#still doesnt equal watching it live
ganondoodle · 3 months
so, doing this as an extra post bc i dont want to spam op nor invite more disaster into their post (sorry)
(i get annoyed, i get frustrated, but i rarely get pissed off, so if this sounds aggressive to you, it is; i have had enough of arguing with people -even if most of that arguing has happened on twitter-)
someone had replied (and later apparently deleted) something along the lines of "well zelda wanted to restore hyrule at the end of botw and what is so bad about ganondorf always being the bad guy in the way that he is?"
so first off, while i know hyrule and KINGDOM of hyrule is often used as an equally interchangeable word to refer to the world there, i dont think she meant the kingdom or its or its monarchy when she said that (does she? i dont have the end in my head rn and pretty sure its a lil different than english anyway) and much more the LAND of hyrule, its still in shambles even if people have found ways to live with it- that is an interpretation of me mostly, you can think what you want in that regard idc
secondly .... im not gonna get into that rant bc you cannot be seriosuly asking what is bad about how ganondorf is presented, treated in the games (espeically in totk) and his role and "writing" (oh geez i dont know maybe all the racism and stereotypes?? also, frankly boring ass writing, if your villain can be replaced by a cloud of toxic goo incapable of speech and nothing would change except saving money for voice actors that dont fit the role that is not a great look- hes never gotten much but totk is a new low)
then theres this reply
astro-shark3113 replied: "You're kidding right? If she cared about reinstating the monarchy then why is the castle still in disrepair after five years? Why does she become a teacher and live in a cottage with her boyfriend instead of taking on duties as princess? She clearly wants to help people and be a leader but she can do that without wanting to be a Queen. Please be real"
i am not kidding and i AM being real, i think you need to look at the game without your rose tinted glasses for a second; the castle is still in ruin? what the hell do you expect, theres no soldiers and very few servants left, repairing anything is quite impossible in that time and frankly not a priority (not proof of her not caring lol) also there is a plan for it at the very least given the camps with the hyrule crest all over it in the ruins of castle town- we dont SEE her as a teacher, or living a "normal" life, that happens in between the game, its flavor text, what HAPPENS in the game is her being taught a lessson on who she needs to be and what hyrule needs to be (pretty in your face too, she gets sent to paradise past of the "first" king that is some supposedly godly thing from the HEAVENS and watches him and his queen die at the hands of the eviiil guy, the last scene in the game mimics perfectly the scene where everyone that god king got under his rule swears undying loyalty to her ffs); she does live in that house, but what other option is there, set up camp in the collapsing throne room all alone?? nigh everyone from that time is long dead and the only one she actually knows is link who happens to have a house (bc impa doesnt care i guess idk), with her ""boyfriend"" is also interesting, a "boyfriend" that apparently is locked in the basement, lives in the woods or straight up dematerlializes when theres no big bad in need of stabbing bc why the hell does no one fucking know him in hateno??? not even the kids that come to the house EVERY SINGLE DAY?? and taking on duties as a princess, she very much does? just bc she doesnt get physically carried around in a castle doesnt mean she isnt doing royal stuff (also, again, that happens BETWEEN the games, not actually in totk), she still sees herself as the princess, everyone calls her that, she herself calls herself that (if the memorial stones are anything to go by) and everyone listens to the most overtly stupid and nonsensical stuff that zelda puppet says (even her friends follow that order without even asking back???) after over 100 years of there not being a kingdom as such its pretty weird how everyone immediately, even the ones not alive for the calamity event, snaps into blindly following her orders
"she can still lead without being a queen", did we play the same game?? totk? TEARS of the KINGDOM?? (its zeldas tears, she IS the kingdom) that game?? the game couldnt be more directly telling you that its whole point is that royal family holy and good and how much everyone has to sacrifice to uphold the holy kingdom bc its the only thing that keeps evil man from overtaking it!! including turnign herself into a farmable, glorified stone pedestal for the entirety of the actual game and then that sacrifice not meanign shit bc she just gets deus ex machina'd back (i didnt need her to stay a dragon, though it would have been the better choice if she still didnt get an active part in the game i would kill for her to have been a capable companion instead of the stupid ghost sages, and you dont even get to actually do anything for it, it just happens), not even the nuclear pebble is lost, how great! she and everyone else that is a leader of their people has a nuclear pebble now!! they will not let a bad evil man be a threat ever again!! like the point to bring her back in that utterly unsatisfying way is that otherwise the royal line wouldnt exist anymore, its a blessing of her ancient ancestors!! woohooo!!
and the thing is, i LIKE botw zelda, i liked her character, that she wasnt the typically maiden princessy type, her struggle (even if i find the way she unlocked her powers lame), i do NOT like totk zelda, after the intro of the game she is a princessy maiden standing prettily at the side of the god king that rules the only thing keeping evil at bay, the level of how much totk disrespects her makes me mad on her behalf but i have ranted about that alone enough as well
and with this i am DONE talking about this game, i have ranted so much about it, made my points carefully clear over and over, said that i dont have the nerves left to be nice anymore about it given how much shit alone on twitter i had to live through just bc i dared mildly critisizing the damn game, if you comment some snarky "be real" thing again im just gonna go straight to blockign people bc i am done with this
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verboselocket38 · 9 months
I need to make something clear or else the fans might attack me and send me threats, I like this show and was kinda scared to post this but I gotta say it........
.......Anyways, Im just rant about some excuses for Helluva Boss that are just not good excuses when fans defend the wrighting.
1. "If you dont like it dont watch it 🙄"
So this excuse I hear a lot when fans are backed into a corner and cant protect the critisisms from the show (Sorry I am tired, so my spelling might not be that good) And even if people deny it they use this excuse anyways without giving a good argument to why whatever critism the show gets is wrong.
Also I told this to someone before, but by the logic of this excuse, that means anyone who watches and said they openly hate a show like Velma or High Gaurdian Spice secretly likes it.
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(I am gonna bring these shows up a lot to use them as examples. Should probably mention now that I dont like either Velma or HGS, but Helluva Boss has SOME THINGS in common, not ALL THINGS, but SOME)
2. "The Series isnt finished, you should wait for it to be done"
Now to an extent this one is ok. Like for example: If Aang from ATLA were going on a journey to learn how to Waterbend, Earthbend, and Firebend to defeat the Firelord, then obviously its gonna take awhile and shouldnt be like "wHy DoEsNt He BeAt HiM NOW!!!". BUT that does not mean you cant critisize the episodes where Aang might get out of character, Katara does something that will leave a bad taste in your mouth, or anything that might not be good writing.
Yes Helluva Boss isnt finished, but thats still a bad excuse for defending the writing. You should still put effort into the writing. Like the fight between Blitzø and Stolas was resolved in A TEXT MESSAGE AND PEOPLE SAY ITS GOOD WRITING. IT ISNT!!! Like if your most emotion point in your show is going to be resolved in something we dont see happen, then there is no growth to the characters. (Saying this is an easter egg is just another excuse for bad writing.) People say that later on it might get resolved and that we should be patient I call bull crap. In S2E2 Stolas and Blitzø are not even akward around eachother, so I highly doubt future episodes will talk about this.
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Also, I just thought, shouldnt shows like Velma also go for its excuse? Like its getting a Season 2, so we shouldnt judge the show until its finished right? I dont wanna hear "Its because Velma ruined Scooby Doo!" Or "Velma is an acception since it can make my eyes role" Nope!!! We gotta wait till Velma is over to fully critisize it.
2.5 "You shouldnt be comparing VELMA to HELLUVA BOSS!!!"
Gonna bring this up since SOMEONE WILL. But I do NOT like Velma, I think its crap. I like Helluva Boss, not a fan of the stans and a lot of things Viv says and does. They can not take Critisism. She says she can but accually doesnt. And I kinda realize that there are some things Velma does that people role their eyes at, but when Helluva Boss does it, they get praised for it. Again, I 👏DO 👏NOT 👏LIKE 👏 VELMA. Im treating it equal to other shows, when Velma does something everyone hates it. When Helluva Boss does it everyone likes it. For example, the Swearing and Sex jokes. When Velma does it, people say that they swear and do sex jokes for no reason and it ruins the mood. But when Helluva Boss does it (Which keep in mind, 90% of the dialoug is sex and swearing.) It gets praised. Just wanted to point it out.
