#steve having a rapunzel girl summer
sarcasticassian · 2 years
the first time Steve sees them he hasn’t realised yet that his window opens all the way and he can crawl out onto the roof so he hears them first, Love Shack is playing loudly and when he peers out of the window he can see a horrible, beat up old Cadillac, Steve always thought they were sort of ugly but it suits the weird trio sitting in it and this weird beach town too, the roof is down and there’s a girl sat in the back, she has short hair that brushes her shoulders, her clothes like kind of grungy in a cool way and her head is currently thrown back in a loud laugh, there’s a blonde girl sat in the passenger seat, twisted around to talk to the other girl, she’s in a summer dress and it sounds like the song might’ve been her choice, it suits her, finally there’s a guy driving, he has long curly hair, he’s wearing a cropped band shirt from what Steve can see and he’s also laughing, Steve feels a stab of jealousy that they get to enjoy their day and a summer at the beach, he goes back to laying on his bed and feeling sorry for himself
the next time Steve sees them he’s figured out the window latch and he’s sat on the roof wallowing, he’s realised that his dad was being serious about his summer exile before he goes to work for him or go to college, Steve isn’t sure if he’s been accepted into any because their mail hasn’t been rerouted here, if he knew this is where he’d have ended up Steve wouldn’t have let Tommy kiss him but there’s the beat up car again, the roof still down and this time Should I Stay or Should I Go is blasting, the three from before are there again but this time there’s another girl squished into the back with them, she has dark curly hair and Steve wonders if her and the first boy are related, this time there’s another boy in the passenger seat, he has straight brown hair and a beige, plain t shirt on, Steve watches them all hop out the car and head down to the beach
the third time he sees them there’s no girls and another guy who has incredible hair, it’s long and even from the roof Steve can see that it’s soft, the new boy is wearing a bright hawaiian shirt and this time Pass the Dutchie is playing quieter than the music usually is and as they hop out the guy with the short, straight hair staggers slightly and they all start to laugh as they slowly start the walk to the beach
Call Me hails the arrival of the sad, little car next time, it’s just the curly haired pair this time, Steve thinks they’re both the most attractive of the bunch but he doesn’t have anybody to tell, the pair don’t get out of the car straight away and Steve watches the guy gesticulate wildly, the girl nods along, rolls her eyes in some parts and they talk for a little longer, then they get out the car, the guy always just hops over his door instead of opening it, Steve thinks its insanely attractive for some reason and maybe the guy takes the top spot for the best looking in this weird group of people
the next time it’s the same guy and girl again (Steve briefly wonders if they’re a couple) but this time Running Up That Hill is playing and there’s a small army of children squashed into the back seat together, all talking loudly and immediately legging it to the beach once the car stops, the guy yells and takes off after them, the girl following more slowly after she picks up a book from the car, later that day the guy with the short hair turns up in his own car and when they all come back he has his arm wrapped around the girl whilst the curly haired guy carries a redhead on his back before he dumps her into the back of his car
this carries on for a couple more weeks, usually just the ugly Cadillac and who Steve assumes is the owner, the curly haired guy, along with a rotation of seemingly random teenagers, Steve can’t figure out what they have in common, none of them have similar styles, except maybe the curly haired brunette and the small, strawberry blonde girl, the music clashes horribly from person to person and Steve is pretty sure it’s never the curly haired guys choice because he seems to grumble at the particularly poppy choices, Steve is curious but he knows he can’t leave so he watches them from a distance, he longing deep within him, he wants to laugh like that, have friends like they all seem to be, he resigns himself to a summer of people watching and hating his parents but as the summer stretches on he realises that this is just going to be his life at this point, always on the outskirts and always dissatisfied 
the next day the car pulls up, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy is cut off halfway through a chorus and he looks down to see the grungy short haired girl and the cute curly haired guy looking up at him, he lets out a squeak of embarrassment at being caught and looks away but then they’re shouting
“Hey!” “Hey you on the roof!” The girl is waving her arms frantically and the guy is grinning up at him, Steve looks around as if there is anybody else on the roof with him then waves back shyly, the girl hoots and scrambles to get out the car, the boy following her
“Come down! We see you up there all the time, come down and hang out!”
“I can’t!”
“Why not?”
“Not allowed!”
The guy takes a step back to assess the side of the house, he leans over to point something out to the girl then he’s taking a running leap at the building, he manages to haul himself up until his head is popping up over the edge of the roof and Steve quickly helps him up by grabbing his hand, it’s calloused and warm and Steve doesn’t want to let go but he does
“Come on Rob, it’s not that hard!”
“You know I can’t control my limbs!”
But she eventually clambers up and rolls onto the roof, panting and groaning but perking up once she’s face to face with Steve
“I’m Robin, this is Eddie.”
“I’m Steve.”
and suddenly Steve’s summer doesn’t look so bleak
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fandomoblivion · 4 years
Ella Enchanted (prologue)
Fandom: Stranger Things season 3
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader 
Summary: (Y/N), also known as Nine, was a girl being experimented on all her life by the Hawkins Lab, conditioned into following every command her brain heard. She managed to escape the lab, with the help of her little sister Eleven, and was taken in by Hopper. Now, it’s a year later, and the three of them are a happy family. She just got her first job, where she works alongside Steve “The Hair” Harrington… who her father doesn’t much like.
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 1,356
Notes: This is the “Lot of Livin’ To Do” redo! Even if you read that prologue, please read this one as well, since I nearly doubled it in length! 
“I thought you forgot about me!” You sobbed, your face pale.
He held your head up, his eyes wild. “Never, Kiddo. Believe me, I would never.”
You clenched your hand around your open wound on your stomach, crying both tears of pain and happiness that you had been found.
“Shit, we gotta go, like, now.” He said, covering one of his own hands around your wound, trying to apply pressure and stop the never-ending bleeding while trying not to hurt you still.
“What?!” You cried, your breaths heavy. “N-No! They- Them! They’re still out there! And- and, and I wanna...” You dissolved into heavy sobs in his shoulder, and he held you tight against him, knowing that, in this second, he could protect you.
“Ssh... Kid, listen. El got them. They’re dead. But I promised her that when I found you, I’d take you straight to her for help. And... and I’ve found you.”
