He'd let you use his iPad to watch videos.
He also would let you play volleyball with the neighbor kids with his gramps watching.
When the team found out you were his little one, they were extra protective and sometimes that made coach ukai feel happy under his tough skin.
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ququb444hm · 1 year
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
profiles 01 / malnourished art students + supportive parentals ☆
warning(s): possible typos, slight swearing
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🕯️— y/n kuroo. junior year art student specializing in the fine arts at yūgen university. works a part-time job at a nearby flower shop, shinrinyoku flower shop, which is also the building of her shared apartment with cecily moore aka her older brother’s girlfriend. has a little white mouse with black spots named cheese. lives off energy drinks because “they help my uh…brain work”. known to be very somnolent almost all the time but a bright ball of energy when she does get enough sleep. currently fawning over kozume kenma.
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🍓 — morisuke yaku. has been yn’s best friend since middle school, and is also a junior year art student specializing in the fine arts at yūgen university, only difference is he is a sculptor rather than a painter. on the volleyball team; libero. has a handful of admirers due to his charming personality, which he gets from his upperclassmen friends, tooru and koushi, yet seems to be oblivious— which we all know is not true. has a golden retriever named milo. secretly in love with one of his best friends (hint: his name is rintarou suna)
🎧 — rintarou suna. met yn in their freshmen year of college. former theater kid, current junior year art student specializing in cinematography and film/video production. a drummer in a band with kozume. cliche bad boy, but his friends know he’s a real sweetheart deep down. secretly loves when people doodle on his converse. coffee fanatic. similar to yn with energy drinks except its large cups of coffee 24/7. not into relationships at the moment.
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🫧 — koushi sugawara. loves kids! works as a part-time teacher’s assistant at a nearby elementary school. senior student studying to become a future teacher. tutors his friends on the side. acts like he’s tired of tooru but loves him so very much. can cook/bake and makes sure to prepare something for yn when crashing her apartment. basically the mom of the group.
🎐— tooru oikawa. senior college student studying fashion modeling. models part-time. one of the greatest lovesick fools ever for his boyfriend of 3 years, absolutely loves to show him off. cannot cook/bake for shit. has a surprisingly attentive personality when it comes to other people’s love lives, which is ironic because it took him months of denial and constant oblivion before realizing his true feelings for koushi. designated driver.
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🌱 — cecily moore. has been dating tetsurou for almost a year. college dropout, yet that didn’t stop her from becoming a successful business owner aka the owner of shinrinyoku flower shop. loves what she does, loves her friends! has known yn ever since middle school (she’s only two years older than her) and was the one to offer yn a room at the apartment above the flower shop. has a fish named marigold. thinks kozume is the only right person for yn and subtly encourages him to buy flowers for the pretty girl. an older sister to yn!
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☆ | masterlist | -> profiles 02
note(s): sorry for the long descriptions! have a bad habit of rambling, hope u all enjoy (*^ー゚)b as always, none of the pictures used are mine!!
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nishloves · 1 year
seventeen as haikyuu!! characters;
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i know i know, it's been done a lot of times but i couldn't help but put a take on it by myself!
part-1 of svt as anime! series
choi seunghcheol - kuroo tetsuro
hear me out!!! perfect protective tease bf feeling?? captain but make sure they hear everyone's opinions, isn't too soft but loves their team, oh don't tell me he isn't kuroo!
yoon jeonghan - oikawa
pls the handsome, the drip, the way they both feel effortless but they aren't, you may not believe it but oikawa did hold his team together and so does jeonghan, i would have said he was more like suga but due to his prankster mind, i was like nah, he's oikawa fs
hong jisoo - sugawara
please, like he would be someone else! they both are angelic, mom type, and the sweetest with their fair share of idiocies and madness, but both of them are hella supportive and they look alike too! (or is it just me?)
moon junhui - lev haiba
pls they both are memes, handsome and so confident and optimistic, you can't say that they don't match! remember the first impression of lev? oh, he would be a badass player, he's so serious, so scary, bro is a freaking meme, so is jun.
kwon soonyoung - bokuto
the dedication! the green flag! the behaviour! the pouts! the sulkiness! the crackhead energy! self understandable
jeon wonwoo - tsukishima
okay okay, i went on aesthetics (I admit) i might be a bit biased here but aren't they very similar? sassy yet sweet and pro gamers? secretly works hard a lot! ambitious as hell but it's not visible (he would prolly also fit kenma!)
lee jihoon - kenma kozuma
okay, i have a reason alright, the brain of the group, the reserved one who watches people have fun at afar and feels content by it, doesn't mean that they aren't included or won't speak!