3. "Its Hell, what do you expect? 🤡"
I saved the best for last. Yall probably heard this one before lol. So, Im just gonna say that yes the characters do live in hell and that can lead to their bad behavior and cruel humor. The issue that I have is that will be used to defend bad writing. Yes they live in hell, but that doesnt mean 90% of the dialoug should be sex, swearing, and angst. Yknow the end of Unhappy Campers where Moxxie and Millie dressed as siblings and had sex on stage infront of minors? "But its hell!" Yes, BUT its out of character for Moxxie and Millie. MOXXIE ESPECIALLY!!!! ITS ALSO GROSS LIKE HOW IS THIS FUNNY?????
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There are also double standards. For example when Stella turns out to be a abusive bish, we are made to suppose to hate her. But when Loona was abusive to her adoptive father who took her in and gave her love, we are suppose to laugh??? Also, dont say "But he threatened to replace her!" No, Loona brought it up AFTER she was attacking Blitzø and he roled along with it.
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"But its Hell!!!" my butt. If Stella is abusive to make Stolas look like a justified character and her unlikeable, then why should I like Loona? And no, trauma is not an excuse. She is 22 and she has control of her own self.
And like??? If I were to write a story of some unlikeable guy in New York City who killed people for no reason, should my excuse be "Its society, what do you expect? This is life, get over it."
In conclusion, if you accually want to defend the writing of your horny demon show, then find accual critisms. Again, I👏 Like👏This👏Show. But when Fans and Viv shield any critisms and just see it as blind hate, it makes me upset. Most people who critisize this show like it. The thing is, if we praise or ignore something that needs to be critiqued, then the writing wont get any better. If we critisize it, then there is a chance that Viv will realize she needs to put effort into her wrighting.
I like this show, it inspired me, but Season 2 is such a downgrade from the previous season.
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moth-bells · 4 months
Hi so, I dont know whenever I'm gonna be able to write or draw anything I like for my cryptids au, so I'm going to give you all literally all the lore and if I ever get to it, its already here.
It also doesnt always make perfect sense but I think that gives it charm and I'm not gonna run around in circles trying to make it perfect Gonna try and make this generally in timeline of events order
The earth is formed. From the dust of star dust rises two figures
They have no names and they were never born, forming from things they do not understand, yet know all too well
They are always at one another's side
They are both everything and nothing to one another
They witness eons together
Watching little specks shift and change and grow
They watch life and ease life along with hands that do what is needed without thought behind how it happens
They have purpose yet none here, witnesses
The duo watch as the earth fills with life only for it all to nearly vanish
They watch life persevere despite that
Those first peculiar humans, though without that name yet, come to be. So small and fragile, yet the two can see potential with these ones
They travel the globe, checking in on different places, seeing how the people so similar are slowly changing. They find it fascinating, though they feel this with other animals
One day, they realize many of these people that they've visited, perhaps assisted at times, and occasionally revisited, have places of worship
Neither of them understand, but they gather that these humans seem to look at them as higher than them. Gods.
Are they? They arent living in the same way as other beings. They cant die. They dont age and were never born.
If not gods, what are they then?
They dont know.
They do eventually move on, but one day, an unknown amount of years later, they return to one of these villages
The people, they do rejoice for their deities have graced them again
The duo decided to linger here longer than before.
One day, theres murmurs of malcontent floating
The two have witnessed battles, but stayed out of them.
They had never watched wars begin, the quiet wisps of smoke that would soon become flames
Now these two, unnatural as they are, were not infinitely strong.
Yes, they were stronger than many of these small humans, who were much smaller than them
But, if there were many humans against one of them, there was only so much that they could do
The humans, separated into factions, decided that one of the duo were a true god while the other was something evil and wrong.
Such is the way of humanity
The two realized they might have stayed too long now, deciding it was time to leave
It was too late for that now.
These two beings, nameless, named and renamed by many, but never calling each other by any.
Two who had been together since they were glints in an existence less universe
Were separated
Humans from either side took their 'rightful' god. Determined to use their worship against the other side.
The two beings were able to take some of them, desperately trying to not be taken away from the other.
They were not gods, though, not in the way these humans thought.
What they were was unknowable, but they still were not ever powerful.
With enough force, they were dragged away by the people who once looked at them equally
The one yellow as pollen was taken into a deep cavernous temple, locked into the darkness, with nothing within it. No escape. The entrance to this prison was sealed with a boulder.
He screamed for them to release him, but his words, something only his other understood, fell on deaf ears.
He pushed and clawed at the rock, but it was too heavy
These people believed their worship of isolation and fasting was pure and accepted by their god.
The other was left to a fate less horrendous, but equally lonely.
Tossed down into a pit, deep with only a manmade covering to hide it.
He as well demanded to be freed, but none of that was to come
These humans worshipped the sky at night that this being reminded them of, that being the only thing that he could see from his prison, though there was also a reminder in the daylight of who he was missing
The humans dropped food of animals down to him.
They werent able to starve to death, nor did they need to eat in the way animals and living things did, but it would give them extra energy if they needed it. No, they took in the rays of the star above them.
So, with the one in the pit, he received more that enough to keep him mobile.
The one in the cave, however...
centuries passed. Thousands and thousands of years
And they who have been here since before time itself, before knowing that of light and space and earth and death
They changed
Slowly, over time, of desperation and madness, and forces they themselves would never truly understand
They changed.
The cavern, where slowly less and less voices of prayer came, lost to a memory
Where eyes as blue as the sky became milky white
Where his mind grew blank with bleakness and its voice lost all form of words
Body became sharp and thin and twisted
Claws and teeth long and sharp.
In the pit, staring up at day and night as blood, and bodies of animal sacrifice fell upon him
One day, he accepted them, hoping for the strength needed to climb free
Eventually, it forgot why it was even down there.
And then the food stopped coming.
It had spent years and years, copying the shrieks and cries of a wounded animal, luring certain animals to the wide spaced grate above
It never felt hunger but it ached for the blood and rush that the meal provided
Its body became more wild, more dangerous
For some years its back ached until there was a weak flap of wings
W i n g s.
The other was still trapped for sometime, having long forgotten what it was. What it was missing. Neither could remember but they could feel it
It would be sheer luck that some unfortunate children, merely teenagers, would come to that stone that their ancestors had made and laid there, not just a myth among them now.
That a god lay in the cave, dangerous and angry, locked away when it tried to turn against the people that worshiped it...or so they say the story goes
It would be their misfortune as they struggled to move the circular rock, that light from the evening setting sun would start to peek through inside
And something would come leaping out at them.
They fled from the monster, leaving one screaming to their fate to the creature so starved.
After, once its frenzy ended, it luckily took off into the forest surrounding it, away from the pain of the sun on its wide white eyes
It was fate, it would seem that they would find one another again
So changed by time and humanities unknowing cruelties
More animal than whatever they may have been to begin with
The winged one had found it one day, though not knowing fully why it was pulled toward it
The blind one, having changed even more in these years of freedom, lashed out at the new arrival
This, in turn, made the winged one defend itself.
They fought, clicking and screeching at one another until the teeth were dug into fur
Something clicked in this mindless mind that this thing was the same as itself.
They backed away from one another
Slowly, they reapproached...they chirred and cooed and inspected one another. One with sight the other with smell.
And they laid down together for the first time in forever
They wandered for some years, avoiding the creatures they felt compelled to hide from.
Until one day..
A small little voice spoke up at the blind one, not screaming or attacking with things that hurt
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
are there any cultural differences Fishman!Sanji had to figure out? not sure what theydve been but the dude was raised on a snail and then an underwater island, theres bound to be land things hes bewielderd by. he screams the first time he sees a squirrel and hates the feel of mud. he doesnt understand how anyone can like the smell of freshwater bc its so different from salt.
also zoro challenged him once to a breathholding competition. i say once because for obvious reasons he never did again
That's so fucking funny. Sanji pulling on Jinbei's sleeve while pointing at a dog and asking what that is. Also, realistically, Sanji's has to have the worst land legs. Like Sanji told Zeff he hated going on land because he rarely went on land unless it was with his dad that only happened every few months for like a day.
