#stop supporting blogs that whitewash
msclaritea · 1 year
Since they won't stop I guess I'll go ahead and reveal my theory. Based on last night, I suspect that it's Warner Bros Discovery, in addition to other networks that keep pushing the Wanda trolls. Because when I caught them last night using Snyderverse 'stans' to start a fake fight over who's the best Batman, just to help boost Chris Nolan's new film, those trolls suddenly disappeared and the Wanda trolls stsrted back up. Warner Bros has used tons of Avengers blogs to keep the old movies trending . It's quite smart, I guess. Pretty fucking cruel, but smart. See, by constantly keeping old Avengers in everyone's face, they can make endless, negative comparisons to the new Marvel productions, and affect ticket sales and enthusiasm for the movies, hopefully. THEY were pushing the Scarlet Witch. I recall so many DC 'fans' getting into endless conversations with Wanda 'stans'. They interfered with Doctor Strange, as did A24. Hell, they were even using a whitewash contraversy to boost Oppenheimer. Trolls were doing that in the Wanda threads, too.
Warner Bros being heavily to the right, also love Thanos and his Eugenics message. Trolls say all the time,"Thanos was right". It's pretty sickening, actually, with all of the gun violence Americans are suffering through. As is fucking with and gaslighting another company's entire fan base, with fake Snyder enthusiasm, at least to the frenzied point they keep pushing, and to use fucked up, fake trolls and bots, pretending to be Avengers blogs to try and punish Marvel fans for having the nerve to enjoy Disney's new films. I'm still going to see the Flash to support Ezra but that's it. Warner Bros is fucking horrid for their continued campaign of hate against Disney. They can keep Oprah, too!
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sweetestpopcorn · 1 year
If you believe that Daemon considered affairs a normal thing and didn't feel guilty, do you think he also cheated on Laena in canon with Rhaenyra? Most bloggers defend him with "They were faithful pair", only emorional cheating arguments.
Look I don’t know where you got the “SP believes that Daemon considered affairs a normal thing” but unless you can show me where I have said that, please come to me for my opinions, not to asks on other people’s blogs who are talking about me. Much what has been said elsewhere is a complete distortion of my takes and what I have said.
Edit because some people don't understand how the words you use make it that there are different meanings: There is a difference between "considered affairs a normal thing" and "considered himself having an affair because he was a man - and affairs for men in Westeros were nothing anyone would frown at if they were not too over the top (enter Aegon IV) - and he wasn't getting all he wanted at home". The first is a show-only idea introduced by Matt to Renada I see people stating all the time - that everyone had lovers even women - which has no validity in the books. While some women had affairs they were very much hidden and their reputations were tarnished if they were caught. The value almost everyone placed on virginity in asoiaf cannot be overstated. Read one book and you will get what I am talking about. The second idea, however, is supported by the asoiaf books. That for men in Westeros an affair was neither a big problem nor something that would mean they didn't love their lady wives -> e.g., Corlys and Rhaenys and how the narrator presents them in Fire and Blood. For women it was a completely different story -> e.g., Laenor had affairs and no one cares, Rhaenyra's affair was considered high treason and if found out she would have severe consequences - and indeed with him we do not see Rhaenyra being unfaithful and I cannot for the life of me see a proud man very much of his time who liked virgins like Daemon think it very cool that his wife was getting with someone else.
Moreover, about Daemon's affairs in Fire and Blood while married to Rhaenyra, we only have any evidence/mention of them during the Dance. Before, the two had an exceptionally boring marriage. But it's stated as fact that Daemon did betray her with Mysaria and I don't see much debate about this by the narrator of Fire and Blood. If people want to believe he went to Mysaria's room every night as the court records attested to for milk and cookies I am not stopping them but I don't see any merit/strength to that argument. What is more, with Nettles, I raise both possibilities the book itself raises: that they were lovers, and that they were not lovers, and I have discussed the merit of each possibility.
I am not going to whitewash Daemon into a YA hero. He was a grey character. He used women. If some of you think all of this were "rumours" and lies go ahead but that is not my point of view and I am dealing with what is written in the books when I analyse characters.
PS: Even in our world people have trouble understanding emotional cheating and there isn't a consensus on this. Do we really think that in an alternative universe mirroring Medieval Europe this was even something people considered cheating?
PPS: As I have said, if there is no mention it's either because it didn't happen or he was extremely discrete.
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marunalu recently noted in their blog post that the reality that MHA will never be allowed to have a gay MC, major LGBT+ characters(only allusions and minor characters that don't take much action) or make any non-straight pairing for the characters due to Japanese laws, culture and tradition that will take decades before its even allowed in Shounen(9-13). So it's actually sad that non-Japanese shippers who obsess with shipping to the point that its their own character that they issue death threats and harassments to other people who might treat it like a hobby or don't care about it at all. They even harass and authors and VAs who do the work as a job and might disenchant them from finishing anything.
Yes, it does suck that the Japanese government and older people don't support LGBT+ rights like the West, but it takes decades for some Western countries to stop treating being gay like a mental illness and even more to allow gay marriage. And we're still dealing with the fact that the older folks in government that really shouldn't be leading anymore don't truly want to support LGBT+ rights.
Shipping should be a hobby with a fantasy element. You can do whatever you what with it but it shouldn't affect other people. It's likely that shipping is corrupted by the fact that people might use it to cope with the realities of relationships and dating that it becomes the identity. Honestly it's sad as many places have bad or no mental help services that allows people to acknowledge the situation and coping with it better. They're so entitled that they rather unintentionally destroy everything and wonder what happened to it when its remains are gutter instead of using it as a fantasy that shouldn't affect reality.
Just for background: I am a Bisexual Hispanic/Latino.