xu minghao - kita / kageyama
i know, they aren't same at all but the aesthetics of both 🤌🏻 on side note i feel like minghao would prolly be semi (because of aesthetics again)
kim mingyu - iwaizumi
kind of mom of the group but is the dad of the group? idk why but it seemed most appropriate for him, i actually wasn't able to think of anyone for mingyu, but he fit the most (imo)
lee seokmin - tanaka
crackhead, crackhead, crackhead, crackhead, yet i am serious when i have a game.
boo seungkwan - nishinoya
the mood makers, the social butterflies, the ones who can be serious when they want and be an absolute meme the next second.
chwe hansol - aakashi
fight me but he is aakashi, i would accept no further comments. look at them!
lee chan - hinata
why? the twinkle in eyes, the determined spirit, the sweet behaviour, the hardwork, everything, you tell me why he is not hinata? (it was also based on aesthetics)
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amaya-writes · 2 years
heyyy, i was stalking your work and really love it! i was wondering if you could do a hc for the haikyuu setters? just something along the lines that y/n was with the team, they got bored so, they decided to do a little vb game with y/n and one of the spikers hit y/n in the face a little too hard lol and the setters tend to them and just spend the rest of the night with them just caring for them. sorry if this doesn’t make sense! i hope you’re having a good day and resting well!
Notes: I'm glad you said hcs because otherwise this would have taken forever to write also I don't really use the term y/n in fanfics so I'm sorry if you wanted that-
Warnings: n/a just fluff, slight mentions of blood tho
Characters involved: Oikawa Tooru, Kageyama Tobio, Miya Atsumu, Sugawara Koshi
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Oikawa Tooru
Thinks it's funny, but he doesn't laugh.
At first, he just walks over to you and checks if you're okay, once he's certain you're okay then he'll purposely take a couple minutes off to sit on the sidelines with you as an excuse to goof around.
"Don't worry darling, I will avenge your wounded nose- and ego."
Gets smacked on the head by Iwaizumi and is forced to return to the court while you sit on the sidelines and watch the game.
But Oikawa is quick to return to your side during breaks and gloat about how he destroyed the other team to avenge you.
Overall, he doesn't really take the situation very seriously since he knows it was just a small injury.
It's why he wouldn't really bother with cuddling you to make you feel better or anything since Oikawa thinks it's really no big deal.
But he will cuddle you to make up for the hour or so you were forced to just sit on the sidelines and watch them play.
Is the type to try and hug you right after the match when he's all sweaty and pretends to be offended when you run away from him.
Kageyama Tobio
The other person better say their prayers because Kageyama is fuming at the sight of your injury.
He calms down a little once he sees you laughing about it and joking about war scars with Sugawara (who immediately went into mom mode and took care of your injury while Kageyama death stared the person who hit you) but he's still pretty mad about the whole ordeal.
Kageyama is the type to apologise to you for getting hit since he was the one who asked you to come but also calls you an idiot for getting hit in the first place.
His Tsundere ass will go back to the game and insist you just sit and watch but also turn to look at you like every five seconds to the point where Ukai just kind of subs Sugawara in for the last few mins.
Once the two of you are alone and walking home together he'll insist on holding your hand and ask you if your nose is okay like five times.
He won't actually cuddle you either unless you initiate it but unlike Oikawa, Kageyama is worried about you.
It's easy for you to see that with the way he nervously turns away every time your eyes lock because he still thinks the injury is his fault.
But Kageyama does kiss you on your nose before leaving and tells you to ice it so it can heal, and that gesture shows you just how much he cares for you.
Miya Atsumu
Is concerned at first but then finds it funny.
He also blames Osamu for you getting hit just for shits and giggles and then the two of them get into a (not so serious) argument while Kita actually patches you up.
Does the 'I'm going to win this match to avenge you baby' thing then proceeds to lose because their coach made him and Osamu play on different teams so he literally just spent the match trying to aim his serves at his brother.
Once you're both heading home and he somehow convinces you to go over to the Miya household, Atsumu is actually the one who has to be cuddled rather than you because he's upset he lost.
Will literally just lay on you and whine for a bit before he remembers about your injury and peppers your face with kisses.
Ends up forcing Osamu to cook for you because you lost blood (was a couple of drops) and just cuddles you the entire night on the couch while watching a movie.
Sugawara Koushi
The only one who's actually concerned and rushes to your side immediately.
He'll abandon the game for a bit to make sure you're okay and fix up your wound (band aid and all) and then go back to playing.
But once he's done Suga's right back by your side asking you if you're feeling okay and making Daichi go get you ice for the small bruise that formed.
He calms down once they're completely done with practice and have cleaned up, but expect the occasional question about your wounds when you're walking together.
Suga does like physical affection so expect to constantly have an arm or hand on you while he does cheesy things like spoon-feeding you at the restaurant the team drops by (lowkey loves how embarrassed you get because of the PDA).
He might even cuddle you through the night depending on the severity of the wound or just kiss you at your door and text you through the night until you fall asleep.
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