Also it definitely depends on the mud cuz some mud feels like the beaches but others he's just groaning at. He probably doesn't mind the smell of some fresh water, he still had to drink it to live and saltwater constantly, gotta imagine someone at a warlord meeting pat his head and cringed at the crunchy saltwater hair, like Mihawk or Crocodile passing by as they arrived and just hearing a crunch as they pat his head. Which led to after the meeting discussing the fact Sanji's hair is not that of a fishman or mermaid and has different requirements and that it needs certain products to keep it from breaking.
Culturally, I'm not sure. Sanji was still raised by a pirate who was a former slave. He treats everyone respectfully. He's used to people gawking at him calling a fishman, a warlord "dad" and just having people not really treat him well outside of fishman island so soon as he's on his own and traveling it's gotta be a shock. It shouldn't be but fuck man that's his dad ya know? It hurts for him to not be equal technically.
Also I love the idea of the breath holding contest, especially early on like on the way to Alabasta? Zoro has gotta try to make a bet with the cook and he's like "you just got into so much debt with Nami what could you possibly do?"
"I won't complain about your pack mule for the next five islands."
"And if for some reason I lose you want booze, right?"
"Yeah. And you will."
"Sure moss."
Zoro can hold his breath for two minutes which is admirable. Sanji comes up after another 30 seconds and is like "that wasn't even that long!"
"What the fuck do you mean?!"
"Watch this!" And Sanji is underwater for like 25 minutes. When he comes back up he's a little winded but not much and everyone is gawking at him and Chopper is crying because he thought Sanji drowned. Sanji makes him cotton candy to calm down.
He just says he grew up in the ocean whenever someone asks and everyone just thinks he says "on" not "in" and doesn't inquire further.
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suwbuns · 1 year
E-DATERS | beomgyu antis
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SYPNOSIS. moving back to korea from america, y/n is excited to reunite with her old friends and make new ones. what she doesnt expect is to find herself reuniting with her “ex-boyfriend” from 10 years ago who she dated over minecraft. what makes things worse? he happens to be her favorite streamer who she has been pinning after for years.
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beomgyu: chaotic streamer, is an idiot and has no filter which always gets him cancelled but surprisingly he still has a platform and is THRIVING. bad with women and has a raging superiority complex 😭
jeongin: equally chaotic as beomgyu but significantly less problematic because he thinks before he speaks 🙄 streams but also films youtube videos in which he exploits kai and gyu for content (beomgyu fans watch jeongin’s youtube content mainly for beomgyu crumbs because he does not post enough about his personal life 😔)
heeseung: comp sci major, wants to drop out like beomgyu and jeongin but he's not successful enough online for that </3 beomgyu and jeongin refuses to help him grow his channel because they are salty mfers and huge gatekeepers, so they're forcing him to grow on his own without their help (rip heeseung)
kai: just chatting streamer and is everybody's comfort streamer. films ASMR videos on youtube and is probably the only one who genuinely adores his fans as much as they adore him :( the baby of the group
all the boys live together!
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TAGLIST. @openingssequence @suburbiataehyung @shinypieceofgarbage @koeuh (open)
a/n: it makes me so happy that people are actually reading this ANBDJAJSQK im so excited
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azaleaniath · 1 year
hiya bestie!! if you are up for it, can you write something abt fem!human!reader who is friends with the sully kids but neytiri doesnt like her. then one day, neteyam asks abt her family since shes seen theirs and she brings her tablet from the lab and shows the sully family videos of her mother and siblings from earth and the reader gets emotional since she hasnt seen them and probs wont see them for a while. then neytiri, altho still weary of the reader, understands her pain as a child w/o family with her and comforts the reader
Here u go! I know it took a long fucking time but hey, better late than never!
~ Platonic!Sully!family x human!reader ~
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warnings: depression, loneliness, bit of angst, intolerance, angst, crying, brief mentions of death
SFW | 1.4k
Growing up on Pandora was wonderful. After all, what was not to like? The colorful flora, bioluminescent animals and plants all over the planet, delicious fruits growing on gigantic trees with complex bark patterns. As deadly as they were, the beasts on here were simply stunning and breathtakingly beautiful. The indigenous, the Na'vi, were usually quite peaceful, at least the omaticaya tribe. They only took what they really needed from their natural habitat, making sure to not let any fiber go to waste. Treating everyone equally, they did not care about money, wealth, expensive cars or corruptive banks and companies. Everybody had their duties in the clan, but they did not judge off of meaningless papers, bachelor titles or anything that would qualify a human for a job. Truthful, caring, a big blue family. That was what the omaticaya were. There was no greed for power, no yearning for a sudden status, no society classes. This place was simply perfect. You had this astonishing, mostly untouched environment all around you, had made some friends too and spent almost every day with them. There was nothing more to ask for. Nothing, really.
Nothing but a family.
You hadn't seen your mother in years. Nor your father, your siblings. There wasn't one sign of life. Sometimes it still tugged on your heartstrings. Especially when you saw the Sullys sitting together for dinner. Spider had always told you not to stare too long. He knew the pain since he was in a similar situation. It was always devastating to leave the Sullys in the evening, see them living together as a happy family when you and Spider had to return to the lab, your so called home, gulping down the loveless and plain, industrial made microwaved instant food before heading to your cold metal bunk bed, all alone.
Once again you walked deep into the forest, bringing Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk back to their home. Their parents had also just returned from a successful hunt, together with their oldest son. He was carrying the shot animal over his shoulders, greeting you with a smile. He was always relieved to see his siblings returning home in one piece.
Jake also greeted you shortly. "Hey kids, had fun?" he asked in english just before entering the marui they lived in and putting his bow down.
"It was good, yeah!" You answered quickly and watched how they all settled down and started to prepare their dinner.
Neytiri silently glanced at you and Spider, her eyes narrowed at the sight. Sky people were something she could probably never come to terms with. It always felt like a stab through the chest to see her almost disgusted and bitter visage. As if you and Spider personally were the enemy. With a frown you averted your eyes, feeling a hand on yout back soon after. It was Kiri, she tried to lift your mood with soft whispers. "You know she doesn't hate you. Don't take it to your heart, it's not you..."
"It still feels... shitty to say the least. You have your perfect little family and I-"
"Hey! No demon language in my home! You shouldn't be here in the first place!" Neytiri snapped at your words, making you stumble backwards with wide eyes.
Jake decided to chime in too and keep his wife back before anything could escalate. "Hey, she hasn't done anything. I started it, okay?"
The last thing you wanted was for them to fight over whether you belonged here or not so you took another step back.
"No, Neytiri is right. This is your family, not mine. You can be lucky to have each other around you every day, but I'm not a part of that. It's okay, I'll go. I'm sorry for coming here..."
A few days passed by ever since this had happened. You were avoiding the clan ever since, not wanting the Sully kids to get into trouble because of the time you usually spent with them. It lead you to simply stray through the forest by yourself until suddenly someone ripped you back by your shoulders. Before you could even scream you faced a bright smiling Neteyam, staring at you through the glass of your mask. This boy was seriously so silent you hadn't even noticed him until then.
"You're way too careless to wander through the forest by yourself, let me get you back." Once the shock was over, your pulse started to calm down again and he started to lead the way to the lab. Neteyam used the time to ask you a few questions about your family. Where they lived, how they lived, why they weren't here with you and so on. Since it was already getting late you decided to leave the explanations to another time. His sudden interest definitely hit you like a truck. These questions were simply unexpected but after what had happened a few days before he found himself rethinking your words. How was life without a family? Both of you agreed to meet the next day to give him answers to all of his questions. You had to sleep a night and gather your thoughts before you could answer all his countless questions.
Neytiri hated this idea. You here in her home, with her children, with some kind of sky people technology. As much as you could you tried to ignore her aggressive staring as you hugged your tablet with both arms, surrounded by the sully kids.
"So, your family is on earth right?" Neteyam started carefully, seeing how stressed you were. He did feel somehow guilty for getting you into this situation but it was only fair if they learned about you too.