Do I think representation is important? Yes. However no one should harass someone to include it, for several reasons. Storytelling wise, you can tell if someone’s including a character that is a minority because they want to tell a story surrounding said character or that they included such a character just to win Twitter points. The former produces some of the most well written characters, offering insight into the lives of minority communities and their struggles while also allowing a character to thrive as an individual. Movies/shows/characters like Coco, Enchanto, The Owl House, Blue Beetle (Jamie Reyes), Persona 4, Moon Knight, and Black Panther showcase this. The latter, well, is more of a token than an actual character, done to say “hey, look, we included diversity. Now give me your money”! To me this feels disingenuous and scummy since to me it comes off as a means of making money rather than caring about diversity in it of itself.
More importantly, there’s the personal reasons why someone might not have much diversity. Like you’ve mentioned, due to the Japanese Government, LGBTQ+ centric stories can be difficult to write depending on the genre. It’s no fault of the author, so people shouldn’t bully and harass them because of this. Some authors might not feel comfortable writing about the struggles of a community they’re not a part of and don’t have experience with, and that’s fine too. At the end of the day, people shouldn’t be harassed due to not including diversity. Now if things like whitewashing minority characters happens and/or the like happens, then it’s completely understandable to get pissed. Same thing with someone simply being a bigot.
In conclusion, diversity is great and a very important thing to have, but no one should be harassed if they don’t include diversity. Society also looks different in Japan than it does in the west.
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cherrytea556 · 2 years
The irony of a certain anti glimmadora
Disclaimer: Dont expose/attack/harass the person im talking about, this is just meant to be critique
I find it ironic that theres an anti glimmadora that ships catradora. Now okay, that in general isnt ironic as long as you acknowledge your ship is toxic but heres the thing: they dont. I understand if they dont like glimmadora and they do have valid points of glimmer in s4 and how she treated adora which is one of the reasons why i am still disappointed in s5 for its underwheming pay off to adora and glimmers relationship downfall but its clear that they dont agree with the ship being toxic, saying that people who critique/slander the ship take the show out of context (which isnt true if you seen blogs like @anti-catradora-receipts, @adora-deserves-better along with many others on tumblr and tiktok that shows evidence as to why its toxic even in s5 with catras poorly written 'redemption') which i have to ask: Why be against a ship that was toxic in one season but not the ship that has been toxic for 4 seasons which you dont even acknowledge it is toxic (its still partly toxic in s5 too, were just going on the persons logic here) Is it because catra 'changed'? That could go for glimmer as well:
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She apologised to both of her friends for her actions, specifically to adora that you acknowledged she abused her in s4 plus was back to being the supportive, kind hearted friend she was in s1-3 so how does that add up? Is it because of the stans? I understand stans/fans of something can ruin it although its not like catradora has nice stans/fans either. Yes, their are plenty of catradora fans/stans who are nice but theres also plenty of them that have been harassing/attacking anti catradoras, particularly @anticatradoraofficial who had to be inactive from the amount of attack/hate/harassment they got. Hell, she ra stans/fans can be toxic too such as in the early drama where new upcoming fans harrass someone on twitter for saying they dont like the new designs, assuming their like thequartering or that twitter drama in 2020 where an artist got harassed by she ra stans/fans for drawing 80s mermista, being accused of whitewashing. I seen someone whose pro glimbow yet they accuse people of racism for such dumb reasons that dont even have anything to do with race. Stans/fans of any kind can be toxic so it kinda doesnt add up. Maybe im wrong in all of this and im not stopping them, they have their opinions like i have mine, they wanna be anti glimmadora while being a catradora shipper? Cool, good for them. I just cant wrap my head around being against a ship yet ship something thats objectively worse, not even acknowledging its toxic too.
Anyway, here is some glimmadora for the soul:
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zykamiliah · 2 years
OMG Tks to your blog i finally know who started this bullying with SNOW and the others. i can report,block them & their supporters. Those people are obsessed with the characters in a way they take everything personally. There are bloggers who professionally project themselves onto Sasuke cringe. Now apparently there are people who do this with Naruto's character. They are offended for him, for the whole japanese nation, they try to save them from fanart facepalm
And they use all of those non-sensical arguments like "Naruto set in feudal Japan" or that fanartist's style erases Japanese race from anime. They obviously manipulate to fan the situation out.
Narutoverse is not feudal Japan. It's not Samurai Champloo filled with anachronisms. It's a made-up world loosely based on the Shinobi and Bushido ideas with the elements of both modern & old japanese culture. I wonder if those ppl noticed how the Hyuga family is heavily influenced by Chinese culture, that Rock Lee is an homage to Jacky Chan's character in Drunken Master and Killer B is a black rapper. The cultural context matters in Naruto but not in a way they interpret it. They should at least stop twisting things in an attempt to find arguments (I know why they don't want tho. Admit they it's a made-up world it means everybody can be there and their case would crumble).
This thing exists either because of people's cultural experience, or it's an attempt to look woke. If it's the second case - no comments. If the first one, for them it is a matter of representation, it's 100% valid. Their experience is important and they definitely should block Snow. Or talk to her directly. But somehow specific cultural experience is not big enough for them, so they extrapolate & project, they create drama and not justice.
Whitewashing is 100% bad. But it exists inside specific sociocultural context. Whitewashing against Asians is not a thing in Japan or japanese media which anime is a part of. Even with the Naruto fanart/fandom it's mostly not a thing. It's not the case of a western show's single asian character being erased by fanartists. Japanese people consitute more than 90% of Japan. This is why it's main ethnicity in Naruto and in most animes. Those people confuse cause and effect.
