#stone kai au
arolegos · 2 months
cant sleep so doodled thes freaks 😿😿😿
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theplatypusblue · 8 months
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im cooking up some kind of.... pirate au?? Ninjago but instead of ninjas it's pirates.... lego pirate-go. pirate-jago. idk.
basically its just "what if there was a pirate (jay) who really loved ocean (nya)" except everything's gotten really out of hand and I cant stop myself. Also Jay is just a teeny bit more unhinged because I think that would be fun for him. This excerpt from my master word doc should summarize it nicely:
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pelmenga · 6 months
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I just wanted to do something beautiful. I'm sorry, Kay. (2023)
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hiddensneker · 11 months
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Shit post lava Kai dump from permanent changes au
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Ninjago au:
But almost all the ninja go through what Nya did in Seabound, in their respective seasons. When half a century spent connected to the forbidden scroll in the never realm left Zane mostly made of ice. When Jay and his powers were the only energy source strong enough to power a portal back from prime empire since Zane’s absence but he had to sacrifice his body in order to become fully digital. When the spinjitzu burst was never fully mastered by Lilly because it mean becoming stone and earth and still Cole made that sacrifice. When Nya returns to sea and whatever crystalised has in store for Lloyd. But Kai had his powers stolen before all of that, and they never returned. He had to learn to be a hero without those powers, and he was lucky enough to be a hero without the price of them too.
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original-missif · 11 months
Hey I've been going through your NFHCC AU tag and I absolutely need to know when Eliot decided to tell Nate and Sophie hes a triplet. Like, did they run into them on a job and are they confused? Or did it just randomly come out one day?
Oh man, I can't believe I have an actual answer for this rather than just speculation. Thank you for asking ^u^
This is a bit of a spoiler for The Hitter Job, Extended Edition, but Nate and Sophie aren't actually the first ones to discover Eliot's blood relations. It's Hardison!
After discovering that Eliot Spencer has only existed for just under 2 years, Hardison, in innocent curiosity, digs in and discovers Eliot's real last name is Stone, and he has two brothers. He doesn't immediately go to Nate with the information, because the deeper Hardison goes the more information he gets and the picture this new information keeps getting worse. Only when Hardison feels comfortable and able to tell Nate about Eliot and his secret brothers and last name (amoung other more upsetting info) does he actually do so.
So for a while only Hardison and Nate are aware of Eliot's brothers and father, and they keep it that way. Nate is, of course, hurt that he didn't know this about one of his kids (it's a similar emotion to when he met Archie) but Eliot is almost 18 and Nate knows how easy it would be to loose the trust Eliot has in him, so he says nothing about it. I don't think it's until a job almost a year later, when the Stone triplets are all 18, does the Leverage team accidentally cross paths with both the Librarians and the Cebu trio.
It's a mess lol, but the mess ends with Eliot, Alex, and Jake all reuniting after 3 years of being apart, and the Leverage team and Librarians (as well as Kai and Ernesto) finally meeting their respective triplet's brothers and friends and guardians.
So while Nate finds out about Eliot's brothers before Sophie, and while Sophie isn't exactly happy Nate kept it from her, Sophie Devereaux (and Parker as well) is absolutely the one who understands why Eliot changed his name and never told her or Nate about his brothers. And while both Nate and Sophie aren't glad they find out by accident and not because Eliot chose to tell them, they understand why he didn't, and most likely never would have had the crossover not happened.
#the crossover event is one of the worst days of eliot's life#because it's everything he was forced to leave behind and stay away from#and he's only been able to get updates on his brothers recently when he starts therapy with col. baird#and for jake and alex he totally dropped off the map so they're not happy but are happy and it's a lot of emotions they weren't ready for#it's also the most confusing day ever for parker cassandra and zeke and kai because there's 3 of them??????#parker and zeke watched US (2019) or have met doppelgangers and aren't totally convinced one of those options isn't whats really going on#when sophie learns jacob is an art prodigy she's so happy#finally another art nerd to talk about art with. and he's so polite and such a gentleman#and thats how jacob stone outshines eliot spencer in terms of ways sophie can talk to teenagers#kai learns that eliot and the team are all criminals and has to fight every urge she has to call the cops on them or arrest them herself#all because ernesto said they were obviously very close to alex's brother and they didn't see them doing anything illegal#cassandra and hardison and zeke immediately click because science and technology nerds#and jake gives eliot the BIGGEST LOOK because zeke was bad enough before but now eliot has introduced him to other criminals#and worse still is that zeke has heard of parker and is 100% for teaming up with the criminals to do crime#i feel like ernesto is in that awkward between teen and adult stage so he just hangs back to watch out for kai and alex#who is trying very hard not to freak out and not punch eliot directly in the face#nate ford's home for criminal children au#leverage teens au#almost paradise#the librarians#ckane triplets#stone triplets#ask#takemyhand-bitch#reply
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miqotepotatoe · 1 year
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Three stars burning bright
Come from beyond to expel the night
Should they fight or embrace the fall
Their choice shall determine the fate of all
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sky-of-ideas · 1 year
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also some aggie doodles of Kai Nya and Jay in the wh/demon's wish au!
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notmcubucky · 1 year
some sketches and drawings from like the past three years
these are characters from stuff or juat fanart in general
i give u some of my designs for kai and jay from like last year
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Human Mii-kun, bcuz How to Raise a Mummy is my comfort anime
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Haikyuu. I have this au living in my head rent free that Iwaizumi can talk to animals. And he plays the flute. So.
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Technoblade bcuz.
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a pokemon i made up like three years ago
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Katoshi from Road to Nowhere
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Fma inspired uniform
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Gen Asagiri sketch
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Ulquiorra sketch. I wish I could draw him better cuz he's one of my favorite bleach characters
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A request from one of my friends
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iriyaices · 7 days
TW gore blood death
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" I loved them before they were even born. You would have to do more than that to make me betray them "
I don't know what I'm doing, just Kai Au Something about him being a phoenix dragon that never dies. He had waited thousands of years to see his family again Idk
btw Before Ninjago was separated Overlord deals much more damage than Stone Army. There are many monsters all around that had killed people and finally it Kai's family's turn
same place same time, Kai and the Phoenix Dragon died Anger connects them, causing Phoenix to channel their power to Kai. when FSM came, everything was too late, everything was over and the First Elemental Master left with his family('s corpses)
[Kai's family are ninjas and others. If I'm still not clear]
Yupp , I do it for fun Kai being very powerful//and Trauma// and lore will change a lot. Dr won't happen but will be connected to the movie instead-- and I haven't thought of a auname yet, maybe Phoenix kai?
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magical-girl-trucy · 7 months
SO who's ready for my completely out there "okay but hear me out—" AU I've been brainstorming and have already written over 1000 words for?
Franziska von Karma adopts Athena after Metis' death.