He hoisted you to your feet, and you almost collapsed instantly. “Shit.” He mumbled a quick, “C’mon, Kid. Up we go,” while picking you up in his arms. 
“Thank you Hopper.” You whispered. 
He huffed. “Don’t mention it.”
“Can you… tell me a story?” You asked, your head spinning from the amount of blood that had escaped. 
He sighed. “Once upon a time, there was a guy. And a girl.” At this point he was more carrying you than helping you walk. “They went to high school together. They used to meet under the bleachers, in the stairwell, wherever they could.” Your breaths were sharp and ragged. “They smoked together. And one day… Joyce-” 
He looked down, and your eyes were closed. “Fuck. Kid!” He said, shaking you in his arms. When you stirred, but didn’t wake or open your eyes, he broke into a sprint down the hall.
“Someone! Anyone! Help!” He yelled.
Mike and Lucas skidded down the hall. “Hopper!” Lucas yelled. They ran to each other, and the two young boys quickly spun around to match the direction that Hopper was running in with you. 
“We need to find someone.” Hopper said, his breathing ragged.
Mike cursed. “Mrs. Byers is down the hall, but she still hasn’t found anyone.”
“El!” Lucas yelled. The young girl turning the corner.
“Stop!” She yelled, halting all of you in an intersection of corridors. “Put her down.” she said, pointing at your body.
Hopper set you down on the cold linoleum floor. He watched as your chest rose and fell shallowly, one arm loosely draped over your own face.
The crimson stain of your shirt was growing ever larger, and it almost made Hopper’s stomach queasy.
Eleven closed her eyes and gripped one of your hands in her own.
“Mike, take off her shirt.” She said, turning her head toward Mike, but keeping her eyes closed.
Mike’s face turned bright red. Lucas awkwardly coughed and looked away as Mike lifted your shirt, revealing the most horrible gash in your skin that Hopper had ever seen. And he was in the police force.
He watched quietly as Eleven kept your hand in one of hers, and placed her other hand lightly on the injury. And although you weren’t conscious, your body contracted in pain when El’s small fingers touched it.
There were footsteps down the hall as Joyce came from one hallway, followed by Nancy and Jonathan. 
Everyone now was gathered around you and Eleven as the cut noticeably faded. The blood that had escaped your body already had stayed, though, keeping your skin shiny and your shirt damp. She moved her hand from your injury to putting two fingers on your forehead.
The absence of El’s hand showed your stomach had completely healed. Hopper, at the sight of this, let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
El’s hand started shaking, and it stopped as your eyes flew open.
“Fuck.” You mumbled, your wild eyes looking around at everyone. You reached your hands out, silently asking someone to help you sit up a little. Dustin and Lucas rushed forward, helping you lean up against a nearby wall. 
Your body shook with sobs. El sat down next to you and silently rested her head on your shoulder. You took your hand in hers. You looked down at her, smiling through the tears coursing down your cheeks. “Thank you, Eleven.”
“Son of a bitch, I know who you are!“
“Dustin, language.” Joyce mumbled, making everyone laugh through their blurred eyes.
“Sorry! It’s… it’s just… I didn’t know there were more.”
“Of course there are. She’s number eleven, you dumbass. That means there’s at least ten more.” Mike said, hitting Dustin upside his head. 
Hopper and El helped you to your feet. “I’ll take her home with me so El can watch over her. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have her sister back.” He looked to Eleven, who smiled in agreement. 
Joyce smiled and nodded. “I think that’s a great idea, Jim.” 
Hopper huffed and nodded, and he and Eleven helped walk you down the hall, towards the exit. 
You looked down at your wrist at the small “9” imprinted into your skin. You were scared beyond your wits, but insanely excited to see real sunlight for the first time. You were going to be a normal seventeen year-old. 
Since you had left the lab, you been living with Hopper and Eleven. He had a nice home, a little cabin deep in the woods. You had agreed with both of them that until you all knew it was safe, you and El were not to leave the house without Hopper. 
Which meant you almost never left the house.
From one prison to another. 
You and El shared a room, but she soon grew restless. Soon enough, she was requesting your help every night to check up on Mike and his friends to see how they were doing. Now, you didn’t know these kids. They had only seen you once, when you were being rescued from Hawkins Lab, and since then Hopper had disallowed any contact with them. 
When El ran away, and Hopper had to leave to help Ms. Byers and her son again, you wanted nothing more than to leave too. You had the chance, too! No one was home, and you could set out to have your own adventure, and come back before Hopper even knew. 
Unfortunately, Hopper had told you the four words you wished he hadn’t. 
“Don’t leave the cabin.” 
So you couldn’t. 
See, Eleven was tortured into having telekinetic powers. You had heard whispers through the lab of another kid being “conditioned” into being able to create illusions in the eyes of others. Your brain was altered to obey every command it heard. Yup, you were a regular ole Ella Enchanted. 
So you didn’t leave the cabin. Yup, you were stuck there, bored out of your mind. You cleaned up the glass that had gotten everywhere from El’s little outburst. You rearranged all the furniture. The tv was broken, so you couldn’t even watch the news… you were cut off, isolated once again.
And then, Hopper came back. They tried to act as though they had never left. Hopper fixed the television, repaired the windows, and for Christmas, he adopted the two of you. Turns out, Eleven found out who you two really were, outside of the lab. Her name was Jane, and yours (Y/N). 
She still went by El though.
You helped her get ready for the Snow Ball, which you begged Hopper to let you go to, until you found out it was for middle schoolers. You asked him what middle school was, and he explained the American public school system. 
You hated it.
He also told you you’d have to jump in, head-first into your senior year of high school. You didn’t understand why, you had an education back at the Lab, but Hopper insisted. He forged school records, showing fake grades for fake courses so you could still graduate with everyone else. He wanted you to live like a normal seventeen year-old, even if it was just for one year. 
Which meant you needed to enjoy your summer before high school.
