ask-koldan · 9 years
What do you like about him, and what do you dont like
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“What I like about Koldan and don’t like about him? Well… I like a lot about him,” the blonde man smiles sheepishly. “I like his smile, he’s nice and kind. He is gentle and loving. I love his long black hair and handsome blue eyes. I have a things for those, heheh.”
“Um… I like the way he smell. He smells of tobacco, something I missed from home… Ah, um… He’s patient and teach me a bit of things. He doesn’t mind that I talk too much. I like that he takes care of me… He’s big but really is a softy. Like a really biiig softy." 
"But the things I don’t like about him….”
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“He’s a bit emotional and sometimes he let those in over his head. I don’t mind it all the time! It’s just that… It can get a bit extreme… Like that time..
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"I was able to stop him few times, but… It was hard coping with. I … he just changed so much during that time, after the titan attack. Ah, hahah… I’m sorry, I sounds strange huh?” Joel smiles for a moment but looks down and his hands folds together on his lap.
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ask-koldan · 9 years
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Born in Denmark in 1978, John Kenn spends his days writing and directing television shows for kids. When he has time between TV and his twins, he draws his creepy little monster drawings on post-it notes, peeking into a little window into a different world, made entirely on office supplies.
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ask-koldan · 9 years
Some facts about Koldan Iakovek
* He´s infertile, but he dosen´t know.
* He´s deepest wish is to protect everyone in the military, even the big ones. 
* After mission 1, he end´s up with a broken shoulder, the same that has his scar
*He didn´t go to the hospital, because he prefers to let others get attended by the doctors.
* He´s going through a very hard moment after watching lot´s of people sad and blaming himself for not being much stronger to help more soldiers and friends.
* Also, he think´s that no one really need his help and no one even care about that old geezer. That´s why he is now in a deep depresion despite having that cheerful and happy face always.
* He´s also having nightmares even in the dayligh, so it´s practically a hell inside Koldan´s mind since he remember every single day his family eaten by titans and also all the people that have die in mission one. 
* To escape from everything he cut´s his arm and wrist so his nightmares won´t come. And it´s works. 
* He spend lot of time in the hospital looking for some friends in there, but feeling terrible and useless since he really think´s he can´t help them.
* He trytries to find Sylvestre and Ellie from the stationary guard, but he can´t find them. Just a quick new that they are okey, Vester only get´s a scratch on his arm and Ellie is find taking care about her brother. Also he find Dongyul in the hospital but prefers not to bother since he saw Volkan with him.
He manages to find Joel after. But actually was Joel who really finds him when he was all alone in the tree they were first meet. It was raining and Joel take him to his house. He was surprise that someone really approachs to him.
* At the end, because Eliza´s ghost telling him to kill himself so he may join her and his tree kids,  he pass the knife through his wrist deeper and almost die because bleeding. 
*He will overcome everything after hearing 3 persons and come back as the old giant papa bear he use to be. J.D - S.C - J.K
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ask-koldan · 9 years
Some facts about Kolbraskte
* He´s a 100% demon
* Don´t have family, he just remember that he was left abandoned and have to take care of himself.
* Knows magic, and because doing experiments on his own body he get´s a terrible disease that makes him spit huge amounts of blood from his mouth.
* Most of the time he keeps his wings folded on her back. 
* His tail is longer than his body
*He´s  2.40 cm tall.
* He loves drinking blood and doing paperwork
* Likes to be with Joel
* He´s Dongyul´s left hand
* Lives in a huge castle and have lot´s of servants
* 5.000 Years old
* Hates angels and fallen angels because they are so damn pure.
* Can control lot´s of elements, but his  favorites are fire, ice, wind and darkness
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ask-koldan · 9 years
Wax and Hair worst enemies
((After watching lot´s of soldiers put that bunny suit on it, that Joel propose Koldan to put one too, that´s what happen xDDD))
Koldan: *Arms cross* No way, not even if I recieve money for that
Joel: But it’s a good money!  Joel: *wiggles tail*
Koldan: No way, Im not gonna wear that. Do you know how funny I will look?
Joel: You have lots of muscles. Joel: people will like them Joel: heheheh
Joel: just gotta shave some hairs…..
