#study and anxiety
financeprincess · 9 months
I love Tumblr and Pinterest and YouTube but you seriously need to get off your phone as much as possible if you want to make actual changes. Stop the doom scrolling. Turn off notifications. Turn on DND. Log off. Delete apps. Delete accounts altogether. Unsubscribe from texts and emails. Put time limits on the apps on your phone. Unless social media is making you money, limit it as much as possible. Overloading yourself with information is just another form of procrastination. At some point you actually have to take action. Less consumption, more creation.
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why-the-heck-not · 2 months
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I wasn’t kidding abt the ”unlawful amount of gummy bears”. Also throwback to when those tulips were still alive bc rip
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uglycryinglawyer · 25 days
heyyy tumblr,
class of 2024 law student here. no offense but you know things are bad when i take it to tumblr. law school really does something to your psyche and i hate to say it but despite this whole movement on social media to be more transparent, i don't believe anyone will be completely honest about their experience when their words can be traced back to them. being believable as 100% genuine & honest while being anything less than to followers that cling to every syllable of yours does more damage than good imo.
ill start this page with some honesty that i would label as a 6/10 on the "how embarrassed would i be if someone from my post-grad job were to see this" scale i just made up.
my first semester i felt like the smartest version of myself i had ever been because i got 1 online award from a fake company (seriously what business does this "computer-assisted legal education" company have hosting awards for schools around the country & why are they receiving our grades to begin with) for having the highest grade in my class. mind you, this company/award is not at ALL affiliated with my school, its literally made up. but its something that is made PUBLIC (as in if you knew my name you could google me and this stupid award shows up), and so many schools still acknowledge it to, idk, create further divisions between students that i guess the whole system of making everyones grades 100% based on their finals and curved (not in a good way) doesn't do enough for?
now here i am, having finished my 6th semester & walked the commencement stage a few days ago ugly crying over a grade because i might have just lost my honors status. when in actuality .... ~ kim, there are people that are dying ~ why does any of this matter?? this is what 6 semesters of slowly having your confidence in your own intelligence chipped away at does to a person.
its not over yet though - bar prep starts last week :). actually it starts on may 20th officially, but no ones being honest about the fact that they really started studying the day after their finals ended, if not earlier.
so i've decided to document my experience for you all here. with bar prep & my foray into big law (you know this field was meant for babies because that's what we unsarcastically call a career at a top law firm) on the horizon, & 6 semesters of pure chaos behind me, i have a lot to say!
im not sure who this is going to reach because, again no offense tumblr, but i doubt this site has the reach it once did. maybe this will just end up being a time capsule for myself, which i would love. or maybe this will help 1 person cope, which i would love even more.
regardless, if you read this far, thank you & tttys. going to throw some random hashtags in now don't mind me.
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not-a-kaleshi-saanp · 5 months
Drugs waala unconsciousness ko chodo....
Exam ke liye prep krte waqt aane waali neend me hosh me reh sakte ho?
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m0cktails · 2 days
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Another clothes study
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ledzeppelinmixtape · 9 months
wish house was a real doctor so i could be his mystery insomniac patient and after giving me horse tranquilizers and still not falling asleep he just hits me in the head with his cane and im out like a light
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linipik · 1 year
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from my Hades Huevember
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
This is maybe an odd thing to put on a good news/reasons for hope blog, but I've also had people tell me that they find this info really, genuinely comforting, so I'm putting it up. Also, further understanding could do a ton to advance medicine, esp. re: allergies, autoimmune diseases, and depression. You can read more about this at the link.
"More than half of your body is not human, say scientists.
Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic [co-contributors].
Understanding this hidden half of ourselves - our microbiome - is rapidly transforming understanding of diseases from allergy to Parkinson's.
The field is even asking questions of what it means to be "human" and is leading to new innovative treatments as a result.
"They are essential to your health," says Prof Ruth Ley, the director of the department of microbiome science at the Max Planck Institute, "your body isn't just you."
No matter how well you wash, nearly every nook and cranny of your body is covered in microscopic creatures.