TAGLIST (bold means tumblr wont let me tag)
@a-hopeless-and-imaginative-girl . @alina-margaret . @anamcg317 . @annaewww . @blackandwhiteimagines . @bubblegumcat229 . @bucky-newtlock . @canny1902 .  @christinawxxx . @cosmickha0s . @creativedogs . @darkcrystal-wolf . @editsbyjenny . @eyeballtoes . @fandomsstolemylife00 . @fanatic-anne . @fredweasleysupportgroup . @ginger-swag-rapunzel . @golddvstwoman . @gracelynns . @grippleback-galaxy . @gruffle1 . @hananabee . @heavenlyholland . @hellhoundschewtoy . @in-my-dreams-2000 . @mackycat11 . @megsell99 . @metuel18 . @morganmindflayer . @notvvarriors . @opalrustad . @potterhead-witch . @queen1054 . @sheridans-dynamos . @thecaptainsgingersnap . @thegloryofliterature . @thoughstofaredhead . @ucantknowmeyet . @wastelandkitties . @whataloadofmalarkey​
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sincerelymlg · 5 years
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My first writing challenge? MY FiRsT writing challenge! Ok! This is to celebrate me passing all of my classes, becoming financially independent (according to the government), and most importantly THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER!
You don’t have to be following me, but it would be nice!
Must reblog this post to spread the word!
Two people per prompt
All fics will be reblogged and added to a masterlist
No minimum word count or maximum word count
Want to use this as the beginning of a series? SURE GO AHEAD! Just make sure to tag me in all chapters and use the tag!
Can be Reader Insert, OC, or character x character
Can be any character/person! I read mostly Marvel/Star Wars, but I don’t want to limit those that are participating. 
No matter who you write it will be added to the masterlist.
No pedophilia/MAP/older and younger character dynamics
No incest 
No smut for any characters under 18
Include a warnings section and list any/all warnings
Send me an ASK with the character and prompt you want.
Use the tag #sincerelymlgwc
If I don’t reblog/add it to the masterlist within a week send me an ask and I will try and get that figured out.
Deadline is July 14, but if you need more time let me know. 
Dialogue Prompts:
“I guess being angry was/is just easier than being sad.” (1/2) @one-muggle-girl w/Bucky Barnes
“It was supposed to be simple.” (2/2) @notimetoblog w/Bucky Barnes, @holy-captain w/Steve Rogers
“Hush, I’m trying to kiss you.” (2/2) @underoossss w/Peter Parker, @littlemarvelfics w/Steve Rogers
“You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“If you have something to say, spit it out.” (1/2) @friday-ocean w/Bucky Barnes
“I’m allowed to be angry.” (1/2) @lxnarholland w/Steve Rogers
“Just hold me.” (2/2) @kentuckybarnes w/Bucky Barnes, @littledarlinwrites​ / @littledarlinhavefaithinme w/ Bucky Barnes/Matt Murdock
“I do care.” (2/2) @wienerbarnes w/Bucky Barnes, @afterglowparker w/Peter Parker
“Just let me show you how I feel.”
“That should probably shock me, but honestly it doesn’t.” (2/2) @sgtjbuccky-main w/Bucky Barnes, @tbetz0341 w/Clint Barton, @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone w/Bucky Barnes
AU/Trope Prompts:
Soulmates (1/2) @spiderboysparker w/Bucky Barnes
Fake Dating/Secret Relationship (2/2) @softhairbarnes w/Stephen Strange, @agentpegcxrter w/Bucky Barnes
Roommates (1/2) @spiderboytotherescue w/Peter Parker
Mob (1/2) @docharleythegeekqueen w/Bucky Barnes
King/Queen of Hell (1/2) @southsideavalon w/Tom Holland
Enemies to Lovers
Coffee Shop
Supernatural (not the show)
Greek Stories:
Orpheus and Eurydice (2/2) @galaxy-parker w/Peter Parker, @serpienten w/ Bucky Barnes
Hades and Persephone (2/2) @peachy-parkers w/Tom Holland, @honeyjotunheim w/Bucky Barnes
Icarus (1/2) @spiderrpcrker w/Natasha Romanoff
Pandora’s Box
Trojan War (1/2) @lexiamarv w/Steve Rogers
Fairy Tales:
Cinderella (2/2) @thestorydetective w/Peter Parker, @dutchiewhotriestowrite w/Bucky Barnes
Beauty and the Beast (2/2) @grandmascottlang w/Bucky Barnes, @calum-hoodwinked-me w/??
Rapunzel (1/2) @quxntumvandyne w/Scott Lang,
Sleeping Beauty
The Little Mermaid (1/2) @reyisqueen-imagines w/Stephen Strange
Tagging for awareness:
@upsidedownparker @grandmascottlang @underoossss @lovely-haley @tbetz0341 @hazhasmycoffee @jaamesbbarnes @spiderboytotherescue @madmadmilk @aunty-peggy @agentpegcxrter @evanstarff @gab-spidey @h-osterfield @holland-ish @notimetoblog @peachy-parkers
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sleepingdragonhq · 5 years
Costume Contest
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Hey guys !! Below the read more is the whole list of costumes and another list for the couples costume (platonic pairs specified for their own category). If we’re missing any or have made a mistake, please let us know. You can find the voting form here. You must put five choices for each for the point system to work. The winners will be announced next week !!