You nodded at his question and looked up into the sky. Not that you could see the sky through the rainforest, but you still did it somewhat unintentionally. "Yeah, they are."
Kiri looked at Neteyam, Lo'ak and then at you before speaking "Can you see them? Over these video thingies?"
Oh that would be a dream. But it wasn't possible at all.
"No, sadly not."
"But hey, you still have us, don't you?" Lo'ak tried to lift the mood but Neytiris piercing look after his words made you feel anything from being one of them. You furrowed your brows, looking down onto your tablet.
"No..." you whispered barely audibly, voice becoming all shaky before words just started to spill from your lips.
"It's not the same. You have your own family. Mine lives far away, and as a matter of fact I don't even know if they are still alive. My planet is falling apart. I don't know if I'll ever see them again. I don't even know how many years have passed since I've seen my family and I'm also not sure if they would even recognize me or see me as their daughter anymore. Maybe they have forgotten me and i will probably never know. All i have- all the memories, they only feel like a distant dream. You come home to a meal made with love by your mother and sit together, sing songs, get hugged and whatever while I am alone in my bedroom wondering what my mom's voice sounds like cause I can't fucking remember!"
During your rant, all eyes had landed on you. Everybody looked shocked at your sudden outburst, even Neytiri. They all watched how your eyes filled with tears and soon after spilled over. The kids were too stunned to get a single word out while Neytiri slowly stepped closer, kneeling down next to you.
She placed a soft hand on your back and ran her delicate fingers along your spine while her eyes softened more and more.
"Do you...have any memories on there?" It surprised you when she switched to english, so you turned your head to her. Neytiri gestured towards the tablet and you hesitantly unlocked the device. Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri and also Tuk came closer to you, watching as you opened a file of pictures. After revealing the first image, you held the tablet a few more inches away so everyone could have a look.
"So..." you started quietly, feeling your heart squeeze at the mere look. Neytiri kept stroking over your back as the corners of your lips turned up into a sad smile.
"This is my sanok."
🏷️list: @luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedin @ducks118 @lov3rluna @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @wowimsofelle @cumikering @abbersreads
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aviradasa · 3 months
Blitz x gender neutral or female reader hc of she worked at I.m.p with him
Ooo ok blitz is such a fun character to write for so thank you for the request!! This leaned more fem then I intended but is still mostlyGN!! Also sorry if this is kinda short lol
Blitzø x GN!Reader
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To start off small he Lovesss watching you kill people.not in like a weird way but he likes seeing you show your strength by handling weapons or just tearing someone apart with your bare hands
He also finds it kind of attractive to see you covered in blood but that might be a conversation for another time lol
But besides the murder aspects he's a complicated partner and with him being your boss 😬 it gets worse.
Have you ever been told not to fuck your coworkers?? Well you should have listened.
Blitz will use is position as your boss to keep you from doing things he doesn't want you to (that prick). If he doesn't want you going somewhere its “Hey! You walk out that door your fired!” and he says it with that stupid little grin on his face
Piggybacking off that he doesn't pay you much. Cause assuming you live with him and loona he's kinda like “we share everything else why not a bank account” its a little stupid I know but if you work him right you might be able to get more from him (threating to stab him in the balls works pretty well ngl)
Another work thing is that at first you didnt know about the stolas thing. Everyone was hush hush about it when you were around.
But then stolas sent blitz one of his interesting phone calls. Blitz was off doing god knows what and had left his phone on the couch when it started ringing. You tried to get blitzs attention but he just waved you away and told you to answer it.
You did.and holy shit it was awful.you didn't even get a word in before that horny bird demon started talking. You have never hung up a phone so fast.
And to say you were mad would be an understatement.blitz was pretty mad to,stolas wasn't suppose to call until tomorrow smh
Once he tells you about the whole transaction your more chill about it. That doesn't mean you like it but your chill about it.
Now moving tones a bit
Your working at I.M.P it can get rough that means you can/do get hurt alot and so does blitz
He worrys about you but knows you can handle yourself.once you get back to hell though he's dragging you to his office to make sure your ok.depending on if its just a tiny cut to your arm getting ripped off he's equally as worried about both.
He over exaggerates a lot lol
Also he buys lots of stupid shit and when your hurt or sad or anything like that. He doesnt know what to do exept crappily try to comfort you then give you a weed horse figure or some shit 😭
The amount of tiny little weird gifts he's given you is kind of impressve. And you cherish every one.
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short-and-ugly · 2 months
here hold on im gonna make a thing no one besides me is gonna care about
skoodgeisms dependent on company:
skoodge with zim: fully open and way too eager (genuinely has fun, silly business) doesnt actually salute to zim, ive noticed. he respects him but i think that respect is the kind that puts them around the same level as each other. (doesnt mean skoodge Doesn't put zim on a figurative pedestal -- just that he sees him as more 'equal' than, say, the hobo sergeant or the tallest) funny little guy with funny little words :3
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(added the entire danceghost segment here because i love it dearly. look at him. panic boy ultimate. supreme.)
skoodge with irkens/irken-adjacent (squad sergeants/commanders/figures of authority): quick to salute fun words (hoo-ah) and out of place body/hand motions happen only when he gets in over his head/too excited. feels a lot more plain and "conformed" (as though attempting to fit in?)
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even with zim involved, skoodge is... kinda dramatic throughout hobo-13 in a way that he isnt in any of the unfinished episodes. like. serious-dramatic. trying too hard to be a stone-faced irken brute that he thinks everyone else thinks he should be.
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(Yes sir! I am your loyal- [gets his ass punted and sent careening down a cliff])
... kinda like how he is with the tallest during battle of the planets!
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(the dialogue is wrong in this transcript... anger >:( )
So Zim involvement does not override other-irken-company involvement, but it does override other-not-irken-company. so say, skoodge is with the other invaders on conventia during the assigning and zim walks up next to him -- he quickly and quietly backs away because that is a public space, and doing anything to imply that he might have somewhat of a cordial relationship with zim would put him on... hot burning coals. to put it lightly.
and when skoodge is with the hobos, he treats zim with respect, but that's because zim is the leader of the group -- skoodge is probably at least somewhat aware of the fact that the tallest (and others) are watching him right now. he is treating zim... a lot like a stranger. curt words and mostly not talking to him directly unless addressed or thinking his skillset might be useful to zim.
... at the end, though, you see some of his actual personality start to leak through!
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(Zim -- I escaped from the canyon -- I made it! I'm aLiiive! [immediately gets crushed by the sergeant])
(seeking validation -- he didnt need to come all the way out here, to say that to zim, specifically. he was still doing the test for the tallest the same as zim was, yes, but youd think if anyone knew to keep their mouth shut around zim for the sake of their own luck/lives/whatever, it would be skoodge. and yet! he doesnt!)
im feeling like... the adrenaline high from running through the entirety of the hobo-13 course, with a hogulus still chasing after him, probably made him a little excitable and lose his cool composure.
anyways that was a tangent. uh.
when skoodge is with other company. he is. awkward. (see: ghost scientist scene). though this is undoubtedly because of the situation (undercover during a supposed mission) hes still noticeably different from how he behaves on hobo-13! i think maybe this is just because earth is foreign territory that hes yet to learn. still thinks of it as a hazardous filthy wasteland of a planet with threats he hasnt properly assessed.
i think... if he were with company, not irken, and without the looming threat of being discovered and dissected (earth, humans, blorch, rats) then he would still be plain and awkward, honestly? kinda like sizzy when he fails to match zim's energy ('i wasnt laughing?') lots of ums and awkward silences and coughs and flies buzzing and crickets chirping.
hmmmm. yeah. good stuff <3
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actualbird · 3 months
mental illness posting ahead, but having an official diagnosis from a psychiatrist saying that im a bona fide bipolar disorder haver is equal parts useful and useless. like, on one hand, this means i can get prescriptions for meds that my brain so desperately needs to stay sane, but on the other hand it's like. Knowing doesnt make Much Of A Dang Difference, does it??
like right now im in a weird state of not having the energy to do anything, even low-effort things that would bring me joy like watching shows or videos or reading fanfic. im able to scrounge up the bare minimum amount of energy needed to do the tasks for my job, but past that, all i wanna do is be catatonic-staring-at-the-ceiling-for-hours-head-empty-except-for-dread any chance i can get. and i KNOW that thats part of the bipolar disorder, i kNOW that thats the Depressive Episode Low Mood Electric Boogaloo, but i cant.....do much but ride it out. and cope "as well as i can" while it's happening
it feels horribly unfair. like. im doing the work. im taking my meds regularly, im curbing my self-destructive urges, im trying my best to always reframe things in a positive or at the very least actionable angle, im being Self Aware and Taking Note That The Negativity I Feel Is Because Of The Depressive Episode And Not In Any Way A Reflection Of My Own Worth yadda yadda yadda. but this will still happen. FOREVER. FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE. cuz i got stuck with this faulty brain. i just have to live with this forever and get through each time and oh i know i'll survive but like
it still feels like crap. im trapped with this brain and its faults for forever. i can manage it as well as i like, but it's never going away. that sucks. that doesnt sound fair. that sounds exhausting. and im already exhausted
i have to live with this brain for forever?