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(ID under read more)
Basically this world's version of events has Franziska on behalf of Interpol looking into the HAT-1 Miracle due to suspicious of international sabotage. Because Franziska von Karma is thorough and does not leave any stone unturned, she looks a little into UR-1, as it had happened a mere few days before and there may be a connection. What she finds from the actual case files is frustrating from how little care went into the trial...So screw it, she'll go directly to the source the trial had ignored: the little girl who had witnessed the crime.
While trying to glean any information that she can out of her, Franziska is reminded of how DL-6 similarly had effected her family and how her little brother was still struggling with it. And Athena's current legal guardian (Aura) in this mess is pissing her off so much in the amount of sheer hatred Aura exhibits and Franziska is definitely not projecting how dare you accuse her of that she has exactly 0 problems.
So one thing leads to another and now this child is now under Franziska's care.
Athena likes Franziska because Franziska doesn't talk down to her and while Fran isn't nice she is genuine and listens to her
[Image ID: A bunch of miscellaneous digital doodles. The top shows messy bust shots of child Athena and Franziska von Karma, followed by Athena sitting with her knees up against her chest. She's saying "You…believe me?" Next is two small doodles of Athena, one of her holding up a drawing of Franziska, the other her mumbling "Sorry, I have a hard time talking sometimes."
The next doodle, which takes up most of the page, is two drawings of Franziska and Aura Blackquill. Blackquill is saying "The fuck are you, a social worker?" before she turns around saying "Whatever, I don't care. I already have the paperwork ready. Do whatever you want with the princess." Franziska gets an angry expression and thinks to herself "The next time I see you, I'm going to whip you senseless."
The next doodle is of Franziska clenching her fist and saying to herself, "That foolish Phoenix Wright thinks he can make a fool out of me? How dare he! I shall prove my superiority by being the perfect guardian to this child."
The bottom of the page has two more doodles. The left one is Franziska guiding Athena while they walk somewhere. The right, and final, doodle is Edgeworth with a hand in his hand with a baffled and confused expression. Kay is next to him, completely shocked. Edgeworth says, "First Wright, then Franziska?!" Kay says, "SHE GOT A KID?! Damn, who's next on the adoption list?!" Underneath them is additional text in parenthesis that says "Kay is next." End ID]
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thecuriousquest · 9 months
Master List Part Two
Updated 11/29/2023
***My request rules have been updated on 12/11/2023 and can be found here.
<Master List Part One
Master List Part Three>
💙 = Platonic Yandere
💜 = SFW Yandere
🖤 = NSFW Yandere (I want to make a note that not all NSFW material mentions sex. Some of it is labeled NSFW because of heavy abuse, suicidal thoughts, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion)
💙🖤 = Platonic Yandere which includes NSFW material such as but not limited to: heavy abuse or abuse mentioned (whether brief of not), suicidal thoughts/tendencies, graphic depictions of whipping or death, etc. Read at your own discretion
🩶 = NSFW non sexual/non consensual spanking (EX: punishment spanking)
🩵 = NSFW platonic spanking
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugou:
Have No Fear, Nii-Chan’s Here 💙
Have No Fear, Nii-Chan’s Here Part Two 💙
Sharing is Caring Headcanons 🖤
SFW Bakugou Sharing Headcanons 💜
Dirty Mouth 💙
Yandere Drunk Bakugou (NSFW) 🖤
Hole in the Wall 🖤
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
The Barbarian King and His Queen 🖤
The Ultimatum 🖤
Keigo Takami:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Baby Bird Part Two 💙
Come on Out, Chickadee 💜
Helplessly Trapped 💜
Eijiro Kirishima:
Yandere Big Brother Kirishima Headcanons 💙
A Night Out 💜
Your Big Brother is Here 💙
My Big Brother, My Hero 💙
Gentle Dabi Headcanons 💜
Playing with Fire 💙
Death, Sweet Death 🖤
Reaching into the Fire 💙
You’re Pissing Me Off 🖤
Body Mods 🖤
Tamaki Amajiki:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Shoto Todoroki:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Daily Reminder #2 💙
Skin and Bones 💜
Izuku Midoriya:
You’re My Everything 🖤
Shigaraki Tomura:
Yandere Shigaraki Headcanons ���
Stockholm with Shiggy HCs 💜
Shouta Aizawa:
A Stressful Punishment 🖤
Kai Chisaki:
The Infection 🖤
Big Brother Overhaul Headcanons 💙
Overhaul HCs 🖤
Hitoshi Shinso:
Mind Jack’s Late Night Catch 💜
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up 💜
A Little Tied Up Right Now 🖤
Guardian Angel 🖤
Dating Rules 💙
Platonic Yan!Dads EraserMic Drabbles 💙
Tag Team (NSFW) 🖤
Naruto Shippuden
Kakashi Hatake:
What Happened to Your Tag? Part Two 💜
Mud Puddles Aren’t Fun 🖤
His Little Leaf 💙
Horny Blurb 🖤
Itachi Uchiha:
Difficult Times Call for Drastic Measures 💜
Shikamaru Nara:
You Have Friends? 💜
Sasuke Uchiha:
Yandere Sasuke Pregnancy Headcanons 🖤
My Dearest Friend 💙
Naruto Uzumaki:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Yandere NSFW Alphabet: Kurama (Pre & Post Redemption) 🖤
Multiple Characters:
Punishment no Jutsu 🖤
Yan!Rock Lee & Yan!Shikamaru Nara + Chubby Reader Headcanons 🖤
Yandere Team 7 💙 & 🖤
Attack on Titan
Levi Ackerman:
The Favorite 🖤
Promise Me (AU of A Tonic for Jealousy) 🖤
If the Boot Fits 🖤
A Good Cadet Follows Orders 🖤
The Captain and the Duchess Part Two 🖤
Platonic Yan!Dad Levi Headcanons 🩵
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Best Husband Ever 🖤
My Stone Cold Husband 🖤
The Captain and the Duchess Part Three 🖤
Levi x Broken Reader Headcanons 💜
Midnight Walks 🖤
A Good Cadet Follows Orders Part Two 🖤
That Fateful Night 🖤
Little Pet (Prequel to The Favorite) 🖤
Runaway Soldier 🖤
A Rough Punishment 🖤
A Token of Appreciation 🖤
Safe Word Denial HCs 🖤
You Look Handsome Today 🖤
The Proud Marleyan Soldier 🖤
A Happy Little Family 💜&💙🩵
Years Later… 💜
Big Brother is in Charge 🩵
Be Quiet 🖤
Easy Way or Hard Way 🖤
Where Rebellion Leads You 🖤
Armin Arlert:
The Art of Manipulation 💜
Erwin & Levi:
Working Together 🖤
Fairy Tail
Natsu Dragneel:
Parties and Punishments 💙
Period Pains Headcanons 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Demon Slayer
Muzan Kibutsuji:
To Obey, to Service, and to Kneel 🖤
Horny Blurb 🖤
Giyu Tomioka:
The Choice 💜
True Adoration 🖤
Inosuke Hashibira:
Yandere Inosuke Headcanons 🖤
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Daily Reminder #1 💜
Tengen Uzui:
Daily Reminder #1 🖤
Tanjiro Kamado:
Tanjiro Big Brother Headcanons 💙🩵
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
*:・゚✧ masterlist ✧・゚: *
updated: 19/05/23
requests: open (send an ask!)