Adabella Skeeter - Rose (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber - Velma (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe - Cowboy
Alastair Watson - Steve Rogers / Captain America (Marvel)
Albus Potter - James Bond (James Bond)
Alexander Hawthorne - Sailor (V-J Day in Times Square)
Alice Longbottom II - Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Amara Bones - Peter Pan (Peter Pan)
Anthony Rosier - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Archer Selwyn - Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Ariadne McLaggen - Lola (Looney Tunes)
Ariella Belefleur - Anna (Frozen)
Aryana Robins - Shego (Kim Possible)
Ash Rookwood - Gardener
August Fawley - Werewolf
Aurora Claremont - Bunny
Avalon Mulciber - Megara (Hercules)
Benjamin Ollivander - Flynn Rider (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart - Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes)
Brianna Avery - Mary Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Caleb Cresswell - Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Callista McGonagall - Harley Quinn (Suicide Squad)
Camille McGonagall - Mrs. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Candice Cresswell - Morticia Addams (Addams Family)
Casey Abrams - Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Caspian Berrycloth - Poseidon (Mythology)
Cassius Cresswell - George Washington
Cecily Prewett - Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s)
Celestina Shacklebolt - Playboy Bunny
Charles Villiers - Gomez Addams (Addams Family)
Charlotte Watson - Mia (La La Land)
Chase Sayre - Burt Macklin (Parks & Rec)
Clara Arquette - Captain America (Marvel)
Colm McCarthy - Flash (Zootopia)
Darcy Mulciber - Loki (Marvel)
Declan Rowland - Stanley Ipkiss (The Mask)
Delilah Flume - Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Dev MacMillan - Devil
Diana Rosier - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Dominic Whitehorn - Golden Snitch
Elaine Greengrass - Belle (Beauty & the Beast)
Electra Carrow - Daisy Buchanan (Great Gatsby)
Elena Flores - Baby (Dirty Dancing)
Elide Weasley - Cactus
Elijah Nolan - JD (Heathers) 
Elisaveta Hagen - Queen
Elizabeth Greenwood - Veronica (Heathers) 
Elsa Lestrange - Snow Queen
Ember Fortescue - Ice Cream
Emma Pickering - Elphaba (Wicked)
Evan Parkinson - Cowboy
Everett Pickering - Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) 
Ezra Bishop - Fiyero (Wicked)
Finley Murray - Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
Fletcher Duke - Nightwing (DC Comics)
Frank Longbottom - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Freya Avery - Winnie Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Gabriel Larkin - Jack (Titanic)
Grace Turner - Spider-Gwen (Spider-Man)
Gwendolyn Hawkes - Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Harley Burke - Mabel (Gravity Falls)
Hazel MacDougal - Rachel Green (Friends)
Hudson Burke - Dipper (Gravity Falls)
Hugo Granger-Weasley - Wally (Where’s Wally?)
Isabelle Crawford - Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
James Ashcroft - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
James Potter - Firefighter
Jasper Locklear - Romeo (Romeo + Juliet)
Jaxon DuQuan - The Invisible Man
Jonah Finch - Cosmo (Fairly Odd Parents)
Josephine Goldstein - Squirrel Girl (Marvel)
Joshua Selwyn - Baseball Player / Pitcher
Julia Kominek - Bonnie Parker
June Finch - Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents)
Katherine Robertson - A Phoenix
Kristoff Flynn - Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Laurel Ollivander - Pink Power Ranger (Power Rangers)
Lena Macmillan - Wednesday Addams (Addams Family)
Liam Kominek - Joker (Suicide Squad)
Lily Potter - Princess Merida (Brave)
Long Huojin - PT Barnum (The Greatest Showman)
Lorcan Scamander - Clyde Barrow
Lucia Rodriguez - America Chavez / Miss America (Marvel)
Lucienne Wolffe - The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Lucy Weasley - Cruella DeVil (101 Dalmatians)
Lyra Malfoy - Juliet (Romeo + Juliet)
Lysander Scamander - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Lysandra Rowle - Flower
Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Dalmatian
Maeve O’Hare - Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Manon Flamel - Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus)
Marcus Carson - Inspector Gadget (Inspector Gadget)
Margot Fontaine - Alice Kingsleigh (Alice in Wonderland)
Matthias Vallois - Kristoff (Frozen)
Meredith Wayfelle - Violet Beauregarde (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Michael Thorne - Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Milo Fox - Peter’s Shadow (Peter Pan)
Molly Weasley - Nurse (V-J Day in Times Square)
Mortimer Claremont - Milo Thatch (Atlantis)
Natalie Davies - Red Riding Hood (Red Riding Hood)
Natalya Dolohova - Quidditch Player 
Nesta Greenwood - Anastasia (Anastasia)
Nile Harb - Burt (Mary Poppins)
Octavia Coleman - Cher Horowitz (Clueless)
Odette Flume - Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec)
Orion Yaxley - Danny Zuko (Grease)
Peggy Carson - Peggy Carter (Marvel)
Pepper Rosewood - White Angel
Pippa Rosewood - Black Angel
Penelope Hawthorne - Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Perseus Mulciber - Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Poppy Zabini - 1/2 of Beer Pong
Reid Anderson - Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon)
Rhiannon Prewett - Persephone (Mythology)
Rosalie Fleur - Samara (The Ring)
Rose Granger-Weasley -  Beyoncé
Scorpius Malfoy - Skeleton
Sebastian Nott - Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Seraphina - Sandy (Grease)
Seung Krum - Baseball Player / Catcher
Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel (Tangled)
Sofia Clarke - Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Tallulah Abbott - Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Teddy Lupin - James Ashcroft
Theodore Dubanowski - Hunter (Red Riding Hood)
Theodore Oliver - Green Soldier (Toy Story)
Theseus McLaggen - Mr. Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith)
Tiberius Flume - Error 404 Costume Not Found
Tobias Atwell - Hugh Hefner 
Toby Anderson - Sebastian (La La Land)
Verity Nott - Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Victoire Weasley - Cinderella (Cinderella)
Vivian Chang - Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants)
Wesley Martin - Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
William Ashcroft - Hades (Mythology)
pair costumes
Adabella Skeeter & Gabriel Larkin - Rose & Jack (Titanic)
Adeline Mulciber & Wesley Martin - Velma & Shaggy (Scooby Doo)
Aiden Wolffe & Evan Parkinson - Cowboys 
Alastair Watson & Peggy Carson - Steve Rogers & Peggy Carter (Marvel) - platonic
Alexander Hawthorne & Molly Weasley - Sailor & Nurse ( V-J Day in Times Square)
Anthony & Diana Rosier - Flynn Rider & Rapunzel (Tangled)
Ariella Belefleur & Matthias Vallois - Anna & Kristoff (Frozen)
Ash Rookwood & Lysandra Rowle - Gardener & Flower - platonic
Benjamin Ollivander & Skye MacDougal-Ollivander - Rapunzel & Flynn RIder (Tangled)