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posebean · 11 months
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hands u an au lovingly called the Rinkitty au (feat sana and noya and co )
aka rinky adopt a cat and another one just shows up and they slowly build a family
Basically it starts when rinne and niki go on a date 2 a cat cafe. All the cats love niki, none love rinne.
EXCEPT for 1 small grey tabby kitten. That kitten is all cuddled up to Rinne. Rinne is so in love.
hes just sitting watching all the cats cuddle up with niki and happy cuz god thats so cute but also sad because none of them like him…but then he feels something rub against him and sees the small grey tabby kitten rubbing its head against him and hes overwhelmed with love
In fact he almost gets away with taking the kitten home by hiding it in his pocket but Niki finds out and stops him before they leave.
Niki: Rinne-kun. What's that in your pocket.
Rinne: What pocket?
kitten in pocket: (tiny mewl)
Niki: the one that is moving and just meowed. Rinne-kun. Put the cat down.
Rinne sadly obeys and has to part ways from the little kitty he has become enamored with.
Several months pass and Niki's all but forgotten that encounter until one day he comes home to the apartment to find Rinne holding a small grey tabby cat with a cute blue ribbon. It's some kind of anniversary maybe their one year anni or anniversary of them meeting (as Rinne DEFINITELY keeps track and niki just. lets him celebrate it).
Basically Rinne went back to that cat cafe (which also does adoptions) and it turns out that he had asked the cat cafe to hold the little kitty for him until it was the right age to be adopted, which luckily coincided with whatever anni hes celebrating. he def laughs at that and calls it fate.
so now they have a cat and niki is like. i did not ask for this and is pouty but he quickly warms up to the little guy because. hes basically like dads when they say they hate a pet but are actually the one that ends up loving the pet the most. he feeds the little kitty so so well but also makes sure it stays fit and healthy. (just like how he takes care of rinne-kun)
Rinne lovingly calls the kitty Nikitty which Niki huffs about and they eventually agree on the name Niku (Short for nikujaga) (doesnt stop rinne from calling it nikitty though).
They raise Niku and its mostly Rinne taking Niku to the vet and doing most of the other care besides food and Niku grows into a healthy and happy housecat.
And then one day a year later or so rinne and niki come home to find Niku sitting next to a random ass very fluffy ginger cat that came out of nowhere and is sitting in their living room. The window is open. Niku mustve slid it open.
Niku: Miaow (rubs head against the ginger cat)
New cat: Mrrp
Rinne: guess we have two cats now
Niki's at first like no- but then all 3 somehow gang up on him with the biggest eyes and he caves so now they have a second cat.
Rinne lovingly once again calls it Rinnya after himself and Niki just stares deadpan at him like we are not naming a cat after you and they (niki) decides on marinara (short, rinrin, which rinne laughs at and says it still has his name and niki ignores him)
both cats love Niki so much Niki makes them such good food and theyre so cute and cuddly with him. rinne takes so many pictures. his phone runs out of storage so fast
niku loves everyone equally (niki most) and also treats everyone equally when upset (except niki niki would never do wrong)
Niku is also as cuddly with Rinne. unfortunately, Rinne and Rinrin have an ongoing fight over. well. both Niku and Niki.
they absolutely cannot get along. ironic cuz rinne vouched for Rinrin to live with them.
like nikis sitting with rinrin in his lap and rinne walks over pulls rinrin up and takes the cat's spot.
it also goes the other way rinne is seated asleep with Niku and rinrin comes and picks niku up by the scruff and walks over rinne's face and away.
Niki finds it so cute but so stupid that his man is literally beefing with a cat.
time passes and etc and then one day they find out too late that wait Niku is actually a girl and oh shes expecting kittens. okay.
rinrin sitting there with a smug face. Niki is shocked. Rinne is just staring at rinrin
Niki: Niku was a girl this whole time?!
Rinne: oh yeah. whoops. I forgot about that
basically rinne knew but didnt think it was important to tell because well. amagi “anyone can be a wife gender doesnt matter” rinne.
and then the kitties r born and they are the smallest little thtings barely a sauce tall and rinne cries seeing them because oh they are so helpless and vulnerable and small and oh and rinrin is glaring at him, leans down to lick one of his kittens and pushes it gently over to rinne like "hey i Dont like you but the love of my life likes you and so does that other guy that i like so i guess you can touch my children but you are on thin ice and if you dare hurt them i am tearing you to shreds" and rinne just picks it up and starts crying and nikis taking a video of the whole thing because god this is so cute and he saves a shot of it for rinne's contact photo
ok they have like 5 kittens and niki gets to name 4 of them except one that one rinne names
eventually they have to give them away because. well. they already have two grown cats and wont be able to handle 5 more.
rinne is so sad about this. he wants to keep them all. he loves them all. he cuddles with them all and sleeps with them all in his arms and its the cutest thing ever
(rinne finishing all his paperwork actually on time and showing up to meetings early and everyones like what changed and it just turns out rinnes trying to get things done as fast as he can so he can go home and cuddle with the kittens )
niki is shaking his head in fond exasperation rinnekun i love them too but we literally cant handle 7 cats in this household. we need to give them away. dont worry theyll go to loving homes
rinne: they fucking better
niki: rinne-kun you have to let them go
rinne: ok fine but i wont stand for our children having to live in any lackluster home
niki: but theyre not even our children
the two requirements for adoption: be liked by Niku, be approved by rinne (rinne makes them sign an oath to protect the kitten with their life. everyone signs it despite how dumb this is )
ramen m
-mischievous little guy. gets to the most trouble. partners in crime with his brother. always leaves a mess everywhere
(the twins take him, little bb can instantly tell who is who and they fall in love. get into shenanigans with their little guy)
soba f
-the most energetic, literally wont shut up she meows so much and very loudly and runs around - her poor mother struggles to catch her her dad at least can jump on her and trap her but everyone else has to FIGHT to catch her
(ryuseitai takes her, chiakana mostly because god her energy can ONLY be matched by the burning flame that is morisawa chiaki he literally goes jogging with her . she goes pukapuka with kanata. LOVES WATER)
udon f
-the most serious of the litter. is pretty calm and easy to befriend. doesnt play around much as her siblings but if she likes you she WILL cuddle up to you. closest with rice
(they dont know who to give her to and shes super close to udon ( who they pushed onto himeru) and want them to still stick together... and then tetora is like anything for my aniki and then finds his hands full with a kitten now so i guess ryuseitai has 2. teto mostly takes care of udon though because soba is. way too much for him. they all do take udon and soba to practice sometimes and even get kuro to make the two kitties little ryuseitai cat jackets. they are ryusei orange (soba) and ryusei grey (udon))
rice f
-relaxed, sometimes aloof. really kind baby, purrs as soon as someone pets her. . closest with udon
(rinky call himeru and like. merumeru. we need help . himeru is like. No. but then they manage to get him to take her anyway and also take udon for tetora. hes also like. dad that says they dont like the cat but love the cat. he LOVES the cat. spoils her rotten. only the finest food for her. only the finest bed. udon gains some stuff in association because roommates. Nyanko loves them too. she gets so spoiled that she is so picky with food. except for when shes back visiting /being watched by niki and rinne niki's food will always be good no matter how long and how much shes eaten- meru brings her to visit kaname sometimes
(coma) she nuzzles kaname n gives gentle licks
(awake) cuddled up to him so much, sees him as a mini meru and since kaname is important to meru kaname is also important to rice. when kaname is sad/upset she climbs into his lap and purrs )
pachi m
- the worst one (in niki's words) the best one ( in rinne's words) an absolute menace, steals rinne's headband, steals his dad's collar, pushes things over, likes to bite things and leave marks, very curious and quick to getting into trouble. loves his siblings though, wouldn't ever hurt them.. an absolute sweetheart when youre not looking
- (Because Rinne LOVES pachi he has such high expectations for whoever takes him that Kohaku is just like. what about your brother and rinnes like but pachi is a lot of work i dont think he'll be able to do it alone and then kohakus like. ok then me and rabuhan can help him and rinnes like :)))) - pachi has an obvious fav and thats hiiro becsuse hiiro looks like (his grandpa) Rinne. Aira gets frustrated often because Pachi is such a menace and even Kohaku struggles to keep the little guy under control but oh man with hiiro he is a little baby and isnt trouble at all.)