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other players
support (ig au)
just for us (social media au)
sharing is caring (social media au) (ødegaard!reader)
can't sleep (without you)
hair too long
national kai day
broken by desire to be heavenly sent
| 12 songs, 12 players, 12 fics
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bereal series
joao felix
julián álvarez
christian pulisic
playing minecraft with gavi
cuddling with martin
talking about you to their teammates with joao
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blond-jerk-tourney · 9 months
Brackets + Participants Masterlist
Have you ever thought who is the JERKIEST and MOST LOVEABLE MEAN BLOND ASSHOLE?? Well then this is the tournament for you!
read this if you're new
complete list under cut. the order of images does not reflect matchups.
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Champagne Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Sakyo Furuichi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (musical) Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run Yoshiki Kishinuma from Corpse Party Jiwoo from Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You - Byakuya Togami from Danganronpa Hiyoko Saionji from Danganronpa Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars Nazuna Nito from Ensemble Stars Karin Sauer from Fear and Hunger Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV Sharpay Evans from High School Musical Vace from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Natsume Minami from Idolish7 Cindy from Kindergarten Felix from Kindergarten Larxene from Kingdom Hearts Kromer from Limbus Company Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat Mikhael / THE MAVERICK from OMORI Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Bede from Pokémon Sword and Shield Oleana from Pokémon Sword and Shield Babette from Raggedy Ann and Andy A Musical Adventure Haley from Stardew Valley Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends With You Clownpiece from Touhou Project: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Vil Shoenheit from Twisted Wonderland Camus from Uta no Prince-sama Ryuji Goda from Yakuza Honey Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Andrew Minyard from All for the Game Mean Generic Golden Retriever from Anon Ask (link) War from Bonus Links AU by @bonus-links Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes Richard Lazarus from Doctor Who MacKenzie Hollister from Dork Diaries Ryusui Nanami from Dr. Stone The Blond "weird sister"/"bride of dracula" from Dracula Arte Ente Conchita from Evillious Chronicles Dave Strider from Homestuck Dirk Strider from Homestuck Trophy from Inanimate Insanity Emma Frost from Marvel Comics (usually X-men titles) Brittnay Matthews from Most Popular Girls in School Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (comic) Danburite “Danny” Skinner the OC of @porcelain-animatronic Rose Thorburn Jr. from Pact (art by @wraith_ly on twitter) Brandish/Carol Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium Glory Girl/Victoria Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium) Goddess/Bianca from Parahumans (art by raikiri on reddit) Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn from Parahumans (art by monkeyjay on reddit) Shaka from Saint Seiya  Thranduil from The Hobbit Achilles from The Illiad (art by ancient greek polychromatic pottery painter c. 300BC) Ianthe Tridentarius from The Locked Tomb (art by @starcanist) Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray Adam Parrish from The Raven Cycle Rachel from Tower of God Arlo from Unordinary Mathis Quigley Sr. from Unsounded Benedict from Violet Evergarden Linton Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Platinum Bracket (alphabetized by media) Brad Morton from American Dragon: Jake Long Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future Trilogy Patriarchy!Ken from Barbie Howard Hamlin from Better Call Saul Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai/Karate Kid Daring Charming from Ever After High Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off Zap Brannigan from Futurama Joffrey from Game of Thrones Gideon from Gravity Falls Heather Chandler from Heathers Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold Simon from Infinity Train Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cindy from Jimmy Neutron Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO Villanelle from Killing Eve Regina George from Mean Girls Arthur Pendragon from Merlin Skwisgaar Skwigelf from Metalocalypse Chloé Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug Steff McKee from Pretty in Pink Angelica Pickles from Rugrats Gunther and Tinka Hessenheffer from Shake It Up Prince Charming from Shrek Bartleby Montclair from Sonic Underground Illya Kuryakin from The Man From UNCLE (2015) Lyle Lanley from The Simpsons Tom "Iceman" Kazansky from Top Gun Julia from Total Drama / Total Takes Flash Thompson from Ultimate Spider-Man Strawberry Bracket (alphabetized by media) Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo Rio from Assassination Classroom  Mello from Death Note Beelzebumon from Digimon Tamers Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Char Aznable from Gundam Kei Tsukishima from Haikyuu!! Shaiapouf from Hunter x Hunter Anzu Futaba from Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Isobe from Kamisama Kiss Nozomu Nanashima from Kiss Him Not Me Hanazawa Teruki from Mob Psycho 100  Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia Neito Monoma from My Hero Academia Arcangelo Corelli from Neo Yokio Cavendish from One Piece Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece Sanji from One Piece Panty Anarchy from Panty and Stocking Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena Jadeite from Sailor Moon Zoisite from Sailor Moon Akagi Ritsuko from Shin Seiki Evangelion Sofia from Space Dandy Kuusuke Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Ryou Shirogane from Tokyo Mew Mew Sylvio Sawatari from Yugioh Arc V Malik/Marik Ishtar from Yugioh Duel Monsters  Mizael from Yugioh Zexal Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice The brackets are based on the type of media they are from. It isn't perfect but I think that is okay. I was thinking of posting all the initial matchups, but I've decided I don't want to change them as they are now and I also want them to be surprises.
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The Garden
Chapter One
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❥Prince!Park Seonghwa x fem reader
☆ feat. ateez, tomorrow x together, and others
➯a/n: i've had this idea in the drafts for a very long time and it's gone through a million iterations of characters and love interests and something about hwa in the skirt and sword clicked in my brain. i'm still recovering but this idea hit me hard and fast so i decided i'd put something out. i promise i'll stop starting new stories 😭 (shoutout to my gf again for helping this come to life)
✃"I will give you the happy ending you've always wanted."
✫彡wordcount: 2.7k
(✯◡✯)genre: historical fantasy au, drama
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: mentions of violence, anxiety, and loved ones passing, briefly proof read
⁂taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan
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I hope this letter has found you well.
   The wheels crunch the gravel road. Horses hooves clap against the ground loudly. The waves crash just feet way. The sounds echo through the carriage.
I know it's short notice.
    The sun is casting down from a clear sky. The grass is healthy, green and lush. The ocean is vast and blue, foam from the waves clings to the pure white sand.
Taedemere is in jeopardy. We are at war. Lord Hwang declared it silently.
  It was a bumpy ride. A long one. But you don't seem to mind. You keep your sisters entertained and keep your brothers minds off of the impending war. Doing so, you can almost manage to distract yourself from your own future.
He's already posted spies. Spies in the castle. Gods knows how long they've been here.
  "The dragon fell from the tower. It's shrieks echoed through the kingdom!" You read with enthusiasm, looking at the twins who look back with wide eyes.
It's not safe for them here. We had to sneak them away through the tunnels.