What they do looks like narsiccistic obsession. They project their views and experience onto the characters, onto the whole fandom, onto the whole Japanese nation... They even write asks like "u made Asian people mad". Meaning, they are most probably white who talk for the Asians (white saviors huh?) Does any of them even fight for nikkeijin diaspora?
Calling people "freaks", hating on other nations in their blogs are not ok. I agree that Snow said some insensitive things...but she obviously was provoked. And nothing she says can satisfy these bullies. They want her to seize to exist because only that would please their egos. They don't even have the balls to talk with artists directly, they are not interested in healthy discussion. I don't think they want it or to change the situation for the better,or to educate people. They want to bully because it makes them feel good and righteous. So they provoke the artists and then wish them to disappear etc..
Those people should see a therapist.
And go out, and see there's real life problems more urgent than people drawing with a different style from the source material.
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
She did the same thing when talking about what was happening with the women in Turkey. She took a black and white photo of herself after Hilarie did the same thing. It was a challenge that spread across the internet and died a couple days later. After they did their posts, they never talked about it ever again. It’s the equivalent to when people were posting black squares as a sign to say they were for BLM, but that was it. They didn’t do anything else. They didn’t speak with real activists, they didn’t go out and march, all they did was play activist while sitting on their asses. If you do look through Danneel’s instagram, then you would think she’s an ally, but she’s not an activist. Her, Jensen, and Misha did a livestream with 4 activists, but it’s like that video has disappeared. She posted a photo of her daughter coloring MLK white and didn’t even correct her. She posted it, got a ton of backlash, and then took it down- just for her to go on that livestream with Bri and say she was bullied. She couldn’t even let Bri talk about what was important, but instead took the time to play the victim. It’s gross. Gen handed over her instagram to Bri, so she could talk about racial equality, police brutality, why BLM is a movement and not just another hashtag. Then her and her husband claimed that they marched, but there was no video or photo evidence. Whereas Gen was marching for pro-choice. Jared and Gen have been a part of OutYouth for years and always make time to go to the gala, the Ackles have only been ONCE to promote FBBC. Danneel posted at the end of pride month with her kids wearing clothes from Target- and target is homophobic. She didn’t post about trans rights being affected in “her” state. If Misha, the ever queerbaiter, can make time to post about it, I’m sure she could’ve.I say that to say this. She’s not an activist. I would only go as far as to call her an ally- and even then she’s a pitiful one. Her stans need to stop making her into something she isn’t and never will be. Her brand is whatever is trending. She doesn’t stick to one thing- whereas Gen and dare I say Misha is consistent. It’s embarrassing that I have to say Misha is better than her in this area.
"Her brand is whatever is trending." And this is all she cares about.
I would have called her an ally too except i remember someone dmed her trying to explain something about the movement to her and she reacted like a bully (screenshots are somewhere on this blog and also on other blogs) so she may claim to be an ally but then she shuts down the very people she claims to support.
During the live with Bri she got all condescending and tried to make herself seem better than the people who were merely trying to explain to her why whitewashing is wrong. She deleted the post instead of opening an important discussion and giving voice to the relevant people. Then, on Bri's podcast, she played the victim while also gaslighting everyone and being extremely condescending. Danneel is a narcissist 💯.
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
You guys may not have liked Ray for what they did, but they did not deserve the harassment they got. I noticed it only increased after this blog was created. Some of you all were just using this as an excuse to be anti-black, transphobic and lesbophobic. It's stupid that genshin fandom says that most of the fandom is sinophobic when they are more anti-black. Ya'll need to get your facts right. You aren't as oppressed as black fandom members. please let us solve the anti-black issue first
Alright, since it appears I can't leave people to their own thoughts for longer than 24 hours before their brains try to smooth-ify themselves, I'll answer this as clearly as I can.
You do not get to play Oppression Olympics and claim that Ray did not deserve the amount of backlash they received because some of the anonymous asks they got were racist towards her. "You aren't as oppressed as black fandom members. Let us solve the anti-black issue first.", what an absolutely disgusting dismissal of everything that other fans of color experience.
This isn't a matter of people "not liking" Ray, she was actively racist towards east Asian fans and characters of the media she claims to like, has committed acts of cultural appropriation several times and rebuffed any attempt others made to correct them, and made statements that can only be summarized as her refusal to acknowledge the existence of dark-skinned east Asian people, SEA people, and Middle Eastern people.
Her being black does not give her a free pass to do whatever she wants because "black people are more oppressed in fandom spaces". What a load of bullshit. Obviously, people are going to be mad when their genuine attempts at getting her to change her behaviors are responded to with some variation of "I'll do what I want, your culture isn't that important".
And don't try and twist my words to say that I don't think anti-black racism is an issue, of course it fucking is. I'm not even in the Genshin fandom and I know that. Believe it or not, more than one issue can exist at the same time and an oppressed person is just as capable of the same acts they are oppressed by. If she was someone making anti-black posts and spamming the fandom tags with OCs that are clearly whitewashed versions of canon dark-skinned characters, I would have done the exact same thing.
Furthermore, we have already stated countless times that no one believes the messages she receives are real anymore because she has cried wolf so many times, why should we start now? If she wanted the so-called harassment to stop, she would have removed her burner accounts and taken a break from being a public presence until the excitement around her dies down. We've given up on her becoming a better person, so we don't bother with that anymore.
There are so many indications that she's playing you and anyone who supports her for idiots, but you just refuse to see it because you take everything on her blog at face value. She's not a brainless child, she's fishing for sympathy and caught you hook, line, and sinker.