This includes bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea (organisms originally misclassified as bacteria). The greatest concentration of this microscopic life is in the dark murky depths of our oxygen-deprived bowels.
Prof Rob Knight, from University of California San Diego, told the BBC: "You're more microbe than you are human."
Originally it was thought our cells were outnumbered 10 to one.
"That's been refined much closer to one-to-one, so the current estimate is you're about 43% human if you're counting up all the cells," he says.
But genetically we're even more outgunned.
The human genome - the full set of genetic instructions for a human being - is made up of 20,000 instructions called genes.
But add all the genes in our microbiome together and the figure comes out between two and 20 million microbial genes.
Prof Sarkis Mazmanian, a microbiologist from Caltech, argues: "We don't have just one genome, the genes of our microbiome present essentially a second genome which augment the activity of our own.
"What makes us human is, in my opinion, the combination of our own DNA, plus the DNA of our gut microbes."
It would be naive to think we carry around so much microbial material without it interacting or having any effect on our bodies at all.
Science is rapidly uncovering the role the microbiome plays in digestion, regulating the immune system, protecting against disease and manufacturing vital vitamins.
Prof Knight said: "We're finding ways that these tiny creatures totally transform our health in ways we never imagined until recently."
It is a new way of thinking about the microbial world. To date, our relationship with microbes has largely been one of warfare.
-via BBC News, April 10, 2018
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teapot-studies · 2 months
*recieves an email notification * me, to myself: “i must not fear. Fear is the mindkiller. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face-“
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lifewithchronicpain · 4 months
New research suggests that a decades-old drug can alleviate anxiety issues in kids and young adults with autism.
Individuals on the spectrum who took the blood pressure medication propranolol exhibited significantly less anxiety after three months compared to those given a placebo, according to findings published recently in the journal Psychopharmacology.
For the study, 69 participants with autism between the ages of 7 and 24 were randomly assigned to take propranolol or a placebo. They were assessed at the outset and then again after 12 weeks.
The researchers found that anxiety declined in those in the propranolol group, but no changes were observed in social communication skills.
“The findings show that propranolol could serve as a helpful intervention for reducing anxiety for individuals with autism,” said David Beversdorf, a clinician at the University of Missouri’s Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment who led the study. “This drug has been around since the 1960s and is very inexpensive.”
There is significant interest in identifying medications that can help address symptoms associated with autism. To date, only two drugs — the antipsychotics risperidone and aripripazole — have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat irritability associated with the condition.
“Up until now, we haven’t had any known drugs that target psychiatric issues specifically for individuals with autism, so these results are very promising and can support future research,” Beversdorf said.
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whatbigotspost · 5 months
The only thing I use my political science degree for is constantly being upset at the constitutional crisis we’re in right now, at a Bachelor’s of Arts level.
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undiscovered-horizon · 5 months
because of medication shortage, today is my first day off slow-release ADHD medication and it made me realize a thing or two:
You mean to tell me I've been feeling like this my whole life and only two years ago I realized that this state is less than ideal??? I'm honor citizen of delulu island bc what is this
(thankfully I do have regular/instant-release medication, so I can effectively study for finals)
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giggibaloggio · 9 months
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i too own a home computer
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luminous-studiess · 2 years
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fourth yr of law school. on days i feel especially demotivated or lost it’s nice to look back and remember that i (a) didn’t know i’d make it into law in the first place and (b) upon making it to law, whether or not i’d survive the year. (i spent that first semester crying in public areas and trying not to get kicked out. i officially cannot get kicked out anymore) reaching this point has taken the help kindness of many, many friends, strangers, long-suffering professors, family. but i suppose some of it was also my hard work and a little courage.  time to go to bed soon. we’re meeting up with clients at the internship clinic.
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Exam season
Pic credit: Pinterest
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ice-block · 6 months
Why is it that every single recreational drug is like “this will completely cure your anxieties! You’ll feel like you’re floating on a cloud you’ll be totally euphoric… that is if it doesn’t randomly do the other thing. Which is increase your anxiety tenfold and send you to hell. Anyway if you wanna try it it’s a total gamble 👍”
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