  "Did the prince kill it?!" Seunghee asks, holding tight to your skirt. "He must have," Soojun is entranced by the story, "right?"
There was an attempt on my life. An attempt on the girls in the garden. Another on Kai and (Y/n). They are everywhere.
  You launch forward and scream, spooking the girls back into Kais leg. He's holding back a laugh as he pats their heads. "The dragon soars up from the fog, the princes sword still lodged into its scaly side!"
They are threatening us with no words at all. Lord Hwang is coming for the Taedemere crown.
   "Must you scare them with such stories?" Yeonjun sighs as he tugs the young girls back up to the seat, sandwiching himself between them and his brother.
You must forgive our absence. I have to keep the crown secure until we have a more solidified plan.
   You simply ignore him, "the creature perches itself on the ledge, it's jaws reach for the prince. He backs into the wall and draws his dagger. 'Foul demon! I send you back to hell!' he yells as he dives at it. They tumb-"
It's time.
  The carriage halts. You snap the book shut and lean back to get a look out of the foggy window. Yeonjun slides into the seat next to you and does the same. Kai strains his neck to look out of the window behind him.
Take care of our children. Our future.
  The gates are iron, shining like they were scrubbed everyday. The castle beyond them seems to be endless.
-King Choi Seungcheol
  As the gates open, you can feel your heart beat in your ears. Seunghee climbs on your lap and peeks out of the window, her eyes widen with every second she inspects the castle.
   Yeonjun seems to notice your dismay as the carriage grows ever closer.
He can feel it to. The feeling that your future is being written in stone with every inch you grow closer.
"When I last saw him," he hesitates as he gets your attention. "Prince Seonghwa seemed to be the same. He hasn't changed, he's still your old friend."
  You manage a nod with a small smile, and although he can tell it's forced; it helps comfort him. It doesn't comfort Kai, however. He never liked the idea of you marrying someone so far away. He still doesn't. You're attached at the hip.
   Everyone knows Choi (Y/n) doesn't want to marry for security or position. You made it very clear. It's a miracle that you've been able to avoid it this long. You figured if you put up enough of a fuss, your oldest brother would simply give up. But you are equally stubborn. And now he's King.
  A loud horn startles you, and you instinctively pull Seunghee closer. Your breathing hitches until you realize it's just the castle welcoming your entourage.
   As you come to a complete stop, all of your demeanors change. Yeonjun wipes his caring expression away and straightens his back. Kai lets go of Soojuns hand and fixes his blouse. The twins try their best to hide their awe at the beautiful and vast architecture.
And all you can do is hide your growing anxieties with a polite smile.
  The door squeaks as it opens. Yeonjun is the first one to exit. Soojun eagerly follows, and Seunghee is right behind her. The remaining siblings can hear the fuss from the bystanders outside.
   The middle siblings sit silence for a moment before he speaks up. "You don't have to be afraid."
You look up and let the faux smile fade the second you see his sincerity.
  "Don't I?"
  "No."He shakes his head. He's sure. His sister has nothing to be afraid of. Because- "if that Prince hurts you; I'll be the one to personally whip some senses into him."
You can't help the small chuckle that leaves your lips, and motion for him to leave the carriage first. He does, leaving you alone for a single moment before someone peeks in.
  "Your highness?" You smile at the man in uniform, standing slowly.
  "So impatient," you roll your eyes playfully and take his hand as he helps you step down. "Thank you, Yeosang."
  He bows slightly before leading you to your place in between your brothers and sisters. Your eyes are still adjusting to the bright light, but you can see the large doors open in front of you.
Yeonjun kneels, Kai follows his lead, you follow his, Seunghee following you; and Soojun stands upright just staring at the royal family until you notice and pull her down by the back of her neck without even lifting you head. You can all hear a small snort of laughter, and Yeonjun worries your family managed to already offend them until the King speaks.
"Please, rise."
The Choi family does so and Yeosang, the knight, steps forward. He bows deeply before turning to the siblings. "The Prince Choi Yeonjun. The Princess Choi (Y/n). The Princess Choi Seunghee. The Princess Choi Soojun. Huening Kai."
A man steps up from behind the other family, introducing them like Yeosang had just done for your family. "His Royal Majesty Park Kyujun. The Prince Park Seonghwa. The Princess Park Bongcha. The Princess Hayoon."
Your family bows, greeting him in unison, "Your Majesty." Yeonjun continues. "Thank you for your hospitality, sire. We are forever grateful."
Your eyes are fully adjusted when you rise from your bow. The king is older than you remember, but it has been a long time. Princess Bongcha has grown so much that you briefly wonder if you've found yourself time-traveled. There's an unfamiliar little girl beside her. The prince, your fiancé, has changed just as much as you have. You contemplate if he even remembers you. But those wonders are cleared when he addresses you directly.
"Princess (Y/n)," he has a bright smile and dark hair, that much has stayed the same. "Your highness," you smile back and lower your head.
  Whispers echo through the crowd that's held back by the guards: and it's becoming hard for you ignore them. You wrap your arm around Soojun when she cowers closer.
   "Please, come," King Kyujun motions for you all to follow him, and you gladly do.
    It's been a long journey, but it's only just begun.
  King Kyujun leads the Choi family down the great hall and they can't help but marvel in its greatness. To the twins, it's a new world to be explored, coming up with their own stories that go along with the stain glass windows. To the older siblings, it brings back memories of childhood, a time when they didn't have such worries that plague their minds these days.
  Yeonjun can remember his first kiss behind a delicately painted pillar during the dead of night. Kai can remember learning a dance with his mother in this hall, the feeling of belonging. (Y/n) can remember running away from the tutor with Seonghwa beside her.
  As you look over to him, you notice it. "You still have that goofy smile," you've dropped the titles and politics. You're just a girl reunited with her child hood friend and fiancé. "I though you may have outgrown it."
  "I'm starting to think I may not," he laughs a bit.
   "I'd hope not. It's one of your few redeeming qualities," you joke, hiding your smirk as you look up at the new chandelier you pass under.
   He feigns a gasp, a hand on his chest. "I'll have you know that I have many good qualities."
  You hum, turning to him, "such as? Sparring with a squirrel?" He slaps a hand over his mouth to swallow his laughter. Your laughter rings free in the empty hall.
   "That squirrel was a menace! It startled me!" He argues in a low voice. "It had no right jumping next to me like that," he says with an exaggerated frown.
   "Unnie!" Soojun hollers, catching your attention quickly as you see that your little sisters have fallen behind. You make your way to them quickly, scolding them that they shouldn't yell in the presence of the King. "Look, Unnie," she points as she ignores your scolding.
  Your heart speeds before it stops abruptly, face to face with the intricate stained glass window. The sun shines through it, casting colorful lights on you all. It's a beautiful collage of colors. Every tiny piece is fit together perfectly to tell a story.
   You flinch when a hand is placed on your shoulder. The King apologizes, retracting his hand. "You probably don't remember this..." You shake your head and look back to the art. "I remember, sire."