Bentley Lockhart & Everett Pickering - Sherlock Holmes & Dr. John Watson (Sherlock Holmes) - platonic
Callista McGonagall-Kominek & Liam Kominek - Harley Quinn & Joker (Suicide Squad)
Casey Abrams & Frank Longbottom - Sally & Jack Skellington (Nightmare Before Christmas)
Charles Villiers & Candice Cresswell - Gomez & Morticia Addams (Addams Family) 
Chase Sayre & Odette Flume - Burt Macklin & Janet Snakehole (Parks & Rec) - platonic
Dominic Whitehorn & Natalya Dolohova - Snitch & Quidditch Player - platonic
Elizabeth Greenwood & Elijah Nolan - Veronica & JD (Heathers)
Emma Pickering & Ezra Bishop - Elphaba & Fiyero (Wicked)
Grace Turner & Archer Selwyn - Spider-Gwen & Spider-Man (Spider-Man)
Harley Burke & Hudson Burke - Mabel & Dipper (Gravity Falls) - platonic
James Ashcroft & Verity Nott - Steve Harrington & Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
James Potter & Mackenzie Finnigan-Thomas - Firefighter & Dalmatian
Jasper Locklear & Lyra Malfoy - Romeo & Juliet (Romeo + Juliet) - platonic 
Jonah & June Finch - Cosmo & Wanda (Fairly Odd Parents) - platonic
Joshua Selwyn & Seung Krum - Pitcher & Catcher / Baseball Players
Kristoff Flynn & Elena Flores - Johnny & Baby (Dirty Dancing) - platonic
Lorcan Scamander & Julia Kominek - Bonnie & Clyde 
Lysander Scamander & Poppy Zabini - Beer Pong - platonic
Milo Fox & Amara Bones - Peter Pan & His Shadow (Peter Pan) - platonic
Nile Harb & Sofia Clarke - Burt & Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins) - platonic
Orion Yaxley & Seraphina MacAuley - Danny & Sandy (Grease)
Perseus Mulciber & Penelope Hawthorne - Prince Eric and Ariel (The Little Mermaid)
Pippa Rosewood & Pepper Rosewood - Black & White Angels - platonic
Sebastian Nott & Ariadne McLaggen - Bugs Bunny & Lola (Looney Tunes)
Tallulah Abbott & Vivian Chang - Spongebob & Patrick (Spongebob Squarepants) - platonic
Theodore Dubanowski & Natalie Davies (ft. Apolline) - Hunter & Red Riding Hood (ft. Wolf)
Theseus McLaggen & Camille McGonagall - Mr & Mrs Smith (Mr & Mrs Smith) - platonic
Tobias Atwell & Celestina Shacklebolt - Hugh Hefner & Playboy Bunny
Toby Anderson & Charlotte Watson - Sebastian & Mia (La La Land)
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To celebrate 7000 followers, I am hosting my own writing challenge because I enter so many. Y’all probably know how this work, so let’s get to the fun stuff.
no smut
any marvel character or mcu cast!
reader insert! can be x reader, kid reader (like tony is the dad or something) or whatever works out with a reader insert!
do not have to follow, but it is appreciated!
reblog or like this post and send me an ask with what prompt and character you would like
au’s are allowed!
I will make a masterlist for this
DUE BY APRIL 30, 2018. If you need more time, just message me! I get life gets busy :)
When you post it, tag me and put the tag “TSBwritingchallenge” so I can see it! If I do not reblog within 24 hours, message me and bother me because I want to see it.
The way this is going to be done is that the prompts are split into different categories based on, well, whatever I deem worthy. These categories kinda fit my likes of writing and just in general, so that’s why they’re like this. The different categories are: Songs (a lot of them are older songs that I love), based off AUs, and random that range from disney scenes that i love and just random in general.
if, for some reason, a lot of people want to join, I will add more on. But I started with 30, because I don’t think 30 people will actually do it xD. I mean that would be awesome, but realism…
1. Bad - The Cab
2. Do It Now Remember It Later - Sleeping With Sirens @typewriting-angel pietro maximoff x reader
3. Hollow - Mayday Parade
4. International Smile - Katy Perry
5. Made In The USA - Demi Lovato
6. Na Na Na - My Chemical Romance @one-night-stories peter quill x reader
7. New Man - Ed Sheeran
8. Somewhere In Neverland - All Time Low
9. Vegas Lights - Panic! At The Disco
10. Wonder Years - The Summer Set
11. “Excuse me, are you going to just stare at me or hand me my drink?” Coffee shop au. @this-is-moonfairy peter parker x reader
12. “I can defend myself, stop following me around!” Royalty au. @ourdreamsrealized thor odinson x reader
13. “Listen, this may sound crazy: but you’re trying to get your crazy ex off your back, and I need a date for a few upcoming parties, soooo-” Fake dating au. @dorned bucky barnes x reader
14. “I don’t even know how it keeps getting in here, but if this dog keeps showing up inside my apartment, I really am going to keep it.” Neighbor au. @thegoddessofvampire pietro maximoff x reader
15. “For the third time, you hit your head really hard and have amnesia. We just have to try and get you to remember some stuff, and to do so, we are going to relive some very memorable days of your life!” Amnesia au.
16. “Did you see? We made a twitter moment! Apparently we’re dating, and we were so good at hiding it, we didn’t even know!” Random “dating” au.  @sgtbxckybxrnes bucky barnes x reader
17. “At this point, dropping out and becoming a stripper seems like my best option.” High school or college au. @i-am-not-the-real-alice with a lot of characters
18. “Lucky would mean we would be soulmates. But that’s crazy.” Soulmate au. @winter-soldier-vibes wanda maximoff x reader
19. “Yes, he may be a dragon, but he acts like a little puppy. We have to keep him!” Dragon/fantasy au. @this-is-moonfairy  pietro maximoff x reader
20. “Don’t touch- crash- anything. Ugh.” Time travel au. @killmongers-bitch peter parker x reader
21. Rapunzel healing Flynn and Flynn falling. Hard. Scene. @i-jus-wanna-writehappy sean cassidy x reader
22. “I am not some prize to be won!” Jasmine yelling at her father, Jafar, and Prince Ali from Aladdin. Scene. @briebear4 
23. The beauty that is Almost There from Princess and The Frog. Song. @writing-flowers-music peter parker x reader
24. Jumping into paintings on the street like they do in Mary Poppins. Meeting cool characters. Scene. (I really love this scene)
25.  “Woman up.” From Big Hero 6 when Go-Go tells Hiro to “woman up” and kicks booty. Scene. @swellwriting peter parker x reader
26.  "I take photos for my school/a professional magazine and for some reason you pop up in every single on of them. Does that make me a stalker or is this fate telling me that you belong in my life?” @imaginingadifferentlife steve rogers x reader
27.  “I saw you dancing and you looked like you were having fun and I didn’t want to interrupt you, but here I am, interrupting you. Hi.” @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare natasha romanoff x reader
28. “You actually miss me?” @spnavengerss bucky barnes x reader
29. “You love me? Ha, who would have know you had a sense of humor.  I guess I wouldn’t have, since you were never around.” @rainydaysrnevergrey
30. “Look, I can’t sleep. And if you don’t shut up, I can’t sleep. So, shut up, so I can sleep. Or I’ll be grumpy. And grumpy is bad.”
if I need to add more, I will! :)
31. “We can befriend them! If we don’t attack them, they won’t attack us. They’re just dragons.” Dragon/fantasy au.