Joel Hold still…….. Joel: ⊙v⊙
Koldan: *runs* DON´T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!
Joel: *Chases after Koldan* COME BACK!! *Has bottle of wax and wax paper* Joel: WAXING LASTlonger!
Joel: YOU CAN’T GET AWAY! *tackles koldan to the ground*
Koldan: *With Joel over his back* Don´t you dare!!! Joel: On your back… *hard flips koldan to his back and pins bigger man by sitting on him Koldan: I don´t wanna get shave!!! *Trying to get away* Joel: *Quickly slaps wax and paper on chest and RIPS* Koldan: FUCK IS HOT!!! TAKE THAT STUPID THING AWAY FROM ME!!! FUCK JOEL!!! *he stands up afraid of what will come next and runs away from the house* HELL NO JOEL!! Joel: *Was mostly done with the waxing hair when he was tumbled to the ground.*COME BACK! *watches the half covered man run away* Koldan: NO!!!! ò.ó Joel: *crackles* Joel: *runs after him like devil speed* Joel: Koldaaaan~~~~ Koldan: GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEVIL!!! Joel: I just want to feel your silky smooth muscles~~ Koldan: *keep running as quick as he can with all the soldier looking at him half naked* STAY AWAY JOEL!!!
Joel: *suddenly appears in front of Koldan with a bottle of wax, paper, and rope* Heyy there
Koldan:  *untie the ropes and keeps running all the way to his house and lock the door*
Joel: Awww koldan!!! *follows him to the door* I"ll reward you if you let me wax you!!!!
Koldan: *Looking at his shave chest* FUCK OFF!!! YOU WILL NEED TO DO LOT´S OF THINGS SO I SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!!
Joel: Aww come on! Your ches is sexy!!! The ladies will looove it!!! Joel: Oil your chest and put you in the spot light Joel: and BAM! Profit! Koldan: I SAY NO!! YOU WON´T COME IN WITH THAT FUCKING SHIT!
Joel: Aww!! come on!! I’ll… um do whatever you like for 3 days!
Koldan: Where do you want to leave my pride little boy?!?!
Joel: Awwww! I don’t want to leave you and your pride alone!!! Your pride is all hairy! You have a beautiful mane of hair and beard! Joel: only those should be your pride!!! Joel: Not the short hairy chest hair and legs!!!
Joel: *bangs on door* com oooonn
Koldan: *Open the door and look at him*
Joel: Pleasssse??? *looks up at koldan with hands together* I’ll even serve you in my bunny outfit! *shakes his tail*
Koldan: *bites his lip* FINE! DO WHATEVER YOU WANT, BUT YOU CANT! TOUCH MY FACE OR HEAD!!! *He let Joel in. He really can´t say “NO” to Joel*
Joel: *Cheers loudly and follows Koldn inside* I guess I won’ be needing this! *throws rope to a side and bounces to the bathroom* Bring a chair!! Or something! It’ll be over as soon as it beginins!!!
((In the end, Kold end´s up with his chest and legs shave, don´t think his arms. But since he´s a heary man it will grow fast xDDD))
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ask-koldan · 9 years
Koldan Post Mission
Koldan is fine, he´s recovering from his shoulder, but without bandage. In those days, bandages are precious and he prefers to leave them to people that really need´s them. 
He´s helping to find the missing persons. A few soldiers manages to arrive after a few days but he didn´t see Vester or Ellie but he got news that both were fine. He saw Tracelyn and Alecia and went to see how are they. 
After a while he tries to keep searching for one of the miltary soldiers, Aleksei Baert but he didn´t find him. He prays for his safety, also Lorenz and he recieve a distant new that Josh was okey also.
Koldan try to help also in the hospital, carrying the wounded and helping to lift rubble. Not to mention that he visit, Dongyul, Salma and now Finn every single day
But he´s dealing with his emotional problems and with Eliza´s ghost that tries to drags Koldan into suicide.
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ask-koldan · 9 years
Koldan Fact´s Upload List
Has Necrophobia: fear of dead things (corpses)
Hates to death rude people and persons that don´t appreciate life.
Lives alone in a small house.
When he works in the tavern he saves lot of money, so if you were wondering where does he takes money to buy his cigarettes xD
Despite cutting both arms, Koldan don´t want´s to takes his life. That´s the only way he can make the ghost of his family disappear. 