He sighs deeply, and you can feel his energy apologizing even if he says nothing.
    "Come on, there's food waiting." The twins cheer quietly, following the King to the room where everyone else has vanished to.
    Seonghwa joins your side and looks at the window, basking in the colored light as he looks over the picture for what must be the millionth time. In his lifetime, he hasn't been able to find a single flaw.
  He looks down at you. Your skin is painted in a range of blue and yellow, pinks and greens. There's a patchy scratch on the majority of your cheek that's slipped his notice until now. Your eyebrows have screwed themselves up and your lip quivers.
   "Don't cry," he was essentially begging, "please, don't cry, (Y/n)."
You sniff in response, rubbing a stray tear away from your cheek. It's silent between you as you have a staring contest with the glass. "Fuck," you mumble as tears start to fall more often. "Ah, (Y/n)," he coos, moving to block your view of the heartbreaking image.
"I... It's just, I haven't seen them since they passed, Cheol put away their portrait... It breaks his heart to see them, but it breaks mine not to. I almost forgot what they looked like."
He doesn't say anything, simply opening his arms and letting you fill them. After so long, it feels the same. You're still shorter, but you've both grown. He's still strong, but now you caught up. You still turn your head to the left and place it on his chest. He still wraps one arm around your back and places the other on your shoulders. After all these years, you remember how secure he feels when your arms link around his waist. Even with the time that's passed, he can recall the fact you love when he rubs his thumb over your shoulder.
So much has happened to each of you and yet you both still have memorized each other's hugs. You used to be each others safe place. And though you're older and have met again in such pressing circumstances, it remains the same.
"Your highness," the familiar voice is just loud enough to startle you. "Yes, Yeosang?" You questions calmly, and it's a stark contrast to Seonghwas glare at the man. "Your brother asks for you, ma'am." You nod to dismiss him, and turn back to Seonghwa when he's gone.
"How do I look?"
"Look like you've been crying."
You tut your tongue and gently slap his shoulder with the back of your hand. He smiles as you do. "It'll be okay," he assures you as he fixes a stray from your neat hair, "it's dark in the dining hall."
He takes your hand and pulls you away from the image of your passed parents lazing in the garden.
His footsteps are heavy. He's forcing his breathing to be slow. His heartbeat is going wild as he gets closer to the Kings quarters.
He steps in front of the guards and they knock on the double doors. "Prince Yeonjun, your majesty!" The Kings response is muffled by the walls, but clear enough for the guards to be confident in opening the doors.
Yeonjun steps in and looks over his shoulder as the doors close behind him, anything to keep his eyes away from King Kyujun. The doors slam shut and he finds a tapestry to inspect.
"Please, sit." He follows his voice and finds himself sitting across from the King on the large balcony, a round table littered in papers separates them.
"Thank you, your Majesty," he eagerly takes the wine he offers, hoping it would soothe his dry throat. He can't remember being so thirsty before the King called for him.
"How do you find your quarters?"
Yeonjuns lips are still occupied with the glass when the man speaks up, and he takes his time before speaking shortly. "Very nice, sire. Thank you."
"And your siblings?"
"I'm sure they're adjusting well, sire. We thank you, again, for your hospitality while we discuss our plans."
When he finally has the courage to look at the man, it calms his nerves. His crown is gone. His blouse is astray. His nose and cheeks carry a rosy hue from the frigid weather. He looks much more human.
"This is, of course, why I've asked you here."
"Of course."
Kyujun leans back into the wooden chair and lets out a sigh. "Once (Y/n) and Seonghwa are married, we will put our combined efforts against Lord Hwang. He's a vicious man," he tuts his tongue, annoyed at the mere mention of the Lord of Kherhai. "I've heard of the attacks on your family. I'm sorry for you loss and... rest assured, we will not let anything happen to you at this court."
    "Thank you, sire."
   "Your sister," he hesitates just a bit, "I've looked into quite a few people to help her plan the wedding. They'll meet with her tomorrow. I know she doesn't agree with the circumstances, but that doesn't mean it must be unpleasant."
   "I'm sure she will appreciate it, sire. She's been hesitant to do any planning on her own."
   Kyujun nods in response. He already knows this. He's kept close tabs on his only sons fiancée.
   "Sire, may I ask when the wedding is supposed to be taking place?"
"This week, if all goes well. Lord Hwang is no doubt sending men this way as we speak to get rid of the rest of the Choi family lineage." Kyujun doesn't seem to notice Yeonjuns pained expression, and if he does: he doesn't say anything about it.
   He, instead, hands the young man a map of Kherhai: diving head first into strategy.
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beba-780 · 12 days
 Western Ninjago AU
The story was inspired in the year 1900, by then locomotives, steamboats and other machines already existed.
The main character is Lloyd, who is 11 years old in this story (and I loved Lloyd when he was a kid!). The second is Kai, who is 27 years old.
Kai will once again take on the role of Lloyd's personal nanny, but unlike the series, Kai will adopt a cold, lonely and serious attitude, but as long as he is at the side of Lloyd, Nya, Skylor and the others, he will be able to assume an attitude at once embarrassing and timid, at the same time somewhat self-centered and reckless.
The land of Ninjago was a fairly wild land, desert and dry, as well as untamable, but with the arrival of the first natives to the land things changed for Ninjago. Aside from that, they used various spirits as guides and guardians in their lands.
After the natives settled in Ninjago, the tribes were guided to a large mountain located between the desert and nature, there the natives found valuable minerals, and most importantly, they found gold, hundreds of gold, mountains and stone stones gold inside the mountain. And seeing that it was safe, the indians decided to establish their city within the mountain.
The natives, upon settling on the mountain, named their first civilization, Djinjago, the first city that was connected to both the mountain and the nature of all of Ninjago.
The alliance with the spirits was about the indigenous people respecting the mountain and everything that lived in it, that is why the indigenous people began to treat the mountain as a living being and with respect, since they only took from the mountain what they they needed. . Because if the mountain were damaged and exploited by men, the city of Djinjago would be destroyed and buried with all its riches and minerals.
But although the city and the tribes prospered for a long time, the time came when the colonizers came to conquer and discover new lands, including Ninjago. They were so impressed by the prosperity of Ninjago that they decided to take the land, but then the natives unleashed a war against the colonizers since they did not want foreigners to invade their lands.
And after a year of war, both the natives and the colonizers decided to end the war and reach a good agreement between both sides. The agreement was that the colonizers would take what they wanted in their own territory as long as they did not go near Djinjago Mountain or their lands. This is how the city of Ninjago was formed little by little, and then other cities were created.
But one of the leaders of the colonizers, known as Mayor Clinton, decided to break the agreement and take the lands of the natives, so he deceived the chief of the natives by telling him that he was only going to share his resources, the agreement would be carried out cape in a camp near the mountain. The Mayor Clinthon launched a ruthless attack against the place, and took the gold that the Indians had brought from Djinjago as tribute for the agreement, to take it as proof.