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themarvelmultiverse · 2 years
if you say that marvel films are military propaganda, why even make the blog supporting marvel in the first place? just curious
My goal when creating this blog was for people to read the resources linked on the pin post and learn about the media they're consuming and think critically of it. To learn how the content some ignorantly follow could be harmful. I was tired of mcu stans ignoring the issues within the franchise and continuing to reblog or make content that is disrespectful and harmful to people of color. 
Also, I hoped anyone who came across this blog could become more aware of what the mcu has done to their characters of color. This blog was created in the first place because I was tired of seeing other marvel source blogs reblog or create content that was whitewashed, racist, or antisemitic.
If people think that this blog is doing more harm than good, then I will stop all activity.
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What he’s saying is that if we can disorient the swarm we can kick it’s ass.
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hoesheez · 6 years
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Because whitewashing is ugly, and he deserves better 😘
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revenge-of-the-shit · 3 years
God okay I'm just. So fucking tired. So here's a list of resources to educate yourself on issues within Star Wars. In light of the Bad Batch Finale and the announcement of the second season, it's vital that you educate yourself about the racism and other issues present.
Reminder that you cannot be in the middle. You are either racist or anti-racist. If you do not practice anti-racism and choose to stay "neutral", you are only supporting a system that constantly perpetuates racism and harms people.
And if for some reason, you think I'm overreacting; for some reason, you think I'm sensitive; for some reason, your first instinct is to get defensive and lash out; you really need to do some thinking as to why you want to scream at POC who just want the right to be recognized and seen. Who just want the right to not be erased.
And if you think this is "not good enough" because they're "just blog posts" or whatever - don't bullshit me. Even if I posted a shit ton of scholarly articles you wouldn't have read them anyway if you're coming at me with excuses for why you think the discrimination is okay. These posts are accessible, and well-written, and straight from the lived experiences of the many minorities and the allies that want to amplify their voices. I'm not asking you to take everything at face value. I'm asking you to do your own research and engage in some critical thinking instead of blindly accepting what you're given.
*Disclaimer: while I have read these sources, i read some a while ago and if there's an issue you have with some of them let me know!
(If your post is listed and you want me to take it off the list please dm me and let me know!)
The Bad Batch
#unwhitewashtbb carrd - with extensive resources here that speak about the Māori people, their culture, and the current issues they face. If you care about them, then read these resources and amplify their voices.
Petition to #unwhitewashtbb
Why you're actively supporting racism if you decide not to support anti-racist movements because you "have beef with someone" who's an anti-racist
The importance of speaking about #unwhitewashtbb, from a Polynesian fan (With another post by them!)
How Kanan is whitewashed
Clone Whitewashing #1 - how the SW crew most definitely knows how to animate dark-skinned clones with proper facial features yet chose not to
Clone Whitewashing #2 - with really clear pictures of the whitewashing
Clone Whitewashing #3 - with an extensive Temura Morrison reference sheet
Issues with Echo's design
Reasons why the take that "Omega is light-skinned because she's based on Temura Morrison's sister" and the take that "Polynesian people can be light-skinned too you're just being racist" are absolute shit takes (similar post, #2)
How Fennec Shand is whitewashed - the intricacies of her design
Fixed Fennec Shand design
How Temura Morrison has previously also been whitewashed in SW media
The Clone Wars
Islamophobia in Barriss Offee's portrayal, from a muslim woman.
How Barriss is muslim-coded, from a muslim woman.
The Mandalorian
"Bleaching" Temura Morrison
General Resources Around Star Wars
Orientalism in Star Wars
The Islamic Origins Of The Jedi
Ableism in Star Wars
Sinophobia in Star Wars, from me, a Chinese woman.
Resources about AO3 and racism
POC are not a monolith: why it's not ok to say "light-skinned minorities exist" in response to calls to stop whitewashing
How whitewashing has affected SW as a whole
John Boyega and Racism
Orientalism in SW Music
Feel free to add further resources in reblogs or just send them straight to me and I'll add them!
Oh, and by the way, if you think "it's just fiction you're just overreacting this doesn't hurt anyone": news flash: it sure does.
CBC News: Anti-Asian Racism in the media
Role of Media in anti-asian racism
NPR: Hollywood colorism
How the media fuels anti-black racism
Ways anti-indigenous racism is expressed in media and in other ways
NBC News: Rise in anti-asian racism
Resources on anti-black racism
What I've listed above is only a single drop in a massive ocean. There are so, so many other minority groups who are also suffering that I haven't listed. I haven't even touched on homophobia, on transphobia, and I've barely touched on ableism, not to mention that there's so many other issues out there. I haven't talked about the issues with how the Tuskens are portrayed, or how Watto is portrayed, or how Jar Jar Binks was portrayed, or how Kelly Marie Tran was treated, or how Trace and Rafa Martez were treated, or how the fandom hates Mace Windu, or how Poe's backstory was butchered, or much, much more. If you have more resources, please please please share them in the reblogs. It is impossible to encompass everything in a single post, but we sure as hell can try.
Alright. I've given you the resources. I've given you my time and energy. It's up to you now to educate yourself. It's ok to make mistakes - we're constantly learning and unlearning. It's ok to need to take breaks, and to save this for later because you're tired and the world is going to shit. We are human.
But it's not okay to stay willfully ignorant. It's not okay to constantly try and belittle the trauma and struggles of minorities just because you've been okay living in a system that's built on oppression. Educate yourself.
One more tip: when reblogging or sharing your own resources, flood your tags with everything to do with Star Wars. Flood the Crosshair tag. Flood the Hunter and Omega tag. Flood the tags, because this is relevant to their characters and to the entire saga, and fans need to know.
Including tags of the people I posted resources from under the cut!