With time, he start remembering lot´s of names, but are a few that he keep calling “kid”, “boy” or “girl”
With Sylvestre Carlowitz share a bromance relationship.<3
Eliza´s ghost want´s to drag him into death to be with her and his three kids. 
Visit the hospital every single day to see how are everyone, despite feeling knifes in his heart for blaming himself for not be stronger.
Keep looking desperately to his friend Aleksei Baert.
Is birthday is on January 20
Has a secret place near a huge forest with a lake in the middle. That´s the place he feels more at peace
In love wit Joel Keim
Do exercise in the training camp after the hospital. Every single day.
He’s actually 2.02 tall and his weigh is 98 kg but he get’s 4 more kg after he enter the military; so he is 102 kg.
One of the hobbies he likes to do is cut and shape wooden figures in his free time.
Don’t like very much sweet things.
After mission one and after recovering from his depression he asks Franzi to braid his hair so he won’t have any accident
One of his deceased daughters have the same color hair as Commander Lucie, and the same face shape.
He can be with man or women
In the few hours he manage to sleep he snore.
He´s always carrying a pack of cigarettes and a piece of wood and his knife
He´s allergic to cats
He will protect everyone in the military, even the ones that don´t like him very much. You can´t pick when you have such a responsibility in your shoulders.
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ask-koldan · 9 years
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ask-koldan · 9 years
What do you like about him, and what do you dont like
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“What I like about Koldan and don’t like about him? Well… I like a lot about him,” the blonde man smiles sheepishly. “I like his smile, he’s nice and kind. He is gentle and loving. I love his long black hair and handsome blue eyes. I have a things for those, heheh.”
“Um… I like the way he smell. He smells of tobacco, something I missed from home… Ah, um… He’s patient and teach me a bit of things. He doesn’t mind that I talk too much. I like that he takes care of me… He’s big but really is a softy. Like a really biiig softy." 
"But the things I don’t like about him….”
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“He’s a bit emotional and sometimes he let those in over his head. I don’t mind it all the time! It’s just that… It can get a bit extreme… Like that time..
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"I was able to stop him few times, but… It was hard coping with. I … he just changed so much during that time, after the titan attack. Ah, hahah… I’m sorry, I sounds strange huh?” Joel smiles for a moment but looks down and his hands folds together on his lap.
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ask-koldan · 10 years
Just to leave my cosplay page!
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ask-koldan · 10 years
imagine jean rubbing his nose against marcos nipple during foreplay
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ask-koldan · 10 years
The Great Ball Activity
I know I´ve been unactive in tumblr because my studies and my career and my job. I have almost nothing time for me but in this activity I really want to participate, so Joel go with Koldan to the ball. 
But I really need one person´s help. Because I want to make Koldan´s outfit very cool and beautifull. But the problem is that since Koldan spend almost a month in the mountains living as a hermit that he don´t know who can make his outfit. 
So if anyone want to help him I will be appreciate. You just have to lend me your character for a little paragraph I want to write. I will desing his outfit anyway.
Just send me an private message ^^
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ask-koldan · 10 years
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….More stuff I totally forgot about…
I’m a fucking catastrophe.
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ask-koldan · 10 years
// <3
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I suddenly wanted to draw Koldan and Joel. I should be sleeping amg. 
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ask-koldan · 10 years
Some things
Im so sorry I haven´t be able to connect here or in da, someone seems funny to play around with my accounts and I can imagine who can be. 
Also, university have take all my free time, I luckly sleep 2 hours per night and I keep to doing some homework. I want to apologize to the group but also to Joel because Koldan have been so lost and also for Konstantyn for not be able to comment sooner to the mini mission drawing, I will try to do it as soo as possibl,e also baby, I will try to write a starter on da because I keep that page more frequently, it´s that okey to you?
Thanks for all my dear friends, and I miss you a lot...
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ask-koldan · 10 years
Ask Anything to Heichou!
Hi Guys!!!
I know I´ve been so out from here, some problems and also, Im starting a project, but I want to share this link. 
You can ask anything and I will answer it cosplaying as Rivaille ^^
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ask-koldan · 10 years
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Source: (x)
Pixiv ID=41874859
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