the first few days after the kittens are given to their new homes niku is THE SADDEST thing shes just meowing so sadly looking for her babies and rinrin is trying to comfort her. she doesnt stop being sad until niki gently takes her aside and talks to her telling her that her babies are safe and they will visit often
going back to rinne though. its like hes the actual mom he experiences empty nest SO HARD its pathetic he misses the kittens so much he just. lies down on the floor facedown while nikis just crouched down with niku in his lap and poking rinne like rinne-kun come on my stupid love you can go see them whenever you want to;
rinrin finds this entire thing amusing but puts aside their differences to climb onto rinne’s back and sit and purr trying to comfort him. because wow this guy he Doesnt like really loves his family so he should at least try to confort him.
also rinne slutshames rinrin cuz that guy is stuck behind no kissing before marriage while rinrin is over here making a whole family. Lmfao
and the cats in return cuddle and give niki kitty kisses all over while rinne is just standing there screaming in his head . niki gives the kitties kisses back and rinne just walks over and lifts eithe rniki or the kitties up and nikis just amused like rinne-kun are you seriously beefinng with our cats again
this ones from sana its too good to paraphrase
Rinnya: [nuzzling into Niki and giving him kisses]
Rinne: You have your own wife bACK OFF FUCKER—
this one too sana ily
Thought your cats were gay turns out one of them’s actually a girl call that queerbaiting /j
rinnya doesnt care cuz hes happy with a wife that he can kiss and love
Every time Rinne slutshames him he makes a point to kiss and cuddle his wife
Nikitty has no idea what’s going on but she likes the attention and kisses him back
rinnya: purrr (this is what ur missing out on, loser)
rinnya: mrrrr~ (my adorable wife~)
rinne: niki can we kick the cats out
niki: rinne-kun are you beefing with the cats again.
this ones also from sana its so funny its when the kittens are born
Rinne, deadpan at Rinnya through tears while holding his kittens: whore.
anyways more time passes and gay marriage either gets legalized or Rinne finally decides to just straight up propose despite it all maybe get ceremony done where its actually legal but basically hes planning and talks to the cats while hes planning and shows them the ring and is like. freaking out because he has the ring and what if niki says no like how he always does and what if niki doesnt love him like how he loves niki and what if- and niku and rinrin are so fed up with him niki comes home and rinne hides the ring box and is about to put it off for another day but rinrin jumps at rinne and knocks the box out of Rinne’s pocket and niki sees it and bends over to pick it up and then rinne is cornered and finally finally FINALLY gives a serious proposal and niki actually accepts with a smile on his face because he does love his rinne-kun and honestly had been waiting for a serious proposal rather than the joke teasing ones for so long ever since it was legalized or etc
so of course the cats are invited to the wedding they get niku another scarf with the wedding flowers embroidered onto it and train rinrin to carry the rings. rinrin is a smart little guy and succesfully carries out his job
(rinne threatened to actually kick him out if he ruined his special day; also niku would be furious with him if he made niki (or rinne) sad)
various misc things//
niki voice rinnekun they roam free they dont need walks rinne voice its a bonding moment nikikyun biki voice you are literally cuddlibg with them (minus rinrin) every day when are you not bonding with them
when niku wants rinnya to stop doing something she just bites the collar and tugs. he stops instantly
rinne tries to sneak some of the kittens to work sometimes when the kittens r still with them and niki is like .-. rinnekun. No
he gets away with it rarely but always comes home to a
1. angry niki
2. angry niku
3. rinrin watching the two get mad at him
ibara: so thats what is happening next week
(tiny mewl)
ibara: was that a cat i just heard
rinne: no
pachi: (meows louder, sticking his head out from the pocket rinne is hiding him in.)
rinne: i heard it was bring your kid to work day
(cw animal death except its just old age) its still sad tho
niku goes first peacefully passing away of old age way further into the future- all of them can tell shes slowly failing, sluggish and with barely any energy. rinrin sticks next to her 24/7, gently cleabing her, nuzzling her, grabbing food for her. She passes away cuddled up with everyone, Niki, Rinne, and Rinrin all together on the couch saying their goodbyes. She gives a lick and a soft purr to Niki, rubs her head slowly against rinne like the first thing she did when she first approached him so long ago back at the cafe, and touches noses with rinrin one last time before closing her eyes.
a week later rinrin goes he CANNOT live without her he's heartbroken and niki and rinne can only watch in sadness as their remaining cat slowly lets himself die; he doesnt eat, barely moves from his spot which was niku’s favorite spot to lay in, head down comfortably sitting on the scarf niku always wore
The (grown)kittens come by and he perks up a little but only to give them loving licks and gentle bites.
its the one week that rinne and rinrin stop fighting and rinnes at the apartment while nikis working a shift and rinne knows rinrin is on his last legs and is just. holding the cat he could never get along with and texts niki who drops everythinf and runs home while rinne just silently talks to the cat like yeah we hated each other but were the same arent we? we love our loved ones and honestly if i was in your shoes, if niki was gone like niku, id be doing the same. and then rinrin bites him gently one last time and rinne laughs and is like yeah. i understand. say hi to niku for us, okay? and then thats when rinrin lets go
(niki got back during this but opened the door so quietly, saw the scene and heard rinne talking, and stepped aside to give them their moment))
when both cats are gone the apartment just feels. empty and both rinne and niki just sit cuddled up together on the couch silently mourning the two members that have become such a big part of their small family.
they dont ever get new pets again, but still pet-sit the (grown) kittens when asked to. it isnt the same, but they heal together, fill that emptiness with each other’s comfort
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tulipanthousa · 4 months
tell us about the unwritten au 👀
okay, full disclosure, this will never be written. i have no intention of ever doing so. if someone else is willing to take a crack at it be my guest but this would be too much for me to handle
so, here it is
Content Warnings: angst, RAPE (<- read this. the dove is dead. do not pass go do not collect $200. youve been warned) both directly and via proxy, and other kinds of sexual coercion
LAOFT RELAMP but at what cost
In main story laoft, durant does not see roman and remy's dalliances as important or a threat to him/his control over roman.
in this story. he does
in an agonizing display of cruelty, he kidnaps remy and presents him to night roman as a gift.
its a terrible position - roman cant reject the gift and risk durants anger, which will end in disaster for both him and remy... but niether can he accept it and walk back into his day life with the knowledge that remy will remain here, trapped, alone with durant, and impossibly far away from anything roman can do to protect him
Roman takes the only path he can find - feign gratefulness so deep that he no longer had need of his day left, and giving it up. because at least if theyre both trapped remy's not alone.
Remy and Roman disappear the same night, stolen from their beds without a sound or a trace left behind.
In wickhills, Logan is incandescent with fury and patton cries so miserably the woods and hills around his house are bone-dead silent. not even the birds want to sing in his presence.
May sits alone in her house, the door locked, refusing to answer for anyone.