32. “Yes. I’m getting coffee for Tony Stark. Do you have a problem that I used his name instead of mine?” Coffee shop au (ft my boy tony) @xx-multi-fandom-imagines
33. “I will not be forced into marrying someone I do not love. I can make my own decisions!” Royalty au. @marrvelle tom holland x reader
34. “You’ve come over everyday this week asking for some sort of baking item. So, do you own a bakery and terrible at grocery shopping that you have to rely on your neighbors, or just need an excuse to talk?” Neighbor au.
35. “Man it would be a real shame if we were soulmates. Then you would have that stupid sentence I just said to you when we first met, tattooed on your body your entire- oh. Shit.” Soulmate au. @901seconds sam wilson x reader
36. “So, don’t kill me, but I adopted two dogs, a cat, and a turtle. For science. The science? Uh…to see how you react? How much love they give?”
37. “That girl on How I Met Your Mother reminds me of Maria Hill for some reason. Do you know what I mean?” @theperksofbeingahugenerd peter parker x reader
38. “Why is he your background? Shouldn’t I be your background?”
39. “I bought Fatheads of all the Avengers. I should be in charge of decorating the base.”
40. “There is a 12% chance that this could work. The other 88% is either going to end awesome or fail.” @whatfandomsareforus loki x reader
@imaginingadifferentlife @sgtbxckybxrnes @i-am-not-the-real-alice @nataliarxmanxva @this-is-moonfairy @rainydaysrnevergrey @fangirlingisajob @winter-soldier-vibes
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Masterlist for every Fandom and Character
Bucky Barnes:
Dating Bucky barnes would include
You’re my mission- 1, 2, 3
Need a Hand?
Bucky I could use a hand
Winter Wonderland
Beefycake Barnes
Mission Accomplished
The stars would be so proud
Desperate Kisses
This isn’t right
I’ll take care of you
They’re gone
Calm down
Love yourself, accept yourself
You’re freezing!
What is a me-me?
I promised I’d never hurt you
Stop smiling
Flower crowns
You’re my lobster
Wings and curls
You don’t have to hide
First snowfall
Sick days
Don’t leave me
Keep count for me
Don’t touch them
I’m glad it was me
It’s not your fault
Pinky finger
9 A.M. dates
Shush and lemme take care of you
I like them
My soulmate is the reincarnation of President James Buchanan?
Get out while you still have a chance
Lights on
Little reminders
Save me
I’m coming home
I understand
How do you run from a shadow?
You don’t have to do this
I know the feeling
I got you
I love you
I’m not leaving you
Fight me.
Early morning talks
Pointless fights
I’m in love with another
Don’t judge me
Be good to her
Safe Haven
I’m here for you
Period pains
Puppy struggles
I think you’re adorable
Winter’s touch
With those…fanfiction green eyes
My own rapunzel
Winters in Brooklyn  *one of my personal favorites*
Do it again
I’ll be your legs
Battle scar
Teddy bear
The music from your fingertips
She’s perfect
I didn’t mean it
Breathe easy
Halloween carols
You look like you saw a ghost
The Jager and the Kaiju- 1, 2, 3, 4
I don’t get jealous
Sister of Mine
Stomach kisses
Who knew?
Post Break up cuddles
Fresh eyes
We’re not animals
You look cute like this
We’re innocent- 1, 2
A spider’s own
They’re mine
Self defense classes
I need you by my side
Old songs
Blue as the sea
Spiders own
He knows where you are
Fairy dust
Science conventions
White Christmas
A Brooklyn Christmas
A fairytale proposal
Kiss me
Talk shit again
Take Control
So close yet so far
I thought they’d say yes
Nightmares 2.0
Steve Rogers
We all hide behind our smiles
Conversations you’ve most likely had with Steve Rogers
Anxiety Attacks
I don’t know what I’d do without you
Double date
Take a break
Packing up and breaking down
You’re an idiot
Tattoos and Piercings
New technology
I’m here for you
All American Dream *Another one of my personal Favorites*
Children can be a hassle
They’re not worth your time anyway
You’re late
Pure bliss
Not so innocent
He’s here with me
Sleep habits
Feeling’s mutual
Captain Canada- 1, 2
Bed is better with two
You’re beautiful
Old love never dies- 1, 2
My hero
Your moobs
I’m just scared is all
Teach me
Just a little shy
Like a married couple
Tales of our scars
I love her- 1, 2
Story of the century
My broken love
Work Accidents
The fruit of our Labors
Say you won’t let go
Natasha Romanoff
The itsy bitsy spider
Make the bad dreams go away
You’re not funny
He’s been at this all week
Girls night out
Shy spider
Lost souls and broken hearts
Fun sized
You’re old enough to be my mom
Broken noses
I’m sick
Rewarding kisses
Angry spider
Never leave your side
My little fighter
Broken Lullabies- 1, 2
We should have never fought these battles
You’re too kind to do this to yourself
Morphine confessions
Stay with me
Scales- 1, 2, 3, 4
Museum Exhibits- 1, 2
I dare you
The cat and the spider
Comfort in a Widow’s kiss
Cafe dates
Near death experience
From friends to lovers
Are you ticklish
Lovers in the most unlikely places
I’m by your side
My alien angel
Lovely surprise
Wanda Maximoff
Honey gone bad
Sister I wish I had had
Nightmares of the past
Hearing aids
Lay a finger on them
Family reunions
Kisses make everything better
Bed hog
Kisses make everything better
Touch her again
Double Trouble
Tony Stark
Please stop
Things you said when I was asleep
Conversations you’ve most likely had with Tony Stark
Whispered Songs
She lays down
Clint Barton
Hey Barton, Catch
Pizza, Puppies, and Coffee
Perfect Pair
Conversations you’ve most likely had with Clint
I’m making up for lost time
Coffee cups and broken bones-1, 2
Car wrecks and coworkers
Peter Parker
Long time no see
Cuts and Bruises
I hurt you
Kill it!