He also forced the Indian chief to create an object that would take him back to the city of Djinjago where all the gold was. That is why the chief of the Indians and the great shaman of the great tribes created three fundamental objects for Mayor Clinthon to find the city again. The object turned out to be a large cross of pure gold that could be divided into two parts. If joined together, the cross would serve as a compass at the direct entrance to the mountain that would lead to the chamber where the gold ores were found.
The other object turned out to be a gold amulet with spiritual carvings, the amulet was enchanted by the Shaman and this would serve as a key that would activate the cross. They only had to go to the Shaman's altar located on the hill called “Fang Hill”, where if they placed the cross on the altar, the sun's rays would activate the cross with the amulet.
After receiving these items, Major Clinthon murdered the chief and the shaman, stole the gold from the camp, and headed to Ninjago to give the information to the city leaders. It was thus that Mayor Clinthon left the mountain with the gold he had stolen, swearing that he would return to seize all the riches of the city of Djinjago.
After leaving the mountain, Major Clinton and his battalion entered the Ninjago Desert to reach the city. But what Mayor Clinthon did not count on was that one of his soldiers would betray him and ally with the son of the native chief to stop Mayor Clinthon's battalion. The tribes united and faced Mayor Clinthon in the desert, the battle was fierce, but thanks to the spirits of nature a great storm surrounded Clinthon's men and they finally managed to defeat them thanks to their advantage with the sandstorm.
Some of the soldiers managed to escape, including Mayor Clinthon's son, who fled with the gold his father stole. Mayor Clinthon was killed by the colonizer who had betrayed him, and was deprived of the amulet, and the pieces of the gold cross. What the colonizer did not know was that Mayor Clinthon's son had fled, and he secretly swore that his family would return to claim the riches of the city of Djinjago.
After the victory, the chief's son gave the good colonizer the golden amulet, while two tribes would keep each part of the cross. And fearing that more colonizers would reach the mountain, the tribes decided to abandon the city of Djinjago and the mountain so that the colonizers would never find the entrance. After this, the soldiers who survived told their version of the city of Djinjago, while the tribes related that the city was just a fantasy. From that moment on, the city of Djinjago was considered a legend.
When the tribes left the city, they divided into different tribes that scattered throughout Ninjago. Two tribes kept the two pieces of the cross, while the humble colonizer kept the amulet. 400 years later, the colonizer's family passed the amulet down from generation to generation to the eldest son of the family, always passing down the story of Djinjago, but they always claimed that the story was just a legend. The legend of Djinjago became so famous that it became one of the most popular Ninjago legends. But civilizations also grew in Ninjago, and the enmity between colonizers and Indians was forgotten, since now several tribes mixed among the colonizers and carried out unique trades between their lands.
Lloyd Montgomery, is an 11-year-old boy who quite likes life outdoors, growing up happily on his family's farm, Lloyd was a child full of dreams, and what he wanted most was to seek adventures throughout Ninjago, and always admired his father, Garmadon. When he turned 11, Lloyd received the family's gold amulet from his father, and since then he kept it close to him at all times.
After his home was attacked by preacher Vex's men and he witnessed the death of his mother, Misako, Lloyd fled so he could find his father and warn her of the danger. But what Lloyd doesn't know is that his father had already died shortly after his home was attacked, as Garmadon was ambushed on his journey by Tyrrant, the descendant of Mayor Clinthon, and the wild men of the ruthless former general Samukai on a steamboat on the great Largo River that divides two lands in Ninjago.
The first thing Lloyd wanted to do was find his Uncle Wu, but he knew that if he did he would be caught by those men who destroyed his home. In addition, he discovered that his name was placed as a reward by Tyrrant's men who infiltrated the law. Additionally, Tyrrant knows that Lloyd carries the golden amulet after Vex gave him the Montgomery family's family diary.
27-year-old Kai Smith, or better known as "Red Shogun" is a legendary outlaw, bounty hunter and hired gunslinger who travels throughout Ninjago in search of different ways to make a living. Back when he was an orphan, Kai left Nya, his younger sister, in Wu's care so he could raise her, while he joined a gang of bandits so he could train his marksman skills and become strong enough to fight to murder anyone who associates with Tyrrant Clinton.
In the past, when Kai was only 8 years old, he lived happily in his village along with his family in Ignacia, a village mixed with a native tribe. Her mother Maya was a pure native and her father was the famous blacksmith of the town. Kai always admired his father, and since he was little his father and his mother taught him everything to be a good shooter. But everything changed when the men of the Clinthon family eradicated all the Indians from his town and took all the lands of Ignacia by force. That caused Tyrrant to kill his parents, Kai fled the village with his sister Nya, who was only 3 years old.
At the age of 9 he joined a band of bandits, since then he was under the care of the leader of the bandits, it was also there when he met Morro, his greatest adversary. But when Nya was 12 years old, she traveled to the city of Ninjago and left her in the care of Wu Montgomery, her father's best friend. It pained him to leave Nya, but she knew it was for the best since she would have the opportunity to receive a better life as a noble's protégé.
Nya Smith is a 22-year-old girl who became the first sheriff of Ninjago City, something that no one saw coming, many overvalue Nya but do not know her very well, after her brother Kai left her in the care of Wu and not seeing him again for a while, Nya decided to find her brother and discover why her parents were murdered and her hometown exploited by the Clinthon family. She became a good marksman and a good fighter, she does not allow dangerous outlaws to enter her city and she secretly helps the resistance against the Clinton family.
Nya was only 3 years old when her family was murdered and her town became the property of the Clinthon family. She was too young to remember her parents, but thanks to Kai and her stories, her parents' legacy lived on strong in her. Living as an orphan for nine years, Nya had no idea that her brother was working with a gang of outlaws and, after finding Wu, Kai unexpectedly decides to leave her in her care. Nya was mad at Kai for a while because she didn't come back her see him and why he broke one of her promises.
Thanks to Wu, Nya discovered who the murderer of her parents was, and if she wanted to fulfill her revenge she had to become strong, after her practices and studies, Nya focused all the time on improving her fighting and shooting skills, thanks to this made her the guardian of Ninjago City and the new sheriff.
After a while, Kai and Nya reunite, only now the two are further apart than ever since Kai became a legendary outlaw and Nya became a sheriff. But secretly they help each other, although sometimes there is tension between them.
Wu is a public servant of Ninjago City, but he has run to be the next mayor of Ninjago City, a position that Tyrrant also wants to take but putting Pythor as a candidate, since no one knows that he is the leader of a gang of outlaws nicknamed "The Serpentine", this is because Pythor has several scams by working at the same time as an assistant judge in Ninjago City and being another public servant.
Wu made his family become one of the most important in Ninjago, after leaving home he became a nobleman and has been helping on his family's farm where his older brother, Garmadon, still works to maintain it. After a native who survived an attack by Tyrrant's wild men sent her one of the crossbars, Wu called his brother and told her what happened to the found crossbar.