@royalhandmaidens @queen-breha-organa @milfcaptainrex @milfchewbacca @bisexualmikisayaka @fixyourwritinghabits @starilicious @jester-mereel @milfbailorgana @cafffine @milfcommandercody @thecyndimistuff @shoulderpads-mcgee2
(If I'm missing a tag and you want to be tagged please let me know!)
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I was the anon that was kinda dissapointed.
I have no problem with anyone's race. Idc what race anyone is.
I just hoped that it would be like the books, since that's what everyone knows. I have no problem with Drew, Hazel, Piper...
I respect everyone, I just hoped that they would look like the books. Trust me if they cast a white actor for Drew or Beckendorf I would also be disappointed
I wasn't going to reply more of these things, but I need to do it for this one. I consider myself a pacient person, and I apologize now if this comes a little bit aggressive but some of this comments are borderline racist and a little bit ignorant so I wanted to said something.
"I have no problem with Drew, Hazel, Piper..." Wow! Why on earth would you have the need to say that? For me it sounds as if you want to be credited or applauded for not having a problem with characters of color. Not okay.
"if they cast a white actor for Drew or Beckendorf I would also be disappointed". Let us clarify something. There is a great difference between adding diversity to a group of characters where 100% of them are white, by casting actors of color on roles vs. whitewashing characters of color. Casting a white actor as Beckendorf will literally remove the only black boy that has an important role in the saga; adding Annabeth as a black girl is something on the way of "You know, the main trio is 100% white. I think it would be good for the audience to see some diversity and representation, so let's cast a poc." Big, big difference!
People keeps saying: "but there is Hazel!". Hazel shows up in book 7, we don't even know if we are getting a second season let alone an adaptation of HoO. And it is just one girl, do people really think that one black girl is enough representation?
I have Leo, Reyna, Alex and Chris... And I still feel that a lot of Latinos aren't represented in them and we need more characters.
This is going to be an adaptation, the books are always going to be there and never going to change. If that is what you love and want to stick with and not watch the show, you have every right to. But let stop with the "I'm disappointed" because a lot of us aren't, and we are eagerly waiting for this to be on the air, and these comments are just bringing unnecessary negativity. And like I said on the previous post, if you are so dissapointed on the change of appearence, was this the only thing you loved about the character?
The actors were literally chosen by Rick Riordan! That man loves the characters as much as we do, and you can see in the picture how excited he is about it:
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So, I'm done replying about this topic. This blog fully supports this casting, so you can either enjoy it with us or stop following and go complain elsewhere.
And again, I'm really sorry about the aggressiveness of this post, it wasn't my intention but I needed to say it.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
A Sniper’s Routine (Crosshair x gn!Reader)
This blog supports unwhitewashtbb and does not tolerate any defense of the racism shown from the bad batch show. Anything I create is never reflective of the whitewashed canon of the bad batch. I'm wishing anyone who defends the bad batch’s whitewashing to have the worst time always ❤️
Crosshair has a routine he likes to follow after returning from a mission. One that includes visiting you for cuddles and comfort, though he’d never admit to liking such things.
Warnings: fluff, established relationship, comfort, cuddling, kisses (sorta), not beta read. 
Word Count: 2753
Pairing: Crosshair x gn!Reader
a/n: This was only meant to be like 600 or so words, but I had a lot of fun writing this. I don’t usually write for characters like crosshair but I found it to be enjoyable tbh and I do like him a lot lol. Anyway enjoy some cuddles with our favourite grumpy sniper! 
Paperwork was never an easy task, and it was one that you found yourself buried in repeatedly the longer the war had gone on. It had to be done though, and currently you had found your desk overflowing with it. The piles of paper only seeming to grow more, as the night had gone on.
Though soon you would find a brief freedom from your work thanks to a knock at your door. The sound of which had caused your head to snap up, and had made you move to go open it for whoever it may be. You had a pretty good idea of who had come to visit. As you knew that a particular group of clones were due back any day now. Which had also meant that a certain sniper would be coming to see you soon.
He always did after they had completed a mission after all. Always.
When you had opened the door, you were met with the familiar sight of Crosshair standing there. His helmet had been tucked under his arm while he waited, and he had chewed on the toothpick in his mouth with his usual scowl. Though you had found yourself quite happy to see that he had made it back without a scratch to be seen on him. His moody expression only seeming to make your own grow brighter.
“I’m back.”
“I can see that.” You had smiled at him, before stepping aside to open the door more to let him come in. “Welcome back crosshair. I take it the mission went well?”
“Yeah.” He had simply at first as he brushed past you. Although soon he had paused again to look over his shoulder at you. His face still holding that famous irritated expression he loved to wear. “Well as good as it can go when working with regs.”
“And we all know how much you love them.” You had said with a teasing smile. One that had only made him roll his eyes and let out an annoyed huff at the sight of it. Though you had only smiled more at seeing his reaction when finally closing the door.
You had gone back to work soon after letting him in, and at first he had stood almost awkwardly in the center of your room. His eyes had watched you work away at the paperwork for a long moment, before he had eventually moved to sit on your bed. He hadn’t said another word the entire time though. Instead choosing to remain silent as he stared at you with a narrowed gaze.
Crosshair’s fingers had tapped against the top of the helmet in his lap as he waited for you to finish. The sound of it only stopping when he had cleared his throat in an attempt to grab your attention. It had worked of course, and you had stolen a glance at him from over your paperwork at the noise he had made. A small smile finding itself crossing your lips, as you watched him look away from you again when your gazes had locked.
You both knew exactly what he had wanted. It had basically become a routine by now. Every time he would return, he would first tie up any loose ends involving the mission with his brothers, and then afterwards he would head straight to your room to find you. If you weren’t there, he’d let himself in with the passcode you had given him, and then he would wait for you to come back. If you were though—like tonight—he would usually end up taking you into his arms to just cuddle with one another.