You’re into the older type?
You’re just a kid
Everyday Midguardian Objects
Things I uses to love
I’ve fallen in love
Silly girl- 1, 2
I’ve fallen in love
Sam wilson
Cat and Bird
Change in Scenery
Bruce Banner
Hey Big guy
Black Panther
I don’t want to fight you
Kurt Wagner
Pay attention to me
I could have lost you
I love everything about you
My blueberry kitten
Tile is Dangerous
Hide and seek
German lullabies
Conversations you’ll most likely have with Kurt Wagner
Silent book friend
The little blue comfort in my life
Warren Worthington
Pretend to be my boyfriend
Always someone else- 1, 2
I’m nesting, it’s what birds do
I’ll love you forever
I’ll spread my wings and-
Sweet as candy
Please don’t be scared of me
I don’t love you- 1, 2
That’s what happens
That was cute
Charles Xavier
Slow dancing at 3 in the morning
Calm your mind
Can’t you see what you’re doing to me- 1, 2
It’s over for me
Mission failed
Thorn in my side
Could I do something more?
Does she know that we bleed the same?
Time Travel
Erik Lehnsherr
Well this one is soft and kind
You make me think the world can be a better place
Can you hold me?
Logan Howlett
It’s okay not to be okay
You scared me
Happy birthday
My hero
Wade Wilson
Maybe it’s the mask
I like you better without the mask
Conversations you’ll most likely have with Wade Wilson
Scott Summers
Glasses and chaos
Guess this was a blessing in disguise
Peter Maximoff
Piggyback rides
Lazy mornings
Alex Summers
I’m not afraid of you
Hank Mccoy
Blue is better
Dean Winchester
Please don’t go
I’m forgetting
The phone
I’m sorry princess
You’re in love and it’s not with me
Salt and Holy water
Shark week
Can we just watch the stars?
Conversations you’ll most likely have with Dean Winchester
It burns
Hey jude
I thought you gave up smoking
Monster in the closet
Of Heaven and Hell- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Dog days
Stitches and Scotch
My ex-boyfriend the werewolf
All I wanted was a back massage
I missed you
In sickness and in health
I can’t lose you
Don’t hurt them
Shitty diners
Sam Winchester
Last time
I’m in love with the Devil
You make me smile
Close your eyes
Aren’t you a little old to be afraid of the dark
Hickies and Bedhead
Conversations you’ll most likely have with Sam Winchester
I’ve never felt pain like this
Guardian angel
The Serpent’s love
You’re in love
Marriage is a trivial thing
Doctor who
The Stranger in white
The case of the forgotten memories- prologue, part 1
Bigby Wolf
I’m trying
Terrible jokes
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#1 100 Random Facts About Me!
I've decided to set myself a blog challenge for March which entails publishing a post everyday! I've already failed with this as this post is a day late but it wasn't as easy as I thought! So here goes #1 100 Facts About Me! 1. I'm named after the song 'Kayleigh' (shocker right?) by Marillion but I actually don't really like that song. 2. I prefer my middle name (Rose) to my last name (Allan). 3. I've had several nicknames including Kayleigh Allan, Kayls, Kayleigh-Steve, Steve and Little Miss Shorty Pants. 4. If I was born just over a week later, I would have been in the year below. I'm only a baby. 5. I'm a bit like a penguin; clumsy but adorable ;) 6. I've only ever been on a plane once (which is going to change very soon!) 7. I'm spending my summer working at an American summer camp in North Carolina and also by going on a North American road trip with added time in Orlando and New York (have I mentioned that already?) 8. I don't drink alcohol. It's not really something which appeals to me. People always try and get me to drink and often tell me 'it's just like pop' to which I respond 'yes, so I can just drink pop'. Perhaps it's also to do with the fact I don't like the idea of not being in control, everyone complains afterwards and it's expensive! 9. I'm good at not giving in to peer pressure. 10. I believe that you can have a good time without drinking alcohol but most of the time people think I'm drunk anyway because I'm a crazy gal. 11. I've never had a proper boyfriend (yet). 12. I'm a little (a lot) obsessed with musicals. 13. Aaron Tveit is my number one celeb crush (and when we watched Assasins featuring him, my best friend and I held hands all the way through). 14. But Jeremy Jordan, Wesley Taylor, Gideon Glick, Ben Fankhauser, Ramin Karimloo and George Blagden (the list goes on) are up there too. 15. I once got dried paint stuck in my eye as a kid and had to go to hospital. I vividly remember there was also a kid there who had broccoli stuck up his nose. 16. It took me three whole appointments at the opticians until I was able to wear contact lenses. 17. I broke my leg when I was younger by falling off a scooter. 18. As a kid I used to be scared of Santa Claus. 19. I once got admitted to hospital because I refused to take this disgusting orange medicine (which I can remember the taste of now). 20. I was deputy head girl and a prefect at high school and helped the head girl run the student council. 21. I never took drama at gcse but the career I'm heading into is acting. 22. I spend the majority of my wages on show tickets. But it benefits the career I am going to go into so it's not a waste of my money as some people seem to think. 23. I've performed onstage with Alfie Boe at The Echo Arena. (After a theatre group I was involved in bombarded him with tweets on twitter). 24. I've lived in Liverpool for a year studying musical theatre on a Dance and Drama Award. 25. I left my 3 musical theatre course after a year so I'm currently on a gap year and I'm loving it. I've learnt so much about myself and other people and I've also met lots of new people. 26. I'm a chocoholic. 27. I also love peanut butter (and almond butter and pretty much any other nut butter). 28. I'm easily distracted by anything pink and sparkly. 29. I've been to Disneyland Paris twice. 30. I've been a part of an original musical written by one of my friends. 31. My favourite film is Back to The Future and I can recite lots of phrases from it. 32. I've never read or watched the whole Harry Potter series (but I am in the process of reading the books so don't shoot me!) 33. I love learning new things, having new experiences and exploring new places. 34. I'm very small. Like below average height. People think I'm still 15... 35. I have a pen pal from Germany who I've been writing to for over a year. 36. I am a really fussy eater. I used to never touch any food that was saucy, sloppy or slimy. I've gotten better but I still tend to ask for most of my meals plain. 37. I really like twitter. I think it's good form of social media to meet new people and find out news about the world. 38. I help run a twitter account for a musical theatre site named Act 1 Act 2. 39. I once volunteered at Leeds Festival; it was my first time camping and my tent leaked. 