Garmadon informed Misako of this and packed his things to meet his brother. Wu and Garmado hid the piece in a safe that Ray, Kai and Nya's father, had previously given to Wu in in case something important needed to be hidden, the box was so strong that even if it were submerged underwater what was inside would never get wet and would stay in good condition, not even the strongest explosion could scratch the safe.
Garmadon transported the safe with the piece of the cross inside and traveled by steamboat to cross the Largo River and reach the territory of the Formlings tribe, a tribe of natives who protected the other piece of the gold cross, Garmadon and Wu knew that the tribe would be the only ones who could protect the piece. But Garmadon was intercepted by Tyrrant and Samukai, upon capturing him they tried to get information from him about the piece of the cross, but Garmadon refused and Tyrrant murdered him, leaving the steamship to sink after trying to find the piece from the cross.
Wu Montgomery raised Nya as her daughter, but she didn't want to replace Ray, so she raised her to be like Ray and Maya. Wu wanted Nya to be a good lady for the city of Ninjago, but she being Ray's daughter, he helped her become an excellent guardian of the city. And thanks to her position as a public official, Wu was able to help Nya become the town's sheriff. She was sad that Kai didn't agree to stay with him, she tried to look for him but he just disappeared and she was worried that Nya would be upset with her brother for leaving her like this.
Garmadon Montgomery is Wu's older brother and Lloyd's father. When his son turned 11, Garmadon gave her the golden amulet so that he could continue the family legacy. Garmadon loves his family very much, he loves his wife Misako, who is his great love and loves his son very much, and he is happy to see that his son admires him. But when his brother Wu asked him to take the piece of the cross to a safe place, he did not hesitate to fulfill that mission.
Traveling on the steamboat along one of Ninjago's largest rivers, Garmadon did not expect his journey to be interrupted by former General Samukai's wildling soldiers who were hired by Tyrrant Clinthon. He had discovered his family based on historical records about the first families that settled in Ninjago during its beginnings. Before the ship sank, Garmadon made sure that the safe sank along with the ship so that Tyrrant could not obtain the golden cross.
Tyrrant Clinthon is a descendant of Mayor Clinthon, when Mayor Clinthon's son fled the attack with the gold stolen from Djinjago City, he made sure his descendant found a way to return to Djinjago City so he could claim all the riches of the city, that's why the Clinthon family grew in wealth thanks to their military camps and mining jobs, then they created a railroad company that made them even more famous and powerful in society, but their family never forgot the promise to return to the city of Djinjago. His mining companies excavated all places in Ninjago to find the city of Djinjago.
Tyrrant was the name he gave to the character "Overlord" in the Ninjago series.
Tyrrant, being the last descendant of the Clinton family, made sure that at any cost he would find the city of gold, so he made corrupt alliances with several of the cities of Ninjago, even eradicating and enslaving several Indian peoples and his own workers. And thanks to his influences he managed to hide his traces of corruption as well as his unforgivable acts by murdering and attacking several towns and their people, all to find the two gold pieces of the cross and the amulet to reach the lost city of Djinjago.
Morro Wind, a 29-year-old outlaw, who is the second main antagonist of the story, is also a legendary outlaw, but unlike Kai, he is a ruthless killer, capable of murdering anyone without any remorse, anywhere. He is known as "The Green Ghost", since after killing he disappears like a ghost, they even consider him death in person. He doesn't take orders from anyone, but when he was hired by Tyrrant Clinthon he accepted only if he received all the gold he wanted, he set out to follow his orders so he could get rich.
Morro worked with the same outlaw gang that Kai was in, despite being two years older than Kai, Morro never wanted Kai to get involved in the gang, since he considered him a weak and useless child, but seeing that received more attention and the respect of others, he was filled with jealousy and hatred towards Kai, when he was 18 years old he decided to follow his own path, murdering without any remorse the gang he worked with, except for Kai, now that he had disappeared after traveling to the city of Ninjago. But after a while spreading his name in every corner of Ninjago, he became the rival of “The Red Shogun” who discovered that he was Kai, they fought very little, but neither managed to kill the other.
Kai would do anything to kill Tyrrant and Morro, but the more he tries to track them down, the more trouble he gets into with the Ninjago authorities, including his sister Nya, Kai can no longer let go of life an outlaw, as he knows that in every corner of Ninjago the police are following him, including several of Tyrrant's men.
Cole Bucket, a 27-year-old young man, works as a miner in the city of Shintaro while he helps his father maintain the family tavern. He knows that after his mother's death, his father, Lou, had to go through difficult times, but thanks to Cole his father kept going. But Lou worries that when Cole works as a miner, Clinthon's men will exploit him with so much work. Cole assures his father that nothing will happen to him since the town mine does not yet belong to the Clinthon family name, but he is more worried about Mayor Vangelis, who has been making corrupt deals with Mr. Clinthon.
Cole secretly maintains a love relationship with Mayor Vangelis' daughter, Vania White, a charming noblewoman from Ninjago. Cole fell in love with her due to an encounter of hers in the mine, Vania snuck because she wanted to see with her own eyes how the miners in her town lived. They both met and a beautiful relationship was formed, but they keep it a secret. Vania tells Cole all the bad things his father has started doing, and it was one of the reasons why he joined the rebellion, alongside his best friend Jay and with Zane.
Jay Walker, is a 26-year-old young man, born and raised in his hometown of Prime Empire, a town dedicated to engineering and machinery, thanks to its metal mines and its availability in a large port near a river. He works as an engineer at the railway company in his city, but with the arrival of an army led by Vex Hoodoo, Jay, along with other workers, were sent to work on the mining machinery in Shintaro, where he is responsible for repairing the railways of Mr. Clinthon, but this was because the mayor of his city, Mayor Milton Dyer, had no choice, since if he did not heed Tyrrant Clinthon's requests, he would not hesitate to destroy the town, even if I took him to court, Tyrrant would easily escape punishment since it would erase all the evidence against him because he is a powerful man.
As soon as Jay arrived in Shintaro he met Cole, who showed him the town and some of its inhabitants, since then they have been friends, Jay even makes sure that Cole's tools are in good condition. But as soon as they saw the cruelty of the Clinthon family towards people, Jay and Cole joined the resistance thanks to Ronin, who one day arrived in Shintaro to rob Vangelis's private bank and some tools while he and some of his men disguised themselves of miners.
Since that day Jay and Cole managed to occasionally escape from their duties with the Clinthon family and travel throughout Ninjago to support the resistance. And on those trips they met Zane, a doctor who helps the resistance and who lives in Birchowood, a rural town in the forest where winter comes a lot and native tribes live together in peace. After traveling to Ninjago, Jay met Nya once she saved him from some bandits. That's how he fell in love with her, and she fell in love with him because he is impressed by her inventions, and that apart from her, he is a fun and kind boy.