Crosshair would never admit it, but he actually enjoyed cuddling quite a bit. He even seemed to love it with you even more. You weren’t sure if it was just because had missed you while away, or if he truly just liked being able to hold you, but he always seemed to be ready for some cuddle time. He would never say that he enjoyed such things though, and he would definitely never ask for them. You didn’t mind of course. It was just how he was after all, and you were quite used to it by now anyway.
Tonight was no different of course in this regard. He had come to you with the same intent just as he always had. Though unfortunately for him, you had a pile of paperwork to do this evening. That—combined with your sudden and growing need to tease him—wouldn’t be doing him any favours at the moment.
“You know usually when people want something they use their words.” You had smirked up at him again from over the paper in your hand. His scowl only deepening at your teasing remark, as he bit down harder onto the toothpick in his mouth. “If you want to cuddle all you have to do is ask. Then I can be all yours.”
Crosshair had let out a scuff at your teasing suggestion, and his hand had picked up the toothpick in his mouth to toy with it as he spoke. “Don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even like cuddling... You’re the one that’s always insisting on it.”
“Oh is that so?” You had said with mocked surprise and a raised brow. “How strange... I could have sworn that’s what you came here for.”
“Definitely not why I’m here.” He had said as he stood from his place on the bed. Now moving so he could stand before your desk to face you properly. His brows raised in surprise at seeing your still wide grin. Though his scowl had soon come back at your next teasing remark.
“So you’re here because you missed me then?”
“Nope.” He had said quickly. Although he had seemed to almost tense and even frown more at his own words. “Not that either.”
“Oh I see.” You had said with an amused hum. Soon leaning forward to rest your chin in your palm, as your elbow had firmly planted itself onto the desk. The fingers of your free hand tapping against the old wood with peaked interest as you smiled at him. “So you’re here just cause you wanted to see me do paperwork then?”
“Yes exactly. Glad we’re on the same page.” He had said while sounding almost relieved. As he had visibly relaxed a little at still hearing your joking attitude. He had stepped more towards the desk by this point, and had leaned forward onto it so that he was closer to you. Your noses brushing together, as his lips had threatened to steal themselves a kiss while he had spoken to you again. “Seems boring though... and if I wanted to be bored I would have stayed to listen to Tech ramble about his newest fixation.”
Crosshair had gone to pull back, but your hand on his arm had stopped him in his place midway. He had watched your fingers toy with his armor for a brief moment, as you had let out a little laugh at his previous words. Your thoughts briefly going back to how excited Tech had been when he found that scrap piece on their last mission. You weren’t sure exactly what he was using it for, but he was happy with the discovery regardless, and hadn’t stopped talking about it for some time.
“I take it that he’s still going on about that new piece he managed to find from last time?”  
“Oh you have no idea.” A small fond smile had crossed his features briefly at the mention of his brother, though it was gone before you could truly grasp onto the sight of it. He had pulled back completely soon after that, and your lips had twitched at the loss of the kiss you had found yourself leaning towards earlier. Your own frown now mirroring the snipers earlier one at the loss of his closeness. “Anyway... Clearly you’re busy tonight. So I’ll head out.”
“Ah wait crosshair! Don’t be like that...” You had trailed off, as you had also stood quickly from your spot to gently grab onto his arm again. Putting on your best pout and puppy dog eyes when he had looked over at you once more. “You know I was only teasing.”
“Yeah I know.”
“So you’ll stay then?” You had asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear him confirm it anyway. “I could really use some cuddle time after all that paperwork.”
He had stared at you for another second, twiddling with the toothpick still in his hand before flicking it out onto your floor. “I guess I don’t really have anywhere else to be anyway.”
That was good enough for you, as instantly a smile had replaced your pout. Your smile being so bright and happy, that Crosshair himself had to do his best to stop his own smile that tugged at his lips from showing itself. Sometimes he both loved and hated the effect you seemed to have over him. He wouldn’t exchange it for anything else in the Galaxy though. He’d never tell you, but you were probably one of the most important people in his life, and he’d do anything to keep it that way.
Holding onto his arm more properly, you had pulled him over to your bed. Humming a tune and smiling, as you went to sit down with him. Trying to bring him down with you as well, so that he could join you among the sheets. “C’mere grumpy grump.”
“Told you not to call me that.” He had grumbled out with another frown. Although he had settled onto the bed with you without much more complaint anyway. His arms soon circling around you in a tight embrace, as he held you closely into his chest.
The hold he had on you had kept you snug against him. The position you two were in having it so that you were laid over top of him with your head resting on his chest like it was a pillow. He had still remained in the majority of his armor, and some of the sharper edges had dug into your skin uncomfortably. Though you had found you didn’t mind it too much. As you were more focused on cuddling yourself more into his embrace.
“I’ll stop calling you that when you admit you like to cuddle with me.”
A chuckle had left him this time at your reply, and he let out a small hum while his hand trailed his fingers down your spine. “Oh that’s never happening darling.”
Your own laugh had left you that, and he had smiled a little more at the sound of it. Although from your spot on top of him you couldn’t really see his grin clearly. You would forget trying to see it soon anyway. As his fingers drawing shapes mindlessly over your back had distracted you from doing so. His eyes now firmly closed while he had cuddled with you quite happily.
The two of you had laid there for a long while. Allowing the time to pass without a care as you both held one another on the bed. You had found yourself listening to his heart beat. The gentle and reassuring thump of it making you forget about your earlier work completely. Its thundering sound just making you happy enough to have him in your arms again.
“I did miss you.”