The Adams' put up posters across all of southeast ohio knowing nobody is going to call
And emile watches them all and churns with guilt because he didnt know remy, not really, so why does he think he has a right to be this sad?
Back in faerieland, things escalate in a bad way very quickly. Durant coerces Roman and Remy into increasingly intense sexual scenarios for his entertainment.
in the midst of this, having only one other person you can rely on or trust can, coupled with the rapid increase in intimacy, cross the wires a bit, and wwhoops, Remy and roman are in love now
Remy: or whatever passes for love in this shitshow Roman: you dont get to tell me i dont really love you Remy, crying: ok
and tbh, all of this is more of just context for what im ACTUALLY interested which is
they get out. now what?
Because in the meantime, Emile has reached out to patton, we still have LAMP and remile, and now we have pair-of-cats-that-cant-be-separated creativisleep
Logan: you thought canon logan had anger issues? ha. ha i say. this logan would kill a man sooner than let them make roman or remy even slightly uncomfortable. he'll snarled at his own mother if she gets too close. he'll snarl at thomas, though he'll feel bad about both. this is actually! not great! because logan tried to guard from the outside looks a lot like Guards Keeping Us Inside to remy and roman, so they have to figure out how to navigate logans nuclear reactor protectiveness vs it wigging roman and remy out.
Virgil: Virgil waking up is the catalyst for them getting free, and in the midst of his horror falls in QP love at first sight with remy, who was so brave and so strong and kept roman safe when virgil couldnt.
Remy: i dont know if 'safe' is even slihtly accurate Virgil: the safety of his heart and mind are of equal importance to me as his body. you have cherished both, and you can have anything you ask for as long as i live Remy: [gay fluster noises]
Patton keeps determinedly dragging emile to mays house (where they are holed up for close access to dizzy and jax) even though Emile feels like he's intruding
Patton, constantly on the verge of tears: I almost lost Roman and i've decided im in love with all of you and i CATEGORICALLY refuse to lose anyone else Emile: um Patton: RE. FUSE.
so pattons HOPE is that they all wind up in a big polycule pile, and its doesnt... not do that, but its not quite as clearcut as all that.
Theres stumbling blocks at the beginning withboth remy and roman wavering on whether or not their romantic feelings are genuine, and subsequently wondering if the fact that theeyre still in love with Emile and LAM respectively means that they arent.
this would go through some oscillations of both of them trying to deny those feelings to "prove" their love for each other, vs trying to push the other away so they can go be with p[eople they "really love"
do! not! separate them!
in my head this ends with romantic LAMP, Romantic Remile, Romantic Patmile, and QPR losleep and sleepxiety - everybody else is friends and cuddle buddies
Remy is actually super comforted by the fact that Patton is in love with him/attracted to him but never asks for more than friendship because he knows remy isnt. Metamour besties.
Dizzy suffers a lot from this ordeal (she hid from durant and subsequently roman, knowing if he found her as romans familiar it would be catastrophic) so their bond is.... stretched, lets say. overtaxed. she's a little sicklier. a little smaller, a little more timid. hides in remy or virgils jackets frequently
All of which is to say that this is a fraught extended metaphor that sometimes trauma changes you, and it changes your relationships, and it changes the way you feel attraction, and all of that is okay. it doesnt make those feelings or relationships less real or loving or valid.
anyway this is my monster. im not going to write it (please dont ask) but some people have expressed that they were glad i still shared it, so have some bite sized angst
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wreckitremy · 23 days
Hurt to see a for-Israeli Zionism on your page. I urge you to go to Jewishcurrents (dot) org. Listen to genocide experts. Even the Israeli people of Tel Aviv are protesting whats going on. This is a war thats been going on over 70 years. I denounce Hamas, as they destroyed the democracy of the Palestinian people and for their attacks on the Israeli people. But I equally denounce Israel for the horrors they've been committing for 75 years. As a Jew, many of our celebrations are about surviving such evil. Who is Israel to be weaponizing the very trauma that we lived? I'm hurt because I thought this blog was a safe for Jews like me. just. fuck.
i know nothing i say will reach you. my friend. and that alone hurts more then anything
That's pretty vague, anon. Makes it kinda hard to figure out what caused you to say this, and without context, it doesnt make your anonymous message look like its in good faith.
And as far as I'm aware, I've only been reblogging stuff about the antisemitism that has resulted from this situation.
To be honest i wanted to ignore this whole thing bc I do not have the spoons to sort thru a very complicated history. I still have a lot of the hashtags blacklisted so I can choose when to use my spoons on it.
But I watched my jewish mutuals and the jewish people I follow and trust to have nuanced opinions on a wide variety of marginalizations we have in common, get increasingly hateful messages, for simply asking people to not derail their posts about war in a country they do not even live in.
I watch them get dragged into discussing the conflict bc no one was listening to them.
I watched people move/deactivate their blogs bc people wouldn't stop.
I watched leftists spread posts that had such obvious antisemitic rhetoric, even I noticed. I've only been actively paying attention and learning about antisemitism for about 4 years now, but it was apparently quite a headstart compared to the activists that only started learning and posting about this whole thing last year.
I dont claim to have an opinion on Israel or Palestine. My stance is the same as it is for everything. Nothing makes bigotry okay.
You don't get to misgender a trans person bc they are racist.
You don't get to be racist to a person of color bc they are transphobic.
You don't get to suicide bait people, period.
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daenystheedreamer · 11 months
not to be obsessed with the theon that lives in ur head but in ur modern au how does he come out to his family??
Well. i think balon always was like that boy's a sissy! he's not right! so theon from the outset has a very weird relationship with his family. his brothers constantly calling him gay but the slur for gay that starts with f. definitely did not make his psyche normal. and since ironborn culture is so patriarchal its expected to have sex with women. its not even heteronormative its just sexist because there's no equal footing for women not to imply heteronormativity is fuckin feminist LMAO)
i always keep the general canon plot outline when Pondering modern au.. so theon has some kind of breakdown/falling out/mid life crisis at the age of 19/whatever and returns home and gets microagressed by his family for a while. after a couple years (usually involving the ramsay torture labyrinth) and he's like 5% more self-actualised he visits pyke middle fingers akimbo going fuck maron fuck rodrik fuck you dad fuck this bitch ass family this sexy motherfucker before you takes it up the ass and has actual taste and if that makes you mad then KILL YOURSELF! then he runs home to asha's place and they eat candy and watch movies and he cries a little bit.
and balon never comes around to it but since maron and rodrik are still around to be straight and continue the family line or whatever he's just like eugh -_- well he always was a disappointment. alannys doesnt really get The Gay Identity but she's nice. she just worries the gay lifestyle might make theon too skinny and worries he's not eating enough. asha is like im the cooler gay and you are lame and i DO hate you for being gay actually because youre ruining the reputation of lgbts everywhere (shes just joshing :) or is she...). aeron is like well we've all been 19 once... whom amongst us.... the navy you know how it is.... and victarion goes What. I didnt. Wtf are u on about. I didnt do gay sex. Im normal (only reason he's not the most fucked up member of the greyjoy family is because euron is in jail for every single crime ever)
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roughentumble · 8 months
btw you know what concept i loveeeeeeee i love? john killing the yellow-eyed demon earlier in the timeline, and going to live with the milligans while dean and sam are still minors. and obviously brings his boys with him.