Zane Julien, is a 27-year-old young man who previously lived in an Indian tribe in the forests, but unfortunately his people were victims of a terrible epidemic that killed almost everyone in his tribe, including his parents, just him and his younger brother, Echo, survived but were still ill. At that time, a group of doctors arrived at his tribe and managed to save them. At that time, he met Dr. Julien, a good doctor who decided to adopt Zane and Echo into his home. As soon as Zane arrived at his new home, he decided that he wanted to be a doctor as his adoptive father, the man who saved him and raised him as his own son.
Zane met Cole and Jay when he healed a gunshot wound in Cole's arm, since then he has been taking care of them while healing all the wounded from the Ronin resistance, since he decided to support the cause if it meant saving the lives that the Clinthon family had ruined. His brother Echo is also studying to be a doctor, but he is not committed to the cause, apart from the fact that Zane cares a lot about his younger brother, as he is the only family he has left.
Zane, Cole and Jay know Kai because of his reputation as an outlaw, and from time to time he has joined them on several of their missions with the resistance. Cole became his good friend, Jay tries to make him laugh and like him since he knows that Kai is Nya's brother, something that impressed him, and he was also lucky that Kai didn't shoot him for dating his sister. Zane is responsible for healing his wounds, including the ones he tries to hide. Kai trusts them with his life, but knows that the life of an outlaw is lonely, so he sometimes keeps his distance from them.
Ronin Webb is the leader of the resistance against the Clinthon family, because Ronin's family was murdered by Clinthon's people because they did not want to give up their lands, this was the last straw for Ronin, since he is fed up to see how Tyrrant Clinthon snatches land and lives from all over Ninjago. If they ever win against Tyrrant, he plans to become a bounty hunter and take back his family's lands from him. His best friends are Dareth and Clutch, but he has a habit of sometimes stealing money from people he dislikes.
Vex Hoodoo became a preacher in order to get riches, he influences people that he is a man of God, and demands their belongings and lands from various people using the word of God in his favor and with deceptions and traps . He works for the Clinthon family for several years and does not hesitate to follow Tyrrant's orders, even claiming that Tyrrant's mission is God's will. He was responsible for attacking Garmadon's farm, and murdered Misako when he received no response of Garmadon's whereabouts, he covered up the attack by saying that it was an attack by bandits seeking the family's profits. Even Vex goes so far as to hurt Jay or Cole if he sees that they are not doing his job well, but in the same way he always looks for an excuse to hurt them, since he makes sure that the Clinthon family properties are not in trouble.
Phytor P. Chumsworth, Tyrrant's right-hand man, who is a judge's assistant and public servant of Ninjago City, have a great rivalry with Wu, and both ran as the next mayor of Ninjago. But the secret of him is that he is the leader of the band of bandits called "The Serpentine", since he gets his own riches in his own way and even has the help of Tyrrant. Additionally, Pythor allows Morro to take several of his men so that he could use them as he pleases, as the two are allies, but Skales, his second-in-command in the gang, keeps him informed of Morro's actions.
Mr. Chen is the mayor of Ouroboros, a once prosperous city, but when Chen took over as mayor things spiraled into irreparable chaos as Chen allowed ruthless bandits and outlaws into the town. This is because he works for Tyrrant and Chen allowed him the city for him to use however he wanted. He along with faithful assistant Clouse have been fighting against several members of the resistance, and what he hates most is that his daughter Skylor does not support him, but what he does not know is that his daughter secretly betrays him by freeing and helping several members of the resistance, apart from the fact that more than anything he hates Kai "The Red Shogun", since he has eliminated several of his men and more than anything he seeks to capture him and hang him on the gallows in his city.
Former General Samukai previously served in the Clinton family military training area, but due to his aggressive actions against other soldiers, the higher-ups removed him from his commission, but even so, the soldiers who served him continue to call him general, and they went to the other side of the Largo River where many of the natives lived in those lands, there they formed a military fortress and enslaved several Indians and other men who came to invade their territory. Samukai hates the Indians and those who support them more than anything, but he never refuses an order from Tyrrant Clinthon since he owes his absolute loyalty to him, as do his renegade and savage soldiers.
Vangelis is the mayor of the city Shintaro, a city that is dedicated to mining, he used to manage the city well but lately he became interested in Tyrrant Clinthon's dealings, since he allowed him access to his mines and over the management of his workers, he is too strict with his orders of not allowing any rebels and outlaws in his city, but despite that his city is slowly suffering from Vex's supervision. People are running out of earnings and food, she even doesn't let her daughter Vania meddle in her affairs since she doesn't let her leave the house.
Skylor Chen is a 26-year-old girl who works as a spy for the resistance in the city of Ouroboros, apart from being Chen's daughter, a case of which she is never proud, she loves her city and will do whatever it takes to be able to remove her father from the position of mayor, so she secretly betrays him in order to spoil his plans against the resistance, since several members have been imprisoned in the Ouroboros prison and she is responsible for secretly freeing them. Other than Chen doesn't know that she and Kai have a little relationship, other than she sometimes saves Kai's ass when she gets in trouble with her father. Aside from saving Kai, she also saves Nya, as she sometimes goes to the city to follow up on leads from her brother.
Vania White is the daughter of Mayor Vangelis, she loves her father but lately she no longer sees him as the father she once loved since he has made corrupt deals with Mr. Clinthon, a man who makes Vania nervous, apart that she loves the miner Cole. When she ran away from home to see how her people live, she met Cole, since then they both fell in love and were together in secret, apart from the fact that she adores her faithful friend and companion, her dog Chompy. Vania knows that her father no longer cares about the safety of his people, but she does care, but she cannot do anything against him since she fears that if he rebelled against her father for helping his people, the entire town will suffer even more so because of his rebellion. So she stayed silent, but she has faith that Cole and her resistance will help her stop him.
Pixal Borg is the daughter of the famous inventor Cyrus Borg, thanks to her father's inventions they became a good noble family in Ninjago. Pixal secretly helps the resistance by giving them information or inventions so they can help their cause, apart from the fact that he likes being next to Zane, who has a romantic relationship with him, apart from the fact that they are already engaged and plan to get married once after Tyrrant was defeated. She maintains a good friendship with Nya, and sometimes helps her on her missions to capture ruffians, but he keeps all this a secret since he does not want to worry his father.
The first piece of the cross still remained in the care of the Formlings tribe, while the second tribe that took care of the second piece was under the care of a remote tribe that lived near the mountain, they were attacked by the Serpentine band, but a native managed to escape and take the piece to Wu in the city of Ninjago, since the tribe was aware of the Montgomery family. Wu managed to locate the Formlings tribe and through a letter he managed to communicate with them and made an agreement to take the piece with them.
There are other antagonists who do not work for Tyrrant, and those are wild Indians, called the Maaray tribe, a large native tribe that murders colonizers and Indians who they consider traitors since they demand all the lands of Ninjago. They are very troublesome in Ninjago City, since they know that is the biggest city. They are even a problem for Kai and Lloyd during their travels throughout Ninjago.
Since then, various sides began a race to find the lost city of Djinjago.
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