The unexpected words from him were soft, and if it weren’t for the quietness of your room, you probably would have missed them completely. You had heard them though, and you had shifted so you could look at him properly. The sight of his soft expression at the moment melting your heart within seconds. How he managed to look so soft, and yet so stern, would always amaze you, but it was something you found that you absolutely adored about him.
Mind you—regardless of his grumpy attitude most days—it was hard not to care for him.
Crosshair had looked away again when he had noticed you looking at him. His frown having crossed his lips again. As he had found himself biting the inside of his mouth to distract himself from your own gaze. His eyes only ever meeting yours again at the feeling of your hand resting against his cheek.
For a brief moment he had stiffened at your touch. Not quite expecting it—and still not quite used to your affectionate gestures—no matter how long you two had been together. He had relaxed again quickly though, and on instinct he had even found himself leaning into your hand. A gentle sigh soon leaving him before his eyes had closed. All while his earlier stress and annoyance had left his features for the time being.
“I missed you too Crosshair.”
The sniper had smiled a little at your words, and his eyes had flickered opened to lock his gaze with your own once more. He had soon moved to cup his own hand over the one you still had resting on his cheek. His fingers now intertwining themselves with yours, as he had pulled your hand back just enough, so that he could place a kiss to the inside of your palm. The gesture tickling your skin and causing for a warm feeling to flutter within you as he did.
Crosshair could be so sweet when he wanted to be—especially when it had come to you.
He had laid back again after that. Once again settling himself against the bed with you held snugly on top of him. His one hand had gone back to rubbing soothing shapes along your back, while the other had lazily held itself across your waist. His gentle touch relieving any of the remaining ache and stress your muscles may have still held from earlier. The release of such things, and calmness you had felt from him, making you let out a pleased hum.
Crosshair himself had appeared to be on the edge of sleep. His breathing soft and eyes firmly shut, as he basked in your own comforting warmth. You had watched him for a moment, smiling slightly at the little yawn which had escaped him, and soon had felt yourself becoming tired as well. Though your mind had still found itself buzzing with thoughts of your earlier interactions of the evening.
“You still owe me a proper kiss you know?” You had said before you could stop yourself.
A disgruntled sigh had left him at your words, though his eyes had still remained closed. “No I don’t.”
“Yes you do.” You had shot back with another pout. “From earlier at the desk.”
“Why do you always have to ruin a perfectly good moment?” He had asked with another sigh, though there was a certain fondness to his tone as he spoke. His eyes now cracking open to look at you once more, as a tired scowl crossed his features at the sight of your still wide awake self. “I’m trying to sleep, and you should be too.”
“What? I don’t ruin-” Your words had been cut off by the man suddenly rolling you both to the side. A surprised gasp and a laugh of his name leaving you at the sudden movement. “Crosshair!”
“You’ll get your kisses later.” He had said while he tucked your head underneath his chin with the new position. His arms cradling you into his chest again, as you found yourself tangled within his hold. “Now go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”
“Is that a promise?”
“Sleep.” He had shushed you more sternly this time, though his tone had sounded more tired than anything. “Go to sleep.”
A giggle had left you at his prompting, though the irritated huff he had let out had kept your words at bay for the time being. Instead you had chosen to nuzzle yourself closer to him. Letting out your own tired yawn, as you had found yourself closing your eyes to try and drift off to sleep as well.
“Goodnight Crosshair.”
A long silence had drawn out between you both again after your words. The need to rest now clouding your mind as well and bringing you closer to the brink of sleep. Though the gentle feeling of the sniper pressing a kiss to your forehead, had kept you awake just long enough for you to hear his final words. As you had finally fallen into a deep and peaceful sleep with him.
“Goodnight love.”
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stellarlex · 3 years
As a black woman, I dont know how to explain how sometimes I really think ‘certain’ people who constantly say that “alya salt is racist” just say that cause they dont want people criticizing their comfort show/lovesq^re ship…Sometimes it feels like a scapegoat! You want to preach about alya salt being racist but you’ll also deliberately ignore the racism That Guy and his other writers do to Alya?! I heard her VA was white so the way they have her talk doesnt send red flags? The way they whitewash her skin constantly doesn’t bother you?! The way she’s written into the supportive best friend isnt racist to you? This fandom needs to stop acting like they actually care about Alya as a WOC! Some of them just like her cause she’s the walking mouthpiece that the writers constantly use!
PREACH! Not to mention how apparently they believe criticizing Alya on her canon bad behavior is racist, but have no problem going in on Marinette, who despite how people are angry that she is blue eyed, is still a WOC. She is mixed, and yet they have NO PROBLEM going after her. I think a lot of people now are saying its racist to defend themselves of any backlash." Like, "Oh they said that's racist, I better agree before I get called racist. And then other people just hop on the bandwagon to avoid any conflict.
It's especially funny because most Alya salters actually WANT Alya to be a good friend, and praise her when she is! But the writing is so FUCKED that it makes it hard to believe that it's actually genuine, ESPECIALLY after Gang of Secrets. There's valid skepticism about Alya's priorities when it comes to Marinette and Ladybug, especially when she was asked not to post things about the Miraculous on her blog by Marinette (as a civilian) but still tried to loophole her way around it, giving Hawk Moth more information.
But NOOOOO, can't criticize Alya for anything because if you do you're RACIST. But we're not racist if we criticize Marinette because she's basically too white with her blue eyes.
Fuck that.
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pomodoko · 3 years
I’m tired.
Unless you have legitimate criticism in regards to my work, please do not come to me asking me to change my art to suit your demands, especially if you’re playing with guilt and phrasing your questions like concerns. I’ve gone through this rodeo once. I apologized. I have stated multiple times that I had no malicious intentions whatsoever and I’ve been doing my best to learn from past mistakes.