its so cheweyyyyyy its so juicyyyy like they wake up one day and are rold they have a BROTHER and their dad(<-based his entire life around being unable to move on from his dead wife) has actually had a girlfriend all along. theyre in a normal house watching their dad be normal and play kickball with a normal little kid who doesnt know how to shoot or identify a haunting or survive in the woods. and dean feels betrayed and confused because his whole life was hunting and trying to be his dad and now his dad is someone he doesnt recognize and surely he should be happy YED is dead and their mother is avenged, but who is he if he's not on the road? and sam is twisted up because all he ever wanted was a normal life but he's in a normal house and he still doesnt FIT, it doesnt feel RIGHT and its all like some sort of twisted mockery, this is what he always wanted so why does it make him feel SICK why does he RESENT it so much? they can act normal in the real world to keep from being questioned but they dont know how to behave in this house. adam is an innocent, adam is a betrayal, adam is treated right by their father as he /should/ be because he'd be a deadbeat otherwise, why does adam get only the good parts of their father when as the years dragged on it felt like they only got the bad? adam wants to know them, adam doesnt trust them, adam drew a picture of his new big step-brothers dont they want to see? they hate him. theyre neutral towards him. they feel obligated to care because he is their brother by blood, and for so long brother was a mantra that got them through everything. but is he brother? is he? brother means something else when it's lived-in, when it's battle-worn and soft with time
and KATE, kind enough to not try and be their mother because of their age, because of the situation, and still they bristle and yearn in equal measure. because they wanted mom but she wasnt mom, she's some stranger who's house they've invaded, theyre past the point of needing it but that means they need it more than ever but she ISNT "mom" she's just. some woman. and she's nice and her house is nice and they lived in shitty apartments and it isnt right to resent but they do, they resent the niceness while also looking down on it because what was so wrong with their life, huh? especially dean, the pride in it, in saving people and put up or shut up and follow orders and being strong. and now he has a bed and his own room, or perhaps shares with sam because there was only one spare room but each bed is a real bed. and what is he supposed to DO? he was going to hunt forever. he lived outside the world and was proud of it. what now? what now?
its sooooOoooOOOOOOO wild and i could keep going but i just.
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alstroemerian-dragon · 2 months
theres something that really bothers me about the way a lot of people talk about and write peko re: her place as fuyuhiko’s “tool,” especially when it comes to like. despair. and i feel like it stems from a few different places and one of those is definitely uh. distance from the source material. because. w. did we play the same game
like. the second trial is a lot of things. annoying. about the death of a character i dont really care about. kind of confusing. Very Sad At The End. but the one thing it shows beyond any shadow of a doubt is that peko Does Not Want To Be Fuyuhiko’s Tool. she leans into it a lot in that trial, past the stupid. serial killer shit. which is literally just desperation and quick thinking on her part (and non diagetically meant to parallel the first game but whatever). but she does that because it is the only option she thinks she has if she wants to keep fuyuhiko alive. because thats her ultimate goal, right? sure, she’s his tool. sure, theyre Badly and Unhealthily codependent. sure, she was basically groomed to stay at his side no matter what. but…
she also cares about him. genuinely. she loves him. for all that teenagers can properly conceive of love in all its forms, but she at least think she does. but she does truly care about him.
did anybody do her free time events other than me? genuine question. because i dont think someone who wants to ask the guy shes sworn to protect on a date would be content being just his tool. that sure sounds like someone who wants to be on equal footing with him.
like. look. say what you want about the anime. take it with a grain of salt. cherry pick what you like and toss the rest of it out. that sure is what i do!! but even if you do that, youve got to take the text of the game itself into account if you want to have any semblance of regular characterization, and the game makes it clear that she hates this!!! she doesnt want to be his tool! she will fight him on things if she has to! she will disobey him if she has to!!! thats the whole point of the trial!!!!! he told her to run and that he would take the fall and she told him no!!!!!!!!!
and you cant ignore the fact that the time between them starting at hope’s peak and the tragedy hitting the ground running was two whole years. people can change a lot in two years, especially teenagers, and especially high schoolers. idk how long its been since you were in high school (unless you currently are in which case. dear gd im so sorry. good luck) but your mental state in high school is so fucked. you have no idea who you are and neither does anybody else and can you even imagine the kinds of pressure the ultimates would have been under?? again, taking the anime with a grain of salt, but even if you go along with it and think the school was barely a school at all, the pressure from society, from family, from peers still has an impact. everyone was telling them who they were and that thats who they were going to be for the rest of their lives and i doubt ANY of them felt like it.
and even if you subscribe to the idea, like me, that their second year was a downward spiral because of junko’s presence and influence, they still needed somewhere to fall from. the idea that peko was uniquely comfortable being quiet and violent and doing whatever fuyuhiko wanted so she didnt need despair to be his tool is ridiculous. i see the argument of “well watching her friends fall into despair and spiral made her spiral in turn and grow numb to it and retreat into herself until she needed to become fuyuhiko’s tool again as a coping mechanism” but. buddy. That Is Despair.
sometimes i feel like the only person who thinks about despair complexly and maybe thats its own post because this ones too long already but. despair isnt just Being Brainwashed Into A Monster. ignore what the writers told you. okay? look at me. Look Into My Eyes. The Writers Are Fucking Idiots And Dont Know How To Write Good Drama With Genuine Stakes. despair as a nuanced concept is so much more horrifying. different post. sorry. peko.
if peko had not been pulled down by despair just like the rest of them she would have fought tooth and nail to keep fuyuhiko above it. she would have demanded he explain to her why he was doing what he was doing. and she would have told him no.
and of course heres where i get into the accusatory part because the other place a lot of this comes from is, and im sorry, an unwillingness to write complex or nuanced women. not pointing fingers, but reducing peko down into “fuyuhiko’s tool” and “she does whatever he says without question” completely destroys any minuscule amount of agency she has. shes a fucking person. yes, shes pixels on a screen. yes, shes a representation of tropes. but diagetically, within the fiction of the game, she is a human being, and if you want to write her, and not be puppeting around a gddamn cardboard cutout, you have to think of her as a person with agency who makes her own fucking choices. sometimes those choices are taken away from her. but they shouldnt be taken away by you.
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kitcat22 · 7 months
Another Au thats been rattling around my head is a time travel Au where Turgon and the Lords of Gondolin wake up in the years of the trees
Turgon wakes up in his parents house in Tirion to the sound of birds tweeting outside his window.
Like most of his mornings his first moments of waking are blissfully pleasant … until reality comes crashing down on him. This time around the reality of his existence is even worse than before
He remembers watching as morgoths armies marched towards his city. He remembers the battles on the walls and in the streets and before his own tower. He remembers the death of his lords, his friends, and he remembers his own death too. He remembers of every piece of advice he ignored and every quiet warning from his daughter and the sounds of his people screaming, men,women and children all
And Turgon weeps
It takes a little while of crying his eyes out before it occurs to him that the halls of Mandos look an awful lot like his room at his parents house in tirion.
Confused, he wonders down the stairs through the familiar hallways and into the dining room where his father sits eating breakfast
Cue more confused crying
Nolofinwe is equally bewildered and very worried why Turukano is uncontrollably sobbing into his arms. He calls Anaire into the room but she is just as helpless as him
During this breakdown Turgon has his realisation that he’s in pre darking valinor comes to understand that either he’s been sent back in time ore the last few hundred years for him have been some strange dream. It occurs to him that if his parents are whole and well in front of him Elenwe must be alive too
Hearing his son mumble Elenwe’s name causes Nolofinwe to write a letter to Elenwe asking if everythings all right and if she could please return to tirion as something is very wrong with her husband.
Anaire tucks Turgon back into bed and sits beside him keeping watch.
Elenwe who is at an academic conference in Taniquetil while also visiting family, wakes up with memories up until falling through the ice.
She never reads her father in laws letter as she’s already madly dashing towards tirion.
When she arrives she and Turgon spend a long time cuddling and crying
Nolofinwe and Anaire, and by this point Findekano and Irrise, still have no clue whats going on
Elenwe and Turgon in the privacy of Turgons room tell each other what they remember
Elenwe is horrified and grieved to hear of all that happened after her death.
She longs for her brave,sensible daughter who grew up without her. Her daughter who has not even been conceived yet . She wishes she could have met her son in law who her husband speaks of with trust fondness, admiration and regret. She wonders about her apparently half elven grandson who Turgon speaks of as a sweet energetic child who loved sweets and games and staying up past his bedtime. She listens in horror at the tale of what fate befell the noldor upon reahcing beleriand.
Turgon realises with a panic that he doesnt know what happened to Maeglin. He desperately hopes he managed to escape. His nephew is to young to die , too young and full of promise. If Maeglin is dead then Turgon is responsible for the death of Aredhels son and that is not something that he can live with.
Neither of them can allow this dark future to become reality again
They realise that this is too difficult and unbelievable to explain to Turgons family so they promise them that they’ll explain everything eventually
No matter what it takes they will end the doom of the Noldor before it even begins
To be continued…
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