40. My favourite Ben and Jerry's flavour is Phish Food. 41. I am an only child. 42. I like vintage things and wish I had more vintage clothes so I could establish my own quirky style. 43. My favourite TV series (which I can think of right now) are Red Dwarf, Friends, It Could be Worse, Chewing Gum and Miranda. 44. I really want to get hidden rainbow roots in my hair. 45. I'm (supposedly) allergic to Rabbits, Cats and household dust? Cats do make me feel on edge though so maybe that's a good thing for me... 46. I often get asked if me and my best friend are twins/sisters because apparently we look alike (Our families have gotten us confused at times?!) 47. My guilty pleasure is secret eating. You can often find me sneaking in the kitchen to get snacks shhh. 48. I attract some really weird guys but never actually anyone I like. 49. I'm a Disney fan. My favourite princess is Rapunzel. 50. I enjoy travelling and my favourite way to travel is by train. I feel like a lot can be accomplished on a journey. 51. I took art at college and for one of my projects I made a corset, tutu and waistcoat based on Assassins the musical. 52. I can fold my tongue in half and keep it there without using my teeth to hold it there. 53. I hardly ever burp and when I do it shocks me because it's not something that usually occurs. 54. I can listen to a musical soundtrack on repeat. At the moment it's Dear Evan Hansen which I've just booked tickets to! #firstbroadwayshow 55. I would like to write a book/play one day. 56. I would also like to star in a one woman play and I admire the people I see perform in them (when they're good of course.) 57. I played a Geordie version of the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella in which I wore a Mad Hatter outfit and put pegs in my sparkly, coloured back combed hair... 58. I have been in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat as part of the children's choir several times and can recite every word (and pretty much action) of the show. On my last performance I swapped seats with a friend so that I could spend my last performance on the top step. 59. I once got asked if I was from Scotland? (By a Southerner) 60. I'm often told I speak posh or very northern. There's no in between. 61. I work in The Blackpool Tower Ballroom. 62. I worked at Strictly last year and Anton Du Beke blew me a kiss. 63. Toasted scones from work is my favourite smell. I think I have acquired an unhealthy obsession with them since working there tbh... 64. I could probably recall all the names of the dances done at the ballroom but not actually dance any. 65. I rode to prom in a camper van. 66. I got 100% on my first acting assignment during my first year of higher education. 67. I once did some method acting and went out dressed as a made up character with a crutch and speaking with a stutter...(I created the character from a random picture shown to me from the internet which happened to be a ridiculously obese woman). I also played Medviedenko from The Seagull which resulted in me borrowing my best friend's boyfriend's clothes and drawing a beard on my face. Additionally, I played Scullery from Road; a homeless alcoholic... 68. I don't swear unless I have to on stage. 69. I've climbed a waterfall with a fractured little finger. 70. I studied German at GCSE and I can only remember a few words/phrases (one being Guten Tag) 71. I've played Miss Dorothy in Thoroughly Modern Millie and July in Annie. 72. I love people watching. 73. I'm terrible at accents. 74. I like tall guys in suits and glasses. 75. It annoys me when people think 'writ' is a word. It's 'I have written' or 'I wrote'. 76. I tend to cry when I'm not expecting to but not when I do expect to. 77. I cried my eyes the whole way through the second act of Book of Mormon because I found it absolutely hilarious (so much so the actors were laughing at me because I was on the front row). 78. I remember once when I was a kid I swung on a curtain in someones house and got kicked out. 79. In primary school I remember having a water fight with my friend in the toilets and got told I wasn't allowed to partake in IT so has to read a book instead 80. I've climbed a volcano in, snorkelled in the sea and been in a submarine in Lanzarote. 81. It makes me angry when people leave the theatre during the bows, before the show has fully finished. I've only done it on one occasion and that was at the interval (because the show was absolutely unbearable and it meant I could get home before silly 'o clock in the morning) The show was supposed to present Shakespeare's character's death's humorously but I'm pretty sure I didn't laugh once and one section of the show even included watching a fake fly buzzing on a camera for a good 5 minutes. 82. It also annoyes me when people eat (loudly) during a performance. Have some respect for the actors. 83. I hate not having a plan (especially when I'm on a holiday to a new place). 84. I have a wide taste in music. My Spotify playlists range from musicals (of course) to pop punk to rock to pop to folk to jazz...it's safe to say I like a little bit of everything (apart from dubstep because that's just a no no). 85. I have high aspirations and I've very critical of myself. 86. I once went on a tinder date (don't think I'll be doing that again anytime soon). 87. I love milkshakes and hot chocolate. 88. The theatre cafe is my favourite cafe. 89. My favourite Starbucks syrup is gingerbread. 90. Sometimes bus drivers just charge me for a child on the bus without me asking. 91. I once played Oliver in a high school show and was faced with some onstage disasters...when being pushed into a wooden coffin, (a disaster in itself) my mic pack fell off and I picked up a tape measure instead. The big long napkin string thing I had to pickpocket out of Fagin's pocket had already fallen out so instead of picking it up I mimed stealing it and I also thought a 'nightcap' was a literal night cap, as apposed to a drink one drinks before bed. 92. I cried for a full hour when my high school music teacher told me he was leaving. 93. My uncle lives in Australia but I've never been there or seen him since I was a baby. 94. My favourite type of monkey is a squirrel monkey. 95. I'm really pale and barely tan. Once I got sun stroke at West End Live and threw up all the way home on the Coach for 6 hours...the sunburn was still visible 6 months after. 96. I tried peanut butter and jam together for the first time the other day and it was actually really nice. 97. I'm probably the most indecisive person you will ever meet. 98. I want to live in London one day (and potentially New York). 99. I ask for steak well done and my favourite type of steak is rump. 100. I don't drink coffee but you'll always find me in a coffee shop.
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