As a person of color (Southeast Asian) and a content creator, I am not exempt from ignorance and misuse of my privilege. I will make mistakes in my works and I know when to consider valid criticism to change my works for the better (example: xB’s skin tone in my latest piece was too gray and dark and by way of an anon helping me out, I was able to fix it into a healthier tone).
That is not an open invitation to come and bother me about the works I created, especially with sensitive topics like colorism when I am consciously making sure that my works are carefully done as much as I can. If anything, the harmful thing is that your “activism” has been twisted into thinking that "people of color" and "white people" are on completely opposite ends of the skin color spectrum, when I have seen white people who are darker than me, and POC who are paler than me.
This is only a small part belonging to a bigger problem in the fandom community, too, especially in MCYT where fans would try to dictate what skin tones characters should have when artists draw them using the CC’s ethnicity as an excuse (one of the biggest example is artists being forced to draw Quackity darker because he’s Mexican, even though the CC himself has a lighter skin tone). Don’t get me wrong, the problem does stem from good intention to fight back against whitewashing and racebending which are both huge concerns within fan communities. However, sending an anon ask to tell me, a POC, that Iskall, Hypno, or Cub having tanned skin even though they’re white means I’m drawing them “too dark” is a load of bull.
Tldr; Thank you for trying to “help” me by way of sending anon asks telling me that white characters with tanned skins cannot possibly exist. Your legitimate criticisms and good intentions will be remembered, but by god I am sick of you lot acting as though you aren’t waiting for me to slip up and make a mistake. White people with darker skin can exist alongside POC with lighter skin. Suck it up and stop bothering me.
And don’t you fucking dare twist my words to make it seem like I’m a huge racist who supports whitewashing and racebending. That shit doesn’t fly with me, and if you’ve been following my blog for a long time, you know where my priorities land and the beliefs I stand by.
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dueling-jesters · 2 years
Re: my most recent reblog:
So much shit is happening in the U.S. right now in terms of the far-right doing everything they can in retaliation of social progress-to the point where it's flat-out violating democracy and human rights. (i.e. through voter supression, anti-science, anti-education, pro-forced birth, anti-lgbtq/trans legislation, just to name a few)
I've been wanting to adress it on this blog for a while and it seems like as soon as I want to say something, we're hit in the face with something else that's just as terrible as everything else. It's infuriating and exhausting.
I don't live in Texas, but personally know people who do. I am originally from Florida and have seen the state go from shit to utter, toxic diarrhea. These two states are some of the worst cases in the country currently with governors who flirt with fascism and legislators stuck half a century behind everyone else, but the same shit is currently going down in the majority of states. It really seems as if just a little but less than half the population is becoming willfully ignorant to the degree at which... is going to kill more people than they already are.
I'm scared, but more than anything I'm pissed.
Tomorrow, the Florida House is voting on the informally titled "Don't say gay" bill, which uses extremely vague wording to ban discussions of "sexual orientation or gender identity" in classrooms. This could ban topics as innocent as lgbtq historical figures, scientists, etc, books with zero sexual content that just happen to include gay or trans characters. This could give homophobic parents the ability to sue a school for anti-bullying lessons that include telling kids that it's wrong to bully others for being gay/trans/etc. A gay teacher could get sued if they say something as simple as "my husband" as a man or "my wife" as a woman; a nonbinary teacher could get sued for using they/them pronouns; a school could get sued for holding GSA/support group meetings. It's a total violation of the first amendment, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX.
Another Florida legislation set for a vote tomorrow is the obviously named with racist motivations "Stop W.O.K.E. Act", which uses once again vague language to bar the teaching of history lessons/social studies that could potentially make a student "feel responsible". The legislation is so contentious and intentionally leaves out nuance to prevent accurate and socially aware lessons on history and different cultures. (And it's being voted on during BHM!!!)
These two pieces of legislation set to be voted on tomorrow are just one of many, not just in Florida but throughout the entire country, that are direct threats to free speech and encourage an ignorant populace. Schools are being discouraged to teach anything that can't be sugar-coated as to avoid making anyone "feel bad". School boards around the country are amping up their lists of books banned from their libraries and classrooms, particularly those that discuss historical attrocities/discrimination and diversity. Take, for example, a Tennessee school board banning Maus from curriculums. Another prime example would be a letter by a Texas lawmaker sent to the the Texas Education Agency asking if any schools had any titles of the roughly 850 listed- most of which discuss race, gender, culture, orientation, or sex ed, in hopes to have them all removed from shelves.
It seems to usually be the same crowd who complains that my generation and those younger are "too sensitive" and "get offended by everything" that also pushes to ban anything that isn't all sunshine and rainbows, anything that could potentially make children upset... when there are topics that are imperative to teach which require one to be uncomfortable in order to completely understand. Instead, they push for kids to recieve whitewashed versions of history lessons, if at all. What ever happened to it being common knowledge that if we cannot fully grasp what's happened in the past, we're bound to repeat it?
Florida and many other states have got it really bad right now, but Texas is by far the scariest. It's heading towards being if not already somewhat of an authoritarian nightmare of a state, from the banning of almost all safe abortions with zero exceptions, to the list of targeted "obscene" books, and now the proposed order to require transitioning minors to be reported and taken away from their supportive parents.... And I haven't even covered the topic of nazis in Orlando or the fact that anti-vaxxers went from being a fringe group of dumbasses that were laughed at to now being a frightening large percentage of adults in the country manipulated by partisan politics or the states at different accelerations ignoring the pandemic still going on.
I apologize if I seem a bit rambly It's... it's mind-boggling to me that this garbage is actually happening.
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